Lesson Plan Format: by The End of This Lesson, The Students Will
Lesson Plan Format: by The End of This Lesson, The Students Will
Lesson Plan Format: by The End of This Lesson, The Students Will
Recent Prior Experience: Recently, the students have been learning about fractions and decimals. Specifically, how to simplify fractions as well as adding and subtracting
them. This lesson aims to strengthen these skills and finding the relationship between fractions and decimals.
Lesson Content / Learner Indicators: Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
Fraction: a number that represents a part of a 7 min ‘LAUNCH’ Resources:
whole. Consists of the numerator and Warm-up activity: Thinking Thursdays - Ss workbooks
denominator. - I am a number - Whiteboard and markers
- I am 4 digits’ long
- To simplify, find the common factors of - 3 & 5 are two of my many factors.
the numbers. 10/20= ½
- Let’s say were talking about ½ of 100, we T revisits prior learning, prompting questions include:
would represent this fraction as 0.5. - Who can tell me what is a fraction?
- ¾ = 75%. Let’s say our total is 100, ¼ = - If I had 10/20 how can we simplify it?
25, 2/4 = 50, and ¾ = 75%. - Turn to the person next to you and tell them how you would
change this to a decimal? (get multiple Ss to provide answers)
- Now let’s look at ¾, how would you represent this as a
‘INTRODUCE’ 3 min ‘INTRODUCE’ Resources:
Teacher: WALT: Add and subtract fractions and simplify fractions. - Ss workbooks
- shares WALT and WILF (learning WILF: Making connections between fractions, decimals, and - Smartboard
intentions) percentages. - Printed questions for Ss to paste in
- groups Ss and explains the tasks at each 30 min books
station ‘EXPLORE’
Ss are split into groups of 3, each group spends 10 minutes at a Differentiation:
‘EXPLORE’ station. - extension: extra questions
Investigate strategies to solve problems Station 1 – Simplest Forms - support: extra teacher to supervise
involving addition and subtraction of fractions this group.
with the same denominator (ACMNA103). Write these ingredients in their simplest form: - Early finishes can check their
20/100 flour 7/100 apple answers with other group
15/100 suet 20/100 raisins members for Stations 1 and 3.
Make connections between equivalent fractions, 5/100 sugar 10/100 peel
decimals and percentages and represent simple 50/100 butter 3/100 brown sugar
fractions as decimals and percentages
(ACMNA131) Extension: Turn these fractions into decimals and arrange them
form smallest to largest.