Promega Green Mix

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Master your PCR

GoTaq® Subhead
Article Green Master Mix: From Amplification to Analysis
By Laura Flanagan, B.S., Sarah Wheeler, B.S., Mark Koeff, B.S., and Kimberly Knoche, Ph.D., Promega Corporation.

Abstract PCR Performance

GoTaq® Green Master Mix, the latest in the Promega line GoTaq® Green Master Mix amplifies target DNA with
of amplification products, features convenient and fast gel good yield and sensitivity. To illustrate this, we amplified
loading with fewer manipulations and less likelihood of a 1.2kb _-1-antitrypsin fragment from a Human Genomic
contamination. All pertinent components are included in the DNA template (Cat.# G3041) (Figure 2). We have
master mix so the researcher simply adds his or her preferred achieved sensitivity to 33pg.
amplification primers, template and water. GoTaq® Green
Master Mix combines the convenience of a master mix with A.
the popular direct-to-gel loading that the GoTaq® Green 5µl 10µl 15µl 20µl

Reaction Buffer offers.


In addition to the benefits of a master mix format, B.

5µl 10µl 15µl 20µl
GoTaq® Green Master Mix offers the convenience
of loading samples directly into agarose gels.

PCR and RT-PCR(a) are two common techniques used in
biological research. Analysis of DNA fragments by gel
electrophoresis is quite common, and convenience is an
important factor in selecting an amplification system. The
ability to directly load the PCR sample into an agarose gel
without adding gel loading dye or buffer to each sample
is highly desirable. GoTaq® Green Master Mix(a) allows
amplification reactions to be loaded directly into a gel,
because the reaction buffer contains dyes and has
sufficient density to sink in the wells of agarose or

nondenaturing TBE polyacrylamide gels. GoTaq® Green After
Master Mix contains two dyes (blue and yellow) that
Figure 1. Separation of blue and yellow dyes used in GoTaq® Green
separate during electrophoresis, allowing you to monitor Master Mix before and after electrophoresis. Panel A. Loaded wells of an
the progress of samples on the gel (Figure 1). agarose gel. Panel B. Blue and yellow dyes after electrophoresis. Volumes of 5, 10,
15 and 20µl of the amplification reactions were loaded into a 1% agarose gel with TBE
In this article, we describe the properties and buffer and subjected to electrophoresis.
characteristics of GoTaq® Green Master Mix. We
demonstrate the sensitivity and compare amplification



performance of Taq DNA Polymerase(b) to the GoTaq® M M




Green Master Mix using a variety of targets. Also,

amplifications are performed using different DNA Kb
template sources including DNA isolated using 1.6 –
commercially available kits and crude DNA preparations. 1.2 –
We discuss the use of GoTaq® Green Master Mix in RT-
PCR and mention it in other applications.

Figure 2. Detection of an _-1-antitrypsin fragment from human genomic

DNA using GoTaq® Green Master Mix. A 1.2kb fragment of the _-1-antitrypsin
gene was amplified using the indicated amounts of Human Genomic DNA (Cat.#
G3041). Lane M, BenchTop pGEM® DNA Markers (Cat.# G7521).

Promega Notes Number 91 9/05 13

GoTaq ® Green Master Mix... continued

The GoTaq® Green Master Mix performance was similar dNTPs were added to final concentrations equal to those
to or better than standard Taq DNA Polymerase in the found in the GoTaq® Green Master Mix. We obtained
amplification reactions described here. We compared the better yield for a number of targets using the GoTaq®
ability of the two enzymes to amplify seven DNA targets. Green Master Mix when compared to standard Taq DNA
For the GoTaq® Green Master Mix amplifications, the Polymerase (Figure 3). In addition, we saw increased
provided buffer contained MgCl2 (1.5mM final sensitivity with these targets (data not shown). We
concentration) and dNTPs (200µM each, final successfully amplified targets from 143bp to 4.1kb (data
concentration). For Taq DNA Polymerase, the buffer not shown) from a genomic DNA template using GoTaq®
provided with the enzyme was used, and MgCl2 and Green Master Mix (Table 1).

Different Template DNA Sources














Researchers frequently amplify template DNA isolated
using crude DNA preparations or commercially available
kits. We demonstrate the ability of GoTaq® Green Master
Mix to amplify template DNA from both crude
preparations and commercially available systems (Figure
4). GoTaq® Green Master Mix amplified crude DNA
templates including genomic mouse toe DNA (1) (Figure
4, Panel A) and bacterial colony DNA from bacteria
harboring a T-vector plasmid (pTARGET™ Mammalian

Expression Vector, Cat.# A1410) containing an insert

Figure 3. Comparison of amplification reactions using GoTaq® Green (Figure 4, Panel D). The Master Mix also amplified DNA
Master Mix and Taq DNA Polymerase. The following fragments were amplified templates isolated using commercially available systems
using standard Taq DNA Polymerase (Lanes T) or GoTaq® Green Master Mix (Cat.# including human DNA isolated from blood using the
M7122; Lanes G). A 360bp _-1-antitrypsin fragment from 3.3ng Human Genomic
DNA (Cat.# G3041); 1.1kb IL-1` fragment from 10ng Mouse Genomic DNA; 1.3kb MagneSil® Genomic, Large Volume System (Cat.# A4080)
`-globin fragment from 330pg Human Genomic DNA; 1.8kb APC fragment from 3.3ng (Figure 4, Panel B) and corn DNA isolated using Wizard®
Human Genomic DNA; 2.4kb APC fragment from 3.3ng Human Genomic DNA; 3.1kb Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System (Cat.# FF3760) (Figure 4,
APC fragment from 3.3ng Human Genomic DNA; 3.9kb APC fragment from 3.3ng
Human Genomic DNA. Lane M, BenchTop 1kb DNA Ladder (Cat.# G7541).
Panel C).

A. Mouse Toe Preparations B. DNA from Blood




4µl crude mouse


kb M M



toe preparations

M 0 M 2.6 –
1.6 –
676 –
517 –

C. Corn DNA D. Bacterial Lysates

5µl crude
bacterial lysates

M 0 M






bp bp
300 – 750 –

500 –
150 –
300 –

Figure 4. Amplification of DNA from different sources using GoTaq® Green Master Mix. Panel A. Amplification of a 670bp MIN (multiple intestinal neoplasia) fragment
from crude mouse toe DNA preparations (1,2). Four microliters of DNA from four different crude mouse toe preparations was added to PCR amplifications. Lane 0, no-template
control. Lane M, Bench Top pGEM® DNA Markers (Cat.# G7521). Panel B. Amplification of a 2.4kb APC fragment of human genomic DNA from blood purified using the
MagneSil® Genomic, Large Volume System (Cat.# A4080). The indicated amount of DNA was amplified using GoTaq® Green Master Mix. Lane M, BenchTop pGEM® DNA Markers
(Cat.# G7521). Panel C. Amplification of a 143bp EST AWO67275 fragment from corn DNA isolated using Wizard® Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System (Cat.# FF3760). The DNA was
amplified using GoTaq® Green Master Mix using the indicated amounts of corn DNA as a template (3). Lane M, BenchTop PCR Markers (Cat.# G7531). Panel D. Amplification of a
542bp plasmid insert fragment from crude bacterial colony DNA preparations. Bacterial colonies were suspended in 50µl of sterile water, boiled for 10 minutes, centrifuged for 5
minutes, and 30µl of the supernatant was removed. The supernatant was diluted 1:10,000, and 5µl of the diluted crude bacterial DNA from 3 colonies was amplified. Lane 0,
no-template control. Lane M, BenchTop PCR Markers (Cat.# G7531).

Table 1. Compatibility of GoTaq® Green Master Mix with Various









Application GoTaq® Green Master Mix
Amplify targets from 143bp to 4.1kb in length Yes
PCR Enhancer bp
DMSO (5%) Yes 600 –
Betaine (1M) Yes 500 –
Uncoupled RT-PCR 400 –

Amplify fragment from cDNA generated by the
ImProm-II™ Reverse Transcription System Yes
Figure 5. Detection of a `-actin fragment from total mouse liver RNA.
Amplify fragment from cDNA generated by Twenty-microliter cDNA synthesis reactions were performed using the indicated
the Reverse Transcription System (AMV RT) Yes amounts of total RNA from mouse liver isolated using RNAgents® Total RNA Isolation
System (Cat.# Z5110). The cDNA was synthesized as directed in the ImProm-II™ Reverse
Direct Gel Loading
Transcription System Technical Manual (4) using the Oligo(dT)15 Primer (Cat.#
Agarose or nondenaturing TBE polyacrylamide gel Yes C1101). A 540bp `-actin fragment was amplified using 1µl of the cDNA synthesis
Cloning reactions and 50µl of GoTaq® Green Master Mix in 100µl PCR amplifications. Lane M,
Compatible with T-vector cloning Yes 100bp DNA Ladder (Cat.# G8291).

In additional experiments we amplified the 540bp `-actin

The GoTaq® Green Master Mix gave good yield and fragment using a 20µl ImProm-II™ Reverse Transcription
sensitivity in these amplifications. The use of GoTaq® reaction in 100µl amplifications (data not shown). We
Green Master Mix can streamline commonly used found that we could use either 40µl or 50µl GoTaq®
techniques such as PCR screening methods to determine Green Master Mix in the 100µl amplifications with equal
the genotype of organisms from crude DNA preparations yield and sensitivity. However, for some targets there
and purified DNA from plants, bacteria and animals. may be critical, specific conditions that might be
sensitive to carryover of reaction components (e.g.,
Use in RT-PCR MgCl2) from the reverse transcription reactions. In these
cases we recommend the use of GoTaq® Flexi DNA
When doing uncoupled RT-PCR, the cDNA is generated
Polymerase (Cat.# M8291). In addition we found that
by the reverse transcriptase, then all or part of this
GoTaq® Green Master Mix can also be used for PCR after
reaction is used for PCR. The technical literature for our
generation of cDNA by the Reverse Transcription System
two popular reverse transcription systems, (ImProm-II™
(Cat.#A3500; Table 1, data not shown).
Reverse Transcription System(c,d) (Cat.# A3800) and the
Reverse Transcription System(c) (Cat.# A3500), give
protocols for using stand-alone enzymes for PCR.
Additional Applications
However, GoTaq® Green Master Mix can be used for Some targets are difficult to amplify due to secondary
PCR after generation of cDNA in uncoupled RT-PCR. We structure or high GC content. Frequently, the addition
tested this by generating cDNA from total mouse liver of PCR-enhancing agents such as dimethyl sulfoxide
RNA using the ImProm-II™ Reverse Transcription (DMSO) or betaine enable successful amplification (5–8).
System (4) (Cat.# A3800) and then amplifying a 540bp, We performed amplifications containing DMSO or
`-actin target using GoTaq® Green Master Mix. We used betaine and found that both are compatible with GoTaq®
1µl of the reverse transcription reaction for the data Green Master Mix (Table 1, specific data not shown). In
generated in Figure 5, and we achieved sensitivity to 5pg. addition, neither enhancing agent had an adverse effect
on the blue or yellow dyes. Both dyes retained their color
and migrated as expected in agarose gels.
Fragments generated using GoTaq® Green Master Mix
can be cloned into T-vectors (Table 1, data not shown).
This indicates that GoTaq® DNA Polymerase, like
standard Taq DNA Polymerase, adds a single
deoxyadenosine in a template-independent manner
to the 3´ end of amplified fragments (9,10).

Promega Notes Number 91 9/05 15

GoTaq ® Green Master Mix... continued

Direct Gel Loading Acknowledgments

GoTaq® Green Master Mix eliminates the need to add We would like to thank Richard Halberg and the William
loading buffers and dyes to amplification samples prior Dove Lab (Grant R37 CA63677) at McArdle Laboratory
to electrophoresis. The 1X Master Mix has sufficient for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
density to sink into the wells of a gel, and migration for crude mouse toe DNA preparations and the MIN
can be monitored using the two dyes (Figure 1, Panel B). (multiple intestinal neoplasia) amplification procedure.
During electrophoresis, the blue dye migrates at the same We would like to thank Susan Koller, Terri Grunst, Brian
rate as a 3–5kb DNA fragment in a 1% agarose gel Andersen, Susan Fly and Amanda Glebs from Promega
(approximately the same rate as the commonly used for experimental materials and protocols. In addition, we
loading dye, xylene cyanol). The yellow dye migrates would like to thank Cindy Sprecher and Doug Storts
at a rate faster than the primers used in the amplification from Promega for their ideas and guidance for these
reactions (<50bp), making it easy to ensure that the DNA experiments.
fragments of interest remain in the gel. The dyes do not
interfere with the migration of DNA in agarose gels; References
fragments migrate the same distance whether the dyes 1. Dove, W. et al. DNA Isolation Protocol Grant R37 CA63677.
are present or absent. Also, DNA fragments that co- 2. Dietrich W.F. et al. (1993) Cell 75, 631–9.
migrate with the blue dye are not masked by the dye 3. Wang, M.L. et al. (2005) Plant Genetic Resources 3, 45–57
during UV transillumination when )20µl is loaded. 4. ImProm-II ™ Reverse Transcription System Technical Manual #TM236,
Promega Corporation.
Removal of Dyes for Direct Measurement 5. Frackman, S. et al. (1998) Promega Notes 65, 27–9.
The blue and yellow dyes of the GoTaq® Green Master 6. Baskaran, N. et al. (1996) Genome Res. 6, 633–8.
Mix can be removed from amplification reactions with 7. Weissensteiner, T. and Lanchbury, J.S. (1996) Biotechniques 21,
the Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System (Cat.# 1102–8.
A9281) to below detectable levels. The dyes in the 8. Hengen, P.N. (1997) Trends in Biochemical Sciences 22, 225–6.
GoTaq® Green Master Mix absorb light between 225 9. Clark, J.M. (1988) Nucl. Acids Res. 16, 9677–86.
and 300nm, making standard A260 determination of DNA 10. Newton, C.R. and Graham, A. (1994) In: PCR, BIOS Scientific Publishers,
concentration unreliable. The dyes also have excitation Ltd., Oxford, UK, 13.
peaks at 488nm and 600–700nm, which correspond to
the excitation wavelengths used in common fluorescence
Ordering Information
detection instruments. Dyes can also be removed by Product Size Cat.# Price($)
simple ethanol precipitation. GoTaq® Green Master Mix 100 reactions M7122 34
1,000 reactions M7123 300
Conclusion ImProm-II™ Reverse
Transcription System* 100 reactions A3800 345
GoTaq® Green Master Mix offers fast and convenient
Reverse Transcription
PCR amplification and gel loading. In addition to the System* 100 reactions A3500 366
benefits of a master mix format, it allows the *For Laboratory Use.
convenience of loading samples directly into an agarose Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitations. Please visit
gel prior to electrophoresis. We found that the GoTaq® our Web site for more information.
(a) The PCR process, which is the subject of European Pat. Nos. 201,184 and 200,362 owned by
Green Master Mix can be used to amplify a wide range Hoffmann-LaRoche*, is covered by patents issued and applicable in certain countries. Promega
of target sizes and that the yield and sensitivity are does not encourage or support the unauthorized or unlicensed use of the PCR process. Use of this
product is recommended for persons that either have a license to perform PCR or are not required
similar to or better than standard Taq DNA Polymerase to obtain a license.
for many different targets. In addition, this product can * The above primary European Pat. Nos. 201,184 and 200,362 will expire on March 28, 2006. In the
U.S., the patents covering the foundational PCR process expired on March 29, 2005.
be used in the PCR step of uncoupled or two-step RT- (b) Certain applications of this product are covered by patents issued to parties other than Promega

PCR when either the ImProm-II™ Reverse Transcription and applicable in certain countries. Because purchase of this product does not include a license to
perform any of these patented applications, users of this product may be required to obtain a
System or the Reverse Transcription System is used to patent license depending upon the particular application and country in which the product is used.
synthesize the cDNA. Finally, it also generates fragments (c) U.S. Pat. No. 5,552,302, Australian Pat. No. 646803 and other patents.

(d) U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,966,964, 5,019,556 and 5,266,687, Australian Pat. Nos. 616881 and 641261 and
amenable to T-vector cloning and works well with PCR- other pending and issued patents, which claim vectors encoding a portion of human placental
enhancing agents. ribonuclease inhibitor, are exclusively licensed to Promega Corporation.

GoTaq, MagneSil, pGEM, RNAgents and Wizard are registered

trademarks of Promega Corporation. ImProm-II and pTARGET are
trademarks of Promega Corporation.


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