An Overview of Energy and Metabolic Regulation
An Overview of Energy and Metabolic Regulation
An Overview of Energy and Metabolic Regulation
Life Sciences
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Department of Endocrinology, Shanghai Pudong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 201399, China
Received July 5, 2018; accepted August 23, 2018; published online October 18, 2018
The physiology and behaviors related to energy balance are monitored by the nervous and humoral systems. Because of the
difficulty in treating diabetes and obesity, elucidating the energy balance mechanism and identifying critical targets for treatment
are important research goals. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to describe energy regulation by the central nervous system
(CNS) and peripheral humoral pathway. Homeostasis and rewarding are the basis of CNS regulation. Anorexigenic or orexigenic
effects reflect the activities of the POMC/CART or NPY/AgRP neurons within the hypothalamus. Neurotransmitters have roles
in food intake, and responsive brain nuclei have different functions related to food intake, glucose monitoring, reward pro-
cessing. Peripheral gut- or adipose-derived hormones are the major source of peripheral humoral regulation systems. Nutrients or
metabolites and gut microbiota affect metabolism via a discrete pathway. We also review the role of peripheral organs, the liver,
adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle in peripheral regulation. We discuss these topics and how the body regulates metabolism.
hedonic, POMC/CART, NPY/AgRP, neurotransmitter, brain nuclei, gut-derived hormone, gut microbiota, BAT
Citation: Wen, S., Wang, C., Gong, M., and Zhou, L. (2018). An overview of energy and metabolic regulation. Sci China Life Sci 61,
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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motivational mechanism. A reward is an attractive and mo- the ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens
tivational property of a stimulus that induces pleasure, and in (NAc), and striatum) (Figure 1). The corticolimbic system
the case of eating, it can cause inappropriate consumption represents the “liking” zone, whereas the mesolimbic system
behavior (Schultz, 2015). The reward system wields distinct represents “wanting” areas (Berridge et al., 2010; Egecioglu
actions through dissimilar brain regions and neural path- et al., 2011). The mesolimbic dopamine system, especially
ways, such as the corticolimbic (e.g., the hippocampus, from the midbrain VTA to the forebrain NAc, is thought to
amygdala, prefrontal cortex) and mesolimbic structures (e.g., be the major rewarding pathway (Wise and Bozarth, 1987).
Figure 1 The illustration shows the reward system which contains links between midbrain and forebrain. Mesolimbic pathway contains contacts among
NAc, VTA, and Striatum whereas corticolimbic pathway contains links among the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex. DLPFC, dorsal lateral
prefrontal cortex; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; Hippo, hippocampus.
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This pathway exerts a food intake promoting effect via do- improves insulin resistance. Glucose utilization and insulin
pamine signaling. The morbid obesity phenomenon may be sensitization will be improved in the liver and skeletal
underlain by a reduction in dopamine receptor 2 (D2r) ex- muscle. A selective 5-HT2CR agonist was shown to induce
pression due to prolonged exposure to excessive palatable significant insulin-induced protein kinase B phosphorylation
food intake (Wang et al., 2001; Volkow et al., 2008). Another and a decrease in glucose neogenesis enzymes, such as
finding suggested that hyperphagia in obese individuals may phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose 6-phos-
reflect an altered balance between the “liking” and “wanting” phatase peripherally (Zhou et al., 2007). Activation of the 5-
aspect of food rewards. Motivated actions to obtain palatable HT1B receptor can also mediate the role of MC4R in both
food may increase to compensate for decreased pleasure for POMC neurons and NPY/AgRP neurons, which can reduce
food, which is similar to the mechanism underlying drug production of AgRP and inhibit GABA fibers projecting to
addiction (Egecioglu et al., 2011). In addition to the genes POMC/CART neurons from NPY neurons (Heisler et al.,
that encode similar feeding-related peptides (Olszewski et 2006).
al., 2008), these two systems can respond to similar per- AgRP neurons are restricted to the ARC of the hypotha-
ipheral signals. lamus, with most (~90%) expressing NPY (Anderson et al.,
2016). Administration of NPY centrally induces increased
Anorexic and orexigenic effects food intake through binding to the Y1 or Y5 receptor (Beck,
2006; Nguyen et al., 2012) distributed within the ARC, PVN,
It is well known that food intake can be strongly driven by and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). NPY gene expres-
two opposite behaviors: the anorexic effect inhibits feeding, sion and the release of its product can be induced by fasting
and the orexigenic effect stimulates food intake. Anatomical condition accompanied by the observable c-fos expression
and physiological evidence supports two main distinct series (Liu et al., 2012). Central administration of AgRP promotes
of cells within the hypothalamus: orexigenic neurons that hyperphagia and weight gain, which concurrently blocks the
express neuro-peptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related peptide MC3R/MC4R (Schwartz et al., 2000).
(AgRP) and anorexigenic neurons that express proopiome- Circulating nutrients and hormones may also have con-
lanocortin (POMC) and cocaine- and amphetamine-regu- current effects on the two subtype neurons. Elevated extra-
lated transcript (CART) (Figure 2) (Sohn, 2015). cellular glucose level activates POMC neurons, whereas
POMC neurons by post-transcriptional processing of NPY/AgRP neurons are provoked in glucose-deprived con-
POMC express the peptide α-MSH, which has an anorexic ditions. Long-chain fatty acids may also induce decreased
effect on food intake. Binding to the MC3R and MC4R on hypothalamic AgRP and NPY expression (Obici et al., 2002).
second-order neurons influences metabolism and thereby Increased malonyl CoA can also inhibit intake (Lane et al.,
induces the anorexigenic effect (Fan et al., 1997). One study 2005). Leptin and CCK may enhance the action of POMC or
showed that MC4R knockout mice or human individuals CART (Cowley et al., 2001).
with acquired MC4R mutants were associated with early
onset severe obesity (Huszar et al., 1997; Srisai et al., 2011). Critical neurotransmitters or peptides related to central
CART is co-expressed with POMC within the ARC regulation
(Chronwall, 1985) and suppresses food intake and con-
currently modulates energy expenditure (Wang et al., 2000). Neurotransmitters act as central signals that coordinate the
CART can encourage satiety when presented to hypotha- activities of the homeostatic and reward systems. They act on
lamic second-order neurons (Lau and Herzog, 2014). Injec- different correspondent receptors to induce effects on food
tion of CART can reduce feeding in rodents, and treatment intake, energy expenditure, and body weight. Indeed, some
with CART antiserum reduces hypophagia (Kristensen et al., current medications available for obesity treatment are de-
1998). Similarly, mutants or polymorphisms of the CART signed to target certain neurotransmitters that effect energy
gene have been associated with an increased incidence of regulation through the CNS (Table 1).
obesity (Challis et al., 2000).
Our previous studies demonstrated that POMC neurons Dopamine
expressing the 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) can be activated Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter related to rewards.
by serotonin (5-HT), which improves glucose metabolism. Dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra (SN) of
The activation can trigger increased production of α-MSH the brainstem and the VTA in the midbrain project to the
derived from precursor POMC. α-MSH acts on MCR4 dis- brain nuclei or areas related to food reward (Levey et al.,
tributed within the intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal 1993; Björklund and Dunnett, 2007; Taber et al., 2012).
cord, which contains sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Dopamine signaling pathway activation increases the
Through this action, the function of pancreas islet endocrine “wanting” property in the reward system (Peciña et al., 2003)
or GI tract hormone secretion could be improved, which and can interact with a satiety signal, such as those associated
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Figure 2 The two subtype neurons related to food intake locate in the ARC. One subtype neurons express POMC/CART. It acts on melanocortin receptor
(MCR) by α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), which generates anorexigenic effect. In contrast, NPY/AgRP expressed neurons may lead to
orexigenic effect via either NPY binding to Y1R and Y5R or AgRP indirectly blocking the activation of α-MSH on MCR. 3rd V, the third ventricle; VMN,
ventromedial nucleus; MC3R/MC4R, melanocortin receptor 3/4; Y1R/Y5R, neuropeptide receptor 1/5.
with leptin and GLP-1 (Hommel et al., 2006; Mietlicki- food intake. CB1 exerts its orexigenic effect mainly by ac-
Baase et al., 2013). Binding to the D1 receptor (D1r) in- tivating the cells of the NAc and interacting with the leptin,
creased palatable food intake and decreased normal chow ghrelin, DA, and opioidergic signaling pathways within or
intake, whereas activation of the D2r or D3 receptor showed beyond the hypothalamus (Pagotto et al., 2006). When in-
the opposite outcome in rodents (Cooper and Al-Naser, fused in rats, which were randomly provided a 3-component
2006). It is thought that evaluation of the reward process diet containing carbohydrates, protein, and fat, the rats in-
relies on activation of the dopamine D2r (Baik, 2013). As creased their carbohydrate intake; this suggests that en-
referred to previously, a deficit in D2r signaling may con- docannabinoids may selectively influence the appetite for
tribute to excessive intake to compensate for reduced plea- macronutrients (Escartín-Pérez et al., 2009). The CB1 an-
sure during eating (van de Giessen et al., 2014). However, tagonists showed a tendency to selectively reduce appetizing
pharmacological intervention targeting the dopaminergic food intake, such as of sucrose or chocolate-flavored pellets
(DA) system has shown various outcomes in human and (Arnone et al., 1997; Droste et al., 2010). Consistent with
animal studies (Bojanowska and Ciosek, 2016), which sug- these findings, normal human subjects who had received
gests that targeting of the DA system may be a promising CB1 antagonist therapy showed decreased responses in
approach but currently needs further investigation to unravel certain neural areas related to rewarding observed by func-
the complicated effects of the DA system on food intake. tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Horder et al.,
2010). Therefore, utilization of antagonists of CB1 may at-
Endocannabinoids tenuate appetizing food intake and be useful for obesity and
Two major endocannabinoids affecting fat intake are ana- type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) therapy.
ndamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamide) and 2-arachidonoyl
glycerol produced from cell membrane phospholipids fol- Orexin
lowing cell stimulation. Generated centrally and periph- Orexin A and B act as orexigenic neuropeptides. The neu-
erally, both eventually bind to the cannabinoid receptor 1 rons that produce these neuropeptides are located within the
(CB1) predominantly distributed in the CNS, which affects lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), perifornical area, dor-
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Table 1 Summary on neurotransmitters in relation to energy balance regulation
Categorizes Neurotransmitter Derivations Projection Receptor Food intake Energy Body weight
NAc, striatum, VTA,
Anandamide hypothalamus, *
Endocannabinoids (AEA) brainstem, In situ (presynaptic) CB1r Orexigenic Decrease Increase
hippocampus, medulla
NAc, striatum, basal
ganglia, amygdala,
2-Arachidonoyl hypothalamus, In situ (presynaptic)
CB1r Orexigenic Decrease Increase
glycerol (2-AG) brainstem,
hippocampus, medulla
Perifornical area, LH, VTA, ventromedial pre-
Orexins Orexin DMH, posterior frontal cortex, hypotha- OXR1, OXR2 Orexigenic Increase Decrease
hypothalamus lamus, brainstem
Biogenic amines Dopamine VTA, SN Prefrontal cortex, Nac, D1r,D2r, D3r, Orexigenic/ Decrease Increase
striatum D4r anorexigenic
Locus coeruleus, Hypothalamus,
Noradrenaline lateral tegmental prefrontal cortex, Nac, α, β receptor Orexigenic/ Decrease/
field amygdala anorexigenic increase increase
Hypothalamus, NAc,
Histamine Tuberomammillary VTA, hippocampus, H1r Anorexigenic Increase Decrease
nucleus amygdala, prefrontal
Forebrain nuclei, Orexigenic/ #
Acetylcholine Acetylcholine brainstem nuclei, Hypothalamus, VTA M3, α3, α7, β4 anorexigenic Increase Decrease
Hypothalamus, VTA, Hypothalamus, VTA,
Amino acids Glutamate striatum, brainstem Nac, hippocampus mGlu 5 Orexigenic Increase Decrease
Oxytocin PVN, amygdala, Hypothalamus, VTA, Oxytocin receptor Anorexigenic Increase Decrease
BNST Nac, brainstem
a) *, This type of neurotransmitter acts as a retrograde signal released from postsynaptic and bind to receptor localized on presynaptic. #, The effect of this
neurotransmitter depends on activation on the certain subtype of receptor.
somedial hypothalamus (DMH), and posterior hypothala- energy expenditure eventually to decrease body weight.
mus. The orexins bind to orexin receptor 1 and 2 (OXR1 and
OXR2). Within the hypothalamus, OX1R is most highly Endogenous opioid peptides
expressed in NPY neurons within the VMN, whereas OXR2 There are opioid peptides (e.g., enkephalins, endorphins,
is predominantly expressed in the PVN (Trivedi et al., 1998). dynorphins) and receptors (κ (KOR), δ (DOR), μ (MOR)
Central administration of an orexin antibody or an OX1R opioid receptors) that extensively exist in the CNS. Espe-
antagonist has been shown to decrease food intake (Haynes cially, β-endorphins are derived from the POMC. Increases
et al., 2000; Yamada et al., 2000). Injection of orexin led to in hypothalamic endocannabinoid expression have been
enhanced motivation for food seeking (Borgland et al., shown to lead to orexigenic feeding accompanied by upre-
2009). Orexins can simultaneously increase food intake and gulated expression of POMC, which seems paradoxical at
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first sight; however, an increase in POMC reflects the en- 2015). As previously shown, 5-HT can be involved in me-
hanced expression of β-endorphins, which can be attenuated tabolism regulation via melanocortin circuits that lead to
by opioid receptor blockade (Koch et al., 2015). These improved metabolism.
findings suggest an interaction between the opioid system
and endocannabinoid system. Previous studies support that Histamine
stimulating μ-opioid receptors by opioid agonists can cause Histamine induces an anorexigenic effect after it activates
an increased desire for appetizing foods, which suggests that the histamine receptor (H-1r) in the VMN (Teff and Kim,
use of opioid antagonists can prevent morbid energy intake 2011; Torrealba et al., 2012). Activation of H-1r has also
predisposing to obesity (Peciña and Smith, 2010). However, been determined to affect anticipatory food reward behavior.
μ-receptor antagonists in rodent studies have shown ambig- However, given that histamine is primarily released from the
uous results, whereas in human studies, treatment with μ- tuberomammillary nucleus, especially during the appetitive
receptor antagonists showed a decrease in the response to phase of feeding in rats, it only induces transient anorexia
palatable food in reward areas reflected by fMRI (Rabiner et rather than a sense of satiety (Valdés et al., 2010). Another
al., 2011; Murray et al., 2014; Yeomans and Gray, 1996; study also found that histamine in the combination of ser-
Langleben et al., 2012). otonergic and cholinergic medication may regulate food in-
take, whereas respective activation by antagonists had no
Oxytocin effect on food intake (Hartfield et al., 2003).
In addition to regulation of reproductive functions and its
effect on social behaviors, oxytocin has also been referred to Acetylcholine
as a hypothalamic neuropeptide that has an anorexigenic Acetylcholine is colocalized with POMC within the hy-
effect on palatable food intake (Onaka et al., 2012). Rodent pothalamus and can bind to muscarinic M3, nicotinic β4, and
studies have shown that endogenous oxytocin selectively probably α7 receptors to influence food intake (Yamada et
suppressed carbohydrate intake (Olszewski et al., 2010). al., 2001; Mineur et al., 2011; McFadden et al., 2014). An-
Peripherally injected oxytocin also has been shown to reduce other study demonstrated that application of α3 and β4 ni-
food intake both in humans and rodents (Morton et al., 2012; cotinic receptor antagonists reduced food intake and
Ott et al., 2013). prevented weight gain in rats (Taraschenko et al., 2011).
Studies have shown that nicotine can enhance energy ex-
Noradrenaline penditure and affect food preferences (Audrain-McGovern
Noradrenaline either enhances or inhibits food intake by and Benowitz, 2011; Geha et al., 2013), which in turn results
acting on different receptors. Activation of α1-, β2-, and β3- in sweeter flavors of ingested food than sensed by non-
adrenoceptors decreased food intake, whereas stimulation of smokers, but it also lowers body weight in active smokers
the α2-adrenoceptor increased food intake (Adan et al., and is associated with weight gain after cessation of smoke
2008). The related pathway is via the prefrontal cortex, (Allen et al., 2005; Chiolero et al., 2008; Stadler et al., 2014).
which affects decision making in rodents through dopamine
release derived from NAc in the presence of appetitive food. Glutamate
This finding suggests that the DA and noradrenergic systems As an excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate can affect me-
share the same target for controlling food intake (Ventura et tabolism regulation via metabotropic glutamate receptor 5
al., 2007). Otherwise, noradrenaline can be involved in (mGlu 5) (Bradbury et al., 2005). The VTA can be an origin
regulation through a connection from the brainstem to the site where glutamate is produced. Peripheral glutamate in-
hypothalamus (Wellman, 2000) and amygdala (Savard et al., jection can affect feeding centers, such as the ARC or lateral
1983). hypothalamus (LH) by either direct infiltration through the
blood-brain-barrier (BBB) or indirect activation of vagal
Serotonin afferent neurons (Torii et al., 2013). Recent data has shown
Serotonin (5-HT)-producing neurons in the CNS extend that variations in the genes related to glutamate action or
projections to the area known to be involved in reward, such alteration of glutamatergic receptor expression in regions
as the NAc, VTA, SN, hippocampus, amygdala, and pre- related to rewards could affect food intake or be responsible
frontal cortex (Hensler, 2006; Lechin et al., 2006; Ikemoto, for obesity (Brownley et al., 2015; Locke et al., 2015). In-
2010). Seven receptor families and multiple subtypes are jection of mGlu 5 antagonists has been shown to suppress
distributed in the CNS (Lam et al., 2010; Hayes and food intake (Bisaga et al., 2008).
Greenshaw, 2011). The central 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B or human
counterpart 5-HT1D, 5-HT2C, 5-HT4, and 5-HT6 receptors GABA
have been determined to have distinct roles in food intake GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and binds to
regulation (Garfield and Heisler, 2009; Voigt and Fink, GABA A and GABA B receptors to influence food intake. At
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the ARC level, GABA neurons receive input from AgRP presses receptors, such as leptin, GLP-1, and insulin, which
neurons and attenuate the anorexic effect induced by POMC can activate POMC neurons and inhibit NPY/AgRP neurons
neurons (Cansell et al., 2012). Similarly, GABA can act on to mediate food intake (Maejima et al., 2011; Patterson et al.,
the VTA dopamine system to affect reward feeding (van 2011; Baggio and Drucker, 2014). The AgRP neurons within
Zessen et al., 2012). When binding to the GABA A receptor the ARC are mainly distributed homogeneously throughout
within the VMN, GABA induces an orexigenic signal (Ka- the rostrocaudal axis, whereas POMC neurons are located in
matchi and Rathanaswami, 2012), whereas utilization of the anterior and medial areas (Anderson et al., 2016). Neu-
GABA A receptor antagonists leads to increased perception rons within the ARC can then be activated to influence
of sweetness in milk and selective fat intake when separately downstream second-order neurons, such as PVN or DMH.
infused into the anterolateral hypothalamus and the medial Nucleus of solitary tract (NTS). The NTS is anatomically
ventral pallidum (Kelly et al., 1977; Covelo et al., 2014). not far from the area postrema (AP). The NTS and AP as well
Peripheral administration of a GABA B receptor agonist was as the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus constitutes the
shown to suppress food intake and to possibly selectively dorsal vagal complex. The DVC is a critical neural con-
reduce motivation or appetite for certain palatable food both nection between the gut and brain. Signals of metabolism,
in rodents and humans (Sato et al., 2007; Arima and Oiso, such as leptin, ghrelin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
2010). as well as GIGI satiation signals relayed by the vagal nerve
were found to be eventually processed by neurons within the
Corticotropin releasing factor NTS (Grill and Hayes, 2012). The NTS is also a major site
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) has been shown to play from which endogenous GLP-1 is derived. Preproglucagon
a pivotal role in stress and eating disorders. Food restriction, neurons located in the NTS synthesize endogenous GLP-1
commonly known to be a stressor, has been determined to that spreads throughout the CNS (Trapp and Cork, 2015).
cause altered CRF expression in the hypothalamus (Lenglos The NTS has been shown to have extensive relationships
et al., 2013). CRF can be a functional antagonist to NPY and with other nuclei related to food intake in CNS. Current
AgRP expression under stress. Substantial evidence has research found that the majority of NTS neurons are glucose
pointed to the role of CRF2 receptor in reduced feeding. responsive and can be specifically targeted by α-MSH, which
Infusion of a CRF2 receptor agonist in the lateral septum implies a link with the ARC (Mimee and Ferguson, 2015).
reduced intake and encouraged anxiety-like behavior in rats The norepinephrine neurons here were shown to link with the
(Bakshi et al., 2007). Administration of urocortin (UCN)-1, mesolimbic area, such as the VTA and NAC (Richard et al.,
an endogenous CRF2 receptor agonist, was found to induce 2015). Some studies have implicated the noradrenergic A2
anorexic behavior in rats, which was blocked by 5-HT2cR population of DBH-expressing cells in the NTS’ role in sa-
activation. This result suggests that 5-HT signaling activation tiety (Rinaman, 2003; Kreisler et al., 2014), which is in ac-
regulates the CRF system in stress-related eating disorders cordance with subsequent research results showing that
(Harada et al., 2014). These studies demonstrated that the dopamine b-hydroxylase- and cholecystokinin (CCK)-ex-
CRF system is an indispensable signal in both stress and pressing neurons within the NTS can spread to the lateral
energy balance regulation. PBN and suppress orexigenic eating (Roman et al., 2016).
Additionally, oxytocin signaling in the medial NTS leads to
Critical brain nuclei for homeostasis and food rewarding food intake inhibition, and this effect was partly mediated by
GI satiation signals within the NTS that cause an NTS in-
Compiled data have suggested that nuclei can be classified teraction with the PVN on food intake (Ong et al., 2015).
into the following three categories: (i) brain nuclei related to Parabrachial nucleus (PBN). PBN neurons within this re-
food intake, (ii) brain nuclei related to blood-glucose reg- gion mainly express the calcitonin gene-related peptide
ulation, and (iii) brain nuclei related to food-rewarding be- (CGRP), and activation of CGRP PBN neurons or their
havior. projections in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) can
decrease feeding (Roman et al., 2016). Studies have con-
Brain nuclei related to food intake sistently shown that stimulation of GLP-1 receptors ex-
The ARC. The ARC is located beneath the third ventricle and pressed here reduced intake and decreased body weight in
near the median eminence. Studies have shown that the BBB rats, which suggests a role of PBN in the GLP-1 anorexic
here may not be completely impermeable. Therefore, the effect (Richard et al., 2014).
ARC may provide easy access to circulation and early de- PVN. The PVN is located next to the dorsal horn of the
tection of nutrients and hormones (Re´thelyi, 1984). Satur- third ventricle. The PVN neurons act as second-order neu-
able glucose transporter isoform-1 (GLUT1) mediates the rons in the melanocortinergic neuronal circuit innervated by
entry of glucose, which has a predominant distribution in the the POMC and NPY/AgRP neurons from the ARC (Cone,
BBB (Cardoso et al., 2010).The hypothalamic ARC ex- 2005). Several critical peptides released in the PVN, such as
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oxytocin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, corticotrophin- may be disturbed under pathological conditions. This effect
releasing hormone, and nesfatin, have roles in food intake. was demonstrated by a study that showed peripheral insulin
Additionally, the PVN is indispensable in mediating the resistance in db/db mice and fa/fa Zucker rats also led to GE
anorexic effect of GLP-1, which has a downstream effect on neurons resistant to insulin action (Cotero et al., 2010). GK is
the hypothalamic-ituitary-drenal axis or hypothalamic-itui- also a crucial component in GI sensing which is similar to
tary-hyroid axis related to energy balance (Katsurada et al., GE (Kang et al., 2006). Besides GK, GI neurons also depend
2014). on nNOS and AMPK. The VMN nNOS-GI mechanism is
clearly regulated by changes in AMPK activity, which results
Brain nuclei related to blood-glucose regulation in a series of activities, including chloride channel closure,
VMN. The VMN is located in the upper ARC, receives in- membrane depolarization, and intensified action potential
puts from the ARC, and extends its axons to the diverse frequency (Fioramonti et al., 2010). Studies have shown that
neurons related to energy metabolism, such as the PVN, LH, the role of GI cells is to counter-regulate hypoglycemia
NTS, or dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus. through glucagon and epinephrine.
Neurons within the VMN synthesize steroidogenic factor 1 Medial amygdalar nucleus (MAN). The MAN is a limbic
and release brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Par- area that possesses another group of glucose-sensing neu-
ker and Schimmer, 1997; Unger et al., 2007). Selective de- rons. It is well acknowledged that hypoglycemia causes a
letion of the BDNF gene in the VMN of mice induced series of responses involving activation of the sympathetic
hyperphagia and obesity. Similarly, genetic function muta- nervous system and release of hormones, including gluca-
tion of the BDNF receptor tropomyosin receptor kinase B gon, epinephrine, and growth hormone (Cryer et al., 2003).
leads to a morbid intake effect and severe obesity both in Our study found that the glucose-sensing neurons in the
humans and rodents, which suggests that BDNF possesses a medial amygdala nucleus could be responsive to hypogly-
satiety trait (Yeo et al., 2004). cemia via UCN3 acting on the CRF2 receptor. Neurons of
Studies have shown that the VMH, which contains the MAN have a reciprocal link with the VMH in the hypotha-
ARC and VMN, contains a high density of glucose-sensing lamus, and UCN3 neuronal fibers have been shown to be the
neurons called “glucose-excited” (GE) or “glucose- main input to the VMH. One third of UCN3 neurons can be
inhibited” (GI) glucose-sensing neurons (Figure 3). GE activated in hypoglycemia to regulate blood sugar by in-
neurons depolarize in the presence of elevated plasma glu- itiating food intake. Hypoglycemic glucoprivic of MAN or
cose levels, and the activity of GI neurons is enhanced with VMH did not elicit a hypoglycemic counter-regulation hor-
decreasing glucose level (Dunn-Meynell et al., 2002). Stu- monal response immediately; however, glucoprivation
dies have shown that GE neurons express peptides that exert combined with mild to moderate systemic hypoglycemia can
an anorexic effect, whereas GI neurons in this area release cause a counter-regulation hormonal response in normal
orexic peptides, which counter-regulate hypoglycemia mice. This finding suggests that MAN or VMH has a central
(Murphy et al., 2009). role in initiation of a hypoglycemic counter-regulation re-
AMPK has been shown to involve both GE and GI activity sponse (Zhou et al., 2010).
(Routh et al., 2014). As a type of cellular fuel sensor, acti-
vated AMPK due to the elevated ratio of ADP/ATP or AMP/ Brain nuclei related to food-rewarding behavior
ATP is regarded as the key component in the process of The primary brain nuclei related to food rewarding constitute
glucose sensing. AMPK promotes feeding behavior by in- the DA system from the midbrain to the forebrain. Two
creasing energy intake and glucose production, and reduces noticeable DA pathways exist: one from the VTA to the
thermogenesis. Particular hormones, such as adiponectin, ventral striatum, termed the “Satiety” pathway related to
ghrelin, leptin, and GLP-1, have been shown to interact with satiety in food-rewarding behavior and another from the SN
AMPK to mediate energy regulation (Huynh et al., 2016). to the dorsal striatum, termed the “Hedonistic” pathway for
The mechanism underlying GE neuronal function is si- promoting rewarding behavior in addition to its previous role
milar to that of β-cells within the pancreatic islet. GK is the in the motor regulation (Figure 4). It has recently been de-
crucial component in GE sensing (De Backer et al., 2016). termined that the dorsal and ventral striatum can receive
When transported into the neurons via glucose transporter 2 discrete nutrient information from intestinal segments. Stu-
(GLUT2), glucose is phosphorylated by glucokinase and dies have found that the duodenum can convey a heightened
leads to a series of downstream effects. GLUT2 has been sense of sweet to the dorsal striatum, which leads to in-
shown to play the vital role of glucokinase in glucose sen- creased intake of sugars, whereas jejunum signals commu-
sing. If GLUT2-mediated glucose detection is inhibited, food nicate with the ventral striatum that has a role in food satiety
intake will be augmented (Stolarczyk et al., 2010). The role signaling to terminate a meal.
of GE neurons in reaction to changed glucose levels is to Projection from the VTA to the ventral striatum. The VTA
stress the hyperglycemia under regulation of insulin, which lies along the midline of the midbrain near the SN and red
9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen, S., et al. Sci China Life Sci ............................................ 9
Figure 3 The activation of GE neuron involves elevated ATP/ADP ratio due to increased glucose consumption which results in the K ATP channel’s
closure and depolarization. However, the GI neurons are activated via either metabolism dependent or independent way in a low glucose background.
Metabolism dependent GI neuron is mainly a nNOS-GI neuron due to the nNOS which catalyze the NO production being detected in this type of neuron. The
activation requires AMPK and closure of Cl channel, whereas independent GI mainly express Orexin or AgRP, and may be evoked by glucose structure itself
rather than its metabolite. This process may require K2P and Twik-related acid-sensitive potassium-like (TASK) 1/3 channels. SGLT, sodium-dependent
glucose transporters; GLUT4, glucose transporter type 4; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle; GK, glucose kinase; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; NO,
nitric oxide; nNOS, nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal); sGC, soluble guanylate cyclase; K2P channel, two pore potassium channel; TASK1/3 channel, TWIK-
related acid sensitive potassium channel1/3; TWIK, tandem of P domains in a weak inwardly rectifying potassium channel.
nucleus and is rich in dopamine neurons. The VTA is widely from distal intestines, project their axons to the ventral
implicated in drug and natural reward addiction. Recent striatum, and terminate at the neurons within the ventral
studies have shown that VTA neurons can receive signals striatum, which may lead to enhancement of satiety during a
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen, S., et al. Sci China Life Sci ........................................... 10
the hypothalamus or near the brainstem (Table 2; Figure 5). NH2, and the latter is the major active isoform in the cir-
culation. GLP-1 can suppress food intake via activation
CCK neurons within the hypothalamus, brainstem, and rewarding
CCK is a type of intestinal peptide hormone, and its structure pathways as well as via activation of the vagal afferent
is very similar to that of gastrin. It is secreted by the I-cells in neurons and other involved mechanisms, such as delaying of
the first segment of the intestine (Moran, 2000). CCK re- gastric emptying.
ceptors are G protein-coupled receptors, termed CCK-A or
CCKB. CCK can also act as a neurotransmitter in CNS and Ghrelin
mostly exerts a satiation effect via the CCK-A receptor Ghrelin is encoded by the preproghrelin gene from the GI
(Lieverse et al., 1995; Beglinger et al., 2001). Administration tract. GOAT is the enzyme responsible for ghrelin acylation
of selective agonists and antagonists has proved the anor- and has a role in ghrelin’s physiological activity (Yang et al.,
exigenic trait of CCK; however, the anorexigenic effect does 2008). Ghrelin can induce hunger and weight gain in both
not have a long-term effect on caloric intake in rodents (West rodents and humans when it acts on vagal afferent neurons,
et al., 1984). which in turn affects CNS areas related to energy home-
ostasis (Date et al., 2002). The orexigenic effect centrally
PYY involves activation of GHSR1a receptors in the ARC of the
PYY is released from L cells of the intestine. It is a member hypothalamus, which affects NPY/AgRP neuronal activity
of the pancreatic polypeptide family. PYY3–36 is the active (Kamegai et al., 2001). Ghrelin can also activate food reward
isoform in circulation postprandially (Grandt et al., 1994). areas in response to food stimuli, as reflected by fMRI,
Activation of the Y2 receptor in the CNS has an impact on which suggests a role in the reward mechanism (Kroemer et
energy regulation (Batterham et al., 2002). A defect in PYY al., 2013; Goldstone et al., 2014). The critical role of ghrelin
signaling may be implicated in the development of obesity, is to prevent hypoglycemia because ablation of ghrelin-
and its concentration in circulation may become normalized producing cells in adults induce profound hypoglycemia
after bariatric surgery (le Roux et al., 2006). The activation after prolonged caloric restriction (McFarlane et al., 2014).
site of PYY covers the ARC, brainstem, and corticolimbic
pathway, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, which can be ac- Insulin
tivated to make food less rewarding (D’Agostino and Small, Insulin enters the brain from the circulation via the BBB to
2012). activate hypothalamic neurons, which induces an anorexi-
genic effect. By binding to receptors highly expressed in
GLP-1 POMC/CART and NPY/AgRP neurons, it decreases NPY
GLP-1 is the expression product of the proglucagon gene in and stimulates POMC expression (Porte et al., 2005).
L cells of the ileum and proximal colon or hindbrain in the Otherwise, insulin was determined to affect the VTA DA
CNS (Drucker, 2006; Trapp and Cork, 2015), and gut- concentration via upregulation of DA transporters to depress
derived GLP-1 is secreted postprandially. The two biologi- DA reuptake, which suggests that insulin has a role in reward
cally active isoforms are GLP-1 (7–37) and GLP-1 (7–36) regulation (Mebel et al., 2012).
Insulin β-cell, pancreas Insulin Whole body IR mTOR Anorexigenic
Adipose-peptide Leptin Adipose cell, adipose Leptin Hypothalamus, adipose OB-R PI3K-AKT-FoxO1/ Anorexigenic
hormone tissue (WAT) tissue JAK-STAT3
Hypothalamus, adipose
Adiponectin Adipose cell, WAT Adiponectin tissue, muscle Adipo-R AMPK/PPARα Anorexigenic
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen, S., et al. Sci China Life Sci ........................................... 12
Figure 5 The illustration above displays the interaction between gut, adipose tissue and brain in rodents. The signals derived from adipose tissue or GI tract
either have impact upon hypothalamus via infiltrating a leaky BBB, or link the NTS in the brainstem via acting on receptors within vagal afferents. These
signals induce activities of nuclei such as ARC and NTS, which may in turn affect second order neurons within PVN or VMN; other nuclei related to reward
such as VTA or NAc may also be involved in. GLP-1, glucagon like peptide-1; PYY, peptide YY; PP, pancreatic peptide; GI tract, gastrointestinal tract.
Leptin mauchi et al., 2014). There are two types of receptors: adi-
Leptin is derived from adipose tissue. It is also known as the ponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1) and AdipoR2 (Yamauchi et
“satiety hormone”. As an anorexigenic hormone in circula- al., 2007). The metabolic effect of liver AdipoR1 may be
tion, its concentration fluctuates with feeding and increases involved in activating AMPK, whereas AdipoR2 is involved
postprandially to suppress further intake (Leibowitz et al., in activation of PPARα, which leads to increased insulin
2006). Moreover, the leptin concentration in the body re- sensitivity (Yamauchi et al., 2002; Yamauchi et al., 2003).
flects the fuel status because a higher concentration of leptin There is evidence suggesting adiponectin activity in the
has been found under obese conditions, which suggests that brain, such as in the ARC and PVN (Hoyda et al., 2009;
leptin resistance exists. Activation of the leptin receptors Psilopanagioti et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2016).
results in increased POMC transcription and suppressed
transcription of AgRP (Villanueva and Myers, 2008; Morris Nutrient regulation
and Rui, 2009).
Nutrient-related signals may have an effect on CNS. Besides
Adiponectin glucose, lactate, referred to as a metabolic waste previously,
Adiponectin is also derived from adipose tissues; its role in has also been shown to regulate metabolism, such as by
energy regulation is to promote energy consumption and its promoting insulin secretion, and mostly acts by signaling via
signaling has been determined to improve insulin sensitivity, the CNS (Sola-Penna, 2008). It has been proposed that the
reduce insulin resistance, and reduce atherosclerosis (Ya- enhanced hypothalamic lactate metabolism alters signaling
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen, S., et al. Sci China Life Sci ........................................... 13
to the brain and to the whole body, which results in decreased CRITICAL ORGANS OR TISSUES IN
liver glucose production (Chari et al., 2008). Free fatty acids PERIPHERAL METABOLIC REGULATION
(FFAs) bind to FFA receptors and can affect metabolism
(Hara et al., 2014). Infusion of FFA centrally affects insulin Role of the liver in energy balance regulation
secretion and insulin sensitivity via altering the activity of With the advent of an increased incidence of nonalcoholic
GE or GI within the VMH (Le Foll et al., 2013). A recent fatty liver disease (NAFLD), it is time to re-examine the role
study determined the signaling pathway of ketone body β- of the liver in energy metabolism. Although there are cur-
hydroxybutyrate, which is involved in the starvation re- rently various attribution theories on this disease, such as
sponse during nutrient deprivation and ensures energy mitochondrial hyperfunction, it is accepted that the patho-
homeostasis (Rojas-Morales et al., 2016). The branched physiology is related to energy dysregulation in the liver. In a
chain amino acid (BCAA) L-leucine, suppresses food intake physiological state, the liver acts as a hub involved in mac-
when administered into the third ventricle. This effect may ronutrients (e.g., glucose, lipid, protein) and small molecules
involve action on hypothalamic mammalian target of rapa- (e.g., vitamin, peptide, iron) metabolism essential for
mycin (Cota et al., 2006). Studies have also shown that homeostasis and affects various metabolic tissues, including
elevated BCAA concentrations in plasma are associated with skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Food and small mole-
obesity and insulin resistance (Newgard et al., 2009; Adams, cules can be digested and taken up by GI cells and absorbed
2011; Adeva et al., 2012). This finding suggests that BCAA into the circulation of the liver, which facilitates further
acts as a satiety signal. β-Aminoisobutyric acid, which is a processing. The liver acts as a producer of chemicals that can
small-molecule metabolite of BCAA, has been shown to convert multiple nutrients or metabolites into substances that
increase browning of white WAT in response to physical benefit the body’s discrete metabolic needs. For instance,
activity and is inversely associated with cardiometabolic glucose can be synthesized into glycogen or other substances
risks (Roberts et al., 2014). and stored by the liver in the presence of insulin after a meal,
whereas in the starvation state, it can be produced increas-
Gut microbiota ingly through the glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis pro-
cesses de novo. These processes are affected by regulators,
such as hormone milieus (e.g., insulin, glucagon, gluco-
Multiple studies have identified the role of gut microbiota. corticoids) and metabolic states (e.g., post-meal, fasted, ex-
Short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) metabolites generated by gut ercise), which have effects on the activity of critical
microbiota can regulate gut hormones, such as CCK, GLP-1, enzymes, such as phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase cata-
PYY, and leptin. Food rich in plant fibers can influence the lysis in gluconeogenesis.
microbiota, and their metabolites, such as acetate, propio- The liver also communicates with the CNS, skeletal
nate, and butyrate, have an effect on host energy homeostasis muscles, adipose tissue, and the gut. First, the CNS directly
(Schwiertz et al., 2010). These SCFAs act as key signaling innervates the liver and modulates energy metabolism via
molecules, with activation of both FFAR2 and FFAR3 to either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.
modulate host adiposity or GLP-1 secretion (Samuel et al., The sympathetic system generally increases hepatic glucose
2008; Tolhurst et al., 2012). Butyrate activates intestinal production by promoting glycogenolysis and mobilizing the
gluconeogenesis (IGN) gene expression through a cAMP- other forms of fuel for gluconeogenesis, whereas the para-
dependent mechanism, whereas propionate, itself a substrate sympathetic system counteracts it. Multiple hormones can
of IGN, activates IGN gene expression via the gut-brain indirectly influence liver activity via activation of the re-
neural circuit involving FFAR3 (De Vadder et al., 2014). ceptors of hypothalamus cells, such as insulin, which sti-
Studies have found a distinction between the microbiota of mulates the PI 3-kinase/Akt pathway in the brain (Ramnanan
normal individuals and obese individuals or patients with et al., 2011). Second, skeletal muscles consume energy and
T2DM (Qin et al., 2012; Karlsson et al., 2013). Additionally, produce lactate and amino acids, which are eventually de-
these pre-clinical studies also proved that using fecal trans- livered to the liver, thus providing the gluconeogenic sub-
plantation of modifying rodents’ microbiota may improve strates for hepatocytes to synthesize glucose that can be
metabolism (de Clercq et al., 2017). Transfer of intestinal utilized by muscle. A study also revealed that IL-6 can be
microbiota from obese mice resulted in significantly greater generated by skeletal muscle as a myokine that has an effect
adiposity in recipients than did transfer of microbiota from on the liver to increase hepatic glucose production during
lean donors (Bäckhed et al., 2007). Microbiota-related dys- exercise (Febbraio et al., 2004). Third, crosstalk between the
function creates a predisposition toward a range of disorders, liver and adipose tissue has been shown by the finding that
including metabolic syndrome, neurodevelopmental dis- adipocytokines, such as adiponectin generated by adipo-
orders, autoimmune diseases, and allergic diseases (Shana- cytes, can influence hepatic metabolism and fibroblast
han, 2012). growth factor 21 (a hormone mainly derived from the liver in
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen, S., et al. Sci China Life Sci ........................................... 14
the fasted state), can affect the adipocyte response to lipo- ROLE OF SKELETAL MUSCLE IN PERIPH-
lysis, and release adiponectin (Xu et al., 2003; Lin et al., ERAL METABOLISM REGULATION
2013). Finally, given that the liver port vein system linked
the liver and the gut, this connection allows for nutrients, gut As the major energy-consuming motor organ in the body,
hormones, and metabolites (especially derived from gut skeletal muscle can also release hormones or small proteins
microbiota) to access the liver and thus directly regulate the that affect systemic metabolism. These substances are known
liver metabolism (Henao-Mejia et al., 2012). On the other as myokines, which are similar to but distinct from adipo-
hand, the gut-brain axis can be an indirect method of gut- cytokines from adipose tissue. These proteins exert bene-
liver cross talk that requires an intact vagal nerve pathway to ficial effects on peripheral and remote organs. The TGF-β
modulate liver metabolism. In conclusion, the liver is an superfamily and related factors released by the muscles un-
essential nutrient metabolism producer and is metabolically der exercise-like conditions are myokines, such as myostatin
linked with both the CNS and multiple insulin-sensitive and activins. Myostatin and activins act to limit muscle mass
peripheral organs or tissues, such as skeletal muscle, adipose and inhibition that can induce significant muscle growth
tissue, and gut. Therefore, in addition to pharmacological (Lee et al., 2005; Kollias and McDermott, 2008). Another
targeting of intracellular key molecules, rearrangement of the myokine, follistatin, which does not belong to the TGF-β
proper links of these organs and tissues may be important for superfamily, acts to inhibit myostatin and activins, similar to
curing obesity, insulin resistance, NAFLD, and T2DM, in irisin.
future therapeutic strategies. In general, myostatin, leukemia inhibitory factor, and IL-6
and IL-7 are involved in muscle hypertrophy and myogen-
BAT in peripheral metabolic regulation esis, whereas BDNF and IL-6 are involved in AMPK-
mediated fat oxidation. IL-6 also appears to have systemic
effects on the liver, adipose tissue, and the immune system
Peripheral BAT thermogenesis regulation is dependent on and mediates crosstalk between intestinal L cells and pan-
sympathetic outflow to it. The adipocytes accumulated in creatic islets (Pedersen and Febbraio, 2012). Chronic ex-
BAT provide the binding receptors involved in metabolism ercise as a lifestyle intervention can improve overall
(the β3-adrenergic receptors). After binding to receptors, metabolism and benefit the health of individuals for not only
adrenaline triggers cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which energy expenditure but also for adjusting systemic functions.
activates mitochondrial uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) re-
sulting in greater thermogenesis. The preoptic area (POA)
has been shown to directly affect sympathetic premotor CONCLUSION
neurons derived from the rostral raphe pallidus to regulate
sympathetic outflow to the BAT (Morrison, 2004). Other- In this review, we initially investigated metabolic regulation
wise, POA neurons may mediate thermoregulatory responses of CNS not only as a homeostatic system, but also as a
via the projection to DMN neurons (Yoshida et al., 2009). reward system that maintains energy balance both metabo-
Sympathetic outflow to the BAT can be adjusted by certain lically and motivationally. We described the anorexigenic
nutrient signals or hormones, such as glucose or GLP-1 and orexigenic mechanisms and regulation of food intake by
(Rahmouni et al., 2004; Lockie et al., 2012). Administration hypothalamic POMC/CART and NPY/AgRP neurons.
of an MC3R/MC4R agonist centrally evokes BAT through Moreover, we summarized the role of essential neuro-
sympathetic outflow, which suggests that the melanocortin transmitters coordinated within the CNS. Critical brain re-
system can regulate BAT thermogenesis (Brito et al., 2007). gions or nuclei operate spatially and temporally and are
Brown-like fat adipocytes, also named “beige” or “brite” responsible for the three kinds of central regulation of energy
adipocytes, are located across the inguinal subcutaneous area balance. We then reviewed energy regulation by peripheral
of rodents as well as the supraclavicular, pericardial, para- mechanisms. First, the crosstalk between the gut or adipose
aortic, and suprarenal areas as well as areas surrounding the tissue and the brain involves a variety of signals derived from
trachea, pancreas, or kidney in humans. Although UCP-1 is the GI tract and adipocytes that respectively act as humor
weakly expressed in beige adipocytes under basal conditions, signals to inform the CNS or to affect the metabolism of
higher expression can be induced under extreme conditions, peripheral organs. In addition, nutrients or metabolites act
such as cold temperatures (van Marken Lichtenbelt et al., synergistically with the humor signals to affect metabolic
2009). The browning of WAT in a rodent study was shown to control. On the other hand, gut microbiota with their SCFA
encourage energy consumption and improve diet-induced metabolites have been determined to influence intestinal
obesity (Seale et al., 2011). Therefore, regulation of WAT activity and improve metabolism, and their constitutional
browning is an ideal methodology for obesity and metabo- alteration has been associated with various diseases. Finally,
lism dysregulation treatment. regulation by the liver, BAT and skeletal muscle demon-
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