Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
This chapter mainly presents analysis and interpretation of data used in the study. The
data are presented and arranged according to the questions raised in the statement of the problem
in Chapter 1.
The answers to this problem are presented below and on the following pages:
Princesa City. Based on the data gathered, Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 manage their biohazardous waste
through collection and segregation, storage and transportation, treatment, and disposal.
Therefore, the three hospitals humbly follow the subsequent process of handling, collection and
segregation, storage and transportation, treatment, and disposal of health care waste as per the
c. Treatment,
d. Disposal,
e. Project Objectives,
g. Monitoring?
The answers to this problem are presented below and on the following pages:
Table 2a shows the collection and segregation practices of the hospitals in Puerto
Princesa City. Based on the data gathered, Hospital 1 and Hospital 3 implement the collection
and segregation of medical biohazardous waste depending on the waste classification namely
solid biohazardous waste, liquid biohazardous waste, sharp biohazardous waste, pathological
biohazardous waste, and microbiological waste. On the other hand, Hospital 2 collects and
segregates medical biohazardous waste through proper labeling such as using colored waste
containers, label coding, and putting the basic information of the content, written or attached on
the bag.
Table 2b. Storing and Transporting
Table 2b shows the storage and transportation practices of the hospitals in Puerto
Princesa City. Based on the data gathered, Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 have an appropriate storage area
Table 2c shows the treatment practices of the hospitals in Puerto Princesa City. Based on
the data gathered, Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 treat their biohazardous waste in a chemical manner.
Table 2d shows the disposal practices of the hospitals in Puerto Princesa City. Based on
the data gathered, Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 dispose their biohazardous waste through the collection
Table 2e shows whether the hospitals have any project objectives to be achieved in order
to ensure and maintain a proper biohazardous waste management. Based on the data gathered,
Table 2f shows whether the hospitals have an organization that handles the biohazardous
waste management. Based on the data gathered, the three hospitals do not have an organization
Table 2g shows whether the hospitals perform daily monitoring of proper biohazardous
waste management. Based on the data gathered, the three hospitals are performing daily