Case 2 - PEST.....
Case 2 - PEST.....
Case 2 - PEST.....
Technological environment Economic
Changes in the political arena influence many organisations.
For Johnson Matthey, which operates globally, changes in The world’s economies affect most organisations to a certain
laws and taxes in these countries can have a range of degree. For Johnson Matthey there are three main areas
impacts on the company’s operations and strategies. where economic factors influence its operations. These are
the global recession, economic growth in China and price
Since the 1970s more and more countries have passed laws to changes in the precious metals market.
control air pollution. Poor air quality affects peoples’ health, is bad
for the environment and has other knock-on effects. For instance, The 2008 banking crisis, when many major banks failed, caused a
poor health costs the economy money directly through increased fall in growth around the world because companies could no longer
obtain the loans they needed for investment. This recession meant a
healthcare costs and indirectly in days missed from work. The
fall in demand for many organisations’ products, including Johnson
amount of potentially harmful emissions rises as the number of
Matthey. Like many companies, Johnson Matthey looked for ways to
vehicles on the roads increases. Governments set limits to reduce
reduce costs. One solution was to increase efficiency. The company
emissions from vehicles and to control what pollutants are legal,
set targets to reduce the use of natural resources and decrease
putting pressure on car manufacturers. This means new technology
waste through lean production techniques. This created a more
is required to improve the efficiency of catalytic converters. Johnson
sustainable model of production. It also focused on developing
Matthey’s highly skilled research and development (R&D) teams
products that contained fewer rare non-renewable raw materials
develop this technology. Its converters use chemistry to convert
such as platinum. Achieving these targets meant Johnson Matthey
harmful pollutants in exhaust fumes into less harmful gases.
reduced costs and became more sustainable. The benefits of this
were two-fold – saving the company money whilst at the same time
Countries often seek new investment to help their economies
conserving the planet’s valuable natural resources. As the world tries
grow. As a result of the greater demand for catalytic converters,
to emerge from recession, Johnson Matthey’s focus on being more
Johnson Matthey needed to expand production in Europe. Its
sustainable and manufacturing more efficiently has improved its
options were to expand existing sites or build a new plant. After
position beyond where it stood in 2008.
considering all the key factors such as the cost of land,
availability of transport links and skilled labour, closeness to
customers and tax rates, Macedonia was chosen for the new
site. A similar new American plant was built to serve the US
market, with production beginning in 2009. Countries use many
strategies to attract new investment and it is vital that
businesses understand these and respond to them. The right
partnership of industry and country will bring benefits to both.
Johnson Matthey employs a high proportion of staff in highly
technical areas such as science and engineering. Its people are its
greatest asset. However, it can be difficult to recruit people with the
skills and knowledge that the company requires. To address this
issue Johnson Matthey is trying to raise the awareness of young
people to the excellent career prospects available to students who
study STEM subjects at school or college. It uses social media to
promote STEM subjects. It works closely with schools that are local
to its sites, educating pupils both in what the company does and in
the exciting careers it can offer. Its apprenticeship programmes
combine on-the-job training with study opportunities, leading to
qualifications that benefit both the apprentice and the company. It
also follows more traditional routes, such as careers fairs in schools,
colleges and universities to demonstrate the type of work it does.
demand for cars in the country and a subsequent increased grows. As countries become more wealthy, the type of food eaten also
demand for catalytic converters. The economic growth has also changes. For instance, people eat less grains and pulses and more
created a building boom, meaning greater demand for the meat, which requires a lot more resources to produce. These social
plastics that the company’s products help to produce. Rather factors mean that more food and better quality food is needed, increasing
than transport goods to China, Johnson Matthey has established the demand for fertilisers. The chemical processes that produce fertilisers
manufacturing plants in the country. Its presence in China are made more efficient and sustainable if catalysts are used. Since
provides a platform for further growth. For instance, increased Johnson Matthey manufactures these catalysts, the increased demand
demand for food production means increased demand for benefits the business.
Social changes that affect Johnson Matthey’s operations include
changes in education, the population and environmental
concerns. As sustainability and protecting the environment are
high on the public agenda, the need for products that do the
most good whilst taking as little as possible from the natural
world increases. Johnson Matthey specialises in products that
benefit society and the environment.
Johnson Matthey’s values centre on health and safety and
developing sustainable, environmentally sound products and
processes. Johnson Matthey is focused on ‘doing the right thing’
with its products that aim to have a positive impact on society
and the environment. Its vast range of products bring a number
of gains. Cleaner air means fewer problems with pollution and
health issues such as asthma. Greater efficiency in fuel use and
in chemical processes means fewer natural resources are used.
Other products bringing benefits include its range of active
Its involvement in all aspects of the production process, from
pharmaceutical ingredients used to make drugs to improve
acquiring materials, manufacturing, refining and developing
people’s health. One of these drugs, morphine, is key to
technologies means that it positively improves the environment
controlling pain in critically ill patients. Cleaner air and better
in all aspects of its operations.
drugs both help contribute to a better quality of life for all.
by working with car manufacturers on fuel cell vehicles. It is also technology-focused businesses. (4 marks)
working on better, more efficient batteries which could be used to 3. Analyse how a company like Johnson Matthey can use
power our cars, based on R&D advances. a PEST analysis of factors in its external environment
Johnson Matthey actively uses new technology to reach its various 4. Evaluate which of the changes in Johnson Matthey’s
stakeholders. These range from investors and customers to external environment has had the biggest impact on
potential new recruits. It tailors its message to each audience using the business. Give reasons for your answer. (8 marks)
digital media. Its website is constantly being improved with