GP Chargeback Guide
GP Chargeback Guide
GP Chargeback Guide
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If you receive a
chargeback or RFI letter
from us, you must return
all requested information
within the timescale
outlined in the letter.
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Global Payments - Chargeback Guide
Why Am I Seeing Chargebacks
For My Online Payments?
SEE ABOUT CHARGEBACKS If you are taking payments where the card or
cardholder is not present, then you may be
liable for the chargebacks. The responsibility is
We’re asked a lot of questions about chargebacks, with you to ensure the payment is being made
by the genuine cardholder.
and we know that they can be frustrating. Not all
We highly recommend that if you are taking
chargebacks can be defended and it is essential online payments, you should include 3D
that you ensure that the rules set out by the Card secure services such as Verified by Visa and
MasterCard SecureCode, where your customer
Schemes are followed. can authenticate themselves as the genuine
card holder. This adds an extra layer of security
We have put together some of of reasons, and whilst we do everything
and chargeback protection to your online
the more common issues raised we can to support our customers, we are
payments, to help you protect your business.
about chargebacks for you. This is obliged to abide by Card Scheme Rules
by no means an exhaustive list as when handling every chargeback.
chargebacks are raised for a variety
Number Of Chargebacks
hargebacks that payment. Authorisation checks that
at the time of the transaction, the card
When I Am Posting isn’t reported lost or stolen, and that
Goods To Customers
stomers And the genuine cardholder has sufficient
funds available.
They Say They
ey Haven’t
Received Them?
If you’re seeing a high
gh number of
chargebacks from goods
oods not being
delivered, then opting
ng to use ‘Signed
For’ mail when posting
ting goods can help
reduce this issue.
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Global Payments - Chargeback Guide
08 Do Not Understand
and My
The ru
rules from the Card Schemes
are constantly
co changing to keep up
The type of business you’re
ou’re in has no with nnew technologies, customer
bearing on the chargeback
back system. payme
payment preferences and the evolving
The rules for taking card
d payments and threats to businesses. This guide is a
the associated chargeback
ack rules are snapsh
snapshot in the world of chargebacks,
set out by the Card Schemes.
emes. It’s your and wwhilst we’ve tried to ensure that
responsibility to ensure
e you operate the inf
information is as up to date as
within these rules. Working
king within the possib
possible, things may change.
rules ensures that you have the best
possible chance of either
er avoiding or
successfully defending a chargeback.
Global Payments is HSBC’s preferred supplier for card processing in the UK.
Global Payments is a trading name of GPUK LLP. GPUK LLP is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment
Service Regulations 2017 (504290) for the provision of payment services and under the Consumer Credit Act (714439) for the
undertaking of terminal rental agreements.
GPUK LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England number OC337146. Registered Office: 51 De Montfort Street,
Leicester, LE1 7BB. The members are Global Payments U.K. Limited and Global Payments U.K. 2 Limited. Service of any
documents relating to the business will be effective if served at the Registered Office.