CBE 202 Homework #1: Introduction To Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CBE 202 Homework #1: Introduction To Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CBE 202 Homework #1: Introduction To Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Homework #1
Problem 1
A liquid mixture or benzene and toluene contains 55.0% benzene by mass. The mixture is to be
partially evaporated to yield a vapor containing 85.0% benzene and a residual liquid containing
10.6% benzene by mass. Suppose the process is to be carried out continuously and at steady state,
with a feed rate of 100.0% kg/h of the 55% mixture. Let 𝑚̇ 𝑣 (𝑘𝑔/ℎ) and 𝑚̇ 𝑙 (𝑘𝑔/ℎ) be the mass flow
rates of the vapor and liquid product streams, respectively. Draw and label process flowchart, then
write and solve balances on total mass and on benzene to determine the expected values of 𝑚̇ 𝑣 ,𝑚̇ 𝑙 .
Problem 2
One thousand kilogrames per hour of a mixture containing equal parts by mass of methanol and
water is distilled. Product streamds leave the top and the bottom of the distillation column. The
flow rate of the bottom stream is measured and found to be 673 (𝑘𝑔/ℎ), and the overhead stream
is analyzed and found to contain 96.0 𝑤𝑡% methanol.
(a) Draw and label a flowchar of the process and do the degree-of-freedom analysis.
(b) Calculate the mass and mole fractions of methanol and molar flow rates of methanol and water
in the bottom product stream.
Problem 3
Wet air contatining 4.0 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒% water vapor is passed through a column of calcium chloride pellets.
The pellets adsorb 97.0 % of the water and none of the other constituents of the air. The column
packing was initially dry and had a mass of 3.40𝑘𝑔. Following 5.0 hours of operation, the pellets
are reweighed and found to have a mass of 3.54 𝑘𝑔. Calculate the molar flow rate(mol/h) of the
feed gas and the mole fraction of water vapor in the product gas.
Problem 4
A liquid mixture contains 60.0 𝑤𝑡 % ethanol (E), 5.0 𝑤𝑡 % of a dissolved solute (S), and the balance
water. A stream of this mixture is fed to a continuous distillation column operating at steady state.
Product streams emerge at the top and bottom of the column. The column design calls for the
product streams to have equal mass flow rates and for the top stream to contain 90.0 𝑤𝑡 % ethanol
and no S.
(a) Assume a basis of calculation, draw and fully label a process flowchart. do the degree-of-
freedom analysis.
(b) Calculate the mass fraction of S in the bottom stream and the fraction of the ethanol in the
feed that leaves in the bottom product stream (i.e., kg E in bottom stream/kg E in feed).
Problem 5
Fresh orange juice contains 12.0 𝑤𝑡 % solids and the balance water, and concentrated orange juice
contains 42.0 𝑤𝑡% solids. Initially a single evaporation process was used for the concentration, but
volatile constituents of the juice escaped with the water, leaving the concentrate with a flat taste.
The current process overcomes this problem by bypassing the evaporator with a fraction of the
fresh juice. The juice that enters this problem by bypassing the evaporator with a fraction of the
fresh juice. The juice that enters the evaporator is concentrated to 58.0 𝑤𝑡 % solids, and the
evaporator product stream is mixed with the bypassed fresh juice to achieve the desired final
concentration. Calculate the amount of product (42.0 % concentrate) produced per 100kg fresh
juice fed to the process and the fraction of the feed that bypasses the evaporator.