Total Carbohydrate by Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method: S.Suzanne Nielsen

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Total Carbohydrate
by Phenol-Sulfuric Acid
S.Suzanne Nielsen
Department of Food Science, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN, USA

14.1 Introduction 14.1.7 Hazards, Cautions,

14.1.1 Background and Waste Disposal
14.1.2 Reading Assignment 14.1.8 Supplies
14.1.3 Objective 14.1.9 Equipment
14.1.4 Principle of Method 14.2 Procedure
14.1.5 Chemicals 14.3 Data and Calculations
14.1.6 Reagents 14.4 Questions

S.S. Nielsen, Food Analysis Laboratory Manual, Food Science Text Series, 137
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44127-6_14, © Springer International Publishing 2017
138 S.S. Nielsen

14.1 INTRODUCTION 14.1.5 Chemicals

14.1.1 Background CAS No. Hazards

The phenol-sulfuric acid method is a simple and D-Glucose (C6H12O6) 50-99-7

rapid colorimetric method to determine total carbo- Phenol (C6H6O) 108-95-2 Toxic
hydrates in a sample. The method detects virtually Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 7664-93-9 Corrosive
all classes of carbohydrates, including mono-, di-,
oligo-, and polysaccharides. Although the method 14.1.6 Reagents
detects almost all carbohydrates, the absorptivity of
the different carbohydrates varies. Thus, unless a (** It is recommended that these solutions be prepared
sample is known to contain only one carbohydrate, by the laboratory assistant before class.)
the results must be expressed arbitrarily in terms of
one carbohydrate. • Glucose std. solution, 100 mg/L **
In this method, the concentrated sulfuric acid • Phenol, 80 % wt/wt in H2O, 1 mL **
breaks down any polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, Prepare by adding 20-g deionized distilled (dd)
and disaccharides to monosaccharides. Pentoses water to 80 g of redistilled reagent grade phenol
(5-carbon compounds) then are dehydrated to furfu- (crystals).
ral, and hexoses (6-carbon compounds) to hydroxy- • Sulfuric acid, concentrated
methyl furfural. These compounds then react with
phenol to produce a yellow-­gold color. For products 14.1.7 H
 azards, Cautions, and Waste
that are very high in xylose (a pentose), such as wheat Disposal
bran or corn bran, xylose should be used to construct
Use concentrated H2SO4 and the 80 % phenol solution
the standard curve for the assay and measure the
with caution. Wear gloves and safety glasses at all
absorption at 480  nm. For products that are high in
times, and use good lab technique. The concentrated
hexose sugars, glucose is commonly used to create the
H2SO4 is very corrosive (e.g., to clothes, shoes, skin).
standard curve, and the absorption is measured at
The phenol is toxic and must be discarded as hazard-
490 nm. The color for this reaction is stable for several
ous waste. Other waste not containing phenol likely
hours, and the accuracy of the method is within ±2 %
may be put down the drain using a water rinse, but
under proper conditions.
follow good laboratory practices outlined by environ-
Carbohydrates are the major source of calories in
mental health and safety protocols at your institution.
soft drinks, beer, and fruit juices, supplying 4 Cal/
gram carbohydrate. In this experiment, you will create
14.1.8 Supplies
a standard curve with a glucose standard solution, use
it to determine the carbohydrate concentration of soft (Used by students)
drinks and beer, then calculate the caloric content of
those beverages. • Beer (lite and regular, of same brand)
• Bottle to collect waste
14.1.2 Reading Assignment • Cuvettes (tubes) for spectrophotometer
• Erlenmeyer flask, 100 mL, for dd water
BeMiller, J.N. 2017. Carbohydrate analysis. Ch. 19, in • 2 Erlenmeyer flasks, 500 mL, for beverages
Food Analysis, 5th ed. S.S.  Nielsen (Ed.), Springer, • Gloves
New York. • Mechanical, adjustable volume pipettors, 1000  μL
and 100 μL (or 200 μL), with plastic tips
14.1.3 Objective • Pasteur pipettes and bulb
Determine the total carbohydrate content of soft drinks • Parafilm®
and beers. • Pipette bulb or pump
• Repipettor (for fast delivery of 5-mL conc. H2SO4)
• Soft drinks (clear-colored, diet and regular, of same
14.1.4 Principle of Method brand)
Carbohydrates (simple sugars, oligosaccharides, poly- • 20 test tubes, 16–20-mm internal diameter
saccharides, and their derivatives) react in the pres- • Test tube rack
ence of strong acid and heat to generate furan • 4 Volumetric flasks, 100 mL or 2 Volumetric flasks,
derivatives that condense with phenol to form stable 1000 mL
yellow-gold compounds that can be measured • Volumetric pipette, 5 mL
spectrophotometrically. • 2 Volumetric pipettes, 10 mL
Chapter 14 • Total Carbohydrate by Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method 139

14.1.9 Equipment Recommended dilution scheme for 1:2000 dilution:

• Spectrophotometer (a) Pipette 5 mL of beverage into a 100-mL volu-
• Vortex mixer metric flask, and dilute to volume with dd
• Water bath, maintained at 25 °C water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix well
(this is a 1:20 dilution). Then, pipette 1.0  mL
of this 1:20 diluted beverage into another 100-
14.2 PROCEDURE mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with
dd water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix
(Instructions are given for analysis in duplicate.) well.
1. Standard curve tubes: Using the glucose stan- OR
dard solution (100 mg glucose/L) and dd water (b) Pipette 1.0 mL of beverage into a 1000-mL vol-
as indicated in the table below, pipette aliquots umetric flask, and dilute to volume with dd
of the glucose standard into clean test tubes water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix well.
(duplicates for each concentration) such that Then, in a test tube, combine 1  mL of the
the tubes contain 0–100 μL of glucose (use 1000- 1:1000 diluted beverage and 1  mL dd water.
μl mechanical pipettor to pipette samples), in a Mix well.
total volume of 2 mL. These tubes will be used
to create a standard curve, with values of 0–100- Recommended dilution scheme for 1:1000 dilution:
μg glucose/2 mL. The 0-μg glucose/2 mL sam- (a) Pipette 10 mL of beverage into a 100-mL volu-
ple will be used to prepare the reagent blank. metric flask, and dilute to volume with dd
water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix well
μg Glucose/2 mL (this is a 1:10 dilution). Then, pipette 1.0  mL
0 20 40 60 80 100 of this 1:10 diluted beverage into another 100-
mL glucose stock 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with
solution dd water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix
mL dd water 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 well.
2. Record caloric content from label: You will ana- (b) Pipette 1.0 mL of beverage into a 1000-mL volu-
lyze for total carbohydrate content: (1) a regular metric flask, and dilute to volume with dd
and diet soft drink of the same brand, and/or (2) water. Seal flask with Parafilm® and mix well.
a regular and lite beer of the same brand. Before 5. After dilution as indicated, pipette 1.0  mL
you proceed with the sample preparation and of sample into a test tube and add 1.0  mL of
analysis, record the caloric content on the nutri- dd water. Analyze each diluted sample in
tion label of the samples you will analyze. duplicate.
3. Decarbonate the beverages: With the beverages 6. Phenol addition: To each tube from Parts 1 and
at room temperature, pour approximately 4 containing a total volume of 2 mL, add 0.05-
100 mL into a 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Shake mL 80 % phenol (use 100 or 200-μl mechanical
gently at first (try not to foam the sample if it is pipettor). Mix on a Vortex test tube mixer.
beer) and continue gentle shaking until no 7. H2SO4 addition: To each tube from Part 5, add
observable carbon dioxide bubbles appear. If 5.0-­mL H2SO4. The sulfuric acid reagent should
there is any noticeable suspended material in be added rapidly to the test tube. Direct the
the beverage, filter the sample before analysis. stream of acid against the liquid surface rather
4. Sample tubes: So the sample tested will contain than against the side of the test tube in order to
20–100-μg glucose/2 mL, the dilution procedure obtain good mixing. (These reactions are driven
and volumes to be assayed are given below. by the heat produced upon the addition of
H2SO4 to an aqueous sample. Thus, the rate of
Dilution Volume assayed (mL) addition of sulfuric acid must be standardized.)
Mix on a Vortex test tube mixer. Let tubes stand
Soft drink for 10  min and then place in a 25  °C bath for
 Regular 1:2000 1 10 min (i.e., to cool them to room temperature).
 Diet 0 1
Vortex the test tubes again before reading the
 Regular 1:2000 1
 Lite 1:1000 1 8. Reading absorbance: Wear gloves to pour sam-
ples from test tubes into cuvettes. Do not
140 S.S. Nielsen

rinse cuvettes with water between samples. Glucose

Zero the spectrophotometer with the stan- equivalent
dard curve sample that contains 0-μg glu- A490 ug Dilution μg/mL, g/L,
cose/2  mL (i.e., blank). Retain this blank Sample glucose/ scheme original original
sample in one cuvette for later use. Read identity 2 mL sample sample
absorbances of all other samples at 490  nm. Soft drink,
Read your standard curve tubes from low to diet
high concentration (i.e., 20  μg/2  mL up to Beer, reg.
100  μg/2  mL), and then read your beverage
Beer, reg.
samples. To be sure that the outside of the
cuvettes are free of moisture and smudges, Beer, lite
wipe the outside of the cuvette with a clean Beer, lite
paper wipe prior to inserting it into the spec-
trophotometer for a reading. Sample calculation for soft drink, regular:
9. Absorbance spectra: Use one of the duplicate Equation of the line : y = 0.011x + 0.1027
tubes from a standard curve sample with an
absorbance reading of 0.5-0.8. Determine the
y = 0.648
absorbance spectra from 450–550  nm by read-
ing the tube at 10-nm intervals. Zero the spec-
trophotometer with the blank at each 10-nm x = 49.57 mg / 2 mL

Ci = C f (V2 / V1 ) (V4 / V3 )

14.3 DATA AND CALCULATIONS (See Chap. 3 in this laboratory manual, Ci = initial

­concentration; Cf = final concentration)
1. Summarize your procedures and results for all
standards and samples in the tables immedi- Ci = ( 49.57 mg glucose / 2 mL ) ´ ( 2000 mL / 1mL )
ately below. Use the data for the standard curve ´ ( 2 mL / 1mL ) = 99.14 mg / mL
samples in the first table to calculate the equa- = 99 .14 mg / mL
tion for the line, which is used to calculate the
= 99.14 g / L
concentrations in the original samples reported
in the second table.
2. Construct a standard curve for your total carbo-
Standard Curve: hydrate determinations, expressed in terms of
glucose (A490 versus μg glucose/2  mL).
A490 A490
Sample identity msmt 1 msmt 2 Avg.
Determine the equation of the line for the stan-
dard curve.
Blank 3. Calculate the concentration of glucose in your
Std. 20 μg soft drink samples and beer samples, in terms
Std. 40 μg of (a) grams/liter and (b) g/12  fl. oz. (Note:
Std. 60 μg
29.56 mL/fl. oz.)
Std. 80 μg
4. Calculate the caloric content (based only on
Std. 100 μg
carbohydrate content) of your soft drink
samples and beer samples in term of
Samples: Cal/12 fl. oz.
equivalent g Glucose/ Measured Nutrition label
A490 ug Dilution μg/mL, g/L, Sample 12 fl. oz. Cal/12 fl. oz. Cal/12 fl. oz.
Sample glucose/ scheme original original Soft drink
identity 2 mL sample sample
Soft drink,
reg.  Diet

Soft drink, Beer

reg.  Regular
Soft drink,  Lite
Chapter 14 • Total Carbohydrate by Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method 141

5. Plot the absorbance spectra obtained by mea- soft drinks (US Department of Agriculture
suring the absorbance between 450 and 550 nm. Nutrient Database for Standard Reference indi-
cates ca. 3  g carbohydrate/fl. oz.), how could
wave- 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 you have calculated the 2000-fold dilution was
length appropriate if you wanted to use 1 mL of diluted
soft drink in the assay. Show all calculations.
5. How does your calculated value compare to the
caloric content on the food label? Do the round-
ing rules for Calories explain any differences?
14.4 QUESTIONS (See Metzger and Nielsen, 2017, Table 3.3). Does
the alcohol content (assume 4–5% alcohol at
1. What are the advantages, disadvantages, and
7 Cal/g) of beer explain any differences?
sources of error for this method to determine
6. Was it best to have read the absorbance for the
total carbohydrates?
standard curve and other samples at 490  nm?
2. Your lab technician performed the phenol-
Explain why a wavelength in this region is
H2SO4 analysis on food samples for total carbo-
appropriate for this reaction.
hydrates but the results showed low precision,
and the values seemed a little high. The techni-
Acknowledgment This laboratory was developed with
cian had used new test tubes (they had never
input from Dr Joseph Montecalvo, Jr., Department of Food
been used, and were taken right from the card- Science & Nutrition, California Polytechnic State University,
board box). What most likely caused these San Luis Obispo, California.
results? Why? Describe what happened.
3. If you started with a glucose standard solution
of 10-g glucose/liter, what dilution of this solu- RESOURCE MATERIALS
tion would be necessary such that you could
pipette 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, and 1.0  mL of the BeMiller JN (2017) Carbohydrate analysis, Ch. 19. In: Nielsen
diluted glucose standard solution into test tubes SS (ed) Food analysis, 5th edn. Springer, New York
and add water to 2 mL for the standard curve Dubois M, Gilles KA, Hamilton JK, Rebers PA, Smith F (1956)
tubes (20–100 μg/2 mL)? Show all calculations. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and
4. If you had not been told to do a 2000-fold dilu- related substances. Anal Chem 28: 350–356
Metzger LE, Nielsen SS (2017) Nutrition labeling. Ch. 3. In:
tion of a soft drink sample, and if you know the
Nielsen SS edn. Food analysis, 5th edn. Springer,
approximate carbohydrate content of regular
New York

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