AM335x Schematic Checklist: Application Report
AM335x Schematic Checklist: Application Report
AM335x Schematic Checklist: Application Report
This application report highlights board design recommendations when using the AM335x family of
devices. The recommendations are intended to supplement the information provided in the device-specific
technical reference manual and data sheet. It is not an all-encompassing list, but rather a succinct
reference for board designers that highlights certain caveats and care-abouts related to different use
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
2 Recommendations Specific to AM335x ................................................................................... 1
3 References ................................................................................................................... 9
List of Figures
1 AM335x Starter Kit, 24-Bit LCD ............................................................................................ 5
2 BeagleBone Black, 16-Bit LCD ............................................................................................ 6
List of Tables
1 AM335x Power Solutions ................................................................................................... 7
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1 Introduction
This application report applies to the AM335x family of devices listed on the AM335x Cortex-A8 Overview.
On this overview page are links to TI hardware designs based on AM335x.
For more information, see the device-specific product pages that contain up-to-date information and
resources, including application reports and user's guides to facilitate schematic and board design.
2.3.1 Pinmux
All pinmux settings must be verified using the TI Pinmux tool to ensure valid IOSets have been used. The
tool can be downloaded from Pin Mux Tool.
2.3.2 Pullups
• Ensure all pullups connected to AM335x are pulled up to the correct I/O voltage to avoid any leakage
between the I/O rails of AM335x. Each terminal has an associated voltage used to power its I/O cell.
This can be found in the AM335x data sheet, in the Ball Characteristics table under the "ZCE Power/
ZCZ Power" column.
– For example, if you want to pull up terminal SPI0_CS0 in any mux mode (gpio0_5, i2c1_scl, and so
forth), pull up the signal to VDDSHV6.
2.5 Clocking
• If you do not need RTC-only mode and the RTC timer feature, you do not need to include a 32 KHz
crystal. The 32 KHz reference can come from the high frequency clock. Leave the
• Per Advisory 1.0.30 in the device Silicon Errata, VSS_OSC and VSS_RTC should be connected to
system ground.
• It is preferable to always have bias and dampening resistors that can help tune the crystal later. For
more details, see the Clock Specifications section of the device-specific data sheet.
2.6.1 DDR2
DDR_VREF can be derived using a resistor divider with decoupling to both DDR supply and ground.
Follow the recommendations as documented in the DDR2 Routing Guidelines section in the device-
specific data sheet.
2.6.2 DDR3
• For point-to-point DDR3 topologies (single x16 DDR3 IC), VTT termination is not needed. Designs
using two x8 DDR3 IC’s may wish to consider using a termination regulator such as the TPS51200 for
the address/control signals.
• If using VTT termination:
– Do not use VTT termination for DDR_RESET. It should be connected directly from the AM335x to
– If VTT regulator is disabled during low power modes (by programming EN=0 using the TPS51200),
DDR_CKE should not be connected to termination resistors. The active discharge capability of the
regulator can cause a brief dip on this signal, which can be problematic. This would likely be true of
any VTT regulator with active discharge capability.
– Termination for clock signals is VDDS_DDR (along with an AC coupling capacitor), whereas, all
other signals need to use VTT for the termination voltage. For more details, see the device-specific
data sheet.
• If not using VTT termination, VREF should be obtained using a resistor divider (10Kohm 1%) with
capacitive decoupling to ground, and should be used as a reference for both CA and DQ pins on the
memory, as well as the VREF signal on AM335x. Be sure to use high precision (1%) resistors as
specified in the data sheet. When not using VTT, be especially sure to follow the routing guidelines in
the device-specific data sheet.
2.9 LCD
Be sure to consult the silicon errata for the proper pinout of the LCD interface. There is a usage note
titled, "LCD: Color Assignments of LCD_DATA Terminals" in the device Silicon Errata.
Note that the AM335x EVM "fixes" the pin mapping through a CPLD on the daughterboard, so be extra
careful to get the proper mapping!
• A good example of a 24-bit hookup comes from the AM335x Starter Kit shown in Figure 1.
• A good example of a 16-bit hookup comes from the BeagleBone Black that is shown in Figure 2. In this
case, the other LCD pins were preserved for use by capes.
• Notice that Red and Blue swap positions depending on whether you are outputting in 16-bit mode vs
24-bit mode (that is, the errata).
2.10 Power
• AM335x Power Solution
• Check the product pages on each device-specific application report when connecting the PMIC to
AM335x. Also check the device-specific data sheet for specific part numbers to be used for the
– Powering the AM335x With the TPS65217x
– Powering the AM335x With the TPS650250
– TPS65910x User's Guide for AM335x Processors User's Guide
– TPS65910x Schematic Checklist
• Ensure current capabilities of DCDC switchers and LDOs meet the maximum demand of all devices
that are attached. You can find the maximum current draw of all AM335x I/O rails in the data sheet. If
these rails from the PMIC also power other devices, the maximum current draw of these devices need
to be taken into consideration as well.
• Ensure I2C0 is used for communication to PMIC. All TI software distributions (Processor SDK, and so
forth) assumes the use of this interface with the PMIC.
2.11 Touchscreen
• Recommend adding 0ohm resistor to VDDA_ADC in case you need to add a filter for noise on the
• Check out the sampling voltage must not exceed the voltage of reference. Otherwise, it will affect the
whole TSC_ADC system. For example, if you add pull up to 3.0 V at the last four channel, this will lead
to the abnormal work of the whole system, including the first four.
• If the AM335x ADC/Touchscreen is not used, connect all TSC_ADC terminals (VREFP, VREFN,
AIN[7:0], VDDA_ADC, and VSSA_ADC) to same ground as all VSS terminals.
2.12 USB
For more details, see High-speed interface layout guidelines.
The AM335x USB0_ID and USB1_ID terminals should never be connected to any external voltage source.
These terminals should be open-circuit when the respective USB port is configured to operate in USB
peripheral mode, or should be connected to ground when the respective USB port is configured to operate
in USB host mode.
USBx_DP and USB_DM should never have any series resistors or capacitance on these signals. These
signals should be straight traces to the connector with no stubs or test points.
Typical connections for a USB peripheral:
• USBx_DP and USBx_DM are connected directly to the USB connector
• USBx_CE can be used if supporting charging. This generally would be connected to the enable of a
charging source for the battery.
• USBx_ID can be left unconnected
• USBx_DRVVBUS is not used and can be left unconnected
• USBx_VBUS should be connected directly to the VBUS pin on the USB connector
Typical connections for a USB host:
• USBx_DP and USBx_DM are connected directly to the USB connector
• USBx_CE is typically not used and can be left unconnected
• USDx_ID should be grounded
• USBx_DRVVBUS should be connected to the enable of the 5 V VBUS power source.
• USBx_VBUS should be connected to the output of the 5 V VBUS power source
Typical connections for a USB host with USB hub:
• USBx_DP and USBx_DM are connected directly to the USB hub upstream port. The hub then
distributes these signals to the downstream ports as needed.
• USBx_CE is typically not used and can be left unconnected
• USDx_ID should be grounded to enable host mode.
• USBx_DRVVBUS should be connected to the enable of the 5 V VBUS power source.
• USBx_VBUS should be connected to the output of the 5 V VBUS power source. It is also connected to
the VBUS detect on the hub, which allows the hub to selectively enable or disable typically through a
power switch to each downstream port.
2.14 Ethernet
While no series resistors are required for MII/RMII/RGMII, it is prudent include zero-Ω stuff options for the
TX and RX lines. Ideally, these option resistors should be as small as possible (0402 or smaller
recommended) and should be placed as close to the transmitter as possible.
3 References
• Texas Instruments: AM335x and AMIC110 Sitara™ Processors Technical Reference Manual
• Texas Instruments: Powering the AM335x With the TPS65217x
• Texas Instruments: Powering the AM335x With the TPS650250
• Texas Instruments: TPS65910x User's Guide for AM335x Processors
• Texas Instruments: TPS65910x Schematic Checklist
• Texas Instruments: AM335x Sitara™ Processors Data Manual
• Texas Instruments: High-Speed Interface Layout Guidelines
Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
• The RTC section was removed from this revision of the document. ............................................................... 1
• Added new Section 2.2 . ................................................................................................................. 2
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