The Selecting of Artificial Intelligence Technology For Control of Mobile Robots
The Selecting of Artificial Intelligence Technology For Control of Mobile Robots
The Selecting of Artificial Intelligence Technology For Control of Mobile Robots
Romanova Irina
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of
technologies and management (the First Cossack University)»
Moscow, Russia
Abstract — The article analyzes the application of artificial wide range of overall sizes [1, 2, 7-11]. A lot of artificial
intelligence methods for control of mobile robots. The proposed intelligence technologies, such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural
method of selecting of the optimal artificial intelligence and neuro-fuzzy networks, artificial immune systems, genetic
technology by the set of available technologies for control of algorithms, swarm intelligence, are actively used during
mobile robots allows to improve the functional characteristics of creating of mobile intelligent robots. The main intelligent
the robot control system as a whole and its individual subsystems functions of mobile robot are processing of sensory
by the optimal coverage of a set of tasks and procedures solved information; assessment of the external situation; making
by the robot control system. The method is based on the adequate decisions on the selecting of behavior goals,
description of the initial information in the form of preference
planning ways to achieve them; implementation of these plans
relations on a set of alternatives. As a solution to the problem of
selecting an optimal information technology is adopted the most
by controlling the movement of the robot [1, 2].
nondominant alternative. The proposed method was applied to At the same time, to control a mobile robot, it is necessary
the selection of the optimal artificial intelligence technology for to select the most effective artificial intelligence technology or
modelling traffic control and technical operation field irrigation a combination of them, since the combination of several
in developing control system of mobile robotic sprinkler system technologies within a single concept of situational control
"Fregat". This method can be implemented in the design of leads to the possibility of creating high-quality systems both in
software not only for mobile robots, but robots for other
terms of speed of operation and in terms of efficiency and
reliability in solving applied problems.
Keywords — artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence
technology; mobile robot; intelligent control system; performance II. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
indicators of artificial intelligence technology; alternative; fuzzy The aim of the study was to develop a method of selection
preference relation.
of artificial intelligence technology for control of mobile
Problem statement. In view of the complexity or
Mobile robotics is an important part of the industry, with impossibility of formalizing the control problems, their
applications in diverse industries, including manufacturing, solution is supposed to be carried out with the involvement of
agriculture, aerospace, mining, and medicine. Mobile robotics artificial intelligence methods.
is currently an effective tool for solving problems linked to a
threat to human life and health, economic and technological When building intelligent control systems for dynamic
limitations. Examples of such tasks are: military intelligence objects, which include intelligent control systems of mobile
operations, monitoring and data collection of environmental robots, it is necessary to take into account the following
trends and conditions, mapping the terrain, the study of other conceptual provisions: the development of the situational
planets, etc. [1-6]. control model (thus the class of possible situations is put in
line a characteristic set of acceptable solutions); the need for a
Today’s scientists are actively working on creating of hierarchical organization of the intelligent control systems of
autonomous land-based, air-based, water-based robots in a mobile robots; the validity of the selection of functional
x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4
η ( xi , x j ) = sup min{ϕ nd ( xi , qk ),ϕ nd ( x j , ql ), μ (qk , ql )}. (2)
x1 1 0.8 1 0 1 0.1 0.5 0.3
q k , q l ∈Q
x2 0 1 0.2 1 0.8 1 0.8 0.8
3) To find the fuzzy subset of nondominated alternatives x3 0 0.8 1 0 0.5 0.3 1 0
on the set (X,η) by all i,j (i ≠j) on the basis of correlation: x4 0 0 1 1 0,8 0 0 1
η ( xi ) = 1 − sup[η ( x j , xi ) − η ( xi , x j )].
nd (3)
4) To correct the subset determined by correlation (3) Valuation indicators
ϕ nd ( xi , qk ), μ (qk , ql ) , using the formula: Alternatives Resource inputs q3 Validity q4
nd x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4
η nd ( xi ) = min{η ( xi ),η ( xi , xi )}. (4)
x1 1 0 0.8 0 1 1 0.9 0
5) To accept as a decision of task of selecting an optimal x2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
information technology the alternative with the most degree of x3 0.1 0 1 0.4 0.4 0 1 0
nondominat, i.e. the alternative giving a maximum of function x4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
(4): η nd ( xi ) → max .
B. The calculations