Phase II MS4 NOI

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For FDEP Internal Use Only

NOTICE OF INTENT Permit ID: FLR __ __ __ __




(RULE 62-621.300(7)(b), F.A.C.)

• This NOI must be completed and submitted to the Department to authorize use of the Generic
Submit NOI, permit fee, and
Permit for Discharge of Stormwater from Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
("MS4 GP"), provided in Rule 62-621.300(7)(a), F.A.C. required attachments to:
NPDES Stormwater Notices Center
• The type of municipal separate storm sewer system that qualifies for coverage under the MS4 GP M.S. #2510
and the applicable Phase II MS4 stormwater management program requirements are specified in
the permit. You should familiarize yourself with the MS4 GP before completing this NOI.
Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
• Submit this fully completed NOI, permit fee, and required attachments by mail to the address in 2600 Blair Stone Road
the box at right. DO NOT SUBMIT any materials not in the checklist in Section V. of this NOI. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
• Please print or type information in the appropriate areas below and complete each section.


Name of the Phase II MS4 Operator:
B. Name of the Phase II MS4 Responsible Authority:
Mailing Address:
City: Zip Code: County:
Telephone Number:
C. Name of the Designated Phase II MS4 Stormwater Management Program Contact:

Mailing Address:
City: Zip Code: County:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
D. Location of the Phase II MS4 (if different than the mailing address in Section I.C. above):
Street Address:
City: Zip Code: County:
E. Approximate center of the Phase II MS4:
Latitude: ° ‘ “ Longitude: ° ‘ “
F. Phase II MS4 ownership status (check one): Public State Federal
G. Total resident population of the Phase II MS4:
H. Name of the urbanized area(s) the Phase II MS4 is located within (if applicable):

I. Name of the Water Management District the Phase II MS4 is located within (check all that apply):
Northwest Florida Water Management District Southwest Florida Water Management District
Suwanee River Water Management District St. John's River Water Management District
South Florida Water Management District

DEP Form 62-621.300(7)(b), May 1, 2003 Page 1 of 6


You may rely on another entity to satisfy some or all of your permit obligations if the conditions in Part IX of the MS4 GP are met. Another entity may
implement one or more of the measures and/or a component of a measure on your behalf. You may rely on another entity to satisfy all permit
obligations (including annual reporting) but only if the entity is permitted under Chapter 62-624, F.A.C. Note the following:

• You will remain responsible for compliance with your permit obligations if the other entity(ies) fails to implement the control measure(s) or a
component thereof on your behalf. You must establish a written agreement with the other entity(ies) before submitting this NOI.

• Relying on another entity, or entities, either partially or fully does not preclude you from the obligation to fully complete this NOI, including the
information required in Section IV.
A. 1. Has another entity, regulated under Chapter 62-624, F.A.C., agreed to implement all of your permit obligations on your
behalf? Yes No
If yes, complete Section II.A.2. If no, skip to Section II.B.
Name of Entity:
Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
City: Zip Code: County:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
B. 1. Has another entity agreed to implement one or more of the minimum control measures (or a component thereof) on your
behalf? Yes No
If yes, complete Sections II.B.2. and II.B.3. (See the note below for any additional entities)
2. Control measure(s) or component of a control measure to be implemented by the other entity:

Name of Entity:
Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
City: Zip Code: County:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Note: For each additional entity sharing stormwater management program responsibilities with you, provide on a separate sheet the
information requested in Sections II.B.2. and II.B.3. Title the sheet "Section II.B: Additional Entities Information" and attach it to this NOI.


Identify the named receiving waterbodies to which your Phase II MS4 discharges. Include all such waterbodies known to you at the
time of this application:

DEP Form 62-621.300(7)(b), May 1, 2003 Page 2 of 6


A. Complete the Phase II MS4 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Elements Form in Appendix A for each minimum
control measure described in Part VI. of the MS4 GP, except the Post-construction Stormwater Management in New
Development and Redevelopment minimum control measure if you have chosen the qualifying alternative program option for
this measure under Part X. of the permit. If you choose, however, to implement BMPs for the Post-construction measure,
please complete a SWMP Elements Form for the measure.

Include in the SWMP Elements Form all best management practices (BMPs) currently in place or planned for each element of
each minimum control measure. There is no limit to the number of BMPs you may include. Make copies of the form as
necessary to accommodate all of your BMPs. The completed forms, in their entirety, will be considered by the Department to
be the outline of your proposed stormwater management program. Attach all completed forms to this NOI.

B. Provide the total number of pages of SWMP Elements Forms that are attached to this NOI for each minimum control measure:

Minimum Control Measure # of Pages

Public Education and Outreach as to Stormwater Impacts
Public Involvement/Public Participation
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
Post-construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations


Only the following materials are to be submitted to the Department along with your fully completed and signed NOI (check the
appropriate box to indicate whether the item is attached or is not applicable):
Attached N/A
The permit application fee, as prescribed by Rule 62-4.050(4)(d)(6), F.A.C. Make all check and
money orders payable to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
A fully completed Phase II MS4 Stormwater Management Program Elements Form (see
Appendix A) for each minimum control measure except the Post-construction Stormwater
Management in New Development and Redevelopment minimum control measure if you have
chosen the qualifying alternative program option for this measure under Part X. of the MS4 GP.
Additional entities information, as required under the note in Section II.B. of this NOI.


(such as your complete Stormwater Management Plan, ordinances, storm sewer map, public outreach, etc.)


The Responsible Authority listed in Section I.B. of this NOI must sign the following certification statement: 1
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based upon
my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the
information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Name of Phase II MS4 Responsible Authority (type or print):


Signature: Date:

Signatory requirements are contained in Rule 62-620.305, F.A.C.

DEP Form 62-621.300(7)(b), May 1, 2003 Page 3 of 6



General Instructions

• Complete this form for each minimum control measure described in Part VI. of the Generic Permit for
Discharge of Stormwater from Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems ("MS4 GP") provided in
Rule 62-621.300(7)(a), F.A.C., except the Post-construction Stormwater Management in New Development
and Redevelopment minimum control measure if you have chosen the qualifying alternative program option
for this measure under Part X. of the permit. If you choose, however, to implement BMPs for the Post-
construction measure, please complete a SWMP Elements Form for the measure.

• Include all best management practices (BMPs) currently in place or planned for each element of each
minimum control measure. There is no limit to the total number of BMPs you may include.

• Make copies of the form as necessary to accommodate all of your BMPs.

• The completed forms, in their entirety, will be considered by the Department to be the outline of your
proposed stormwater management program. Attach the forms to the NOI and submit to the Department at
the address provided on the NOI.

• Please print or type information in the appropriate areas of this form.


• Indicate which minimum control measure the BMPs in Section A.II. address. Check only one measure. Use
a separate form for each measure.


• Include BMPs only for the measure you have identified in Section A.I. The Department encourages the use
of the Florida Land Development Manual: A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (FDER, 1988)
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Menu of Best Management Practices for Storm
Water Phase II in developing Phase II stormwater management programs. Both are available from the

• Element ID: Table 1 below includes all the minimum control measure elements required under Part IV. of
the MS4 GP. Using Table 1, identify which element of the minimum control measure each BMP addresses.
For example, a BMP addressing the procedures for site plan review under the Construction Site Stormwater
Runoff Control Minimum Control Measure would be labeled as "4d." You must include at least one BMP for
each element.

• BMP Number: For each minimum control measure, number the BMPs starting with 01 and continue the
numbering in sequential order on any additional forms for the measure. The numbering of the BMPs is for
reference purposes only and does not provide additional weight to, nor prioritize, one BMP over another.

• Measurable Goals: List the measurable goal(s) for each BMP. You must include at least one measurable
goal for each BMP and may include as many as necessary for the BMP – you are not limited to the four lines
provided on the form.

• Schedule for Implementation/Completion: For each measurable goal, include the year each action will be
implemented and, as applicable, the interim milestones, completion date, or planned frequency of the action.

• Responsible Entity/Department: Include the name of the entity (if other than the Phase II MS4 Operator) or
of the internal department (if it is the Phase II MS4 Operator) responsible for implementing or coordinating
each BMP.

Page Numbering

• Once this form has been completed for each minimum control measure, place the forms in an order
corresponding to the order of the measures in Table 1 (below) and number the forms accordingly at the
bottom of each.

DEP Form 62-621.300(7)(b), May 1, 2003 Page 4 of 6

Table 1: Minimum Control Measure Required Elements

Element ID Description of Minimum Control Measure Required Elements

1. Public Education and Outreach Minimum Control Measure:

1a a) Implement a public education program to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct
equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and the
steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff.
2. Public Participation/Involvement Minimum Control Measure:
2a a) Comply with State and local public notice requirements when implementing a public
involvement/public participation program.
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Minimum Control Measure:
3a a) Develop, if not already completed, a storm sewer system map, showing the location of all known
outfalls and the names and location of all surface waters of the State that receive discharges from
those outfalls.
3b b) To the extent allowable under State or local law, effectively prohibit through ordinance, or other
regulatory mechanism, of non-stormwater (i.e., "illicit") discharges into the storm sewer system and
implement appropriate enforcement procedures and actions.
3c c) Develop and implement a plan to detect and eliminate non-stormwater discharges, including illegal
dumping, to the MS4.
3d d) Inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with illegal
discharges and improper disposal of waste.
4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Minimum Control Measure:
4a a) Develop and implement, to the extent allowable under State or local law, an ordinance or other
regulatory mechanism to require erosion and sediment controls, as well as sanctions to ensure
compliance, to reduce pollutants in any stormwater runoff to the Phase II MS4 from construction
activities that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre. Reduction of pollutants
associated with stormwater discharges from construction activity disturbing less than one acre must
also be included if that construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale
that would disturb one acre or more.
4b b) Develop and implement requirements for construction site operators to implement appropriate erosion
and sediment control best management practices.
4c c) Develop and implement requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as
discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the
construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality.
4d d) Develop and implement procedures for site plan review that incorporate consideration of potential
water quality impacts.
4e e) Develop and implement procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the
4f f) Develop and implement procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measures.
5. Post-construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment Minimum
5a a) Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism, to the extent allowable under State or local law, to
address from post-construction runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb
greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger
common plan of development or sale, that discharge into the Phase II MS4. The program must
require that controls be in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts from new
development or redevelopment.
5b b) Develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural and/or non-structural best
management practices (BMPs) appropriate for the community.
5c c) Require adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs.
6. Municipal Operation Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Minimum Control Measure:
6a a) Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program that has the ultimate goal of
preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from MS4 operator activities, such as park and open space
maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and
stormwater system maintenance.
6b b) Using training materials that are available from EPA, the Department, or other organizations, include
employee training to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from MS4 operator activities.

DEP Form 62-621.300(7)(b), May 1, 2003 Page 5 of 6




1. Public Education and Outreach 3. Illicit Discharge Detection/Elimination 5. Post-construction Stormwater Management (optional)
2. Public Involvement/Participation 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

SECTION A.II. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) For The Minimum Control Measure Identified In Section A.I. Of This Form

Element BMP A B C D
ID Number Schedule for Responsible
Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s)
Implementation/Completion Entity/Department

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Page # ____ of ____ total pages of SWMP Elements Forms attached to the NOI

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