Neuro-Gastro-Cannabinology: A Novel Paradigm For Regulating Mood and Digestive Health
Neuro-Gastro-Cannabinology: A Novel Paradigm For Regulating Mood and Digestive Health
Neuro-Gastro-Cannabinology: A Novel Paradigm For Regulating Mood and Digestive Health
Medical Cannabis
and Cannabinoids Received: April 28, 2023
Med Cannabis Cannabinoids 2023;6:130–137
Accepted: August 30, 2023
DOI: 10.1159/000534007 Published online: October 27, 2023
Neuro-Gastro-Cannabinology: A Novel
Paradigm for Regulating Mood and
Digestive Health
Fabio Turco a Viola Brugnatelli a Raquel Abalo b, c, d
and the ECS. A study in 2007 reported that the commensal composition induced by dysbiosis are correlated with
bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus increased intestinal hippocampal and gut alterations in some members of the
epithelial CB2 expression when administered orally to ECS [48]. Interestingly, probiotic supplementation re-
mice and rats [46]. Changes in gut microbiota also affect duced gut inflammation and decreased depression-like
the levels of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), mono- behavior by normalizing gut microbiota and reversing
acylglycerol lipase (MAGL), and CB1 mRNA [47, 48]. By biochemical and functional changes in the hippocampus
treating mice with the commensal bacterium Akkermansia [48]. Dysbiosis-induced changes in the ECS tone can also
muciniphila, levels of endocannabinoids in the gut are induce pain, which can be reverted with PEA supplements
increased, and the metabolic dysregulation caused by a that restore the microbiota and endocannabinoid tone to
high-fat diet can be reversed [49]. Also, in obese mice, CB1 normal [55]. Intriguingly, a significant increase in Ak-
antagonist SR141716A increases Akkermansia muciniphila kermansia muciniphila, Eubacterium, and Enter-
levels and decreases Lachnospiraceae and Erysipelo- obacteriaceae is observed following PEA administration,
trichaceae levels, which are implicated in gaining weight suggesting that PEA has anti-inflammatory properties as
and induction of metabolic syndrome [50]. A common well as the ability to regulate gut dysbiosis [56]. Fecal
feature of GI diseases, such as IBS, IBD, and functional microbiota transplantation from mildly stressed mice, a
dyspepsia, is dysbiosis, a disturbance in gut microbial mouse model of depression, caused depression-like be-
composition and function caused by both environmental havior in recipient mice [57]. There were significant
and internal factors. Dysbiosis has been repeatedly asso- molecular and behavioral alterations in the recipient mice
ciated with chronic GI disorders and metabolic disorders, associated with reduced serum lipid precursors for the
such as IBD, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and car- production of ECS ligands, as well as a decrease in brain
diovascular diseases [51–53]. Furthermore, dysbiosis, as endocannabinoids levels, supporting the hypothesis that
well as intestinal inflammation and loss of gut integrity, is stress causes a lower endocannabinoid tone, where gut
also linked to mood disorders, such as anxiety and de- microbial composition imbalance might be a factor. Other
pression, as well as more severe psychiatric and neurologic studies have shown dramatic changes in the intestinal ECS
conditions, such as schizophrenia, autism, or neurode- in germ-free mice, including reduced gene expression of
generative diseases [54, 55]. Changes in microbiota CB1, GPR55, and PPARα in the gut, and fecal transplants
depression, are preceded by patterns of poor appetite and Several mechanisms may be involved here, including in-
skipping meals, improving the ECS tone (with prebiotics, testinal barrier regulation, immune modulation, enter-
probiotics, phytocannabinoids, endocannabinoids, oendocrine system influence, mediators from the micro-
endocannabinoids-like molecules, and compounds that biome entering the body, and modulation of the vagus
modify the levels of endocannabinoids) may have a nerve. Therefore, approaches that promote the growth of
beneficial effect as it positively affects food intake and “beneficial” bacteria could be favorable in conferring re-
eating habits [15, 76, 77]. Mood and digestive disorders silience against mood disorders. There were, however,
may be related to altered circadian rhythms, which can be differences between strains of probiotic, the dose, and the
disrupted by stress [33, 34]. Microbiota composition and duration of treatment in the analyzed studies, and further
abundance also follow circadian rhythms [35]; when research studies are needed to determine the optimal
stress-related alterations of the circadian rhythm occur treatment regime. Nonetheless, this review claims for a
because of the effects of the ECS on the sleep-wake cycle, consideration of administration of prebiotics and pro-
restoring the microbiota’s normal composition and biotics for the treatment of patients with mood disorders,
enanchiong the endocannabinoid tone with phytocanna- such as anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairment,
binoids or compounds that enhance endocannabinoids particularly those that are able to modulate the ECS in a
activity may provide benefits (shown in Fig. 2). beneficial manner. In addition to prebiotics and probiotics,
endocannabinoid-like compounds, such as PEA and OEA,
or compounds that increase the levels of endocannabi-
Conclusion noids (i.e., through metabolic enzyme inhibitors), may be
considered for patients with mood and GI disorders, and
ECS signaling and gut microbiota have reciprocal in- because of their ability to modulate neuroinflammation as
teractions, which, in turn, influence the organism response well as microbiota composition, they may also be useful
via the gut-brain axis and may contribute to the protection supplements that support both gut and brain health at the
from stress-related diseases and mood alterations, as well same time [56, 60, 71, 75]. In particular, the use of
as from GI disorders. This is consistent with the fact that cannabis-derived compounds that decrease the impact of
the ECS facilitates the homeostatic state of the organism stress, regulate circadian rhythm, and improve mood may
and responds both to internal and external challenges [78]. represent a winning strategy in case of functional GI