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MA 101 CALCULUS 4 2016

Course Objectives

In this course the students are introduced to some basic tools in Mathematics which are useful in
modelling and analysing physical phenomena involving continuous changes of variables or
parameters. The differential and integral calculus of functions of one or more variables and of
vector functions taught in this course have applications across all branches of engineering. This
course will also provide basic training in plotting and visualising graphs of functions and
intuitively understanding their properties using appropriate software packages.


Single Variable Calculus and Infinite series, Functions of more than one variable, Partial
derivatives and its applications, Calculus of vector valued functions, Multiple Integrals.

Expected outcome

At the end of the course the student will be able to (i) check convergence of infinite series (ii) find
maxima and minima of functions two variables (iii) find area and volume using multiple integrals
(iv) apply calculus of vector valued functions in physical applications and (v) visualize graphs
and surfaces using software or otherwise.

Text Books

(1)Anton, Bivens, Davis: Calculus, John Wiley and Sons, 10thed

(2)Thomas Jr., G. B., Weir, M. D. and Hass, J. R., Thomas’ Calculus, Pearson


1. Sengar and Singh, Advanced Calculus, Cengage Learning, Ist Edition

2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India edition, 10thed.

3. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

4. N. P. Bali, Manish Goyal, Engineering Mathematics, Lakshmy Publications

5. D. W. Jordan, P Smith. Mathematical Techniques, Oxford University Press, 4th


6. A C Srivastava, P K Srivasthava, Engineering Mathematics Vol 1. PHI Learning

Private Limited, New Delhi.

COURSE NO: MA101 L-T-P:3-1-0




Single Variable Calculus and Infinite series

(Book I –sec 9.3,9.5,9.6,9.8)

Basic ideas of infinite series and convergence -

.Geometric series- Harmonic series-Convergence
tests-comparison, ratio, root tests (without
proof). Alternating series- Leibnitz Test-
Absolute convergence, Maclaurins series-Taylor
I series - radius of convergence. 9 15%

(For practice and submission as assignment only:

Sketching, plotting and interpretation of

hyperbolic functions using suitable software.
Demonstration of convergence of series
bysoftware packages)

Partial derivatives and its applications(Book I

–sec. 13.3 to 13.5 and 13.8)

Partial derivatives–Partial derivatives of

functions of more than two variables - higher 5
order partial derivatives - differentiability,
differentials and local linearity -
II 15%
The chain rule – Maxima and Minima of
functions of two variables - extreme value 4
theorem (without proof)-relative extrema .


Calculus of vector valued functions(Book I-

12.1,12.2,12.4&12.6,13.6 &13.7)

Introduction to vector valued functions-

parametric curves in 3-space

Limits and continuity – derivatives - tangent

lines – derivative of dot and cross product- 3
definite integrals of vector valued functions-

unit tangent-normal- velocity-acceleration and

III speed–Normal and tangential components of 3
Directional derivatives and gradients-tangent
planes and normal vectors

(For practice and submission as assignment only:

Graphing parametric curves and surfaces using
software packages )

Multiple integrals

(Book I-sec. 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.5)

Double integrals- Evaluation of double integrals 4

– Double integrals in non-rectangular
coordinates- reversing the order of integration-
IV Area calculated as a double integral- 2 15%

Triple integrals(Cartesian co ordinates only)- 2

volume calculated as a triple integral- 2

(applications of results only)


Topics in vector calculus

(Book I-15.1, 15.2, 15.3)

Vector and scalar fields- Gradient fields – 2

conservative fields and potential functions – 2

divergence and curl - the  operator - the 2 20%

V Laplacian  2 ,

Line integrals - work as a line integral- 2

independence of path-conservative vector field – 2

(For practice and submission as assignment only:

graphical representation of vector fields using
software packages)

Topics in vector calculus (continued)

(Book I sec., 15.4, 15.5, 15.7, 15.8)

Green’s Theorem (without proof- only for 2

simply connected region in plane),

surface integrals –
Divergence Theorem (without proof for
VI evaluating surface integrals) , 3 20%

Stokes’ Theorem (without proof for evaluating 3

line integrals)

(All the above theorems are to be taught in

regions in the rectangular co ordinate system


Open source software packages such as gnuplot, maxima, scilab ,geogebra or R may be used as
appropriate for practice and assignment problems.

TUTORIALS: Tutorials can be ideally conducted by dividing each class in to three groups. Prepare
necessary materials from each module that are to be taught using computer. Use it uniformly to every

Course No: Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction

∗As this course is practical oriented, the evaluation is different from other lecture based courses.

Points to note:

(1) End semester examination will be for 50 marks and of 3 hour duration.

(2) End semester exam will include all modules except Module IV.

(3) 100 marks are allotted for internal evaluation: first internal exam 40 marks, second internal exam 40
marks(CAD Lab Practice) and class exercises 20 marks.

(4) The first internal exam will be based on modules I and II and the second internal exam will be a
practical exam in CAD based on Module IV alone. Second internal exam may be conducted at the
end of the semester.

Course Objectives

To enable the student to effectively communicate basic designs through graphical representations as
per standards.


Introduction to Engineering Graphics; Orthographic projections of lines and solids, Isometric

projection, Freehand sketching, Introduction to CAD, Sections of solids, Development of surfaces,
Perspective projection.

Expected outcome

Upon successful completion of this course, the student would have accomplished the following
abilities and skills:
1. Fundamental Engineering Drawing Standards.

2. Dimensioning and preparation of neat drawings and drawing sheets.

3. Interpretation of engineering drawings

4. The features of CAD software

References Books:

  Agrawal, B. and Agrawal, C. M., Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers 

  Anilkumar, K. N., Engineering Graphics, Adhyuth Narayan Publishers 

  Benjamin, J., Engineering Graphics, Pentex Publishers 

 Bhatt, N., D., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House Pvt Ltd. 

  Duff, J. M. and Ross, W. A., Engineering Design and Visualization, Cengage Learning, 2009 

 John, K. C., Engineering Graphics, Prentice Hall India Publishers 

 Kirstie Plantenberg, Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2016 Instruction, 4th Ed.,
SDC Publications

 Kulkarni, D. M., Rastogi, A. P. and Sarkar, A. K., Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD, PHI
 2009 

  Luzadder, W. J. and Duff, J. M., Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, PHI 1993 

 Parthasarathy, N. S., and Murali, V., Engineering Drawing, Oxford University Press 
  Varghese, P. I., Engineering Graphics, V I P Publishers 

 Venugopal, K., Engineering Drawing & Graphics, New Age International Publishers 
Course Plan

Module Contents Hours Sem. Exam Marks

6 exercises

Introduction to Engineering Graphics: Need for engineering

I 14 20%
Drawing instruments; BIS code of practice for general
engineering drawing.

Orthographic projections of points and lines:-Projections of

points in different quadrants; Projections of straight lines
inclined to one of the reference planes, straight lines
inclined to both the planes; True length and inclination of
lines with reference planes; Traces of lines.

12 exercises

Orthographic projections of solids:-Projections of simple

solids* in simple positions, projections of solids with axis
II 11 20%
inclined to one of the reference planes and axis inclined to
both the reference planes.


12 exercises

Isometric Projections:-Isometric projections and views of

plane figures simple* and truncated simple* solids in simple
position including sphere and hemisphere and their
III combinations. 09 20%

Freehand sketching: Freehand sketching of real objects,

conversion of pictorial views into orthographic views and
vice versa.

6 exercises

Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting - familiarizing

various coordinate systems and commands used in any
standard drafting software - drawing of lines, circle,
polygon, arc, ellipse, etc. Creating 2D drawings. (Additional
Transformations: move, copy, rotate, scale, mirror, offset hours are
IV and array, trim, extend, fillet, chamfer. Dimensioning and allotted in Internal
text editing. Exercises on basic drafting principles, to create U slot for
technical drawings. Creation of orthographic views of CAD
simple solids from pictorial views. Creation of isometric practice)
views of simple solids from orthographic views. Solid
modelling and sectioning of solids, extraction of 2D
drawings from solid models. (For internal examination only,
not for University Examination).

SECOND INTERNAL EXAM (to be conducted only after finishing CAD Practice.)

9 exercises

Sections and developments of solids: - Sections of simple*

solids in simple vertical positions with section plane
V 12 20%
inclined to one of the reference planes - True shapes of
sections. Developments of surfaces of these solids.

6 exercises

VI Intersection of surfaces: - Intersection of prism in prism and

cylinder in cylinder - axis bisecting at right angles only.
09 20%
Perspective projections: - perspective projections of simple*

*Triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal prisms, pyramids, cones and



1. First angle projection is to be followed.
2. CAD Practice is mandatory and shall be conducted in the time slot allotted for U
slot in addition to 15 hours allotted for Module IV

Question Paper Pattern: Question Paper shall contain eight questions of 10 marks each out of which
five questions are to be answered as explained below. The duration of examination is 3 hours.

Part A: Three questions from Modules I & II out of which two are to be answered.
Part B: Five questions from Modules III, V & VI out of which three are to be answered.
The questions are to be answered in A4 size booklet containing grid/plain sheets supplied by the
university. Drawing sheets are not needed.
The evaluation of answers shall be based on the correctness of solution, judging the knowledge of
student in concepts and principles of Engineering Graphics. Accuracy and neatness shall not be criteria
for evaluation.

Course No: Course Name L-T-P Credits Year of Introduction



Course Objectives
1. To introduce different disciplines of Mechanical Engineering
2. To kindle interest in Mechanical Engineering
3. To impart basic mechanical engineering principles
Thermodynamics & Power sources, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,
Automobile & Aeronautical Engineering, Engineering Materials and manufacturing.
Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, the students will have exposed to the different areas of Mechanical
Engineering; gained idea about nature, scope and applications of Mechanical Engineering principles.

References Books:
  Dossat, R. J., Principles of Refrigeration, PHI 
  Heywood, J., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Publishers 
  Holman, J. P., Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill Co. 
 Jain, K. K. and Asthana, R. B., Automobile Engineering, TTTI Bhopal
 Jonathan Wickert, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Cengage Learning

 Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S. R., Manufacturing Processes for Engineering
 Materials, Pearson education 
  Maines, R., Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering, ASME 
  Peng, W. W., Principles of Turbomachinery, John Wiley & Sons 
 Pita, E. G., Air Conditioning Principles & Systems, PHI. 

 Spalding, D. B. and Cole, E. H., Engineering Thermodynamics, ELBS & Edward
 Arnold (Pub) Ltd. 
  Stone, R. and Ball, T. K., Automotive Engineering Fundamentals, SAE International 
 Sutton, G. P. and Ross, D. M., Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley & Sons 

 Von Karman, T., Aerodynamics: Selected Topics in the Light of Their
 Historical Development, Courier Corporation 
 Online course on Refrigeration & Air conditioning, IIT Kharagpur 

Course L-T-P Year of Introduction
Course Name
No. Credits
EE100 2-1-0-3 2016
Course Objectives
To impart a basic knowledge in Electrical Engineering with an understanding of fundamental concepts.
Elementary concepts of electric circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, constant voltage and current sources,
Matrix representation; Magnetic circuits, energy stored in magnetic circuits, Electromagnetic
induction, Alternating current fundamentals; AC circuits, phasor representation of alternating
quantities- rectangular, polar; Three phase systems, star and delta connection; Generation of power,
power transmission and distribution; Transformers, Electric Machines-DC Machines, AC Motors.
Expected outcome
The course will enable the students to gain preliminary knowledge in basic concepts of Electrical
References Books:
  Bhattacharya, S. K., Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Pearson 
  Bird, J., Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 
 Del Toro,V.,Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice Hall of India. 

 Hayt, W. H., Kemmerly, J. E., and Durbin, S. M., Engineering Circuit Analysis,
 Tata McGraw Hill 
  Hughes, Electrical and Electronic Technology, Pearson Education 
 Mehta, V.K. and Mehta,R., Basic Electrical Engineering, S. Chand Publishing
 Parker and Smith, Problems in Electrical Engineering, CBS Publishers and Distributors

 Sudhakar and Syam Mohan, Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, Tata
 McGraw Hill 
 Suresh Kumar, K. S, Electric Circuits and Networks, Pearson Education 

Course Plan

Sem. Exam.
Module Contents Hours
Elementary concepts of electric circuits: Kirchhoff's laws,
constant voltage and current sources-Problems 2

Formation of network equations by mesh current and node 15%

I voltage methods-matrix representation-solution of network 3
equations by matrix methods-problems

star-delta conversion(resistive networks only-derivation is not

needed)-problems 1

Magnetic Circuits: MMF, field strength, flux density,
reluctance(definition only)-comparison between electric and
magnetic circuits
Energy stored in magnetic circuits, magnetic circuits with air
gap-Numerical problems on series magnetic circuits 2
II 15%
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's laws, lenz's laws- statically
induced and dynamically induced emfs-self inductance and
mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling (derivation not

Alternating Current fundamentals: Generation of alternating

voltages-waveforms, frequency, period, average , RMS values
and form factor of periodic waveform(pure sinusoidal)- 2
Numerical Problems

AC Circuits: Phasor representation of alternating quantities- 15%

rectangular and polar representation 1

Analysis of simple AC circuits: concept of impedance, power

and power factor in ac circuits-active, reactive and apparent 2
III power

solution of RL,RC and RLC series circuits-Numerical problems 2

Three phase systems: Generation of three phase voltages-
advantages of three phase systems, star and delta connection
(balanced only), relation between line and phase voltages, line 3
and phase currents

three phase power measurement by two wattmeter method

(derivation is not required) - Numerical problems 1

Generation of power: Block schematic representation of

generating stations- hydroelectric power plants 1

Block schematic representation of Thermal and nuclear power

plants 1

Renewable energy sources: solar, wind, tidal and geothermal

IV (Block diagram and working only- No Problems) 1 15%
Power transmission: Typical electrical power transmission
scheme-need for high voltage transmission-(Derivation is not 1
needed, No Problems)

Power Distribution: substation equipments, primary and

secondary transmission and distribution systems- feeder, service



Electric Machines: DC Generator and Motor-Construction-

working principle- Back EMF 2

Types of motor-shunt, series, compound (short and long)-

principle of operation of dc motor, applications-numerical 3
problems ( voltage -current relations only)
V 20%
Transformer: Construction of single phase and three phase
Transformers (core type only)-EMF equation and related 2
numerical problems

Losses and efficiency of transformer for full load –numerical

problems (no equivalent circuit) 2

AC Motors: Three phase induction motor-squirrel cage and slip

ring induction motor 1

Working principle-synchronous speed, slip and related

numerical problems. (no equivalent circuit) 1
VI 20%
AC Motors: Construction, principles of operation of single
phase induction motor (no equivalent circuit) 1

Starting methods in single phase induction motors -split phase

and capacitor start 2


Electrochemical series and its applications.(Numericals) 1
Nernst equation - Derivation, application & numericals 2
Potentiometric titration - Acid-base and redox titration 2
Lithium ion cell and Fuel cell. 1
III Instrumental Methods: Thermal analysis - Principle, instrumentation and
applications of TGA and DTA.
Chromatographic methods - Basic principles, column, TLC. Instrumentation 15%
and principles of GC and HPLC.
Conductivity - Measurement of conductivity 1
IV Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Copolymers - BS, ABS - Structure and
Conducting Polymers - Polyaniline, Polypyrrole - Preparation, Structure and
OLED – An introduction 1
Advanced Polymers – Kevlar, Polybutadiene rubber and silicone rubber: 15%
Preparation, Structure and Properties.
Nanomaterials – Definition, Classification, chemical methods of preparation
- hydrolysis and reduction
Properties and Applications – Carbon Nano Tubes and fullerenes. 1
V Fuels and Lubricants: Fuels - Calorific Value, HCV and LCV -
Determination of calorific value of a solid and liquid fuel by Bomb 3
calorimeter - Dulongs formula and Numericals.
Liquid fuel - Petrol and Diesel - Octane number & Cetane number 1
Biodiesel - Natural gas. 2 20%
Lubricant - Introduction, solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants. 1
Properties of lubricants - Viscosity Index, Flash point, Fire point, Cloud
point, Pour point and Aniline point.
VI Water Technology: Types of hardness, Units of hardness, Estimation of
Hardness – EDTA method. Numericals based on the above
Water softening methods - Ion exchange process - Principle. Polymer ion
exchange. 20%
Reverse Osmosis - Disinfection method by chlorination and UV 1
Dissolved oxygen, BOD and COD. 2
Sewage water Treatment - Trickling Filter and UASB process. 1

Course No. Course Name L-T-P- Year of
Credits Introduction
Course Objectives

This course introduces basic ideas of differential equations, both ordinary and partial, which are
widely used in the modelling and analysis of a wide range of physical phenomena and has got
applications across all branches of engineering. The course also introduces Fourier series which is
used by engineers to represent and analyse periodic functions in terms of their frequency

Homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation, non-homogeneous linear ordinary differential

equations, Fourier series, partial differential equation, one dimensional wave equation, one
dimensional heat equation.
Expected Outcome

At the end of the course students will have acquired basic knowledge of differential equations and
methods of solving them and their use in analysing typical mechanical or electrical systems.
The included set of assignments will familiarise the students with the use of software packages for
analysing systems modelled by differential equations.

 Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed. Wiley

 A C Srivastava, P K Srivasthava, Engineering Mathematics Vol 2. PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi.


 Simmons: Differential Equation with Applications and its historical Notes,2e

McGrawHill Education India 2002
 Datta, Mathematical Methods for Science and Engineering. CengageLearing,1st. ed
 B. S. Grewal. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
 N. P. Bali, Manish Goyal. Engineering Mathematics, Lakshmy Publications
 D. W. Jordan, P Smith. Mathematical Techniques, Oxford University Press, 4th
 C. Henry Edwards, David. E. Penney. Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems. Computing and Modelling, 3rd ed. Pearson

COURSE NO: MA102 L-T-P:3-1-0


(Text Book 1 : Sections 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 3.2)
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for initial
value problems, Homogenous linear ODEs of second 3
order. Homogenous linear ODEs with constant
coefficients, Existence and Uniqueness of solutions
4 17
Homogenous linear ODEs with constant
Coefficients (Higher Order)
(For practice and submission as assignment only:
Modelling of free oscillations of a mass –
spring system)
( Text Book 2: Sections 1.2.7 to 1.2.14)
The particular Integral (P.I.), Working rule for P.I.
when g(x) is Xm , To find P.I. when g(x) = eax.V1(x),
Working rule for P.I. when g(x) = x.V(x), 17
II Homogeneous Linear Equations, PI of Homogenous 7
Legendƌe’s Lineaƌ eƋuations 2
Method of variation of parameters for finding PIs 3
(For practice and submission as assignments only:
Modelling forced oscillations, resonance,
electric circuits )

(Text Book 2 - Sections 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4)
Periodic functions ,Orthogonally of Sine and Cosine
functions (Statement only), Fourier series and
Euler’s formulas 17
Fourier cosine series and Fourier sine series
(Fourier series of even and Odd functions )
Half range expansions (All results without proof) 3

(For practice and submission as assignment only:
Plots of partial sums of Fourier series and
demonstrations of convergence using plotting
( Text Book 2 : Sections : 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.5,
5.2.6- 5.2.10)
Introduction to partial differential equations , 3
formation of PDE, Solutions of first order PDE(Linear

IV Lagrange’s Method 3

Linear PDE with constant coefficients , Solutions of

Linear Homogenous PDE with constant coefficients ,
Shorter method for finding PI when g(x,y)=f(ax+by),
Method of finding PI when g(x,y) = xmyn, method of 6
find PI when
g(x,y)= e ax+by V(x,y)
( Text Book 2: Sections :6.1-- 6.4)
Method of separation of variables 2
The wave Equation 16
Vibrations of a stretched string
V 1
Solutions of one dimensional wave equation using
method of separation of variables and problems


( Text Book 2: sections 6.7, 6.8 ,6.9, 6.9.1 ,6.9.2)
The equation of Heat conduction 1
VI One dimensional Heat transfer equation. 1
Solutions of One Dimensional Heat transfer equation, 16
A long insulated rod with ends at zero temperatures, A
long insulated rod with ends at non zero temperatures


TUTORIALS: Tutorials can be ideally conducted by dividing each class into three groups. Prepare
necessary materials from each module that can be practiced using computer software. Use them
uniformly in every class.

For more study materials>
For more study materials>
For more study materials>
Assignment/projects – 50 marks (iv) End semester exam – open book exam – 50 marks (2 hours
duration – conducted by the University)

First Test: Marks: 25 Closed Book;

Questions may cover:-

Topics covered in the lectures.

How to arrive at the design details for a specific need gap given.

Sketching the design of a product that is to meet the given user requirements.

Second Test: Marks: 25 Open Book:

Students are permitted to bring in class notes, own notes, text books and other books (Maximum 3/4
books) for the test. Access to internet and mobile phones is NOT permitted.

Assignments: Marks: 20 Two assignments are to be given (10 marks each). These assignments are to
cover specific design/s, sketching of the design, and a short but well written write-up on the design.

Projects: Marks: 30 Two mini projects are to be assigned. One is to be a group project and the other an
individual one. A group of 3 or 4 students can take up the group project. Each project is to be evaluated
for 15 marks.

The Group Project is to be done in the practical hours given for the course. Projects including the group
projects are to be evaluated based on individual presentations and answers to the questions raised. These
presentations could be done during the practical hours.
Question Paper Pattern for End Semester Examination (Open Book)
Part A – Eight questions of each 5 marks, out of which six questions are to be answered.
Part B – Three questions of each 10 marks, out of which two questions are to be answered.

Cement – OPC, properties, grades; other types of cement and its uses (in
Cement mortar – constituents, preparation. 1
Concrete – PCC and RCC – grades. 1
Steel - Use of steel in building construction, types and market forms. 1
V Building construction – Foundations; Bearing capacity of soil (definition
only); Functions of foundations, Types - shallow and deep (sketches only).
Brick masonry – header and stretcher bond, English bonds – Elevation and
plan (one brick thick walls only).
Roofs – functions, types, roofing materials (brief discussion only). 1 20%
Floors – functions, types; flooring materials (brief discussion only). 1
Decorative finishes – Plastering – Purpose, procedure. 1
Paints and Painting – Purpose, types, preparation of surfaces for painting
(brief discussion only).
VI Basic infrastructure and services - Elevators, escalators, ramps, air
conditioning, sound proofing (Civil engineering aspects only)
Towers, Chimneys, Water tanks (brief discussion only). 1
Concept of intelligent buildings. 2

Course Course Name L-T-P Year of Introduction
No: Credits


Course Objectives
1) To get basic idea about types, specification and common values of passive and active

2) To familiarize the working of diodes, transistors, MOSFETS and integrated circuits.

3) To understand the working of rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators.

4) To get a basic idea about measuring instruments
5) To get a fundamental idea of basic communication systems and entertainment electronics

Evolution and Impact of Electronics in industries and in society, Familiarization of Resistors,

Capacitors, Inductors, Transformers and Electro mechanical components, PN Junction diode:
Structure, Principle of operation, Zener diode, Photo diode, LED, Solar cell, Bipolar Junction
Transistors: Structure, Principle of operation, characteristics, Rectifiers and power supplies: Half
wave and full wave rectifier, capacitor filter, zener voltage regulator, Amplifiers and Oscillators:
common emitter amplifier, feedback, oscillators, RC phase shift oscillator, Analogue Integrated
circuits: operational amplifier, inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Electronic Instrumentation:
digital multimeter, digital storage oscilloscope, function generator, Radio communication:
principle of AM & FM, Super heterodyne receiver, Satellite communication: geo-stationary
satellite system, Mobile communication: cellular communications, Optical communication:
system, principle of light transmission through fiber, Entertainment Electronics: Cable TV,
CCTV system.

Expected Outcome

Student can identify the active and passive electronic components. Student can setup simple
circuits using diodes and transistors. Student will get fundamental idea about basic
communication systems and entertainment electronics.

Text Books:

 Bell, D. A., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press

 Tomasy, W., Advanced Electronic Communication system, PHI Publishers 
References Books:

 Boylested, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson
 Frenzel, L. E., Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, Mc Graw Hill
 Kennedy, G. and Davis, B., Electronic Communication Systems, Mc Graw Hill
 Rajendra Prasad, Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering, Cengage Learning
Course Plan

Module Contents Hours Sem. Marks

Evolution of Electronics, Impact of Electronics in

industry and in society.

Resistors, Capacitors: types, specifications.

Standard values, marking, colour coding.
I 10%
Inductors and Transformers: types, specifications,
Principle of working.

Electro mechanical components: relays and 1

PN Junction diode: Intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, Principle of operation, V-I 4
characteristics, principle of working of Zener
diode, Photo diode, LED and Solar cell.
II 20%
Bipolar Junction Transistors: PNP and NPN
structures, Principle of operation, input and output
characteristics of common emitter configuration
(npn only).


Rectifiers and power supplies: Block diagram

description of a dc power supply ,Half wave and 4
full wave (including bridge) rectifier, capacitor
filter, working of simple zener voltage regulator.
III 15%
Amplifiers and Oscillators: Circuit diagram and
working of common emitter amplifier, Block
diagram of Public Address system, concepts of 4
feedback, working principles of oscillators, circuit
diagram & working of RC phase shift oscillator.
Analogue Integrated circuits: Functional block
diagram of operational amplifier, ideal
operational amplifier, inverting and non-inverting
IV Amplifier. 15%

Digital ICs: Logic Gates. 1

Electronic Instrumentation: Principle and block 2

diagram of digital multimeter, digital storage
oscilloscope, and function generator.


Radio communication: principle of AM & FM,

frequency bands used for various communication
systems, block diagram of super heterodyne
V receiver. 20%

Satellite communication: concept of geo-

stationary Satellite system.

Mobile communication: basic principles of

cellular communications, concepts of cells, 2
frequency reuse.

Optical communication: block diagram of the

optical communication system, principle of light
VI 2 20%
transmission through fiber, advantages of optical
communication systems.

Entertainment Electronics Technology: Basic

principles and block diagram of cable TV, CCTV, 2
DTH system.


Note: Analysis is not required in this course.

Second Year: Semester 3& 4
Course No. Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of

Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To equip the students with methods of solving a general system of linear equations.
 To familiarize them with the concept of Eigen values and diagonalization of a matrix which have
many applications in Engineering.
 To understand the basic theory of functions of a complex variable and conformal Transformations.

Analyticity of complex functions-Complex differentiation-Conformal mappings-Complex
integration-System of linear equations-Eigen value problem

Expected outcome .
At the end of the course students will be able to
(i) solve any given system of linear equations
(ii) find the Eigen values of a matrix and how to diagonalize a matrix
(iii) identify analytic functions and Harmonic functions.
(iv)evaluate real definite Integrals as application of Residue Theorem
(v) identify conformal mappings(vi) find regions that are mapped under certain Transformations
Text Book:
Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed. Wiley
1.Dennis g Zill&Patric D Shanahan-A first Course in Complex Analysis with Applications-Jones&Bartlet
2.B. S. Grewal. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3.Lipschutz, Linear Algebra,3e ( Schaums Series)McGraw Hill Education India 2005
4.Complex variables introduction and applications-second edition-Mark.J.Owitz-Cambridge Publication

Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Complex differentiation Text 1[13.3,13.4]
Limit, continuity and derivative of complex functions 3
Analytic Functions 2
I Cauchy–Riemann Equation(Proof of sufficient condition of
analyticity & C R Equations in polar form not required)-Laplace’s

Harmonic functions, Harmonic Conjugate 2

Conformal mapping: Text 1[17.1-17.4]
Geometry of Analytic functions Conformal Mapping, 1
Mapping w  z 2 conformality of w  e z . 2
The mapping w  z 
Properties of w  1
Circles and straight lines, extended complex plane, fixed points

Special linear fractional Transformations, Cross Ratio, Cross Ratio

property-Mapping of disks and half planes 3

Conformal mapping by w  sin z & w  cos z

(Assignment: Application of analytic
functions in Engineering)


Complex Integration. Text 1[14.1-14.4] [15.4&16.1]
Definition Complex Line Integrals, First Evaluation Method, Second 2
Evaluation Method
Cauchy’s Integral Theorem(without proof), Independence of 2
path(without proof), Cauchy’s Integral Theorem for Multiply 15%
Connected Domains (without proof)
III Cauchy’s Integral Formula- Derivatives of Analytic 2
Functions(without proof)Application of derivative of Analytical
Taylor and Maclaurin series(without proof), Power series as Taylor
series, Practical methods(without proof) 2

Laurent’s series (without proof) 2

Residue Integration Text 1 [16.2-16.4] 15%
Singularities, Zeros, Poles, Essential singularity, Zeros of analytic 2

Residue Integration Method, Formulas for Residues, Several 4

singularities inside the contour Residue Theorem.
Evaluation of Real Integrals (i) Integrals of rational functions of 3

sin and cos (ii)Integrals of the type  f ( x)dx (Type I, Integrals
from 0 to  )
( Assignment : Application of Complex integration in Engineering)
Linear system of Equations Text 1(7.3-7.5)

Linear systems of Equations, Coefficient Matrix, Augmented Matrix 1

Gauss Elimination and back substitution, Elementary row operations,
Row equivalent systems, Gauss elimination-Three possible cases,
Row Echelon form and Information from it.
Linear independence-rank of a matrix 2
Vector Space-Dimension-basis-vector spaceR3

Solution of linear systems, Fundamental theorem of non- 1

homogeneous linear systems(Without proof)-Homogeneous linear
systems (Theory only
Matrix Eigen value Problem Text 1.(8.1,8.3 &8.4) 20%

Determination of Eigen values and Eigen vectors-Eigen space 3

Symmetric, Skew Symmetric and Orthogonal matrices –simple 2
properties (without proof)
Basis of Eigen vectors- Similar matrices Diagonalization of a matrix-
Quadratic forms- Principal axis theorem(without proof) 4

(Assignment-Some applications of Eigen values(8.2))



Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 hours

The question paper will consist of 3 parts.
Part A will have 3 questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering modules I and II. Each
question may have two sub questions.

Part B will have 3 questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each
question may have two sub questions.

Part C will have 3 questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each
question may have three sub questions.

Any two questions from each part have to be answered.

Cou rse No. Cour se Name L-T-P-Credits Year of Introdu ction
ME201 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS 3-1-0-4 2016
Pr ere quisi te: nil
Cou rse Objectives:
1. To acquaint with the basic concepts of stress and deformation in solids.
2. To practice the methodologies to analyse stresses and strains in simple structural members, and to
apply the results in simple design problems.
Analysis of deformable bodies : stress, strain, material behaviour, deformation in axially loaded bars,
biaxial and triaxial deformation. Torsion of elastic circular members, design of shafts. Axial force,
shear force and bending moment in beams. Stresses in beams: flexure and shear stress formulae,
design of beams. Deflection of beams. Transformation equations for plane state of stress and strain,
principal planes and stresses, Mohr's circle. Compound stresses: combined axial, flexural and shear
loads – eccentric loading. Buckling: Euler’s theory and Rankine’s formula for columns.
Expected outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Understand basic concepts of stress and strain in solids.
2. Determine the stresses in simple structural members such as shafts, beams, columns etc. and apply
these results in simple design problems.
3. Determine principal planes and stresses, and apply the results to combined loading case.
Text Books:
1. Rattan, Strength of Materials, 2e McGraw Hill Education India, 2011
2. S.Jose, Sudhi Mary Kurian, Mechanics of Solids, Pentagon, 2015
References Books:
1.S. H. Crandal, N. C. Dhal, T. J. Lardner, An introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, McGraw
Hill, 1999
2. R. C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, Pearson Education,2008
3. I.H. Shames, J. H. Pitarresi, Introduction to Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall of India, 2006
4. James M.Gere, Stephen Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers & Distributors,
New Delhi,2012
5. F. Beer, E. R. Johnston, J. T. DeWolf, Mechanics of Materials, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
6. A. Pytel, F. L. Singer, Strength of Materials, Harper & Row Publishers, New York,1998
7. E. P. Popov, T. A. Balan, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Pearson Education, 2012
8. R. K. Bansal, Mechanics of solids, Laxmi Publications, 2004
9. P. N. Singh, P. K. Jha, Elementary Mechanics of Solids, Wiley Eastern Limited, 2012
Cou rse Plan
Module Cont ents Hours Exam
Mar ks
Introduction to analysis of deformable bodies – internal forces – method
of sections – assumptions and limitations. Stress – stresses due to
normal, shear and bearing loads – strength design of simple members. 3
Definition of linear and shear strains.
Material behavior – uniaxial tension test – stress-strain diagrams
I concepts of orthotropy, anisotropy and inelastic behavior – Hooke’s law 15%
for linearly elastic isotropic material under axial and shear deformation
Deformation in axially loaded bars – thermal effects – statically
indeterminate problems – principle of superposition - elastic strain 4
energy for uniaxial stress.
Definition of stress and strain at a point (introduction to stress and strain
tensors and its components only) – Poisson’s ratio – biaxial and triaxial 4
deformations – Bulk modulus - Relations between elastic
II constants.
Torsion: Shafts - torsion theory of elastic circular bars – assumptions and 15%
limitations – polar modulus - torsional rigidity – economic cross-sections 4
– statically indeterminate problems – shaft design for torsional load.
Beams- classification - diagrammatic conventions for supports and
loading - axial force, shear force and bending moment in a beam 2
Shear force and bending moment diagrams by direct approach 3
III 15%
Differential equations between load, shear force and bending moment.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams by summation approach – 5
elastic curve – point of inflection.
Stresses in beams: Pure bending – flexure formula for beams
assumptions and limitations – section modulus - flexural rigidity - 4
IV economic sections – beam of uniform strength. 15%
Shearing stress formula for beams – assumptions and limitations – design
for flexure and shear. 4
Deflection of beams: Moment-curvature relation – assumptions and
limitations - double integration method – Macaulay’s method -
superposition techniques – moment area method and conjugate beam 6
V ideas for simple cases. 20%
Transformation of stress and strains: Plane state of stress - equations of
transformation - principal planes and stresses. 4
Mohr’s circles of stress – plane state of strain – analogy between stress
and strain transformation – strain rosettes
VI .Compound stresses: Combined axial, flexural and shear loads – eccentric 20%
loading under tension/compression - combined bending and twisting 4
Theory of columns: Buckling theory –Euler’s formula for long columns
– assumptions and limitations – effect of end conditions - slenderness 3
ratio – Rankin’s formula for intermediate columns.

Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs
The question paper should consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course L-T-P-
Course Name Year of Introduction
Number Credits
ME200 Fluid mechanics and Machinery 3-1-0-4 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives:

 To introduce students, the fundamental concepts related to the mechanics of fluids.

 To understand the basic principles of fluid machines and devices.
 To apply acquired knowledge on real life problems.
 To analyze existing fluid systems and design new fluid systems.

Fundamental Concepts, fluid statics and dynamics, fluid kinematics, boundary layer theory,
hydraulic turbines, positive displacement pumps, rotary motion of liquids, centrifugal pump,
pumping devices.
Expected Outcome

Up on completion of course the students might be in a position to:

i. Analyze flow problems associated with statics, kinematics and dynamics of fluids.
ii. Design and analyze fluid devices such as water turbines and pumps.
iii. Understand and rectify problems faced in practical cases of engineering applications.
Text Book:
1. Modi P. N. and S. M. Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics, S.B.H Publishers,
New Delhi, 2002.
2. Kumar D. S., Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, S. K. Kataria &
Sons, New Delhi, 1998.

1. J. F. Douglas, “Fluid Mechanics”, Pearson education.
2. Cengel Y. A. and J. M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013
3. Robert W. Fox and Mc Donald, “Introduction to fluid dynamics”, John Wiley and sons
4. K. Subrahmanya, “Theory and applications of fluid mechanics”, (TMH)
5. Shames. I. H, “Mechanics of fluids”.
6. Jagadish Lal, “Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines”.
7. R K Bansal, “Hydraulic Machines”

Course Plan
Sem. exam
Module Contents Hours
Fundamental concepts: Properties of fluid - density, specific
weight, viscosity, surface tension, capillarity, vapour pressure,
bulk modulus, compressibility, velocity, rate of shear strain,
I 6 15%
Newton’s law of viscosity, Newtonian and non-Newtonian
fluids, real and ideal fluids, incompressible and compressible
Fluid statics: Atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure and
absolute pressure. Pascal’s Law, measurement of pressure -
piezo meter, manometers, pressure gauges, energies in flowing
II fluid, head - pressure, dynamic, static and total head, forces on 10 15%
planar and curved surfaces immersed in fluids, centre of pressure,
buoyancy, equilibrium of floating bodies, metacentre and
metacentric height.
First Internal Exam
Fluid kinematics and dynamics: Classification of flow -1D,
2D and 3D flow, steady, unsteady, uniform, non-uniform,
rotational, irrotational, laminar and turbulent flow, path line,
streak line and stream line.
Continuity equation, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation.
III 8 15%
Reynolds experiment, Reynold’s number. Hagen- Poiseuille
equation, head loss due to friction, friction, Darcy- Weisbach
equation, Chezy’s formula, compounding pipes, branching of
pipes, siphon effect, water hammer transmission of power
through pipes (simple problems)
Boundary layer theory: Basic concepts, laminar and
turbulent boundary layer, displacement, momentum, energy
thickness, drag and lift, separation of boundary layer.
IV Flow rate measurements- venturi and orifice meters, notches 10 15%
and weirs (description only for notches, weirs and meters),
practical applications, velocity measurements- Pitot tube and
Pitot –static tube.
Second Internal Exam
Hydraulic turbines : Impact of jets on vanes - flat, curved,
stationary and moving vanes - radial flow over vanes. Impulse
and Reaction Turbines – Pelton Wheel constructional features
- speed ratio, jet ratio & work done , losses and efficiencies,
V 10 20%
inward and outward flow reaction turbines- Francis turbine
constructional features, work done and efficiencies – axial
flow turbine (Kaplan) constructional features, work done and
efficiencies, draft tubes, surge tanks, cavitation in turbines.
Positive displacement pumps: reciprocating pump, indicator
diagram, air vessels and their purposes, slip, negative slip and
work required and efficiency, effect of acceleration and
friction on indicator diagram (no derivations), multi cylinder
VI 10 20%
Rotary motion of liquids: – free, forced and spiral vortex
flows, (no derivations), centrifugal pump, working principle,
impeller, casings, manometric head, work, efficiency and
losses, priming, specific speed, multistage pumps, selection of
pumps, pump characteristics.

End Semester Exam

Question Paper Pattern
Max. marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs
The question paper should consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course No. Course Name L-T-P -Credits Year of
AU201 S.I. ENGINES & COMBUSTION 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives
 To impart basic concepts of SI Engine and Combustion, automotive engines
 To know constructional details of engine components.
 To differentiate ideal and actual cycles
 To understand lubrication, cooling , ignition and fuel systems in SI engines.

I.C Engine cycles and analysis: Otto & diesel cycle, Comparison of air standard cycle & fuel air
cycle - actual cycle-losses in actual cycle - Combustion in SI engines- P-θ diagram- Stages of
combustions - Abnormal combustion – Knock theories - rating of fuels - Octane number,
Alternative fuels - Air fuel mixture requirements – Solex Carburettor- Fuel injection systems in
SI engines - Combustion System Design- Ignition System Overview - distributor less ignition -
CDI & Coil on plug type of ignition system - Constructional details of engine components:
Cylinders –cylinder liners, engine block, types of cylinder head - Two stroke engines: Port timing
diagrams - Comparison of Scavenging Systems - Valve and valve mechanism - OHV, OHC,
DOHC, variable valve timing systems - Intake system components - Intake manifold - Waste heat
recovery, Exhaust mufflers - Cooling system - types of cooling systems - components of water
cooling - Lubrication system - types of lubricants – properties - lubrication systems

Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. explain basic concepts of SI Engine and Combustion, automotive engines
ii. identify engine components and their functions
iii. differentiate ideal and actual cycles and problems
iv. analyse lubrication, cooling, ignition and fuel systems in SI engines.

Text Book:
1. M. L. Mathur, R. P. Sharma - Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications
2. R.K. Rajput, Internal Combustion Engines, Laxmi Publications
3. V Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engine Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
New Delhi 2006.

1. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Engine Technology, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc
2. William H Crouse / Donald L Anglin, Automotive Mechanics , Tata McGraw-Hill

3. I.C.Engines By Lichty., McGraw Hill

4. Fuels & Combustion By Smith & Stinson., McGraw-Hill

5. John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Publishing


6. Obert E F, Internal Combustion Engine and air Pollution McGraw Hill book company New

7. Sharma S.P, Fuels and Combustion, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New

8. A.W. Judge, Modern petrol engine, Chapman and Hall, London

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
I.C Engine cycles and analysis: Otto & Diesel cycle,
Comparison of air standard cycle & fuel air cycle, effects of
variation of specific heat, dissociation effect, and numerical
problems related, actual cycle-losses in actual cycle -
Efficiencies of real Engines 15%
Combustion in SI engines- P-θ diagram- Stages of 9
combustions- Ignition lag. Flame Propagation- factors / engine
variables affecting combustion stages. Different combustion
chambers in SI engines.
Abnormal combustion – Knock theories - detonation effects-
factors and variables affecting knock-surface ignition. Fuels –
Qualities & properties - rating of fuels - Octane number,
Alternative fuels. 15%
Air fuel mixture requirements – Solex Carburetor. 9 15%
Stochiometric and excess air calculations. Fuel injection
systems in SI engines - nozzle- direct and indirect injections.
MPFI systems and GDI engines. Combustion System Design -
Port Injection Combustion Systems - Direct Injection Spark
III ignition (DISI)
Introduction - Spark Ignition and Ignition Timing - Ignition
System Overview - The Ignition Process - Ignition Timing
Selection and Control – Battery & magneto ignition system –
distributor less ignition - CDI & Coil on plug type of ignition
Constructional details of engine components: Cylinders – 9 15%
cylinder liners, engine block, types of cylinder head, gasket
materials. Piston - types, materials, piston rings, piston pins,
connecting rod, crank shaft, flywheel, cam shaft, valve, valve
mechanism, hydraulic tappets.
Two stroke engines: Port timing diagrams, Symmetrical &
unsymmetrical timing, Three port engine. Theoretical
Scavenging processes, Scavenging parameters, Comparison of
Scavenging Systems; Cross flow, loop flow, uniflow, Pre blow
down, Blow down. Scavenging pumps, blowers.
Valve and valve mechanism: Angle of seat, Operating 12 20%
Conditions, operating temperatures, valve cooling, Sodium
cooled valves, Valve rotators, valve seats, valve guides, , valve
springs, valve clearance & timing, OHV, OHC, DOHC,
variable valve timing systems – V TECH.VVT. Camshaft,-
V drives of cams, cam types, tappets, push rods, rocker arms
Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure
drop, Air filters, Intake manifold, connecting pipe. Exhaust
system components: Exhaust manifold and exhaust pipe, Spark
arresters, Waste heat recovery, Exhaust mufflers, Type of
Cooling system: Necessity of engine cooling, operating 12 20%
temperatures, types of cooling systems: Direct air cooling,
Indirect or water cooling, Liquid cooling, Pressure sealed
cooling, Evaporative cooling or steam cooling, components of
water cooling system, antifreeze solution, temperature gauges.
Lubrication system: Functions, lubrication principles,
VI classification of lubricants, types of lubricants, properties of
lubricants, service ratings of oils, oil additives, specification of
lubricants, crankcase ventilation, lubrication systems, pre-
lubrication systems, effect of engine conditions on lubricating
oil, consumption of lubricating oil, Components of lubrication
system, Oil pressure warning system, oil pressure gauges,
chassis lubrication.

Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
AU203 AUTO CHASSIS 3-0-0- 3 2016
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 Study of the Constructional details and Theory of important drive line, Structural,
Steering, Braking and Suspension Systems of Automobiles.
 Problem–Solving ability in Steering Mechanism, Propeller Shaft, Braking and Suspension
Chassis layout – vehicle frames- wheels and rims- tyres- drives- drive axles- differential –
suspension system-braking systems- front and stub axles – steering mechanism.
Expected outcome.
 After this course the student must be able to explain the constructional details and the
structure of drive line, steering, braking system and suspension system in a vehicle.

Text Book:
1. Kripal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Standard Publisher, New Delhi , 2006
2. R.K. Rajput, A Text–Book of Automobile Engineering, Laxmi Publications Private Limited, 2007 3.
3.N.K. Giri, Automotive Mechanics, Kanna Publishers, 2007
1. Heldt P.M., Automotive Chassis, Chilton Co., New York, 1990
2. Newton Steeds and Garret, Motor Vehicles, 13th Edition, Butterworth, London, 2005.
3. Heinz Haisler, Advanced Vehicle Technology, Butterworth, London, 2005.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Types of Chassis layout, with reference to Power Plant 7
location and drive, various types of frames, Loads acting on
vehicle frame, Constructional details and materials for
frames, Testing of frames. Types and Constructional Details
of different Types of Wheels and Rims, different Types of
Tyres and their constructional details. 15%
Effect of Driving Thrust, torque reactions and side thrust, 7
Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive, radius rods and
stabilizers, Propeller Shaft, Universal Joints, Constant
Velocity Universal Joints, Front Wheel drive. Final drive,
different types, Double reduction and twin speed final
drives, Multi–axle vehicles. 15%
Construction and Design of Drive Axles, Types of Loads 7 15%
acting on drive axles, Full – Floating, Three–Quarter Floating
and Semi–Floating Axles, Axle Housings and Types,
Differential principle and types, Differential housings, Non–
Slip differential, Differential locks, Final drive of Crawler,
Need for Suspension System, Types of Suspension Springs, 7 15%
Constructional details and characteristics of Single Leaf,
IV Multi–Leaf, Coil, Torsion bar, Rubber, Pneumatic and Hydro
– elastic Suspension Spring Systems, Independent
Suspension System, Shock Absorbers, Types and
Constructional details, Design of Leaf Springs.
Theory of Automobile Braking, Stopping Distance Time and 7 20%
Braking Efficiency, Effect of Weight Transfer during
Braking, Theory of Drum Brakes, Leading and Trailing
Shoes, Braking Torque, Constructional Details of Drum
V Brake and its Activators, Disc Brake Theory, Types and
Construction, Hydraulic Braking System, Mechanical
Braking System, Pneumatic Braking System, Power–Assisted
Braking System, Servo Brakes, Retarders, Types and
Construction, Anti–Lock Braking
Types of Front Axles and Stub Axles, Front Wheel 7 20%
Geometry, viz., Castor, Camber, King Pin Inclination and
Toe–in, Condition for True Rolling Motion of Wheels during
Steering, Ackerman’s and Davis Steering Mechanisms,
Steering Error Curve, Steering Linkages, Different Types of
Steering Gears, Slip Angle, Over–Steer and Under–Steer,
Reversible and Irreversible Steering, Power–Assisted

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course code Course Name L-T-P- Year of Introduction
HS210 LIFE SKILLS 2-0-2 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To develop communication competence in prospective engineers.
 To enable them to convey thoughts and ideas with clarity and focus.
 To develop report writing skills.
 To equip them to face interview & Group Discussion.
 To inculcate critical thinking process.
 To prepare them on problem solving skills.
 To provide symbolic, verbal, and graphical interpretations of statements in a problem
 To understand team dynamics & effectiveness.
 To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
 To instill Moral and Social Values, Loyalty and also to learn to appreciate the rights of
 To learn leadership qualities and practice them.
Communication Skill: Introduction to Communication, The Process of Communication, Barriers
to Communication, Listening Skills, Writing Skills, Technical Writing, Letter Writing, Job
Application, Report Writing, Non-verbal Communication and Body Language, Interview Skills,
Group Discussion, Presentation Skills, Technology-based Communication.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Creativity, Lateral thinking, Critical thinking, Multiple
Intelligence, Problem Solving, Six thinking hats, Mind Mapping & Analytical Thinking.
Teamwork: Groups, Teams, Group Vs Teams, Team formation process, Stages of Group, Group
Dynamics, Managing Team Performance & Team Conflicts.
Ethics, Moral & Professional Values: Human Values, Civic Rights, Engineering Ethics,
Engineering as Social Experimentation, Environmental Ethics, Global Issues, Code of Ethics like
Leadership Skills: Leadership, Levels of Leadership, Making of a leader, Types of leadership,
Transactions Vs Transformational Leadership, VUCA Leaders, DART Leadership, Leadership
Grid & leadership Formulation.
Expected outcome
The students will be able to
 Communicate effectively.
 Make effective presentations.
 Write different types of reports.
 Face interview & group discussion.
 Critically think on a particular problem.
 Solve problems.
 Work in Group & Teams
 Handle Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
 Become an effective leader.
Resource Book:
Life Skills for Engineers, Complied by ICT Academy of Kerala, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Ltd., 2016
 Barun K. Mitra; (2011), “Personality Development & Soft Skills”, First Edition; Oxford
 Kalyana; (2015) “Soft Skill for Managers”; First Edition; Wiley Publishing Ltd.
 Larry James (2016); “The First Book of Life Skills”; First Edition; Embassy Books.
 Shalini Verma (2014); “Development of Life Skills and Professional Practice”; First
Edition; Sultan Chand (G/L) & Company
 John C. Maxwell (2014); “The 5 Levels of Leadership”, Centre Street, A division of
Hachette Book Group Inc.
Course Plan
Hours Sem.
Module Contents L-T-P Exam
L P Marks
Need for Effective Communication, Levels of communication; 2
Flow of communication; Use of language in communication;
Communication networks; Significance of technical
communication, Types of barriers; Miscommunication; Noise;
Overcoming measures,

Listening as an active skill; Types of Listeners; Listening for

general content; Listening to fill up information; Intensive
Listening; Listening for specific information; Developing 2
effective listening skills; Barriers to effective listening skills.

Technical Writing: Differences between technical and literary

style, Elements of style; Common Errors, Letter Writing:

See evaluation scheme

Formal, informal and demi-official letters; business letters, Job 4
Application: Cover letter, Differences between bio-data, CV
and Resume, Report Writing: Basics of Report Writing;
I Structure of a report; Types of reports.

Non-verbal Communication and Body Language: Forms

of non-verbal communication; Interpreting body-language 3
cues; Kinesics; Proxemics; Chronemics; Effective use of body

Interview Skills: Types of Interviews; Ensuring success in job

interviews; Appropriate use of non-verbal communication,
Group Discussion: Differences between group discussion and
debate; Ensuring success in group discussions, Presentation
Skills: Oral presentation and public speaking skills; business 4
presentations, Technology-based Communication:
Netiquettes: effective e-mail messages; power-point
presentation; enhancing editing skills using computer
Need for Creativity in the 21st century, Imagination, Intuition, 2
Experience, Sources of Creativity, Lateral Thinking, Myths of

Critical thinking Vs Creative thinking, Functions of Left

Brain & Right brain, Convergent & Divergent Thinking,
Critical reading & Multiple Intelligence.
II Steps in problem solving, Problem Solving Techniques,
Problem Solving through Six Thinking Hats, Mind Mapping,
Forced Connections.

Problem Solving strategies, Analytical Thinking and

quantitative reasoning expressed in written form, Numeric,
symbolic, and graphic reasoning, Solving application 2

Introduction to Groups and Teams, Team Composition,

Managing Team Performance, Importance of Group, Stages of 3
Group, Group Cycle, Group thinking, getting acquainted,
Clarifying expectations.

Group Problem Solving, Achieving Group Consensus. 2

Group Dynamics techniques, Group vs Team, Team
Dynamics, Teams for enhancing productivity, Building & 3
Managing Successful Virtual Teams. Managing Team
Performance & Managing Conflict in Teams.

Working Together in Teams, Team Decision-Making, Team 2

Culture & Power, Team Leader Development.
Morals, Values and Ethics, Integrity, Work Ethic, Service 3
Learning, Civic Virtue, Respect for Others, Living Peacefully.

Caring, Sharing, Honesty, Courage, Valuing Time,

Cooperation, Commitment, Empathy, Self-Confidence, 2
Spirituality, Senses of 'Engineering Ethics’, variety of moral
issued, Types of inquiry, moral dilemmas, moral autonomy,
Kohlberg's theory, Gilligan's theory, Consensus and
controversy, Models of Professional Roles, Theories about 3
right action, Self-interest, customs and religion, application of
ethical theories.

Engineering as experimentation, engineers as responsible

experimenters, Codes of ethics, Balanced outlook on. 3

The challenger case study, Multinational corporations,

Environmental ethics, computer ethics, 2
Weapons development, engineers as managers, consulting
engineers, engineers as expert witnesses and advisors, moral
leadership, sample code of Ethics like ASME, ASCE, IEEE,
Institution of Engineers(India), Indian Institute of Materials 3
Management, Institution of electronics and telecommunication
engineers(IETE), India, etc.
Introduction, a framework for considering leadership, 4
entrepreneurial and moral leadership, vision, people selection
and development, cultural dimensions of leadership, style,
followers, crises.

Growing as a leader, turnaround leadership, gaining control,

trust, managing diverse stakeholders, crisis management 2
Implications of national culture and multicultural leadership 2
Types of Leadership, Leadership Traits.

Leadership Styles, VUCA Leadership, DART Leadership,

Transactional vs Transformational Leaders, Leadership Grid, 2
Effective Leaders, making of a Leader, Formulate Leadership


Internal Evaluation
(Conducted by the College)
Total Marks: 100

Part – A

(To be started after completion of Module 1 and to be completed by 30th working day of the semester)

1. Group Discussion – Create groups of about 10 students each and engage them on a
GD on a suitable topic for about 20 minutes. Parameters to be used for evaluation is
as follows;

(i) Communication Skills – 10 marks

(ii) Subject Clarity – 10 marks
(iii) Group Dynamics - 10 marks
(iv) Behaviors & Mannerisms - 10 marks
(Marks: 40)
Part – B

(To be started from 31st working day and to be completed before 60 th working day of the semester)

2. Presentation Skills – Identify a suitable topic and ask the students to prepare a
presentation (preferably a power point presentation) for about 10 minutes. Parameters
to be used for evaluation is as follows;

(i) Communication Skills* - 10 marks

(ii) Platform Skills** - 10 marks
(iii) Subject Clarity/Knowledge - 10 marks
(Marks: 30)

* Language fluency, auditability, voice modulation, rate of speech, listening, summarizes key
learnings etc.

** Postures/Gestures, Smiles/Expressions, Movements, usage of floor area etc.

Part – C

(To be conducted before the termination of semester)

3. Sample Letter writing or report writing following the guidelines and procedures.
Parameters to be used for evaluation is as follows;

(i) Usage of English & Grammar - 10 marks

(ii) Following the format - 10 marks
(iii) Content clarity - 10 marks

(Marks: 30)

External Evaluation
(Conducted by the University)
Total Marks: 50 Time: 2 hrs.

Part – A

Short Answer questions

There will be one question from each area (five questions in total). Each question should be
written in about maximum of 400 words. Parameters to be used for evaluation are as follows;

(i) Content Clarity/Subject Knowledge

(ii) Presentation style
(iii) Organization of content
(Marks: 5 x 6 = 30)

Part – B

Case Study

The students will be given a case study with questions at the end the students have to analyze
the case and answer the question at the end. Parameters to be used for evaluation are as

(i) Analyze the case situation

(ii) Key players/characters of the case
(iii) Identification of the problem (both major & minor if exists)
(iv) Bring out alternatives
(v) Analyze each alternative against the problem
(vi) Choose the best alternative
(vii) Implement as solution
(viii) Conclusion
(ix) Answer the question at the end of the case
(Marks: 1 x 20 = 20)
L-T-P- Year of
Cour se No. Cou rse Name
Cre dits Introdu ction

Prerequisite : ME203 Mechanics of fluids

Cou rse Objectives: The main objectives of this course is to demonstrate the applications of theories
of basic fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines and to provide a more intuitive and physical
understanding of the theory.

1. Study of flow measuring equipments - water meters, venturi meter, orifice meter, current meter,
2. Study of gauges - pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, manometers.
3. Study of valves - stop valve, gate valve and foot valve.
4. Study of pumps – Centrifugal, Reciprocating, Rotary, Jet.
5. Study of Turbines - Impulse and reaction types.
6. Study of Hydraulic ram, accumulator etc.
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of coefficient of discharge and calibration of Notches
2. Determination of coefficient of discharge and calibration of Orifice meter
3. Determination of coefficient of discharge and calibration of Venturimeter.
4. Determination of Chezy’s constant and Darcy’s coefficient on pipe friction apparatus
5. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of orifices
6. Determination of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating bodies.
7. Experiments on hydraulic ram
8. Reynolds experiment
9. Bernoulli’s experiment
10.Experiment on Torque converter
11. Performance test on positive displacement pumps
12. Performance test on centrifugal pumps, determination of operating point and efficiency
13. Performance test on gear pump
14. Performance test on Impulse turbines
15. Performance test on reaction turbines (Francis and Kaplan Turbines)
16. Speed variation test on Impulse turbine
17. Determination of best guide vane opening for Reaction turbine
18. Impact of jet
Note: 12 experiments are mandatory
Expected outcome: At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Discuss physical basis of Bernoulli's equation, and apply it in flow measurement (orifice,
Nozzle and Venturi meter), and to a variety of problems
2. Determine the efficiency and plot the characteristic curves of different types of pumps and

Cour se No. Cou rse Name L-T-P-Cre dits Year of Introdu ction
CE230 MATERIAL T ESTING LAB 0-0-3-1 2016
Cou rse Objectives:
1. To provide knowledge on mechanical behaviour of materials
2. To acquaint with the experimental methods to determine the mechanical properties of materials.
List of experiments:
1. Tension test on mild steel/ tor-steel/ high strength steel and cast iron using Universal Testing
Machine and extensometers.
2. Tests on springs (Open and closed coiled)
3. Torsion pendulum (mild steel, aluminium and brass wires)
4. Hardness test (Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell)
5. Impact test (Izod and Charpy)
6. Torsion test on mild steel rods.
7. Shear test on mild steel rods.
8. Fatigue test – Study of testing machine.
9. Bending test on wooden beams.
10. Strut test (Column buckling experiment)
11. Verification of Clerk Maxwell’s law of reciprocal deflection and determination of Young’s modulus
of steel.
12. Photo elastic methods for stress measurements.
13. Jominy hardenability test
14. Measurement using strain gauges
15. Determination of moment of inertia of rotating bodies

Note: A minimum of 10 experiments are mandatory.

Expected outcome: At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Acquire the knowledge on mechanical behaviour of materials
2. Conduct experiments determine the mechanical properties of materials.

References Books:
1. G E Dieter. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill,2013
2. Dally J W, Railey W P, Experimental Stress analysis , McGarw Hill,1991
3. Baldev Raj, Jayakumar T, Thavasimuthu M., Practical Non destructive testing, Narosa Book

Course No. Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
MA202 Probability distributions, 3-1-0-4 2016
Transforms and Numerical Methods
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 To introduce the concept of random variables, probability distributions, specific discrete
and continuous distributions with practical application in various Engineering and social
life situations.
 To know Laplace and Fourier transforms which has wide application in all Engineering
 To enable the students to solve various engineering problems using numerical methods.
Discrete random variables and Discrete Probability Distribution.
Continuous Random variables and Continuous Probability Distribution.
Fourier transforms.
Laplace Transforms.
Numerical methods-solution of Algebraic and transcendental Equations, Interpolation.
Numerical solution of system of Equations. Numerical Integration, Numerical solution of
ordinary differential equation of First order.

Expected outcome .
After the completion of the course student is expected to have concept of
(i) Discrete and continuous probability density functions and special probability distributions.
(ii) Laplace and Fourier transforms and apply them in their Engineering branch
(iii) numerical methods and their applications in solving Engineering problems.

Text Books:
1. Miller and Freund’s “Probability and statistics for Engineers”-Pearson-Eighth Edition.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10 edition, Wiley, 2015.

1. V. Sundarapandian, “Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory”, PHI Learning, 2009.
2. C. Ray Wylie and Louis C. Barrett, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”-Sixth Edition.
3. Jay L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science”-Eight Edition.
4. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”-Sixth
Edition-Mc Graw Hill.

Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Discrete Probability Distributions. (Relevant topics in
section 4.1,4,2,4.4,4.6 Text1 )
Discrete Random Variables, Probability distribution function, 2
Cumulative distribution function.
I Mean and Variance of Discrete Probability Distribution. 2
Binomial Distribution-Mean and variance. 2
Poisson Approximation to the Binomial Distribution. Poisson 2
distribution-Mean and variance.
Continuous Probability Distributions. (Relevant topics in
section 5.1,5.2,5.5,5.7 Text1)
Continuous Random Variable, Probability density function, 2
Cumulative density function, Mean and variance.
II Normal Distribution, Mean and variance (without proof). 4
Uniform Distribution.Mean and variance. 2
Exponential Distribution, Mean and variance. 2

Fourier Integrals and transforms. (Relevant topics in section 15%
11.7, 11.8, 11.9 Text2)
Fourier Integrals. Fourier integral theorem (without proof). 3
Fourier Transform and inverse transform. 3
Fourier Sine & Cosine Transform, inverse transform. 3

Laplace transforms. (Relevant topics in section
6.1,6.2,6.3,6.5,6.6 Text2)

Laplace Transforms, linearity, first shifting Theorem. 3

Transform of derivative and Integral, Inverse Laplace 4

IV transform, Solution of ordinary differential equation using
Laplace transform.

Unit step function, second shifting theorem. 2

Convolution Theorem (without proof). 2

Differentiation and Integration of transforms. 2

Numerical Techniques.( Relevant topics in 20%
section.19.1,19.2,19.3 Text2)

Solution Of equations by Iteration, Newton- Raphson Method. 2

Interpolation of Unequal intervals-Lagrange’s Interpolation 2
Interpolation of Equal intervals-Newton’s forward difference 3
formula, Newton’s Backward difference formula.

Numerical Techniques. ( Relevant topics in section 20%

19.5,20.1,20.3, 21.1 Text2)
Solution to linear System- Gauss Elimination, Gauss Seidal 3
VI Iteration Method.
Numeric Integration-Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule. 3
Numerical solution of firstorder ODE-Euler method, 3
Runge-Kutta Method (fourth order).

Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 hours

The question paper will consist of 3 parts.
Part A will have 3 questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering modules I and II. Each
question may have two sub questions.

Part B will have 3 questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each
question may have two sub questions.

Part C will have 3 questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each
question may have three sub questions.

Any two questions from each part have to be answered.

Course No. Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge to the students thermodynamic concepts and different power cycles.
 To make the students to solve numerical problems based on laws of thermodynamics and
different power cycles.

Concepts of thermodynamic systems, Thermometry, first law of thermodynamics, first law for open
and closed systems, second law of thermodynamics, concept of entropy, Availability, third law of
thermodynamics, Thermodynamic relations, Properties of pure substances, Different power cycles.
Expected outcome.
After completing this course the students will be able to
i. explain thermodynamic concepts and different power cycles
ii. solve numerical problems based on laws of thermodynamics and different power cycles.
Text Book:
1 P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd. New Delhi 2008.
2. Thermal Engineering by R.K.Rajput, Laxmi publications Ltd.
Data Book ( Approved for use in the examination):

1. Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach by Yunus A Cengel& Michael A Boles

2. Engineering Thermodynamics by R.K. Rajput.
3. J. F. Lee and FW Sears, Engineering Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesleg Publishing
Company, London, 1962.
4. M. A.chuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics,Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd,
5. New Delhi 2002.
6. J.P. Holman, Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill book company New York, 1988.
7. Mark W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamic, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
8. Roy T, Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
New Delhi 1989.
9. Thermal Engineering by Mahesh M Rathore
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Fundamentals concepts–scope and limitations of 8
thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems– different
types of systems – macroscopic and microscopic analysis
– continuum – Properties– state – processes.
Thermodynamics equilibrium – Equation of state of an
ideal gas –Real gas relations 15%
Laws of thermodynamics- Zeroth law of thermodynamics 9
II – Thermal equilibrium – Concept of temperature –
Thermometry –Temperature scales. Work and heat – First 15%
law of thermodynamics– Concept of energy - First law for
closed and open systems – Specific heats – internal
energy and enthalpy – Steady flow energy equations -
Joule Thompson effect.
Second law of thermodynamics- Various statements and 9 15%
their equivalence_ Reversible process and reversible
cycles- Carnot cycles- Corollaries of the second law.
III Clausius inequality- Concept of entropy – Calculation of
change in entropy in various thermodynamic processes –
Reversibility and irreversibility – Available and
unavailable energy – Third law of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic relations – Combined first and second law 8 15%
equations – Hemholtz and Gibbs functions – Maxwell
IV relations- Equations for specific heats, internal energy,
enthalpy and entropy – Clausius-Clapeyron equations -
applications of thermodynamic relations.
Properties of pure substances – PVT, PT and TS diagrams, 11 20%
Compressibility factor – Law of corresponding states,
Mollier diagrams- Mixture of gases and vapours- mixture
of ideal gases – Dalton’s law – Gibbs law- Thermodynamic
properties of mixtures-Numerical problems using steam
Different power cycles- Brayton cycle, reversed Brayton 11 20%
VI cycle, Lenoir cycle, Stirling cycle, Atkinson cycle, Rankine
cycle- Numerical problems based on power cycles.

Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course No. Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
AU204 CI ENGINES & 4-0-0-4 2016
Course Objectives
 To impart the basic concepts of CI Engine and Combustion
 To know about CI engine emissions and their treatments,
 To differentiate ideal and actual cycles
 To understand FI systems in CI engines
Diesel fuels, Properties and qualities - Combustion in CI engines, P-θ diagram - Air motion-
Squish, tumble - Fuel supply system in diesel engines - Diesel injection pump types - C-AV
Bosch pump, Modem distributor type pumps - Diesel filters - Advanced fuel injection system-
Unit pump & injector- Common Rail (CR) Fuel Injection Systems - Sensors in CI engine -
Pollutants in engines. NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons - Exhaust gas treatment.- Catalytic
converter – Supercharging - effects of supercharging in S.I and C.I engines - Turbo charging -
methods of turbo charging - cold starting devices
Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. To explain CI Engine and Combustion,
ii. To differentiate and analyse ideal and actual cycles
iii. To diagnose FI systems in CI engines

Text Book:
1. M. L. Mathur, R. P. Sharma - Internal Combustion Engines, DhanpatRai Publications
2. R.K. Rajput, Internal Combustion Engines, Laxmi Publications.
3. V Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engine Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
New Delhi 2006.

1. Newton K, Steeds W and Garrett T.K – Motor Vehicle, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd
2. William H Crouse, Donald L Anglin, Automotive Mechanics , Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Joseph Heitner- Automobile mechanics, CBS Publishers, New Delhi
4. A.W.Judge, Modern petrol engine, Chapman and Hall, London
5. P. M. Heldt – High speed diesel engines, Chillon Co. New York.
6. Taylor, I.C.Engines, MIT Press, England
7. Lichty , I.C.Engines , McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
8. Smith & Stinson, Fuels & Combustion, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.
9. John B Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Publishing
10. Obert E F,Internal Combustion Engine and air Pollution McGraw Hill book company New
11. Sharma S.P, Fuels and Combustion, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
12. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Engine Technology, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Diesel fuels, Properties and qualities, Cetane number,
alternative fuels for CI engines
Combustion in CI engines, P-θ diagram – parameters
affecting Ignition delay, uncontrolled combustion, diesel
I knock - controlling methods. Diesel knock, comparison with
SI knock and control.
Air motion- Squish, tumble, swirl motions. Different types 9
combustion chambers in CI engines.
Fuel supply system in diesel engines: Requirements of diesel
injection system, Components of diesel injection system,
Diesel filters, fuel feed pump, hand pump, heavy duty air
II Diesel injection pump types - simple and multiple unit 8
pump, C-AV Bosch pump, Modem distributor type pumps,
injection nozzles and types of injectors, Pump-Line-Injector
(PLI) Systems
Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI) – Advanced fuel injection 15%
system- Unit pump & injector- Common Rail (CR) Fuel
Injection Systems - Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) -
overview & Diagnostics.
Sensors in CI engine fuel injection systems – control of fuel
injection – Actuators in CRDI systems.
Thermodynamics of combustion. Combustion reaction of 15%
common fuels. Exhaust gas composition. Testing of IC
engines - Indicated power – Brake Power - Volumetric
efficiency – Heat balance test - Morse test.
IV Gas Exchange Processes - Valve Flow and Volumetric 9
Efficiency - Valve Timing - Dynamic Behavior of Valve
Flue gas analysis using ORSAT apparatus – liquid fuel,
gaseous fuel – combustion equations – problems
Pollutants in engines. NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons, 20%
smoke and particulate. Sources, causes and measurement of
exhaust emission, Non exhaust emissions and control
V methods, Emission norms 11
Exhaust gas treatment.- Catalytic converter – Thermal
reaction -Particulate trap. Flue gas analysis. Air fuel ratio
from exhaust gas composition. Numerical problems
Supercharging: Introduction, Objectives of supercharging, 20%
VI 11
thermodynamic cycle, effects of supercharging in S.I and C.I
engines, performance of the supercharged engine,
supercharging limits, and methods of supercharging,
Turbo charging - methods of turbo charging and its
advantages, limitations of turbo charging. Governors
(mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic governors), cold
starting devices.


Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course No. Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
AU206 AUTO TRANSMISSION 3-0-0- 3 2016
Course Objectives
 To impart basic knowledge in automotive transmission.
 To understand the construction and principle of operation of various types of mechanical
transmission components, hydrodynamic devices, hydrostatic devices and automatic
transmission system
 To design clutch and gearbox.
Problems on performance of automobile -Determination of gear ratios for vehicles. Different
types of gearboxes -Fluid coupling-Hydrodynamic Torque converter -Construction and operation
of Ford – T-model gearbox, Wilson Gear box and electromagnetic transmission-Need for
automatic transmission, Principle of operation -Hydrostatic drive -Electric drive-Comparison of
hydrostatic drive with hydrodynamic drive-Ward Leonard Control system
Expected outcome.
After this course, students will be able to explain about the design of clutches and gear boxes,
construction of the transmission components, various types of transmission systems
Text Book:
1. 3. Newton and Steeds – “Motor Vehicle”- Illiffee Publisher- 2000.
1. Design Practices, passenger Car Automotive Transmissions- SAE Hand book- 1994.
2. Crouse, W.H., Anglin, D.L., Automotive Transmission and Power Trains construction,
McGraw Hill, 1992.
3. Heldt, P.M., Torque converters, Chilton Book Co., 1992.
4. Judge, A.W., Modern Transmission systems, Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1990.
5 Heinz Heisler, Modern Vehicle Technology

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Problems on performance of automobile - such as 6
resistance to motion, tractive effort, engine speed, engine
I power and acceleration. Requirement of transmission
system, Different types of clutches, principle,
Construction and torque capacity. 15%
Determination of gear ratios for vehicles. Different types 7
of gearboxes such as Sliding mesh gearbox, Constant
mesh gearbox and Synchromesh gearbox, gear shifting
mechanisms in each. 15%
Construction and operation of Ford – T-model gearbox, 6 15%
Wilson Gear box and electromagnetic transmission.
Fluid coupling - Principle of operation, Constructional 15%
details, Torque capacity, Performance characteristics and 7
IV Reduction of drag torque. Hydrodynamic Torque converter
- Principle of operation, Constructional details and
Performance characteristics. Multistage torque converters.
Polyphase torque converters. Converter coupling
Need for automatic transmission, Principle of operation. 8 20%
Hydraulic control system for automatic transmission.
Chevrolet “Turboglide” Transmission, Continuously
Variable Transmission (CVT) – Types – Operations.
Hydrostatic drive - Various types of hydrostatic systems, 8 20%
Principles of Hydrostatic drive system. Advantages and
limitations. Comparison of hydrostatic drive with hydrodynamic
VI drive, Construction and Working of typical Janny hydrostatic
drive. Electric drive - Principle of operation of Early and
Modified Ward Leonard Control system, Advantages &

Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
  To impart knowledge in programming using C language 
 To give an overview of the use of C program in Automotive industry
Microcontroller modules in Automobile- C in Automotive industry; Introduction to C
programming- Data types – keywords – operators; Arrays- Matrix operation – Structure;
Functions – Recursion – Macros; Pointers – Memory allocation – storage class; Files– transfer of
data in blocks; Introduction to MATLAB; Steps for software development; MISRA C standard.
Expected outcome.
After this course students will be able to do simple programs in C language and
familiar with the interface.
Text Book:
1. 1. Bryon S.Gottfried, Programming with C Language.
1. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C
2. B.W. Kernigham & Dennis M Ritchie, C programming language.
3. Deitel, How to Program C
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.ExamMarks
Microcontroller modules in Automobile; Microcontroller 7
programming – high level language, assembly language
I and machine language; Compiler, assembler and
interpreter; Integrated development environment; Chip
burning; Use of C in Automotive industry. 15%
Introduction to C programming - Data types; Keywords, 7
Constants and Variables; Escape Sequences; Various I/O
II functions; Header files; Type casting; Various operators;
Precedence of operators; Branching statements; Looping
statements; Nested loops; break and continue instructions. 15%
Arrays; One dimensional arrays; Selection sorting; Binary 7 15%
searching; Various string handling functions;
III Multidimensional Arrays; Matrix Operations (Addition,
Transpose and Multiplication) Sorting of Strings; Structure
and Union; Array of Structures.
Functions; Call by value and call by reference method; 7 15%
Passing One Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays to
IV a Function; Matrix operations using functions; Recursion;
Factorial and Fibonacci series using recursive calls;
Macros; Pre-processor directives; Scope of variables.
Pointers; Pointer to an array; Pointer to a structure; Array 7 20%
V of pointers; Pointer to a pointer; Dynamic memory
allocation; Reallocation of memory; Self Referential
structure; Stack and heap; Storage class.
Files; Reading, Writing, Appending and rewriting of text 7 20%
and binary files; Transfer of data in blocks, Moving of file
pointer in a file; Introduction to MATLAB; Steps for
software development; MISRA C standard.

Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
Prerequisite: AU208 Computer programming
Course Objectives
  To provide experience in programming with C language 
  To give exposure to computer softwares like MATLAB.
 To do programming in C covering control structures functions, arrays, structures, pointers
and files 

List of Exercises/Experiments :

1. Checking leap year

2. Finding sum of digits and reverse of a number
3. Generating Prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers and Armstrong numbers
4. Sine and Cosine series generation
5. Counting characters, lines and words
6. Linear search
7. Sorting of numbers and strings
8. Matrix addition, transpose and multiplication
9. Programs using structure and union
10. Programs using functions
11. Programs using recursive calls
12. Programs using macros
13. Programs using pointers
14. Matrix operation using pointers
15. Implementation of dynamic memory allocation
16. Problems related to file reading, writing and appending
17. Transfer of data in blocks
18. Familiarization of MATLAB tool boxes

Expected outcome.
After this course students will be able to do simple programs in C language and will be familiar
with the interface

Text Book:
Bryon S. Gottfried,Programming with C Language.
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
AU234 VEHICLE SYSTEMS LAB 0-0-3-1 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To study about hand tools, special purpose tools, and their uses.
 To familiarize with various systems and components of an automobile.
 To know about writing technical specifications and description of all types of chassis and
transmission components of automobiles, including body and interiors
List of Exercises/Experiments (Minimum 12 exercises/experiments are mandatory)
1. Servicing of clutch assembly, checking the spring tension of coil springs in spring tester.
2. Dismantling of gear box, inspecting components, servicing, checking the gear ratios.
3. Dismantling of differential assembly, servicing, backlash adjustments, check for drive
axis ratio.
4. Servicing of A. C. mechanical fuel pump and testing the pump.
5. Servicing of Carburetor, Study Various Circuits on it, tuning of carburetor.
6. Servicing master and wheel cylinders in hydraulic brake system & bleeding of brakes.
7. Valve timing setting including valve clearance adjustment.
8. Servicing of steering gear box, checking for end play in shafts.
9. Overhauling of a complete strut type suspension system.
10. Dismantle and assemble C.V joint. Also examine a slip joint, U.J cross in propeller shaft.
11. Compression test of petrol and diesel engine.
12. Disassembling cylinder head, decarbonizing, Valve Seat Grinding
13. Disassembling of engine: inspection of engine components, servicing of components,
measurement of dimensions of different components of engine, compare with standard
specifications, piston ring setting, assembling using special tools.
14. Rectifying the troubles in ignition system, adjusting spark plug and C. B. Point gap,
checking ignition timing.
15. Cylinder reconditioning: Checking the cylinder bore, setting the tool, re-boring operation
using vertical or portable cylinder reboring machine.
16. Tyre removing, inspection, check for cuts, bulges and excessive tread wear, resetting
using pneumatic tyre changer & Wheel balancing: Balancing of wheels by computerized
wheel balancing machine.
17. Wheel alignment: Checking the camber, caster, king pin inclination, toe in and toe out
with computerized wheel alignment machine.
18. F. I. P Calibration and phasing: Setting the angle of fuel delivery, calibration of fuel
quantity by FIP calibrating machine.
19. Brake drum re-conditioning: Brake drum skimming after leveling machine, ovality
measurement and setting the tool.
20. Testing of Two wheeled vehicles on chassis dynamometer
Expected outcome.
After this course the student will be able to
i. handle any maintenance issue in a vehicle
ii. identify the troubles of the vehicles from the symptoms shown.
Text Book:
1. Boyce Dwiggins – Automobile Repair guide, Theodor Audel and Co., Indiana – 1978.
2. A. W. Judge – Maintenance of high speed diesel engine, Chapmann Hall Ltd.
3. A. W. Judge – Motor vehicle engine servicing 3rd edition, Pitman paper mark, London,
4. Vehicle service manuals and reputed manufacturers.
Third Year: Semester 5& 6
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
ME307 MACHINE DESIGN - I 3-1-0-4 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To understand the basic components and layout of linkages in the assembly of a
Introduction to design of riveted, threaded, and welded joints – springs and design –Design laws
– stresses in components and machines.
Expected outcome.
 The students will become aware of the machine components, forces, stresses affecting
them and the aspects of designing them.
Text Books:
1. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 1st ed., Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited, Delhi, 2004
2. S .S Rattan Theory of Machines, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited,
Delhi, 2009
1. J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford University
Press, 2016
2. A. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West
Press, 3e, 2006
3. C. E. Wilson, P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 3rd edition, Pearson
Education, 2003
4. Holowenko, Dynamics of Machinery, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
Course Plan

Module Contents Hours
Classification of mechanisms – Basic kinematic concepts and
definitions – Degree of freedom, Mobility – Kutzbach criterion,
Gruebler’s criterion – Grashof’s Law –Kinematic inversions of four-
I bar chain, slider crank chains and double slider crank chains – Limit 10 15%
positions –Mechanical advantage – Transmission Angle -Coupler
curves – Description of some common Mechanisms – Quick return
mechanisms, Straight line generators
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple
mechanisms – Graphical method – Velocity and acceleration polygons
II Force analysis of machinery - static and dynamic force analysis of 10 15%
plane motion mechanisms - graphical method - principle of
superposition –matrix methods - method of virtual work.
Governors: - terminology and classification ; Watt, Porter, Proel,
III Hartnell, Hartung, quality of governors,inertia governors- governor 8 15%
speed control
Gyroscope: - Principle-Angular acceleration-Effect of gyroscopic
couple airplanes, and ships, stability of automobile and two wheel
vehicles, Rigid disc at an angle fixed to a rotating shaft
Turning moment diagram and Flywheel: - coefficient of fluctuation of
IV energy and speed- energy saved in a flywheel- force analysis, piston 8 15%
effort-crankpin effort- crank effort-turning moment diagrams for I.C.
Cams and Followers: - types-follower motion-SHM-uniform velocity
and acceleration- Cycloidal - displacement, velocity and acceleration
V curves-Cam profile-Reciprocating and oscillating followers-Tangent 10 20%
cams-Convex and concave cams with footed followers. Introduction
to Polynomial cams. (Numerical problems)
Law of toothed gearing – Involutes and cycloidal tooth profiles –Spur
Gear terminology and definitions –Gear tooth action – contact ratio –
VI Interference and undercutting 10 20%
Gear trains – Speed ratio, train value – Parallel axis gear trains–
Epicyclic Gear Trains (Numerical problems)


Maximum Marks :100 Exam Duration: 3 Hours

4 Questions uniformly covering modules 1 and 2. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)
4 Questions uniformly covering modules 3 and 4. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)
6 Questions uniformly covering modules 5 and 6. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any four questions out of six. (4X10=40 marks)

Note: Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions ( a, b, c, d)

Course L-T-P- Year of
Course Name
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives:
 To provide physical concepts of atomic radius, atomic structure, chemical bonds,
crystalline and non-crystalline materials and defects of crystal structures, grain size,
strengthening mechanisms, heat treatment of metals with mechanical properties and
changes in structure
 To makee aware of the behavior of materials in engineering applications and select the
materials for various engineering applications.
 To understand the causes behind metal failure and deformation
 To determine properties of unknown materials and develop an awareness to apply this
knowledge in material design

Chemical bonds – crystallography- imperfections- crystallization- diffusion- phase diagrams-heat
treatment – strengthening mechanisms- hot and cold working – alloying- ferrous and non ferrous
alloys- fatigue-creep- basics, need, properties and applications of modern engineering materials.
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
i. Identify the crystal structures of metallic materials.
ii. Analyze the binary phase diagrams of alloys Fe-Fe3C, etc.
iii. Correlate the microstructure with properties, processing and performance of metals.
iv. Recognize the failure of metals with structural change.
v. Select materials for design and construction.
vi. Apply core concepts in materials science to solve engineering problems.

Text Books
1. Jose S and Mathew E V, Metallurgy and Materials Science, Pentagon, 2011
2. Raghavan V, Material Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall,2004

1. Anderson J.C., Material Science for Engineers,Chapman and Hall,1990
2. Avner H Sidney, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
3. Callister William. D., Material Science and Engineering, John Wiley, 2014
4. Clark and Varney, Physical metallurgy for Engineers, Van Nostrand,1964
5. Dieter George E, Mechanical Metallurgy, Tata McGraw Hill,1976
6. Higgins R.A. - Engineering Metallurgy part - I – ELBS,1998
7. Myers Marc and Krishna Kumar Chawla, Mechanical behaviour of materials, Cambridge
University press,2008
8. Reed Hill E. Robert, Physical metallurgy principles, 4th Edn. Cengage Learning, 2009
9. Van Vlack -Elements of Material Science - Addison Wesley,1989
tosolid- State-chemistry-fall-2010/syllabus/
Module Contents Hours
Earlier and present development of atomic structure; attributes of
ionization energy and conductivity, electronegativity and alloying;
correlation of atomic radius to strength; electron configurations;
electronic repulsion Primary bonds: - characteristics of covalent,
ionic and metallic bond: attributes of bond energy, cohesive force,
density, directional and non-directional and ductility, properties based
on atomic bonding:- attributes of deeper, energy well and shallow 2
energy well to melting, temperature, coefficient of thermal expansion
- attributes of modulus of elasticity in metal cutting process –
Secondary bonds:- classification- hydrogen bond and anomalous
behavior of ice float on water, application- atomic mass unit and
specific heat, application. (brief review only, no Universityquestions
I 15%
and internal assessment from these portions.)
Crystallography:- Crystal, space lattice, unit cell- BCC, FCC, HCP
structures - short and long range order – effects of crystalline and 1
amorphous structure on mechanical properties.
Coordination number and radius ratio; theoretical density; simple
problems - Polymorphism and allotropy.
Miller Indices: - crystal plane and direction (brief review) - Attributes
of miller indices for slip system, brittleness of BCC, HCP and
ductility of FCC - Modes of plastic deformation: - Slip and
Schmid's law, equation, critical resolved shear stress,correlation of
slip system with plastic deformation in metals and applications.
Mechanism of crystallization: Homogeneous and heterogeneous
nuclei formation, under cooling, dendritic growth, grain boundary 1
Effects of grain size, grain size distribution, grain shape, grain
orientation on dislocation/strength and creep resistance - 1
Hall - Petch theory, simple problems
Classification of crystal imperfections: - types of dislocation – effect of
point defects on mechanical properties - forest of dislocation, role of 1
surface defects on crack initiation.
II Burgers vector –dislocation source, significance of Frank Read source 15%
in metals deformation - Correlation of dislocation density with 1
strength and nano concept, applications.
Significance high and low angle grain boundaries on dislocation –
driving force for grain growth and applications during heat treatment.
Polishing and etching to determine the microstructure and grain size. 1
Fundamentals and crystal structure determination by X – ray
diffraction, simple problems –SEM and TEM.
Diffusion in solids, Fick’s laws, mechanisms, applications of diffusion
in mechanical engineering, simple problems.
Phase diagrams: - Limitations of pure metals and need of alloying -
classification of alloys, solid solutions, Hume Rothery`s rule - 2
equilibrium diagram of common types of binary systems: five types.
Coring - lever rule and Gibb`s phase rule - Reactions: monotectic,
eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic, peritectoid.
Detailed discussion on Iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram with
microstructure and properties changes in austenite, ledeburite, ferrite,
cementite, special features of martensite, transformation, bainite,
spheroidite etc.
Heat treatment: - Definition and necessity – TTT for eutectoid iron–
III 15%
carbon alloy, CCT diagram, applications - annealing, normalizing, 1
hardening, spheroidizing.
Tempering:- austermpering, martempering and ausforming-
Comparative study on ductility and strength with structure of pearlite, 1
bainite, spherodite, martensite, tempered martensite and ausforming.
Hardenability, Jominy end quench test, applications- Surface
hardening methods:- no change in surface composition methods :-
Flame, induction, laser and electron beam hardening processes- 2
change in surface composition methods :carburizing and Nitriding;
Types of Strengthening mechanisms: - work hardening, equation -
precipitation strengthening and over ageing- Dispersion hardening.
Cold working: Detailed discussion on strain hardening; recovery; re-
crystallization, effect of stored energy; re-crystallization temperature 1
- hot working, Bauschinger effect and attributes in metal forming.
Alloy steels:- Effects of alloying elements on steel: dislocation
movement, polymorphic transformation temperature, alpha and
beta stabilizers, formation and stability of carbides, grain growth,
displacement of the eutectoid point, retardation of the
transformation rates, improvement in corrosion resistance, mechanical
IV properties 15%
Nickel steels, Chromium steels etc. - Enhancement of steel properties
by adding alloying elements: Molybdenum, Nickel, Chromium, 1
Vanadium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Silicon,Copper and Lead.
High speed steels:- Mo and W types, effect of different alloying
elements in HSS
Cast irons: Classifications; grey, white, malleable and spheroidal
graphite cast iron etc, composition, Microstructure, properties and 1
Principal Non ferrous Alloys: - Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium,
Nickel, study of composition, properties, applications, reference shall 1
be made to the phase diagrams whenever necessary.
Fatigue: - Stress cycles – Primary and secondary stress raisers -
Characteristics of fatigue failure, fatigue tests, S-N curve.
V Factors affecting fatigue strength: stress concentration, size effect, 20%
surface roughness, change in surface properties, surface residual 1
Ways to improve fatigue life – effect of temperature on fatigue,
thermal fatigue and its applications in metal cutting 1
Fracture: – Brittle and ductile fracture – Griffith theory of brittle
fracture – Stress concentration, stress raiser – Effect of plastic 1
deformation on crack propagation.
Transgranular, intergranular fracture - Effect of impact loading on
ductile material and its application in forging, applications - 1
Mechanism of fatigue failure.
Structural features of fatigue: - crack initiation, growth, propagation -
Fracture toughness (definition only) – Ductile to brittle transition
temperature (DBTT) in steels and structural changes during DBTT,
Creep: - Creep curves – creep tests - Structural change: deformation by
slip, sub-grain formation, grain boundary sliding
Mechanism of creep deformation - threshold for creep,prevention
against creep - Super plasticity: need and applications
Composites:- Need of development of composites - geometrical and
spatial Characteristics of particles – classification - fiber phase: -
characteristics, classifications -composites:- Need of development of
VI composites - 20%
Modern engineering materials: - only fundamentals, need, properties
and applications of, intermetallics, maraging steel, super alloys,
Titanium – introduction to nuclear materials, smart materials and bio
Ceramics:-coordination number and radius ratios- AX, AmXp,
AmBmXp type structures – applications. 1



Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 Hrs

4 Questions uniformly covering modules 1 and 2. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)

4 Questions uniformly covering modules 3 and 4. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)

6 Questions uniformly covering modules 5 and 6. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any four questions out of six. (4X10=40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions, if needed.
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To introduce the different types of manufacturing processes used to create different forms
of metals/alloys/composites.
Introduction to material casting processes - welding process and the physics of welding -
mathematical/ physical description of forming processes – rolling and types – forging processes –
advanced manufacturing – non-traditional machining – design for manufacturing
Expected outcome.
 The students will become aware of the types of processes used for the manufacturing the
parts of automobile.
Text Books:
1. Helmi A Youssef, Hassan A El-Hofy and Mahmoud H Ahmed, Manufacturing
Technology (materials, processes and equipments) , CRC Press, 2017
2. Kalapakjian and Schmid , Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Pearson, 7e, 2013
1. Hine and Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Casting , Tata McGraw Hill India, 1995
2. P.R.Beeley, Foundry Technology, Butterworths Publication, 1972
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours
Casting of metallic materials – introduction – expendable mold
casting processes – sand casting, shell, vacuum, slurry, plaster
and ceramic molding, expandable pattern casting – permanent
I mold castings – die and centrifugal casting – melting furnaces 7 15%
– cupolas and crucible furnace –cleaning and finishing of
castings – quality of castings – defects & method of inspection
of defects
Bulk forming of metallic materials – Classification – Forging
processes – open die, close die, special forging processes –
forging equipment and defects
II Rolling processes – flat, section, tube , and special rolling 7 15%
processes and rolling defects – Extrusion – classification –
equipment & defects
Drawing – rod, wire and tube – classification and drawing die
Sheet metal forming processes – Classification – Shearing
processes and mechanism – Bending processes – parameters –
III springback and residual stresses – bending equipment – stretch 8 15%
forming – Deep drawing – blank holding pressure, ironing,
deep drawing force, redrawing – hydroforming – spinning –
conventional, flow tunneling and tube spinning.
Joining processes – Fusion welding – gas, thermit, electric arc,
resistance and high energy beam welding – Solid state welding
– cold, diffusion, explosion, forge, friction, hot pressure, roll,
IV and ultrasonic welding – Solid-liquid state welding – brazing, 8 15%
soldering and adhesive bonding – welding of plastics –
metallurgy of welded joints – welding defects – quality control
– destructive and non-destructive tests – mechanical joining.
Non-traditional machining – Jet machining – abrasive, water
jet, and abrasive water jet – ultrasonic machining – USM
equipment and process capabilities – Chemical milling &
V photochemical machining - ECM – elements, equipment and 8 20%
process capabilities – electrochemical grinding – EDM –
sinking, milling and wire cutting – EBM – LBM – plasma arc
Advanced manufacturing techniques – near net shape
manufacturing – metal injection molding and rapid prototyping
– microfabrication technology – microcutting, microfinishing,
and nonconventional micromachining – application of nano
VI technology – sustainable and green manufacturing. 7 20%
Manufacturing process capabilities – process selection factors
– process information maps – ranking strategy – design for
manufacturing – casting, sheet metal forming, die forging,
welding, and assembly.


Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 Hrs

4 Questions uniformly covering modules 1 and 2. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)

4 Questions uniformly covering modules 3 and 4. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any three questions out of four. (3X10=30 marks)

6 Questions uniformly covering modules 5 and 6. Each question carries 10 marks. Students will have
to answer any four questions out of six. (4X10=40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions, if needed.
Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of
code. Credits Introduction
3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
1. To understand the basic concepts of different types of electrical machines and their
2. To know the different methods of starting D.C motors and induction motors.
3. To introduce the controllers for automation
DC Machines, transformers, three phase induction motor, single phase induction motor, stepper
motor, controllers for automation.

Expected outcome .
The students will be able to
1. Select a drive for a particular application based on power rating.
2. Select a drive based on mechanical characteristics for a particular drive application.
3. Discuss the controllers used for automation
Text Books:
1. Kothari D. P. and I. J. Nagrath, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
2. Nagrath .I.J. & Kothari .D.P, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998
3. Richard Crowder, Electrical Drives and Electromechanical systems, Elsevier, 2013
4. Mehta V. K. and R. Mehta, Principles of Electrical and Electronics, S. Chand & Company
Ltd., 1996.
5. Theraja B. L. and A. K. Theraja, A Text Book of Electrical Technology, S. Chand &
Company Ltd., 2008.
6. Vedam Subrahmaniam, Electric Drives (concepts and applications), Tata McGraw- Hill,
1. H.Partab, Art and Science and Utilisation of electrical energy, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1994
2. M. D.Singh, K. B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998
3. Pillai.S,K A first course on Electric drives, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1998

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
DC Machines-principle of operation-emf equation-types of
excitations. Separately excited, shunt and series excited DC
I 6 15%
generators, compound generators. General idea of armature reaction,
OCC and load characteristics - simple numerical problems.
Principles of DC motors-torque and speed equations-torque speed
characteristics- variations of speed, torque and power with motor
II current. Applications of dc shunt series and compound motors. 6 15%
Principles of starting, losses and efficiency – load test- simple
numerical problems.
III Transformers – principles of operations – emf equation- vector 7 15%
diagrams- losses and efficiency – OC and SC tests. Equivalent circuits-
efficiency calculations- maximum efficiency – all day efficiency –
simple numerical problems. Auto transformers constant voltage
transformer- instrument transformers.
Three phase induction motors- slip ring and squirrel cage types- 15%
principles of operation – rotating magnetic field- torque slip
IV 7
characteristics- no load and blocked rotor tests. Circle diagrams-
methods of starting – direct online – auto transformer starting
Single phase motors- principle of operation of single phase induction 20%
motor – split phase motor – capacitor start motor- stepper motor-
universal motor Synchronous machines types – emf equation of
V 8
alternator – regulation of alternator by emf method. Principles of
operation of synchronous motors- methods of starting- V curves-
synchronous condenser
Stepper motors: Principle of operation, multistack variable reluctance 20%
motors, single-stack variable reluctance motors, Hybrid stepper motors,
Linear stepper motor, comparison, Torque-speed characteristics,
control of stepper motors
VI Controllers for automation, servo control, Digital controllers, 8
Advanced control systems, Digital signal processors, motor controllers,
Axis controllers, Machine tool controllers, Programmable Logic



Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs

The question paper should consist of three parts

Part A
There should be 2 questions each from module I and II
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
There should be 2 questions each from module III and IV
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
There should be 3 questions each from module V and VI
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: in all parts each question can have a maximum of four sub questions
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on the design of vehicle body to give maximum comfort for the
 To discuss the methods of stream lining vehicle body to minimize drag
Classification of coach work types, vehicle aerodynamics, vehicle body design parameters,
vehicle body design terms, vehicle ergonomics, body structure types, vehicle stability, and load
distribution in vehicles.
Expected outcome.
 The students will be able to do vehicle body design giving maximum passenger comfort
and producing minimum drag.
Text Book:
1. Giles J Pawlowski, Vehicle body engineering Business books limited, 1989
2. Sydney F Page, “Body Engineering”’ Chapman & Hall Ltd, London, 1956
1. Pope , “Wind tunnel testing” , John Wiley & Sons , 2nd edition, New York, 1974
2. Braithwaite,J.B., Vehicle Body building and drawing, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.,
London 1977
3. Dieler Anselm., The passenger car body, SAE International, 2000
4. Giles,G.J., Body construction and design, Illiffe Books Butterworth & Co., 1971.
5. John Fenton, “Vehicle body layout and analysis”, Mechanical Engg. Publication ltd,
6. Paul Browne – Auto care manual.
7. Redesign of bus bodies – Part 1 and Part 2 C. I. R. T., Pune.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Classification of coachwork type: styling forms, coach and bus body style,
layout of cars, buses and coach with different seating and loading capacity,
commercial vehicle types, Vans and Pickups. Terms used in body building
construction - Angle of approach, Angle of departure, Ground clearance,
I Cross bearers, Floor longitudes, posts, seat rail, waist rail, cant rail, Roof 7 15%
stick, Roof longitude, Rub rail, skirt rail, truss panel, wheel arch structure,
wheel arch, post diagonals, gussets.
Basic dimension: Regulations as per ARAI, driver’s seat, passengers seat,
Aerodynamics: Basics, Vehicle drag and types, Various types of forces
and moments, effects of forces and moments, various body optimization
techniques for minimum drag, Principle of wind tunnel technology, flow
visualization techniques, tests with scale models, aerodynamic study for
II heavy vehicles Interior Ergonomics: Introduction, ergonomics system 7 15%
design, Seating dimensions ,seat comfort, suspension seats, split frame
seating, back passion reducers, dash board instruments, electronic
displays, commercial vehicle cabin ergonomics, mechanical package
layout, goods vehicle layout.
Vehicle Body Materials: Aluminium alloys, Steel, alloy steels, plastics,
Metal matrix composites, structural timbers - properties, glass reinforced
plastics and high strength composites, thermoplastics, ABS and styrenes,
III 7 15%
load bearing plastics, semi rigid PUR foams and sandwich panel
construction. Paints adhesives and their properties, corrosion and their
Load distribution: Type of body structures, Vehicle body stress analysis,
vehicle weight distribution, Calculation for static, symmetrical,
longitudinal & side loads, stress analysis of bus body structure under
bending and torsion. Vehicle Stability: Introduction, Longitudinal, lateral
IV 7 15%
stability, vehicle on a curvilinear path, critical speed for toppling and
skidding. Effect of operating factors on lateral stability, steering geometry
and stabilization of steerable wheels, mass distribution and engine
location on stability
Noise and vibration: Noise characteristics, Sources of noise, noise level
measurement techniques, Body structural vibrations, chassis bearing
vibration, designing against fatigue, methods of noise suppression
V Safety: Impact protection basics, Physics of impact between deformable 7 20%
bodies, Design for crash worthiness, occupant and cargo restraint, passive
restraint systems, side impact analysis, bumper system, energy absorbent
foams, laws of mechanisms applied to safety.
Introduction to CFD technology, fluidic design considerations, effect of
air dams on front bumpers, effect of projected accessories on body, wind
tunnel testing of car body, parameters considered for wind tunnel testing,
VI 7 20%
introduction to software simulation of car body structures.
Visibility, regulations, drivers visibility, methods of improving visibility,
Window winding and seat adjustment mechanisms

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
● To impart the basic concepts of IC Engine pollution and its effects
● To know about pollution sources and pollution control
● To discuss methods of measuring automotive pollution
Emission standards & regulations -Emission measurement and testing procedures-Mechanism of
pollutant formation -Formation of HC -Technology for controlling emissions -Controlling
emission -inspection frequency and roadside inspection
Expected outcome.
 The students will know about various emissions of automotive engines and the emission
testing methods.
Text Book:
1. Asil Faiz, C S Weaver, M P Walsh, Air pollution from motor vehicles, The World bank ,
Washington D C, 1996
2. Paul Degobert, Automobiles and pollution –– Editions Technip, 1995
Reference Books
1. James D. Halderman, James Linder, Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems, 3/e
Pearson, 2012
2. Springer and Patterson, Engine Emission, Plenum Press, 1990
3. W.M. Crouse and A.L. Anglinm, Automotive emission control, McGraw Hill Co.,
NewYork, 1993
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Emission standards & regulations – international standards, US,
European union standards, & Indian standards. Compliance with
standards – certification - assembly lane testing – In use
surveillance & recall.
I 7 15%
Emission measurement and testing procedures – light and heavy
duty vehicles & two wheelers. Crankcase, evaporative, refueling
and on-road emissions. NDIR analyzers, FID, Chemiluminscence
analyzers etc..
Mechanism of pollutant formation – formation of NOx & CO in
SI and CI engines – formation of particles in SI and CI engines –
II oxidation of soot – role of soot inhibitors 7 15%
Formation of HC – aldehydes, ketons, alcohols and organic acids -
formation of HC in SI and diesel engines.
Technology for controlling emissions – Gasoline fueled vehicles –
III A/F ratio, electronic control. Catalytic convertors – two way and 7 15%
three way convertors – catalytic wear and poisoning. Diesel fueled
vehicles – engine design – exhaust after treatment – EGR-
Crankcase emission and control - evaporative emission and
control – fuel dispensing and distribution emissions and control.
Emission standards for inspection and maintenance – cost and
benefits – emission improvements – impact of tampering – cost
effectiveness. Remote sensing of vehicle emissions – evaluation of
IV data. 7 15%
Vehicle replacement and retrofit programs – scrapage and
relocation – replacement – retrofit program. Intelligent vehicle-
highway systems
Controlling emission - inspection procedures for SI engines –
exhaust & evaporative emissions – motorcycle white smoke.
V Institutional setting for inspection and maintenance – centralized 7 20%
and decentralized I/M – comparison – inspection frequency and
roadside inspection
Influence of fuel:- Gasoline fuel – density, volatility, octane
number, additives, mis-fueling. Diesel fuel – cetane number,
sulphur and aromatics, additives – metallic, organic and water.
VI Alternative fuels – NG, LPG, Alcohols-methanol and ethanol, 7 20%
Biodiesels and their blends, Hydrogen, Low and high content
oxygenated fuels. Effect of lubricants – influence of large scale
use of alternative fuels.

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of
code Credits Introduction
ME333 HEAT ENGINES LAB 0-0-3-1 2016

Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To give hands on experience in tesing different properties of fuels &
 To perform characteristic tests on petrol and diesel engines.
List of Exercises/Experiments :
1. Determination of viscosity using Saybolt Viscometer.
2. Determination of viscosity using Redwood Viscometer.
3. Determination of Flash point and Fire point using Pensky Marten’s Apparatus.
4. Fuel Injection Pump Testing and Calibration of Fuel Injection pump.
4. Performance Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine.
5. Performance Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine.
6. Retardation Test on Twin cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine.
7. Morse Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Petrol engine.
8. Heat Balance Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine.
9. Volumetric Efficiency Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine.
10.Volumetric Efficiency Test on Multi cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine.
11. Cooling curve Test on Twin cylinder Four stroke Diesel Engine.
12. Valve Timing on Four stroke Diesel/ Petrol Engine
13. Determination of calorific value of liquid fuel using bomb calorimeter
14. Determination of calorific value of gaseous fuel using Junker’s calorimeter

Note: Minimum 12 experiments are mandatory

Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
i. Test different Properties of fuels and lubricants.
ii. Test petrol and diesel engines to evaluate their performance

List of Equipments
 Saybolt viscometer
 Redwood viscometer
 Pensky Marten’s flash & fire point apparatus
 Fuel pump testing and calibrating machine
 Single/multicylinder engine (petrol/diesel) for valve timing
 Single/Twin cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine with rope drum/electrical dynamometer
 Multi cylinder petrol engine with eddycurrent/hydraulic dynamometer
 Multi cylinder diesel engine with eddycurrent/hydraulic dynamometer
 Bomb Calorimeter
 Junker’s gas calorimeter
Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 To give an idea about different manufacturing processes and to perform
different types of tests on various works.

List of Exercises/Experiments :
Experiment on arc/TIG/MIG welding: -
1. butt welding and
2. lap welding
Experiment on lathe:-
3. Facing,
4. plain turning,
5. step turning,
6. parting – groove cutting,
7. knurling and chamfering
8. form turning and taper turning –
9. Eccentric turning.
10. Measurement of flank wear in turning process using tool makers microscope.
Experiment on thread cutting: -
11. single and multi start external
12. single and multi start internal threads,
13. Square and V-threads.
Experiment on drilling machine: -
14. Drilling,
15. boring,
16. reaming
17. counter sinking and taping

Expected outcome:
 The students will be able to perform welding and machining operations in lathe
and drilling machine

List of Equipments
 3 or 4 jaw Lathe
 Arc / TIG / MIG welding machine
 Drilling machine
 Thread cutting tools.
Course Course Name L-T-P- Year of
code Credits Introduction
ME302 Heat and Mass Transfer 3-1-0-4 2016
Prerequisites : ME203 Mechanics of fluid
Course Objectives:
 To introduce the various modes of heat transfer and to develop methodologies for
solving a wide variety of practical heat transfer problems
 To provide useful information concerning the performance and design of simple
heat transfer systems
 To introduce mass transfer
Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction: Most general heat conduction equation, One
dimensional steady state conduction with and without heat generation, Critical radius of
insulation, Elementary ideas of hydrodynamics and thermal boundary layers, Convection
heat transfer: Newton’s law of cooling, Dimensionless numbers, Dimensional analysis,
Problems. Fins: Types of fins : Fin efficiency and effectiveness. Boiling and condensation
heat transfer, Introduction to heat pipe. Transient heat conduction. Heat exchangers,
LMTD and NTU methods. Radiation: laws of radiation, Electrical analogy, Radiation
shields. Mass Transfer :Mass transfer by molecular diffusion, Convective mass transfer.
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Apply principles of heat and mass transfer to engineering problems
2. Analyse and obtain solutions to problems involving various modes of heat transfer
3. Design heat transfer systems such as heat exchangers, fins, radiation shields etc..
Text Books:
1. Sachdeva R C, Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age Science
Limited, 2009
2. R.K.Rajput. Heat and mass transfer, S.Chand& Co.,2015
3. Nag P K., Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill,2011
4. Kothandaraman, C.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age International,
New Delhi, 2006
Data Book:
 Heat and Mass Transfer data book: C.P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanya, New age
International publishers,2014

References Books:
1. Yunus A Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill,2015
2. Holman J P, Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill, 2011
3. Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and
sons, 2011
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.
Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction: Fourier law of heat
conduction-Thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gases-
Factors affecting thermal conductivity- Most general heat
conduction equation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical
I coordinates One dimensional steady state conduction with and 12 15%
without heat generation conduction through plane walls,
cylinders and spheres-variable thermal conductivity
conduction shape factor- heat transfer through corners and
edges. Critical radius of insulation.
Elementary ideas of hydrodynamics and thermal boundary
layers-Thickness of Boundary layer-Displacement, Momentum
and Energy thickness (description only).
Convection heat transfer: Newton’s law of cooling- Laminar
and Turbulent flow, Reynolds Number, Critical Reynolds 10
II 15%
Number, Prandtl Number, Nusselt Number, Grashoff Number
and Rayleigh’s Number. Dimensional analysis Buckingham’s
Pi theorem- Application of dimensional analysis to free and
forced convection- empirical relations- problems using
empirical relations
Transient heat conduction-lumped heat capacity method. Fins:
Types of fins - Heat transfer from fins of uniform cross
III sectional area- Fin efficiency and effectiveness. Boiling and 15%
condensation heat transfer(elementary ideas only),Introduction
to heat pipe.
Combined conduction and convection heat transfer-Overall
heat transfer coefficient - Heat exchangers: Types of heat
exchangers, AMTD, Fouling factor, Analysis of Heat 8
IV 15%
exchangers- LMTD method, Correction factor, Effectiveness-
NTU method, Special type of heat exchangers (condenser and
evaporator, simple problems only)
Radiation- Nature of thermal radiation-definitions and
concepts- monochromatic and total emissive power-Intensity
of radiation- solid angle- absorptivity, reflectivity and
transmissivity-Concept of black body- Planck’ law- Kirchoff’s
law- Wein’s displacement law-Stefan Boltzmann’s law- black,
gray and real surfaces-Configuration factor (derivation for 10 20%
simple geometries only)- Electrical analogy- Heat exchange
between black/gray surfaces- infinite parallel plates, equal and
parallel opposite plates-perpendicular rectangles having
common edge- parallel discs (simple problems using charts
and tables). Radiation shields(no derivation).
Mass Transfer :Mass transfer by molecular diffusion- Fick’s law
of diffusion- diffusion coefficient Steady state diffusion of gases
and liquids through solid- equimolar diffusion, Isothermal
evaporation of water through air- simple problems. 8 20%
Convective mass transfer- Evaluation of mass transfer
coefficient- empirical relations- simple problems- analogy
between heat and mass transfer.

Question Paper Pattern

Use of approved data book permitted
Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs
The question paper should consist of three parts
Part A
There should be 2 questions each from module I and II
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
There should be 2 questions each from module III and IV
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
There should be 3 questions each from module V and VI
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: Each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course code Course Name L-T-P- Year of
Credits Introduction
Prerequisite: ME301 Mechanics of Machinery
Course Objectives:
 To impart knowledge on force analysis of machinery, balancing of rotating and
reciprocating masses, Gyroscopes, Energy fluctuation in Machines.
 To introduce the fundamentals in vibration, vibration analysis of single degree of
freedom systems.
 To understand the physical significance and design of vibration systems with desired
Force analysis of machinery - static and dynamic force analysis of plane motion mechanisms.
Flywheel analysis - static and dynamic balancing - balancing of rotating masses, gyroscopic couples.
Vibrations – free vibrations of single degree freedom systems, damping, forced vibration, torsional
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Develop the design and practical problem solving skills in the area of mechanisms
2. Understand the basics of vibration and apply the concepts in design problems of
Text Books:
1. Ballaney P.L. Theory of Machines, Khanna Publishers,1994
2. S. S. Rattan, Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
3. V. P. Singh, Theory of Machines, Dhanpat Rai,2013

References :

1. E. Wilson, P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Pearson Education, 2003

2. Ghosh, A. K. Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East West Press,
3. H. Myskza, Machines and Mechanisms Applied Kinematic Analysis, Pearson Education,
4e, 2012
4. Holowenko, Dynamics of Machinery, John Wiley, 1995
5. J. E. Shigley, J. J. Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill,1995
6. W.T.Thompson, Theory of vibration, Prentice Hall,1997
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Sem.

Introduction to force analysis in mechanisms - static force analysis

(four bar linkages only) - graphical methods 4
I 15%
Matrix methods - method of virtual work - analysis with sliding and
pin friction 3
Dynamic force analysis: Inertia force and inertia torque. D’Alemberts
principle, analysis of mechanisms (four bar linkages only), 4
II equivalent dynamical systems 15%
Force Analysis of spur- helical - bevel and worm gearing 3
Flywheel analysis - balancing - static and dynamic balancing -
balancing of masses rotating in several planes 4
III 15%
Balancing of reciprocating masses - balancing of multi-cylinder in
line engines - V engines - balancing of machines 3

Gyroscope – gyroscopic couples

Gyroscopic action on vehicles-two wheelers, four wheelers, air planes
IV 15%
and ships. Stability of an automobile – stability of a two wheel vehicle
–Stabilization of ship.

Introduction to vibrations – free vibrations of single degree freedom

systems – energy Method 2
Undamped and damped free vibrations – viscous damping – critical
V damping - logarithmic decrement - Coulomb damping – harmonically 3 20%
excited vibrations
Response of an undamped and damped system – beat phenomenon -
transmissibility 2

Whirling of shafts – critical speed - free torsional vibrations – self

excitation and stability analysis - vibration control - vibration isolation 4
VI – vibration absorbers 20%
.Introduction to multi-degree freedom systems - vibration
measurement - accelerometer – seismometer – vibration exciters 3
Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs

The question paper should consist of three parts

Part A
There should be 2 questions each from module I and II
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
There should be 2 questions each from module III and IV
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
There should be 3 questions each from module V and VI
Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: Each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
ME314 MACHINE DESIGN - II 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : ME307 Machine design - II
Course Objectives
 To introduce the design considerations needed for different types of machine
components and
Introduction to design of different types of bearings, clutches, brakes – IC engine parts design –
Design recommendations
Expected outcome.
 The students will become aware of the machine components, forces, stresses affecting
them and aspects of designing them.
Text Books:
1. C.S,Sarma, KamleshPurohit, Design of Machine Elements Prentice Hall of India Ltd
2. M. F. Spotts, T. E. Shoup, Design of Machine Elements, Pearson Education, 8e, 2003
3. T. Krishna Rao, Design of machine Elements volume 2 I K International Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd New Delhi, 2011
4. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements McGraw Hill Book Company, 4e, 2016
Data book ( permitted for reference in the University examination)
1. K. Lingaiah , Machine Design Data hand book, Suma Publishers, Bangalore/ Tata
McGraw Hill
1. Doughtie V.L., &Vallance A.V., Design of Machine Elements, McGraw Hill Book
Company, 1964
2. J. E. Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Book Company, 5e, 1986
3. Juvinall R.C &Marshek K.M., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John
Wiley, 5e, 2011
4. Siegel, Maleev& Hartman, Mechanical Design of Machines, International Book
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours
Classification of design - Different phases in design process - design
factors and considerations Engineering materials and their physical
properties as applied to design - Selection of materials - Factors of
safety in design – Endurance limit of materials- theories of failure -
I 8 15%
Guest’s theory - Rankine’s theory - St. Venant’s theory - Haigh’s
theory - Von Mises&Hencky theory - shock and impact loads - fatigue
loading - endurance limit stress- Factors affecting endurance limit -
Factor of safety - creep and thermal stresses
Design of shafts on the basis of strength - Design of shaft on the basis
of rigidity - Design of hollow shafts -design for static and fatigue
II loads- repeated loading- reversed bending 7 15%
Design of welded joints- Representation of welds - stresses in fillet
and butt welds- design for static loads - bending and torsion in welded
joints- eccentrically loaded welds - design of welds for variable loads.
Clutches - friction clutches- design considerations-multiple disc
clutches-cone clutch- centrifugal clutch
III 6 15%
Brakes- Classification, internal expanding shoe brake, disc brake
Spring- Design of leaf spring, coil spring , torsion bar
Design of bearings - Types - Selection of a bearing type - bearing life -
Rolling contact bearings – static and dynamic load capacity - axial and
radial loads - selection of bearings - dynamic equivalent load -
IV 6 15%
lubrication and lubricants – viscosity
Journal bearings - hydrodynamic theory - design considerations - heat
balance - bearing characteristic number - hydrostatic bearings.
Gears- classification- Gear nomenclature - Tooth profiles - Materials
of gears - design of spur, helical, bevel gears and worm & worm wheel
V - Law of gearing - virtual or formative number of teeth- gear tooth 8 20%
failures- Beam strength - Lewis equation- Buckingham’s equation for
dynamic load
Design of Internal Combustion Engine parts- Piston, Cylinder,
VI 7 20%
Connecting rod, Crank shaft, Flywheel & valves


Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 Hrs

3 Questions uniformly covering modules 1 and 2. Each question carries 15 marks. Students will have
to answer any two questions out of four. (2X15=30 marks)

3 Questions uniformly covering modules 3 and 4. Each question carries 15 marks. Students will have
to answer any two questions out of four. (2X15=30 marks)

3 Questions uniformly covering modules 5 and 6. Each question carries 20 marks. Students will have
to answer any two questions out of four. (2X20=40 marks)

Note: Each question can have maximum of 4 sub questions, if needed.

Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : AU302 Automotive electrical and electronics
Course Objectives
 To familiarize the design and construction of various automotive electrical
List of Exercises/Experiments : (Minimum 12 experiments are mandatory)
Testing of batteries
1. Hydrometer test with temperature correction
2. Heavy load test and open voltage test

Familiarization of charging system

3. Familiarizing different stator and rotor types, analyzing AC output waveform
4. Single phase rectifiers and three phase bridge rectifier
5. Testing of regulators and cut out relays
6. Constructing a working model of charging system

Familiarization of starting system

7. Speed and torque characteristics of DC motors
8. Testing different starter drive mechanisms
9. Constructing a working model of starting system

Familiarization of ignition system

10. Assembling of battery/coil ignition system
11. Assembling of magneto ignition system
12. Constructing a working model of programmed ignition system with electronic triggering
13. Design and construct a working model of lighting circuit with components given
14. Design and construct a working model of wiper system with components given
15. Demonstration of dash board panel instruments and controls
16. Design and construct a working model of power window system with components given
17. Design and construct a working model of power steering with components given

Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. design and construct various automotive electrical systems
ii. do fault finding and rectification of automotive electrical systems.
List of Equipments
● Battery hydrometer, Voltmeter/ Multimeter
● Electronics components for rectifier circuit, Alternator, Dynamo, Automotive regulator
and cut out relays, Digital Storage Oscilloscope
● DC motors, Starter drive mechanisms
● Battery ignition system, Magneto ignition system, Microcontroller, Sensors for ignition
timing ( CPS, Camshaft sensor, MAP, MAF, Temperature sensor etc.)
● Automotive Lighting system
● Dashboard module
● Power window system
● Power steering system
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge on the principles of operation and constructional details of various
Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems
Principle of lead acid battery & constructional details-Charging system-Requirement of starter
motor-Battery coil and Magneto ignition system-Electronically assisted ignition system-Lighting-
Instrumentation-Sensors and applications in Automobile-Actuators-Electronic fuel injection
system overview-Common rail direct injection, Gasoline direct injection, Supercritical injection.
Expected outcome.
 The students will become aware of the principles of operation and constructional details of
various Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems like Batteries, Starting System,
Charging System, Ignition System, Lighting System and Dashboard Instruments and
Text Book:
1. Tom Denton, “Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems”, Elsevier Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2004
2. Kholi .P.L. Automotive Electrical Equipment, Tata McGraw-Hill Co Ltd
1. Al Santini, Automotive Electricity and Electronics, Cengage Learning, 2013
2. Robert Bosch, Automotive Handbook, Bently Publishers,2004
3. William B. Ribbens , Norman P. Mansour, Understanding automotive
electronics, Newnes, 2003
4. Jim Horner, Automotive Electrical HandBook, Penguin, 1986
5. Barry Hollembeak, Automotive Electricity & Electronics, Cengage Learning,
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Principle of lead acid battery & constructional details, Effect of
temperature on electrolyte, Capacity Rating, Battery charging
methods, Battery tests. Developments in storage: Nickel metal
I 7 15%
hydride battery, Lithium ion battery, Fuel cells, Ultra

Charging system: Working and constructional details of

Alternators (single and three phase), Rectification, voltage
regulation, current regulation, Charging circuit for 3 phase
II alternator. 7 15%
Starting system: Requirement of starter motor; Starter Motor
types, construction and characteristics, Starter drive mechanisms,
Starting circuit, Starter Switches.
Battery coil and Magneto ignition system, Centrifugal and
Vacuum advance mechanisms, Spark plugs, constructional details
and types.
III 7 15%
Electronically assisted ignition system; Non-contact triggering
devices - Fully electronic ignition System, Capacitive Discharge
Ignition, Distributor-less ignition, Programmed ignition.
Lighting: Types of headlights, headlight reflectors, headlight
lenses, indicator lamp details, lighting circuit, projector
headlights; Horn and wiper mechanisms.
IV 7 15%
Instrumentation: Speedometer, Fuel Level Indicator, Oil Pressure
and Coolant Temperature Indicators, Display devices – LED,
Sensors and applications in Automobile: Pressure sensors,
Temperature sensors, Position sensors, Lambda sensor, Air flow
V 7 20%
sensor, Wheel speed sensor, Knock sensor, Optical sensors.
Actuators: Solenoids, Stepper motors, Relays, Piezoelectric.
Electronic fuel injection system overview; D jetronic, K jetronic
and L jetronic fuel injection; Injections schemes–Single point,
VI Multi point, Sequential, Direct injection. 7 20%
Common rail direct injection, Gasoline direct injection,
Supercritical injection.

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
HS300 Principles of Management 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To develop ability to critically analyse and evaluate a variety of management practices in
the contemporary context;
 To understand and apply a variety of management and organisational theories in practice;
 To be able to mirror existing practices or to generate their own innovative management
competencies, required for today's complex and global workplace;
 To be able to critically reflect on ethical theories and social responsibility ideologies to
create sustainable organisations.
Definition, roles and functions of a manager, management and its science and art perspectives,
management challenges and the concepts like, competitive advantage, entrepreneurship and
innovation. Early contributors and their contributions to the field of management. Corporate
Social Responsibility. Planning, Organizing, Staffing and HRD functions, Leading and
Controlling. Decision making under certainty, uncertainty and risk, creative process and
innovation involved in decision making.
Expected outcome.
A student who has undergone this course would be able to
i. manage people and organisations
ii. critically analyse and evaluate management theories and practices
iii. plan and make decisions for organisations
iv. do staffing and related HRD functions
Text Book:
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Companies, 10th
1. Daft, New era Management, 11th Edition, Cengage Learning
2. Griffin, Management Principles and Applications, 10th Edition, Cengage Learning
3. Heinz Weirich, Mark V Cannice and Harold Koontz, Management: a Global,
Innovative and Entrepreneurial Perspective, McGraw Hill Education, 14th Edition
4. Peter F Drucker, The Practice of Management, McGraw Hill, New York
5. Robbins and Coulter, Management, 13th Edition, 2016, Pearson Education
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours

Introduction to Management: definitions, managerial roles and

functions; Science or Art perspectives- External environment-
I global, innovative and entrepreneurial perspectives of
Management (3 Hrs.)– Managing people and organizations in 6
the context of New Era- Managing for competitive advantage -
the Challenges of Management (3 Hrs.) 15%
Early Contributions and Ethics in Management: Scientific
Management- contributions of Taylor, Gilbreths, Human
Relations approach-contributions of Mayo, McGregor's
II Theory, Ouchi's Theory Z (3 Hrs.) Systems Approach, the
Contingency Approach, the Mckinsey 7-S Framework
Corporate Social responsibility- Managerial Ethics. (3 Hrs)
6 15%

Planning: Nature and importance of planning, -types of plans

(3 Hrs.)- Steps in planning, Levels of planning - The Planning 6 15%
Process. – MBO (3 Hrs.).
Organising for decision making: Nature of organizing,
organization levels and span of control in management
Organisational design and structure –departmentation, line and
IV staff concepts (3 Hrs.) Limitations of decision making-
Evaluation and selecting from alternatives- programmed and 6 15%
non programmed decisions - decision under certainty,
uncertainty and risk-creative process and innovation (3 Hrs.)
Staffing and related HRD Functions: definition,
Empowerment, staff – delegation, decentralization and
recentralisation of authority – Effective Organizing and
culture-responsive organizations –Global and entrepreneurial
organizing (3 Hrs.) Manager inventory chart-matching person 9 20%
with the job-system approach to selection (3 Hrs.) Job design-
skills and personal characteristics needed in managers-
selection process, techniques and instruments (3 Hrs.)
Leading and Controlling: Leading Vs Managing – Trait
approach and Contingency approaches to leadership -
Dimensions of Leadership (3 Hrs.) - Leadership Behavior and
styles – Transactional and Transformational Leadership (3
Hrs.) Basic control process- control as a feedback system – 9 20%
Feed Forward Control – Requirements for effective control –
control techniques – Overall controls and preventive controls –
Global controlling (3 Hrs.)
Question Paper Pattern
Max. marks: 100, Time: 3 hours .
The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A: 4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)
Part B : 4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)
Part C: 6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To provide knowledge about various Vehicle Performance Characteristics.
Laboratory testing, Dynamometers, Wheel balancing & Wheel alignment, NVH, Vehicle
performance, fuel economy, road and track testing, corrosion testing, chassis dynamometers.
Expected outcome:
 The students will become aware of the various testing methods of automobiles and the
various equipments used for the testing of vehicles.
Text Books:
1. J. G. Giles – Vehicle operation and performance, Wildlife Publications, London, 1969.
2. SAE Transaction papers – 831814, 820346, 820367, 820371, 820375

1. Dr. N.K.Giri- Automotive technology – Khanna publishers, 2009
2. W. H. Crouse and L. Anglin – Motor vehicle inspection, McGraw Hill Book Co. 1978.

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Laboratory testing: Basic engine parameters, Measurement of
I BHP, IHP- Engine testing on dynamometers, different types of 7 15%
dynamometers- hydraulic, eddy current etc.
Engine analyzers- for petrol and diesel engines, FIP calibrating
and testing, exhaust gas analyzers - various types- Orsat apparatus,
II 7 15%
infrared gas analyzers, smoke meter; Wheel alignment testing,
Wheel balancing
Noise vibration and Harshness: Review of vibration fundamentals,
vibration control, fundamentals of acoustics, human response to
sound, automotive noise criteria, Standard noise measurement
III methods, Noise inside and outside the vehicle, sources of vehicle 7 15%
noise- intake and exhaust noise, combustion noise, mechanical
noise, noise from auxiliaries, wind noises, transmission noises,
brake squeal, structure noise, noise control methods.
Vehicle performance: Methods for evaluating vehicle
performance- energy consumption in conventional automobiles,
performance, emission and fuel economy, Operation of full load
IV 7 15%
and part conditions, effect of vehicle condition, tyre and road
condition and traffic condition and driving habits on fuel
economy, CAFÉ standards.
Road and track testing: Initial inspection, PDI, Initial free
V 7 10%
services, engine running in and durability, intensive driving,
maximum speed and acceleration, brake testing on the road, hill
climbing, handling and ride characteristics, safety, mechanism of
corrosion, three chamber corrosion testing, wind tunnel testing,
road testing, test tracks.
Vehicle testing on chassis dynamometers: two wheel & four wheel
VI dynamometers, vehicle testing lanes - side slip testers, brake 7 20%
testers, head light alignment testing


Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P- Year of
code Credits Introduction


Prerequisite: ME308 Computer aided design and analysis

Course Objectives:
 To provide working knowledge on Computer Aided Design methods and procedures
 To impart training on solid modelling software
 To impart training on finite element analysis software

Introduction to solid modeling and Finite Element Analysis software.
Exercises on modeling and assembly.
a. Creation of higher end 3D solid models.(minimum 3 models)
b. Creation of assembled views of riveted joints, cotter joints and shaft couplings.
(minimum 3 models)
Exercises on the application of Finite Element Method/Finite Volume Method to engineering
a. Structural analysis. (minimum 3 problems)
b. Thermal analysis. (minimum 2 problems)
c. Fluid flow analysis. (minimum 1 problem)
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to
i. Gain working knowledge in Computer Aided Design methods and procedures
ii. Solve simple structural, heat and fluid flow problems using standard software
Points to note:
 Any appropriate solid modeling software (like CATIA, Solids Works, ProE, IDEAS, Siemens
Solid Edge and NX, free software, etc.) and package (like ANSYS, Comsol Multi Physics,
NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ADINA, Siemens Femap Nastran,free software etc.) may be used.
 Evaluation
Class exercises 60 marks
Regular class viva 10 marks
Final internal exam using software 30 marks
All the above three evaluations are mandatory.
References Books:
1. Daryl Logan, A First course in Finite Element Method, Thomson Learning, 2007
2. David V Hutton, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill,2003
3. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/ CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill, 2007
4. Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmer, CAD/ CAM – Computer aided design and
manufacturing, Pearson Education,1987
5. T. R. Chandrupatla and A. D. Belagundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Pearson Education, 2012
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
**341 DESIGN PROJECT 0-1-2-2 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To understand the engineering aspects of design with reference to simple products
To foster innovation in design of products, processes or systems
To develop design that add value to products and solve technical problems
Course Plan
Study :Take minimum three simple products, processes or techniques in the area of specialisation,
study, analyse and present them. The analysis shall be focused on functionality, strength, material,
manufacture/construction, quality, reliability, aesthetics, ergonomics, safety, maintenance,
handling, sustainability, cost etc. whichever are applicable. Each student in the group has t o
present individually; choosing different products, processes or techniques.

Design: The project team shall identify an innovative product, process or technology and proceed
with detailed design. At the end, the team has to document it properly and present and defend it.
The design is expected to concentrate on functionality, design for strength is not expected.

Note : The one hour/week allotted for tutorial shall be used for discussions and presentations. The
project team (not exceeding four) can be students from different branches, if the design problem is
Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. Think innovatively on the development of components, products, processes or
technologies in the engineering field
ii. Analyse the problem requirements and arrive workable design solutions

Michael Luchs, Scott Swan, Abbie Griffin, 2015. Design Thinking. 405 pages, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc

First evaluation ( Immediately after first internal examination ) 20 marks
Second evaluation ( Immediately after second internal examination) 20 marks
Final evaluation ( Last week of the semester) 60 marks

Note: All the three evaluations are mandatory for course completion and for awarding the final
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
**352 Comprehensive Examination 0-1-1-2 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To assess the comprehensive knowledge gained in basic courses relevant to the branch of
To comprehend the questions asked and answer them with confidence.

Oral examination To be conducted by the college (@ three students/hour) covering all the
courses up to and including V semester 50 marks
Written examination - To be conducted by the Dept. on the date announced by the University
common to all students of the same branch objective type ( 1 hour duration) 50 multiple choice
questions ( 4 choices) of 1 mark each covering the six common courses of S1&S2 and six branch
specific courses listed questions are set by the University - no negative marks 50 marks.

Note: Both oral and written examinations are mandatory. But separate minimum marks is not
insisted for pass. If a students does not complete any of the two assessments, grade I shall be
awarded and the final grade shall be given only after the completion of both the assessments.
The two hours allotted for the course may be used by the students for discussion, practice and for
oral assessment.
Expected outcome.
The students will be confident in discussing the fundamental aspects of any engineering
problem/situation and give answers in dealing with them
Fourth Year: Semester 7&8
Course Course Name L-T-P –Credits Year of
code Introduction
Prerequisite: ME307 Machine design I

Course Objectives
 To impart the design aspects of various automotive system components

Basic Definitions and Terminologies, design parameters for multi-cylinder engine, design of valve
gear, design of engine structure, design of lubricating system elements, design of cooling system
components, design of speed gear boxes
Expected outcome.
 The students will be able to design basic components of automotive systems
1. A. Kolchin and V. Demidov ,Design of automotive engines, , Mir Publishers, Moscow
2. N K Giri, Automobile Mechanics (through problems), Khanna Publishers
3. P. M. Heldt , High speed combustion engines-design-production- test, Oxford and
IBH Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Basic Definitions and Terminologies: Air resistance-rolling
resistance-total resistance, vehicle speed-driving force-excess
driving force-driving horse power-brake horse power-indicated
I horse power- indicated mean effective pressure- frictional mean 9 15%
effective pressure- frictional horse power- indicated horse
power- mechanical efficiency- brake torque. Simple numerical
problems for familiarization with the definitions.
Design parameters for multi-cylinder engine: Assumptions
made for design- body dimensions-engine dimensions-valve
timing angles- performance parameters (maximum power,
maximum torque, acceleration), calculation for mechanical
II efficiency and brake torque based on the definitions- 10 15%
terminologies and assumptions, plotting of performance curves
based on the calculations, Turning moment calculation for each
cylinder-net load on piston- side thrust-combined turning
Design of valve gear- Introduction-main dimensions of passage
sections in the throat and valve-main dimensions of intake cam-
III 9 15%
shaping of convex cam and harmonic cam with flat follower- the
time section of valve-design of valve spring.
Design of Engine Structure-Cylinder block and upper
crankcase-cylinder liners-cylinder block head-cylinder studs,
IV 9 15%
Design of lubricating system elements-Oil pump-centrifugal
oil filter-oil cooler-Design of bearings
Design of cooling system components-Introduction-Water
pump design (petrol engines and diesel engines)-Radiator (petrol
V 9 20%
engines and diesel engines)-Cooling fan(petrol engines and
diesel engines)
Design of speed gear boxes, standardization of spindle speeds,
VI speed diagrams, design of housings, lubrication considerations 10 20%


Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs

The question paper should consist of three parts

Part A
3 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part B
3 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part C
3 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 20 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X20 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P –Credits Year of
code Introduction
AU403 VEHICLE DYNAMICS 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To familiarize the students with vibrating systems
 To understand the characteristics of the tires.
 To know about the stability and handling characteristics of vehicles at different tracks.
Stability of vehicles-Braking requirements-Road Loads-Over steer, under steer, steady state
cornering-Suspension-Tires-Performance of road vehicles-Classification of vibration-
aerodynamic forces
Expected outcome.
 The students will be able to solve simple design problems based on the vehicle
stability and various design parameter based problems.
Text Book:
1. Giri N.K, Automobile Mechanics, 8/e, Khanna Publishers
2. Rao V. Dukkipati, Jian Pang, “Road Vehicle Dynamics problems and solution”, SAE,
1. David Corolla, „Automotive Engineering‟, „Powertrain, chassis system and Vehicle
Body‟, Butterworth Heinmann, 2009
2. G. Giles, „Steering, Suspension and Tires, Illiffe Books Ltd., 1968.
3. J. Y. Wong, „Theory of Ground Vehicles‟, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York
4. JazarR N, Vehicle Dynamics, Springer Verlag, New York, 2014
5. W. Steeds, Mechanics of road vehicles, Wildlife book Ltd, London 1990.
Course Plan
Modul Hour Sem.ExamMar
e s ks
Classification of vibration, Specification and Vibration,
Vibration System and human comforts, Modal Analysis,
One DOF, Two DOF, Free and Forced Vibration,
Damped Vibration, Magnification and Transmissibility,
Vibration Absorber.
I Performance of road vehicles: Tractive resistance, 7 15%
tractive effort, power required for propulsion, grade
ability, drawbar pull and the problems related to these
Road performance curves- acceleration, gradability and
drawbar pull, acceleration time and Elasticity.
Tires: tire dynamics Ride characteristics, Behavior while
Cornering, Slip angle, Cornering force, Power consumed
by Tire, Oversteer, under steer, steady state cornering,
II 7 15%
aligning moment-combined braking and Cornering,
effect of camber & transient effects in cornering. Tire
III Suspension: Vehicle dynamics and suspension 7 15%
requirements, choice of suspension spring rate, chassis
springs and theory of chassis springs, Gas & hydraulic
dampers and choice of damper, damper characteristics,
mechanics of an independent suspension system, Roll
axis and the vehicle under the action of side forces.
Stability of vehicles: Load distribution (Three wheeled
and four wheeled vehicles), Calculation of acceleration,
tractive effort and reactions for different drives, stability
of a vehicle on a curved track, slope and a banked road.
IV 7 15%
Gyroscopic effects, weight transfer during acceleration,
Cornering and braking, stability of a rigid vehicle and
equations of motion of a rigid vehicle, cross wind
Over steer, under steer, steady state cornering. Effect of
braking, driving torques on steering.
Effect of camber, transient effects in cornering.
V 7 20%
Directional stability of vehicles.
Braking requirements, stopping distance, braking
efficiency, work done in braking, tire adhesion.
Road Loads: Air resistance-Mechanics of air flow around
a vehicle, pressure distribution on a vehicle, factors
affecting rolling resistance, aerodynamic forces –
VI aerodynamic drag, drag components, drag coefficient, 7 20%
aerodynamic aids, aerodynamic side force, lift force,
pitching moment, yawing moment, rolling moment, cross
wind sensitivity

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs

The question paper should consist of three parts

Part A
3 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part B
3 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 15 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X15 marks =30 marks)

Part C
3 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 20 marks
Students will have to answer any two questions out of 3 (2X20 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
● To impart knowledge about refrigeration and air conditioning systems, components, control
and service.
● To understand the procedure for refrigeration and air conditioning load calculation.
Principles of refrigeration, Air conditioning systems, load on refrigeration & air conditioning systems,
air distribution systems, air routing and temperature control, air conditioning control, air conditioning
Expected outcome.
 The students will be able to do refrigeration and air conditioning load calculation.
Text Books:
1. Steven Daly , Automotive Air conditioning and Climate Control Systems, Butterworth-
Heinemann, USA
2. V Paul Lang , Principles of Air Conditioning by, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt.Ltd

1. C.P.Arora, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
2. Dossat., Principles of Refrigeration, John Wiley and Sons
3. Robert H. Enerick, Basic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
4. Stoecker W.F. and Jones J.W, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, McGraw- Hill
5. Jordan and Priester, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Prentice Hall of India.
6. R.K.Rajput , Refrigeration and Air conditioning. Kataria publishers
7. R.S. Khurmi and J.S Gupta , Refrigeration and Air conditioning, S Chand Company
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Principles of refrigeration: Thermodynamics of refrigeration –
Carnot, reversed Carnot cycle, heat pump, and refrigerator-
coefficient of performance -unit of refrigeration. Refrigeration
I 7 20%
methods-conventional refrigeration systems. Air refrigeration
system –Bell Coleman cycle -C.O.P –capacity, types of
Air Conditioning Systems Classification, layouts, central, unitary air
conditioning systems, components like compressors, evaporators,
II condensers, expansion devices, fan blowers, heating systems, 7 15%
Automotive heaters, Types, Heater Systems, Air conditioning
protection, Engine protection.
Load Analysis: Outside & inside design consideration, factors
III 7 20%
forming the load on refrigeration & air conditioning systems,
procedure for cooling & heating load calculation in automobiles,
effect of air conditioning load on engine performance.
Air Distribution Systems: Distribution duct system, sizing, supply I
IV return ducts, type of grills, diffusers, ventilation, air noise level, 7 15%
layout of duct systems for automobiles.
Air Routing & Temperature Control: Objectives, evaporator air flow,
through the recirculating unit, automatic temperature control, duct
system, controlling flow, vacuum reserve, testing the air control of
V 7 20%
air handling systems
Air Conditioning Control: Common control such as thermostats,
humidistat, control dampers, pressure cut outs, relays
Air conditioning service: Air conditioner maintenance & service-
causes of air conditioner failure, leak testing guide, discharging the
VI Evacuating the system, charging the system, servicing heater system, 7 10%
removing & replacing components, trouble shooting of air
conditioning system, compressor service, methods of dehydration,
charging & testing.

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
AU407 ADVANCED IC ENGINES 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite: NIL
Course Objectives
● To impart the basic concepts of non-conventional IC Engines
● To know the new concepts of automotive engine combustion technologies
● To discuss about future engine technologies
Types of engines -Dual fuel engine concepts and significance-Multi fuel engines-Lean burn engines -
Gas turbine plants -Stratified charge combustion in direct injection SI engines -HCCI and CAI engines
Expected outcome.
 The students will become aware of the latest developments and advancement in the field of IC
Text Books:
1. H Zhao, Advanced Direct Injection Combustion Engine Technologies and Development,
volume 1- gasoline and gas engines, Wood head publishing, 2009
2. H Zhao, Advanced Direct Injection Combustion Engine Technologies and Development,
volume 2- diesel engines, Wood head publishing, 2009

Reference books
3. H Zhao , HCCI and CAI Engines for the Automotive Industry ,Woodhead publishing
4. Derek Dunn -Rankin, Lean Combustion: Technology and Control , Academic press, 2007
5. M. L. Mathur, R. P. Sharma - Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications
6. V Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engine Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Delhi 2006.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Types of engines - Wankel engine - Stirling engine - free piston
I engine. – light duty DI diesel engines (HSDI), high pressure pump 7 15%
technology, multiple injection diesel combustion

Dual fuel engine concepts and significance, factors affecting

combustion in dual fuel engines, performance of dual fuel engines.
II Multi fuel engines, characteristics of multi fuel engines, performance 7 15%
of multi fuel engines. Concept and working of flexi fuel vehicles


Lean burn engines – fundamentals of lean combustion – burning in
III flames – auto ignitive burning – flame stabilization – lean burn SI 8 20%
engines – engine combustion and emissions – lean limit operations
Gas turbine plants – Open and closed cycles – thermodynamic cycles
IV – regeneration – re heating – inter cooling – efficiency and 6 10%
performance of gas turbines – Gas turbine as automotive engine –
Limitations of gas turbine in automotive sector. Comparison of gas
turbine Vs. I.C engine. Condition for perfect reheating and inter
cooling. simple problems
Stratified charge combustion in direct injection SI engines –
thermodynamic and combustion process – production engines with
stratification – future trends – Turbo charged direct injection SI
engines – problems and challenges – advantages – future trends
V Direct injection gasoline engines with auto ignition combustion – 7 20%
principles and approaches – operation and control – development of
practical engines – future trends. Direct injection natural gas engines
– technologies – potential applications – strength and weakness –
future trends
HCCI and CAI engines – fundamentals – effect of use of exhaust gas
dilution – approaches to CAI/HCCI – Two stroke CAI engines –
principles – control – potential applications – four stroke gasoline and
VI 7 20%
diesel HCCI engines – HCCI fuel requirements – low temperature
and premixed combustion with late injection – NADI concept of
HCCI –CAI control and CAI/SI switching

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : AU201 & AU202
Course Objectives
 To provide an outline of the simulation methods adopted for IC Engine processes

Heat of reaction at constant volume and constant pressure - Constant volume and constant - pressure
adiabatic combustion - Adiabatic flame temperature - Simulation of SI Engine Combustion - working
substance under full and part throttle conditions - CI engine simulation with adiabatic combustion -
supercharged and turbocharged conditions - flow through valves - Mach index - Effect of valve
timing - Swirl and squish - scavenging parameters - delivery ratio - trapping efficiency - two stroke
engine simulation - Engine friction variation, models for engine friction - Heat transfer mechanisms
in engines
Expected outcome.
 The students will be to simulate processes in SI & CI engines
Text Books:
1. V.Ganesan, Computer simulation of compression ignition engine processes, Universities Press
2. V Ganesan Computer simulation of Spark Ignition Engine Processes, Universities Press

3. Richard Stone, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, SAE Inc., 1999
4. Colin R Ferguson , Internal Combustion Engines – Applied Thermo Sciences, John Wiley
and Sons.
5. John B Heywood , Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, , McGraw Hill
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Combustion Calculations: Heat of reaction at constant volume and
constant pressure, Calculation of properties of the working
I 8 15%
medium in an engine, Constant volume and constant pressure
adiabatic combustion, Calculation of Adiabatic flame temperature.
Simulation of SI Engine Combustion: Engine kinematics, Ideal Otto
cycle, SI engine simulation with adiabatic combustion with air as the
II 7 20%
working substance under full and part throttle conditions. Actual SI
engine heat release rate curves.


Simulation of CI Engine Combustion: CI engine simulation with
adiabatic combustion with air as the working substance under
III naturally aspirated, supercharged and turbocharged conditions. Zero 7 20%
dimensional combustion models for CI engines

Gas Exchange Processes: Flow through valves their characteristics,

compressible and incompressible flow through valves, volumetric
IV efficiency and Mach index, Effect of valve timing on volumetric 7 20%
efficiency, Swirl and squish, SI engine simulation with gas exchange,
influence of valve timing and area.
Two stroke engine scavenging parameters like delivery ratio,
scavenging efficiency, trapping efficiency. Perfect displacement and
V 7 15%
perfect mixing models for scavenging. Port diagrams and two stroke
engine simulation
Heat Transfer and Friction in Engines: Engine friction variation,
models for engine friction, Heat transfer mechanisms in engines,
VI Models for heat transfer in engines. 6 10%


Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
AU463 3-0-0-3 2016
Course Objectives
● To introduce the basic concepts of automotive industry
● To impart the basic concepts of plant operation and management
● To discuss automotive marketing and supply chain limits
Strategic planning of production activities -Manufacturing engineering planning -Labour efficiency
analysis – manpower planning -Plant manufacturing system -Equipments – general service, -
Logistics – evolution -Role of purchasing department -Quality management

Expected outcome.
 The students will be able to apply management principles in automotive industry and various
management related affairs used in automotive industry
Text Books:
1. Marco Gobetto, Operation management in automotive industries, Springer, 2013

Reference books
1. David Edwards, Gary Holt, Frank Harris, Maintenance Management of Heavy Duty
Construction Plant and Equipment, Chandos publication
2. Joseph Berk, Susan Berk Quality Management for the Technology Sector, Butterworth-
Heinemann publication
3. R B Chase & F R Jacobs , Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, McGraw
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Strategic planning of production activities – process integration –
‘make or buy’ decision making – manufacturing system setup –
location criteria – overview of technology in construction –
I sketches of manufacturing systems. 7 10%
Standardization logic & project setup – process description –
information technology systems – product composition analysis
– management of technical changes.
Manufacturing engineering planning – executive project – working
time analysis methodologies – man-machine interaction – standard
working time – equipment utilization analysis – operation
II productivity – machine loading – installed productive capacity 7 20%
Labour efficiency analysis – man power planning – working time
length o labour productivity improvement – task assigning –
workload balancing – motivating employees
Plant manufacturing system – reliability & maintainability –
autonomous and professional maintenance – correlation between
cost and maintenance – breakdown and preventive maintenance
III activity volume 7 15%
Equipments – general service, co-generation & auxiliary
equipments – energy consumption optimization – tools and
consumable management – TPM approach
Logistics – evolution – flow in supply chain – material handling –
IV inventory management methodologies – production and delivery 7 15%
planning – logistics information systems
Performance indicators of logistics – finished product inventory,
V process lead time, flow index, risk indicators, lead time, service 7 20%
level – JIT approach
Role of purchasing department – purchasing policies –
management of supplier network – order procedure – supplying
VI cost – purchase effectiveness – e-procurement Quality 7 20%
management – product design phase – TQM – continuous
improvement approach – kaizen and kanban systems.

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Year of
Credits Introduction
AU431 AUTOTRONICS LAB 0-0-3-1 2016
Prerequisite : AU302 Automotive Electrical and Electronics
Course Objectives
● Familiarize the students with the various sensors used in Automobiles.
● Impart knowledge in designing electronic circuits in automotive systems.
List of Experiments/Exercises (Minimum 12 are mandatory)

Testing of electronic components and basic electronic circuits used in automobiles

1. Testing of various sensors used in automobiles
2. Diodes, Transistor, Op-amps, Relays
3. Amplifier using op-amp

Familiarization of digital electronics

4. Testing of logic gate ICs.
5. Testing of flip flops.

Microcontroller/Microprocessor programming and interfacing (8085/PIC/Arduino)

6. Implement simple programs (arithmetic operations/logic functions)
7. Interfacing various sensors like RTD, LVDT, load cell etc.
8. Interfacing seven segment displays.
9. Interfacing of stepper motor
10. Interfacing of dc motor
11. Interfacing ADC for data acquisition and DAC for control application.
12. On-board diagnostics ( OBD) and fault detection
13. Familiarization of engine remapping tools and software
14. Design and testing of circuit for electronic ignition triggering
15. Design and testing of the circuit for keyless entry, parking system.
16. Design and testing of the circuits for ABS, Cruise Control.

Expected outcome.
 The students will have hands-on-experience in auto electrical systems and fault diagnostics.

List of Equipments needed

● CPS, MAF, MAP, ECT, IAT, Lambda sensor, Knock sensor etc.
● Diodes, Transistors, Op-amp, Relays
● Logic gates, Flip flops
● Microcontrollers (PIC/8085/ Arduino)
● Seven segments displays, Stepper motors, DC motors
● Interface cards, ADC, DAC
● OBD scanners and softwares
● Electronic triggering devices (Hall Effect sensor, Pickup coil, Optical)
● RF transceivers, Proximity sensors
● ABS modules and actuators, RADAR modules
Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
AU404 ENGINE AND VEHICLE 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To understand the principles of various electronic systems in engine and vehicle
management systems.
Open and closed loop control system, P, PI and PID control, ECUs in an Automobile, Electronic
engine control, Engine performance variables and its control strategies; Electronic fuel control,
Fuel injection system parameters affecting combustion, noise and emissions in CI engines.
Electronic ignition control, Electronic control transmission, GPS navigation, On Board
Diagnostics (OBD).Cruise control system, Anti-lock braking system, Traction control system,
Electronic brake force distribution, Electronic stability program. Airbags, Collision avoidance
radar warning system, Tyre pressure monitoring, Lane departure warning system, Night vision
Expected outcome .
 The students will be able to explain the principles of various electronic engine and
vehicle management systems
Text Book:
William B Ribbens, “Understanding Automotive Electronics: An Engineering Perspective”,
Butterworth-Heinermann, 7th edition, 2012
1. Eric Chowanietz, "Automobile Electronics" SAE Publications, 1994
2. Konrad Reif (Ed.), Bosch Professional Automotive Information, Diesel Engine
management Systems and Components, Springer Verlag, 2014
3. Konrad Reif (Ed.), Bosch Professional Automotive Information, Gasoline Engine
management Systems and Components, Springer Verlag, 2015
4. Robert Bosch, “Automotive Hand Book”, SAE (8th Edition), 2011.
5. Steve V. Hatch, “Computerised engine controls”, Cengage Learning, 2012
6. Tom Denton, “Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems” 4th edition, Routledge,
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Open and closed loop control system, P, PI and PID control,
ECUs in an Automobile, Microcomputers in Control system,
I 15%
look up tables, Introduction to modern control strategies like 7
Fuzzy logic and adaptive control
Electronic engine control – input and output, Engine
performance variables and its control strategies, Engine
II 7 15%
Effect of Air/Fuel ratio on performance, Effect of spark timing
on performance, Effect of EGR on performance, exhaust
Electronic fuel control, engine control sequence, open loop
III 7 15%
and closed control, cold starting, acceleration and full load
enrichment, deceleration leaning, overrun fuel cut off, Idle
speed control and EGR control
Fuel injection system parameters affecting combustion, noise
and emissions in CI engines. Pilot, main, advanced post injection
and retarded post injection. Electronic ignition control, Ignition
IV 7 15%
timing map, Ignition timing calculation (Initial timing, Basic
advance angle, Corrective advance angle), spark advance
correction scheme.
Electronic control transmission: control of shift timing, control of
lock up, neutral to drive squat control, engine torque control.
Dual clutch automatic, Automated manual transmission,
V 7 20%
Continuously variable transmission.
GPS navigation and On Board Diagnostics (OBD).

Cruise control system, Anti-lock braking system, Traction control

system, Electronic brake force distribution, Electronic stability
VI 7 20%
Airbags, Collision avoidance radar warning system, Tyre pressure
monitoring, Lane departure warning system, Night vision system

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To understand the constructional details operating characteristics and vehicle design
The power unit- two and four stroke, fuel and ignition system, transmission systems-clutches-gear
box, chassis and sub systems-frames-suspension, brakes and wheels, two and three wheeler-case
Expected outcome.
 The students will acquire two and three wheeler technology and latest developments in the
Text Book:
 Irving. P. E., Motor cycle Engineering, Temple Press Book, London, 1992.
1. Bryaut. R. V., Vespa maintenance and repair service.
2. Encyclopedia of Motor cycling, 20 volumes, Marshall Cavensih, New York and London,
3. K.K. Ramalingam, Two Wheelers, Scitech publications, Chennai.
4. Raymond Broad, Lambretta- A practical guide to maintenance and repair, 1987.
5. The Cycle Motor Manual. Temple Press Ltd., London, 1990.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours
The power plant
Two stroke and four stroke SI and CI engine construction and
I 7 15%
working, merits and demerits, symmetrical and unsymmetrical
valve and port timing diagrams, scavenging process.
Fuel and ignition system
Fuel system- Different circuits in two wheeler fuel systems, fuel
injection system, lubrication system
II 7 15%
Ignition systems- magneto coil and battery coil spark ignition
system, electronic ignition system, starting system- kick starter
system-self starter system, recent technologies
Transmission system
III Clutches- single- multi plate and centrifugal clutches, Gear box 7 15%
and its various gear controls in two wheelers.
Chassis and sub-systems
Main frame for two and three wheelers. Its types, chassis and
IV different drive systems for two wheelers 7 15%
Front and rear suspension systems-shock absorbers, panel meters
and controls on handle bar, freewheeling devices
Brakes and wheels
Drum brakes and disc brakes-construction- working and types,
V front and rear brake link lay outs, brake actuation mechanism, 8 20%
spokes wheel, cast wheel, disc wheel and its merits and demerits
Tyres and tubes construction and types, steering geometry
Two and three wheelers- case study
Case study of sports bike, motor cycles, scooters and mopeds-auto
VI rickshaws, pick up van, delivery van and trailer, servicing and 6 20%
maintenance, recent developments


Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Course Course Name L-T-P – Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To provide knowledge on measurement concepts, general principle of measurement,
various types of gauges and latest measuring equipments.
General measurement concepts-General principle of measurements-Gauges: Classification-
design of gauges-Measurement of surface finish-applications in clutch plate surface, brake liner,
inner race of a bearing, cylinder liner, machine tool guide way, surface to be painted, etc -
Advanced measuring devices
Expected Outcome
 The students will be able to know about various measuring methods as well as various
measuring techniques
Text Books
1. RK Rajput, Mechanical measurement and instrumentation, S K Kataria & Sons
1. ASME – Hand Book of Industrial metrology.
2. B.C Nakra and K.K Choudhary, “Instrumentation Measurement and analysis”, Tata
McGraw Hill.
3. Beckwith Thomas G., and Buck, N. Lewis, “Mechanical Measurements”, Oxford & IBH
4. D.Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010
5. Donald P Eckman, “Industrial Instrumentation”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Earnest O Doebelin, “Measurement systems Applications & Design”, McGraw Hill.
7. Rangan C.S., Sharma G.R, Mani V.S.V, “Instrumentation devices and Systems”, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
General measurement concepts: Principles for achieving
accuracy; methods for estimating accuracy and precision,
precision Vs accuracy, systematic and constant errors;
progressive, random, erratic, drunken errors; statistical concepts
in metrology, statistical analysis of measurement data, control
I 7 15%
chart techniques, comparators – General principle of
measurements: line and end measurements, standards, linear
measurements, basic units and quantities for displacement,
mass, time, temperature and optics; systems of limits and fits;
selecting and assigning of fits, tolerances for linear dimensions.
Gauges: Classification, design of gauges, gauge maker’s
tolerances, wear allowance, gauges, materials and gauge
manufactures. Form measurements: straightness, flatness,
II 7 15%
squareness, circularity, cylindricity – Measurement of angles
and tapers: sine bars, angle gauges, auto collimator, clinometer
and spirit level, taper gauges, bevel protractors.
Measurement of surface finish: Surface structure, integrity,
texture, roughness, waviness, lay, cut off, RMS & CLA values,
roughness values produced by machining processes,
instruments for different surface finish measurements, concept
of apparent to real area of contact of mating surfaces,
III applications in clutch plate surface, brake liner, inner race of a 7 15%
bearing, cylinder liner, machine tool guide way, surface to be
painted, etc & importance of surface finish on crack initiation.
Optical measuring instruments: interferometry, optical flats,
optimeters, optical projectors, tool maker’s microscope,
limitations, SEM & TEM.
Advanced measuring devices: Laser interferometry,
applications – computer controlled co-ordinate measuring
machine, machine vision & non contact CMM, Measuring of
IV 7 15%
gears: Measuring methods for runouts, pitch profile, lead,
backlash, tooth thickness, composite elements, inspection
Mechanical measurements: Transducer Elements,
Intermediate Elements, Indicating and recording Elements.
V Mechanical Measurements, a) Frequency Measurement b) 8 20%
Displacement Measurement c) Force Measurement, and d)
Torque Measurement
Pressure, temperature and flow measurements: Pressure and
Vacuum measurement, Flow measurements, Temperature
Measurements using Industrial Thermocouples, resistance
VI thermometers, radiation temperature measurements 9 20%
Measurement of vibration: Study of vibrometers, vibration
analyzer - measurement of noise - Study of noise meter, noise

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
The question paper shall consist of three parts

Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)

Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)

Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed
Year of
Course Code Course Name L-T-P-Credits

Course Objectives
 To provide an overview of the common hazards and their dynamics
 To inculcate the basic concepts of disaster management
Fundamental concepts of hazards and disasters - Basic concept of Earth as a system and its
component sub systems - . Climate Change - Introduction to key concepts and terminology of
hazard, vulnerability, exposure, risk, crisis, emergencies, Disasters, Resilience - Natural
Disasters - Earth quakes, Landslides. Floods, Coastal disasters, Tidal waves, Tsunamis. Nature
of Impacts - Anthropogenic Disasters – Soil degradation and desertification -water and
atmospheric pollution -Hazard and disaster management plans for floods, tidal waves.
Expected Outcome
The students will
i. get general ideas about the processes involved in natural and anthropogenic disasters
ii. understand the concepts of disaster management and measures to mitigate and contain
common episodes of disasters
1. Andrew, S., “Environmental Modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing”, John Willey and
sons, 2002
2. Ariyabandu, M. and Sahni P. (Eds), “Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia”, Prentice-
Hall (India), 2003.
3. Bell, F.G., “Geological Hazards: Their assessment, avoidance and mitigation”, E & FN
SPON Routledge, London. 1999
4. Bossler, J.D., “Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology”, Taylor and Francis,
London, 2001
5. David Alexander, “Natural Disasters”, Research Press, New Delhi, 1993
6. Matthews, J.A., “Natural hazards and Environmental Change”, Bill McGuire, Ian Mason,
7. Nick Carter. W., “Disaster Management - A Disaster Manager's Handbook”. Asian
Development Bank, Philippines. 1991
8. United Nations , Mitigating Natural Disasters, Phenomena, Effects and options, A
Manual for policy makers and planners, New York, 1991
Module Contents Hours
Fundamental concepts of hazards and disasters: Introduction to
key concepts and terminology of hazard, vulnerability,
exposure, risk, crisis, emergencies, Disasters, Resilience.
I 7 15%
Basic concept of Earth as a system and its component sub
systems. Climate Change vis-a-vis the interrelationships of the
subsystems- Green House Effect and Global warming, basic
ideas about their causes and effects.
Types of Natural Disasters I- Earth quakes, Landslides. Nature
II of impacts. 7 15%


Types of Natural Disasters II- Floods, Coastal disasters-
III Cyclones, Tsunamis. Nature of impacts. 7 15%

Types of Anthropogenic Disasters I– soil and soil degradation,

IV desertification. 7 15%


Types of Anthropogenic Disasters II-Fundamental concepts of
7 20%
V water and atmospheric pollution.
VI Hazard and disaster management plans for floods, tidal waves. 7 20%

QUESTION PAPER PATTERN (End Semester Examination)

Maximum Marks :100 Exam Duration: 3 Hrs

Part A -Module I & II : 2 questions out of 3 questions carrying 15 marks each

Part B - Module III & IV: 2 questions out of 3 questions carrying 15 marks each

Part C - Module V &VI : 2 questions out of 3 questions carrying 20 marks each

Note : 1.Each part should have at least one question from each module

2.Each question can have a maximum of 4 subdivisions (a,b,c,d)

Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of
**451 Seminar and Project Preliminary 0-1-4-2 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To develop skills in doing literature survey, technical presentation and report preparation.
To enable project identification and execution of preliminary works on final semester
Course Plan
Seminar: Each student shall identify a topic of current relevance in his/her branch of engineering,
get approval of faculty concerned, collect sufficient literature on the topic, study it thoroughly,
prepare own report and present in the class.
Project preliminary:
Identify suitable project relevant to the branch of study. Form project team ( not exceeding four
students). The students can do the project individually also. Identify a project supervisor. Present
the project proposal before the assessment board (excluding the external expert) and get it
approved by the board.
The preliminary work to be completed: (1) Literature survey (2) Formulation of objectives (3)
Formulation of hypothesis/design/methodology (4) Formulation of work plan (5) Seeking funds
(6) Preparation of preliminary report
Note: The same project should be continued in the eighth semester by the same project team.
Expected outcome.
The students will be able to
i. Analyse a current topic of professional interest and present it before an audience
ii. Identify an engineering problem, analyse it and propose a work plan to solve it.

Seminar : 50 marks
(Distribution of marks for the seminar is as follows: i. Presentation : 40% ii. Ability to answer
questions : 30% & iii. Report : 30%)
Project preliminary : 50 marks( Progress evaluation by the supervisor : 40% and
progress evaluation by the assessment board excluding external expert : 60%. Two progress
evaluations, mid semester and end semester, are mandatory.)

Note: All evaluations are mandatory for course completion and for awarding the final grade.
Course code Course Name Credits Year of
**492 PROJECT 6 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To apply engineering knowledge in practical problem solving
To foster innovation in design of products, processes or systems
To develop creative thinking in finding viable solutions to engineering problems
Course Plan
In depth study of the topic assigned in the light of the preliminary report prepared in the seventh
Review and finalization of the approach to the problem relating to the assigned topic
Preparing a detailed action plan for conducting the investigation, including team work
Detailed Analysis/Modelling/Simulation/Design/Problem Solving/Experiment as needed
Final development of product/process, testing, results, conclusions and future directions
Preparing a paper for Conference presentation/Publication in Journals, if possible
Preparing a report in the standard format for being evaluated by the dept. assessment board
Final project presentation and viva voce by the assessment board including external expert
Expected outcome
The students will be able to
iii. Think innovatively on the development of components, products, processes or
technologies in the engineering field
iv. Apply knowledge gained in solving real life engineering problems

Maximum Marks : 100
(i) Two progress assessments 20% by the faculty supervisor(s)
(ii) Final project report 30% by the assessment board
(iii) Project presentation and viva voce 50% by the assessment board

Note: All the three evaluations are mandatory for course completion and for awarding the final

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