16 Fuel Science and Technology (Fundamental Science, Analysis, Instrumentation)
16 Fuel Science and Technology (Fundamental Science, Analysis, Instrumentation)
16 Fuel Science and Technology (Fundamental Science, Analysis, Instrumentation)
comparison of experimental and calculated results shows validation of border, not 45 degrees to the border. The temperature drops with the
these tools within about 115% for both shut-down dose rate and increase of furnace height, and the highest temperature appears the
spectral gamma-ray flux calculations. area of the burners; from bottom to top, the intensity of swirl firstly
strengthens and then weakens in the furnace, but residual swirl still
03/00947 Micellar catalysis for selective epoxidations of exists at exit of furnace; the distributions of CO, O2 and COz
linear alkenes concentration are strongly related to the temperature field, i.e. the
Heijnen, J. H. M. et al. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2003, 42, high temperature area corresponds to the high CO and low O2 and O2
(3), 223-230. concentration area. The distributions of the velocity, temperature and
The application of surfactant systems is an excitingly new concept to the particles trajectories in the furnace were alr,o obtained and
perform reactive separations. One of the applications is the incorpor- analysed.
ation of homogeneous catalysts in micelles to perform reactions:
micellar catalysis. Non-polar reactants are converted into polar 03/00952 Numerical study on direct-contact condensation
products, using the micelles as nano-reactors. The polar products are of vapor in cold water
extracted towards the surrounding water phase, allowing for selectivity Takase, K. et al. Fusion Engineering and Design, 2003. 63 64, 421-428.
tuning. In this study, propene and 1-octene have been successfully Numerical analyses were carried out to predict quantitatively the
epoxidized by hydrogen peroxide, catalysed by micelle-incorporated condensation characteristics between the water and vapour inside a
porphyrin catalysts. Preliminary experiments show that an ultrafiltra- suppression tank in the International Thermanuclcar Experimental
tion membrane can retain the micelles containing the homogeneous Reactor (ITER). The suppression tank is one of the 1TER safety
catalyst. This opens up the industrial application of homogeneous devices. The pressure rise in an ITER vacuum vessel during an ingress-
catalysis for the production of commodity chemicals. of-coolant event (ICE) is suppressed by the effect of condensation of
vapour in the suppression tank. The water-vapour two-phase flow
03/00948 Modelling of heat and moisture transfer in characteristics with condensation under the ITER pressure conditions
buildings. I. Model program were clarified numerically. Moreover, flow visualization experiments
Lii, X. Energy and Buildings, 2002, 34, (lo), 1033-1043. were carried out to understand the condensation behaviour under low
The overall objective of this work is to develop an accurate model for pressure and cold water. The predicted flow configurations agreed well
predicting heat and moisture transfer in buildings including building with the experimental results.
envelopes and indoor air. The model is based on the fundamental
thermodynamic relations. Darcy’s law, Fick’s law and Fourier’s law are 03/00953 TG characteristics of GAP fuel-rich propellant
used in describing the transfer equations. The resultant non-linear and its ingredients
system of partial differential equations is discretized in space by the Wu, P. et al. Hanneng Cailiao, 2002. 10, ( I ). I8 20. (In Chmese)
finite element method. The time marching scheme, Crank-Nicolson The thermogravimetry characteristics were investigated of composite
scheme, is used to advance the solution in time. The final numerical propellants based on poly(glycidy1 azide) and other c:omponents, such
solution provides transient temperature and moisture distributions in as ammonium perchlorate (AP), potassium perchlorate (KP), and AP-
building envelopes as well as temperature and moisture content for KP mixtures. The effects of some transition metal oxide catalysts on the
building’s indoor air subject to outdoor weather conditions described thermal decomposition of the propellant components were also
as temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed. A investigated. The effects of the transition metal oxides on the thermal
series of measurements were conducted in order to investigate the decomposition of GAP, AP, and KP were different.
model performance. The simulated values were compared against the
actual measured values. A good agreement was obtained.