Knürr Cooltrans: The Reliable Link Between Water Circulation Systems in The Building and The Server Rack
Knürr Cooltrans: The Reliable Link Between Water Circulation Systems in The Building and The Server Rack
Knürr Cooltrans: The Reliable Link Between Water Circulation Systems in The Building and The Server Rack
Knürr CoolTrans®
The reliable link between water circulation systems
in the building and the server rack
CoolTrans®50/75/100 – The Link between
Building Technology and Data Center
Water supply within a data center The Knürr CoolTrans® couples the mary system. The recommended
poses specific challenges for the building‘s main cold water circu- WBMVFJTBQQSPY
installation of cooling water sy- lation system with the data
stems. Water cooling is in fact re- center‘s secondary cold water sy- … temperature and pressure fluc-
quired due to the high discharge stem by means of a water-towa- tuations within the primary circu-
of thermal energy by state-of- UFSIFBUFYDIBOHFS lation system are compensated
the-art servers. Water-cooled ser- for. The flow temperature can be
ver racks help to minimize the The benefits are... controlled as a constant and ad-
distance between cooling sy- …the cold water flow tempera- KVTUBCMFWBMVF
stems and servers. ture is controlled by the dew
CoolTherm®, the closed server point temperature within the …the option of monitoring the
data center. In this secondary circulation system, in-
BOZDPNQMFY cluding failure alarm manage-
isolation of the data ment, protects constant
center’s water circu- operation and reports technical
lation system is over- faults within the installation. Na-
DPNF"UUIFTBNF turally, there is a spare back-up
time, there will be no for all moving parts.
build-up of conden-
sation whilst avoi- In addition, the relatively high
ding dehydration flow temperature of 12°C and
and the need to hu- over allows for a high degree of
midify the data center. free cooling in many climate
zones, resulting in energy
…since the se- savings. In these cases, the
condary circulation system‘s capacity factor, i.e. the
system is operated ratio between cooling perfor-
rack featuring a water-cooled cir- above freezing point, use of gly- mance and power consumption,
culating air system, and Coo- col is no longer necessary. The increases drastically. The Knürr
M"EE®, the watercooled retrofit coolers may be built to a smaller CoolTrans®BMMPXTUIFNJYUVSFPG
solution for a wide variety of cur- size, while maintaining the same cold water produced by free cooling
rent server racks produced by dif- level of performance, in order to with the main cold water supply.
ferent manufacturers, function avoid further investment.
on the basis of a failure-proof CoolTrans® is available in the 50
connection with the cold water …the water quantity within the and 100 kW power class. It indis-
supply available in any building. data center is controlled by the pensable for the safe operation of
secondary circulation system. water-cooled racks by controlling
It is not however simply a matter Even the working pressure within
water supply into the data center. at a lower range than in the pri-
Primary circuit
Capacity Width Hight Depth Pipe connection Differential pressure: ext. Elec. connection power Water volume flow
primary secondary primary secondary 50 Hz primary secondary
50 kW NN 1010 mm 820 mm 11“ Y² 1.5 bar 0.7 bar 230 V; 0.8 kW N3I 7.16 m3I
75 kW NN 1010 mm 1200 mm 1 12“ Y² 1.5 bar 1.1 bar 7L8 12.78 m3I N3I
100 kW NN 1890 mm 600 mm Y%/ Y%/ CBS 1.2 bar 7L8 16.79 m3I N3I
CoolAdd® CoolTherm®
The universal retrofit solution Server cabinet technology with
against overheating in server racks outstanding benefits
Competence in data centers.
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