EGP Paper 1 Essay Lesson Plan Naghma Shaikh
EGP Paper 1 Essay Lesson Plan Naghma Shaikh
EGP Paper 1 Essay Lesson Plan Naghma Shaikh
Session title EGP Paper 1 Essay Writing Date 2nd Week of December Location Classroom, Mumbai
Learning aims To understand the demands of Paper 1 Essay writing by improving reading, research and reference skills and gain an awareness
of the Assessment Objectives.
A statement which provides the
scope of the subject and the
overall intent of the course
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Listening to the instructions and a few of them
5 to 10 Introducing the Topic of discussion
are sharing the memories of their grandparents
Asking learners about their cherished memories or any other senior citizens whom they know.
of their grandparents or any other senior citizens
they have interacted with.
Reading the article and underlining/encircling
10 mins Going around the class and looking at the work
new and unfamiliar words or phrases. This is tharoor/2019/12/06/why-we-should-increase-our-
being done by my learners. Answering questions
being done individually or (in case of SEN retirement-age.html
if any are asked.
learners) in pairs.
Learners are giving the meanings by looking at
10 mins Moving around the class asking learners about Above mentioned article.
the context in which the word or phrase has been
the words and phrases that are new and
used. This is a whole class activity. Mobile phones (of learners)/Dictionaries
unfamiliar to them.
After attempting that; in case there are words
Learners will be encouraged to come to the and phrases that learners are still not sure about,
teacher’s table and discuss about their learnings then they will be looking up the meanings on the
in this segment of the lesson. net (they may use their phones) or use their
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Ensuring that the 2 groups are balanced with
To what extent would senior citizens benefit if the
each group having a good mix of the above
age of retirement is increased in your country?
average, average and below average learners.
Learners will encircle the command words and
Facilitating the 2 groups by answering their underline the key words and consider the scope
queries if any. Urging them to turn to each other of the topic.
for help. 2 groups are being made. They are reading the
write up and doing research and reference on
the internet on the points mentioned in the
Exhorting learners to discuss, deliberate, argue They are using any one (or more) of the
and negotiate so as to present their best points brainstorming techniques such as the hand
approach and they can use Think Pair Share by
pairing up members in their group. The pairs
may be discussing and doing reference work on
different aspects of the topic.
They are reflecting on the stand they will take
and be aware of what lead them to do so.
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
techniques to plan their essay which will be
completed at home as homework.
Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
What went well: Learners found the topic interesting. They enjoyed the debate and were very enthusiastic about it.
What would I like to improve: Learners have to be trained to search for the appropriate and useful sites on the internet. Firstly, they have to learn to identify the correct
key words which would help them search for and locate the helpful sites. Secondly, they have to be discerning in their selection of the information at their fingertips.
Brainstorming technique/s and approaches are to be used to understand the scope of the essay and gather points through reading, research and reference.
Reflection, which is such a crucial component of 21st century learning, should be done at various stages of the lesson rather than only at the very end.
Reflective questions should be asked and answered before beginning the group work, while doing it and after completing it.
Assessment has to be done through the process of peer reviewing followed by the teacher’s feedback.
A list of useful resources for questions can be found on the net including one on: