Effects of Process Parameters On Thickness Thinning and Mechanical Properties of The Formed Parts in Incremental Sheet Forming
Effects of Process Parameters On Thickness Thinning and Mechanical Properties of The Formed Parts in Incremental Sheet Forming
Effects of Process Parameters On Thickness Thinning and Mechanical Properties of The Formed Parts in Incremental Sheet Forming
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising method for forming metal sheets, by which parts can be manufactured without the
use of dedicated dies. However, the process has not been widely used for industrial application due to the unsatisfactory service
performance of the formed parts. This paper focuses on improving the thickness distribution and mechanical properties (e.g.,
hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength) through process optimization. The response surface methodology with a Box-
Behnken design is used to investigate how different process parameters affect the thickness thinning and mechanical properties.
A set of experiments with 15 tests for pyramid-forming process is performed, and three parameters including step-down size,
sheet thickness, and tool diameter are considered. The results show that the maximum thinning rate is lower with larger step-
down size and larger tools. In addition, compared with the initial sheet, the values of hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength
have been increased considerably due to the strain hardening. The present work provides useful guidance in improving the
product quality formed by incremental sheet forming.
Keywords Incremental sheet forming . Thickness thinning . Mechanical properties . Hardness . Forming quality
1 Introduction requirement [1, 2]. The production cycle for ISF is greatly
shortened without the production of the forming die. Raju et
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising sheet metal al. [3] revealed the mechanics for the enhanced formability
forming process in which no dedicated die is required. during the ISF, by investigating the strain distribution condition
During the forming process, the sheet is incrementally de- and the failure mode. In addition, Ambrogio et al. [4] theoret-
formed by a hemispherical-headed punch that moves following ically justified that the formability of material is improved
a series of contour lines scattered from a 3D model. The ben- which contributes to the manufacture of complicated parts.
efits of this forming technology include the reduced forming The inadequate geometric accuracy, excessive thickness thin-
force, enhanced formability and greater process flexibility suit- ning, and dissatisfied formed mechanical properties of ISF still
able for low-series production and specific customer’s hindering its wide industrial application [1]. In terms of the geo-
metric accuracy, due to the lack of support, geometric error for
ISF currently can only achieve around ± 2 mm while the speci-
* Liming Wang
fication from industrial users are typically within ± 0.2 mm over
the whole surface of a part [5]. Strategies including using tool
path compensation [6], two moving forming tools [7] and multi-
Key Laboratory of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical
stage forming [8] were adopted with the attempt to improve the
Manufacture, Ministry of Education, School of Mechanical
Engineering, Shandong University, No.17923, Jingshi Rd, geometry accuracy. Lu et al. [9] presented a feedback control
Jinan 250061, China strategy to obtain improved geometric accuracy.
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Based on the volume conservation theory, thickness thin-
Central South University, Changsha 410083, China ning happens during ISF since the surface area is increased.
National Demonstration Center for Experimental Mechanical In particular, excessive thinning has been an obstacle to the
Engineering Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China wide application of incremental forming technology. The sine
School of Material Science & Engineering, Shandong University, law was used by Kobayashi et al. [10] to predict the final wall
Jinan 250061, China thickness by assuming shearing is the main deformation mode
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
in ISF. From this point of view, a vertical flange is unobtainable little attention. The relation between process parameters and
as the final thickness would be zero. Jeswiet and Young [11] the minimum thickness as well as its location is usually stud-
has shown that the maximum formable wall angle for 1.21- ied by finite element method. In addition, the mechanical
mm-thick 3003-O aluminum is 71°. However, a non-uniform properties of the sheet material after ISF process have not
wall thinning has been observed. Young and Jeswiet [12] has received sufficient attention yet. Therefore, in the present
proved that thickness distribution in ISF process does not al- work, experiments with a Box-Behnken design is used to
ways follow the sine law. This is explained by Kegg [13] that study the interactive effect of process parameters on maxi-
an overspinning condition similar to that of shearing forming mum thinning rate. In particular, mechanical properties in-
could occur. Since thinning is a precursor of failure, unexpected cluding hardness, yield, and tensile strength for the formed
failures will take place in the excessive thinning band. parts are focused in this study. The major work is briefly
Although Kim and Yang [14] and Liu et al. [15] found that summarized as follows:
multi-pass forming is an effective approach to avoid excessive
thinning in specific area, the increased time cost is unsatisfac- & A set of experiments for incremental sheet forming of
tory. Mirnia et al. [16] used the sequential limit analysis (SLA) truncated pyramids was performed by using the response
to predict the minimum thickness and studied the effect of the surface methodology (RSM) with a Box-Behnken design.
tool diameter and the step down on the thickness distribution. In particular, three independent parameters (step size,
Li et al. [17, 18] performed detailed finite element analysis sheet thickness, and tool diameter) were varied at three
regarding the deformation mechanism in ISF. Methods includ- levels to study their effects on maximum thinning rate
ing response surface method, sequential limit analysis, and fi- and mechanical properties of the formed parts.
nite element analysis were used to predict and optimize thick- & Empirical models were developed for predicting the max-
ness distribution [19]. Existing research shows that the tool imum thinning rate by the response function where the
diameter and step down significantly affect the distribution of effect of each factor on the response is analyzed in detail.
wall thickness. Nevertheless, most of these studies are based on In addition, an optimization of the maximum thinning rate
simulations and only the effect of a single factor on the mini- was conducted using the desirability function to obtain the
mum thickness has been investigated. optimal working condition.
Mechanical properties are key factors for evaluating the & The mechanism for the enhanced mechanical properties
product performance before industrial applications. After (hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength) during ISF
plastic deformation of metals, grains are gradually squashed was discussed. Specifically, the interactive effects of pro-
or elongated and strain hardening is occurred, resulting in the cess parameters on mechanical properties of formed parts
sharp decrease of plasticity of the material and remarkable were studied by response surfaces of experimental results.
increase of the strength. The strain hardening has been studied
by many researchers. Tian et al. [20] proposed a method for
determining the hardening curve of metal sheets, and Naybi et
al. [21] investigated the mechanical properties of steels after
heat treatment. The increase of hardness during the strain 2 Methodologies
hardening process has been observed by Rojacz et al. [22].
Fan et al. [23] analyzed the microstructure evolution during This section firstly provides the design method of experi-
electric-assisted incremental forming and found that the grains ments, followed by the procedure description of the acquisi-
of original sheet present isotropic distribution while the grains tion of concerned data including maximum thinning rate and
are significantly elongated in the beginning region of formed mechanical properties (hardness, yield strength, and tensile
parts. Similar results were observed by Jeswiet et al. [24] and strength).
Ambrogio et al. [25]. Long et al. [26] introduced ultrasonic
energy into ISF process and proved to be effective in force
reduction. It can be concluded that the incremental forming is 2.1 Design of experiments
an enhanced process for the hardness and the tensile strength
due to the high pressure. The above study suggests that the The Box-Behnken design is adopted using Minitab software
phenomenon of strain hardening does exist, but only qualita- to study the effects of different experimental parameters at
tive relations between process parameters and mechanical different levels on the forming process. Based on previous
properties were given. Further microcosmic mechanics behind work, step size, sheet thickness, and tool diameter are selected
this is required. as the main influencing parameters. Three parameters and
Although substantial research work has been conducted on their corresponding values are listed in Table 1. Accordingly,
the thickness distribution, the interactive effect of process pa- 15 experiments are designed according to the number of fac-
rameters on minimum thickness by using experiments has had tors and levels as shown in Table 2.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Table 1 Experimental parameters and levels In order to fix the sheet during forming process, 12 evenly
Symbols Factors Levels distributed blank holders were used to clamp the sheet to
avoid unwanted movement. During the forming process, the
−1 0 1 forming tool is numerically controlled by a FANUC controller
to follow the predesigned tool path. To reduce the friction
A Step size (mm) 0.5 1 2
between the forming tool and sheet, Shell Tellus Oil 68 was
B Sheet thickness (mm) 1.27 1.8 2.54
used as the lubricant.
C Tool diameter (mm) 10 20 30
where t0 is the thickness of initial sheet and tmin is the mini- the stress at the 2% residual deformation is regarded as the
mum thickness of formed parts. yield strength. The maximum stress in the stress-strain curve
is regarded as the tensile strength. Then, the obtained yield
strength and tensile strength are studied.
2.4 Measurement of hardness
then it stabilizes around the predicted thickness value by the thinning rate, the step size (A) and tool diameter (C) are signif-
sine law. This variation trend indicates that an over-spinning icant items. Among the factors that have a quadratic effect on
condition occurred [21]. The deformation at the initial stage is the maximum thinning rate, step size (A2) is a significant item.
due to bending while shear deformation takes a considerable Among the factors that interactively influence the maximum
portion in the following stages. It is also observed that the thinning rate, step size with sheet thickness (AB) and step size
minimum thickness always occurs in the forming depth be- with tool diameter (AC) are significant items.
tween 25 and 30 mm, which locates at the upper part of the The expression of the response function after removing the
side wall of formed pyramid parts. In addition, as shown in non-significant items is shown in formula (2), where the mean-
Table 2, the maximum thinning rate is within the range of ing of factors A, B, and C are listed in Table 1. The physical
50.31–57.22%, larger than the theoretical value (50%) calcu- meaning of the formula is that the maximum thinning rate is
lated from the sine law. mainly positively affected by the tool diameter while negatively
A regression model for predicting the maximum thinning affected by the step size and quadratic term of step size.
rate with three process parameters was obtained from Box-
Behnken experimental results. To guarantee the fitness and
accuracy of the developed response function, the following K ¼ 53:657−1:330A þ 2:266C−1:090A2 þ 0:560AB−0:915AC ð2Þ
aspects have to be taken into account. First, the analysis of Second, residual plot of maximum thinning rate shown in
variance (ANOVA) is adopted to evaluate the importance of Fig. 4 indicates that the developed model is effective to predict
each factor to the response and the fitness of the established other combination of forming parameters. The residual means
model. The results of ANOVA for maximum thinning rate are the difference between the measured and predicted values.
listed in Table 3. Based on a confidence level of 95%, the effect The residuals versus their expected percentiles are shown in
of each factor on the response can be judged as significant if the the top left image. It is observed that the points are closely
P value is less than or equal to 0.05. As can be seen from Table distributed around the fitted line, indicating a good fit of the
3, among factors that have a linear effect on the maximum regression model. The histogram in the lower left corner
shows that the residual data is approximately a normal distri-
bution, which proves the validity of the model. The residual
Table 3 Results of ANOVA values of each test are plotted in the right image.
The response surface plots of the maximum thinning rate
Source F value P value Remarks
with the variation of three factors are presented in Fig. 5. In
Model 83.60 < 0.0001 Significant each subfigure, the 3D response surface regarding maximum
A 170.76 < 0.0001 Significant thinning rate is depicted versus two factors listed in Table 1
B 0.24 0.174 while the remaining one is held at the middle level.
C 330.52 < 0.0001 Significant Among all experimental cases, the maximum thinning rate
A2 42.98 0.003 Significant can reach up to 57.22% in the worst condition, larger than the
B2 4.49 0.102 theoretical value according to sine law. As shown from Fig.
C2 4.38 0.104 5b, c, the maximum thinning rate increases with tool diameter,
AB 15.14 0.018 Significant presenting a linear change. In the case of using large tools, it is
AC 40.41 0.003 Significant obvious that the contact area between forming tool and sheet
BC 0.02 0.899 is also large. Then, more material is involved into plastic de-
Lack of fit 12.12 0.076 formation during a single forming pass. Because of this, the
sheet material experienced more forming passes under the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
50 0.0
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 50 52 54 56 58
Residuals Fitting value
3 0.1
2 0.0
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Residuals Order
same step-down size, resulting in more obvious material thin- diameter can balance the adverse effect of step size on the
ning. This is in consistent with the conclusion by Kim and response. It can be seen from Fig. 5a, b that the effect of sheet
Park [27] in which the effect of tool size on the formability thickness on maximum thinning rate is not significant. The
during the straight groove test was analyzed. From Fig. 5a, c, response only slightly increases with the increase of a sheet
it can be seen that the decrease of the maximum thinning rate thickness at large step size. This may be due to the interaction
appears to be inversely proportional to the rise of step size. of various factors.
Similar to the effect of tool diameter on the response, the The desirability function from Minitab is used to find
number of forming passes for smaller step size is larger than the optimal combination of process parameters. The aim
that with larger step size. This is because that the sheet defor- of the optimization is to find a combination of parame-
mation band is narrow under small step size at one single ters to minimize the maximum thinning rate. The opti-
forming pass. Therefore, small step size is more likely to lead mization process and corresponding results are presented
to local tensile instability and even fracture. Although the in Fig. 6 within the current experimental setting range.
smaller step size and larger tool diameter are helpful for the The desirability and optimal parameters setting are listed
deformation uniformity, too many times of the deformation at the first row. The curves present the changing trend
should be avoided considering the failure of the material. of predicted response over the complete experimental
Due to the interaction effects of AB (step size and sheet thick- range for three factors. The vertical line marked at
ness) and AC (step size and tool diameter), the slope of the higher value of desirability is used to find optimal pa-
response surface varies with the change of step size, especially rameter combination. The optimal condition obtained
when the sheet thickness is small and the tool diameter is from above analysis is a combination with step size of
large. As indicated in Fig. 5c, the effect of step size on max- 2 mm, sheet thickness of 1.27 mm, and tool diameter of
imum thinning rate is not significant when tool diameter is 10 mm. The predicted value of the maximum thinning
small, while the same effect is considerable when tool diam- rate is 49.62%. Since the optimized parameters are set
eter is large. With the increase of step size, the number of tool at their boundary values, it is suggested that only a
passes can be decreased. In other words, the effect of tool local optimization solution is obtained.
0.2% residual deformation. The tensile strength is analyzed thickness is at middle level. The increase of tool diameter
first in this section followed by the yield strength. results in a large contact area between the sheet and the
Compared to the value of the initial sheet, the tensile strength forming tool, and more metal material is involved into defor-
is increased by a range of 18.17–32.19% so that the carrying mation in a single forming pass. To this end, a uniform plastic
capacity of parts is enhanced after incremental forming. It is deformation can be obtained. The influence of the sheet thick-
known that the tensile and yield strength are inherently influ- ness on the response is presented in Fig. 8a, c. Since the
enced by the initial sheet thickness. Therefore, in this model, designed shape is formed from one side of sheet, the squeez-
the increase rate of tensile and yield strength are selected as the ing action of the tool decreases along the sheet thickness di-
response to eliminate the influence of the sheet thickness. The rection. Therefore, thick sheet thickness causes insufficient
response function for tensile strength is expressed as formula (4), deformation on the non-contact side of the sheet.
where T represents the tensile strength. Similar to the analysis of Consequently, the ability of overall deformation reinforce-
hardness, a value of 99.79% for R2 suggests that the developed ment is weakened and the increase rate of tensile strength
regression model can explain 99.79% variation of tensile strength decreases. It is also shown that the effect of sheet thickness
within the considered range. and that of tool diameter on the increase rate of tensile strength
is opposite. When sheet thickness is small, tool diameter is the
dominant factor while sheet thickness is the dominant factor
T ¼ 66:3−11:6A−29:74B−0:012C þ 2:78A2 þ 6:99B2 þ 0:00842C 2
ð4Þ when sheet thickness is large.
In terms of the enhancement of yield strength, an
increasing rate range between 99.34 and 209.47% was
In Fig. 8, response surfaces are given to reveal how factors achieved for the formed parts. The response function for
affect the increase rate of tensile strength. From Fig. 8a. b, it yield strength is expressed as formula (5), where Y rep-
can be concluded that the increase rate of tensile strength resents the yield strength. The residual plot of yield
decreases with the increase of step size. For one reason, the strength was also checked which suggests that obtained
large step size reduces the total forming passes of the process regression model is credible.
therefore the material experiences less contact with the
forming tool than that of using small step size. For another,
the large step size causes a non-uniform flow of metal mate- Y ¼ 211 þ 237A−311B þ 10:1C−58A2 þ 158B2 þ 0:287C 2
rial. The internal surface topography at this condition shows −55:7AB−0:6AC−11:5BC
that there are obvious track marks on the formed surface,
which weaken the deformation reinforcement. Therefore, the
rate of enhancement for tensile strength decreases with large It can be seen from Fig. 9b, c that the increase rate of yield
step size. Figure 8b, c shows that the increase rate of tensile strength grows with the increase of the tool diameter when the
strength grows with the increase of tool diameter when sheet sheet thickness is below 1.8 mm. In Fig. 9a, the increase rate
of yield strength increases significantly with the increase of diameter on the increase rate of tensile strength is
sheet thickness. Since plastic deformation firstly occurs in opposite.
grains with favorable orientation, the increased stress results & In terms of the enhancement of yield strength, an experi-
in more grains involved into deformation. However, the plas- mentally increasing rate of 99.34 to 209.47% was
tic deformation for all grains is not simultaneous and uniform. achieved after incremental forming. The increase rate of
This feature can be aggravated with the increase of sheet yield strength grows with the increase of sheet thickness
thickness. Therefore, it is difficult to yield for the thick sheet significantly, but the effect of step size on the yield
material. In the contrary, as can be seen in Fig. 9a, b, the effect strength is not significant.
of step size on the yield strength is not significant. & Suggestions for future investigation are provided.
& To comprehensively evaluate the forming quality of the
formed parts, indicators such as fatigue performance and
4 Conclusions residual stress are also essential.
& In this study, the effects of three main forming parameters
The effects of three process parameters on the maximum thin- (step size, tool diameter, and thickness) are investigated.
ning rate and mechanical properties (hardness, tensile, and The effects of parameters such as feed rate, tool rotation
yield strength) were investigated by performing a Box- speed, wall angle, and tool path strategy are also of interest.
Behnken design with 15 experiments. Response surface meth-
Funding information This study is financially supported by the National
od was successfully applied to analyze both single and inter-
Natural Science Foundation of China (51605258), China Postdoctoral
active influences of step size, tool diameter, and sheet thick- Science Foundation funded project (2016M592180), Postdoctoral inno-
ness on the selected responses during pyramid-forming pro- vation project of Shandong Province (201701011), and State Key
cesses. Regressive models have been established considering Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, Central
South University (Kfkt2017-04).
both linear and quadratic effects of most influential forming
parameters. Due to the large plastic deformation during the
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
ISF process, values of hardness, tensile, and yield strength tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
after forming were increased remarkably. The effects of three
factors on each response are summarized in Table 4, and the
main conclusions are also presented. References
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