SOP For Nitrogen Determination of Kjeldahl
SOP For Nitrogen Determination of Kjeldahl
SOP For Nitrogen Determination of Kjeldahl
The methods described are applicable for determination of nitrogen (N) in forages.
The Kjeldahl method is the standard method of nitrogen determination dating back to
its development in the late 1800's. The method consists of three basic steps:
1) Digestion of the sample in sulfuric acid with a catalyst, which results in
conversion of nitrogen to ammonia;
2) Distillation of the ammonia into a trapping solution; and
3) Quantification of the ammonia by titration with a standard solution.
The sample is digested by sulphuric acid in the presence of a catalyst. The acid
solution is made alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution. The ammonia is distilled
and collected an excess of boric acid solution, followed by titration with standard
sulphuric acid solution.
Kjeldahl flasks, 500 to 800 mL
Kjeldahl digestion unit with fume removal manifold
Kjeldahl distillation apparatus - Kjeldahl flask connected to distillation trap by
rubber stopper. Distillation trap is connected to condenser with low-sulfur tubing.
Erlenmeyer flask, 250 ml
Analytical balance, sensitive to 0.5 mg
Issue No. : 01 Amendment No. : 00 Reviewed Date : 01/12/2019
Issue Date : 01/12/2017 Amendment Date : -- Page No. : 1 of 5
Prepared by Reviewed & Approved by Issued by
Handle acid safely: use acid resistant fume hood. Always add acid to water
unless otherwise directed in method. Wear face shield and heavy gloves to
protect against splashes. If acids are spilled on skin, immediately wash with
large amounts of water. Sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide can burn skin,
eyes and respiratory tract severely.
Wear heavy rubber gloves and face shield to protect against concentrated acid or
Use effective fume removal device to protect against acid fumes or alkali
dusts or vapors. Always add concentrated sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide
pellets to water, not vice versa. Concentrated sodium hydroxide can quickly
and easily cause blindness. If splashed on skin or in eyes, flush with copious
amounts of water and seek medical attention.
Digests must be cool before dilution water is added to avoid a violent
reaction during which the acid can shoot out of the flask. Likewise, the
diluted digest must be cool before sodium hydroxide is added to avoid a
similarly violent reaction.
Weigh 0.5 g of the sample to the nearest 0.001 g and transfer the sample to the
Kjeldahl flask of the digestion apparatus.
Add 15g of mix of potassium sulphate and catalyst (copper (II) sulphate
pentahydrate), 12 ml of sulphuric acid and mix. Heat the Kjeldahl flask moderately
at first, swirling from time to time if necessary until the mass has carbonized and
the foam has disappeared;
Then heat more intensively until the liquid is boiling steadily.
Heating is adequate if the boiling acid condenses on the wall of the flask. When
the solution becomes clear and light green continue to boil for another two hours,
then leave to cool
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and distil off the ammonia
liberated by the addition of the sodium hydroxide solution. Collect distillate
in the boric acid receiving solution.
Titrate the contents of the collecting flask with the sulphuric acid standard
volumetric solution using a burette and read the amount of titrant used.
When colorimetric end-point detection is applied, the end-point is reached
when color of the solution changes from green to red. Estimate the burette
reading to the nearest 0, 01 ml.
Blank test
To confirm that the reagents are free from nitrogen, carry out a blank test (digestion,
distillation and titration) using only reagents (no sample is added).
Nitrogen content in the sample:
(Va -Vb ) .cHCl .M N
mN (g / kg) = .1000
Quality control
Maximum allowed differences between parallel determinations:
Crude protein content (g/kg) Allowed differences
less than 160 ± 4.0 g/kg (A)
160.0 – 320.0 ± 2.5% (R)
more than 320.0 ± 8.0 g/kg (A)