10 11648 J Ijrse S 2017060301 11 PDF
10 11648 J Ijrse S 2017060301 11 PDF
10 11648 J Ijrse S 2017060301 11 PDF
Email address:
mdanish@ku.edu.af (M. S. S. Danish)
Corresponding author
Received: June 9, 2016; Accepted: June 16, 2016; Published: November 22, 2016
Abstract: The exploitation of renewable energy technologies in architecture engineering and urban planning, offer the
opportunity to diminish energy dependence, ensure efficiency and reliability, reduce pollutant emissions, and buoyant socio
economic development. The aim of this paper is to present the importance of the state-of-the-art renewable energy
processes and renewable technologies exploitation in architecture engineering and urban planning, and review the last
literatures on sustainability as an essential need for today’s societies. Also, future trends for developing cost-effective
renewable energy sources utilization in the way of sustainability in the long-run and mitigation of greenhouse gases
emissions are discussed.
1. Introduction
The rapid change in technology and lifestyle, have led to understanding the renewable technologies application and
a dramatic increase in electricity demand, which can face two-way interaction between electricity demand and
urban planners and architectures with the challenge of production; can help to achieve the national and
ensuring the sustainable and clean electricity production. international targets for energy security of supply. Balance
With today's cutting-edge, renewable energy technologies between economic, environmental and social dimensions
must propound the sustainability culture in architecture are factors to ensure sustainability, in which to meet the
engineering and put forward with the necessary plans in present needs without a decline of the future demand [2].
urban planning. For instance, the European energy supply The concept of sustainable energy development has
objectives 20-20-20 by 2020, where 20 stands for a introduced based on these pillars [3]:
reduction of 20% of greenhouse gas emissions, increasing Technical sustainability;
energy efficiency by 20%, and 20% production of Economic sustainability;
electricity from renewable energy source, compared to Institutional sustainability;
1990 levels, respectively [1]. Electricity generation has Environmental sustainability;
relied in large-scale, integrated and centralized energy Social sustainability;
production, high technology, and capital intensive. In this The environmental awareness, public pressure and
context architects and urban planners by adequate increased cost of the nonrenewable source lead to have
2 Mir Sayed Shah Danish et al.: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Planning trough Exploitation of Renewable Energy
tendency toward renewable energy technologies [4]. Propose political leadership with sound visions.
Technically sustainable system is expected the output of
the physical infrastructure of the input source, which
economically is cost effective and affordable. The social
sustainability measures the acceptability and accessibility
of energy supply by all in the society. The environmental
sustainability deals with the negative impact of energy use
on society and tries to change positively. The Institutional
sustainability defines the level of local participation in the
management of the energy system. More details about
sustainable energy pillars are detailed in [5].
renewable energy is the only hope for a sustainable energy plants is not feasible.
resource for a greenhouses gases free atmosphere. The Renewable energy is not always technically viable to
sustainability term for renewable energy defines to develop operate at all sites due to environmental nature and
sustainability protocols for different forms of renewable barriers.
energy over time with contemplating of these indicators [20]: The spatial energy intensity or density of renewable
Deployment diversity; energy sources is often low compared with most fossil
Policy developments; fuel and nuclear energy sources. Large spaces are
Technology costs; needed.
Investment in renewable energy; The cost of energy from renewables is often not yet
competitive in the marketplace.
Often, the renewable energy technologies exploitation
6. Renewable Energy Advantages and needs high capital investment.
Disadvantages Some types of renewable energy use, destabilize the
Nowadays, each of renewable energy technologies has Some types of renewable energy sources have a
practical consideration that impact their deployment; as said negligible impact on daily life and health (for instance,
[22], the old adage that "everything has its limits". The key noise from the wind turbines).
distinguish of the elements of energy sustainability define in Some types of renewable energies have potential of
the following aspects [22]: high-risk disaster.
Conservation; Some types of renewable energy are sensitive to natural
Development and utilization of renewables; disasters.
Improvement of efficiency in generation, transmission,
distribution, and utilization;
Energy storage; 7. Renewable Energy Economics
Perhaps, for development of sustainable framework the The economic efficiency of renewable energy technologies
items as mentioned earlier have to come all into play as an and management are the subtle considerations for renewable
overall sustainable plan. Each renewable energy source has energy practical application [26]:
unique advantages, and the overall renewable energy sources Economic efficiency of renewable energy systems;
or technologies advantages and drawbacks can be listed as [19, Politics and legal issues;
23-25]: Investment and financing;
6.1. Advantages International trade and marketing;
Standardization and interoperability;
Abatement of global warming and reduce air pollution. Since, the price of nonrenewable sources continue to
Accelerate development and deployment of affordable increase, reaching levels that threaten the economy, so there is
low carbon technology solutions. need to seek alternative sources of energy [27]. The main
The renewable energy technologies produce objective of the sustainable energy integration in buildings
insignificant pollutant, so they are environmental and urban areas are the incorporation of renewable energy
friendly. resources for achieving the energy efficient buildings.
Developing and exploiting renewable energy Residential loads or buildings consume about 42% of the total
technologies helps to meet the millennium development world annual energy consumption [28]. So, it makes the role
goals in national and international perspective. of architects and urban planners significant for optimization of
Reducing safety risks from conventional energy source buildings and urban in the way of sustainability in the long-run
Spurring socio-economic development. and minimization of annual load consumption by considering
Balancing the use of renewable and nonrenewable effective techniques of world-wide accepted energy
sources for future generation. engineering approaches.
The renewable energy technologies' operation is cost The cost for renewable energy technologies have declined
effective due to less maintenance. steadily, for instance the average price of a solar panel has
Renewable energy sources can be used for more than dropped almost 60% since 2011 [17, 29]. So, it is another
energy production purpose. reason for renewable energy technologies application in
buildings and urban as a plenty of opportunities. It is
6.2. Disadvantages conceivable to reduce the buildings' energy consumption by
The renewable energy technologies describe with sustainable building design through appropriate application of
unpredictable behavior and variation in energy renewable energy technologies. Also, it is more economical in
production within the time of demand due to dependency energy consumption to look the feasible enhancement
on the natural source. techniques such passive measures, natural or hybrid
Still in large scale electricity generation from renewable ventilation rather than air conditioning; can dramatically
energy source compare to traditional fossil fuel, and coal reduce primary energy consumption [28, 30]. So, the jointly
International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy 2017; 6(3-1): 1-7 5
8. Global Warming
Green energy technologies are a subset of renewable energy
source that provides environmental friendly energy with a
trivial environmental impact; such as solar, wind geothermal,
biogas, biomass, and hydroelectric source. Figure 4. Graphical Representation of the Greenhouse Gases Emissions.
However, the recent advanced technologies provides
irrefutable benefits for mankind. On the other hand, these Tables 1 and 2 show the lifecycle emissions of natural gas
technologies are overloading our atmosphere with global and coal plants are approximately 15 and 30 times greater than
warming emissions and steadily drive up the planet's a nuclear plant. The awareness of the best renewable
temperature that cause unexpected environmental and climate technologies and their appropriate application in architecture
changes. The emission of greenhouse gases and their engineering and urban planning reduce energy usage and
mitigation to climate change comes into global focus. enhance carbon footprint [36]. So, the renewable energy is the
According the reports [33], electricity production and only inevitable option for energy security and global warming
consumption emiten Giga Tonnes, or approximately 37% of mitigation [37]. Recently, the energy consumption and carbon
global emissions. The air pollution emitted by nonrenewable footprint reduction is of growing interest to individuals
source has directly harmful impact of our daily life and health. (architectures and urban planners), organizations, and
Among the greenhouse gas emissions, these gases have the governments [38].
lion's share in warming the earth by absorbing energy that act
like a blanket insulting the earth [34]: 9. Conclusion
1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2);
2. Methane (CH4); This study is hinted the role of architects and urban planners
3. Nitrous Oxide (N2O); in seizing the opportunities of renewable energy technologies
4. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs); exploitation to maintain a sustainable community. The
5. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); application of such methodology might improve the overall
6. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); energy performances and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
7. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); and Besides, the latest literature review in this study, focused on
8. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6); the importance of deployment of renewable energy
The share of global emitting are vary for different electrical technologies for life-style change in the way of long-run
power generation sources such as coal-fired power plants have comfortable life. Also, this paper is highlighted the main
the majority of emissions; while, the wind and nuclear power points for architects and urban planner as a precise guideline.
plant release respectively less than coal-fired plants. Somehow,
the global warming emissions life cycle associated with Acknowledgement
renewable energy, including manufacturing, installation,
operation and maintenance; dismantling and This work is part of a research study, which is financially
decommissioning are minimal [17, 35]. Table 2 and Figure 4 and technically supported by the JSPS (Japan Society for the
show the emission rates from different electricity generation Promotion of Science) under RONPAKU PhD. Fellowship for
sources [33]. FY 2015 (JSPS/OF/214090), and Energy Engineering
Department in Kabul University, respectively; with the aim of
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