European Journal of Radiology: Raekha Kumar, Scott Rice, Ravi Kumar Lingam
European Journal of Radiology: Raekha Kumar, Scott Rice, Ravi Kumar Lingam
European Journal of Radiology: Raekha Kumar, Scott Rice, Ravi Kumar Lingam
Keywords: Pulsatile tinnitus (PT) can be a mild or debilitating symptom. Following clinical examination and otoscopy, when
Head and neck the underlying aetiology is not apparent, radiological imaging can be used to evaluate further. CT arteriography-
Pulsatile tinnitus venography (CT A–V) of the head and neck has recently been introduced as a single ‘one catch’ modality for
CT arteriography-venography
identifying the many causes of PT including those which are treatable and potentially serious whilst also
Vascular aetiologies
providing reassurance through negative studies or studies with benign findings.
Bony dysplasia CT A–V is performed as a single phase study allowing both arterial and venous assessment, hence limiting
radiation exposure. Additional multiplanar reformats and bone reconstructions are desirable. Understanding the
limitations of CT A–V is also required, with an awareness of the scenarios where other imaging modalities should
be considered.
The causes of PT can be divided into systemic and non-systemic categories. Non-systemic aetiologies in the
head and neck should be carefully reviewed on CT A–V and include a variety of vascular causes (arteriovenous
malformations/fistulas, venous or arterial aetiologies) and non-vascular causes (tumours and bony dysplasias).
Venous causes (dominant, aberrant, stenosed or thrombosed venous vessels) are more common than arterial
aetiologies (aberrant or stenosed internal carotid artery, aneurysms or a persistent stapedial artery). Glomus
tumours that are not visible on otoscopy and osseous pathologies such as bony dehiscence and otospongiosis
should also be excluded.
Careful assessment of all the potential vascular and non-vascular causes should be reviewed in a systematic
approach, with correlation made with the clinical history. A structured reporting template for the reporting
radiologist is provided in this review to ensure all the potential causes of PT are considered on a CT A–V study.
This will help in providing a comprehensive radiological evaluation, hence justifying the radiation dose and for
patient assessment and prognostication.
1. Introduction ‘objective PT’ or when solely audible to the patient as ‘subjective PT’
Pulsatile tinnitus (PT) is defined as a repetitive, auditory perception The mechanism of PT is widely presumed to be secondary to either
that imitates the patient’s cardiac rhythm. This differs from non- abnormal blood flow due to acceleration/turbulent flow (likely objec
pulsatile tinnitus which lacks a rhythmic quality, with less than 10 % tive PT) or normal flow with an increased perception of ordinary flow
of tinnitus patients developing pulsatile features [1]. This can manifest sounds due to sound conduction disturbances (likely subjective PT) [3].
as unilateral or bilateral ringing, buzzing or whistling, causing distress Hence the aetiology of PT can be divided into vascular or non-vascular
to the affected patient and adversely affecting their daily performance. categories (Table 1). Vascular character can be subdivided into arterial
When audible to both the patient and clinician, this is subclassified as or venous, clinically audible as an arterial bruit or a venous hum
Abbreviations: PT, pulsatile tinnitus; CT, computed tomography; CT A–V, CT arteriography-venography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRA, magnetic
resonance arteriography; MRV, magnetic resonance venography; DSA, digital subtraction angiography; MPR, multiplanar reformats; IIH, idiopathic intracranial
hypertension; MEV, mastoid emissary vein; ICA, internal carotid artery; IJV, internal jugular vein; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; dAVF, dural arteriovenous
fistula; PSA, persistent stapedial artery; CPA, cerebellar-pontine angle; AICA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery; IAM, internal auditory meatus.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Kumar), (S. Rice), (R.K. Lingam).
Received 1 March 2021; Received in revised form 7 April 2021; Accepted 12 April 2021
Available online 14 April 2021
0720-048X/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
with symptoms has not been robustly demonstrated [4]. However, CT common due to background dominance of the right jugular vein in
A–V has been shown to demonstrate a significant association between 70–80 % of the population [10]. Venous dominance may also be a sol
the side of the patient’s symptoms and the source of PT such as venous itary finding on CT A–V or can be associated with other causes [4,11].
dominance, suggesting a causal relationship and hence its utility in PT
assessment [4]. On encountering such various venous anatomical vari Aberrant venous channels and prominent emissary veins. An
ants, their contributing relationship in a patient with PT needs to be aberrant venous channel is a prominent vein which traverses through
considered individually, correlating with the side of symptoms, clinical the head and neck and may be a developed collateral related to a hy
examination and the presence of other potential causes. Mixed and poplastic sigmoid sinus or jugular vein (contralateral to the side of a
arterial causes are less common, the former includes arteriovenous dominant venous system). CT A–V with MPR can characterize the size,
malformations and the latter internal carotid artery stenoses (ICA) path, and relationships of the aberrant vessel. Increased flow in the
which are more frequent in the elderly population and hence should be aberrant vein can manifest as PT, particularly if it is in close proximity to
correlated with the clinical history and other imaging findings. the middle ear cleft (Fig. 3). It is also important to note that aberrant
venous channels may be incidental hence the side of the abnormality
4.1.1. Venous causes must be correlated with the patient’s symptoms.
Emissary veins related to PT most commonly occur in the mastoid. A Dominant jugular vein/sigmoid sinus. A dominant jugular or a mastoid emissary vein (MEV) is a venous tract which develops at the
sigmoid venous sinus is a common, incidental finding on CT A–V embryonic stage and by traversing the mastoid connects the sigmoid
(Fig. 2). The vessels are defined as co-dominant if there is ≤3 mm be sinus with the posterior auricular or occipital vein, allowing exit of
tween the diameters at the mid-transverse sinuses bilaterally [9]. If there diploic venous blood [12]. They can be unilateral or bilateral (Fig. 4).
is a difference of >3 mm, the side with the larger diameter is regarded as This may be a solitary finding on CT A–V or be associated with a hy
the side with the dominant cerebral venous system [9]. With a history of poplastic sigmoid sinus or jugular vein. Such emissary veins are valve
PT, a significant association has been shown on CT A–V between a less allowing bidirectional flow which can lead to turbulence, increased
dominant jugular vein or sigmoid sinus and the ipsilateral side of the velocity or increased intracranial pressure leading to increased flow, all
patient’s symptoms, with increased turbulent flow through the larger potentially audible through the mastoid as PT. [13]. The size of the vein
venous system postulated as a contributory factor [4]. It has been shown may also be important as suggested by a recent report reviewing a case
that without another underlying cause, right sided venous PT is more of PT related to a single large MEV [13]. Other radiologically evident
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
Fig. 2. Dominant sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein A 30 year old female patient presented with right sided PT. CT A-V axial (A,C) and coronal (B, D) images
demonstrate a dominant right sigmoid sinus (A, long arrow) draining into a dominant right internal jugular vein (IJV) (C, short arrow). The contralateral non-
dominant left sigmoid sinus (B, long dashed arrow) and left IJV (D, short dashed arrow) are smaller in calibre.
emissary veins which are of clinical importance include posterior 4.1.2. Venous-osseous causes
condylar veins (courses between the superior bulb of the internal jugular
vein and deep cervical vein) and occipital emissary veins (drains from High riding jugular bulb and dehiscent jugular bulb. A high riding
the confluence of the sinuses into the internal vertebral plexus) [12] jugular bulb is a normal variant and a recognised cause of PT, more
which theoretically could transit flow related sounds to the mastoid. commonly noted on the right side of the neck [11,16–18]. Anatomically,
this is defined by the position of the superior aspect of the jugular bulb Venous stenosis. Venous sinus stenosis describes a sudden being posterosuperior to the floor of the internal auditory canal (IAC).
change in venous calibre. This can be intrinsic narrowing due to acute The jugular bulb consequently lies at the level of the basal turn of the
venous sinus thrombosis or due to post thrombotic related fibrosis. cochlea (Fig. 6). The jugular foramen and sigmoid plate are intact with
Venous stenosis can also be secondary to extrinsic compression and no extension into the middle ear cavity. The presence of a high riding
subsequently lead to PT. CT A–V with MPR evaluation can identify jugular bulb is also important to report for surgical planning during a
extrinsic compression of the suprahyoid internal jugular vein (IJV) mastoidectomy. However, given jugular bulb variations are normal
typically caused by the C1 transverse process, styloid process or poste variants and hence can be noted incidentally in asymptomatic patients,
rior belly of digastric (Fig. 5) [4]. Elevated intracranial CSF pressure can care must be taken to ensure there are no other causes of PT on the study.
also lead to external compression of the sigmoid and transverse sinuses. A dehiscent jugular bulb, whilst also considered a normal variant,
It has been postulated that this results in turbulent venous flow due to has been associated with PT in the literature [16,18,19]. On CT A–V,
stenosis or periodic narrowing caused by arterial narrowing secondary there is superolateral extension of the jugular bulb through a dehiscent
to pulsating arteries, the affects of which are transmitted to the venous petrous septum of the sigmoid plate and into the middle ear cavity
sinuses across the CSF space [14]. This can then create a vicious feed where it can contact the ossicles, restricting their mobility, or invade the
back loop leading to a further increase in intracranial pressure and bony labyrinth leading to conductive hearing loss. This should be
consequently increasing venous narrowing which may present as PT [3, reviewed on high resolution bone windows on CT A–V (Fig. 7). This may
15]. However, narrowing of the venous sinuses, related to contralateral be seen otoscopically as a retrotympanic blue mass. A jugular bulb
dominance, is a common incidental finding. Hence true pathological diverticulum arises as a focal outpouching of the bulb, most commonly
venous stenosis should be considered when there are signs of raised superior and posterior to the IAC, and protrudes into the temporal bone
intracranial pressure/idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), taking (anterior, posterior and medial positions are also possible) [16,20].
into account the laterality of PT and excluding other causes. Turbulent flow within the diverticulum can result in PT. They are rare
and unlike a high riding jugular bulb, diverticulae are more common on
the left despite a right sided venous dominance in 75 % of cases [20,21].
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722 Sigmoid plate dehiscence and associated diverticulum. Sigmoid the sigmoid sinus, however with dehiscence, flow sounds may be
plate dehiscence and diverticulum formation have been associated with transmitted into the mastoid and cochlea leading to PT (Fig. 8) [26].
PT in up to 20 % of cases [22,23]. These abnormalities are one of the few Extensive pneumatisation of the mastoid segment of the temporal bone
surgically correctable causes of PT with successful resolution of symp is thought to amplify this phenomenon [27]. A sigmoid plate divertic
toms reported post treatment in several studies [23–25]. An intact sig ulum is believed to arise from forceful flow in the adjacent sigmoid sinus
moid plate is likely to insulate vibrations from the adjacent flow through with the lumen consequently protruding into the mastoid cortex/air
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
cells due to bony remodelling, thus leading to a diverticulum (Fig. 8) cortical bone overlying the sinus or the ‘air on sinus’ sign (mastoid air
[26]. PT is widely thought to result from the consequent turbulent flow cells directly contact the sinus wall) [23]. The affected side and
in the pouch (46). It is more common on the side of the dominant venous maximum diameter of the dehisced segment should be reported because
sinus but with a similar prevalence on both sides in co-dominant systems sigmoid plate dehiscence can also be an incidental finding, hence the
[26,28,29]. size and side affected should be correlated clinically. [31]. A divertic
On CT A–V, bone window assessment of the sigmoid plate using the ulum can be more readily identified on CT A–V bone windows as an
acquired high resolution bone reformats should be performed, with outpouching from the sigmoid sinus into the mastoid with venous phase
dehiscence/diverticulum more likely noted on the dominant side of enhancement. The AP and transverse circumference on axial images of a
venous outflow and within the lateral wall of the sigmoid plate [28]. On sigmoid plate diverticulum can be measured and reported, aiding sur
review of the literature, there remains no apparent size classification for gical management.
sigmoid plate dehiscence. Consequently, various studies have used
different criteria to identify dehiscence such as a minimum width of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. There has been a known
5 mm on 2 consecutive slices [4,30]. Eisemann reported the following association in the literature between IIH and PT [15,32]. The aetiology
criteria as useful in identifying dehiscence/diverticulae: irregularity of is complex; external compression (e.g. styloidogenic, posterior belly of
the bony sigmoid sinus wall, focal thinning of the calvarial cortex digastric or C1 transverse process) with IJV stenosis, dural sinus stenosis
overlying the adjacent sinus wall, absence of the normal thin layer of
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
or venous sinus thrombosis have all been linked with IIH [4,6,33]. stenosed segment (Fig. 9).
Conversely, raised intracranial pressure can also lead to venous A carotid arterial dissection is a more unusual cause of pulsatile
compression [3]. Several of the ancillary findings of IIH such as an tinnitus. Patients often present with acute neck pain and can develop
empty sella and increased fluid around the optic nerves are sympathetic symptoms indicative of Horner’s syndrome and cerebral
sub-optimally assessed on CT A–V, and can be better demonstrated on compromise. PT may be an accompanying symptom with other stroke-
MRI brain imaging. However an elevated opening pressure on lumbar like symptoms or may rarely occur in isolation [38]. CT A–V can
puncture confirms the diagnosis [34]. assess for a dissected ICA lumen due to an intramural haematoma with
the crescent shaped ‘pseudolumen sign’ on the ipsilateral side of
4.1.3. Arterial causes symptoms. Arterial stenosis and dissection. In the elderly population, arte Aneurysm. An intracranial aneurysm has also been reported in
rial stenoses due to atherosclerotic disease in the head and neck the literature as a cause of PT and can be depicted on CT A–V, although
vasculature are reported as the most common cause of PT [35]. One this is remarkably rare. Abnormally increased flow within the aneurysm
study has demonstrated this can account for up to 16 % of PT cases [36]. can be perceived by the auditory apparatus as PT. An example includes
This can lead to ipsilateral PT or even contralateral PT due to compen an anterior communicating artery aneurysm published by Austin et al.
satory increased flow through contralateral open/collateral channels [39], with other locations including an ICA, basilar or vertebral artery
which is perceived as a pulsing auditory phenomenon [37]. Arterial aneurysm.
stenoses are more common in the ICA hence imaging to the level of the
carotid bulb is preferred in our institution. In younger patients, fibro Persistent stapedial artery. This is a rare congenital, arterial
muscular dysplasia (patients present due to widespread developmental anomaly related to the persistence of the embryological
non-atheromatous segmental stenoses) may also trigger symptoms of stapedial artery. This frequently arises from the vertical or horizontal
PT. Careful clinical assessment for signs of neurovascular compromise in petrous ICA or an aberrant ICA. Consequently, the proximal middle
the form of stroke like symptoms and radiological assessment of the meningeal artery fails to develop leading to an absent foramen spinosum
arterial vasculature on CT A–V using a systematic approach with MPR is [6]. This is often bilateral. Patients can be asymptomatic or present with
required to accurately identify and assess the location and length of a PT due to turbulent flow in the stapedial artery [11]. CT A–V cannot
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
identify the persistent stapedial artery itself however its utility is in Vascular loops. Vascular loops within the cerebellar-pontine
assessing for indirect signs of its existence. This includes absence of the angle (CPA) are common incidental findings [41,42] but are also
foramen spinosum (however this can be a normal finding in 3% of cases another recognised cause of PT [43]. They frequently arise from the
[40] (Fig. 10), subtle enlargement of the anterior tympanic segment of anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) and can contact or compress
the facial nerve canal or an associated aberrant ICA [11]. DSA can be the vestibulocochlear nerve [44]. Reports have suggested that distortion
used for confirmation if required [16]. of the vestibulocochlear nerve at the intrameatal segment towards the
fundus rather than the cisternal segment at the nerve root entry zone Aberrant internal carotid artery. An aberrant ICA is another may result in PT [45] with improvement post surgical treatment [46].
congenital variant which can lead to PT. This vascular anomaly arises Vascular loops can be confidently identified on CT A–V by assessing the
due to absent formation of the extracranial ICA, leading to the devel CPA and internal auditory meatus (IAM) in both the axial and coronal
opment of an arterial collateral. This runs horizontally through the planes. However, given these are frequent incidental findings, further
middle ear cavity, entering through an enlarged inferior tympanic characterisation with heavily T2 weighted high resolution MRI IAM
canaliculus, coursing anteriorly across the cochlear promontory, then imaging should be reserved for those cases with vascular loops
entering the carotid canal due to dehiscence of the carotid plate traversing at or near the IAM fundus when no other cause of PT has been
(Fig. 11). The transfer of pulsating sounds by bone conduction to the identified.
inner ear may be the cause of PT. 30 % have a coexisting persistent
stapedial artery [40].
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
4.1.4. Mixed aetiology then resolves, subsequently leading to an artery to sinus anastomosis
[47]. They can be known as a ‘dural AVF’ (dAVF) if there is a connection Arteriovenous malformation and dural arteriovenous fistula. An between dural arteries and dural veins/venous sinuses. A dAVF is a well
arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an abnormal collection of ectatic, recognised cause of PT, with PT being the initial symptom in over 10 %
dilated arteries and veins (nidus) which act as a shunt between the of patients with a dAVF [51–53]. One study suggested that the most
arterial and venous systems. They are congenital and often present in 40 common typical sites are the transverse sigmoid sinus (70 %), hypo
or 50 year olds due to a high flow state which can lead to PT [47]. In the glossal canal (10 %) and middle cranial fossa (6.7 %) [52]. However the
head and neck, these AVMs are commonly found intracranially and can detection of a dAVF is challenging on CT A–V and can be missed if the
be confidently assessed with CT A–V given there is dual enhancement in degree of vascular enhancement is suboptimal, hence other indicators
the arterial and venous phases (Fig. 12). There are also reported cases of include the presence of dilated vessels, cerebral oedema or haemorrhage
PT secondary to parotid and external ear AVMs [48–50]. [6,9]. In particular, CT A–V may not detect a small AVM/dAVF due to
An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is an acquired anomaly usually due to the lack of flow dynamics and magnetic resonance
thrombosis of a dural venous sinus secondary to a prior insult which arteriogram-venogram (MRAV) may not provide further
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
characterisation [6,8]. If there is ongoing high clinical suspicion essential to detect these small tumours on CT A–V. They can then extend
(objective PT, headache, dizziness, conjunctival/orbital congestion or into the mesotympanum and towards the tympanic membrane whilst
neurological symptoms) further imaging is warranted [54]. In such larger lesions may erode the medial wall of the middle ear cavity and the
cases, a DSA is a more sensitive test providing further characterisation ossicular chain [11]. The floor of the middle ear cavity and jugular fo
with the added benefit of treatment planning, and hence remains the ramen are intact.
gold standard [6,8,55–57]. However, a caveat is that it is an invasive Jugular paragangliomas arise from glomus bodies in the jugular fo
procedure. 4D CT imaging is emerging as a promising new non-invasive ramen, from the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve or the
assessment tool which is comparable to DSA in providing data on flow auricular branch of the vagus nerve [59]. They are frequently visible on
patterns and visualizing retrograde venous flow in cortical veins in otoscopy in 75 % of patients [60]. These tumours are often larger than
diagnosing dAVF [5,58]. tympanic paragangliomas and show diffuse enhancement. As the mass
expands, there is erosion of the adjacent petrous bone and a risk of
4.2. Non-vascular causes compression of the adjacent glossopharyngeal, vagus or accessory
nerves. There may also be compression of the internal jugular vein as it
Non-vascular causes of PT are a rarer finding on CT A–V imaging. exits the foramen. Many tumours extend superolaterally with perme
They include glomus tumours, bone dysplasias such as otospongiosis ative destruction through the jugular plate into the hypo/
and Paget’s disease, and miscellaneous causes such as intraosseous mesotympanum (glomus jugulotympanicum) [61]. This can lead to
haemangiomas or mengingiomas. ossicular chain destruction. The tumour can also spread laterally to
involve the facial nerve canal and inferiorly into the infratemporal fossa
4.2.1. Tumours (Fig. 14) [62]. Differentials which must be considered on CT A–V for
mass lesions in the jugular foramen include nerve sheath tumours, me Paragangliomas / Glomus tumours. Pulsatile tinnitus is a well ningiomas, metastases, primary bone tumours e.g. myeloma, jugular
recognised symptom of glomus tumours, specifically the tympanic vein thrombosis or a dehiscent/high riding jugular bulb [63].
(glomus tympanicum) and jugular (glomus jugulare) types. The former
refers to a paraganglioma within the middle ear cavity while the latter Meningiomas. Meningiomas, a slow growing benign tumour
pertains to a paraganglioma within the jugular bulb; involvement at arising from the meninges, can lead to adjacent bony hyperostosis and
both sites is described as a glomus jugulotympanicum. sclerosis. If they are in contact with the temporal bone, there is a
Glomus tympanicum tumours are usually visible on otoscopic ex theoretical risk of associated PT. On CT A–V, meningiomas should avidly
amination, but should be excluded on all CT A–V studies with the enhance and show a pathognomonic dural tail.
presence or absence of such a tumour noted in the report. They usually
arise from glomus bodies anywhere along the Jacobsen nerve (tympanic Hypervascular metastases. Any hypervascular metastases which
branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve), and typically present as a small deposit in the temporal bone may lead to increased vascularity that may
focal round mass with a flat base, usually sited at the cochlear prom be referred to the middle ear cleft, and hence audible as PT. Common
ontory (Fig. 13) [6]. High resolution bone-weighted reconstructions are primary malignancies with hypervascular metastases include renal cell,
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
4.2.2. Bone dysplasias tinnitus where MRI of the internal auditory meatus is preferred, typi
cally to detect acoustic neuromas. Given that the majority of the rec Otospongiosis. Otospongiosis (or otosclerosis) is an idiopathic ognised causes and associations of PT are benign and do not require
process with infiltration and foci of lucency within the petrous bone treatment, when detected on CT A–V it can provide reassurance to both
which typically leads to conductive hearing loss. It can be associated clinicians and patients that one or more likely ‘soft’ causes have been
with the development of PT, with one study demonstrating that up to 11 identified and no action with only conservative management is required.
% of patients can have underlying otopsongiosis [11,36,66]. This is The true value of the scan is to reliably detect the harmful (aneurysm or
commonly fenestral (85 %) with hypoattenuated bone at the anterior AVM) or treatable (otospongiosis or sigmoid plate dehiscence) causes of
margin of the oval window (fissula ante fenestram) (Fig. 15) or less PT. A diagnostic algorithm summarizing the role of CT A–V is provided
commonly retrofenestral/cochlear (15 %) often at the basal turn of the (Fig. 17).
cochlea [16]. In chronic cases, the bone appears sclerotic. Assessment on Clinical and otoscopic assessment is crucial as this determines the
CT A–V relies on high resolution, axial, bone-weighted reconstructions choice of subsequent imaging required. It is also necessary to clinically
of the temporal bones. assess for systemic causes for a more comprehensive evaluation of PT. It
is vital that the clinician provides essential information such as the side Intraosseous haemangioma. An intraosseous haemangioma is a of PT, whether it is arterial or venous in character and subjective or
well-defined, intradiploic, expansile mass with trabecular thickening objective in nature, to allow accurate radiological interpretation, espe
(polka dot pattern) which abuts the outer table of the calvarium. They cially in light of the many normal anatomical variants the radiologist
account for 10 % of benign neoplasms of the skull [67]. In the context of may encounter during imaging evaluation.
pulsatile tinnitus, assessment should be focused at the temporal bone CT A–V is not without risks or limitations. There is radiation expo
and skull base, including the occipital condyles. CT A–V should identify sure (average total DLP 240mGycm) and hence imaging needs to be
the lesion on bone windows (Fig. 16) however an MRI study often justified and preferably reserved for debilitating or progressive symp
confirms the diagnosis due to T1 and T2 hyperintensities (related to fat toms. CT A–V also requires intravenous contrast administration and
and vascular contents respectively), confirming the diagnosis [68]. hence should be used with caution where there is significant renal
impairment and contraindicated with contrast allergy. In these situa Paget’s disease. Paget’s disease at the skull base, particularly tions, alternate non-contrast imaging such as a CT temporal bone study
the temporal bone, can be linked to PT due to diffuse bony expansion, and a MRI with a MRV study and MRA head and neck could be
sclerosis and possibly associated intraosseous AV shunts [[16,69]. CT considered. As noted earlier, CT A–V can also be suboptimal in the
A–V imaging, with appropriate differentials based on the clinical history evaluation of IIH and dAVF, where in the latter DSA is the gold standard
and other imaging findings, can be used to help determine whether this a with 4D CT imaging emerging as a promising new non-invasive assess
contributory factor in the patient’s PT. ment tool [5,58].
Given the myriad of aetiologies for PT that can be detected on CT
5. Clinical value and limitations of CT A–V A–V, it is important that the reading radiologist is familiar with the
various causes and their imaging features. Indeed, a methodical and
In contrast to the other imaging modalities that are currently avail thorough review is necessary to avoid under-reporting the potential
able, CT A–V is a quick ‘one-catch’ scan that can reliably identify the causes of PT. We have therefore devised a reporting checklist (Fig. 18)
majority of causes of PT. It is not the modality of choice in non-pulsatile for the radiologist which can help in providing a systematic and
comprehensive report for the CT A–V scan. Where necessary, discussion
R. Kumar et al. European Journal of Radiology 139 (2021) 109722
Fig. 17. Diagnostic algorithm for the use of CT A-V in pulsatile tinnitus.
Fig. 18. Reporting checklist provided for the assessment of pulsatile tinnitus on CT A-V.
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[26] Z. Liu, C. Chen, Z. Wang, S. Gong, J. Xian, Y. Wang, X. Liang, X. Ma, Y. Li, Sigmoid
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