Aamdosh Jatharagni
Aamdosh Jatharagni
Aamdosh Jatharagni
Ama is a Sanskrit word which literally means undigested or uncooked food materials.
The concept of Ama is the most important and fundamental principle in understanding the
pathology of the diseases. In Ayuvedic classics Ama which is the product of met meta-
bolic defect. It is formed due to improperly metabolized by product of food at Jatharagni
level (macro level), Bhutagni level (micro level) and at Dhatavagni level. Ama is mostly re-
sponsible for the development of various diseases process in the body. Its importance is also
reflected by the word Amya, which is a synonym given to Vyadhi. Dosha Prakopa, etiologi-
cal factors also play an important role in manifestation of Ama.. Its action is like that of toxic
substances that is called Amavisha.
Ama is not a single entity but is a generalised term, which can be applied to many
malformed substances in the body
body i.e. free radicals. It brings the disease. Here also we can
compare them with that of Ama.. So any substance which is remained stable without any Paka
or remained as residual during improper metabolism can be considered as Ama, such as ke-
tone, uric acid, cholesterols etc. The role of these factors is all ready established fact in cer-
tain auto immune disorders. So Ama is considered as a root cause of all disorders in A Ay-
urveda. The product of digested is generally utilized or excreted. But if cannot be utili
utilized or
excreted, that toxic substance remain in the body and vitiated the body tissue mechanism.
The tissue looses their structural or functional integrity. Thus even hypercholesterolemia, hhy-
perglycaemia, hyperaemia, hypertriglyceridemia and all the biochemical
biochemical values when in the
excess and cannot be utilized or excreted from the body, are called Ama.
Keywords: Agni, Ama, Amavisha,
Amavisha Digestion, Dhatu, Dosha, Mala, Metabolism, Free radical,
Ama the term is literally means raw, eases and also in modification of disease
unripened, uncooked, unbaked, immature process. Its
ts importance is also reflected by
and undigested. Ama is produced when the the word ‘Amya’ which is a synonym to
Agni (Pachakaagni i.e. Jatharagni) is slow the Vyadhi.
and low (Mandagni). Etymology-
Ama is a peculiar concept in Ay- A The word ‘Ama’ is, the combination of
urveda, for which modern chemistry has ‘Am’ dhatu with ‘Nich’
Nich’ pratyaya forms the
no correlate. In Ayurvedic classics, Ama word Ama, which is subjected to digestion
which is the product of metabolic defect it i.e. undigested or unprocessed matter.1
has been considered an important factor
for the pathogenesis of most of the dis-
Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
The word Ama is derived from enumerated, Bhuta means the physicoma-
Ama Dhatu with the suffix ‘A’. It means terial classification of food and body ele-
improper or partially digested matter. ments. Thereafter Dhatvagni have been
The word Ama found in Ayurvedic expounded, Dhatu here means the basic
literature is incompletely fermented and elements of the body. The functions of
unripened substances.2 Dhatvagni refer to tissue (Dhatu) metabo-
DEFINITION OF AMA - In Ayurveda lism. In sum, Jatharagni (gastro-intestinal
various definitions of Ama are quoted in metabolism secretion, enzyme), Bhutagni
the texts, some of which are as follows- (five intermediary metabolism factors) and
Due to poor strength of Agni Dhatvagni (tissue metabolism) constitute
(Jatharagni), initial Rasadhatu becomes the thirteen types of Agni or Metabolic fac-
immature improperly metabolised and this tors of Ayurveda. By the Ayurvedic litera-
unmetabolised substance i.e. Annarasa is ture, the food material is first digested and
still left in stomach is known as Ama. This absorbed by the Jatharagni in Amashaya
Annarasa undergoes fermentation (Dush- and Grahani. Then it is transported to the
tata) being retained in the Amashaya liver for Bhutagni Paka and from there, the
(stomach and small intestine) called Ama- product of nutrition is processed in the tis-
rasa.3/4 sues by the Dhatvagni. Normally digestion
If Kayagni fails to perform normal at all levels proper functioning of these
functions leads to accumulation of un- Agni is absolute necessary. But, whenever
digested food material inside Agnivyapara took the shape of Mandagni,
Amashaya, which is the initial Rasad- the resultant material will be unripened,
hatu is called Ama.5 undigested formation of what in Ayurvedic
The food residue which is not digested terms is known as Ama. In terms of me-
due to impairment of Agni is known as tabolism, it is defective metabolism. 6
Ama and it is said to be the root cause AETIOLOGY OF AMA-
of all the diseases. From the above discussion, it is
Other meanings of the word Ama clear that Jatharagni is the root cause of
found in Ayurvedic literature are- in- Ama. So the factors responsible for mal-
completely, fermented and unripened functioning of Agni are also responsible
substance, unbaked and incompletely for Ama. Charaka described the aetiologi-
developed substance, and unprocessed cal factors in details.7
substance. 1. Aharja- Abhojana (fasting), Atibhojana
From the above definitions it is (Overeating), Ajirnabhojana (in state of
clear that Agni (jatharagni) plays an im- indigestion), Vishamashana (irregular dirt
portant role in the production of Ama. The habits), Asatmyabhojana, Virudhhabho-
relationship of Agni and Ama - jana (indulgence in diet) not homologus to
Jatharagni or Koshagni, Panchbhutagni, body, food qualities like Guru (heavy),
and Dhatvagni are the main three Agni Sheeta (cold) ,Shuska (dry), Ruksha (fat
present inside the body. Jatharagni is the deficient food), Vidahi (acidic), Viruddha
digestive fire that controls the various di- ahara (incompatible diet) leads to the fail-
gestive processes within the body. When ure of digestion of even easily digestible
there is hypofunctioning of Agni proper food.
digestion is hampered resulting in the for- 2. Viharaja- Sandharnata (suppression of
mation of Ama. Then Bhutagni have been natural urges), Svapna viparyaya (keeping