September 1, 2019 To March 1, 2020
September 1, 2019 To March 1, 2020
September 1, 2019 To March 1, 2020
The Federal Clean Water Act requires that storm water discharges from certain types of facilities be
authorized under storm water discharge Permits. (See 40 CFR 122.26.) The goal of the storm water
Permits program is to reduce the amount of pollutants entering streams, lakes and rivers as a result of
runoff from residential, commercial and industrial areas. The original 1990 regulation (Phase I) covered
municipal (i.e., publicly-owned) storm sewer systems for municipalities over 100,000 population. The
regulation was expanded in 1999 to include smaller municipalities as well. This expansion of the program
to include small MS4s is referred to as Phase II. This Permit covers new or existing discharges composed
entirely of storm water from Phase II, or Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)
Permittees statewide, of which there are 77 at the time of this Permit modification.
This Permit serves as a modification of the General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), UTR090000, which was renewed and issued by the Division of Water
Quality (Division) on December 1, 2016. The December 1, 2016 renewed permit included more specific
requirements than the previous permit for on-site retention of storm water and the use of a Low Impact
Development (LID) approach which implements Best Management Practices (BMPs) that infiltrate,
evapotranspire and harvest and reuse storm water. The Permit was modified (effective date April 25,
2019) moving the retention and LID implementation date from September 1, 2019 to March 1, 2020.
The Division issued a Public Notice Draft of the renewal of another MS4 permit, the Jordan Valley
Municipalities (JVM) Permit UTS000001, on July 25, 2018. DWQ received significant comments on the
July 25, 2018 Jordan Valley Municipalities MS4 Draft Permit. In early 2019, the Division entered into
stakeholder collaboration with a subcommittee of the Land Use Task Force facilitated by the Utah League
of Cities and Towns (ULCT). The committee included members of the Division, ULCT, the Utah Home
Builders Association and MS4 representatives among others who worked together to refine the Permit
language. The Jordan Valley Municipalities Permit renewal was public noticed on December 21, 2019.
This modification of the General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Systems (MS4s), UTR090000 includes similar changes in an effort to promote consistency among the
MS4 permits statewide.
2.0. Modifications to the General Permit for Discharges from Small MS4s
The Term “Division” referring the Division of Water Quality has been replaced with “Director” referring
to the Director of the Division of Water quality throughout the permit.
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The date for submittal of a revised SWMP document for renewal permittees has been changed from 120
days to 180 days from the effective date of the Permit (Permit Part 2.3).
This Permit serves as both a modified Permit for those covered under the existing Permit as well as
provides coverage for New Applicants. Renewal Permittees should have fully implemented SWMPs that
reflect the permit requirements of the previous permit cycle. A Renewal Permittee shall continue to
implement its SWMP as described in the application and submittals provided in accordance with the
previous Small MS4 General Permit, while updating its SWMP document pursuant to this renewal Permit
to achieve pollutant reductions to the Maximum Extent Practicable from the MS4, as specified in Part 4.1.
An exception to this is given for Permittees that were designated during the previous Permit term who
have 5 years from the date of their submitted NOI to develop, fully implement and enforce their SWMP.
New applicants are given the full Permit term to implement a SWMP except where specific deadlines are
Public Involvement/Participation
If a Permittee maintains a website, a current version of the SWMP document must be posted on the
website within 180 days (increased from 120 days) from the effective date of this Permit (Permit Part
Based on a comment received regarding Permittee responsibility for third-party discharges, Permit Part was added: “Although Permittees are required to prohibit illicit discharges within their
boundaries and to take appropriate action to detect and address any violations, this Permit does not
impose strict liability on the Permittee.”
Permit Part the wording “Permittees shall…require that all staff, contracted staff, or
other responsible entities, that as part of their normal job responsibilities might come into contact with or
otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection to the MS4 including office personnel who
might receive initial reports of illicit discharges, receives annual training in the IDDE program…”. The
wording has changed to clarify which MS4 staff should be trained. Permittees must ensure through
tracking of attendance that appropriate staff has received annual training. If some staff were unable to
attend the yearly training that was offered, it is the Permittee’s responsibility to offer another form of
training to meet this Permit requirement. Although online training and certification is not specifically
mentioned in this Permit, this is one option to ensure that all appropriate staff receives the necessary
training that is required throughout this Permit. A requirement to ensure that new hires are trained within
60 days of hire date has also been added to Permit Part
The threshold for construction site storm water runoff control has been clarified to ”construction sites
with a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre, including projects that are part of a larger
common plan of development or sale which collectively disturbs land greater than or equal to one
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The requirement that MS4s ensure operators “maintain coverage under the Construction General Permits
has been removed from Permit Part
Permit Part has added an appeals process as part of the procedures to ensure compliance to be
posted in a publicly available location. An appeals process will allow a construction operator to appeal an
enforcement option.
Permit Part has changed the pre-construction SWPPP review requirement to a pre-construction
meeting requirement.
Permit Part has clarified the factors for determining a priority construction site.
Permit Part prohibits an individual or entity who prepares a SWPPP for a construction project
from performing construction site inspections on behalf of a Permittee on that site.
Permit Part has added the requirements for qualified Permittee storm water inspectors.
Permit Part allows for the use of an electronic inspection tool by the Permittees in place of in
person, on-site inspections for up to one-half of inspections at a construction site.
Permit Part has added language that requires the Permittee to ensure annual training of staff as
well as the training of new hires within 60 days of hire.
Permit Part requires by July 1, 2020 all new development projects meeting the applicable
threshold, to manage rainfall on-site, and prevent the off-site discharge of runoff associated with
precipitation less than or equal to the 80th percentile rainfall event. The 80th percentile rainfall event is the
event whose precipitation total is greater than or equal to 80 percent of all storm events over a given
period of record. If not feasible, a rationale must be provided for the use of alternative design criteria.
This water quality volume-based methodology will reduce the runoff from a site from the small
frequently occurring storms which have a strong negative cumulative impact on receiving water quality.
By July 1, 2020, redevelopment projects meeting the applicable threshold that increase the impervious
surface by greater than 10%, shall manage rainfall on-site, and prevent the off-site discharge of the net
increase in the volume associated with the precipitation from all rainfall events less than or equal to the
80th percentile rainfall event.
This permit modification changes the required retention volume from the 90th percentile storm to the 80th
percentile storm. The permit modification falls under 40 CFR.62(a)(2), which allows states to modify a
permit when the Director receives new information. The first post-construction retention standard, 90th
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percentile storm, was selected following the EPA’s October 2015 NPDES Permit Quality Review (PQR)
Utah. The PQR included a critical finding that Utah’s post-construction storm water management
requirements were insufficient to meet maximum extent practicable (MEP) and could include a specific
numeric design standard in order to be sufficient. As a result, the Division promptly included a numeric
standard, which it originally set at 90th percentile, in the April 2016 version of the permit.
Later, the 2016 NPDES MS4 General Permit Remand Rule (December 2016 regulations) at 81 Fed. Reg.
89320 clarified the requirement that states incorporate clear, specific, and measurable permit requirements
to meet each of the 6 minimum control measures in 40 CFR 122, 34, one of which is post-construction
storm water management in new development and redevelopment sites. The guidance issued concurrently
with the December 2016 regulations still did not define specific numeric post-construction standards,
relying on states to determine how to best meet the control measure to the maximum extent practicable,
and prompting the Division to revisit its numeric standard with the newly acquired knowledge that the
EPA had declined to adopt a national standard. Thus, the circumstances and information on which the
90th percentile retention standard was based changed materially and substantially since the permit was
originally issued.
The Division has determined that the retention standards outlined in Section 4.2.5, meet the intent of the
maximum extent practicable (MEP) standard to prevent or minimize water quality impacts from new and
redevelopment post-construction storm water management through clear, specific, and measurable
In reviewing literature, evaluation of the diversity of site conditions and climates around the state, and
consulting with practicing design engineers, the Division determined that the 80th percentile event
represents the MEP for retention across the state. While a higher level of retention may be practicable in
some areas of the state, it is not practicable for many communities found in Utah's valleys with
collapsible soils, high ground water, and poor infiltration rates. In addition, the Division has made this
standard identical to the standard used in the renewal of Permit UTS000001 which is applicable to
municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in the Jordan Valley.
In developing this standard, the Division reviewed literature and design guidelines for storm water quality
management throughout the intermountain west. The purpose of the post-construction retention standard
is to maintain or restore stable hydrology in receiving waters and protect water quality by reducing the
effect of first-flush events on receiving waters. The Division recognizes the cascading water quality
effects of development to include increases in pollutant sources, storm water runoff, and the erosional
impacts of storm events. These effects are associated with increased impervious cover and activities
associated with developed lands.
The Division reviewed the following studies related to storm water runoff and water quality volume: Guo
and Urbonas, 1996 and Urbonas, Roesner, and Guo, 1996. These studies formed the basis of a
recommendation by the Water Environment Federation and American Society of Civil Engineers (1998)
that stormwater quality treatment facilities (i.e., post-construction BMPs) be based on the capture and
treatment of runoff from storms ranging in size from "mean" to "maximized" storms (70th to 90th
percentile storm). The Division selected the 80th percentile as a mid-range target, based in part on this
recommendation. The Division determined that retention of the “maximized” storm was impractical for
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Further, the Division determined that the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual developed for the State
of Colorado is applicable to Utah’s climate and topography. The USDCM states that “capturing and
properly treating this volume [80th percentile storm] should remove between 80 and 90% of the annual
total suspended solids (TSS) load, while doubling the capture volume was estimated to increase the
removal rate by only 1 to 2%.” Based on this analysis, the 90th percentile storm, as included in the
previous Permit, would result in a negligible improvement in water quality. Upon further study, the
Division could not demonstrate a technical rationale to require Utah’s communities to retain storm water
to achieve water quality goals that is greater than other similarly situated states in the intermountain west,
such as Montana (0.5”) and Colorado (80th percentile storm).
Although the previously modified Permit included a retention requirement equivalent to the water quality
volume associated with the 90th percentile storm event for new and redevelopment, this permit
requirement was never put into effect due to concerns raised from Utah’s engineering, planning, and
building communities. This resulted in an additional stakeholder process that took place in 2019 in
partnership with the Utah League of Cities and Towns Land Use Task Force. This stakeholder process
and review of other states’ retention standards revealed greatly increased cost associated with achieving
90th percentile retention standard versus the 80th percentile, but not greatly increased water quality
benefits such that the Division determined that the 90th percentile was no longer practicable and the 80th
percentile represents MEP.
This permit modification also clarifies that implementation of the post-construction retention standard
applies only if impervious surface area increases by greater than 10%. The Division never intended to
require any redevelopment project, no matter the size, to remove existing impervious surfaces that would
not otherwise need to be redeveloped in order to meet the retention standard. It would be impractical to
require that an entire redevelopment site meet the new retention standard because redevelopment projects
that do not increase surface area by greater than 10% would often not be able to meet the standard without
removing existing impervious surfaces. Further, the change allows cities to work within the context of
existing storm water master plans and proceed with retrofits of existing facilities through requirements
identified in section of the permit.
The Permit requires that the post-construction retention standard be accomplished through the use of a
combination of practices: site design (including reduction in impervious cover), structural and non-
structural controls Low Impact Development practices that are designed, constructed, and maintained to
infiltrate, evapotranspire and/or harvest and reuse rainwater. This requirement is described in Permit Part
Permittees must allow for use of a minimum of five LID practices from the list in Appendix C of “A
Guide to Low Impact Development within Utah” (the Guide). If a Permittee has not adopted specific LID
guidelines, any LID approach that is described in the Guide and feasible may be used to meet this
If an LID approach cannot be utilized, the Permittee must document an explanation of the reasons
preventing this approach and the rationale for alternative criteria per Permit Part
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The definition of LID infeasibility has been expanded to include high groundwater, drinking water source
protection areas, soil conditions, slopes, accessibility, excessive costs, or others.
The threshold for long-term storm water management has been clarified to “construction sites with a land
disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a
larger common plan of development or sale which collectively disturbs land greater than or equal to one
Permit Part requires procedures for site plan review that evaluate water quality impacts and that
are applied though the life of the project from conceptual design to project closeout.
Permit Part requires Permittees to review post construction plans to ensure long-term controls
are implemented which meet the permit requirements.
Permit Part requires that permanent structural BMPs be inspected to ensure the BMPs were
constructed as designed prior to closing out a construction project.
Permanent structural BMP inspection requirements have been reduced from a minimum or annually to at
least every other year or as necessary to maintain functionality of the control (Permit Part
Previous Permit Part requiring a retrofit plan has been moved to Permit Part 4.2.6 Pollution
Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.
Permit requires that all staff involved in post-construction storm water management, planning and
review, and inspections and enforcement be trained on an annual basis. New hires must be trained within
60 days of hire.
This minimum control measure has been reorganized to more clearly outline the requirements for “high
priority” municipal facilities and overall SOP development and implementation for all facilities and
municipal operations. Guidance for evaluating “high priority” municipal facilities and preparing SOPs
will be developed as separate Fact Sheets by the Division.
Permit Part requires Permittees to develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP) for each “high-priority” Permittee-owned or operated facility within 180 days from the
effective date of this Permit. The SWPPP must identify potential sources of pollution, describe and
ensure implementation of practices that are to be used to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges
associated with activity at the facility and must include a site map showing the information required in
Permit Part The previous Permit required SOPs to address many of these requirements and these
SOPs, provided that they meet the Permit requirements, may be used as part of this SWPPP document.
SOPs must be tailored to the specific Permittee, facility, or operational procedure and must not contain
generic descriptions of municipal activities.
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In Permit Part, visual inspection frequency has been reduced from weekly to monthly.
In Permit Part, comprehensive inspection frequency has been reduced from quarterly to semi-
In Permit Part, visual observation frequency has been reduced from quarterly to annually.
Previous Long-Term Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Permit Part requiring a retrofit plan has been moved to Permit Part
Permit Part requires that all employees, contracted staff, and other responsible entities involved
in construction, operation, or maintenance job functions that are likely to impact storm water quality be
trained on an annual basis. New hires must be trained within 60 days of hire.
All Permittees must submit an annual report to the Division by October 1 following each year of the
Permit term. As stated in Permit Part 5.5, signed copies of the annual report and all other reports required
by this permit must be submitted directly to the DWQ electronic document system at:
Permit Part 6.12 Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability has been removed as this section is redundant.
A definition of “Developed site” was added. The definition of “Indian Country” was removed.
The original effective date of reissuance of the permit was March 1, 2016, with an expiration date of
February 28, 2021. It was modified on December 1, 2016 and again on April 25, 2019, both with
expiration dates of February 28, 2021. As stated in UAC R317-8-5.1(1), UPDES permits shall be effective
for a fixed term not to exceed five (5) years. Therefore, this modified permit will be set to expire at
midnight on February 28, 2021, five years after the effective date of reissuance.
The public notice was published in the Salt Lake Tribune and Desert News newspapers on December 24,
2019. The Permit was also announced on the Utah Division of Water Quality’s Public Notice website at The 30-day public notice began
on December 24, 2019 and ends on January 23, 2020.
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This Permit and Fact Sheet were drafted by Jeanne Riley Storm Water Section Manager, Utah Division of
Water Quality on December 23, 2019. For questions or comments contact Ms. Riley at
or 801-536-4369.