Empirics of Technological Change: 1.1.1 Free Writing, Thesis Statement
Empirics of Technological Change: 1.1.1 Free Writing, Thesis Statement
Empirics of Technological Change: 1.1.1 Free Writing, Thesis Statement
These untested models include the dual technology opportunity hypothesis by Carlota perez and
variable or non-linear relationship between absorptive capacity and technological capabilities by
ranjish narula.
Intro 5 page, lit, 10 page, methods, 2 page, results 10 pages, conclusion and discussion 5, total 32
2 Introduction (5 pages,)
We live in a world of stark contrasts; on one hand there are more mobile phone subscriptions
than there are people in the world, and every other person has access to the internet (ITU, 2020),
but on the other hand almost one third of humanity still do not have access to basic sanitation
facilities (WHO, 2019). In the wake of this technological revolution, many emerging economies
including China and India have experiences very fast economic growth, even surpassing Angus
Maddison’s (2007) estimates, yet 42 percent or higher percentage of people is living on less than
$5.50 a day of which 10 percent on even less than $1.90 a day (World Bank, 2020). With
shrinking technology adoption lags (D. Comin & Hobijn, 2010), there has been a great
convergence in terms of the diffusion of information technologies, but failing to exploit the
hidden potential of these technologies, a vast portion of the world may remain permanently
characterized by divergence (Archibugi & Pietrobelli, 2003, D. Comin & Mestieri, 2018).
Despite the economic and technological convergence associated with economic globalization, technological
specialization patterns are distinct across countries (Dunning & Narula, 1996)
(During the 30-year period 1960–1990, production in the world as a whole—Communists, former colonies,
everyone—grew at 4 percent per year, while world population grew at 2 percent per year. The real income of an
average person has more than doubled since World War II and the end of the European colonial age. This
remarkable growth in income per person has taken place very unevenly: The average figure combines the
experiences of economies that have stagnated at pre-industrial income levels with those of other economies, equally
poor in 1950, that have industrialized at unprecedented rates.)
First, incomes in the countries of Western Europe have been roughly stable, around 75% of the US level.
After rapid growth in the 1980s (and before), Japan peaked at an income relative to the United States of 85% in
1995. Since 1995, though, Japan has fallen back to around 75% of the US level. The rapid growth of China since
1980 and India since around 1990 are also evident in this figure. The contrast with sub-Saharan Africa is particularly
striking, as that region as a whole falls from 7.5% of US income in 1980 to just 3.3% by 2000. Since 2000, many of
the countries and regions shown in Fig. 23 exhibit catch-up to the United States
why should the 500,000 people in Luxembourg get the same weight as the 1.4 billion people in China?
(Bourguignon & Christian, 2002) and especially (Sala-i-Martin, 2006). In 1960, 51% of the world’s population lived
on less than 3 dollars per day (measured in 2005 US dollars). By 2011, less than 5% of the world’s population lived
below this level. The big difference, of course, is China and India, which between them contain more than one third
of the world’s population. In 1960, China and India were very poor, with incomes below $2.75 per day, while by
2011 average incomes were $10 per day in India and $22 per day in China. From the standpoint of the individual,
the most outstanding fact of economic growth over the last 50 years is how many people have been elevated out of
differences in physical capital contribute almost nothing to differences in GDP per worker across countries
c The general lack of correlation between the capital-output ratio and GDP per person is discussed by (Feenstra,
Inklaar, & Timmer, 2015)
the innovation systems literature associates the cause of convergence with the establishment of
national innovation systems. Dosi, 2008 Globalization and Convergence, Rather
divergence Castaldi, Dosi, 2008
(Castaldi et al., 2008)
Moreover, despite technological diffusion taking place at rather high rates, at least among OECD
countries, important specificities in “national innovation systems" persist, related to the
characteristics of the scientific and technical infrastructure, local user-producer relationship and
other institutional and policy features of each country (Lundvall (1992), Nelson (1993),
Archibugi, Howells and Michie (2001)). In an historical perspective, Freeman (2002)
convincingly argues how catch-up of countries has critically relied on the ability to build
successful national innovation systems. This has been, in turn, the case for England, US, Japan
and, most recently, the Asian tigers. To repeat, the dominant tendency throughout the foregoing
secular picture hints at long-term divergence in relative technological capabilities, production
efficiencies and incomes. Together come however two more hopeful messages. First,
notwithstanding prominently divergent patterns, one has also witnessed secularly increasing
average levels of technological knowledge within most countries, and together also in the levels
of per capita income. Second, while it holds true that the ``innovators club" has been remarkably
small and sticky in its membership, one ought to notice both the possibility of entry by a few
successful latecomers (in different periods, the US, Germany and Japan being the most striking
examples) and also the possibility of falling behind by very promising candidates to the club (cf.
the vicissitudes of Argentina over the last century). Given all that, how is such a long-term
scenario affected by those recent changes of the economic and political relations in the
international arena collectively coming under the name of “globalization”? In order to offer some
tentative answer, one ought to start by specifying what precisely ‘globalization’ stands for. Defining technology
Technology as the way of getting things done is more than a matter of lists of inputs and outputs;
it is more than a matter of codified information in blueprints and recipes, for it depends greatly
on the human dimensions of skill and knowing. It is inseparable from the idea of a division of
labour and a correlated division of knowing that is ultimately concerned with the productive
transformation of materials and energy to meet human needs. Thus, it is capable of many forms
of expression, as knowledge and information, as skills and capabilities and as human built
structures. This is the heritage of Smith, Marx, Schumpeter and Marshall, it is a heritage that is
capable of a great deal more development. (Metcalfe, 2010) Mainstreams treatment of technology
(Romer, 1994)
If macroeconomists look only at the cross-country regressions deployed in the convergence controversy, it will be
easy to be satisfied with neoclassical models in which market incentives and government policies have no effect on
discovery, diffusion, and technological advance. But if we make use of all of the available evidence, economists can
move beyond these models and begin once again to make progress toward a complete understanding of the
determinants of long-run economic success. the standard neoclassical prescription-more saving and more schooling.
The nature of technology is largely ignored in economic theory, it being considered sufficient to
treat technology as a constraint on productive opportunities(Metcalfe, 2010). Although
technology (along with labor and capital) was accepted as an important determinant of economic
growth (Veblen, 1915),(Abramovitz, 1956), initially it was simply treated as purely exogenous
factor in the production function based models(Solow, 1957). The change in Total factor
productivity was used as a measure of the technical change or efficiency, called, “a measure of
our ignorance” (Abramovitz, 1956, p 11),(Abramovitz, 1986),(Zvi Griliches, 1995) as it left
major part of economic change, unexplained.
,6 focuses on the particular“technical change”, that is, improvements in knowledge, methods,
and so on, was admitted as the driver of economic growth since(Solow, 1957)measured it as the
change in labor productivity due to capital deepening, and an exogenous “technical change”.;.
Finally, with the arrival of ‘new growth theory’ (Lucas, 1988),(Paul M. Romer, 1990),
(Grossman & Helpman, 1991),(Aghion & Peter, 1992),(Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 2004),
mainstream economists started modeling a country’s stock of technological knowledge as an
endogenous variable. This solved the problem of diminishing returns on capital accumulation
and thus technology as an endogenous factor became a resource that could put off these
diminishing returns. Notwithstanding the question whether technology is a stock or a flow
(ARCO), it is still described by Total Factor Productivity (Prescott, 1998) or other indirect means
such as, GDP, education, research and development, or the human capital (ref).
When modeling diffusion of technological knowledge from advanced to developing nations, it
was assumed as a freely available global public good (Fagerberg, 1994, p. 1149). Catchup and
convergence would be inevitable through a costless and automatic technology diffusion and
spillover process. Thus, the constraints associated with capital mobility became the main cause
of differences across countries. However, the empirical literature assessing the extent of
convergence across countries (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1992, 1995; Islam, 1995; Sala-i-Martin,
1996; Quah, 1997), ultimately acknowledged that the ability to apply existing technology and
generate innovations differs systematically across economies.. patterns of technological capabilities (convergence versus
divergence, catching-up versus falling behind) (Filippetti & Peyrache,
The other fundamental premise is that the process of technology adoption and diffusion does not occur in a
spontaneous way as the neoclassical theory claimed, but requires an explicit and costly effort (Pavitt, 1993);
(Levinthal, 1990). This paper aims to explore the patterns of technological capabilities (convergence versus
divergence, catching-up versus falling behind) (Filippetti & Peyrache, 2011)
“The two key tenants of the convergence debate are that access to technology and social
capability would condition economic convergence” Critisim of mainstream and Origin of NIS, like development
The emerging “Evolutionary” tradition or the literature on “National Innovation Systems”
(Freeman, 1987; Dosi et al., 1988; Lundvall, 1992; Nel- son, 1993; Edquist, 1997)rejects the
mainstream economics’ simplistic assumptions about technology and focus on the underlying
factors that affect the rate and direction of technical change (B.-åke Lundvall, 2007). It tries to
answer basic questions like, how firms, industries and nations evolve overtime (Nelson &
Winter, 1982), and tries to capture the underlying process of learning (Dosi, 1999).
Innovation is regarded as the key driver for economic growth and national competitiveness (Hu
& Mathews, 2005). Economic change, including technological change, is an evolutionary
process(Malecki, 1997). “National innovation system”, (C. Freeman, 1982); (B.-Å. Lundvall,
1985); (C. Freeman, 1987) (B.-Å. Lundvall, 1992), (Smith, 1997), (Narula & Marin, 2003) and
“Learning systems” (Lall, 1992), (Viotti, 2002), is a systemic approach to the study of countries’
abilities to generate and profit from technology. This perspective argues that innovation results
not only from individual actors’ performance, but also from how they interact with one another
as parts of a system (Solleiro & Gaona, 2012), that is, systems of innovation. An innovation
system in most cases represents the serendipitous intertwining of institutions and economic
actors within industry which defined the stock of knowledge in a given location (Etzkowitz &
Leydesdorff, 2000). The systems of innovation place emphasis on interaction between various
actors involved in the innovation process. Thus, the reciprocal learning process across the
national economy is regarded as a major driving force for long-term economic development
(Fagerberg & Sapprasert, 2011). (Choi & Zo, 2019). The innovation scholars view that
technological capabilities are composed of clusters of innovations or different waves of industrial
development (Freeman & Louta, 2001) (perez). This way of modeling technological change has
generated some useful hypothesis, however this perspective is mostly explanation and this not
included in most of the analysis.
Innovation systems concept has its roots in the subject of development economics. (B.-åke
Lundvall, Joseph, Chaminade, & Jan, 2011), as earlier innovation scientists (C. Freeman, 1987),
Kim, turned their attention to the interaction processes underlying a country’s technological and
economic development in the Asian Newly Industrializing Economies. However, the developed
nations, where advanced innovation systems exist, get most of the attention of the innovations
systems literature. Adoption of the innovation system approach to developing countries is a
relatively recent phenomenon (Viotti, 2002); (Muchie, Gammeltoft, Lundvall, & Gammeltoft,
2003); (B.-Å. Lundvall, Intarakumnerd, & Jan, 2006).\
(Nelson, 2000) how did the newly industrialized economies manage to catch-up to the developed
economies is the key contention The key question is, how did the NIEs do it? And what are the
lessons for policies in other developing countries?
between the mainstream economics thinking and the evolutionary perspective. Where on the one
hand the mainstream economists associate the rapid development in these countries as simply
very high investment rates that enabled movements along a production function (J.-I. Kim &
Lawrence J. Lau, 1994); (Krugman, 1994). They insist that the greater portion of increased
output can be explained by increases in physical and human capital, which brought along modern
technology as a more or less automatic by-product. (Pack, Nelson, & Pack, 1997)call these
arguments “accumulation theories.”
In contrast, other economists have placed learning about and learning to master new technologies
as central in their analysis, highlighting the role of risk-taking entrepreneurship, effective
learning, and innovation (Pack & Westphal, 1986); (Amsden, 1994); (L. Kim, 1997)). (Pack,
Nelson, & Pack, 1999) call these arguments “assimilation theories.”
The acquisition and progressive mastering of technologies that are new to them, if not to the
world, obviously has been a central aspect of the newly industrializing economies (NIEs) (Pack
& Westphal, 1986); (L. Kim, 1997)
diffusion of embodied technology. In achieving the foregoing, technological learning and
capabilities have a central role to play (Lundvall et al., 2009).
(L. Kim, 1997)
Learning can start with simpler reverse engineering, and evolve into Duplicative imitation,
creative imitation and finally as the developing nation approaches the technological frontier,
involved activities that sensed the potential needs in the market, activities that located knowledge
or products that would meet the market needs, and activities that would infuse these two
elements into a new project.
Reverse engineering also involved purposive search for relevant information, effective
interactions among technical members within a project team and with marketing and production
departments within the firm, effective interactions with other organizations such as suppliers,
customers, and – for more complex products and technologies – local R&D institutes and
universities. Such activity required the willingness to take risks and to learn from experience.
Considerable trial and error and try-again learning generally was involved in achieving a
satisfactory result.
Imitation does not necessarily mean illegal counterfeits or clones of foreign goods; it can also be
legal, involving neither
Duplicative imitation conveys no sustainable competitive advantage to the imitator in a
technological sense, but it sustains competitive edge in price if the imitator’s wage cost is
significantly lower than the originator’s. For this reason, duplicative imitation, if legal, is an
astute strategy in the early industrialization of low- waged, catching-up countries, as the
technology involved is generally mature and readily available and duplicative imitation of
mature technology is relatively easy to undertake.
Duplicative imitation alone, however, is insufficient if a NIE is to achieve further
industrialization. Both creative imitation and innovation are required not only to catch up in
existing industries but also to challenge advanced countries in new industries. Design copies,
creative adaptations, technological leapfrogging, and adaptation to another industry are creative
imitations. Design
Technological leapfrogging can occur to a late entrant’s advantage when the latecomer gains
access to newer technology and uses it with a more accurate understanding of the growing
market than was possessed by the original innovator. Adaptation to another industry illustrates
Creative imitations aim at generating imitative products but with new application of innovations
in one industry for use in another. Creative imitations aim at generating imitative products but
with new performance features. They involve not only such activities as benchmarking but also
notable learning through substantial investment in R&D activities to create imitative products,
the performance of which may be significantly better or production cost considerably lower than
the original. Bolton (1993) argues that Japanese strategy represents these features.
Many skills and activities required in reverse engineering have easily been transformed into
activities called R&D, as some NIEs approached the technological frontier. Skills and activities
required in these processes are in fact the same as in the innovation process in R&D
For evidence on knowledge spillovers, see Griliches (1992), Coe and Helpman (1995), Jones and
Williams (1998), (Klenow & Rodríguez-Clare, 2005), and (Bloom, Mark, & Reenen John Van,
2013). Summery of revolutions here
2.1.2 The Technology Gap Approach, absorptive capacity,
These innovation scholars often serve as a bridge between the mainstream and innovation
systems approach by their combination of assumptions models techniques from the two sides by
integrating the technology gap research within the standard growth-accounting approach.
Prominent examples include, Adding a Schumpeterian perspective to the mainstream economic
thought gave rise to the technology gap approach (Ames and Rosenberg, 1963; Nelson, 1981;
Nelson and Winter, 1982; Nelson and Wright, 1992), (Fagerberg, 1994).
emerged from the convergence debate which ultimately became a predecessor to the “National
Innovation Systems” approach or “Evolutionary Economics”. They emphasize that technological
innovation does not flow freely across economic actors or distances, it required investment in
technological learning and adaptation to effectively catchup to the advanced nations(Castellacci,
Schumpeterian endogenous growth models(B. P. Howitt, 2000), (P. Howitt & Mayer-Foulkes,
2002) (Castellacci & Archibugi, 2008)(Aghion, Akcigit, & Howitt, 2014). And the convergence
clubs literature from a Schumpeterian perspective (Castellacci, 2008), used technology-gap
growth equation in a dynamic panel model specification. Similarly, productivity growth and
catching up from the mainstream models are complemented with a technology gap explanation
in (Filippetti & Peyrache, 2017). These scholars point to innovation and the international
diffusion of new technologies as the possible sources of polarization and divergence or
convergence. They recommend that investment in technological capabilities could spur
productivity catch-up, thanks to technology accumulation, thus policies for technological
capabilities accumulation are necessary. The Schumpeterian literature: tech gap and AC catching up
convergence imitation-based catching up
(Castellacci & Natera, 2013)The Schumpeterian literature on innovation and economic growth does however
provide important insights and key building blocks for developing an analytically stronger framework to study NIS
dynamics. First, idea-based new growth models point out the important role of national innovation capability for
the growth of the economic system (Paul M. Romer, 1990); (Furman, Porter, & Stern, 2002). Secondly, technology-
gap models highlight the important role played by countries’ absorptive capacity for imitation-based catching up,
and show the large set of factors that contribute to define a country’s absorptive capacity (Abramovitz, 1986), (Barro
& Sala-i-martin, 1992); (Mendonça, 2008); Fagerberg and Srholec, 2008; Lee and Kim, 2009).
)). In an historical perspective, Freeman (2002) convincingly argues how catch-up of countries
has critically relied on the ability to build successful national innovation systems. This has been,
in turn, the case for England, US, Japan and, most recently, the Asian tigers. To repeat, the
dominant tendency throughout the foregoing secular picture hints at long-term divergence in
relative technological capabilities, production efficiencies and incomes. Together come however
two more hopeful messages. First, notwithstanding prominently divergent patterns, one has also
witnessed secularly increasing average levels of technological knowledge within most countries,
and together also in the levels of per capita income. Second, while it holds true that the
``innovators club" has been remarkably small and sticky in its membership, one ought to notice
both the possibility of entry by a few successful latecomers (in different periods, the US,
Germany and Japan being the most striking examples) and also the possibility of falling behind
by very promising candidates to the club (cf. the vicissitudes of Argentina over the last century).
Given all that, how is such a long-term scenario affected by those recent changes of the
economic and political relations in the international arena collectively coming under the name of
“globalization”? In order to offer some tentative answer, one ought to start by specifying what
precisely ‘globalization’ stands for.
Another fact that we’d like to know more about is the extent of knowledge spillovers across
countries. It is well appreciated that each country benefits from knowledge created elsewhere in
the world, but quantifying these benefits is difficult. (Eaton & Kortum, 1999) suggest that only
60% of US growth in recent decades comes from knowledge created in the United States, and the
numbers for local knowledge in Japan (35%) and the United Kingdom (13%) are even smaller. A
related fact courtesy of (R. B. Freeman, 2009)is this: In the 1970s, China produced a negligible
number of Ph.D.’s in science and engineering, but by 2010, China was producing 26% more than
the United States. In a world of ideas, the economic development of China and India may have a
profound effect on growth in the future. How many future Thomas Edisons, Albert Einsteins,
Steve Jobs, and Sam Waltons are out there, waiting for their talents to be appropriately nurtured?
papers and patents reflect mainly the formalised component of scientific and technological
good history debate Perspectives on innovation in economic growth and catch-up,
(Santangelo, 2005)
The factors that affect economic progress across countries have been of primary interest to
political scientists, economic historians, economists, and policymakers –and, although
considerable obstacles exist, may be able to leapfrog leader countries by developing institutions
that deal with contemporaneous challenges more effectively than those developed in previous
periods. These authors identify a fundamental question regarding whether laggard countries’
wealth and technological progress increase at a higher rate than that of leader countries. Mentions of furman Hypothesis 1 from this, tech gap guy
The adoption of the innovation system approach to developing countries is a relatively recent phenomenon (Viotti,
2002); (Muchie et al., 2003); (B.-Å. Lundvall et al., 2006) and arguably still in its infancy. Moreover,. Still there
have been some attempts in that direction, see, for example, (Furman et al., 2002)and (Furman & Hayes, 2004a)
Despite its highly stylized character, this idea provides an important step forward in the theory of innovation
and growth, since it implicitly points out the two-way interactive relationship that links the dynamics of
innovation and absorptive capacity in the long-run only a limited number of studies have empirically
investigated the dynamics of innovative capability over time and the main factors that may explain its long-
run evolution ((Furman et al., 2002); (Varsakelis, 2006); (Filippetti & Peyrache, 2011)). This is a crucial task
for future research in this field.
(Castellacci & Natera, 2013)The Schumpeterian literature on innovation and economic growth does however
provide important insights and key building blocks for developing an analytically stronger framework to study NIS
dynamics. First, idea-based new growth models point out the important role of national innovation capability for
the growth of the economic system (Paul M. Romer, 1990); (Furman et al., 2002). Secondly, technology-gap
models highlight the important role played by countries’ absorptive capacity for imitation-based catching up, and
show the large set of factors that contribute to define a country’s absorptive capacity (Abramovitz, 1986), (Barro &
Sala-i-martin, 1992); (Mendonça, 2008); Fagerberg and Srholec, 2008; Lee and Kim, 2009).
the production function for international patents is well-characterized by a small but nuanced set of observable
factors. We find that while a great deal of variation across countries is due to differences in the level of inputs
devoted to innovation (R&D manpower and spending), an extremely important role is played by factors associated
with differences in R&D productivity (policy choices such as the extent of IP protection and openness to
international trade, the share of research performed by the academic sector and funded by the private sector, the
degree of technological specialization, and each individual country’s knowledge “stock”). Further, national
innovative capacity influences downstream commercialization, such as achieving a high market share of high-
technology export markets. Finally, there has been convergence among OECD countries in terms of the estimated
level of innovative capacity over the past quarter century.
The study investigates the characteristics of different technology clubs and the growth trajectories that they have followed over
time. The cross-country empirical analysis first explores the existence of multiple regimes in the data by means of cluster
analysis techniques. It then estimates a technology-gap growth equation in a dynamic panel model
specification. The empirical results identify three distinct technology clubs, and show that these are characterized by remarkably
different technological characteristics and growth behavior.
Presents a three cluster model..repeats most of the other paper, uses same data but different
method. Ignores movements..
We also added to testing with a different methid the mnl method. Ignores old and new.. uses
them as one.. even the role of interent and its changes indicates that they are not synonymous..
ignores the threshold.. doesn’t really talk about convergence rates as such
Traditional infrastructures are represented by electricity and fixed telephony. The electricity variable is positive and
significant in the regressions in Table 2. The piecewise linear version of the model in Table 3 suggests however that
this indicator has a significant effect for the followers club but not for the others. The telephony variable is also
positively related to income growth, as expected, and this relationship is particularly strong (and more significant)
for the marginalized group of economies. Traditional technological infrastructures thus appear to be more relevant
catching-up factors for countries that are far below the technological frontier, representing one of the basic aspects
that contribute to define the absorptive capacity and imitation capability of developing economies. (this information
can be cited in introducing the old innovations literature in the revolutions and perez section for being old and as
the missing link of theory, in the narual literature as a/c i/c theory and introducing the indicators in the index)
In the marginalized club, economic development is negatively related to the openness of the economy, and
positively related to the structural change variables (industry and services shares of GDP), innovative activities
under taken by the public science system(articles), and traditional infrastructures (fixed telephony). The growth
effect of human capital is mostly indirect as measured by the catching-up interaction effect.
Hypothesis 1: Technology clubs. There exist various country groups characterized by different levels of
absorptive capacity and innovative ability. Rich countries perform well in terms of both aspects. Middle-income
countries have low innovative ability but relatively high absorptive capacity. Less developed economies are poor in
both aspects.
Thresholds divide the groups, the clubs fluctuate, expand and contract, the hypothesis implied behind the theories,
such as the convergence hypothesis, the thresholds, the number groups and their dynamics.. we start with a clean
slate, not being prisoner to tradition, looking for broader heterogeneity, dynamics and new theoretical insights
along with the information for decision making..
Hypothesis 2: Growth trajectories. Innovative ability and absorptive capacity are crucial factors of growth and
catching up. However, the growth effects of innovative ability and absorptive capacity (and other related factors)
greatly differ across the technology clubs.
These are universal hypothesis and our work reaffirms them with a different approach and with latest data.. and
does over and above that too..
The second step of our clustering exercise is to make use of classification and regression tree techniques (CART) in
order to check the robustness of the hierarchical analysis results, and to identify the threshold values of the input
variables that determine what club each country belongs to (Durlauf and Johnson, 1995). Further details on these
methods of cluster analysis are reported in Appendix B
since convergence rates have been studied till 2000 we extend the investigation to 2015 covering the most
turbulent and happening period of recent economic history. These are the years when shape of the world has
changed. So that’s our fist contribution… second is discovery of more than three clusters.. then movements among
clusters and the dynamics of technological landscape. Then the role of old and new technologies and also the role
of absorptive capacity and innovation with reference to the thresholds..
since all the indicators have a strong correlation how do they use it in regression equations? On the contrary we use
the factors extracted from the variables, determined through principle component analysis, according to their
behaviors, having no correlation.. he says there is no autocorrelation.. something to do wth piece vise regression
and allowing slopes to differ for each sub group. \
To what extent have these new insights been recognised, not to say accepted, by applied growth
theory in mainstream economics? Not much, arguably. Applied growth theory has achieved
considerable progress in the last decade, and, moving away from the traditional cross country
regression framework, it has made use of a wide array of econometric techniques to point to the
existence of a great deal of heterogeneity across countries.1 However, the study of
macroeconomic variety has mainly been analysed in terms of economic factors, while the role of
cross-country differences in the ability to create and imitate advanced knowledge (his gap)
This is particularly evident when we look at the recent flourishing of empirical studies in the
convergence clubs tradition (Durlauf and Johnson, 1995). The general idea of this literature,
that countries that differ in terms of structural characteristics and initial conditions tend to
experience diverging growth performances, has increasingly attracted the attention of applied
growth scholars, who have recently proposed a range of different economic explanations for the
existence of convergence clubs in the world economy (Desdoigts, 1999; Hobijn and Franses,
2000; Johnson and Takeyama, 2001; Papageorgiou, 2002; Fiaschi and Lavezzi, 2003; Canova,
2004). None of these previous works, however, has investigated the uneven distribution of
knowledge across nations and the importance of this for the formation of clubs.(gap), each nation
needs to know where is stands not just in a broad group but in specific terms as possible,
intensity term,,)
For innovation scholars, the idea that cross-country differences in knowledge stocks and
technological capabilities may be one major factor to explain the existence of different country
clubs is a natural hypothesis to investigate (see Godinho et al., 2005).
What is the role of technological knowledge for the formation of clubs?
The paper investigates this unexplored question by carrying out an empirical study of cross-
country differences in the ability to exploit the process of knowledge creation and dissemination,
focusing on a large sample of developed and developing economies in the 1990s.
The purpose of the paper is thus to study the existence, characteristics and dynamics of
different technology clubs in the world economy. The study, empirical in nature, will
explore the existence of groups of countries characterized by different levels of knowledge
stocks and technological infrastructures, point out their characteristics and the distance
that separates them, and analyse their different dynamics over time. Ewa (Lechman, 2014), 100% diffusion, smart phones and
internet, intro
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, adoption patterns, tech- nology
diffusion, S-shaped curve, developing countries (Lechman, 2013)
The paper, purely empirical in nature, reports on the pace of adoption of new Information and
Communication Technologies in developing countries, and – addi- tionally – investigates
country-specific ICT diffusion patterns. We expect to uncover the S-shape curve in the diffusion
process in most of developing countries, as well as in the whole country sample.
2.1.4 The clubs Initial clubs, Durlauf and Johnson 1995
to identify whether multiple regimes in cross-country growth behavior are present we find
subsets of countries which appear to possess very different production functions. These
differences in turn suggest that more developed countries have higher output-labor ratios than
implied by their capital-labor ratios alone.(Durlauf & Johnson, 1995)
in Barro (1991) this negative coefficient may be found for a large cross- sectiop. of countries
when one controls for factors such as education, investment rates and political stability
A class of growth models, starting with Azariadis and Drazen (1990), produces multiple locally
stable steady states in per capita output.
Countries associated with the same steady state obey a common linear regression.
The purpose of the paper is thus to study the existence, characteristics and dynamics of different
technology clubs in the world economy. The paper, empirical in nature, will explore the
existence of groups of countries characterized by different levels of technological development,
point out their characteristics and the technological distance that separates them, and analyze
their different dynamics over time.(Castellacci, 2006)
The paper investigates cross-country differences in technology in a large sample of developed
and developing economies over the 1990s. The empirical analysis indicates the existence of three
technology clubs with markedly different levels of technological development: advanced,
followers and marginalized countries. The technology clubs also differ with respect to their
dynamics over the 1990s. While the club of followers is characterized by a process of gradual
convergence towards the technological frontier, the group of marginalized has experienced an
increase in its gap in terms of innovative capabilities.(Castellacci, 2006)
A comparison of the variation coefficients across the two periods allows also to test whether the
162 countries are somehow con- verging or diverging in their technological capabilities. All the
indicators show a certain convergence from the past (that is, a reduction of the divergence
signaled by the coefficients), especially with regard to Internet (many countries in the past did
not possess it at all, while it was already a common infrastructure in others), telephony and
literacy rate. It also emerges that the propensity toward convergence is much faster in
infrastructure, including new ones such as Internet, than in the creation of technology.
Especially for potential leaders and latecomers: improved technological capabilities are strongly
associated to GDP growth. (Archibugi & Coco, 2004) Imp, Technology Clubs, |Cluster analysis \OECD handbook
There has been little consideration yet in seeking empirical evidence for the idea of the existence of clubs of
countries characterized by different levels of technological development and different technological dynamics
(Castellacci, 2008b); (Castellacci & Archibugi, 2008) . Different statistical tools would be needed to classify
nations into homogeneous groups (Archibugi, Denni, & Filippetti, 2009a).. Luckily, different variants of Cluster
Analysis technique have been tested using the example of TAI, in OECD Handbook on constructing composite
indicators: methodology and user guide (Nardo et al., 2005a), serving as a precedent for TAI-15.
The study identifies six main dimensions, three of which are related to the techno‐economic domain (innovation and
technological capabilities, openness, and infrastructures), while the other three refer to countries’ socio‐institutional
system (education, political institutions, and social cohesion).
that are also the same as freeman and perez and abramovich
Its dimensions are then presented in CANA dataset using multiple imputations.
Method of Multiple Imputation Honaker and King can be applied to avoid missing values problem. As in
(Castellacci & Natera, 2011) And it’s a good reference for innovation systems measurement
The underlying convergence paradox is still the same as the productivity paradox of solow, the world is converging
in terms of modern technologies and education but its not converging in terms of income.
that are also the same as freeman and perez and abramovich
Fulvio Castellacci* and Jose Miguel Natera† Its dimensions are then presented in CANA dataset using multiple
Method of Multiple Imputation Honaker and King can be applied to avoid missing values problem. As in
(Castellacci & Natera, 2011). And it’s a good reference for innovation systems measurement
The underlying convergence paradox is still the same as the productivity paradox of solow, the world is converging
in terms of modern technologies and education but its not converging in terms of income. (technology is here, where
is the productivity, maybe every industrial revolutions does not bring about productivity changes in the same way,
even today those excelling in mass production era technologies have been able to use the IT revolution, maybe the
fourth industrial revolution can bring about some change.
And adds to cluster analysis, regression tree (CART) analysis, these can be done with my work. Is between 1990
and 2000.. mine adds to it. (Castellacci & Archibugi, 2008)
The paradox…. cross-country distributions of technological infrastructures and human capital have experienced a
process of convergence, whereas the innovative intensity is characterized by increasing polarization between rich
and poor economies. Thus, while the conditions for catching up have generally improved, the increasing innovation
gap represents a major factor behind the observed differences in income per capita (Castellacci, 2011).. there are
some changes in innovation gap and absorption gap, tertiary isn’t absorptive any more but innovation, internet was
but isn’t innovation.. least developed have also started publishing, the patenting gaps remain, internet and mobiles
have murged, and changes in clusters, fewer left in the marginalized,
the great diversity of countries’ characteristics and growth behavior, our six cluster search is based on this
(Castellacci, 2011)
techno-economic and socio-institutional in innovation systems (and in mainstream) over laps with innovation
capability and absorptive capacity in technology gap tradition.
The huge economics literature flourished in the last couple of decades on the subject broadly falls into two distinct
research traditions, namely the mainstream R&D spillovers approach and the evolutionary economics view.
traditional view of economic policy based on a market-oriented approach, the evolutionary view is on the contrary
consistent with the idea that institutional arrangements and policy interventions do indeed play a fundamental role
for shaping innovation patterns and their impacts on the competitiveness of industries
we could check the economic policies of nations (reviewing academic and govt policy documents) and see which
tradition has more influence and whether it has something to do with successful catching up.
To stand on the shoulders of the giants, is to make use of the vast amount of analysis of technological capabilities,
technology clubs and their convergence behaviors through 90s (Castellacci, 2006), (Castellacci & Archibugi, 2008).
There is a great opportunity to extend the analysis to the recent and most happening period of technological
development i.e. 1995-2015. This period has been of the fast diffusion of recent innovations, rise of emerging
economies, even termed as the end of the great divergence Archibugi & Coco, 2004 ARCO index, does spill over occur
(Archibugi & Coco, 2004)
(Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992) technology spill-overs do not occur automatically.
In order to assimilate knowledge from abroad, a country must be able" to apply this knowledge in its own economic
system. 'learning capability' depends on an 'intrinsic' learning capability (depending on such variables as the
education of the labour force and the quality of the infra-structure),
besides a catching up phase, there is a also a 'pre-catching up phase', in which a country builds up its intrinsic
learning capability, and
a 'post-catching up phase' in which domestic research activities begin to assume a greater importance than
technology spill-overs. education is indeed an important factor in the catching up process,
therefore we follow the most researched and repeatedly assessed index, using single source,
available data. With minor modification, trying to ensure continuity and comparability of older
index, extending the analysis to 1990,
departures include separating old and new innovations i.e. mobile phones and telephones, (to test
the theory of older innovations and to the ultimate development of mobiles as smart phones and
internet devices becoming more closely associated with penetration of internet) to highlight the ,
and using simpler indicators such as patent applications by residents, enrolment in tertiary
enrolment rather than tertiary in science and engineering. considering strong correlation with the
arco index as sufficient justification.
Measuring 25 years of technology revolution expansion on a global scale,
two issues have persistently interested the community of scholars studying the technological capabilities of
countries: (i) how to provide an overall measure of technological capabilities at the national level, aggregating
different dimensions (variables) (Grupp & Schubert, 2010); OECD, 2007) and (ii) the global dynamic of technology
and in particular whether a process of global convergence is occurring, or instead a club of a few advanced countries
is still responsible for the major production of technology and innovation (Archibugi & Iammarino, 2002);
(Kemeny, 2010).
Scholars working in this field have eventually to face the Hamletic choice between the number of countries on the
one hand, and the number of the variables on the other, to be included in the dataset(Filippetti & Peyrache, 2011)we
have better data now and don’t have to sacrifice one for another
The club convergence movements of the 1980s and 1990s, when groups of poor and rich
countries converged to two separate points, was followed by a de-clubbing movement after the
turn of the millennium (Krause, 2016)
literature on convergence (e.g. Barro, 1991; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1992; Mankiw et al., 1992;
Sala-i-Martin, 1996; Galor, 1996; Jones, 1997; Graham and Temple, 2006) Critisism on Quah twin peaks, there may be three peaks,
rather just components..(Vollmer, Holzmann, & Schwaiger, 2013)
Critisism on Quah twin peaks, there may be three peaks, rather just components..(Vollmer et al.,
It is controversial in this literature whether the twin peaks represent locally stable
equilibria/convergence clubs (Quah, 1996) or whether they are only a temporary phenomenon
caused by a high frequency of growth miracles (Jones, 1997).
The unified growth theory (c.f. Galor, 2010 for an overview)
The theory suggests that growth segments economies into three fundamental regimes: a
Malthusian regime with slow growing economies, fast growing economies in a sustained growth
regime, and a third group in the transition from one regime to the other. One important difference
to models with multiple equilibria is that this segmentation does not represent the long-run
steady state of these economies. Variations in the levels of income only reflect country-specific
characteristics and not the actual stage of development. Thus, there are no critical levels that
permit economies to switch from one regime to the other, but rather critical rates of progress.
(D. Comin & Mestieri, 2018) the cross-country evolution of technology diffusion over the last two centuries by.
document that adoption lags between poor and rich countries have converged, while the intensity of use of adopted
technologies of poor countries relative to rich countries has diverged. The divergence in intensity of use accounts for
the divergence during the twentieth century . that infact a reduced adoption lag of merely the modern
technologies doesn’t mean convergence, it’s the intensity of use, (electricity consumption, mass
production, e-commerce and e-government)
(D. Comin & Hobijn, 2010) each country benefits from knowledge created elsewhere in the world, but quantifying
these benefits is difficult. (Eaton & Kortum, 1999) suggest that only 60% of US growth in recent decades comes
from knowledge created in the United States, and the numbers for local knowledge in Japan (35%) and the United
Kingdom (13%) are even smaller. A related fact courtesy of (R. B. Freeman, 2009)is this: In the 1970s, China
produced a negligible number of Ph.D.’s in science and engineering, but by 2010, China was producing 26% more
than the United States.
Despite the economic and technological convergence associated with economic globalization, technological
specialization patterns are distinct across countries (Dunning & Narula, 1996)
knowledge infrastructure’ in the sense proposed by (Smith, 1997) as being ‘generic, multi-user and indivisible’ and
consisting of public research institutes, universities, organisations for standards, intellectual property protection, etc
that enables and promotes science and technology development
Second, there are institutions that a sort of a ‘culture’ of innovation and therefore influence the dynamics of the
learning process (Narula, 2002).
Global dimension of Innovation Systems Linking Innovation Systems and Global Value
Chains(Morrison, Pietrobelli, & Rabellotti, 2007)(World Bank, OECD, 2017)(Fagerberg,
Lundvall, & Srholec, 2018)(Pietrobelli & Rabellotti, 2011)
The Global dimension of Innovation Systems Linking Innovation Systems and Global Value
2.1.5 absorptive capacity, one of the merged fields, relevant to developing nations, and
merges thresholds and revolutions distance to frontier or technology gap tradition
borrowed it from convergence lit and happily applied it.
How it relates to convergence debate, the interaction of technological and social capability for
economic convergence,..
Ohkawa and Rosovsky (1973) note this explicitly, and characterize the ability to assimilate
external technologies as “social capability.” Consistent with the argument that specific
investments in innovative capabilities are es- sential for assimilating new-to-the-country
innovation, (Abramovitz, 1986) proposes that countries whose eco- nomic environments more
closely match that of the leader country will have better “technological congruence” and will,
thus, be more successful in incorpo- rating advances made elsewhere. (Lall, 1992) reasoning is
of course very similar to that of Abramovitz (see the discussion above of “social capabilities”).
Thus, technological and social capabilities should be expected to interact in the development
process. Moreover, by closer examination it becomes evident that there is a considerable overlap
between these two concepts.
Absorptive capacity is a fairly old concept, (Gerschenkron, 1963) and (Kuznets, 1973) identified
that the expense of R&D and human capital may obstacle the absorption. In explaining the
process of catching-up (Abramovitz, 1986) (Abramovitz & David, 1995) (Abramovitz, 1986)
pointed out that whether backward countries would benefit from the advantage of backwardness
depended on their social competence or social capacity and technological level. But the modern
variant of the concept emerged at the firm level (Cohen & Levinthal, 1989), (Levinthal, 1990) as
the ability to exploit modern technology. In 1995 Abramovitz divided these social factors into
two categories. One category includes basic social and political systems, and the other category
referred to absorptive capacity is composed of factors deciding the national capacity for
absorbing and digesting foreign advanced technology. (Abramovitz & David, 1995) distinguished
between two classes of elements. One class includes the “basic social attitudes and political institutions”, the other
consists of elements that determine the ability of countries to efficiently absorb and internalise knowledge
potentially available at the frontier, i.e., from the lead countries. This latter group has been dubbed as ‘absorptive
capacity’. (Criscuolo, Narula, & Narula, 2001)
Innovation scholars (Dahlman & Nelson, 1995) defined it as the ability of a country to identify
and absorb technological knowledge generated outside the country, i.e. national absorptive
capacity. (Dahlman & Nelson, 1995)defined the national absorptive capacity as the ability to
learn and use the advanced technologies and experience from developed countries.
Dahlman & Nelson, (1995) define national absorptive capacity as “the ability to learn and
implement the technologies and associated practices of already developed countries”. National
absorptive capacity is more than the sum of the absorptive capabilities of domestic firms.
Absorptive capacity is fundamentally different from the capability to absorb: the latter always
increases, whereas the former is a function of the amount of knowledge that remains to be
assimilated (Narula, 2004).
absorptive capacity implies problem-solving skills that emerge directly as a result of attempts to
assimilate external knowledge. These efforts represent a potential for learning how to undertake
different activities through investing in R&D, i.e. to create new knowledge, and is referred to as
the process of ‘learning to learn’ (B.-Å. Lundvall, 1992)
To evaluate and utilize outside knowledge is largely a function of the level of prior related
knowledge” ((Levinthal, 1990): 128).
absorptive capacity represents a subset of technological capabilities, Much of the extant work at both the macro-
level and micro-level correctly considers it axiomatic that the primary determinant behind technological
accumulation and absorptive capacity is human capital. Human capital represents a subset of absorptive capabilities,
Absorptive capacity is therefore also concerned with the efficient use of knowledge acquired.
To implement technologies invented abroad, however, requires that more skills must be built up by domestic
workers and managers – the absorptive capacity of the economy.
Hence, both trade and R & D spillover effects are tied to the availability of human capital - the absorptive capacity.
((Keller, 1996)). (Zahra & George, 2002), (Flatten, Engelen, Zahra, & Brettel, 2011)., Review of the AC concept but
its solely focused on firm level analysis and strategy.
macro-level literature on international R&D spillovers largely tends to concentrate on trade-related spillovers (e.g.,
Keller 1997, Coe and Helpman 1995, 1997, Verspagen 1997)
the concept of national absorptive capacity has so far been associated in the international technology transfer
literature with the concept of national technological capabilities, and in the endogenous growth literature with the
concept of human capital ((Lucas, 1988), and (Paul M. Romer, 1990))
Absorptive capacity is significant for development because it allows domestic economic actors (firms and
institutions) to internalize knowledge that exists elsewhere (either within the domestic economy or externally) that is
made available directly or indirectly to them (Narula, 2004).
current evidence is unanimous in asserting a strong correlation between economic growth and the absorptive
capacity (Narula, 2004)
However, few scholars carried out further research on the national absorptive capacity because of
the difficulty in the macro study. Therefore the national absorptive capacity is considered as
"black box".(L. Kim, 1997) There is considerably less work on understanding the nature of
absorptive capacity on the national level (Narula, 2004).
For related reasons, (Bell & Pavitt, 1993) argue that investments in innovative capacity are
essential for catch-up in developing countries, as investments in production equipment alone are
insufficient for incorporating technical advances made elsewhere.
the human capital represents a core aspect of absorptive capacity, its presence is also not a
sufficient condition for knowledge accumulation. This requires the presence of institutions and
economic actors lack of appropriate incentives for production and investment can compromise
the success of the technological upgrading (Lall, 1992)
example, several empirical studies have in fact used human capital measures as proxies for
absorptive capacity (see (Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992)and (Borensztein, Gregorio, & Lee, 1998).
Other being infrastructure and industrial structure
the competence “…to evaluate and utilize outside knowledge is largely a function of the level of
prior related knowledge(older innovations and path dependence)” ((Levinthal, 1990): 128).
Which may also be true for diffusion of old innovations
absorptive capacity and productivity growth we should bear in mind the importance of the
minimum required level of absorptive capacity (thresholds of ac, thresholds also mentioned in
technology gap) government policies The importance of institution-creation cannot be
overstated: (Rodrik, Subramanian, & Trebbi, 2002) demonstrate that efficient institutions
contribute more to economic growth than location or trade.
The role of governments as a market facilitator and provider of complementarily created,
location-specific assets is more critical (Narula & Marin, 2003)
Despite the economic and technological convergence associated with economic globalization,
technological specialization patterns are distinct across countries (Dunning & Narula, 1996)
Following (Criscuolo et al., 2001) we stipulate the existence of four stages of economic
development in terms of ability to accumulate knowledge as follows: the pre catching-up stage,
the catching-up stage, the pre frontier- sharing stage and the frontier-sharing stage. Some general
characteristics of countries in each stage are presented in narula,2001 Stages of absorptive capacities
Pre catching-up stage: Natural resource-based, commodity exports. No technological capabilities. Little or no basic
infrastructure. Underdeveloped institutions Few domestic firms with technological capabilities. Little or no inward
FDI. No outward FDI.
Catching-up stage: “Generic” basic infrastructure. Growing capacity to imitate. Engaged in low-value- adding
manufacturing, often as OEM supplier. Growth of domestic industry in support and related sectors. Little outward
FDI. Growing inward FDI.
Pre frontier-sharing stage: Increasingly specialized knowledge infrastructure. Decline in potential to imitate and
adapt. Increasing integration into efficiency-based global production networks. Strong domestic industry, move
towards OBM. Increasing use of networking to achieve modularity. Rising inward FDI, Rising outward FDI.
Frontier-sharing stage: Technological opportunities primarily rest on long- term innovation and collaboration.
Pushing back frontiers of knowledge. Considerable in-house R&D activity by both domestic and foreign MNEs.
Outward FDI to augment domestic capacity. Growing use of R&D alliances and networking. Strong knowledge
Growing use of outsourcing to earlier- stage countries of lower-value added activities. High outward and inward FDI
stocks.Technological and absorptive capabilities Economic structure Industrial upgrading and manufacturing
comparative advantage evolution Growing use of outsourcing to earlier- stage countries of lower-value added
High outward and inward FDI stocks. country approaches the frontier, absorptive capacity declines both because the
knowledge available to be assimilated is smaller and the complexity involved in its exploitation is higher. Note that
regardless of whether we use a fixed or moving frontier, absorptive capacity will tend to zero as the country
approaches the frontier, as Figure 6.1 shows. However, the capability to absorb reaches a maximum at the frontier,
and may be said to be monotonically related to knowledge accumulation as in Figure 6.2. In other words, at the
frontier, it is theoretically possible to absorb more knowledge, since the capability to absorb can only increase with
knowledge accumulation, but absorptive capacity is an inverse function of the available unlearned knowledge.
Accumulating absorptive capacity in one period will permit its more efficient accumulation in the next
Second, the possession of related expertise will permit the firm to better understand and therefore evaluate the
import of intermediate technological advances that provide signals as to the eventual merit of a new technological
The lack of early investment in absorptive capacity makes it more costly to develop a given level of it in a
subsequent period. of firms being "locked-out
Stages: there are diminishing returns on marginal increases in absorptive capacity as firms approach the frontier of
knowledge (Narula, 2004). The frontier is defined as the set of all production methods that at a given point in time
are the most efficient in the world.
(Criscuolo & Narula, 2008) a relationship between the ability of a country to absorb foreign knowledge and its stage
of technological development. non linear relationship between national absorption capacity and the technological
(Criscuolo et al., 2001) highlight the importance of national absorptive capacity and knowledge accumulation. By
aggregating upwards from firm level they specify the relationship between the ability of a country to absorb foreign
knowledge and its stages of technological development.(ignores interntional or global systems, global dynamics of
technological revolutions)
links absorptive capacity and the technology gap arguing that a cumulative and interactive process between these
two variables commences only if an “adequate” minimum knowledge base is initially present.
General result does however differ and take specific patterns in national systems characterized by different levels of
that poor countries due to lack of absorptive capacity are much less likely than other countries to benefit from
foreign direct investments
Absorptive capacity, to be cited after narula, also cite in mainstream economics approaches like technology-gap,
distance to frontier, .,
Secondly, technology-gap models (vs new growth theory) highlight the important role played by countries’
absorptive capacity for imitation-based catching up, and show the large set of factors that contribute to define a
country’s absorptive capacity ((Abramovitz, 1986); (Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992); (Godinho, Mendonça, & Pereira,
2006); (Fagerberg & Srholec, 2008); (Lee & Kim, 2009).
theoretical models in the technology-gap (or distance-to-frontier) tradition have developed a more stylized notion of
absorptive capacity, and often focused on human capital as the single most important factor shaping a country’s
capability to imitate and absorb foreign advanced technologies (Nelson and Phelps, 1966; Verspagen, 1991;
Benhabib and Spiegel, 1994; (Papageorgiou, 2002); (Stokke, 2008)).
On the other hand, empirical works in this tradition have typically followed a growth-regression econometric
approach, and shown the large variety of factors, of both a techno-economic and socio-institutional nature, that
affect convergence and divergence patterns in broad cross-country samples (Fagerberg & Verspagen, 2002);
(Fagerberg & Srholec, 2007); (Fagerberg & Srholec, 2008); (Castellacci & Archibugi, 2008); (Lee & Kim, 2009))
Specifically, threshold externalities models are based on the idea that the interactions between countries’ R&D and
innovation activities, on the one hand, and human capital and imitation activities, on the other, may generate
different country clubs, and explain the transition of each national system from one stage of development to a more
advanced one (B. P. Howitt, 2000); (Galor, 2004); (Aghion, Howitt, & Mayer-Foulkes, 2005) (Acemoglu & Aghion,
2006); (Maurizio Iacopetta, 2010) Castellaci objectives
In particular, these models argue that the key to explain countries’ shift from an imitation to an innovation stage is
the return to investment in human capital: this tends to grow during the development process, thus making it
progressively more profitable for individuals to invest in education and, hence, sustaining further technological
progress in the future. Despite its highly stylized character, this idea provides an important step forward in the
theory of innovation and growth, since it implicitly points out the two-way interactive relationship that links
the dynamics of innovation and absorptive capacity in the long-run only a limited number of studies have
empirically investigated the dynamics of innovative capability over time and the main factors that may
explain its long-run evolution ((Furman et al., 2002); (Varsakelis, 2006); (Filippetti & Peyrache, 2011)). This
is a crucial task for future research in this field.
Main objectives come from here, two sides or factors and thresholds. Gap and significance, Check references of
these papers and see their origin they are mostly econometric in nature. Return on investment in old innovations
along with human capital. Limitation is that it ignores the least developed nations, the bottom threshold.
What is the level of threshold as a guide to policy paper, besides where we stand in relation to other nations and
how we are moving
The dynamics and multifaceted nature of absorptive capacity. Although the concept of absorptive capacity was
initially meant to define a broad and multidimensional set of capabilities, modeling and empirical exercises have
often provided a rather stylized and simplified operationalization of it. As recently argued by (Steinmueller, 2017)
(Archibugi & Coco, 2004), (Godinho et al., 2006) and (Fagerberg & Srholec, 2008), it is indeed important to adopt a
multifaceted description and measurement of the various factors that contribute to shape the absorptive capacity of
nations. (Castellacci & Natera, 2013) pieces of intro and lit earlier..
(Castellacci & Natera, 2013)..The dynamics of national innovation systems: A panel cointegration
analysis of the coevolution between innovative capability and absorptive capacity
the coevolution of two main dimensions: innovative capability and absorptive capacity. The empirical analysis
employs a broad set of indicators measuring national innovative capabilities and absorptive capacity for a panel of
87 countries in the period 1980–2007, and makes use of panel cointegration analysis to investigate long-run
relationships and coevolution patterns among these variables. The results indicate that the dynamics of national
systems of innovation is driven by the coevolution of three innovative capability variables (innovative input,
scientific output and technological output), on the one hand, and three absorptive capacity factors (infrastructures,
international trade and human capital), on the other. This general result does however differ and take specific
patterns in national systems characterized by different levels of development
Our empirical analysis makes use of a broad set of indicators measuring national innovative capabilities and
absorptive capacity for a panel of 87 countries in the period 1980–2007. The empirical methodology that we adopt is
rooted in the panel cointegration approach, which represents a recent extension of the time series cointegration
analysis of non-stationary variables to the panel data context (Hatch & Mackey, 2002). The cointegration
methodology has an inherent ability to uncover dynamic relationships among variables that coevolve over time, and
we therefore argue that it constitutes a natural platform for investigating the long-run dynamics of national systems
of innovation.
The empirical results indicate that innovative capability and absorptive capacity variables are indeed linked by a set
of long-term structural relationships over the period 1980–2007. Specifically, the dynamics of national systems of
innovation is driven by the coevolution of two sets of factors: innovative input, scientific output and technological
output, on the one hand, and infrastructures, international trade and human capital, on the other. Further, both of
these dimensions coevolve with the growth of income per capita.
However, we also find that these general results differ across country groups and take specific patterns in national
systems characterized by different levels of development.
According to (Abramovitz, 1986), (Fagerberg, 1994)absorptive capacity may refer to both techno-economic
characteristics (technological congruence) such as “the resource availabilities, factor supplies, technological
capabilities, market scales and consumer demands”, as well as socio-institutional conditions (social capability) like
“countries’ level of education and technical competence, the commercial, industrial and financial institutions that
bear on their abilities to finance and operate modern, large-scale business, and the political and social characteristics
that influence the risks, the incentives and the personal rewards of economic activity” (Moses Abramovitz, 1994):
Inspired by these original insights, theoretical models in the technology-gap (or distance-to-frontier) tradition have
developed a more stylized notion of absorptive capacity, and often focused on human capital as the single most
important factor shaping a country’s capability to imitate and absorb foreign advanced technologies (Nelson &
Phelps, 1966); (Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992); (Benhabib & Spiegel, 1994); (Papageorgiou, 2002); (Stokke, 2008)).
On the other hand, empirical works in this tradition have typically followed a growth-regression econometric
approach, and shown the large variety of factors, of both a techno-economic and socio-institutional nature, that
affect convergence and divergence patterns in broad cross-country samples (e.g. Fagerberg and Verspagen, 2002;
Fagerberg et al., 2007; Fagerberg and Srholec, 2008; Castellacci, 2008; Lee and Kim, 2009).2 Most of this
empirical research, however, has so far focused on the cross-country comparative aspect (“why growth rates differ”)
and mostly neglected the time series dimension and the analysis of the dynamics of the technological catch up and
economic growth process over time. A more explicit investigation of the dynamic dimension is provided by a
recent class of theoretical models in the distance-to frontier tradition, which point out that the existence of may
explain the cumulative nature of the process of technological accumulation and economic growth in the long-run.
Specifically, threshold externalities models are based on the idea that the interactions between countries’
R&D and innovation activities, on the one hand, and human capital and imitation activities, on the other,
may generate different country clubs, and explain the transition of each national system from one stage of
development to a more advanced one (Galor, 2004); (P. Howitt & Mayer-Foulkes, 2002); (Acemoglu &
Aghion, 2006); (Maurizio Iacopetta, 2010)). In particular, these models argue that the key to explain
countries’ shift from an imitation to an innovation stage is the return to investment in human capital: this
tends to grow during the development process, thus making it progressively more profitable for individuals to
invest in education and, hence, sustaining further technological progress in the future. Despite its highly
stylized character, this idea provides an important step forward in the theory of innovation and growth, since
it implicitly points out the two-way interactive relationship that links the dynamics of innovation and
absorptive capacity in the long-run only a limited number of studies have empirically investigated the
dynamics of innovative capability over time and the main factors that may explain its long-run evolution
(Furman et al., 2002); (Varsakelis, 2006); (Filippetti & Peyrache, 2011). This is a crucial task for future
research in this field. The dynamics and multifaceted nature of absorptive
Although the concept of absorptive capacity was initially meant to define a broad and multidimensional set of
capabilities, modeling and empirical exercises have often provided a rather stylized and simplified
operationalization of it. As recently argued by Archibugi and Coco (2004), Godinho et al. (2006) and Fagerberg and
Srholec (2008), it is indeed important to adopt a multifaceted description and measurement of the various factors
that contribute to shape the absorptive capacity of nations.
Further, it is crucial to investigate the dynamics and long-run evolution of absorptive capacity, rather than simply
regarding it as a set of exogenous control factors in cross-country growth regression exercises.
the opposite causation mechanism – linking countries’ absorptive capacity to their innovation capability – has not
been investigated to the same extent. This paper argues that, adopting a time series perspective, it is important to
investigate the existence of a two-way relationship (coevolution) that links together the dynamics of these
dimensions in the long run.
considerable analysis has been undertaken on the national level (see e.g., (Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992), and (Keller,
1996)) although this line of research has tended to approach the issue of technological accumulation with absorptive
capacity as a ‘black box’.
due to the opposite effects of the cumulativeness property of the learning process and the increase complexity of
external knowledge as the country approaches the technological frontier, (ignores technology life cycle, age)
importance of the different aspects of absorptive capability at different stages. the benefits that accrue from marginal
increases in absorptive capability change over time
(Borensztein et al., 1998) and (Xu, 2000) have shown that FDI has a positive impact on economic growth only in
those developing countries that have attained a certain minimum level of absorptive capacity. Knowledge
accumulation is much more rapid once the initial threshold level of absorptive capacity exists.
Simply put, technology absorption is easier, once countries have “learned-to-learn” (Criscuolo et al., 2001). The cost
of imitation increases as the follower closes the gap with the leader and the number of technologies potentially
available for imitation reduces. This implies that there are diminishing returns on marginal increases in absorptive
capacity as firms approach the frontier of knowledge (Narula & Marin, 2003).
four stages of knowledge accumulation: the pre- catching up stage, the catching-up stage, the pre-frontier-sharing
stage, and the frontier-sharing stage. Absorptive capacity supports further accumulation of technological knowledge,
and technological advances support the further development of absorptive capacity in a cumulative, interactive and
virtuous process during the catching-up stage. However, this virtuous circle of technological accumulation takes
place only if an “adequate” minimum level of absorptive capacity is initially present. Acquiring and sustaining this
threshold level of absorptive capacity occurs in the ‘pre-catching-up’ stage. As the country approaches the
technological frontier1, the accumulation process proceeds at a slower pace (‘the pre-frontier-sharing’ stage). The
assimilation of external knowledge becomes more difficult, both because of the complexity and the quantity of
knowledge than can be acquired. The main theoretical implication of such formulation is that national absorptive
capacity and the accumulation of knowledge stock are simultaneously determined and that absorptive capacity is not
constant along the convergent path: it evolves with the country’s technological development.2 Countries at different
stages of development will have different abilities to assimilate technological spillovers.
The existence of threshold level effects has been reported in empirical analysis on FDI and trade related R&D
(Romer, 1994) and (Cohen & Levinthal, 1997) report evidence of a similar threshold effect for the ability of a
country to benefit from spillovers generated by imports of machinery and equipment.
the accumulation process proceeds at a slower pace as the country approaches the technological frontier. As a result
of the dynamic relationship between absorptive capacity and its distance from the frontier, we propose a S shaped
pattern for the stock of knowledge for a given country as it closes the gap with the leader.
The role of governments as a market facilitator and provider of complementarily created, location-specific assets is
more critical (Narula & Marin, 2003)
Despite the economic and technological convergence associated with economic globalization, technological
specialization patterns are distinct across countries (Dunning & Narula, 1996)
This holds even when, as in the present case, country size is controlled for. The result is
consistent with previous research by Rodrik et al. (2004). It also accords with previous findings
by Xu (2000) and Dunning and Narula (2000) that poor countries due to lack of absorptive
capacity are much less likely than other countries to benefit from foreign direct investments.
Although a positive correlation between openness and growth is reported in some cases, the
degree of correlation is low, and sensitive to changes in the composition of the sample. Again, it
is among the richer economies that openness to trade and foreign direct investment seems to
matter most for growth. Kemeny 2010 social capability
(Kemeny, 2010) (Does Foreign Direct Investment Drive Technological Upgrading) technology
upgrading from fdi, depends on economy’s level of social capability. But not for developed
nations as much as for developing
The basic hypothesis (as we see it) is that the introduction times of important innovations are clustered in time. a
theory of technology driven growth, the role for other factors is vast. (Perez, 1983)and (Von Tunzelmann, 1995) are
particularly strong examples of contributions in which the notion of technological paradigms is linked to broad
institutional change, firm strategy or industry dynamics. Techno economic-socio institutional (Fagerberg, 1994)
This author used slightly different approach to understanding the relationship between technology and GDP.. Log
Liner relationship.. Time slops available in the paper if needed, what were the results…
To obtain the maximum benefit from the enormous potential now available it is necessary for the state to actively
intervene in order to shape the space for market action, tilting the field in favour of social and environmental goals
and facilitating innovation and widespread investment across the planet. Identifying viable solutions, proposing
institutional innovations and making them a central part of the sort of progressive agenda that can garner widespread
support is, in my view, the more likely path towards achieving greater social justice(Perez & Rutherford, 2012)
Success in using new technologies depends on certain important complementary factors, such as dynamic
advantages and different types of externalities, especially the physical, social and technological infrastructure or the
existence of competent and demanding local clients.
These elements may have been built-up before with mature technologies, or they can be acquired through intensive
learning processes and investments in the improvement of the social and economic environment accumulating
technological and social capabilities through the use of mature technologies and then making use of that base for
gaining access to new and dynamic technologies, but this possibility depends to a large extent on the specific
opportunities created by the successive technological revolutions
New technologies of a revolutionary nature open up new opportunities for learning and catchingup.
The interaction of continuous and discontinuous technological changes explains why and how windows of
opportunity for development vary with time.
Existing mature industries neither remain unchanged nor passively coexist with the new industries. Each
technological revolution brings generic and all pervasive technologies, together with new organizational practices,
which significantly increase the potential productivity of most existing activities.
During paradigm transitions, however, there is an excellent opportunity for making a leap forward. The new generic
technologies and organizational principles can be applied in order to modernize and rejuvenate mature technologies
(and even traditional technologies (Toye & Perez, 2013) Perez 2003 Double Technological Opportunity
From a theoretical perspective, a very interesting interaction between the diffusion of old and recent innovations has
been identified in (Perez, 2003). Dubbed as the Double Technological Opportunity, it states that simultaneous
access to mature and generic technologies and organizational models creates opportunity (for the developing
nations) to rejuvenate mature technology and lead in the next paradigm. Technological advancement is a cumulative
process, and widespread diffusion of older innovations is necessary for adoption of later innovations. Older
innovations means the nation has been working on improving technological capacity for a long time.
High electricity consumption represents industrialization and urbanization. In this paper the separation of mobiles
from telephones would help distinguish among the nations having simultaneous access to both the technologies and
those having to wait for the next big wave.
Success in using new technologies depends on certain important complementary factors, such as dynamic
advantages and different types of externalities, especially the physical, social and technological infrastructure or the
existence of competent and demanding local clients.
These elements may have been built-up before with mature technologies, or they can be acquired through intensive
learning processes and investments in the improvement of the social and economic environment accumulating
technological and social capabilities through the use of mature technologies and then making use of that base for
gaining access to new and dynamic technologies, but this possibility depends to a large extent on the specific
opportunities created by the successive technological revolutions
New technologies of a revolutionary nature open up new opportunities for learning and catchingup.
The interaction of continuous and discontinuous technological changes explains why and how windows of
opportunity for development vary with time.
Existing mature industries neither remain unchanged nor passively coexist with the new industries. Each
technological revolution brings generic and all pervasive technologies, together with new organizational practices,
which significantly increase the potential productivity of most existing activities.
During paradigm transitions, however, there is an excellent opportunity for making a leap forward. The new generic
technologies and organizational principles can be applied in order to modernize and rejuvenate mature
This insight is at the heart of our best candidate explanations for answering the question of why some countries are
so much richer than others. Development accounting tells us that poor countries have low levels of inputs, but
they are also remarkably inefficient in how they use those inputs. Misallocation provides the theoretical connection
between the myriad distortions in poor economies and the TFP differences that we observe in development
capitalist development is not necessarily a convergence process, as some theories in this area predict. Rather, it is
likely to be a process of alternating periods of convergence and divergence as the evidence presented in Section 3
indeed suggests. For instance, there are now signs of a diverging trend emerging in the global economy (after a
relatively long period of essentially converging trends).
Technologies and institutions change through time, and what drives economic growth in one era (e.g. economies of
scale in relation to mass production) might become much less important, or substituted by a different factor (e.g.
network economics) in a different era. In terms of economic growth rates, such a process is quite different from the
neo-classical notion of steady state growth. The accumulation models. but the recent age is there are shortening
technology cycles, changes in financial markets enabling easier financing of innovative activities (venture capital),
the increasing role of networks and alliances in technology development, and the closer link to science.
Such convergence in the growth process is supposed to be made possible through the use of
better technology by the LDDCs and a shift of resources from the slow-growth sector to the
high-growth sector in an economy. It is also assumed that the marginal productivity of capital in
LDDCs would be much higher than that in developed countries because the usage of capital in
the production process remains at a low level in LDDCs.(Debashis Mazumdar, 2016)
Defining beta and sigma convergence, and sub-group sub-period vocabulary.
B-Convergence is defined by a negative correlation between the growth rate of PCI and the
initial income level. This convergence is usually conditional because countries have different
structural characteristics (propensity to save, population growth rate, technological progress,
etc.). On the other hand, when the dispersion of real per capita income across a group of
economies fell over time, there is (sigma) convergence.
Both country specific and economy-group specific analysis have been done to identify the B-
convergence. The average annual growth rates of PCI for the nine sub-groups of economies have
been calculated by dividing the total time span (1960-2013) into the five sub-periods, and then
deviations from of these growth rates for each sub-group (excpect HIC) from that of HIC have
been measured for each sub-period. A negative difference in these growth rates, i.e. when the
PCI growth for any group surpasses that of the HIC, would indicate-convergence.
“Understand the distribution patterns of technological capabilities among nations and changes in
them over the past twenty years.…”
2.5 Problem significance
So we have quite a few useful models and data and some unexplored venues, this is too good and
opportunity to forgo,
Significance in measurement and in dynamics, from typical and entirely new revolutions
perspective Park, Choi, & Hong, 2015, a very similar paper objective,
recommended methods
(Park et al., 2015) s and methods, principle component, Log R, ICT diffusion index, clusters but also different in
many ways.. digital divide, convergence, groups of convergence, difference between the terminologies..
convergence level and speed of convergence. factors found are flimsy. Regression based clustering
The process of testing the subgroup convergence starts by ordering the members by the last observation and finds
the core group of which members maximize the t statistic of log t regression. After the core group is detected, add
non-core members one by one at a time to the core group until the t statistic does not reject the null of convergence.
If adding further non-core members to the core group makes the t statistic to reject the null of convergence, then stop
adding non-core members and classify till then identified members as the subgroup members. After detecting the
first subgroup members in this way,we can repeat this procedure for another subgroup. The details of the procedure
are described in PS.
And adds to cluster analysis, regression tree (CART) analysis, these can be done with my work. Is between 1990
and 2000.. mine adds to it. (Castellacci, 2008a)
the cross-country distributions of technological infrastructures and human capital have experienced a process of
convergence, whereas the innovative intensity is characterized by increasing polarization between rich and poor
economies. Thus, while the conditions for catching up have generally improved, the increasing innovation gap
represents a major factor behind the observed differences in income per capita(Castellacci, 2011).. there are some
changes in innovation gap and absorption gap,
techno-economic and socio-institutional in innovation systems (and in mainstream) over laps with innovation
capability and absorptive capacity in technology gap tradition.
The huge economics literature flourished in the last couple of decades on the subject broadly falls into two distinct
research traditions, namely the mainstream R&D spillovers approach and the evolutionary economics view.
traditional view of economic policy based on a market-oriented approach, the evolutionary view is on the contrary
consistent with the idea that institutional arrangements and policy interventions do indeed play a fundamental role
for shaping innovation patterns and their impacts on the competitiveness of industries
we could check the economic policies of nations (reviewing academic and govt policy documents) and see which
tradition has more influence and whether it has something to do with successful catching up.
Technological progress has been the most fundamental element of change. It is also the most
difficult to measure in a summarising statistic, though it is easy to illustrate its long-term impact.
(Angus. Maddison, 1995)
The innovation scientists on the contrary preferred to measure technological capabilities more directly, with use of a
set of indicators that measure relevant to technological capabilities of nations.
(Chung & Lee, 2015) Moon and Lee used experts opinions on the relative importance of each indicator of TAI-01.
(Zhou, Ang, Poh, & Fan, 2007)proposed a multiplicative optimization model for constructing composite indicators.
Similarly, “benefit-of-the doubt” weights were introduced by (Cherchye, Moesen, Rogge, & Puyenbroeck, 2007), to
foster acceptance of the eventual results by the national stakeholders. Later the same author (Cherchye et al., 2006)
created a new composite indicator using DEA and Robustness analysis keeping TAI-01 as the key example
all indicators are input related and none measure technology performance.
A manual called “Tools for Composite Indicators Building” which comprised a large variety of mathematical or
semi-mathematical tools (Nardo et al., 2005b).
for benchmarking the mutual and relative progress of countries in a variety of policy domains such as industrial
competitiveness, sustainable development, globalization and innovation.(Munda & Nardo, 2009)
One number is considered far too shallow a basis for learning about the multiple factors behind the questions
investigated. On the other hand, the “eye-catching property” of simple index numbers may force public awareness
by providing such a big picture, which may not be mastered by a large number of single indicators, difficult to
understand for a layman.
To formulate explicit assumptions, however general, concerning the probability distribution of the variables, i.e.,
assumptions expressing and specifying how random disturbances operate on the economy through the economic
relationships between the variables.
- intro stuff..debate on technology and the wealth of nations were to be increasingly accompanied by empirical
observations and not just by theoretical assumptions
- aggregate various components into a single measure relies upon theoretical hypotheses.
- A satisfactory quantification of current levels of technological capacity is required in order to understand why
some countries innovate and have a more satisfactory performance than others(Archibugi & Coco, 2005)
Annual variations are much less significant since technological capabilities are generated (and destroyed) slowly
over time, even during periods of rapid expansion or social upheavals.
attempt to explain and interpret the process of economic development, scholars must be able to measure the
differences in technological capabilities across countries.
Earlier in introduction, technology and development. also before the objective, highlighting significance,
The (basic)assumption, often implicit but nevertheless largely shared, is that current technology lays the
foundations for tomorrow prosperity(therefore the old innovation). Innovation and technological capabilities are
considered the engine of productivity, international competitiveness, growth, employment, human capital and well-
being(Archibugi et al., 2009b)It is then useful to have first a good picture of which aspects of the technological
change we want to deal with, and then start to develop and manipulate the increasingly sophisticated measurement
Can go to measurement – direct vs indirect, economic vs innovation debate- using indexes, benefits and harms of-
Calculating an index entails an essential communication function as a Source of information for public policiesand
as Input for firms’ strategies. Policy makers need to locate their country position in the global landscape to identify
national strengths and weaknesses, to secure technological opportunities, (Archibugi et al., 2009b)
Composite Indicators can have a communication function; they draw attention to important topics in the policy
arena. They also induce a kind of quasi-competition for best practices and they reward those who manage to perform
well(Grupp & Schubert, 2010). (Archibugi et al., 2009b)
Theory behind measurement, we desire indicators that will be able to capture at least:
▪ disembodied and embodied knowledge; ▪ codified and tacit knowledge; and ▪ the generation and the imitation of
indicators here considered deal with “technological capabilities” more than with “innovative capabilities”. condition
sine qua non to create, absorb and diffuse technological innovations across an economic system. The limit of this
approach is that it may not be able to gauge other forms of innovation such as non-technological innovations,
organizational innovations, marketing innovations and others. (Archibugi & Coco, 2005) Measuring technological capabilities at
the country level: A survey and a menu for choice. Research Policy
debate on technology and the wealth of nations were to be increasingly accompanied by empirical observations and
not just by theoretical assumptions
aggregate various components into a single measure relies upon theoretical hypotheses.
A satisfactory quantification of current levels of technological capacity is required in order to understand why some
countries innovate and have a more satisfactory performance than others(Archibugi & Coco, 2005)
attempt to explain and interpret the process of economic development, scholars must be able to measure the
differences in technological capabilities across countries. The assumption, often implicit but nevertheless largely
shared, is that current technology lays the foundations for tomorrow prosperity. Innovation and technological
capabilities are considered the engine of productivity, international competitiveness, growth, employment, human
capital and well-being(Archibugi et al., 2009) It is then useful to have first a good picture of which aspects of the
technological change we want to deal with, and then start to develop and manipulate the increasingly sophisticated
measurement tools.
repeat About tech and indexes, (Archibugi & Coco, 2005) ARCO
index citing Verspagen
(Archibugi & Coco, 2005) Measuring technological capabilities at the country level: A survey
and a menu for choice
(Barro & Sala-i-martin, 1992) technology spill-overs do not occur automatically. In order to assimilate knowledge
from abroad, a country must be able" to apply this knowledge in its own economic system. 'learning capability'
depends on an 'intrinsic' learning capability (depending on such variables as the education of the labour force and the
quality of the infra-structure), besides a catching up phase, there is a also a 'pre-catching up phase', in which a
country builds up its intrinsic learning capability, and a 'post-catching up phase' in which domestic research
activities begin to assume a greater importance than technology spill-overs. education is indeed an important factor
in the catching up process,
explanations of differences across countries in growth rates, composition of trade, competitiveness, human
development, and employment. This huge and mounting literature has often assumed that these differences are
dependent on the level of technological expertise, and in turn new efforts have been made towards understanding,
measuring, and explaining the latter. However, to measure technological capabilities is more complicated than to
measure other economic and social indicators. heterogeneous aspects
the key features of technology is precisely its variety; research activities, infrastructures, human skills, the stock of
capital, and many other components constitute the technological capabilities of a country, and it is a hard task to
aggregate them in a logically meaningful way
synthetic indicators can help, highlights some aspects of economic and social life (such as income) and obscures
others (such as well being). Therefore, for other aspects HDI, besies its weaknesses, help to understand the reality
of certain situations, and can assist in devising strategic decisions.
What theory behind the measurement of technological capabilities? Somehow “beauty contests”, but one purpose
of these was an attempt to provide a new instrument that could potentially be used to test any theory. If valuable,
they can be used to test different and even competing
the outcome can be meaningful only when there is an underlying theory that justifies the algorithm.
a certain consensus emerges on the understanding of technological capabilities. 1- they are interconnected to
production capacities (electricity consumption), , the former is a stock of knowledge which should be kept
conceptually separated from the latter (see Bell and Pavitt, 1997, pp. 88–90; Lall, 1990). The
technological capabilities are composed of heterogeneous elements, which can be summarised in the following three
contrasts: (a) Embodied/Disembodied, (b) Codified/Tacit, and (c) Generation/Diffusion.
it is assumed that the various components of technological capabilities are complementary and not substitutes,
aggregation and addition, the scholars take the discretionary decision to attribute a weight, Fourth, these approaches
also share the view that inter-country comparisons are meaningful, in spite of the social, cultural, and regional
variety encountered in each of them.
One number cannot show the valuable information on why a country is bad in, say, innovation, because they hide
its strengths and weaknesses. The latter can only be assessed in a systemic way. This calls for multidimensional
representations such as spider-charts (Grupp & Schubert, 2010).
a sort of Olympic medal table of the innovation race (Archibugi et al., 2009a)
(Kovacevic, 2010) critique of hdi by UNDP, summarizes the most common criticisms. Over the last twenty years,
the critiques are mostly related to the choice of indicators, to high correlation of HDI components, functional form
of the HDI including normalization of component indicators, aggregation vs. multiplication, and issues related to
Fore runners of arco..TAI in HDR 2001, TAI desai (Desai et al., 2002)
Projecting the current annual volumes of published patent applications, China will continue to outstrip other regions
to produce over 900,000 invention patent applications in 2018(Thomson Reuters, 2014)
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the data and the indicators used to measure
countries’ knowledge stocks and technological capabilities, and then reports the results of the
factor analysis. Section 3 presents the results of a hierarchical cluster analysis, which explores
the existence of various groups of countries differing in terms of their levels of technological
development. The results of the cluster analysis show the existence of three clubs characterized
by strikingly different levels and diverging dynamics of technological knowledge. Section 4
reports the results of the multinomial logit test of our technology club classification, which
provides basic support for its validity and classificatory power. Section 5 concludes the paper by
discussing the theoretical interpretation of the empirical results and the related policy
implications. We make use of these tests even further,,
One line or two, goal posts etc. for details foot note..
In addition to crosscountry comparisons, we attempted time-series comparisons. The pur-
pose of the TAI was not to compare countries at different time points but to perform cross-
country comparisons at particular time points. Standardized indicators from 0 to 1 were built
according to the following formula:
Maximum observed value?Minimum observed value: Observed value?Minimum observed
(note: bit incoherent in the start, method must be compared, HDi method, ETC. running values,
estimating time to catch-up) changes in index value indicate convergence, as used in
convergence literature. Casalici, archibuji.. weaknesses.. improvements.. analysis..
Rather than repeating all the technicalities we just refer to arco for details and give correlations.
Fore runners of arco..TAI in HDR 2001, TAI desai (Desai et al., 2002)
the convenience of ideas, elephant and the blind men, same thing seen from different angles, the
overlapping paradigms,
contributions, the ranks, the club memberships, the number of clubs, the behavior of the clubs,
thresholds, critical mass, the ic ac the old new,
2.5.5 Recommendation (1/2) Kuhlmann 2017 Research Handbook on Innovation
Governance for Emerging Economies, Towards Better Models
(Kuhlmann & Ordóñez-Matamoros, 2017)
From this perspective, countries would progress through small, incremental changes, rather than
through risky and ‘luxurious’ innovation activities. Second, a more ‘progressive view’ is also
found in current political debates, where the only way to get out of the ‘poverty trap’ resulting
from the former view is by investing heavily in R&D and technological innovation, which has to
be done through designing policies targeting the academic and entrepreneurial ‘elite’, as they are
perceived to be the ones able to bring about progress for all; South Korea often serves as an
example (e.g. Lee 2000; Archibugi and Pietrobelli 2003).
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3.1.1 Scraps index clusters D. A. Comin et al., 2012, introduction and
interpretation of Spatial diffusion
(D. A. Comin et al., 2012) We find significant evidence that technology diffuses slower to locations that are farther
away from adoption leaders. This effect is stronger across rich countries and also when measuring distance along the
south-north dimension. A simple theory of human interactions can account for these empirical findings. The theory
suggests that the effect of distance should vanish over time, a hypothesis that we confirm in the data, and that
distinguishes technology from other flows like goods or investments.
at the turn of the century the... developed countries concentrate more than 84% of the world
scientific production, except Asian tigers in 1997-98, but now?
56% of patents granted by the US patent office in 2013 were to foreigners.
The bottom line is that the idea production function remains something of a black box perhaps precisely because we
do not have great measures of ideas or the inputs used to produce them. Examples of progress include (Jaffe &
Caballero, 1992), (Acemoglu & Robinson, 2013), and (Aghion et al., 2014).
declines in misallocation may explain a significant part of US economic growth during the last 50 years
It has long been suggested that knowledge spillovers are quite significant, both within and across countries. To the
extent that these spillovers are increasingly internalized or addressed by policy—or to the extent that the opposite is
true—the changing misallocation of knowledge resources may be impacting economic growth.