International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine: Ahara Vidhi - The Ayurvedic Dietary Concepts

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e-ISSN: 2456-4435
April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 rd | Issue: 2nd

International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine

Ahara vidhi – the Ayurvedic dietary concepts
Jyoti Bala Sahu*1, Anand B. More2

1. MD. Scholar
2. Professor and H.O.D. Mob. No.9422025732, Email Id.:

Dept. of Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyana,

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be) University Pune, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding author: Email Id.: ; Mob. No. 7083699585

Ethical approval:
Approved by the Abstract:
Institutional ethics The aim of Ayurved is to maintain the health of healthy
person and cure from diseases. In present era, diet and life
style are responsible for many diseases. According to
Conflict of Interest: Ayurved the living human body and diseases that afflict it
None declared
is both the product of Ahara. Ahara is considered as one
Sources of Funding: of the Tri upastambha of life. So many guidelines are
explained in Ayurvedic texts, which are titled as
Date of Submission: AharaVidhi, where the laws of do’s and don’ts about diet
27/02/2019. and drinks are given. At the presents many newer food
Date of Peer Review: processing methods are in practices which are harmful to
28/03/2019. human being. That’s why Ayurved suggest that one should
follow these guiding principles to prevent various
Date of Acceptance: diseases. Ayurved offers some basic dietary guidelines that
30/03/2019. include choosing appropriate food, combination of food,
Date of Publishing: cooking methods, quality and quantity of food, nature of
09/04/2019. consumer, geographical and environmental conditions etc.
On this background this review will be helpful to adopt
Name of Publication: the dietary directives in the day to day life.
Dudhamal Publications (OCP)
Pvt. Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai, Keywords:
Maharashtra, India
Ahara Vidhi, Dietary Habits, Upastambha.

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 1

INTRODUCTION: Ahara Vidhi Visesh Ayatana means (3) the

factors responsible for wholesome and
Ayurved has emphasized diet as one of unwholesome effect of the Ahara, which
the essential part of healthy life. It is are discussed in detail and are
likely that no other science has described summarized briefly below-
the unique effect of diet as thoroughly, as 1. Prakriti, 2. Karana, 3.
Ayurved described thousand years ago. In Samyoga, 4. Rashi,
Taittiriya Upanishad, it is explained that 5. Desha, 6. Kala, 7. Upyoga-
human being has originated from Ahara. samsatha, 8.Upyokta.
Ayurved has given detail discipline and
process to take the Ahara for an 1. Prakriti (Qualitative characteristic
individual and in general both. This of food):
discipline is titled as Ahara Vidhi. It means natural quality of food, drugs i.e.
Ayurved belives that, the reason for all inherent attributed like Guru, Laghu.
the disease depends on our digestive These are the innate properties of
process (1). Each Ahara either has Dosha substances. On the basis of nature, Green
aggravating or Dosha pacifying action on Gram, Grey Partridge are Laghu, while
body. Health and the disease both are the Black Gram, Meat are Guru. Nowadays,
product of Ahara, only the distinction is many hybrid foods are in use. E.g. Wheat,
Hita Ahara constitutes the health and Rice, Sugarcane, Watermelon, Mango,
Ahita Ahara dis-constitutes the health. Maize etc but in hybrid food articles all
Acharya Charaka has given a single lined the natural qualities are not present. So
sutra regarding the Vidhi of diet, which Prakriti is a factor which gives the
contains a lot for a person who wishes to complete knowledge about anything,
lead a healthy life. Wholesome diet is a that’s why it has been described first
main cause for the growth and among the eight factors (5).
development of the body, unwholesome
diet is cause of several diseases, So in our 2. Karana (Processing of Substances):
classics diet is having a very important
place, but to be a wholesome diet does Karana is also known as
not means only the food items, but it Sanskara. It means processing of
includes so many factors, which are titled substances which leads to alteration in the
as “AharaVidhi”, where the law of do’s inherent properties of substances (6). This
and don’ts about the diet and drinks are modification is brought about by dilution,
given. Our ancient Ayurvedic texts have application of heat (vaporization,
laid an immense emphasis on all aspects distillation and sublimation), clarification,
of Ahara and AharaVidhi. emulsification, storing, maturing,
flavouring, impregnation, preservation
REVIEW OF LITERATURE: and the material of receptacle.
As by processing, for example
Healthy food is dependent upon Vrihi which is heavy to digest, becomes
many factors such as mode of light when transformed in to Laja after
preparation, habitat, combination, time frying,
season of intake, manner of intake, body On the other hand, flour of roasted
constitution, Agnibala of consumer etc. grains becomes heavy when processed in
This dietetics and nutrition is well to cooked bolus.
elaborated in Ayurved in form of Ahara
Vidhi Visesh Ayatana and Ahara Vidhi 3. Samyoga (Combination / Mixing):
Vidhanam(2). Samyoga means combination of
two or more substances. This chemical

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 2

combination exhibits special properties food, one quarter with liquids, another
which none of the constituent ever quarter should be kept vacant for the free
possessed (7). movement of Vata (12).
For example -The combination of The absence of measure is laid
Honey and Ghee, Honey and Ghee taken down fewer than two heads-
alone is wholesome to the body but A. HeenaMatra -The diet which is
combined together, they become toxic. deficient in measure (Heena Matra) is
Similarly, Honey and Ghee in equal result in the impairment of strength,
quantity, Honey and Lotus seed are complexion and plumpness, in the
antagonistic. So we can say that though impairment of functions of life, and in the
Samyoga is very useful but it may be incidence of the 80 types of Vata
harmful too. disorders
A few examples of its usefulness are B. AtiMatra - The diet which is excessive
Guda and Curd in combination is more in measure (Ati Matra) is considered as
useful as it is having Snehana, Tarpana, Sarva Dosha Prakopka, it aggravates all
Hridya and Vataghna effects. the Doshas.
Milk with Ghee used regularly is the best 5. Desha (Habitat) (13) :
Rasayana. In the present context, Desha is
4. Rashi (Quantity): considered as Bhumi Desha and Deha
Rashi is the measure of the total Desha. Both the lands as well as the
mass and of each constituent in order to patient constitute Desha. Dosha are
determine the effects of the right and distributed in three different regions of
wrong doses (8). the body.
Sarvagraha– The Quantity of food taken Deha Desha –
in its entirety and, Our classics says that the first
Parigraha - The Quantity of each of its region of the body which extends from
ingredients. Hridaya to complete upper portion is
A person should have his diet in place of Kapha Dosha, the second region
proper amount; it means that a person extending between the Hridaya and
should have diet according to his Nabhi is place of Pitta Dosha while the
digestive power (Agni) (9). third region extends from Nabhi to
The lakshana of appropriate extreme down and have VataDosha.
amount of food is that it should be Bhumi Desha-
digested in proper time without causing Is grouped in three classes
any problem in the natural Prakriti of the according to the preponderance of
person (10). The Ahara in gross can be different Doshas, on the cause and effect
divided on the basis of Guru and Laghu. relationship with the climate of that
The Guru Ahara dravya have Prithvi and region i.e. Sun, Wind etc. These are
Jala Guna predominantly; that’s why Jangla, Anoopa and Sadharana Desha.
they pacify the Agni, if taken in large Acharya Charaka says that in the Jangala
amount so they should be taken 1/3 rdor ½ Deshathe Vata and Pitta are in
of the Kukshi. predominance, where as in the Anupa
On the other hand Laghu Ahara Dravyas Desha the predominance of Vata and
predominantly have Vayu and Agni Guna, Kapha is witnessed. Wholesomeness of
which intensify the Agni, so they are diet also depends on the Desha, Use of
considered to be least harmful even if dry and sharp substances in deserts and
they are eaten to a surfeit though they unctuous in Marshy land is having
should also take in improper amount (11). antagonistic effect.
As per Acharya Vagbhata described, half 6. Kala (Time)(14) :
of the stomach is to be filled with solid

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 3

Time is used in two senses, time in All people should follow these
the general sense and time in the sense of rules while eating the food to remain
stage. The sense of stage is used in healthy and enhance the span of life.
relation to disease (Avasthika Kala) and In spite of Ahara vidhi
the general sense is used in relation to viseshayatana some other rules are
seasonal wholesomeness (Nitayaga Kala), described in classics.
in form of day and night. Ahara vidhi vidhana (dietary guideline) is
Life as a whole starting from intrauterine described by Acharya Charaka . This is
period till death is the entire time explained in following points-
dynamic. Peoples are bound to face major Usnam Ashniyat (consuming warm
and minor changes in every moment of food) (18) :
life and thereby, Dosha sare also The first requisite regarding prepared
accordingly varied. meal is that it should be taken Ushna
In Swastha-avastha, Kalais considered as (hot). If one’s taking hot food, feel of
Nitayaga. In this condition Ahara should proper taste, stimulates the Agni
be taken according to Dincharya and (digestive power), Vata Anulomana and
Ritucharya, which help the body function Reduction of Kapha are achieved. The
to acclimatize with the external precise sequence of AharaVidhiVidhan is
environment. very important. Besides the whole meal
In Rugn avastha, Avasthika Kala is being Ushna, it must begin with Ushna
considered by Vyadhi Avastha. Anna, so that profuse flow of saliva and
E.g. In Nava Jwara, Langhana should be gastric Juices are achieved for the next
done for 7 days, but if Jwara is Jeerna food items.
Ghritapanais indicated.
Snigdham Ashniyat (Diet should include fat)
Ashtanga Sangrahakara, Acharya :
Vagbhata has explained only saptavidha The meal taken should be Snigdha
Aharakalpana. He has combined Upyoga (Unctuous).The Snigdha Ahara causes
and Upayokta together and counted them feel of proper taste, Agni deepana,
as Upayoga Vyavastha. facilitate early digestion, Vata anulomana
7. Upyoga Samstha (Dietetic Rules) (15) : and It makes the body Plump, Strengthens
It simply means the dietetic rules. It the sense organs, increases in the
contains everything related to Diet, how brightens the complexion. Fat provides a
to eat, when to eat, what to eat. concentrate source of energy and
8. Upyokta (The User) (16) : essential fatty acids are needed for growth
The user is he/she who makes use of and development. Fat is essential for
food, habituation depends on him. absorption of Vitamin A, D, E and K.
Creating wholesomeness by habitual These vitamins are well known to
intake of things comes under Upyokta and increase immunity.
known as Satmya which differs person to Matravat Ashniyat (Balanced diet) (20) :
person. As the Prakriti of Ahara Dravyas It means eat in adequate amount.
is considerable factors, the Prakriti of The Lakshana by which a person can
Upyokta is also considered for decide that this is Matravat are (21) ,
wholesomeness of diet... Freedom from distress in the stomach,
These are the factors described in our Absence of any cardiac discomfort. The
classics which are the foundation of non-distension of sides, Freedom from
Dietetics. excessive heaviness of the stomach,
Gratification of the senses, Subsidence of
AHARA VIDHI–VIDHANAM (RULES hunger and thirst, Sense of ease in the
FOR FOOD INTAKE) (17) : standing, sitting, lying down, walking,

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 4

inhaling, exhaling, talking. Easeful can provide calm and healthy state of
digestion and assimilation of food in the mind.
evening and the morning, the imparting of Now days we can see special dining
strength, complexion and plumpness. rooms in the houses of affluent class.
Everyone always tries to keep the dining
Jirne Ashniyat (Meal taken after place pleasant.
digestion of previous meals) (22) :
It simply means eat after digestion of the Na Atidrutum Ashniyat (Not eating too
previous meal. If one takes food before fast) (24) :
the digestion of the previous meal, i.e. Do not eat hurriedly. One should
undigested Ahara Rasa gets mixed up not take food too hurriedly. If food is
with the Ahara Rasa of food taken taken too hurriedly it enters into a wrong
afterwards; it provokes all the Doshas way or it is not properly placed, as food
(humour). taken in hurry can obviously affect the
While the food taken when the previous power of digestion by increasing the
meal has been fully digested, the humours Vata.
have returned to their normal places, the
gastric fire is kindle, hunger is born, the Na Ativilambitam Ashniyat (Not eating
channels are clear and open, the too slowly) (25) :
eructation from the mouth is healthy, the Do not eat too leisurely. One
stomach is clear, the peristaltic movement eating too leisurely is not satisfied even if
is normal and when the urges. he eats much. If food becomes cold this
causes Agnimandya.
Virya Aviruddham Ashniyata (23) :
Eat those food articles which are Ajalpanaahasantanmana Bhunjita
not antagonistic in Virya (Potency). (Eating without Talking or Laughing,
Eating the food that is not antagonistic in Mindful eating) (26) :
potency one will not afflict with disorders Do not talk or laugh while eating,
born of Viruddha Ahara.Virya is the one who talks and laughs while eating is
power of substance by which action takes liable to suffer the same disorders as the
place; one who eats too hastily. In this most
Nothing can be done in absence of the important one is
Virya That the food should be eaten with
concentration. Talking and laughing
Iste dese ista sarvaupakarnam Ashniyata divert the attention from the meals and
(Meal taken at proper place and with the food is eaten too slowly or too hastily.
proper instruments):
Eat in a congenial place provided Atmanamabhisamiksya Bhunjita
with all the necessary appurtenances. In Samyak (Eating after analysing one’s
Sushruta Samhita there are some specific need) (27) :
guidelines for Desa for Bhojana, the Eat rightly, considering your
place where food to be prepared and constitution. Such knowledge makes for
where should be stored before serving. He the determination of what is
advised to take food in such a place that wholesomeness for each individual. This
is devoid of unwanted people. The place one is very important, as rules of Ahara
should be free from the defects of are definitely wholesome, but they are
construction, the defect of ventilation and general rules. They should be applied by
light can affect the health directly and considering own self.
indirectly. It should be properly levelled. In classics mentioned that the proper time
The place should be pleasant also which for giving Ahara to a person is when he

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 5

gets free of stool, urine, and eructation’s, mouth with water often in between the
and feel his body and sense organs light dinner; when his tongue is clean, relish
and free. When he feels hungry and when for food will be greater than ever before;
his Kukshi becomes light. the tongue is becoming satiated with
Once food is taken, it should not be taken sweet taste in the beginning itself will not
again before one Yama, as it infers with be able to appreciate other tastes, hence it
Raso-utpatti and creates Ama. But the should be washed in between. Item taken
food should be taken before two Yama in the beginning of meal should be Guru,
because if person fast for more than two Snigdha, Madhura, food having Manda
Yama he will experience Bala Kshaya. and Sthira properties like coconut,
mango, and sweets. In the middle of
Acharya Sushruta has given Dwadasa- meal, one should take Shukta etc. Amla
Anna-Pravicharana (28) especially for food items at the end one should consume
unhealthy peoples. These pravicharana Laghu, Ruksha, Katu, Tikshna and food
facilitate the use of different type of items which are of mild laxative in
Ahara and AharaVidhi according to the nature.
status of health of a person but whenever Saindhava lavana and Adraka are
a person takes food, proper time of meal, always palatable before meal as it is
It is a very important aspect regarding Pathya, aggravates Agni, increases taste
dietetics that when to take food. of food, and cleans tongue and throat.

1. Shita Guna Ahara – Trishna, DISCUSSION:

Ushnata, Mada, Daha, Raktapitta,
Visha. Ahara, nidra and bramhacharya
2. Ushna Guna Ahara – KaphaVata are the tri-upastambha i.e. also called as
Roga, Snehapayi. pillars of life. Ahara plays very important
3. Snigdha Ahara – Vata Prakriti, role in the preventive and curative aspect
Rukshadeha. of disease. Ahara is said to be
4. Ruksha Ahara– Meda, Snigdha Mahabhaisajya by Acharya Kashyap. If
Sharira, Prameha Pidika. we concentrate about the right way of
5. Dravahara Ahara– Sushkadeha, taking Ahara and the regimens related to
Durbala. Ahara described in Ayurveda positive
6. Sushka Ahara– Prameha. health can be achived easily. By the
7. Ek Kaal Ahara– Increase Agni. concept of Prakriti easily choose the
8. Dwikaal Ahara– Samagni. Ahara. By Karan and Samyoga bring out
9. Aushadh Yukta Ahara– the new, desirable and adaptable
Aushadhdwesi. properties in Ahara and avoid the harmful
10. Alpa Ahara– Mandagni. effect of the Ahara. Rashi gives the idea
11. Dosha Prashmana Ahara– about quantity of Ahara which digest
According to Ritu Kaal. easily and give strength to body. Desha
12. Vritiartha Ahara– For Healthy helps in selection of Ahara suitable to
Persons. one’s body constitution. Kala helps to
choose food according to ritu and state of
AharaVidhi for taking different types of body. Upayogasamstha are the code and
food items: conducts for taking diet should be
Acharya Suśhruta has described followed in today’s lifestyle. Upayokta
methods of par taking of diet means people should be aware about the
(Āhāropacāra) as items of Āhāra should good or bad outcome of the Ahara he is
be served in the successive order of taking.
increased sweetness. One should wash his

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 6

CONCLUSION: 3,4,6,8,12,14,16, 20, 22,24,25,26.

Agnivesha, Charak Samhita With Vidyotini
The dietetic field is having many hindi Commentary of Pt. Kasinatha Sastri
such precious concepts of Ayurved. and Dr. Gorakha Natha Chaturvedi Ji,
“Deho Hi Ahara Sambhava" Health is Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi.
dependent upon diet. Not only diet but Reprint year: 2005, Viman Sthana Chapter
also method of diet intake has important 1 Verse 21-2, 3,4,6,8, Chapter 1Verse 24 -
role in the continuity of healthy life. The 3, 4, 8,9,10.
description given by Acharya Charaka as
Asta-AharaVidhiVisesha Ayatanana, 9,10,11,21. Agnivesha, Charak Samhita
Ahara Vidhi Vidhana, is both for the With Vidyotini hindi Commentary of Pt.
healthy and unhealthy persons and by Kasinatha Sastri and Dr. Gorakha Natha
Acharya Sushruta has desribed it for Chaturvedi Ji, Chaukhambha Bharati
unhealthy persons and called it as Academy, Varanasi. Reprint year: 2005,
Dwadasha-Anna-Pravicharana in Sutra Sutra Sthana Chapter 5 Verse 3, 4, 6-7, 2
Sthan chapter. The application of these Verse 6.
rules is effective in maintenance of health
as wellas in the curative aspect for many 17, 19, 23. Charaka Samhita with
diseases. Ayurved deals with the both “Ayurvedeepika” commentary by
swasthyarakshana and vyadhiparimoksha. Chakrapanidutta, Edi. By Vd. Acharya,
The adaptation of dietic rules will be Chaukhambha Samskrit Sansthana,
helpful in fulfilment of both these Varanasi, 2001, Charak Viman 1/24,
prayojanas. Charak Sutra 25/40, 26/102-103

18. Chemistry the molecular nature of

REFERENCE: matter and change, Marti Silberberg; 2008, cold
1. Ashtang Hriday, with the commentary food -digestion.
Sarvasundar & Ayurvedarasayana edited
by Pt. Sadashivshastri Paradakara, 27, 28. Maharsi Susruta, Susrutasamhita
published by Chaukhambha Sanskrit with Ayurveda-Tattva-Sandipika hindi
samsthana, Varanasi 2009, NidanaSthana, commentary by Kaviraja Ambikadutta
chapter 12/1, page no. 513. Shastri ji, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan
Varanasi, fourteenth edition. Utter Tantra
2,5,7,13,15. Charak samhita vol. 1, editor Chapter 64 Verse 50, Sutra Sthana Chapter
– translator – Prof. Priyavrata Sharma, 46 Verse 467.
Chaukhambha Orientalia – Varanasi
2004, Vimanasthan chapter 1/21,1-
21/2,4,6 page no. 305,306.

How to Cite this article:

Ahara vidhi – the Ayurvedic dietary concepts
Jyoti Bala Sahu, Anand B. More,
Ayurline: International Journal of Research In Indian Medicine 2019; 3(2): pages:

April- June 2019 | Vol. 03 | Issue: 2nd E- ISSN: 2456-4435 7

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