Aortic Aneurysm

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The British Journal of Radiology, 84 (2011), S338–S354

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

1 2

University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK, and 2New Cross Hospital,
Wolverhampton, UK

ABSTRACT. Aortic pathology can be more complex to understand on imaging than is

initially appreciated. There are a number of imaging modalities that provide excellent
assessment of aortic pathology and enable the accurate monitoring of disease. This DOI: 10.1259/bjr/30655825
review discusses the imaging of the most common disease processes that affect the
’ 2011 The British Institute of
aorta in adults, with the primary focus being on CT and MRI.

Aortic pathology is often more challenging to under- of the aorta. TOE has high accuracy in assessing the aortic
stand and correctly diagnose with imaging than is root, for example in proximal aortic dissection [3]. The
initially appreciated. Aortic disease is often associated benefits of TOE include the ability to obtain real time
with significant morbidity and mortality. The clinical imaging in high resolution and to concurrently assess the
presentation is frequently non-specific and the pathology aortic valve. However, it is an invasive procedure that is
can often be discovered incidentally on imaging. The not straightforward to perform so is often reserved as a
purpose of this article is to outline the common disease problem-solving tool when both the aortic root and valve
processes that affect the thoracic aorta in adults. The are the prime source of interest.
strengths and limitations of the differing imaging mod-
alities are discussed, with an emphasis on CT and MRI.
The pertinent imaging findings that have a noteworthy Computed tomography
effect on management are illustrated. As open surgery
is an established form of treatment, this review includes In recent years, the speed, convenience, 24 h availability
demonstration of the post-operative imaging findings, and excellent isotropic spatial resolution of multidetector
including potential pitfalls to interpretation. The newer CT (particularly for 16 slice machines and upwards) have
endovascular treatments that are increasingly being used led to this technique becoming pre-eminent in the evalua-
to treat aortic diseases are explored. tion of the acute aorta.
The precise technique and scan parameters are to some
degree dependent on the specific CT machine. In the
Imaging techniques acute non-traumatic scenario, the evaluation of the aorta
should start with a non-contrast-enhanced scan to detect
The imaging options available for assessment of the acute aortic wall haematoma at least covering the arch to
thoracic aorta include plain radiography, transthoracic the diaphragm. A relatively thick 5 mm slice can be more
echocardiography (TTE), transoesophageal echocardio- useful than thinner sections as the resultant decrease in
graphy (TOE), multidetector CT, MRI and invasive image noise and increased contrast enables the apprecia-
catheter angiography. tion of the high-density rim of an acute intramural
The chest radiograph (CXR) can serve to raise suspicion haematoma (IMH). In cases of follow-up in the non-
of aortic disease by demonstrating an abnormal mediast- acute situation, there is little indication for unenhanced
inal contour in patients being investigated for other components of the scan. This is then followed by a
reasons. It can also indicate alternative pathologies when contrast-enhanced CT angiogram (CTA) reconstructed
acute aortic pathology is suspected. However, it has been in thin slices of around 1 mm. A smooth algorithm CT
shown that radiographs alone are not sensitive enough to reconstruction kernel is appropriate with the window
exclude aortic pathology or blunt aortic injury when it is settings ideally widened (such as level 200, width 800) to
clinically suspected [1, 2]. allow appreciation of abnormal filling defects with the
bright contrast-filled aorta. Coverage should include
the proximal great vessels from the arch and continue
Echocardiography to the common femoral arteries (to allow planning of
endovascular approaches and evaluation of visceral
Although TTE findings sometimes lead to a suspicion of
perfusion and complications). It is reasonable, however,
aortic pathology that requires further evaluation, its
to terminate scanning within the abdomen when it is clear
limited windows and coverage mean that it cannot be
the study is normal, which can result in a significant dose
regarded as a comprehensive technique for the evaluation
saving. Typically, infusion rates of 3–5 ml s21 of intrave-
nous (iv) contrast containing 300–360 mg ml21 are used,
Address correspondence to: Dr Benjamin Holloway, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS
preferably from the right arm to minimise artefact from
Foundation Trust, Metchley Lane, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 dense contrast in the innominate veins. In most cases,
2TH, UK. E-mail: triggering the scan by automated bolus tracking on the

S338 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

aortic lumen will yield reliable aortic enhancement. can be obtained in a few seconds with a breath-hold
Occasionally bolus tracking can provide suboptimal technique and also gives a view of the surrounding lung,
contrast, for example when the region of interest is pleural spaces and chest wall.
incorrectly placed owing to anomalies or perhaps inad-
vertently placed in the false lumen of a dissection.
Balanced steady-state free precession
Furthermore, aortic valve incompetence can lead to
This relatively new sequence is the mainstay of cardiac
unpredictable contrast flow patterns, which can lead
MRI but is also central to assessment of the aorta. These
to erroneous early triggering if the region of interest is in
so called ‘‘white blood’’ cine sequences of the aorta can
the ascending aorta. For this reason, it is important that an
allow appreciation of flow disturbance within the lumen
experienced radiographer carefully observes the bolus
related to a stenosis. This subsequently allows planning
tracking images and manually overrides the automated
of phase contrast sequences to determine peak velocity
software when appropriate.
and degrees of regurgitation.
The main disadvantage of CT is the radiation dose,
which is a particular concern in the young who require
repeated imaging, as has been highlighted in recent Phase contrast sequences
mainstream medical literature [4]. Dramatic reduction in These use the changes in phase in flowing blood to
cardiac CT doses have been observed in recent times, calculate the direction of flow and velocity. They are
partly related to low tube voltage techniques [5]. It is most useful for assessing the peak velocity at sites of
intuitive that such regimens could be applied to CTA with stenosis in the aorta (such as in coarctation), which can
corresponding dose savings, but as yet there is little be used to estimate a gradient.
literature to confirm that comparable diagnostic accuracy
will be achieved. The administration of iodinated contrast Non-contrast MR angiography sequences
media may induce nephropathy, especially in those with These are the subject of renewed interest and use partly
pre-existing renal impairment, but the impact of a single
related to the concerns regarding a possible link between
bolus is questionable when weighed against not gaining
gadolinium and nephrogenic systemic sclerosis. One such
the valuable information a CTA can provide [6].
example is balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP)
Cardiac pulsation artefact mainly affects the aortic root
angiography, which enables a three-dimensional (3D)
in non-gated CTA and is more frequently present at
data set to be produced including motion-free images of
slower heart rates [7]. The advent of electrocardiogram
the aorta when combined with ECG gating and respira-
(ECG)-gated CT has made it feasible to acquire diastolic
tory navigation [9]. Depending on the regularity of the
images of the aorta free from degradation by cardiac
patient’s breathing, ECG rhythm and the prescribed
motion. For most scanners, b-blockade is usually
tolerance windows for image capturing, the volume data
required to obtain the slow, regular heart rates which
sets of the whole thoracic aorta can be obtained in only a
are prerequisites for good quality imaging. In the acutely
few minutes. The disadvantage of this sequence is in the
ill subject, when imaging can often be obtained out of
context of flow disturbance and high velocity when there
normal working hours under the care of non-specialist
can be failure to homogenise the blood pool, resulting in
radiologists and radiographers, this can be difficult to
achieve. The penalty of using ECG gating is an increase
in radiation dose, especially if retrospective gating is
used. Although it is clearly advantageous to have gated Contrast-enhanced MR angiography
images, there is little evidence that ECG gating should be This is well established as a means of assessing the aorta
regarded as essential for aortic imaging [8]. and produces consistently good quality 3D data sets.
Using gadolinium as the contrast agent reduces the
artefact from inhomogeneous flow as seen in non-contrast
Magnetic resonance imaging MR angiography (MRA) techniques. Standard techniques
include injection of iv gadolinium at flow rates of 3–
MRI mainly provides a useful adjunct to CT imag- 5 m s–1 with timing determined by bolus tracking. Newer
ing of the aorta generally outside the acute setting. The time-resolved fast MRA techniques enable multiple 3D
lack of ionising radiation makes it particularly useful for data sets to be produced over a matter of seconds, which
the surveillance of younger patients with aortic pathology. can aid the understanding of collateral flow [10]. Dis-
A particular limitation of MRI is when there are metallic advantages are that only the lumen is demonstrated, and
devices related to the aorta, such as stents, adjacent it obviously involves the iv administration of gadolinium.
embolisation coils or occlusion devices, which often cause There are a number of other sequences that can be
artefacts that preclude adequate evaluation. There are a used in specific situations. Ultra-fast gradient echo cine
number of sequences that are particularly useful for aortic sequences were once the main sequence used in cardiac
imaging, all of which can be obtained in any prescribed MRI but have been surpassed by bSSFP. However, when
plane. evaluating the aorta, which contains areas of disturbed
high-velocity flow, these gradient echo cine sequences
‘‘Black blood’’ double inversion recovery spin echo can be helpful as they tend to be less prone to flow-
This sequence can be combined with ECG and related artefacts than bSSFP. The high signal on T1
respiratory gating to provide motion-free images of the weighted images associated with the methaemoglobin
aorta, and is particularly useful for assessing the wall of in subacute haematoma may provide useful extra
the vessel and for detecting slow flow or static blood information as to the age of an IMH. T2 weighted images
within the lumen, e.g. in a dissection. A view of the chest demonstrate oedema as high signal and can provide

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B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

useful information regarding the activity of inflamma- layers: a thin inner intima, a central elastic media and an
tory aortic conditions. outer fibrous adventitia (Figure 1b).
The aortic calibre varies in relation to age, gender and
body surface area, so absolute figures are not valid for
Invasive catheter aortography determining abnormality. Nevertheless, diameters in excess
of 4.1 cm and 3 cm for the ascending and descending aorta
This was once the gold standard in the evaluation of respectively are invariably abnormal [11].
the aorta but has been rather superseded by CTA. There are a number of common variants of the aorta
Aortograms are now generally reserved for situations and its branches that are comprehensively covered in
where a therapeutic intervention is planned or likely as other texts [12]. The commonest of these is the aberrant
part of the procedure. When choosing a modality, right subclavian artery arising distal to the left sub-
consideration should be given to the clinical scenario, clavian artery, coursing to the right and passing behind
radiation exposure, contrast issues and local expertise. the oesophagus. This is only rarely associated with other
anomalies and is usually of little significance. A right-
sided aortic arch (aortic arch passing to the right of the
The normal aorta and common variants trachea) is associated with two principal branching
patterns: mirror image branching, which is associated
The ascending thoracic aorta arises from the aortic with a high rate of congenital cardiac anomaly, and right
valve annulus to the right of the midline and arches in a aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery, which
parasagittal plane to the left of the trachea to descend in has a low association with other abnormalities.
the left paravertebral region, exiting the thorax via the
diaphragmatic hiatus (Figure 1a). The aortic sinus is a
focal annular bulge in the aortic contour which arises
distal to the aortic annulus and connects to the tubular
Aortic aneurysmal disease
ascending aorta at the sinotubular junction. The left and Thoracic aortic aneurysmal disease usually occurs as a
right coronary arteries arise from the sinus above the left result of degeneration of the media, but is also associated
and right aortic valve cusps, with the posterior cusp with the inherited conditions Marfan’s, Loeys–Dietz,
normally having no associated artery. From the aortic Ehlers–Danlos and Turner’s syndromes. Aneurysms are
arch arise the roots of the great vessels, most commonly often incidentally discovered on imaging, with the
comprising the innominate (brachiocephalic) artery, the ascending aorta most commonly involved [13]. Absolute
left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery. measurements are not a good predictor of the severity of
The transition between the arch and the descending abnormality, and measurements should be considered
aorta is called the isthmus and occurs at the ligamentum relative to age, gender and body surface area [14]. When
arteriosum, with the descending aorta extending to the aneurysms reach 6 cm in the ascending and 7 cm in the
diaphragmatic hiatus. The aortic wall is made up of three descending aorta, there is a distinct increase in the risk of

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Diagrams depicting (a) the aorta and major branches, and (b) the layers of the aortic wall (courtesy of Dr Angela Luck).

S340 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

rupture, dissection or death to around 14% per year, and per year [16]. More rapid growth than this (particularly if
treatment is therefore recommended at 5.5 cm and 6.5 cm greater than 0.5–1 cm per year) and/or the development
diameter respectively [15]. When aortic aneurysms are of symptoms, such as pain, should prompt urgent
found incidentally, it is advisable to seek a cardiothoracic treatment [15].
opinion when the ascending and descending aortas are The most common of the inherited conditions which
more than 4.5 and 5.5 cm, respectively, in diameter so that cause aortic aneurysms is Marfan’s syndrome, in which
appropriate monitoring can be instituted. Normal growth patients have a defect in the collagen making up the
rate of all types of thoracic aneurysms averages 0.12 cm elastic media of the aortic wall. Most patients with this

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2. Measuring perpendicular to the lumen is important in accurately determining the size of aortic dilatation. (a) CT
angiogram (CTA) coronal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) showing an inaccurate measurement oblique to the lumen in a
tortuous aorta (,6.9 cm). (b) True axial CTA image shows this erroneous oblique measurement. The second short axis (,4.5 cm)
measurement is more accurate. (c, d) Reconstructed curved MPR of the same CTA generates an MPR perpendicular to the centre
line of the vessel. This gives the most accurate measurement but is considerably more time-consuming to generate. The true
diameter is 4.5 cm. 3D, three dimensional.

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B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

disease develop aortic dilatation, particularly of the contrast blush of active extravasation at the site of rupture
sinus, with characteristic effacement of the sinotubular (Figure 3). Pleural effusions or haemothoraces are also
junction. They demonstrate a greater tendency to dissec- often seen.
tion and rupture so intervention is recommended at Compared with CT, there is relatively limited corro-
smaller sizes [17]. borative evidence of the accuracy of MRI in assessing
Saccular aneurysms are less predictable and the aortic aneurysms. When diagnosing all types of thoracic
dimensions given earlier are not applicable. Compared aortic disease, including aneurysms, contrast-enhanced
with degenerative fusiform aneurysms, there is a distinct MRA (CE-MRA) performed well compared with sur-
lack of evidence on the precursors of rupture. Evidence gery and other forms of imaging [20]. Clearly MRI is a
of changing size or morphology is often used as a guide preferable alternative for younger patients to eliminate
for the timing of intervention, but again there are no radiation issues, and when performed without gadoli-
conclusive data to support this practice. Saccular aneur- nium is useful in those with renal impairment. The
ysms are often pseudo-aneurysms, in that their wall does newer non-contrast-enhanced bSSFP MRA sequences
not consist of all the normal aortic wall layers, and are have similar accuracy to CE-MRA [21]. As these sequen-
described in relation to trauma, infection or penetrating ces are quick and simple to perform, they have the
atherosclerotic ulcers. These types of aneurysms, in the potential to play a major role in the efficient follow-up of
context of their aetiology, are discussed further below. aneurysms in the future.
Rupture of aortic aneurysms is usually fatal. Contained
rupture, however, in the fortunate few, is well described
and obviously requires immediate surgical referral. Acute aortic syndromes
The evaluation of thoracic aneurysmal disease is
straightforward with CTA as the data set can be Acute aortic syndromes carry high mortality and
manipulated easily in multiple planes, allowing better morbidity and early recognition of these conditions is
appreciation of the anatomy and relationship of adjacent vital to ensure prompt treatment [22]. Dissection, IMH,
structures. CTA has good inter- and intra-observer agree- penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers (PAUs), and traumatic
ment, making it ideal for monitoring aneurysms [18]. It partial or total rupture are the primary pathologies in
is important to measure the diameter perpendicular to this group. They can share common imaging features,
the vessel lumen. Hence, in a true axial CT slice the shorter occur together or be directly related.
diameter of the lumen is more representative of true
vessel diameter (Figure 2). The latest software allows the
reconstructions of curved multiplanar reconstructions Aortic dissection
(MPRs) with automatic true perpendicular measurements
of the lumen, but this can be quite time-consuming. Indeed, Sometimes called classic aortic dissection, this is the
while MPR and 3D reconstructions can aid in surgical most common acute aortic condition. It consists of an
planning, they have not been categorically shown to intimal tear which allows blood to penetrate the aortic
improve diagnostic accuracy [19] (Figure 2). On CTA, wall media forming a false lumen with re-entry at a
acute rupture of aneurysms is seen as extensive ill-defined variable distance further down the vessel. Hypertension is
heterogeneous peri-aortic soft-tissue haematoma, some-
times with a focal new saccular pseudo-aneurysm or

Figure 4. Acute Type A ascending aortic dissection in an

Figure 3. Ruptured descending aortic aneurysm. The CT already aneurysmal aorta. The false lumen has partial
angiogram demonstrates the peri-aortic haematoma and left thrombosis (the straight arrow) and there is a haemoper-
haemothorax characteristic of rupture in this man who icardium which compresses the left atrial appendage (curved
presented with acute chest pain. The peri-aortic tissues arrow). This carries a high mortality because of the potential
contained the leak long enough for him to undergo for cardiac tamponade and requires emergency surgical
successful endovascular stenting. treatment.

S342 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

cardiac tamponade and myocardial infarction (secondary

to extension into coronary arteries), and so is treated with
surgery [25] (Figure 4). Type B dissection is treated
medically (primarily with control of hypertension) and
requires long-term follow-up with imaging to identify
aneurysmal dilatation, which is more frequently seen
when flow persists in the false lumen [26].
There remains controversy when a Type B descending
aortic dissection extends proximally only into the arch
as to the type and need for surgery [13]. A systematic
review comparing the accuracy of TOE, CTA and
MRI for the acute diagnosis of dissection found little
difference between the techniques [3]. The ready avail-
ability of CTA and the widespread radiological famil-
iarity with the technique within departments make it
the modality of choice [22]. On CT, the identification
of a linear filling defect within the lumen representing
the intimal flap is the characteristic feature. The false
Figure 5. This 24-year-old man with Marfan’s syndrome lumen is most reliably identified by the acute angula-
presented with acute chest pain. He has a large ascending tion between the flap and the wall (beak sign) and its
aortic aneurysm but the separate Type B dissection in the larger cross-sectional area [27] (Figure 5). It is important
descending aorta was the cause of the acute presentation. to identify the false lumen and site of intimal tear if
The arrow demonstrates the acute angle between the intimal an endovascular procedure is planned. It is, however,
flap and the aorta wall, indicating that the false lumen is
equally important to detect end-organ malperfusion,
anterior, which is important to determine if endovascular
treatment is contemplated. The superior vena cava is com-
for example when the intimal flap extends into the renal
pressed by the ascending aortic aneurysm (arrowhead). artery or intermittently drapes over its ostium, resulting
in ischaemia or infarction of the kidney manifesting
as poor enhancement on CTA. This may be prevented
the most common predisposing factor. In younger or limited with timely radiological stent placement
patients Marfan’s syndrome is common, and an initial [28].
CTA or MRI may reveal other associated findings such as There are pitfalls when interpreting CT for dissec-
dural ectasia and pectus deformity [23, 24]. The Stanford tion. The most important of these is cardiac motion
classification is widely accepted and guides the need for at the aortic root, which results in linear filling de-
surgery by dividing dissection into Type A, commencing fects occurring anteriorly and posteriorly which do not
proximal to the left subclavian artery, and Type B, continuously extend into the ascending aorta. This is
commencing distal to this point. Type A dissection carries usually straightforward to recognise, but if there is
a high risk of early mortality, most commonly from doubt it can be eliminated by ECG-gated CT [29]. Less

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Pitfalls that mimic aortic dissection. (a) Lung atelectasis adjacent to the thoracic aorta (arrowhead) which can be
appreciated as not being dissection as it lies outside the aortic adventitia. (b) Cardiac-related motion of the aortic root at the
level of the aortic sinus (arrows). This is usually straightforward to appreciate as it typically occurs anteriorly and posteriorly and
does not continuously extend into the ascending aorta without interruption.

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B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

this lesion is not always easy to make on imaging [31].

On CT they appear as focal protrusions of contrast
through atheroma into the aortic wall (Figure 7), in-
variably in a patient with significant generalised ath-
erosclerotic disease. They most commonly occur in the
descending aorta [32] and can lead to an acute presenta-
tion, usually with pain. Irregular atheroma containing
non-penetrating ulcers or chronic intraluminal thrombus
can be indistinguishable from PAUs on CTA. It is for this
reason that a non-contrast-enhanced CTA is vital in all
cases of suspected acute aortic syndrome as this enables
the associated hyperdense acute IMH to be differentiated
from chronic irregular atheroma or intraluminal throm-
bus. In cases when a non-contrast-enhanced CT has not
been performed and there are equivocal appearances on
CTA, MRI can aid in the diagnosis of PAUs by identifying
the acute IMH [33].

Figure 7. This patient, who has several comorbidities, Intramural haematoma

presented with chest pain. Only a post-contrast study was
performed, which shows a focal out-pouch of contrast into Spontaneous acute IMH can be observed without any
the atheroma in the distal arch typical of a penetrating imaging features of intimal flap or penetrating athero-
atherosclerotic ulcer. Some of the aortic wall thickening sclerotic ulcer. This phenomenon was first described by
resolved on subsequent follow-up CT angiogram making it
Kruckenberg in 1920 and is best described as ‘‘intramural
likely to have been an intramural haematoma (IMH). A non-
contrast-enhanced CT would have helped by showing the
haematoma without intimal flap’’ [34]. Some postulate
acute IMH as a hyperdense rim. spontaneous IMH as secondary to rupture of the vasa
vasorum, the capillary network in the aortic adventitia
commonly, lung atelectasis can drape over the descend- and media [35]. However, there is little pathological
ing aorta, and streaks in the ascending aorta from high- proof of this and it remains possible they are secondary
density contrast in the superior vena cava can be mimics to imperceptible microscopic intimal tears (therefore are
(Figure 6). effectively a type of limited dissection in which the false
lumen is completely thrombosed).
As with dissection, IMH is associated with hypertension
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers but tends to be seen more in older patients and dis-
proportionately in the descending aorta [36]. A classic
PAUs were first described in 1986 by Stanson et al double-barrelled dissection in which the lumen is com-
[30]. These are defined as an atherosclerotic lesion that pletely thrombosed at the time of initial imaging is
penetrates the elastic lamina, usually leading to a indistinguishable from an IMH, which is why these
haematoma within the media, but also potentially to conditions are described as having considerable overlap
true dissection or rupture. This lesion is primarily a in natural history and require similar treatment [37].
diagnosis made on imaging, with even the larger series Acute IMH appears as a crescentic hyperdense rim
having limited pathological correlation. As PAUs can in the aortic wall on non-contrast-enhanced CT, which is
cause IMH and classic dissection, the correct diagnosis of the most useful identifying feature. The CTA enables

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. A 66-year-old male presented with acute chest pain. He was allergic to iodinated contrast media so initially underwent a
non-contrast-enhanced CT angiogram (a), which shows the hyperdense rim of an intramural haematoma (IMH) in the descending
aorta (arrow). MRI was performed to determine if the ascending aorta was involved, which is confirmed (horizontal arrows) with
‘‘black blood’’ half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin echo (b) and balanced steady-state free precession images (c). IMH has
a similar natural history to dissection so is often treated in a similar manner, and this man underwent successful surgery with
grafting of the ascending aorta.

S344 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

(a) (b)

Figure 9. Two CT angiograms on different patients demonstrating the difficulty differentiating extensive intramural
haematoma (IMH) from intraluminal thrombus in the aorta. (a) A patient with an extensive IMH involving the descending
aorta. The clue that this is not simply intraluminal thrombus is the displacement of intimal calcification (arrow). (b) A different
patient in whom there is intraluminal thrombus accumulating in an ectatic section of the descending aorta. The intimal
calcification is not displaced. Sometimes chronic intraluminal thrombus can develop calcification within it, which can make it
more difficult to differentiate.

differentiation of IMH from dissection by demonstrating prognosis, although there is some evidence that those
no contrast flowing in the false lumen (Figure 8). sited in the arch and proximal are more significant [39]. As
Calcified atheroma on the displaced internal intima can in PAUs and secondary IMH, MRI can also demonstrate
be a useful sign to differentiate an extensive IMH from this condition well and serves as a good modality to
chronic smooth intraluminal thrombus on CTA (Figure 9). clarify equivocal cases [40].
Contrast can develop in the haematoma on follow-up
imaging of IMH as new ‘‘ulcer-like projections’’. These
can be related to a new intimal tear, penetrating ulcer or a Acute aortic syndrome in blunt trauma
branch pseudoaneurysm and can enlarge, reduce in size
or be incorporated in general enlargement of the lumen Thoracic aortic injury is one of the leading causes of
[38]. It is uncertain if these are a marker for a poorer death in major blunt trauma and involves the partial or

(a) (b)

Figure 10. CT angiogram (CTA) in a young female patient who was involved in a high speed road traffic accident. (a) Sagittal
oblique multiplanar reformat of the CTA showing the subtle pseudo-aneurysm at the aortic isthmus (black arrow). (b) True axial
image showing the subtle aneurysm (white arrow), which is only visible on a few slices. In major trauma, the direct signs of aortic
injury can often be subtle and so it is imperative that the aorta is carefully assessed.

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B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

isthmus is the classic site for observing injury on imaging

[41]. Injuries at other sites, particularly the ascending
aorta, are also well recognised and are possibly under-
represented in the imaging literature owing to a higher
attrition rate at the scene [41].
CTA is used extensively in trauma and provides excellent
views of the thoracic aorta. On CTA, the direct signs
of aortic injury are dissection, IMH, pseudo-aneurysm,
contour irregularities and intimal flaps (Figures 10 and
11). These are very accurate at detecting aortic injury
and effectively render diagnostic invasive catheter angio-
graphy obsolete [45]. Indirect signs such as mediastinal
haematoma are neither sensitive (blood can stay con-
tained) nor specific (rupture of minor mediastinal vessels
can also cause this) for aortic injury and should not be
relied upon [46].
Figure 11. This man was found to have an incidental large
saccular aneurysm arising from the proximal descending
aorta. He had a history of significant trauma in the past
so this was regarded as a chronic post-traumatic pseudo- Aortic coarctation
Aortic coarctation is the most common congenital
defect, making up around 7% of all congenital heart
total transection of the aortic wall [41]. There are a lesions [47]. It consists of a focal stenosis, commonly at
number of theories as to the mechanism behind thoracic the aortic isthmus (between the left subclavian artery and
aortic injury [42]. Shearing or bending forces at the ligamentum arteriosum), but can occur in a more tubular
junction between fixed and mobile points of the aorta are fashion in the mid-aortic arch. It continues to be difficult
thought to occur at the aortic isthmus. Torsion stress to definitively treat despite the accumulation of extensive
is also said to occur in the ascending aorta. Osseous experience since the first corrective operation in 1945
pinching of the aorta between the sternum and the spine [48]. The challenge for surgical treatment in neonates
has been proposed more recently based on evidence and young children is to repair the stenosis but enable
from a simulated animal model and retrospective review some means for the patient to grow without the stenosis
of a small cohort of trauma victims [43, 44]. The aortic recurring. Open surgical techniques include end-to-end

(a) (b)

Figure 12. Coarctation in a 19-year-old female with hypertension. (a) MRI ‘‘black blood’’ half-Fourier acquisition single-shot
turbo spin echo sequence shows the anatomical narrowing (arrow). (b) Image from a cine balanced steady-state free precession
sequence demonstrates the stenotic jet (arrowhead). Performing a phase contrast study perpendicular to this enables the peak
velocity and subsequently the gradient across the stenosis to be estimated.

S346 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

anastomosis, subclavian flap repair, synthetic patch which, as stated earlier, is a marker for the degree
repair, interposition grafting or bypass grafting. These of stenosis [63]. Because of the limitations of MRI,
techniques have led to long-term survival, but late CTA is the primary modality used for stent follow-
complications are not unusual so these patients require up. (Figure 13). As already stated, CT is accurate in
monitoring with imaging [49, 50]. Resection of the depicting aneurysms and dissection, which are recog-
stenosed segment and end-to-end anastomosis has a nised complications. Case reports also show that CTA
very good medium-term outcome but is not always can also detect stent fracture and secondary aortic
technically possible if the affected segment is too long rupture [64, 65].
[51]. Subclavian flap repair involves dividing the sub-
clavian artery a short distance from its origin and using
the proximal-most artery to reconstruct the aorta at the Inflammatory and infective aortic disease
site of coarctation. This provides acceptable long-term
outcomes but can affect ipsilateral limb development Takayasu’s disease is a multisystem disorder that is
[52]. Patients undergoing synthetic patch repair have a characterised by a large vessel vasculitis resulting in wall
greater tendency to develop aneurysms than other repair thickening, stenoses, aneurysm formation and rupture of
types [53]. the aorta and its main branches [66]. It is generally, but not
Although surgery is the primary treatment modality in exclusively, seen in young adults, more commonly from
children, endovascular treatment of coarctation with Asia, and is associated with raised inflammatory markers
balloon angioplasty and stenting is used increasingly in [67] (Figure 14). Cross-sectional imaging has now sur-
adults [54]. This technique is showing encouraging short- passed invasive angiography as the recommended initial
and medium-term outcomes but has limited long-term imaging modality owing to its ability to depict the wall of
data compared with surgery [55]. It is recognised that the the aorta, not just the lumen [68]. CTA shows the
continued monitoring of patients with stents is required thickened vessel wall and allows accurate assessment of
to assess for complications such as aneurysm formation
The ability of MRI to produce multiplanar images and
assess velocity without radiation makes it the perfect
modality for the follow-up of repaired coarctation in this
young patient cohort who require repeated imaging.
MRI has been proven to be more accurate and cost-
effective for follow-up than echocardiography [57, 58].
A combination of ‘‘black blood’’ spin echo inversion
recovery and bSSFP still images in axial and sagittal
oblique planes usually demonstrate the anatomical
narrowing (Figures 12 and 13). The newer bSSFP non-
contrast-enhanced MRA sequences have the potential
to increase accuracy of assessment while avoiding the
need for gadolinium-enhanced MRA [21]. Gadolinium-
enhanced MRA is the most well-established and
validated sequence for assessing coarctation and is
recommended, at least for the initial assessment [59].
This is particularly important when assessing small
collateral vessels. bSSFP cine images in a prescribed
sagittal oblique plane can demonstrate the flow dis-
turbance associated with the coarctation. It is important
that the phase contrast studies are correctly aligned
perpendicular to a perceived dephasing ‘‘jet’’ distal to
the stenosis so that the maximum velocity and an
estimated gradient (using the modified Bernoulli equa-
tion) can be accurately determined [60] (Figure 12). A
second phase contrast study in the distal aorta can also
be helpful to assess for flow recruitment from collateral
vessels draining into the descending aorta, which helps
determine the severity of the stenosis [61]. At the same
time, MRI allows the gold standard evaluation of left
ventricular size, function and mass to be performed Figure 13. Coarctation repair complications. (Top figure)
to assess the impact of the increased afterload on the Sagittal oblique balanced steady-state free precession image
heart. demonstrating aneurysm formation in a 29-year-old woman,
which is a common complication of synthetic patch repair
MRI is technically possible and safe to perform in
(arrow). (Bottom figure) Sagittal oblique maximum intensity
those who have undergone stenting, but is of limited projection in a 41-year-old man with a recurrent coarctation
value as signal drop-out artefact, particularly from which was initially treated with a bypass graft. The graft
steel stents, can obscure the images significantly [62]. eventually became calcified and stenosed (after many years),
MRI still has some value in that it can be success- so a stent was placed in the original native coarctation to
fully used to determine the extent of collateral flow relieve the obstruction.

The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011 S347

B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

(a) (b)

Figure 14. Two patients with Takayasu’s disease. (a) Sagittal oblique half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin echo ‘‘black
blood’’ image which is the ideal sequence for demonstrating the diffuse thickening of the aortic wall and branches for the arch
(arrow). (b) Contrast-enhanced CT angiogram sagittal oblique multiplanar reformat image of a patient with chronic disease with
a diffusely calcified aorta.

aneurysm size, morphology and location, as well as Imaging after surgically treated aortic disease
documenting the degree of stenosis [69]. MRI can be
particularly useful for assessing the acute and chronic Thoracic aortic surgery is generally performed and
phases of disease. The ‘‘black blood’’ double inversion followed up in the major tertiary centres. The long-
spin echo (half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin term success of such surgery means there is a growing
echo, HASTE) sequence is particularly useful as it post-surgical population that will undergo imaging in
demonstrates the thickened vessel wall [70]. Contrast non-specialist centres for other reasons. Open surgery
enhancement of the aortic wall disproportionate to the involves the replacement of the diseased segment with a
myocardium has been used as a marker of ongoing graft which is usually interposed but can be included
inflammation in the chronic phase [71]. The sensitivity of with the diseased segment wrapped around the graft.
T2 weighted MR images to oedema associated with
inflammation makes it the ideal imaging modality to
also help monitor the disease [72]. Other inflammatory
conditions of the aorta are much rarer and include giant
cell arteritis and Behçet’s disease. These conditions affect
the aorta much less frequently than Takayasu’s disease,
but are a recognised cause of aneurysm, dissection and
rupture [73, 74].
Infection of the aorta often leads to aneurysm forma-
tion and results in high levels of morbidity and mortality
[75]. The most commonly reported causative organisms
are staphylococcus and streptococcus, but salmonella has
also been implicated [76, 77]. As with other aneurysms,
CTA is commonly used in the initial assessment. They
are most frequently seen in descending and abdominal
aorta, usually with a saccular morphology [78]. Dif-
ferentiation from degenerative aneurysms is not always
straightforward. However, on CTA, features including
a surrounding inflammatory mass and fluid and less Figure 15. Rupture infected descending aortic aneurysm.
frequently disruption of the aortic wall calcification and This was successfully resected and the causative organism
periaortic gas should arouse suspicion [79] (Figure 15). was found to be salmonella.

S348 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 16. CT angiogram images showing normal findings in patients who have undergone either root, ascending aortic or arch
replacements. (a) Typical contrast out-pouch of the reperfusion port (big arrow) and the high-density felt material that lines the
anastomosis to reinforce it (narrow double arrow). (b) Typical appearance of a coronary button (dotted arrow), which consists of a
circular section of native aorta: this was used to aid anastomosis of the coronary artery to the new interposition graft replacing the
root. (c) Typical elephant trunk appearance whereby the interposition graft extends into the native proximal descending aorta
(arrowhead). This can then be used to anastomose any subsequent grafts that are required to replace the descending aorta in the
future. (d) Graft fold in the ascending aorta (dashed arrow). These are commonly seen and very rarely cause any significant
haemodynamic effect or clinical issues. This patient also has residual dissection in the arch which was not replaced.

The mortality associated with surgery is generally low intimal flap. A commonly used two-stage approach is the
(in the order of 1–5%) but is significantly higher with the elephant trunk, which involves initial replacement of the
more complex thoraco-abdominal repairs and when ascending aorta and arch with an interposition graft that is
there are significant comorbidities [13]. then allowed to extend into the lumen of the descending
Grafts appear as a thin hyperdense rim on pre-contrast aorta (Figure 13). The purpose of this is to allow a se-
scans. After contrast, this rim is obscured but can usually cond graft to join onto this should the already diseased
be differentiated from native aorta by its uniform calibre, descending aorta subsequently require replacement. To
by being more circular in cross-section and having the unfamiliar, the elephant trunk can mimic the proximal
proximal and distal anastomotic sites. The anastomoses portion of a Type B dissection, but the lack of continuation
are recognised by a change in calibre and by higher into the distal aorta and its tubular nature usually allow
density felt buttressing material which is applied to differentiation. It is normal to see perigraft low (near fluid)
reinforce the anastomosis [80, 81]. There are a number of attenuation material without enhancement surrounding
pitfalls to interpreting post-operative CT scans (Figure 16). the graft in the early post-operative period. Indeed, this
The felt material could be misinterpreted as extravasated can often persist for as long as a year after surgery without
contrast or pseudo-aneurysm, but this is easily clarified adverse consequences and therefore this alone should not
with a pre-contrast CT showing it as high density. be regarded as evidence of a complication [81]. Persisting
Common normal findings that can be easily be misin- gas in the mediastinum beyond 6 weeks should raise
terpreted as pseudo-aneurysms are coronary buttons the suspicion of infection or fistula formation to adjacent
at the origin of the coronary arteries and bypass cannula bronchus or oesophagus [80]. Complications of aortic sur-
sites (Figure 13). The graft can often have points of gery may only be detected incidentally on CT performed for
pronounced angulations or kinks which are rarely of other reasons and mainly include pseudo-aneurysms at the
haemodynamic significance but can be mistaken for an anastomoses and infection.

The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011 S349

B J Holloway, D Rosewarne and R G Jones

Endovascular treatment of aortic disease in stroke and paraplegia to no significant increase in

complication rate if a more selective approach is adopted
Minimally invasive endovascular management for [90, 93]. Pre-procedural left subclavian bypass surgery
acute and chronic aortic pathology has emerged over can be carried out, especially if there is a hypoplastic
the past two decades as an alternative to open surgery right vertebral artery. There are a number of commer-
with the rapid development of the technology, under-
cially available devices with a spectrum of clinical data
standing and supporting evidence [82–84].
supporting their use. These devices may differ in terms
Endovascular management is now indicated for
of their individual technical features, properties and
most thoracic aortic pathologies [85, 86]. The longevity
sizes but essentially all are based on a self-expanding
of endografts is controversial; however, recent assess-
covered stent–graft principle. The metallic stent com-
ment of short- and mid-term endografts demonstrates
ponent provides the structural strength and the graft
durability similar to, if not better than, open surgery
material the exclusion of surrounding pathology. All
but with the need for more secondary interventions
devices have radio-opaque markers delineating the
[84]. In addition to aneurysmal disease, dissections and
extent of the graft portion, which varies according to
traumatic lesions are all recognised indications for
endovascular management. Ascending and arch aortic manufacturer. Delivery systems are typically 22-French
pathology are usually not suitable for exclusive endo- sheath, and external iliac arteries need to be at least 7–
vascular repair; however, hybrid procedures are possible 8 mm for safe delivery. If these requirements are not met,
in these circumstances. then surgical access manoeuvres can be considered.
Surgery is often favoured in younger patients. Some examples of available devices include the
However, in acute trauma, endovascular management Medtronic Valiant system (Medtronic, Santa Rosa, CA),
has a much lower mortality and complication rate and is which consists of a self-expanding nitinol stent covered
the treatment of choice in this situation [87] (Figure 17). with a polyester graft. This device is available in a
More favourable outcomes are reported with endo- straight and tapered design with diameters of 24–46 mm
vascular repair than surgery if there is significant and lengths up to 227 mm available. Another example is
comorbidity. Periprocedural mortality rate is of the order the Gore TAG device (WL Gore, Flagstaff, AZ). This
of 6% with endovascular repair, and can be much higher consists of a nitinol exoskeleton with a polytetrafluor-
with open surgery [84, 88, 89]. The mean incidence of oethylene lining. This device is available in diameters of
periprocedural stroke is 2.7% and of paraplegia is 2.2% 26–45 mm with 10, 15 or 20 cm lengths. The Cook Zenith
[90]. A long endograft and distal placement are asso- TX2 system (Bloomington, IN) consists of a stainless steel
ciated with an increased risk of spinal cord ischaemia self-expanding stent with a Dacron graft. This is availa-
[91]. Coverage of the artery of Adamkiewicz, spinal ble in diameters ranging from 22 to 42 mm and lengths of
branches of intercostal trunks or vertebral arteries are 10–22 cm. Initially, a conventional angiogram is carried
usually responsible for spinal cord ischaemia and should out in a left anterior oblique projection prior to
be considered as a potential complication when placing deployment to delineate branch vessels and the pathology.
an endograft at the T1–T8 region. Lowering the blood pressure pharmacologically prior to
Prior CTA and pre-deployment angiography are vital device deployment can prevent displacement of the graft
to assess the morphology of the aorta and spinal arteries and facilitate more accurate positioning. Surveillance of
[92]. At least 15 mm proximal and distal landing zones of endografts with annual CTA is essential to monitor for
adequate calibre vessel without occluding a branch are complications (Figure 18). Complications can be immedi-
ideal. The left subclavian artery can be covered with ate and these are usually related to misplacement or
varying outcomes ranging from a fourfold increase migration of the endograft or related to the access site. Later

Figure 17. Stent-grafting of trau-

matic aortic rupture at level of isth-
mus. The image on the right is taken
post endograft deployment demon-
strating adequate repair. Laminar
arterial flow was observed on gaining
access to the femoral artery for endo-
graft deployment. This corresponded
to a lack of pulsation contractility due
to massive aortic injury. On the post-
deployment digital subtraction angio-
graphy, the left subclavian artery is
covered by the covered portion of the
endograft; however, the leading
12 mm of the device is uncovered
and flow is maintained in the left
common carotid artery.

S350 The British Journal of Radiology, Special Issue 2011

Imaging of thoracic aortic disease

Figure 18. Traumatic aortic rupture stented CT. CT angiogram 72 h after endograft placement. This demonstrates successful
repair of the ruptured aorta (left figure). There is continued forward flow in the left common carotid artery (confirmed on
Doppler imaging) due to the portion of the endograft at the origin of this vessel being uncovered. The covered left subclavian
artery is filling retrogradely (right figure—magnified view).

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