Lessonplan 3 Dasiadunn
Lessonplan 3 Dasiadunn
Lessonplan 3 Dasiadunn
Listening Students will listen to each others arguments during our class debate,
Objectives and they will respond to these arguments using what they have heard.
Speaking Students will use conversation skills when discussing the quote of the
day, they will also discuss the vocabulary and come up with rules to
have a successful and respectful debate with one another. Finally
students will break out into groups to discuss reasons and evidence for
their claims, then they will come back together as a group to argue their
claims to one another. Speaking will is the biggest objective for this
lesson. Students will practice expressing their opinions verbally.
Reading Students will read instructions throughout the class. They will also read
vocabulary definitions and the quote of the day.
Writing Students will write down reasons to support their claims and they will
write down one counterclaim.
What background knowledge Students have done a previous lesson where we watched a video about
do the students already have? the art of arguing on Youtube, and students had a conversation using
discussion questions about this video. We also did a vocabulary
activity where the students learned the new vocabulary words for this
lesson and wrote them down in their google doc journals.
What will you do to activate I will review the vocabulary that we covered in the last lesson to
or link students’ prior activate the students schema. We will do a kahoot activity where
knowledge or experience to students will have to define the six vocabulary words from our last
upcoming content? lesson. Then we will review the vocabulary as a class.
How will you assess their I will assess their knowledge of the vocabulary through our kahoot
learning of the objectives? activity. I will also assess their understanding and grasp of the subject
when they are coming up with class rules, and while they are debating
against one another. Finally I will assess students listening and
speaking skills while they are debating against one another.
How will you help students To recap the learning we will debrief on how our first class debate
recap the learning and link it went. We will talk about how we thought we did, what steps we had to
back to the original purpose take, what went well and what did not.
of the lesson?
If applicable for your context I will be using zoom, power point, kahoot and google docs throughout
and your lesson, how will you this lesson. This will allow students to have access to all of the
meaningfully integrate materials and to collaborate with one another even though we are not
technology into your lesson? meeting physically.
What went well? How do you I did well with my time management. I know this because I made the
know? conscious decision not to rush my students and have them complete
the last activity that I had planned, even though it was the most
important one. I think that student engagement was another highlight
of this lesson, the students seemed interested in developing their
arguments and sharing their stances. Since that went well I believe that
I properly executed the main goal of my lesson plan which was to get
students speaking and listening to one another, and having a basic
understanding of debating/ arguing.
What didn’t go as planned? I had some technical difficulties with zoom, which made me a bit
flustered. Also, I really wanted to get to the last activity but there was
not enough time for it, so I had to end the lesson early.
What contingency plan did I had some back up topics for students to use for the debate if they did
you employ? not like the topic that I chose. I also had a video that we could have
watched again if students needed more clarification on the subject that
we were covering.
What would you do Next time I would have some back up rules for students in case they
differently next time? could not think of their own debate rules. I would also have students
watch the video from the previous lesson on the art of arguing again.
Another thing that I would do is slow down the time on my kahoot so
that students had a better chance at reading the questions.
Did your students meet the Yes, they did. I know this because I got to see their responses to my
purpose and objectives for kahoot questions, I also got to see how much they new about debating
this lesson? What is your when they were coming up with rules for our debate. Finally when
evidence for each? they were in groups I got to see what they came up with as arguments
for the positions that they were assigned and how well they understood
the terms from the vocabulary.
What do your students need Next students need to practice the skill or debating. Also I need to
next? How do you know? clarify between the difference of arguing and debating. I know these
things because the students never got the opportunity to debate due to
time. So they still need to practice. Also, a student asked me about the
difference between arguing and dating, which let me know that I
needed to make a clear distinction.
What did you learn about I learned that I bring a positive and welcoming energy to my students
your glows and grows as a and that I can actually create and execute a full lesson plan for
teacher? What can you do to students. I also learned that I need to practice my lessons beforehand,
work on your areas needing because I do tend to get nervous. Also I should make sure I am
growth? familiar with every tool im using, especially if it has to do with
technology. Because I am not the most technologically inclined
person. Finally I learned that I love when my students share their
stories, I think group conversation is so important.