Run-Up Test: FI-37240 Linnavuori, Nokia Finland
Run-Up Test: FI-37240 Linnavuori, Nokia Finland
Run-Up Test: FI-37240 Linnavuori, Nokia Finland
Deviations in the power capability of individual cylinders are identified by the run-up test. For this,
cylinders are shut off sequentially when the engine is running. The engine is accelerated from low-
idle for a number of segments with fixed amount of fuel.
After performing the test operator get the test result for each injector which actually shows the
acceleration of the engine (rpm/s) when injectors are shutdown. When good injector is disconnected
then the acceleration of the engine is slow and when poor injector is disconnected then the
acceleration is fast.
The main idea is to compare injectors (test results) to each other to clarify which injector is good
and which is poor. Operator can do this so that he check which is the lowest value (best injector)
and then add 15 % to it (for instance 1273 rpm/s x 1,15 = 1464 rpm/s). That 15 % is the maximum
difference which is allowed by Sisu. So all values (injectors) which exceed this “window” are
somehow faulty ones and should be replaced. Of course for instance bad compression in the
cylinder will affect to these results as well.
After performing the test operator get the test results for each cylinder and he can analyze the
results same way like described above. Also 15 % is the max. allowed difference between cylinders.
If some cylinder goes over that limit then first thing would be to check the valve clearance.
The main idea of this test is just to listen how the engine running noise change when injectors are
disconnected one by one. When good injectors are disconnected then there should be more or less
equal difference in the running noise. But when poor injector is disconnected then there should be
only minor or no difference at all.