(Artifact) The Philosopher's Stone - GM Binder PDF
(Artifact) The Philosopher's Stone - GM Binder PDF
(Artifact) The Philosopher's Stone - GM Binder PDF
The Absolution Stone
Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement) Charges for the Philosopher's Stone
The absolution stone has 30 charges. When it's last charge Depending on the Philosopher's Stone's place in
is expended, the stone loses all of it's properties and the campaign, each DM may wish to give it a
disintegrates. different amount of charges to start, if any at all.
Spells. You may expend 1 or more charges to cast the When determining this, consider the way it gains
following spells: counterspell (3 charges), dispel magic (3 charges, and how many times that property may
charges), lesser restoration (1 charge), greater restoration (3 have been used, and how many charges have been
charges), remove curse (3 charges), dispel evil and good (6 used. You might also consider it's creation, and how
charges). many charges that process may have given it, again,
Free Souls. If a creature currently attuned to the if any at all.
philosopher's stone is within 30 ft. of you, as an action you can
spend 5 charges to force that creature to make a DC 20
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the philosopher's
stone loses 2d10 charges. If the philosopher's stone is
reduced to 0 charges in this way, it is destroyed.