New Step-Up and Step-Down 18-Pulse Direct Asymmetric Autotransformer Rectifier Units

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New Step-Up and Step-Down 18-Pulse Direct

Asymmetric Autotransformer Rectifier Units

Rolando P. Burgos, Alexander Uan-Zo-li, Frederic Lacaux, Arman Roshan,
Fred Wang, and Dushan Boroyevich.

Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111

Abstract- This paper presents two new step-up and step-down The next major future change in the structure of MEA
18-pulse direct asymmetric autotransformer rectifier units for electrical power systems is the incorporation of PWM
aircraft applications. The converters are designed to operate with converters and motor drives [13-14]. These converters will be
variable frequency power supplies (400-800Hz), while meeting used to convert ac power into dc, and to drive pumps and
tight harmonic, power factor and output voltage requirements.
The main features of the proposed converters are: a minimum
compressors throughout different applications [15-21]. These
number of windings used to achieve the step-up and step-down PWM converters have been conceived so far as three-phase
voltage variation (simplifying the autotransformer structure), the voltage-source converters, operating in rectifying or inverting
lack of series-connected windings at the output of the secondary mode. For rectifying purposes, so far the preferred solution
voltage terminals (reduced sensitivity to leakage inductance), and however has employed a passive approach based on diodes and
the reduced kVA rating of the autotransformers, 0.30 and 0.32 multi-pulse transformers [22-24]. This architecture provides
p.u. respectively. The paper includes an in-depth analysis of the the means to meet stringent power quality requirements while
ATRU autotransformers, together with a complete description of minimizing system complexity and maximizing reliability.
their autotransformer currents. Experimental results obtained Moreover, the no need for isolation of this application allows
with laboratory prototypes are used to validate the correct
operation and high-performance of the proposed autotransformer
the employment of autotransformers that further increase the
rectifier units. advantages of this approach by presenting reduced kVA
ratings [25-27]. This multi-pulse converter structure, known as
autotransformer rectifier unit (ATRU), is foreseen as the basis
I. INTRODUCTION for dc-generation of next and future generation MEA.
The drive generated by the More Electric Aircraft (MEA) Pursuing the same type of application mentioned above, this
initiative has been such that several commercial and military paper proposes two converter structures for aircraft ATRU’s.
aircraft manufacturers have already explored and benefited Specifically, it presents two new 18-pulse direct asymmetric
from the usage of electrical power as the main onboard ATRU topologies with step-up and step-down voltage
secondary power system [1-6]. As a result, present, next, and capability. Accordingly, these are also three-phase diode-based
future generations of business, regional, commercial and high-power ac-dc converters with reduced kVA ratings, whose
military aircrafts have increasingly incorporated electrical main function is to rectify variable-frequency voltage into a
power while replacing hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical dc-bus. Though the operation of such a rectifier for 50/60 Hz
power systems [7-11]. A key, enabler change for this trend has distribution systems is trivial, their employment for MEA
been the replacement of the maintenance-intensive, applications is far from it. In fact, it is significantly more
mechanically-fixed 400 Hz generators by variable frequency intricate, demanding exhaustive and involved analyses and
generators (VFG). These new generators operate within a studies to assay their correct design and operation given the
range of 360 to 800 Hz, and as such have posed new and high-frequency constraints. Numerous key design issues will
significant challenges for aircraft ac distribution and power therefore be thoroughly discussed and analyzed throughout this
conversion systems. Their usage has been recognized indeed as work.
the first major step towards the future all electric aircraft, and
has been taken by Airbus for their future four-aisle twin-deck II. DIRECT ASYMMETRIC 18-PULSE AUTOTRANSFORMERS
A-380 [12].
Multi-pulse operation of autotransformer-rectifiers may be
attained by either paralleling⎯using dc inter-phase reactors⎯
This work made use of Engineering Research Center Shared Facilities three-phase bridges fed from an autotransformer with proper
supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Number phase-shifted secondary windings [25], or by directly
connecting the dc terminals of these bridges forming an
This work was conducted with the use of Saber, donated in kind by equivalent multi-phase rectifier bridge [28]. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
Synopsys of the CPES Industrial Consortium. show the schematics of an 18-pulse rectifier implemented in

0-7803-9033-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. 1149

Fig. 1. Schematic of 18-pulse rectifiers with paralleled three-phase bridges.

Fig. 3. Phasor diagram of 18-pulse autotransformer with secondary phase

voltages [v]abc, [vf]abc, and [vl]abc. The figure also depicts the line-to-line
voltages applied at the dc terminals of the rectifier; the phasors are coded to
show which bridges conduct, namely forward-center ( ), forward-lagging
( ), or center-lagging ( ) bridge.

Fig. 2. Schematic of 18-pulse rectifier with direct connection of three-phase

bridges forming an equivalent nine-phase bridge.

both ways respectively. In the parallel case, the diodes conduct

1/3 of the load current for 120º, while in the direct case they
conduct the load current for 1/3 of the time, that is 40º. Of
these two, the direct connection of bridges is usually the
preferred choice since it eliminates all the current balancing Fig. 4. Phasor diagram of asymmetric 18-pulse autotransformer with
problems intrinsic to the parallel operation, i.e., high secondary phase voltages [v]abc, [vf]abc, and [vl]abc. The figure also depicts the
line-to-line voltages applied at the dc terminals of the rectifier; the phasors are
impedance mismatch sensitivity, and high sensitivity to the coded to show which bridge pair conducts, namely center-forward ( ),
harmonic distortion of the supply voltages [22][28]. center-center ( ), or center-lagging ( ).
In the case of 18-pulse rectifiers, three sets of three-phase
voltages are required. Conventionally, and in reference to the Since for 18-pulse operation one of the bridges is in phase
input power supply, these balanced set of voltages⎯generated with the power supply, the operation of the converter may be
by a transformer or autotransformer⎯have a phase-shift of 0º, optimized to maximize the power going through the center
and ±20º or ±40º. When these supply three directly-connected bridge, thus not through the phase-shifting autotransformer.
three-phase bridges, each bridge conducts 1/3 of the load Such operation is described in detail in [27]. Basically, it
power as shown by the per unit power indexes in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 consists of adjusting the phase and amplitude of the lagging
shows the corresponding phasor diagram for ±40º, depicting and forward three-phase voltages in order to make them
secondary phase voltages [v]abc, [vf]abc, and [vl]abc, and the interact continuously⎯on a line-to-line basis⎯with the center
resultant line-to-line voltages applied. Clearly, the bridges bridge. Fig. 4 depicts the resultant phasor diagram for this
conduct one third of the time apiece, or equivalently each leg case, where the lagging and forward bridges are phase-shifted
or diode conducts two consecutive phasors (40º). by ±37º instead, and have a relative per unit amplitude of
0.767. As evinced by the figure, the resultant line-to-line

voltages applied at the dc terminals always involve the center Voltage Feeder 18-Pulse Diode Bridges Output DC
Supply Impedance Autotransformer Terminals
bridge, be it the bridge conducting both positive and negative P = 0.17p.u.
currents, or in combination with the forward and lagging [vf]abc
bridges. The result as shown in Fig. 5, is that only 1/3 of the
power goes through the autotransformer (lagging and forward
bridges), and the remaining 2/3 goes through the center bridge.
[vs]rst [i]rst Ls P = 0.66p.u.
va +vdc
The asymmetric autotransformer results in the center bridge vaf [v]abc
diodes conducting for 80º, and the lagging and forward bridge +37º -37º val

vcl vbf
diodes only for 20º. This advantageous power flow distribution
may become a serious hindrance when operating from high vc vcf vb
frequency power supplies. Hence, for aerospace applications -vdc
P = 0.17p.u.
with a variable frequency range of 400 to 800 Hz, the correct
operation of these diodes should be investigated, as an
excessive commutation period will result in the turning off of
these diodes before their actual turn-on. This implies that three
diodes will conduct continuously, negatively affecting the
Fig. 5. Schematic of direct asymmetric 18-pulse rectifier.
harmonic distortion, i.e., 18-pulse characteristic, and overall
performance of the rectifier. vr
a) b)
vaf vr
Depending on the application at hand, the output dc voltage vcl vbf
vcl vbf
of this type of rectifier may need to be adjusted to comply with
regulation requirements. The step-down need for 18-pulse vt
symmetric topologies in aerospace applications has already
vt vb vc vb
been presented in [23]. This step-down or step-up voltage gain vc vs
may be readily introduced by adjusting the output voltages of vs vcf vbl
the autotransformer. This implies a slight increase in the size vcf vbl
(kVA rating) of the autotransformer as now the center bridge is Fig. 6. Asymmetric autotransformer with supply input voltages [vs]rst, in a)
also connected through the autotransformer. Fig. 6 shows the step-down and b) step-up configurations.
asymmetric autotransformer introduced in [27], but in step-
down and step-up configurations. Clearly, the center bridge
terminals [v]abc are not connected directly to the input
terminals [vs]rst.
Some immediate observations may be obtained from
examining these autotransformers. Firstly, both step-down and
step-up units introduce a phase-shift between the primary or
supply voltages and the center-bridge voltages which now lead
the power supply. This does not affect their 18-pulse operation
and simply represents a relative rotation of the 18-pulse
voltages (forward-center-lagging) with respect to the input. Fig. 7. Asymmetric polygon and delta-polygon autotransformers.
Secondly, the step-up/down voltage gain may be generated by
either introducing an additional winding or by tapping one of
detrimental influence of the leakage inductance on these
the existent windings of the autotransformer as shown in
terminals is hence apparent, especially given the fact that these
Fig. 6. In the case an additional winding is used, this one may
terminals connect the diodes conducting only 20º. Moreover,
be implemented in different ways by using windings from
in the case of the step-down autotransformer, the input
different core legs. This results in slight variations of the total
terminals conducting the total input current are connected in
size and weight of the autotransformer as shown in [23][29].
the same manner, while in the step-up unit the direct bridge
The actual choice of topology for aerospace applications terminals are connected like this. The final effect is a bigger
then depends on other features, such as the sensitivity to the than necessary increase of the autotransformer kVA rating.
leakage inductance of the rectifier, size and weight, and ease of
manufacturability. In this respect, the asymmetric topologies
shown in Fig. 6 present a clear disadvantage, and that is that III. POLYGON ATRU TOPOLOGY
the voltage terminals of both lagging and forward bridges have Fig. 7 a) depicts an 18-pulse asymmetric polygon
autotransformer winding connected in series. The autotransformer. The main advantage over previous

asymmetric autotransformers is that all autotransformer
windings are in parallel as opposed to the series connection
observed in Fig. 6. This is highly desirable when taking into
account the effect of the leakage inductance on the diodes, as
basically the equivalent commutating inductance is reduced by
a factor of three in this configuration.
In order to step-up or step-down the output voltages of the
polygon autotransformer, winding k2 is tapped and used as
input terminals for the supply voltages [vs]rst. The ratio
between the newly created windings k3 and k4 determines the
voltage gain of the autotransformer. In this way a step-up or
step-down ac voltage gain is attained without requiring an
additional winding, and hence maintaining the lower leakage
sensitivity of this autotransformer arrangement.
The number of turns in per unit for every winding may be
determined as follows as a function of the ac voltage gain Gac.
Windings k1, k2, k3, k4, and k5 may be derived from the 18-
Fig. 8. Asymmetric 18-pulse polygon autotransformer with step-up and step-
pulse asymmetric phasor diagram and Fig. 8 as follows: down tap in winding k2 creating windings k3 and k4.
⎛ π ⎞ 1
k1 = 0.767 sin ⎜ 37 ⎟ − k2 (1)
⎝ 180 ⎠ 2
2 ⎛ ⎛ π ⎞⎞
k2 = ⎜⎜1 − 0.767 cos⎜ 37 ⎟ ⎟⎟ (2)
3⎝ ⎝ 180 ⎠⎠

k3 =
3 − k1 1

2 G ac
− 1 + 2 3k1 + 3k12 } (3)

k 4 = k 2 − k3 (4)

⎛ π ⎞
k 5 = 2 ⋅ 0.7672 − 2 ⋅ 0.767 2 cos⎜ (120 − 2 ⋅ 37 ) ⎟ (5)
⎝ 180 ⎠
For k3 larger than 0.04 p.u., the output voltages of the
autotransformer are stepped up, and for lower values stepped
down. To determine the rms current per winding, explicit
current expressions are determined for the twelve windings as b)
follows. Given the secondary line currents [if]abc, [i]abc, [il]abc,
the following current equations may be written.
ir = i2 − i1
i s = i 6 − i5 (6)
it = i10 − i9

iaf = i11 − i12 ia = i12 − i1 ial = i2 − i3

ibf = i3 − i4 ib = i 4 − i5 ibl = i6 − i7 (7)
icf = i7 − i8 ic = i8 − i9 icl = i10 − i11

Then equating the ampere turns per transformer core leg the
following relations are obtained.
i1k 3 + i 2 k 4 + i3 k 5 + i 4 k 2 = i8 k1 + i9 k1
i5 k 3 + i6 k 4 + i7 k 5 + i8 k 2 = i1k1 + i12 k1 (8)
Fig. 9. Asymmetric 18-pulse polygon autotransformer currents: a) winding
i9 k 3 + i10 k 4 + i11k 5 + i12 k 2 = i4 k1 + i5 k1 current through all 12 windings in reference to Fig. 8, b) line currents of
forward, center and lagging bridges and resultant input supply current.

Solving these equations yields the following current
i1 = i12 − i a i11 = iaf + i12 i2 = i al + ibf + i 4
i5 = i 4 − ib i3 = ibf + i4 i6 = ibl + icf + i8 (9)
i9 = i8 − ic i7 = icf + i8 i10 = icl + i af + i12

With i4, i8, and i12 defined by

i4 =
(a d − abe + ec
2 2
+ fb 2 − fac − bcd ) (10)
3 3 3
a + b + c − 3abc

i8 =
(a e − bce − bfa − cad + c
2 2
f + b2d ) (11)
3 3 3
a + b + c − 3abc

i12 =
(b e + a
2 2
f + c 2 d − abd − bcf − ace ) (12)
3 3 3
a + b + c − 3abc Fig. 10. Asymmetric 18-pulse delta-polygon autotransformer with step-up and
step-down tap in winding k2 creating windings k3 and k4.
And constants a, b, c, d, e, and f as follows:
a = 2k 2 + k 4 − k 3 b = −2k1 c = k3 (13)
( )
d = − k1ic + k 3i a − k 4 i al + ibf − k 5 ibf (14)

e = −k1ia + k 3ib − k 4 (ibl + icf ) − k 5 icf (15)

f = − k1ib + k 3ic − k 4 (icl + iaf ) − k 5 iaf (16)

Fig. 9 depicts the per unit ideal currents on every winding in

figure (a), and the forward, center, and lagging bridge line
currents together with the input line current in figure (b).


Fig. 7 b) depicts an 18-pulse asymmetric delta-polygon
autotransformer. Just as the polygon autotransformer, all
autotransformer windings are in parallel as opposed to the
series connection observed in Fig. 6. In order to step-up or b)
step-down the output voltages of the delta-polygon
autotransformer, winding k2 is tapped and used as input
terminals for the supply voltages [vs]rst. The ratio between the
newly created windings k3 and k4 determines the step-up
voltage gain of the autotransformer. For stepping down the
voltage, a rotation of phasors is required, but for space-
limitation reasons only the step-up structure will be analyzed.
The number of turns in per unit for every winding as shown
in Fig. 10 may be determined as a function of the ac voltage
gain Gac. Windings k1, k2, k4, and k5 are given by (1-2) and (4-
5) respectively. The number of turns for k3 is given by:

3 1 G2
k3 = − 1 − ac (17)
2 G ac 4

To determine the rms current per winding, explicit current Fig. 11. Asymmetric 18-pulse delta-polygon autotransformer currents: a)
expressions are determined for the twelve windings as follows. winding current through all 12 windings in reference to Fig. 8, b) line currents
The secondary line currents [if]abc, [i]abc, [il]abc are given by (6- of forward, center and lagging bridges and resultant input supply current.

a) b) a) b)

c) d) c) d)

e) f) e) f)

Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms for polygon ATRU operating at 400Hz: (a-b) Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms for delta-polygon ATRU operating at
input and output voltages for phase a showing step-up and phase-shift; (c) 400Hz: (a-b) input and output voltages for phase a showing step-up and phase-
input phase voltages and line currents for phare r and s; (d) input ac voltage shift; (c) input phase voltages and line currents for phare r and s; (d) input ac
and current and output dc voltage and current; (e) line current for forward, voltage and current and output dc voltage and current; (e) line current for
center, and lagging bridge; (f) positive dc rail current for forward, center, and forward, center, and lagging bridge; (f) positive dc rail current for forward,
lagging bridge, and load current. center, and lagging bridge, and load current.

a) b) a) b)

c) d) c) d)

Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms for delta-polygon ATRU operating at

Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms for polygon ATRU operating at 800Hz: (a-b) 800Hz: (a-b) input and output voltages for phase a showing step-up and phase-
input and output voltages for phase a showing step-up and phase-shift; (c) line shift; (c) line current for forward, center, and lagging bridge; (d) positive dc
current for forward, center, and lagging bridge; (d) positive dc rail current for rail current for forward, center, and lagging bridge, and load current.
forward, center, and lagging bridge, and load current.

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