Intro: Credits & Legal
Intro: Credits & Legal
Intro: Credits & Legal
For a long time, English and German Shadowrun books were inconsistent with each other, because FanPro liked to do
their own thing with setting and equipment. And at least as far as equipment goes they were not particularly good at it,
as the German extras introduced massive power creep (or so I have been told).
With Pegasus Spiele taking over the German Shadowrun license, this was supposed to change for the better, because
now CGL have to approve whatever whatever Pegasus want to change or add to a German book.
And yet, the English and German publications are again drifting apart – not because there is no coordination taking
place, but because CGL do nothing with the stuff they receive and endorse. For reasons unknown, CGL choose to
withhold both errata and additional content from their customers.
This file lists all extra equipment included in the German editions of Arsenal (Arsenal 2070) and Augmentation (Bo-
dytech). As stated above, this gear has been officially approved for publication by CGL, and as such can safely be
considered canon.
All descriptions of game mechanics are given as complete as possible, however fluff information is only paraphrased
as far as it is relevant for actual gameplay. Not just due to concerns over copyrights, but also to preserve some extra
value for those who bought the books, or will buy a potential future release by CGL containing all this (assuming they
ever get their act together).
Arrow Tips
Payload Tip: Contains a chemical (to be purchased se- Splash Grenades ( → Arsenal ), but with a radius of 5 m.
perately) which is spread upon impact. Use rules for
Zastava CZ49: Former service pistol in various East Eu- Medium Machine Guns
ropean countries. All production and shipment records of Ruhrmetall R506 Balmung: A Gatling gun, accordin-
the manufacturer were destroyed in the Crash 2.0. Accor- gly it uses the rules for those (→ Arsenal). The barrels
dingly, it is nearly impossible to trace back an individual need one Simple Action to spin up to firing speed, and
CZ49, making the it quite popular among European cri- produce a characteristic and audible sound while doing
minals and shadowrunners,. Artwork so.
Name Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Avail Price
AS-113o “Assassin” 3P – SA – 6(m) 9R 500 ¥
Enfield Merlin 5P -1 SA – 6(cy) 8R 625 ¥
Zastava CZ49 5P -1 SA – 10(c) 4R 250 ¥
AK-127 6P -1 SA/BF/FA – 2x50(d) or 2x100(d) 12F 3,250 ¥
Altmayr SP 7P -1 SS – 7(c) 8R 500 ¥
RM R506 Balmung 6P -2 FA∗ 1 40(box) or belt 18F 11,000 ¥
∗: Gatling gun
As usual, subitems of entries marked with (c) may be combined with each other, except for those marked with ∗
Survival Gear
Proteus Monosled: An underwater sled which can trans- Name Avail Price
port a diver with up to 30 kg of equipment at a speed of
Proteus Monosled 8 2,500 ¥
15 m/Turn. The batteries last for 4 hours and can be re-
loaded in two hours. Spare batteries cost cost 150 ¥ and
can be exchanged in 5 minutes.
Powerboard: High-tech skateboard which uses the ru- which attach to the board (50 ¥), or modify existing foot-
les and price for Inline Skates ( → Arsenal ). To ride wear with the required notches (35 ¥ per pair). Artwork
this board, a character needs to either wear special shoes
Name Hand. Accel. Speed Pilot Body Armor Sensor Avail. Price
BMW 2065 Mjöllnir +2 25/45 200 1 6 5 1 5 10,700 ¥
BMW Trollhammer +2 10/30 135 1 8 5 1 – 10,250 ¥
BMW RV430 +2 20/50 195 1 10 5 1 – 38,450 ¥
Name Hand. Accel. Speed Pilot Body Armor Sensor Avail. Price
Eurocar President -2 15/25 130 3 12 8 1 – 112,500 ¥
Mercedes IG310 Igel +1 15/30 140 1 10 7 1 – 21,000 ¥
Peugeot 11e ElectroCar 0 10/20 100 2 6 2 1 – 12,750 ¥
Volkswagen Lingus +1 15/35 140 3 10 6 1 – 21,500 ¥
Renault-Fiat 264 “Fattorina” -1 5/15 90 1 16 6 1 – 28,475 ¥
Scania VM 42 -2 10/30 125 2 16 10 2 4 41,400 ¥
Mercedes Multimog Greif -1 10/25 110 3 16 16 3 22R 88,700 ¥
Mercedes PE Commando 0 20/40 150 3 16 15 2 17R 72,500 ¥
Ruhrmetall Wolf II 0 10/30 105 2 16 18 3 24F 72,500 ¥
Jena Robotnik Cyclone +1 2/10 10 3 0 0 2 10R 1,250 ¥
Renraku Shrew 0 10/20 60 3 1 0 2 12R 3,100 ¥
Ruhrmetall Wolfsspinne +2 10/30 50 3 3 6 3 14F 7,000 ¥
Cyberware Suites
Aztechnology Topo
While the corps usually do not care much about work-
place safety, there are mines in places were using cheap Kalkulation von die Modifizierers
and expendable labour just isn’t an option. As several in-
cluded components are normally illegal for civillian pos- Bodytech introduces a small change to the Es-
session, legally obtaining the Topo (Mole) requires mem- sence reduction of cyberware suites: The 10%
bership in a union for mining or construction workers. reduction from a suite is added to reductions
Components: from a higher implant grade, meaning that the
Thermographic Vision (Retinal Mod.) Xocotl L3 I components of an Alpha-grade cyberware sui-
Damper AZ Mk. I te have their Essence cost reduced by 10% (cy-
Plastic Bone Lacing Teyeyollotl A berware suite) + 20% (Alphaware) = 30% .
Internal Air Tank EVO Sigma As this also changes numbers for the existing
Muscle Replacement R. 2 Mulo IV suites, the table also lists the existing suites
with their new Essence costs.
Note that both the Nuyen costs for cyberwa-
Clockwerk Bright Cloud re suites and all other Essence and price mo-
Wuxia, the tales of journeying martial artists with super- difiers are still multiplied. For example, the
human abilities, have a long tradition in former China. numbers in the example for used cyberware (
Since the Awakening, some are lucky enough to be ab- → p.32, Augmentation ) remain unchanged in
le to replicate such abilities. However, many others have Bodytech.
to rely on cyberware to compensate for lacking magical
talent, and Clockwerk caters to such needs.
Components: Evo Aquanaut
Balance Augmenter MCT Level One BA03 Aimed at both professional and recreational divers, as
Gastric Neurostimulator MCT SteadFast Sirius well as everybody else who spends a lot of time in or
Retractable Climbing Claws Siegel S2 under water.
Grip Feet bóuzi-K Components:
Balance Tail mao-K Orientation System Evo Globe 3
Image Link (Retinal Mod.) Cybersystems VA098c Wired Reflexes R. 1 SpinX Cougar Pro
Cyberfins Evo Marlin The Wired Reflexes are mostly likely supposed
OXSYS Cybergills Evo AF-3 Deep Blue to be Reaction Enhancers R. 1, otherwise the
Internal Air Tank Evo O3 Essence cost and price do not add up