Playing On Words A Guide To Luciano Berio S Sinfonia PDF
Playing On Words A Guide To Luciano Berio S Sinfonia PDF
Playing On Words A Guide To Luciano Berio S Sinfonia PDF
on Words
a Guide to Luciano Berio's
Lecturer in Music, University of Sussex
First published 1985 by Ashgate Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any
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Osmond-Smith, David
Playing on words: a guide to Luciano
Berio's Sinionia. - (Royal Musical
Association monographs; no. 1)
1. Berio, Luciano. Sinfonia
1. TItle II. Series
785.1 '1'0924 MU10.8491
Preface vii
2 Mythologiques 8
The sources of Berio's text 9
Isolated words and their function 12
Phonetic materials 13
The poetics of fragmentation 13
Coherence as structure 15
Musical structure 15
3 '0 King' 21
Structural properties of the pitch set 22
The pitch set in macrocosm 23
Climax and epilogue 25
The rhythmic set 26
Upbeat patterns 27
The growth of rhythmic stability 28
Rhythmic commentary in Sinfonia 30
Parallel processes in rhythm and pitch 30
Selective resonance 31
Independent melodic lines 32
Pitches outside the set 33
Harmonic commentary upon the chamber
version in Sinfonia 34
The text and its structural potential 34
Permutation and troping 37
6 Epilogue 90
Bibliography 92
Index 94
Sinfonia and its
Playing on Words
Sinfonia and its Precursors
Playing on Words
Sillfollia and its hecursors
Playing on Words
Sillfollia and its Precursors
takes from Levi-Strauss's Le crll et Ie cuit to provide the text for the
first and last movements derive from myths recounting the origins
of water. From them, Berio extracts a single image, the 'heros tue',
with which to close the first movement and to usher in his tribute to
the assassinated Martin Luther King. Both themes coexist in the
background to the third movement, for the scherzo of Mahler's
Second Symphony started life as a song about St Anthony of Padua
(another preacher, in this context a rather futile one) delivering a
sermon to the fishes. Berio responds with a number of aqueous
quotations: among them are Debussy's La Mer, 'Farben' from
Schoenberg's Op.16, and a single moment at the very heart of the
work where the two themes meet in the drowning scene from
Wozzeck. But in its symphonic version, Mahler's movement became
part of a programme of death and resurrection, even if the detailed
significance of this movement as a moment of 'disgust for all being
and becoming'6 is not particularly germane to Berio's project, save
as a reflection of the text. This is extracted from Samuel Beckett's The
Ullllarnable and also evokes death of a sort, for its narrator is trapped
in a Dantesque limbo, attempting to talk himself into oblivion. The
fourth movement returns to the image of spilt blood with its 'rose de
sang', and the final movement, though initially supplying some of
the missing pieces in the jigsaw puzzle of myth fragments set up by
the first movement, ultimately turns back to the overriding theme of
'la vie breve' and human mortality.
• d. p.54.
When Berio chose to use the 'overture' to the 'Sirens' chapter from
Joyce's Ulysses as the starting-point for his Thema: Omaggio a Joyce
(1958), he brought into creative focus two ways of operating upon a
pre-existent text that were to be central to much of his vocal music
over the next decade. The first of these operations was provided by
Joyce himself, for he had built the opening section of the 'Sirens'
chapter by extracting fragments from the ensuing narration (of Mr
Bloom's late lunch in the Ormond bar to a background of singing
around the pub piano) and building from them a stream of images,
vivid in their isolation, that interact to create not only implicit
meanings quite divorced from their original context but also a word-
music of their own.
In Thema Berio took the process a stage further, allowing that
word-music its autonomy by breaking down the text-fragments into
their phonetic components, and using the articulatory relationships
between them as the basis for a musical structure. In this instance he
realized the piece electronically, using recordings of the text made
by Cathy Berberian;! but he was soon using symbols from the
phonetic alphabetl in his vocal scores as a means of continuing the
investigation - briefly in Circles, but far more richly and thoroughly
in Sequenza III for voice. He thus had at his disposal two disparate
principles for organizing phonetic materials: sequences extracted
from, and 'standing for' the original order of the text; and sequences
derived from simple games played out within the matrix of articula-
tory positions provided by the phonetic alphabet. The tension
between these two kept his vocal music balanced on the borderline
between sound and sense. That tension was to find one of its most
elegant resolutions in a Killg (1967), incorporated as the second
movement of Silrfa/ria. A more technical discussion of how Berio
handles phonetic materials may therefore be deferred to chapter
three, where that movement is analysed.
But although phonetic materials, rather less rigorously handled,
I See Berio 1959.
2 International Phonetic Associati{ln 1949.
Playing on Words
Ex. 1
80roro Ge
Berio has thus provided himself with two sets of materials con-
cerned with water. In between them he puts a brief section deriving
from an opposing element: fire. Immediately after his discussion of
'pluie douce' and 'pluie orageuse', Levi-Strauss recalls a myth, M.9,
which is linked to the myths of example I by the fact that each
features three important objects or elements (the three musical
instruments of M.l being one such triad). In M.124 three types of
alimentary detritus (which are therefore 'anti-nourritures') are used
by three beneficent animals in turn, in order to hide the hero from a
pursuing crocodile. Corresponding to these in M.9 is another series
of three inedible objects - rock, hard wood and rotten wood - that
cry out to the hero on his journey. Once again, Berio takes his
materials from a diagram (p.161) analysing these and other triadic
relations. The 'appel bruyant' of E2 onward is that of rock and
hard wood to which the hero must respond; the 'doux appel' of the
same section is that of rotten wood to which the hero mistakenly
responds, thereby bringing death to mankind. In turn, M.9 is linked
to M.127 and M.12S, for Levi-Strauss posits a correspondence be-
tween 'pluie douce', 'pluie orageuse' and 'rivieres et lacs' (Le.
earthly waters such as those of M.2 and M.124) and three forms of
food that are the opposites of the 'anti-foods' of M.9 (p.161).
Ex. 2
1-84 M1N
1-84 ';lnll-foods' conceal hero
heavenly water 1-84
1-84 'anh-foods' cry out to hero
E2-F3 1-84
Gft'ilfthly w ..ter Gee.ulhly walt'r
1-84 1-84
Ge heavenly water M 127 1-84 MIlS Bororo ear:thly water
soft fait' stormy ram
G9-H7 (MI27)
earthly fire'
hrilVE'nly fir~
H3-1 MI2SvsM2.
Berio has thus drawn from I.e cru e/ Ie cuit a closed universe of
interrelated myths, summarized in example 2. The simple Water-
Fire-Water sequence that they create is slightly complicated by two
brief insertions, here shown in parentheses: materials from M.127
('pluie douce' at E) preface M.9; and the triad of 'anti-nourritures' -
'bois pourri', 'bois dur', 'roc' - from M.9 is introduced fleetingly
Playing on Words
Playing on Words
with its recurrent 's's and 'r's, and both identities are finally sub-
sumed in the recurrent syllable 'tu' at the close of this section
('tuant', 'tue', 'rituelle': d. H8-11).
Coherence as structure
Berio compounds the listener's estrangement from the structural
relations of Levi-Strauss's text by presenting different fragments
Simultaneously, forcing him to grasp at momentarily comprehen-
sible gestures within the general melee. This fascination with
working at the very limits of coherence is confined to a verbal level
in the first movement, but it is to proliferate into other, strictly
musical levels in the third and fifth movements. Even so, different
levels of comprehensibility are available to Berio as an element of
musical form, and he makes full use of them. The crucial factors
here are the semantic 'completeness' of each piece of material, the
number of superposed verbal events, and the various modes of
articulation from singing to whispering. Bringing these together,
three clear-cut sections emerge between the start and I, where the
voices break off. In the first, stretching to E, two passages of con-
tinuous myth narration for solo voice are flanked by passages con-
sisting of phonemes and isolated words. Although stylised by the
use of fixed intonation and internal repetition, and although
interrupted by occasional outbursts from other voices and eventually
plagued by a manic echo, these narrations constitute the most lucid
moment in the movement, and stand out clearly against multifarious
background murmurings. The odd isolated word emerges from the
phonetic background in the surrounding episodes; but here atten-
tion is focused on vowel timbre and rhythmic texture. From E
through to the fourth bar of F a new semantic texture is developed
in which, with continuous narration having disappeared and with
phonetic materials taking a subsidiary role, a polyphony between
sung fragments is established. But with long, melismatic vowels and
two or three different lines superposed, the ear must strain to catch
at any meaning. The final section however returns to the compara-
tive clarity of a single speaking voice versus the other seven in a
part-whispered, part-spoken unison, although by now the material
consists entirely of fragments and isolated words. Clearly, these
three types of semantic texture correspond directly with the alter-
nating themes of Water-Fire-Water concealed beneath their surface.
Musical structure
The deliberately parsimonious musical materials deployed during
the vocal part of the movement simply underline this tripartite
division. They also establish a harmonic language that is to per-
meate much of the score, a language based upon accumulations of
thirds. The first Water section is underpinned by an alternation,
three times repeated, between two such chords. The first of these is
an eight-part chord that establishes a model for much of the har-
Playing on Words
monic writing to follow with its wider spadng at the bottom (here,
typically, a fifth) underpinning a chain of thirds (diminished seventh
and fifth chords superposed); the second is a four-part chord. They
are set out in white note-heads in example 3. The return of chord 1
at A and C introduces another of Berio's harmonic preoccupations.
For the surrounding orchestral parts now flesh it out to chromatic
saturation, expanding the third-chain and shifting the bare fifth at
the root of the chord down a fifth to produce the additions notated
in black note-heads in example 3.10 Since two notes, c and eb, are
common to chords 1 and 2, it follows that two others are missing.
These two notes - f and gU - are used to initiate additions to chord 2
at its first recurrence: the gU at the bass of a downward extension of
the chord at A9, the f initiating a chord of all the other missing
pitches save bb four bars later (d. ex. 3). When chord 2 returns for
the third time, an added bass line begins with f a& (C5), while the
high flute d prepares for brief saturation at Cll. This simple
prindple of a basic harmonic layer being surrounded by other layers
derived from its chromatic complement will recur, in more sophisti-
cated form, throughout the rest of the work.
Ex. 3
A A9 A13~B2
04 E3 E4
A 2 3 4
when a sforzando line - here just two notes in the trumpet - leaves
behind its own harmonic echo (in flutes 1 and 2); and at B the
sopranos profit from this new harmonic field to initiate a further
characteristic gesture, a nervous staccato line permutating a few
fixed pitches.
At 04 Berio closes the first Water section with a hybrid chord, a
cross between the extended forms of chords 1 and 2.11 A transitional
passage (EI-3) of shifting harmonies, setting the juxtaposition of fire
and water materials discussed above (p.ll), stabilizes momentarily
on a diminished seventh chord over an alien at., emphasising once
more chains of minor thirds. It then gives way to a new, stable
chord of two superposed minor thirds, chord 3 in example 3, upon
which the remainder of the Fire section is based. Its characteristic
texture is no longer one of repeated attacks, as in the first section,
but rather of oscillation - uneven in the voice parts, consistently
rapid in clarinet and saxophone. Against these, piano and harpsi-
chord execute ornamental flurries, loosely focused upon the notes of
the chord. Both of these features are to assume a more significant
role once the voice parts have exhausted their materials.
At E8 the first soprano leaps to a high g, directly anticipating her
analogous gesture at the climax of the second movement (d. II, E9).
Here, however, she opens up the register that will provide the har-
monic basis for the second Water section, while at the same time
placing it 'beyond the reach' of the other voices, who from now on
will speak. That harmonic basis is quickly established: a gb-bb
cluster, chord 4, saturated save for the g which introduced it. It
completes a simple harmonic process, easily seen by comparing
chords 1 to 4 in example 3. Chords 1 and 3 are governed by minor
thirds, chords 2 and 4 by major thirds. Chords 2, 3 and 4 each
conserve one third relationship from chord 1 - with chord 4 trans-
posing the lower major third in chord 1 up an octave, and the
borrowed third from chord 1 providing the only minor third in
chord 2.
The inner articulations of chord 4 recall those of the first Water
section, as do the changes of timbre as it is passed from one high
wind choir to the next. But this is no longer the only focus of
interest. For what were no more than ornamental flurries in the Fire
section have now consolidated themselves into a nervous, widely
leaping melodic line articulated by the strings, with heterophonic
commentary from woodwinds and occasional brass. Initially this is
based upon a rotating pitch sequence, which becomes increasingly
fragmented and dispersed as a manic orchestral unison establishes
itself. The eighteen-note sequence is set out in example 4 in its most
typical order (based entirely upon the string line up to 13, though
the wind elaborations are in the main quite easily derived from it).
As might be expected, the pitches employed are the chromatic
11 Its dual nature would have been even clearer in the earlier version: see note 10
Playing on Words
10 10
10 10
mate with the spoken texts and the polyrhythmic cluster articula-
tions to form a complex, layered texture that is completed by an
independent bass line in which the c#/d~ absent from both cluster
and melodic line is prominent. At first (F4) a nervous staccato bass
permutating d~, d and eb (and later adding g and c) underlines
the setting of the 'eau celeste/terrestre' opposition and the M.127
materials - developing further the idiom introduced by the sopranos
at B. But as the text moves on to the interpolated fire myth materials
('bois pourri/dur', etc.) the woodwind heterophony plunges down-
ward to establish a low c# that initiates an independent line. A
further layer is established a bar later, at H, where the final eb of
statement two of the pitch cycle generates an independent, gradu-
ally quickening oscillation between eb and db in horns and trom-
bones. What is here but a single element, helping to prepare the
forthcoming climaxes at 14 and 19, will reappear in the fourth
movement as the central harmonic focus.
All of these layers except one are to be swept quickly away.
Voices dissolve into noise at 12 and disappear. Two bars before,
string glissandi have expanded chord 4 to a saturated fifth, e-b,
which erupts into a first climax at 14. It is answered immediately by
a c from the horns; keyboards reply with the opening d and e~ of the
pitch cycle, plus a high db; and, thus prompted, the cluster expands
into a vast agglomeration at 19 that completely saturates the chro-
matic gamut from the piccolo's a bin a/tissimo down to the cellos' db,
and then proceeds by steps of two through to six semi tones to the
bass tuba's f. Such monster aggregates are not to be heard again
until the central section of the third movement, where they become
a major feature. Here, however, the chord rapidly dissolves, leaVing
only harp, piano and harpsichord who have taken over from strings
as the main bearers of the melodic line.
This trio at first articulates a melodic line still bound by the pitch
cycle (d. ex, 4, cycle 5). But by J5 it has begun to permutate pitch
order; and although a recognizable relationship is regained from
J8-lO, it is cut short by a c-f# interruption and, retaking the start of
the cycle, freewheels off into an autonomous melodic line. Although
this continues to gravitate around the pitch cycle's d and eb, it
employs all pitch classes except a. Its oscillating patterns create a
phantasmagoric virtual counterpoint of tone and semitone steps not
unlike that which Berio had explored extenSively in Sequenza VI for
viola of the previous year, a similarity underlined from K on when
upper strings realise the implicit harmonies as tremolando chords.
The melodic line gathers both momentum and weight, being scored
first as a unison, then in octaves. After a hom interruption at J20 the
thickening process continues through parallel fifths (K4), triads (K7)
and dominant sevenths (L) into discordant contrary motion (L4) and
thereafter saturation.
The purpose of excluding a from the melodic line becomes clear as
this accumulative process reaches its first climax at L. The tutti is
Playing on Words
'0 King'
Playing on Words
Ex. 5
'F group' 'D group'
'0 King'
The alternations between them are set out in example 6: the first
discrete, the second overlapping. Each switch from one whole-tone
area to the other is heralded by a semitone. The two semitones in
section ii of the set (see ex. 5) focus attention on a further three-unit
repetition, this time not of pitch but of interval content as f a a b is
followed by /Jb d c#. This conjunction stands at the centre of a
fourteen-pitch sequence richly structured by mutual pitch and
interval relations, which is followed by a relatively 'loose' seven-
pitch sequence, as in example 7.
We have thus at any rate three different ways of subdividing the
twenty-one units of the pitch set according to different criteria:
4+7+ 10 (the triple return of fa); 6+3+5+2+5 (whole-tone areas);
and 14+7 (pitch and interval repetitions). It is precisely because of
its multi-faceted nature that the resultant set is capable of yielding so
much musical substance when differently inflected at each repetition
by the rhythmic set (see pp.26ff).
The pitch set in macrocosm
The pitch set is also divided up by a series of sforzandi which,
during the course of four and a half cyclic repetitions, map onto it a
macrocosmic version of itself. The pattern thus created is set out in
example Sa. The end of each section of the macro-set is indicated by
a vertical line, the end of the first cycle of that set by a double
vertical line. Repetitions of individual pitches in the macro-set are
placed in parentheses, interruptions (including the sforzando con-
figuration in cycle 0) in square brackets. Since cycles two to five
begin at rehearsal letters B-E, I shall use these for reference, quali-
fying them with the numbers i-iii to indicate the three sections of
the set.)
A simple displacement process generates the macro-structure.
The two cycles start together on f, and the macro-set immediately
dislocates itself by waiting for the a and b of Aii, the c# from Aiii,
and so forth. Naturally the two cycles will once again coincide at Bii,
and it is an obvious logical possibility simply to repeat the initial
dislocatory gesture whenever this occurs. This would create the
hypothetical model shown in example 8b. As will be seen, by the
start of the seventh cycle one has created a closed system which
returns not to its starting-point, but to the start of the second cycle.
While logically impeccable, this structure is musically somewhat
over-extended, and provides for the contrast of groups of sforzandi
only as and where the repetitions shown in example 5 permit them.
By allowing the macro-set to run parallel with the normal set for
several notes at a time in Bii and Ciii, Berio abbreviates this hypo-
thetical model by two cycles, and at the same time provides a richer
contrast between isolated sforzandi and groups of sforzandi.
1 I label the first cycle A even though rehearsal letter A in the scores occurs at the
position corresponding to the third note of Aii in this and subsequent diagrams.
Rehearsal letter E in the Sintoni. score occurs one bar before the start of the fifth cycle.
'0 King'
restraints. The first coincidence of macro-set and normal set occurs
on the of Bii. It is a matter of indifference whether the parallelism
is broken after the subsequent b. or d, since in either case the next
coincidence will be in Biii; the choice is therefore made on the basis
of rhythmic considerations, the d of Bii falling on a downbeat. To
extend the parallelism to either the c# or the b would only modify
the sforzando distribution pattern until the g # of Ciii, and would
make the start of the third macro-group coincide with the start of C,
thus creating a simplistic situation in which one section of the
macro-set would correspond to each repetition of the basic set. To
extend it any further would create an implausible imbalance in the
sforzando distribution pattern, without providing any novel exit
from its internallogic. 2
A similar checkmate characterizes the second parallel group which
starts on the d of Ciii, ushered in by the first break in the macro-set:
the sforzando f at C3 which by now constitutes an insistent and
independent pedaL To break the coincidence after either c# or g#
Playing on Words
Ex. 9
iii existent
iii existent
set with a further 8, elongates it to 17, which in turn becomes 7
when the third statement starts on the of Biii.
Such elongations apart - and their function will be discussed in
due course - the rhythmic set is composed of eight different units
'0 King'
'F group' °0 group'
'0 ''F
F group' '0 group'
8 8 iii
A 8 7 6 f€ 6 7 3 2 ,
1 4 3 5 2 8 4 2 7 ,
1 6 3 U 17
3 8
B 7 6 6 6 6 3 2 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 7 1 6 3 I1 7 7
6 6
cC 6 6 6 8 2 3 1 4 3 5 5 8 4 2 7 1 1 311 7
311 7 7
D 6 6 8 3 2 , 4 3
3 3l\ ,lI 6
3l\,,, 4 2 5 ,
1 6 311 1,
311 7 7 12
'2 18
D 0
D 0
D 0 6
1D 33 3 1 ,9l!
,sl! III
Playing on Words
1:4 relationship that first occurs in Aii.3 Section ii of the pitch set has
a d-group in the middle, flanked by {-groups; and in statement A the
downbeat provided by this relationship falls on the first note of the
second {-group. But as the 1:4 relationship shifts back one place in
statements Bii, Cii and Dii, the downbeat now falls within the d-
based group. Thus the d-group in Aii, although distinguished by
shorter durations, is nonetheless subservient to the surrounding f-
group, whereas in the other three statements it contains a rhythmic
accent and therefore resists that dominance.
By contrast, the next upbeat relationship, the 2:8 of Aiii, under-
goes no such modification of function, remaining within the f-based
group spanning sections ii and iii of the pitch set throughout its
three displacements (the last of which presents it in non-propor-
tional diminution).
The only ambiguous area within the pitch set from the point of
view of whole-tone oppositions is the overlap between the two
groups provided by the pitch sequence b d c ~ g # in iii; and the two
remaining upbeat relations in the rhythmic series, provided by the
rhythmic sequence 2:7:1:6, are used to resolve this ambiguity of
harmonic orientation one way or the other. In statement A, the
2:7 relatiOOl gives the c ~ an upbeat function, thus ensuring the
dominance of the d-group from the first d of Aiii, through to the end
of A, and reinforcing it with the 1:6 relation that follows. But in
statement B, the c # acquires a downbeat function, maintaining the
dominance of the {-group up to that note, after which the 1:6 re-
lation vigorously asserts the dominance of the d-group. Statement C
is likewise clearly polarized, with both downbeats asserting the
dominance of the d-group so that the dominance of the f-group can
extend only to the b of Ciii, as in statement A. Naturally, state-
ment 0 will revert to the pattern of statement B; only this time the
polarities are exaggerated with 1:6 converting to 1:12 in the Sin{onia
version, and with a new upbeat pattern being introduced by
converting 7:6 of cycles A-C into 1:6 in order to give an equally
emphatic downbeat to the d-group. These relationships are sum-
marized in example 1Ob.
The growth of rhythmic stability
The upbeat patterns also serve to articulate areas of comparative
metric coherence within an additive context. The first of these, the
3:2:1:4 in section ii of the pitch set; may be scanned as a 6/8 pattern
or indeed as a syncopated 3/4, which is how Berio notates it. The 6/8
interpretation is reinforced in statements A and D by articulating the
last dotted crotchet of the previous duration as a vowel change,
while in statement B the 3/4 interpretation is somewhat reinforced
by the preceding crotchet-based durations. The implication of 3/4
, The 'downbeat' character of the 4 is further amplified by the implied 6/8 of the
3:2:1 sequence, discussed in the next section,
4 In this contf"xt the 4 is relevant as an attack rather than a duration.
'0 King'
Playing on Words
4:6/ 7:2:41 7:6:18, here grouped to show possible derivations from the
rhythmic set: 4:6 is a summary retrograde of the first metrically
coherent sequence, 3:2:1:4;8 7:2:4 is a retrograde of part of the
second metric sequence; and 7:6:18 is a summary version of the
familiar 7:6:6:6:6 sequence. Inevitably, though, this interpretation is
coloured by knowledge of comparable retrograde fragments in the
pitch line at this point.
Rhythmic commentary in Sinioni"
In the cyclic repetitions leading up to the climax, only six units
within the rhythmic set are modified in the 5infonia version (see
ex. lOa). But inasmuch as they are designed to alter the patterns of
pitch-rhythm interaction discussed above, they consistute a first
level of commentary. The first two groups of alterations are both
designed to slow down the levelling out of rhythmic ambiguities
discussed above. In Alii, the substitution of 3 for 4 ensures that the
second metric group will not achieve coherence until statement B,
and that the point of maximum harmonic ambiguity in the pitch set
is matched by equal rhythmic ambiguity. However, the substitution
of 8 for 6 asserts the presence of 414 amid these additive dislocations.
This will proliferate into an alternation of 3/4 and 414 in statements B
and C, before finally resolving into a predominant 3/4 in D. The
substitution of 4:6 for 6:8 in statement B mitigates the increasing
emphatic chain of 6s, and at the same time provides a summary
retrograde of the 3:2:1:4 that follows, thereby reinforcing, by more
extensive preparation, the upbeat pattern in that sequence, with its
important harmonic implications discussed above. The other group
of modifications, in Diii, is exclusively concerned with emphasising
pre-established harmonic polarities: the 12 on the c # firmly resolving
any suggestion of ambiguity in the pitch set, and the final b ~ being
raised to 18 by way of compensation.
The epilogue of the 5infonia version offers a substantially altered
sequence - 4:6:8:1V3:Yl3:8:7:6. The 4:6:8 could be construed as an
extension of the same sequence in the chamber version;9 the
Il!J:Yl3 retrogrades the configuration from Dii which, in its
expanded form at Eii, ushers in the climax; and 8:7:6 simply
recapitulates the opening sequence.
Parallel processes in rhythm and pitch
Thus within the two fixed systems of this piece analogous processes
operate. Both derive their dynamism from internal oppositions
either between levels of structure (pitch set vs. macro-set, quaver vs.
crotchet additive unit), or between different types of organisation
(additive vs. metric, triple vs. quadruple). Both are obliged to break
through to a climax once these oppositions are played out, lest they
should lapse into a monolithic and lOgically unending gyre of
• A relationship clarified in the Sintoni. version: see below_
• Save that in the Sbl/oni. version the third unit should no longer be 8 but 6_
'0 King'
Playing on Words
'0 King'
Ci en Oi Dii Diii G
Playing on Words
'0 King'
Playing on Words
'0 King'
Ex. 16
'" 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I"l "C
to to '" '" c s::
s:: 3 3 3 3 3to 3 3 e:
~ ..3 ~ to
~ '" '" '" '" "'
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
r r ;: c c c c c c c c c r
c c C C C C c
c ~
c c c c c c
~ ~ c c c c ~
~ ~
~ T. 7': .:> .:> .:> .:> c c c c 5
/Tl 0
'In ruhig fliessender
The second movement of Sintonia, like the Chemins, had been the
result of reopening a set of creative questions that were temporarily
closed. But in the third movement Berio undertook a more daring
and problematic project: that of building fresh layers of material not
out of the residue of his own past compositional decisions, but
around a work by another composer. He had long admired and
studied Mahler's music, finding in its vivid but ironic eclecticism a
congenial example for his own work; and his choice accordingly fell
on the scherzo from Mahler's Second Symphony.' But its diatonic
language posed a complex technical problem. For if Berio had
sought to generate layers of commentary from the Mahler text itself
he would have had to subject it to extensive transformation. If
instead he had relied entirely upon his own harmonic vocabulary
the gap between text and commentary would have been too great.
So he opted for materials that establish a wide harmonic range -
many of them quotations from other composers' work. Thus against
Mahler's predominant diatonicism are set the more sumptuous
harmonies of Ravel, Strauss and Debussy, the atonality of the
second Viennese school, and massive, chromatically saturated
orchestral clusters. 2 Merely to superpose these leaving the original
intact, as in the previous movement, would clearly make for a
cloying density of texture - as well as demanding gargantuan forces.
Berio therefore blocked out ever greater amounts of the Original
material, at first so as to provide room for the various commentary
materials, but later as an autonomous process that leaves only a
skeleton of Mahlerian fragments. It is this incremental obliteration
that provides the large-scale shape of the movement.
1 Previously Berio had considered using the second movement of the symphony
and even the final three movements of Beethoven's Op.131 as vehicles for a similar
exercise. See Berio 1985, pp.107-8.
2 The actual choice of materials was in part a matter of circumstance. Berio wrote
the movement while on holiday in Sicily, and therefore relied upon the few scores
that he had with him, those that happened to be available from Catania public library,
and his own memory in order to establish a suitable range.
Playing on Words
'In ruhig flies sender Bewegung'
Playing on Words
Ex. l'
a a
S..humaoo. Das isr ,i" Fl8een Jmd GG~m, Dichtcrliebe. No. 9. JiDal ban. and Mahler final ban
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
Playing on Words
A r n F G H K K M N 0 Q R
Ex. 18
Blocking Agents (el) (Sc) QI,.I(Scl Qu I(Sc) Qu Ct el Qu Qu R Qu
ov Metre
iii Fragments
" (DJ
Blocki ng Agents Qu el Qu W CI Qu W Qu R
-9 +2 +1 - 15 - 10 dQ.
; Metric Dist.
;v Metre
Iii Fragments
Iii Melody
'In ruhig flies sender Bewegung'
Playing on Words
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
Ex. 19
Berlioz C2
b E12
Playing on Words
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
Ex. 20
A Cl1 B C Cl1 DS-8
... K K19 L M M4-10 T T5 v. Z2
cluster attack reinforces this process by establishing the saturated
outlines of the second inversion of the tonic triad. The attack itself
also transposes the upper opening cluster attack down an octave,
extends it downwards by a tone, and saturates it - thus establishing
the e~ in the top stave as a fixed upper limit for this opening section.
At B the c-e~ cluster passes from strings to wind, thereby ushering
in the other main structural feature of these clusters apart from their
gamut. For while within string clusters integration of timbre is not a
particularly variable factor, clusters for wind or, as later, full
orchestra allow for contrast between the classical integration of dis-
parate timbres at one extreme and the juxtaposition of contrasting
timbre layers at the other. This first section limits itself to integrated
clusters, within which adjacent pitches are preferentially assigned to
instruments of different families - the only exception here being the
juxtaposition of clarinets 2 and 3. (The attack clusters at the start and
after A both allow for slightly less stringent integration, but their
sheer brevity makes it less than likely that the ear will distinguish
the difference.) Inevitably, certain limitations upon integrated
timbre-texture may be imposed by the ranges of the instruments
themselves, so that the answering cluster that establishes itself in
the extreme bass has to use a layer of low brass.
Playing on Words
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
which now sounds from the top as: flutes; violins; clarinets; trum-
pets; 'oboes', etc.
Y recapitulates the cluster at K, although slightly modifying the
arrangement of pitches below middle c. It resolves at Z2 onto a
twelve-note chord whose upper nine pitches progressively contract
the intervals between them from major thirds to semitones - scored
first for full orchestra, and then for wind and strings in dynamic
Playing on Words
At different times, Mahler proposed two partly related images to
convey the emotional import of his scherzo. The first was conserved
by Natalie Bauer-Lechner after a conversation with Mahler. She
records his words as follows: 23
If, at a distance, you watch a dance through a window, without being able
to hear the music, then the turning and twisting movement of the couples
seems senseless, because you are not catching the rhythm that is the key to
it all. You must imagine that to one who has lost his identity and his
happiness the world looks like this - distorted and crazy, as if reflected in a
concave mirror. The Scherzo ends with the appaUing shriek of this tortured
The image of the meaningless, maniacal dance seems to have stimu-
lated musical associations for Mahler himself, since the song from
Dichterliebe, 'Das ist ein Floten und Geigen', whose final bars end
the movement, is itself an alienated description of a wedding ball
observed by the bride's abandoned lover. 24 Berio enlarges upon this
image, introducing quotations from the second movement ('Le Bal')
of Berlioz'S Symphonie fantastique, whose programme describes a
parallel situation, and from Ravel's LA Valse, whose Viennese
lyricism grows increasingly hysterical as the work progresses.
The second, rather more generic image that Mahler suggested for
this movement was formulated in a programme for the whole work
that Mahler sketched in Berlin in 1901. The first three movements
are all described as retrospects upon the life of a dead hero. After
the struggles of the first movement, and the temporary idyll of thi!
second, in the third 'the spirit of unbelief, of presumption has taken
possession of him, he beholds the tumult of appearances, and
together with the child's pure understanding he loses the firm foot-
ing that love alone affords; he despairs of himself and of God. The
world and life become for him a disorderly apparition; disgust for all
being and becoming lays hold of him with an iron grip and drives
him to cry out in desperation,.25 Apart from the evident correlation
between this programme and Berio's version of the climax discussed
above, this text evokes no musical illustration. Instead, Berio
chooses a remarkably apt literary parallel in the form of Beckett's The
Unnamable to provide the verbal materials for the movement. It is to
these that we must now tum.
Sources for the text
Beckett's L'Innommable was published in 1952, the last volume of a
2J Bauer-Lechner 1980, pp.43-4.
,. d. Tibbe 1971, pp.5S-9.
2S Mitchell 1975, p.I83.
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
trilogy whose other two parts were Molloy (1950) and Malone meurt
(1951). Beckett then produced his own translation into English,
which appeared in 1958. Berio presumably chose to work with this
latter version because he was writing Sinfonia for New York and
would otherise have had the complex semantic games of the first,
third and fifth movements all played out in French.
The trilogy accomplishes a gradual dissolution of traditional
narration and character such that by the third book both are under
constant threat. Thus The Unnamable presents the monologue of a
word-spinning narrator placed in a limbo not unreminiscent of
Dante's Divine Comedy, and assailed by voices that seemingly
attempt to foist upon him some recognizable character - whether
that of Mahood, imprisoned up to his neck in an urn outside a
restaurant near the shambles, or the near-insensate Worm, who
resists all but the most negative characterization. While the narrator
attempts to talk himself into extinction, he is continually propelled
back to more or less substantive identity by the fragments of per-
sonality with which he believes that his torturers tempt him.26
By adopting this text, Berio is able to invert the 'heros tue' theme
of the first and second movements. Hero becomes anti-hero. Death
deplored becomes death desired. Although within The Un namable
there are initially areas of concentration upon the personas of Ma-
hood and Worm, the constantly self-renewing and self-confounding
monologue eschews large-scale narrative structure with such de-
termination as to make any resume by salient fragments, in the
manner of the first movement, meaningless. 27 Accordingly, Berio
lifts from the text any fragments that suit his purpose. While some
of these are simply striking, autonomous images, others are used to
comment upon processes at work within the movement and upon
the situation within the concert hall itself. Both of these devices will
be examined below.
Although Beckett provides the substantial majority of the text,
other materials proliferate from it. As well as passing references to
Joyce's Ulysses and a quotation from Valery, Berio incorporates titles
and written indications from various of the scores involved, solfege,
student slogans from the disturbances of the previous spring in
Paris, plus the self-quotation noted on p.53. The full range of Berio's
vocal resources is employed to articulate these materials - though
most of the texts are spoken, leaving solfege or phonemes for the
sung sections. Berio also seizes the opportunity to elaborate a multi-
voiced version of the flux of dramatic mood already explored in
Sequenza III for voice. He therefore follows the same method as in
26 For further discussion of this text, and its relation to some of the musical
materials, see Hicks 1981-2.
17 Save that materials from the first Mahood episode, where he spirals inward
towards a tower containing his family, are consistently avoided; and that the final and
initial materials from the second Mahood episode that shows him imprisoned in an
urn are grouped together, between X and Y.
Playing on Words
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
An inventory of interrelations
Although the prospect may be a daunting one to any but the more
determined reader, the interaction of all the different processes
discussed above can be accounted for properly only in a bar-by-bar
study of Berio's score. Granted the exuberant variety of relations
that proliferate throughout the movement, both intra-musical and
between music and text, it would be foolish to claim that the survey
which follows is in any way exhaustive. But it does nonetheless seek
to record all significant interactions between materials from different
sources, though indicating only in outline those large-scale pro-
cesses that have already been discussed.
Rehearsal letters have been used to divide the account, with bar
numbers counted from each letter as in the rest of this text. All
references to the Mahler scherzo are given as Ma. followed by the
bar number. All references to other scores follow the sequence:
composer, title, movement (if the work is so divided), rehearsal
number (in italics), bar number (counted from the previous re-
hearsal number when these are present, or otherwise from the
beginning). All references to Beckett's The Un namable are to the
Calder & Boyars edition of 1975, and are given as Beck. followed by
the page number. All orchestral instruments are referred to by the
Italian abbreviations found in the score, with Str standing for
strings, and WW for woodwind.
Playing on Words
2 Cl 2 acciaccaturas echo those of Mahler's Fourth Symphony.
2 (i) Pf and Harp underline the harmonic relationship between Debussy
and Mahler.
(ii) Voices confuse the issue as to which movement is to be played.
3 B 1 announces the direction at Ma.1.
55&: A begin solfege analysis of fragments of Mahler melody - a device
that frequently recurs,
8 (i) Sxf a: a warped anticipation of Ma.19.
(ii) B 1: Beck.7.
10 T 2: Beck.7.
11 (i) FI &: Ott: Schoenberg, Op.16 no.4, 3, down one tone (though this
figure appears elsewhere at pitch in the Schoenberg without the piccolo
(ii) Vni B: Hindemith, Kammermusik Nr.4 (Violinkonzert), Op.36, no.3, 5th
movement, 1. To be used extensively. Although its opening three notes
transpose Mahler's opening, here it is the g-f#-gld-c~-d relationship that
is emphasised.
13 Sxf a: Hindemith, op. cit., 2: f and a~ in common with Ma.
15 T 2: Beck.l0S rewritten with reference to Hindemith. Original: 'Nothing
more restful than arithmetic'.
16 Hindemith, op. cit., 3.
18 (i) S 2 comments on Mahler's scoring.
(ii) B 1: Beck.7.
19 Vn solo: Hindemith starts again in its true medium.
20 FI 1 &: Ob 1: Debussy, La Mer, III, 54 7. Accompanying Vn harmonic
starts to thicken into a cluster just as its identity is affirmed.
22 Berio begins to rescore individual instrumental lines of the Mahler in a
more fragmented fashion (ct. Ma.31). Thus Mahler's Vn 2 line is passed
from Sxf a, Sxf t and A 1, the re-entering melody in the next bar is
divided among Sir and 5, etc.
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
2 (i) The g-<,~ gamut of Mahler's fragmented Vn 2 line is now transposed
and saturated to form a WW cluster that clouds both the initial c minor
and the ensuing e ~ major.
(ii) Vn solo: Hindemith, op. cit., L4.
2 Tbn 1 starts an analogous bass cluster.
3 Vn solo leaps to Hindemith, op. cit., P8.
5 (i) Mahler by now entirely transferred to vocal solfege plus pizzo lower
(ii) Vn solo: Hindemith, op. cit., Q4.
10 Tr continue motion of Hindemith on monotone g.
4 (i) Cemb carries on momentum of Hindemith, soon joined by Pf (its see-
saw motion not unreminiscent of Hindemith from op. cit., 0 onward).
(ii) High cluster extends downwards (see ex.20).
(iii) FI & Ob 1: adapted from Berlioz, Symphonie fantaslique, 2nd
movement, 120, imitating the Mahler at C2 in augmentation.
2 T 1 & B 2 dismiss the Hindemith.
4 (i) S 2: Beck.n.
(ii) A 1 reacts to ostinato g.
6 T 1: clearly a joycean reference, though its source has not yet been
8 (i) S 1: Beck.14.
(ii) Vni C re-establish the I>-f~ cluster: d. opening bars.
9 (i) A 1: Beck.l1.
(ii) B 1: Beck.I2.
10 (i) T 1: origin unknown.
(ii) Vn solo: Berg, Violin Concerto, 2nd movement, 5, sharing common b
and bO with Mahler (a).
13 (i) B 1: transforms the Beckett quote of C9 into a comment on the Vn
(ii) Vn solo jumps to Berg, op. cil., 1st movement, 169, while amplifying
Mahler's move towards a minor climax.
14 (i) Vni B develop Mahler into tremolo.
(ii) T I: Beck. 78.
15 Voices solfege Berg.
16 (i) Vn solo switches to an equally rhapsodic gesture from Brahms, Violin
Concerto, 2nd movement, 48.
17 A 2 underlines this transition.
20 Fg & Cfg elaborate upon Ravel, La Valse, 26 4-6, the first of many quotes
from this work. It is identical with the third bar of the main Mahler
theme (d. 03, Vni A), and recurs frequently during the next few pages.
22 T 1 identifies the Ravel, subtitled a 'Paeme choregraphique', but runs on
into Beck. 73 to create an apparent description of the 'paeme' out of a
passage that originally alluded to the 'torturers'.
4 (i) FI 2 tremolo begins a new duster.
(ii) Vni C begin a triplet heterophony around Mahler.
Playing on Words
CI 1 declares chromatic independence, and ends chasing the Vn solo at
2 Ob & Vn solo: Debussy, lA Mer, II ('Jeux de vagues'), 24 2: a further
exploration of the chromatic, as S 2 notes.
3 T 1: Beck. 104, used to comment on the formal situation as Mahler
dissolves into one portion of the 'Jeux de vagues', which then dissolves
into another. Berio acknowledges this latter by rewriting the end of the
4 Vni & Vie join the Debussy.
6 (i) C i joins the Debussy.
(ii) Having reached Trio I (Ma.I03), Mahler's text goes underground,
asserting its existence only by occasional fragments.
7 (i) WW & Vc continue Debussy, while Vn solo, which should by now be
silent, fixates on the last eight notes of its solo.
(ii) S I misquotes Mahler.
9 (i) Debussy, op. cit., 19.
(ii) B 1 misquotes Mahler.
II (i) CI I & Ob I extend and develop Debussy motif.
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
1 T 1: Beck.97.
4 (i) Mahler in Vni B is compared with Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 2nd
movement, 154 (Vni C).
(ii) T 1: Beck.99 rewritten in 1960s jargon. We are to return to this dis-
course on 'the show' at length in Trio II.
(iii) FI 2: chromatic end of Ravel and Mahler converge upon:
5 Fl & Cl: Berlioz, op. cit., 156, rewritten to accompany the other Berlioz
quote in Vni C. It leads into:
8 (i) orchestra: Mahler, Ninth Symphony, 2nd movement, 20, thus
echoing the previous 'Ninth Symphony' interruption at E26.
(ii) B 1: Unknown source, but clearly provoked by Mahler's Ninth.
9 (i) Fl only sustain a rewritten version of Mahler's Ninth Symphony
altered to fit:
(ii) Str & Cor, which revert to the Mahler 'text'.
4 Tr: rhythm similar to several wind figures from Debussy's 'Jeux de
vagues', but identical with none.
S B 1: Beck.99.
6 Harp establishes a clf # polarity, with fifths in organum, immediately
taken up by the Tr. This polarity is to become a pivotal feature uniting
Stravinsky's 'Danse de la terre' at H15 and Debussy's 'Dialogue du vent
et de la mer' at J.
9 FI & Vni: a minor mystery. None of the commentaries on this movement
can suggest a source for this interpolation, nor can Berio recall it. A
source for the rhythmic combination might be the 2nd movement of
Mahler's Second Symphony (cf. for instance b.68), which Berio had at
one point planned to use as the basis for this movement. But there are
no corresponding pitch sequences.
11 Fragments of Mahler have been heard with greater insistence over the
previous pages. Here, with the first reprise, it takes over completely.
24 B 1: Beck.22, a possible reference to the incursion, as from the next bar,
of Berio's favoured device of heterophonic elaboration.
Playing on Words
55 (i) Vni A & B alternate with keyboards in delaying and 'flurrying'
Mahler'S Vn parts.
(ii) The texture is further thickened by voices being required to imitate
given instrumental lines.
(iii) Sxf start a final process of chromatic proliferation, reflecting Mah-
ler's own usage from H5.
2 T 1: Beck.99.
5 Vc join the chromatic quagmire.
11 Quickening chromatic motion prepares:
15 Stravinsky, Le Saere du printemps, 'Danse de la terre', 75 11. This starts
in Timp and Vni B &; C, but spreads immediately to the whole orchestra
save keyboards, who continue almost unheard with the two violin parts
from the Mahler. However, the version of the Stravinsky that ensues is
more bizzarely distorted than any previous manipulations to which
Mahler has been subjected. HI6-23 are eight bars, whereas the corres-
ponding Stravinsky 76 to 77 are nine; but each stratum of the texture
omits a bar at a different place. Thus Vni, Vie &; Vc amalgamate b.2 &; b.3
of the extract; the Timp part compresses b.3-5 into two bars of c//# oscil-
lation; WW and Cb omit b.6; Cor omit b.8; and Tr, omitting nothing, are
left one bar out at the end. The harp mediates between discrepant Vc
and Cb parts.
24 Str &; WW: one bar's reversion to Mahler.
25 Stravinsky, op. cit., 77 5.
26 Back to Mahler.
27 Back to Stravinsky, 78.
2 (i) Fl: encapsulation of Mahler.
(ii) T 1: Beck.Sl, underlining the earth theme just before the 'Danse de la
terre' disappears.
4 Stravinsky, op. cit., final bar of 'Danse de la terre'.
5 (i) answered by brass chord from Mahler leading into Trio II.
(ii) Timp contrasts c1/# polarity of Stravinsky with the c1g of Mahler.
6 Str: Stravinsky, Agon, 'Double Pas-de-Quatre', 61.
7 (i) T 1 uses Beckett quote to underline passage from 'Danse de la terre'
to Agon.
(ii) The three Vc and Cb upbeats to Trio II lead to nothing save high
flute es.
(iii) Timp match this with the low c from Debussy, La Mer, III, 1.
8 The start of Trio II (Ma.I90), like that of Trio I, submerges into
fragments. These are in constant interaction with two other protagonists:
Stravinsky's Ago", and Debussy's 'Dialogue du vent et de la mer' from
La Mer.
(i) Ob, Fg &; upper Str: Stravinsky, 61.
(ii) Vc & Cb: Mahler contrasted with:
9 Debussy, 2.
10 (i) Mahler.
(ii) AI: Seck.35.
(iii) T 1 describes 'Double Pas-de-Quatre'.
11 Debussy, 4.
12 Ob, Fg & Str: Stravinsky, 62.
13 Lower Str: Debussy, 6.
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
1 (i) CI, Db, Tr, Timp (d. H15) & Cb: Debussy, 43 1.
(ii) Other Str: Stravinsky, 73.
(iii) A 1: source unknown.
(iv): T 1: Beck.l01.
2 Low Str: Mahler.
3 Stravinsky, 76.
SLow Str: Mahler, using common g from Stravinsky.
6 & 7 (i) C 1, Fg, low Str: Debussy, 43 6.
(ii) T 1 repeats Beck.22.
7 Str (save Vni C): Mahler.
8 T 1: Beck.52, this time presumably referring to his repetition of Beck.22.
9 (i) Castagno Stravinsky, Agon, 'Bransle Gay', 310.
(ii)Str (save Vni C): Stravinsky, op. cit., 'Triple Pas-de-Quatre', 102, an
approximate transposition of the Mahler, to which they instantly revert.
10 (i) FI 3 & Ott resume high c of the opening to Trio II in response to the
Debussy c from low WW.
(ii) FI & Vni C: Stravinsky, Agon, 108, which rapidly spreads to the
whole ensemble.
14 Brass upbeat to first large tonal step in the Mahler (to d major)
1 (i) massive cluster (see ex. 20 on p.51) that separates into four agglom-
erates, each with its own intensity pattern.
(ii) The only detail to break through is the independent timp line, in part
a continuation of Stra\insky' s 'Bransle Gay' rhythm.
S Str: Mahler fragment.
7 Cor: Mahler fragment.
11 AU parts start independent semitonal shifts around their original note.
Aggregate rhythms increase to repeated semiquavers. Dynamic contrasts
reduce to WW vs. Str.
19 The new aggregate thus established displaces the 'break' in the cluster
(d ,'b) by two octaves, and shifts bass notes by semitones. By now,
dynamics are unified.
20 Repeat of the brass upbeat to this section (not present in the Mahler
1 Another huge cluster, this time with layered scoring.
2 Vc initiate a return to the Mahler,
4 (i) which, however, is radically reorchestrated: Vn 2 becomes FI; Db
becomes A 1; low Str becomes Bongos.
(ii) Ott, Db &: Org add high drone, harmonically complementing
(iii) Castagn revert to Stravinsky's 'Bransle Gay'.
5 (i) Str (plus Timp) interrupt periodically with their layer of the cluster
from Ll.
(ii) T 1 begins a long narration from Beck.99 on the nature of the enter-
tainment in hand. This provides some measure of unity as the Mahler
becomes increasingly fragmented or obliterated.
8 Another passage closely integrating materials from Agon, 'Triple Pas-de-
Quatre', and fragments of Mahler:
Playing on Words
(i) Tr & Vie: Stravinsky, 106, combined by both pitch and phrase-shape
(ii) B 2: slightly warped version of Mahler.
9 (i) Tr make a unified phrase out of Stravinsky and Mahler.
(ii) Thn: Stravinsky, loco cit.
10 (i) Fg 1 & Vni A take over Stravinsky.
(ii) FI & B take on Mahler's Vn and Vc parts.
11 (i) FI & Tr: Stravinsky, 107.
(ii) A 1 takes on Mahler's CI part.
(iii) Vni B link Mahler with:
12 Stravinsky, loco cit.
13 (i) Thn & Tuba imitate their previous Stravinsky material in order to
underline a Mahlerian progression.
(ii) C1: Mahler.
14 (i) Fl & Vni: Stravinsky, 108.
(ii) Tr, Pf & Vc: Mahler.
15 Pf, Cemb & Cb continue Mahler, distorted by irregular octave doublings
from the two keyboards.
17 Tr combines the two upper lines of the Mahler, as does FI in the next
18 Cb pizzo d acts as catalyst for return of Stravinsky, 61.
20 Tr & Ott continue their previous gesture with an independent scale.
22 Ob, Fg & Str recapitulate Stravinsky, 6l.
23 C1: Mahler.
25 Mahlerian upbeat again leads to:
25 (d. Ma.257) a more layered duster, the gamut of whose upper group
contracts by a semi tone at either extremity the analogous group in the
cluster at K (see ex.20). This quickly fills out into a fuller cluster whose
upper components (down to the g of Tr 1) transpose the analogous
components of the duster at L down a semitone. Strings momentarily
penetrate with the Mahler.
3 Sxf t, Fg & low Str: a further Mahler fragment.
5 Layered dynamics are again used.
12 (i) FI: Mahler's Vn part (d. Ma.268) modified by leaping to positions
(ii) a series of less dense wind aggregates using the rhythm of Ma.269.
13 Strings resume their chromatic shifting.
15 (i) Timp plays Mahler figure that should have occurred four bars
previously. This and the misplaced rhythm of M12 are the first hints of
the major metric dislocations to come.
25 Mahler returns in the Tr quartet and Harp, with Pf and Cemb playing
2nd Harp, and Sxf supplying Vn part until Str take over. Str, however,
descend slowly from the registers established by their MIS cluster,
providing a lush, widely spaced background that adds a patina of
Straussian indulgence to the direct, rather spare nostalgia of the Mahler
score. The Vn 2 line is thrown from part to part.
9 S 1 takes Mahler's Vn 1 part.
13 Fl superimposes Ravel, fA Valse, 32.
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
Playing on Words
18 (i) Cfg, Tr & low Str take up Ma.320. Thus, since P = Ma.309, six bars
have been added - the first of a number of distortions of Mahler's metric
(ii) FI complements previous chromatics by a descent from its high f~.
19 T 2 relays instruction from Mahler's score.
3 (i) FI & upper Str: over the e minor added sixth chord enters Brahms,
Fourth Symphony, 4th movement, 69.
(ii) T I inserts into the Beckett narration an acknowledgement of the
Brahms quote.
3 (i) Vie speed up Brahms's rate of flow, while FI 1 ornaments it.
(ii) Voices solfege Brahms.
(iii) Pf & Cemb take up their characteristic semiquaver movement,
developing the fixed anchoring pitch of the Brahms in a manner remi-
niscent of the first movement (d. K).
7 Sn drum, followed by Bongos, outline the Cb figure from the Mahler one
bar late.
8 Mahler's text begins to be treated with increasing freedom as the music
once again cuts free of its metric proportions:
(i) Ott plays an inversion of the main WW material from the Mahler,
answered by Ob, entering two bars early and a third higher.
(ii) T 1 quits his Beckett narration to comment on 'crossed colours',
referring both to the crossing instrumental lines and to Pousseur's
Couleurs croisees, of which a stylistic pastiche follows from Q14. He then
jumps to Beck.l03.
(iii) Cb develops Ma.328 too late.
11 Although in the Mahler the Tr choir stops its alternating chords here,
Berio continues to reiterate them obsessively, passing them to the oboes
in preparation for the Bach quote at Q19.
12 Another reference to Couleurs croisi!es, which is based upon transforma-
tions of the song 'We shall overcome'.
14 (i) T 1: however, it is not Henri Pousseur, but Beckett who says 'if this
noise' etc (Beck.92).
(ii) Harp, Pf & Cemb embark on a pastiche characteristic of the textures
and instrumentation of Couleurs croisees, though without actual quotation
from the score (pace Altmann 1977, p.3S, where an erroneous reference is
16 Ob 1 sharpens the c of the Mahler chord, and Fg 1 enters on an a
producing a dominant seventh (plus minor ninth from FI in the next bar)
resolving onto the Bach quote in Q19.
17 T 1 resumes his narration from Beck. 99.
19 Alternately Fg & low Str, Ob, upper Str: Bach, first Brandenburg
Concerto, 2nd movement, last 4 bars, but with b~ for b, in the penulti-
mate bar.
5 Bach speeds up from units of four quavers to three quavers.
9 (i) Bach slows down again at cadence.
(ii) CI 1 picks out e an octave below that on to which Vni B must resolve
10 is joined by Fg 2 g#, both preparing:
'In ruhig fliessender Bewegung'
11 (i) Fl, Cl, Fg & Vie: Schoenberg, Fun! Orches/erstiicke, Op.16 no.3
(,Farben'), 2. As well as reflecting the alternating timbres of the Bach,
this quotation also recalls the alternating chords of the missing Mahler
(ii) S I: Beck. 109, modified by the addition of 'in a lake full of colours' so
as to acknowledge Schoenberg's 'Farben' (colours) which in the 1949
revision had the title 'Sommermorgen an einem See'. The quotation also
anticipates the drowning scene from Wozzeck that begins at S, and
constitutes the first link in a chain of water references.
(iii) Vc begin a series of metrically dislocated fragments from Mahler -
here Ma.330 with the g sharpened to accord with the Schoenberg.
12 Vni C join in Ma.33l.
13 Vc switch back to Ma.330 as Vni C continue with Ma.332.
16 Vni C & Vc: Ma.334 (Vc again sharpen g).
18 Vni C & Vc: Ma.335.
19 Vni B: Ma.339.
20 (i) A 3, Vni A & B: Ma.342.
(ii) Cfg prepares a re-establishment of Mahler: cf. Ma.340.
21 (i) Schoenberg jumps one bar to the second half of 5.
(ii) S & A: Ma.343 without accidentals.
(iii) B: Ma.339 in the shape of Ma.333.
22 Vni C: Ma.338.
23 Mahler's text re-established (d. Ma.342) twenty-two bars late. Tr l's e~is
common to both Schoenberg and Mahler, and the long held low Str c
resolves, as in Mahler, onto d •.
2 The WW's chromatic descent in the previous bar evokes by way of
response not the 2nd scherzo reprise, but:
(i) Vc & Cb, plus Vie a bar later: Berg, Wozzeck, Act III, 284, the point at
which Wozzeck drowns, overheard by the Captain and the Doctor.
(ii) Fg and Guiro maintain the Mahler, which is once again subject to
fragmentation and encapsulation.
2 Wind & Vni combine Ma.349 and Ma.35l.
3 (i) S 1 carries on Ma.352.
(ii) A 1 comments on Wozzeck's murder of Marie.
(iii) B 1: Wozzeck's last word (though not with the intonation indicated
by Berg).
4 (i) WW play Ma.353-5 simultaneously, thus producing a duster to
match the Berg.
(ii) B 2 also comments on Wozzeck.
5 (i) A, with interjections from Tr and Vni C, superimpose a slowly
ascending major third cluster that is finally to establish itself, at TID, as
that of the second Water section from the first movement. But for the
moment it complements and thickens the texture of the Berg.
(ii) Fg encapsulate Ma.354-7.
(iii) S: Ma.355.
7 (i) A 1 initiates, several bars early, the conversation between the Cap-
tain and the Doctor as Wozzeck drowns.
(ii) T 1: Beck.89.
8 (i) Cl 1, joined subsequently by other WW: Ma.361-3.
(ii) B 1 carries on the Captain's initial remark.
Playing on Words
2 Another briefly held large cluster whose upper limit shifts downwards
by a further semitone (d. K and M as well as ex.20).
2 (i) Again, the text of Wozzeck in English and German.
(ii) Meanwhile the cluster immediately begins to reduce to:
S the filled major third from the second Water section of the first move-
ment (at E).
10 The polyrhythmic texture of the Water section is restored.
3 A: source unknown.
4 Cl: Ma.396; Vni B: retrograde of same.
S Cb follow on with Ma.397, with which they continue, fixating on the d~
until the other parts, delayed by two bars of Berio, can join them.
7 PI 1, CI 1: Ma.397, upon which Cl pice provides heterophonic elabora-
8 (i) S take up the oscillation f...;!, to be sustained with melancholy persis-
tence during the coming bars.
(ii) Vni begin a slow descent from their g~-b~ duster towards an e-g
duster that heralds the return of the Mahler.
10 Cl 1 mixes PI 3 & Fl 2 parts of Mahler, harmonized by S oscillation,
12 as does PI 1.
13 5 oscillation generates upbeat to:
1 Mahler re-established (d. Ma.402), this time having gained two bars in
the process.
4 (il T 1: presumably Beckett, but untraced.
(ii) Sn drums adds a second ostinato, projecting the 'Bransle Gay'
rhythm into a four-quaver unit.
S WW joins in the e-f oscillation.
6 This should mark the start of the trio reprise, but Berio now embarks on
his most startling Mahlerian transformation yet. Taking as his cue the f
drone that pervades much of this section of the original, Berio freezes
fragments of Mahler's material into a doggedly persistent ostinato,
against which piano and sections of the solo violin part present two
sections of the Mahler grossly distorted by octave transposition and, at
times, rhythmic encapsulation. While the whole episode up to Y lasts 34
bars in both Mahler and Berio, the two portions used (Ma.408-23 and
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
Ma.434--(0) are both displaced from their original positions within this
(i) An ostinato is built from Vc & Timp (Ma.407) plus Org & Cemb
(ii) Fg continues Mahler's chromatic scale, which ends on UI0 with the
Cb drone.
(iii) Meanwhile Vni C glissando through two octaves to establish
another high cluster on a-c.
9 T 1: Beck.81, an appropriate response to four concurrent ostinati.
11 Pf starts its distortion of Ma.408.
2 Solo Vn. joins in with an equally distorted version, whose b leads into:
2 a return of Hindemith, Kammermusik Nr.4 (Violinkonzert), Op.36 no.3,
P16. (It will be recalled that this work was previously the cause of some
exasperation - which its reappearance amidst this lunar landscape does
nothing to diminish).
3 (i) Vn solo: Hindemith restored to its original speed.
(ii) Pf: the pitches of this and the following two bars derive from the
WW figure that accompanies the Vn in Hindemith's Kammermusik, the
rhythm of which, at half speed, coincides with the ostinato into which
the 'Bransle Gay' has been transformed.
6 Pf and Vn solo each provide their own version of Ma.414, which the Pf
7 (i) Vn solo resumes Hindemith at the appropriate point.
(ii) The ostinati are progressively subtracted from this point, starting
with the e-f oscillation.
8 (i) T 1 switches to commentary on Beckett (with echoes of Beck. 107).
(ii) Vn solo continues down the scale started on the first beat of the bar
so as to lead into:
9 a similarly distorted version of the WW material from Ma.417 (at which
the Pf has also arrived).
12 Vn solo takes string line from Pf for one bar.
13 (i) Pf carries on with Ma.421-3.
(ii) Meanwhile VIe start Ma.434, and thereafter Str progressively sub-
stantiate the reference, through to Ma.340 (WI8).
14 (i) Vn solo takes up Hindemith at the point where it had broken off.
(ii) Vc and Timp ostinato ceases.
15 Timp accompany Ma.423 in Pf.
16 PI >uddenly switches to the rival Mahler passage in the Str (Ma.437).
17 Cor, Org & Cemb ostinato ceases, having failed to coordinate with
Ma.437 from which it originated.
19 (i) The last of the ostinati - on Sn drum - ceases.
(ii) e ~ implications of Mahler from Vni B, plus the oscillating solo Vn
figures usher in Beethoven, Sixth Symphony, 2nd movement ('Scene by
the Brook'), 69.
(iii) To this T I responds with an apparently apt Beckett quote, 'he shall
never again hear the lowing cattle' (Beck.62) - one of Berio's darker
jokes, since what is described in the original is a slaughter house.
4 Cor takes over Fg figures from Beethoven and holds it awaiting the
return of the Mahler.
Playing on Words
1 The reprise of Trio II is allowed to start unimpaired, but:
3 immediately begins to be submerged under a rapidly growing cluster
(see ex. 20 on p.5I), beneath which the metric structure once again
becomes lost. Vni A derives from Ma.445.
4 The cluster is completed: it recapitulates that heard at K with minor
variations in the register just below middle c.
7 Mahler briefly re-emerges, with upper Str playing Ma.450 and low Str
Ma.449. Both unite on Ma.451 in the next bar.
12 The complete cluster is re-established.
2 A shift to a new harmonic basis, fully established by Z3. The keyboard
punctuations are to survive as a unifying feature until almost the end of
the movement, thereby matching the earlier use of ostinati.
8 The same chord is now taken up by Str vs. WW, each following its own
dynamic pattern with a gradual accelerando in rates of change.
2 Berio now starts to recapitulate and develop materials used at the start of
the movement in a parallel gesture to the missing Mahler:
(i) Opening chord plus Schoenberg, d. b.!. Whether by printer's error
or composer's design, Cor 3 & 4 now play bq and f~ and Vni A c# and a
(though the 1969 score has the expected notes from b.I).
(ii) As before, WW substitute for Cb.
2 (i) This is immediately followed by Debussy, La Mer, III.
(ii) T 1 now embarks on another monologue on 'the show', but this time
by Berio.
3 (i) A sf. a ~ from the Vie line of the Debussy links with the keyboards'
punctuating chord.
(ii) 52 uses Valery, Le cimetjere marin, line 4, to mark the perennial
presence of the Debussy.
6 a ~ now effects the transition to:
7 Debussy, La Mer, III, 59 10.
9 Sir elaborate on Debussy's figuration.
1lOver the preceding extract, Tr 1 enters with the cor anglais figure from
Debussy, La Mer, III, 18.
12 The rest of the orchestra answer with 18 2, save that Tr rl'tain a dotted
rhythm, running straight on into:
13 (i) Schoenberg, loc. cit., again in the brass while:
(ii) the rest of the orchestra take up Mahler at Ma.463, which thus
appears twenty-one bars late. This leads straight into:
1 the climax of Mahler's movement, at which point his text is fully
9 5 1 adds alternate, compressed chromatic phrases in solfege and scat.
'In ruhig f1iessender Bewegung'
13 Mahler is again reduced to a series of fragments beneath sustained wind
chords, with Timp providing the most immediate continuity.
13 (i) Again, the Mahler is lost save for a string fragment at CClS.
(ii) Eight-part wind, with Tr & FI, Cor & CI doubling at the octave,
repeat three chords twice as FI I moves from d to g.
(iii) Harp harmonics echo Ma.493 and, in CCI7, Ma.497.
I Harp projects a pitch line from previous WW chords 1 & 2 (linked by
their common d), followed two bars later by another linking the outer
two pitches of 3, the inner two of 2, and the outer two of 1.
(ii) T 1 reverts to a series of fragments from Beck.7.
3 Vni C: Ma.501 (which is thus one bar late).
5 Tr, joined by other wind, initiates a final quote from Der Rosenkavalier,
Act III, 295 7.
9 Full orchestra joins in Strauss.
10 T 1: Beck.23.
12 T 1 announces Boulez quote at EE.
13 Punctuating chord acts as upbeat to:
1 Boulez, 'Don' (= 'present') from Pli selon pli, opening chord.
6 Over the remains of the Boulez chord, WW quartet introduce the choral
opening of Webern, II. Kantate, Op.31, 5th movement.
7 A quiet, aleatoric background is created, with Pf playing a passage from
another work in the programme, while A 1, followed by S, revive the
vocal imitation of instrumental parts first used at H.
9 Vn solo responds with its line from the Webern.
11 Sxf plays solo S part from the Webern.
14 Vn solo switches to Stockhausen, Gruppen, 22 3, joined by other Str in
the next bar.
17 A 1 & 2 sustain Harp c from Stockhausen, which is to become the
dominant of Mahler's f minor at FF.
1 (i) Instead of Stockhausen's chord, Berio uses his own punctuating
chord for the last time.
(ii) Mahler returns (Ma.545), having lost 24 bars, and is tossed from
voice to voice.
8 T 1 refers to title of Mahler (Resurrection Symphony).
13 T 1: the title of a German song, best known for the variations Sweelinck
wrote upon it - though no reference to that work is intended here.
Instead, it serves to underline that this is not a resurrection symphony:
Berio's third movement, like all the others, ends with death.
5 VIe shift by one semiquaver.
6 Hinted at by T I's previous remark, the Mahler jumps ten bars from
Ma.564 to Ma.S7S.
8 Vn A plays Ma.S76 over Ma.577 from rest.
12 The final bar freezes into ceremonial, with gongs and an appropriate
vote of thanks to the conductor.
Synthesis and Dissolution
Ex. 21
TI A2 Al S2 51
TI A2 Al 52 51 Tl A2 Al 52 51 'DVm
111 IV T2
T2 Bt B2
Synthesis and Dissolution
different note of the sequence, and the bottom three voices move
downwards in similar fashion. Apart from their common starting-
point, all the upward pitch sequences also have in common the c
and d an octave above - preceded by an a in the first three cases,
and followed by f in the last two.
Most of the other features of pitch organisation reflect Berio's
concern with chromatic saturation. Thus in sections I and II the two
notes that do not form part of the basic pitch process are given
important subsidiary roles: the a b providing a temporary inflection
of the harmony in the bass, and the sustained g in the alto voice
finally resolving onto the missing f~. Although in I the two initial
notes are released as the voices progress towards their final chord,
from II onwards a number of superimposed rhythms from instru-
ments maintain a continuous oscillation between them.
This naturally underlines the move towards chromatic saturation
as each chord reaches completion; accordingly at the end of II the
bassoon re-enters with the transitory a b of a few bars before, and the
violins C and clarinet re-establish a g an octave above the one that
has just resolved onto an f~. This high g initiates an independent
melodic line, pursued well above the main textural aggregate but
complementing its pitch processes. It thus provides the two notes
missing from the chord built up in III: ab and b; and, having moved
to an extreme register, includes the g~ and fn missing from IV within
its line - although now contrabassoon and bass tuba provide an at
the other extremity, and violins in fact complete the twelve-note
chord once the voices have come to rest.
Each chord has its characteristic spacing. I and II are coloured by
alternating tones and minor thirds, with fourth and diminished fifth
at the bottom. III consists of two diminished sevenths - one, more
widely spaced, stretching down from do and the other, in close
formation, moving up from eo - with the beginnings of the 'missing'
diminished seventh chord added above the next tone grouping of c
and d by the first and second sopranos, and completed by oboe and
clarinet. IV, though less logically constructed, retains the charac-
teristic spacing of larger intervals at the bottom (fifth and dimini-
shed fifth) with an aggregate based on thirds and seconds above
them. But the harmonic growth of this final chord is in any case
obscured by an upward moving chromatic cloud. There is thus a
parsimonious growth in harmonic texture, complementing the
gradual extension of harmonic gamut.
Rhythm and texture
The large-scale rhythmic framework is also extremely Simple. The
vocal parts of I and II are rhythmically identical, and both last
thirty-seven minims. III abbreviates this to twenty-five, and IV
compensates with forty-eight. But within this framework a gradual
shift in emphasis and proportion is at work: in I and II there is a
rough balance between the initial db/eb oscillation and the ensuing
Playing on Words
Synthesis and Dissolution
together materials from all the previous movements into a new and
vitriolic synthesis. The gesture seems deeply indebted to the
nineteenth-century cult of organic completion. In practice, it offers
neither apotheosis nor resolution, but rather an explosion of raw
However, the search for structural analogies is also the underlying
principle of Levi-Strauss's Le cru et Ie cuit. Berio accordingly turns
back to the verbal materials of the first movement, and proceeds to
complete the processes initiated there. But again, what on a con-
ceptual level implies a sense of ending on a practical, auditory level
offers an open-ended stream of images only part-comprehensible at
In the first movement it was the internal structure of Levi-Strauss's
text that determined the musical structure of the vocal sections.
Here, however, it is musical processes which have the upper hand
Ex. 22
ble e/b
2=empty 7th
A 1
2= filled 5th b
B b Ib
F (=U)
e A
b i Ie
I and2 ii
B i E
FI I it
iii 0
Playing on Words
Ex. 22
C ii
D ii
(2= empty 7th)
°1 c'
Synthesis and Dissolution
Ex. 23
b.IO A B c o
Playing on Words
Superposed on this basic layer are other elements called back into
play by a process of association. The pitches d ~ and figure largely
in the staccato bass notes accompanying the second Water section at
I F4. Accordingly, the chord 4 cluster reappears, at B2-13, both in its
original form and as reinterpreted in III UI-5, thereby completing
the imploded recapitulation of materials from I. Similarly, the filled
fifth c-g at A6 is quietly answered by another, b-f~, from the elec-
tronic organ at B2. Not only does this complement the filled third,
g.-b. of the second Water section from I, here etched out by trum-
pets and piccolo clarinet, but it also reinstates the harmonic back-
ground to the start of III, from which fragments begin to be heard.
Thus at B the harp plays its initial quotation from La Mer, followed
by a snatch of Hindemith (B2), of Mahler's introduction (B4, cor
anglais), the upbeat to the main theme of the movement (B5,
strings), and the explosion that originally followed nine bars later
(B6, full orchestra plus clarinets). From then on until D, Hindemith
fragments constantly invade the texture, thereby preparing for the
important role that they are going to play later on in the movement.
From B to D the texture is also shot through with explosive
attacks from piccolo, brass and percussion that are to remain a
unifying feature of the movement through to the final section. At
this point (though not necessarily hereafter) the brass attacks serve
to underline pitch processes already discussed, while the piccolo
line keeps its own, non-systematic independence.
Materials from '0 King'
At D a reworking of the outburst from I C ushers in a restatement of
the principal line from II, which conserves the interaction of pitch
and rhythmic sets (the latter, due to the slower tempo, now counted
in semiquavers rather than quavers) through to the point where the
Synthesis and Ois;olution
Playing on Words
Ex. 24
i ii iii
Synthesis and Dissolution
Playing on Words
Ex. 25
B6 A12
B70b&Fl A20Vn solo
BBff A20
B9--13 U- U4
C Ott & Cl pice 87
03Vnsolo ClO
040b B5 (approx.)
07 C15
080b C16
09 Cl pice C8
Dl2FI 022
EVni Dl9
E2 Cl pice E19
E4 G9 (reworked)
E6 GI5
E80b&C.i. E6
E9Str 16 and E2
F6 05 and 07
F7 W2
G2 W5
G3 W7
H3 W15
HIO [6
K6Vni B C3
Synthesis and Dissolution
Ex. 26
J6 IJ9
J 14-16
J 16-17
L5 La
only only
Synthesis and Dissolution
Playing on Words
strumental couples sustain their notes until the monody again rises
to catch them up into the general melee.
At the final semiquaver of M4, the monody flows into a rework-
ing of the final, climactic bars from the first movement (d. I L).
Within the climax itself, the pattern of pauses between outbursts is
rearranged, and two of the individual gestures are repeated. As a
result of the reworked pattern only a portion of the piano part is
retained. But the voices' final statement of chords 1 and 2 is sub-
stantially lengthened, with the oscillating flute answered as at the
start of the movement, though this time by oboe and piano. Along
with the pizzicato bass line of the last five bars, they provide the
complementary pitches to the long-held final chord, 2, which is
passed from one instrumental choir to another in a series of quiet
attacks. But to the end impetus is maintained by three snare drums
and high strings. As in the first movement, three gongs signal the
Text and music
The relationship between text and music in this movement is, in
outline, simple. Fire and water materials alternate from b.5 up to the
final notes of statement A of the pitch cycle (ES). From after the
fermata at E2 up to the end of the '0 King' cycles at J, the voices
concentrate on materials from the four interrelated myths shown in
example 1: at first the M.21M.125 relationship, which dominates the
second statement of the cycle; and thereafter, from G, the relations
between M.124 and the 'missing' M.1, which occupy the third and
fourth cycle. As the final monody enters at J so, too, do new myth
materials that focus irrevocably on the underlying theme of the
whole work: 'la vie breve'.
Other materials are added to complicate this straightforward
pattern. There are occasional interjections derived from the Beckett
text of the third movement. But the most notable and idiosyncratic
of these additions is a series of four analytical observations taken
from U!vi-Strauss's text and rewritten by Berio so as to apply to
music. They are set out below:
Berio Levi-Strauss
Partiel ou provisoire,
.. Partiel et provisoire,
ce dernier commentaire I'ebauche de synthese OU nous
a mene la deuxieme partie
n'est pas convain~ant, n'est pas absolument convain~ante,
car iI laisse de cote car elle laisse de cote
d'importants aspects d'importants fragments
de nos themes. (BB-14) du my the de reference, (p.155)
Synthesis and Dissolution
Mais pourtant les themes sont la, Pourtant les mythes sont la,
qui affirment la priorite qui affirment la priorite
de la discontinuite universelle de la discontinuite universelle
des themes sur la continuite des especes sur la continuite
de I' organisation interne interne du chromatisme
a chacuns. (D7-9, F2-G3) particulier a chacune. (p.330)
Avant de terminer
d'une fa,on provisoirement
" Avant d'en terminer
definitive (II Vienne on dit avec les codes sensoriels,
'definitivement provisoire')
il faudrait resoudre il est indispensable de resoudre
quelque contradiction (E2) une contradiction. (p.l68)
This curious procedure might lead one to suppose that, like cer-
tain of the Beckett quotations in the third movement, these are to be
used to comment on specific musical events. Some of them can be
interpreted in that way - notably IX , which is generically appropriate
within this context. Passage p was originally a discussion of how
different bird feathers are recognized as belonging to specific species
rather than being allotted a place in the colour spectrum; and in its
new version it might be taken as a comment on the various quota-
tions from the third movement, which listeners will identify accord-
ing to their source rather than in terms of common technical
features. But " and lJ, which appear simultaneously at E2, are
frankly indecipherable in musical terms. One is inclined to conclude
that if Berio was intent upon working at the limits of comprehensi-
bility, then these fragments of analytical mumbo-jumbo were placed
deliberately beyond it.
Fire vs. Water
The insertion of these materials clouds an otherwise simple process.
Materials representing the fire myth M.9 - in all cases but one the
familiar 'appel bruyantl doux appel' - alternate with the other myths
to which it is related by homologous triads (see above, p.ll). One of
these, Levi-Strauss's 'mythe de reference' M.l, was notably absent
from the first movement; and it is this which first alternates with
M.9, though always presented in tandem with its familiar trans-
formational opposite, M.124. They emerge from the phonetic under-
growth at b.13, as chord I from the first movement establishes itself;
but they manage only a few words before they are cut off. They are
Playing on Words
Synthesis and Dissolution
well seek refuge in the score; but there he will discover a maze of
allusions to things beyond the score. The more avidly he seeks to
pin these down, the more clear will it become that there is no logical
end to his activities. But this moment of scholastic exasperation
(richly familiar to students of Joyce, or Pound, or Borges) serves to
underline the necessity of coming to grips with that initial confusion
in another, and complementary way - that of learning to be
receptive to the peculiarly vivid aesthetic impact of the half-
understood. Seen thus, the ellipses and allusions of the 'modernist'
tradition, and the verbal and musical superpositions of Berio's own
work offer not gratuitous mystification, but a survival kit against the
facile nihilism that so easily informs attempts to analyse a disjointed,
relativistic environment in which 'the unexpected is always upon
us'. The more determinedly a study such as this seeks to track down
allusions, to trace formal processes, the more clamorously does it
evoke the necessity for its complementary mode of perception. The
exposition of art as artefact is a necessary moment of demystification
- for by suggesting how it was put together, it challenges you to
consider what it would be like to do something similar - but it is
only useful if it can serve as a springboard back to the limits of the
comprehensible, where many things sound at once.
Altmann, Peter. Sinfonia von Luciano Berio: eine analytische Studie. Universal
Edition, Vienna, 1977.
Bauer-Lechner, Natalie. Recollections of Gustav Mahler. Translation by Dika
Newlin of Erinnerungen an Gustav Mahler (Leipzig, 1923) with notes by
Peter Franklin. Faber Music with Faber & Faber, London, 1980.
Beckett, Samuel. The Unnamable. Translation, by the author, of L'innommable
(Paris, 1952). John Calder, London, 1958; new edition by Calder & Boyars,
London, 1975.
Berio, Luciano. 'Poesia e musica - un 'esperienza'. Incontri musicali: Quaderni
internazionali di musica contemporanea, iii (1959), 98ff. French translation
in Contrechamps, i: Luciano Berio (1983), 24-35.
- - . 'Meditation on a Twelve-tone Horse'. Christian Science Monitor, 15 July
1968. French translation in Contrechamps, i: Luciano Berio (1983), 4~50.
- - . Two Interviews. Translation by David Osmond-Smith of Intervista sulla
musica (Bari, 1981). Marion Boyars, London, 1985.
Budde, Elmar. 'Zum dritten Satz der Sinfonia von Luciano Berio' Die Musik
der sechziger Jahre: zwiilf Versuche, ed. Rudolf Stephan, 12S-44. Schott,
Mainz, 1972.
Dressen, Norbert. Sprache lind Musik bei Luciano Berio: Untersuchungen zu
seiner Vokalcompositionen. Gustav Bosse, Regensburg, 1982.
Flynn, George W. 'Listening to Berio's Music' The Musical Quarterly, Ixi
(1975), 388-421.
Hicks, Michael. 'Text, Music, and Meaning in Berio's Sinfonia, 3rd
Movement'. Perspectives of New Music, xx (1981-2), 199-224.
International Phonetic Association. The Principles of the International Phone'ic
Association. I.P.A., London, 1949.
Jahnke, Sabine. 'Materialien zu einer Unterrichtssequenz: Des Antonius von
Padua Fischpredigt bei Orff-Mahler-Berio'. Musik und Bildung, v (1973),
Krieger, Georg, and Wolfgang Martin Stroh. 'Probleme der Collage in der
Musik, aufgezeigt am 3. Satz der Sinfonia von Luciano Berio' Musik und
Bildung, iii (1971), 229-35.
Levi-Strauss, Claude. Le cru et Ie cuit. Pion, Paris, 1964. English translation
by John and Doreen Weightman as The Raw and the Cooked. Jonathan
Cape, London, 1970.
Lyons, John (ed.). New Horiwns in Linguistics. Penguin, Harrnondsworth,
Mitchell, Donald. Gustav Mahler: the Wunderhorn Years. Faber & Faber,
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Tibbe, Monika. Uher die Verwendung von Liedern und Liedelementen in
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Jones, Daniel, 35 reduction, 39, 43-6
joyce, james, 4,55,59,90; Finnegans resurrection imagery, 7, 71
Wake, -1-5, 53, 90; Ulysses, 8,14,55
Sanguinet;, Edoardo, 4, 9
King, Martin Luther, 6, 7, 74 Schoenberg, Arnold: Fun! Orchesterstiicke
Op.1b, 7, 50, 53, 57--S, 67, 70
layering: of musical materials, 3-4, 5, Schumann, Robert: Dichterliebe, 41-3, 54
1S-19; of verbal materials, 04-5 Second Viennese School, 39
Levi-Strauss, Claude: Le au rt Ie (!lit, 5, 7, selective resonance, 21. 31-2
9-15,75,77,86-8; L'ho"'mc n", 9 n.5 sets: governing pitch, 17-19, 21-26, 76,
78,80,81-5; governing rhythm, 26-9,
Maderna, Bruno. 2 78-9
Mahler. Gustav, 39; Des Antollius von sforzando attacks. 4.17,23,78,79,81,85
Pad"a Fischpr<,digl, 7, 4(}-3; Symphony solfege. 58-9, 66
No.2, 6, 7,39--54. 56-71, 7~. 78. 81; Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 48; Gruppt'n, 71
Symphony NoA. 50, 58; Symphony Strauss, Richard, 39, 47; Der Rosenka1.lalier
No.9, 48. 61 46.48. 50. 65. 71
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 70 Stravinsky, Igor, 47; Ago., 48, 56, 62--1,
Milan Conservatory, 2 68,81; Lr Saar du prinlemps. 46, 48, 56,
Monteverdi, Claudio; L'Orfeo 5 60.62
myth materials. see Levi-Strauss Striggio, Alessandro, 5
Studio di fonologia, Milan, 2
Nattiez, jean-jacques, 13 Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon: Variations
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, b n.5 'Mein junges Leben', 71
Swingle Singers, 2, 4, 6 n.5
octave displacement, 47, 60, 64, ~9 Swingle II, 6 n.5
orchestra (disposition of), 2-4
Orchestre National de France, 6 n.5 text, sources of. 9--11, 54-5, 74. 86-q
ostinato, 46,57, 59, ~9 texture, 3, 16, 74
third-based chords, see Harmony
permutation: of phonetic materials. 35-7; Titanic, sinking of, 5
of pitch materials, 17-19 troping (phonetic), 37
phonetic alphabet, 8,34
phonetic materials, 8, 13-15, 34-7, 74 Valery, Paul: Le crmetiere marin, 55, 56, 70
pitch <ydes/sets, see Sets virtual counterpoint, 19
Pound, Ezra, 9, 90 vocal resources, 1,55
Pousseur, Henri: CouleuTs crois/es, 66 vowel rotation, 35-6
quotation, 39, 41-4, 47-50 water imagery, 6-7, 9--10, 53, 58, 67--S,
Ravel. Maurice, 39, 47; Daphnis el Chloe, Webern, Anton, 48; 11. Kanlale, 71
48,60; La Valse, 46, 48, 50, 54, 59-61.