IQOS Paper 2-21-2020F

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Global Marketing of IQOS

The Philip Morris Campaign to Popularize “Heat Not Burn” Tobacco

(Release I: February 21, 2020)

Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising

Stanford University School of Medicine

Robert K. Jackler, MD
Divya Ramamurthi, MS
Ariel K. Axelrod
Jenna K. Jung
Noah G. Louis-Ferdinand
Jonah E. Reidel
Aleeza W.Y. Yu
Laurie M. Jackler, BA
Cindy Chau, BS

Robert K. Jackler, MD
Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising
801 Welch Road
Stanford, CA, 94305
650-725-6500; Fax: 650-725-8502

Pages: 313 Word count: 46630 Figure Count: 472 Advertising Image Count: 1254 Tables: 5

Running Head: Global Marketing of IQOS

Key Words: IQOS, heated tobacco, heat not burn, advertising, marketing, social media

Funding Source: Funded by Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising

Financial Disclosure: The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose

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Citation: Jackler RK, Ramamurthi D, Axelrod A, Jung JK, Louis-Ferdinand NG, Reidel JE, Yu AWY, Jackler LM, Chau
C. Global Marketing of IQOS The Philip Morris Campaign to Popularize “Heat Not Burn” Tobacco. SRITA
White paper. February 21, 2020. (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 2

Table of Contents


Reduced risk tobacco products
IQOS technology
IQOS nicotine
IQOS flavors
IQOS colors
Evolution of the IQOS product line
Market growth of IQOS
Aborted history of heated tobacco products in the 1980-90s
Expansion of the heated tobacco market
Toxicity of IQOS – is it “smoke free”?
Smoking cessation ability of IQOS
IQOS use by youth and never users
Consumer acceptance


Altria-PMI relationship
Altria-JUUL relationship
Implications of the PMI-Altria-JUUL collaboration


IQOS product name
Advertising themes
IQOS television
IQOS video
SMAC-X collaboration with Salesforce


Instagram IQOS official accounts
Other Instagram accounts (eg. IQOS Friends, IQOS Stories, IQOS Styles)
Instagram hashtags
Young users
LIVE messenger App
IQOS website
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 3


Brand ambassadors
Job listings


Pop up stores
Duty free stores


IQOS Cafes
IQOSignature Cafes
IQOS and Co.
IQOS Friendly Spaces
IQOS Embassies


Parties, concerts, festivals, exhibitions, etc.
Youth-oriented events
Events with youth presence



Art partnerships
IQOS Pathfinder Project
Partnerships with Ukrainian magazines
Sports partnerships


Rewards and lotteries
Creative aspect




SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 4










RK Jackler principal investigator, designer of the study scope and methods, and primary author of report.
D Ramamurthi contributed to study design and execution and assisted with writing the paper.
C Chau managed the IQOS online advertising database.
L Jackler assisted with image analysis and editing of the manuscript
AK Axelrod, JK Jung, NG Louis-Ferdinand, JE Reidel, and AWY Yu were SRITA Summer interns (June-
August 2019) who were diligent and remarkably resourceful in investigating the myriad ways PMI
promoted IQOS globally, particularly via social media and influencers.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 5

SRITA Online Collection of IQOS Advertising:

Stanford Research Into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising (SRITA) ( maintains an
online repository of IQOS promotional images (3500+) and IQOS videos (120+). This material, collected
by SRITA researchers, helped to inform the analysis included in this white paper. In addition, other images
of other heat-not-bund device (e.g. Glo, Ploom, Pax) advertising (1000+).

URLs for SRITA IQOS Image Collection Available Online:


IQOS Retail
IQOS Influencers
PMI Smoke-Free World
IQOS Flavors
IQOS Events
IQOS Coaches
IQOS Instagram
IQOS Website
IQOS Friendly Places
Community Instagram
Brand Extensions
IQOS Image Collection
IQOS Video Collection
Comparison of IQOS and
Traditional Tobacco
Other Heat Not Burn Device Image
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 6


The Changing Tobacco Marketplace

The global tobacco industry is undergoing rapid change. The historically dominant product,
combustible cigarettes, is being joined by two rapidly growing alternative nicotine delivery technologies:
electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs). The principal difference is that e-cigarettes
aerosolize nicotine containing liquid, whereas HTPs utilize a chemically treated rod of shredded tobacco
made to smolder by a heating element. These emerging categories are growing rapidly as the sales of
traditional cigarettes decline. Three major tobacco companies (Philip Morris International, Altria, and
JUUL) are collaborating via reciprocal agreements to dominate both the traditional and emerging tobacco
products markets. Together they control the world’s leading brands in each of these categories: cigarettes
(Marlboro), e-cigarettes (JUUL), and heated tobacco (IQOS).
Reasons for Studying IQOS Marketing
While the marketing of Marlboro and JUUL has been thoroughly studied, IQOS promotion has yet
to be subject to comprehensive academic analysis. Philip Morris International’s (PMI) effort to gain market
share for IQOS, which was introduced in 2014 and is currently on the market in 52 countries, has been
aggressive, multilayered, and has spanned an impressive spectrum of media and methods. The IQOS brand
has broad global reach spanning Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and both North and South America. After
IQOS entered US test markets in the fall of 2019, it plans nationwide rollout during 2020. Although IQOS
is categorized as an electronic cigarette in many countries, it was allowed on the market by the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) only as a traditional cigarette product in the US. PMI’s application to have
IQOS marketed as a reduced risk product in the US has not yet been authorized by the FDA. This
categorization constrains the brands’ marketing activities.
Over a 10 month period, we conducted an intensive evaluation of the various forms of IQOS
marketing. The methods, targets, and goals of IQOS marketing campaigns are set by corporate leadership
and are executed with the assistance of an impressive array of advertising agencies, social media
promoters, event coordinators, media content producers, brand managers, modelling agencies, and talent
recruitment companies. The campaigns make liberal use of artists, musicians, social media influencers,
and celebrities in promotional roles.
Our goal in providing a thorough examination of IQOS global marketing practices was to help
inform American regulators and legislators to monitor closely the brand’s promotional activities. In
addition, revealing the scope, scale, and targeting of IQOS marketing may help nations around the world
to consider whether additional constraints are warranted.
Promoting IQOS as a Smoking Cessation Device:
Throughout its global marketing, PMI states the goal of IQOS is to help adult smokers transition to
a less harmful product. “IQOS” is an acronym widely understood to mean “I Quit Ordinary Smoking.”
Although PMI denies the brand name IQOS has any specific meaning, overwhelming evidence suggests
otherwise. IQOS emphasizes its signature tobacco leaf shaped letter Q in its brand extensions and
numerous other promotions (eg. Qreator, Qollection, Qoins, DisQovr, Q-labs). (see illustration page 12)
IQOS campaigns rely heavily upon proxy terms for smoking cessation (“This changes everything,”
“alternative,” and “switch”) which do literally say “use this product to quit smoking” but have little if any
ambiguity to consumers. The implied presence of the word “quit” within the brand name itself reinforces
the message to cigarette smokers that IQOS is a safer and healthier alternative.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 7

Contrary to PMI’s marketing claims, studies of IQOS use among smokers show that it is most often
complimentary to smoking and infrequently leads to abandoning combustible cigarettes. Indeed, dual use
of cigarettes and IQOS, such as in “IQOS Friendly Places” where smoking is prohibited, may actually serve
to deepen nicotine addiction and make cessation less probable.

Promoting IQOS as Healthy:

As cigarette smoking kills nearly half a million Americans per year, claiming to be healthier than
smoking is indeed a low bar. IQOS promotions imply that the product is both healthier and even healthy -
downplaying the obvious health risks associated with its use. Advertisements promote IQOS as “smoke-
free,” and only “steam” (#iqosteam has 31,050 posts). IQOS aerosol is a mixture of glycerin, nicotine,
flavorant chemicals, and other compounds. As the aerosol from IQOS is derived from smoldering tobacco
leaves at 350 degrees centigrade, it emanates combustion products which means that IQOS does
technically emanate smoke. As steam is merely water vapor, IQOS is certainly not steam as their
advertisements have stated, and when they suggest otherwise, they are striving to deceive their
customers. IQOS also is described in advertisements as “cleaner” – another health proxy claim.
Because of the negative press about the health threat posed by traditional cigarettes and vaping,
IQOS seeks to position itself as neither: a “smoke-free” nor a “vapor-free” product. There is nothing “free”
about the aerosol emanating from IQOS. In reality, IQOS is a hybrid product with attributes of both
combustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes. PMI’s choice of the term “heat not burn” for its IQOS device is
part of its marketing strategy to reinforce its “smoke-free” descriptor. A more accurate term for the
category would be “heated tobacco” product. The brand slogan “IQOS is always a good idea” is manifestly
false as the use of IQOS by non-smokers, especially nicotine naïve adolescents, would be a notably bad
idea. Evidence to date suggests that youth adoption of IQOS has been less than with vaping products.
Marketing IQOS as an Elegantly Fashionable Lifestyle Product
IQOS claims that its marketing exclusively targets adult smokers. The majority of smokers are
between the ages of 30 and 60 with lesser prevalence among other age groups. To preferentially reach an
audience of middle-aged smokers, a targeted message would be delivered by a middle-age smoker
describing how IQOS helped them with their cigarette smoking addiction. IQOS advertising practices differ
markedly from this formula. IQOS advertisements are dominated by chic, attractive young models,
especially females, in fashionable dress and elegant poses. These models are often pictured holding an
IQOS as though it were a precious object. IQOS advertising positions the brand as stylish, trendy, high tech,
and a favorite of beautiful people. Another prominent IQOS advertising theme is that of social
acceptability with advertisements claiming it has less odor, no ash, and lacks concern about secondhand
Traditional cigarette advertisements often convey the message that if one uses their brand they
will be more successful in their love life. IQOS advertisements explicitly say that it will “Change your kisses”
and their “Hello beauty” campaign unsubtly promises that it will enhance a user’s looks. Advertisements
also imply that if you love your mother, father, or spouse you should encourage them to use IQOS. IQOS
product design, packaging, and retail locations position it as a high-end luxury brand. The product’s design
and its stores closely emulate those of Apple, while it makes use of Tiffany’s distinctive blue color in its
employees’ dress, in brand extensions such as IQOS high heels, event invitations, and even in its logo and
hummingbird icon.
IQOS markets itself as being pleasurable. Advertisements often show the device adjacent to food,
desserts, coffee, or alcoholic beverages. IQOS tobacco containing HEETS come in multiple flavors typically
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 8

named for colors with descriptors of menthol, citrus, nuts, dried fruit, vanilla, cocoa, and herbs. The use
of colors rather than flavors in the product names emulates sister brand Marlboro and is perhaps intended
to circumvent limits placed on flavored tobacco in some jurisdictions. IQOS suggests pairing its flavors
with macaron cookies, chocolates, and coffee flavors endorsed as being complementary to IQOS flavors
by famous chefs.
The Extensive Ecosystem of IQOS Places and Events
IQOS is heavily marketed in hundreds of branded locations, including stores, boutiques, cafes,
lounges, and co-working spaces all of which employ attractive young salespeople to explain the intricacies
of the device and to offer free samples of IQOS HEETS flavors. These are sophisticated store designs, placed
in premium, high traffic shopping locations in major cities. Sales ambassadors make claims of IQOS
healthfulness and theatrically perform “laboratory tests” from which potential customers are supposed to
conclude that IQOS aerosol is free of harmful chemicals while cigarettes leave a nasty brown stain. Direct
retail is supplemented by pop up stores in shopping centers and salesperson attended displays in tobacco
shops, and kiosks at major entertainment events. IQOS Cafes feature branded mugs, napkins, and coasters
and suggest pairings between IQOS and coffee flavors.
“IQOS Friendly Places” in which IQOS may be used, but not cigarettes, are located in numerous
countries in bars, cafes, restaurants, clubs, and even beaches. Underlying the IQOS Friendly Places
program is the concept PMI promotes that IQOS is “unsmoke” and “smoke-free” and thus does not lead
to harmful secondhand exposure from the exhaled plume. IQOS use is associated with a substantial
exhaled volume of aerosol containing nicotine, glycerin, and combustion products from smoldering
tobacco leaf. The goal of the Friendly Places program is to undermine regulations which forbid indoor
smoking. This allows smokers of regular cigarettes an alternative way of smoking when in bars,
restaurants, etc. Such dual use, common among IQOS users, closes nicotine exposure gaps during the day
and actually deepens addiction.
This study identified 270 IQOS sponsored events of varying types including music concerts, art
exhibitions, fashion shows, food and wine festivals, film festivals, sporting events, and even Germany’s
Playboy Playmate of the Year Awards in 2019. Many of these events are attended by underage children
and a few, such as Tel Aviv’s TLV Student Day, are clearly youth-oriented. IQOS joins its sister brand
Marlboro through sponsorship of motorsports.
IQOS Advertising Via Social Media
Most smokers are mature adults, the group PMI describes as its sole marketing target. As smoking
is most prevalent among the 30-60-year-old demographic, one would anticipate that their advertising
campaigns should be designed to possess special appeal to this audience and use media channels most
heavily frequented by them. The marketing channels favored by this age group are printed magazines and
newspapers (or their digital equivalents), television, and radio. Instead, IQOS marketing is most heavily
present in social media channels such as Instagram, which have strong youth bias. PMI initiated Instagram
accounts and hashtags, such as #iqos which has 440,000 posts (as of 1-24-2020). Aside from company
postings, IQOS social media is heavily supplemented by numerous community fan sites such as
#iqosfriends, #iqosstories, and #iqoslovers which may, or may not, be supported by paid brand
representatives. It is important to realize that passive viewership of Instagram hashtags is many multiples
of the number of posts. Engagement via likes, comments, and sharing of posts amplifies viewership across
multiple social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. IQOS hashtags promote the product across
many millions of viewers including a sizable underage population at little or no cost to the company.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 9

An internal PMI document reveals that PMI did not use social media to market its products prior
to the launch of its IQOS product. In the US, Congress banned tobacco advertising from broadcast mass
media (TV, radio) in 1970. Social media is a contemporary form of mass media that, unlike earlier forms,
is minimally regulated, incurs a minimal cost, and knows few national boundaries. It is interesting to note
that some IQOS promotional social media posts emanate from countries in which IQOS is not officially on
the market, such as Egypt and Iran, but are shared internationally via hashtags.
IQOS partners with the cross platform instant messaging app LINE, which is number one in Japan,
where it places targeted advertisements on smart phones. As a Bluetooth connected device, IQOS
forwards to PMI reams of data about the users smoking habits. Such data is highly valuable for targeting
marketing campaigns.
Influencers and Celebrities
PMI uses an army of influencers, brand ambassadors, celebrities, and coaches. Some are
employees, while others are members of the community who are offered discounts, gifts of IQOS products,
and invitations to special events where they promote IQOS to their network of friends. IQOS’s “Refer a
friend” program encourages users to act as members of their sales team by offering gifts or cash rewards
from recruiting friends. Advertisements suggesting making a gift of IQOS on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day,
and Valentine’s Day ask the user to recruit family members.
IQOS also sponsors contests with prizes and offers discounts and incentives. PMI created an IQOS
Club to build a community among its customers, with loyalty awards scaled according to silver, gold, and
platinum levels analogous to airline or credit card rewards programs. IQOS also has created clothing and
accessory lines as brand extensions including, high heeled shoes, backpacks, and caps. These often include
a stylized letter “Q” in their design under the Qreator space program.

IQOS Public Relations

In September 2017, PMI launched what it dubbed a “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World.” The
company pledged to spend $1 billion over 12 years, $80 million per year, purportedly to support tobacco
harm reduction by accelerating research into alternatives to cigarettes. It seems clear that PMI’s “unsmoke
campaign” is not focused upon smoking cessation, but rather legitimizing and promoting an alternative
nicotine delivery system, especially its IQOS brand. As PMI remains active in undermining policies intended
to reduce cigarette use, many public health advocates believe that the company created the “Foundation”
as a public relations measure to burnish its image while promoting IQOS. It should be emphasized that if
PMI were serious about achieving a “smoke-free world,” it would halt its aggressive worldwide marketing
of Marlboro, and its other major tobacco brands, and also curtail its generously funded political lobbying
efforts to suppress governmental actions to protect public health.
As part of its public relations efforts, PMI buys so-called “vanity awards” with supposed “honors”
purchased from companies whose business model is fee-based awards designed to burnish the reputation
of their business clients. PMI has had a particular focus on environmental “awards” (e.g. 50 Climate
Leaders, One Planet Award). It is ironic that PMI commissions environmental merit awards when its
cigarette, cigar, and heated tobacco products deliver concentrated smoke-polluted air directly into the
lungs of millions of their customers.
PMI engages in partnership with magazines (e.g. Vogue, VIVA, PINK, Marie Claire), to create
content in support of their marketing messages for IQOS. Its $6.5 million agreement with Vice Media,
which describes itself as the “Fast growing, #1 youth media company in the world,” involves its magazine,
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 10

blogs, and film documentaries. A periodical named IQOS Magazine is filled with glowing stories about the
Comparing IQOS and Traditional Tobacco Advertising
The overall impression is, with the sole exception of the change/switch theme, IQOS
advertisements faithfully recapitulate the techniques used by the tobacco industry during the 20th century.
While youth-appealing material and health claims appear most bold in countries with lax tobacco control
regulations and enforcement such as Japan, Romania, Armenia, Ukraine, and Russia, they are nevertheless
present in all countries where IQOS is marketed. While the advertising content resembles time honored
messages of tobacco advertising, the distribution channels IQOS uses are unmistakably modern
innovations (e.g. social media, smartphone apps).

Comparing IQOS With JUUL

PMI’s business strategy for IQOS has dual purposes: retaining its current customer base and
recruiting new ones. As it is not in their business interest to transition Marlboro smokers to IQOS, PMI’s
strategy may well be to lure customers from competitive cigarette brands to become PMI customers via
IQOS. There is also data suggesting that IQOS recruits lapsed smokers to resume. As IQOS enters the US
market the question arises as to whether or not it might follow a trajectory similar to JUUL in terms of
youth adoption.
The heavy use of social media platforms favored by youth to promote IQOS suggests that the brand
is attempting to attract young customers. Indeed, IQOS advertising has numerous similarities to that which
JUUL used to become a youth fad, both in terms of its messaging and channel use. There are important
differences between these two nicotine delivery devices in their current forms. JUUL is simple to use, IQOS
is quite complicated. JUUL is small and stealthy, resembling a USB drive, while IQOS is bulkier and
unmistakably a smoking device. Adolescents are highly price sensitive. The IQOS device sells for
approximately $100 - 150 while JUUL, which used to sell for $50, is now is offered on the JUUL website at
$15 (1/24/2020). A pack of HEETS containing 20 sticks sells for $4.50 - 9.90 per pack, depending upon the
flavor, while JUUL, which is marketed as delivering an equivalent dose of nicotine to a pack of cigarettes,
sells for $4 per pod. Other small vaping devices sell nicotine pods for considerably less. Finally, while IQOS
comes in a variety of flavors, unlike JUUL all include a base of tobacco flavor which has limited appeal to
non-smoking youth. While IQOS is likely to evolve in future generations, in its present form is unlikely to
achieve the viral youth uptake witnessed for JUUL.
PMI's Adherence to its Corporate Marketing Standards
“Our marketing practices worldwide follow four core principles:”
1. We market and sell our products to adult smokers
2. We warn consumers about the health effects of our products
3. Our marketing is honest and accurate
4. We respect the law
Our research illustrates that PMI’s marketing of IQOS has strayed from its corporate standards
substantially. Its use of youth-oriented social media channels, trendy pop music festivals, and celebrity
influencers are misaligned with their commitment to exclusive “adult smoker” targeting. PMI’s claims
of cigarette cessation efficacy and the healthfulness of IQOS fail the “honest and accurate” standard.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 11

PMI’s efforts to circumvent indoor smoke free ordinances via its innumerable IQOS Friendly Spaces (e.g.
in restaurants, bars) is incompatible with PMI “respect for law” doctrine.
As the world’s largest tobacco company (by dollar value) the company certainly has the
resources to compel adherence to its marketing principles across their entire international marketplace.
As a global company professing company-wide standards for its marketing should consistently sustain
its policies regardless of the permissiveness of the country in which its products are being marketed.
Their senior leadership of PMI in New York City and Neuchâtel, Switzerland are fully accountable for the
marketing practices of its 77,000 employees wherever their products are sold. When investigative
journalist Chris Kirkham of Reuters in May 2019 revealed widespread use of underage social media
influencers to promote IQOS, PMI responded that: “No laws were broken . . . we set high standards for
ourselves and these facts do not excuse our failure to meet those standards in this instance.” While they
suspended their most visible influencer programs, youth appealing marketing continues worldwide. As
typical of tobacco industry, PMI only apologized and changed practice when caught and compelled by
public criticism and unwanted regulatory attention to correct their marketing excesses.
Regulatory Implications of IQOS Global Marketing
As Altria, through its reciprocal agreements with PMI, commences selling IQOS in America, we plan
to closely observe their marketing practices. As IQOS was only authorized by the FDA as a cigarette
equivalent, the brand is captive to all limitations placed on the marketing of traditional cigarettes such as
no advertising on radio or television and no flavors other than tobacco or menthol. The lack of FDA
authorization for IQOS modified risk claims means that they must tread lightly in promoting the use of
IQOS in smoking cessation. Recently, the FDA took action against JUUL for unauthorized marketing of
modified risk by using proxy terms such as “alternative” and “switch” as well as endorsements by smokers
claiming to have transitioned to JUUL from cigarettes. In response to an explicit FDA warning in late
September 2019, JUUL was compelled to end its “switch” campaign.
With the letter “Q” for Quit in IQOS’s name and its prominence throughout its marketing domains,
together with its globally pervasive heath and cessation claims, the FDA would be well justified keeping
IQOS off of the US market unless and until scientific evidence accumulates qualifying it for the modified
risk designation. The examples of IQOS advertisements submitted to the FDA during its approval were
notably restrained and most certainly did not convey the true nature of its promotional activities for the
brand globally. Indeed, given the excesses of IQOS marketing around the world, the FDA would have ample
public health grounds to either withdraw the IQOS marketing approval or insist upon stringent post-
marketing monitoring with a low threshold to take it off the market if its promotional activities fall out of

Prospects for IQOS Commercial Success

The business goal of PMI in creating IQOS was to compensate for the declining revenue of its
globally dominant Marlboro cigarette brand via rising sales of its IQOS HEETs. In response to the
progressive decrease in cigarette sales, PMI has invested “over $6.0 billion in research, product, and
commercial development” of its portfolio of heated tobacco product line over the decade 2008 – 2018.
(ref. PMI Investor Information). Effectively, PMI has clearly made a big bet that its future vigor depends
upon the success of its HT products.
During the 3rd quarter of 2019, PMI’s global cigarette unit shipment volume declined 5.9%
(183,519M in 2019 versus 195,068M in 2018) while heated tobacco sales grew 84.8% (15,985M in 2019
versus 8,652M in 2018). (ref Bloomberg 3rd Q 2019). While IQOS is showing an impressive growth rate
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 12

it still represents a small fraction of PMI’s worldwide cigarette sales. PMI reports estimated number of
users of IQOS has grown from 2.9M (Q1 2017) to 12.3M (Q3 2019). However, unlike Marlboro smokers,
a sizable fraction of IQOS users do so only part time and continue to use their customary cigarettes in
Being first to popularize HT over the mass market may confer PMI an advantage. Positive
indicators for IQOS market position include its rapid growth in selected markets (e.g. Japan, Russia) and
its early FDA approval in the US at a time when many vaping products have yet to even submit
applications. Growth in PMI’s customer base may occur if IQOS captures cigarette smokers of
competitors’ brands. PMI’s “Smoke Free World Campaign” public relations effort may sway the public
and regulators to enable the IQOS brand to enjoy wider latitude in marketing and tax advantages
compared with combustible products.
However, it is far from certain that over the long-term HT products will prove successful, or that
PMI will lead the pack even if it does. The profit margin for current generation HT products is almost
certainly lower than for traditional cigarettes. With a slim margin, downward pressure on price is a threat
to PMI’s profitability. The sales price of the IQOS device is quite high: IQOS 2.4 (UK 59£, Germany 60€,
Canada $102, Japan ¥4,980); IQOS 3 (UK 89£, Germany 89€, Canada $147, Japan ¥9,980). (PMI Investor
Information. October 2019). The current price of IQOS HEETS is approximately the same as a pack of
Marlboros. As numerous competitive HT products emerge on the market, PMI is likely to have difficulty
in sustaining these price levels. In addition, IQOS is taxed favorably in many countries compared to
cigarettes, a circumstance which is unlikely to sustain as the market share for HT and vaping products
increases and governmental revenues decline.
The growth of IQOS has been driven by intensive marketing which, no doubt, has incurred large
expenses. Their sales workforce includes an army of coaches, brand ambassadors, and influencers. They
have hosted many hundreds of luxurious IQOS promotional parties at which PMI hired popular
entertainers. Physical locations such as IQOS stores, boutiques, lounges, cafes, shopping center popups,
and co-working spaces do not come cheap. Many are located in premier shopping locations with high
rents. The sophisticated interior design of these facilities must be costly. Paying innumerable restaurants
and bars incentives to carry “IQOS Friendly” signs adds up. IQOS also maintain clubs and offers discounts
and promotions both to reward brand loyalty and to recruit new users. All of this means that the high
customer acquisition costs of IQOS may not be sustainable.
Cannibalization of existing customers from among PMI’s current cigarette smokers is likely
adverse to the bottom line. The co-branding of its flagship cigarettes brand Marlboro and IQOS Marlboro
HEETS may tend to foster this conversion. Worse still, some smokers may use IQOS as a bridge to tobacco
cessation. The categorical exclusion of emerging tobacco products from the world’s largest markets,
China and India, is another challenge to sustained growth.
Competition is a major threat to IQOS. In the HT category, PMI faces steadily increasing
competition from other major tobacco company HT brands such as Glo (BAT), Pulze (Imperial), and Ploom
(JTI). Technically innovative startups are also infringing on this space. Some brands make IQOS
compatible sticks, which undersell HEETS. This is important as the profits in HT lie in the consumables
rather than the device.
Ultimately, the largest competitive threat to IQOS may prove to be vapor-based nicotine delivery
systems which are cleaner, less complicated to use, and require less maintenance. Refillable vaping
systems offer much lower cost for the equivalent nicotine delivery of a pack of Marlboros (or IQOS HEETS).
The limited attractiveness of IQOS to youth may have long term pipeline implications. Vapor products
are likely to remain favored by youth due to their simplicity or use, sweet and fruity flavors, lack of
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 13

tobacco flavor, reduced harshness, and lower cost. If PMI’s campaign to undermine smoke free laws
become effective, resulting in emerging tobacco product use in bars, restaurants, and even workplaces,
vaping products will also benefit. Faced with stiff competition from the vaping segment, HT well may not
succeed in becoming a dominant part of the tobacco marketplace.

Limitations of this Study

While this white paper provides a comprehensive picture of IQOS Global marketing through
February 2020, it is certainly not exhaustive. As we do not have access to PMI’s marketing plans for IQOS,
our study of its promotional activities is essentially a reverse engineering of the company intentions
through study of their consumer facing promotional activity. Fortunately, with the vast quantity of
material amassed over our 10 month study, we feel that we have sufficient insight to make many
important inferences and to reach informative conclusions.
We acknowledge that many additional events, social media channels, influencer/brand
ambassador programs, point of sale promotions, etc. may well exist for IQOS that our research did not
uncover. Indeed, over the course of this study we continually discovered new IQOS promotions and,
despite the impressive scope of what we uncovered, we suspect that much more IQOS promotion may
be lurking in the corners of the internet and offline.
A particular area of limited visibility is what IQOS salespeople (coaches and brand ambassadors)
say to potential customers. While PMI specifies guidelines for their employees, we strongly suspect that
one-to-one and small group marketing conversations routinely transgress boundaries regarding the
healthfulness of IQOS and its efficacy in achieving smoking cessation. Even adhering to the PMI party line
on these important issues strays far from what is supportable by the scientific evidence.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 14

PMI claims that the brand name IQOS has no meaning, but it is widely understood to mean “I Quit
Ordinary Smoking.” IQOS marketing universally emphasizes its signature tobacco leaf shaped letter “Q”
(e.g. Qreator, Qollection, Qoins, DisQovr, Q-lab) and its promotions feature tobacco cessation
messaging, health reassurance, and testimonials from former smokers. PMI trademarked its distinctive leaf
shaped “Q.” (

The tobacco leaf shaped letter “Q” is prominently featured in IQOS stores. The pervasive emphasis on
the letter Q makes it obvious that IQOS is being promoted as a means of “quitting” tobacco products.

IQOS Logo with a notable highlight emphasis upon the letter Q.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 15

Synopsis of IQOS Global Marketing

IQOS has been promoted globally via comprehensive and layered series of campaigns designed
to envelope potential customers via multiple media channels, influencers and celebrities, sophisticated
retail environments, and numerous hosted events and sponsorships.

Product Name:
IQOS: “i” as in iPhone/iMac/iPad to connote intelligent.
Widely believed the initials stand for “I Quit Ordinary Smoking” –company denies.
“Q” is shaped like a tobacco leaf
The letter Q (quit) permeates IQOS marketing: Qollection, Qreators, Qoins, DISQOVR, Q-Labs
Charger shaped as a rounded rectangle like an iPhone.
Stores designed to convey high tech and luxury. Closely imitate Apple stores.
Some packaging mimics Tiffany.
Quit without using the word: “This changes everything” “Alternative” “Switch.”
Video testimonials: Smokers praise IQOS for helping them “Switch”
Heath Messages: “95% less don’ts,” “Clean,” “Steam.”
“Smoke free – vapor free.” But IQOS produces both smoke and vapor.
Social Appeal: “This changes your kisses” “Hello beauty”
Flavors: Mint, nutty, citrus, vanilla, cocoa, herbal, etc.
Names by colors, not flavors (Sienna, Amber, Yellow, Blue, Turquoise, Purple, Green Zing)
Described as: “Zesty & fresh” “Refreshing & cooling “Rich & warm” “Blueberries & forest fruit”
Food pairing, famous chefs – suggest complimentary coffee and chocolate flavors.
Free Samples:
Given in stores, parties, and events. Sales staff teach how to use device, try out flavors.
Hundreds of branded promotional activities: splashy parties, music events, dances, etc.
Film festivals, food & wine festivals, fashion shows, motorsports, etc. (children sometimes present)
IQOS Friendly Places:
Branded cafes & lounges – escape smoke free laws – reinforces “not smoke” messaging.
Social Media:
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Youth oriented online communities.
Much like traditional tobacco ads: Lifestyle - make IQOS part of everyday life
Food, coffee & tea, alcohol, social situations, feminine -masculine, romance, sports,
technology, pleasure, relaxation, holidays, nature, etc.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 16

IQOS Hashtags:
#iqos, #iqosfriends, #iqosstories, and #iqoslovers – have millions of interactions
Social media stars with large following paid to praise IQOS.
Brand ambassadors:
Paid employees or volunteers who promote IQOS and offer discounts, freebies, and invitations.
IQOS Coaches:
Marketing employees who sometimes hangout in public areas and at events – have sales quotas.
Actors, musicians, artists, fashion models, chefs, professional drivers, paid to praise IQOS.
TV Program:
Company sponsored popular Japanese comedians who discussed their IQOS use.
Youthful Models:
Especially used in permissive countries such as Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Japan.
Marketed IQOS at Tel Aviv University’s Student Day a campus Event in May 2019
Refer a Friend:
Get a reward for recruiting a friend – family members especially encouraged.
Effectively recruits users to join IQOS marketing team.
IQOS Clubs:
Affiliation clubs reward brand loyalty.
Earn “Qoins” for exclusive events, special perks and IQOS accessories or devices. (note “Q”)
e.g. $75 off coupons for device. Profits in consumables.
Rewards Programs:
Silver, gold, & platinum levels like airline programs based upon purchases
Brand Extensions:
Designers high heels, back packs, purses, etc. Called Qollection by Qreators (note “Q”)
Life Insurance (Reviti):
Life insurance company created by Philip Morris International to market IQOS
Offers 25% discount for IQOS users: “bringing life back to insurance.”
Magazine Partnerships:
Favorable media commissioned through Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Vice, Pink, Focus, Daily Mirror, etc.
Vanity Awards:
PMI purchases “awards” from companies, especially those “honoring” businesses for their
environmental practices.
PMI Foundation for a Smoke-Free World:
“We’re giving up cigarettes”. “A tobacco company that actually cares about health”
An IQOS promotional campaign disguised as a noble public heath gesture by the Marlboro maker
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 17


The tobacco industry faces a dilemma in the US marketplace. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking among adults has declined from 20.9% in 2005 to 14.0% as of
2017, a 67% decrease from 1965. (Ref CDC adult smokers) In 2017, this represented a population of
some 34.3 million adult smokers, which although still a sizable market, represents an inexorably declining
population of consumers year over year. As sales volume has dropped, financial performance has
primarily been maintained through price rises, a compensatory tool that cannot be sustained
indefinitely. (Ref CDC tobacco economic trends) As their markets become ever more anemic, major
tobacco companies are seeking ways to reinvigorate their flagging sales. The flourishing American e-
cigarette market, largely initiated by small independent companies, lately has increasingly become
dominated by major tobacco companies: RJ Reynold (Vuse), British American Tobacco (Vype), Imperial
Tobacco (Blu), and Altria (JUUL).
In their quest for growth via new products, traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes are being joined
in the marketplace by a new category called heated tobacco products (HTP). This technology involves
heating specially treated shredded leaf tobacco which is made to smolder but not to combust. A burning
cigarette reaches a temperature of @900 degrees Celsius at its tip, whereas HTPs heat only to about
250-350 Celsius. In many cases, the shredded tobacco is immersed in generous doses of an aerosolizing
vehicle, such as glycerin, often comprising 50% of the consumable product by weight. This contrasts
with e-cigarettes that are almost entirely a liquid mix of propylene glycol and glycerin doped with
nicotine derived from tobacco, but no actual leaf. In a sense, HTPs are a hybrid, containing components
common to both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes. Because of its lower temperature and lower
delivery of harm causing chemicals, tobacco companies promote HTPs as having reduced risk. However,
lesser toxicity is not the equivalent of reduced risk of human disease, a conclusion that can only be
justified via long term clinical studies.
Forerunners of today’s HTPs were marketed briefly in the 1980s and 1990s but uniformly failed
in the marketplace. (see discussion below). The most popular of today’s HTPs are derivatives of these
earlier attempts. The San Francisco startup PAX Labs launched two HTPs: Ploom (2010) and PAX (2012)
several years prior to launching their immensely successful e-cigarette JUUL in 2015. Ploom is now
predominantly marketed in Japan, and PAX is principally used with marijuana (“dry herb vaporizer”).
Philip Morris International (PMI) introduced IQOS (I Quit Ordinary Smoking) in Italy and Japan in
2014. As of late 2019, IQOS is marketed in 52 countries around the world. In May 2017, the FDA received
PMI’s application to introduce IQOS to the US market as a modified risk tobacco product (MRTP). In
January 2018, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) denied PMI’s application citing insufficient
evidence of reduced risk. The FDA authorized an amended application on April 30, 2019, for marketing
IQOS as a cigarette product, but did not endorse the Philip Morris claim of reduced risk. (ref FDA April
30, 2019) The application for IQOS modified risk claim is still under consideration by the FDA. IQOS was
introduced to the US market in September 2019 with the city of Atlanta as its initial test market.
In approving IQOS to be offered in the US market, the FDA indicated that it expected the
marketing to adhere to that in force for cigarette products, including not advertising on radio and
television. The FDA clarified that it expects clear boundaries to the brand’s marketing. “You include
representations about your marketing plan for your products in the United States and indicate that you
intend to focus marketing on adult cigarette smokers while limiting reach to unintended audiences. FDA
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 18

encourages you to consider measures to limit youth-exposure to any of the products’ labeling,
advertising, marketing, and/or promotion appearing in print media publications. Limiting youth exposure
and initiation and use of the products as you have indicated in your PMTAs (i.e., complete switching to
IQOS by adult cigarette smokers) are important components of consideration for the marketing of these
products to continue to be appropriate for protection of the public health.” (ref FDA Marketing Order)
With IQOS entering the US marketplace in fall 2019, the purpose of this paper is to examine the
global marketing of IQOS over its first 5 years to examine how well the company’s promotion of this
newly introduced brand aligns with the FDA’s guidelines.

Reduced Risk Tobacco Products:

The concept of reduced risk tobacco products has long been controversial in public health circles.
(refs Fairchild, Pederson, Gray) Many experts have resisted the introduction of reduced risks tobacco
products as they sustain nicotine addiction, preferring an emphasis on cessation rather than transition
to an alternative product. The fact that many of the “reduced risk” products introduced to the market
over the last 70 years, such as filters, have proven ineffective has reinforced skepticism when a tobacco
company makes a claim of modified risk. An illustrative example of reduced risk marketing was Omni
cigarettes, introduced by Vector Tobacco Group in 2001. Omni marketed with the bold, and scientifically
unsupported, claim of having lower carcinogens. The manufacturer added the catalyst palladium to
improve the completeness of combustion, theoretically decreasing tar due to incomplete combustion.
(ref. Hughes)
There is a lengthy history of tobacco companies claiming reduced risk for their cigarette brands
while paradoxically maintaining that smoking is harmless. Patrick Sheehy, the former chief executive of
British American Tobacco, wrote in 1986: "In attempting to develop a 'safe' cigarette you are, by
implication, in danger of being interpreted as accepting the current product is unsafe, and this is not a
position that I think we should take.” (ref Parker-Pope) Given the heavy burden of smoking, in terms of
both death and disease, these claims amounted to disingenuous efforts to reassure customers to keep
smoking despite the steadily increasing awareness of the adverse consequences of doing so. During the
first half of the 20th century, tobacco companies made overt claims in their advertising that smoking their
brand was healthful and even health giving. (see historical cigarette advertising collection at
During the latter half of the 20th century, filters were heavily promoted as a means of protecting
the smoker even though they had no such effect. During this period, and into the early 21st century,
proxy terms for reduced risk predominated. More popular among the innumerable slogans connoting
reduced risk terms were: light, super light, ultra light, mild, fresh, gentle, pure, clean, and toasted. Brand
names were also used to convey a reduced risk message such as: True, Vantage, Merit, Fact, and
Advance. During the 1970s and 1980s, many brands advertised that they were lower tar and/or lower
nicotine, assertions which were defeated by increased puffing on the part of the smoker. In 2009, the
US Congress passed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which banned many proxy
terms for reduced risk in cigarette advertising. (ref Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act)
Contemporary terms such as natural, organic, and no additives still appear along with numerous other
subtle techniques that continue to flow from creative advertising agencies. For illustrations of the
history of reduced risk advertising, see section 20.
Philip Morris, the maker of IQOS, has a long history of soliciting scientists to conduct experiments
in support of advertising slogans professing reduced risk for their brand versus other cigarettes. (ref
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 19

Jackler and Samji) This company, and many others, have systematically sought to escape the attempts
made by regulators to impede false health claims. The example of Philip Morris’s Marlboro Lights is both
informative and of special relevance as it is recent. Marlboro Lights were introduced in 1972 and banned
38 years later, in 2010, as the result of the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.
Marlboro substituted “Gold” for “Light” and “Silver” for “Ultra-light” while sustaining similar package
coloration and design. By substituting color for brand name descriptors, 92% of smokers were still able
to recognize their usual brand as ‘light” a year after the ban. (ref Connolly)

IQOS Technology:
In May 2019, Philip Morris CEO André Calantzopoulos indicated that the company had invested
$6 billion in alternative smoking technologies. (ref. Williams) IQOS heats tobacco leaves at a lower
temperature than traditional cigarettes (@ 300 vs. 900 °C). (FDA PMTA Coversheet IQOS) A visible vapor
is produced by the chemical doping of the tobacco leaves with chemicals such as glycerol (26% by weight
compared to 1-5% in a cigarette) and propylene glycol. PMI claims that IQOS does not emit smoke. This
claim is important to IQOS both to differentiate the product from cigarettes but also to bolster the
company’s contention that its use should be allowed even in places where “smoking” is prohibited.
Chemical analysis of the cloud emitted through the use of IQOS showed that IQOS contains elements from
pyrolysis and thermogenic degradation that are the same harmful constituents emitted by conventional
tobacco cigarette smoke. (ref Auer) The tobacco containing element, which resembles a shortened
cigarette, is marketed as either HEETS or Marlboro HeatSticks. Unlike conventional cigarettes, it is not
burned and is discarded whole after use.

IQOS “heat not burn”™ technology illustrated.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 20

Some IQOS tobacco sticks are branded as HEETS while other carry the Marlboro name.

IQOS Nicotine:
IQOS delivers to the consumer a similar dose of nicotine to that in a conventional cigarette,
although it contains less tobacco leaf (320mg vs 550-700mg). (ref Farsalinos) In contrast to conventional
cigarettes, free-base nicotine is virtually absent. (ref. Meehan-Atreash) The experience with e-cigarettes
is that free-base nicotine is more bitter than more acidic forms (nicotine salts) and is equally well
absorbed by the lungs.
IQOS delivers to the consumer a similar dose of nicotine to that in a conventional cigarette

Evolution of the IQOS Product Line:

Since its launch IQOS has evolved through several generations (e.g., IQOS 2.4, IQOS 2.4+, IQOS 3,
IQOS 3 Duo). The product is currently available in 2 versions. The earlier versions including IQOS 2.4,
IQOS 2.4+, IQOS 3 have three main components: a heated tobacco stick, an IQOS holder, and a separate
charger. In late 2018, PMI launched the IQOS 3 Multi, which is a sleeker and integrated product that
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 21

allows the tobacco stick cartridge to be inserted directly into the device without the need for a separate
charger thus improving the portability and stealthiness of the device. A study of consumer perceptions
of evolving IQOS designs, particularly linking versus separating from traditional cigarette brand
iconography revealed that the evolving design of packaging can imply modified risks to consumers. (ref
Since its launch IQOS has evolved through several generations.

IQOS Flavors:
There are two brands of tobacco sticks that are compatible with IQOS: Marlboro HeatSticks and
HEETS. Marlboro HeatSticks launched alongside the IQOS device in 2014 and are prominent in Japan,
while HEETS is an updated and more recent version. HEETS flavors are named after colors (Bronze,
Sienna, Amber, Yellow, Blue, Turquoise, Purple, Forest Green, and Cool Jade). Marlboro HeatSticks
flavors sound more like cigarettes: Smooth Regular, Balanced Regular, Menthol, Mint, Purple Menthol,
Yellow Menthol, and Tropical Menthol.
The descriptions of these flavors as well as their names are purposefully vague and avoid
traditional flavor categories by using descriptors like “wooden, balanced, and fine.” Most of these flavors
are variations of tobacco. For example, Tropical Menthol is a fruity flavored menthol variant that is
currently available only in Japan. The launch of Tropical Menthol was highly advertised and branded as
a collaboration with famous Japanese pastry chef Sadaharu Aoki. An article on the Japanese IQOS page
explains how Chef Aoki created the new flavors modeled after macaron cookies; customers got the
chance to pair the new Tropical Menthol flavor with Aoki’s macarons at a tasting event.
Although the IQOS tobacco sticks are usually not advertised as food flavored, they are often
displayed alongside food similar to the macaron event. Events in Japan have encouraged customers to
pair HeatSticks with chocolate and coffee, and IQOS advertising worldwide showcases IQOS alongside
meals and alcohol. These campaigns normalize and connect IQOS to minor vices like drinking coffee or
enjoying a sweet treat.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 22

Flavor Descriptions from IQOS Websites.

Flavor Name Description*

Amber Roasted tobacco blend with a balanced and rich taste with light aromatic
tones of wood and nuts

Yellow Smooth, refined with a subtle citrusy taste that delivers a sophisticated,
beautifully balanced tobacco taste enhanced with light herbal notes

Turquoise Cool menthol flavor with a lightly roasted tobacco blend enriched with
slightly spicy aromatic tones

Bronze Deep, rich and intense, it delivers a full and satisfying tobacco taste
sensation infused with cocoa and dry fruit aroma notes

Blue Has a tobacco flavor enriched with strong cooling menthol and subtle
vanilla tones
Sienna Intense with a woody essence that guarantees a well-rounded, balanced
tobacco flavor
Purple Wave A crisp cooling sensation infused with delicious aroma of dark forest fruits

Green Zing Crisp, zesty and fresh tobacco experience delight with a cooling menthol
taste sensation infused with citrus and spicy herbal notes

Tropical Menthol Fruity taste and the best balance of menthol. An elegant and refreshing
Frost Green Deep and refreshing menthol

Cool Jade Comfortable and refreshing menthol

Fresh Emerald A menthol feel

IQOS color coded flavor varieties.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 23

IQOS flavor varieties, prominently co-branded with Marlboro, on the market in Japan. Color coded
flavor varieties for IQOS HEETS, also labeled “from Marlboro.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 24

These caddies in Japanese IQOS stores allow customers to take individual HEETS of any flavor and try
them while they hang out, wait to see a sales representative, or spend time in the Signature
Cafe. (May 2019)

“United Colors of HEETS” an emulation of the slogan for the clothing company United Colors of Benetton
– 20 different flavors from Europe and Asia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 25

Many IQOS flavors varieties align with Marlboro cigarette brands.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 26

Sales of IQOS HEETS are rising rapidly. From PMI 4th Quarter 2019 Report

Several IQOS flavors have menthol flavoring. We have sampled IQOS menthol-flavored HEETS
and found them to be intensely minty in character. An article in Talking Retail in January 2020 reported
on the predicted effect of the May 2020 EU Tobacco Product Directive law banning sale of menthol-
flavored cigarettes from which heated tobacco is exempt.(Ref. Shrimpton) The article quotes Peter
Nixon, managing director at Philip Morris Limited opining that: “The menthol ban is a huge moment. It’s
a big risk for retailers and also a huge opportunity for retailers who prepare for it accordingly.” Nixon
quoted Philip Morris research indicating that 25% of menthol smokers will continue their present brand,
while 75% will look for an alternative, with 51% choosing menthol-flavored IQOS. PMI has created a UK
website for tobacco retailers to promote IQOS as an alternative for menthol smokers. (https://menthol-

PMI’s solicitation of UK retailers to push menthol flavored IQOS after the menthol ban from regular
cigarettes to take effect in May 2020.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 27

IQOS Colors
As part of its effort to appeal to fashion conscious consumers, PMI makes IQOS available in an array of
colors. A proliferation of after-market protective covers and mouthpiece shells are available in online.

At events and in their stores, IQOS makes extensive use of attractive models. In this case, each is
matched to the color of the IQOS depicted on the poster behind them.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 28

Market Growth of IQOS

As of the second quarter of 2019, PMI reported that IQOS was offered in 52 countries and that it
has an estimated 13.6 million users. (Ref PMI 2019 Second Quarter Results). The report features HEETS
share of the market in Japan, Korea, and Russia. In 2019, IQOS has achieved a 22% market share among
tobacco products in Japan. (ref Williams)

Global growth in IQOS from the PMI 2019 Fourth Quarter Report.

Global reach of in IQOS from the PMI 2019 Fourth Quarter Report. Note that IQOS launched in the US in
September 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 29

Aborted history of heated tobacco products in the 1980-90s

Although HTPs are just now establishing themselves as major players in the global tobacco
marketplace, a few attempts to bring HTPs to the market occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. The concept
of the “electric cigarette” was a lower risk nicotine delivery product which had no ashes and lessened
environmental smoke. The first HTP on the market was introduced by RJ Reynolds in the fall of 1988. (ref
Proctor) Premier (1988-1989) lasted only a short period in test markets due to poor consumer
acceptance. Its carbon element was intended to be lighted only with a pure butane lighter. Ignited by
other means, it had both an offensive smell and unpleasant taste (described as fungal and metallic
overtones). Its $300 million investment made it one of the most expensive consumer product launches
of its time. Kluger described the failure or Premier as “alongside the Edsel in the pantheon of American
marketing catastrophes.” (ref Kluger)
After taking Premier off the market, RJ Reynolds continued to evolve on its basic concept through
2 subsequent generations. Eclipse (1996-1997) and Revo (1998-2015) each of which had further refined
designs of carbon tipped heating element. The shredded tobacco was mixed with glycerin in about a
50:50 ratio and then heated to produce a nicotine rich aerosol. (ref. Slade) British American Tobacco
(BAT) acquired RJ Reynolds in 2017 and shortly thereafter applied to the FDA to offer an updated HTP
under the Eclipse brand name. (Ref Carver) The FDA authorized the application in 2018. (ref Abcede)
Philip Morris used an alternative HTP approach in its Accord (1997-1998) product by using an
electronic heating element. A device similar to Accord was marketed in Switzerland and Australia as
Heatbar. (ref Elias) As with earlier devices, it failed in the marketplace due to poor taste, harder draw,
and slower nicotine delivery than with conventional cigarettes. IQOS appears to be an evolutionary
derivative of Accord with a ceramic heating element rather than metallic. (ref Elias)

RJ Reynolds Premier (1988-9): The first heated tobacco product on the market used a carbon tipped
heating element.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 30

RJ Reynolds Eclipse (1996-1997) was a derivative of Premier as was Revo (1998-2015).

Philip Morris Accord (1997-1998) is the technological predecessor of IQOS.

Expansion of the Heated Tobacco Market Place

The success of IQOS in the marketplace was one factor that stimulated the proliferation of HTP
devices offered both by independent startups as well as by major tobacco companies. Every major
international tobacco company is now competing in the HTP market.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 31

A sampling of the heated tobacco products on the market in September 2019.

Heated tobacco products are now offered by many leading tobacco companies. Ploom entered the market
in 2010, IQOS in 2014, Glo in 2016, TEEPS in 2018, and Pulze in 2019. (PMI- Philip Morris International, BAT-
British American Tobacco, Imperial – Imperial Tobacco, JTI- Japan Tobacco International).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 32

Toxicity of IQOS – is it “Smoke free”?

It is generally accepted that IQOS aerosol contains lower levels of harmful constituents than
combustible cigarettes. (ref. St Helen) The lower level of know harmful chemicals found to be present in
cigarettes does not exclude other toxicities unique to the heated tobacco process. (Ref Davis). An in vitro
study showed comparable toxicity of IQOS and cigarettes on bronchial epithelial cells and lung fibroblasts.
(Ref Davis) Toxicity analysis alone is not sufficient to established reduced risk in humans, a conclusion
that can only be established through assessment of biological interactions and clinical studies. (ref
Popova) Long-term studies have yet to be conducted that compare disease rates of IQOS users to
IQOS marketing claims that the product is “smoke-free.” The aerosol in IQOS is rich in water and
glycerin, formed primarily via evaporation and distillation. (ref. Gasparyan) However, volatile organic
compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide are present in IQOS aerosol
indicative of pyrolysis and thermogenic degradation. (ref Auer) Smoldering leaves at temperatures below
the threshold for combustion can nevertheless emit smoke. Auers et. Al. argued that “Dancing around
the definition of smoke to avoid indoor-smoking bans is unethical.” (ref Auer)
Because of the negative press focus upon both traditional cigarettes and increasing vaping among
youth, IQOS seeks to position itself as neither smoke nor vapor by using the descriptors: “smoke-free”
and “vapor-free.” In reality, IQOS is a hybrid product with attributes of both combustible cigarettes and
e-cigarettes. Rather than being smoke and vapor “free” IQOS shares attributes with both cigarette
categories. PMI’s description of IQOS as a “heat not burn” device is part of its marketing strategy intended
to reinforce its “smoke-free” descriptors. A more accurate term for the category would be “heated
tobacco” product.

Smoking cessation ability of IQOS

On April 30, 2019, André Calantzopoulos CEO, Philip Morris International, stated:
“In just two years, 7.3 million people around the world have abandoned cigarettes and switched
completely to IQOS.” (ref PMI press release April 30, 2019). This seems highly optimistic as PMI’s data
indicates that there are only 11 million users of IQOS globally (see Q2 2019 PMI chart above). Many users
of IQOS will continue to use it along with regular cigarettes. (ref. McKelvey) In a small study from Korea,
all of the current IQOS users were concomitant cigarette users. (ref Kim) A larger Korean study with
21,000 participants showed that among heated tobacco product users 96.25% were dual users of
cigarettes and only 1.6% were single users. (ref Hwang). The author concluded that contrary to tobacco
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 33

company’s claims, heated tobacco was not a substitute for cigarettes but rather complementary to them.
The concomitant use of cigarettes with a HTP was also true for Accord, the Philip Morris HTP predecessor
of IQOS (ref Elias, Philip Morris.) Evaluation of IQOS’s largest market, Japan, shows a downward trend in
cigarette sales following the introduction of IQOS, although the combined market remained stable. (ref

IQOS use by youth and never smokers

Studies from Korea and Italy have detected IQOS use among those who had not previously
smoked. (refs Kim, Liu) One study estimated that among 739,000 Italians who had tried IQOS, 329,000
were never smokers. (ref Liu) It concluded that in Italy, among adults with an intention to try IQOS, the
number of non-smokers exceeds that of current smokers. Among Italians surveyed, 7.7% of current e-
cigarette, 2.9% of ex e-cigarette users, and 1.2% of never e-cigarette users have tried IQOS. In a Japanese
study, heated tobacco users were current cigarette smokers (67.8%) or former smokers (25.0%) while
only 1.0% were never smokers. (ref Sutanto) These data suggest that heated tobacco is a potential
gateway to nicotine addiction, but the frequency is not yet clear. Heated tobacco appears to have the
potential to reclaim lapsed smokers.
As e-cigarettes have spurred nicotine addiction among underage youth, it is relevant to evaluate
youth interest in and use of IQOS. Concern over the youth appeal of IQOS has been raised by product
design, packaging, flavors, and advertising. (refs. McKelvey, Hair) A 2017 survey, revealed 7.0%
of youth awareness of IQOS (England=5.6%, Canada=6.4%, and USA=9.1%), and 38.6% expressed interest
in trying the product. (ref Czoli) Clearly, additional studies are needed to evaluate whether IQOS and
other HTPs parallel the robust youth update of e-cigarettes or do so to a lesser extent.

Consumer Acceptance of IQOS

Numerous IQOS reviews appear on online channels such as YouTube. Most from purveyors of tobacco
products and habitual tobacco product reviews are positive. Many of the laudatory critiques include
purchase links. Vaping companies, JUUL being a notable example, have offered affiliate programs in
which authors of favorable reviews were given custom URL for purchase. This link generates a cash
payment to the author, typically a percentage of the purchase price. It is not clear whether PMI engages
in this practice, but it would not be surprising if it did so given the aggressive scope and scale of its IQOS
promotional activities.
There are few sources of independent consumer reviews. An analysis of reviews of IQOS on various
Trustpilot websites showed that a majority of viewers rated the product as “poor” or “bad.” The most
common complaints among reviewers included challenges consumers faced in using the product,
defective heating blades, poor charging, difficulties in cleaning the device, problems registering the
device, and unresponsiveness of IQOS coaches following the conclusion of the IQOS free trial period.
Consumers may find IQOS is a rather complicated system to use. It requires pre-warming before
use and early generation IQOS models had sufficient charge for only a single Heatstick before it needs
reenergizing (for 6 minutes) in its charger. In addition, it needs to be maintained with a special tool for
cleaning away built up char. Quite a few have commented about breaks in the heating blade. According
to RBC Capital Markets analyst Nik Modi (quoted in the Wall Street Journal): “Consumer feedback on the
device has been poor. It takes too long to ‘learn’ about what IQOS is and how it works. On top of that,
the heat sticks retail for the same amount as a pack of Marlboros.” (ref Maloney)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 34

IQOS customer reviews on Trustpilot (February 1, 2020)

IQOS customer reviews on German Amazon (February 1, 2020)

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 35


PMI-Altria relationship
Philip Morris, the maker of Marlboro cigarettes, was renamed Altria in 2003. PMI was spun off in
2008 with Altria marketing the corporation’s tobacco brands in the US and PMI marketing the same brands
globally. For example, the world’s leading cigarette brand (Marlboro) is marketed by Altria in the US and
globally by PMI. A dominant motivating factor for the spin-off of PMI was the burgeoning legal liability in
the US and concern over potentially increased governmental constraints on the tobacco industry. Even
though it does not sell products in the US, PMI has its headquarters in New York City. Altria and its
subsidiary, Philip Morris USA, are headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. In 2018, PMI was the largest
international tobacco company in the world based upon the dollar value of sales ($29.6 billion), while Altria
was #4 ($19.6 billion). (ref Statistica) The world’s largest producer of tobacco by volume is China National
Tobacco Corporation, a state monopoly.
Over the years since they split, the daughter companies of the legacy Philip Morris, PMI and Altria,
have negotiated reciprocal agreements to address intellectual property licensing, regulatory engagement
and contract manufacturing around emerging technologies. In a 2013 agreement, Altria provided PMI
with an exclusive license to commercialize Altria's e-vapor products internationally. In a reciprocal
agreement, PMI provided Altria the right to market PMI's heated tobacco products (ie. IQOS) in the United
States on an exclusive basis. According to Wells Fargo’s Bonnie Herzog: “Importantly, Altria plans to
leverage Philip Morris’ extensive international sales force, which should further accelerate global
distribution of its e-cigarette technology and set the stage for Philip Morris/Altria to establish global market
leadership in reduced-risk tobacco products.” (ref Herzog CS News 2014)
In 2015, PMI and Altria extended their relationship to encompass joint research, development, and
technology-sharing. The expanded relationship specifies exclusive technology, cross-licenses, and
collaboration in addressing regulatory matters. In September 2019, PMI and Altria were in discussions
exploring the possibility of a re-merger of the companies. However, as the JUUL investment plummeted
in value due to intense regulatory attention, PMI withdrew from these negotiations.
PMI-Altria reciprocal agreements from the Altria Annual report for 2018.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 36

Altria-JUUL Relationship
From the time of its introduction to the marketplace in June 2015, e-cigarette startup JUUL
steadfastly maintained that it was not “big tobacco” and that its goal was to disrupt the tobacco industry
by technological innovation and thereby “improve the lives of a billion smokers.” Many observers were
surprised when, on December 20, 2018, it was announced that major tobacco company Altria was taking
a 35% stake in JUUL for $12.8 billion, establishing a valuation for JUUL at $38 billion – most impressive for
a startup only 3 ½ years from its inception. Analysts who have observed the business practices of JUUL
founders James Monsees and Adam Bowen would have recalled that they sold their predecessor to JUUL
(Ploom), a heated tobacco product, to Japan Tobacco in 2015. Thus, the 2018 JUUL-Altria junction should
not have been entirely unanticipated.
The Altria-JUUL agreement is broad in its scope. Altria committed not to compete with JUUL for
at least 6 years, meaning that it will not sell any other e-cigarette brand. (Ref JUUL-Altria 8-K, Altria 2018
Annual Report) On December 7, 2018, in anticipation of the yet to be announced agreement with JUUL,
which became public on December 20, 2018, Altria discontinued the sale of its e-cigarette brands Green
Smoke and Mark Ten. Although Altria maintained at the time that its relationship with JUUL was simply
as an investor, the fact that it agreed to abandon its e-cigarette brands save for JUUL strongly suggested
that JUUL was envisioned to become an essential component of the Altria brand family.
The agreement envisioned co-location of JUUL and Altria’s cigarette brands across Altira’s
enormous network of retail shelf space (ie. adjacency of Marlboro and JUUL). Altria controls some
230,000 retail locations in the US. In addition, the agreement specifies that JUUL can be promoted both
on the exterior and interior of Altria’s cigarette packs – a practice which came to pass (see illustration
below). Altria’s highly skilled legal and regulatory teams were considered to be of value to JUUL as it
defended numerous class action and individual lawsuits as well as the innumerable local, state, and
federal governmental attempts to regulate its products.
In late September 2019, JUUL CEO Ken Burns, who had joined the company from Chobani Yogurt
in December 2017, stepped down in the face of a maelstrom of adverse publicity and threatened
regulatory intervention. He was replaced as JUUL CEO by K.C. Crosthwaite, Senior Vice President and
Chief Strategy & Growth Officer of Altria. At Altria, Crosthwaite played a key role in both the regulatory
applications and market launch of IQOS in the US. The appointment of a series of former Altria executives
to influential positions at JUUL acted to strengthen Altria’s control of the company.
December 2018 description of the Altria-JUUL relationship in Altria’s 2018 Annual Report.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 37

Altria’s December 2018 investment in JUUL combines the leading US youth initiation cigarette with the
leading youth initiation e-cigarette.

In September 2019, the first instances of co-marketing of JUUL and Marlboro were identified in the US state
of Georgia. The coupon inserted into a Marlboro Gold pack offers $10 off of a JUUL device or starter pack
over a 2 month window of time.

Potential Implications of PMI-Altria-JUUL Collaboration

The dual conjunctions of PMI-Altria and Altria-JUUL have broad implications as they effectively
create a confluence of PMI-Altria-JUUL globally with potentially profound impact. In partnering with
JUUL, Altria discontinued its own e-cigarette brands and gave JUUL a non-compete agreement for 6
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 38

years. PMI has minimal e-cigarette offerings and these are exclusively marketed in the United Kingdom.
In 2014, PMI acquired the UK brand Nicocigs. In 2018, PMI launch Mesh, again limited to the UK. This
implies that JUUL will be the dominant, and perhaps exclusive, e-cigarette brand globally across both the
PMI and Altria marketplaces. With their vast distribution network, potent marketing operation, and
control of huge swaths of retail shelf space, these agreements promise to expedite the globalization of
the American JUUL phenomenon.
In response to Altria’s investment in JUUL, the 2018 PMI Annual report stated: “In late 2018,
Altria announced that it will participate in the e-vapor category only through another e-vapor company
in which Altria has agreed to acquire a minority interest (i.e. JUUL). We intend to hold discussions with
Altria about e-vapor products following completion of its investment.” (Ref 2018 PMI Annual report) In
June 2019, PMI issued a press release in response to criticism: “PMI does not own any stake in Juul.
Altria does. PMI and Altria have been separate companies for over a decade. For these organizations to
assert otherwise is either lazy or a deliberate attempt to mislead.” (ref PMI Press release June 2019) By
August 2019, PMI had changed its tune with a press release stating: “Philip Morris International Inc.
Confirms Discussions with Altria Group, Inc. Regarding Potential All-Stock, Merger of Equals.” (ref PMI
Press release August 2019)
With JUUL being Altria’s only e-cigarette brand and PMI offering vapor products only in the UK,
the path forward for JUUL globalization appears wide open. With PMI marketing IQOS globally and just
entering the US market, the goal of worldwide dominance of the HTP market appears within reach. The
dual goals of the globalization of JUUL and the Americanization of IQOS, coupled with the dominant
position of the companies Marlboro brand gives PMI-Altria-JUUL innumerable opportunities and
flexibilities in striving to stay atop a rapidly evolving tobacco industry. It seems clear that the strategic
partnership between PMI, Altria, and JUUL has the goal of dominating world tobacco market tobacco by
controlling category leading products in e-cigarettes (JUUL), heated tobacco (IQOS), and cigarettes
PMI co-brands it IQOS “HeatSticks”’ extending the reach of its dominant Marlboro brand into the heat
not burn category.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 39

The combination of PMI-Altria-JUUL creates a potent combination of the three dominant products across
the spectrum of heated tobacco, e-cigarettes, and traditional combustible cigarettes. With combined
distribution, marketing, and retail shared shelf space, the clear goal of the combined entity will be to
dominate the marketplace for both emerging and traditional tobacco products.

A bidirectional ladder could be promoted by the alliance between PMI-Altria-JUUL which could encourage
graduation of youthful starters to initiate nicotine addiction via JUUL (or other flavored vaping product),
progress to IQOS, and then to their traditional combustible cigarette products (eg. Marlboro). Adult
smokers seeking to quit smoking could be encouraged to transition to either IQOS or JUUL. Note that
neither of these encourage withdrawal from nicotine addiction as cessation would lead to loss of the
customer to their brand family. Evidence is accumulating that the use of JUUL among teens leads to the
use of combustible cigarettes in a fraction of users. The efficacy of IQOS in transition smokers is not yet
proven through scientific study – most smokers who try IQOS continue to smoke as well. Some evidence
suggests that e-cigarettes may have limited success in helping smokers transition, although this may be
offset by dual use perpetuating nicotine addiction.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 40

JUUL becomes a tarnished brand, Altria retrenches, and PMI advances plans for its own e-cigarette
As JUUL has become increasingly subject to lawsuits and regulatory limitations in the US, due to
its viral uptake by youth, in early 2020 Altria distanced itself from JUUL by pulling back from its
agreement. (ref. USA Today) This followed JUUL’s halting sales of flavors, other than menthol and
tobacco, and a US Federal ban on sales of sweet and fruity pod e-cigarette flavors. Also motivating was
the fact that Altria’s 35% share in JUUL, purchased for $12.8B in December 2018, had declined by two
thirds in value to an estimated $4.2B by January 2020. (ref USA Today) Altria announced revisions to
the Altria-JUUL agreement, including insertion of financial tripwires for invalidating Altria’s e-cigarette
non-compete agreement. (Ref. Altria Revises Terms of JUUL Transaction) Given the brand’s challenges
in the US, JUUL’s most promising path forward may be via globalization, especially into markets with
permissive regulation.
It is conceivable that Altria and PMI may decide to forgo JUUL and promote their own vaping
product lines, perhaps in collaboration. PMI introduced the initial version of its e-cigarette MESH in
2016 and began test marketing in the UK in 2018. In May 2019, CEO Calantzopoulos suggested that PMI
may release its e-cigarette, under the IQOS brand name, to a wider market. It seems unlikely that in the
near future Altria will choose to market the present version of MESH in the US as the FDA has banned
the sale of flavored pod-based e-cigarettes (other than tobacco and menthol) until they have
undergone review and approval.
IQOS MESH which is limited to the UK, but may have broad international release in 2020.

From PMI 4th Quarter 2019 Report (February 6, 2020) with an “accelerated launch”
of MESH 2.0 in Q3 2020.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 41


Overall IQOS Marketing Strategy:

IQOS has been marketed via a combination of traditional advertising, digital promotion via web
and social media, sampling events, retail outlets, branded cafes and lounges, pop up displays,
sponsorships (eg sports, art exhibits), and brand extensions.

Philip Morris Consumer Analyst Group of New York (CAGNY) Conference (2/22/2017).

IQOS Product Name

IQOS brand name, sometimes written as iQOS, is widely described as an acronym for “I Quit
Ordinary Smoking.” However, PMI’s FAQs explain that IQOS is “not an acronym but a brand name,
created to denote an innovative product.” According to PMI, IQOS is pronounced (EYE-kose). The name
of the product sends two clear messages to smokers: reduced risk compared with cigarette smoking and
efficacy in smoking cessation through the transition to IQOS. Both of these implications are clearly at
variance with the FDA’s authorization for IQOS to enter the US market with the proviso that they do not
convey modified risk messaging. The lead “i” is meant to convey a high tech association (as in iMac, iPad,
iPod, iPhone). Alternatively, the “i” could also stand for “internet” or “intelligent.”

The text in the IQOS logo is blocky with rounded corners and has a bright green-to-blue gradient.
The letters’ shapes are bold and minimalistic but still comfortably soft-edged. In the same way, the color
gradation may represent change, but the change is subtle and gentle. These carefully balanced
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 42

characteristics reflect IQOS’s changing and switching narratives. The blue-to-green gradient connotes
nature, calmness, and water vapor, which in turn connote a lack of combustible cigarette smoke. The teal
color suggests the color scheme of the high-end jewelry company Tiffany & Co, which our evidence shows
the brand sought to emulate in its marketing.
Special emphasis in the logo is placed on the Q, which dips lower than the other letters. Note the
letter “Q” takes the distinctive shape of a tobacco leaf, perhaps a nod to tobacco leaves or IQOS’ natural
advertising theme. The Q is an important letter for the company, used in other IQOS-branded words such
as Qreator, Qoins, and DISQOVR. This use of an uncommon letter to replace C may be an effort to appear
unique, quirky, and modern.

IQOS Hummingbird
The hummingbird is the symbol Philip Morris adopted for IQOS packaging and advertising. The
hummingbird is a symbol of vitality and innocence. Its speed and energy signify agility and health—
cleverly selected qualities intended to counter the product’s potential negative image due to health risks.
Its color scheme is the same blue and green as the logo text. Its almost constant motion symbolizes
change, a characteristic that aligns with IQOS’s primary slogan, “this changes everything,” and the
company’s desire to be progressive and disruptive in its industry. The use of the bird and the color scheme
is reminiscent of Twitter’s blue bird logo, again creating a connection between IQOS and technology.
The Hummingbird is the visual identifier of the IQOS brand.

In the IQOS Users Guide, PMI explained its choice in the use of the hummingbird as its
iconography: “This promise and the revolutionary nature of the offer are encapsulated in the brand
tagline: IQOS – this changes everything. Hummingbird: as a symbol of movement and transformation. In
ancient civilizations: hummingbird was the tobacco bird.” (ref. IQOS Users Guide) Hummingbirds are
pollinators of the tobacco plant and consume harmful insects, but they also have a role in the lore of
tobacco. A design document for an IQOS boutique suggests that the “unstoppable and untiring” constant
force of the hummingbird’s wings may subtly reflect the company’s persistence. (ref. GM Stand Design,
2018) The same document also hints at the bird’s image of innocence: “The image of the Colibri bird is
the centerpiece...It is also supported by the origami Colibri birds floating in the air around the tangerine
tree, they add a notion of innocence and simplicity.” This message of innocence is also conveyed in an
animation made for the Qreator Institute in which a hummingbird flutters around the frame against a
black backdrop, releasing fairy dust and a sparkling sound in a Disney- or Tinker Bell-like style. (ref. FatFox
Animation, 2017)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 43

According to Harry Crazington writing in the e-cigarette forum: “The Humming Bird is
the Tobacco Bird. In many Native cultures throughout the Americas, the Hummingbird has traditionally
been associated with Tobacco plants as guardians and cultivators, earning them fame throughout the
world and honourable names; Tobacco Birds, Medicine Birds, Doctor Birds, Birds of Magic, Rain Makers,
LifeGivers, Suncatchers and more. Wherever Tobacco grows the Hummingbird lives. These birds and the
Tobacco plants are so related, that should the Tobacco plant die, so would the Hummingbird or vice versa.”
“It was through the cunning and speed of the good-hearted Hummingbird that we have the use of Tobacco
today. Many of our Tribal Elders and Storytellers have stories and knowledge of the Sacred Tobacco Bird.”

Hummingbird Creative team. (

Project: Qreator by IQOS
Client: Philip Morris International
Agency: Momentum, Avanpost
VFX: FatFox Animation
Feather FX system, Lighting & Rendering: DiornFx
Technical artist: Alexandru Baia
Sound design: Avanpost

We have posted an IQOS hummingbird video on our SRITA website:

IQOS Advertising Slogans:

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 44

Heat Not Burn™:

PMI describes IQOS as a “Heat Not Burn” device – a category of products more accurately described
as “heated tobacco.” Although the term is in widespread use by the media, as well as by IQOS competitors,
“Heat Not Burn” is a trademark of PMI (serial number 86366668, August 2014). (ref trademark IQOS) The
trademark spans many countries and regions.(Ref WIPO IP). PMI has filed actions in defense of its
trademark against competitors such as British American Tobacco Company for its Glo product in August
2018. (ref Trademark challenge, Heat Not Burn Term) Interestingly, PMI also trademarked the terms
“Cease Fire” (serial number 863218920, June 2014) and “Cleaner Pleasure” (serial number 86366651,
August 2014). (refs PMI Trademark for “Cease Fire” and “Cleaner Pleasure” ).
“Heat Not Burn”, “Cease Fire”, and “Cleaner Pleasure” are carefully crafted marketing slogans, no
doubt rigorously evaluated by PMI for their consumer appeal, intended to differentiate IQOS from regular
cigarettes. Each phrase has a strong connotation that IQOS is a more healthful product.

“Heat Not Burn” description permeates IQOS promotion.

Heated Tobacco technology. Heatcontrol™ Technology HEETS tobacco rods

A “Heat Not Burn” graphic trademarked for IQOS in Italy (May 2016) which we have not encountered in
PMI advertising. (ref WIPO IP) On the right is proposed British American Tobacco graphic (May 2015) which
remains inactive, presumably due to PMI’s action against it.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 45

While PMI has used many different slogans in promoting its IQOS brand, the predominant slogan
is: “This changes everything.” There are numerous levels of meaning embedded in this slogan. First and
foremost, it conveys the message that IQOS is a fundamentally new type of tobacco product. The slogan
also implies that IQOS is a futuristic, high tech product than allows you to leave behind your old fashion,
obsolete combustible cigarettes. It also has the unmistakable meaning that IQOS will change the user
personally for the better. The use of “everything” promises the consumer that merely changing the choice
of smoking method will result in a vast improvement touching on all aspects of life.

The signature IQOS slogan: “This Changes Everything.” Note the Romanian ad with the term “Upgrade”
and “More Intelligent.”

Simply Amazing:
In the fall of 2019, IQOS introduced a new campaign with the slogan “Simply Amazing” that
featured adults enjoying little moments of everyday life such as walking, listening to music, or laughing
in the company of friends. According to Andre Dahan, Senior Vice President of Marketing, at PMI, “ IQOS
SIMPLY AMAZING is a campaign about changes that begin with each of us and open up new perspectives
around. To let changes into your life, you need to live in the present, and not wait for the right moment.”
The slogans “Simply Amazing,” “Enter a new beginning” and “Discover the future” reinforces the
association of IQOS leaving your problems behind and moving on to a better place. These slogans seek
to position the emerging technology of IQOS in the realm of unique, wonderful, and the way forward.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 46

“Feel the power of amazing.”

We have posted videos from the IQOS “Simply Amazing” campaign on our SRITA website:
Advanced Technology:
IQOS’s unique selling proposition include its luxurious, futuristic appeals and customizability. On
the website are multiple links to technology claims made by IQOS that explain the advancements and
novelty of the product. These articles often contain vague claims about the actual function of the product
and feature futuristic images of the heating blade technology. They also assert that the blade is “coated
in Platinum and Gold” to reference its luxurious qualities. These claims all provoke qualities of
intelligence, making the connection that using IQOS is the smart choice, the smart thing to do, where you
are given the intellectual freedom to make your own decisions in terms of which product, which HEETS,
and which device color.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 47

IQOS is promoted as an advanced technology device.

This device appears to be a proposal from the Ogilvy Agency. We are not sure if it was implemented, but it
does reveal what PMI was considering for its IQOS brand.

IQOS is a Smoking Cessation Device:

Globally, IQOS makes unmistakable recommendations to use the product to quit smoking. In the
US, where FDA authorization is needed for a modified risk claim, PMI claims that IQOS is not intended for
smoking cessation. Many interpret “Q” in the IQOS brand name to stand for QUIT. We have posted a
number of testimonial videos promoting IQOS smoking cessation ability on our SRITA website:
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 48

IQOS promoted as “A New Alternative To Smoking.” Displays in a London IQOS store touting “The
Benefits” of switching to IQOS.

The IQOS name is aligned with the slogans that suggest it is a “new” and “better” alternative to
smoking. The slogan “95% less don’ts” makes a scientifically unsupported claim as it is only true for
selected potential toxins. The slogan “not smoke, only steam” makes the false assertion that IQOS only
emits water vapor. The frequent claims that using IQOS is not smoking, ignores the presence of
combustion products in IQOS aerosol. The slogan “IQOS is always a good idea” is obviously false as the
use of IQOS by non-smokers, especially nicotine naïve adolescents would be a notably bad idea.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 49

Steam is simply water vapor. IQOS aerosol is a mixture of glycerin, nicotine, combustion products,
flavorant chemicals, and other compounds. (From IQOS Japan website -translated via Google Translate)

Health Benefit Claims

IQOS is globally advertised as a means of replacing combustible cigarettes, is said to be a smoke-
free, reduced-risk alternative. PMI has not been shy about stating the “reduced risks” of IQOS on their
official websites and has actively made claims about the health benefits of IQOS. In their “Future Without
Smoke” and “Unsmoke” campaigns, as well as on their IQOS websites, PMI explains that in smokeless
products, “the levels of toxic substances in cigarette smoke are significantly reduced by up to 95% and,
consequently, the consumer has less exposure to damage to their health.” Additionally, they further their
claim by insisting that “any product alternative that eliminates combustion and smoke is a better option
for adults who would otherwise continue smoking” due to the lack of ash and reduced exposure to harmful
substances otherwise found in cigarettes. PMI advertises IQOS as a reduced-risk alternative tobacco
product in which smokers are meant to quit cigarettes entirely but to stay with IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 50

In an IQOS virtual reality (VR) commercial, the video does not refrain from boasting about the
supposed health benefits of IQOS. The commercial takes place in a restaurant and the point of view is
controlled by the viewer through a VR headset. The viewer is on a date with a young woman and has an
IQOS on the table. It starts off with customers complaining about the smell of cigarette smoke from
another table, which then turns into praise of the cleanliness of IQOS. Other customers join in and
compliment the viewer on the choice to switch to IQOS and all the wonders it has done for him. The
customers point out its “smart” look and how “clean” it is – both proxy terms for healthfulness. At the
end, the waitress comes over to the viewer’s table and starts commenting on how the switch to IQOS has
given him a “glow.” The viewer’s date proceeds to add that “he looks good, he smells good, his fingers,
his hair, he has his appetite again, he can taste strawberries, we’ve been going out a lot more, and going
on walks. He’s a changed man.” All these compliments hint at the health benefits that come along with
IQOS and take aim at health risks commonly associated with conventional cigarettes. It is clear that this
commercial markets IQOS as a healthier alternative to cigarettes and switching to IQOS can reverse the
health detriments of cigarettes.
Advertisements highlighting the benefits of IQOS are also found on many of their websites. Some
of the most emphasized points of IQOS are the health benefits of a lack of combustion and ash, as well as
less stigma and secondhand smoke. PMI refers to IQOS as a smoke-free device, and on its IQOS websites,
PMI often states how when smoking IQOS, tobacco vapor or aerosol is released, not actual smoke “since
the tobacco is only heated to 350˚C, and in fact, not actually [burned].” [We have this info in the sections
on IQOS technology as well as smoke-free. Maybe we can create a summary para that encapsulates all
the health claims]
PMI is adamant in their benefit claims to its users. On the Colombian and Romanian IQOS
websites, there is a link to the IQOS Promises page (,
which greatly appeals to users who would like to quit smoking cigarettes. The page asks users, “What do
you promise today?” giving the viewer two options: “I choose to switch from cigarettes to IQOS” or “I
choose to recommend IQOS to someone dear.” This page particularly gives smokers the feeling that by
using and participating in IQOS’s “mission” they are doing something inherently good.

IQOS promise campaign - Romania and Colombia (7/30/2019).

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 51

Instagram is a large platform for iOQS pages to advertise the product. Although there hasn’t been
much overt advertising surrounding the health claims of IQOS, @iqos_ru recently posted about a
partnership with a dentist where they marketed IQOS as a healthier choice for your teeth. Smoking is
known to be very harmful and damaging to teeth and gum health, and this ad suggests that IQOS may be
better for smokers’ teeth and gums. After the dental event, there was a follow-up post on Instagram that
spoke very highly of the results of their experiment with IQOS. In reporting on the webinar, the account
@ru_beautiful_inst posted a before and after picture of teeth exposed to cigarette smoke and IQOS
smoke for three weeks and compared the end results from the baseline. From the pictures, they
concluded that “IQOS did not cause obvious tooth discoloration and color discrepancies between teeth
and tooth resins, unlike cigarette smoke.” Although the picture of the IQOS-exposed tooth is less
discolored than the cigarette-exposed tooth, three weeks of testing IQOS may be too short to understand
long term health consequences and. The company’s subtle advertising surrounding the health benefits
allows people to not only be intrigued by their product but possibly deceived by it too.

IQOS sponsored dental event that advocated health benefits of IQOS.

On the website for its “Unsmoke Your World” Campaign (,

PMI flaunts the slogan “If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you smoke, quit. If you don’t quit, change.” The
word “change,” like “switch,” suggests that one can move from cigarettes to other tobacco or nicotine
products, thereby using those products as cessation devices. The Unsmoke page further offers
testimonials of previous smokers who have switched to vaping or heated tobacco devices.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 52

A post from IQOS Japan’s Instagram account translated by Google translate promoting IQOS as a way to
avoid lung cancer, emphysema, and myocardial infarction.

Laboratory demonstration by sales staff is performed in many IQOS stores comparing cigarettes to IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 53

This advertisement appears to be a proposal from the Ogilvy Agency. We are not sure if it was
implemented, but it does reveal what PMI was considering for its IQOS brand.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 54

Illustration from Philip Morris Investor Information July 2019.

Socially More Acceptable:

IQOS advertisements tout that the product produces no secondhand smoke, less odor, leaves no
ash and is thus cleaner. Other IQOS promotion claims that the product is environmentally responsible.
However, discarded HTP butts are even larger than those for combustible cigarettes and IQOS generates
e-waste including batteries and discarded devices.
Typical IQOS slogans emphasize clean, no ash, less odor, and pleasure.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 55

IQOS Iluma ABSCENT perfume:

In January 2020, a video was posted describing “IQOS Iluma” promoting the perfume “ABSCENT–
The signature smell of Iluma.” PMI trademarked the name Iluma on December 12, 2019. ABSCENT is
described as “A scent that smells like nothing at all” which is intended to convey the message that IQOS
has no smell either. The launch video describes: “Keep the pleasure but lose the smell” -“With no smell,
they can get even closer” - “Gift ABSCENT to someone who would like to lose the smell” – “Enjoyment may
odorless, enjoyment made easy.” Gift bottles of ABSCENT are to be distributed with IQOS purchase. The
video showed people hugging enthusiastically implicitly because they did not have repugnant cigarette
odor. To market ABSCENT the video describes: “we launched a global influencer campaign.” This despite
the fact that PMI has publicly stated that it no longer uses influencers.
A Korean Company produces perfume products called ABSCENT and offer a “P-Line” for
personalized messages. This may well be the contractor for the IQOS scent product.
( The company maintains an Instagram account with images of its product
line. (

In the IQOS Smell Test the sniffer is repelled by the smell of the cigarette users shirt: “yuck that’s
disgusting smoker”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 56

IQOS Helps to Make the User Successful in Romance and is a Way to Show Love to your Family
Like all traditional cigarette advertisements, IQOS advertising implies that if you use the product
your will be more successful in your love life. Advertisements also imply that it you love your mother,
father, or spouse you will encourage them to use IQOS.

Love and romance related IQOS advertisements.

Valentine’s Day themed IQOS advertisements.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 57

IQOS advertisements for Father’s Day, Mother’s Day suggesting that smokers “changeforlove.”

IQOS is often paired with beauty and is promoted as something which will improve your
appearance. IQOS ran an advertising campaign called Hello Beauty (“This Changes Your Kisses”), in which
they partnered with fashion companies Douglas and Molecule F and branded their stores as “IQOS Beauty
Hubs.” Social media marketing for the partnership featured women holding IQOS devices the same color
as their lipstick. Additionally, IQOS hires models to promote their product. For example, they partnered
with Pophouse, a modeling agency in the Canary Islands, to staff many of their events. Because of this,
IQOS staff will often be the most fashionable people at their events. They’re people you want to emulate
if you’re concerned with being trendy, and they stylize the brand as cool and hip.
IQOS sponsored the cosmetics trade show Cosmoprof 2019 where they had a boutique with hired
hairdressers. Their function, according to the Italian IQOS site: “Between a stroke of the brush and one of
the hair dryer, they will illustrate the fundamental advantages that IQOS can offer for the beauty of
smokers, considering first of all the smell of the hair” (translated). The description for this event also
explicitly targets women: “Many ex-smokers who have moved to IQOS report that they feel more
comfortable in social situations, particularly for women who simply want to feel ‘more right’... in every
situation” (translated). Other events, like those highlighting improved dental hygiene and IQOS’ presence
at the ZeBrush makeup trade fair, carry this theme beyond any one event.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 58

Attractive models in IQOS advertisements.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 59

A universal theme of tobacco advertising is “pleasure.” IQOS is associated with happy times,
friends, dining, desserts, summertime, romance, etc. An emphasis on pleasure is characteristic of any
tobacco advertising, although the IQOS brand has modified that message to be more luxurious and less
of a guilty pleasure. Rather than representing something like a break from work, IQOS is meant to
integrate seamlessly into one’s lifestyle and actively refresh, like food or coffee. This fits well into modern
life where there isn’t a clear distinction between work and relaxation or effort and reward. In an age of
young influencers, people whose lives are their work, IQOS becomes a guiltless, non-interruptive way to
indulge. As something central to one’s lifestyle, this indulgence could easily be seen as liberating or even
IQOS is often paired with sweets and cakes, potentially trying to associate the device with their
sweetness. At events, IQOS often provides baked goods or cakes bearing their brand name, logo, or
promotional slogans. We see it also in the frequent pairing of IQOS and chocolate, macaroons, and other
sweets. The actual taste of IQOS is not a substantial focus. The reason may be that indulgence as an
unhealthful break from one’s lifestyle is not something which really appeals to health conscious, busy
millennials (whose style forms the basis of IQOS’s marketing).
IQOS attempts to make the connection between cooking food and “cooking” tobacco. Several
different IQOS marketing events make the connection, trying to convince potential customers that the
IQOS device doesn’t burn but instead cooks. In contrast with the sweet treats above, they do this
because cooking seems healthy. IQOS sponsors cooking or food which is well-crafted and generally
healthy. They have also sponsored the Cooking Without Combustion awards, which highlight chefs who
use healthy, local, and raw ingredients. In this instance, the use of raw ingredients suggests little to no
modification of the taste or the natural and healthful properties of what’s being consumed. One IQOS
store likened how IQOS heats tobacco to the baking of bread. The product of this type of cooking seems
wholesome, healthy, and homegrown.
IQOS is very often paired with both coffee and cafes more generally. The association is clearly
about pleasure and flavor, more than anything else. This is made clear when considering IQOSignature
stores (in Japan). In these stores, coffee is served in wine glasses alongside trays of sweet snacks. One is
also shown which HEETS flavors taste best with different kinds of coffee. And even outside of Japan,
IQOS has directly paired coffee flavors to HEETS flavors. As with caffeine, nicotine becomes a symbol of
creativity and clear thinking. It’s not uncommon in advertising to see IQOS juxtaposed with coffee and a
laptop. This also relates to a more modern lifestyle in which work and pleasure start to merge.
Along with the alcohol served at events, IQOS uses alcohol in a portion of its advertising. In terms
of events, the brand participates yearly in Vinitaly, the world’s largest wine festival. Champagne figures
prominently in the brand’s Instagram posts and news photos. In these examples, drinking is tasteful and
light, solidifying IQOS’s high-class associations. It also helps to frame IQOS as a slow, mature source of
pleasure. This is in line with what we see for the theme of cooking.
Qreative points to the importance of the leaf shaped letter “Q” to the brand. The company
associates IQOS with creativity and individual expression (ie. the personal choice to use IQOS despite the
possible stigma associated with smoking). IQOS established Qreator spaces to host artists along with
IQOS promotional material.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 60

Pleasure themed IQOS advertisements.

Youth Oriented:
While much of IQOS advertising is of a type which possesses appeal to underage youth (e.g.,
glamour, trendy young adult models, flavor varieties) relatively few of their ads appear specifically
targeted to attract underage teens. The examples below are from Ukraine and Armenia.
Youth oriented posts on IQOS Ukraine and IQOS Armenia style Instagram pages.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 61

Targeting Women:
The Stefano Venkatachari advertising agency was hired by PMI to design IQOS advertising of
appeal to “females . . . focusing on Japan where there is a cultural challenge.” The goal was to: “target
women indirectly through careful aesthetic consideration” using “feminine hues”(pink) and “traditional
national symbols” (cherry blossoms). The stated goal was to create an aura of “nurturance” (emotional
and physical nourishment) around IQOS. “We cannot change traditions but we can appeal to an
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 62

individual's drive for change and improvement. By creating a positive emotional experience, we can build
the trust that is needed to lift consumer adoption of IQOS.”

Cherry blossom in a heart

IQOS Television:
A popular 1 hour TV program in Japan in 2016 helped to launch IQOS to popularity in Japan.
Ame-talk featured many popular Japanese comedians who discussed their IQOS use. In a study by
Tabuchi et al, the launch of this show led to an enormous increase in Japanese Google searches for IQOS
and led to a surge in market demand. The comedians effectively became early adopters who influenced
their fans to try IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 63

Google trends analysis due to its TV program in Japan.

Tabuchi T, Gallus S, Shinozaki T, et al Heat-not-burn tobacco product use in Japan: its prevalence, predictors and perceived
symptoms from exposure to secondhand heat-not-burn tobacco aerosol. Tobacco Control 2018;27:e25-e33.

IQOS Videos
The SRITA collection of 111 IQOS videos (29 commercials and 82 event/parties/testimonials
videos) cover a variety of topics. Many are splashy recordings of the highlights of IQOS promotional events
at which free samples were provided. Others are revealing training video for coaches, influencers, and
brand ambassadors instructing them in the brands marketing narrative. Video testimonials of cigarette
smokers, professing how much IQOS helped them to quit smoking reinforce the reduced risk marketing
theme. These videos sometimes carried campaign titles such as “Evolution of me. Voices of Real

IQOS Advertising Agencies:

Among the agencies contributing to IQOS campaigns are: Thirteen a Japanese creative agency
owned by McCann Worldgroup, ad-comm group (, Publicis
One, Leo Burnett (, Adsapience, BCW, Publicis sapient, Klear (influencers
USA), THAAT'S IT, Team IX, and likely others.
Ad-comm described its goal for IQOS as: “Creating Engagement and Aspiration Through a Dynamic
Design-Centric Cultural Platform.” They go on to describe that: “Ad-comm was brought on board to help
launch the brand (IQOS), creating and optimizing the brand’s appeal in Japan through an art and design
centric lifestyle positioning element, and innovative digital augmentation activities.” The described their
scope of work to include: “digital and social media activation campaigns, featuring opinion leaders and
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 64

IQOS Marketing is supported by numerous advertising agencies, social media promoters, event coordinators,
media content producers, brand managers, modelling agencies, and talent recruitment agencies. The graphic
below is a representative sample of PMI corporate connections in support of its IQOS brand.

IQOS Social Media, Mobile Devices, Analytics, and Cloud Computing (SMAC)
PMI created a project for its emerging product portfolio which is dubbed SMAC-X. “Social media,
mobile devices, analytics, and cloud computing (SMAC) have combined to create a technology ecosystem
that supports disruptive and sustaining innovation.” (ref Cornerlius) “The availability of the SMAC
platform connects customers to new innovations and supports commerce in both digital and brick-and-
mortar stores.” PMI partnered with Salesforce to develop is SMAC program.

Images from PMI – Salesforce SMAC presentation.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 65

IQOS APP acquires customer data useful for marketing purposes

Unlike PMI and Altria’s primary product, Marlboro cigarettes, IQOS is Bluetooth connected
enabling the companies to collect user information and provide insight into people's smoking habits.
IQOS devices contain microcontroller chips that have the ability to store user data (ref Tech Insights).
IQOS connects via an App available for Android devices. As of March 2019, the IQOS Connect APP had
been download over 100,000 times. (ref Heat 180). The data captured and transmitted to the company
includes the number of puffs (timestamped) and characterizes the user’s routine such as average
consumption per day.
In a Reuters investigation (May 2018) of PMI’s IQOS consumer data acquisition, PMI said: “No data
information from the device is linked to a specific consumer, only the device.” (ref Lasseter, Przewozniak)
However, PMI’s privacy notice indicates that the devices use data that is linked to the individuals to
whom it is registered. Incentives, such as discounts, are offered to incentivize users to register their
devices. The Reuter’s investigation interviewed a former PMI project manager who tested the software
in Japan and suggested that the data may be used for marketing purposes. The Reuters report quoted
Gregory Connolly, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston who has studied IQOS technology and
patents: “What they’re going to have is a mega database of how Americans smoke.” “Then they’ll be able
to reprogram the current puffing delivery pattern of the iQOS to one that may be more reinforcing and
with a higher addiction potential.” It also quoted Moira Gilchrist PMI vice president for scientific and
public communications for the FDA advisory panel hearing as saying that the App may communicate to
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 66

the user: “Hey, you haven’t used your iQOS device today.” “Have you stopped smoking, or is it because
you’ve gone back to combustible cigarettes?”

IQOS Connect APP for Android devices (see Section 5 for the IQOS Coaches App).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 67


Social Media Strategy: IQOS Brand Voice Guidelines

A 2016 slide deck presented to Philip Morris International IQOS social media team defined its
Brand Voice Guidelines for a new product. The document divulges that, with IQOS, the brand was:
“venturing into social media for the first time in the parent company’s history.” It goes on to acknowledge
that: “ . . despite having a number of limitations on what we can and can’t do and say . . . we have to know
. . . we are in a box an know how to navigate within that box.” Furthermore: “Since the law is set up to
prevent tobacco companies from promoting their products on social media and iQOS is a product that
uses tobacco, you’ll always be walking in a minefield.”
The document is clear in describing PMI’s use of social media for its IQOS brand will push the
boundaries of propriety and perhaps even transgress them. It also seeks to draw a clear line between
PMI’s traditional brand promotion and that planned for IQOS: “PMI has corporate branding, style and
language all its own, and what we’re doing for iQOS is completely independent of that. So, unless you’re
told otherwise, don’t worry about PMI.”

In its description of IQOS tone it seeks to avoid “tween speak” which it describes as a “loose,
carefree, emoji-saturated BFF” voice. Tween refers to the preteens around 10-12 year of age.
Remarkably, the plan seeks to avoid this genre not because of its youth appeal but rather because it
“smacks of trying too hard” and can be “condescending.” The proposed voice emphasizes being
“approachable and likable.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 68

2016 PMI Corporate Objectives:

In 2014, PMI laid out its ten years corporate affairs objectives and strategies emphasizing: “Make
normalization a PMI priority and imbed this mindset into the organization.” (PMI Corporate Affairs 2014).
The document links burnishing corporate reputation to achieving normalization. In terms of marketing, it
refers to: “Adopt campaign-oriented communications approach, utilizing simple, emotional, impactful,
communication that is human and state-holder centric.” PMI’s role in spreading photos and messages via
social media propels the company’s work on its goal of normalizing its products.

2016 IQOS Social Media Specifications

The PMI social media plan for IQOS plan lays out the 3 planned social media platforms (Twitter
Facebook, Instagram) as each having a different purpose:
Twitter: Customer service
Facebook: Product-driven content with an informative and educational tilt.
Instagram: Original lifestyle content to show how the product can become a vital part of a user’s
everyday life.
IQOS brand voice guidelines (2016): “… original lifestyle content involving IQOS to show how the
product can become a vital part of the user’s everyday life.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 69

In January 2020, PMI listed two managerial level jobs for their IQOS digital marketing program.
Four years after the company laid out its strategy, PMI’s digital engagement of potential customers
remains a corporate priority. “Digital is a fundamental foundation for our ambitions, as so many
consumers and smokers interact with brands and each other through digital touchpoints. The Digital
function is responsible for creating experiences to motivate awareness, consideration, activation and
loyalty; as well as the Digital Services required to enable these experiences. This team is helping to
establish our modern communications vision, and lead the execution of new projects, capabilities and
Manager of Digital Partnerships (1/1/2020):
Manager of Digital Advertising Content (1/1/2020):

Twitter IQOS (counts as of Dec 26, 2019):

IQOS uses Twitter primarily to communicate with customers for product support although many
IQOS posts from the community cover a variety of topics. #IQOS on Twitter contains many promotional
posts from vape stores and testimonials from smokers. It also contains many posts critical of IQOS. IQOS
Support Japan has the most activity on Twitter with 55,700 tweets and 23,900 followers. Philip Morris
International’s Twitter feed with 5358 heavily promotes is Smoke Free Foundation.
IQOS official Twitter pages.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 70

Facebook IQOS
Facebook and Instagram, owned by the same mother company, have policies prohibiting paid
advertisements for tobacco products. Nevertheless, unpaid organic marketing of tobacco products
flourishes (ref Jackler Facebook). There are a number of official IQOS country specific accounts (e.g.,
IQOS Ukraine, IQOS UK, IQOS Romania, IQOS New Zealand, IQOS South Africa, and IQOS Italy). All these
Facebook accounts, which are geo-restricted, we viewed via VPN.
Many official IQOS Facebook posts are related to product and retail outlet information. This
includes descriptive posts and video tutorials that teach individuals how to activate and clean the
device, how to troubleshoot common problems, as well as the location and hours of service centers. In
contrast to Instagram, IQOS Facebook posts of company origin tend to focus on the product attributes
and less on lifestyle. In contrast to Twitter, which is more product support oriented, Facebook promotes
product features and customizations and their stylishness, although some company posts include health
reassurance messaging, event invitations, etc.

Community IQOS related posts

IQOS Italy Facebook announcement of two special events in November 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 71

UK Facebook: Style oriented Facebook promotional posts.

South Africa Facebook: IQOS in sand and sun at the beach.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 72

Czech Republic Facebook: Invitations for the annual “Beats for Love” dance music festival described as
“four days of partying.”

Community Facebook postings, not surprisingly, are more varied in their content the companies.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 73

Instagram IQOS
Instagram, which is heavily used to promote IQOS, skews notably to younger audiences. In the US
67% of adults in the 18-29 age demographic use Instagram much higher usage rates for older age groups.
(ref Statistica US Adults) Among US teens, Instagram and Snapchat are by far the most popular social
media platforms with Facebook and Twitter well behind. (refs Statistica US Teens). According to a 2018
Pew research study, 95 percent of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45 percent say they are online
"almost constantly." (ref Roesler Pew) The study found that among 13-17 year-olds 72% used Instagram
and 69% Snapchat.
An impressive volume of Instagram posts appear on a daily basis from accounts containing the
IQOS brand name. Some are clearly official brand sponsored IQOS accounts controlled by PMI. Other
accounts appear to be brand affiliated due to the professional nature of the promotional posts, for
example, with studio quality photography. Many accounts bearing the IQOS brand appear to have been
created by community members. Accounts often mingle company and community posts. Ultimately,
whether a post comes from the company or community may not diminish the impact on a consumer
viewing the post. In fact, laudatory postings from the community may have greater credibility than one
emanating from the company.

Official IQOS Instagram Accounts

As of fall 2019, we identified eight accounts on Instagram which appeared to be controlled by PMI.
Only one of the accounts, @iqos_jp (Japan), has been verified by Instagram as an official company
account, but this may be because it’s difficult for a single company to have multiple verified pages. This
Japanese account can be viewed only by approved followers who are registered IQOS owners and who
claim legal age to smoke. The Japanese account has by far the largest following of any IQOS-related
accounts, with 120,000 followers.
While not verified by Instagram, the seven other accounts appear to be company controlled. The
evidence for this assumption is that the accounts are linked on the official IQOS websites of their
respective countries, link back to the websites in their Instagram bios, follow each other almost
exclusively, post professionally created content, and have matching usernames based on country. Further
evidence of official status includes the fact that there was a PMI-hosted launch party for the Russian
account, @iqos_ru. The seven official accounts aside from @iqos_jp are: @iqos (global), @iqos_it (Italy),
@iqos_do (Dominican Republic), @iqos_co (Colombia), @iqos_ru (Russia), @iqos_ua (Ukraine), and
@iqos_gt (Guatemala).
Although the account @iqos has no posts and is not clearly associated with a specific country like
the other accounts are, its comments all seem to be in Romanian. At least three accounts are age gated,
meaning users must agree that they are of smoking age before being able to see the accounts’ content.
However, except for in the case of @iqos_jp, which requires external verification, it is easy to get through
the age gate: all a user has to do is have an Instagram account and press a button saying they are over
18. All but @iqos_it, @iqos_jp, and @iqos are geofenced, meaning only people residing in the countries
associated with their respective accounts can access them.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 74

Screenshots of the official PMI-run IQOS accounts on Instagram before all but @iqos_jp, @iqos, and
@iqos_it were geofenced. We know that these are the official accounts because 1) they follow each other
almost exclusively, 2) they link to the IQOS websites of their respective countries and the websites link
back to them, 3) they post professionally made content, 4) they have large followings, 5) PMI hosted a
party to celebrate the launch of one of the Instagram accounts, @iqos_ru (Russia).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 75

Advertising Themes of Official IQOS Instagram Accounts

The advertising themes that PMI uses in its official Instagram accounts mimic the techniques that
tobacco companies have historically used to promote their brands. A common theme is pairing IQOS
with coffee, alcohol, and food, which normalizes IQOS as a social activity, and implies it is something to
be consumed every day. Other posts are clearly classifiable as masculine or feminine, with strong pink
and blue color schemes accompanied by men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, respectively.
Similar to e-cigarette advertising tactics, posts suggest IQOS as a Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift to
help parents switch. Other holiday-themed posts focus on Christmas and New Year with festive colors,
designs, and Christmas trees.
Another subset of posts portrays romance, with the suggestion that IQOS will bring people closer
together or make a partner more attractive. Along similar lines, many posts have a social theme and
portray jovial people gathered at parties or meals and using IQOS. This association sends the message
that IQOS will help the customer have an active, lively social life. As with all tobacco advertising, sex
appeal is front and center. On the Italian and Japanese pages, another significant thread is sports and
outdoor activity, a health-connoting theme that has long been similarly used in cigarette ads. One IQOS
advertising theme, absent from cigarette advertising but common among e-cigarettes, is smoking
cessation. Other less common but noteworthy themes include travel, technology, and relaxation.
Although it’s difficult to generalize when most of the official accounts are geofenced, the posts that are
accessible are, as a whole, fairly well composed, neutrally oriented, and unextraordinary in comparison
with its industry competitors and predecessors.
Giveaways, which feature prominently on the Japanese account, appeal to price-sensitive youth.
In a post from August 13, for example, @iqos_jp posted a “summer lottery” in which a simple comment
enters users into a giveaway with 100 winners who will all receive an IQOS 3 or IQOS 3 Multi in addition
to accessories such as cases, caps, and mobile batteries. Other posts on the Japanese account promote
events, collaborations with artists, and the opening of IQOS friendly places. The account occasionally
reposts photos from community IQOS users who agree to use and confirm that they are of age (25 for
all people in the photo, 20 if no one is in the photo).
Official accounts have some limited interaction with their followers. Most notably, the official
accounts—some more frequently than others—comment on individual users’ original IQOS-containing
content asking permission to use their material. In these comments, the official accounts link their terms
and conditions and ask the user to reply with a permission-granting hashtag that begins with #okiqos
and has a country-dependent ending, such as #okiqosit for Italy. Photos with people require everyone in
the photo to be at least 25, and photos without people require the user to be of legal smoking age in
their country. Only IQOS Japan seems to repost some of the photos, and it is unclear how the official
accounts choose the photos on which they comment and what most of the accounts do with the
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 76

Coffee and Tea themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Colombia, and Japan.

Food themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Colombia, and Japan.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 77

Alcohol themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy and Colombia.

Social themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, and Colombia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 78

Feminine themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Japan, and Colombia.

Masculine themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Japan, and Colombia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 79

Romance themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Japan, and Colombia.

Sport and Outdoor themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Japan, and Colombia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 80

Technology themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy, Japan, and Colombia.

Nature themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 81

Accessory themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy and Colombia.

Relaxation themed ads on IQOS’s official Instagram pages for Italy and Japan.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 82

Smoking Cessation Themed Ads.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 83

Sex appeal themed ads posted to the Egyptian Instagram IQOS Account.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 84

IQOS Friends
IQOS Friends, or @iqos_friends, is an Instagram account that exclusively posts IQOS-related
content with the tagline “IQOS Friends from around the world.” Whether or not the account is affiliated
with PMI, its page is attention grabbing and easy for members of the public to find; as of July 2019, the
account had just reached 54,000 followers (12/2019) and is one of the largest IQOS-related accounts on
Instagram. The account is involved in an extensive online network in which IQOS users tag @iqos_friends
in their photos, and the account tags them when it reposts their content. Many of its posts are content
from users in the community, making the account a gallery featuring the lifestyles of IQOS users and
brand ambassadors from around the world in addition to photos of IQOS events and devices. These
photos clearly glamorize the use of the device. Many show casually dressed young models posing with
IQOS, and others are posted directly from parties.

There is some evidence that IQOS Friends may be connected to PMI; however, the link is not
definite. If @iqos_friends is run by PMI, then the account is indicting in that it has posted content from
users under the age of 25—a violation of PMI’s standards and vows to eliminate such activity. If
@iqos_friends is not affiliated with PMI, then the account is still troubling. IQOS coaches, who are PMI
employees, tag and promote the account. This company recognition of the youth-oriented account’s
reach and influence as well as the promotion of its activity conflicts with the company’s claims of social
responsibility. Our research team was further concerned by the fact that two community members who
had been featured on the page whom we contacted believed the account is official despite a lack of
evidence in one direction or the other. The fact that casual Instagram users believe they’re interacting
with an official, PMI-run account emphasizes the impact of @iqos_friends and gives import to its posts
featuring underage teens. Even if @iqos_friends is unofficial, then the account is an indication that IQOS-
related media has taken on a life of its own, making its youth-oriented promotion even harder to
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 85

IQOS Friends: Casually dressed IQOS users – community created, posed by PMI marketing, or both?
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 86

IQOS Stories
IQOS Stories, or @iqos.stories, is a Romanian-based, globally popular Instagram account with
over 10,000 followers (11/2019) with posts that are exclusively IQOS-related content. “A place made to
bring people together & create out of the box experiences” which posts “IQOS stories from around the
There is no direct evidence of a connection between IQOS Stories and PMI, however, the images
appear more professional work product than amateur community contributions suggesting the hand of
the company or its marketing contractors. @iqos.stories regularly reposts original content and photos
from other IQOS pages, often with added collage elements; event posters; giveaway posts for IQOS
products and event tickets; and photos of IQOS arranged with accessories, food, and artistic
backgrounds. In contrast to its counterpart @iqos_friends, alongside which @iqos.stories is often tagged
by users, @iqos.stories appears to sometimes post original content. @iqos.stories is tagged in the posts
of many coaches, brand ambassadors and influencers, and casual IQOS users, indicating that community
members find the page important or influential.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 87

IQOS Stories: Appear professionally composed and are likely to be of brand origin.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 88

IQOS Style Armenia

Instagram @iqostyle.arm is an unconfirmed, but likely official, account that posts exclusively
IQOS-related content. The account posts attractively arranged bird’s eye layout photos with IQOS devices
as well as professional-appearing photos of carefully posed models. The high quality and attractiveness
of the photos and models on @iqostyle.arm, like most IQOS promotional material, portrays the device as
a luxury item or accessory that belongs in posed, fashionable photos.

As with many other IQOS Instagram accounts, it is uncertain who runs @iqostyle.arm (over 6300
followers in 11/2019). Although its photos are of professional quality, its handle is very distinct from the
official, country-coded @iqos accounts. However, there is evidence that it is affiliated with PMI through
an advertising agency. To begin to understand the account’s ownership, our research team direct
messaged many users featured on @iqostyle.arm. The three users who replied back said that they were
hired or paid for their photos, either directly by “IQOS Armenia” or through a hiring agency that they did
not name. While these responses do not conclusively tie @iqostyle.arm to Philip Morris, it is likely that
the hiring agency does form that link. The hiring agency mentioned is very possibly Zuck&Berg Creative
Agency, an advertising firm in Armenia. Zuck&Berg is definitively linked with PMI: they posted original
advertisements for IQOS on their Facebook page, they made gifts branded with both the Zuck&Berg and
IQOS names, and their executives attended the IQOS 3 launch party in Ukraine. The connection between
Zuck&Berg and the @iqostyle.arm account is less certain, but there are indications that the two are
connected. Early in the @iqostyle.arm page’s history, it posted the same IQOS video that the Zuck&Berg
Facebook account had posted that same month (March 2019). Additionally, one of the models featured
on the @iqostyle.arm page, David Gharibyan (@davidgharibyantv) wrote that several professional-
looking photos of him with an IQOS were “powered by @zuckandberg,” indicating that they were the
agency behind the photos. Those photos were posted directly to the @iqostyle.arm account. Gharibyan
then reposted them, explicitly crediting Zuck&Berg. That @iqostyle.arm posted them first and gave no
credit despite their being taken by a professional team suggests they have an agreement or collaboration
with Zuck&Berg. Finally, there is some evidence linking PMI and @iqostyle.arm directly, without going
through Zuck&Berg or any other ad agency. Davit Grigoryan, a marketing executive at PMI, posed for a
photo that was used on the @iqostyle.arm Instagram page. Also, Lilith Matevosyan, the head of
marketing for Philip Morris Armenia, has tagged @iqostyle.arm in her Instagram stories showing IQOS
events. However, in an article from May 2019, Chris Kirkham of Reuters reported that he had contacted
the @iqostyle.arm account, which had told him it was not being paid by PMI. With the evidence pointing
to a link between the two, it is unclear whether or not to take the page admin at his word.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 89

Are models being hired by PMI, Instagram accounts, or agencies?

If it is true that @iqostyle.arm is affiliated with PMI, the account breaks many of the rules and
principles the company supposedly espouses. On July 25 and 31, 2019, @iqostyle.arm posted posed
photos of 21-year-old Ukrainian model Nika Shuvalova with IQOS. Shuvalova, who is under the influencer
age limit of 25, competed in Miss Ukraine 2018. @iqostyle.arm also posts images of people like
@davidgharibyantv and @vardan_sargsyan, who post the same images on their accounts with 66,300
and 39,000 followers respectively, making them useful to IQOS if the company is trying to use
influencers. The page has also featured photos of Kamo Tovmasyan (@kamotovmasyan), an influencer
with 190,000 followers who has previously posted definitively IQOS-sponsored content on his blog. This
activity indicates that, if @iqostyle.arm is PMI-affiliated, the company has not truly suspended its
influencer campaign. The page may also use non-smoker models, which goes against the message of
only appealing to current smokers: one model and TV host, @__naira__grig__, told an upset friend in
the comments of a photo that she wasn’t actually a smoker, although she posed as one in an
@iqostyle.arm advertisement. Finally, a large amount of the content on the @iqostyle.arm page is
youth-oriented. Along with young models, the account uses a huge amount of beach- and pool-themed
imagery, along with trendy and fun themes like retro style and ice cream.
While none of this information conclusively ties @iqostyle.arm back to Philip Morris, the use of
agencies to contract models is in line with its third-party approach to advertising, in which the company
hires other companies to, for example, host and promote events. If PMI is connected to the payment of
these models, then the company is being dishonest about the suspension of its paid influencer campaign
and continuing to target a youthful audience─@iqostyle.arm isn’t even age-gated.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 90

IQOS Style Armenia: Appear professionally composed and are likely of brand origin.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 91

Other community accounts

Aside from the aforementioned accounts, there is a plethora of community-run IQOS pages all
around the world. These accounts feature content ranging from reposts of more popular IQOS content to
product images to community members posing with their devices to images and videos of IQOS events.
Among these accounts are franchised smoke shops, like @iqos_store_24, and individual IQOS stores, like
@iqos.barnaul, that share store events as well as deals on IQOS devices and HeatSticks. As in the case of
JUUL, it appears as though IQOS started a trend through its social media use and influencer promotion,
which has now taken on a life of its own and spawned a huge web of IQOS-focused pages and accounts
that are poorly age gated and often youth targeted.

Translated IQOS supposedly “Community page” on the IQOS Romania website. The page contains a
number of testimonials praising IQOS with the content more closely aligned with themes from the IQOS
marketing manual. When you click on each of the testimonials, a pop up screen opens up with the
testimonial alongside a click through button to “Try the free IQOS for 21 days!” and IQOS purchase links.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 92

Youthful IQOS Posters on Instagram

There is some social media activity among underage IQOS users, mostly on Instagram, however,
there is nowhere near as much as among JUUL users. Most of the underage IQOS users who post on
Instagram are located in Europe, especially in Italy, and they share images of their luxurious lifestyles,
from frequent travels to high end clubs and parties, all accompanied by IQOS. This trend aligns with the
high price of IQOS; we have not seen much evidence of working class youth being depicted in IQOS
promotional material. Additionally, there has not been much meme activity related to IQOS. The
community postings surrounding IQOS are very different from JUUL in that there are few memes, jokes,
or vape trick-related content typical among young JUUL users. Although underage use appears to be
limited, the fashionable, luxurious, and mature look to IQOS are selling points to at least one subset of
teens. The visibility that some young IQOS users have gotten on Instagram accounts like @iqos_friends is
also dangerous for spreading underage smoking.
Although many of the advertisements on the official Instagram accounts are unassuming, a subset
breaks into the youthful territory. The Ukrainian account has several youthful-themed ads, as does the
Russian account. Several advertisements from the official IQOS Ukraine Instagram account are patently
youth-oriented, appearing to target teen girls. A post from July 2, 2019, shows a hand holding an ice
cream cone and an IQOS, while one from February 13 shows an IQOS and paper hearts emerging from an
envelope. The first image in an image set from April 1, 2019, shows a young model posed with an IQOS
on a pink background next to larger-than-life IQOS devices in pink and yellow. Text at the top of the three
photos reads “time to choose a cap!” to highlight how customizable IQOS devices are. An earlier ad from
November 21, 2018, has another pink background with the English text “It’s time to party!” and a hand
holding a martini glass full of spiraling glitter emerges from the bottom of the frame. A similar ad from
December 12, 2018, shows an IQOS and glitter-colored ornaments. These advertisements, especially
taken as a whole, are reminiscent of Russian Kiss cigarette campaigns, which showed young models with
ice cream, lollipops, and hearts on bright pink backgrounds.

Youthful Posters to IQOS_friends.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 93

Matamoros worked (briefly) as an influencer. In that time, she made this post for IQOS before their influencer ban,
garnering almost 45,000 likes. It appears that she has deleted this post, but it survives on as the page @iqos_friends
reposted the image just a few days later on 3/20/2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 94

Instagram Hashtags
Both PMI and community IQOS accounts regularly use #iqos to draw attention to their content
and cultivate a collection of posts sharing a piece of the lives of IQOS users around the world. These
hashtags have allowed IQOS to garner the support of a large following of unpaid IQOS enthusiasts who
regularly use the hashtags when sharing IQOS-related material. This type of promotion has enormous
distribution and is exceptionally low cost. While the majority of posts on @#iqos depict IQOS or IQOS
accessories posts from vape stores and vaping device competitors (e.g. RELX, JUUL, Glo, Blu) abound. The
IQOS hashtags are viewable globally.
Examples of #IQOS Community Posts (samples from late December 2019 from a US Instagram account).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 95

The tables of hashtag tallies below show some of the most popular hashtags used by IQOS and the IQOS
community to create organic means of advertising. The most popular hashtags are the ones which
reference official IQOS slogans, often used by official accounts, thus encouraging others of the IQOS
community to share their “IQOS moments” as well. #iqos, #heets, #iqos3, #thischangeseverything, and
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 96

Measuring engagement with #iqos via Keyhole tracker

Keyhole® ( is a hashtag analytics company. Using Keyhole, #iqos was tracked
and analyzed for a 1 month period in the fall of 2019 (September 9 to October 9). During this period there
were 14,674 posts of #iqos posted by 7593 users. Impressions, the number of times a post was displayed
to a user, were 25,241,910 or an average of 1720 views per post. Reach, which measures the number of
unique users to view a post, was 13,716,888. Engagement, the number of people who liked, commented
upon, or shared a post was 212,606. Clearly, merely tracking the number of posts greatly underestimates
the robust impact of this form of unpaid, organic social media marketing.

TikTok is a short-form video creation and sharing app that’s highly popular among young
teenagers and pre-teenagers. Users post 15-second looping videos of lip syncing, dancing, challenges, and
comedy skits that sometimes amass millions of views. 66% of TikTok’s 500 million monthly users are
under the age of 30, and in the U.S., 60% of these active users are aged 16 to 24 (Media Kix 2019). These
numbers, however, may not be an accurate representation of users’ actual ages, as the app does not
verify the birthdays that users volunteer when creating accounts.
Although IQOS does not seem to have an official presence nor influencer content on TikTok,
individual users have created a large amount of content related to the device. The hashtag #iqos has 7.1
million views as of September 2019, and other IQOS hashtags have hundreds of thousands more. Granted,
the automatic looping of the videos may boost view counts and inflate these numbers more easily. Most
of the IQOS-related hashtags are in Japanese and English, with a few others in Russian. The videos most
commonly feature people showing off or decorating IQOS cases; users dancing, lip syncing, or posing with
their devices; and people using IQOS with the background of music or special effects. Some videos are
comedic, though this proportion is much smaller than for JUUL content on TikTok and social media more
What seems to be a relatively small subset of the IQOS-related videos on TikTok is clearly created
by youth or youthful in nature. Several of the more popular IQOS videos with thousands of views are
created by teenagers 18 and younger. One 16 year old is seen completing a dance challenge popular
among youth with an IQOS in his hand. When we reached out to this user, he claimed that TikTok had
removed every video in which he had his IQOS or any cigarette due to its strict community guidelines. On
the contrary, the user still had several videos featuring IQOS, and the number of IQOS videos on TikTok
suggests that TikTok isn’t doing enough if its intention is, in fact, to remove all tobacco-promoting
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 97

content. While TikTok does reserve the right to remove content, the only guideline in their community
guidelines that might suggest this intention reads, “DO NOT use TikTok to sell or encourage the use of
weapons, bombs, drugs, or any other regulated goods prohibited by local laws” (TikTok). Given the young
user base TikTok, any content with IQOS inadvertently gets youth exposure.
A Large number of micro-influencers now active on the platform, especially the always-on Gen Z users.

IQOS on TikTok.

Young IQOS users on TikTok.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 98

IQOS Store in Tblilisi, Georgia, on TikTok.

IQOS Store in Tblilisi, Georgia, on TikTok.

Partnership with Messenger App LINE in Japan

LINE, a freeware app providing cross platform instant messaging, is the largest social media
network in Japan with major presence in Thailand, Taiwan, and Indonesia. (ref Iqbal). It provides instant
communications across smart phones and computers offing free voice and video calls. Advertising is its
primary revenue source. Japanese teens use LINE more than any other age group, although the platform
transcends all ages. (ref Kawaguchi)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 99 (August 27, 2019)

IQOS is promoted in Japan via an Official LINE Account. This lets companies create their own
accounts to mass-message users that choose to follow them. (ref. Kerr) These accounts can also post to
the LINE Timeline, create PR pages with coupons, and more. Additionally, as stickers are a favorite feature
for LINE users, LINE allows its advertising partners to create "Sponsored Stickers," ideal for brands with a
mascot that can be turned into a cute sticker in messages. Other advertising options include LINE Free
Coins and ads in LINE NEWS, the app's news distribution service in Japan.
It possible to pair the IQOS device with LINE to monitor its function. Once a user signs up for the
IQOS LINE Official Account, they are linked to IQOSSphere, PMIs Japanese IQOS club offering prizes for
brand loyalty. (ref Tips for connecting IQOS to LINE). The LINE connection allows IQOS users to find shops
and restaurants where they can use their device, to accumulate and monitor their points towards prizes,
and to register for sweepstakes .(ref Sakamoto) In an important benefit for the company LINE
participation provides valuable data on users behavior.

IQOS partnership with LINE Controlling IQOS via LINE App (June 6, 2017)

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 100

Access to IQOS benefits through LINE.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 101

“With IQOS official LINE account, A comfortable IQOS life.”

LINE APP links IQOS users to IQOSphere, PMI’s brand loyalty rewards program.

IQOS Websites:
IQOS has a number of country-specific official websites that are geo-fenced, i.e. they can be
viewed only by a person within the country. This was overcome by using a VPN to access each country’s
website. Many IQOS websites require visitors to attest that they are of legal age to use tobacco products
in the country. These age gates, including that of the new USA IQOS site (, are ineffective in
that an underage individual can simply click through.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 102

New Zealand IQOS website entry page.

IQOS age gates are ineffective in that an underage individual can claim any date of birth.

The various IQOS websites feature extensive sections that describe the health and social benefits
of using IQOS such as being free of the strong smell of tobacco and being exposed to reduced carcinogens.
The Colombia and Romania pages feature the IQOS promises campaign: a series of health claims and
company practices IQOS pledges to uphold for its users. In return, users can make a promise to switch
from cigarettes to IQOS or to get others to try IQOS.
On the website are details of IQOS’s trial program. The program, which is offered by most
countries in which IQOS is available, allows users to purchase and try the product for a period of 1 to 3
weeks after which they can choose to keep or return the product.

New Zealand website: “The benefits of IQOS. There is no shortage of reasons to love your IQOS. Free from
fire, ash, and smoke. IQOS is an alternative to smoking.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 103


In promoting its IQOS brand PMI used a variety of sales representatives to engage potential
customers. Most are compensated as either paid company employees or contractors, via gifts/discounts
of IQOS products, or via invitations to exclusive events. These company representatives include three
somewhat overlapping categories: Influencers, brand ambassadors, and coaches.

Influencers (also known as IQOS Brand Ambassadors)

Influencers are social media users with large followings recruited by companies to promote their
products. In PMI’s case, many influencers who promote IQOS reveal their role by including the hashtag
#iqosambassador (or the same hashtag in different languages) in their postings.
Before May 2019, PMI had a host of known IQOS influencer brand ambassador campaigns across
the globe in countries including Japan, Romania, Russia, Colombia, South Africa, Armenia, the Czech
Republic, the UK, Israel, and Italy. Influencers were paid for posting, given free IQOS devices, taken on
luxury cruises, sponsored to stay in luxury hotels, etc.
In a study by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids use of influencers has been observed for many
tobacco companies, including by PMI on behalf of its Marlboro cigarette brand in Indonesia, Jordon,
Moldova, the Philippines, and Russia.(Ref Myers & Muggli).

Suspension of IQOS Influencer Program:

On May 10, 2019, Chris Kirkham of Reuters exposed the use of influencers under the age of 25—
a violation of PMI’s internal standard for the minimum age of their models. In response, PMI claimed
unawareness, launched an internal investigation and announced its suspension of all influencer activity.
(ref Kirkham x 3) The Reuters report described an international series of under 25 models praising IQOS
on Instagram. PMI defended itself while apologizing: “No laws were broken” . . . “However, we set high
standards for ourselves and these facts do not excuse our failure to meet those standards in this instance.
Matt Myers, President of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, characterized PMI’s action as: “changing
their behavior only when caught red-handed.”
Influencers are categorized by their number of followers nano (<1000), micro (<10,000), mid
(<100,000), macro (<1M), mega (>1M). (ref Socialpubli). IQOS is known to have employed large-scale
influencers prior to the suspension of their online influencer campaign in May 2019. As of now, it seems
that they instead appear to use micro-influencers, especially PMI employees to spread the word on
social media.

Influencer Marketing Company contracted with PMI to Promote IQOS:

IQOS influencer marketing was contracted to, at least in part, an Israeli company named LEADERS
whose website ( describes: “. . . influencer marketing has allowed
us to establish and nurture a network of over 1 million influencers. Our unique work methodologies and
technological tools help us run effective campaigns creating a positive impact and profitable returns for
all our clients.” The description of their target audience is manifestly youth-oriented: “Your potential
clients watch less TV, ignore banners and skip traditional commercials. They are not into being exposed to
aggressive advertisements every few minutes either. What do they like? Constantly scrolling through their
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 104

social media feeds looking for the next big thing. But the biggest buzz is taking place inside the pages of
the superstars that grew there: influencers.”
Key Opinion Leader Marketing:
KOL Marketing (ie. key opinion leaders) was featured in IQOS influencer efforts. In an job listing in
the Czech Republic, described the responsibilities to include: “You will execute KOLS campaigns from A to
Z Identify, build and maintain a network of Czech Key Opinion Leaders to act as brand advocates and
constantly discovering local influencer talents that can be the right fit to the brand values ensuring its DNA
and equity. At the same time you will be in charge of generating media newsworthy brand content.”

Principal job responsibilities included: “Make use of Digital Tools, such as Klear, Sentione or Sprinklr, in
order to; Identify influential profiles and media leveraging in their analytics for more effective activations,
Measure and understand the sentiment of Influencer and media campaigns, and Understand the impact
of Influencer and Media Marketing Activities in the digital ecosystem.”

Klear: ( “With the smartest influencer search engine on the market, you can easily
discover influencers by category and location. Advanced search filters allow you to focus by
influence tier, social channel, audience demographics, niche topics and more.”
Sentione: ( “Social Listening and AI Customer Service Automation. Monitor
online discussions that matter to your brand. By finding truly relevant insights with AI-based
online listening and data analysis engine, you can fully manage your online brand image.”
Sprinklr: ( “Increase ROI of Content Marketing with re-use across channels,
markets and business units”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 105

Examples of IQOS influencers prior to PMI announcing an end to influencer use in May 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 106

While most influencer activity has stopped with the influencer ban, there are indications that not
all of it has ended. The largest extent of influencer-like content is through the Malaysian DISQOVR
program, where musicians, celebrities, and motorsports athletes have posted images of their IQOS
devices and photos of themselves at IQOS events. For additional information, see the DISQOVR section.
Models on @iqostyle.arm may qualify as influencers if the page is official and have continued to post
after the ban. Romanian brand ambassadors may also qualify.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 107

Example of Romanian Brand ambassadors as micro-influencers (<10,000 followers) after the ban:

How we figured out she was a non-smoker: the model in the pink sweater posted this exact photo on her
personal and in the comment section of this post, one of her friends commented: “Narrr really?”, then the
model replied: “Ինչը՞ Տաթ։Չէ, ես չեմ ծխում 😂😚 ” which translates to “What Tat: No I don’t smoke.”

Irfan Iskandar is a musician with the band Toko Kilat, which had a tour around Malaysia through the IQOS
DISQOVR program. Here, Iskandar holds up an IQOS branded with the name of the tour (Pemacu
Api). This post was shared on his Instagram, which has 11,300 followers.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 108

Noh Salleh is a musician, apparently with the band Toko Kilat, and owner of popular fashion brand
Hikari Riders who has been highly associated with DISQOVR through Hikari Riders. Salleh has been heavily
involved in DISQOVR events. In August, Salleh posted to his Instagram page and story with prominently
DISQOVR-branded material. In the post on the left, he also tagged the account @gengiqosmalaysia_, an
unofficial, fan-run IQOS account that still gets a lot of attention from IQOS users in Malayisa. Noh Salleh
has 369,000 followers on this account (@mohammadnohbinsalleh), making him a major influencer. It is
unclear if he is being directly paid for these posts, but he is likely being compensated for his overall role

Noh Salleh’s Instagram story and post promotion the DISQOVR tour.

IQOS Coaches
IQOS coaches, also known as IQOS consultants, advisors, partners, sales representatives, and sales
experts, among other names, are paid PMI employees who work as sales representatives to reach out to
potential customers to educate them about IQOS, perform trials, and sell devices, among other duties.
Though coaches are employed to do in-person outreach work, a small number of coaches post about
IQOS on Instagram, especially in Romania but also in several other countries. In Romania, many of these
coaches are also Romanian brand ambassadors (see below). We have posted videos from coaches giving
their IQOS testimonials and also engaging in coach recruitment on our SRITA website:
Coaches’ photos on Instagram include coach team pictures, photos from IQOS events, and lifestyle
photos. There are also Instagram pages dedicated to coach teams and coach hiring.
The IQOS Coach position is an open-ended sales representative job with additional functions that
vary by country. PMI numbers stated there were 4500 coaches in 20 countries in 2018 (ref IQOS CZ, 2018),
a number that grew to 8500 coaches in 42 countries in 2019 (ref Philip Morris International 2019). Central
to their role is selling IQOS, though their specific sales activities take different forms depending on the
country and exact position. Given their number and mixed management, one finds highly variable
practice. In countries with loose regulation, coaches may hang out in public areas and at youthful events,
hold frequent parties at luxurious locations (often on the beachfront), and engage very closely with loyal
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 109

customers in a manner which is aggressively friendly. To the contrary, in countries with stronger
regulations, some coaches report that they can’t even reach out to people without first being asked about
the product. But even then, there are reports of law-breaking.
Oftentimes, coaches try to make sales during the day and then go and host events at night. Many
take place in bars and discos . In addition, coaches staff branded IQOS parties such as the IQOS Zone x
Cosmopolitan Party in 2017 (where they could be seen in trendy, beach-themed outfits).
Hosted events are especially common where IQOS Coaches are hired through third-party
marketing agencies, as is often the case. These outsourced coaches are ambitious, sometimes engaging
in coordinated public advertising. For instance, the IQOS Coach Team #belikeme ordered IQOS-themed
letterman jackets. A series of Instagram photos show them sporting this college apparel out in public
places. Another example would be how BTL Carlo, a recruitment agency for IQOS Coaches, hires college-
age students to drive around in expensive IQOS-branded cars.

Russian IQOS Coaches.
Text Translation: Night, Friday, IQOS boutique - the perfect combination.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 110
Text Translation: “Are you graduating from university? And you still don’t know where you want to go? Over the
years of the institute, I realized that this is not yours? Do you want to save on travel, buy yourself good clothes and
smartphones? Work in a friendly team of ambitious, result-oriented guys? Then you come to us!”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 111

IQOS Coaches.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 112

Recruitment posting for “IQOS Partners” in the Czech Republic. “It is not a typical dealer position. The goal is to
set an example and convince of the benefits of raising the interest of adult smokers in the neighborhood to use
IQOS instead of classic cigarettes. The task is also to build your own network of contacts . . .”

Some coaches work in well-coordinated teams headed by IQOS Coach Leaders. There is a great
deal of top-down organization, with some teams getting training at their country’s PMI headquarters or
staffing high-profile brand locations (Papa Carlo, 2017; Fieldstar, 2018; RBT Group, 2019).
Some Coaches work flexible hours and are paid a baseline amount for reaching their monthly
quota. After reaching the quota, they are paid extra per sale. To convince potential customers, they’re
authorized to lend IQOS devices to clients for a trial period and run initial hour-long consultations to show
users how the device works. Other methods to sell people on the product are quite common. These
include public advertising through decals on luxury vehicles and attending high-profile events in designer
outfits in order to sell IQOS to attendees.
Other names for coaches include IQOS Partner, Advisor, Sales Expert, and Sales Representative,
although the catch-all term is “coach.” Some coaches are non-smokers─one coach said she just cared
about spreading the word about the benefits of IQOS. (IQOS CZ, 2018)
PMI contracted with the service design studio of Publicis Sapient to develop an app for their sales
force. (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 113

The IQOS Coaches APP, the IQOS consumer App, and the IQOS website are three access points of the
comprehensive set of “Digital Touchpoints” used by PMI to track customers for marketing purposes.

IQOS Coach App.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 114

Job Listing for IQOS Coach Leader in Italy on Glassdoor (1/1/2020)

“As IQOS Coach Leader you will have the task of identifying and informing exclusively adult smokers who
would otherwise continue to smoke on products with reduced risk ("RRP"), managing to find opportunities
to involve and make known to the Legal Age Smokers (LAS ) RRP products. For Philip Morris International,
RRP products are products that present, may present or have the potential to present a lower risk of harm
to smokers who use them, compared to the persistence of the habit of smoking. The marketing of RRP
products requires the identification of the right consumer (exclusively adult smokers) in the right contact
points and at the right time, in order to involve them effectively and responsibly, thus achieving the agreed
commercial objectives.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 115

IQOS Coach Leaders

The role of an IQOS coach leader seems similar to that of an IQOS Coach, along with some
additional managerial responsibilities. IQOS coach leaders manage teams of IQOS coaches in addition to
performing the sales tasks of regular IQOS coaches and other duties such as organization of events,
sponsorships, and marketing activities. The position does not require excessive qualifications.
For example, a recruitment post (
6QYLDyzfbQGy/view) for an IQOS Coach Leader in Treviso, Italy only requires that you have “At least one
year in a commercial organization.” On LinkedIn, there were many Coach Leaders from Italy. On
Instagram, we found one from Russia and one from Romania. In Russia, for instance, one prominent
Coach Leader is also a jewelry designer and model. From their Instagram page
( most coach leaders in Russia appear to be attractive young
women. They frequently appear posing on the team’s official Instagram account. While we don’t
necessarily think that social media is a big focus for them, fashion and beauty clearly are. It would seem
that the purpose of their having hired a model to run their team is to keep them all stylish (especially for
when they host events).

RBT group ( is an integrated marketing communications agency whose

structure includes both permanent and mobile offices throughout the Russian Federation.
Text Translation: “Being a leader is a science. Two days supervisors and managers studied this craft. The
coach wished everyone sooner or later to hear from their employees: You are the best leader I have had."
The Romanian Coach Leader we found seemed to be quite savvy as well (a blogger with almost
11K IG followers). She has made some youth-appealing Instagram posts, although she’s definitely less of
an ambassador than some of the Romanian Coaches we’ve seen (Chiritescu 2017, 2018). Given what we
normally see in Romania, this isn’t especially damning. But a fair suggestion would be that the Coach
Leader’s social media specialty influences the brand-oriented postings made by her team.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 116

Job Listing for IQOS Coach in Canada on Glassdoor (1/1/2020)

Note the differences between the job description in Italy versus Canada. Both use the term
“reduced risk products” describe recruiting smokers to change to IQOS. In Italy it describes IQOS as
having a “lower risk of harm to smokers.” In Canada, the more generic: “you are genuinely interested in
the needs of others.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 117

PMI job listings for IQOS coaches and brand ambassadors

PMI recruits for a variety of positions that, while bearing different names, all revolve around retail,
communication with customers and potential IQOS users, and networking with prospects. We collected
53 job postings for IQOS-related sales jobs posted between May and July 2019. Nearly half (26) were
located in Spain, with the rest in other European countries plus two in Guatemala and two in Canada. The
positions are listed under names like IQOS coach, commercial assistant, brand ambassador, hostess (using
the Spanish term azafata de imagen), sales representative, and sales consultant, among many others.
These names sometimes appear together in one listing, like “IQOS Coach (Sales Representative)” and
“IQOS Brand Ambassador / Seller,” further muddling the distinctions between the different titles. Almost
all of these positions are hired through third party hiring organizations like Grupo TEMA in Spain,
Maxpromotion in the Czech Republic, and Adecco in a number of countries, rather than through the
official Philip Morris job board. Exceptions include two positions in Canada that were posted on the main
PMI website.

Recruitment campaign for IQOS coaches in Greece, Bulgaria, UK & perhaps elsewhere is called “Mission

As a whole, these jobs are sales positions, as indicated by some of the names. Accordingly, job
requirements include supporting and helping customers with their devices during and after the sale. Job
ads stress creating, maintaining, and utilizing a network of acquaintances. Many prefer or require a
driver’s license, presumably to attend IQOS promotional events, which Instagram photos show many
employees staffing. Payment is generally fixed with the possibility of an additional commission. Only two
job ads gave a minimum age (21 years, for two listings in the Czech Republic); only one asked applicants
if they were a user of IQOS.
Although many of the positions are close to the same no matter their name, there are some with
meaningful differences. Several positions in Spain appear to be for positions in independent tobacco
shops (not IQOS stores), where employees are to “support the tobacco dealer in the commercialization of
IQOS.” Another listing called “Internal Sales IQOS” looks to be remote work, helping IQOS users with their
devices over the phone. In several listings, the requirements note that a “blogger with followers will be
valued” in the hiring process, seemingly connecting these jobs with social media. Especially in the case of
brand ambassadors, who represent IQOS at parties and events, some listings in Spain were looking for
people with “good appearance” or “good personal image.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 118

Russian Instagram job invitation July 8, 2019 for a “Sales Expert (brand representative)!!”

Russian Instagram job invitation April 10, 2019 for “creative sales consultants.”

"Is there an interesting job in the Urals? The one you want to come to with pleasure and get decent pay?"
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 119

IQOS Coach & Influencer Campaigns by Country:

Israel: LEADERS seeding campaign

PMI’s IQOS Israel Influencer Program (2017) was managed for the company by LEADERS, an Israeli
headquartered, multi-national company. The plan was described as a “seeding campaign” for the
country. Over half a million “adult smokers” were reached organically via unpaid, organic social media.
This is a remarkable penetrance as 19% of Israeli adults smoke among a population of 8.7 million of all
ages with 25.5% under age 14 - meaning that IQOS reached nearly half of all Israeli smokers. 64
influencers published IQOS photos, videos, or stories. We have posted a LEADERS video on their Israeli
influencers program on our SRITA website:
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 120

Israeli IQOS Influencer, hired by the influencer company LEADERS, soliciting fashion models
and bars and restaurants owners via text messaging.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 121

Israeli Influencers with thousands of followers promoting IQOS. The number of followers, while
impressive, are much smaller than those in Eastern Europe and Asia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 122

Japan: Nippon Day Influencer Campaign

IQOS launched its largest known influencer campaign around April 23, 2019 in Japan, just a few
weeks before PMI’s suspension of its overall influencer campaign. The Nippon Day celebration, a device
gifting and party for Japanese influencers, was crafted to come shortly before Japan’s Golden Week,
which celebrated the new monarch and the start of the Reiwa era; the holiday’s theme of transition from
one era to another parallels IQOS’ tagline, “this changes everything.”
Through analysis of content related to #iqosアンバサダー (#iqosambassador), our team was able
to find posts from over 150 unique Japanese influencers with massive social media followings who posed
with a limited-edition IQOS in red and white—traditional Japanese colors. PMI mailed the free devices to
the local Japanese celebrities and invited them to the exclusive IQOS Nippon Day party, likely under the
condition that the influencers post about their experiences. Each influencer wrote a post which started
with the hashtags #IQOSThisChangesEverything, #IQOSアンバサダー and #IQOSJapan, and each one
ended with the lines “For more information, check the IQOS Store, the official IQOS site. This product for
adult smokers is not without risk.” In the middle of the script, the influencers wrote more personal
messages so long as they thanked @iqos_jp and described the limited-edition IQOS.
The accompanying photo shows attractive, well-dressed young people posing with their IQOS
devices, in some cases at the exclusive IQOS event. Some of the influencers are wearing traditional
Japanese clothing; all of the photos are professionally taken. None of the influencers were spotted
actually smoking the IQOS, only posing with it. The influencers themselves were mostly women in their
20s; some were prominent bloggers or models, and quite a few were members of a famous Japanese
Bikini Dancer group. All of the influencers had large audiences: anywhere from 12k to 359k followers. This
final push by IQOS through its influencer campaign had a massive effect, with an aggregate of tens of
millions of views of the product through social media platforms and accounts that weren’t targeted only
at adult smokers.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 123

South African Influencers

The Johannesburg launch of IQOS was held at The Roof in Fourways with actress Jo-Anne
Reyneke was MC for the night with Fistaz Mixwell DJ. Mixwell has 90,000 Instagram followers.

Celebrities at Johannesburg launch of IQOS.

From the magazine Afropolitan May 3, 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 124

In July 2019, Medical Brief, Africa’s medical media digest, published an article describing PMI’s use
of influencers in South Africa, all prior to the influencer suspension. (Ref Legality of using) The article
focused on Pearl Modiadie, a MetroFM talk show host whom PMI sent to Milan Design Week 2019 with
all expenses covered. During her time in Italy, Modiadie posted around 20 IQOS-related photos and videos
for her 2.2 million followers to see. In addition, the article claims that Modiadie is just “one of at least five
prominent social media influencers” who have posted about IQOS this year.
Although this use of influencers in South Africa came before the influencer suspension, the
campaign is still problematic in that influencer use goes against South African tobacco marketing
regulation. The Medical Brief article references South Africa’s 1993 Tobacco Products Control Act, which
banned tobacco advertising, as well as a 2009 amendment to the act that prohibited tobacco companies
from causing other people to advertise or promote their products. This is part of a more general tendency
of the IQOS brand to ignore its status as a tobacco product until it is punished for doing so (other examples
would be from France and Canada).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 125

Czech Influencers at KVIFF 2018 (prior to influencer ban) and possibly KVIFF 2019 (after ban)
In July 2018, a Czech article in Expres reported that PMI paid a list of celebrity influencers who
attended the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the spa town of Karlovy Vary, Czechia. (ref.
Mchitarjan) The article reported on several IQOS videos from 2018 that described PMI inviting at least 20
bloggers and celebrities who were paid to promote IQOS on social media. (ref. Czech video) According to
the article, some of the paid celebrities had never smoked or had previously quit entirely.
The celebrities posted IQOS-related content with the hashtag #iqosambassador, which influencer
brand ambassadors used. Further, a celebrity influencer’s IQOS-related post that was mentioned in one
of the 2018 videos targeted a youthful audience with a question about summer vacation. (ref. Czech
celebrity posts) Hejlova and colleagues identified 22 Czech influencers over 2018 to early 2019 with 10.5
to 95.6k Instagram followers. (Ref Hejlova). They described that IQOS was described: “as a gateway to an
aspirational, healthy, attractive and celebrity lifestyle.”
Czech Transvestite IQOS Ambassador.

IQOS coaches in Spain follow the same mold as in many other countries. According to one coach,
her job was divided between being a standard sales representative during the day and an event manager
at night. In the morning, she noted, she and her team would go and hang out in public institutions such
as restaurants to promote the product.
It appears that there is additional coach activity in the Canary Islands. Searching the #iqosclub
hashtag, we came across a modeling team called Eventually Canarias which works both to sell IQOS
devices and to host IQOS events. Some of these models are under 25, all are under 30, and the team is
active on Instagram (“A Casting Call”).
Holding wine glasses out windows at an event.
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“Hostesses” performing salesperson functions (Canary islands).

Spain’s Got Talent winner Cristina Ramos with 73.4K Instagram followers.
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Romanian Brand Ambassadors (BA) are part of what is likely a Romania-specific program. These
BAs seem to all be women in the range of 22-26 years old. They commonly show IQOS devices used in
day-to-day life, at events, and at IQOS spaces portraying the brand as an attractive, high-status lifestyle
of travel and leisure. The BAs frequently attend music festivals and are also often seen with others from
their coach teams.
A Romanian BA told us that it was a program only in her country, and there are negligibly few
people with the title in other countries. In this program, Romanian IQOS coaches who post on social media
can be selected for the title of brand ambassador. The two Romanian brand ambassadors who answered
our inquiries claimed to not be paid for their online activity but rather posted as a “hobby” separate from
their employment by PMI—a distinguishing factor from usual IQOS influencers. Further, Romanian BAs
tend to have one to five thousand followers, which is fewer than IQOS hired influencers. A Romanian BA
with whom we communicated said that she gets “lots of benefits” including gifts and event entry. Even
more than with coaches, the brand ambassador position appears to be a way for IQOS to maintain a major
social media presence, running what is essentially a micro-influencer program under the guise of
employee posting.
The Romanian IQOS Coach program is just as flashy as that seen in Spain. The main coach team’s
official name is #belikeme ( Members of #belikeme are the
coaches who staff IQOS events at IQOS-affiliated locations like the Qreator and Shut-Up Beach. The team
hires above the age of 19 and most of their members seem to be only a few years over. Some of them
promote IQOS on their personal Instagram pages as Romanian brand ambassadors, even after IQOS’s
influencer ban, in a manner analogous to influencer brand ambassadors (ref Manea).
The activities of #belikeme are extensive, and the team is hired and stylized to appeal to young
people. They make overtly teen-oriented posts on their Instagram page, showing the young team
members posing cheekily in boomerang-style videos popular among youth. They show up to events in
ripped jeans, coordinated designer-style robes, trendy summer outfits, and letter jackets. Most of them
are highly active on social media and frequently post about their IQOS adventures. The majority appear
to be under the age of 25, and the vast majority seem to be under the age of 35. Even their name is youth-
targeted: “be like me” echoes the “Be Marlboro” campaign in that, in order to be as cool and trendy as
the models, teens need to use tobacco just like them.
Romanian IQOS Coach program (Ref #belikeme).
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Russian IQOS coach teams are composed of young, attractive women similar to the Romanians
teams. Coaches have been explicitly hired on the basis of their being young, tall, and attractive. They’ve
also been hired if they have a nice car which is then outfitted with IQOS decals.
The two Russian coach teams we found were recruited by the hiring agencies BTL Carlo and RBT
Yekaterinburg. The first agency, BTL Carlo, is interesting for a number of reasons. One is their past use of
Tiffany Blue. Coaches were, for a several month period, outfitted and photographed in trendy Tiffany blue
overcoats and vests, one of the more direct uses of the color we’ve seen by the brand. Another thing to
point out about BTL Carlo is their having worn very youthful outfits at some events
BTL Carlo Russian coaches.
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BTL Carlo Russian coaches.

RBT Yekaterinburg (RBT Group) Russian Coaches.
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The second agency, RBT Yekaterinburg, seems to have similar hiring practices to BTL Carlo and
often adopts the same aesthetic. The leader of their team is also a model and a designer. Perhaps the
most relevant of their activities is dressing up in designer racing tracksuits at Formula 1 Events.

IQOS salespeople in France seem less centralized given that the coach function is distributed
through two third-party organizations, CPM France and GR Groupe International (from IQOS under the
Linkedin Employees tab for these companies). The function of coaches in France seems to be more
limited. In a conversation with IQOS Sales Representative in France we were told: “This is basically what
we’re allowed to do: We’re obligated to wait for clients who are recommended by a partner tobacconist,
if a client approaches us at the store and asks for information, we can then tell them more. But I can’t, for
example, speak to a client who simply walked in and didn’t address me. That’s the limitation: I can respond
in full, but I can’t engage customers on my own.”
In March 2018, an article in Le Monde reported on a complaint by 13 former PMI employees who
worked promoting IQOS that they were manipulated by the company. The article reported that the
employees had to sign a secrecy agreement about their activities and that their assignment was: “Each
person is then responsible for convincing smokers among friends, family members and acquaintances to
buy IQOS during meetings at a partner café.” The article reported that such indirect tobacco advertising
was illegal in France. (Ref. Treize anciens salariés portent plainte contre le cigarettier Philip Morris)

In Italy, as in other countries with more stringent regulations, coaches act as traditional sales reps,
often working in IQOS stores. They can organize events and work locally and through their personal
networks. Italy’s IQOS coaches seem largely centralized, meaning that most list themselves as working
for PMI rather than an outsourcing company.

Ariana Dimatteo 47.7K followers Fashion model Sara Finizio has 45.4k followers
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Coach leaders and coaches are “cool.”

(“Alternativa alla sigaretta…,” 2018)

Ucupcake has 243k followers Adalberto Carlitos (right) has 10.2k followers
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IQOS World Revealed by British sculptor Alex Chinneck in collaboration with Philip Morris
International at Milan Design Week 2019. Chinneck works largely on abandoned architecture as his canvas.
“IQOS weren’t trying to take that away any creative freedom. It was a fantastic opportunity as the partnership
has facilitated an artwork that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Their presence is more about brand and a new
product, they weren’t trying to force themselves into my work. It was a genuine dialogue. They’ve been great
partners in terms of their commitment.” (ref Bokhina)
“Chinneck’s IQOS world exhibition is expected to be visited by more than 50,000 people and is on view at
Spazio Quattrocento on Via Tortona in Milan until April 14, 2019 as part of Milan Design Week.”

According to a PMI official: “The collaboration between Chinneck and Philip Morris International aims
to present an artistic expression of the future. It seemed an obvious partnership to EU Region President
Frederic de Wilde: “PMI is leading the transformation of the tobacco industry – one that is based on science
and innovation,” he explains. “Our aim is to create a future where smoke-free products like IQOS replace
cigarettes to the benefit of society. It is precisely this thought, aimed at revealing an alternative vision of the
future, which naturally guided our collaboration between IQOS and Alex Chinneck.” (ref IQOS World Revealed
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According to the artist Alex Chinneck, as stated in multiple interviews: “By taking familiar materials
and architectural forms and making them behave in extraordinary ways, we are working with IQOS to change
visitors’ perceptions of what is possible.” (ref IQOS World Revealed Schon, Tuohy) The artist used phrases
such as “change” and “perception of what is possible” both of which are drawn directly from the PMI IQOS
marketing portfolio.

IQOS is relatively new to Indonesia (launched April 2019), and accordingly, the coach program
does not appear to be fully developed. According to one coach in the country, coaches are already running
events and facilitating the IQOS Club rewards program. Coaches are working closely with a select few
customers, paired with them one on one, trying to build up a loyal product fanbase before mass activation
(“Terms of Use for Digital Touchpoints”). The Indonesian IQOS site is locked unless you have an account
which requires a coach to contact you.
While the IQOS community is small in the country, there is evidence of an extravagant rewards
program there. The linked evidence shows expensive balloon centerpieces to be sent to just the first nine
club members as an exclusive gift.

Indonesian invitation to IQOS Club with promise of contact by an “IQOS Expert.”

United Kingdom:
Gabriele Gzimailaite is a full-time blogger about fashion who is also a compensated Instagram
influencer (gabrielegz) with 119k followers. In February 2018 she joined a team of influencers and IQOS
marketers at the London Fashion Week. Below is her description:
“During London Fashion Week, IQOS (heated tobacco technology) were kind enough to host me and a
plus one at the Rosewood Hotel in London and try out Rosewood's IQOS friendly rooms which I actually
didn't know were available in a hotel like Rosewood.

The first thing I have to note is that I was expecting the smell of tobacco in the room. Let's be honest,
smoking/vaping inside can really make the place smell bad but my room was fresh from the minute I
arrived to the minute I left the next day. That is a huge deal for me because I really dislike that 'I just had
a cigarette smell' but of course IQOS doesn't smell anyway so that was all good. Also, we had hair and
makeup artists come into our room in the morning so that meant we were ready for the day.
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We also had drinks with the IQOS team in an IQOS friendly bar and a few other bloggers and influencers
in the evening so it was really nice to chat about fashion week, Instagram and all things Iqos.”

Stefan-Pierre is a London model, described as a supermodel with appearances in Vogue and GQ

with 171k followers on Instagram. He claims on his Instagram account: “I’m The Most Right Swiped
Man on Tinder dating app.”
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IQOS Use of Celebrity influencers

PMI uses the age-old strategy of using celebrities to drum up enthusiasm for its products. Studies
have shown that celebrity endorsements add value and significantly increases positive attitudes towards
the brand. The effect is particularly strong among adolescents between the ages of 12 to 18 years. The
proliferation of images of celebrities attending and using IQOS on social media platforms such as
Instagram targets young people, including non-tobacco users, and exposes them to tobacco marketing
that they otherwise would not have been exposed to. IQOS use of celebrities was observed in Romania,
Czech Republic, Russia, Italy, and Spain although this is undoubtedly only part of the story. As a general
observation, the celebrity endorsers of IQOS are not “A-List” but rather more of the “B-list” variety. For
example, Monica Cruz rather than Penelope Cruz.
At the launch of its IQOS 3 device in Spain, it held a spectacular event at the Cibeles Palace in
Madrid that was attended by a number of prominent celebrities including Monica Cruz, Paz Vega, Alberto
Amman, Joaquin Reyes, Topacio Fresh and others. Jamiroquai front lined the event that was attended by
more than 600 guests.

IQOS 3 Presentation Madrid, Spain February 2, 2019.
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IQOS 3 Presentation Madrid, Spain February 2, 2019.
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Celebrities at the German premiere of IQOS 3 at the Museum of Hamburg History November 14, 2018.

“Moving Party” at IQOS Embassy Rome by Suite 19. The boutique agency are celebrity specialists.
(May 17, 2017).
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Bambi Awards, Germany most prestigious media awards, Baden Baden, November 21, 2019.
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An IQOS promotional event in Madrid at NuBel space , the restaurant of the Reina Sofía Museum,
attended by many young Spanish celebrities.
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An article in Celebrity News ( described a Moscow celebrity video promotion of

IQOS. Look in both: IQOS shot mini-series with celebrities.

Alina Ermia, a Romanian actress and singer, holds a gold colored IQOS in front of a Christmas tree.
(December 29, 2018). She has 1.4M Instagram followers and her IQOS post has 44,685 likes.
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Kati Varnava is a very popular Russian actress and comedian with 6.4M Instagram followers. Her IQOS
post garnered 91,956 likes.

Lukerya with 502k Instagram followers. . Her IQOS post garnered 6,662 likes.
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Czech actress movie actress wit 387k Instagram followers. Her IQOS post garnered 7965 likes.

PeeetaaaTV a YouTube star with 497 videos has 114k Instagram followers and his IQOS posts
garnered 25,637 likes.
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Media articles critical of IQOS use of celebrities: Translated from Czech
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IQOS Stores
IQOS stores are designed to reflect the company’s desired image as modern and change-making.
Much in the style of Apple stores, IQOS stores are sleek, full of light, and open, with a minimalist focus on
technology. Assertive colors give the stores vibrancy, while uncluttered furniture and decor deliver a
balance of visual cleanliness and comfort. IQOS spaces are designed to encourage smokers to linger and
spend time “discovering” the product or connecting it with indulgences like coffee and chocolate. The
frequent use of natural but manicured elements such as wood and artificial foliage contributes to a trendy
aesthetic and serves as a breath of fresh air in what may otherwise feel like a more dull, traditional, and
confining tobacco shop.

Further, the spaciousness creates a comfortable experience for customers taking their time in
the stores. Thorstein Scheib, Director of Marketing for PMI in Munich, explained, “Many adult smokers
are interested in IQOS and want to get to know, touch and try this innovative product. In addition to
taste, the consumption of tobacco products has a lot to do with touch and ritual - the interest is
correspondingly high - and accordingly we need a lot of space in our boutiques. The time customers spend
in our boutiques and pop-up stores is very long.” ( ref Burkert, 2017) Accordingly, IQOS stores offer ample
seating and even cafés to encourage lingering and occupy customers while they wait for service.
To complement the open spaces, floor-to-ceiling windows let in natural light and serve to connect
the stores to the outside world. These windows, one of many features mirroring Apple stores, serve to
enhance the space inside the stores, invite passersby to enter, and increase public awareness of
IQOS─the products inside are highly visible from the outside.
IQOS has made use of pop-up stores in various countries, which abide by many of the principles
in this section, albeit on a smaller scale. Apparently, it favored this approach in Germany, as Retail Insider
writes that “While Parent company Philip Morris International launched permanent storefronts in
Canada, its strategy in Germany involved launching pop-up boutiques which allowed them to introduce
the product quickly to a large number of smokers.” (ref???)
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Examples of IQOS store fronts:

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Some IQOS Stores are called “Boutiques”- to connote high end and fashionable merchandise.

IQOS Store Interiors

In addition to natural light, IQOS stores utilize both bright white lighting and warm, soft lighting
depending on their overall schemes. Those stores with cooler, harsher lighting seem more energetic and
edgy, fitting in with IQOS’ modern theme, change narrative, and claims of cleanliness. Those stores with
more warm, natural light, which tends to accompany light wood and other natural elements, appear more
welcoming and connote nature, air, and health. A few stores feature small quantities of blue lighting to
complement the IQOS logo and create a futuristic atmosphere. In some stores, spotlighting from above
or below draws attention to the products in a manner resembling jewel cases or a museum exhibit.

At the center of the IQOS store palette are blue and white. In parallel with IQOS’ logo and most of
its basic advertising, stores feature white walls accented with, among other designs, the IQOS logo and
slogans in blue. GM Stand Design, which designed an IQOS exhibition stand, wrote about how the basic
IQOS color scheme embodies “light mist and freshness ─ the main associations with the vape,” implying
the IQOS aerosol is closer to water vapor than cigarette smoke. (2018)
Completing the green-to-blue color scheme found in many iterations of the IQOS logo, many
stores feature green elements, with plants being the most common. This fake foliage is accompanied in
its natural theme by the extensive use of light wood. In stores that emphasize natural elements, the
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 147

overarching color palette includes earthy beige tones, light and dark green, warm off-white light, and
saturated colored accents in hues such as red and green.
In addition to cool modern elements and warm, natural colors, IQOS stores use pointed, bold
colors to draw attention to individual products. Maybe even more than JUUL, IQOS takes the idea of a
jewel case to heart and highlights small numbers of its metallic devices in well-lit museum-like displays
on light wood tables. Specially designed holders exhibit rainbows of interchangeable caps and carrying
cases, which glimmer in pinks, navies, and reds. Shelves at graceful inclines are built into walls or
freestanding dividers, which allows employees to arrange HEETS cartons in mosaic-like patterns of orange
and yellow. Simple color schemes for individual products─like the basic lime and white for the HEETS
Green Label flavor─emphasize the cleanliness and modernity central to all IQOS branding. The bright
colors of the products and wall signage are sometimes backgrounded by black to exaggerate the color
contrast and balance out the stores’ lighter shades.
Two findings, the IQOS Talkbox and an article from the Italian IQOS news site, suggest that IQOS
store designers’ color choices have to do with intended mood. The latter knowingly states that
[translated]: “Color conditions and interacts with human emotions...According to the psychology of color,
in fact, every shade has a different influence on a given feeling. For example: red can infuse courage and
security, blue conveys peace and serenity.” While the exact color choices of the designers are harder to
decipher, it’s clear that they use color choice in an attempt to influence customer mood and attitude
toward the store. The designers are aware that people smoke with the intention of feeling a certain way,
and colors can help induce those feelings. Creating this connection between IQOS devices and the positive
mood experienced while in the store leads the customer to believe that using IQOS will have a positive
effect on mood or that the device should be used when in a good mood. The designers’ intention is in line
with cigarette advertisements that advise people to smoke either for a “lift” or to better one’s

Natural materials
IQOS stores and spaces incorporate a wide range of natural materials. In addition to the clear
message that IQOS is healthy and sustainable, each material holds several additional unique meanings.
First, extensive use of wood (e.g., paneling and craft benches) produces a sense of craftsmanship
and promotes relaxation through an association with domestic environments. High-quality walnut
paneling throughout the stores helps to maintain a modern aesthetic without making the environment
seem artificial or cold.
Next, tropical leaves and plants bring to mind themes of paradise and pleasure. Tropical plants
such as ferns, which often surround IQOS signage, vividly call to mind the outdoors and beaches in
particular─potentially a nod to IQOS’ beachfront parties.
In contrast to the lush tropical aesthetic, IQOS stores sometimes make use of light green grasses,
mosses, and grass bulbs, which almost look extraterrestrial. These decorations are a light, natural element
that doesn’t break continuity with the futuristic aesthetic.

IQOS stores at times utilize unique geometric shapes in their displays, walls, and decorative
elements. The IQOS exhibition stand designers at GM Stand Design explained that they “used acute and
moderately aggressive shapes to demonstrate the fast development of the products and the dynamics of
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the company.” While the shapes used in current IQOS stores are usually not as sharp-edged, the same
sense of speed and lightness is evident in their streamlined forms.
Another repeated feature in IQOS stores is the pattern of interlocking hexagons. In addition to
being sharp, appealing shapes, hexagons may have several significances. When made from wood, the
hexagons resemble beehives and combined with the warmth of the wood, they may connote honey and
sweetness. They also may represent the ends of rolled and stacked HEETS. Additionally, they convey a
sense of connection and harmony while maintaining IQOS’ geometric style.
A persistent visual theme in IQOS stores is a lack of bulkiness. Large elements are often broken up
into pieces and painted with light colors. As IQOS designers have noted, these delicate and light visuals
are an intentional style choice: “To emphasize the weightlessness of the design we’re only using either the
transparent furniture or the variations of wire chairs. All of the elements are united by the idea of air and
lightness that are at the core of the product.” This emphasis on weightlessness is also a proxy for
harmlessness and a lack of smoke.

Wall text
IQOS stores often feature slogans on at least one wall in addition to the IQOS logo text. IQOS’ main
slogan, “this changes everything,” appears most frequently. Other slogans featured in stores include
“hello happiness,” “enter a new beginning,” and “A burning problem. A new found inspiration. And now a
solution." One campaign has city-specific slogans reading “your Munich will change,” for example. In other
cases, the text is a single word such as “discover,” “pleasure,” “air,” “taste,” “heat,” or “clean.” Some text
is more informational, such as “heat not burn technology,” and “real tobacco.”

Along with the IQOS tech on display, IQOS stores make heavy use of technology as part of their
branding. Video screens are used to display ads in many stores. In some, users can use touchscreens to
browse products and learn more about the development and components of IQOS. Other stores feature
VR headsets, like some of those in Japan, which run a video called “Dynamically IQOS.” While it is unclear
exactly what this video is, another IQOS VR video shows that at least in some stores, the VR programming
is just advertising. There are also some one-off tech items, like the case designer in the Tel Aviv store,
where customers can design their own IQOS case on a large touch screen display (complete with youthful,
emoji-like stickers) that will then be printed from a specialized machine right then and there.
IQOS display adjacent to children’s videos.
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Interior of IQOS Stores.

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IQOS “Premium Partner” Program is an arrangement with selected retail outlets, especially in Italy.
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IQOS “Premium Partners” – apparently favored independent vendors.

Sampling in Stores:
It is clear that at least some IQOS stores allow customers to use the device then and there. This is
most clear in Japanese IQOS stores: in them, customers can choose and take from a tray of HEETS and
HeatSticks to try, allowing them to find a flavor they want. Videos of events in stores also appear to show
attendees trying IQOS. However, other than informational signs encouraging testing that accompany the
trays in Japanese stores, there has been no documentation found that explicitly allows for flavor sampling.
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Sales people explain the IQOS system, demonstrate its use, and offer potential customers to try flavors.

The pathway to profitability for IQOS is via repeated sales of its tobacco consumables. IQOS stores
prominently feature cartons of HEETS equivalent to a carton of cigarettes.

A variety of IQOS Accessories are sold in some IQOS stores.

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Seeking to differentiate IQOS from cigarettes, IQOS places feature no smoking, but yes IQOS signs.

Laboratory demonstrations in IQOS Stores.
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At the IQOS store in Tel Aviv, customers can design their own custom case, complete with bright colors
and youthful stickers like those seen on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. The machine attached
to this screen prints the cases right then and there with a specialized printer. Designed by the Visualed
design company as seen here:

When Health Canada informed IQOS that law prohibited the name of any tobacco brand on
a store front, the company changed the name to “Q-Lab.”
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While permanent IQOS stores are located in prominent “high street” locations, temporary “pop up”
stores appear in shopping centers and other high traffic location with the goal of introducing the
product to a wide audience.

Not surprisingly, IQOS places displays within tobacco shops.

IQOS store- Czech shopping center in front of a toy store. IQOS colored cookies (macarons): mall kiosk.
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Race car game in IQOS store.

Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic. IQOS decorated BMW in Switzerland.!1s0x8eaf895313c39fc3%3A0xafac59bf24bc92b7!3m1!7e115!

Salespersons in IQOS stores are typically young and attractive.
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Salespersons in IQOS stores are typically young and attractive.

IQOS retail locations are quite numerous.

IQOS Stores in Germany IQOS stores in Rome
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Locations in France and Spain selling IQOS products illustrating the nationwide penetrance.
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DUTY Free Stores

Duty free stores emphasize luxury brands to their relatively wealthy clientele. IQOS is sold in a
number of prominent international airports around the world, with displays sometimes located
adjacent to Marlboro cigarettes. In some airports, large LED screen display IQOS advertisements.

IQOS in airport duty free.

Beirut Osaka

Dubai Dubai

Seoul Moscow
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 160

IQOS display in a duty free stores. Note the adjacency of PMI premier products Marlboro and IQOS
including the iconic red chevron.

“Traveller Exclusive” Duty Free version of IQOS 3 in “Radiant Red.”

IQOS on sale adjacent to its heated tobacco competitor Glo (British American Tobacco Company).
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A 2018 design folio from GM Stand Design, evidently for a trade show exhibit emphasized: “Freshness,
nature, wings, geometric shapes.” (ref. GM Stand Design)
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IQOS friendly spaces are designated spaces in which IQOS users are free to use their device where
cigarette use would not be allowed. Such places are designated restaurants, public spaces, clubs, cafes,
bars, and beaches and have numerous international locations. In order to become a designated IQOS
friendly establishment, either IQOS reaches out to the establishment for partnership inquiries (usually)
through a third party agency, or restaurants and bars apply for IQOS friend space license through the
IQOS website. These extensions of IQOS into public spaces is a way for IQOS to expand their branding
reach to the general population and other lifestyle followers. Additionally, the branding of IQOS exposes
the device to younger audiences as restaurants and beaches are not restricted by age, and children with
families will be able to see the sleek branding of IQOS.
With the growing number of IQOS Friendly places worldwide, these locations create an
opportunity for IQOS to continue to associate and pair their device with mundane things like eating,
lounging, food, and alcohol. Having IQOS branding just like a beer brand on the store promotes the
likeness of IQOS to food or beer and reinforces the message that IQOS is meant to be enjoyed habitually
like food and drink.
An “IQOS Spot” is a location where smoking is prohibited but IQOS use is permitted.

Underlying the IQOS Friendly Places program is the concept PMI promotes that IQOS is “unsmoke”
and thus does not lead to harmful secondhand exposure from the exhaled plume. As illustrated from the
pictures below (IOQS Boutique in Odessa, Russia) IQOS use is associated with a substantial exhaled volume
of aerosol containing nicotine, glycerin, and combustion products from smoldering tobacco leaf. The goal
of the Friendly Places program is to undermine regulations which forbid indoor smoking. This allows
smokers of regular cigarettes an alternative way of smoking when in bars, restaurants, etc. Such dual use,
common among IQOS users, closes nicotine exposure gaps during the day and actually deepens addiction.
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IQOS Cafes
IQOS Cafes are coffee shops that are centered around IQOS and run by the company. They focus
on the connections between IQOS and coffee and provide a space where people can comfortably use and
buy IQOS products. The cafes resemble IQOS retail stores, with a modern and minimalist aesthetic and a
heavy reliance on light natural wood. They’re heavily branded with IQOS mugs, napkins, coasters, and
thermoses. Additionally, customers are encouraged to pair coffee flavors with corresponding HEETS
flavors. IQOS cafes promote a sense of comfort, relaxation, and ease with respect to device use. They also
send the underlying message that IQOS is as benign an addiction as coffee and a tasteful consumable
product that pairs well with food.

IQOS Café on wheels, Romania.
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Co Lab Café in Madrid, Spain IQOS Café. Brno, Czech Republic

IQOS Signature Café, Tokyo.
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IQOS Signature Café, Vietnam.

IQOSignature Cafe
IQOSignature Cafe has the most locations out of all the IQOS cafes. It seems to be a chain with a
few locations in Japan in Ginza, Sapporo, and Nagata-chō; one store in Vietnam; and another in Russia.
They advertise “IQOS x Coffee Marriage” with a menu that guides users to a coffee that matches the taste
of a specific HEETS flavor. Similarly, they’ve paired macarons and chocolates with different HEETS. At the
Sapporo location, a customer wrote a review on their Facebook page explaining how IQOS users get one
free cup of coffee every day, free Wi-Fi, sometimes free cleaning sticks, and a free drink of alcohol after
5 pm. Since these perks are most likely exclusive to IQOS users, this is problematic because it rewards
IQOS users for their smoking. These deals and free rewards incentivize IQOS users to continue smoking
and lure non-IQOS users to join the community.
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IQOSignature Cafe:

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SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 168

This campaign was a collaboration with patissier Sadaharu Aoki (left). It was intended to evoke the flavors
of IQOS HEETS through food: the “Chocolate Marriage” campaign matched six chocolates with six flavors
of HEETS, and the macarons were meant to mirror the flavor of the newly launched Tropical Menthol
HeatSticks. The drink on the right is IQOS Odessa, Russia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 169

We have posted an IQOS cafe videos on our SRITA website:

IQOS and Co.

IQOS & Co., which used to be called IQOS Co_Lab Cafe in 2018, is located in Palacio de Santa
Barbara in Madrid and is much bigger than the other IQOS cafes. This revamped restaurant is restricted
exclusively to people over the age of 18 and is a temporary establishment that opens for the summer and
early autumn months in collaboration with Larrumba Group. The restaurant is described as being an
“open, cosmopolitan and eclectic space” with different areas, including a terrace to enjoy food and drinks,
an IQOS store where people can customize the product, and a space to compare the technology of IQOS
and the combustion of a cigarette. Additionally, the space features a series of workshops that showcase
lifestyle trends to target IQOS users. It is evident that the restaurant’s complex design and numerous
areas are branding IQOS as a refined product to those who are interested in the latest trends and value
deluxe items. The description of the restaurant on their website uses very elevated language and makes
IQOS seem like a product of high innovation and the perfect pair to a luxurious meal in an exclusive lounge
In addition to food and drink, IQOS & Co. has promoted the restaurant as a creative coworking
space in which people can experience an active, fun social environment that encourages collaboration
between teams. Oftentimes, the restaurant will hold events and invite bands for performances or artists
for exhibitions. IQOS goes above and beyond to brand this location as a relaxed and open space where
people can enjoy high-class food, company, and IQOS, rather than a restaurant that is simply “IQOS
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 170

IQOS & Co.

IQOS & Co. Menu

IQOS Friendly Spaces

IQOS friendly spaces are designated spaces, like restaurants, clubs, cafes, bars, and beaches, in
which IQOS users are free to smoke their device while cigarette smokers are not. In order to become a
designated IQOS friendly establishment, either IQOS reaches out to the establishment for partnership
inquiries, usually through a third party agency, or restaurants and bars apply as IQOS friendly space
through the IQOS website. For instance, in Japan, there is a website where restaurants and other
establishments can apply to receive IQOS friendly certification. There is no advertised fee for
establishments to become an IQOS friendly space. The website provides a list of benefits that come with
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 171

being an IQOS friendly space, such as “differentiating with other stores, bringing in new customers, and
improving corporate attitudes and impressions.” The biggest benefit to establishments to being IQOS
friendly appears to be advertising, as the IQOS friendly establishment will be promoted to IQOS users
through official IQOS websites and apps. For example, the Czech Republic’s website advertises their large
number of IQOS friendly establishments through articles about community acceptance of the device as
well as an extensive map of all such locations. Such maps are also accessible through the IQOS Connect
app, a mobile app that allows users to change settings on their IQOS devices as well as locate the nearest
IQOS friendly establishment.
As IQOS continues to reach out to restaurants, bars, and other establishments, we are finding that
IQOS has continued to extend its brand far past tobacco. In fact, many Ukrainian, Czech, Japanese, and
Russian magazines have already picked up on the trend. These articles that feature stories such as “Top
5 IQOS Lounges/Restaurants” are reaching many of the top trendy lifestyle magazines, which possibly
reach younger audiences. These articles may be sponsored by IQOS, though that relationship is not
disclosed if it exists. If IQOS is sponsoring the articles, it is an indication that the brand is putting
substantial resources into extending itself through the friendly space partnerships. Additionally, friendly
spaces with IQOS branding expose the device to younger audiences. Affiliated restaurants are not
necessarily restricted by age, so children eating with their families will be exposed to an IQOS smoking
Lastly, the increase in IQOS friendly locations creates an opportunity for IQOS to continue to
associate and pair their device with mundane things like eating, lounging, food, and alcohol. Having IQOS
branding just like a beer brand on the store analogizes the two and reinforces the message that IQOS is
meant to be enjoyed habitually like food and drink.

Signs for IQOS Friendly Places.

Romanian IQOS Friendly Beach that heavily promotes IQOS and throws parties that are sponsored
by IQOS. In Romania (2015), the Romanian Parliament adopted a law banning smoking in public areas.
The law, that came into effect on March 2016 forbids smoking in any closed environment for public use,
defining a closed environment as one having at least two walls. The beach is family friendly and allows
kids to be around this public space where IQOS is allowed.
IQOS Friendly Beach in Cartagena allows users to use their IQOS and even get special deals if they
are IQOS users. In Colombia, the law extended its existing tobacco control regulations by requiring all
indoor work places and public places be immediately smoke-free; prohibiting tobacco advertising,
promotions and sponsorship . This beach is likely sponsored by IQOS, and since IQOS is a tobacco product,
this “IQOS friendly beach” could be breaking laws.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 172

Shut up Beach Romania July 30, 2018 Purple Beach Club January 10, 2019
Club- Cartagena-2087258818033864/

A wedding at IQOS Shut up Beach event. An infant the event – note the children’s swing.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 173

Balloon rides and movie night at IQOS beach events.

IQOS Friendly places in Bristol, England.

PMI lobbies intensively to enable use of IQOS in smoke free locations. An article in UNIAN in
December 2016 quoted a PMI official on achieving permission for IQOS to be used in smoke free zones in
Japan "We made more than 10 thousand meetings with government officials. As a result, one after
another prefectures in Japan began to remove restrictions on the IQOS use in public places that became
as an additional incentive for smokers to give up conventional cigarettes." (ref. A farewell to smoking ).
The PMI official added: "Employers realize how beneficial it is – if a person does not spend every hour
going on a smoke break, time to get to the smoking room and return to the workplace, and began to
encourage smokers to switch from cigarettes to IQOS.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 174

IQOS Friendly Places: Bars.

Rock Bar Bourbon Odessa, Russia FULL Bar in the BARVY restaurant , Kiev, Ukraine

PhoeniX Bar. Dnipro, Ukraine Cubo Bar Quinta Do Lago, Portugal

IQOS Friendly Places: Restaurants.

Sushiandmore Restaurant, Vinovo, Italy Meatandburger Restaurant, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 175

IQOS Friendly Places: Nightclubs.

Kaiser 53 Czech nightclub The Addison's Nightclub, Toronto, Canada

IQOS Friendly Places: Barbershop, nail salon, beauty parlor, clothing store.
Yourspace beauty parlor Kiev, Ukraine Black Lion Barber Shop Moldova. Laque Nail Salon, Khariv, Ukraine

Gridress showroom clothing store, Kharkov, Ukraine. IQOS and Tripadvisor!
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 176

Map of the impressive density of IQOS friendly places in the Czech Republic. As you can see, there are
innumerable establishments that have allowed IQOS in their space.

2286 Places where IQOS can be used in the Czech Republic. Note that 38 places lie within 1 km of a map
point in central Prague.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 177

IQOS Lounges
IQOS Lounges allow use of IQOS, but not cigarettes, and often serve food and alcoholic beverages.
“Visitors have the opportunity to learn from the sales experts about the latest IQOS news and events and
benefit from the cleaning and charging service of their device.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 178

Mountainside IQOS Cocktail Lounge and restaurant (gastropub) Grandvalira, Andorra. “The terrace offers
a lounge with hammocks for you to relax as you enjoy the ambiance created by our DJs, a restaurant with
a wide range of cuisine and cocktails, and an IQOS store offering a variety of products and accessories.”

DJ Booth IQOS Andorra

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 179
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 180

IQOS Embassies:
Description by Sartoria Communications. (
“All Embassies are furnished with objects whose design is unusually innovative and ingenuous,
with pieces designed in the 20th century by internationally renown authors. The selection includes the
great masters of Italian design, such as Ettore Sottsass, Vico Magistretti, Franco Albini, along with the
best names of the contemporary scene. IQOS’s commitment to innovation and sustainability is as well
reflected in the Embassies’ luscious greenery and the Tetrapod system, specially developed by Arthur
Huang from recycled waste including IQOS HeatStick butts.” “December 2015 and April 2016 in Turin,
Rome, Modena, Bologna and Mila IQOS Embassies have been cultural platforms that support the most
innovative talents and places to experiment new solutions and push the boundaries of creativity.”
IQOS Embassies.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 181


IQOS events are parties, concerts, exhibitions, presentations, and store openings that Philip
Morris International holds to cultivate loyalty, a sense of exclusivity, and public interest in the brand. Also
in this category are PMI-sponsored events such as art and fashion shows, talks, concerts, and IQOS booths
or spaces at larger events like festivals and fairs.
We were able to identify 270 events of varying type and size that start in August 2015 and continue
all the way through events planned for August 2019. 1 took place in 2015, 30 in 2016, 67 in 2017, 50 in
2018, 120 so far in or planned for 2019, and 2 unknown. These events are concentrated in Russia (53) and
Romania (61) but have taken place in at least 27 countries across four continents. We have posted videos
from many IQOS events on our SRITA website:
We organized the events into IQOS-hosted events (121) and IQOS-sponsored events (146). For 3
events, we are unable to categorize because we did not have sufficient information. IQOS-hosted events
were those directly organized by the company or held in an IQOS store, whereas IQOS-sponsored events
were those sponsored by IQOS and other companies or where IQOS had a presence like a booth or trailer
at a larger event. Additionally, we categorized by type of events as follows in descending order of
frequency: party/concert/performance (125), networking events (71), music festivals (29), art
installations/show (16), store openings (7), food and wine festivals (7), film festivals (4), sports events (4),
and other (7). For list of IQOS events, see supplemental table following the reference section.

The events radiate a sense of elegance and luxury. Many are invitation only, with celebrities and
major influencers on the guest list, which contributes to a sense of exclusivity. These kinds of parties are
likely to appeal to young adults, who may be attracted to the trendy party venues and private concerts
with artists like Jamiroquai and Jason Derulo. A video of the April 2019 launch party at the Royal Court in
Tirana, Albania, shows champagne served from behind velvet curtains by gloved hands, projections of
famous paintings and the IQOS device, and an elaborate performance including an acrobat-violinist and
a dancer using an IQOS device on stage. (Landmark Communications, Youtube 2019) The video also
appears to show a guest sampling the IQOS and another receiving one in a bag. The devices are laid out
on a display table for attendees to view. April 2019 events in South Africa boast “...four different drinking
experiences including, a Gin foraging bar, Jet Chill Shooters, Liquid Nitrogen ice cream cocktail and
cocktails in Spherical ice balls, that guests cracked open with hammers.” (Thirst Philip Morris, 2019)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 182

This image is from the Albanian launch event in April 2019, marking the first time IQOS devices were
available in that country. The event, for business partners and other guests of Philip Morris, featured video
projections on all four walls; singing, dancing, live music, and acrobatics; and champagne served by gloved
hands from behind velvet curtains, as well as tables showcasing IQOS devices. This image shows a
performer in an elaborate costume using an IQOS on stage during a longer musical performance.

A video of the event can be seen here:

Youth oriented popular music is common in IQOS events.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 183

The Czech Trinity Party from December 2018 was one of their most elaborate. Held in an “industrial
palace” in Prague, the party opened with a dance and acrobatic performance in which ballet dancers
revealed an IQOS device on a pedestal. Other performances included a brass band and drumline, rappers
(during which the crowd chanted “We Will Rock You”), and live DJs and a light show. The gala served
spring rolls (likely because they are “cooked without combustion”), ice cream cones, and cake pops, along
with alcohol. The party is associated with the hashtag #IQOS3nity, which was seen on the branded DJ

A video of the event can be seen here:

This is another photo of the Czech Trinity Party showing a band playing in front of a large cartoonish mural
with the phrase “heat not burn” in large letters. While this is the best image of the mural available, the
video of the event shows that the murals are extensive, covering huge amounts of wall space:
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 184

IQOS appears to have a standing relationship with Playboy; the Playboy Colombia magazine, for example,
has written articles about the brand. Here, IQOS sponsored a Playboy party/awards ceremony in Germany,
where bunnies can be seen in front of the IQOS logo and using the device. They also apparently gave out
free devices to attendees.

Playboy-IQOS website in Czech Republic.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 185

Image from a photobooth at the Yerevan Wine Days festival in Armenia (March 2019). At the IQOS booth,
attendees could choose from a variety of signs such as: “I smell the wine with IQOS,” “Unsmoker & wine
lover,” and “wine fixes everything” Photos and videos of the event show young children in attendance.

MANIC MONDO 2.0. January 4, 2020: A showcase of the best of Malaysia's independent music scene.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 186

“Unexpected You” IQOS 2019 event in Tokyo Ginza

Influencers at IQOS Celebration night, Tokyo Ginza, April 19, 2019.The screen resembles the
IQOS package insert.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 187

Influencers at IQOS Celebration night, Tokyo Ginza, April 9, 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 188

IQOS Festival Estereo picnic Bogota,Colombia March 2017

Youth Oriented Events

In Romania, a group called The Brunch Affair hosted over 30 events for IQOS from February 2017
to July 2019, many of which were co-sponsored by alcohol companies and which had a more uninhibited
feeling than the Albanian launch party. For example, the Facebook description for their November 2018
White Noise party read: “Be aware! Heavy drinking and dancing may be involved! Add this to the feeling
of nostalgia you may have in regards to this place and you have the recipe for #love! Love on the dance
floor! The most dangerous one!” (Facebook White Noise, 2018) The Brunch Affair events were open to
anyone 18 and over who had a free membership card with the group. In addition to IQOS, the White
Noise party was co-sponsored by alcohol brands Campari and Peroni and seltzer brand Schweppes.
Not all events attended by IQOS are parties. IQOS representatives have run booths at larger events
like public park days and street food fairs in Russia. In 2017, IQOS sponsored a booth at Festival Estéreo
Picnic, a huge music festival in Bogotá. After hearing a presentation about IQOS, attendees could go into
a small booth lifted up by a crane and see the festival from above. (, 2017) At the same time,
musicians like The Weeknd, Glass Animals, Cage the Elephant, and Deadmau5 played, all of which are
highly popular among youth. IQOS has maintained a presence at the festival, appearing again in 2019.
Besides open air festivals, many events are IQOS store openings, which are less formal but still
lavishly catered with macarons, champagne, and sushi. For World No Tobacco Day in 2017, the Toronto
IQOS store hosted an event in which “smokers who are aiming to quit cigarettes were invited to trade in
their last package of combustible cigarettes in exchange for an IQOS;” almost 500 did so, receiving an
essentially free device. (Snapd, 2017)
Although many of the events are limited to attendees above 18—the legal smoking age in most
countries—some are more youth-oriented, open to youth under 18, and even intended for college
students. Even those events that are appropriately age-restricted are often still youthfully themed, with
trendy decorations and entertainment. Photos from the events unfailingly flood youth-oriented social
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 189

media sites like Instagram. One event celebrating the launch of the IQOS 3 and IQOS 3 Multi in Hamburg,
Germany, featured Jason Derulo, an artist highly popular among youth.

IQOS was one of the main sponsors of the 2017 Cosmopolitan Summer Party in Russia, with a whole
zone to themselves. These photos were taken in various photo-op areas at the party. These different
areas - the “directions” sign, the Cosmo cover, and the trampoline - are all highly youth-oriented,
emphasizing a carefree summer and trendy design. Importantly, the extensive IQOS branding in these
spaces means that when these made-for-social-media images spread, IQOS’ name goes along with
them, reaching an audience far beyond partygoers.

2019 Malaysian festivals - Youth oriented cartoon motif sponsored by IQOS DISQOVR.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 190

The Summer Sonic Music Festival in Japan is an IQOS-sponsored concert series. In 2018, IQOS was a
major sponsor; accordingly, the festival sported IQOS service and rental stations, where attendees could
try IQOS devices and HeatSticks, along with smoke-free IQOS spots in place of cigarette smoking areas.
These IQOS spots can be seen on the map of the festival above. Musicians in 2018 included highly youth-
popular groups like Chance the Rapper, Shawn Mendes, Portugal. The Man, and Billie Eilish. The event is
open to minors, and children are even encouraged to come along, as in 2018, the festival provided a
“Kids Club” zone (directly to the right of Rainbow Stage) with circus performers and kid-focused DJs. The
partnership will continue in 2019 and will continue to include “IQOS booth and trials spots” and “a free
rental service for those who do not have IQOS” as well as an even more extensive Kids Club.

The 2018 map on this slide is from this page:

Information about the 2018 Kids Club can be found here:
Even more colorful maps from the 2019 festival can be seen here: and
Information about the 2019 sponsorship can be found here:
Information about the 2019 Kids Club can be found here:
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 191

Events with youth presence

A sizeable minority of IQOS events are open to children. 38 of the 270 definitively allowed children,
while 115 did not. For 117, it was unclear whether or not children were allowed. Many of the non-age-
restricted events were those where IQOS had a sales booth at a family-friendly event, like a fair or festival.
These festival-type events attract thousands of visitors, including children, and they subsequently cause
large amounts of youth exposure to the IQOS brand. A few of the events open to children where IQOS
had a presence include the Bocao Food Fest in the Dominican Republic and the ShortsUp Film Festival
and Picnic in Romania. IQOS also holds many events at Shut-Up, Beach!, a beach and beachfront bar in
Romania sponsored by the brand. Their sponsorship is evident from the brand elements, slogans, and
colors that decorate the bar. Shut Up, Beach! is family-friendly; many photos from the location show
children and families spending time there, and those children are likely exposed to a smoking
environment as well as promotional materials from IQOS. Most of the IQOS events at Shut Up, Beach!
seem to be over 18. However, one image from their Facebook page shows a child and family at a nighttime
The Summer Sonic Music Festival in Chiba and Osaka, Japan, is another IQOS-sponsored event
open to and advertised for children. In 2018, IQOS was a major sponsor; accordingly, the festival sported
IQOS service and rental stations - 7 spots where people are allowed to use their IQOS, 2 service stations,
and 3 rental stations. At the rental stations, concert attendees could try IQOS devices and HeatSticks, and
they could make use of smoke-free IQOS spots in place of cigarette smoking areas. (Summer Sonic, 2018)
Musicians at Summer Sonic that year included highly youth-popular groups like Chance the Rapper,
Shawn Mendes, Portugal. The Man, and Billie Eilish. Brightly colored maps of the festival show designated
children’s areas with circus performances and kids’ DJs while also highlighting the IQOS stations. The
festival is set to be much the same in 2019, with high-profile sponsorship, dedicated IQOS zones near
child- and family-friendly areas, and youth-friendly musical groups.
Further, IQOS has attended at least one event intended for college students: Tel Aviv University’s
TLV Student Day Event. This May 2019 music festival, held on Tel Aviv University’s campus, was co-hosted
by a variety of Israeli universities and open to anyone above the age of 16 with identification. There,
young, female IQOS employees staffed a pop-up tobacco store, which displayed IQOS devices and
appeared to have allowed sampling. This event reveals that PMI has no issue with boldly marketing to
youth under the age of their declared target consumers and at events with youth under the legal smoking
age. Further, the event is strikingly similar to other big tobacco companies’ techniques of hosting college
parties and using college students as brand ambassadors to spread their products through college social
In July 2019, IQOS had a booth at the Hannover Street Mag Show. Though it took place in
Germany, this was an American car show, with prizes for the best of the 2500 mostly American cars there.
Along with a vehicle presentation on the main stage, the event featured a “Show'n'Shine competition,
dragster, lowrider show, rock 'n' roll live music, sexy car wash, aftershow party and American food.” The
event was explicitly family-focused, saying it was a “Great children's paradise! The automotive cult event
for the whole family;” providing a bouncy house, face painting, and toy cars to ride on, and offering a
discount for family tickets. (Street Magazine, 2019) Although this is not the only IQOS-related event to
invite children, it is one of very few that is not focused on high-class living or fashion.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 192

Young attendees at an IQOS press brunch with Alena Doletskaya former editor in chief of Vogue Russia.
Ruski Restaurant on the 85th floor of the Moscow OKO building. 3/23/2017

The Tel Aviv University Student Day event is an annual music festival put on by the students of Tel Aviv
University. The event has a clearly youthful audience of university students, and attendees as young as 16
are allowed entrance. This year, in 2019, IQOS had a booth at the event, where it appears they sold IQOS
to the students in attendance. Attendance at an event like this connects IQOS with fun, music, and even
teenage rebellion. When a company promotes itself at an event for those in their late teens and early 20s,
it is clear they’re not targeting middle aged smokers.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 193

The Lollipop Affair is one of a series of 36 parties hosted by event planning organization The Brunch Affair
between February 2017 and August 2019. These parties are almost always sponsored by other companies
along with IQOS; in this case, Campari, Schweppes, and Miller were also sponsors. Each party has a theme,
like “Let’s Play Outside,” “Endless Summer,” and “Girls Do It Better.” In this case, the theme was candy, as
seen in the invitation image on the left, so guests were served lollipops and the outdoor event space was
decorated with streamers of larger-than-life hard candies. Brunch Affair events are open to adults who
have a free membership card to the organization. However, as the smoking age in Romania is 18, there
are very young attendees like those in the right hand image.

IQOS event at the Bono Beach club in Odessa, Russia. The Instagram accounts of both young women contain several IQOS
posts suggesting that they may be brand ambassadors.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 194

IQOS’s presence at the Hannover Street Mag Festival. The festival, an American car show in Germany,
featured more than 2500 cars, live music, a lowrider show, and American food, among other attractions.
The event was explicitly family-focused, with a bouncy house, face painting, and toy cars for children to
drive, along with family ticket deals. The style of the festival is very distinct from the infinitely sleeker IQOS
parties and music festivals; it is unclear what target audience PMI sought at an event like this. It also raises
the question of how many other smaller scale local events IQOS has a presence at.

A longer video of the event is available here:

Music and Dance Events:
DISQOVR is a PMI program promoting IQOS which we identified in Malaysia and South Korea
which primarily sponsors rock music events, attended predominantly by youthful audiences. At these
events IQOS is demonstrated and samples are provided. The name DISQOVR contains the characteristic
tobacco leaf shaped letter “Q” which permeates IQOS marketing.

The name of PMI’s DISQOVR promotional events closely resembles “Discovr”, a contraction of the
word discover, which is the name of a number of entities including a popular Apple iOS music app, a
consortium of national labs, a biofuels group, and also companies selling speakers, immersive learning
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 195

technology, etc. PMI’s DISQOVR marketing program for IQOS, which emphasizes music events, appears
to be a derivative of the Discovr music app with the “c” replaced by a tobacco leaf shaped “Q.”
Many of PMI’s DISQOVR events are well documented on Instagram and Facebook. Posts on
DISQOVR Instagram hashtags as of January 9, 2020 include: #disqovr (1986), #disqovrmusic (1203),
#disqovroriginalmusic (35), and #disqovrspokenword (36). The earliest DISQOVR we encountered was
held in late February 2019 in Malaysia a few months after IQOS first appear on the local market in
November 2018.
Many events were held in a trendy event venue called The Gasket Alley, which describes itself as:
“the best of Malaysian self-expression, creativity, and zest for life” and “A promising lifestyle hub.”
( In April 2019, “DISQOVR X Musika” saw IQOS partner with a record
label to hold a Record Store Day sale in a music store at The Gasket Alley. While it was only for those over
18, the event capitalized on the vinyl revival popular among young people and featured live performances
and DJ sets. IQOS branding was prevalent; a sign told guests to enter the event “to DISQOVR the true taste
of music,” and a decorative display paired fake cymbals and guitars with real IQOS devices and cases.
Around the sales and performance space were posters of famous album art, like that from Joy Division
and Pink Floyd, edited to carry the DISQOVR name. As part of the sale, the Musika label released a
“DISQOVR X Musika” record series in which they released exclusive cassettes from five local bands sold
only at the event.
Manic Mondo was a highly publicized DISQOVR event, also held at The Gasket Alley in May 2019
and likely named for the teeny Bangles song “Manic Monday.” It was primarily organized by the Hikari
Riders, a fashion brand that “sells love for custom motorcycles, music and local brands.” The founder of
Hikari Riders, Noh Salleh, is a famous singer and musician with 369,000 followers on his main Instagram
account, where he has promoted Manic Mondo and other Disqovr events and used Disqovr hashtags.
More recently, his main account posted an image that included an IQOS display. (The smaller Hikari Riders
account, still with a sizeable 21,600 followers, posted a video that includes IQOS product shots and
repeatedly shows Salleh using the device on May 11, 2019, right as the influencer ban was coming into
effect.) The event itself included live performances by five bands with rowdy crowds, street food,
screenprinting, and a release of new Hikari Riders apparel, along with areas where it appears one could
buy or at least view IQOS.

From DISQOVR event at Malaysia’s The Gasket Alley’s Manic Mondo featuring the band Hikari Riders,
January 2020: note the youthful character of the attendees.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 196

The April 2019 “DISQOVR X Musika” record series with exclusive cassettes from five local bands sold only
at the event was reserved for those 18+. The May 2019 DISQOVR branded Manic Mondo was: “kids
friendly and Free Entry for anyone.”

Note that Gasket Alley event space, locus of DISQOVR events, appears to host an IQOS store.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 197

On July 13, 2019 at Capital City Mall in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, DISQOVR hosted Southern Indie Night
featuring rock bands.

More photos can be seen on Facebook

DISQOVR sponsored Tapau Fest celebration of indie culture in Malaysia (October 2019). Note that
the partnership statement placed by PMI does not mention that it is promoting a tobacco product.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 198

In November 2019, DISQOVR hosted a Malaya Disco Party described: “The idea is to push the
disco agenda; a genre forgotten by many young listeners who can only identify disco by the usual
common suspects: Abba, Bee Gees, Earth Wind & Fire and many other cheesy groups; and wow them by
making them think.”

DISQOVR Malaya Disco Party in Malaysia (November 2019).

Additional DISQOVR concerts by LUST in South Korea (September 2019), while in Malaysia concerts
by Airliftz and Astro Bunny, a Chinese rock group, were held in August 2019 and January 2020.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 199

Automotive Events:
On June 22, 2019, DISQOVR sponsored the Speed Junkies Drift Showdown, held at the Elite Plus
Speedway in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. This event was an automotive race t was family friendly, as children
can be seen in images of the event. At the race, DISQOVR had a large tent; inside was a DISQOVR -branded
car with the quote “imagine all the people living life in peace” on the side, Daytona USA racing video
games, a cold brew food truck, and stands where it appears attendees could buy IQOS. Additionally, the
DISQOVR name was prominent on promotional signage and on some of the racing cars. There was even
a Marlboro car at the event, although DISQOVR and Marlboro weren’t connected in a noticeable way
beyond their shared ownership through PMI.

DISQOVR promotion at auto races.

DISQOVR Lounge at a retro car show Retro Havoc at the Sunway Depot in Malaysia (March 30, 2019).

Two days after the Speed Junkies drift event, on June 24, one of the racecar drivers, Tengku Djan
Ley, posted a photo of the IQOS 3 Multi and a pack of HEETS, writing that “Its [sic] the perfect heated
tobacco system for smokers who are looking for a cigarette alternative” and encouraging his 38,700
followers to “Give it a try!” Ley had also promoted the event itself a day before it occurred.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 200

Race car driver Tengku Djan Ley promoting the race and IQOS.

Along with these posts and the promotional ones from Noh Salleh, there have been several
influencer-like posts related to DISQOVR. Prior to the influencer ban, there were multiple posts by likely
influencers from the clothing brand OVATION’s pop-up store sponsored by DISQOVR. Additionally,
members of bands sponsored by IQOS have posted images that are highly reminiscent of influencer posts.
Irfan Iskandir, member of the band Toko Kilat, has posted promotional photos multiple times after the
influencer ban, including photos of Toko Kilat-branded IQOS devices and pictures of himself in front of
the IQOS store and holding one of the devices. His bandmate, Edwin Raj, also posted an image of an IQOS
device and a box of HEETS on August 1, 2019, and the main Toko Kilat account posted a branded IQOS on
August 7. While it is unclear if these accounts are paid directly for their Instagram posts, their band’s
sponsorship by the company makes it hard to divorce their posts from the compensation they receive for

Cultural Events:

DISQOVR Sponsored art festival in Malaysia November 16-24, 2019. Urbanscapes is Malaysia’s
longest running creative arts festival.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 201

Sketch of DISCQOVR at the Fortune telling at the Tiffin Food Court

Urbanscapes PMI sponsored art event DISQOVR August 2019

Food and Beverages

PMI’s DISQOVR promotional program for IQOS also features food and beverages. These have their
own Instagram hashtag: #disqovrtaste with 111posts as of January 10, 2020. The marketing message of
the DISQOVR palm reading is that IQOS is in your future.

Branded food and beverages at the DISQOVR Lounge at the Tiffin Food Court in Malaysia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 202


IQOS uses brand extensions, or items that carry the IQOS name but are not the device itself, to
expand its marketing reach outside of tobacco and associate its devices with fashion, art, and status. Its
most extensive program, the “Qollection,” is a fashion line run through the IQOS “Qreator Space” in
Romania. New clothing and accessories from this program are released every one or two months, and
they vary from refined and elegant to brightly colored and patently youthful. Another Romanian program
partners with artists to make high end items, like leather automotive gloves and streetwear sweatshirts
patterned with a smoky iQOS design, which are then promoted on Instagram. In both of these programs,
iQOS stresses its “support for creators,” making its art-based advertising seem altruistic while targeting
fashion-minded young people. Another standout Romanian extension is its hummingbird-patterned
heels. Promoted on social media with the hashtag #iqosonheels, the shoes were a gift to VIPs in the IQOS
rewards program, making them an exclusive and desirable status symbol.

These chocolates are still being served, apparently - an Instagram post from 8/9/2019 shows someone
having them in an IQOSignature Cafe in Japan.

These heels appear to have been gifts to higher ups in the actual PMI company and/or in the IQOS Club
rewards system - it’s a little unclear. However, they were definitely meant as a status symbol.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 203

From the Qreator space in Romania, which has a full line of clothes and accessories. This is one of the
sleeker, slightly less youthful items in the “Qollection,” although it’s still sleek and fashionable. Note the
emphasis on the letter ‘Q.”

From the Qreator space in Romania, which has a full line of clothes and accessories. This is one of the
more youth-oriented projects from the “Qollection,” showing bright colors and a man in a Super Mario t-
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 204
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 205

An artistic endeavor by Contoli may, or may not, have been sponsored by the company. .

We have a number of Qreator videos on our SRITA website:


Along with collaborating with artists, IQOS has sponsored several art and fashion shows that help
associate the brand with high culture and generate publicity for the brand even among those who might
not otherwise have heard of IQOS, including non-smokers and young people. IQOS collaborations often
support “promising young (over 18) designers, favoring the exchange between innovation and creativity.”
(ref Vogue)

This is a more recent collaboration with the brand Antifashion, which according to their website specializes
in bags for music festivals. IQOS covers made by architect and designer Karim Rashid for Mercedes Benz
fashion week in Milan. “IQOS will present a limited collection of kidney bags at the Pohoda Festival in
cooperation with one of the most prestigious Slovak fashion designers Fero Mikloško, A very exclusive, yet
affordable and up-to-date kidney bag carries the designer's handwriting while also being practical to use
with IQOS and having a great wear comfort.”,

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 206

A fashion show sponsored by IQOS, which had a booth at the event. As can be seen in the photo, children
took part in the show. Two of the models in the Polish fashion show have over 100k followers on
Instagram. Left:

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 207

An art project commissioned by IQOS for Milan Design Week.

Invitation to apply for a 1 minute idea that’s meant to inspire metamorphosis a TED X in Bucharest,
Romania November 1-15, 2019. The theme is aligned with IQOS marketing emphasis upon change.

IQOS Pathfinder Project

IQOS Pathfinder Project is described by PMI in thoroughly overblow rhetoric. In one installation,
it is described as: “an international cultural platform, dedicated to the promotion of the most innovative
creative talents: artists, musicians, designers, architects, filmmakers, united by the desire to experiment
in terms of languages, of codes, of style.” (ref Artribune) In another description, PMI calls the IQOS
Pathfinder Project as: “a global cultural platform that supports the most innovative creative talents, in
pursuit of new ways of thinking, feeling, hearing, tasting and seeing. The IQOS Pathfinder Project
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 208

supports projects that reveal a particular way of living in the world without preconceived
notions, triggering positive change. While the past cannot be changed, the future can be redesigned
through creativity and innovation.”(ref. Jardins d’Eté). Description by PMI in yet another project: “Culture
drives change: the projects presented for IQOS reveal the common strength in going beyond the
boundaries of traditional thinking, changing the most classic ways of thinking and seeing the world. The
imaginative use of technology helps deepen our sensory perceptions and make us think differently about
what we thought to be unchanging, if not impossible.” (ref. Panter & Tourron)

Jardins d’Été by the artist Quayola is an immersive video installation: a series of digital video paintings
in ultra-high-definition inspired by French Impressionism and the later works of Claude Monet.

NIGO is a famous Japanese streetwear designer who has collaborated several times with IQOS. On the left is the Purity
Collection, a set of accessories in a style influenced by traditional Japanese art. On the right is a more high profile
collaboration called the Camo Collection of camo print IQOS devices, which seems to have been heavily promoted at IQOS
stores. The design features tobacco leaves hidden among the other patches of color and seems like a way for the brand to
target men, judging from their ads for the campaign.

Purity collection:

Camo collection:
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 209

IQOS Pathfinder Project: Nigo is a Japanese “fashion designer, DJ, record producer, and entrepreneur.”

Two IQOS Pathfinder Project installations symbolizing divergence (left) and heat (right).

Art partnerships and brand extensions

A major part of IQOS branding is presenting itself as the cutting edge of art and fashion.
Accordingly, IQOS has partnered with and funded artists in various ways. Most prominently might be the
Qreator Space in Romania, which provides studio and event space for artists and musicians, along with
the “Qollection” fashion line. The brand has also worked outside of the Qreator Space to make physical
products both for their VIPs and general IQOS users, and it has funded a wide range of artists and art
shows. From our count, IQOS has created 21 brand extensions and has sponsored artists without creating
a commercial item 18 times. The very earliest of these occurred in 2016, and the most recent was in July
In April and May of 2019, IQOS partnered with three different artists to create limited edition
accessories for IQOS users. IQOS partnered with automotive photographer Ervin Boer to make leather
driving gloves; bridal couture store Katerini Mou to make flowy, leaf-shaped earrings; and street fashion
brand Blana to make a special sweatshirt, which featured the Blana logo and a pattern showing IQOS
users and smoke. (ref Boer, 2019; Katerini, 2019; Blana, 2019) Each was available at one IQOS store for
about a month and was promoted on the Instagram pages of each artist with post captions reading “IQOS
supports creative communities and gives a voice to talented artists by creating unique collections inspired
by the IQOS universe, exclusively for you.” Each also had a promotional video, which for Blana involved
young IQOS employees in Blana sweatshirts running around with pool toys and a rainbow kite (ref Blana,
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 210

Even more recently, in July 2019, IQOS partnered with the handbag company Antifashion to make
three brightly colored bags available in IQOS stores. (Ciulea, 2019) These bags are branded with both the
Antifashion and IQOS logos. Antifashion as a brand is heavily aligned with festivals; its website boasts that
it is the “world’s backpack of choice for: music festival [sic], university, school, work/corporation” and says
to “enjoy the festival with #antifashion.” There’s even a gallery of festival photos featuring Antifashion
bags. ( This cements IQOS’ own association with festivals, having sponsored many, and
aligns the brand with an aesthetic that’s more spunky and youthful than the sleek and sparing designs
seen in other countries.
IQOS has sponsored additional brand extensions in which fashion items are explicitly IQOS-
branded. For example, they partnered with Miklosko Fashion Design to produce an IQOS x Miklosko bag
along with a Moschino-like belt for the Slovak Pohoda music festival. (Bacikova, 2019) They also partnered
with Romanian shoe designer Mihaela Glavan to create turquoise heels. The shoes featured an IQOS
hummingbird design on the back of each heel and were distributed to VIPs and high-ranking club
members with the accompanying hashtag #iqosonheels as a way of creating an exclusive and desirable
reward. (IQOS on Heels, 2017)
The “Qreator Space,” along with offering physical space for artists, runs an extensive brand
extension campaign called “Qollection” with the tagline “collection pieces for a unique style.” Roughly
every two months, the Qreator Space partners with a different artist to create exclusive and Qreator
Space-branded fashion items. For example, in June 2019, Qreator partnered with Maria Palaria to create
an exclusive hat in three different colors, and in February 2019, Laura Olaru made Q-shaped bags for the
space. Just like the in-store brand partnerships, the Qollection items are accompanied by promotional
videos. A recent extension called the Summer Collection is highly youth-oriented, using colorful patterns
and including items like an external phone battery. (ref Qollection, 2019) Additionally, the promotions for
the collection are very youthful: a video advertisement shows a man in a Super Mario shirt with a
Qollection bag, and he and his friends load up into a van to take a summery outdoors trip.
(ref Philip Morris International, 2019)
Five of IQOS known partnerships involve specially designed cases for the IQOS device. These have
included the NIGO Camouflage Collection, one of three IQOS collaborations with the famed streetwear
designer, as well as the 2017 Master Style Collection, a collaboration run through and advertised in Vogue
Italy. (Dike, 2018; Vogue Italy, 2017) Both of these case sets advertise to and attract audiences who aren’t
necessarily IQOS users or smokers: the youth-skewed streetwear fanbase and Vogue readers.
Along with collaborating with artists to make a salable item, IQOS has sponsored a number of art
and fashion shows. For example, IQOS was a sponsor of Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel at the Urvanity
Contemporary Art Fair in 2019 and commissioned Lithuanian artist Agne Kisonaite to create a “Mirror
Lips” sculpture made out of colorful IQOS caps. (ref Urvanity, 2019; Kisonaite) (The Urvanity Instagram
account used #IQOS in a post promoting the event, which garnered 1,637 likes from its 21,500 followers
as of 08/21/19. [Urvanity Art, 2019]) IQOS also has an affinity for fashion shows, sponsoring the Polish
Tomaotomo “LaDorothee” and Armenian Petoor collection fashion shows in 2018 and 2019 respectively.
(ref Mar, 2018; Tovmasyan, 2019) While these events do not create products that IQOS can then sell, it
is able to attach its name to them, associating the device with high culture and generating publicity among
those who might not otherwise hear of IQOS, including non-smokers and young people.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 211

Japanese artists commissioned to produce design concepts for IQOS cases.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 212

IQOS Vogue Master Style (September 2017). Another example of PMI commissioning artists to
design decorative IQOS cases for sale in IQOS retail locations.

The goal of the project was to create limited edition accessories line for IQOS. The five winning
designs were sold at IQOS Embassy stores in Milan, Rome, Turin, Bologna, and in the IQOS Boutiques
across Italy. Among those on the judging panel were Vogue Italia’s Editor-in-Chief Emanuele Farneti;
Vogue Italia Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Head of Vogue Talents Sara Sozzani Maino, Vogue Deputy Editor-in-
Chief Alan Prada; and a representative of Philip Morris Italia.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 213

IQOS CELEBRATE Art for Life Tenku Museum, Tokyo. July 01, 2017. “Ad-comm was brought on board to help
launch the brand, creating and optimizing the brand’s appeal in Japan through an art and design centric
lifestyle positioning element, and innovative digital augmentation activities.” “Local artists, all trendsetters,
were selected and engaged to design a signature IQOS device sleeve accessory and inject their vision and
appeal into the brand. A series of “art sleeves” were successfully launched, establishing IQOS’ presence in the
realm of art, design creativity and innovation.”
Original art work adjacent to themed IQOS covers
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 214

An IQOS sponsored exhibit by Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel during URVANITY, a Spanish
Fair in Madrid dedicated to new contemporary art. (Feb-March 2019)

Composition in the IQOS Co-Working space in Madrid by Anna Taratiel is a Spanish artist – note the
stylized IQOS cases in the picture frame and on the tabletop.

Artist Miss Van sponsored by IQOS
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 215

Created by artist Agne Kisonaite for the opening of the largest IQOS store in Lithuania, this lip shaped
work of contemporary art was fashioned out to 2400 IQOS colored caps.

IQOS commission a sculpture named “Anything Butts” which may be intended to convey the opposite
meaning “anything but bitts.” Designed by Miniwiz, “an engineering and manufacturing company whose
mission is to transform waste into extraordinary and high performance materials.” After Milan, the was also
exhibited in the iQOS Embassies of Rome, Turin, Milan, Bologna and Modena.

Photographer Antoine Le Grand was commissioned by PMI to create a gallery of still life compositions of IQOS
products for its display in its IQOS Embassies in Rome and Turin.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 216

“Colours of Malaysia” described as personal composition so the Malaysian flag reproduced on IQOS boxes.

Sensual Body Art IQOS event in Bulgaria.

Undoubtedly many cultural events and art festivals have been offered sponsorship funding by
PMI on behalf of IQOS but have declined to participate. One well documented case was the August
2019 New Zealand Fashion Week. (Refs. Slade, Sweetbro)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 217

Sports partnerships
Philip Morris International has been a sponsor of Scuderia Ferrari in Formula 1 since 1984 and
Ducati in MotoGP racing since 2003. After the ban of tobacco advertising in F1 racing in 2006, PMI has
resorted to rule-bending tactics to evade the ban and promote their products. Before the launch of IQOS,
this subliminal advertising took the form of a barcode design on Ferrari car liveries and racer outfits, which
was designed to remind viewers of the Marlboro logo. Taking a page out of their own book, in 2018, PMI
announced that a PMI-created initiative called “Mission Winnow” would be used on Ferrari liveries (as
well as the liveries of Ducati in MotoGP racing). Branded as a global initiative “to create a better future
through science and innovation,” Mission Winnow is actually a proxy used by PMI to remind F1 spectators
of the IQOS smoke-free mission and advertise tobacco through more subliminal means.
Although PMI does not explicitly advertise IQOS when they talk about Mission Winnow, they have
in the past used IQOS branding in their VIP lounges at F1 and MotoGP events. Invited members get perks
at races, such as exclusive invites to preferential seating areas sponsored by PMI. In 2015 and 2017, VIP
guests at the Monaco Grand Prix received Ferrari-branded IQOS devices and cases, though it is unclear if
these were given as gifts or bought by attendees. At the 2017 and 2018 Japanese Grands Prix, VIP
members were invited to an IQOS Lounge, where they could hear Ferrari drivers speak. These events
were heavily branded with IQOS signs and included employees selling IQOS.
At the 2018 Monaco Grand Prix, IQOS had a strong presence due to a large group of young women
who worked as promotional staff hired through the Exhibition Girls agency. IQOS hired women to
advertise their product and accompanied their guests on “the largest cruise ship at Monaco Hercules
port.” In the same year, IQOS also released a limited motor edition that was incredibly difficult to
purchase. Although there was no explicit connection between the IQOS motor edition and F1 racing and
motorsports, it targeted a similar audience and was branded to be an exclusive and luxurious version of
IQOS, being priced around 300 euros.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 218
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 219

2020 Tokyo Olympics

While motorsports seem to be the sport with the greatest IQOS presence, the Olympics have also
become a point of controversy for the brand. Due to the adverse health effects of smoking and second-
hand smoking, the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are set to ban smoking; however, as of January 2020, this ban
does not include IQOS, other heated tobacco devices, or medical vaping. Currently, PMI claims that IQOS
has no second-hand smoke, thereby working around the smoking ban.
Clearly, PMI is angling to offer IQOS at the 2020 Olympic Games. In October 2018, PMI CEO Andre
Karanzapolus was quoted as saying: "At least during the Tokyo Olympics, we should and should be able to
achieve zero cigarettes. In a few years, I think Japan will be the first country in which the majority of
cigarette users will transition to heated tobacco." (ref. Nishiyama)

In a talk given to an audience of Philip Morris Kazakhstan employees sometime in 2019, senior VP
for Communications for PMI Marian Salzman made reference to an upcoming partnership with the dating
and hookup app Tinder.(ref Vimeo Salzman) According to Salzman, the company is in the process of
creating a global campaign with the app in which users can mark themselves as either a “smoker” “non-
smoker” or “unsmoker” (someone who uses “vaping products or heating products” and doesn’t use
“combustible smoke”). In an earlier interview, Salzman had praised dating apps like Tinder as a new
frontier for advertisers, saying “dating platforms are incredibly important as media. People go to the app
and check it fifteen, twenty times a day.” A report from a student at Victoria University, in Wellington,
New Zealand, described encountering IQOS promotion via Tinder. (ref McKensie)
PMI’s intent to use Tinder as an advertising platform is revealing of a youth targeted strategy.
According to Statista, in 2015, 39% of global Tinder users were 16-24, and 41% were 25-34; in the US,
those numbers were 48% (18-24) and 32% (25-34) respectively. Also, PMI has had something of a
connection with Tinder before through Stefan Pierre, also known as “Mr. Tinder.” Pierre received media
attention for being the “most right-swiped man on Tinder,” essentially a demonstration of his
attractiveness. In 2017, Pierre posed with an IQOS background in a post that reads as though it is
sponsored, seeming to be a part of a larger influencer campaign for the IQOS Shoreditch store. This is not
only one of many examples of IQOS’ use of influencers─as of August 2019, Pierre has 170,000 followers
on Instagram─but also a desire to appeal to consumers through the youth-based connotations of Tinder.
This appears to be a proposal from the Ogilvy Agency. We are not sure if it was implemented, but it does
reveal what PMI was considering for its IQOS brand.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 220


There are two primary IQOS referral and rewards programs: IQOS Club and IQOSphere. The first,
IQOS Club, is the most widespread, standard program. Its features vary by country but almost always
include community-building events. The intent is to keep people excited about IQOS, providing a vibrant
community around the smoking device. As was stated by the founder of the club: “The idea is to always
make the community experience lively to bring together like-minded people in search of an alternative not
only to the traditional cigarette but also the electronic one” (“Nasce IQOS Club…,” translated). This also
seems to be the case for the extravagant IQOSphere, a program based in Japan. As a member of
IQOSphere, one is allowed to enter into regular lotteries to win IQOS devices and free trips to luxury
destinations. This alluring, random reward system could be said to abet one’s smoking addiction by giving
them a reason to put off quitting. More generally, both IQOS Club and IQOSphere seem to foster a culture
of smoking by offering intensive rewards for brand loyalty and promotion. In addition, there are several
other IQOS referral and rewards programs, though most are small and their features overlap with those
of IQOS Club.

IQOS Club is the foremost referral and rewards program for IQOS available in multiple countries.
Through the Club, users can not only win prizes for being loyal to the brand but also stay up-to-date with
what’s going on in the IQOS World. The Club has a direct affiliation with the company and provides a
centralized channel to keep people interested in and energized about what’s going on with IQOS. In
countries where IQOS Club is available, you’re given the option to sign up after purchasing an IQOS device.
Easy access helps give PMI a large, standardized list of people through which to distribute information
about the brand.

There are three different levels in IQOS Club: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. When members sign up,
they are automatically placed onto the Silver level. As expected, being a Silver Member does not seem to
be especially rewarding. However, all IQOS club members, including Silver members, can get “invitation[s]
to VIP events” as well as unspecified “benefits from the brand and partners” (ref Nasce IQOS Club, see
Access to IQOS events still varies based on one’s level in the club. Smokers are rewarded for
continued use of the product. In fact, as the Italian IQOS website states, “IQOS Club was not created as a
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 221 quit smoking...Instead, it was created to offer its users a different, unique, and complete
experience, in the name of the authentic taste of heat-not-burn tobacco” (translated) (“Nasce IQOS Club”).

Progressing within the club revolves around the number of people a user gets to buy the IQOS
device (“IQOS Club”). Though there are multiple ways to earn points toward the level-up, in most
countries, referral seems to be the only way to earn a substantial amount. In Russia, for instance, to get
to platinum status, users essentially have to refer about 5 people; other methods for getting points are
not very rewarding. (Possible IQOS Club Rewards) The rewards for IQOS Club are vague, perhaps
intentionally. Each level specifies access to events, but it’s not clear what those events are. One could
suppose that this would be beneficial to the brand. By making their club and its rewards exclusive, with a
few hints that the rewards are of especially high quality, people will want to join and progress more than
they would if the rewards were fixed. Secrecy also helps keep the IQOS community dynamic so that users
stick around to see what’s next.

We have posted an IQOS Club videos on our SRITA website:

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 222

The Three Different Levels in IQOS Club and Their Associated Benefits
Silver Russia: “CARE PLUS services will surround you
with care and support from the first day with
IQOS: 24/7 customer service, free replacement of
the device in case of a breakdown for any reason,
international support and many other benefits
from the brand and partners.”

Gold Russia: “Special offers for devices and

accessories, delivery of an order at our expense
and many offers from partners.”

Italy: “those who have achieved the Gold badge

will be able to access what we call ‘premium
events,’ from football matches to special events
in the IQOS Embassy.”

Platinum Russia: “Maximum conditions for all offers from

the brand and partners, access to closed limited
edition series, additional guarantee for replacing
the device in case of failure for any reason.”

Italy: “For those who reach the Platinum level,

then, we have thought of some VIP events, truly
exclusive appointments and enriched by the
presence of very special guests.”

We do also know that there are private sales for Gold and Platinum club members (“IQOS Club
Private Sale”). It’s not clear where these happen, though, or what’s being sold. Something else worth
noting about IQOS Club is that they handle loyalty rewards, often on a case-by-case basis. Some people
report that IQOS told them, from the start, that if they remained loyal for a year, they’d get a gift
(unspecified in advance) (“IQOS Club”). In a way, this seems like clear encouragement to not stop using
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 223

the device. Additionally, as is described in the “IQOS Coaches” document, there’s evidence that coaches
give luxurious gifts to early club members so as to generate a loyal, tight-knit fanbase. These members
also get invited to private, high-class events (“An Invitation to an IQOS Club Private Sale…”). Aside from
rewards and loyalty, IQOS Club also features “informative” quizzes and a sort of IQOS social network
(“Nasce IQOS Club”). The quizzes are equivalent to a sort of self-indoctrination service where you learn
about the safety of IQOS products.

IQOSphere is the Japanese analogue of IQOS Club. However, as Japan is IQOS’s first and strongest
market, IQOSphere is much better developed and far more rewarding. Most importantly, its prize system
is luxurious - if not addictive: one can win extravagant prizes such as special edition IQOS devices and trips
to spas through entry into a monthly lottery. This doubles as a brand promotion tactic since, to win entry,
you are encouraged to post about IQOS on social media (“Qoins”). Additionally, IQOSphere functions as
a creative hub, allowing people to design graphics for their device. To join IQOSphere, all you need is a
valid Japanese ID or driver's license. But to start accumulating points, you need to actually register your
IQOS device or enter a code from a pack of HEETS. Instagram #iqosphere has 10,111 posts as of February
1, 2020.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 224

Rewards and lotteries

IQOSphere has reward system designed to keep users excited about the brand. In fact, there are
two distinct lottery systems in which one can participate, both of which require “Qoins,” the equivalent
of points in IQOS Club. The first lottery is a monthly raffle with a wide range of prizes. Some are basic,
such as IQOS color caps and gift cards, and some are much more desirable. For instance, you can win one
of several custom and designer IQOS devices as well as expensive gadgets such as the Lenovo Tab 4.
Additionally, the brand distributes some of its promotional materials through its monthly lottery.
Sadaharu Aoki’s “Coffee Gift” and a macaron-related prizes for some time during the Aoki Campaign. Both
appear to be continuous with the IQOSignature brand where coffee, macarons, and chocolate (by Aoki)
are often paired.
Next, the other kind of lottery is an “experience” lottery which gives entrants the chance to earn
invitations to exclusive “limited events and famous facilities.” It’s not totally clear what these include. The
only reward we’ve seen posted on social media is a trip to a spa (“An Email from IQOSphere”). That being
said, the allure is similar to that of IQOS club: users are promised big and exclusive rewards for active
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 225

participation. Use of terms within both IQOSphere and IQOS Club such as “limited,” “VIP,” and “exclusive”
make it seem like you’re an esteemed member of the IQOS Community. Basically, you’re made to feel
special for promoting IQOS.
Along the way, by continually buying IQOS products and posting about them, you’re receiving
random prizes every month. The reward system seen here is essentially the same as that used in many
video games, now being called out by US senators as a common mechanism for habit formation in
children (Ref Game Studios). Regardless of whether or not one wins huge prizes, the regularity of the
rewards given keeps people coming back to the product community. This isn’t to say that loyalty programs
are addictive themselves. Rather, what we would suggest is that by offering the chance for big wins
including designer goods and free trips to luxury locations, PMI is making it much harder for people
already addicted to nicotine to quit. Always on the verge of a score, it’s never unjustifiable to put off the
challenge even longer.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 226

Previous lottery rewards Reward Schedule

Trip to a Spa (Link)

IQOS 2.4+ Camo Device (Link)

IQOS 3 Multi Nippon Device (Link)

Custom Art IQOS 2.4+ Device (Several Collections)

IQOS 2.4+ Motor Edition

Lenovo Tab 4

JBL Bluetooth Speaker

Canon SX620 Camera (Link)

Quo Gift Card (Link)

Seasonal Vegetables

Various T-Shirts

IQOS 3 Door Covers

IQOS 3 and Multi Color Caps

Ejoica Gift Cards (Link)

‘Coffee Gift’ by Steve Aoki (Link)

Macaroon Gift by Steve Aoki

Stylized IQOS + Heats Case (Link)

IQOS Camo Collection Gear (Link)

Creative aspect
In addition to IQOSphere’s lottery program, there is an emphasis in the community on creativity.
The title for the creative program is simply “IQOSphere CREATE,” and it’s based around making designs
for the IQOS device. Its most basic feature is the ability to paint an IQOS logo for your device using Qoins.
These paint designs can be shared on the IQOSphere network for other users to view, although they’re
relatively simple. More elaborate designs can also be found on the network (presumably created and
uploaded by users, though we don’t know). It appears that these custom-designed devices can be ordered
from the website. Some users collect these devices, encouraged by the brand which gives away new,
professionally designed IQOS devices to current users (e.g. the IQOS camo device). The apparent goal is
to encourage attachment to the brand and turn smoking into a sort of hobby.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 227

The business model of IQOS is analogous to razor blades or inexpensive computer printers: get
the device into consumer’s hands so that they will repeatedly buy the consumables. Discounting the
device helps to recruit new users of the product’s consumables. Addiction is a splendid business model
as customers feel compelled to be repeat purchasers. In an addictive product, discounting “starter packs”
helps to recruit new customers.

$30 (New Zealand) €30 and £20 discount offers for IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 228

Purchase IQOS on the installment plan: “We offer to purchase an iQOS device in installments for 3, 6 or
12 months.”

Solicitation by IQOS New Zealand of a SRITA researcher on January 20, 2020. The low price may reflect
clearing inventory of earlier generation devices.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 229

Refer a Friend
IQOS’s “Refer a friend” program is designed to entice users to act as members of their sales
team by offering gifts or cash rewards from recruiting family and friends.

Refer a friend from the IQOS Canadian website.

Refer a friend from the IQOS USA website.

Refer a friend rewards from the IQOS Greek website- Offering a Toyota Rav4 hybrid.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 230

Refer a friend rewards from the IQOS Ukrainian website.

Refer a friend rewards on the Greek IQOS website refers to “IQOS Friends.” This establishes a company
link to Instagram #iqosfriends.

IQOS rewards programs, of which there are many, abet a culture of tobacco use. At face, they
seem valiant, justified under the mission of rapidly reducing smoking risk. Yet when one actually looks at
these programs, it becomes apparent that they substantially over-reward loyalty in a manner
uncharacteristic of most companies. It seems problematic that an e-cigarette manufacturer would put
such a large focus on status attainment (IQOS Club) and gamification (IQOSphere). When a referral
program turns into an exclusive, high-class community, and when ‘rewards’ comes to mean playing a
lottery every month for designer goods, all of which is used to keep people smoking, we’ve moved well
beyond loyalty and perhaps into abetting addiction. Most people want to quit smoking -- PMI has done
all it can to ease that desire by making smoking luxurious, an entry-point into a world of reward (ref Babb
et al. 2017)
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 231

SECTION 12. Philip Morris International “Smoke Free World Campaign”

In September 2017, Philip Morris International (PMI) launched what it dubbed a “Foundation for
a Smoke-Free World.” The company pledged to spend $1 billion over a 12 year period, $80 million per
year, purportedly to support tobacco harm reduction by accelerating research into alternatives to
cigarettes. While the company claims that the Foundation is free from PMI’s control, critics have been
pointed out that the corporation maintains substantial control. Incongruous slogans such as “A tobacco
company that actually cares about health,” which headlined a full page Wall Street Journal advertisement
in January 2019, are revealing. They also featured advertisements with the slogan: “Our New Year’s
resolution – We’re trying to give up cigarettes.” It seems clear that PMI’s “unsmoke campaign” is not
focused upon smoking cessation, but rather legitimizing and promoting alternative nicotine delivery – i.e.
its IQOS product.
As PMI remains active in undermining policies intended to reduce cigarette use, many public
health advocates believe that the company created the Foundation as a public relations measure to
burnish its image while promoting its IQOS brand. While it should be obvious, it should be emphasized
that if PMI were serious about achieving a “smoke free world,” it would halt its aggressive worldwide
marketing of Marlboro and its other heavily promoted cigarette brands.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 232

Philip Morris International’s “Unsmoke” campaign is part of its Smoke-Free World public relations effort.
Their description “no smoke” rather than “no tobacco” makes it clear that their intention is to preserve
their customers by transitioning them to other nicotine delivery systems in their product line.

Philip Morris “Hold My Light: Campaign” – United Kingdom:

Hold My Light:
“Hold My Light” is UK based PMI program aimed at smokers becoming “Smoke-free with a little
help from your friends” by adopting “A new way to smoke.” (
light/#introduction) This program is clearly a thinly veiled IQOS promotion. “Hold my Light” was designed
by Lisa Taylor. ( The UK newspaper Daily Mirror maintains a
series of what they describe to be “advertorials” (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 233

Cancer Research UK characterized as “a staggering hypocrisy.”

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 234


IQOS emulation of Apple Design, Packaging, and Retail Environment

IQOS clearly sought to emulate the look and feel of the exceptionally popular Apple line of
products. The name iQOS with the lead “i or I” is a clear reference to Apples product lines: iMac, iPad,
iPod, and iPhone. The IQOS systems is housed in a rounded rectangle, a universal design feature of Apple
products. Even the packaging of iQOS is reminiscent of Apple as are the spectrum of its colors.

IQOS emulation of Apple’s rounded rectangle design and packaging.

IQOS emulation of iPhone’s popular rose gold color.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 235

IQOS stores mirror many of the design elements of Apple stores. The two are fundamentally
similar in their use of open spaces, airiness, and light. Both are product focused, with central table displays
that feature their main products in evenly spaced, minimalist arrangements. This similarity associates
IQOS with cutting-edge technology. The tables on which the devices lie are unmistakably similar in their
light wood material, floor arrangement, and design. In addition to their central products, the stores
arrange accessories in similar ways. iPhone cases and IQOS cases line the walls of their respective stores
in neat, colorful rows. Some diagonally oriented displays of Apple accessories also have a striking
resemblance to the mosaic-style HEETS displays on the walls of IQOS stores. Both stores break up their
contained spaces and add color with plants, which often cover an accent wall in both brands’ stores. Also
on the walls, both stores sometimes feature digital displays with large, minimalist, and high-quality
photos or videos of their devices. In echoing Apple’s store design, IQOS may be attempting to replicate
Apple’s success in commercializing an elite, expensive device to a wide market.

Comparison of glass fronted Apple and IQOS store fronts.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 236

Wooden display table in Apple and IQOS stores. Note the loose arrangements of the products on the
tables and similarity of the wall displays.

Similarities between the wood backed wall displays of iPhones and iQOS devices.

Similarities between Apple and IOQS store shopping bags.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 237

IQOS emulation of the Tiffany and other prestigious luxury brands

IQOS as a brand places a large emphasis on being ‘exclusive’ and treating its top customers like
‘VIPs.’ They’ve been known to send out custom invitations to events in a robin’s egg blue color, adorned
by a white ribbon, strikingly reminiscent to a Tiffany gift box. The intention is to associate the brand with
luxury and high society, perhaps part their effort to attract young creators and influencers. Coloration
similar to Tiffany’s distinct shade of blue also appears in IQOS’s logo, its hummingbird, and even its retail
store bags.

Tiffany robin’s egg blue invitations to an exclusive IQOS event Romania (08/31/2016) compared with a
Tiffany gift box. Note the Tiffany coloration of the IQOS shopping bag.

Russian IQOS coaches, IQOS high heel, and IQOS cupcakes in Tiffany blue.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 238

Co-branding of IQOS with prestige brands Gucci and Louis Vuitton and with Mercedes Benz at the 2019
Bambi Awards.

Co-branding of IQOS with Mercedes Benz Fashion Day, St. Petersburg April 1, 2017.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 239

Co-marketing of IQOS with high end cognac Rémy Martin and luxury watch maker Baume Mercier at the
May 2019 Playboy Playmate of the Year event at Casino Baden Baden.

IQOS Pink Party IQOS Lounge Riccione, Italy July 2018. IQOS is promoted as a high end, luxury brand. In
these images, the product revealed by uncovering a transparent jewelry box, evocative of a museum
display, from its elegant pink silk drape.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 240


Ukrainian magazines
Philip Morris’ IQOS advertises in a number of different Ukrainian magazines. Seemingly,
sponsored posts have appeared in (a general audience media site), Focus Magazine (for
wealthy people in cities), MPort (a men’s magazine), and the automotive magazine Driving Ukraine.
There are also a large number of IQOS-related articles in the Ukrainian editions of Vogue, Marie Claire,
and Harper’s Bazaar. While some of the articles clearly indicate being sponsored by IQOS, the
relationship in other articles is not as clear. Many of these articles fall into one of three categories: the
editor(s) of the magazine try IQOS for a week, IQOS is listed as one of several gift ideas for a holiday, or
the article reports on the launch of the IQOS 3 in Ukraine. The vast majority of the articles include a link
to the Ukrainian IQOS website (either or, and some give additional information as
to where to buy IQOS in person.
An eye catching example of this kind of promotion is IQOS advertising in PINK Magazine. PINK is
a Ukrainian pop culture magazine that covers the “latest news from the world of fashion, beauty,
shopping, and the life of stars.” ( The front cover of PINK’s July issue is singer and TV
contestant Vladimir Dantes lying in a pool and holding a bright blue IQOS. A video of the photoshoot
focused heavily on the IQOS, showing Dantes using it and being handed a pack of HEETS (the mandatory
warning label is covered by his hands) The cover image posted by Dantes on his personal Instagram
handle, where it garnered 39,673 likes from his 538,000 followers (numbers as of January 2020).
We have posted a PINK Magazine IQOS on our SRITA website:

Pink magazine featuring model Vladimir Dantes holding an IQOS.

Pink website:
Video of photoshoot:
Instagram post from Vladimir Dantes:

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 241

Ukrainian Magazine Viva with 372K followers on Instagram targeting a youthful all-your-friends-are-
doing-it audience.

Vogue Ukraine:

Marie Claire Ukraine:

The Vogue article highlights IQOS cases created by five young fashion designers as part of a contest
run by IQOS. Unlike many IQOS articles, this one is marked as sponsored.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 242

Cosmopolitan Russia
Cosmo’s Chief Editor recommends: “breakfast – makeup – IQOS.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 243

IQOS ZONE & Cosmopolitan Summer Party Cosmopolitan “gathered all the fashionistas.” August 20,
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 244

Marie Claire event at the IQOS space at the Afimall Shopping Center, Moscow October 18, 2016.

Interview Magazine event September 27, 2016. “From September to December, Interview together with
IQOS will conduct a series of open interviews with Alena Doletskaya with the main Moscow trendsetters
to talk about contemporary art, fashion and media. Each of the four events of the project “It's All About
Changes” will be dedicated to changes that will very soon turn our ideas about the world upside down.
The first character is Andrei Saveliev, creative producer of the evening Urgant show, co-founder of magazine, the first editor-in-chief of Time Out in Russia and an artist.”

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 245

Elle Magazine Ukraine/IQOS Summer Party at the Odessa Restaurant Park Residence July 14, 2017.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 246

IQOS-SLEEK Magazine Very Kinky Valentine’s Day Party Clärchens Ballhaus in Berlin on February 14th,
2019. Sleek Magazine ( describes itself as “Europe's leading voice on art,
fashion and photography.” SLEEK celebrated Valentines Day “Berlin style” with guests “donning lace,
leather and latex, danced until the early hours.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 247

VICE Media
In March 2019, PMI made a $6.5 million agreement with Vice Media to promote IQOS. (Refs
Hancock, Voshart) The Vice Magazine Media Kit describes it as the “Fast growing, #1 youth media
company in the world.” (ref Vice Media Guide) The PMI sponsorship appears to be having an effect on
the VICE content. In January 2018, VICE ran an article about IQOS whose content covered the main points
of the IQOS marketing department. (ref Hicks) In February 2019 (ref. Jensen) in an article titled “Smoking
Is Bad, But So Is Everything Else” opined: “In a better world, we'd reject the moralizing instinct to deem
some people worthy of dignity—and others, not—based on how they choose to cope with the
circumstances of their lives”. In September 2019, an article titled “Teens Use Tobacco as Much as They
Vape—But, OK! Ban Flavored Juul Pods!” opined: “. . . .trying to ineffectually ban something instead of
actually trying to address the root causes of the problem in the first place.”(ref Walker) Another article
opined: “Banning Flavored Vapes Might Be Good for Teens. It Also Might Be Racist.” (ref Norcia) Of note,
VICE Magazine chosen by JUUL to carry its first ads in print, part of its infamous “Vaporized” campaign,
during JUUL’s launch in the summer of 2015. (ref Jackler JUUL) The senior author of this paper was
contacted by production company inviting participation in a VICE documentary on emerging tobacco
products, but declined to when PMI sponsorship was revealed.
In April 2019, eight national and international health organizations urged The Walt Disney
Company to require its partner network, VICE, to terminate its relationship with Philip Morris
International. In May 2019, due to VICE’s poor performance in the media marketplace, Disney wrote
down $353 million of its investment. (ref Palmiri). It is ironic that both a tobacco company and Walt Disney
would make an affiliation with a media empire named “VICE,” a word which the Merriam-Webster
dictionary defines as: “moral depravity or corruption.”
Vice Magazine Media Kit describes it as the“Fastest growing, #1 youth media company in the world.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 248
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 249

The Hill:
The Hill is a Washington DC based periodical which describes itself as: “the premier source for policy and
political news.” The Hill is distributed for free in newspaper boxes around the U.S. Capitol building and
mailed directly to all congressional offices. “The Hill's Sponsored content program is designed to allow
your company or association to promote itself and the issues it cares about within the flow of our
award-winning journalism.” (
In January 2020, PMI sponsored “The Hill” with a series of pop up advertisements lobbying
congress for regulation favorable to IQOS.

Older news articles retroactively adorned by PMI Popup advertisements.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 250

IQOS Mag is a source of information about IQOS, some practical tips and reviews, but consistently
championing the device. It claims to be independent of the company, but the hand of the company seems
unmistakable. IQOS Mag appears in multiple languages (, .uk, .it, .sk, cz, .pl, .hu, etc.)

IQOS Mag claims that it is independent of PMI.

IQOS “spreads like an avalanche.”

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 251

“Great Victory, IQOS is going to be sold in the US.”

“An extreme drop in harmful substances in HEETS inhaled tobacco smoke.”

“Coughing is very normal. It is just a matter of habit to learn to take lighter and longer puffs, with more
pauses so the vapor can get cooled down in the filter.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 252


In July 2018, PMI formed Reviti Limited ( to sell life insurance
discounted if smokers transition to their IQOS product. Initially launched in the UK, the company plans to
expand to other markets. (ref. Prochaska) Reviti’s slogan is “Make the change today” is a clear reference
to the IQOS slogan “this changes everything” and reveals that it rewards not tobacco cessation, but
adopted of an alternative manner of satisfying nicotine addiction. The Reviti website features the rather
remarkable slogan: “Bringing life back into insurance.”
Reviti’s frequently asked questions (FAQs – see below) makes clear that their underlying goal is
not tobacco cessation, but rather transitioning smokers to IQOS: “PMI is committed to work towards a
smoke-free future which is fully aligned with Reviti’s goals of enabling people to make better lifestyle
choices. PMI is building a future on a new category of smoke-free products that, while not risk-free, are a
much better choice than continuing to smoke.” It has been reported that IQOS has the capability of
transmitting data to PMI, suggesting a potential means of established qualification for the discounted
rate. (ref Lasseter)
Reviti explains their discount program by posing a revealingly worded question from a customer and
answering it in their FAQs section:

Customer question: “I am a user of a science backed smoke-free alternative. Will this affect the cost of my
life insurance?”

Company reply: “If you choose to switch to a science backed smoke-free alternative (currently, the IQOS
tobacco heating system), then, after 3 months of exclusive use, you’ll receive a discount
of up to 25% off your premiums.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 253


In December 2017, IQOS received “The GOOD Design” award presented by the Chicago
Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design
and Urban Studies. IQOS was a winner in the electronics category of the awards program.
According to Good Design, “The emphasis of the GOOD DESIGN® program is on quality design of
the highest form, function, and aesthetics a standard beyond ordinary consumer products and
graphics. The Chicago Athenaeum's GOOD DESIGN® program forwards the ideals of a design process that
embodies product excellence and endurance and strong public identity.”
Bertrand Bonvin, PMI’S Senior Vice President for IQOS Design & User Experience department,
“When we created IQOS, we wanted to provide an intuitive and satisfying experience for smokers, looking
for a better alternative to cigarettes. Over 5 million men and women have abandoned cigarettes and
switched to IQOS. Being recognized for the first time by the GOOD DESIGN® Awards is a notable
achievement in our journey towards a smoke-free future.” IQOS’s design award follows a similar path to
that of JUUL, whose mission is also to encourage cigarette users to switch to their device, won a 2015
Innovation by Design Award.
It is unclear whether this award is a vanity paid honor, as with IQOS environmental awards (see
next Section), or an earned accolade. PMI did pay and entry fee and licensed the Good Design logo for
use in its promotion. The Good Design website emphasizes the promotional value of the award: “All
awarded projects are listed every year at an online platform which receives at least 1 million visits per
year. Dissemination of the Good Design word also involves the hosting of exhibitions and events
presenting the awarded projects in different places all over the world. Finally all the award - winning
projects are published in our official Good Design Yearbook.”

Advertising the Good Design Award from the South African IQOS website under paid license.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 254


Electronic cigarette devices contribute a stream of plastics, metals, batteries, which end up in the ever
growing e-waste stream. Combustible cigarette butts litter street around the word, clog drains, and injure
wildlife. As they are not diminished during use, discarded IQOS HEETS produce more waste per stick that
traditional cigarettes. As IQOS rapidly grows in the global market, the load of IQOS waste is a problem
that needs to be addressed. PMI corporate touts recycling programs for the devices, but the millions and
millions of their butts entering the waste stream represent a significant concern.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 255

Unlike combustible cigarettes, the butt of HEETS are not partly consumed in use.
“PMI employees discuss recycling of HeatSticks: “You might not be finished, butt I’m not”.

Discarded HEETS – a significant environmental concern.

Both PMI and independent vendors offer receptacles for discarded HEETS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 256


The public relations team at PMI makes frequent use of “awards” from companies who are in the
lucrative business of selling awards to companies. These fee-based “honors” are a genre fake awards
utilized by public relations firms to burnish the reputation of their business clients. (refs Barrett, Dee) The
Better Business Bureau warns that there are: “a lot of vanity awards . . available in virtually every industry
and for every profession. For some, you fill out a form and pay a fee to enter the ‘competition.’” (ref BBB
On January 16, 2020, PMI issued a press release, transmitted via Business Wire, which implied
that the company had received a prestigious award for sustainability when, in fact, the “50 Sustainability
and Climate Leaders Project” appears to be a company-funded promotional documentary. The
documentary 50 Climate Leaders ( was created for PMI by Created
by TBD Media Group ( a company which offers “Solutions-Based Video
Journalism.” Its website describes it goal of: “BRINGING BRAND STORIES TO LIFE – Our aim is always to
connect brands with their customers via a beautiful piece of content. Brands have great stories to tell, we
simply bring them to life as their storytellers. Combining over 30 years of experience in marketing, content
creation, video production and publishing.”

Three recent environmental “awards” received by PMI.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 257

The video 50 Projects title “Leading a transformation in the tobacco industry to create a smoke-free future and
ultimately replace cigarettes with better alternatives” makes it clear that it is part
of PMI’s IQOS Smoke Free marketing campaign.

One Planet Awards is a for profit venture part of Silicon Valley Communications which offer a wide
array of awards to businesses willing to pay for them ( On January 17, 2020,
PMI trumpeted its One Planet Award purportedly for its: “achievements in delivering a smoke free future.”
SVUS markets its awards as a: “cost-effective way to build your brand by recognizing and keeping your
executives, employees, clients, and business partners motivated.” “As a SVUS Awards winner you will get
complimentary access to tools and resources to promote your recognitions including winner logos, press
release templates, 1:1 industry written interviews, and social media visibility opportunities. The SVUS
Awards trophy is one of the world’s most impressive trophies which will amaze your executives,
employees, clients, and business partners.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 258

In January 2019, PMI announced that it had: “Achieved a place on the CDP Climate Change A List
for the fifth consecutive year.”

It is more than a bit ironic that PMI arranges environmental merit awards when its cigarette, cigar,
and heated tobacco products result in concentrated smoke-polluted air directly inhaled into millions of
their customer’s lungs. PMI maintains a website promoting its environmental programs.
( It also has a website promoting its awards.

PMI also issues press releases about types of corporate awards such as the January 2020 “BIG
Innovation Award” from the Business Intelligence Group ( The BIG
company’s product line are a series of awards and their associated trophies. As usual, the PMI BIG Award
PR announcement features a promotional paragraph for IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 259


IQOS advertising recapitulates the imagery and slogans of traditional cigarette advertising.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 260
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 261
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SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 265


Light cigarettes.

Super light, ultra light cigarettes. Such “health proxy” claims were banned in 2009 by the
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.

Illustrations from the “tar wars” of the 1970s -1980s.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 266

Filtered cigarettes.

No additives, natural, less toxins, reduced carcinogens.

Philip Morris, maker of IQOS, has a long history of reduced risk claims. Advertisements of this type
promoted Philip Morris cigarettes in the 1930s and 1940s.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 267

Philip Morris, maker of IQOS, has a long history of reduced risk claims for its international best seller
Marlboro. In the 1930s. Marlboro as a women’s brand advertised with the slogan “Mild as
May.” Marlboro Lights were introduced in 1972 and banned 38 years later by a 2009 act of

When use of the term “light” was prohibited, Marlboro substituted “gold” keeps the package design and
coloration consistent. Over 90% of smokers recognized Marlboro Gold as a “light” product
and thus, in the minds of many consumers, safer.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 268


In January 2018, based upon the recommendation of a scientific advisory panel, the United States
Federal Drug Administration declined Philip Morris’s application to sell IQOS in the United States. In April
2019, IQOS was authorized by the FDA to enter the U.S. market, but the agency has not yet authorized it
to be marketed as a modified risk tobacco product.
In its approval, the FDA described that it planned to place: “stringent marketing restrictions on the
products in an effort to prevent youth access and exposure.” The agency indicated that: “We’ll be keeping
a close watch on the marketplace, including how the company is marketing these products, and will take
action as necessary to ensure the continued sale of these products in the U.S. remains appropriate and
make certain that the company complies with the agency’s marketing restrictions to prevent youth access
and exposure.”
PMI CEO Andre Calantzopoulos said. “After much deliberation, the companies have agreed to
focus on launching IQOS in the U.S. as part of their mutual interest to achieve a smoke-free future.” (ref
Wu) This reveals a strategy of moving away from the much criticized e-cigarette product (JUUL) to
emphasize promotion of their heated tobacco product (IQOS) in the American market.
IQOS launched in Atlanta, Georgia, in September 2019 with a new retail store announced at Lenox
Square in Buckhead, an upscale shopping mall with 200 stores, including Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus,
and Macy’s. In addition, the company announced that it plans to offer IQOS in 500 Atlanta area retail
stores, including Circle K, Murphy USA, QuikTrip, RaceTrac, Speedway, and other retailers. Pop up called
“IQOS Corners” were planned within a number of Atlanta stores.
In November 2019, IQOS launched in its second U.S. location, Richmond, Virginia. The storefront
is located in Carytown described as a “Mile of Style” in Richmond’s museum district. The announced plan
specifies 170 retail locations supplemented by pop up kiosks at various Richmond locations
In February 2020, Altria announced that its third test market would launch in Charlotte, North
Carolina in April. (ref. Blackwell) Howard Willard, Altria’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer gave
some insights into the early US sales experience: “More than half of smokers who have tried the product
have purchased it. About half of the purchasers are 21 to 39 years old, and nearly three-quarters of
purchasers are male.”
In a USA Today Interview in January 2020, discussing youth access, Altria spokesman David Sutton
said that IQOS in will be sold in the US only: “in dedicated retail stores where workers will only sell the
product to smokers.” (ref USA Today) Based upon actual practice in Atlanta and Richmond, this is clearly
inaccurate. Long experience shows that tobacco sales in convenience stores, gas stations, and the likes
is notably porous when it comes to underage sales.
It should be noted that European PMI executives use the US FDA authorization as a lobbying tool
to oppose regulatory efforts. On February 14, 2020, PMI’s Armenia’s General Manager Natalia Mayorova
issued a press release highlighting FDA authorization for the American Market. “IQOS has been authorized
by US FDA – a reputable regulator of food and medicines - for sale in the US because , as said by FDA, it is
appropriate for the protection of the public health.” (ref. Mayorova).
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 269
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 270

IQOS Richmond store IQOS Atlanta store

The first IQOS store in the United States scheduled to open in September 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 271

Co-branding of IQOS and Marlboro filmed at Atlanta store and on IQOS USA website. USA website (

A USA marketing site has been established at SRITA identified the first US IQOS
advertisement in the September issue of Wired Magazine which was released in mid-August 2019. We
will continue to collect and post USA IQOS marketing as it evolves. As IQOS has been authorized as a
cigarette equivalent, the brand should not be advertised on radio or television and must be limited to
those flavors permitted for cigarettes (tobacco and menthol).

IQOS USA launch ad Front page of the new USA website.

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 272

From the IQOS USA Website (

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 273
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 274

On Instagram #iqosusa has 4062 and #iqosus 335 posts as of January 22, 2020 Most have been linked
via the global ecosystem of IQOS Instagram posts.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 275

USA IQOS emails to Customers:

Altria e-mails to potential customers of its newly opened IQOS store in Atlanta (September 27, 2019) and
the arrival of its mobile IQOS store in Little Five Points which is described as located in “Atlanta’s hippest
neighborhood.” (December 3, 2019).

Trinkets & Trash (

Introducing “IQOS Corners” – “designated areas in convenience stores . . making it a little easier to
locate all things IQOS.”
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 276

The email advertisement (left) promoting both IQOS and Marlboro cigarettes reveals Altria’s intentions
as it enters the US market. By simultaneously advertising both IQOS and Marlboro cigarettes Altria
highlights that IQOS is more about retaining the smoker as a customer rather than improving smoker’s
health. Co-branding of IQOS and Marlboro is achieved though naming its IQOS HEETs “Made by
Marlboro.” It should be pointed out that Marlboro is a brand name and not a manufacturing entity, the
company behind both brands is Altria (Philip Morris USA).

Trinkets & Trash (

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 277

IQOS USA emails October – November 2019. (Trinkets & Trash,
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 278

IQOS emails to potential US customers from the website of art director Jake Starr who created
them for the Leo Burnett Agency. (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 279

IQOS Advertising Examples Submitted to the US FDA as part of its Modified Risk Tobacco Product
Application. (June 22, 2017) (

The samples submitted by PMI/Altria to the US FDA depicted conservatively dressed, mature models.
The choice of models and black and white coloration and the relatively sedate setting and poses differs
notably from the typical global promotion of IQOS.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 280
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 281

The home page of the IQOS USA webpage ( prominently warns of the risks of nicotine addiction, as
mandated by law. It also appears to use a Surgeon General's warning for marketing purposes. Instead of a
rotating warning the 4 required warnings, as required by law, it uses only the text warning: “Quitting Smoking
Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.” Consumers could easily conclude that the US Surgeon General
endorses IQOS for purposes of tobacco cessation.

The 4 Surgeon General required on all cigarette packs in the US since 1984.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 282

From PMI 4th Quarter 2019 Report

From PMI 4th Quarter 2019 Report

SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 283


Language Translation:
Non-English language websites, social media postings, and job solicitations were translated using
Google translate (

Access to Geolocated Accounts

IQOS has a number of country-specific official websites and social media sites that are geo-fenced,
i.e., they can be viewed only by a person within the country. This was overcome by using ExpressVPN to
access each country’s website (e.g, Japan, Colombia, Ukraine, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa). From the
website, we were then able to access the official IQOS social media sites (Instagram, Twitter, and
Facebook). From the IQOS websites, we collected information on product launches, store openings,
discounts, and other incentives, IQOS brand affiliations, and collaborations, as well as able to access
IQOS’s user community “IQOSPHERE.”
Many IQOS websites require visitors to attest that they are of legal age to use tobacco products
in the country. These age gates, including that of the new USA IQOS site (, are ineffective in
that an underage individual can simply click through.

Interviews with IQOS brand ambassadors and Influencers to query about their roles:
One of our primary methods involved creating Instagram accounts to interact with participants on
IQOS-related accounts. For example, one account was described as a 24-year-old female Canadian model
who graduated from an Italian university. This was chosen as IQOS is available in both Canada and Italy,
it allowed us to communicate in English, and Italian IQOS users have a large community presence on
Instagram. Depending on our questions for others, we often used this account to pose as an aspiring IQOS
Brand Ambassador to find out more about the job. In order to learn about Instagram-related jobs, the
officiality of accounts, and other topics of investigation, we direct messaged many IQOS users and several
larger community accounts to find out more information. For credibility, we gained followers by following
others, posting lifestyle content and photoshopped IQOS photos, and tagging large IQOS accounts that
repost user content.
We used our other account, one on which we tried to appear to be a Japanese IQOS user, primarily
to view the @iqos_jp account. In order for the account to accept us as a follower, we registered as an
IQOS user with a Japanese ID we found online and the pack code from a carton of Marlboro HeatSticks
which we bought via eBay. In order to determine the age and company affiliation of IQOS users and
coaches, we looked for birthday posts on Instagram and Facebook, as well as job descriptions on LinkedIn.

Networking with PMI employees

To network with PMI employees, a LinkedIn profile was created and friend requests were sent to
upwards of 100 PMI employees across many different countries. A typical message sent was: “I’m
considering going back to Philip Morris, and I have a few questions if you don’t mind.” These conversations
helped to illuminate the roles of coaches versus brand ambassadors in various countries. We also scoured
Instagram, Facebook, and VK to trace specific coaches (usually found through LinkedIn) to their teams.
Some hashtags that were especially helpful in finding these teams include #iqosclub and #iqosteam.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 284

IQOS Job Listings

Job listings were collected from job aggregator websites,,,,,, and, as well as on these websites’ country-specific
affiliates. They were also found on the websites of the job organizations and temp agencies Page
Personnel, Grupo TEMA, and Adecco. They were located using both internal search bars and Google’s
“site:” search operator. Job listings for positions like these are sometimes found on social media like
Facebook and Instagram.

Events were found on a variety of websites. Some were searched for on Google by translating
search terms into different languages; this method was useful for finding events that had been reported
on by news organizations or magazines. Others were found through the “news” section on IQOS official
websites, when researchers saw Instagram photos, posted by event planners (e.g. theBrunchAffair,
Geometria), influencers and other attendees, which were often tagged with IQOS-related hashtags or
reposted by larger IQOS-related content aggregators like @iqos_friends. Similarly, some events were
found by viewing videos of the events on Youtube and Vimeo. While the events themselves are exclusive,
they are promoted across social media and can be easily found by outside viewers.

Articles were located by searching the websites of major Ukrainian magazines for mentions of
IQOS and categorizing based on the content of the article. The presence of IQOS advertising in Ukrainian
magazines was discovered through the Instagram of PINK Magazine.

While this white paper provides a comprehensive picture of IQOS Global marketing through
January 2020, it is certainly not exhaustive. We acknowledge that many other events, social media
channels, influencer/brand ambassador programs, point of sale promotions, etc. may well exist for IQOS
that our research did not uncover. Indeed, over the 10 months of this study we continually discovered
new IQOS promotions and, despite the impressive scope of what we uncovered, we suspect that much
more IQOS promotion may be lurking in the corners of the internet and offline.
A particular area of limited visibility is what IQOS salespeople (coaches and brand ambassadors)
say to potential customers. While PMI specifies guidelines for their employees, we strongly suspect that
one-to-one and small group marketing conversations routinely transgress boundaries regarding the
healthfulness of IQOS and its efficacy in achieving smoking cessation. Even adhering to the PMI party line
on these important issues strays far from what is supportable by the scientific evidence.
Despite these limitations, we believe that the observations made in this work is effective in
portraying the far-reaching and all-encompassing nature of IQOS promotion by PMI.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 285



PMI Marketing Standards:

FDA warns JUUL Labs for marketing unauthorized modified risk tobacco products, including in outreach to youth. Sept 9,
Kirkham C. Exclusive: Philip Morris suspends social media campaign after Reuters exposes young 'influencers.' Reuters. May
10, 2019.
Philip Morris International Inc. Reports 2019 Third-Quarter Results. October 17, 2019.
PMI Investor Information. October 2019.
Uranaka T, Ando R. Philip Morris aims to revive Japan sales with cheaper heat-not-burn tobacco. Reuters. October 22, 2018.
Gretler C. Philip Morris Has a Nespresso Problem. Bloomberg. June 20, 2019.
Team T. Can Philip Morris Improve iQOS' Performance This Year? Forbes September 13, 2018.


FDA permits sale of IQOS Tobacco Heating System through premarket tobacco product application pathway. April 30, 2019.
premarket-tobacco-product-application-pathwayt tobacco product application pathway)
Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States. Center for Disease Control.
Economic trends in tobacco. Center for Disease Control.
Auer R, Concha-Lozano N, Jacot-Sadowski I, Cornuz J, Berthet A. Heat-not-burn tobacco cigarettes: smoke by any other
name. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Jul; 177(7): 1050–1052.
Philip Morris International 2019 Fourth Quarter Results (February 6, 2020). (https://philipmorrisinternational.gcs
FDA Marketing Order for IQOS (

Reduced Risk Tobacco Products:

Fairchild, A., & Colgrove, J. (2004). Out of the ashes: The life, death and rebirth of the ‘‘safer’’ cigarette in the United States.
AJPH, 94, 192–204.
Pederson LL, Nelson DE. Literature review and summary of perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, and marketing of potentially
reduced exposure products: communication implications. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007 May;9(5):525-34.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 286

Gray, N. J., & Henningfield, J. E. (2004). A long-term view of harm reduction. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 6, 759–764
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act - An Overview.
Hughes JR, Hecht SS, Carmella SG, Murphy SE, Callas P. Smoking behaviour and toxin exposure during six weeks use of a
potential reduced exposure product: Omni. Tob Control 2004;13:175–179.
Parker-Pope T. Safer cigarettes: A history. PBS Nova. October 1, 2001.
Connolly GN, Alpert HR. Has the tobacco industry evaded the FDA's ban on 'Light' cigarette descriptors? Tob Control. 2014
Jackler RK, Samji HA. The Price Paid – Mid 20th Century Tobacco funded research designed to obfuscate the emerging truth
that smoking causes head and neck cancer. Laryngoscope 2012; 122: 75-87.

IQOS Technology:
Farsalinos KE, Yannovits N, Sarri T, Voudris V, Poulas K. Nicotine Delivery to the Aerosol of a Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Product:
Comparison With a Tobacco Cigarette and E-Cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 Jul 9;20(8):1004-1009
Meehan-Atreash J, Duell AK, McWhirter KJ, Luo W, Peyton DH. Free-Base Nicotine Is Nearly Absent in Aerosol from IQOS
Heat-Not- Burn Devices, As Determined by 1H NMR Spectroscopy. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019, 32, 974−976
Lee JGL, Blanchflower TM, O'Brien KF, Averett PE, Cofie LE, Gregory KR. Evolving IQOS packaging designs change perceptions
of product appeal, uniqueness, quality and safety: a randomised experiment, 2018, USA. Tob Control. 2019
Aug;28(e1):e52-e55. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054910. Epub 2019 Jun 4.

IQOS Flavors:
Shrimpton D. IQOS opens up to independents as menthol cigarette ban looms. Talking Retail. January 1, 2020.

Market Growth of IQOS

Wiliams J. Philip Morris CEO: Smokeless ‘transformation’ for the company is like no other. Fox Business. May 3, 2019
FDA PMTA Coversheet IQOS (

Aborted history of heated tobacco products in the 1980-90s

Proctor R. Golden Holocaust. Origins of the cigarette catastrophe and the case for abolition. University of California Press.
Berkeley. 2011.
Kluger R. Ashes to Ashes. America’s hundred year cigarette war, the public health, and the unabashed triumph of Philip
Morris. Knopf. New York. 1996.
Slade J, Connolly GN, Lymperis D. Eclipse: does it live up to its health claims? Tob Control 2002;11:ii64-ii70.
Carver R. Reynolds pursues another restart with revamped heat-not-burn cigarette Eclipse. Winston-Salem Journal. October
29, 2017. (
Abcede A. FDA Approves Eclipse Noncombustible Cigarettes Agency gives two Reynolds products substantial equivalence
orders for release into U.S. market. CSP. Aug. 14, 2018
Elias J, Dutra LM, St Helen G, Ling PM. Revolution or redux? Assessing IQOS through a precursor product. Tob Control. 2018
Nov;27(Suppl 1):s102-s110. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054327. Epub 2018 Oct 10. PubMed PMID: 30305324;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6238084.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 287

Toxicity of IQOS – is it “Smoke free”?

Auer R, Concha-Lozano N, Jacot-Sadowski I, Cornuz J, Berthet A. Heat-not-burn tobacco cigarettes: smoke by any other
name. JAMA Intern Med. 2017; 177: 1050–1052.
Popova L, Lempert LK, Glantz SA. Light and mild redux: heated tobacco products' reduced exposure claims are likely to be
misunderstood as reduced risk claims. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s87-s95.
Gasparyan, H., Mariner, D., Wright, C., Nicol, J., Murphy, J., Liu, C., Procter, C. (2018) Accurate measurement of main aerosol
constituents from heated tobacco products: Implications for a fundamentally different aerosol. Regul. Toxicol.
Pharmacol. 99, 131−141.
St. Helen, G., Jacob, P., Iii, Nardone, N., and Benowitz, N. L. (2018) IQOS: examination of Philip Morris International’s claim of
reduced exposure. Tob. Control 27, s30−s36.
Davis B, To V, Talbot P. Comparison of cytotoxicity of IQOS aerosols to smoke from Marlboro Red and 3R4F reference
cigarettes. Toxicol In Vitro. 2019 Dec;61:104652. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2019.104652. Epub 2019 Sep 14. PubMed

Smoking cessation ability of IQOS

PMI Press Release April 30, 2019. FDA authorizes sale of IQOS in the US, (
McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Lempert LK, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B. IQOS labelling will
mislead consumers. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s48-s54.
Stoklosa M, Cahn Z, Liber A, Nargis N, Drope J. Effect of IQOS introduction on cigarette sales: evidence of decline and
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PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6238084.
Philip Morris, 2001. Accord Update (
Hwang JH, Ryu DH, Park SW. Heated tobacco products: Cigarette complements, not substitutes. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019
Nov 1;204:107576. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.107576. Epub 2019 Sep 21. PubMed PMID: 31586808.

IQOS use by youth and never smokers

Liu X, Lugo A, Spizzichino L, Tabuchi T, Pacifici R, Gallus S. Heat-not-burn tobacco products: concerns from the Italian
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Kim J, Yu H, Lee S, Paek Y-J. Awareness, experience and prevalence of heated tobacco product, IQOS, among young Korean
adults. Tob Control 2018;27:s74–s77.
Czoli CD, White CM, Reid JL, OConnor RJ, Hammond D. Awareness and interest in IQOS heated tobacco products among
youth in Canada, England and the USA. Tob Control. 2019 Jan 29. pii: tobaccocontrol-2018-054654
McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B. Heated tobacco products likely
appeal to adolescents and young adults. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s41-s47.
Hair EC, Bennett M, Sheen E, Cantrell J, Briggs J, Fenn Z, Willett JG, Vallone D. Examining perceptions about IQOS heated
tobacco product: consumer studies in Japan and Switzerland. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s70-s73. doi:
10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054322. Epub 2018 May 15. PubMed PMID: 29764957; PubMed Central PMCID:
Sutanto E, Miller C, Smith DM, O'Connor RJ, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Xu S, Fong GT, Hyland A, Ouimet J, Yoshimi I,
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Products: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Nov 21;16(23). pii: E4630.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph16234630.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 288

Consumer Acceptance
Maloney J. Altria Takes $4.1 Billion Charge on Juul Investment. Wall Street Journal Jan 30, 2020.


Leading tobacco companies worldwide in 2018, based on net sales. Statistica.

JUUL Labs, Inc., Altria Group, Inc. and Altria Enterprises LLC. Incorporated by reference to Altria Group, Inc.’s Current Report
on Form 8-K filed on December 20, 2018 (File No. 1- 08940).
Altria 2018 Annual report. (
Herzog B. Philip Morris-Altria Agreement Provides Competitive Edge. Convenience Store News. March 10,
Philip Morris International 2018 Annual Report.
Philip Morris International 2018 Annual Report. (
PMI Press Release June 14, 2019. (
Philip Morris International Inc. Confirms Discussions with Altria Group, Inc. Regarding Potential All-Stock, Merger of Equals.
August 27, 2019. (
Marlboro maker Altria distances itself from vaping giant Juul amid legal scrutiny. USA Today 1/31/2020.
E-Cigarette: Philip Morris International. Robacco Tactics.
Marlboro maker Altria distances itself from vaping giant Juul amid legal scrutiny. USA Today 1/31/2020.
Altria Revises Terms of JUUL Transaction.


Philip Morris trademark application for “heat-not-burn.” US Patent Office. (submitted August 14, 2014)
Heat Not Burn Term is Registered as Brand. Vape HK. September 6, 2018. .
PMI “cease fire” trademark.
PMI “cleaner pleasure” trademark. (
Trademark challenge by PMI of BAT’s use of “heat not burn” October 5, 2017.
WIPO IP Portal Global Brand Database. (search Heat Not Burn)
IQOS Users Guide (
Crazington H. How flowers fly. (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 289

FatFox Animation. Qreator by IQOS - Hummingbird. Vimeo. Published October 11, 2017.
Accessed July 31, 2019.
IQOS exhibition stand design. GM Stand Design.
concept/. Published 2018. Accessed July 31, 2019.
Cornelius, D. A. (2013). SMAC and transforming innovation. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2013—North America,
New Orleans, LA. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
Examples of PMI’s global marketing of IQOS. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Tech Insights teardown of IQOS.
Heat 180. Understanding the IQOS Connect App.
Przewozniak, Krzysztof & Gallus, Silvano & Koczkodaj, Paweł. (2019). Does iQOS harvest personal data from users and
manipulate their tobacco habits?: A review of current evidence. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 17. 10.18332/tid/111616.
Lasseter T, Wilson D, Bansal P. Phillip Morris' iQOS e-cigarette is capable of harvesting smoker's data: ex-project manager.
Reuters. May 15, 2018.
Beauty images examples: (animated Gifs)


Jackler RK, Li VY, Cardiff RAL, Ramamurthi D. Promotion of tobacco products of Facebook: policy versus practice. Tob
Control. 2019; 28: 67-73.

PMI: Ten years corporate affairs objectives and strategies.
Jackler RK, Li VY, Cardiff RAL, Ramamurthi D. Promotion of tobacco products of Facebook: policy versus practice. Tob
Control. 2019; 28: 67-73.
Percentage of U.S. adults who use Instagram as of February 2019, by age group. Statistica.
Most popular social networks of teenagers in the United States from fall 2012 to spring 2019. Statistica
Roesler P. Pew Study Shows Teens More Likely to Use Instagram or YouTube Over Facebook.
PMI Digital Lab x RRP. iQOS Brand Voice Guidelines. 2016.
Brand-Voice-Guidelines.html (accessed July 30, 2019).
PMI Corporate Affairs. 10-year Corporate Affairs Objectives and Strategies. 2014. Published
December 20, 2017. Accessed August 8, 2019. → this is the link commented by IQOS that goes to the Japanese page with terms and conditions for taking
other people’s photos.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 290

IQOS Italia. Photo by @iqos_it. Instagram. Published July 9, 2019. Accessed
July 26, 2019.
IQOS Italia. Photo by @iqos_it. Instagram. Published April 26, 2019. Accessed
July 26, 2019.
IQOS Italia. Photo by @iqos_it. Instagram. Published July 12, 2019. Accessed
July 26, 2019.
Corà, M. Photo by @ma.racaibo. Instagram.
MjVTKSDBKhw7sf9JG0JshjBbKn1WM0/ . Published July 2, 2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Borghi, B. Photo by @iqos_friends. Instagram. Published April 27, 2019.
Accessed July 26, 2019.
The Brunch Affair. Photo by @the_brunch_affair. Instagram. Published April
22, 2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
The Brunch Affair. Photo by @the_brunch_affair. Instagram. Published May
28, 2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
The Brunch Affair. Photo by @the_brunch_affair. Instagram. Published
October 8, 2018. Accessed July 26, 2019.
The Brunch Affair. Photo by @the_brunch_affair. Instagram. Published June
15, 2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Shut Up, Beach!. Photo by @shutupbeachmamaia. Instagram. Published
August 21, 2018. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Shut Up, Beach!. Photo by @shutupbeachmamaia. Instagram. Published
September 6, 2018. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Yoshimi, I. Photo by @iyoyoshimi. Instagram/ Published April 25, 2019.
Accessed July 26, 2019.
Burbulea, A. Photo by @andreeaeburbulea. Instagram. Published July 18,
2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Burbulea, A. Photo by @andreeaeburbulea. Instagram. Published May 27,
2019. Accessed July 26, 2019.
Boldea, A. Photo by @andra_boldea. Instagram. Published June 30, 2019.
Accessed July 26, 2019.
Yu. Photo by @yucheeeer112. Instagram. Published April 14, 2019. Accessed
July 26, 2019.
Pataffio, C. Photo by @la_chiara_pataffio. Instagram. Published May 4, 2019.
Accessed July 26, 2019.

TikTok Stats for Marketers: TikTok Demographics, Statistics, & Key Data. Mediakix.
statistics-demographics/. Published July 29, 2019. Accessed August 26, 2019.
Community Guidelines. TikTok. Accessed August 26,
Tait A. TikTok Has Created a Whole New Class of Influencer
El Qudsi I. Is TikTok The Next Big Thing In Influencer Marketing?
TikTok Agency: How To Use TikTok Influencers For Your Busines
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 291

Ballanger C All You Need to Know about TikTok in 2019..

IQOS TikTok Video examples:
#iQOS on TikTok over 5 million views!
#marlboro on TikTok nearly 1.8 million views!

LINE Messenger App

Kawaguchi T. Top 5 Social media platforms in Japan 2019.
Sakamoto J. LINE × IQOS, business alliance with new service utilizing `` LINE ''-chat support. CNET Japan. June 6, 2017.
Iqbal M. Line Revenue and Usage Statistics (2019). Business of Apps. September 13, 2019
Keer R. How does LINE make money? Vator.
Tips for connecting IQOS to LINE on iPhone and setting method


Kirkham C. Exclusive: Philip Morris suspends social media campaign after Reuters exposes young 'influencers.' Reuters May
10, 2019.
Kirkham C. Philip Morris suspends 'influencer' marketing for IQOS. IQOS
Kirkham C. Citing Reuters report, health groups push tech firms to police tobacco marketing. Reuter May 22, 2019.
Myers ML, Muggli ME Request for Investigative and enforcement actions to stop deceptive advertising online.
Legality of using social media influencers to promote e-cigarettes. Medical Brief -Africa’s Medical Media Digest. (July 10,
Hejlová, D., Schneiderová, S., Klabíková Rábová, T., Kulhánek, A. (2019). Analysis of Presumed IQOS Influencer Marketing on
Instagram in the Czech Republic in 2018–2019. Adiktologie, 19(1), 7–15.
IQOS Team BTL Carlo at a PMI Corporate Office. Papa Carlo; 2017.
Non-smoker IQOS partner video on the Czech Republic partner hiring page. IQOS Czech Republic website. Published May 22, 2018. Accessed August 21, 2019.
BeLikeMe. Published 2017.
A Gif of Team #Belikeme Members with Arms Linked.Fieldstar; 2017.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 292

A Gif of Four #Belikeme Team Members Waving around IQOS Devices.Fieldstar; 2017.
Belikeme minimum age 19:
VK. Published December 12, 2017.
VK. Published November 30, 2017.
An IQOS Coach Team Member Jumping in Front of a Cosmopolitan Sign.Instagram; 2017.
Graphic Showing That There Are over 4500 IQOS Coaches.Philip Morris International; 2018.
Team #Belikeme, an IQOS Coach Team, at the Qreator, an IQOS Official Location.Fieldstar; 2018.
Lead The Change. Published 2018.
A Casting Call for Team Eventually Canarias.Pop House; 2018.
A Gif of Two #Belikeme Team Members Waving around IQOS Devices. Fieldstar; 2018.
A Gif of Three #Belikeme Team Members Waving around IQOS Devices.Fieldstar; 2018.
VK. Published January 23, 2018.
VK. Published January 17, 2018.
VK. Published January 14, 2018.
Four IQOS Coach Team Members in Racing Tracksuits.RBT Group; 2018.
Graphic Showing That There Are over 8500 IQOS Coaches. Philip Morris International; 2019.
RBT Group Ekaterinburg, an IQOS Coach Team, at a PMI Corporate Office. RBT Group; 2019.
Balloon Gifts Prepared for IQOS Club Members.Bloom Balloons; 2019.
Close-up of the Message Attached to an IQOS Club Gift.Bloom Balloons; 2019.
An Invitation to a Private IQOS Event in Indonesia.iqos_club_indo; 2019.
Instagram. Published May 6, 2019.
A Member of Eventually Canarias Acts as a Salesperson for IQOS.PopHouse; 2019.
Members of Eventually Canarias Holding out Wine Glasses.Los Nietos del Zar; 2019.
A Member of Team Eventually Canarias Playing a Game with Party Attendees. Los Nietos del Zar; 2019.
A Member of Team Eventually Canarias Operating the IQOS Science Machine.Los Nietos del Zar; 2019.
Members of Team #Belikeme at the Brunch Affair.Fieldstar; 2019.
A Member of Team #Belikeme at the Open Air Blues Festival in Brezoi. Fieldstar; 2019.
A Member of Team #Belikeme at Shut Up, Beach.Fieldstar; 2019.
Members of Team #Belikeme in Stylish Robes.Instagram; 2019.
Members of Team #Belikeme in Trendy Summer Outfits.Instagram; 2019.
A Member of Team #Belikeme Standing in Front of a Blue IQOS Logo on a Vehicle. Fieldstar; 2019.
Photos of an IQOS Coach in a Teal Outfit at a Beachfront Location.Fieldstar; 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 293

Six IQOS Team Members in White Shirts. RBT Group; 2019.
Alternativa alla sigaretta? Oggi si può con un IQOS Coach al proprio fianco. IQOS. Published
June 18, 2018.
Badea A. A Member of Team #Belikeme in a 'QREW' Letterman Jacket. Instagram; 2019.
Chiritescu A. An IQOS Coach Leader in a Photo Booth.Instagram; 2017.
Chiritescu A. An IQOS Coach Leader (Pink Earrings) Waving Her Head Around. Instagram; 2018.
Gabdulmanova D. Four IQOS Coach Team Members in Front of a Car.Instagram; 2016.
Hil O. Project for IQOS Coaches. Behance. Published
January 4, 2018. Accessed August 15, 2019.
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Manea C. catalina_manea_10. Instagram.
Manea C. The IQOS Device Juxtaposed with Fresh Corner Coffee. Instagram; 2019.
Mari E. Treize ex-salariés français attaquent Philip Morris en justice. Le Parisien.
salaries-attaquent-philip-morris-en-justice-21-03-2018-7621986.php. Published March 21, 2018.
Piperr R. A Member of Team #Belikeme in Ripped Jeans.Instagram; 2017.
Robequain L. La dernière cartouche de Philip Morris. Les Echos.
philip-morris-1020256. Published May 3, 2018.
Serval I. IQOS. The—Dots. A project portfolio by Publicis Sapient for an app they
designed for IQOS.
Simionescu R. Qreator Staff and Members of Team #Belikeme at a Trash Clean-up Event.Instagram; 2018.
Simionescu R. Qreator Staff and Members of Team #Belikeme at a Cooking Event.Instagram; 2018.
Tarasova Y. IQOS Team Members (Male and Female) Wearing Tiffany Colored Outfits.Instagram; 2016.
Tarasova Y. Three Frames of an IQOS Coach in a Tiffany-Colored Shirt.Instagram; 2016.
Tarasova Y. Four IQOS Team Members in Tiffany-Colored Clothes.Instagram; 2016.
Terms of Use For Digital Touchpoints. Published 2019.
Treize anciens salariés portent plainte contre le cigarettier Philip Morris. Le Monde.
morris_5274761_1653578.html. Published March 22, 2018.
Mchitarjan K, Konecny P. You teach to smoke for money! Youtuber Kovy grills Boučka a spol. due to IQOS advertising.
Express. July 10, 2018.
Czech IQOS video 2018
Czech celebrities posts
Socialpubli. 2018 Global Micro-influencer Study (
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 294

Bokhina K. IQOS World Revealed by Alex Chinneck at Milan Design Week 2019. Fad Magazine. April 11, 2019.
Alex Chinneck unzips Milan. PMI News. April 23, 2019.
SCHON iqos world revealed | milan design week
Tuohy JP. British artist Alex Chinneck unzips a building in Milan. Dwell. April 9, 2019


IQOS exhibition stand design. GM Stand Design.

concept/. Published 2018. Accessed July 31, 2019.
FatFox Animation. Qreator by IQOS - Hummingbird. Vimeo. Published October 11, 2017.
Accessed July 31, 2019.
Burkert, P. Success Story: The secret behind the IQOS Stores. Go─PopUp.
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The Tobacco Room [CAMERA TUTUNULUI]. Qreator. Accessed
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Kalnitskiy. IQOS Space Odessa. Vimeo. Published June 8, 2017. Accessed July 31, 2019.
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IQOS(アイコス)ストア札幌で先行販売!「オリジナルサーモタンブラー」をレビュー!. Published March 30, 2018. Accessed August 20, 2019.
IQOSignature Coffee. Facebook. Accessed August 20, 2019.
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.com/. Accessed August 20, 2019.
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Cocteler. ELMUNDO.
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SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 295

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IQOS Friendly Places: IQOS. IQOS PMI. Accessed August 20, 2019.
IQOS friendly CZ. Mapotic.
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Андрей К. 5 IQOS-friendly заведений Киева, которые стоит посетить. Elle.
zavedeniy-kieva-kotorie-stoit-posetit/. Published December 27, 2017. Accessed August 20, 2019.
Moodie M. Philip Morris International turns up the heat (but not the burn) in travel retail. Moodie Davitt Report. Feb. 26,


A farewell to smoking. Unian December 23, 2016.


Landmark Communications. IQOS event! Youtube. Published May 8, 2019. Accessed July 30,
Phillip Morris – IQOS Launches in JHB & CT. Thirst. Accessed July 16, 2019.
Cuartas, E. ¿Qué hacer en el Estéreo Picnic 2017 además de escuchar música? [What can I do at Estéreo Picnic besides listen
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“a society without smoke.”] Summer Sonic 2018. Published August
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Trade Your Cigarettes for a Free IQOS on World No Tobacco Day. Snapd. Accessed July 30, 2019.


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Boer, E. Photo by @ervinboer. Instagram. Published April 8, 2019. Accessed

August 21, 2019.
Ciulea, D. Photo by @ciulea. Instagram. Published July 23, 2019. Accessed August 21,
Dike, J. NIGO Continues IQOS Collaboration With Camouflage Collection. Hypebeast.
iqos-camouflage-vaporizer. Published April 4, 2018. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Festivaluri [Festivals]. Accessed August 21, 2019.
IQOS on Heels. Molecule-F. Published July 3, 2017. Accessed August
21, 2019.
Katerini. Video by @katerinimou. Instagram. Published April 22, 2019.
Accessed August 21, 2019.
Kisonaite, A. Mirror Lips. Agne Art. Accessed August 21,
Mar, E. Pokaz Tomaotomo na sezon wiosna – lato 2018 [Tomaotomo show for spring - summer 2018]. Shemag. Published April 25, 2018. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Philip Morris International. Video. Vimeo. Published July 3, 2019. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Proyecto especial Okuda San Miguel by IQOS [Special project Okuda San Miguel by IQOS]. Urvanity. https://urvanity- Accessed August 21, 2019.
Qollection. Qreator by IQOS. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Regalo di design: IQOS e gli accessori IQOS MASTER STYLE [Design gift: IQOS and IQOS MASTER STYLE accessories.] Vogue
Published December 19, 2017. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Tovmasyan, K. Petoor գարուն-ամառ 1920 (2019) հավաքածուի ցուցադրությունը [Exhibition of Petoor Spring-Summer
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Urvanity Art. Photo by @urvanityart. Instagram. Published February 25, 2019.
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Motorsport Sponsorship. TobaccoTactics.
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Richards G. F1 has no plans to ban tobacco company sponsorship despite health calls. The Guardian.
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PMI and Scuderia Ferrari Look to the Future with Mission Winnow A Shared Pursuit for Excellence and Innovation Drive
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A VIP experience at the 2018 Formula 1 British Grand Prix with IQOS. The Yorkshire Gentleman.
iqos.html. Published August 30, 2018. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Hackleberry & Sons Co.,Ltd. Accessed August 21, 2019.
IQOS Motor Edition, the most beautiful limited edition, you can't easily buy.'t-easily-buy-A_6506.
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Bekki K, Inaba Y, Uchiyama S, Kunugita N. Comparison of Chemicals in Mainstream Smoke in Heat-not-burn Tobacco and
Combustion Cigarettes. Journal of UOEH. July 2017. doi:10.7888.
Olympic embarrassment: Japan falls way short in banning public smoking ahead of 2020 Games.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 297

Royland M. Japan vows to make 2020 Olympics smoke-free while allowing IQOS, medical vaping.
Heated Tobacco Products Replaced Cigarette Sales in Japan – New American Cancer Society Study. June 17, 2019.
McKenzie P. Big tobacco’s stake in the NZ dating scene. Newsroom Sept 10, 2019
Artribune at the Salone del Mobile. A project between art and design with The IQOS Pathfinder. Artribune April 30,
The IQOS Pathfinder Project: Jardins d’Eté by Quayola. Interni 2019
Panter & Tourron: Passages. Domus. April 2017.
Vogue. IQOS Master Style: a call by Vogue Talents. June 2017.
Slade M. NZ Fashion Week’s secret plan to bring big tobacco to the catwalk. The Spinoff. August 14, 2019.
Sweetbro. The tobacco industry’s secret plan to rejoin NZ Fashion Week. Nice Bro GG Blog. August 13, 2019.
Philip Morris International Senior Vice President for Communications Marian Salzman on Tinder partnership. Published 2019.
2019 Philip Morris International Senior Vice President for Communications Marian Salzman X Tinder partnership. Published
Nishiyama R. Philip Morris, CEO Launching Zero Cigarette-Free Olympics, Launches New IQOS. Japan Business Insider. October
25, 2018.


1.000 RSD za tebe i 1.000 RSD za tvog prijatelja. IQOS. Accessed August 19, 2019.
Comparte El Cambio. IQOS. Accessed August 19, 2019.
In Wenigen Schritten Geht Es Los. Accessed August 19, 2019.
An IQOS Branded Letter.Instagram; 2017. Accessed August 19, 2019.
An IQOS Camo Device. Instagram; 2018. Accessed August 19, 2019.
A Box for an IQOS Camo Device. Instagram; 2018. Accessed August 19, 2019.
An Invitation to a Private IQOS Club Event. Instagram; 2019. Accessed August
19, 2019.
A Series of Images Showing Possible IQOS Club Rewards.Instagram; 2019.
Accessed August 19, 2019.
A Picture Alluding to an IQOS Club Private Sale. Instagram; 2019. Accessed
August 19, 2019.
Balloon Gifts for IQOS Club Members.Instagram; 2019. Accessed August 19,
A Close-Up of a Gift for an IQOS Club Member. Instagram; 2019. Accessed
August 19, 2019.
An Email from IQOSphere Notifying a User of Their Prize. Instagram; 2019.
Accessed August 19, 2019.
An IQOS Nippon Device. Instagram; 2019. Accessed August 19, 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 298

An Infographic on IQOS Friends in Greece. Philip Morris International; 2019.
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Babb S, Malarcher A, Schauer G, Asman K, Jamal A. Quitting Smoking Among Adults — United States, 2000–2015.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;65:1457–1464. DOI:
Iqos Club. Reddit. Published June 1, 2019. Accessed August
19, 2019.
IQOS Friends. Accessed August 19, 2019.
Kelly M. Game Studios Would Be Banned From Selling Loot Boxes to minors under new bill. The Verge.
ea. Published May 8, 2019. Accessed August 19, 2019.
Nasce IQOS Club, il programma fedeltà che va oltre la semplice raccolta punti. IQOS. Published
May 20, 2019. Accessed August 19, 2019.
PDF. January 2019.
Qoins. IQOSphere. Published 2019. Accessed August 21, 2019.
TEAM.IQOS. Accessed August 19, 2019.
YouTube. Published December 13, 2018. Accessed August 19, 2019.
会員特典コミュニティーサイト. IQOSphere. Published 2019. Accessed August 19, 2019.

SECTION 12. Philip Morris International “Smoke Free World Campaign”

van der Eijk Y, Bero LA, Malone RE. Philip Morris International-funded 'Foundation for a Smoke-Free World': analysing its
claims of independence. Tob Control. 2018 Sep 21. pii: tobaccocontrol-2018-054278. doi:
Philip Morris International’s “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World”: The More Things Change; The More They Stay the Same.
Commentary: Philip Morris Says It Wants to Quit Cigarettes. But It’s Just Blowing Smoke.
WHO Statement on Philip Morris funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World


Hancock A. Marlboro maker teams up with Vice for vaping push. Philip Morris strikes £5m sponsored content deal to
promote ecigarettes. Financial Times. March 21, 2019.
Voshart D. VICE and Philip Morris: Partners in Crime.
Vice Magazine Media Kit.
Hicks J. The FDA Is Considering a New Kind of Smoking Device from Philip Morris. Vice Magazine. (January 23, 2018)
Jensen B. Smoking Is Bad, But So Is Everything Else. Vice Magazine. Feb 25, 2019.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 299

Walker H. Teens Use Tobacco as Much as They Vape—But, OK! Ban Flavored Juul Pods! Sept 12, 2019.
Norcia A. Banning Flavored Vapes Might Be Good for Teens. It Also Might Be Racist. Vice Magazine. Sept 19, 2019.
Jackler RK, Chau C, Getachew BD, Whitcomb MM, Lee-Heidenrich J, Bhatt AM, Kim-O’Sullivan, Hoffman ZA, Jackler LM,
Ramamurthi D. JUUL Advertising Over its First Three Years on the Market. White Paper, Stanford University.
Palmiri C. Disney writes off its Vice stake – a sign of trouble for the digital media firm. Los Angeles Times. May 8, 2019.
IQOS Glamour magazine.


Prochaska JJ, Henriksen L. PMI reduced-risk claims and upselling of IQOS via Reviti life insurance. Tob Control. 2019 Jul 31.
pii: tobaccocontrol-2019-055145. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055145.
Lasseter T, Wilson D, Wilson T. Special report: Philip Morris device knows a lot about your smoking habit. May 15, 2018.
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Designing The Future. IQOS Is the winner of the international GOOD Design®. IQOS Greece
Website. Published July 13, 2018. Accessed September 23, 2019.
Good Design. Accessed September 23, 2019.
Wilson M. The 2015 Innovation By Design Awards Winners: Product Design. Fast Company. Published
September 14, 2015. Accessed September 23, 2019.


A. A. Ruprecht, C. De Marco, A. Saffari, P. Pozzi, R. Mazza, C. Veronese, G. Angellotti, E. Munarini, A. C. Ogliari, D. Westerdahl,
S. Hasheminassab, M. M. Shafer, J. J. Schauer, J. Repace, C. Sioutas & R. Boffi (2017) Environmental pollution and
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Science and Technology, 51:6, 674-684, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2017.1300231
Krause MJ, Townsend TG. Hazardous waste status of discarded electronic cigarettes. Waste Manag. 2015;39:57-62.
Hendlin, Y. H., PhD. (2018). Alert: Public health implications of electronic cigarette waste. American Journal of Public
Health, 108(11), 1489-1490.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 300


Barrett T. Beware of fake awards. Blue Sky PR

Dee J. Why most business “awards” are a scam, preying on pride.
BBB Tip: Vanity Awards


Wu. J. Philip Morris and Altria end merger talks following chilly response from investors CNBC Sept 25, 2019.
Abcede A. Altria Reveals More Marketing Plans for IQOS. CSP. January 10, 2020.
Marlboro maker Altria distances itself from vaping giant Juul amid legal scrutiny. USA Today 1/31/2020.
Mayorova, N. Philip Morris Armenia informs Armenian IQOS users. News.Am. February 14, 2020.
Blackwell JR. Altria expanding test market for iQOS 'heat not burn' device to Charlotte, N.C. Richmond Times-Dispatch.
February 19, 2020. (

Selected IQOS Papers:

Adriaens K, Gucht DV, Baeyens F. IQOS(TM) vs. e-Cigarette vs. Tobacco Cigarette: A Direct Comparison of Short-Term Effects
after Overnight-Abstinence. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 18;15(12). pii: E2902.
doi:10.3390/ijerph15122902. PubMed PMID: 30567400; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6313326.
Bar-Zeev Y, Levine H, Rubinstein G, Khateb I, Berg CJ. IQOS point-of-sale marketing strategies in Israel: a pilot study. Isr J
Health Policy Res. 2019 Jan 14;8(1):11. doi: 10.1186/s13584-018-0277-1. PubMed PMID: 30642383; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC6330751.
Chambers J. New Zealand's legal action against IQOS postponed, consultation with Big Tobacco follows: a response from the
Ministry of Health. N Z Med J. 2017 Dec 15;130(1467):101. PubMed PMID: 29240751.
Czoli CD, White CM, Reid JL, OConnor RJ, Hammond D. Awareness and interest in IQOS heated tobacco products among
youth in Canada, England and the USA. Tob Control. 2019 Jan 29. pii: tobaccocontrol-2018-054654. doi:
10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054654. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30696783.
Elias J, Dutra LM, St Helen G, Ling PM. Revolution or redux? Assessing IQOS through a precursor product. Tob Control. 2018
Nov;27(Suppl 1):s102-s110. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054327. Epub 2018 Oct 10. PubMed PMID:
30305324;PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6238084.
Examples of PMI’s global marketing of IQOS. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Farsalinos KE, Yannovits N, Sarri T, Voudris V, Poulas K. Nicotine Delivery to the Aerosol of a Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Product:
Comparison With a Tobacco Cigarette and E-Cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 Jul 9;20(8):1004-1009. doi:
10.1093/ntr/ntx138. PubMed PMID: 28637344.
Glantz SA. Heated tobacco products: the example of IQOS. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s1-s6. doi:
10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054601. PubMed PMID: 30352841; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252052.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 301

Glantz SA. PMI's own in vivo clinical data on biomarkers of potential harm in Americans show that IQOS is not detectably
different from conventional cigarettes. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s9-s12. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-
2018-054413. Epub 2018 Aug 21. PubMed PMID: 30131374; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6202159.
Halpern-Felsher B. Point-of-sale marketing of heated tobacco products in Israel: cause for concern. Isr J Health Policy Res.
2019 May 27;8(1):47. doi: 10.1186/s13584-019-0316-6. PubMed PMID: 31133053; PubMed Central
Kim J, Yu H, Lee S, Paek YJ. Awareness, experience and prevalence of heated tobacco product, IQOS, among young Korean
adults. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s74-s77. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054390. Epub 2018 Aug 29.
PubMed PMID: 30158210; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252497.
Kim M. Philip Morris International introduces new heat-not-burn product, IQOS, in South Korea. Tob Control. 2018
Jul;27(e1):e76-e78. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-053965. Epub 2017 Nov 23. PubMed PMID: 29170165;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5966325.
Lee JGL, Blanchflower TM, O'Brien KF, Averett PE, Cofie LE, Gregory KR. Evolving IQOS packaging designs change perceptions
of product appeal, uniqueness, quality and safety: a randomised experiment, 2018, USA. Tob Control. 2019
Aug;28(e1):e52-e55. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054910. Epub 2019 Jun 4.PubMed PMID: 31164489;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6717050.
Lempert LK, Glantz SA. Heated tobacco product regulation under US law and the FCTC. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl
1):s118-s125. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054560. Epub 2018 Oct 5. PubMed PMID: 30291201; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC6204223.
Liu X, Lugo A, Spizzichino L, Tabuchi T, Gorini G, Gallus S. Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Products Are Getting Hot in Italy. J
Epidemiol. 2018 May 5;28(5):274-275. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20180040. Epub 2018 Apr 14. PubMed PMID: 29657258;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5911679.
Liu X, Lugo A, Spizzichino L, Tabuchi T, Pacifici R, Gallus S. Heat-not-burn tobacco products: concerns from the Italian
experience. Tob Control. 2019 Jan;28(1):113-114. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-054054. Epub 2018 Jan 26.
PubMed PMID: 29374094.
Mathers A, Schwartz R, O'Connor S, Fung M, Diemert L. Marketing IQOS in a dark market. Tob Control. 2019 Mar;28(2):237-
238. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-054216. Epub 2018 May 3. PubMed PMID: 29724866.
Max WB, Sung HY, Lightwood J, Wang Y, Yao T. Modelling the impact of a new tobacco product: review of Philip Morris
International's Population Health Impact Model as applied to the IQOS heated tobacco product. Tob Control. 2018
Nov;27(Suppl 1):s82-s86. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054572. Epub 2018 Oct PubMed PMID: 30275170;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6240026.
McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B. Heated tobacco products likely
appeal to adolescents and young adults. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s41-s47. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-
2018-054596. PubMed PMID: 30352843; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252490.
McKelvey K, Popova L, Kim M, Lempert LK, Chaffee BW, Vijayaraghavan M, Ling P, Halpern-Felsher B. IQOS labelling will
mislead consumers. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s48-s54. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054333. Epub
2018 Aug 29. PubMed PMID: 30158208; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252493.
Miyazaki Y, Tabuchi T. Educational gradients in the use of electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products in Japan.
PLoS One. 2018 Jan 12;13(1):e0191008. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191008. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID:
29329351; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5766136.
Popova L, Lempert LK, Glantz SA. Light and mild redux: heated tobacco products' reduced exposure claims are likely to be
misunderstood as reduced risk claims. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s87-s95. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-
2018-054324. Epub 2018 Sep 12. PubMed PMID: 30209208; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6202239.
Prochaska JJ, Henriksen L. PMI reduced-risk claims and upselling of IQOS via Reviti life insurance. Tob Control. 2019 Jul 31.
pii: tobaccocontrol-2019-055145. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055145.
Rosen LJ, Kislev S. IQOS campaign in Israel. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s78-s81. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-
054619. Epub 2018 Oct 19. PubMed PMID: 30341089; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252485.
Rychert M. New Zealand court dismisses Ministry of Health case against 'heat-not-burn' tobacco products, highlighting the
need to future-proof tobacco control laws. Addiction. 2018 Oct;113(10):1953-1954. doi: 10.1111/add.14376. Epub
2018 Jul 18. PubMed PMID: 29972623.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 302

Rychert M. New Zealand's legal action against IQOS postponed, consultation with Big Tobacco follows. N Z Med J. 2017
Nov10;130(1465):109-111. PubMed PMID: 29121631.
Signes-Costa J, de Granda-Orive JI, Ramos Pinedo Á, Camarasa Escrig A, de Higes Martínez E, Rábade Castedo C, Cabrera
César E, Jiménez-Ruiz CA. Official Statement of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) on
Electronic Cigarettes and IQOS®. Arch Bronconeumol. 2019 Jun 21. pii: S0300-2896(19)30251-0. doi:
Sponsiello-Wang Z, Langer P, Prieto L, Dobrynina M, Skiada D, Camille N,Weitkunat R, Lüdicke F. Household Surveys in the
General Population and Web-Based Surveys in IQOS Users Registered at the Philip Morris International IQOS User
Database: Protocols on the Use of Tobacco- and Nicotine-Containing Products innGermany, Italy, and the United
Kingdom (Greater London), 2018-2020. JMIR Res Protoc. 2019 May 9;8(5):e12061. doi: 10.2196/12061. PubMed
PMID: 31094340; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6532333.
St Helen G, Jacob Iii P, Nardone N, Benowitz NL. IQOS: examination of Philip Morris International's claim of reduced
exposure. Tob Control. 2018 Nov;27(Suppl 1):s30-s36. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054321. Epub 2018 Aug
29. PubMed PMID: 30158205; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6252487.
Stoklosa M, Cahn Z, Liber A, Nargis N, Drope J. Effect of IQOS introduction on cigarette sales: evidence of decline and
replacement. Tob Control. 2019 Jun 17. pii: tobaccocontrol-2019-054998. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-
Tabuchi T, Gallus S, Shinozaki T, Nakaya T, Kunugita N, Colwell B. Heat-not-burn tobacco product use in Japan: its prevalence,
predictors and perceived symptoms from exposure to secondhand heat-not-burn tobacco aerosol. Tob Control.
2018 Jul;27(e1):e25-e33. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-053947. Epub 2017 Dec 16. PubMed PMID: 29248896;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6073918.
Tabuchi T, Kiyohara K, Hoshino T, Bekki K, Inaba Y, Kunugita N. Awareness and use of electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn
tobacco products in Japan. Addiction. 2016 Apr;111(4):706-13. doi: 10.1111/add.13231. Epub 2016 Jan 8. PubMed
PMID: 26566956.
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 303


Stanford students enrolled in SRITA summer internship unless otherwise noted.
Front Row: Jonah Reidel, Jenna Jung, Aleeza Yu, Ariel Axelrod
Top Row: Noah Louis-Ferdinand, Cindy Chau (SRITA Database Manager), Divya Ramamurthi (SRITA Researcher), Laurie
Jackler (SRITA Curator), Robert Jackler (Principal Investigator),
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 304

Supplemental Table: IQOS Events 2015 – August 2019. This list of 270 events provides a
representative sampling , but is almost certainly incomplete.

Supplemental Table 1: Worldwide IQOS events from 2015 to August 2019

Year Event Sub-Type (e.g. concert) Country
Petoor Spring/Summer
2019 Art installation /Show Armenia
collection show
2019 Milan Design Week 2019 Art installation /Show Italy
Miko Galere 25th
2019 Art installation /Show Malaysia
2019 Unzip Your Mind Art installation /Show Romania
Viva, We Love Flamenco
2019 Art installation /Show Spain
Okuda San Miguel Special
2019 Art installation /Show Spain
Project by IQOS
2019 Street Mag Show Hannover Car show Germany
DISQOVR Lounge at Retro
2019 Car show Malaysia
Cannes Lions Festival (IQOS
2019 space, programme of Communications Festival France
events, open mic)
IQOS at Carnaval de
2019 Cultural Festivals Colombia
IQOS Lounge u hotelu
2019 Thermal (?), Karlovy Vary Film Festival Czech Republic
Film Festival
2019 IQOS booth and photo-op Film Festival Romania
ShortsUp Film Festival and
2019 Film Festival Romania
2019 Bocao Food Fest 2019 Food Fair Dominican Republic
2019 Tiffin Food Court Food Fair Malaysia
2019 Yerevan Wine Days Food& Wine Festival Armenia
2019 Booth at Vinitaly Food& Wine Festival Italy
IQOS Booth at ZeBrush
2019 Make-up Event Ukraine
Makeup show
2019 La Solar Fest Music Festival Colombia
IQOS at Festival Estereo
2019 Music Festival Colombia
IQOS at Beats 4 Love
2019 Music Festival Czech Republic
IQOS at TLV Student Day
2019 Music Festival Israel
2019 Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival Music Festival Lithuania
2019 Beach Bike Fest Music Festival Lithuania
2019 Rusne Festival Music Festival Lithuania
2019 Bluzo Naktys (Blues Nights) Music Festival Lithuania
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 305

2019 Devilstone Music Festival Lithuania

2019 Galapagai Music Festival Lithuania
2019 Granatos Live Music Festival Lithuania
2019 Good Vibes Fest Music Festival Malaysia
2019 MerdekaRya Fest 2019 Music Festival Malaysia
Disqovr X Musika at The
2019 Music Festival Malaysia
Gasket Alley
2019 Manic Mondo Music Festival Malaysia
IQOS booth at Orange
2019 Music Festival Poland
Warsaw Festival
IQOS booth at Pol'and'Rock
2019 Music Festival Poland
#belikeme IQOS booth at
2019 Music Festival Romania
Forza ZU
2019 IQOS booth (?) Music Festival Romania
2019 Deep Forest Fest booth Music Festival Romania
#belikeme IQOS booth at
2019 Open Air Blues Festival Music Festival Romania
2019 Sunset Festival 2019 Music Festival Romania
2019 Afterhills Music Festival Romania
2019 IQOS Smoke-Free Zone Music Festival Slovakia
2019 Euro Village Music Festival Israel
2019 Albania Launch Event Albania
2019 IQOS Party Armenia
2019 Berlin Opening Night Germany
SLEEK x IQOS Valentine's Party/Concert/
2019 Germany
Day Party Performance
2019 IQOS 3 Launch Israel
2019 IQOS & Marlboro Party Israel
2019 IQOS Motor Edition Italy
2019 IQOS Party Italy
2019 IQOS Night W/ Bob Sinclar Italy
2019 IQOS Party Italy
IQOS Party for 10 million Party/Concert/
2019 Italy
users Performance
2019 IQOS Party Italy
2019 IQOS Nippon celebration Japan
2019 Charlotte De Witte concert Malaysia
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 306

Toko Kilat listening party Party/Concert/

2019 Malaysia
and album launch Performance
OBSCR X Gasket Alley Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
"Ovation" Party Performance
OBSCR X Gasket Alley Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
"Ovation" Party Performance
OBSCR X Gasket Alley Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
"Ovation" Party Performance
Pemacu Api Tour 2019 Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
Press Conference Performance
DISQOVR presents Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
Southern Indie Night Out Performance
2019 Indieversary Tour Malaysia
2019 Airliftz Live at the Alley Malaysia
2019 Pemacu Api Tour 2019 Malaysia
Journey to the South Party/Concert/
2019 Malaysia
Concert Performance
2019 Pemacu Api Tour 2019 Malaysia
2019 Pemacu Api Tour 2019 Malaysia
2019 IQOS 3 Launch Palestine
2019 Close To You Romania
2019 ART Me Like You Do Romania
2019 The Jungle Room Romania
2019 Creativity on the Move Romania
2019 Garden Sounds Romania
2019 Let's Summer Romania
2019 Lollipop Affair Romania
2019 Summer and the City Romania
2019 Retro Party Romania
2019 Join The Tribe beach party Romania
2019 Join The Tribe beach party Romania
2019 IQOS Third Birthday Party Russia
2019 IQOS 3 Launch Serbia
2019 IQOS Party Serbia
2019 IQOS VIP Party Serbia
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 307

2019 Cape Town Event South Africa
2019 Johannesburg Event South Africa
IQOS 3 / Multi launch party Party/Concert/
2019 Spain
Madrid Performance
IQOS 3 / Multi launch party Party/Concert/
2019 Spain
Sevilla Performance
IQOS 3 / Multi launch party Party/Concert/
2019 Spain (Canary Islands)
Gran Canaria Performance
Cosmopolitan 20 Years in Party/Concert/
2019 Ukraine
Ukraine Performance
2019 IQOS 3 Launch United Kingdom
2019 Evento IQOS Product Event Colombia
Speed Junkies 2019 Drift
2019 Sports- Car rally Malaysia
2019 Store at Italian Open Sports-Tennis tournament Italy
2019 Tudor Tennis Trophy (TTT) Sports-Tennis tournament Romania
Italy Launch Event
2019 Store Opening Italy
2019 Launch event Parma Store Opening Italy
Women Talks Hosted by
2019 Talk/Awards Armenia
Opening of Red Point
2019 Talk/Awards Armenia
2019 IQOS 3 Launch Talk/Awards Bosnia and Herzegovina
SLEEK and Sonja Gerhardt
2019 Talk/Awards Germany
talk digital transformation
2019 Lola German Film Award Talk/Awards Germany
Playboy Germany's
2019 Playmate of the Year Talk/Awards Germany
Awards 2019
2019 IQOS Event Talk/Awards Israel
Cosmoprof 2019
2019 Talk/Awards Italy
Brunelleschi Hairdressers
2019 Beauty Trends talk Talk/Awards Italy
Beauty Trends talk for
2019 Talk/Awards Italy
World Kissing Day
Hiroshima Store 3rd
2019 Anniversary Celebration Talk/Awards Japan
and Coffee Giveaway
In-Store Mother's Day
2019 Talk/Awards Japan
In-Store Father's Day
2019 Talk/Awards Japan
2019 Presentation of new flavors Talk/Awards Japan
Kimono no yoru sake
2019 Talk/Awards Malaysia
tasting session
2019 Folio Bar Opening Talk/Awards Malaysia
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 308

2019 Ramadan Iftar Talk/Awards Malaysia

Public-Talk IQOS with
2019 Talk/Awards Russia
Alexander Rogov
2019 Dentistry event Talk/Awards Russia
2019 Industry Disruption event Talk/Awards South Africa
2019 GQ 2019 Father's Day Event Talk/Awards South Africa
2019 An Evening of Shuffleboard Talk/Awards United Kingdom
2019 An Evening of Shuffleboard Talk/Awards United Kingdom
IQOS World project at
2018 Palermo Capital of Culture Art installation /Show Italy
Kasta Morelly Fashion
2018 Art installation /Show Romania
2018 Fiesta del Cine Edition 2 Film Festival Romania
Summer Sonic Music
2018 Music Festival Japan
IQOS sponsored event
2018 (Belgrade Beer Fest Music Festival Serbia
Absolut Carousel by Party/Concert/
2018 Armenia
Triangulum Performance
2018 IQOS 3 Launch Bulgaria
2018 IQOS 3 Launch Colombia
2018 Trinity Party Czech Republic
2018 IQOS 3 Launch Dominican Republic
2018 IQOS 3 Launch Event Germany
2018 IQOS 3 Preview Event Greece
2018 IQOS Launch party/Event Italy
2018 Pink Party Italy
2018 IQOS Event Italy
Launch Event Milan Party/Concert/
2018 Italy
(private event) Performance
2018 IQOS 3 Presentation Japan
2018 IQOS Christmas Party Poland
2018 Love Games Romania
2018 Girls Do It Better Romania
2018 URBAN Bloom Romania
2018 Speed it up Romania
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 309

2018 Let's Play Outside Romania
2018 Intense Pop-Up Party Romania
2018 Summer and the City Romania
2018 JoinTheTribe Romania
2018 Retro Party Romania
2018 Stick With Your Tribe Romania
2018 IQOS sponsored sushi party Romania
2018 Endless Summer Romania
#PlayItCool at Qreator by Party/Concert/
2018 Romania
IQOS Performance
2018 FallForYou Romania
2018 White Noise Romania
3 Reasons Why Anniversary Party/Concert/
2018 Romania
Party Performance
2018 IQOS 3 Closed presentation Russia
2018 IQOS 3 Years Party Russia
2018 IQOS 3 Media Launch South Africa
2018 IQOS Club Spain (Canary Islands)
2018 IQOS Club Spain (Canary Islands)
2018 IQOS 3 Launch Ukraine
Bazaar Best Dressed 2018 Party/Concert/
2018 Ukraine
Awards Ceremony Performance
2018 IQOS Boutique Opening Store Opening Armenia
2018 IQOS Boutique Opening Store Opening Germany
Kamoblog Night Life
2018 Talk/Awards Armenia
Awards 2018
IQOS & Karim Rashid
2018 Talk/Awards Czech Republic
IQOS Event at Tender
2018 Talk/Awards Italy
Japanese Restaurant
Umeda Store 3rd
2018 Anniversary Celebration Talk/Awards Japan
and Coffee Giveaway
Fabulous Muses Wardrobe
2018 Talk/Awards Romania
2018 IQOS X Alexander Terekhov Talk/Awards Russia
2018 Co_Lab Café by iQOS Talk/Awards Spain
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 310

Alex Braga installation

2017 Art installation /Show Italy
Thierry Ledé x IQOS
2017 portraits at Mia Photo Fair Art installation /Show Italy
Film screen at Shut Up
2017 Beach: Grandfather Art installation /Show Romania
Film screen at Shut Up
2017 Beach: Good and crazy Art installation /Show Romania
Mercedes-Benz Fashion
2017 Art installation /Show Russia
Day St. Petersburg
Private showing of the play
2017 Art installation /Show Russia
“Black Russian”
2017 IQOS Booth Summer Festival Russia
2017 IQOS Booth Food Fair Russia
2017 IQOS sponsored event Food Fair Ukraine
2017 Product launch Food Fair Russia
IQOS at Festival Estereo
2017 Music Festival Colombia
IQOS sponsored event
2017 (Belgrade Beer Fest Music Festival Serbia
Bulgaria Launch Event, Party/Concert/
2017 Bulgaria
"Smoke Free Future" Performance
2017 Playboy Colombia Launch Colombia
2017 All White Party Curaçao
2017 IQOS Night Italy
2017 IQOS Lounge Opening Party Italy
2017 IQOS Lounge Riccione Party Italy
2017 IQOS Lounge Riccione Party Italy
2017 IQOS Lounge Riccione Party Italy
Follower-Only Halloween- Party/Concert/
2017 Japan
Themed Event Performance
The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
Get A Room Performance
The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
#GirlsOnTop Performance
The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
#GlitterOnMe Performance
The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
#ByTheLake Performance
The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
#ByThePool Performance
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 311

The Brunch Affair presents Party/Concert/

2017 Romania
#ByTheSea Performance
The Black Sea Must Baptize Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
Me Performance
2017 Music Is The Answer Romania
High Point Private Rooftop Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
Party Performance
2017 That 70's Vibe Romania
And you, what would you Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
do for love Performance
2017 Music Is The Answer Romania
2017 2nd #AnniversaryParty Romania
2017 New Year's Affair Romania
The Millennial Aristo Party: Party/Concert/
2017 Romania
The Map Far East Edition Performance
"Major opening of your Party/Concert/
2017 Russia
spring" Performance
2017 Opening of the season Russia
2017 "Leningrad" Concert Russia
2017 Summer season opening Russia
2017 IQOS Booth Russia
IQOS Zone at Cosmopolitan Party/Concert/
2017 Russia
Summer Party Performance
2017 IQOS Presentation Spain
2017 II IQOS Club Spain (Canary Islands)
2017 Elle Ukraine summer party Ukraine
Sports-Skiing, winter
2017 IQOS Winterlude Event Italy
2017 IQOS Boutique opening Store Opening Russia
2017 IQOS Day Talk Store Opening Russia
2017 IQOS Boutique opening Store Opening Ukraine
World No Tobacco Day
2017 Talk/Awards Canada
cigarette trade-in
Father's Day Event IQOS
2017 Talk/Awards Japan
Store Ginza
Chocolate Marriage tasting
2017 Talk/Awards Japan
2017 ForbesLife Awards Talk/Awards Romania
2017 IQOS Presentation Talk/Awards Russia
4th Annual Model of the
2017 Talk/Awards Russia
Year Award Ceremony
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 312

Creative evening with

2017 Talk/Awards Russia
Esquire (play and concert)
2017 IQOS Press Brunch Talk/Awards Russia
Meet & Greet Press
2017 Talk/Awards Russia
Closed presentation of the
2017 updated version of the Talk/Awards Russia
device IQOS
Meet & Greet with
2017 STEREOLETO festival Talk/Awards Russia
Selfie Masterclass with Nika
2017 Talk/Awards Russia
2017 Launch of @iqos_ru Talk/Awards Russia
2017 Brand Ambassador Day Talk/Awards Russia
2017 IQOS Cinema Cocktail Talk/Awards Russia
Literary readings by the
Chief Editor of MAXIM
2017 Talk/Awards Russia
magazine Alexander
2017 The Gentleman's Cave Talk/Awards Switzerland
2016 Anything Butts Pavillion Art installation /Show Italy
2016 IQOS Booth Art installation /Show Ukraine
2016 IQOS Bucharest Launch Romania
2016 IQOS Lumimori Party Romania
The Millennial Aristo Party: Party/Concert/
2016 Romania
The Pink Oceans Performance
Radio Aristocrats season six Party/Concert/
2016 Russia
opening Performance
Vogue Fashion's Night Out Party/Concert/
2016 Ukraine
Party 2016 Performance
White Monday with Alexey
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with Victor
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
2016 Heat Friday Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with Serge
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
Smolin and Serge Paye
2016 Heat Friday Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
Vladimir Nechiporuk
White Monday with Valera
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
2016 Heat Friday Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
Alexander Baraboshko
SRITA Global Marketing of IQOS 313

White Monday with Vlad

2016 Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with Sergey
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
2016 "It's All About Changes" talk Talk/Awards Russia
White Monday with Tatiana
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
2016 "Girls In Love" play Talk/Awards Russia
Public Talk Marie Claire and
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
2016 "It's All About Changes" talk Talk/Awards Russia
2016 "It's All About Changes" talk Talk/Awards Russia
IQOS Birthday with Jukebox
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
Trio and Marie Claire
2016 "It's All About Changes" talk Talk/Awards Russia
Information security
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
New Year Brunch with
2016 Talk/Awards Russia
Sergey Minaev
Playmate of the Year 2016
2016 Talk/Awards Ukraine
2016 IQOS Space Talk/Awards Ukraine
2015 PR Event Installation Talk/Awards Japan
NA IQOS Experience Guatemala
NA IQOS Lounge Italy

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