Lesson Plan Chapter 2

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Lesson Plan

Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________

Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 1/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: Computer Components

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by CPU?
 Define Bus
 What is primary and secondary memory
 Input & output devices
 Define Port
 Central Processing Unit Components

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 What is the function of our brain?
 How our human brain works?
 The other body parts of humans
 Functions of each and every body part works as a team
 Similarly, the components of computer can be defined as same as body parts
 Human Brain internally: how it works
 Our today’s topic is related with the components of computer and the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Our today’s topic is about the Computer components and CPU
 Definition of Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the function of human brain and its internal working environment so
that it can be relate with the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Definitions with the help of examples: Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Understanding the concepts Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram
 Ask students the questions that:
 Define Central Processing Unit, Bus, Memory(Primary and secondary memory), Input and output devices, Ports
 Central Processing Unit
 Definitions: Bus, Memory(Primary & secondary memory)
 Input and output devices
 Ports
 Understanding the internal working of CPU with the help of Block diagram
 Questions and Answers
Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Computer Components & CPU” on page No. 27-28
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 27-28
 Draw block diagram of CPU

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 2/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: Memory storage & its types

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by memory?
 What is motherboard?
 How many types of memory in the computer?
 What is the function of primary memory or main memory or internal memory
 What is secondary memory?
Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster
Brain Storming:
 What does the memory word mean?
 Where you save your data and after calling it you can easily answer the questions asked about the particular
thing five years before you learnt
 Similarly there is a memory or storage area in computer where the data is to be stored and saved and can be
called any time upon request
 The types of memory
 Our today’s topic is related with the Memory storage and its types
 Our today’s topic is about memory storage and its types
 Mother board
 Primary memory or main memory
 Secondary memory or external memory

 Starting from the brainstorming part that I asked the meaning of memory while calling students memory
 Memory storage
 Motherboard in detail explanation
 Internal Memory or main memory or primary memory
 Types and functions of internal memory in detail
 External memory or secondary memory or storage
 The function and importance of internal and external memory
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is memory, the functions of motherboard, internal or primary memory and external memory
 Memory storage
 Motherboard
 Internal or main memory and its types
 External or secondary memory with examples
 Questions and Answers
Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Memory storage” on page No. 31-32
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 31-32

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 3/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by memory?
 How many types of memory in the computer?
 What is the function of primary memory or main memory or internal memory
 What is secondary memory?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 What does the memory word mean?
 Similarly there is a memory or storage area in computer where the data is to be stored and saved and can be
called any time upon request
 The types of memory
 Our today’s topic is related with the Memory RAM and ROM

 Our today’s topic is about memory and its types
 Primary memory or main memory
 Secondary memory or external memory

 Starting from the brainstorming part that I asked the meaning of memory while calling students memory
 Memory storage
 Motherboard in detail explanation
 Internal Memory or main memory or primary memory
 Types and functions of internal memory in detail
 External memory or secondary memory or storage
 The function and importance of internal and external memory
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is memory, the functions of motherboard, internal or primary memory and external memory

 Memory storage
 Motherboard
 Internal or main memory and its types
 External or secondary memory with examples
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Memory storage” on page No. 31-32
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 31-32

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 4/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: ALU & CU

Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 How many major parts of CPU?
 What are the functions of Arithmetic & Logic Unit?
 Control Unit functions

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Recall your memories from Class VI to VIII where you learnt about BODMAS rule
 What does it mean?
 If BODMAS is performed by computer, there must a component of it to perform such type of mathematical
 Monitoring activities can be performed by another unit or component

 Our today’s topic is about two major parts of CPU, bus and its types
 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit

 Starting from the brainstorming part about BODMAS Rule which the students have already learnt in their
previous classes
 Functions of Arithmetic and Logic Unit
 The control Unit functions
 Ask students the questions that:
 Functions of Arithmetic and logic unit and control unit.

 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “ALU and CU”.

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 5/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: Input devices
Learning Objectives:
 Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to explain the importance of the
input devices, how the computer accepts information from input devices, and the many tasks
input devices enable you to perform on the computer.

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Describe the function of the keyboard
 List the five steps a computer follows when accepting input from a keyboard
 Learn the preventive maintenance of the keyboard
 Describe the purpose of a mouse and the role it plays in computing
 Identify the five essential techniques for using a mouse
 Learn the preventive maintenance techniques associated with the mouse
 Identify other common input devices

 Our today’s topic is about two major parts of CPU, bus and its types
 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit

I. Introduction Activity
a. Have students complete the word search to establish familiarity with important terms.
II. Make a Presentation
a. Keyboards
i. Introduction to the keyboard
ii. Standard keyboard layout
iii. Ergonomic keyboard
iv. Function of a keyboard
v. Preventive maintenance of the keyboard
b. Mouse
i. Introduction to the mouse
ii. Mouse techniques
iii. Preventive maintenance of the mouse
c. Variants of a mouse and other types of inputs
i. Scanner
ii. Digital cameras
iii. Integrated pointing device
iv. Microphones
v. Touch pad
vi. pens
Have students complete the Keyboards, Mouse, & Input Device Quiz

 Monitor student progress during independent practice and re-teach/redirect as needed.
Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 6/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: output devices
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, pupils are able to:
 Identify the output devices.
 Identify the monitor, printer, speaker and headphone
 Identify the main functions of the monitor, printer, speaker and headphone.

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Identify what is output devices
 Identify the monitor and its uses.
 Identify what is a printer and its uses.
 Identify what is a speaker and its uses.
 Identify what is a headphone and its uses.

 What topic we had learned last week?
 Could you show us which one is the mouse?
 What is the main function of the mouse?
 What are the parts of the mosue?

 Teacher tells the pupils the topic for the day and asks the pupils randomly. Questions to be asked:
 Which one is monitor?
 What is a printer?
 Type of speaker?
 What is a headphone?

 Teacher recaps the whole lesson by asking the pupils randomly. Questions to be asked:
 Could you show us which one is monitor?
 What is the main function of the monitor?
 How may types of printer?
 What is a speaker?
 What is a headphone.

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 7/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: Bus And Its Types
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 How many major parts of CPU?
 What are the functions of Arithmetic & Logic Unit?
 Control Unit functions
 Define Bus
 How many buses are there?
 What is the function of Data bus, Control bus and Address bus?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 Recall your memories from Class VI to VIII where you learnt about BODMAS rule
 What does it mean?
 If BODMAS is performed by computer, there must a component of it to perform such type of mathematical
 Monitoring activities can be performed by another unit or component
 What do you mean by bus, what is its function?
 Communication way…
 Our today’s topic is related with the ALU and CU, Bus and its types(Data, Address and Control Bus)

 Our today’s topic is about two major parts of CPU, bus and its types
 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit
 Bus
 Address Bus, Control Bus and Data Bus

 Starting from the brainstorming part about BODMAS Rule which the students have already learnt in their
previous classes
 Functions of Arithmetic and Logic Unit
 The control Unit functions
 The term bus in computer
 Types of buses
 Address, Control and data bus in detail
 The working and functions of buses in detail
 Ask students the questions that:
 Functions of Arithmetic and logic unit and control unit, Define bus and its types

 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit
 Buses
 Types of Bus and their functions
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “ALU, CU and Buses” on page No. 29-30
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 29-30
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 8/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: Ports& Its Types
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 Define Ports
 How many ports are there?
 What is the difference between serial and parallel port?

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster

Brain Storming:
 I wrote a letter “Input” like ‘IN + PUT’ and in the same way wrote a letter “Output” like ‘OUT + PUT’ and ask the
students, the meaning of these two words separately
 In means to enter and put means to keep
 Out means to view or show and put means to keep
 And while combining the meaning of these words it simply states that the device is used for entering the data
and if we talk about output then output device means the device which is used for viewing or display the result
of any program or instructions
 The connector or sockets
 Our today’s topic is related with the Input & output devices and ports and its types

 Ports
 Its types

 Starting from the brainstorming part that I asked the meaning of memory while calling students memory
 External memory or secondary memory or storage
 The ports and its types
 The difference between Serial and Parallel Ports
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is memory, the functions of motherboard, internal or primary memory and external memory, Ports

 Memory storage
 Motherboard
 Internal or main memory and its types
 External or secondary memory with examples
 Ports
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “ports, its types” on page No. 32-34
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 32-34

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 9/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: register
Learning Objectives:
After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do you mean by CPU?
 Define Bus
 What is primary and secondary memory
 Input & output devices
 Define Port
 Central Processing Unit Components

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 What is the function of our brain?
 How our human brain works?
 The other body parts of humans
 Functions of each and every body part works as a team
 Similarly, the components of computer can be defined as same as body parts
 Human Brain internally: how it works
 Our today’s topic is related with the components of computer and the brain of computer i.e. CPU

 Our today’s topic is about the Computer components and CPU
 Definition of Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the function of human brain and its internal working environment so
that it can be relate with the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Definitions with the help of examples: Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram
 Ask students the questions that:
 Define Central Processing Unit, Bus, Memory(Primary and secondary memory), Input and output devices, Ports

 Central Processing Unit
 Definitions: Bus, Memory(Primary & secondary memory)
 Input and output devices
 Ports
 Understanding the internal working of CPU with the help of Block diagram
 Questions and Answers

Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Computer Components & CPU” on page No. 27-28
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 27-28

 Draw block diagram of CPU

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods
Period 10/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: memory unit
Learning Objectives: After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 How to measure the data in computer?
 The units of memory and their prefix
 What is bit, word, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte
 The symbols and base of representing these units of memory
 What do you mean by secondary storage memory?
 What are secondary storage devices?
 What is the difference between primary & secondary storage?
 The difference & usage of storage devices(floppy disk, hard disk, CD ROM, Magnetic tape
 Concepts of the terms write protected, Inter block gap and inter record gap

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 What do you mean by the word permanent?
 Data traveling? USB is also known as Data Traveler
 Think about that you have plan to make notes of your subject computer studies and it contain approximately
100 pages of all eight units
 You started working on it, on first day, you typed 3 pages and without saving it you shut down your computer
and then you come on second day, now you have to start from very first page not from where you left
 Secondary Storage memory provides us space for keeping our data and records and saving it permanently on
computer to use it whenever we want
 Secondary memory provides us the capability of reusability of data
 It saves our time by not typing the data again and again

 Our today’s topic is about secondary storage devices which are used to keep our data, information, instructions,
programs, software and much more in computer permanently
 We will try to learn the types of storage devices which are used for secondary storage purpose in the computer
in this lecture
 The importance of secondary storage devices and its usage
 Starting from the definition of secondary memory that it is memory space where the programs are stored
permanently in the computers memory
 The different types of secondary memory devices such as floppy disk, hard disk, CD ROM, Magnetic Tape
 The usage of these devices
 The units of memory and its types in detail
 Concept of Partitions of data, drives in a computer memory
 Explanation of such concepts with examples using diagrams
 The concepts of Operating system
 Where operating system is saved in the memory
 What is the difference between primary & secondary memory?
 Definition of secondary memory
 The location of this memory in the computer
 The types of secondary memory and the difference between them
 The difference between primary & secondary
 Units of computer memory
 The use and importance of secondary memory
Home Assignment:
 Create a file and save it in the memory, turn off the PC and change check its contents, you will see your saved
work in that file
 Try to check the placement of Hard Disk & CD ROM
 Read the contents of Chapter 4(Storage Devices, the topic heading of Units of Memory, Secondary Memory)
Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 11/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: motherboard
Learning Objectives: Students will become familiar with the components of the motherboard. Students will be able to
identify each part of the motherboard and what function is plays in the computer. Students will be able to use the
Internet to help find technical definitions and images. Students will be able to use the Internet to compare two up-to-
date, noteable motherboards and write a comparison paper about them.

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 Describe the purpose of a motherboard
 Identify motherboard components and define their purposes
 Understand the purpose of a chipset and describe components that make up a chipset
 Describe SIMM, DIMM, and RIMM sockets
 Identify the different external I/O support available on a motherboard
 Locate the Power Supply Socket, CMOS chip, and battery
 Describe the function of the CMOS chip and battery
 Briefly describe motherboard RAM configuration
 Briefly describe power supply, floppy drive, hard drive, and CD-ROM drive motherboard connection

 In the Motherboard Mania curriculum, the student will take a look at what a motherboard looks like and the
major components that reside there. The student will explore the internet and find out what the motherboard
and its components do and how the motherboard interacts with its various components.

 Identify major hardware components and their functions
 Identify primary PC components and the functions of each
 Demonstrate knowledge of how hardware components interact and how conflicts arise
 Identify internal system unit components
 Describe the characteristics of system boards

 Definition of secondary memory
 The location of this memory in the computer
 The types of secondary memory and the difference between them
 The difference between primary & secondary
 Units of computer memory
 The use and importance of secondary memory

Home Assignment:
 Learn today lesson.

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 12/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: differences b/w ports(serial port & parallel port)

Learning Objectives: Students will learn how to:

 Select the correct port to use to install different peripheral devices.
 Select the correct port to use to install different peripheral devices.

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 What is the difference between serial and parallel communications?
 Theoretically, which form of communication (serial or parallel) provides faster communication?
 Generally speaking, which form of communication (serial or parallel) will provide communication over longer
distances without amplification?
 What is the relationship between the serial port and the COM ports? Between the parallel port and LPT ports?
 What is the difference between SPP and EPP standards?
 What are three ways you can tell the difference between a keyboard and mouse PS/2 port?
 How do you configure a computer to use EPP?

 A Computer Port is an interface or a point of connection between the computer and its peripheral devices. Some
of the common peripherals are mouse, keyboard, monitor or display unit, printer, speaker, flash drive etc.

 The ports and its types
 The difference between Serial and Parallel Ports
 The function and importance of internal and external memory
 Ask students the questions that:
 What is memory, the functions of motherboard, internal or primary memory and external memory, Ports

 Ask students the questions that:
 The difference between Serial and Parallel Ports
 The function and importance of internal and external memory
 The ports and its types

Home Assignment:
 Learn today lesson.

Lesson Plan
Name of Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________
Subject: Computer Studies Class: IX
Duration:01 Periods

Period 13/13
Unit No. 2(Computer Components)
Topic: differences b/w ports(input devices & output devices)

After completion of today’s lecture, the students will be able to answer the following:
 What do ou mean by CPU?
 Define Bus
 What is primary and secondary memory
 Input & output devices
 Define Port
 Central Processing Unit Components

Teaching Aids: Text Book, Black Board, Chalk, Duster, Diagram

Brain Storming:
 What is the function of our brain?
 How our human brain works?
 The other body parts of humans
 Functions of each and every body part works as a team
 Similarly, the components of computer can be defined as same as body parts
 Human Brain internally: how it works
 Our today’s topic is related with the components of computer and the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Our today’s topic is about the Computer components and CPU
 Definition of Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram

 Starting from the brainstorming part about the function of human brain and its internal working environment so
that it can be relate with the brain of computer i.e. CPU
 Definitions with the help of examples: Bus, Memory: Primary and Secondary memory
 Understanding the concepts Input and output devices
 The term port to be defined
 Definition and function of Central Processing Unit
 Major parts of CPU
 Explanation of CPU internal working environment with the help of block diagram
 Ask students the questions that:
 Define Central Processing Unit, Bus, Memory(Primary and secondary memory), Input and output devices, Ports
 Central Processing Unit
 Definitions: Bus, Memory(Primary & secondary memory)
 Input and output devices
 Ports
 Understanding the internal working of CPU with the help of Block diagram
 Questions and Answers
Home Assignment:
 Learn today topic “Computer Components & CPU” on page No. 27-28
 Read the contents of today’s topic on page No. 27-28

 Draw block diagram of CPU

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