Conditional Probability Learning Objective 1
Conditional Probability Learning Objective 1
Conditional Probability Learning Objective 1
Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson
● A2.S-CP.A.5: Recognize and explain the concepts of conditional probability and independence utilizing
real-world context.
Objectives (Explicit): Use Bloom’s verbiage and “formula”
● I can apply the Addition Rule to different representations of probability models (Venn Diagram, Tree
Diagram, and two-way tables).
● I can interpret the Addition Rule in an abstract or real-world context.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual “product” /Include an explanation of how you are going to grade/grading
tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)
1. In a class of 50 students, 18 take music, 26 take art, 2 take both art and music. How many students in the class are
enrolled in either music or art?
2. In a class of 450 students, 300 are taking a mathematics course and 260 are taking a science course. If 140 of these
students are taking both courses, how many students are not taking either of these courses?
Venn Diagram: Table: Tree:
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives – action verbs such as
write, list, highlight, etc.)
- Create a Venn diagram, two way table, tree diagram to display the survey data
- Apply diagrams to create a mathematical rule
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ “hook” the
Prior to Unit:
Day 1:
(2 min) Opening:
I can describe subsets of sample spaces with unions, intersections and complements.
- (1 min) Present question
- How to prove if discrimination has occurred?
- Give some examples
- (5 min) Have students grab a whiteboard and eraser and try to mathematically prove
how to find discrimination.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understanding…how are you going to know if EACH student
is ready to move onto independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?
- Have students make two seperate tables of the - Create two tables using the data from the
data from the Venn Diagram. Venn diagram.
- Have students create a new table that integrates - Create a two-way table by integrating the
the two previous tables to provide new two tables they created from the previous
information (a two way table). example.
- Provide a hint to students that you’re
combining this information from the Day 2
two tables and the venn diagram.
Probability Tree
- Label this as a two-way table.
- Create a diagram of data, labeling with
Day 2
branching factors.
Probability Tree - Add probability statements to their diagram.
- Reverse branching factors and add
- Have students create a diagram of data, labeling conditional probability statements.
with branching factors. - Calculate the probability for each branch.
- After completing the tree diagram, teacher adds
conditional probability statements to branching
- Have students reverse branching factors and add
conditional probability statements.
- Have students calculate the probability for each
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need
differentiation or accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need
differentiation or accommodations?
- Have those who have finished early help explain those who have yet to finish.
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What
essential questions will they reflect on in their closure of the lesson?
Once they finished the check-in, they should write a reflection at the bottom of what they learned, what made
sense and what did not make sense.