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12/27/2018 Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation

Contents » Op miza on and fi ng » Fi ng data

Fitting data
Date: 2017-04-28 (last modified), 2006-09-21 (created)

This page shows you how to fit experimental data and plots the results using matplotlib.

Fit examples with sinusoidal functions

Generating the data

Using real data is much more fun, but, just so that you can reproduce this example I will
generate data to fit

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, r_
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize

# Generate data points with noise

num_points = 150
Tx = np.linspace(5., 8., num_points)
Ty = Tx

tX = 11.86*np.cos(2*pi/0.81*Tx-1.32) + 0.64*Tx+4*((0.5-
tY = -32.14*np.cos(2*np.pi/0.8*Ty-1.94) + 0.15*Ty+7*((0.5-

Fitting the data

We now have two sets of data: Tx and Ty, the me series, and tX and tY, sinusoidal data with
noise. We are interested in finding the frequency of the sine wave. 1/10
In [2]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
# Fit the first set
fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*np.cos(2*np.pi/p[1]*x+p[2]) + p[3]*x # Target function
errfunc = lambda p, x, y: fitfunc(p, x) - y # Distance to the target function
p0 = [-15., 0.8, 0., -1.] # Initial guess for the parameters
p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(Tx, tX))

time = np.linspace(Tx.min(), Tx.max(), 100)

plt.plot(Tx, tX, "ro", time, fitfunc(p1, time), "r-") # Plot of the data and the fit

# Fit the second set

p0 = [-15., 0.8, 0., -1.]
p2,success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(Ty, tY))

time = np.linspace(Ty.min(), Ty.max(), 100)

plt.plot(Ty, tY, "b^", time, fitfunc(p2, time), "b-")

# Legend the plot

plt.title("Oscillations in the compressed trap")
plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
plt.ylabel("displacement [um]")
plt.legend(('x position', 'x fit', 'y position', 'y fit'))

ax = plt.axes()

plt.text(0.8, 0.07,
'x freq : %.3f kHz \n y freq : %.3f kHz' % (1/p1[1],1/p2[1]),

A clever use of the cost function

Suppose that you have the same data set: two me-series of oscilla ng phenomena, but that
you know that the frequency of the two oscilla ons is the same. A clever use of the cost
func on can allow you to fit both set of data in one fit, using the same frequency. The idea is
that you return, as a "cost" array, the concatena on of the costs of your two data sets for one
choice of parameters. Thus the leastsq rou ne is op mizing both data sets at the same me. 2/10
In [3]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
# Target function
fitfunc = lambda T, p, x: p[0]*np.cos(2*np.pi/T*x+p[1]) + p[2]*x
# Initial guess for the first set's parameters
p1 = r_[-15., 0., -1.]
# Initial guess for the second set's parameters
p2 = r_[-15., 0., -1.]
# Initial guess for the common period
T = 0.8
# Vector of the parameters to fit, it contains all the parameters of the problem, and
the period of the oscillation is not there twice !
p = r_[T, p1, p2]
# Cost function of the fit, compare it to the previous example.
errfunc = lambda p, x1, y1, x2, y2: r_[
fitfunc(p[0], p[1:4], x1) - y1,
fitfunc(p[0], p[4:7], x2) - y2
# This time we need to pass the two sets of data, there are thus four "args".
p,success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p, args=(Tx, tX, Ty, tY))
time = np.linspace(Tx.min(), Tx.max(), 100) # Plot of the first data and the fit
plt.plot(Tx, tX, "ro", time, fitfunc(p[0], p[1:4], time),"r-")

# Plot of the second data and the fit

time = np.linspace(Ty.min(), Ty.max(),100)
plt.plot(Ty, tY, "b^", time, fitfunc(p[0], p[4:7], time),"b-")

# Legend the plot

plt.title("Oscillations in the compressed trap")
plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
plt.ylabel("displacement [um]")
plt.legend(('x position', 'x fit', 'y position', 'y fit'))

ax = plt.axes()

plt.text(0.8, 0.07,
'x freq : %.3f kHz' % (1/p[0]),

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fab996e5b90> 3/10
12/27/2018 Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation

Simplifying the syntax

Especially when using fits for interac ve use, the standard syntax for op mize.leastsq can get
really long. Using the following script can simplify your life:

In [4]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

class Parameter:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value

def set(self, value):

self.value = value

def __call__(self):
return self.value

def fit(function, parameters, y, x = None):

def f(params):
i = 0
for p in parameters:
i += 1
return y - function(x)

if x is None: x = np.arange(y.shape[0])
p = [param() for param in parameters]
return optimize.leastsq(f, p)

Now fi ng becomes really easy, for example fi ng to a gaussian:

In [5]:
# giving initial parameters
mu = Parameter(7)
sigma = Parameter(3)
height = Parameter(5)

# define your function:

def f(x): return height() * np.exp(-((x-mu())/sigma())**2)

# fit! (given that data is an array with the data to fit)

data = 10*np.exp(-np.linspace(0, 10, 100)**2) + np.random.rand(100)
print fit(f, [mu, sigma, height], data)

(array([ -1.7202343 , 12.29906459, 10.74194291]), 1)

Fitting gaussian-shaped data

Calculating the moments of the distribution

Fi ng gaussian-shaped data does not require an op miza on rou ne. Just calcula ng the
moments of the distribu on is enough, and this is much faster.

However this works only if the gaussian is not cut out too much, and if it is not too small. 4/10
In [6]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
gaussian = lambda x: 3*np.exp(-(30-x)**2/20.)

data = gaussian(np.arange(100))

plt.plot(data, '.')

X = np.arange(data.size)
x = np.sum(X*data)/np.sum(data)
width = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum((X-x)**2*data)/np.sum(data)))

max = data.max()

fit = lambda t : max*np.exp(-(t-x)**2/(2*width**2))

plt.plot(fit(X), '-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fab9977d990>]

Fitting a 2D gaussian

Here is robust code to fit a 2D gaussian. It calculates the moments of the data to guess the
ini al parameters for an op miza on rou ne. For a more complete gaussian, one with an
op onal addi ve constant and rota on, see
h p:// It also allows the
specifica on of a known error. 5/10
In [7]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
def gaussian(height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y):
"""Returns a gaussian function with the given parameters"""
width_x = float(width_x)
width_y = float(width_y)
return lambda x,y: height*np.exp(

def moments(data):
"""Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y)
the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution by calculating its
moments """
total = data.sum()
X, Y = np.indices(data.shape)
x = (X*data).sum()/total
y = (Y*data).sum()/total
col = data[:, int(y)]
width_x = np.sqrt(np.abs((np.arange(col.size)-y)**2*col).sum()/col.sum())
row = data[int(x), :]
width_y = np.sqrt(np.abs((np.arange(row.size)-x)**2*row).sum()/row.sum())
height = data.max()
return height, x, y, width_x, width_y

def fitgaussian(data):
"""Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y)
the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution found by a fit"""
params = moments(data)
errorfunction = lambda p: np.ravel(gaussian(*p)(*np.indices(data.shape)) -
p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, params)
return p

And here is an example using it: 6/10
In [8]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
# Create the gaussian data
Xin, Yin = np.mgrid[0:201, 0:201]
data = gaussian(3, 100, 100, 20, 40)(Xin, Yin) + np.random.random(Xin.shape)


params = fitgaussian(data)
fit = gaussian(*params)

ax = plt.gca()
(height, x, y, width_x, width_y) = params

plt.text(0.95, 0.05, """

x : %.1f
y : %.1f
width_x : %.1f
width_y : %.1f""" %(x, y, width_x, width_y),
fontsize=16, horizontalalignment='right',
verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fab9d8a4dd0>

Fitting a power-law to data with errors

Generating the data

Generate some data with noise to demonstrate the fi ng procedure. Data is generated with
an amplitude of 10 and a power-law index of -2.0. No ce that all of our data is well-behaved
when the log is taken... you may have to be more careful of this for real data. 7/10
In [9]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
# Define function for calculating a power law
powerlaw = lambda x, amp, index: amp * (x**index)

# Generate data points with noise
num_points = 20

# Note: all positive, non-zero data

xdata = np.linspace(1.1, 10.1, num_points)
ydata = powerlaw(xdata, 10.0, -2.0) # simulated perfect data
yerr = 0.2 * ydata # simulated errors (10%)

ydata += np.random.randn(num_points) * yerr # simulated noisy data

Fitting the data

If your data is well-behaved, you can fit a power-law func on by first conver ng to a linear
equa on by using the logarithm. Then use the op mize func on to fit a straight line. No ce
that we are weigh ng by posi onal uncertain es during the fit. Also, the best-fit parameters
uncertain es are es mated from the variance-covariance matrix. You should read up on when
it may not be appropriate to use this form of error es ma on. If you are trying to fit a power-
law distribu on, this solu on is more appropriate. 8/10
In [10]: Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
# Fitting the data -- Least Squares Method

# Power-law fitting is best done by first converting

# to a linear equation and then fitting to a straight line.
# Note that the `logyerr` term here is ignoring a constant prefactor.
# y = a * x^b
# log(y) = log(a) + b*log(x)

logx = np.log10(xdata)
logy = np.log10(ydata)
logyerr = yerr / ydata

# define our (line) fitting function

fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x
errfunc = lambda p, x, y, err: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) / err

pinit = [1.0, -1.0]

out = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit,
args=(logx, logy, logyerr), full_output=1)

pfinal = out[0]
covar = out[1]
print pfinal
print covar

index = pfinal[1]
amp = 10.0**pfinal[0]

indexErr = np.sqrt( covar[1][1] )

ampErr = np.sqrt( covar[0][0] ) * amp

# Plotting data

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(xdata, powerlaw(xdata, amp, index)) # Fit
plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.') # Data
plt.text(5, 6.5, 'Ampli = %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % (amp, ampErr))
plt.text(5, 5.5, 'Index = %5.2f +/- %5.2f' % (index, indexErr))
plt.title('Best Fit Power Law')
plt.xlim(1, 11)

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.loglog(xdata, powerlaw(xdata, amp, index))
plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=yerr, fmt='k.') # Data
plt.xlabel('X (log scale)')
plt.ylabel('Y (log scale)')
plt.xlim(1.0, 11) 9/10
12/27/2018 [ 1.00341313 -2.00447676] Fitting data — SciPy Cookbook documentation
[[ 0.01592265 -0.0204523 ]
[-0.0204523 0.03027352]]
(1.0, 11)

Sec on author: GaelVaroquaux, Unknown[52], Unknown[53], jh, jesrl, keflavich, Mar nSpacek,
Unknown[54], Luke

A achments

 gaussfi
 gaussfi 10/10

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