Aamdosh Jatharagni

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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari
Assistant Professor & H.O.D. Rog-nidan
Rog and Vikruti Vidnyan S.G.R. Ayurved Mahavidy
laya, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

Ama is a Sanskrit word which literally means undigested or uncooked food materials.
The concept of Ama is the most important and fundamental principle in understanding the
pathology of the diseases. In Ayuvedic classics Ama which is the product of met meta-
bolic defect. It is formed due to improperly metabolized by product of food at Jatharagni
level (macro level), Bhutagni level (micro level) and at Dhatavagni level. Ama is mostly re-
sponsible for the development of various diseases process in the body. Its importance is also
reflected by the word Amya, which is a synonym given to Vyadhi. Dosha Prakopa, etiologi-
cal factors also play an important role in manifestation of Ama.. Its action is like that of toxic
substances that is called Amavisha.
Ama is not a single entity but is a generalised term, which can be applied to many
malformed substances in the body
body i.e. free radicals. It brings the disease. Here also we can
compare them with that of Ama.. So any substance which is remained stable without any Paka
or remained as residual during improper metabolism can be considered as Ama, such as ke-
tone, uric acid, cholesterols etc. The role of these factors is all ready established fact in cer-
tain auto immune disorders. So Ama is considered as a root cause of all disorders in A Ay-
urveda. The product of digested is generally utilized or excreted. But if cannot be utili
utilized or
excreted, that toxic substance remain in the body and vitiated the body tissue mechanism.
The tissue looses their structural or functional integrity. Thus even hypercholesterolemia, hhy-
perglycaemia, hyperaemia, hypertriglyceridemia and all the biochemical
biochemical values when in the
excess and cannot be utilized or excreted from the body, are called Ama.
Keywords: Agni, Ama, Amavisha,
Amavisha Digestion, Dhatu, Dosha, Mala, Metabolism, Free radical,

Ama the term is literally means raw, eases and also in modification of disease
unripened, uncooked, unbaked, immature process. Its
ts importance is also reflected by
and undigested. Ama is produced when the the word ‘Amya’ which is a synonym to
Agni (Pachakaagni i.e. Jatharagni) is slow the Vyadhi.
and low (Mandagni). Etymology-
Ama is a peculiar concept in Ay- A The word ‘Ama’ is, the combination of
urveda, for which modern chemistry has ‘Am’ dhatu with ‘Nich’
Nich’ pratyaya forms the
no correlate. In Ayurvedic classics, Ama word Ama, which is subjected to digestion
which is the product of metabolic defect it i.e. undigested or unprocessed matter.1
has been considered an important factor
for the pathogenesis of most of the dis-
Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
The word Ama is derived from enumerated, Bhuta means the physicoma-
Ama Dhatu with the suffix ‘A’. It means terial classification of food and body ele-
improper or partially digested matter. ments. Thereafter Dhatvagni have been
The word Ama found in Ayurvedic expounded, Dhatu here means the basic
literature is incompletely fermented and elements of the body. The functions of
unripened substances.2 Dhatvagni refer to tissue (Dhatu) metabo-
DEFINITION OF AMA - In Ayurveda lism. In sum, Jatharagni (gastro-intestinal
various definitions of Ama are quoted in metabolism secretion, enzyme), Bhutagni
the texts, some of which are as follows- (five intermediary metabolism factors) and
Due to poor strength of Agni Dhatvagni (tissue metabolism) constitute
(Jatharagni), initial Rasadhatu becomes the thirteen types of Agni or Metabolic fac-
immature improperly metabolised and this tors of Ayurveda. By the Ayurvedic litera-
unmetabolised substance i.e. Annarasa is ture, the food material is first digested and
still left in stomach is known as Ama. This absorbed by the Jatharagni in Amashaya
Annarasa undergoes fermentation (Dush- and Grahani. Then it is transported to the
tata) being retained in the Amashaya liver for Bhutagni Paka and from there, the
(stomach and small intestine) called Ama- product of nutrition is processed in the tis-
rasa.3/4 sues by the Dhatvagni. Normally digestion
 If Kayagni fails to perform normal at all levels proper functioning of these
functions leads to accumulation of un- Agni is absolute necessary. But, whenever
digested food material inside Agnivyapara took the shape of Mandagni,
Amashaya, which is the initial Rasad- the resultant material will be unripened,
hatu is called Ama.5 undigested formation of what in Ayurvedic
 The food residue which is not digested terms is known as Ama. In terms of me-
due to impairment of Agni is known as tabolism, it is defective metabolism. 6
Ama and it is said to be the root cause AETIOLOGY OF AMA-
of all the diseases. From the above discussion, it is
 Other meanings of the word Ama clear that Jatharagni is the root cause of
found in Ayurvedic literature are- in- Ama. So the factors responsible for mal-
completely, fermented and unripened functioning of Agni are also responsible
substance, unbaked and incompletely for Ama. Charaka described the aetiologi-
developed substance, and unprocessed cal factors in details.7
substance. 1. Aharja- Abhojana (fasting), Atibhojana
From the above definitions it is (Overeating), Ajirnabhojana (in state of
clear that Agni (jatharagni) plays an im- indigestion), Vishamashana (irregular dirt
portant role in the production of Ama. The habits), Asatmyabhojana, Virudhhabho-
relationship of Agni and Ama - jana (indulgence in diet) not homologus to
Jatharagni or Koshagni, Panchbhutagni, body, food qualities like Guru (heavy),
and Dhatvagni are the main three Agni Sheeta (cold) ,Shuska (dry), Ruksha (fat
present inside the body. Jatharagni is the deficient food), Vidahi (acidic), Viruddha
digestive fire that controls the various di- ahara (incompatible diet) leads to the fail-
gestive processes within the body. When ure of digestion of even easily digestible
there is hypofunctioning of Agni proper food.
digestion is hampered resulting in the for- 2. Viharaja- Sandharnata (suppression of
mation of Ama. Then Bhutagni have been natural urges), Svapna viparyaya (keeping

616 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015

Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
awakening in night and sleeping in days), food. But due to low Jatharagni the food
Dukhashayya (uncomfortable bleeding), is not properly digested and Ama is
Atyambupana (drinking of water exces- formed. Therefore it’s its absorption be-
sively) may give rise to Amadosha. 8 comes sluggish due to its Guna like Guru,
Iatrogenic Causes - Erroneous inadequate Pichhila and it gets retained in the intes-
administration of PanchakarmaVidhi i.e. tine for a longer time.11
Vaman, Virechana, Basti Karma, Sneha After sometimes virulent Ama un-
Karma can also produce Ama. dergoes fermentation and putrefaction and
3. Mansika- Consumption of food while a new product having the properties simi-
afflicted with mental upset due to Kama lar to Visha toxic is formed, the termed as
(Lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Ama-Visha and it is the root cause of all
Moha (temptation), Irshaya (jealousy), diseases.12
shoka (Mental stresses, grief), Bhaya 2. Ama produced by Bhutagnimandya –
(fear), Lajja (shame), Chinta (worry) are After completion of breaking down of food
responsible for Agnimandyajanya Ama. particles by Jatharagni, the Bhutagni di-
Miscellaneous- Desha, Kala, Rhutu gest the particles of their own.13 When
Vaishmya (adverse seasons habitats and Bhutagni do not act properly Ama will be
time), Vyadhikarshana (emaciation due to produced.
chronic disease), also give rise to Ama.9 3. Ama produced by Dhatavagnimandya -
SAMPRAPTI (PATHOGENESIS) OF Dhatavagni plays a role in the process of
AMA- formation of Dhatu tissue from the nutri-
As described in following lines at- ent substances of the particular dhatu
tempt has been made to understand the .Hence when the power of the Dhatavagni
process of formation of Ama. The primary of a particular Dhatu is diminished, either
source of Ama is the digestive system. in the liver or in a particular Srotasa, the
Ama produced in liver also or at other tis- formation or utilization of that Dhatu be-
sue or cellular level, depending on the etio- comes incomplete and Ama is produced
logical factors. B. Malasanchayajanya Ama - (Accumula-
A. Ama produced as a consequence of tion of waste product in body)
Agnimandya – Agni is the energy responsible for
Almost all the Acharyas are of the transformation of food substances, which
opinion that malfunctioning of the Agni is converted to Dhatus, and Upadhatu are
leads to the production of Ama. Normally, produced. This is anabolic activity of
whatever type of food consumed is firstly Dhatavagni. During this process, Dhatu
acted upon by Jatharagni in Amashaya.10 substances again digested disintegrated
Then it is transported to the Liver for and utilized for the liberation of heat and
Bhutagni paka and thereafter the product energy by the Dhatavagni, this is catabolic
of nutrition is processed in the tissues by process. At that time certain minute waste
Dhatavagni. So it is obvious from the products are formed i.e. kleda, and the ex-
above description that the metabolism or cess kleda is excreted from body. When
Agnivyapara may be defective at three this excretion becomes inadequate due to
levels which are described as under - excessive production it gets accumulated
1. Ama produced by Jatharagnimandya – in the body and stagnation of these mala in
Normal activity of Jatharagni is essential srotasa cause srotorodha. These being ex-
for the complete and proper digestion of ert adverse effect on digestion and metabo-

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Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
lism and that metabolic waste can be con- each other, they produce interaction be-
sidered as Ama i.e. blood urea uric acid, tween them in such conditions of opposite
cholesterol etc. Lead to various disorders. qualities, instead of nullifying each other
C. Dosha-sammurcchana – Interaction interact and produce a toxic substances i.e.
between vitiated doshas. Ama.
The first stage of vitiation of Dosha is D) Krimi Visha (Bacterial toxins) –When
Sanchayavastha (accumulation in their an infection is caused by the pathogenic
own places) 14 Every Dosha has certain organisms, they liberate a toxic substance,
qualities. After vitiated doshas combined (i.e. Endo-toxin & Exo-toxin)
Formation of Ama -
Etiological factors/ Nidan Sevana
Dosha Prakopa
Pitta Vata Kapha
Disturbance in Agni (Hypo functioning of Agni at Jatharagni Level)
Dhatavagni Daurbalya
Unmetabolism of Rasa Dhatu
Collection of annarasa
Sanchaya of Ama
Prakopa of Ama
Sthanasangraha of Ama in Khavligunya
Manifestation of disease

Properties of Ama- & Mala) resulting into the formation of

Due to the consumption of various kinds of disorders. Vyadhi, which
nidana , which are capable of exacerbat- engendered from Sama are also known as
ing dosha and brining mildness in Agni, Samavyadhi in Ayurveda. 18
after this whatever is again eaten or drunk Ama is Avipakwa (undigested),
by ignoramus person, the same becomes Asanyukta (not well formed). It is always
improperly digested this transformed into in the form of incompletely digested sub-
sourness in Amashaya is called Amav- stance. It is non-homogenous, has a very
isha.16,17 bad or foul odour, which can be experi-
Sama - is a condition manifests due to enced only when it is combined with ex-
amalgamation of dosha and dushya (Dhatu cretory products such as sweat, urine and

618 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015

Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
stool etc. It is always very sticky and gastrointestinal disorders. Sometimes due
greasy or mucoid in nature19. The product to external negative influences (e.g. emo-
of digestion and metabolism is generally tional stress, strains, adverse weather, in-
utilized or excreted out. But if that cannot appropriate food and habits) and improper
be utilized or excreted, they remain in the secretions of digestive juices by liver and
body and vitiated the body tissue mecha- pancreas, not all the food digested. In that
nism (i.e. Dhatusamata).The tissue lose half of it absorbed as a nutrients and rest of
their structural or functional integrity.20 it, as a waste products. But there still re-
When such things collect in the body it mains a half undigested, unmeabolised
produces lethargy in body. food product that circulates in the body as
Role of Ama or root cause of disease - toxins.
Ama originates from improperly Ama is also considered as an ac-
digested toxic particles that clog the srotas cumulation of Mala (egests and metabolic
in body. Some of these soratas are physi- by products) in the body during process of
cal and include the Gastrointestinal Tract, digestion and metabolism leading to de-
lymphatic system, Arteries and Veins, velopment of various ailment.
Capillaries and Genitourinary tract also Ama lines the walls of the bowel,
Respiratory and Cardiovascular system. impending absorption and assimilation of
Others or nonphysical srotas called nutrients. This toxic material Ama, can be
Vatanadimandalas (CNS) through which viewed as a foreign toxic substance by the
your energy flows. Ama the toxic sub- body and the immune system can react by
stance accumulates wherever there is a forming antibodies to it, giving rise to an-
weakness in the body and this will result in tigen-antibody complexes and resulting in
disease. immune disorders. During the physiology
Ama itself act as a disease, there is accumulation of impurities and
sometimes becomes too toxic to the body toxins, from inside the body come internal
by its manifestation and starts as a toxic metabolic and cellular waste products,
agent i.e. Amavisha and become difficult such as free radical damaged cells and tis-
to treat; besides this Ama also produces sues and from outside come external impu-
various disorders, called Amadoshaj Vi- rities such as pesticides (from food & wa-
kara.20 So, Ama is root cause of all dis- ter), pollutants (from air) and toxins that
eases. occur naturally in foods. All these are col-
Ama in modern view- lectively referred to as Ama. In modern
Ama is a concept that can be parameters, Ama is supposed to be free
understood as accumulated of unutilized, radicals. It is a molecule that contain un-
unmetabolised due hypofunctioning of di- paired electron, they are unstable chemical
gestive and metabolic enzymes. This un- formed in the body during metabolism and
transformed food material accumulates in cause degenerative changes also diseases.
the gastro-intestinal level (Ama-Annarasa), Ama in the blood vessels can be under-
metabolic waste (Malasanchaya). Ama is stood as the accumulation of lipids and
state of intermediately metabolites which other substances in the walls of the blood
are toxic in nature, hinders the absorption vessels in results of blockage, in the joints
products of digestion increase or decreases Stiffness and so on.21
the peristalsis and on absorption produces SYMPTOMS OF AMA -
gastrointestinal disorders as well as extra

619 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015

Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
Ama presents features as per its vagni. There are mainly three levels of
fusion with specific Dhatu or its location. Ama viz - Ama annarasa (untransformed
General characteristic of Ama are, Sro- food material) at the gastrointestinal level,
torodha (obstruction of channels), Balab- Malasanchaya (collect of metabolic waste)
hransha (loss of strength), Gaurava (fell- and Prathma Dosha-dusti (sudden vitia-
ing of heaviness), Anilmudhata (obstruc- tion of Dosha due to extrinsic factor). Agni
tion of vayu), Alasya (laziness), Apakti becomes impaired because of an imbal-
(indigestion), Nisthiva (excessive saliva- ance in the Tridosha, the metabolism is
tion), Malasanga (constipation), Aruchi drastically affected food materials remain
(anorexia), and Klama (fatigueness). undigested and unabsorbed. That material
1. Presence of Ama in the body, diag- Posses the property of Visha or toxin sub-
nostic criteria- stance, accumulate in the body, which is
On the presence of Ama in the called Ama. Due to low and slow of Agni
body, we can correlate the parameters to leads to formation of improperly digested
understand the changes in stool and urine. initial Rasadhatu or Annarasa, this under-
Stool floating test as mentioned by goes fermentation and putrefaction being
Charak.22 Stool with Ama settles at the retained in the Amashaya, called Amarasa,
bottom, while Without Ama float on the i.e. Ama. It has been described as sticky,
surface of water, on pouring patients stool foul smelling toxin substance within the
in full of water tank, stool also haying body. Ama also formed by bacterial inva-
physical changes in colour, foul smelling sion. Bacteria emit toxins into the system
and consistency. Urine shows slimy, foul and aggravate Ama. The body has a capac-
smelling, high specific gravity and varying ity to acclimatize even the changes in
in colour.23. By the laboratory investigation weather. But when these two i.e. digestion
which includes detection of specific auto- and metabolism is poor or acclimatization
antibodies, agglutination reaction tests, cannot properly take place, some foreign
ELISA test etc. Used to detect various material is accumulated, called as Ama.27
auto-immune disorders.24 As per modern theory, the struc-
Sama is state of intermixing of tural changes in the enzymes at level of
Ama with Dosha, Dhatu and Mala indenti- Transcription or translation can lead to
fied by the specific features of Sama- production of intermediary metabolite i.e.
dosha, Sama-dhatu (Sama-dushya), and free radical. similarly Ama is also being
Sama-mala. Symptoms of Ama aggravated produced whenever there is Malfunction of
by Snehana, in the morning hours, at night Agni in the body .The action of various
and during the cloudy atmosphere.25 enzymes as the action of Agni by Ay-
urveda so it is true that impairment of
DISCUSSION: Agni at cellular level causes the genera-
Ama is a generic term for tion of free radicals i.e. Ama.
food that is absorbed into the system with- Ama i.e. impure material (Ama or free
out having first been properly digested. radical) have tendency to create clogs the
Such material cannot be used by the sys- intestine and other channels, at different
tem and acts to clog it. level (i.e. micro and macro level) and un-
It is cleared from above cita- dergoes many chemical changes which
tion that Ama is the resultant of hypofunc- create toxins. These toxins are absorbed
tioning of Jatharagni as well as Dhat- into the blood and enter the general circu-

620 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015

Bhojraj Arun Chaudhari :Critical Evaluation Of Ama
lation they eventually accumulate in the values of blood, urine, stool, semen, spu-
weaker parts of the body i.e. Kha- tum, salivary secretion etc. may be under-
Vaigunya, where they create contraction, stood as Ama condition. Direct influence
clogging, stagnation and weakness of the of Ama observed in Amavata, Vatrakta,
organs and reduce the immune mechanism Grahani roga, Kasa, Pandu, Kamala, Ku-
of respective system or tissue .Once set- shta etc.28
tled, Ama begins affecting the body and Through study of the Ayurvedic
the mind both structurally and function- literature reveals that Ama not only pro-
ally, thereby producing disease. duces local gastrointestinal disorders, but
Critical Evaluation of Ama: also generates various extra gastrointesti-
The main factor for the formation nal disorders.
Ama is deranged functions of Agni. If it
remains for longer duration in Amashaya, REFERANCES
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charya Shri Yadunandanopadhyay, CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
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no.5/10-11, Page no.508-509. and Vikruti Vidnyan
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Verse no.2/8 Page no.

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None
622 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 2; February- 2015

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