MS 18 Edited
MS 18 Edited
MS 18 Edited
Cyclone 'Thane' developed over the southeast Bay of Bengal (BoB) at 88.5° E, 8.5° N during 25 – 31 December
2011.Simulations have been carried out using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to generate fine resolution winds that
prevailed over the BoB during this extreme weather event. Global Final analysis data from the National Centres for Environmental
Prediction (NCEP) having a spatial resolution of 1° and a temporal resolution of 6 h have been used to provide the initial and
boundary conditions. The model results (spatial resolution of 12km and temporal resolution of 1 h) have been validated with track
data and vertical observations. Maximum sustained wind speed during Thane cyclone was 15m/s, and made landfall over Tamil
Nadu coast. This study investigates the factors which reinforce cyclone genesis, its propagation and atmospheric parameters that
prevailed while the cyclone was passing through the coastal region. We have also studied the variations in sea level along the west
coast of India during the passage of Cyclone Thane in the Bay of Bengal and east coast of India.
activities take place, and is decreasing inwards and VWS = U850 – U200
outwards radially. The impact of storm intensity For the present study the VWS is calculated
depends mainly on the diameter of the cyclone. from the simulated winds at 850mb and 200mb.
For the present study we considered atmospheric The zonal shear is highly correlated with magnitude
parameters such as Latent heat, sensible heat, of the total shear at the low latitudes. A low vertical
surface friction velocity, Sea level pressure, zonal wind shear of 40m/s was observed on 29 Dec
Vertical wind shear, Mid Tropospheric Relative 2011 06h of the cyclone, as shown in Fig. 6(a).
Humidity (500mb) and Relative vorticity on 29 Since we are calculating only shear in speed, lower
Dec. 2011 at 6am. ACM2 scheme with the grid layer wind speed is more than that of upper layer,
resolution of 12km is used. From the Fig. 5 (a) it is but not too much difference was noticed. Mid
clear that the latent heat is minimum at the cyclonic tropospheric Relative humidity (500mb) plays an
centre and increases upto ~1500 W/m^2; the same important role in the development of deep
time the sensible heat varies upto 240 W/m^2 (Fig. convection, and is high over the region of
5b) and is confined to the southeast of eye; i.e., the cyclogenisis. Fig. 6(b) shows 85-100% of MTRH
intensity of cyclone depends on the latent heat from during the cyclone on 29 Dec 2011 06h, and a
the ocean. The surface friction velocity associated minimum at the eye. As a whole, the largest value
with the turbulence mixing increases during of mid-level moisture was at the eye wall and its
extreme events20. Fig. 5c shows the simulation surroundings. The moisture gradient is along the
output of the surface friction velocity (U*). Surface eye wall and follows the cyclonic path.
friction velocity is very weak within the eye of the According to Gray2, the region of positive
typhoon, indicating that this area is calm and the relative vorticity shows the chance of tropical
turbulence is weak and its high values are confined cyclogenisis and it increases with larger vorticity.
largely to the eye wall. Normally, the friction Relative vorticity is a measure of rotation of the
velocity values vary from zero to 0.4 m/s and environmental flow which characterizes the
having maximum at complex topography. kinematics of the fluid, and is calculated as the curl
of the velocity vector. A positive value means
anticlockwise and negative implies clockwise
rotation; its value is directly associated with the
quantity of velocity shear. The presence of a
northward (southward) relative vorticity gradient in
the environmental flow increases (reduces) kinetic
energy to the symmetric vortex and gyres 23 and the
vortex moves faster in the case of a positive relative
vorticity. Relative vorticity is calculated using the
dynamical equation:
RV = ( dV/dx ) - (dU/dy )
Authors thank Directors of CSIR-NIO, Goa and
TMSI, NUS for providing the facilities. The NIO
contribution no is 5494.
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