Zelda 5e DND Part 1
Zelda 5e DND Part 1
Zelda 5e DND Part 1
Common Races
deku scrub usually only does so when it feels
Deku Scrub threatened. When a scrub does spit one of its seeds,
that seed rarely finds soil and nutrients enough to
grow. When it does, the seed gradually grows into a
Physiology deku scrub in its own right, usually with no
dependency on parents. Indeed, the concept of a
An adult deku scrub stands at a height ranging special parent-child relationship is foreign to all but
between roughly 2 and 4 feet, and weighs somewhere the most cultured of deku scrub tribes.
between 25 and 50 pounds. Scrubs have skin After conception, a deku scrub is effectively immobile,
composed of tree-like bark, and they feature dependent on the environment—or friendly
outgrowths of leaves used to absorb sunlight and caregivers—to receive sunlight, water, and other
perform a process similar to photosynthesis. Nearly nutrients. During this period, lasting a few years, the
all deku scrubs have some form of leaves or immobile deku scrub may be affected by the pollen of
shrubbery growing from atop their heads, though other deku scrubs in the area, and consequently, be
many of them style it in ways other than the typical influenced by their genes. Once the period ends, the
wild look. Most also grow leaves below their neck and deku scrub grows legs, and its mobile body is able to
across their torsos, which other races might mistake separate from a rooted part of the plant—a "deku
for clothing. Though rare, deku scrubs can also grow flower"—that is left behind where the scrub was
flower petals alongside or in place of leaves—and this planted. By this point, the deku scrub gains something
is usually considered a feminine quality. resembling sentience. Curiously, deku scrubs at this
Deku scrubs have yellow, orange, or red eyes which stage inherently know some basic words and phrases
glow dimly and allow many of them to see in in the Deku language. Indeed, it is believed the entire
darkness. Rather than a nose or a mouth, their face Deku language is based on the basic words all scrubs
features a short tubular 'snout' which can both smell seem to know.
and taste that which enters it. Most deku scrubs are The body of a young deku scrub only has legs, an
able to move their snout from its default circular abdomen, and a head. It doesn't gain arms until it
shape, especially with practice—and those who live reaches a certain age—anywhere from 5 to 15 years.
among other races often do so to more easily convey Some never grow any arms at all, though this is
emotions to races prone to smiling and frowning. usually an inherited deficiency.
These snouts are frequently used to spit nuts at high Deku scrubs are most at home while nesting in their
speed, used as both a means of warding off predators deku flowers, as the flowers are both physically
and as a means of reproduction. comfortable and provide additional nutrients that are
otherwise difficult to obtain. Many a scrub spends its
Gender and Life Cycle entire life comfortably resting inside its own flower.
Some scrubs instead move from one flower to the
next, renting and trading prime locations, in the same
Like most plants, deku scrubs are effectively
way other races trade in real estate. A deku scrub can
hermaphrodites, as there are no physiological
generally gain the same nutritional and nesting
differences to differentiate gender. Scrubs who are
benefits from any deku flower. Although it is
influenced by gendered races usually adopt a gender
unpleasant, a rare few deku scrubs give up reliance
for themselves, but this usually depends only on
on deku flowers entirely for the sake of independence.
whether the deku scrub feels like a more masculine or
feminine individual. Male is chosen more often than
not. Society
To a deku scrub, the seeds its body produces are
more of a means of weaponry than of reproduction. Due to their means of reproduction, many deku
Creating a seed requires very little resources on scrubs don't think of themselves as part of a "society,"
behalf of the scrub, but it is draining enough that a and are inherently very individualistic. They usually
only find family in other deku scrubs that were planted Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types:
near them by happenstance, and have no traditional humanoid and plant. You are affected by a game
roles such as parent, child, or sibling. They are effect if it works on either of your creature types.
inherently distrustful of any creatures not of this Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
family, even other deku scrubs. Such scrubs of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
instinctively spit nuts at strangers to ward them off, were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness,
which a habit many of them have difficulty breaking. only shades of gray.
Although this simple life is tradition, in the past few Barkskin. Your skin is literally bark. Your AC can't
centuries some deku scrubs have learned to organize be lower than 15, regardless of what kind of armor
and culture themselves more like other races. A few you are wearing. Also, if your AC is lower than 15
families have even formed their own small kingdoms without this trait, you are vulnerable to fire damage.
in swamps, forests, or other places of abundant flora. Seed Shot. Your funnel-like snout can shoot seeds
These kingdoms have adopted many cultural habits that are naturally produced by your body, and you can
from other races, most notably Hylians, such as shoot a seed as a ranged weapon attack without
building wooden structures or forming small but using your hands. If you hit with it, you deal
organized armies. bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity
There are a few rare scrubs who intermingle with modifier. This attack has a range increment of 20/60
Hylians, Gorons, and other more hospitable races. ft. You are proficient with this weapon.
These deku scrubs tend to fancy themselves as Deku Flight. You know the petal glide spell, and
businessmen and traders, or occasionally can cast at its lowest level. Once you cast this spell
adventurers. Even these civilized scrubs have a with this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a
tendency towards erratic behavior, paranoia, and long rest.
other unusual habits compared to the likes of Hylians. Water Hop. If you use your action to Dash, you can
traverse over the surface of water or similar liquids
Deku Names until the end of your turn. If your turn ends while you
are over a liquid, you will submerge into it as normal.
Names are less important to deku scrubs than to most Languages. You can read, write, and speak both
other races. They are often born without a name, and Common and Deku .
usually only give themselves a name when interacting Subrace. Choose one from business scrub, mad
with Hylians or other races with which names are scrub, or royal scrub.
important. Even then, it is usually some variation on
"Deku," such as Dekki or Deppi. Business Scrub
Within the most organized of deku scrub societies,
Business scrubs are those who live among or near
different scrubs are usually referred to by their
societies of other races. Although they don't
occupation or another title, such as "Deku King" or
necessarily conduct business, most of them make a
"Deku Butler." As their tribes are isolated and rarely
habit of basic trade—offering a small selection of
exceed a hundred, this remains effective for them. wares that only deku scrubs could obtain easily.
Female Names: Ardin, Aveil, Barta, Dalia, Danda, Ability Score Increase. +1 Con
Deltan, Dorrah, Essa, Fegran, Frelly, Furosa, Isha, Desert Dweller. You can endure unusually dry or
Kalani, Lashley, Lorn, Malena, Maku, Merina, hot climates without difficulty, and have advantage on
Nabooru, Nali, Olu, Pearle, Pokki, Risa, Riju, Ripp, Survival checks made in desert terrain.
Rotana, Saula, Spera, Urbosa Naturally Nimble. You are proficient in the
Acrobatics skill.
Gerudo Traits Ancestral Arms. You are proficient with the
scimitar, the spear, and the shortbow. If you would
Tall, beautiful, powerful, and brutal, the race of almost otherwise gain proficiency with one of these weapons,
nothing but women is both coveted and feared. you instead gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with that
Ability Score Increase. +2 Str or Dex, or +1 to
Dark Gerudo
Age. Gerudo reach adulthood in their mid-teens,
This subrace assumes use of the magic points and
and rarely can live over a century.
stamina points rules of the Hyrule campaign setting.
Alignment. Gerudo obey their chieftains or leaders
without question, and have strong ties to their Although they are a small minority of a small race, a
traditions and to their kin group. They are often handful of Gerudo belong to cults who praise Ganon
comfortable alienating, manipulating, robbing, as their god. From one generation to the next, they
ravishing, and even murdering strangers. Gerudo as a pass along ancient secrets of magic and villainy.
whole have a tendency towards lawful evil. Compared to other Gerudo, they have a particularly
Size. The average height of a Gerudo is about 6' strong tendency towards evil.
6". Your size is Medium.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Int or Cha
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Magic Adept. Your people are uncannily skilled
Ganon's Blessing. You have advantage on all
with magic. Your magic point maximum increases by
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws
against magic.
Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both
fire bolt, ray of frost, shocking grasp, or true strike.
Common and Gerudo .
Intelligence is your casting ability for this spell.
Subrace. Gerudo have three aesthetically similar
Dark Art. You know one spell from the following
but culturally different subraces. Choose one from
options: charm person, dark dive, or Ganon's fist. You
coastal, desert, or Dark.
can cast your chosen spell at its lowest level by
expending 2 magic points. Intelligence is your casting
Coastal Gerudo ability for this spell.
Coastal Gerudo are those who have historically Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write
settled along oceans. They are most often seafaring the Blin language.
pirates, thieves, and other such ne'er do wells.
Variant Traits: Fringe-Dweller The following traits replace the Ability Score Increase
Your ancestors have spent their lives in distant and Chosen by the Gods traits.
villages, working farms, or even living out of dimly lit
caves—on the fringe of what most Hylians would call Ability Score Increase. Choose between
society. Unlike most members of your race, your ears Intelligence and Wisdom. Your chosen score
might be rounded instead of having points. You likely increases by 2, while the other score increases by 1.
have brown, red, or black hair. Divinely Guided. Whenever you make an attack
roll, an ability check, or a saving throw and you don't
The following traits replace the Ability Score Increase have disadvantage, you can choose to gain
and Chosen by the Gods traits. advantage on the roll. You can use this trait after you
roll the first die, but before the outcome is determined.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Con and +1 Cha Once you use this trait, you must complete a long rest
Improvised Skills. When you make an ability before you can do so again.
check using a skill in which you lack proficiency, you Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases
may add a +1 bonus to the roll. by 5 feet.
Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points Seeker of Truth. You are proficient in either the
but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point Arcana skill or the Insight skill.
instead. You can't use this trait again until you finish a
long rest. Extra Learning. You can read, write, and speak
Old Common . Alternatively, you gain proficiency in
Profession. You are proficient in one of the any one musical instrument of your choice.
following skills: Animal Handling, Sleight of Hand,
Variant Traits: Wind Tribe Sea Zora are the taller and thinner subrace of the two,
as they mostly stand just above 6' 0". This sea variety
This variant assumes use of the magic points and has a pale white chest and face, with a backside of a
stamina points rules of the Hyrule campaign setting. darker color—usually blue, but occasionally red, gray,
brown, or other colors. The shape of a sea Zora's
You are part of a tribe that separated from most
head varies, but usually has a backside resembling
Hylians generations ago. Your people ancestrally live
some variety of fish's tail, with fins that further aid its
in a magically enchanted region of the sky, known as
ability to swim.
Cloud Tops. Unlike most Hylians, your hair is
assuredly of a stark pinkish-red hue, and you have River Zora are squatter and wider, though still slightly
inherent mastery over some wind-based magic. taller than Hylians on average. Their scales are a
blush-green color that blends well into seaweed and
The following traits replace the Ability Score Increase shallow rivers, but their heads feature orange fins and
and Chosen by the Gods traits. lips.
Bay Zora greatly resemble Sea Zora, but have
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, distinctive fin blades used to propel themselves
and Charisma scores all increase by 1. through the water that can be used as a means of
Magic Adept. Your people are unusually talented defense as well.
with spellcasting. Your magic point maximum
increases by 2.
Wind Magic. You know the touch wind cantrip. You
can cast feather fall by expending 2 magic points. Due to their amphibious nature, Zora villages are
Starting at 3rd level, you can cast skywrite by most often built along coastlines, rivers, lakes, and
expending 3 magic points. Starting at 5th level, you other areas that blend shallow water with nearby land.
can cast fly by expending 5 magic points. Charisma is This enables them to effectively evade threats that are
your casting ability for these spells. exclusive to land or sea, and hunt more effectively
Canny Wisdom. You are proficient in the Insight from both sources. Zora usually wear a small amount
skill. of jewelry or armor, but less clothing than races such
as Hylians or Rito, as excess clothing hampers their
Extra Language. You can read, write, and speak
ability to swim.
Ritan .
A given Zora tribe is usually ruled by a royal family of
Zora, to which the tribe is loyal for generations. The
Zora current monarch of a tribe is typically referred to with
a title such as "King Zora" or "Queen Zora" rather
than his or her actual name.
Physiology River Zora are hostile to outside races, including sea
Zora. They have an instinctive desire to aggressively
Amphibious, fish-like humanoids, Zora have sleek and defend what waters they call their own, and will attack
glistening bodies. Zora rarely breed, but when they any foreign entities with blasts of fire without
do, they have offspring in batches of eggs ranging hesitation. The rare outsider who can gain the trust of
from 1 to 8, which grow into tadpoles, and eventually a river Zora tribe will find they are not murderers nor
amphibious humanoids. Zora reach adulthood around thieves, but are in fact quite friendly to their allies.
the age of 20, but after this point age slowly
Sea Zora are comparatively more accepting of
compared to Hylians. One reaches middle age at
outsiders, and their royal families are usually allies
about 100 years, and a particularly fortunate Zora can
with the royal families of Hylians. They frequently
live to be more than 200.
intermingle with other races who live on coastlines,
The exact shape and demeanor of any Zora is heavily and are renowned for their unique style of music.
dependent on its subrace. Sea Zora and river Zora
Zora Names
are quite distinct from each other. "Sea Zora" have
evolved to live in deeper saltwater, and "river Zora"
have evolved to live in shallow freshwater. The
subraces' names have become somewhat inaccurate, Male Names: Bazz, Cleff, Dento, Dorephan, Gruve,
as either subrace is equally tolerant of both Japas, Jiahto, Kayden, Keye, Laflat, Ledo, Mikau,
freshwater and saltwater. Ralis, Rivan, Sidon, Tijo, Toto, Tottika, Tumbo
Female Names: Dunma, Finley, Kodah, Laflat, Lightning Field. You can cast the lightning field
Laruta, Laruto, Lulu, Marot, Mipha, Oren, Rutela, cantrip. Wisdom is your casting ability for this spell.
Ruto, Tona, Torfeau, Tula Ancestral Arms. You have proficiency with the
pike, net, spear, and trident. If you are otherwise
Zora Traits proficient with both the spear and the trident, you gain
a +1 bonus on damage rolls with both weapons.
Although sea Zora and river Zora are quite distinct,
together they claim the title of the only truly Bay Zora
amphibious race in Hyrule — and are the second Ability Score Increase. +1 Dex
most populous, exceeded only by Hylians.
Swift Swimmer. Your swim speed increases to 60
Ability Score Increase. +2 Wis feet.
Age. Zora reach adulthood by the age of 20 at the Lightning Field. You can cast the lightning field
earliest, and can live to an age of 200 or more. cantrip. Wisdom is your casting ability for this spell.
Alignment. Sea Zora tend towards lawful good, Fin Blades. Your unarmed strike now deals 1d4
while river Zora tend towards lawful neutral. bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage (Your
choice whenever you roll damage) and may be used
Size. Zora can vary greatly in size, but on average
as a melee or ranged attack at a short range of up to
one is about 6 feet tall. Rarely, a Zora can grow to a
30 feet and a long range of up to 120 feet. These
height of 8 feet or more. Your size is Medium.
attacks always return the fin blades to the user. You
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and also gain 1 bonus damage with unarmed strikes.
you have a swim speed of 40 feet.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Scale Armor. When you aren't wearing armor, your
Uncommon Races
AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use this
natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you
wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s
benefits apply as normal while you use your natural
armor. While you use your natural armor, you are
vulnerable to lightning damage, and you are Physiology
considered to be wearing metal armor for any effect
that would deal lightning damage. An average Anouki stands at a height of only 5' 5",
Natural Fisher. You have advantage on any ability but has a bulbous body much wider than that of a
check made to locate or capture aquatic animals. Hylian or Gerudo. A typical anouki's face is
particularly round, almost spherical. Facial features
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
include flat noses, pink cheeks, and beady eyes that
Common and Zoran .
altogether make them seem doll-like.
Subrace. River Zora and sea Zora are quite distinct
Small deer-like antlers sprout from their heads, but
from one another. Choose one of these subraces.
these horns are mostly vestigial. Although few Anouki
take to the life of adventuring or fighting, those that do
River Zora make use of these antlers as surprisingly effective
Ability Score Increase. +1 Con weapons.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases The bodies of Anouki are well-adapted to the frigid
to 30 feet. environments in which they live. Compared to most
Fire Bolt. You can cast the fire bolt cantrip. Wisdom races, a typical Anouki has a large amount of dense
is your casting ability for this spell. fat in its body to provide warmth. Consequently, an
Anouki has a wide and squat form, with short legs that
Ambush. Once per turn, when you hit with a
appear to waddle whenever it walks. Despite their
ranged attack while you have advantage on the attack
bulbous size, Anouki are excellent swimmers, and
roll, the attack deals an extra 1d4 damage.
their short legs end in webbed feet that are useful for
both pushing water and gripping tightly to ice or other
Sea Zora terrains.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Int or Cha
Males of adult age frequently grow white-colored
Swift Swimmer. Your swim speed increases to 60 facial hair, but there are otherwise minimal differences
between male and female Anouki. The race Alignment. Anouki arrange themselves in an
reproduces sexually in a manner similar to Hylians. organized society, and can barely imagine any among
them breaking convention— but are quick to ridicule
Society those who do. Most Anouki are lawful neutral.
Size. An Anouki is squat and usually stands
It is said Anouki never lie, which in many cases might between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.
be true. That isn't to say they are kind— indeed, Speed. You have a base walking speed of 25 feet
Anouki don't sugarcoat the truth, and their honesty and a swim speed of 25 feet.
can come off as rude to those unaccustomed to their
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold
norms. As they are not accustomed to deception,
damage, allowing you to survive naturally cold
Anouki are often easily deceived.
climates with ease.
Anouki are very prone to acting like other Anouki to fit
Horn Attack. Your horned head is a natural
in. They are quick to alienate outsiders even from
weapon, which you can use to make melee weapon
their own race. Despite their cliquish nature, Anouki
attacks. You are proficient with your horns. On a hit,
are not inherently cruel and are particularly averse to
this weapon inflicts piercing damage equal to 1d4 +
your Strength modifier. Your horns are considered a
These Arctic-dwellers usually have an easy time light weapon for the purpose of two-weapon fighting.
surviving in their habitats. Few monsters are native to
Traction. You can move across ice or other
the frigid islands on which they prefer to live, yet
slippery terrains as if it were normal ground. You have
fishing yields plentiful food for their lazy lifestyles. As
advantage on any Strength checks or saving throws
such, Anouki rarely actively engage in hunting or
to avoid being knocked prone or avoid being
sport and instead occupy themselves with intellectual
physically forced from your position.
pursuits. Their cultured villages usually have a
significant emphasis on trends, fashion, and Erudition. You gain proficiency in tool of your
education— including the practice of minor magical choice from: apothecary's kit, fishing tackle,
spells learned through study and practice. navigator's tools, water vehicles, or one artisan's tool
of your choice. Alternatively, you can learn any one
Anouki almost universally wear thick coats woven
language of your choice.
from wool or animal hide. This practice is so frequent
and the coats are so uniform that outsiders often Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from
believe this garb is part of an Anouki's body. cryonis, elemental aegis, frostbite, prestidigitation, ray
of frost, resistance, and step up. Intelligence is your
casting ability for this spell.
Anouki Names Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Anook .
Anouki names are usually not specific to males or
females. A typical Anouki name is two syllables, and
one almost always ends in either an "oo" or "oh"
vowel sound.
Example Names: Aroo, Bulu, Dobo, Fofo, Gumo,
Honcho, Kofu, Kumu, Mazo, Nobodo, Noko, Yefu, Physiology
From a glance, any Kokiri is indiscernible from a
Hylian between the ages of 8 and 12. Any one of
Anouki Traits them stands at a height of about 4 feet, with child-like
features, pointed ears, blue eyes, and pale skin. Their
Waddling like penguins, but with antlers like moose hair color is usually a bright brown or a dirty blonde,
and faces resembling Hylians, Anouki are quite a but occasionally can be green or another exotic color.
sight. Their blubber-filled bodies are most at home in
Kokiri are magically created at the age they appear to
cold climates.
be, and never age or mature. Despite their longevity,
most retain immature personalities and child-like
Ability Score Increase. +2 Con and +1 Int, Wis, or
intelligence forever.
Because they can only be created by magic known to
Age. Anouki reach adulthood by the age of 20. One
few if any aside from the Great Deku Tree, Kokiri are
can live to an age of 120.
very few in number.
Society Ability Score Increase. +2 Dex and +1 Cha
Age. Kokiri are magically created at an age that
Kokiri only inhabit deep woodlands forests, and resembles a Hylian at about age 10. You do not age,
almost universally respect the Great Deku Tree as a and probably do not know your own age—but may
father-like figure. Indeed, it seems this tree could be define yourself by how many years have passed since
the one who created the entire Kokiri race. At the very you first left your forest. A Kokiri rarely if ever lives
least, the Deku Tree protects them as though they beyond 750 years.
were his children, and even assigns tiny fairies to Alignment. Despite living for centuries, Kokiri
guide and protect Kokiri. usually retain a childlike innocence and freedom.
Thanks in large part to the guidance of their fairies, They tend towards chaotic good.
Kokiri maintain simple but effective villages deep in Size. A typical Kokiri is about 4 feet tall. Your size is
the woods. Foraging, fishing, and occasional hunting Small.
provide their tiny population with more than enough Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
nutrition to thrive. The abundance of free time Kokiri
Forest Dweller. You have advantage on all
experience causes many of them to pass the time by
Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Survival) checks
playing games, or enjoying hobbies like word carving.
made in natural forest terrain.
Few Kokiri know much, if anything about the world
beyond their forest, and most of what they learn is Eternal Youth. You do not age, and are immune to
taught through the ancient and wise Deku Tree. To any magical effect that would cause you to age.
most Kokiri, even a simple well-forged shortsword can Deku Tree’s Protection. You have advantage on
be a remarkable treasure. all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
Kokiri rarely leave their forest, as the Deku Tree against magic.
dissuades them from leaving his protection. Those Languages. You can speak, read, and write
who do almost universally do so to become Common.
adventurers or explorers, if they survive long enough Subrace. Kokiri can be Fairy-Blessed,
on their own to do so. Kokiri are frequently mistaken Independent, or Urban. Choose one of these
for Hylians outside their woods, but cultured or subraces.
knowledgeable people can often recognize Kokiri for
what they are.
Fairy-Blessed Kokiri
Few if any Kokiri remember their creation, which may
Most Kokiri are granted a tiny fairy companion by their
be a byproduct of the magic that created them. Kokiri
father-figure, the Great Deku Tree. This fairy
almost universally wear green outfits, boots made
companion is created by the tree’s magic in a manner
from animal hide, and either pointy hats for males or
seemingly similar to that of the Kokiri, and as such a
hair bands for females.
fairy and Kokiri can have a sibling-like relationship. As
It is often believed that skull kids and Koroks were it lacks the Kokiri’s childlike demeanor, the fairy is
once Kokiri themselves, or are otherwise somehow often more knowledgeable and responsible than the
related to Kokiri. These races often live in the same Kokiri itself, and acts as something of a guide or elder
sprawling forests, and occasionally intermixed sibling.
Fairy Guide. You have a fairy of navigation as a
Kokiri Names loyal friend who is eager to follow and aid you. This
fairy’s maximum hit points are equal to half your
Kokiri names tend to be composed of two or three maximum hit points, if they would otherwise be lower.
short syllables. One typically begins with a consonant Its hit points are fully replenished whenever it
and ends with a vowel. completes a short rest. Your fairy acts independently
of you, but it generally obeys your wishes. In combat,
Male Names: Fado, Kasuto, Mido, Midoro it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. It
can't attack, but it can take other actions as normal.
Female Names: Fado, Sachi, Saria, Tantari
This fairy counts as your familiar, and it cannot be
changed or transformed by find familiar or a similar
Kokiri Traits spell. If you lose your fairy, you can resurrect it with a
1 hour ritual that requires destroying material
From a glance, Kokiri are indistinguishable from components that cost 100 rupees.
Hylian children. Protected by the Great Deku Tree,
these innocent kids never truly age.
Fairy Protection. Your fairy can hide on your
person and move with you while it does so. While
hiding in this manner, it has total cover.
Lizalfos Traits bonus action on a creature with half its hit points or
less, you have advantage on all melee weapon attack
rolls made against that creature. This benefit lasts
Age. A Lizalfos reaches adulthood in at most 10
until the creature restores any hit points, drops to 0 hit
years. Rarely does one live beyond the age of 50.
points, or you use your Blood Frenzy on another
Alignment. Lizalfos as a whole have a strong creature.
tendency towards evil. Daira are inherently chaotic,
Daira Scales. When you are hit by a non magical
while geru are relatively orderly, and most other
melee weapon, you can use your reaction to halve the
Lizalfos fall somewhere between.
damage you take from that attack. You must finish a
Size. Your size is Medium. short rest before you use this feature again.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Alkaline Scales. You have resistance to acid Dinolfos
damage. Ability Score Increase. +1 Str and Con
Standing Leap. If it would otherwise be lesser, Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire
your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is damage.
up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
Fire Breath. You can use your action to exhale a
Ancestral Arms. You are proficient in Boomerangs, gout of flame in a 15-foot cone or stream. Each
scimitars, shields and shortswords. creature in this area must make a Dexterity saving
Languages. All Lizalfos speak Lizal . A minority, throw, with a DC equal to 8 + your Constitution
including all Lizalfos player-characters, speak modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes
Common as a second language. 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much
Subrace. Lizalfos come in numerous subraces. on a success. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th
Choose one from Aeralfos, chameleon, Daira, level, 4d6 at 11th level, 5d6 at 16th level and 6d6 at
Dinolfos, Geru, and Dark Lizalfos. 18th level. After you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Dex and Con
Ability Score Increase. +1 Str, Dex, and one other
Fly Speed. You have a fly speed of 40 feet. This ability score of your choice
speed increases to 50 feet at 3rd level, and 60 feet at
5th level. Swim Speed. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for 30
Chameleon minutes, regardless of your Constitution score.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Dex and Wis Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the
Perception skill.
Swamp Camouflage. You have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in terrain
reminiscent of swamps, marshes, and wetlands.
Racial Feat: Swampfighter Speed. You gallop like a horse and pounce like a
jaguar. Your base walking speed is 50 feet.
You have trained to be an elite warrior among Large Equipment. As a Large humanoid, you can
Lizalfos, embodying traditional combat styles and wield normal-sized weapons, but are better off
tactics of your people. You gain the following benefits: wielding weapons sized for you; see Weapons of
Unusual Size. You can't wear normal armor or
Martial Advantage. When you take the Attack
clothes, but instead must wear armor sized for a
action and hit a creature with a melee attack, if that
Large creature; such gear costs twice as much and
creature is within 5 feet of your ally and that ally isn't
weighs eight times as much.
incapacitated, you can use your bonus action to
flourish the strike and deal an extra 1d6 damage to Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types: giant
the hit creature. and humanoid. You are affected by a game effect if it
works on either of your creature types.
Shield Breaker. If you score a critical hit with a
melee attack against a creature, any non magical Menacing. You are proficient in the Intimidation
shield the target is wielding becomes damaged skill.
beyond use. Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from
Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency in your fire bolt, power beam, resistance, and step up.
choice of either Athletics or Stealth. Charisma is your casting ability for this spell.
Languages. All Lynels speak Blin . A minority,
including all Lynel player-characters, speak Common
as a second language.
Racial Feat: Flame Evoker proficient with clubs, crushers, and greatclubs. If you
become proficient with any martial weapon, you also
become proficient with Moblin spears.
Many Lynels are capable of conjuring supernatural
fire, but doing so takes immense training. You are one Languages. All moblins speak Blin . A minority,
such Lynel who has trained to this extent. As an including all Moblin player-characters, speak
action, you can do either of the following. Once you Common as a second language.
do so, you must complete a short or long rest before Subrace. Moblins come in extremely diverse
you benefit from this feat again. subraces. It is most common for a moblin's parents to
■ Fire Breath. You exhale fire in a 30-foot cone. be of the same subrace, but in cases of mixed lineage
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity the offspring takes after the mother almost entirely.
saving throw. A target takes 2d6 fire damage on Choose one from big Moblin, Bokoblin, Bulblin, and
a failed save, or half as much on a success. Miniblin.
■ Flame Burst. Thrusting its weapon into the
ground, you detonate a wave of flame that Big Moblin
sweeps out from it. Each creature in a 10-foot Ability Score Increase. +2 Str
circle originating from you must make a Dexterity Size. As its name implies, a big Moblin has an
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes imposing figure usually between 8 and 12 feet in
2d4 fire damage, is pushed 10 feet away from height, and usually weighs between 800 and 1600
you, and is knocked prone. On a successful pounds. Your size is Large. As such compared to a
save, the creature takes half as much damage Medium creature you require four times as much food
and isn’t pushed or knocked prone. and water, have double carrying capacity or
The DC for either action equals 8 + your proficiency encumbrance for your Strength score, may require
bonus + your Constitution modifier. The damage special equipment, and can't ride mounts of Large
increases by one damage die at 6th level (3d4 or size or smaller. In combat you occupy a 10-foot
3d6), 11th level (4d4 or 4d6), and 16th level (5d4 or square instead of a 5-foot square, but you have the
5d6). same reach as a Medium creature.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Racial Feat: Resilient Lynel Large Equipment. As a Large humanoid, you can
wield normal-sized weapons, but are better off
It is common for Lynels to push their already wielding weapons sized for you; see Weapons of
formidable bodies to the limits of mortal endurance Unusual Size. You can't wear normal armor or
and strength. You, in particular, have adapted to the clothes, but instead must wear armor sized for a
harshest heat, the most brutal cold, and you are Large creature; such gear costs twice as much and
weighs eight times as much.
resolute in virtually any climate. You gain resistance to
cold, fire, and lightning damage. Climate Endurance. You can endure any
naturally-occurring hot, cold, dry, or humid climate
without hardship, Constitution checks, or Constitution
Moblin saving throws.
Moblin Traits Ability Score Increase. +1 Str, Dex, and Con
Size. Your size is Medium.
Age. A Moblin swiftly reaches adulthood in about 7
years. Bokoblins in particular can reach adulthood in Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
as little as 2. Rarely does a Moblin live beyond the Enduring. You have advantage on saving throws
age of 30. made to resist exhaustion, and can thrive on
Alignment. Moblins have a strong tendency one-quarter of the food and water you would
towards evil. Though a few among them may be otherwise need.
good, even these pretend to be evil among their peers Reckless. At the start of your turn, you can gain
just to fit in. advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls you make
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. until the start of your next turn.
Ancestral Arms. Moblins are instinctively skilled at
smashing things with blunt objects. You are always
Forage. Bokoblins are infamous for doing anything Pack Tactic. On your turn if a creature is within 5
to survive. You have advantage on any Wisdom feet of your ally (excluding any animal or mount), you
(Survival) check to find food or water in the wild. can choose to gain advantage on attack rolls you
Dubious Diet. You may consume food regardless make against that creature until it or your ally moves
of its age or exposure to the elements. You never more than 5 feet away from each other. Once you use
suffer any penalty for eating food that has not been this feature, you cannot use it again until you next roll
cooked. You may consume the meat of any beast or initiative.
monstrosity that is not otherwise poisonous. Spider Climb. Miniblins possess an uncanny,
Climate Endurance. You can endure any supernatural ability to climb. You have a climb speed
naturally-occurring hot, cold, dry, or humid climate of 20 feet, which you can use even if both your hands
without hardship, Constitution checks, or Constitution are occupied. You can climb difficult surfaces,
saving throws. including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Str, Dex, and Int Parella
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 20 feet.
Pack Tactic. On your turn if a creature is within 5 Parella Traits
feet of your ally (excluding any animal or mount), you
Ability Score Increase. +1 to all ability scores
can choose to gain advantage on attack rolls you
make against that creature until it or your ally moves Age. Parella reach adulthood at 20 at the latest,
more than 5 feet away from each other. Once you use and can live to an age of 200 or more.
this feature, you cannot use it again until you next roll Alignment. Although their ways seem foreign to
initiative. many, parella tend to be good natured. They tend
Beast Tamer. Bulblins are instinctively skilled with towards good.
manipulating animals to their needs. You are Size. While underwater, a parella's jellyfish-like
proficient in the Animal Handling skill. body extends to a height of about 6 feet, but on land it
Armor Training. Unlike most moblins, bulblins are is squished to a height of about 4 feet. Your size is
trained for armor usage from a young age. You are Medium.
always proficient with light armor. If you would Speed. You have a base walking speed of 5 feet,
otherwise become proficient in light armor, you also and a swim speed of 60 feet.
become proficient in medium armor and shields (but Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
not heavy shields). If you would otherwise become
Invertebrate. You are a mucus-covered
proficient in medium armor, you also become
invertebrate, and your body is highly amorphous
proficient in heavy armor and heavy shields. If you
compared to most creatures. You can fit through a
would otherwise become proficient in heavy armor,
space as narrow as 1 foot without squeezing. You
while wearing any heavy armor you can add your
have advantage on any ability check or saving throw
Dexterity modifier (max 1) to your AC.
to escape being grappled or restrained.
Size. A typical miniblin stands just over 2 feet tall.
Your size is Small.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it Poe Traits
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness,
Ability Score Increase. +1 Dex and Cha
only shades of gray.
Age. As poes are not alive, they don't age. They
Da-Neh. You are proficient with spears and tridents.
are "born into undeath" with the same form and level
When wielding these weapons, you can choose to
of development they will always have. Although poes
use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength
are eventually destroyed, they only "age" when they
modifier on attack and damage rolls with them.
are not in a dormant state. An actual numerical age is object, you can ignite or extinguish it as a bonus
almost meaningless to them. action. If you are ever not within the light provided by
Alignment. Poes are believed to be animated a lantern you have ignited with this feature, you are
spirits formed through unanswered malevolence and afflicted as if you were in sunlight. You can use a
hatred, and they feel no need to conform to the norms lantern you have ignited as if it was a club, and on a
of any society. They have a strong tendency towards hit it deals an extra 1 fire damage. If you are proficient
chaotic evil. Even in undeath, however, a rare few with shields, you can gain a +2 bonus to your AC from
souls can overcome these urges. this lantern while you hold it as if it was a shield.
Size. Although your body sometimes flickers Languages. All Poes speak Stal . Some are also
mysteriously from view, and can appear gaseous, it is capable of speaking a language they knew in life. A
solid. You have no visible legs, and instead you seem minority of poes, including all poe player-characters,
to float above ground; the remainder of your body speak Common as a second language.
comprises a torso, arms, and head. Poes are
anywhere between 3 feet and 7 feet, though on
average they float at a height of just over 5 feet. You
Racial Feat: Daybreaker
can choose to be either Small or Medium. After brutal and arduous training, your undead
Speed. You have no legs, and you won't walk in the physiology has become capable of enduring sunlight
traditional sense. You can float in place effortlessly, with negligible discomfort. You gain the following
and do so even if you are unconscious. You have a benefits:
base walking speed and a flying speed of 30 feet, but ■ Your Constitution or Wisdom score increases by
you cannot use this speed to ascend more than 2 feet 1, but does not exceed your maximum score for
above ground. You can, however, maintain the same that ability.
altitude if the ground beneath you falls away. If you ■ While in sunlight or without the light of your Poe's
cannot use your flying speed, due to a spell or other Lantern, you still suffer disadvantage on
effect, you are prone. Constitution and Wisdom saving throws, but may
Poison Immunity. Poison rots flesh and steals life, otherwise ignore the Sunlight Weakness feature.
neither of which are things you have. You are immune ■ If a spell or other magic would affect an undead
to poison damage, cannot be poisoned, and are but not a humanoid, you have advantage on any
immune to any disease which doesn't specifically saving throw imposed by that effect.
affect undead.
Otherworldly Perception. You can sense any
creature that is invisible or in the Silent Realm. You
Racial Feat: Incorporeal
can pinpoint such a creature if it is moving.
Darkvision. You can see in the dark within a 60 ft.
radius. You can see in dim light within the radius as if You have learned to use your spectral capabilities to
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim fly to greater heights, and even pass through walls.
light. You gain the following benefits:
Ghost Magic. You know your choice of one cantrip ■ You can move through other creatures and
from either prestidigitation or produce flame. If you objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5
otherwise gain the Spellcasting feature, you can gain (1d10) force damage if you end your turn inside
one of these cantrips in place of one you would an object.
otherwise be able to gain. Beginning at 3rd level you ■ You gain a fly speed of 50 feet, and can hover in
can cast the invisibility spell on yourself by expending place effortlessly. There is no limit to the distance
3 magic points. Charisma is your casting ability for you can ascend.
these spells.
Undead. You are treated as an undead instead of a
humanoid. You are not "alive," so effects which bring
creatures back to life will not affect you, nor will most
effects that restore hit points.
Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, you have Stalfos Traits
disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and
saving throws. Ability Score Increase. +1 Con
Poe's Lantern. Your starting equipment includes a Age. Age. Stalfos do not age and can live as long
hooded lantern. While holding a lantern or similar as the magic that holds them together is present.
Alignment. Stalfos have a high tendency towards Improved Unarmed Strike. Due to your lack of
Evil, however, they can be organized or travel alone, need for weapons and inability to hold heavier
but they tend towards Chaotic. weapons, you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage
Darkvision. Thanks to the fact that you have no rolls made for unarmed strikes.
eyes, magic was necessary to give you sight. In
addition to being able to see in normal light, you can Stalmaster
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright Stalmasters are considered abominations, even by
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can other Stal, Stal who have enough magic within
discern color in darkness. themselves or retrieve it from an outside source are
Unseverable. You can reattach any limb after it is able to take bones from other creatures and merge it
detached or destroyed by simply finding a suitable with their own being, most Stals use this to gain 4
replacement, then using your action to attach it. arms.
Undead Nature. You are immune to disease, being
Ability Score Increase. +1 Str and Dex
poisoned and poison damage. You do not need to eat
or breathe. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive Size. Stalmasters are usually between 7 and 9 feet
state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this tall, your size is Medium. However, some Stalmasters
state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and have obtained the bones of larger creatures and
notice approaching enemies and other events as integrated them into their bodies, becoming on
normal. average 10 to 11 feet tall. If you choose, your size can
be Large.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, you have
disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and Alignment. Unlike other Stal, Stalmasters have a
saving throws. stronger urge towards Lawful rather than Chaotic.
Bone. As an action you can take a bone from your Extra Limbs. Stalmasters can have up to two extra
own body and use it as a melee weapon, the bone limbs, this can either be two extra arms or two extra
has the same statistics of a club of which you are legs, if you choose to have two extra arms you cannot
proficient. The bone also has the thrown property wield more than one shield at a time.
(range 20/60 ft) You cannot use this feature again Speed. With two legs your base speed is 25 feet, if
until you finish a short or long rest. you have 4 legs your base speed becomes 50 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read and write both Multiattack. Stal's that have 4 arms can naturally
Stal and one language you knew in life make two extra melee weapon attacks as part of your
Subrace. Choose one of the below subraces of bonus action. Any attack after the first is treated as
Stalfos', either Stalchild, Stalmaster or Stal knights. dual-wielding, and can be made without penalty to
attack rolls even if the wielded weapons aren't light.
Stalchild Any third and fourth attacks made also have
disadvantage, if the attacks would have disadvantage
Stalchildren are smaller, more agile Stalfos, they are anyways then a third and fourth attack cannot be
often unarmed and usually attack anything they see made. If you take the dual-wielding feat you can also
without question. add your proficiency bonus to these attacks. In
addition, if wielding 4 weapons and if you have the
Ability Score Increase. +Dex and -1 Int
dual wielding ace feat, you gain an additional +1 to
Size. Stalchildren are the size of children, being your AC.
around 3 to 4 feet tall, however, they are much lighter.
Ancestral Arms. You gain proficiency with
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. shortswords, longswords and battleaxes. If you
Pack Tactics. On your turn if a creature is within 5 already have proficiency in these weapons, you gain
feet of your ally (excluding any animal or mount), you double proficiency.
can choose to gain advantage on attack rolls you Undying Fearful presence. Even other undead
make against that creature until it or your ally moves creatures find you horrifying, you have disadvantage
more than 5 feet away from each other. Once you use on all Charisma checks against all undead. However,
this feature, you cannot use it again until you next roll you also gain advantage on Intimidation checks
initiative. against undead. Neither of these effects affect other
Naturally Stealthy. Your small size makes it harder Stalmasters however.
for you to be found, you are naturally proficient in the
Stealth skill.
Stal Knight Secretive. You gain proficiency in your choice of
one of the following skills: Deception, Insight, Sleight
The most Common of Stalfos, Stal Knights are far of Hand, or Stealth.
more intelligent and loyal than Stalchildren but not as
Subterranean. You have advantage on any
organized as Stalmasters, they organize themselves
Wisdom (Survival) check made in a completely
into small groups, often serving a higher cause. They
underground environment.
love to battle against Hylians and other would-be
heroes. Languages. You can read, write, and speak both
Common and Subrosian .
Ability Score Increase. +2 Str and +1 Con
Size. Stal knights are often the size of regular
Hylians and Sheikah, being between 5 and 8 feet tall.
Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Twili Traits
Ancestral Arms. You gain proficiency with simple
weapons, shortswords, longswords and shields. If you Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing
already have proficiency in these weapons, you gain elitr, sed diam nonumy.
Undead Knowledge. You gain advantage on all Ability Score Increase. +1 Int and one other ability
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks about or score of your choice.
involving undead creatures. Age. Twili age slowly. They may not reach full
Temple Guards. You gain advantage on all adulthood until 20 years or more, but can live to be
intelligence, wisdom and charisma checks about or nearly 200.
involving all temples or dungeons. Alignment. Twili hail from usurpers and renegades
Blin Allies. You know how to speak, read and write who threatened to overthrow a kingdom and seize a
Blin. dark, magical power. Like Hylians, their alignments
vary widely from one to another, but as a whole they
Natural Duelists. While wielding one melee have a slight tendency towards chaotic evil.
weapon in one hand you gain +2 on damage rolls with
that weapon. Size. Twili are tall and thin. One typically stands
between 6 and 7 feet, yet only weighs between 150
and 220 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Subrosian Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
Subrosian Traits were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Con and +1 Int, Wis, or
Sunlight Sensitivity. Your people evolved to
eternal twilight and darkness, and the bright light of
Age. Subrosians reach adulthood in their late the sun is extremely unpleasant to your senses. While
teens. They show practically no signs of aging, but in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, as
live at most a century. well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
Alignment. Subrosians are reclusive and secretive, sight.
but trust those who break through their shell. They Arcane Heritage. Your people are masters of what
have a slight tendency towards good. most Hyruleans call ancient magic, and what they
Size. A typical Subrosian is a little over 3 feet tall. consider arcane secrets is common knowledge in
Your size is Small. your homeland. You are proficient in the Arcana skill.
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 25 feet. Languages. All Twili read, write, and speak Twilit .
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet A minority of Twili, including all Twili
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it player-characters, are just as fluent in Common.
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, Subrace. Choose either elegant Twili, Twilight
only shades of gray. Guard, Usurper Twili or Mystic/Cursed Twili.
Heatproof. You are immune to fire damage, and do
not catch flame.
Elegant Twili and the magic that resides within you can be
channeled to unleash a beast of the twilight.
Compared to most Twili, your facial features take a
shape closest to Hylians. If it wasn't for your smooth Ability Score Increase. +1 Str. Additionally, you
gray skin and abnormally colored eyes, someone may forgo the +1 to Intelligence to add the point to
could even mistake you for an unusually tall and another stat of your choice.
slender Hylian. In the Twilight Realm, your kind has
Shadow Warrior. You have proficiency in martial
traditionally comprised the ruling upper class. The few
melee weapons.
who have ventured into the Light World have had a
relatively easier time adapting to the alien world and Menacing Visage. Your mask and unnatural
foreign cultures. markings unnerve those not of your species. You gain
proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Ability Score Increase. +1 Int, Wis, or Cha Shadow Beast. As a bonus action, you may give in
Magic Adept. Your people are unusually talented to your inner darkness and transform into a shadow
with spellcasting. Your magic point maximum beast (transformation). At 1st level, you may choose
increases by 2. between a shadow keese, shadow vermin or shadow
wolfos. You may choose another at 3rd level and 5th
Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from
level. At 6th level, you may choose to transform into a
mage hand, minor illusion, message, and tear.
shadow beast or a shadow kargarok. You may choose
Intelligence is your casting ability for this spell.
the other at 8th level.
Twilit Magic. You know one spell of your choice
from conjure spirit wolf, disguise self, and feather fall .
Mystic/Cursed Twili
At 3rd level you learn one spell from misty step,
levitate, and split. You cast these spells by expending Twili that have taken on a curse or fused with magical
the normal amount of magic points, and Intelligence is energy, which has caused them to undergo a
your casting ability for these spells. metamorphosis.
Yeti Traits Ability Score Increase. +1 Str, Con, or Wis
Ability Score Increase. +1 Str and Con Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold
Age. A yeti is considered an adult around age 10,
though many continue to grow into their late thirties. Ice Breath. You can use your action to exhale a
At best, one will live just under a century. snowstorm of bitter cold in a 15-foot cone. Each
creature in this area must make a Constitution saving
Alignment. Yeti organize themselves in loose and
throw, with a DC equal to 8 + your Constitution
often tribes which have little desire for order and few
modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes
strong loyalties. They have a tendency towards
2d6 cold damage on a failed save, and half as much
on a success. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th
Size. Your size depends on your subrace. If you are level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After
a Yook, your size is Medium. If you are a white Yeti, you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
your size is Large. finish a short or long rest.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Ancestral Arms. You are proficient with clubs and
Languages. You can speak both Anook and greatclubs, and have +1 bonus on damage rolls made
Common, but cannot read or write. with these weapons.
Subrace. Choose either White Yeti, or Yook.
White Yeti
Size. A yeti is of great size, usually 10 to 12 feet in
height, and weighs in the neighborhood of 1600 lbs.
Your size is Large. As such compared to a Medium
creature you require four times as much food and
water, have double carrying capacity or encumbrance
for your Strength score, may require special
equipment, and can't ride mounts of Large size or
smaller. In combat you occupy a 10-foot square
instead of a 5-foot square, but you have the same
reach as a Medium creature.
Large Equipment. As a Large humanoid, you can
wield normal-sized weapons, but are better off
wielding weapons sized for you; see Weapons of
Unusual Size. You can't wear normal armor or
clothes, but instead must wear armor sized for a
Large creature; such gear costs twice as much and
weighs eight times as much.
Cold Endurance. You are comfortable even in the
coldest of climates, and do not need to make saving
throws or ability checks for enduring non magical cold
Chapter 2: Classes
Hylian Fighter
A Hylian fighter, or simply a “fighter,” excels at traditional martial combat. Fighters include the likes of knights, the
most skilled of soldiers, darknuts, iron knuckles, Gerudo warriors, Goron champions, Rito archers, and numerous
legendary heroes.
Hyurlean Fighter
Proficiency Stamina
Level Bonus Features Points
1st +2 Fighting Style, Stamina Meter Constitution mod
2nd +2 Fighter Subclass +2
3rd +2 Fighter Subclass Feature +4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +6
5th +3 Extra Attack +8
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement +10
7th +3 Fighter Subclass Feature +12
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +14
9th +4 Indomitable +16
10th +4 Fighting Expertise +18
11th +4 Fighter Subclass Feature +20
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +22
13th +5 Indomitable (2) +24
14th +5 Fighter Subclass Feature +26
15th +5 Relentless +28
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +30
17th +6 Fighter Subclass Feature, Indomitable (3) +32
18th +6 Champion +34
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +36
20th +6 Fighter Subclass Feature +38
Action Surge
At 14th level, you are able to plan and attack even faster
than before. Once on your turn, you may take a second
Hylian Hunter
A Hylian Hunter, or just "Hunter" for those in Hyrule, is a warrior who does not concern themselves with affairs of the
cities, leaving the fighters and opportunists to those troubles. Instead, Hunters seek out their combat in the wilds,
hunting monsters and bandits where they least expect it. Many hunters are of a druidic nature, seeking the wild side
of hunting, but not all. Some take a more professional approach to their hunts, using tact and unorthodox fighting
style to trap the monsters they hunt, while others simply enjoy the solitude of nature and the freedom it provides.
Hylian Hunter
Level Features Stamina Points
1st +2 Stamina Meter, Wild Wanderer, Favored Foe Constitution mod
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Style Sync, Hunter Subclass Feature +2
3rd +2 Hunter Subclass Feature +4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +6
5th +3 Extra Attack, Nature’s Guide +8
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Hunter Subclass Feature +10
7th +3 Hunter Subclass Feature +12
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +14
9th +4 Additional Fighting Style +16
10th +4 Hunter’s Hiding Place +18
11th +4 Hunter Subclass Feature +20
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +22
13th +5 — +24
14th +5 Hunter Subclass Feature +26
15th +5 Wild Wariness +28
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +30
17th +6 Hunter Subclass Feature +32
18th +6 Hunter’s Hatred +34
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +36
20th +6 Hunter Subclass Feature +38
Hylian Hunter 5.
Intelligence should be your next highest stat.
If you are a trickster, prioritize Charisma. Dexterity
should be your second highest stat.
Quick Build 6. If you are a mercenary, any stat can be prioritized,
but go for Strength or Dexterity.
You can make a hunter quickly by following these
7. If you are a sylvan, prioritize Wisdom and Charisma.
8. For your fighting style, choose Wild Spellsword.
1. Wisdom should be your highest ability score. Your
9. For your Favored Foe, choose Fiends or Beasts.
second-highest ability score should be Strength or
2. If you are a shaman, prioritize Wisdom and
Class Features
3. If you are a shifter, prioritize Wisdom and Strength. As a Hylian Hunter you gain the following class features.
Hit Points features. Normally all of your stamina points are
replenished when you complete a short or long rest.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Hylian Hunter level At 2nd level and every level you gain in this class, you
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Con mod gain an additional 2 stamina points.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Con mod per Called Shot
Hylian Hunter level after 1st Whenever you make a weapon attack, but before you
make the attack roll, you can expend 2 stamina points to
Proficiencies make it a called shot. If the weapon attack hits, it inflicts
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields the maximum amount of damage for its damage dice.
(For example, a weapon die of 1d8 would inflict 8
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
damage without rolling.) Extra damage dice for critical
Tools: None hits, magic weapons, or class features are also
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity maximized.
Skills: You are proficient in your choice of three skills in Your DM may allow alternate effects for a called shot.
the following list: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics,
Investigation, Insight, Nature, Stealth, and Survival. Wild Wanderer
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 11, you At 1st level, you have spent a great deal of time in the
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total wilds, and can use this knowledge accordingly. While in a
of four. natural setting (As decided by your DM), this grants you
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 15, you the following benefits:
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total ■ You ignore difficult terrain.
of five. ■ You have advantage on initiative rolls.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 19, you ■ On your first turn during combat, you have
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have
of six. not yet acted.
In place of gaining proficiency in a skill, you can instead ■ While tracking other creatures, you also learn their
gain proficiency in any one tool or vehicle of your choice. exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they
passed through the area.
Equipment ■ You may dash as a bonus action.
In addition, you are able to speak in Wildspeak, a
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
language devised by hunters for effective exclusive
equipment granted by your background:
communication. Regardless of a creature's feature, no
⦁ (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor other creature can understand this language unless
⦁ (a) two shortswords or (b) two simple melee weapons through magical means unless they are a hunter.
⦁ (a) a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a light
crossbow with 20 blots
Favored Foe
⦁ a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10
torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, and 50 feet of Beginning at 1st level, you have significant experience
hemp rope studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain
Alternatively, your DM may allow you to choose your type of enemy commonly encountered in the wilds.
own starting equipment using 1,250 (5d4 x 100) rupees. Choose a type of favored enemy. This can be a creature
If you choose this option, you forgo the equipment type or members of a specific race (Such as Twili,
granted by your background. Lizalfos or Zora), a type of creature such as Beasts,
Aberrations or Dragons, or even a specific class, such as
Stamina Meter Scions, Sages or even other Hunters. You gain a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapon attacks
At 1st level, you gain a number of stamina points equal to against creatures of the chosen type, you have
your Constitution modifier (minimum 0). If your advantage on Survival checks to track your favored
Constitution modifier later increases, so does your enemies, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall
number of stamina points. You can expend your stamina information about them. In addition, you have advantage
points to execute a called shot, or empower other class on saving throws against the spells and abilities used by
The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2 at be wielding a weapon or a shield that does not have the
5th level and +3 at 9th level. light or finesse properties.
Certain Hunter features require a saving throw. The DC is Wild Spellsword: You can tap into natural magics much
calculated as follows: like a Forest Sage. You learn two cantrips from the forest
■ Shaman/Sylvan/Shifter = 8 + Wisdom + proficiency sage spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for
bonus these spells. You may change your chosen cantrips upon
■ Slayer = 8 + Intelligence/Wisdom + proficiency a long rest or level up.
bonus Thrown Weapon Fighting: You gain a +2 to attack and
■ Trickster = 8 + Charisma + proficiency bonus damage rolls with throwing weapons.
■ Mercenary = 8 + Strength/Dexterity + proficiency
■ Hunters without a chosen subclass may use either
Hunter Subclass
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or
At 2nd level, you choose a subclass that you strive to
Charisma until they choose a subclass at 2nd level.
emulate in your combat styles and techniques. The
When you gain this feature, you also learn one language
subclass you choose grants you features at 2nd level and
of your choice, typically one spoken by your favored
again at 3rd, 6th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level.
enemy or creatures associated with it. However, you are
Each subclass is summarized immediately below and
free to pick any language.
covered in more detail later on this page.
■ A shaman specializes in wild magics, and can
Fighting Style manipulate natural elements to their benefit.
■ A shifter is a hunter who truly embodies the wild,
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as using magics to become different creatures.
your specialty. You gain an additional fighting style at 9th ■ A slayer hunts the monsters in the wilds, using their
level. Choose one of the following options. prey's powers to bolster their own.
Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make ■ A trickster uses tricks and traps to confuse and
with ranged weapons. confound their prey.
Dual-Wielding: You can engage in two-weapon fighting ■ A mercenary utilizes a multitude of fighting styles
without penalty to your attack rolls, even when the and unique abilities to defeat their enemies.
one-handed weapons you are wielding aren't light. ■ A sylvan partners with fairies and uses their magic to
Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one aid their allies and themselves.
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to
damage rolls with that weapon.
Exploration: You gain a climb speed and a swim speed
Style Sync
equal to your base walking speed. You gain proficiency in
At 2nd level, the subclass you have chosen can augment
one skill of your choice from Investigation, Nature,
your fighting style in unique ways. The fighting style you
Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
have chosen is altered by your subclass. Only fighting
Improvised Fighting: You are talented with turning
styles gained through this class can be altered in this
anything into a weapon, and use this talent to surprise
way. If a fighting style is not listed, no change occurs. You
your foes with underhanded tactics. If you acquire and
may choose to ignore this change.
use a new improvised weapon in the same turn, you gain
a +2 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon until the start
of your next turn. Ability Score Increase
Opportunity Attacking: You excel at finding openings in
your foes' guard. As a bonus action, you can enter a When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th,
reactive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
While in your reactive stance, you can make opportunity your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an
reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that ability score above 20 using this feature.
moves more than 5 feet while within your reach. If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can
Reactive Defense: When an enemy you can see makes replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify.
a melee or melee spell attack against you, you may
spend one stamina point and add half your proficiency
bonus rounded down to your AC for that attack. You must
Nature’s Guide Hunter’s Hatred
At 5th level, a spirit of nature has been charged with At 18th level, you become an unparalleled hunter of your
becoming your guide. You may cast find familiar as a enemies. Once on each of your turns, you can add your
ritual without material components, with the spirit taking Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma modifier to the attack
the form of a Fairy of Navigation or a Fairy of Life. These roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against one
fairies' creature type is Fey, they cannot cast spells of your favored enemies. You can choose to use this
through you and they cannot be dismissed forever. You feature before or after the roll, but before any effects of
can choose which fairy you summon. Both fairies are the roll are applied. You may only choose the added
distinct entities, with their own personality and ability modifier once.
Extra Attack
In many tribal communities, there is one who can use
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of natural magics for the tribe's benefit. You are one such
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. individual, not so much bending magic to your will but
working with the magics of the world to benefit yourself
Hunter’s Hiding Place and those around you. Though you are certainly able to
use your martial and hunting skills quite effectively, they
often take a backseat to your duties as a protector. Not
Starting at 10th level, you can remain perfectly still for
all Shamans are part of a tribe, but all shamans deal in
long periods of time to set up ambushes.
the affairs of others, whether for better or for worse.
When you attempt to hide on your turn, you can opt to
not move on that turn. If you avoid moving, creatures that
attempt to detect you take a −10 penalty to their Ancient Totem
Perception checks until the start of your next turn. You
lose this benefit if you move or fall prone, either Starting at 2nd level as a bonus action, you can draw
voluntarily or because of some external effect. You are from the spirits of nature to bolster yourself and your
still automatically detected if any effect or action causes allies in a 30 ft. radius centered on you. While this feature
you to no longer be hidden. is active, magical see-through features of the spirit you
If you are still hidden on your next turn, you can continue summon appear on your person. This effect dissipates
to remain motionless and gain this benefit until you are after 1 minute (10 rounds of combat). You must take a
detected. short rest before you can use this feature again.
The effect of the spirit’s aura depends on the type of spirit
Twin Guides you summon from the options below.
■ Bulbo's Might: The spirit grants you and your allies
its might and endurance. Each creature of your
At 10th level, your attunement with your guides becomes
choice in the aura when the spirit appears gains
even more potent. You may spend two hours casting find
temporary hit points equal to 5 + your shaman level.
familiar to summon both your familiars at once.
In addition, you and your allies gain advantage on
Athletics checks and Strength saving throws while in
Wild Wariness the aura.
■ Wolfos' Sight: The spirit is a consummate hunter,
At 15th level, you gain preternatural senses that help you aiding you and your allies with its keen sight. When a
fight creatures you can't see. When you attack a creature creature makes an attack roll against a target in the
you can't see, your inability to see it doesn't impose spirit’s aura, you can use your reaction to grant
disadvantage on your attack rolls against it. advantage to that attack roll. In addition, you and
You are also aware of the location of any invisible your allies have advantage on Perception checks
creature within 30 feet of you, provided that the creature while in the aura.
isn't hidden from you and you aren't blinded or deafened. ■ Fairy's Plight: The spirit lends its protection to those
nearby. You and your allies gain advantage on all
saving throws made in the spirit’s aura. In addition, if
an ally casts a spell using a spell slot that restores
hit points to any creature inside or outside the aura,
each creature of your choice in the aura also regains
hit points equal to your shaman level. Nomadic Sanctuary
At 7th level, you are able to provide relief to communities
Style Sync around you, even when you are far from home. During a
short or long rest, you can invoke the natural forces
At 2nd level, Your chosen fighting style changes to better around you to safeguard the areas around you. At the
fit your role. Your fighting style changes in the following start of when you meditate an invisible, 30-foot-radius
ways: safe space appears, centered on that point. Total cover
■ Exploration > Wild Mind: You gain proficiency in blocks the sphere.
two extra skills of your choice from Investigation, While within the sphere, you and your allies gain a +5
Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival, but you bonus to Stealth and Perception checks, and any light
lose your climb and swim speed. from open flames in the sphere (a campfire, torches, or
■ Improvised Fighter > Natural Fighter: If your the like) isn't visible outside it. In addition, the party gains
improvised weapon is of natural origin (Such as a one extra hit die to spend on health. This hit die lasts for
stick or a rock, magical or not), you do not need to a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier.
change weapons each round to gain the +2 bonus. The sphere vanishes at the end of the rest or when you
You must change the weapon at the beginning of a stop meditating.
new combat encounter to keep this benefit, however.
■ Reactive Defense > Reactive Protection: Instead
of protecting yourself, you may use your reactive Ancient Reliquary
defense (Spending the necessary stamina points) to
At 11th level, the spirits you summon are more resilient
protect an ally, adding half your proficiency rounded
than normal. Your Ancient Totem's radius increases to 60
down to their AC. You cannot protect yourself with
this technique.
In addition, each spirit gains an additional affect:
■ Wild Spellsword > Druidic Spellsword: In addition
■ Bulbo's Might: While inside the radius, your ally's
to your chosen cantrips, you gain 5 1st level spells
melee attacks are considered magical for the
from the Forest Sage Spell List, using stamina points
purpose of overcoming resistance.
as magic points. As you gain levels in this subclass,
■ Wolfos' Sight: While your allies are inside the
you may increase your learned spell's levels as if
radius, they are able to see invisible creatures and
you were a Forest Sage (2nd spell level max at 3rd
can pinpoint their location with ease.
level, 3rd spell level max at 5th level, etc.). You may
■ Fairy's Plight: While inside the radius, your allies
change your chosen spells on a long rest or a level
gain 2 extra hit points for every hit die they have
up, but the number of spells gained from this feature
remaining. If a hit die is lost, 2 points of temporary
can never be more or less than 5. Your casting
health are as well.
modifier is Wisdom.
At 3rd level, your shifting magics permeate your whole Wrathful Rampage
body. You may shift as a bonus action, and you gain 1
cantrip from the mask scion spell list. You use your At 11th level, your lust to destroy your enemies is a
Wisdom modifier for attack rolls and save DC's. hunger that can never be filled. For every one of your
Favored Foes you kill, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and
Slayer’s Insight gain proficiency with an apothecary's kit, and can spend
1 hour, 1 bottle of water, 5r worth of natural materials and
the specified ingredients to create a Slayer's Tonic.
At 2nd level, you are adept at determining a creature's
Imbibing a tonic requires a bonus action. Each potion
weaknesses simply from prior experience. Choose one
lasts for 1 minute, and you may only create one potion at
creature you can see within range. Make an Intelligence
a time.
Nature check, DC equals 10 + creature's CR - proficiency
Ingredients Name Effect
bonus. Creatures with a CR of 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 are counted
as having a CR of 0 for the purposes of this check. If you 2 Wolfos You gain small claws and puffs of fur around
Claws, 4 Swiftbeast your forearms. Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 +
succeed, you immediately know what its resistances,
Wolfos Tonic Strength slashing, and you gain + 10 to your
weaknesses and immunities are. If you have seen this
Teeth movement speed.
creature before, you have advantage on this check. If this
Small leaves appear on parts of your body,
creature is your favored foe, the DC decreases by your
1 Deku Baba Baba Body and your teeth resemble that of a deku baba.
proficiency bonus again (Ex. If the creature is your Tongue, 2 You can hide in natural environments and
favored foe, at your current level it would decrease the Tonic
Deku Nuts attacks against surprised creatures deal an
DC from a 18 to a 16). extra damage die.
You gain insect-like carapaces on parts of your
Style Sync body, your eyes resemble that of a Gohma’s
and your top canine teeth become spider
fangs. While this potion is active you are
At 2nd level, Your chosen fighting style changes to better
under the effects of spider climb, you have
fit your role. Your fighting style changes in the following 2 Skulltula resistance to poison damage and do not
ways: Darkskitter
Fang, 1 make any noise while you move. In addition,
Archery > Hawkeye: At the beginning of your turn, you Tonic
Gohma Eye you may make a bite attack that deals 1
may choose to take a moment to put more power into piercing damage and 1d4 poison damage.
your shot. You may choose to spend your action, bonus Creatures hit by this attack must make a
action and/or movement. For every one you spend, you Constitution save equal to your Slayer Save
gain a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make DC or be poisoned for the duration of the
with your ranged weapon until the end of your next turn tonic.
(For example, if you spend your action and bonus action You gain fins on your arms and legs, suckers
with this fighting style, you would gain a +2 bonus). 4 Octoroc appear on your hands and feet, and 4 small
Waterblight tentacles dangle from the back of your head.
Dual-Wielding > Twin Duelist: While taking the attack Tentacles, 1
Tonic You gain a swim speed of 40 ft, you can
action, you may choose to attack with both weapons at Zora Scale
breathe underwater, and your suckers grant
once, rolling to hit with the weapon with the lower attack
you advantage on grapple checks.
modifier. If the attack lands, you roll both weapon's
damage but only add your ability modifier once. You are
still able to dual wield non-light weapons.
Dueling > Smart Strike: While holding a melee weapon
in one hand and with no other weapon in your off hand,
you may choose to make an attack that is a guaranteed
If you wish, you may ask your DM for unique potions, Ingredients Name Effect
combining chosen monster parts to create new potion Snow and Ice appear in patches on your body, you
effects. If you do this, you must make a DC 18 appear to be coated in snow crystals and your
Intelligence check for the combination to work. You are breath is visible and very cold. You gain resistance
proficient in this check. 2 Chilfos Ice, to cold damage, and you can expel a ray of frost
Coldbane from your hands or mouth as an action 3 times
1 Vial of
Tonic during the duration. The spell scales with your level
Eeno Snow and requires no components to cast. In addition,
you can freeze water in a 5 ft. radius just by making
contact with it as long as a creature or object is not
At 7th level, you have learned the art of tracking your within the radius.
prey: no matter the advantages they possess. You have Your arms crackle with electric energy, your hair
advantage on Perception and Investigation checks made stands on end and yellow spherical pearlescent
gems appear on the palms of your hands. You gain
to track creatures, and you do not have disadvantage on resistance to lightning damage, and you may
attack rolls against invisible creatures. 3 Tailsparan unleash a lightning lure from the gems on your
In addition, when you make a melee attack against a Head, 2 hands as an action 3 times during the duration. This
Tonic spell's damage scales with your level, deals the
creature, you can choose to mark them with a Beamos Eye
lightning damage if the spell hits, and the target
Slayer-Sign, a brand of natural magic that your fairy can be moved 10 ft. in any direction except from
guide can track without fail. This brand lasts for 1 hour. away from you. The spell requires no components
As long as the creature is branded, your fairy guide will to be cast.
always know where the target is, and you cannot be
surprised by the creature.
Much like Lesser Tonics, you may ask your DM to create
a unique tonic for your Hunter to use. You must make a
Wild Alchemist DC 18 Intelligence check for the potion's effects to work.
You are proficient in this check.
At 7th level, you have become more proficient with your
potions. Potion creation now requires 1 half hour to
create. In addition, your lesser potions now last for 1
Magic’s Bane
At 14th level, your time imbibing magic potions has
attuned you to how spells work: and how to break them.
Expert Tonic Your Slayer's Mark now puts the targeted creature under
the effects of a dispel magic spell any time a magic effect
At 11th level, you have learned even more powerful is placed upon them. In addition, as long as they are
tonics for your hunts. Such potions are closer to bottled branded when they cast a spell, you can use your
spell than a tonic, but instead of storing a spell in liquid reaction to put them under the effects of a counterspell.
form, the tonic draws on the magic within the monsters it
is made from. These potions last for 1 minute, and you
can only create one at a time. You use your Intelligence
modifier to make the attack rolls.
At 17th level, you have learned where to target your
enemies to make it hurt. When an attack lands on a
Ingredients Name Effect branded or favored foe, you add your Intelligence or
You appear gaunt and pale, and your veins appear Wisdom modifier (Whichever is higher) to the damage of
to be blackened. You have advantage on saves to be the attack.
1 Poe Soul, 4 charmed, cursed or frightened, and if you are
already suffering these effects, you are no longer
Powdered Blackheart
Stalfos Tonic
charmed, cursed or frightened. In addition, you
have resistance to necrotic damage, and can fire a
Unparalleled Slayer
Bones Death Bolt 3 times during the duration. This spell
scales with your level and does not require any At 20th level, you have mastered hunting your enemies.
components to cast. You may now target up to your Wisdom or Intelligence
Scales cover parts of your body and small horns modifier (Whichever is higher) creatures with your
appear on your head. You gain resistance to fire
2 Dodongo damage, and can expel a fire bolt from your mouth
Slayer's Mark, and any 3 use abilities from your tonics
Firebane can be used an unlimited amount of times.
Claws, 1 3 times during the duration of the tonic's effects.
Tonic The fire bolt scales with your level and requires no In addition, creating potions now takes 5 minutes.
Lizalfos Tail
components to cast. In addition, you can light a
flammable substance through contact.
Trickster points. As you gain levels in this subclass, you may
increase your learned spell's levels as if you were a
Forest Sage (2nd spell level max at 3rd level, 3rd spell
When one hears the term "Hunter", one expects a
level max at 5th level, etc.). You may change your
seasoned, stealthy warrior who fights in the wild to
chosen spells on a long rest or a level up, but the number
protect the innocent. Tricksters are... not that. Not
of spells gained from this feature can never be more or
always, anyway. Tricksters are wild wanderers who enjoy
less than 5. Your casting modifier is Charisma.
the solitude of the wilds to practice their chaotic magics.
Some do it for experimentation, some do it for cruel
satisfaction; most do it for fun. Regardless of how and Natural Magic
why, a trickster is a master of merriment and mystery,
and would easily bring as much harm as they would heal, At 3rd level, you gain shillelagh, mage hand and summon
revitalization as they will ruin and fear as they will fun. instrument as cantrips. These scale with your level and
are counted as Trickster Spells. Charisma is your
Style Sync this way, you may only have one duplicate, but the
duration is 1 hour.
You gain an extra duplicate at 7th and 11th levels.
At 2nd level, Your chosen fighting style changes to better
fit your role. Your fighting style changes in the following
ways: Escaping Shroud
Exploration > Chaotic Mind: You gain proficiency in two
extra skills of your choice from Deception, Persuasion, At 6th level, you can escape from pretty much anyone
Perception, Stealth, and Performance, but you lose your who doesn't take your tricks well.
climb and swim speed. As a reaction when a creature misses you with an attack,
Improvised Fighter > Natural Fighter: If your you may disengage, turn invisible and move 10 ft. away
improvised weapon is of natural origin (Such as a stick or from the attacker. As long as you remain 5 ft. away from
a rock, magical or not), you do not need to change a non friendly creature, you will remain invisible. You may
weapons each round to gain the +2 bonus. You must also turn invisible as an action, as if you were affected by
change the weapon at the beginning of a new combat the invisibility spell. Either way, you may do this 3 times
encounter to keep this benefit, however. before needing a long rest.
Thrown Weapon Fighting > Snap Throw: As a
reaction, when a target within your weapon's throw range
makes a ranged attack against you, you may quickly
Advanced Natural Magic
throw your weapon at the target. If the thrown weapon Starting at 7th level, your trickster spells have become
hits, the target takes the weapon's damage and has more nuanced. Choose one of the spells you gained from
disadvantage on the ranged attack. You may only do this the natural magic feature. It gains the following benefit.
if your weapon has the thrown property. ■ Mage Hand: You can make attacks with your mage
Archery > Slinger: You gain a +3 bonus to attacks with hand, and you can carry an object up to (10 x your
simple ranged weapons and seed shooters. All other Charisma modifier). You add your Charisma modifier
ranged weapons do not gain any bonus. + proficiency bonus to the attack roll, and the attack
Wild Spellsword > Charismatic Druid: In addition to deals 1d6 + Charisma magical bludgeoning damage.
your chosen cantrips, you gain 5 1st level spells from the
Forest Sage Spell List, using stamina points as magic
■ Shillelagh: As long as you have a stick or some Favored Foe, they have disadvantage on all attack rolls
other wooden weapon, it is transformed into a Deku as well.
Stick. The restrictions and destruction of the weapon
still apply to your material weapon, though you may
hit a target with it a number of times equal to your
Expert Natural Magic
Charisma modifier before the weapon breaks. You
At 17th level, your unique magics have spread to your
add your Charisma modifier to the damage of the
other spells. You gain the benefits of the other two
attack roll instead of your Strength. At the end of the
cantrips you did not pick with your Advanced Natural
spell's duration if the weapon is still in one piece, the
Magics feature.
Deku Stick becomes the weapon it was before.
■ Summon Instrument: As an action after
summoning the instrument, you can choose to play a Magister of Madness
tune that calls upon natural magics to call constructs
to your aid. You may cast conjure marionettes at its At 20th level, you have become the master of all things
lowest level, using your summoned instrument as a merriment and mysterious. As an action while you have
spellcasting focus. You summon up to your your summon instrument active, you may play an ancient
Charisma modifier puppets to fight by your side. and powerful tune that meddles with the hearts and
Concentration is broken if your summoned minds of friends and foes alike. All creatures that can
instrument disappears, is destroyed or you fail the hear the tune must make a DC 10 + Charisma +
concentration save. You can only do this once every proficiency bonus, Wisdom saving throw. Friendly
5 minutes. creatures can choose to fail this saving throw, while your
Favored Foes have disadvantage. Friendly creatures
gain advantage on all ability checks and saving throws
Fairy Fire for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.
Meanwhile, all non friendly creatures are either charmed
At 7th level, your chaotic magic has even begun to affect
or frightened of you and your allies for an equal amount
your Fairy Familiar. If your fairy is a Fairy of Life, your
of time as your allies. In addition, they have disadvantage
familiar can cast cure wounds at 3rd level. If your fairy is
on all saving throws and ability checks while affected by
a Fairy of Navigation, your familiar can cast chromatic
this tune.
orb at 1st level with no material components. No matter
the type of fairy, the spell has a recharge (5-6) cooldown,
and cannot be used again until a 5 or a 6 is rolled. Mercenary
It is very hard to find a warrior more versatile than a
Venomous Visage Mercenary. Their numbers are many, their fighting styles
are numerous and their abilities seemingly endless.
At 11th level, you may coat your weapon in a caustic
Though most mercenaries are simply trained fighters,
poison that is absorbed through the skin of your enemies
some Mercenaries (And all player Mercenaries) have the
as an action. This poison is created using 50r of natural
aid of nature spirits that guide their work further. What
materials, and takes 1 hour to create, giving you 3 uses
they choose to do with this power is anyone's guess, but
of it before needing to create another. When hit by a
if there is one thing you can expect from a mercenary, it's
coated weapon, the target must make a DC 17
that they will do whatever they wish. Or whatever pays
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 5 minutes. A
poisoned creature takes 1d6 poison damage at the start
of their turns until the duration is over.
Style Sync
Disguised Disadvantage At 2nd level, Your chosen fighting style changes to better
fit your role. Unlike most other subclasses, Mercenaries
At 14th level, your newfound invisibility has natural
live and die by what sets them apart, and have access to
curses built into it. If you are invisible, you can attack a
a great many style syncs. Your fighting style changes in
creature with mage hand without revealing yourself. If the
the following ways:
attack hits, the target takes the attack's damage and has
Exploration > Wild Mind: You gain proficiency in two
disadvantage on all saving throws against spells until the
extra skills of your choice from Investigation, Nature,
beginning of your next turn. If the cursed creature is your
Perception, Stealth, and Survival, but you lose your climb given a reason to defend themselves. Evil creatures
and swim speed. automatically succeed this save.
Exploration > Advanced Exploration: You have a Dual-Wielding > Twin Duelist: While taking the attack
climbing speed and a swimming speed equal to double action, you may choose to attack with both weapons at
your walk speed. You do not gain any extra skill once, rolling to hit with the weapon with the lower attack
proficiencies, however. modifier. If the attack lands, you roll both weapon's
Exploration > Chaotic Mind: You gain proficiency in two damage but only add your ability modifier once. You are
extra skills of your choice from Deception, Persuasion, still able to dual wield non-light weapons.
Perception, Stealth, and Performance, but you lose your Dueling > Smart Strike: While holding a melee weapon
climb and swim speed. in one hand and with no other weapon in your off hand,
Archery > Hawkeye: At the beginning of your turn, you you may choose to make an attack that is a guaranteed
may choose to take a moment to put more power into hit, regardless of the target's AC. However, you
your shot. You may choose to spend your action, bonus automatically roll the minimum damage for your damage
action and/or movement. For every one you spend, you dice. You still add your ability modifiers to the damage.
gain a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make Thrown Weapon Fighting > Snap Throw: As a reaction,
with your ranged weapon until the end of your next turn when a target within your weapon's throw range makes a
(For example, if you spend your action and bonus action ranged attack against you, you may quickly throw your
with this fighting style, you would gain a +2 bonus). weapon at the target. If the thrown weapon hits, the
Archery > Slinger: You gain a +3 bonus to attacks with target takes the weapon's damage and has disadvantage
simple ranged weapons and seed shooters. All other on the ranged attack. You may only do this if your
ranged weapons do not gain any bonus. weapon has the thrown property.
Archery: > Sleep Shot: As an action, you can take a
moment to create and coat up to 3 of your ranged
weapons in a natural sedative meant not to kill, but to
Trained Fighter
render targets unconscious. Targets hit by your ranged
At 3rd level, you gain access to unique combative
weapons must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
techniques exclusive to you. Choose one of the following
or be poisoned for the duration, taking 1d4 poison
damage for 1 minute every 6 seconds. If a target is
■ Armor Breaker. Your tenacity can wear down the
reduced to 0 hit points by this poison, they are rendered
most potent foes. When you hit a creature with a
unconscious for a number of minutes equal to 10 - the
weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8
target's Constitution modifier, after which they awake with
damage if it’s below its hit point maximum. You can
their hit points restored by the number of minutes they
deal this extra damage only once per turn.
were unconscious. Creatures immune to poison damage
■ Hinox Feller. When a Large or larger creature within
or that are immune to being unconscious do not suffer
5 feet of you hits or misses you with an attack, you
this effect.
can use your reaction to attack that creature
Improvised Fighter > Natural Fighter: If your
immediately after its attack, provided that you can
improvised weapon is of natural origin (Such as a stick or
see the creature.
a rock, magical or not), you do not need to change
■ Bokoblin Breaker. Once on each of your turns
weapons each round to gain the +2 bonus. You must
when you make a weapon attack, you can make
change the weapon at the beginning of a new combat
another attack with the same weapon against a
encounter to keep this benefit, however.
different creature that is within 5 feet of the original
Reactive Defense > Reactive Protection: Instead of
target and within range of your weapon.
protecting yourself, you may use your reactive defense
(Spending the necessary stamina points) to protect an
ally, adding half your proficiency rounded down to their Trained Warrior
AC. You cannot protect yourself with this technique.
Opportunity Attacking: > Stilling Strike: Instead of At 7th level, you gain one of the following features of your
dealing damage, you instead deal a sudden whack to the choice.
opponent, catching them off-guard. If the attack lands, ■ Slow Start. When a creature hits you with an
the opponent must make a DC 10 + your Strength attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against all
modifier Wisdom save or be stunned until the end of their subsequent attacks made by that creature for the
next turn. If the target is unaligned or any alignment that rest of the turn.
is not evil, they must make a Charisma save of the same ■ Fear Fighter. You have advantage on saving
DC. If they fail, they lose all desire to fight unless they are throws against being frightened.
■ Evasive Enigma. Opportunity attacks against you
are made with disadvantage. Trained Duelist
At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of
Multi-Combatant your choice.
■ Stop the Clock. When you are subjected to an
At 7th level, you learn another fighting style available to effect, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or a
your class. You also gain an associated style sync lightning bolt spell, that allows you to make a
available to your subclass. Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
you instead take no damage if you succeed on a
Trained Attacker saving throw, and only half damage if you fail
■ Deceptive Dodge. When a hostile creature
At 11th level, you gain one of the following features of misses you with a melee attack, you can use
your choice. your reaction to force that creature to repeat the
■ Flurry Rush. You can attack 3 times, instead of same attack against another creature (other
twice, when you take the attack action. than itself) of your choice.
■ Swift Quiver. You can use your action to make a ■ Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you
ranged attack against any number of creatures can see hits you with an attack, you can use
within 10 feet of a point you can see within your your reaction to halve the attack’s damage
weapon’s range. You must have ammunition for against you.
each target, as normal, and you make a separate
attack roll for each target Trained Killer
■ Tornado Spin Attack. You can use your action to
make two melee attacks against any number of At 17th level, you have learned how to make your attacks
creatures within 5 feet of you, with separate attack hurt. Choose one of the following effects:
rolls for each target. ■ Rip Them Apart. When making a melee attack roll
against your Favored Foe, you may choose to focus
Trained Fairies all of your attention on them. Choose one Favored
Foe that you can see. For 1 minute, you have
At 11th level, your fairies have started to catch on to your advantage on all melee attack rolls against the
training, and have developed unique abilities of their own. target, and if they have a feature that prevents
■ No Retreat. Your Fairy of Navigation can now attack opportunity attacks, it is ignored. However, you have
enemies at a distance. When taking the Attack disadvantage on attack rolls on any other creature,
action, your fairy can attack a creature up to 60 ft. and attack rolls made by any other creature against
away. Make a melee attack roll, using either your you (other than those made by your target) are made
Strength or Dexterity + proficiency bonus to hit. On a with advantage.
hit, the target takes 1d6 + proficiency bonus magical ■ Judgment. When making a ranged attack against
bludgeoning damage, and begins glowing. The your Favored Foe, you can blast away your foes in a
target cannot gain the effects of being invisible or heartbeat. When making a ranged attack roll, you
hidden, and cannot gain the benefits of attacking a may instead choose to use 5 pieces of ammunition
creature with the surprised condition. and all of your attack rolls to attack any number of
■ Never Surrender. Your Fairy of Life can keep your Favored Foes in a 15 ft. radius. You make the attack
allies from harm even longer. When an ally is roll once. On a hit, each target takes your attack's
reduced to 0 hit points without being killed outright damage as if targeted by a single attack.
(Including you), your fairy may use its reaction to
bolster what little life remains within them. The Trained Mercenary
creature gains the ability to use one action, bonus
action or reaction, and then is incapacitated. In At 20th level, you are a swiss-army knife of a warrior. You
addition, creatures that have been affected by this gain all fighting styles available to your class, all style
feature have advantage on the first death saving syncs available to your subclass, and all choices for each
throw they make for 1 minute. Mercenary class feature (For example, for Trained Killer
you would gain both Rip Them Apart and Judgement). All
restrictions for style syncs (such as losing climb/swim
speed) are ignored.
Sylvan Style Sync
One thing hunters are often known for is their unique At 2nd level, your chosen fighting style changes to better
habit of drawing Fairies to their aid. Shamans often call fit your role. Your fighting style changes in the following
upon them for guidance, Slayers and Mercenaries use ways:
them for combative purposes and Tricksters use them for Reactive Defense > Otherworldly Protection: You may
fun. However, no Hunter utilizes their Fairies quite like use your reaction and 2 stamina points to protect yourself
Sylvans. Often confused with Fairy Scions, a Sylvan is a or an ally, adding half of one of your Sylvan Dice rounded
hunter who has been gifted power by, and devoted down to their AC. You do not roll this die, you treat it as if
themselves to their Fairy companion, unlike Fairy Scions the die had rolled the maximum number.
who have been chosen by a Great Fairy. Sylvans often Exploration > Wild Mind: You gain proficiency in two extra
spend their entire lives relying on the guidance of their skills of your choice from Animal Handling, Medicine,
Fairy Guides, and can even become part Fairy Nature, Stealth, and Survival, but you lose your climb and
themselves. However, this dependance often comes at swim speed.
the cost of themselves should their Fairies leave them or Exploration > Adaptive Exploration: No matter what
perish, and there's nothing quite as dangerous as an form you take, you have a climbing speed and a
angry Sylvan without a Fairy to hold them back. swimming speed equal to your walk speed. You do not
gain any extra skill proficiencies, however.
Sylvan Dice Wild Spellsword > Sylvan Spellcaster: In addition to
your chosen cantrips, you gain 5 1st level spells from the
Fairy Scion Spell List spell list, using stamina points as
At 2nd level, an unknown being has given you a reservoir
magic points. As you gain levels in this subclass, you
of powerful magic. You gain a number of d4 equal to your
may increase your learned spell's levels as if you were a
Sylvan level.
Fairy Scion (2nd spell level max at 5th level, 3rd spell
As an action, you may spend 1 stamina point to grant a
level max at 10th level, etc.). You may change your
creature within 10 ft (including you) temporary hit, magic
chosen spells on a long rest or a level up, but the number
or stamina points equal to one roll of your Sylvan Die.
of spells gained from this feature can never be more or
These dice increase in step as you level up. The
less than 5. Your casting modifier is Wisdom
progression of these dice can be found in the Sylvan Die
Wild Spellsword > Druidic Spellsword: In addition to
your chosen cantrips, you gain 5 1st level spells from the
Sylvan Die Forest Sage Spell List, using stamina points as magic
Level Sylvan Die points. As you gain levels in this subclass, you may
2nd d4 increase your learned spell's levels as if you were a
3rd d4 Forest Sage (2nd spell level max at 3rd level, 3rd spell
4th d4 level max at 5th level, etc.). You may change your
chosen spells on a long rest or a level up, but the number
5th d6
of spells gained from this feature can never be more or
6th d6
less than 5. Your casting modifier is Wisdom.
7th d6
Fey Battlemind
8th d6
9th d8
10th d8
At 3rd level, your mind has been honed by otherworldly
11th d8 magic. Whenever you are forced to make a saving throw
12th d8 to avoid being charmed or frightened, you may use your
13th d10 reaction and 2 stamina points to add one roll of your
14th d10 Sylvan Dice to your saving throw.
15th d10 In addition, whenever you or a friendly creature you can
16th d10 see forces another creature to make a saving throw to
17th d12
avoid being charmed or frightened, you may add one roll
of your Sylvan Dice to the DC of the saving throw.
18th d12
19th d12
20th d12
Fairy Warp Invisible Sylvan
Starting at 7th level, your Fairy Guide has revealed At 17th level, the effects of Draw Distance halve in range,
themselves to you, and can help protect you from harm. from 30 ft. to 15 ft., and 60 ft. to 30 ft. respectively. You
When you take damage, you may use your reaction and may also turn invisible by spending 5 stamina points.
3 stamina points to cast misty step, turning invisible upon
arriving at your destination.
In addition, you may teleport to your fairy's location as an
Spring in your Sylvan Step
action, spending 3 stamina points to teleport in this way.
At 17th level, your fairies have given you the ability to
recover faster than natural. Any feature or feat that
Lock-On requires a short or long rest can now be recharged. As
an action you may spend one use of and roll one of your
At 7th level, your fairy has gained the ability to "Lock-on" Sylvan Dice. You may use one feature or feat that
to, or "Z-Target" an enemy. As an action, you may spend requires a short rest upon rolling 6 or higher, and you
3 stamina points to target one creature or object you can may use a feature or feat that requires a long rest on an
see within range. The target must make a Dexterity 11 or higher.
saving throw (DC = 8 + maximum rolled on your Sylvan
Dice). If your target is your Favored Foe, they have
disadvantage on this save. On a fail, your fairy clings to
Imperceptible Sylvan
the target, and cannot be targeted by any of the
At 20th level, your fairy guardians have become your
affected's attacks. For 1 minute, you may cast identify if
family, and they consider you one of them. You gain Fey
the target is an object, or instantly identify the target's
as an additional creature type, and cannot be targeted by
resistances, immunities and weaknesses (if it has any) if
specific spells that target specific creature types (Such as
it is a creature.
hold person).
In addition, when a creature is targeted in this way, you
In addition, you cannot be charmed or frightened, cannot
may add one roll of your Sylvan Dice to the damage of
be targeted by divination spells and, when invisible,
one attack. When this is done, the fairy's Lock-On ends.
cannot be seen by blindsight, truesight or tremorsense.
The Fairy that has Locked-On to a target cannot move
unless it stops locking on to a target. At 10th level, you
may target a second creature with this effect using your
other fairy.
Draw Distance
At 11th level thanks to your fey guides, creatures have a
hard time identifying you from a distance. If you are more
than 30 ft. away from a non friendly creature, they have
disadvantage on all Perception and Investigation checks
to identify or notice you. If you are more than 60 ft. away,
they take a -10 penalty to Perception and Investigation
checks to notice you. These effects stack with each other
and Hunter's Hiding Place. If you are spotted, you appear
translucent to creatures who can see you.
Fey Greatmind
At 15th level, your fey magic has permeated to others
around you. You can use the effects of Fey Battlemind's
bonus to saving throws to aid creatures other than
Some rely on brute force, on endless study, or mere faith. Not an opportunist. No, one such as this thinks on their
feet. A combination of cunning, tact, talent, and agility are where this one excels. The exact talents of any given
opportunist vary wildly from one to another. While some are akin to thieves and assassins, others are performers and
As its title might imply, an opportunist excels more than any other at recognizing and seizing a prime opportunity
others might miss - whether that's on the field of battle, the alley of a town, or the chambers of a king.
Level Features Stamina Points
1st +2 Cunning Action, Talent 0
2nd +2 Sneakstrike, Stamina Meter Dexterity mod
3rd +2 Opportunist Subclass Feature +1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +2
5th +3 Battle Reflex, Uncanny Dodge +3
6th +3 Extra Talent +4
7th +3 Opportunist Subclass Feature +5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +6
9th +4 Evasion +7
10th +4 Reliable Skill +8
11th +4 Opportunist Subclass Feature +9
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +10
13th +5 Blindsight +11
14th +5 Opportunist Subclass Feature +12
15th +5 Elusive +13
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +14
17th +6 Opportunist Subclass Feature +15
18th +6 Supreme Luck +16
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +17
20th +6 Opportunist Subclass Feature +18
Opportunist 4.
thieves' tools.
For your skill proficiencies granted by this class,
choose Perception and Stealth. If your Intelligence is
Quick Build high enough, also choose Deception, Persuasion,
and Investigation.
You can make an opportunist quickly by following these
5. For your Talent choose Jack of All Trades.
1. Dexterity should be your highest ability score. Your
next-highest should be Intelligence if you want to
wield numerous skills or intend to take the Garo
Class Features
subclass, or Wisdom if you want to excel at As an Opportunist you gain the following class features.
Perception or intend to take the mystic nomad
subclass, or Charisma if you want to excel at social
Hit Points
interaction or intend to take the picaroon subclass.
2. Choose the Charlatan background. Hit Dice: 1d8 per Opportunist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Con mod Expertise: Choose one skill, or two tools, in which you
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Con mod per are proficient. You gain expertise in the skill or tools you
Opportunist level after 1st choose. You can gain this Talent multiple times, but
cannot gain expertise in a skill or tool more than once.
Proficiencies Jack of All Trades: You add a +1 bonus to any ability
check you make that doesn’t already include your
Armor: Light armor
proficiency bonus, nor any bonus other than your ability
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, nets, modifier.
rapiers, scimitars, shortswords, whips
Martial Artist: You have mastered the esoteric art of
Tools: Either three musical instruments of your choice, or fighting unarmed. You gain the following benefits:
any professional tool of your choice ■ You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma your unarmed strike. This kind of unarmed strike is
considered a light weapon for the purpose of
Skills: You are proficient in your choice of any two skills.
two-weapon fighting.
■ You can substitute your Dexterity modifier for your
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 11, you Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls with
gain proficiency in one more skill, for a total of three. unarmed strikes.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 15, you ■ When you hit a creature with a melee unarmed strike
gain proficiency in one more skill, for a total of four. on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 19, you to grapple the target.
gain proficiency in one more skill, for a total of five. ■ When you are unarmed and both of your hands are
In place of gaining proficiency in a skill, you can instead free, you add a +1 bonus to your AC.
gain proficiency in any one tool or vehicle of your choice. Song of Healing: You can use soothing music or oration
to help revitalize your wounded allies during a Short
Equipment Rest. If you or any friendly Creatures who can hear your
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Performance regain Hit Points by spending Hit Dice at
equipment granted by your background: the end of the Short Rest, each of those Creatures
⦁ (a) a rapier or (b) a shortsword or (c) any simple regains an extra 1d6 Hit Points. The extra Hit Points
weapon increase when you reach certain levels in this class: to
1d8 at 9th level, to 1d10 at 13th level, and to 1d12 at
⦁ (a) shortbow and 20 arrows or (b) a shortsword
17th level.
⦁ leather armor, two daggers, and a tool in which you Spellcasting Apprentice: Your stamina point maximum
are proficient increases by 2. Choose a class and subclass from
⦁ a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 researcher or sage. You learn two cantrips of your choice
torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, and 50 feet of from that subclass's spell list. In addition, choose one
hemp rope 1st-level spell from that same list. You learn that spell and
Alternatively, your DM may allow you to choose your can cast it at its lowest level by expending 2 stamina
own starting equipment using 1,000 (4d4 x 100) rupees. points. Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends
If you choose this option, you forgo the equipment on the class you chose: Intelligence for researcher, or
granted by your background. Wisdom for sage.
Weapon Training: You gain proficiency with all martial
Cunning Action weapons, and with shields (but not heavy shields).
You can use quick thinking and agility to take a bonus Sneakstrike
action on each of your turns in combat. This bonus action
can only be used to Dash, Disengage, or Hide. Starting at 2nd level, you can put your cunning to expert
use in battle by striking your foes' weakest spots. Once
Talent per turn you can make a Sneakstrike when you hit with a
called shot, hit when you have advantage on your
Due to training or natural talent, you are unusually skilled weapon attack roll, or hit a surprised creature with a
in a particular area. At 1st level, you gain your choice of weapon attack.
one of the Talents below. Unless stated otherwise, you When you hit with a Sneakstrike, your attack inflicts an
can never gain the same Talent more than once. extra amount of damage equal to your levels in this class.
The subclass you gain at 3rd level may improve your
Sneakstrike. Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
Stamina Meter and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
At 2nd level, you gain a number of stamina points equal your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability
to your Dexterity modifier (minimum 0). If your Dexterity score above 20 using this feature.
modifier later increases, so does your number of stamina If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can
points. replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify.
At 3rd level and every level you gain in this class, you
gain 1 additional stamina point. You can expend your
stamina points to perform a Called Shot, or other class Battle Reflex
features. Normally all of your stamina points are
Starting from 5th level, you add both your Dexterity
replenished when you complete a short or long rest.
modifier and Wisdom modifier to your initiative rolls.
Called Shot
Whenever you make a weapon attack, but before you
make the attack roll, you can expend 2 stamina points to Uncanny Dodge
make it a called shot. If the weapon attack hits, it inflicts
the maximum amount of damage for its damage dice. Starting at 5th level, when an attacker that you can see
(For example, a weapon die of 1d8 would inflict 8 hits you with an attack, you can expend 1 stamina point
damage without rolling.) The extra damage dice from any to use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against
critical hit, magic weapon, or class feature are also you.
Your DM may allow alternate effects for a called shot.
Extra Talent
Opportunist Subclass At 6th level, you can choose another Talent that was
available to you at 1st level. You can also choose to
At 3rd level, you choose a subclass that you exercise in instead gain one of the following Talents:
your opportunist abilities. The subclass you choose King of All Trades: You can only gain this Talent if you
grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, have already gained the Jack of All Trades Talent. The
14th, 17th, and 20th level. bonus from Jack of All Trades increases to +2.
Each subclass is summarized immediately below, and Acrobat: You can use your Dexterity and Acrobatics
covered in more detail later on this page. instead when making checks to climb, jump or grapple.
■ An assassin specializes in delivering a devastating,
killing blow to an unsuspecting foe.
■ A Garo practices an art that specializes in accenting
the cunning and agility of an opportunist with Beginning at 9th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the
evocation and illusion magic. way of certain area effects, such as a monster's fiery
■ A mystic nomad specializes in unarmed combat and breath or a lightning bolt spell. When you are subjected
mobility, and employs a variety of flashy spells to to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving
accomplish its goals. throw to take only half damage, you instead take no
■ A skirmisher focuses on scouting out terrain, and damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half
working with allies to achieve the upper hand in damage if you fail.
■ An instrumentalist specializes in creating inspiring
performances with instruments that inspire allies. Reliable Skill
■ A picaroon specializes in goading an enemy into
letting their guard down, and in retaliating against By 10th level, you have refined your chosen skills until
foes that give them an opening. they approach perfection. Whenever you make an ability
check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can
treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Blindsight Infiltration
At 13th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 10 Starting at 7th level, you become a master of getting
feet. As long as you can hear, you can perceive any where you aren't meant to be. You gain the following
creature within this range even if it is hidden or invisible, benefits:
and your inability to see it doesn’t impose disadvantage ■ You have advantage on any Charisma check made
on your attack rolls against it. to convince a creature you are someone other than
who you are, or have credentials you do not.
Elusive ■ You gain a climb speed equal to your base walking
■ On your first turn in any combat, you can Hide as a
Starting at 15th level, no attack roll can have advantage
against you while you aren't incapacitated.
Mystic Nomad the mystic nomad, and gain the following benefits:
■ You gain the Martial Artist Talent. If you already have
this Talent, you gain another of your choice.
The mystic nomad excels at an uncanny form of
■ You can treat darts you throw as though they were
deception, exploration, and combat that is said to
light melee weapons for the purpose of two-weapon
originate from Sheikah. It revolves around mastery of
oneself and one's instincts. The most legendary of
■ You can draw or sheathe darts or any light weapons
nomads can even unleash supernatural stunts using only
on your person without using your interaction for the
this instinctive power drawn from within; and can even
cast spells without consuming magical energy or other
Mystic Nomad Unarmored Defence
Level Fast Movement Mystic Arts Beginning at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor
and not wielding a shield, you can choose for your AC to
3rd 10ft —
equal 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom
4th 10ft — modifier.
5th 10ft —
6th 10ft —
7th 10ft 2 Mystic Arts
8th 10ft 2
9th 10ft 2 At 7th level, you begin to master the supernatural arts
10th 10ft 2 characteristic of legendary mystic nomads. You learn two
mystic arts from the following list, and two more at 14th
11th 20ft 2*
level. At 11th and 17th levels, you can replace one art
12th 20ft 2 you know with a new one.
13th 20ft 2 You can use any mystic art you have learned as an
14th 20ft 4 action. Using any mystic art is considered to be the
15th 20ft 4 equivalent of casting a spell of 1st level with a somatic
16th 20ft 4 component, thereby requiring you to have one hand free
to use it. (This remains true even if the art mimics a spell
17th 30ft 4*
of higher level, or one with additional components.) As it
18th 30ft 4
is a spell equivalent, your art may be affected by effects
19th 30ft 4 like counterspell, and any damage from a mystic art is
20th 30ft 4 considered magical.
Some mystic arts call for a saving throw. The DC for this
One creature you can detect within 20 feet of you must
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it takes 7
Slow Fall
Grenade (2d6) force damage and is pulled up to 20 feet straight
Beginning at 11th level, you can use your reaction when
towards you.
you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an
You cast minor illusion, or expend 2 stamina points to
Illusion Magic amount equal to five times your opportunist level.
cast silent image.
Mask of Truth
You expend 2 stamina points to cast comprehend Mystic Mastery
languages or speak with animals.
With one action, you cast longstrider and jump on At 20th level, you can use your bonus action to:
yourself or a creature you can touch. You do not need to ■ Expend 5 stamina points to use a Mystic Art you
Mobility concentrate to maintain this effect, but if you use this know.
art on another creature, the effect ends on the ■ Expend 2 stamina points to make an attack with a
previously affected creature. light weapon, unarmed strike, or dart.
You make three ranged weapon attacks with darts, and
Needle Storm
cannot use a bonus action on the turn you use this art.
Once you use this art, you must use an action
specifically to "recharge" it before it can be used again.
While some opportunists focus on deception or the
supernatural, nothing speaks to the skirmisher like the
You cast nondetection. When you cast nondetection
Nondetection field of combat. Although a skirmisher possesses all the
again with this art, the previous instance of it ends.
cunning of other opportunists, it is focused largely on
felling foes in a direct and swift manner devoid of fancy
You cast shield of faith on yourself or one creature you parlor tricks. While some opportunists are busy sneaking
Shield of Faith
can touch.
around, and warriors of valor are shouting their silly battle
cries, your arrow has already pierced your enemy's
throat—and to a skirmisher, that's all that matters. Combatant’s Legacy
At 17th level, you may choose one Tunic Technique from
Flanking Sneakstrike the Hylian Fighter Tunic subclass.
Willful Fortitude
Instrumental Inspiration
At 14th level, you gain proficiency in your choice of either
Constitution saving throws or Wisdom saving throws. At 3rd level, as a bonus action, choose a creature within
60 feet that can hear you play a musical instrument. They
gain a d6 Inspiration Die that may be expended once on
Extra Strike any one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes
within the next 10 minutes. The creature can wait until
Beginning at 17th level, you can use your Sneakstrike after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the
feature up to twice on each of your turns. Instrumental Inspiration Die, but must decide before the
DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the
Instrumental Inspiration Die is rolled, it is lost. A creature ■ Song of Power: When a target expends an
can have only one Instrumental Inspiration Die at a time. Inspiration Die on an attack roll, the Inspiration Die
An Instrumentalist may use this feature a number of may be rolled and added to all of the attack and all
times equal to their Dexterity modifier (a minimum of damage rolls they make against all targets until the
once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a start of their next turn.
long rest. ■ Song of Courage: When a creature adds one of
Your Instrumental Inspiration Die changes when you your instrumentalist dice to a roll, they gain
reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 temporary hit points equal to the roll of their
at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. Inspiration Die plus your proficiency bonus.
■ Song of Wisdom: When a creature adds one of
Font of Inspiration your instrumentalist dice to a save, skill, or attack roll
that they were not proficient in, the creature adds
your proficiency bonus to their roll.
At 7th level, you may regain all uses of Instrumentalist
Inspiration when you finish a short rest or long rest.
Operatic Performance
Instrumentalist Talent At 17th level, when another creature successfully
expends a use of Instrumentalist Inspiration within 60 feet
At 7th level, you may select one Instrumentalist Talent of
of you, you may inspire another creature within 60 feet of
your choice:
you without expending a use.
■ Song of Power: When your Instrumentalist
You may use this reaction a number of times equal to
Inspiration is expended on an attack roll, the
your Dexterity modifier (minimum once), and you regain
Inspiration Die may be rolled again and applied to
all uses on a long rest.
the attack’s damage roll. If the attack targets multiple
creatures, the bonus may only be applied to one
target Superior Inspiration
■ Song of Courage: When a creature adds one of
your Instrumentalist Inspiration dice to its ability At 20th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of
check, attack roll, or saving throw and the roll fails, Instrumentalist Inspiration left, you regain one use.
the creature does not expend the Instrumentalist
Inspiration Die.
■ Song of Wisdom: When a creature gains
Instrumentalist Inspiration from you, immediately roll
Some rats take to the streets, but you prefer the sea. A
the Inspiration Die. The Instrumentalist Die may be
Picaroon pilfers and plunders their way through life, using
expended normally using the number rolled when
tenacity and vulgar tricks to overwhelm their foes. As
the Inspiration Die was gained.
varied as their destinations, they range from lowly
stowaways to the captains of legend… yet it would be a
Peerless Skill mistake to underestimate either. Though the ocean calls
to their heart, their tongue and blade are just as sharp on
At 11th level, when you make an ability check, you can land, making these brash pirates a force to be reckoned
expend one use of Instrumentalist Inspiration. Roll an with.
Instrumentalist Inspiration die and add the number rolled
to your ability check. You can choose to do so after you
roll the die for the ability check, but before the GM tells
Bonus Proficiencies
you whether you succeed or fail.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with navigator’s tools
and water vehicles. If you are already proficient with
Greater Instrumentalist either, you can instead gain proficiency with the fishing
tackle or any one artisan tool of your choice.
Talent If you do not already have a swim speed, you gain a
swim speed equal to your base walking speed.
At 14th level, your Instrumentalist Talent feature gains an
additional benefit:
Seadog’s Strike Sailor’s Mouth
Starting from 3rd level, the extra damage from your At 11th level, your choice vocabulary helps you get under
Sneakstrike feature becomes equal to your Charisma an opponent’s skin. As an action, you can make an
modifier + your levels in this class. Intimidation check contested by a creature's Insight
You can perform a Sneakstrike against a target if you are check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the
within 5 feet of it, no other creatures are within 5 feet of two of you must share a language.
you, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. If you succeed on the check and the creature is hostile to
you, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets
Distraction other than you and can't make opportunity attacks
against targets other than you. This effect lasts for 1
minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or
At 3rd level, you know how to stand out amongst your
affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more
contemporaries, able to capture an opponent’s attention
than 60 feet apart.
and blind them to their surroundings. As long as you’re
If you succeed and the creature isn’t hostile, it either
within a creature’s line of sight, you can use your action
becomes such or leaves the vicinity. If it’s physically
to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8
unable to do either, any Persuasion roll you make during
+ your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a
a prolonged interaction with it is done at disadvantage.
failure, the creature moves toward you on their turn.
The target must have a straight path to you. If an object,
hazard, or creature directly obstructs the path, it will Pirate’s Charm
begin to march toward you, but will stop once it’s within
five feet of the obstacle. If no such barrier stands in its At 14th level, you learn how to create a pirate’s charm via
way, it will head as far as it can using its base movement a mysterious ritual. Used by picaroons to relay
speed. This movement may provoke opportunity attacks instructions and secret messages, these unassuming
from your allies (or from other creatures hostile to it), but baubles can prove deadly weapons in their own right.
not from you. Though the exact specifics of the ritual vary from captain
If it makes a weapon or spell attack against you before to captain, most allege that their practice originated in
reaching an adjacent space, the effect ends immediately magic stolen from Hyrule’s royal family. Few believe this
and it can move freely from thereon out. Otherwise, it ludicrous story, but none can deny these talismans’
ends when the creature reaches you or expends all its power.
available movement. After using this feature on it once, If you possess proficiency in an artisan tool, you can use
the affected enemy becomes immune to it for the it to craft your pirate’s charm. If you do not, you may
remainder of the battle. instead spend 100 rupees to have a small trinket crafted
for you. The process takes up to a day either way. Once
Flurry Rush finished, you acquire the item and the following benefits:
■ If another holds the charm, the two of you can speak
telepathically as if casting message.
Beginning at 7th level, whenever an opponent takes the
■ Once per long rest, you may contact the charm's
Attack action against you and fails to hit, you can use
holder as if casting sending. You may also use this
your reaction to expend 1 stamina point and make an
feature to project your voice through the charm, in
opportunity attack against them. You must be within 5
which case it needn't have an active carrier. If your
feet of your target to do this. You don't add your
message is spoken aloud, anyone who overhears it
proficiency bonus to the roll for this attack.
may respond, though they share a collective 25
At 14th level, you can spend 2 extra points of stamina to
words amongst each other and must speak into the
make 1 extra opportunity attack within the same reaction.
charm. Unless you desire it, they are not guaranteed
At 20th level, you may once more spend 2 additional
to recognize you as the sender.
points for another attack, making up to a total of 3 strikes.
■ If another holds the charm and you choose to speak
Until 20th level, any use of flurry rush will take your
aloud, you can use your distraction or sailor’s mouth
reaction for the turn, so you may only use it against one
feature through it. For distraction, do not apply your
enemy per round.
proficiency bonus to the DC of the saving throw; for
sailor’s mouth, make your Intimidation roll at
disadvantage. If you are successful then the hostile
is affected as though the charm’s holder was the one
who used the feature.
You may only have one pirate’s charm at a time. If you
create or acquire another, the previous one becomes an
ordinary object.
Wind Warrior
Starting at 17th level, you have mastered moving with the
flow of the wind. Coordinating your strikes with it, you’ve
found that even a simple breeze can guide your blade
back to its mark, rendering a wayward hail of blows as
precise as any single stroke. You now apply your
proficiency bonus to opportunity attacks made with flurry
Red Lion
Once you’ve reached 20th level, you rule the battlefield
as you rule the seas. Any opportunity attacks made with
flurry rush no longer count towards your reaction for the
turn. This enables you to split them across multiple
enemies. You are still limited to 3 total opportunity attacks
per round, though if the normal requirements are met,
you may make a standard opportunity attack in addition
as your reaction for the turn.
In Hyrule, a researcher delves into ancient tomes, libraries, ruins, and more in the search for arcane knowledge. Most
often a researcher's effort comes to fruition in the study and practice of a wide variety of magic. Unlike a sage or
scion who is gifted their supernatural powers, a researcher proactively learns, studies, and practices the esoteric art
of spellcasting.
In proper society, most researchers are considered oddballs at best and villains at worst. Their unusual practices and
oddly inquisitive nature is often off-putting to common folk, but those aware of their supernatural powers have good
reason to fear them
Proficiency Cantrips Spells Max Spell
Level Features Spell Level MP Cost
Bonus Known Known Level
1st +2 Spellcasting, Wise Defense 2 2 1st 1st 2
2nd +2 School of Research 3 6 1st 2nd 3
3rd +2 — 3 7 2nd 3rd 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Studied Skill 4 9 2nd 4th 6
5th +3 — 4 10 3rd 5th 7
6th +3 School Feature 4 12 3rd 6th 9
7th +3 — 4 13 4th 7th 10
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Magic Sense 4 15 4th 8th 11
9th +4 — 5 16 5th 9th 12
10th +4 School Feature 5 18 5th
11th +4 — 5 19 6th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 21 6th
13th +5 — 5 22 7th
14th +5 School Feature 5 24 7th
15th +5 — 5 25 8th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Spell Resistance 5 27 8th
17th +6 — 5 28 9th
18th +6 School Feature 5 30 9th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 31 9th
20th +6 School Feature 5 33 9th
When you reach 2nd level, you choose a school of Spell Resistance
research that represents the area of study, or the type of
magic, upon which you focus your efforts the most. Your At 16th level, your talent and practice with spells enables
choice greatly expands your spell list, allowing you to you to resist them with enviable ease. You have
learn from a wider variety of spells than before. Your advantage on saving throws against spells, and
choice also grants you features at 2nd level and again at resistance to damage from spells which do not afford you
6th, 10th, 14th, 18th, and 20th levels. a saving throw.
■ An Occultist Uses forbidden knowledge and mutated
magic to uncover the secrets of the universe.
■ A technomancer focuses on enhancing weapons
and armor with ancient magic, and wields spells that
Being an Occultist is your vocation, lifestyle and religion
focus more on empowering allies.
all in one. Though many deities are magical in nature,
■ A witch wields versatile spells that manipulate allies
most worshipers are content to simply pray and watch
and foes alike, and has relative mastery over flight,
their wonders as the world turns. Not so for the Occultist;
poisons, and potions.
you peek behind the curtain of the powers of these
■ A wizzrobe specializes in destructive magic and
deities and magics to gain such abilities for yourself.
manipulating elements of nature.
Through use of magical artifacts, years of research or
even divine assistance, you've gained a unique and
Ability Score Increase volatile magical skill set that all those against the profane
will fear.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability Level Magic points Occult Mutations
score above 20 using this feature.
1st Intelligence mod —
If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can
2nd +4 2
replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify.
3rd +8 2
Occult Proficiencies
feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond
You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual.
At 2nd level, your studies of hidden lore have granted The spell doesn't count against your number of spells
you access to a unique cantrip available only to known.
occultists: eldritch blast. This cantrip does not count Occult
When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal
against your cantrips known. forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms:
Follower keese, kodongo, seeker entity, or fairy.
In addition, you gain proficiency with light armor, all
Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo
simple weapons and one martial melee weapon of your one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to use its
choice. reaction to make one attack of its own.
You also gain proficiency in Investigation, as well as one Your notes on the arcane have taken on their arcane
language of your choice from Old Common, Twili, Minish properties. Choose three cantrips from any class's spell list
or Subrosian. If you were already proficient in to write down in your notes. While these notes are on your
person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They are
Investigation, you can instead gain proficiency in another
considered Occultist spells for you, and they needn't be from
skill available to researchers at 1st level. Codex the same spell list. They don't count against your number of
Diabolica cantrips known.
Occult Mutation If you lose these notes, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony
to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony
can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys
At 2nd level, you gain access to the hidden, old ways of the previous notes. Your notes turn to ash when you die.
Occult Mutations, profane magical tweaks that result in You have discovered an amulet, an ancient talisman that
more volatile, more dangerous and more powerful can aid the wearer when the need is great. This amulet can
magics. You gain multiple Occult Mutations the more be used as a spellcasting focus, and when the wearer fails an
ability check, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially
occult knowledge you gain, but as of this level you only
turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used a
may gain two. You may change your chosen mutations Occult number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all
on every level gained. Emblem expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.
You gain access to stronger mutations at 6th, 10th, 14th If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony
and 18th level. You gain a new mutation at 5th, 7th, 9th, to consult your notes on the object to create a replacement.
12th, 15th and 18th level. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest,
and it destroys the previous amulet. The talisman turns to
ash when you die.
You may cast hex at will, at the highest level you can cast it a
Mystic Curse number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You
regain these uses back after a short rest.
Eldritch Blast Mutations Midnight Bliss
Agonizing When you cast Eldritch Blast, add your Intelligence modifier Prerequisite: 10th lv, When you hit a creature with your occult weapon, the
Twilight Realm or Great creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your
Blast to the damage it deals on a hit. Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Calamity Occult Subject,
Eldritch Blade of Sacrifice Mutation
When you cast Eldritch Blast, its range is 300 feet.
Spear You can create a greatsword using your Pact of the Blade
feature. If you have the Twilight Realm Occult Subject, this
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with
Eldritch greatsword resembles a Scimitar of Twilight. If you have
your Eldritch Blast, you can move that creature in a straight the Great Calamity Occult Subject, the greatsword
Hook line 10 feet closer to yourself. resembles Ganon's Sword (Though you may change its
appearance as you wish). Any attack roll you make with
Eldritch When you hit a creature with Eldritch Blast, you can push
this weapon is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20,
Bellows the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line and curses a target on a hit for 1 minute, giving them
Instead of using a standard Eldritch Blast, you can Black Blade of Sacrifice disadvantage on one saving throw of your choice. You may
concentrate all that magic into a single beam of Eldritch only curse a target once per combat.
Prerequisite: 14th lv,
Force. The Eldritch Force is a line that is 5 feet wide and 50 Twilight Realm or Great If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to
Eldritch feet (+10 feet per beam, to a maximum of 150 feet) long and Calamity Occult Subject, your Occultist level + your Intelligence modifier (minimum
Force deals force damage to everything in its path. Blade of Sacrifice Mutation of 1 hit point). If you reduce a target to 0 hit points with
this sword, you can immediately change the target of the
Prerequisite: A creature in the path of the beam must make a curse to a different creature. This change doesn’t extend
10th lv Constitution saving throw to resist, or the beam deals 1d10 the curse’s duration.
force damage for every beam your Eldritch Blast can make When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend
at your level. This beam gains the benefits of other a number of magic points to deal an additional 1d8
mutations. slashing damage to the target per spell level, and you can
reduce the creature’s speed to 0 feet until the end of your
When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to form an next turn.
explosive sphere instead of a beam. When you cast the
cantrip in this way, the blast flashes from your finger to a Occult Follower Mutations
Eldritch point in range that you can see. At that point, it takes the When you cast Find Familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar
Bomb form of a 20-foot diameter, spherical, explosion of force. with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the creature the
Creatures in this sphere must make a Dexterity saving following benefits:
14th lv throw, taking 1d10 force damage for each beam of eldritch The familiar gains either a flying speed or a swimming speed (your
blast that you are able to cast on a success and half as much choice) of 40 feet.
on a failure. This attack gains the benefit of other Occult Guide As a bonus action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack
mutations. action.
Prerequisite: 6th lv,
Occult Follower The familiar’s weapon attacks are considered magical for the
Advanced Mutations Mutation purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to non magical
These Mutations expand further on General Mutations. attacks.
Blade of Sacrifice Mutations If the familiar forces a creature to make a saving throw, it uses your
spell save DC.
Eldritch Arms You may use your Blade of Sacrifice as a
When the familiar takes damage, you can use your reaction to
spellcasting focus for your attacks. In addition, you grant it resistance against that damage.
Prerequisite: 6th lv, gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with your
Blade of Sacrifice Blade of Sacrifice. This increases to +2 at 10th level Divine
Mutation and +3 at 14th level. Benevolence
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is within 100
Spastic Shield As an action, you can touch a suit of armor that isn’t Golden Goddesses or feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you
being worn or carried by anyone and instantly don Melodies of Hyrule regain as having rolled their maximum value for you.
Prerequisite: 6th lv, it, provided you aren’t wearing armor already. You Occult Subject,
Blade of Sacrifice Occult Follower
are proficient with this suit of armor until it’s Mutation
Mutation removed.
You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and
Bow of Sacrifice Occult Guide perceive through your familiar's senses as long as you are
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Your occult weapon can be a ranged weapon. You Prerequisite: 10th lv,
on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while
Deku Forest Occult still require ammunition to use this weapon, Occult Follower perceiving through your familiar's senses, you can also
however. Mutation speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your
Subject, Blade of
Sacrifice Mutation familiar is normally incapable of speech.
While wielding your Occult Weapon, you may Once per turn, when you hit a creature with eldritch blast,
Flourish Occult Guide You may choose for the crackling energy to wrap around
choose to use one of your Inspired dice to increase
Prerequisite: 6th lv, your movement speed by 10 ft. In addition, when a Prerequisite: 14th lv, the creature and bind it. The creature must make an
Occult Follower
Melodies of Hyrule die is spent in this way, you may add the die to one Mutation
Intelligence saving throw or be unable to cast spells or use
Occult Subject, Blade of damage roll made with your Occult Weapon until magical abilities for 1 round of combat.
Sacrifice Mutation the end of your turn. Eldritch Shock
You can cast Stun Monster at will – targeting a celestial,
Prerequisite: 14th lv,
Once per turn when you hit a creature with your Twilight Realm
fiend, or elemental – without expending a spell slot or
Occult Smite Occult Subject, material components. You must finish a short rest before
occult weapon, you can expend 5 magic points to
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Occult Follower you can use this invocation on the same creature again.
deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target, and Mutation
Blade of Sacrifice you can knock the target prone if it is Huge or
Mutation smaller.
Codex Diabolica Mutations Occult Emblem Mutations
You can now inscribe magical rituals in your notes. Choose two spells When the wearer of your talisman is hit by an
that have the ritual tag from any class's spell list; these rituals
needn’t be from the same spell list but must be a spell level you are Eldritch Bulwark attacker you can see within 30 feet of you, you can
able to cast. The spells appear in the book and don't count against Prerequisite: 6th lv, Occult use your reaction to deal psychic damage to the
the number of spells you know. With your notes in hand, you can Emblem Mutation attacker equal to your proficiency bonus and push
cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast the spells other than
as rituals, unless you've learned them by some other means. You can it up to 10 feet away from the talisman's wearer.
Compendium Diabolica also cast a warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.
When the wearer of your talisman is hit by an
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Codex
Diabolica Mutation
On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your notes. Occult Guidance attacker you can see within 30 feet of you, you can
When you find such a spell, you can add it to your notes if the spell's
level is one you'd be able to cast and if you can spare the time to
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Golden use your reaction to reduce the damage by a
Goddess or Deku Forest Occult number equal to your proficiency bonus and push
transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription
Subject, Occult Emblem
process takes 2 hours and requires 50 rupees of materials to inscribe the attacker up to 10 feet away from the talisman's
it. If your notes are destroyed, you lose all of the spells acquired
except for the initial two. You can re-create the first two in your wearer.
notes over a short rest.
Instrumental Emblem You may spend 5 minutes, an Instrument you are
You're not sure how, but a new page appears in your notes. With proficient with and your talisman to fuse into an
your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on Prerequisite: 6th lv, Melodies
that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your of Hyrule Occult Subject, Emblem Instrument. You may use this instrument
proficiency bonus. Occult Emblem Mutation to channel your Occult Emblem mutations.
Codex Enigma You can cast sending, and target a creature whose name is on the Permutation Emblem
page, without using a spell slot and without using material
Prerequisite: 6th lv, Codex components. To do so, you must write the message on the page. The Prerequisite: 10th lv, Deku You can cast polymorph once using 4 magic points.
Diabolica Mutation target hears the message in their mind, and if the target replies, Forest or Twilight Realm Occult You can't do so again until you finish a short rest.
their message appears on the page, rather than in your mind. The Subject, Occult Emblem
writing disappears after 1 minute. Mutation
As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by By using your emblem as a magical eye glass, you
touching it. Lexical Emblem can read all writing, including writing systems that
You're not sure how, but a new page appears in your notes. With Prerequisite: 10th lv, Occult normally couldn't be read, such as an encoded
your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on Emblem Mutation
that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your message, cypher or illusory script.
Compendium Enigma proficiency bonus. By using your emblem as a magical earpiece, you
Prerequisite: 10th lv, Deku When any creature whose name is on the page is reduced to 0 hit Dialect Diadem can read and understand all language, including
Forest or Golden Goddesses points but not killed outright, the creature magically drops to 1 hit Prerequisite: 10th lv, Occult
Occult Subject, Codex point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no creature's name can those that normally couldn't be understood, such
Emblem Mutation
Diabolica Mutation be written in it until you finish a short rest. as a Hunter's Wildspeak.
As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by While someone else is wearing your talisman, you
touching it.
can use your action to teleport to the unoccupied
You may use an Instrument which you are proficient in in place of
Concerto Diabolica your notes for the purposes of Codex Diabolica, Compendium
space closest to them, provided the two of you are
Prerequisite: 10th lv, Melodies Diabolica and Arcanium Diabolica. Emblem Ingress on the same plane of existence. The wearer of your
of Hyrule Occult Subject, For Codex Enigma, the notes used to write a creature's name on, Prerequisite: 14th lv, Occult talisman can do the same thing, using their action
Codex Diabolica Mutation resemble sheet music. Emblem Mutation to teleport to you. The teleportation can be used a
You're not sure how, but a new solid black page appears in your number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
notes. You can write the true name of one creature (pseudonyms or and all expended uses are restored when you finish
false names do not work, though titles do), which burns into the
Scourge Diabolica page. As long as a creature's name is written there, they have a short rest.
Prerequisite: 10th lv, Twilight disadvantage on one skill check or saving throw of your choice until
Realm or Great Calamity they fail the roll. Mystic Curse Mutations
Occult Subject, Codex Upon failing the check, the creature's name is erased from the book
Diabolica Mutation and cannot be re-written until you finish a short rest. If the black
As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance around the
page is destroyed or lost, it can be re-created/re-called upon a long target cursed by your hex spell or other such curse. When you do
Conscious Curse so, you deal psychic damage to the cursed target and each creature
Prerequisite: 6th lv, of your choice within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your
You can now inscribe actual spells in your notes. Choose two spells
Mystic Curse Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 damage). To use this
from any class's spell list; these rituals needn’t be from the same
spell list but must be a spell level you are able to cast, and cannot be invocation, you must be able to see the cursed target, and it must
a higher spell level than the spell when it was initially cast. The be within 30 feet of you.
spells appear in the book and don't count against the number of
spells you know. With your notes in hand, you can cast the chosen
spells without components, and spend half the required magic You curse the very spirit of your hexed victims, binding them to
Acranium Diabolica points that would usually be required to cast it. your service. When a creature dies while under the effects of your
Prerequisite: 14th lv, Codex On your adventures, you can add other spells to your notes. When hex spell, it rises from the grave and takes the form of a Poe. This
Diabolica Mutation you find such a spell, you can add it to your notes if the spell's level is Cursed Poe has a number of temporary hit points equal to your Researcher
one you'd be able to cast and if you can spare the time to transcribe level. The Poe has its own initiative and takes its own turns. It
the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 Phantom
hours and requires 50 rupees of materials to inscribe it. You can only
follows verbal commands from you (And you alone), and its
Prerequisite: 6th lv,
store a number of spells equal to your proficiency bonus. If your bonuses to attack and damage rolls are replaced with your
Mystic Curse
notes are destroyed, you lose all of the spells acquired except for the Mutation Intelligence modifier. It remains in your service until your next
initial two. You can re-create the first two in your notes over a short long rest, at which point it vanishes into the afterlife.
You may only have one summoned Poe at one time, and cannot
summon another in the same day.
Your curse creates a temporary bond between you and your target.
Pinpoint Jinx As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an
Prerequisite: 10th lv, unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of the target cursed by
Mystic Curse your hex spell or other such curse. To teleport in this way, you must
be able to see the cursed target.
As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance around the Occult Subject Mutations
target cursed by your hex spell or other such curse. When you do
so, you deal psychic damage to the target and each creature of These mutations are gained from your research into your
Conscious your choice within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your Occult Subject.
Calamity Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 damage) + your proficiency
Prerequisite: 10th lv, bonus.As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance around
Deku Forest Mutations
Great Calamity Occult the target cursed by your hex spell or other such curse. When you Floran You have advantage on saving throws against being
Subject, Mystic Curse do so, you deal psychic damage to the target and each creature of
Mutation Unphasability charmed or frightened.
your choice within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 damage) + your proficiency Sylvan Deception
You can turn invisible at will.
bonus. Prerequisite: 6th lv.
A target under the effects of your hex spell must make a Wisdom As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a
saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns while under the magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura
Stairway to effects of the hex. The DC equals your spell save DC. On a fail, the
Misfortune extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not
target becomes affected by the bestow curse spell for as long as
the hex is active.
through total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or
Prerequisite: 14th lv,
Mystic Curse you dismiss it as a bonus action.
A remove curse spell removes this effect, but must be used again
Mutation Flies' Embrace
to remove the hex. A creature cannot be cursed again in this way The aura grants you advantage on Intimidation checks
until combat with the creature has ended. Prerequisite: 6th lv. but disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. Any
Darkness's other creature that starts its turn in the aura takes
When a creature under the effects of your hex spell falls to 0 hit poison damage equal to your Intelligence modifier
Succor points or dies, you gain a number of hit points equal to the
(minimum of 0 damage).
Prerequisite: 14th lv, creature's CR/Level + your Intelligence. You may also immediately
Great Calamity Occult transfer the curse over to the nearest creature within 30 ft that you Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until
Subject, Mystic Curse can see.
you finish a short rest.
You can cast web once, without expending magic
Ghoma's Trap
points. You regain the use of this feature when you
Occult Subject Prerequisite: 6th lv.
finish a short or long rest.
You can magically create ammunition out of wood and
Hunter's Armory
stone, as long as you are in an environment where
At 2nd level, you have dedicated yourself to a mysterious Prerequisite: 6th lv.
those materials are available (As ruled by your DM).
magical force in Hyrule. Choose one of the following
You may cast tree shape once, without expending
fields of study. This will allow you to gain that field of Deku's Shade
magic points. You regain the use of this feature when
study's Occult Mutations. Prerequisite: 6th lv.
you finish a short or long rest.
■ The Deku Forest: You have dedicated yourself to Wild Within You gain the benefits of the Hunter' Wild Wanderer
researching the mysterious nature of Farron's Prerequisite: 14th lv. feature, no matter what environment you are in.
Forests and the mysterious Lost Woods within. Floran Linguistics
■ The Great Calamity: You have devoted your You may cast speak with plants as a ritual.
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
research into the nature of The Great Calamity or
Great Calamity Mutations
other malevolent deity that has threated Hyrule.
When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you
Whether this research is for Hyrule's benefit or
gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence
Downfall is up to you. Feed the Calamity modifier + your levels in Occultist. If the alignment of
■ The Twilight Realm: You have dedicated your the creature is Good or Lawful, you gain additional hit
research to the mysterious otherworlds of Hyrule, be points equal to your proficiency bonus.
it Termina, Twilight Realm, Dark Realm or other such You may cast ganon's fist once, without expending
world. Ganon's Grip magic points. You regain the use of this feature when
you finish a short or long rest.
■ The Golden Goddess: Much like a Sage, you have
You may cast withering ray once, without expending
dedicated yourself to the divinity of Hyrule, be it Calamity's Beam
magic points. You regain the use of this feature when
Golden Goddesses or another benevolent deity. Prerequisite: 6th lv.
you finish a short or long rest.
■ The Melodies of Hyrule: Your research delves into You gain resistance to necrotic damage, and any
the ethereal nature of music in Hyrule, and the Evocation spells you use gain a bonus to attack rolls
Prerequisite: 6th lv.
unexplained power that comes from song. equal to your Intelligence modifier.
You cannot change your field of study once chosen Demon's Touch You may use vampiric touch once, without expending
unless ruled otherwise by your DM. magic points. You regain the use of this feature when
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
you finish a short or long rest.
You may attack twice, instead of once, when taking the
Fighter's Ferocity attack action, as well as being able to attack twice with
Prerequisite: 14th lv. damaging spells and cantrips that require an action to
Twilight Realm Mutations As an action and with an Instrument you are proficient
You may cast conjure spirit wolf once, without in, you can begin a performance that disrupts the
Lupine Shackle expending magic points. You regain the use of this influence of magical entities around you. Any friendly
feature when you finish a short or long rest. creatures within 30 ft that can hear this melody have
Prerequisite: 6th lv.
advantage on saving throws against being charmed or
You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see
frightened. This performance lasts for one minute, and
within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a
can be voluntarily ended early.
Old Magic Mind language with the creature for it to understand your
telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to You may cast remove curse once, without expending
understand at least one language. magic points. You regain the use of this feature when
Prerequisite: 6th lv.
you finish a short or long rest.
Dusken Escape You may cast split once, without expending magic
points. You regain the use of this feature when you Your Inspired die increases to a d8, and if you roll
Prerequisite: 6th lv.
Spark of Influence
finish a short or long rest. initiative and have no Inspired dice remaining, you
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
regain one use.
You no longer need to sleep and can’t be forced to sleep
Night's Embrace by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you You gain the benefits of the Opportunist's Reliable
Prerequisite: 6th lv. can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as Skills feature. If you have expertise in a skill, any dice
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
reading your notes or keeping watch. roll lower than 5 is treated as a 20.
Midnight Eyes You gain darkvision to a range of 120 feet, and can even
Prerequisite: 6th lv. see in magical darkness as if it was Dim Light.
You may cast floormaster's grasp once, without
Fabricated Fate
Otherworld's Grip
expending magic points. You regain the use of this
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
feature when you finish a short or long rest. Starting at 6th level your occult knowledge allows you to
You gain the benefits of the Scion's Transmutation spin the threads of fate in a direction of your favor. When
Sacrosanct Shade
Opposition feature, adding your Intelligence modifier you make an ability check or a saving throw, you can use
Prerequisite: 14th lv.
to saving throws instead of your Charisma. this feature to add a d10 to your roll. You can do so after
Golden Goddess Mutations seeing the initial roll but before any of the roll's effects
You gain resistance to radiant damage, and any radiant or fire occur.
Holy Fire spells you use deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a short rest.
You may cast divine favor once, without expending magic points.
Divine Gaze You regain the use of this feature when you finish a short or long
War Magic
At 2nd level, your technological studies grant you several
additional proficiencies.
You gain proficiency with all simple weapons, with light
Beginning at 6th level, when you use your action to cast
armor, with shields, and with all weapons that include
a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
"bomb" in the name.
You gain proficiency in the History skill. If you were
already proficient in this skill, you can instead gain
proficiency in another skill available to researchers at 1st Ancient Armor
You gain proficiency with tinker's tools. If you are already At 10th level, you learn to enhance armor, but not
proficient, you can instead gain proficiency in any one shields, in the same way you enhance weapons. The
artisan's tool. maximum number of your ancient cores permanently
You learn to read, write, and speak your choice of either doubles; it becomes equal to twice your intelligence
the Old Common or Twilit language. modifier.
Whenever you would be able to enhance weapons, you damage rolls with that weapon, its damage is
can also enhance armor. For every 2 cores you expend considered magical, and it inflicts an extra 7 (2d6)
on a suit of armor, that armor grants its wearer a force damage on a hit. You can use your Intelligence
cumulative +1 bonus to AC. The maximum enhancement modifier for attack and damage rolls with this
you can place on armor is equal to +1. It increases to +2 weapon if you otherwise could not.
at character level 13, and to +3 at character level 17. If ■ If you are unarmored or your armor is not magical,
the armor is magical and already has an inherent bonus you gain a +3 bonus to your AC. Any non magical
to AC, you can increase the bonus by 1 for every 2 cores armor you are wearing is treated as magical.
expended, but not so the total bonus exceeds the
maximum enchantment.
Any armor with one of these enhancements is considered
A witch is perhaps the most renowned and versatile of
Just as with weapons, you can end any enhancement
researchers. Their potions are coveted for healing
you've placed on any suit(s) of armor at any time, over
wounds, and their poisons sought for bringing down
any distance, as an action. Doing so causes you to
kings. Although the magic of a witch is perhaps more
regain the cores that you had expended on that armor.
subtle than the flashiness of a wizzrobe or the
straightforward nature of a technomancer, it is easily the
Feature most versatile. Witchcraft includes a wide array of
spells—far beyond simple medicines and poisons, they
At 14th level, your studies on arcane machinery bloom. can cast spells to fling acid, enable flight, create illusions,
You become able to aid or exploit construct creatures in a heal wounds, and even twist dimensions.
multitude of ways. You gain the following benefits:
■ You have advantage on any Intelligence check to
recall lore about constructs.
■ You wield an innate understanding of how these Level Magic points
creatures process information. You are considered
1st Intelligence mod
proficient in all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
2nd +6
checks made against or about constructs.
■ You are inherently aware of any construct's physical 3rd +12
makeup, and know how to exploit weaknesses in its 4th +18
design. Any attack roll you make against a construct 5th +24
has advantage. 6th +30
■ You know how to weave your magic in such a way
7th +36
that you can repair constructs in ways others cannot.
8th +42
Whenever you target a construct with a spell that
restores hit points, you can restore its hit points as if 9th +48
it was a living monstrosity instead of a construct. 10th +54
11th +60
Ancient Surplus 12th +66
13th +72
At 18th level, the maximum number of your ancient cores 14th +78
permanently increases. It is now equal to 15, regardless 15th +84
of your intelligence modifier.
16th +90
17th +96
Feature 18th +102
19th +108
At 20th level, your mastery of arcane magic and ancient
history reaches its zenith. You gain the following benefits: 20th +114
■ You have advantage on all Intelligence (History) and
Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
■ Whenever you make an attack with a simple or
Witch’s Broom
martial weapon that doesn't have a bonus to attack Starting from 2nd level, you can use a broom as the
and damage rolls, you gain a +3 bonus to attack and arcane focus for your researcher spells. At your DM's
discretion, you can substitute a similar implement, such cannot exceed 5th level. It does not count against your
as a tree branch or a wooden ladle. You can attack with Spells Known. Whenever you cast a spell gained with
such an implement as though it was a club. this feature, you must expend 1 more magic point than
Magic Points At 14th level and 18th level, you can gain a new spell that
follows the same restrictions.
At 2nd level, and every researcher level you gain after
this, your maximum magic points increases by 6. Multitasking
Bonus Proficiencies Starting at 14th level, you become able to mentally juggle
several magical spells at once. While you are
concentrating on one researcher spell, you can cast
At 2nd level, your witchcraft studies grant you several
another researcher spell and concentrate on both
additional proficiencies.
simultaneously. The spells must both be of 3rd level or
You gain proficiency with bug-catching nets and seed
lower, and neither can be a spell you gained through your
Varied Learning feature.
You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. If you are
While doing so you only need to make one Constitution
already proficient, you may gain proficiency in another
saving throw to maintain concentration on both spells
skill from the researcher list of skill proficiencies available
when your concentration is challenged. However, you
at 1st level.
have disadvantage on this saving throw, and failing it
You gain proficiency in the following tools: apothecary's
breaks your concentration on both spells at once.
kit and poisoner’s kit. If you are already proficient in one
of these tools, you may instead gain tool proficiency in
any artisan tool of your choice. Improved Multitasking
You learn to read, write, and speak any one additional
language of your choice. At 18th level, you better learn to concentrate on multiple
spells. When using your Multitasking feature, you can
Ritual Casting simultaneously concentrate on any two spells you know
of 6th level or lower.
If you are only focusing on one spell, you have
Starting from 2nd level, you can cast a researcher spell
advantage on any Constitution saving throw to maintain
you have learned as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.
concentration on it.
Piercing Magic
Starting at 18th level, researcher spells you cast ignore
immunity to damage of the type you chose for Elemental
Affinity at 2nd level, but instead deal half damage as
though the damage was resisted.
Weather Permeation
At 18th level, your raw elemental power is so great it
affects the climate in your immediate vicinity. The effect
depends on the damage type you chose for Elemental
Affinity at 2nd level:
■ Cold: The temperature within a 200-foot radius of
you plummets drastically, equivalent to the coldest
day this region could feel in the depths of winter, late
at night. You can choose to mitigate this effect up to
normal temperatures. Any creature you mentally
designate is shielded from this cold.
■ Fire: The temperature within a 200-foot radius of you
rises dramatically, equivalent to the hottest day this
In ancient times, the gods blessed a small handful of humanoids with sacred magical power. Although these chosen
few had little else in common, they all had sound judgment and uncanny wisdom. Due to these similarities, the
chosen few have historically become formally known as the Seven Sages. It is believed by many that these few were
granted such immense magical power that they became immortal and now dwell eternally in the Sacred Realm.
In the countless generations that have passed, few if any beings have been granted the immense and distinct power
of these legendary Seven Sages. Nonetheless, there have been a few who have manifested similar magical
capabilities of a mysterious, seemingly divine origin. Usually but not always, these magical capabilities originate when
the individual completes a great task of faith or willpower, such as a pilgrimage or an act of self-sacrifice. From the
point this supernatural power manifests, that individual is known as a sage. It is believed by some that all sages can
somehow trace their lineage back to the Seven Sages of legend.
Although a sage can become a powerful force of magic, their spells tend to be more subtle than those of a
researcher. Their magic is more often focused more on the breadth of what can be accomplished over time, rather
than the height of what can be accomplished in a single moment.
Although it is not always inherently obvious from looking at a sage, each one embodies a different essence or domain
that shapes that particular sage’s supernatural gifts. The most renowned of these elements include Earth, Fire,
Forest, Light, Shadow, Spirit, Water, and Wind, though others exist.
According to legend, there exists a strange phenomena where a sage's domain seems to be magic itself, though it is
often chaotic and near impossible to control. Such sages are called Sages of Discord. Though often shunned as ill
omens and dangerous mistakes, the gifts of a Sage of Discord are still divine in nature, and are thought to be the
embodiments of natural change.
A sage is usually, but not always, of a good alignment.
Proficiency Cantrips Max Spell
Level Features Magic Points Spell Level MP Cost
Bonus Known Level
1st +2 Sage Domain, Spell Casting 2 1st Wisdom mod 1st 2
2nd +2 Sage Domain Feature 2 1st +6 2nd 3
3rd +2 Sacrifice 2 2nd +12 3rd 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 2nd +18 4th 6
5th +3 Bless or Bane 2 3rd +24 5th 7
6th +3 Sage Domain Feature 3 3rd +30 6th 9
7th +3 Divine Body 3 4th +36 7th 10
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4th +42 8th 11
9th +4 Sacred Sage (2 uses) 3 5th +48 9th 12
10th +4 Sage Domain Feature 4 5th +54
11th +4 — 4 6th +60
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 6th +66
13th +5 — 4 7th +72
14th +5 Sage Domain Feature 4 7th +78
15th +5 Sacred Sage (3 uses) 4 8th +84
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 8th +90
17th +6 — 4 9th +96
18th +6 Sage Domain Feature 4 9th +102
Ability Score Improvement, Immortal
19th +6 4 9th +108
20th +6 Miracle 4 9th +114
Quick Build Equipment
You can make a sage quickly by following these You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
suggestions: equipment granted by your background:
1. Wisdom should be your highest ability score. ■ (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail (if
Constitution should be your second or third highest proficient)
ability score. ■ (a) any simple melee weapon or (b) a slingshot with
2. For your background, choose hermit. 50 bullets
3. For your Sage Domain, choose Sage of Light. ■ (a) any simple melee weapon or (b) a wooden shield
4. For your cantrips, choose guidance and minor ward. ■ a musical instrument in which you are proficient, a
5. For your equipment, choose scale mail, a longsword, backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10
and a wooden shield. torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, and 50 feet
of hemp rope
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Sage level.
Sage Domain
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Con mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Con mod per At 1st level, you choose a sage domain. This domain
Sage level after 1st. generally describes the landscape or aspect of nature
from which your powers are drawn. Your domain usually
Proficiencies correlates to your upbringing, background, or race. A
Armor: Light armor, shields (except heavy shields) sage who grew up near an active volcano, for instance, is
most often a Sage of Fire. You usually discover your
Weapons: All simple weapons.
domain and your supernatural powers when you
Tools: One musical instrument complete a great task of will or faith, or experience a
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma personal trauma.
Skills: You are proficient in your choice of one skill in the Your sage domain affects what sage spells you can cast,
following list: Animal Handling, History, Insight, Medicine, and may grant you bonus proficiencies at 1st level. Your
Nature, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion. choice also grants you features at 2nd level, and again at
6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 11, you
See below for details on each of the eight most plentiful
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total
domains: Earth, Forest, Fire, Light, Shadow, Spirit,
of two.
Water, Wind, and Discord.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 15, you
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total
of three.
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 19, you Spellcasting
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total
of four. You draw your powers from vague forces derived from
In place of gaining proficiency in a skill, you can instead the land and the gods, and even you do not completely
gain proficiency in any one tool or vehicle of your choice. understand them. You cast spells through instinct and
Cantrips Any Hit Dice you expend on this feature cannot otherwise
You initially know two cantrips of your choice from the be used during a short rest, and are restored when you
sage spell list appropriate to your sage domain, though finish a long rest.
Sages of Discord learn cantrips and prepare spells
somewhat differently. You learn additional cantrips of
your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips
Ability Score Improvement
Known column of the Sage table.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Magic Meter
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
At 1st level, you gain a number of magic points equal to
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
your Wisdom modifier. At 2nd level and every sage level
your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability
thereafter, you gain 6 more magic points. To cast a spell,
score above 20 using this feature.
you must expend a number of magic points dependent
If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can
on the level of the spell. See the adjacent table.
replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify.
You can cast a spell at a higher level than normal by
expending additional magic points. For example, casting
fly, a 3rd-level spell, normally costs 5 magic points. It can Bless or Bane
be cast as a 5th level spell, allowing it to affect more
creatures, by expending the magic points needed to cast Beginning at 5th level, you can channel your supernatural
a 5th level spell—which is 7 magic points. gifts into a powerful blessing or a debilitating curse. A
Your magic points are fully restored after a long rest. creature with a blessing or bane gives off a faint magical
Some class features and magic items can otherwise aura that can instantly be detected by any sage, or by
restore magic points. any creature using a sense like detect magic.
Spellcasting Focus Regardless of whether you bless, bane, or cancel, you
You can use a musical instrument in which you are can only use this feature once and regain the capability
proficient as a spellcasting focus for your sage spells. to use it when you finish a long rest. Any blessing or
You can instead use either a divine focus or a druidic bane you make ends when you either fall unconscious or
focus. finish a long rest.
Preparing Spells Bless
You prepare the list of sage spells that are available for As an action, you can bless a creature within 5 feet of
you to cast, choosing from the sage spell list appropriate you, causing it to feel resolute and warding it from harm.
to your sage domain. When you do so, choose a number You cannot bless yourself. While blessed, the creature
of sage spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your sage has a +2 bonus to saving throws.
level (minimum of one spell). The spells cannot exceed When a creature you have blessed makes a saving
your Max Spell Level, as listed on the Sage table. throw, you or the creature can use a reaction to end the
You can also change your list of prepared spells when blessing and grant advantage on that saving throw.
you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of sage spells Immediately after the save is made, the blessing ends.
requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 When a creature you have blessed is targeted by an
minute per spell level for each spell on your list. attack, the creature can take the Dodge action as a
Spellcasting Ability reaction, which imposes disadvantage on the attack roll
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for sage spells, since and all attack rolls against the creature until the start of
you learn your spells through instinct, and exert them its next turn. Immediately after the creature uses this
through willpower. You use your Wisdom whenever a reaction, the blessing ends.
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you When a creature you have blessed makes a death saving
use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw throw, it gains advantage on all death saving throws. The
DC for a spell learned through this class and when blessing ends when the creature becomes stable,
making an attack roll with one. regains 1 hit point, or dies.
A creature can only benefit from one blessing at a time,
and cannot simultaneously be affected by the spell bless.
Sacrifice Bane
As an action, you can curse a creature within 5 feet of
Starting from 3rd level, you can sacrifice some of your
you with a bane, causing it to feel weak and unfocused.
own health to heal or harm others.
While a creature is affected by your bane, the creature
As an action, you can expend one Hit Die from this class
has a -2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
to cast, inflict wounds or cure wounds at its lowest level
without expending magic points.
When a creature you have used a bane on makes an
ability check or attack roll, you can use your reaction to Bonus Proficiencies
impose disadvantage on the roll. Immediately after the
You gain proficiency with medium armor, as well as
roll is made, this bane ends.
battleaxes, crushers, flails, and warhammers.
A creature's bane ends immediately if it is targeted by an
You can read, write, and speak your choice of either the
effect like remove curse, or if it completes a short or long
Goro or Stal language.
rest. A creature with the Legendary Resistance feature
can use one instance of this feature to end its bane at
any time. Grit
A creature can only be afflicted with one bane at a time,
and cannot simultaneously be affected by the spell bane. At 2nd level, your maximum hit points increases by 2.
Cancel Your maximum hit points increases by 1 for every level
As a reaction, you end the effect of a bane or bless on you gain in this class after this.
any creature within 60 feet of you, even if it is derived
from another sage.
Divine Body Starting from 6th level, you have advantage on saving
throws against being frightened or charmed.
At 7th level, the divine magic that flows from you has
begun to augment your body. You have advantage on
any Constitution saving throw made to go without food or
Earthen Safeguard
water, or made to prevent disease. Beginning from 6th level, you have resistance to both
acid and poison damage, and have advantage on saving
Sacred Sage throws against being poisoned.
Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefit of
Beginning at 9th level, your capacity to bless or bane your Earthen Safeguard while it is blessed.
begins to grow. You can use your Bless or Bane feature
one additional time before you need to finish a long rest.
At 15th level, you can use Bless or Bane feature three
Down to Earth
times before you need to finish a long rest. Beginning from 10th level, you can augment your curses
with earthen pull. Any creature you have used bane on
Immortal Body that attempts to move away from you treats that
movement as difficult terrain. Movement towards you is
At 19th level, the divine magic surges and protects your not affected.
body so strongly that you do not need to eat or drink, you When a creature you have used bane on moves, you can
are immune to disease, and you no longer age. use your reaction to reduce its speed to 0 until the end of
its turn. You can use this effect to halt its movement
Sage of Earth within a radius of 10 feet, provided that you and the
source of the vibrations are in contact with the same
ground or substance. Tremorsense can’t be used to
You draw power from subterranean caverns most of all,
detect flying or incorporeal creatures.
but can draw some strength from any area of dry earth.
The magic you wield deals in large amounts with ground,
caves, tremors, stone, gems, and to some extent the
Stalwart Stance Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefits of
your Fire Resistance.
Bonus Proficiencies
Fast Movement
You gain proficiency with cutlasses, ice rods, and pikes.
Starting from 2nd level, while you are wearing light armor If you do not already have a swim speed, you gain a
or no armor, your base walking speed increases by 10 swim speed equal to your base walking speed. If you
feet. already have a swim speed or otherwise gain one, you
never provoke opportunity attacks when you use that
Dervish swim speed to move.
Starting from 6th level, while you are wearing light armor
or no armor, you can take the Disengage action as a Water Discipline
bonus action.
At 2nd level, you gain one of the following disciplines of
Stupefy your choice.
At 6th level, you learn to augment your curses. You can breathe both air and water. You have a swim
Any creature you have used bane on has disadvantage speed equal to your base walking speed plus 10 feet. For
on any opportunity attacks it makes. example, if your base walking speed is 30 feet, then the
When a creature you have used bane on makes a swim speed you gain from this feature would be 40 feet.
Constitution saving throw, you can use your reaction to This swim speed is enhanced as described under your
Bonus Proficiencies.
You are proficient in the Nature skill, with fishing tackle, Bonus Proficiencies
and with the taxidermist's kit. If you were already
You gain proficiency with hand crossbows, heavy
proficient in Nature, you can instead gain proficiency in
crossbows, longbows, rapiers, scimitars, and
another skill available to a sage at 1st level.
You are proficient in the Survival skill, with navigator's
tools, and with water vehicles. If you were already Air Sense
proficient in Survival, you can instead gain proficiency in
another skill available to a sage at 1st level. At 2nd level, you become more inherently more attuned
Sage of Ice to wind and air than most. You gain the following benefits:
You have resistance to cold damage, and can endure ■ You are always accurately aware of the direction and
even the harshest of cold climates with ease. speed of wind if you are able to feel it on your body.
■ You can instantly discern if the wind is derived from
Swift Current If you do not otherwise have a fly speed, you gain a fly
speed of 30 feet. This fly speed increases by 10 feet
when you reach 10th level (40 feet), 14th level (50 feet),
Beginning at 14th level, your cunning accents your agility,
and 18th level (60 feet).
and vice versa. You can add both your Dexterity modifier
If you derive flight from another source other than this
and Wisdom modifier to your initiative.
feature, such as the fly spell, your movement does not
provoke opportunity attacks when you use that fly speed.
Adaptive Aura
Starting at 18th level, while you are conscious, you and Pure Breath
friendly creatures within 30 feet of you cannot be petrified
Starting from 10th level, you can hold your breath for a
nor have their forms magically altered.
number of minutes equal to your levels in this class.
Any creature you have blessed also gains the benefit of
Sage of Wind your Pure Breath.
Leve Proficiency Cantrips Spells Max Spell Spell MP
Features Magic Points
l Bonus Known Known Level Level Cost
1st +2 Scion Patron, Spellcasting 2 2 1st Charisma mod 1st 2
2nd +2 Patron Affinity 2 3 1st +2 2nd 3
3rd +2 Scion Patron feature 2 4 1st +4 3rd 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 1st +6 4th 6
5th +3 Spell Versatility 3 5 2nd +8 5th 7
6th +3 Immutable 3 5 2nd +10
7th +3 Patron's Form 3 6 2nd +12
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Scion Patron feature 3 6 2nd +14
9th +4 — 3 7 3rd +16
10th +4 Minor Patron 3 7 3rd +18
11th +4 Scion Patron feature 3 8 3rd +20
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 8 3rd +22
13th +5 — 4 9 4th +24
14th +5 Improved Spell Versatility 4 9 4th +26
15th +5 Scion Patron feature 4 10 4th +28
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 10 4th +30
17th +6 — 5 11 5th +32
18th +6 Willful Reflex 5 11 5th +34
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 12 5th +36
20th +6 Scion Patron feature, True Patron, Lengthened Longevity 5 12 5th +38
3. For your Scion Patron, choose dragon if you favor
Quick Build relentless destruction, choose fairy if you want to
You can make a Scion quickly by following these focus on supporting your allies, choose poe if you
suggestions: prefer versatility and unusual capabilities, or choose
1. Charisma should be your highest ability score. Your Mask if you like changing your skills to fit the
next highest score should be Dexterity, or optionally situation.
Strength if you are a dragon scion. Your third highest 4. Finally, choose your spells:
should be Constitution.
2. Choose the pariah background.
■ If you are a dragon scion, choose the claws of the
dragon and power beam cantrips. For your 1st-level
spells, choose command and spin attack. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
■ If you are a fairy scion, choose the guidance and equipment granted by your background:
virtue cantrips. For your 1st-level spells, choose cure ■ (a) studded leather or (b) scale mail (if you are a
wounds and faerie fire. dragon scion)
■ If you are a sword scion, choose the "magical blade" ■ (a) any simple melee weapon or (b) a shortsword
and "sword burst" cantrips. For your 1st-level spells, ■ (a) six javelins or (b) a shortbow and 50 arrows or (c)
choose "spin attack" and "skyward strike". a wooden shield (if you are a fairy scion)
■ If you are a mask scion, choose the "primal ■ a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10
savagery" and "vicious mockery" cantrips. For your torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin
1st-level spells, choose "hideous laughter" and Alternatively, your DM may allow you to choose your own
"transfer pain". starting equipment using 1,000 (4d4 x 100) rupees. If you
■ If you are a poe scion, choose the death bolt and choose this option, you forgo the equipment granted by
minor illusion cantrips. For your 1st-level spells, your background.
choose false life and inflict wounds.
Scion Patron
Class Features Choose the type of patron from which your supernatural
capabilities are derived: Dragon, Fairy, Mask, Sword, or
As a Scion you gain the following class features.
Poe. Each of these choices is described in more detail at
the end of this section. This choice represents your
Hit Points subclass, and determines what spells you can cast. Your
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Scion level. subclass grants you features at 1st level, and again at
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Con mod 3rd, 8th, 11th, 15th, and 20th levels.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Con mod per
Scion level after 1st. Spellcasting
Proficiencies As an inheRitor of supernatural power, you inherently
Armor: Light armor know how to cast a small array of spells. Casting these
Weapons: Simple weapons, fire rods, ice rods, lightning spells is a talent that feels instinctive to you and grows
rods, fire staffs, ice staffs, lightning staffs, scimitars, and stronger with practice.
shortswords Cantrips
Tools: None You know two cantrips of your choice from the spell list
provided by your scion patron. You learn additional
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the
Skills: You are proficient in your choice of one skill in the Cantrips Known column of the Scion table.
following list: Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Magic Meter
Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion, and Religion. At 1st level, you gain a number of magic points equal to
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 11, you your Charisma modifier, and you gain an additional 2 for
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total every level you gain in this class. (Your scion patron may
of two. grant you even more magic points.) To cast a spell, you
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 15, you must expend a number of magic points dependent on the
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total level of the spell. See the adjacent table.
of three. You can cast a spell at a higher level than normal by
If your Intelligence score is or becomes at least 19, you expending additional magic points. For example, casting
gain proficiency in one more of the listed skills, for a total fly, a 3rd-level spell, normally costs 5 magic points. It can
of four. be cast as a 5th level spell, allowing it to affect more
In place of gaining proficiency in a skill, you can instead creatures, by expending the magic points needed to cast
gain proficiency in any one tool or vehicle of your choice. a 5th level spell—which is 7 magic points.
Your magic points are fully restored after a long rest.
Some class features and magic items can otherwise
restore magic points.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
You know two 1st-level spells from the spell list provided Spell Versatility
by your scion patron (Dragon, Fairy, Mask, Sword, or
At 5th level, you learn to weave spellcasting and martial
prowess more swiftly. When you use your action to cast a
The Spells Known column of the Scion table shows when
scion spell, you can expend 1 magic point to use your
you learn more scion spells of your choice of 1st level
bonus action to either make one weapon attack or take
and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no
the Dash action.
higher than what’s shown in the table’s Max Spell Level
column for your level.
When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one Transmutation Opposition
of the scion spells you know and replace it with another
spell from your scion patron's spell lists. A spell you Your patron has made you more resistant to magic. At
choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in 5th level, when you are subjected to a spell that affords a
the table’s Max Spell Level column for your level. saving throw, you can add your Charisma modifier as a
Spellcasting Ability bonus to that saving throw. If this is done for a Charisma
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your scion spells, saving throw, you effectively add this modifier twice.
since the power of your magic relies on your ability to
project your will into the world. You use your Charisma
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting Starting at 6th level, the supernatural alterations derived
the saving throw DC for a scion spell you cast and when from your patron take deep root, and aid in avoiding
making an attack roll with one. some magical ailments. You become immune to any
magic effect that only affects certain types of creatures,
Patron Affinity such as the hold person spell which only affects
humanoids. You can similarly choose to be immune to
Starting from 2nd level, you become inherently attuned to any magic effect that would alter your form, including
creatures who share the heritage of your patron; on an spells like polymorph.
instinctive level, you understand their hopes, fears, and
rationality. You have advantage on all Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks made against or
Patron’s Form
about creatures of a certain type. The type is determined Starting from 7th level, you learn to superficially change
by your scion patron: your appearance to more closely resemble a creature
Patron Creature Type associated with your patron.
As an action, you can change your appearance to more
Dragon Dragon
closely resemble a dragon, fairy, construct, undead, or
Fairy Fey
aberration creature as decided by your subclass. You
Mask Aberration otherwise decide what you look like, including your
Sword Construct height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair
Poe Undead length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if
any. If appropriate, you can make yourself appear as a
member of another race that more closely resembles
Ability Score Improvement your patron. You can change your size to Medium if you
are smaller. If you have a fairy patron, you can change
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th your size to Small if you are larger. While transformed,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your you are treated as the creature type appropriate to your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of patron (see the table under Patron Affinity): dragon, fey,
your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability aberration, construct or undead.
score above 20 using this feature. A mask scion uses this feature somewhat differently. You
If your campaign is using the feats optional rule, you can can still change your appearance, but instead of
replace this feature with a feat for which you qualify. resembling an aberration, you change to superficially
resemble a humanoid race, such as a Hylian, Deku
scrub, Goron or Zora. This ability counts as a
transformation ability.
In no case does this transformation alter any of your forever. If the individual cannot otherwise meet the
statistics other than your size. multiclass prerequisites, it can only gain the subclass you
This transformation lasts until you fall unconscious or use chose.
an action to end it. A creature cannot gain the benefit of your True Patron
feature more than once. You can perform the ritual again
Minor Patron to change the 1st-level spell granted to it, however.
At 3rd level, your magic point maximum permanently Normal Die Empowered Die
increases by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier d2 or d3 d4
+ 4, and increases by an additional 2 for every scion level d4 d6
you gain after this. (This effectively doubles the number d6 d8
of magic points you gain from this class.)
d8 d10
d10 d12
d12 d12
Healing Surge permanent until you use this feature again, and does
not require concentration to persist. This can only
affect a spell that requires concentration.
Starting from 11th level, you can channel life energy from
■ Fully recover the hit points of up to ten creatures you
any spell you cast. Whenever you expend magic points
can see. These targets are also affected as if by the
to cast a scion spell, you can expend 1 extra magic point
lesser restoration and greater restoration spells.
to regain 1d4 hit points per level of the spell. For
This is considered a magic effect. When appropriate, its
example, casting a 3rd level spell and using this feature
effect can be dispelled as if it were a 9th level spell.
causes you to regain 3d4 hit points. You can choose for a
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
living creature within 10 feet of you to regain these hit
before you can use it again.
points instead.
same turn, action, bonus action and reaction.
Dual Sword Spirits gain the usual benefits of Two
Poe Levitation
Minds, One Blade. You do not gain an extra reroll
Drawing on the power of your patron's gift, your effort can
from having a second blade.
attain brief and limited flight. Starting from 1st level, you
■ Only one Sword Spirit can take the help action at a
can use your bonus action to gain a fly speed equal to
your base walking speed until the start of your next turn.
You cannot ascend more than 5 feet above ground when
Poe Scion you initiate this flight, but while it persists you can glide at
the same altitude even over chasms or cliffs.
A poe scion is so named because it often takes on a By using this bonus action on consecutive turns before
ghastly appearance reminiscent of poes, though they are you move, you can maintain seamless flight.
known among many other names—poe collector, twisted
wizard, necromancer, and so on. If you choose this
subclass, you derive your power from undead beings.
Poe Vanish
Among other possibilities, this can come in the form of a
At 3rd level, you learn to use the magic within you to
pact with a powerful undead monster, or by collecting and
briefly vanish from sight. When you take the Dodge
absorbing the energy of deceased souls. As your powers
action on your turn you can spend 1 magic point for you
grow, you become an embodiment of undeath and
and any objects on your person become invisible until the
shadows yourself, capable of draining the life of your foes
start of your next turn. By using this action on
to empower yourself. The boundaries of life, death, and
consecutive turns, you can maintain seamless invisibility.
undeath become your playground. You can gradually
On a turn you use this action, your bonus action can only
learn to mimic the powers of various undead monsters,
be used for Poe Levitation, and you cannot use any
from Stalfos to Redead, and even reanimate corpses to
reaction until the start of your next turn.
your aid.
A scion of this subclass casts spells drawn from the poe
scion spell list. Regenerate Magic
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting from 3rd level, you can sacrifice your life energy
to regain magic power you have expended. As a bonus
action, you can sacrifice any number of your hit dice to
You gain proficiency in one skill from Deception,
regain magic points for each one. The hit dice are lost as
Intimidation, Persuasion, Religion, and Stealth.
if you expended them during a short rest, and are
regained when you complete a long rest. The amount of You cannot increase a damage die above d12 with this
magic points you regain is equal to half the size of the Hit feature.
Die. For example, a d8 Hit Die recovers 4 magic points. In addition to dealing more damage, your evil spells also
rip through resistances more easily. Your spells ignore
Phantom Tongue any damage resistance a creature has to necrotic, poison
and psychic damage. Your scion spells treat any
immunity to necrotic, poison or psychic damage as
At 3rd level, you can channel undeath's uncanny nature
though it was damage resistance instead.
to confuse your target. You may speak to a target inside
their mind up to 30 ft. away. They cannot choose whether Normal Die Empowered Die
or not to hear your words, but they can choose to
d2 or d3 d4
respond. When this is done, the target must make a
d4 d6
Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell save or be
frightened of you for 1 hour. d6 d8
d8 d10
At 8th level, your power over evil magic surges. Any spell Nether Knowledge
you cast that inflicts necrotic, poison and psychic damage
has its damage dice increased one step. For example, if Starting at 15th level, you can rip knowledge from the
a spell would normally inflict 4d6 necrotic damage, it eternal depths of the undead void—from countless minds
instead inflicts 4d8 necrotic damage when you cast it.
that have lived and died. On your turn, you can do one of
Hit Points
the following:
■ Immediately before making an Intelligence ability Hit Dice: 1d12 per Goron Warrior level
check or Intelligence saving throw, you can choose Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Con mod
for the d20 roll to be treated as an 18 without rolling. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 + your Con mod per
■ Choose any spell that does not exceed your Max Goron Warrior level after 1st
Spell Level. You cast the spell, using the normal
components and casting time. Proficiencies
■ As a reaction, cause any creature that died since the Armor: shields
end of your last turn to come back to life with 1 hit
Weapons: Simple weapons, bombs, warhammers
point. You must be able to see the creature or be
aware that it has just died. This effect can't return to Tools: Choose one from the prospector's kit, any
life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it artisan’s tool, or any musical instrument.
restore any missing body parts. Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest Skills: You are proficient in Athletics, plus one skill from
before you can use it again. History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, and Religion.
Goron Warrior
If you are a cave Goron, you gain the "Goron Fortitude"
racial features of mountain Gorons.
If you are a mountain Goron, you gain the "Darkvision"
A member of the Goron race can gain levels in Goron and "Goron Toughness" racial features of Cave Gorons.
warrior as if it were a normal class. He must still meet
multiclass requirements for gaining levels in this class or
other classes, regardless of which one he first gains
Goron Fists
levels. A character can only gain levels in the Goron The bludgeoning damage from your unarmed strike
warrior class if he is of the Goron race. increases to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. You can treat
Proficiency your unarmed strike as a light weapon.
Level Features
Bonus Starting from 4th level, the bludgeoning damage from
Goron Duality, Goron Fists (1d6), Unarmored your unarmed strikes increases to 1d8 + your Strength
1 +2
Defense modifier. Furthermore, your unarmed strikes are
2 +2 Reckless Attack, Stamina Meter considered to be adamantine weapons for the purpose of
3 +2 Goron Ability Improvement, Breathless overcoming damage resistance and immunity.
5 +2 Goron Fists (1d8), Shock Resistant
5 +3
Extra Attack, Goron Ability Improvement, Stone Unarmored Defense
While you are not wearing any armor, you can choose for
your Armor Class to equal 10 + your Dexterity modifier +
Class Features your Constitution modifier, replacing the natural armor
provided by your Stone Armor racial feature if that would
As a Goron Warrior you gain the following class features. be lower. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Reckless Attack Shock Resistant
Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for Starting from 4th level, you have resistance to lightning
defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you damage.
make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to
attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on
melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, Extra Attack
but attack rolls against you have advantage until your
next turn. Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Stamina Meter
Stone Skin
At 2nd level, your stamina point maximum increases by
an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum Starting at 5th level, your crystalline skin toughens
0). If your Constitution modifier later increases, so does against conventional weaponry. When you take fire,
your stamina point maximum. At 3rd, 4th, and 5th level, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you
you gain an additional 2 stamina points. You can expend can choose to instead lose 1 stamina point for every 2 hit
your stamina points for various actions. Normally all of points you would have lost.
your stamina points are replenished when you complete
a short or long rest. Multiclass Advancement
Called Shot
Whenever you make a weapon attack, but before you If you have attained five levels in the Goron warrior class,
make the attack roll, you can expend 2 stamina points to it becomes easier for you to multiclass into fighter. If you
make it a called shot. You can't do so if you would have multiclass into fighter, you can start gaining features with
disadvantage on the attack roll. If the weapon attack hits, its 6th level, skipping over the first five levels of the class.
it inflicts the maximum amount of damage for its damage In doing so, you do not gain any of the features from the
dice. (For example, a weapon die of 1d8 would inflict 8 first five levels of fighter, but can more quickly reach its
damage without rolling.) The damage dice from a critical higher levels. You still gain another 2 stamina points per
hit, magic weapons, or class features are also level with your Stamina Meter.
maximized. If you multiclass into fighter using this feature, you still
Your DM may allow alternative effects for a called shot. choose a subclass, but do not gain any benefits from the
subclass below 6th level. Your subclass must be either
Goron Ability Improvement brute or darknut.
Class Features Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1
bonus to AC.
As a Rito Sharpshooter you gain the following class
Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in
one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2
Hit Points bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Rito Sharpshooter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Con mod Improvised Fighting: You are talented with turning
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 + your Con mod per anything into a weapon, and can surprise your foes
Rito Sharpshooter level after 1st with underhanded tactics. You add your proficiency
bonus to attack rolls with improvised weapons. If you
acquire and use a new improvised weapon in the
Armor: Light armor
same turn, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longbows,
shortswords that weapon until the start of your next turn.
Tools: Choose one from fishing tackle, any artisan’s tool,
Opportunity Attacker: You excel at finding openings
or any musical instrument
in your foes' guard. As a bonus action, you can enter
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
a reactive stance that lasts until the start of your next
Skills: Choose two skills form Acrobatics, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, turn. While in your reactive stance, you can make
Performance, Religion, and Survival opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and
you can use your reaction to make a melee attack
against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: within your reach.
⦁ leather armor
Shoving: When you use your action to make at least
⦁ (a) a hand crossbow with 20 bolts or (b) a shortbow
with 60 arrows one melee attack, you can use your bonus action to
⦁ (a) an artisan's tool or musical instrument in which attempt to shove a creature you hit with your attack.
you are proficient or (b) any two simple weapons
Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in
⦁ a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10
torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier
to the damage of the second attack.
Aerial Combat
When you use your action to perform your Labored
Flight, you can also use a bonus action to make one
melee attack. The beating of your wings ceases while
Stamina Meter Agile Initiative
At 1st level, your stamina point maximum increases by 2, Starting from 4th level, you can add your Dexterity
and it increases by an additional 2 for every level you modifier to your initiative in place of your Wisdom
gain in this class. You can expend your stamina points for modifier.
various actions. Normally all of your stamina points are
replenished when you complete a short or long rest.
Called Shot
Extra Attack
Whenever you make a weapon attack, but before you
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
make the attack roll, you can expend 2 stamina points to once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
make it a called shot. You can't do so if you would have
disadvantage on the attack roll. If the weapon attack hits,
it inflicts the maximum amount of damage for its damage True Flight
dice. (For example, a weapon die of 1d8 would inflict 8
damage without rolling.) The damage dice critical hit, At 5th level, you master the art of aerial combat and can
magic weapons, or class features are also maximized. perform advanced aerial maneuvers. You gain a fly
Your DM may allow alternative effects for a called shot. speed of 60 feet.
This effectively replaces your Labored Flight racial trait
and your Aerial Combat feature.
Swift Action
Starting from 2nd level, you can push yourself to make Multiclass Advancement
swift use of your capabilities. As a bonus action, you can
expend 1 stamina point to do one of the following: If you have attained five levels in the Rito sharpshooter
■ Make a ranged weapon attack with disadvantage on class, it becomes easier for you to multiclass into fighter.
the attack roll. If the weapon has a normal range and If you multiclass into fighter, you can start gaining
a long range, you can only attack a target within its features with its 6th level, skipping over the first five
normal range. levels of the class. In doing so, you do not gain any of the
■ Take the Disengage action. features from the first five levels of fighter, but can more
■ Take the Dash action. quickly reach its higher levels. You still gain another 2
Starting at 5th level, you can expend 3 stamina points to stamina points per level with your Stamina Meter.
do one of the following as a bonus action: If you multiclass into fighter using this feature, you still
■ Make a ranged weapon attack. choose a subclass, but do not gain any benefits from the
■ Gain advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks subclass below 6th level. Your subclass must be either
you make until the start of your next turn. archer or brute.
■ Expend one of your Hit Dice. Roll the Hit Die and
add your Constitution modifier to the result. You Multiclassing
regain hit points equal to the total.
■ Expend one of your Hit Dice. Roll the Hit Die and Multiclassing in this campaign setting follows the
add your Dexterity modifier to the result. You regain standard multiclassing rules. Listed below is information
stamina points equal to the total. relevant to the classes and class features present in this
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability To qualify for a new class, you must meet the ability
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase score prerequisites for both your current class and your
an ability score above 20 using this feature. new one, as shown in the Multiclassing Prerequisites
table. For example, a researcher who decides to
multiclass into the sage class must have both Intelligence
and Wisdom scores of 13 or higher. Without the full
training that a beginning character receives, you must be
a quick study in your new class, having a natural aptitude
that is reflected by higher-than-average ability scores.
Hylian Fighter Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the scion class,
you gain proficiency with light armor.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the
opportunist class, you must have a Dexterity or
Intelligence score of at least 13.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the opportunist
class, you gain the following proficiencies: light armor,
simple weapons, and one tool of your choice.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the
researcher class, you must have an Intelligence score of
13 or higher.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the researcher
class, you do not inherently gain any proficiencies.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the sage
class, you must have a Wisdom score of 13 or higher.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the sage class,
you gain proficiency with light armor and all simple
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the scion
class, you must have a Constitution score and a
Charisma score of at least 13 each.
Chapter 3: Backgrounds & Languages
Languages spoken by races and creatures dedicated to
the Hyrule setting are rooted firmly in The Legend of Most conventional Dungeons & Dragons backgrounds
Zelda series. If a DM would prefer to use Hyrule content can fit into Hyrule. Particularly suitable options include
in a more traditional Dungeons & Dragons setting, it's Charlatan, Folk Hero, Hermit, Outlander, and Sailor. For
best if the languages listed below are replaced with their backgrounds listed here that do not have equipment
listed equivalent. listed you can work with your DM to make a list.
Common Languages
Language Other Names Typical Speakers Script Barbarian
Common Hylian Hylians and their allies Common
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Gorons, Mogma, earth
Goro Goron, Terran Common Tool Proficiency: Choose any one musical instrument,
and one from brewer's supplies, fishing tackle,
Zora, Parella, aquatic
Zoran Aquan Common leatherworker's tools, and woodcarver's tools
creatures, water elementals
Rito, flying creatures, wind
Ritan Auran
Anook Anouki, yeti, ice elementals Common Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Nature
Tundran, Yook
Minish and other diminutive Tools: Choose either fishing tackle or taxidermist's kit
Minish Picoran Common
creatures Languages: Choose one from Blin, Deku, Lizal, and
Gerudo, Zuna, lightning Zoran
Gerudo — Common
Blin Moblin Moblins and allies of Ganon Stal Black Marketeer
Draconic, Lizalfos, most intelligent
Lizal Stal
Lizalfos reptiles Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion
Undead, Garo, spirit Tool Proficiencies: Choose two from forgery kit,
Stal Poe, Stalfos Stal
elementals poisoner's kit, and taxidermist's kit
Exotic Languages
Language Other Names Typical Speakers Script Breeder
Old Ancient Hylian, Sheikah, researchers,
Old Common
Common Sheikah robots Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Insight
Subrosian Ignan Subrosians, fire elementals Subrosian Tool Proficiencies: Choose one from cook's utensils,
Fairies, Deku scrubs, leatherworker's tools, taxidermist's kit, and weaver's tools
Deku Sylvan Koroks, Kokiri, forest Ancient Languages: Choose any one
Twili, shadow elementals
Bug Collector
Gold Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Stealth
— Gods, weapon spirits Old Ancient
Tool Proficiencies: Taxidermist's kit
— Evil gods, demons Old Ancient Languages: Choose any one
Equipment: A bug-catching net, glass jar, common
clothing, pouch holding 50 rupees, magnifying glass, 1 Farmhand
ration, lantern.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Nature
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Investigation
Tool Proficiency: Prospector's kit, plus one of your
choice from bombsmith's tools and mason's tools
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics
Tool Proficiencies: Choose two from carpenter's
tools, farmer's tools, land vehicles, and taxidermist's kit.
Chapter 4: Feats
Gaining Feats ■ Increase your Constitution score by 1, if doing so
does not exceed your maximum score for that ability.
■ You never need to sleep. You can complete and gain
A feat represents a talent or competence that gives a
the benefits of a long rest while remaining conscious
character extraordinary capabilities. It embodies training,
experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides.
■ Magic can't render you unconscious. You otherwise
You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to have advantage on any ability checks and saving
take that feat. If you ever lose a feat's prerequisite, you throws made to avoid falling unconscious.
can't use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. For
■ Unless your eyes are damaged, you have no need to
example, a feat might require you to have a Strength of
blink. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid
13 or higher. If your Strength is reduced below 13
being blinded.
somehow—perhaps by a withering curse—you can't
benefit from that feat until your Strength is restored. You
can take each feat only once, unless the feat’s Ambusher
description says otherwise.
There are two main ways to gain a feat, though your You are well-trained in guerilla warfare. You gain the
DM may allow additional options. following benefits:
Gaining a feat at 1st level ■ When you attack a creature that is surprised, you
gain +2 bonus on the attack roll.
At character creation only, you can choose to decrease
■ You add a +2 bonus to your initiative rolls.
four of your ability scores by 1 each to gain a feat of your
■ You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
choice. This sacrifice represents a deficiency in other
■ Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls
areas of your life spent dedicated to training and
experience to master the feat you choose. The scores against you as a result of being hidden from you.
you choose to decrease are subject to two restrictions:
You must choose four different ability scores to Attuned Elemental
decrease, and cannot decrease the same ability score
multiple times. Either through natural talent, practice or preference, you
If you are of a race that grants a bonus of 2 or higher to have a particular fondness for a specific element. You
an ability score, you must choose any or all ability scores gain the following benefits:
that your race increases by more than 1. For example, ■ Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma
due to his or her race, a Zora has +2 Wisdom, so if using score by 1.
this option a Zora must choose to decrease Wisdom in ■ Choose 1 damage type other than slashing,
addition to three other ability scores. bludgeoning or piercing. When casting spells, you
Gaining a feat at later levels can change the damage type to the type you
selected. However, any other damage type from
At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score
spells or magic items deal half damage.
Improvement feature. You can forgo taking that feature to
take a feat of your choice instead. ■ You gain resistance to your selected damage type. If
you already had resistance to this damage, you gain
immunity instead.
General Feats You can take this feat multiple times, adding the damage
type to the type(s) that don't get their damage halved.
Climate Resistance
You have mastered an ancient and infamous form of
sleep deprivation. You gain the following benefits: Through repeated and prolonged exposure to either heat
or cold, you have built up a powerful tolerance to
temperature extremes and harsh environments. Your ■ You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks
Constitution score increases by 1, but does not exceed made to track your chosen foe, and any Intelligence
your maximum score for that ability. You also gain one of checks made to recall lore about them.
the following benefits: ■ When you are targeted by an attack from your
■ You have resistance to cold damage. If you already chosen foe, you can use your reaction to impose
have resistance to this damage, you instead gain disadvantage on the attack roll.
immunity. You can easily endure environments of ■ You have a +2 bonus on any saving throw forced on
extreme cold. you by your chosen foe.
■ You have resistance to fire damage. If you already
have resistance to this damage, you instead gain
immunity. You can easily endure environments of
extreme heat.
Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher
You've developed the skills necessary to hold your own in
Evasive Footwork close-quarters grappling. You gain the following benefits:
■ You have advantage on attack rolls against a
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher creature you are grappling.
You have learned to nimbly weave through melee combat ■ You can use your action to try to pin a creature
without exposing yourself. You gain the following grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple
benefits: check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both
■ The first 5 feet you move on your turn never restrained until the grapple ends.
provokes opportunity attacks.
■ When you use your action to Dash, your movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of
your turn.
Whether through intentional training or pure luck, you
■ When you are hit with a melee attack, you can use
always seem to cling to consciousness even when you
your reaction to move up to your speed without
are at death's door. You gain the following benefits:
provoking opportunity attacks from that creature. If
■ Increase your Constitution score by 1, if doing so
you do so, you cannot move again until after the end
does not exceed your maximum score for that ability.
of your next turn.
■ When you are reduced from full hit points to 0 hit
points, but not killed outright, you are reduced to 1
Fated hit point instead. You must complete a short or long
rest before this feature can be used again.
The gods have already decided your fate. Whenever you ■ When you finish a long rest, you gain temporary hit
finish a long rest, the DM rolls a d20 in secret. Until you points equal to your proficiency bonus plus your
next finish a long rest, anytime you make an ability Constitution modifier.
check, attack roll, or saving throw and the d20 lands on a
2 or a 3, the result is replaced with the result the DM
rolled earlier. You can discern a degree of success or
Hero's Shade
failure for each replaced roll, but never gain knowledge of
Prerequisite: Know or be someone with levels in the
the exact number of your fated roll.
Tunic subclass or who knows tunic techniques.
Through extensive guidance, you have learned the ways
Foe Hunter of the ancient Heroes of Hyrule. You gain the following
With study, practice, and perhaps a grudge, you have ■ Choose one ability score. That ability score
learned to excel at tracking and defeating your chosen increases by one.
quarry. Choose a creature type from aberrations, beasts, If you are a Tunic, have learned Tunic Techniques via the
dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, Skirmisher subclass or through this feat once before,
oozes, plants, constructs or undead. You can elect to you gain the following benefit:
instead choose two humanoid races (such as moblins ■ You may learn one extra Tunic technique. Your level
and Lizalfos). You gain the following benefits: still must equal or exceed the number of stamina
■ In the first round of any combat, you have advantage points required to learn the technique, but otherwise
on attack rolls against your chosen foe. it is up to you. If you are a 14th level tunic, you may
learn one extra Heroic technique. You cannot have
both an extra heroic and an extra tunic technique; ■ If you take the use an object action and a roll is
you can only have one or the other. However, you required to activate or use the item, you have
may change this technique whenever you level up. advantage on that roll.
If you are none of the above, you gain the following ■ During a short rest you can sift through your items to
benefits provided you have an instructor: see if they might be applicable to your current
■ You may learn one tunic technique of your choice. situation. If a particular object you possess is key to
Your instructor does not have to know this technique, progressing further, you become aware of its
but they must be at a level where they are able to importance upon finishing your rest, though not
learn the technique they are trying to teach you. Your necessarily how you’re supposed to use it. If none of
level still must equal or exceed the number of your gear is relevant to the task in any readily
stamina points required to learn the technique, but apparent way, you instead gain a +1 bonus to the
otherwise it is up to you. You may change this next roll you make that involves the use of a
technique at every level up, provided your instructor non-magical item. This bonus only applies outside of
is still available to give you a new one. If your combat and expires within an hour if not used.
instructor is a Tunic of 14th level or higher, you may
also learn one heroic technique, which can also be
changed upon level up with the assistance of your
Leaper of Roc
You have trained your capability to jump to the extremes.
You may take this feat again, to a maximum of three
You gain the following benefits:
times. However, you can only ever have one heroic
■ Increase your Strength score by 1, if doing so does
technique through this feat.
not exceed your maximum score for that ability.
■ When determining how far or high you can jump,
Impostor your Strength score is doubled. You make every
jump as though you had a running start of 10 feet.
You have developed impeccable mimicry and acting ■ You have advantage on any ability check made to
ability, and gain the following benefits: jump.
■ Increase your Charisma score by 1, if doing so does ■ You can perform a single long jump or high jump in
not exceed your maximum score for that ability. place of your normal movement. This movement still
■ You can mimic the speech of another person or the provokes opportunity attacks, but may enable you to
sounds made by other creatures. You must have ignore difficult terrain or other hazards more easily.
heard the person speaking. or heard the creature ■ While you aren't incapacitated, you have resistance
make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful to damage incurred from falling.
Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma
(Deception) check allows a listener to determine that
the effect is faked.
Magic Container
■ You have advantage on Charisma checks made to
Prerequisite: Spellcasting feature
pass yourself off as a different creature.
You are able to store magic power more efficiently than
■ You gain proficiency with the disguise kit. If you are
others, and gain the following benefits:
already proficient, or later would gain proficiency a
■ Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma by
second time, you instead gain expertise with the
1, if it does not exceed your maximum.
disguise kit.
■ When you gain this feat, add half your level (rounded
down) to your magic point maximum. Your magic
Item Master point maximum increases by 1 at every
even-numbered level you gain after this.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher, or Proficiency with ■ When you complete a short rest and have 2 or fewer
Sleight of Hand magic points remaining, you regain a number of
You have an innate understanding of the tools at your magic points equal to your proficiency bonus.
disposal and move swiftly enough to switch between
them at a moment’s notice. You gain the following
Martial Artist
■ You can take one additional free object interaction on
You have mastered the esoteric art of fighting unarmed.
your turns.
You gain the following benefits:
■ You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of
your unarmed strike. This kind of unarmed strike is Neophyte
considered a light weapon for the purpose of
Through heroism, pacts or research, you have gained
two-weapon fighting.
limited magical power. Your magic point maximum
■ You can substitute your Dexterity modifier for your
increases by 2.
Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls with
Choose a Scion subclass. You learn two cantrips of your
unarmed strikes.
choice from that subclass's spell list. In addition, choose
■ When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike on
one 1st-level spell from that same list. You learn that spell
your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to
and can cast it at its lowest level by expending 2 magic
grapple the target.
■ When you are unarmed and both of your hands are
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells
free, you add a +1 bonus to your AC.
restores 1d8 hit points to creatures that consume it.
With one hour of work or when you finish a long rest,
Master of Bombs
you can prepare a number of treats equal to your
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least one martial weapon
proficiency bonus. These special treats last 8 hours
You gain the following benefits:
after being made. A creature can use a bonus action
■ Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, if
to eat one of those treats to gain temporary hit points
doing so does not exceed your maximum score for
equal to your proficiency bonus. You may choose to
that ability.
use monster parts when making these treats, and if
■ You gain proficiency with bombs, including bombchu
you do creatures that eat those treats gain
and other explosive weapons.
temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus
■ On a successful save, creatures take half damage
from a bomb's explosion.
Library of Knowledge
Master of Rods
You have studied and retained more book-borne
knowledge than should be humanly possible, and gain You gain the following benefits:
the following benefits: ■ Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma
■ Increase your Intelligence score by 1, if doing so score by 1, if doing so does not exceed your
does not exceed your maximum score for that ability. maximum score for that ability.
■ You gain proficiency in any two of the following skills: ■ You gain proficiency with fire rods, ice rods, lightning
Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, and Religion. You rods, fire staffs, ice staffs, and lightning staffs.
can replace any or all of these skills with proficiency If already proficient in these weapons, you instead gain
in an equal number of tools. the following benefits:
■ You can accurately remember anything you've read
in the past month. Even if it was in a language you
■ You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal ■ If you choose Intelligence, your heightened mental
to half your proficiency bonus rounded down with the resilience also gives advantage on saving throws
rods and staffs you are proficient in. against the charmed and frightened conditions.
Iron Knuckle
Prerequisite: Proficiency with gauntlets, heavy
gauntlets, clawed gloves and/or Lizal gauntlet
Your metal gauntlets and your fist are almost as one. In
your time using them, you've learned to hit harder and
get hit less.
■ While wielding a Glove or Gauntlet weapon, your
damage die increases by one stage.
■ If wielding two gauntlets, you may wield these
weapons even if they are not light, and you may add
your ability modifier to the damage of the second
■ Your AC increases by +1 for each gauntlet you wear.
■ You can wield weapons while wearing gauntlets,
provided they do not possess the finesse or light
properties and do not require ammunition.
■ When attacked, you may choose to enter a guard
stance until the end of your next turn. If a melee
attack from an enemy does not exceed your AC or
enemy enters your range, you may make one attack
against them. If an enemy exceeds your AC, your
stance ends.
Chapter 4: Spellcasting & Spells
Spell List
6th 9
7th 10
8th 11 Researchers and sages each have a base spell list
9th 12 provided by their class, and an expanded spell list
provided by a subclass.
Although scions all cast spells, a scion's spell list is Disarm Faithful Hound
almost completely dependent upon its subclass. Fairy Freedom of Movement
Opportunists and fighters can only gain spellcasting Find Steed Gravity Hammer
capability and a spell list upon gaining a certain subclass.
Lesser Restoration Hands of Elements
To easily find the spell list for a given class and subclass,
click the arrow or diamond next to the subclass's name in Locate Animals or Plants Locate Creature
the following table. Locate Object Private Sanctum
Spellsword Spells Arcane Crush Nightmare Secret Chest
Cantrips (0 Level) Blade Blend Overcompensated Weaponry Hylian Shield
Arc burning hands Pass Without Trace Wall of Fire
Aqua Push conjure spirit wolf Pictograph
Arcane Bolt Cure Wounds Quicksand 5th Level
Aura of Blades Dark Dive Scorcher Ballista Kinesis
Brutal Blade Earth Barrier Scorching Ray Banishing Smite
Create Bonfire Earth Tremor See Invisibility Blinding Flash
Cryonis Expeditious Retreat Somaria Swift Quiver
Descent Feather Fall Whirlwind Strike Commune with Nature
Elemental Edge Fellhammer Conjure Volley
Flare Counter Find Familiar 3rd Level Control Winds
Fire Bolt Flurry Blinding Smite Dream
Firebrand Ganon's Fist Conjure Barrage Fire Volley
Fiery Disengage Identify Counterspell Forceful Smite
Gust Infinite Pockets Create Food and Water Legend Lore
Ice Blade Jump Daylight Mass Cure Wounds
Light Longstrider Dispel Magic Steel Wind Strike
Lightning Orb Mage Armor Fire Swing Swirling Storm
Lightning Lure Magnesis Flame Arrows Teleportation Circle
Mage Hand Protection from Evil and Good Frigid Smite Water Volley
Magical Blade Remote Bomb Glyph of Warding Wave of Obliteration
Magic Stone Sanctuary Ice Spear
Mending Shield Lightning arrow Garo
Power Beam Speak with Animals Lightning bolt Cantrip (0 Level)
Prestidigitation Spin Attack Nondetection Flare Counter
Produce Flame Stone Bolt Phantom Steed Fiery Disengage
Pyrokinesis Sword Split Sending Pyrokinesis
Ray of Frost Volatile Vortex Spellbreaking smite Uncanny Outfitting
Resistance Witch Bolt Teleport slash
Shocking Grasp Tongue 1st Level
Static Strike 2nd Level Warrior's Weapon Alarm
Uncanny Outfitting Alter Self Beguile Person
Weapon Shift Barkskin 4th Level Bestial Empowerment
Wind Strike Branding Smite Aura of Victory Blade Blend
Chromatic Weapon Banishment Color Spray
1st Level Continual Flame Blade Bane Comprehend Languages
Air Wave Cordon of Arrows Control Water Dark Dive
Alter Object Dancing Rune Weapon Death Ward Disguise Self
Animal Friendship Darkvision Dowse Location Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall Dispel Magic Blazing Slash Shocking Bolt
Fog Cloud Fade Bolt of Time Shocking Grasp
Hideous Laughter Fear Bounding Flame Soul Drain
Jump Fire Swing Chill Touch Spare the Dying
Longstrider Fireball Clothes Beam Static Strike
Remote Bomb Glitterdust Control Flames Sword Burst
Shield Glyph of Warding Create Bonfire Sylvanism
Silent Image Haste Cryonis Thaumaturgy
Sleep Hypnotic Pattern Dancing Lights Thorn Whip
Snare Nondetection Death Bolt Touch Wind
Sword Split Spellbreaking Smite Death Blade Twilight Blast
Death Sight Unholy Flame
2nd Level 4th Level Devilish Charm Venomous Spit
Acid Arrow Arcane Eye Eldritch Blast Weave Shadows
Alter Self Black Tentacles Elemental Sdge
Blur Charm Monster Ember Strike 1st Level
Darkness Dowse Location Emberbolt Absorb Elements
Darkvision Greater Invisibility Flame Shot Arcane Crush
Dead Man's Volley Lava Line Floating Figment Arcane Mark
Disarm Locate Creature Fire Bolt Burning Hands
Earthbind Secret Chest Firebrand Catapult
Find Traps Splitting Orb Fiery Disengage Cause Fear
Flame Blade Wall of Fire Furious Charge Ceremony
Gust of Wind Ghostly Hands Chromatic Orb
Invisibility 5th Level Gust Command
Knock Arcane Hand Holy Blade Comprehend Languages
Locate Object Blinding Flash Ice Blade Create or Destroy Water
Magic Weapon Chromatic Explosion Light Desecrate Weapon
Mirror Image Contagion Lullaby Detect Evil and Good
Misty Step Control Person Magical Blade Detect Magic
Nightmare Far Step Message Disguise Self
Pass Without Trace Mislead Minor Illusion Elemental Armor
Phantasmal Force Seeming Minor Ward Endure Elements
Phantom Laughter Steel Wind Strike Moonbeam Bolt Ensnaring Strike
Poof Stun Monster Necrotic Glare Entangle
Pursuers Wall of Force Nightly Terrors Expeditious Retreat
Scorching Ray Phantasmal Notebook Faerie Fire
See Invisibility Researcher Poison Spray Feather Fall
Shadow Blade Occultist Power Beam Flurry
Silence Cantrip (0 Level) Prestidigitation Gift of Alacrity
Stun Person Acid Splash Produce Flame Glacial Crash
Tractor Cannon Arcane Bolt Psychic Attack Grease
Arrow of Dusk Radiant Lance Guiding Bolt
3rd Level Astral Light Razor Tome Hellish Rebuke
Counterspell Bardcraft Sacred Flame Identify
Dark Transport Blastbolt Shape Water Illusory Script
Infinite Pockets Knock Remove Curse 5th Level
Inflict Wounds Light Binding Rift Astral Entity
Mage Armor Locate Object Rhyme Animate Objects
Magic Missile Needle Hex Scout Arcane Hand
Mental Bindings Moonbeam Searing Blow Banishing Smite
Notes of Lesser Death Phantasmal Force Sensory Field Clinding Flash
Petal Glide Pictograph Slashing Darkness Chromatic Explosion
Protection from Evil and Good Pulling Shade Speak with Dead Contact Other Plane
Purify Food and Drink Pursuers Speak with Images Dawn
Sanctuary See Invisibility Speak with Skull Dispel Evil and Good
Searing Smite Shadow Blade Tiny Hut Control Person
Shadow Spray Shield of Honor Tiny Servant Eldritch Strike
Shield Skywrite Tongues Far Step
Shield of Faith Split Write Contract Final Move
Silent Image Sticky Spellbook Holy Weapon
Sleep Stun Person 4th Level Legend Lore
Snare Suggestion Abyssal Invocation Mislead
Tale of a Million Nights Void Rupture Arcane Eye Modify Memory
Transfer Pain Wood Shape Arcane Storage Moonblast
Unseen Servant Blade Bane Reincarnate
Venomous Ray 3rd Level Black Tentacles Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
Volatile Vortex Arcane Explosion Charm Monster Stun Monster
Witch Bolt Bura of Embers Dimension Door Teleportation Circle
Wrathful Smite Bestow Curse Divine Power Wall of Light
Blink Dowse Location War Song
2nd Level Bonesword Elemental Bane Wave of Obliteration
Alter Size Chorus of Awe Fabricate
Alter Terrain Chorus of Destruction Faithful Hound 6th Level
Analyze Item Conceal Item Fog from the Void Aura of Invisibility
Barkskin Counterspell Hands of Elements Antilife Shell
Blur Create Food and Water Hallucinatory Terrain Bone Telling
Bone Lore Curse Weapon Leafify Channel Divinity
Brambles Dark Flare Light Beam Circle of Death
Dark Force Dispel Magic Locate Creature Irresistible Dance
Dead Man's Volley Fire Swing Moonburst Magic Talisman
Eldritch Blade Fool's Speech Sickening Radiance Misty Gate
Explosive Touch Gaseous Form Splitting Orb Primordial Ward
Faithful Dead Haste Steal Voice Scatter
Fiendish Claws Hypnotic Pattern Swiftbolt Solar/Lunar Blast
Find Traps Lesser Purge Touched by the Sun Soul Cage
Flame Blade Lunar Serenity Twin Bolts of Demonfire Sunbeam
Flame Spiral Major Image Vitriolic Sphere Transport via Plants
Flaming Sphere Nondetection Wall of Tentacles True Seeing
Heat Metal Orb of Discord Warping Step Wall of Thorns
Heat Shot Phantom Steed Woeful Stab
Impart Knowledge Razor Leaf Zone of Power
7th Level Shapechange 1st Level 2nd Level
Animate Plants Soul Strike Absorb Elements Analyze Item
Arcane Sword True Annihilation Alarm Arcane Lock
Breath of Malice Warsong Alter Object Arcanist's Magic Aura
Forcecage Arcane Arrow Blur
Infernal Binding Technomancer Arcane Crush Continual Flame
Last Laugh Cantrip (0 Level) Broken Ward Darkvision
Power Word Pacify Acid Splash Catapult Dead Man's Volley
Power Word Pain Blade Ward Clear Thought Earthbind
Project Image Clothes Beam Color Spray Enhance Ability
Quincy's Investiture Create Bonfire Comprehend Languages Explosive Touch
Symbol Cryonis Create or Destroy Water Find Traps
Teleport Dancing Lights Detect Magic Flame Blade
Temple of the Gods Descent Detect Weapons Gentle Repose
Waves of Exhaustion Forceful Hand Disguise Self Impart Knowledge
Wild Winds of Chaos Green-Flame Blade Earth Tremor Invisibility
Withering Destruction Gust Endure Elements Knock
Homing Needles Ensnaring Strike Lethal Weapons
8th Level Light Expeditious Retreat Locate Object
Antimagic Field Lightning Field Feather Fall Magic Mouth
Blasting Bolt Lightning Lure Floating Disk Magic Weapon
Demiplane Lightning Orb Fog Cloud Misty Step
Control Monster Mage Hand Grease Pictograph
Eclipse Magi Mine Identify Protection from Arrows
Feeblemind Magic Stone Illusory Script Pulling Shade
Fusion Mending Jump Pyrotechnics
Greed Minor Ward Longstrider See Invisibility
Holy Aura Mold Earth Mage Armor Silence
Horrid Wilting Phantasmal Notebook Magic Missile Skywrite
Kraken's Tentacle Power Beam Magnesis Spider Climb
Maddening Darkness Prestidigitation Magnet Orb Stun Person
Power Word Stun Produce Flame Protective Barrier Sun Strike
Protection from Spells Psychic Attack Purify Food and Drink Tractor Cannon
Soul Bomb Push Remote Bomb Web
Star Fire Radiant Lance Sanctuary
Sunburst Razor Tome Shield 3rd Level
Telepathy Resistance Shield of Faith Arcane Explosion
Touch of the Void Shape Water Silent Image Aura of Embers
Shocking Grasp Sleep Blink
9th Level Spark Shower Spin Attack Clairvoyance
Calamitous Strike Step Up Unseen Servant Conceal Item
Hallowed Lances Sword Burst Zephyr Strike Conjure Barrage
Imprisonment True Strike Counterspell
Psychic Scream Uncanny Outfitting Create Food and Water
Power Word Heal Weapon Shift Dispel Magic
Power Word Kill Fade
Flame Arrows Conjure Volley 8th Level Prestidigitation
Gaseous Form Creation Antimagic Field Primal Savagery
Glitterdust Legend Lore Demiplane Produce Flame
Glyph of Warding Mislead Gravity Surge Psychic Attack
Haste Passwall Mass Blade Bane Push
Hypnotic Pattern Seeming Maze Razor Tome
Lightning Arrow Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Mind Blank Shape Water
Magic Vestment Steel Wind Strike Power Word Stun Spare the Dying
Major Image Stone Drill Sunburst Sylvanism
Nondetection Stun Monster Telepathy Venomous Spit
Protection from Energy Swift Quiver Vicious Mockery
Sending Synaptic Static 9th Level
Sensory Field Telekinesis Calamitous Strike 1st Level
Slow Telepathic Bond Gate Absorb Elements
Tiny Servant Teleportation Circle Hallowed Lances Beguile Person
Tongues Transmute Rock Imprisonment Catapult
Water Breathing Wall of Force Psychic Scream Cause Fear
Wall of Stone Power Word Kill Ceremony
4th Level Time Stop Clear Thought
Arcane Eye 6th Level Color Spray
Arcane Storage Aura of Invisibility Witch Command
Banishment Blade Barrier Cantrip (0 Level) Comprehend Languages
Control Water Bones of the Earth Acid Splash Conjure Marionettes
Death Ward Find the Path Blade of Grass Create or Destroy Water
Dimension Door Globe of Invulnerability Bounding Flame Cure Wounds
Dowse Location Instant Summons Friends Detect Magic
Echoes Ironwood Chill Touch Detect Poison and Disease
Fabricate Magic Talisman Clothes Beam Disguise Self
Freedom of Movement Misty Gate Create Bonfire Earth Tremor
Gravity Hammer Move Earth Cryonis Endure Elements
Greater Invisibility Programmed Illusion Dancing Lights Entangle
Hylian Shield True Seeing Flavor Blast Expeditious Retreat
Illumination Wind Walk Floating Figment Faerie Fire
Locate Creature Woeful Stab Forceful Hand False Life
Private Sanctum Word of Recall Gust Feather Fall
Resilient Sphere Infestation Find Familiar
Secret Chest 7th Level Light Fog Cloud
Sentinel Arcane Sword Mage Hand Ganon's Fist
Sheikah Meditation Fantastic Arcane Contraption Magic Stone Goodberry
Stone Shape Forcecage Mending Grease
Warping Step Project image Message Hex
Reverse gravity Minor Illusion Hideous Laughter
5th Level Sequester Mold Earth Identify
Arcane Hand Symbol Nature's Ward Illusory Script
Ballista Kinesis Teleport Nightly Terrors Hump
Blinding Flash Phantasmal Notebook Lesser Confusion
Longstrider Magic Mouth Nondetection 5th Level
Mage Armor Mirror Image Razor Leaf Animate Objects
Mental Bindings Misty Step Remove Curse Blinding Flash
Nurture Moonbeam Sending Cloudkill
Petal Glide Needle Hex Speak with Dead Contact Other Plane
Purify Food and Drink Phantasmal Force Speak with Images Contagion
Shield Putrefy Food Stinking Cloud Control Person
Silent Image Quicksand Tiny Hut Earthen Prison
Sleep Ray of Enfeeblement Tiny Servant Final Move
Speak with Animals Rope Trick Tongues Flesh to Jelly
transfer Pain See Invisibility Wall of Sand Geas
Tree Silence Water Breathing Greater Restoration
Unseen Servant Skywrite Immolation
Venomous Ray Spider Climb 4th Level Insect Plague
Witch Bolt Split Abyssal Invocation Legend Lore
Sticky Spellbook Arcane Storage Maelstrom
2nd Level Stun Person Black Tentacles Mislead
Alter Self Suggestion Blight Modify Memory
Alter Size Vengeful Roots Charm Monster Reincarnate
Alter Terrain Web Compulsion Scrying
Analyze Item Wood Shape Corrosive Aura Seeming
Animal Conduit Death Ward Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
Animal Messenger 3rd Level Dimension Door Stun Monster
Arcanist's Magic Aura Animate Dead Dowse Location Synaptic Static
Augury Bestow Curse Elemental Bane Telekinesis
Barkskin Catnap Fabricate Telepathic Bond
Blindness/Deafness Clairvoyance Faithful Hound Teleportation Circle
Blood Boiling Cobra's Spit Giant Insect Temporal Shunt
Blur Counterspell Greater Invisibility
Bone Lore Create Food and Water Hands of Elements 6th Level
Brambles Curse Weapon Hallucinatory Terrain Aura of Invisibility
Continual Flame Dispel Magic Life Drain Bone Telling
Darkvision Enemies Abound Locate Creature Circle of Death
Dead Man's Volley Fade Polymorph Eyebite
Detect Thoughts Fear Private Sanctum Flesh to Stone
Earthbind Feign Death Secret Chest Heroes' Feast
Enhance Ability Fly Splitting Orb Ironwood
Faithful Dead Fool's Speech Steal Voice Irresistible Dance
Impart Knowledge Gaseous Form Stone Shape Mass Suggestion
Invisibility Glyph of Warding Stoneskin Mental Prison
Knock Hypnotic Pattern Wall of Tentacles Programmed Illusion
Lesser Restoration Lunar Serenity Warping Step Soul Cage
Locate Animals or Plants Major Image True Seeing
Locate Object Meld into Stone Wall of Thorns
7th Level Clothes Beam Chromatic Orb Earthen Grasp
Animate Plants Control Flames Clear Thought Explosive Touch
Forcecage Create Bonfire Color Spray Flame Blade
Last Laugh Cryonis Command Flame Charge
Mergewall Dancing Lights Comprehend Languages Flame Spiral
Power Word Pacify Earth Spike Create or Destroy Water Flaming Sphere
Power Word Pain Elemental Edge Dark Dive Gust of Wind
Project Image Emberbolt Detect Magic Heat Metal
Teleport Ember Strike Disguise Self Heat Shot
Waves of Exhaustion Fiery Disengage Earth Tremor Impart Knowledge
Withering Destruction Fire Bolt Elemental Armor Invisibility
Firebrand Endure Elements Knock
8th Level Flame Shot Expeditious Retreat Magic Mouth
Air Removal Flare Counter Feather Fall Mirror Image
Animal Shapes Floating Figment Floor of Ice Misty Step
Antimagic Field Forceful Hand Fog Cloud Poof
Control Monster Frostbite Frostwave Scorcher
Demiplane Gust Ganon's Fist Scorching Ray
Feeblemind Ice Blade Glacial Crash See Invisibility
Fusion Ice Shards Grease Serac
Greed Light Hellish Rebuke Silence
Horrid Wilting Lightning Field Ice Knife Skywrite
Illusory Dragon Lightning Lure Ice Wave Snowball Swarm
Mind Blank Lightning Orb Identify Split
Power Word Stun Mage Hand Illusory Script Stun Person
Soul Bomb Magical Blade Infinite Pockets Tile of Fire
Telepathy Magic Stone Jump Tractor Cannon
Mold Earth Longstrider Warding Wind
9th Level Phantasmal Notebook Mage Armor
Mass Polymorph Prestidigitation Purify Food and Drink 3rd Level
Power Word Kill Produce Flame Shield Aura of Embers
Psychic Scream Psychic Attack Shield of Faith Blink
Shapechange Push Silent Image Call Lightning
True Polymorph Pyrokinesis Sleep Conceal Item
Ultimate Earth Spikes Ray of Frost Unseen Servant Counterspell
Weird Razor Tome Dark Flare
Shape Water 2nd Level Dispel Magic
Wizzrobe Shocking Bolt Acid Arrow Elemental Weapon
Cantrip (0 Level) Shocking Grasp Analyze Item Fade
acid Splash Spark Shower Arcanist's Magic Aura Fear
Air Slash Blur Fireball
Aqua Push 1st Level Chromatic Weapon Fire Swing
Arc Absorb Elements Continual Flame Flame Arrows
Blastbolt Burning Hands Darkvision Fly
Blazing Slash Catapult Dead Man's Volley Frostball
Bounding Flame Cause Fear Earthbind Gaseous Form
Glacial Pass Maelstrom 8th Level Stonefists
Glyph of Warding Mislead Antimagic Field Summon Instrument
Hypnotic Pattern Seeming Blasting Bolt Thaumaturgy
Ice Spear Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Control Weather Weapon Shift
Lightning Arrow Stun Monster Darunia's Explosive Boulder
Lightning Bolt Swirling Storm Demiplane 1st Level
Magic Vestment Telekinesis Earthquake Absorb Elements
Major Image Telepathic Bond Incendiary Cloud Alarm
Protection from Energy Teleportation Circle Mind Blank Ceremony
Sending Temporal Shunt Polar Ray Chromatic Orb
Sleet Storm Wall of Force Power Word Stun Clear Thought
Tongues Water Volley Star Fire Comprehend Languages
Vampiric Touch Wave of Obliteration Telepathy Cure Wounds
Wall of Water Tornado Cemand Duel
Water Breathing 6th Level Tsunami Detect Evil and Good
Water Walk Aura of Invisibility Detect Magic
Wind Wall Chain Lightning 9th Level Detect Poison and Disease
Disintegrate Bombos Earth Barrier
4th Level Freezing Sphere Power Word Kill Earth Tremor
Arcane Storage Investiture of Flame Prismatic Wall Endure Elements
Control Water Investiture of Ice Psychic Scream Entangle
Dimension Door Investiture of Wind Soul Strike Grease
Elemental Bane Misty Gate Storm of Vengeance Healing Word
Enspell Primordial Ward Ultimate Earth Spikes Inflict Wounds
Fire Shield Programmed Illusion Wildfire Magnesis
Greater Invisibility Scatter Magnet Orb
Hallucinatory Terrain Sympathetic Vibrations Sage Protection from Evil and Good
Ice Storm True Seeing Earth Purify Food and Drink
Lava Line Wall of Ice Cantrip (0 Level) Sanctuary
Private Sanctum Zone of Power Acid splash Shield
Splitting Orb Blade Ward Shield of Faith
Stone Shape 7th Level Chill Touch Silent Image
Swiftbolt Breath of Malice Descent
Vitriolic Sphere Delayed Blast Fireball Earth Spike 2nd Level
Wall of Fire Firestorm Elemental Edge Aid
Prismatic Spray Furious Charge Augury
5th Level Project Image Guidance Barkskin
Chromatic Explosion Quincy's Investiture Light Blindness/Deafness
Cone of Cold Teleport Magic Stone Calm Emotions
Control Winds Thunder Mending Chromatic Weapon
Drowning Waves of Exhaustion Message Continual Flame
Fallen Meteor Whirlwind Minor Ward Darkness
Far Step Wild Winds of Chaos Mold Earth Darkvision
Fire Volley Withering Destruction Precipice Blade Dead Man's Volley
Immolation Resistance Dust Devil
Legend Lore Spare the Dying Earthbind
Earthen Grasp Divination Magic Talisman Ember Strike
Enhance Ability Divine Power Move Earth Fiery Disengage
Gentle Repose Dowse Location Programmed Illusion Firebrand
Heat Shot Gravity Hammer Word of Recall Flame Shot
Impart Knowledge Greater Invisibility Zone of Power Flare Counter
Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Furious Charge
Lesser Restoration Hands of Elements 7th Level Green-Flame Blade
Magic Mouth Locate Creature Divine Word Guidance
Mind Spike Private Sanctum Mirage Arcane Light
Prayer of Healing Sentinel Power Word Pain Message
Protection from Arrows Stone Shape Project Image Minor Ward
Quicksand Stoneskin Regenerate Precipice Blade
See Invisibility Stone Sphere Resurrection Produce Flame
Silence Stone Tell Sequester Pyrokinesis
Somaria Teleport Resistance
Spike Growth 5th Level Waves of Exhaustion Sacred Flame
Spiritual Weapon Animate Objects Spare The Dying
Warding Bond Circle of Magic Resistance 8th Level Step Up
Contact Other Plane Antimagic Field Summon Instrument
3rd Level Dispel Evil and Good Darunia's Explosive Boulder Thaumaturgy
Animate Dead Disrupting Weapon Earthquake Weapon Shift
Bestow Curse Dream Gravity Surge
Clairvoyance Earthen Prison Holy Aura 1st Level
Create Food and Water Greater Restoration Mighty Fortress Absorb Elements
Dispel Magic Hallow Nayru's Love Alarm
Erupting Earth Iron Flesh Protection from Spells Blaze Of Wrath
Mass Healing Word Mass Cure Wounds Telepathy Broken Ward
Meld Into Stone Passwall Burning Hands
Nondetection Raise Dead 9th Level Ceremony
Phantom Steed Scrying Gate Chromatic Orb
Protection from Energy Skill Empowerment Imprisonment Cure Wounds
Remove Curse Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Mass Heal Demand Duel
Revivify tone Drill Power Word Heal Detect Evil And Good
Sending Telepathic Bond Prismatic Wall Detect Magic
Slow Teleportation Circle Time Stop Elemental Armor
Speak with Dead Transmute Rock True Resurrection Endure Elements
Stinking Cloud Wall of Stone Ultimate Earth Spikes Faerie Fire
Tiny Hut Wish Fellhammer
Tongues 6th Level Flame Tongue
Wall of Sand Bones of The Earth Fire Healing Word
Flesh To Stone Cantrip (0 Level) Inflict Wounds
4th Level Forbiddance Bounding Flame Longstrider
Arcane Storage Harm Control Flames Power Within
Banishment Heal Create Bonfire Protection From Evil And Good
Corrosive Aura Intense Transformation Elemental Edge Purify Food And Drink
Death Ward Investiture Of Stone Emberbolt Sanctuary
Shield Nondetection Scrying Ultimate Earth Spikes
Shield Of Faith Protection from Energy Skill Empowerment Wildfire
Transfer Pain Remove Curse Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Wish
Revivify Telepathic Bond
2nd Level Sending Teleportation Circle Forest
Aid Speak with Dead Cantrip (0 Level)
Augury Spirit Guardians 6th Level Blade of Grass
Chromatic Weapon Tiny Hut Find the Path Create Bonfire
Continual Flame Tongues Forbiddance Druidcraft
Darkvision Harm Elemental Edge
Enhance Ability 4th Level Heal Guidance
Explosive Touch Arcane Storage Intense Transformation Infestation
Find Traps Banishment Investiture of Flame Light
Flame Blade Death Ward Magic Talisman Mending
Flame Charge Divination Primordial Ward Message
Flame Spiral Divine Power True Seeing Minor Ward
Gentle Repose Dowse Location Word of Recall Nature's Ward
Heat Metal Fire Shield Zone of Power Primal Savagery
Heat Shot Freedom of Movement Resistance
Impart Knowledge Hands of Elements 7th Level Shillelagh
Knock Hylian Shield Divine Word Spare the Dying
Lesser Restoration Incinerating Impacts Firestorm Summon Instrument
Magic Mouth Lava Burst Regenerate Thaumaturgy
Mind Spike Lava Line Resurrection Thorn Whip
Prayer of Healing Locate Creature Sequester Touch Wind
Protection from Arrows Private Sanctum Teleport Weapon Shift
Pyrotechnics Pyre Siphon Temple of The Gods
See Invisibility Sentinel 1st Level
Somaria Wall of Fire 8th Level Absorb Elements
Spiritual Weapon Antimagic Field Alarm
Sun Strike 5th Level Darunia's Explosive Boulder Animal Friendship
Tile of Fire Circle of Magic Resistance Holy Aura Beast Bond
Warding Bond Contact Other Plane Incendiary Cloud Bestial Empowerment
Dispel Evil and Good Nayru's Love Ceremony
3rd Level Disrupting Weapon Protection from Spells Chromatic Orb
Aura of Embers Dream Star Fire Conjure Marionettes
Bestow Curse Fallen Meteor Telepathy Conjure Spirit Wolf
Blazing Smite Flame Strike Cure Wounds
Clairvoyance Greater Restoration 9th Level Detect Evil and Good
Create Food and Water Hallow Bombos Detect Magic
Dispel Magic Immolation Gate Detect Poison and Disease
Fear Mass Cure Wounds Imprisonment Elemental Armor
Fire Swing Passwall Mass Heal Endure Elements
Glyph of Warding Phoenix Dash Power Word Heal Entangle
Mass Healing Word Rain of Fiery Blades Prismatic Wall Goodberry
Minute Meteors Raise Dead True Resurrection Healing Word
Inflict Wounds Web Circle of Magic Resistance 8th Level
Nurture Wood Shape Commune with Nature Animal Shapes
Petal Glide Contact Other Plane Antimagic Field
Protection from Evil and Good 3rd Level Dispel Evil and Good Holy Aura
Purify Food and Drink Bestow Curse Disrupting Weapon Maze
Sanctuary Clairvoyance Dream Nayru's Love
Shield of Faith Conjure Animals Earthen Prison Protection from Spells
Snare Create Food and Water Greater Restoration Telepathy
Speak with Animals Dispel Magic Hallow
Tree Glitterdust Insect Plague 9th Level
Venomous Ray Mass Healing Word Mass Cure Wounds Gate
Wild Cunning Nondetection Raise Dead Imprisonment
Wreath of Life Plant Growth Scrying Mass Heal
Protection from Energy Skill Empowerment Power Word Heal
2nd Level Razor Leaf Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Prismatic Wall
Aid Remove Curse Telepathic Bond Shapechange
Alter Self Revivify Teleportation Circle True Resurrection
Alter Terrain Sending Tree Stride Wish
Animal Conduit Speak with Dead Wrath of Nature
Animal Messenger Speak with Plants Light
Augury Tiny Hut 6th Level Cantrip (0 Level)
Barkskin Tongues Find the Path Astral Light
Brambles Forbiddance Blade Ward
Calm Emotions 4th Level Harm Bolt of Time
Chromatic Weapon Arcane Storage Heal Create Bonfire
Darkvision Banishment Investiture of Green Dancing Lights
Enhance Ability Conjure Woodland Beings Ironwood Elemental Edge
Find Steed Death Ward Magic Talisman Guidance
Gentle Repose Divination Primordial Ward Holy Blade
Impart Knowledge Divine Power Transport via Plants Light
Lesser Restoration Dominate Beast Wall of Thorns Lullaby
Locate Animals or Plants Dowse Location Word of Recall Mending
Magic Mouth Faithful Hound Zone of Power Message
Mind Spike Freedom of Movement Minor Ward
Mirror Image Giant Insect 7th Level Radiant Lance
Moonbeam Grasping Vine Animate Plants Resistance
Pass without Trace Guardian of Nature Divine Word Sacred Flame
Prayer of Healing Hallucinatory Terrain Mirage Arcane Spare the Dying
See Invisibility Hands of Elements Regenerate Summon Instrument
Silence Leafify Resurrection Thaumaturgy
Spider Climb Locate Creature Sequester True Strike
Spike Growth Private Sanctum Teleport Weapon Shift
Spiritual Weapon Sentinel Temple of the Gods Word of Radiance
Tree Shape Withering Destruction
Vengeful Roots 5th Level 1st Level
Warding Bond Antilife Shell Absorb Elements
Alarm Moonbeam Sentinel Power Word Pain
Ceremony Prayer of Healing Sickening Radiance Regenerate
Chromatic Orb See Invisibility Sun Ward Resurrection
Clear Thought Shield of Honor Touched by the Sun Sequester
Comprehend Languages Spiritual Weapon Teleport
Cure Wounds Step of Respite 5th Level Temple of the Gods
Demand Duel Sun Strike Blinding Flash
Detect Evil and Good Warding Bond Circle of Magic Resistance 8th Level
Detect Magic Contact Other Plane Antimagic Field
Detect Poison and Disease 3rd Level Dawn Holy Aura
Divine Favor Aura of Embers Dispel Evil and Good Mind Blank
Elemental Armor Bestow Curse Disrupting Weapon Nayru's Love
Endure Elements Chorus of Awe Dream Protection from Spells
Faerie Fire Clairvoyance Flame Strike Sunburst
Guiding Bolt Create Food and Water Greater Restoration Telepathy
Healing Word Crusader's Mantle Hallow
Infinite Pockets Daylight Holy Weapon 9th Level
Inflict Wounds Dispel Magic Mass Cure Wounds Gate
Light Drive Fear Raise Dead Imprisonment
Protection from Evil and Good Glitterdust Scrying Mass Heal
Purify Food and Drink Glyph of Warding Skill Empowerment Power Word Heal
Ray of Light Mass Healing Word Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Prismatic Wall
Sanctuary Nondetection Telepathic Bond Time Stop
Shield Protection from Energy Teleportation Circle True Resurrection
Shield of Faith Remove Curse Wall of Light Warsong
Revivify Wish
2nd Level Searing Blow 6th Level
Aid Sending Channel Divinity Shadow
Augury Spirit Guardians Find the Path Cantrip (0 Level)
Blindness/Deafness Tongues Forbiddance Arcane Bolt
Chromatic Weapon Harm Chill Touch
Continual Flame 4th Level Heal Death Blade
Darkvision Arcane Storage Investiture of Stone Death Sight
Dead Man's Volley Banishment Magic Talisman Elemental Edge
Enhance Ability Death Ward Primordial Ward Ghostly Hands
Find Steed Dimension Door Programmed Illusion Guidance
Find Traps Divination Solar/Lunar Blast Infestation
Flame Blade Divine Power Sunbeam Mage Hand
Gentle Repose Dowse Location True Seeing Mending
Impart Knowledge Faithful Hound Word of Recall Message
Knock Hylian Shield Zone of Power Minor Illusion
Lesser Restoration Illumination Minor Ward
Light Binding Light Beam 7th Level Resistance
Locate Object Locate Creature Crown of Stars Soul Drain
Magic Mouth Private Sanctum Divine Word Spare the Dying
Mind Spike Resilient Sphere Forcecage Step Up
Summon Instrument Chromatic Weapon Speak with Skull Heal
Thaumaturgy Darkness Spirit Guardians Magic Talisman
Unholy Flame Darkvision Tongues Mental Prison
Weapon Shift Dead Man's Volley Vampiric Touch Programmed Illusion
Weave Shadows Detect Thoughts Soul Cage
Enhance Ability 4th Level True Seeing
1st Level Gentle Repose Arcane Storage Woeful Stab
Alarm Impart Knowledge Banishment Word of Recall
Beguile Person Invisibility Charm Monster Zone of Power
Catapult Lesser Restoration Death Ward
Cause Fear Magic Mouth Dimension Door 7th Level
Ceremony Mind Spike Divination Divine Word
Chromatic Orb Mirror Image Divine Power Mirage Arcane
Clear Thought Misty Step Dowse Location Power Word Pacify
Comprehend Languages Nightmare Greater Invisibility Power Word Pain
Cure Wounds Pass without Trace Hallucinatory Terrain Project Image
Dark Dive Phantom Laughter Life Drain Regenerate
Detect Evil and Good Portent Locate Creature Resurrection
Detect Magic Prayer of Healing Private Sanctum Sequester
Detect Poison and Disease Pulling Shade Secret Chest Symbol
Elemental Armor See Invisibility Sentinel Teleport
Expeditious Retreat Shadow Blade
False Life Silence 5th Level 8th Level
Fellhammer Spider Climb Animate Objects Antimagic Field
Fog Cloud Spiritual Weapon Circle of Magic Resistance Control Monster
Ganon's Fist Warding Bond Contact Other Plane Holy Aura
Healing Word Web Control Person Illusory Dragon
Illusory Script Dispel Evil and Good Maddening Darkness
Inflict Wounds 3rd Level Disrupting Weapon Mind Blank
Muffle Animate Dead Dream Nayru's Love
Protection from Evil and Good Bestow Curse Greater Restoration Protection From Spells
Purify Food and Drink Clairvoyance Hallow Soul Bomb
Sanctuary Create Food and Water Mass Cure Wounds Telepathy
Shadow Spray Dark Transport Passwall
Shield of Faith Dispel Magic Raise Dead 9th Level
Silent Image Fear Scrying Gate
Snare Fool's Speech Skill Empowerment Imprisonment
Transfer Pain Major Image Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Mass Heal
Mass Healing Word Telepathic Bond Power Word Heal
2nd Level Nondetection Teleportation Circle Prismatic Wall
Aid Phantom Steed Wall of Force True Resurrection
Arcanist's Magic Aura Remove Curse Weird
Augury Revivify 6th Level Wish
Blindness/Deafness Searing Blow Aura of Invisibility
Blood Boiling Sending Forbiddance
Blur Speak with Dead Harm
Spirit Protection from Evil and Good Nondetection Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
Cantrip (0 Level) Purify Food and Drink Phantom Steed Steel Wind Strike
Death Sight Sanctuary Protection from Energy Swirling Storm
Elemental Edge Shield Remove Curse Synaptic Static
Forceful Hand Shield of Faith Revivify Telepathic Bond
Furious Charge Spin Attack Sending Teleportation Circle
Green-Flame Blade Zephyr Strike Speak with Dead Wall of Force
Guidance Storm Front
Light 2nd Level Tiny Hut 6th Level
Lightning Lure Aid Tongues Blade Barrier
Message Alter Size Wall of Sand Forbiddance
Minor Ward Augury Water Walk Harm
Resistance Calm Emotions Heal
Sandcast Chromatic Weapon 4th Level Intense Transformation
Shocking Grasp Darkvision Arcane Storage Investiture of Wind
Spare the Dying Dead Man's Volley Aura of Victory Magic Talisman
Step Up Detect Thoughts Banishment Primordial Ward
Summon Instrument Disarm Blade Lightning Programmed Illusion
Sword Burst Dust Devil Death Ward Scatter
Thaumaturgy Enhance Ability Dimension Door True Seeing
True Strike Find Traps Divination Word of Recall
Weapon Shift Flame Blade Divine Power Zone of Power
Gentle Repose Dowse Location
1st Level Impart Knowledge Freedom of Movement 7th Level
Absorb Elements Lesser Restoration Gravity Hammer Divine Word
Alarm Magic Mouth Hands of Elements Forcecage
Ceremony Mind Spike Hylian Shield Regenerate
Chromatic Orb Misty Step Illumination Resurrection
Comprehend Languages Prayer of Healing Locate Creature Sequester
Conjure Spirit Wolf Quicksand Private Sanctum Symbol
Cure Wounds See Invisibility Sentinel Teleport
Dark Dive Silence Temple of The Gods
Demand Duel Somaria 5th Level Thunder
Detect Evil and Good Spider Climb Circle of Magic Resistance
Detect Magic Spiritual Weapon Contact Other Plane 8th Level
Detect Weapons Step of Respite Dispel Evil and Good Antimagic Field
Elemental Armor Warding Bond Disrupting Weapon Gravity Surge
Endure Elements Dream Holy Aura
Expeditious Retreat 3rd Level Far Step Maze
Fog Cloud Bestow Curse Greater Restoration Mind Blank
Guiding Bolt Blink Hallow Nayru's Love
Healing Word Clairvoyance Mass Cure Wounds Protection from Spells
Inflict Wounds Create Food and Water Passwall Telepathy
Jump Dispel Magic Raise Dead
Longstrider Haste Scrying 9th Level
Mage Armor Mass Healing Word Skill Empowerment Foresight
Gate Frostwave Frigid Smite Flesh to Jelly
Mass Heal Glacial Crash Gaseous Form Greater Restoration
Power Word Heal Grease Glacial Pass Hallow
Prismatic Wall Healing Word Major Image Maelstrom
Storm of Vengeance Ice Knife Mass Healing Word Mass Cure Wounds
True Resurrection Inflict Wounds Nondetection Passwall
Warsong Protection from Evil and Good Protection from Energy Raise Dead
Wish Purify Food and Drink Remove Curse Scrying
Sanctuary Revivify Skill Empowerment
Water Shield of Faith Sending Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
Cantrip (0 Level) Silent Image Sleet Storm Telepathic Bond
Acid Splash Slow Teleportation Circle
Aqua Push 2nd Level Speak with Dead Wall of Force
Cryonis Aid Tidal Wave
Elemental Edge Alter Self Tongues 6th Level
Forceful Hand Augury Wall of Water Aura of Invisibility
Guidance Blur Water Breathing Forbiddance
Ice Blade Calm Emotions Water Walk Freezing Sphere
Light Chromatic Weapon Harm
Mending Darkness 4th Level Heal
Message Darkvision Arcane Storage Investiture of Ice
Minor Ward Enhance Ability Banishment Investiture of Water
Resistance Gentle Repose Control Water Magic Talisman
Shape Water Impart Knowledge Death Ward Primordial Ward
Spare the Dying Invisibility Dimension Door Programmed Illusion
Summon Instrument Knock Divination Wall of Ice
Thaumaturgy Lesser Restoration Divine Power Word of Recall
Weapon Shift Magic Mouth Dowse Location Zone of Power
Mind Spike Freedom of Movement
1st Level Mirror Image Greater Invisibility 7th Level
Absorb Elements Misty Step Hallucinatory Terrain Divine Word
Ceremony Prayer of Healing Hands of Elements Mirage Arcane
Chromatic Orb Quicksand Ice Storm Project Image
Clear Thought See Invisibility Locate Creature Regenerate
Comprehend Languages Silence Private Sanctum Resurrection
Create or Destroy Water Snowball Swarm Wall of Tentacles Sequester
Cure Wounds Spiritual Weapon Watery Sphere Teleport
Detect Evil and Good Split Waves of Exhaustion
Detect Magic Warding Bond 5th Level
Detect Poison and Disease Water Cube Circle of Magic Resistance 8th Level
Elemental Armor Commune with Nature Antimagic Field
Endure Elements 3rd Level Contact Other Plane Control Weather
Expeditious Retreat Bestow Curse Dispel Evil and Good Holy Aura
Fellhammer Clairvoyance Disrupting Weapon Kraken's Tentacle
Floor of Ice Create Food and Water Dream Nayru's Love
Fog Cloud Dispel Magic Drowning Protection from Spells
Telepathy Detect Magic 3rd Level Control Winds
Tsunami Elemental Armor Bestow Curse Dispel Evil and Good
Endure Elements Blink Disrupting Weapon
9th Level Expeditious Retreat Call Lightning Dream
Gate Feather Fall Clairvoyance Greater Restoration
Imprisonment Fellhammer Create Food and Water Hallow
Mass Heal Fog Cloud Dark Transport Mass Cure Wounds
Power Word Heal Healing Word Dispel Magic Passwall
Prismatic Wall Inflict Wounds Fly Raise Dead
Storm of Vengeance Jump Gaseous Form Scrying
True Resurrection Petal Glide Mass Healing Word Skill Empowerment
Wish Protection from Evil and Good Nondetection Sphere of Simulated Antimagic
Purify Food and Drink Razor Leaf Steel Wind Strike
Wind Sanctuary Remove Curse Swirling Storm
Cantrip (0 Level) Shield of Faith Revivify Telepathic Bond
Air Slash Zephyr Strike Sending Teleportation Circle
Arc Sleet Storm Wall of Force
Descent 2nd Level Speak with Dead
Elemental Edge Aid Spirit Guardians 6th Level
Forceful Hand Augury Stinking Cloud Blade Barrier
Guidance Blur Tongues Find the Path
Gust Chromatic Weapon Wall of Sand Forbiddance
Light Darkvision Water Walk Harm
Lightning Lure Dead Man's Volley Wind Wall Heal
Mending Dust Devil Investiture of Wind
Message Earthbind 4th Level Magic Talisman
Minor Ward Enhance Ability Arcane Storage Primordial Ward
Resistance Gentle Repose Banishment Programmed Illusion
Shocking Grasp Gust of Wind Death Ward Scatter
Spare the Dying Impart Knowledge Dimension Door Sympathetic Vibrations
Step Up Lesser Restoration Divination Wind Walk
Summon Instrument Magic Mouth Divine Power Word of Recall
Thaumaturgy Mind Spike Dowse Location Zone of Power
Touch Wind Misty Step Echoes
Weapon Shift Pass without Trace Freedom of Movement 7th Level
Wind Strike Prayer of Healing Gravity Hammer Divine Word
Protection from Arrows Hands of Elements Regenerate
1st Level See Invisibility Ice Storm Resurrection
Absorb Elements Silence Locate Creature Reverse Gravity
Air Wave Skywrite Private Sanctum Sequester
Catapult Spiritual Weapon Teleport
Ceremony Split 5th Level Thunder
Chromatic Orb Step of Respite Animate Objects Whirlwind
Comprehend Languages Tractor Cannon Circle of Magic Resistance
Cure Wounds Warding Bond Cloudkill
Detect Evil and Good Warding Wind Contact Other Plane
8th Level Lightning Field Sword Split Flame Arrows
Air Removal Lightning Orb Zephyr Strike Fly
Antimagic Field Mold Earth Haste
Control Weather Power Beam 2nd Level Ice Spear
Gravity Surge Precipice Blade Alter Self Lesser Purge
Holy Aura Produce Flame Alter Size Lightning Bolt
Incendiary Cloud Pyrokinesis Barkskin Protection from Energy
Nayru's Love Ray of Frost Chromatic Weapon Slow
Protection from Spells Resistance Cloud of Daggers Wind Wall
Telepathy Shocking Bolt Continual Flame
Tornado Shocking Grasp Dead Man's Volley 4th Level
Static Strike Disarm Blade Lightning
9th Level Step Up Dragon's Breath Dominate Beast
Gate Sword Burst Earthen Grasp Elemental Bane
Imprisonment True Strike Explosive Touch Enspell
Mass Heal Uncanny Outfitting Fire Dragon's Wing Attack Fire Shield
Power Word Heal Weapon Shift Flame Blade Freedom of Movement
Prismatic Wall Flame Charge Gravity Hammer
Storm of Vengeance 1st Level Flame Spiral Hands of Elements
True Resurrection Absorb Elements Flaming Sphere Incinerating Impacts
Wish Air Wave Gust of Wind Lava Burst
Blade Blend Heat Metal Lava Line
Scion Blaze of Wrath Heat Shot Pyre Siphon
Dragon Broken Ward Impart Knowledge Staggering Smite
Cantrip (0 Level) Burning Hands Lethal Weapons Stone Shape
Air Slash Cause Fear Overcompensated Weaponry Stoneskin
Arc Chromatic Orb Scorcher Wall of Fire
Blade Ward DragonRend Scorching Ray
Blastbolt Earth Tremor Shatter 5th Level
Blazing Slash Feather Fall Spiritual Weapon Banishing Smite
Bounding Flame Fellhammer Tile of Fire Blinding Flash
Claws of The Dragon Fire Dragon's Iron Fist Warding Wind Chromatic Explosion
Control Flames Flame Tongue Cone of Cold
Create Bonfire Flurry 3rd Level Control Person
Descent Fog Cloud Afterburner Dispel Evil and Good
Earth Spike Ganon's Fist Aura of Embers Dragon's Skin
Elemental Edge Hellish Rebuke Blinding Smite Dragon Rage
Emberbolt Infinite Pockets Call Lightning Earthen Prison
Ember Strike Jump Conceal Item Fallen Meteor
Fiery Disengage Longstrider Counterspell Fire Volley
Fire Bolt Power Within Dispel Magic Immolation
Firebrand Rock Wave Elemental Weapon Iron Flesh
Flame Shot Searing Smite Erupting Earth Mislead
Flare Counter Shield Fear Phoenix Dash
Ice Blade Spin Attack Fireball Rain of Fiery Blades
Light Stone Bolt Fire Swing Steel Wind Strike
Teleportation Circle Detect Magic Tractor Cannon Greater Invisibility
Wall of Stone Detect Poison and Disease Vengeful Roots Locate Creature
Water Volley Disguise Self Warding Bond Polymorph
Wave of Obliteration Divine Favor Warding Wind Private Sanctum
Faerie Fire Water Cube Resilient Sphere
Fairy Feather Fall Stoneskin
Cantrip (0 Level) Goodberry 3rd Level Watery Sphere
Aqua Push Healing Word Aura of Embers
Arcane Bolt Heroism Aura of Vitality 5th Level
Cleanse Wound Light Drive Beacon of Hope Antilife Shell
Clothes Beam Longstrider Catnap Blinding Flash
Create Bonfire Nurture Conceal Item Circle of Magic Resistance
Dancing Lights Petal Glide Conjure Animals Commune with Nature
Descent Protection from Evil and Good Create Food and Water Control Winds
Druidcraft Purify Food and Drink Crusader's Mantle Dawn
Elemental Edge Sanctuary Daylight Dream
Floating Figment Sleep Dispel Magic Fairy Fountain
Friends Suppress Pain Fly Far Step
Guidance Tears of Denial Gaseous Form Final Move
Gust Tree Glitterdust Greater Restoration
Light Haste Holy Weapon
Lullaby 2nd Level Lesser Purge Legend Lore
Mage Hand Aid Mass Healing Word Mass Cure Wounds
Magic Stone Alter Self Nondetection Moonblast
Mending Alter Size Razor Leaf Passwall
Message Animal Conduit Remove Curse Raise Dead
Minor Illusion Animal Messenger Revivify Reincarnate
Minor Ward Arcanist's Magic Aura Sending Skill Empowerment
Nature's Ward Calm Emotions Speak with Images Telepathic Bond
Power Beam Continual Flame Speak with Plants Teleportation Circle
Produce Flame Dead Man's Volley Tongues
Radiant Song Enhance Ability Water Walk Mask
Resistance Enthrall Cantrip (0 Level)
Shape Water Fairy 4th Level Arcane Bolt
Spare the Dying Gust of Wind Arcane Storage Blade of Grass
Step Up Healing Spirit Aura of Purity Claws of The Dragon
Sylvanism Impart Knowledge Aura of Victory Clothes Beam
Thorn Whip Invisibility Conjure Woodland Beings Control Flames
Virtue Lesser Restoration Control Water Dancing Lights
Misty Step Death Ward Druidcraft
1st Level Poof Defender of Life Elemental Edge
Animal Friendship Prayer of Healing Dimension Door Flavor Blast
Beast Bond Protection from Arrows Fabricate Floating Figment
Comprehend Languages See Invisibility Freedom of Movement Ghostly Hands
Create or Destroy Water Shield of Honor Grasping Vine Lullaby
Cure Wounds Step of Respite Gravity Hammer Mending
Moonbeam Bolt Jump Pass without Trace Charm Monster
Nightly Terrors Longstrider Phantasmal Force Freedom of Movement
Precipice Blade Magic Fang Phantom Laughter Greater Invisibility
Prestidigitation Mental Bindings Poof Hallucinatory Terrain
Primal Savagery Notes of Lesser Death Pyrotechnics Hands of Elements
Produce Flame Petal Glide Ray of Enfeeblement Leafify
Resistance Silent Image See Invisibility Life Drain
Shape Water Sleep Silence Locate Creature
Step Up Speak with Animals Spider Climb Phantasmal Killer
Summon Instrument Sword Split Spike Growth Steal Voice
Sylvanism Transfer Pain Split
Thaumaturgy Uncanny Outfitting Stun Person 5th Level
True Strike Venomous Ray Vengeful Roots Animate Objects
Unseen Servant Wild Cunning Web Astral Entity
Venomous Spit Witch Bolt Baleful Polymorph
Vicious Mockery 3rd Level Baleful Regression
Weapon Shift 2nd Level Bestow Curse Commune with Nature
Weave Shadows Alter Size Blinding Smite Contact Other Plane
Alter Terrain Blink Control Person
1st Level Animal Conduit Conceal Item Control Winds
Alter Object Arcanist's Magic Aura Counterspell Danse Macabre
Animal Friendship Barkskin Create Food and Water Dispel Evil and Good
Arcane Mark Beastmask Curse Weapon Dragon's Skin
Beast Bond Blindness/Deafness Dark Transport Fallen Meteor
Beguile Person Blood Boiling Dispel Magic Immolation
Bestial Empowerment Blur Fade Iron Flesh
Blade Blend Calm Emotions Feign Death Mislead
Cause Fear Change Sex Gaseous Form Modify Memory
Color Spray Chromatic Weapon Lesser Purge Negative Energy Flood
Command Darkness Major Image Reincarnate
Comprehend Languages Darkvision Plant Growth Scrying
Conjure Marionettes Detect Thoughts Protection from Energy Skill Empowerment
Demand Duel Disarm Remove Curse Stun Monster
Detect Magic Enhance Ability Rhyme Synaptic Static
Detect Poison and Disease Enthrall Scout Telepathic Bond
Detect Weapons Explosive Touch Sending Temporal Shunt
Ensnaring Strike Fiendish Claws Speak with Dead Wrath of Nature
Entangle Heat Metal Speak with Images
Expeditious Retreat Impart Knowledge Speak with Plants Sword
Feather Fall Invisibility Spirit Guardians Cantrip (0 Level)
Flame Tongue Locate Animals or Plants Tiny Hut Air Slash
Gift of Alacrity Magic Mouth Tiny Servant Aura of Blades
Goodberry Mind Spike Blade Ward
Hex Mirror Image 4th Level Blazing Slash
Hideous Laughter Misty Step Arcane Storage Brutal Blade
Infinite Pockets Nightmare Blade Bane Death Blade
Fiery Disengage Cordon of Arrows 5th Level Cause Fear
Furious Charge Dancing Rune Weapon Banishing Smite Command
Green-Flame Blade Disarm Chromatic Explosion Comprehend Languages
Holy Blade Flame Charge Disintegrating Smite Dark Dive
Ice Shards Lethal Weapons Disrupting Weapon Deathwatch
Magical Blade Magic Weapon Flame Strike Desecrate Weapon
Radiant Lance Overcompensated Weaponry Forceful Smite Detect Magic
Static Strike Serac Holy Weapon Detect Poison and Disease
Sword Burst Shadow Blade Kinetic Redistribution Disguise Self
True Strike Spiritual Weapon Nexus Weapon Dissonant Whispers
Weapon Shift Sun Strike Rain of Fiery Blades Ensnaring Strike
Wind Strike Thirsting Blade Steel Wind Strike Entangle
Whirlwind Strike False Life
1st Level Poe Feather Fall
Absorb Elements 3rd Level Cantrip (0 Level) Fellhammer
Air Wave Afterburner Acid Splash Hex
Arcane Mark Blazing Smite Chill Touch Hideous Laughter
Blade Blend Blinding Smite Dancing Lights Illusory Script
Chromatic Orb Call Lightning Death Blade Infinite Pockets
Demand Duel Catnap Death Bolt Inflict Wounds
Desecrate Weapon Conjure Barrage Death Sight Lesser Confusion
Detect Evil and Good Curse Weapon Descent Mage Armor
Detect Weapons Elemental Weapon Elemental Edge Protection from Evil and Good
Elemental Armor Fire Swing Floating Figment Shadow Spray
Expeditious Retreat Flame Arrows Friends Shield
Fellhammer Frigid Smite Ghostly Hands Silent Image
Flurry Frostball Mage Hand Sleep
Frostwave Rift Message Transfer Pain
Razor Storm Searing Blow Minor Illusion Unseen Servant
Shield Spellbreaking Smite Necrotic Glare Wrathful Smite
Shield of Faith Swordcraft Poe Reprise
Skyward Strike Teleport Slash Poison Spray 2nd Level
Spin Attack Warrior's Weapon Psychic Attack Alter Self
Sword Split Resistance Arcanist's Magic Aura
Volatile Vortex 4th Level Soul Drain Augury
Wrathful Smite Agonizing Smite Step Up Blindness/Deafness
Zephyr Strike Blade Bane Thaumaturgy Blood Boiling
Blade Lightning Toll the Dead Blur
2nd Level Dowse Location Venomous Spit Bone Lore
Acid Arrow Elemental Bane Vicious Mockery Dark Force
Analyze Item Enspell Weave Shadows Darkness
Augury Hands of Elements Darkvision
Brambles Incinerating Impacts 1st Level Dead Man's Volley
Branding Smite Staggering Smite Animate Stal Earthbind
Chromatic Weapon Beguile Person Faithful Dead
Cloud of Daggers Capture Soul Gentle Repose
Gust of Wind Hypnotic Pattern Insect Plague Seeming
Impart Knowledge Lesser Purge Mislead Stun Monster
Invisibility Major Image Modify Memory Synaptic Static
Knock Remove Curse Negative Energy Flood Teleportation Circle
Magic Mouth Revivify Passwall Wall of Force
Mind Spike Scout Raise Dead Wizzro's Blast
Mirror Image Sending
Misty Step Slashing Darkness Spell Descriptions
Nightmare Slow
Pass without Trace Speak with Dead The spells are presented in alphabetical order
Phantasmal Force Speak with Skull
Phantom Laughter Stinking Cloud Abyssal Invocation
Poof Tongues 4th-level transmutation
Portent Vampiric Touch Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Pulling Shade Range: Self
Pursuers 4th Level Components: S, M (a drop of blood)
Putrefy Food Abyssal Invocation Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Ray of Enfeeblement Agonizing Smite You call upon a creature of the abyss to wield their power
See Invisibility Arcane Eye as your own.
Shadow Blade Black Tentacles Roll 1d4:
Spider Climb Blade Bane ● On a roll of 1: You call upon the powers of a demon
Spike Growth Blight of rage. Your Strength modifier is increased by 2.
Your movement speed is increased by 15 ft.
Split Compulsion
● On a roll of 2: You call upon the powers of a demon
Stun Person Corrosive Aura of greed. Your spell save DC is increased by 2. Your
Thirsting Blade Death March movement speed is reduced by 15 ft.
Withering Ray Gravity Hammer ● On a roll of 3: You call upon the powers of a demon
Greater Invisibility of suffering. When you hit a creature, it must
succeed on a Constitution save or be paralyzed for
3rd Level Life Drain
one minute.
Animate Dead Phantasmal Killer ● On a roll of 4: You call upon the powers of a demon
Bestow Curse Polymorph of death. When you hit a creature, the creature takes
Blink Sentinel an additional 4d10 necrotic damage. You gain
temporary hit points equal to half of the necrotic
Bonesword Splitting Orb
damage dealt.
Clairvoyance Vitriolic Sphere
After the spell ends, you take one level of exhaustion.
Conceal Item Wall of Tentacles
Curse Weapon 5th Level
3rd-level evocation
Dark Flare Arcane Hand
Casting Time: 1 action
Dark Transport Baleful Regression
Range: Self
Desolation Aura Cloudkill
Components: V, S
Dispel Magic Contact Other Plane
Duration: Instantaneous
Enemies Abound Contagion
You launch forward up to 120 feet in a straight line,
Fear Control Person
leaving a plume of fire behind you as you go. For the
Feign Death Danse Macabre duration of the spell you do not provoke opportunity
Floormaster's Grasp Enervation attacks, you are able to move through the space of
Fly Far Step hostile creatures, and difficult terrain doesn't slow your
Hunger of Hadar Grip of Death movement. When you move within 5 feet of a creature or
move through its space, it must make a Dexterity saving
throw or it takes 4d6 fire damage from your trail of fire. attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10
On a successful save the creature takes half as much slashing damage.
damage. A creature can take this damage only once At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by
during a turn. 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10),
and 17th level (4d10).
Agonizing Smite
4th-level necromancy Air Wave
Casting Time: 1 bonus action 1st-level conjuration
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V
The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon Duration: Instantaneous
attack before this spell ends, the weapon sends waves of With a swing of your weapon, you attack a target within
excruciating pain through the creature's body, and the range with a wave of cutting air. Make a melee weapon
attack deals an extra 5d8 necrotic damage to the target. attack against the target as if you were adjacent to it. If
Additionally, the target must make a Constitution saving you are wielding one weapon in each hand, your attack
throw. On a failed save, it falls prone and takes 1d8 deals an additional 1d6 damage. Attacks made with this
necrotic damage at the start of its next turn. On a spell deal slashing damage.
successful save, the target takes half as much damage
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
and doesn't fall prone.
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, its range increases by 20
feet for each slot level above 1st.
Air Removal
8th-level conjuration Alter Object
Casting Time: 1 action 1st-level transmutation
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a bit of earth from the Plane of Range: Touch
Components: V, M (an object big enough to change into
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the sought after tool)
You remove breathable air from within the body of a Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
creature within range, and prevent any air from entering
An object you touch that meets the requirements, can
for the duration. The target must make a Constitution
shift into a simple tool that is good for one use. Ex. A lock
save. Air elementals, or other creatures made primarily of
pick to unlock a chest. Only the caster can hold the item.
air, have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed
This spell does not work on magical items. This spell is
save, the creature takes 10d8 necrotic damage, and this
also for basic tools.
spell continues if the creature has a need to breathe. On
a successful save, the creature takes half as much At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
damage, and the spell ends. spell slot of any higher level, it increases the number of
times you can use the object.
At the end of your next turn, the creature must succeed
on another Constitution saving throw or begin to
suffocate, as it has run out of breath. It can repeat the Alter Size
saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending the 2nd-level transmutation
spell on a success. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Air Slash
Components: V, S, M (a metallic spring)
Evocation cantrip
Duration: Varies; see description
Casting Time: 1 action
You alter the size of a creature or object you can see in
Range: 120 feet range. If the target is an unwilling creature or an object
Components: S worn by an unwilling creature, that creature can make a
Duration: Instantaneous Constitution saving throw. On a success, this spell
doesn't affect it.
You form a blade of air and launch it at incredible speeds
at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell
If the target is a creature, it gains your choice of either against your spell casting to hide how to destroy the
the enlarged or reduced condition for the duration of your artifact.
concentration, up to 1 minute.
If the target is an object, you can choose to either (a) Animal Conduit
double its size in all dimensions and multiply its weight by 2nd-level divination (ritual)
8, or (b) halve its size in all dimensions and divide its
Casting Time: 1 action
weight by 8. In either case, this altered size lasts for 1
minute. Range: Touch
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Components: V, S
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
additional creature or object for each slot level above A willing beast you touch becomes your conduit. For the
2nd. The targets must be within 30 feet of each other duration, you can perceive the world through all of the
when you target them. beast's senses, including touch, sight, sound, and smell.
You also gain the benefits of any special senses the
Alter Terrain beast has, such as tremorsense or darkvision. You
2nd-level transmutation continue to see through the beast's senses instead of
your own until you use an action to switch back, or your
Casting Time: 10 minutes
concentration ends.
Range: Self
While you are using the beast's senses, you are
Components: V, M (A piece of the desired terrain) blinded and deafened to your own surroundings. Your
Duration: 1 hour speed is reduced to 0 and you are effectively
You touch the ground and change the terrain within 120 incapacitated; the only action you can take is to switch
feet, centered on yourself. It becomes difficult terrain for back to your own senses. You can still choose to end
every creature except the caster. This does not affect the your concentration on this spell at any time, even while
inside of buildings or other constructed terrain. The incapacitated by its effect.
caster chooses a terrain: Arctic, Coast, Desert, Forest, A willing beast you touch becomes your conduit. For
Grassland, Mountain, Swamp, or the Underdark. The the duration, you can perceive the world through all of the
spell creates minor alterations to the land to resemble the beast's senses, including touch, sight, sound, and smell.
chosen terrain. When the spell ends, the terrain returns You also gain the benefits of any special senses the
to its original form and is no longer considered difficult beast has, such as tremorsense or darkvision. You
terrain. continue to see through the beast's senses instead of
your own until you use an action to switch back, or your
Analyze Item concentration ends.
2nd-level truespeak While you are using the beast's senses, you are
blinded and deafened to your own surroundings. Your
Casting Time: 1 action
speed is reduced to 0 and you are effectively
Range: 60 feet incapacitated; the only action you can take is to switch
Components: V back to your own senses. You can still choose to end
Duration: Instantaneous your concentration on this spell at any time, even while
incapacitated by its effect.
You determine the true properties of an item. You learn
the properties and functions, as well as how to activate
the functions, and determine the number of charges left Animate Plants
of an item you chose. This utterance does not affect 7th-level transmutation
artifacts unless spoken as a 6th level utterance. This Casting Time: 1 action
utterance spoken in reverse does nothing.
Range: 60 feet
At Higher Levels. When you speak this utterance
Components: V
using a 4th level or higher slot you identify all spells and
the level of the spells currently in effect on the item. As a Duration: 8 hours
5th level slot you may use this effect to analyze the You imbue plants with mobility and a semblance of life.
spells, and level of spells in effect on a person. As a 6th Choose up to eight non magical plants within range;
level slot you may use this utterance to identify the Large plants count as two targets, and Huge plants count
properties of an artifact including how to destroy the as four. You can't animate any plant larger than Huge, or
artifact. The artifact is entitled to a +10 saving throw target plant creatures. Each target plant animates and
becomes a creature under your control until the spell
ends or until reduced to 0 hit points, after which it reverts 4th Poe any living creature
to its original plant form. A creature animated this way any Medium, Large, or Huge dragon with
gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, 5th Gleeok Head
a head; only the skull is animated
and so forth, and it gains senses similar to a human's.
any Medium, Large, or Huge dragon with
Your GM chooses statistics appropriate for the animated 5th Redead
a head; only the skull is animated
plant, such as the statistics for the awakened shrub or
5th Stalfos Knight a Medium or Large humanoid or giant
the awakened tree.
The animated plants are friendly to you and your To animate one of these undead, you must cast this
companions. In combat, the group of animated plants spell at a level that meets or exceeds the level required
shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn for the given creature. If the target creature's remains do
immediately after yours. As a bonus action, you can not match any "Remains Required" appropriate to your
mentally command any creature you animated with this spell level, the spell fails.
spell if the creature is within 500 feet of you (if you control
You can cast this spell multiple times to assert control
multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them
at the same time, issuing the same command to each over animated undead. Even in these cases, the sum
one). You decide what action the creature will take and "spell levels" of undead you can affect by this spell can
where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a never exceed double your Max Spell Level. For example,
general command, such as to guard a particular chamber if your Max Spell Level is 4th, you could use this spell to
or corridor. Once given an order, the creature continues control eight Stalchildren, or two Stalchildren and two big
to follow it until its task is complete. If you issue no Stalfos, among many other possibilities.
commands, the creature takes the Dodge action and Any undead creatures you create from casting this
uses its move to avoid danger. spell are loyal to you. On each of your turns, you can use
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell a bonus action to mentally command any creature you
slot of 8th level or higher, you can animate two additional made with this spell if the creature is within 60 feet of you
plants for each slot level above 7th. (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any
or all of them at the same time, issuing the same
Animate Stal command to each one). You decide what action the
1st-level necromancy creature will take and where it will move during its next
Casting Time: 1 action turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to
guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no
Range: 10 feet
commands, the creature only defends itself against
Components: V, S, M (a poe soul, which is consumed by hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature
the spell) continues to follow it until its task is complete.
Duration: 24 hours
Any creature animated by this spell is under your
You animate a corpse or a pile of bones within range to control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying any
follow your bidding, creating a Stal creature or another command you've given it. To maintain control of the
form of undead. From the remains you create one type of creature for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on
undead from the following table, depending on the level
the creature again, without expending material
from which you cast this spell and the kind of creature to
components, before the current 24-hour period ends.
which the remains belong.
This use of the spell reasserts your control over a
Spell number of creatures appropriate to the spell level.
Animated Undead Remains Required
Level Casting animate Stal as a 3rd-level spell, for instance,
1st Stalchild a Small or Medium humanoid would allow you to reassert control over three
any Small or Medium living creature with Stalchildren. Creatures animated by this spell can not
1st Stalhead
a head; only the skull is animated yield a poe soul when destroyed.
a mule, a riding horse, or similar beast
2nd Stalhorse
subject to DM discretion Aqua Push
any Small, Medium, or Large quadruped Transmutation cantrip
2nd Stalhound
Casting Time: 1 action
2nd Stalfos a Small or Medium humanoid
Range: 60 feet
3rd Big Stalfos a Large humanoid or giant
Components: S
3rd Evoked Stalfos a Small or Medium humanoid
Duration: Instantaneous
4th Ghini any living creature
You move a packet of water from a water source within Components: V, M (a ranged weapon)
range and hurl it to splash into a creature within range. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
For the purpose of this spell, a water source is a
You imbue your ranged weapon with arcane energy,
continuous body of water comprising at least 5 cubic feet.
causing it to crackle at the seams with power. The next
One creature you designate within 60 feet of the water time you successfully hit a ranged weapon attack with it
source must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take before the spell's duration ends, the projectile explodes
1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a failed save, roll 1d4 to violently. Every creature within 5 feet of the target,
determine what effect affects the target: including the target itself, must make a Dexterity saving
1. Nothing. throw, taking 2d6 force damage on a failed save, or half
2. The target's movement speed is decreased by 10 until as much on a successful one.
the end of your next turn. At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell
3. The target is pushed 10 feet away from the water slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6
source. for every level above 1st.
4. The target is knocked prone.
Arcane Bolt
This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Arc Range: 30 feet
Evocation cantrip Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30 feet You launch a bolt of magical energy that follows its target
Components: V, S, M (the ground, a grounded object, or before exploding on them. Choose a creature within
a body of mass no smaller than 100 feet on a side) range. It takes 1d4 force damage.
Duration: Instantaneous This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
You draw an arc of lightning between the material
component and the tips of your fingers, then sweep it out
towards a creature within range. Make a ranged spell Arcane Crush
attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 1st-level transmutation
lightning damage. If you roll a 5 or higher on one or more Casting Time: 1 action
of the damage dice, the lightning leaps to a second
Range: 60 feet
creature you can see within 20 feet of the original, and
you can make a second ranged spell attack against the Components: V, S
new target. If you roll a 6 on one or more of the damage Duration: Instantaneous
dice for the second strike, the lightning leaps again You begin to crush one target you are already holding in
towards a third creature you can see within 10 feet of the place. Choose one creature that you are currently
second, and you can make a third ranged spell attack keeping paralyzed, such as through the hold person
against that target. The arc cannot target a creature more spell. They take 3d6 bludgeoning damage, and have
than once or target more than three creatures. disadvantage on their next saving throw against whatever
Even when using a spellcasting focus to replace this effect is keeping them paralyzed.
spell's material component, you must always use a free At Higher Levels. When cast at 2nd level or higher,
hand to perform the somatic component. You do not have increase the damage by 1d6 for every level above 1st.
to wield your spellcasting focus for this purpose; you can
draw the arc from a staff slung across your back or a
crystal in your pocket.
Arcane Explosion
This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 3rd-level evocation
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Arcane Arrow Components: V, S, M (a tiny ball of hawk guano and
1st-level transmutation magnesium)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point
you choose within range and then blossoms with a low
roar into an explosion of arcane energy. Each creature in possesses the gem can cast the spell. The spell’s
a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make spellcasting ability and save DC, if any, are the same as
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes the initial caster’s. The gem then crumbles to powder.
3d6 force damage and 3d6 thunder damage and is At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
pushed 10 feet away from the center of the spell. On a spell slot of 5th or higher, the level of spell stored
successful save, the target takes half as much damage increases by one per level and the minimum gem value
and isn’t pushed. increases by the following formula: 100 gp multiplied by
In addition, unsecured objects that are completely the spell's level squared.
within the area of effect are automatically pushed 10 feet
away from you by the spell’s effect, and the spell emits a Arrow of Dusk
thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet away from you
Evocation cantrip
by the spell’s effect.
Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the force damage Range: 60 feet
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
Arcane Mark A bolt of shadow springs from your hand and toward a
1st-level divination (ritual) creature within range, draining vitality where it strikes.
Casting Time: 1 action Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, it
takes 1d8 piercing damage. If you score a critical hit,
Range: Touch
triple the damage. If this damage would reduce a
Components: V, S creature to 0 hit points or fewer, it is rendered
Duration: Until dispelled unconscious, but stable.
Choose one creature or object. You establish a This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
permanent link with the subject in your mind, and leave 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8)
your sigil or mark upon it. At your option, the mark may
be invisible, but any creature that can cast spells can Astral Entity
always see the mark. Note that an unwilling creature
5th-level abjuration
cannot have this mark placed upon it.
Casting Time: 1 action
You can at any time spend an action to determine the
direction and general distance of the subject, as well its Range: Self
physical condition. More information can be learned, Components: S
depending upon the nature of the subject. If the subject is Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
a coin, you know whose possession it's in. If a door, you
You close your eyes and focus on the Astral Energy
know the last person to have touched it. If a living
around you as your form slowly starts to dissipate in blue
creature, you learn its current mental state (angry,
flashes until you completely leave the material plane. You
frightened, happy, asleep, etc). More information may be
turn invisible and cannot be damaged, you remain in this
available at the DM's discretion.
state until you choose to take an action to dispel it or the
You can mark a maximum number of subjects equal to spell ends. You cannot attack while in this form
3 + your spellcaster ability modifier. You can as an action additionally only creatures with truesight can locate your
dismiss any mark you have placed regardless of position they can still not damage you however.
Astral Light
Arcane Storage
Evocation cantrip
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Range: Self
Range: Self
Components: S
Components: V, S, M (a gem worth at least 100 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: 1 week
By gently waving your hand in a circular motion, you
You store a spell for later use, also allowing other slowly draw forth an aurora of light into the air around
creatures to cast it. Casting this spell allows the user to yourself for the duration. This aurora persists in spaces
choose any other spell they have prepared of first level. you move through, leaving a glowing trail marking where
The spell is stored within a small gem. Any creature who
you've been, and emits dim light in a 10-foot radius along the aura moves with you, centered on you. Each creature
its length. When the spell ends, you can choose to of your choice within range becomes invisible.
extinguish the aurora immediately or allow it to slowly
fade over the course of the next 8 hours. Aura of Victory
4th-level evocation
Aura of Blades
Casting Time: 1 action
Conjuration cantrip
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V
Range: Self (5 foot sphere)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Components: V, S
Righteous fury radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you,
The player opens a small portal in their hand spreading centered on you. Each non hostile creature in the aura
bright light for 5 feet and dim light for 15 feet further. (including you) deals an extra 1d4 force damage
When assaulted by a foe, spectral blades dart from the whenever it hits with a melee weapon attack. Additionally,
portal to your defense. When a hostile creature enters you can use a bonus action to grant one creature in the
the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn aura (including you) advantage on the first
there, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or Strength-based melee attack it makes before the end of
is forced backwards 5 feet and takes 1d4 slashing your next turn.
At Higher Levels. The spell's damage increases by Baleful Polymorph
1d4 and shove distance increases by 5 feet at 5th level 5th-level transmutation
(2d4, 10 feet), 11th level (3d4, 15 feet), and 17th level Casting Time: 1 action
(4d4, 20 feet).
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Aura of Embers
Duration: Variable
3rd-level abjuration
With a snap of your fingers, a billowing cloud of smoke
Casting Time: 1 action
surrounds your target. When the smoke clears, the target
Range: Self (30-foot radius) is transformed into a beast of challenge rating 1 or lower.
Components: V The target's game statistics other than mental ability
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours scores, hit points, alignment and personality are replaced
by those of the new form.
You radiate an aura of comforting warmth out to a range
of 30 feet, and for the duration this aura moves with you, The target is allowed a Constitution saving throw to
centered on you. Your body glows with dim light out to a resist the transformation. After 1 minute, the target
range of 30 feet. You and every non hostile creature in receives an additional Constitution saving throw. If it
this range has resistance to cold damage and can succeeds, it reverts to its normal form; if it fails, it remains
comfortably endure even the coldest of climates. an animal. The target can make an additional saving
throw after the first hour, the first day and the first month.
Within the duration, you can use your action to kindle a
If all saving throws result in failure, the spell becomes
small and controlled flame on a flammable, unattended
permanent and the target's mental ability scores are
object in range.
replaced by those of a typical member of its species.
You can complete a short rest without breaking
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
concentration on this spell.
spell slot of 6th or higher, a number of saving throws
starting from the final one equal to the slot level minus
Aura of Invisibility five are automatic failures. Therefore, if you cast this
6th-level illusion spell with a 9th level spell slot, the target is permanently
Casting Time: 1 action transformed if it fails the first saving throw.
You conjure a giant, rough sphere of solid rock about 3 If the original caster can communicate with the target,
feet in diameter and weighing about 2000 pounds. You they can allow the target to automatically pass the save
can only cast this spell while standing on solid ground. for their first casting of the spell and every subsequent
The boulder appears in your space, but as part of the redirection they make.
action used to cast this spell, you can throw or launch the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
boulder from your person to any point in range. spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its damage increases by
The launched boulder's path is a 5-foot-wide line 1d12 for every slot level above 2nd.
originating from you, and is up to 60 feet in length. Any
creature in the boulder's path must make a Strength Death Blade
saving throw. A Huge or larger creature has advantage Necromancy cantrip
on this saving throw, while a Small or smaller creature
Casting Time: 10 minutes
has disadvantage. On a failure, the creature takes 5d8
bludgeoning damage, is moved with the boulder until the Range: Self
boulder's momentum stops, and falls prone wherever the Components: V, S, M (a blade)
boulder stops. On a successful save, the creature takes Duration: Instantaneous
half as much damage, stops the momentum of the
You enchant a blade you wield with a slain soul. If you
boulder in its space, and is neither moved nor knocked
have slain an enemy in the last turn, you can cast this
spell as a bonus action, otherwise it has a casting time of
At any point before the start of your next turn, you can 10 minutes. Until the start of your next turn, a bladed
use your reaction to cause the boulder to detonate with a
weapon you wield gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and Deathwatch
damage rolls. A creature hit by this weapon must
1st-level necromancy
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
of you until the start of your next turn. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Death Bolt Components: V, S
Necromancy cantrip Duration: 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action Using the foul sight granted by the powers of unlife, you
Range: 120 feet can determine the condition of creatures near death
within the spell's range. You instantly know whether each
Components: V, S
creature within the area is dead, fragile (alive and
Duration: Instantaneous wounded, with 3 or fewer hit points left), fighting off death
You hurl a dark ball at a creature or object within range. (alive with 4 or more hit points), undead, or neither alive
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, nor dead (such as a construct).
the target takes 1d10 necrotic damage. Deathwatch sees through any spell or ability that
This spell's damage increases by 1d10 when you allows creatures to feign death. The spell can penetrate
reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch
(4d10). of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood
or dirt.
Death March
4th-level necromancy Defender of Life
Casting Time: 1 action 4th-level abjuration
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: Self (15-foot radius)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V
You empower yourself and nearby allies with shadow Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
magic, with the life-draining force of death. A 30-foot You radiate a field of protective magic out to a range of
radius of effect moves with you, centered on you, for the 15 feet, which preserves life. This area moves with you,
duration of the spell. You and every friendly creature centered on you. You and every non hostile creature in
within this radius gains the following benefits while it range can't have its hit point maximum reduced, has
remains within the radius: resistance to necrotic damage, and has advantage on
● Deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit with saving throws against both curses and disease.
any weapon attack (or 1d8 if you have the Necrotic Any living, non hostile creature in this area that begins
Power feature). its turn with 0 hit points regains 1 hit point at the start of
● Has resistance to necrotic damage and poison its turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Demand Duel
spell slot of 5th level, the extra damage increases to 2d6 1st-level enchantment
(or 2d8 if you have the Necrotic Power feature).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Death Sight
Components: V
Divination cantrip
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
You massively bloat the ego of a hostile creature, and
Range: Touch
prevent them from backing down. Choose one target in
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered bone) range, and a second target that the first can see. The first
Duration: 1 minute target must make a Charisma saving throw, or have their
You touch a creature and give it an insight into its ego bloated. For the duration of the spell, they are
imminent death. While under the effects of this spell, a affected by the following.
creature can add its proficiency bonus to its death saving ● They cannot take the Dash or Disengage action.
throws. You cannot cast this spell on an incapacitated ● They cannot willingly be more than 60 feet away
creature. If you cast this spell again, the effect ends. from the second target.
● At the start of the first target's next turn, they can Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
reattempt the saving throw, ending the spell on a Deteriorating energy radiates from you in an aura with a
success. 30-foot radius, making armor brittle and wearing down
Undead, constructs, creatures with a Charisma of 5 or living things. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with
less, and those immune to the charmed condition, cannot you, centered on you. You can use a bonus action to
be the first target of this spell. make a ranged spell attack against a creature within the
aura. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 necrotic damage, and
Descent it suffers a -2 penalty to its AC until the end of your next
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Detect Weapons
Range: 60 feet
1st-level divination
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self
A creature you can see in range must make a Strength
Components: V, S
saving throw. On a failure, it is abruptly pulled down
towards the ground, if the creature is subject to gravity. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
An airborne creature or a creature in a fluid immediately For the duration, you sense the presence of
descends 20 feet, and if it hits ground takes 1d6 manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you. If you
bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet fallen. A creature sense weapons in this way, you can use your action to
on the ground takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. determine their location and type (e.g. "shortsword"). This
The amount of distance fallen increases by 10 feet can detect an improvised weapon if it is wielded by a
when you reach 5th level (30 feet), 11th level (40 feet), creature intending to use it as such.
and 17th level (50 feet). The damage a creature on the The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked
ground takes increases by 1d6 at 5th level (2d6), 11th by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet
level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Range: 60 feet
Precipice Blade
Components: S, M (a weapon)
Transmutation cantrip
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You project a beam of force from the melee weapon used
as a material component for this spell. Make a ranged Range: 60 feet (5 foot square)
spell attack against a target within range, dealing 1d8 Components: S
force damage on a hit. Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you reach 5th level, you can You strike the ground, summoning a 10 ft. tall spike of
use your innate skill to enhance the beam's power, earth underneath the target. Choose one 5 ft. square up
adding your spellcasting modifier to the spell's damage. to 60 ft. away from you. A creature standing in space
The beam projected by this spell also deals more must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it cannot move to
damage as you reach higher levels, dealing an additional another space 5 ft. away from where it is currently
1d8 force damage when you reach 11th level (2d8) and standing (This direction cannot be diagonal), it
17th level (3d8). automatically fails this save, while creatures with
tremorsense have advantage on this saving throw. The
Power Within target takes 1d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or
half as much on a successful one. Regardless of the
1st-level evocation result of the save, the creature is moved 5 ft. from the
Casting Time: 1 action space in a direction of its choosing. The spike of earth
Range: Self remains where it was summoned as if occurring by
natural means. It can be destroyed (HP 4d10), but if
Components: V, S
another spike is created the previously made one
Duration: 1 minute
disappears back under the ground, even if the majority of concentration, and the wall's hit point total increases to
it was destroyed. 50.
This spell's range of effect increases to a 10 ft. square
and a 20 ft. spike at 11th level. The piercing damage Psychic Attack
increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th Enchantment cantrip
level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Projectile Protection
Components: S
2nd-level abjuration
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You attack the mind of a creature within range. The target
Range: Touch
must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d8
Components: V, S, M (a piece of shell from a tortoise or psychic damage.
a turtle)
This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
For the duration, the willing creature you touch has
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Pulling Shade
damage from non magical ranged weapons.
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Protection from Spells
Range: 60 feet
8th-level abjuration
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 30 feet
You manifest a whirlpool-like, swirling mass of darkness
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 500 gp,
that ensnares and decays your victims. Choose a point
crushed and sprinkled on each target)
on any level ground within range. For the duration, any
Duration: 1 hour creature that begins its turn within 40 feet of this point
You raise an aura of magical protection around a number must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled 20
of creatures you choose less than or equal to your feet closer to its center. A flying creature has
spellcasting ability modifier (minimum 1). For the disadvantage on this saving throw.
duration, each affected creature has advantage on saving Any creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the
throws against magic and magical effects, and has point, or enters it on its turn, must make a Constitution
resistance against damage from magical sources. saving throw. It takes 3d6 necrotic damage on a failure,
or half as much on a success.
Protective Barrier At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
1st-level abjuration spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by
Casting Time: 1 action 1d6 for every two slot levels above 2nd.
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, M (a halfbrick)
2nd-level conjuration
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
You conjure a wall of force in range measuring five feet
tall, one foot thick, and ten feet long for allies to take Range: 60 feet
cover behind. The wall is opaque from one side, of any Components: V, S
color you choose. The wall has an AC of 15, 30 hit Duration: Instantaneous
points, and resistance to piercing and slashing damage
You summon three orbs of warm darkness that seek
from non magical weapons.
enemies. Each orb targets the closest hostile creature
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a that they can see within range, and deals 1d8 + 1
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the height and length of necrotic damage to the target. The orbs all strike
the wall both increase by 5 ft. for each slot level above simultaneously. This spell has no effect on constructs.
1st. When you use a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
duration becomes 1 hour, the spell doesn't require
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell creates one
more orb for each slot level above 2nd.
Push At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one
Evocation cantrip
additional creature for each slot level above 4th.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Pyrokinesis
Components: S Pyrokinesis
Duration: Instantaneous Evocation cantrip
You blast a creature in range with raw kinetic force. The Casting Time: 1 action
target must make a Strength save. On a failure, it takes
Range: 30 feet
1d6 force damage and is laterally pushed up to 15 feet in
a direction of your choice. Components: S
If the target would be pushed into terrain it knows is Duration: Instantaneous
lethal, such as being pushed into a pool of molten rock or You exert your power to cause a mote of flame to appear
over a sheer cliff, it is granted a Constitution save. On a either in your hand or at a point in mid-air within range.
success, it is pushed no further. This mote emits dim light to a range of 10 feet until the
This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach start of your next turn.
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). You may also use this spell to ignite a target within
range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw,
Putrefy Food taking 1 fire damage and becoming ignited on a failed
2nd-level necromancy
Objects automatically fail the saving throw. You can't
Casting Time: 1 action
target an object that's being worn or carried, and you
Range: 10 feet can't target an object larger than 5 feet in any dimension.
Components: S, M (A bit of mold) At higher levels. The spell's initial damage increases
Duration: Instantaneous by 1d4 when you reach 3rd level (1d4 + 1), 6th level (2d4
All non-magical food within a 5-foot radius sphere + 1), 9th level (3d4 + 1), 13th level (4d4 + 1) and 15th
centered on a point of your choice within range is level (5d4 + 1).
rendered obviously rotten and unwholesome. Elemental Discipline. A Way of the Four Elements
Creatures who eat it anyway must make a Constitution monk may cast this cantrip at will if they know the Flames
saving throw or become poisoned for 10 minutes. of the Phoenix discipline.
Range: Touch
Teleport Slash
Components: V, S, M (a tuning fork)
3rd-level conjuration
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
By attuning yourself to a freestanding structure such as a
building, bridge, or dam, you create a damaging vibration Range: 60 feet
within it. When you cast this spell and again at the start of Components: V, S
each of your turns for the duration, the structure takes Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
8d10 thunder damage. If the spell is cast upon a target
You conjure a sword made of ethereal light that seems to
that is not freestanding, such as a hillside, the
bend and twist space around it. Make a melee spell
surrounding earth dissipates the vibrations and no
attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the target
damage occurs.
takes 3d10 force damage. Until the spell ends, you can
make the attack again on each of your turns as an action.
Tale of a Million Nights When you deal damage to a target with this spell, you
1st-level divination can force the target to make a Constitution saving throw.
Casting Time: 1 action If the save fails, the target is stunned until the end of its
next turn.
Range: 120 feet
At Higher Levels. When casting this spell using a
Components: V
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage of this spell
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
increases by 1d10 and the range of this spell increases At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 3rd
by 15 feet for each spell level above 3rd. level spell slot or higher, you can enhance it in several
ways. For each slot level above 1st, pick one of the
Thirsting Blade following. You may pick an option multiple times.
2nd-level necromancy ● Additional Tile. You create an additional 5-foot
square of fire within range, which behaves identically
Casting Time: 1 action
to the first. When you use your bonus action to
Range: 5 feet dismiss and recreate fire with this spell, you can
Components: V, M (a melee weapon) dismiss any number of squares evoked with this
Duration: Instantaneous spell.
● Additional Damage. All fire created by this spell
When you make a melee attack with a weapon within this
deals an additional 1d6 fire damage.
spell's range, you may cast this spell as many times as
you can attack, spending one spell slot every time you
cast the spell to attack. You must make at least one Tornado
melee attack, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target 8th-level conjuration
suffers the attack's normal effects as well as 2d6 necrotic Casting Time: 1 action
damage. You regain a number of hit points equal to the
Range: 100 feet
necrotic damage inflicted by this spell. You do not regain
hit points if the target is a construct or an undead. Components: V, S, M (a piece of silver wool worth 1,000
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the necrotic damage Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd. You conjure a spiraling cylinder of wind in range, which
has a 20 foot radius and 40 foot height. This cylinder
Thunder becomes difficult terrain for the duration, even for flying
creatures. Unattended objects in this cylinder that are
7th-level evocation
Large or smaller are pulled towards the center. A
Casting Time: 1 action creature that starts its turn in the cylinder must succeed
Range: Self (60-foot radius) on a Strength save or be pulled to the center of the
Components: V, S cylinder, and be restrained while it remains in the center.
Duration: Instantaneous All creatures inside the cylinder take damage when this
spell is cast, and again at the start of each of your turns.
Bolts of lightning and echoes of deafening thunder burst
The damage inflicted depends on how many objects and
from your body in every direction. Each creature other
creatures are in the cylinder itself.
than you in a 60-foot radius centered on you must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature Cumulative damage:
takes 6d6 lightning damage and 6d6 thunder damage, ● Small or Medium: +1d6 bludgeoning
and is deafened for 1 minute. On a success a creature ● Large: +2d6 bludgeoning
takes half as much damage and isn't deafened. ● Huge: +3d6 bludgeoning
● Unattended Weapons or Ammunition: +1d6 of its
Tile of Fire respective damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or
2nd-level evocation
So, for example, three Medium creatures and two
Casting Time: 1 action spent arrows inside the cylinder would cause this spell to
Range: 120 feet inflict 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 piercing to all targets in
Components: V, S the cylinder. If one of the Medium creatures escaped on
its turn, the bludgeoning damage would decrease to 2d6
Duration: 1 minute
at the start of your next turn.
One 5-foot square you can see within range is lit on fire
A DM may determine that some creatures or objects
by magical means. Any creature that moves into the area
inflict other forms of damage. A fire elemental for
for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must
example may inflict fire damage instead of bludgeoning
make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.
For the duration of this spell, you use a bonus action to
Regardless of how many objects are in the cylinder,
dismiss and recreate the magical fire up to 20 feet away
the damage a creature takes at one time from this spell
from its previous location.
cannot exceed 12d6.
While an affected target is able to take actions, it can ● You gain a +3 bonus to your AC.
attempt to escape the center of the cylinder and thus ● You have advantage on all ability checks and saving
remove its restrained condition. Any action that doesn't throws except for Constitution saving throws made to
require movement but moves the creature, such as the maintain concentration, on which you instead suffer
misty step spell, automatically succeeds in removing the a -2 penalty.
target. A creature can attempt a more mundane escape ● Any time you deal damage with a spell or attack, you
by succeeding on a Strength saving throw at any point can add an amount of additional damage equal to
during its turn. half of the base damage dealt, rounded up.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 9th When the spell ends, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion.
level spell slot, it affects Huge creatures and objects.
Touch Wind
Touched by the Sun Transmutation cantrip
4th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Range: Self (10-foot radius) Components: V, S
Components: S Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You seize the air and compel it to create one of the
You use the power of the sun to heal and protect following effects at a point you can see within range.
yourself. For the duration, you regain hit points equal to ● One Medium or smaller creature you choose must
the maximum number rolled on your hit dice. All succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up
creatures within 10 feet of the caster take 2d10 radiant to 5 feet in a direction of your choice. A flying
damage if they move into or start their turn inside the creature has disadvantage on this saving throw.
radius. When inside the radius, creatures other than the ● A small gust of air moves one unattended object that
caster must make a Charisma saving throw at the weighs no more than 5 pounds. The object is pushed
beginning of their turn. On a fail, the target is stunned by up to 10 feet in any direction. It isn’t pushed with
the light and cannot move. On a success, the target can enough force to cause damage.
move 5 ft outside the radius. The target can repeat this ● You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such
saving throw at the beginning of their next turn. as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters
You can use this spell only if you are in direct sunlight. shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.
While concentrating, you cannot move, take actions,
bonus actions, reactions or cast spells other than Tractor Cannon
concentrating on the spell or ending concentration as an
2nd-level evocation
action. If you get hit by an attack, you immediately lose
concentration. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Range: 60 feet
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration increases by Components: V, S (two hands free)
one minute. For every two levels over 4th, the radiant Duration: Instantaneous
damage increases by 2d10.
You grab the wrist of your dominant hand with your other
one. You then speak a phrase of force as you target a
Touch of the Void creature in range that you can see. The target then
8th-level transmutation makes a Strength saving throw. On a success, it is
Casting Time: 1 action pushed 5 feet directly away from you, and on a failure it
is pushed up to 40 feet directly away from you. Any
Range: Self
sizable or damaging object in the creature's path halts
Components: S, M (A piece of black cloth) this movement prematurely, and the creature takes falling
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute damage equal to the distance traveled.
Channeling your power, you thrust yourself backwards in At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
time to before the formation of the universe and absorb spell slot of 3rd or higher, add 10 feet to the range of the
the pure energy that was present, giving yourself spell, and to the distance the target is pushed if it fails the
significant abilities before coming back to the present. save.
For the duration, you gain the following effects:
● Your speed is increased by an amount equal to half
of your walking speed, rounded up.
Transfer Pain For the duration, you assume the form of a Large living
tree or shrub or a Large dead tree trunk with a small
1st-level necromancy
number of limbs. All clothing and gear carried or worn
Casting Time: 1 action changes with you. The closest inspection cannot reveal
Range: Touch that the tree in question is actually a magically concealed
Components: V, S creature. To all normal tests you are, in fact, a tree or
shrub, although a detect magic spell reveals a faint
Duration: Instantaneous
transmutation on the tree. While in tree form, you can
You attempt to siphon the life from a creature you touch. observe all that transpires around you just as if you were
Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, in your normal form, and your hit points and save
the target takes necrotic damage equal to 1d8 plus your bonuses remain unaffected. You have an AC of 20, but
spellcasting modifier, and a creature within 10 feet of the gain no benefit from shields or other effects that increase
target regains hit points equal to half of the damage AC. You automatically fail all Dexterity checks and saving
dealt, rounded down. throws, and you have a speed of 0 feet.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a When you cease concentration on this spell, you
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by instantly return to your normal form.
1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
True Annihilation
9th-level necromancy
1st-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (A small black marble)
Components: V, S, M (a nut or seed which is consumed
Duration: Instantaneous
by the spell)
You attempt to truly annihilate your opponent, wiping
Duration: 1 minute
them from reality. Choose a target within 120 feet of you.
In an unoccupied space in range, you conjure a Large They must make a Constitution saving throw, taking
tree of any height of your choosing up to 10 feet. It has 12d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
an armor class of 16, 30 hit points, immunity to psychic on a successful one. In addition, if this damage brings
damage, and vulnerability to fire and slashing damage. them to 0 hit points, they immediately die and cannot be
Its hit points can be restored by other spells and magic resurrected by any means short of a wish spell.
effects as if it was a creature.
A Medium or Small creature can use the tree as half Twilight Blast
cover. A Tiny or smaller creature can use the tree as
Evocation cantrip
three-quarters cover.
Casting Time: 1 action
Once on each of your turns, you can use your bonus
action to cause the tree to vanish and instantly reappear Range: 120 feet
at any point within 30 feet of where it was and where you Components: V, S
are now. Duration: Instantaneous
At the end of the duration, the tree persists as a natural Brilliant swirls of dark and light energy swirl towards your
plant if it is settled upon suitable soil. If not, the tree targets in a starry fashion. Make a ranged spell attack
immediately withers away into nothingness. against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 radiant
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a damage.
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, for each spell slot level The spell creates more than one swirl of energy when
above 1st the hit points increase by 10 and the potential you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three
height increases by 10 feet. beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You
can direct the beams at the same target or at different
Tree Shape ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Twin Bolts of Demonfire
Range: Self 4th-level evocation
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S purpose of this spell, you can don or doff any shield as if
Duration: Instantaneous it was part of your armor.
You summon two churning bolts of dark-colored liquid fire
from the lower planes and hurl them at targets within Unholy Flame
range. You can hurl them at one target or two. Evocation cantrip
Make a ranged spell attack for each bolt, with Casting Time: 1 action
advantage on your attack roll if the target is a fiend or Range: 60 feet
undead. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and
Components: V, S
3d6 necrotic damage, or 3d10 fire damage and 3d10
necrotic damage if the target is a fiend or undead. The Duration: Instantaneous
target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or its Flame-like malevolence descends on a creature that you
hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the can see within range. The target must succeed on a
damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. The
finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
its hit point maximum to 0. At Higher Levels. The spell's damage increases by
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and
spell slot of 5th or 6th level, the damage increases by 17th level (4d8).
1d6 (1d10 if the target is a fiend or undead). When you
cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th or 8th level, the Vengeful Roots
damage increases by 2d6 (2d10 if the target is a fiend or
undead). When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th 2nd-level transmutation
level, the damage increases by 3d6 (3d10 if the target is Casting Time: 1 action
a fiend or undead). Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S
Ultimate Earth Spikes Duration: 2 rounds
9th-level transmutation The ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within
Casting Time: 1 action range causes foliage and roots to grab and strangles
Range: 120 feet foes. The area becomes difficult terrain for the duration.
For the duration, any creature which starts in the affected
Components: V, S
area or enters it on its turn, makes a Strength save. On a
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 minutes failed save, a creature becomes restrained for the
Spikes rise from the ground in a 50-foot cube centered duration, and takes 2d6 piercing damage now and at the
on a space you can see within range. Each creature in beginning of each of its turns while it remains so
the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking restrained. Any creature affected by this spell can use its
15d12 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much action to make a new Strength save, freeing itself on a
damage on a successful one. A creature that fails the success.
saving throw is also restrained by rock until the spell The affected ground is camouflaged to look natural.
ends or it frees itself by taking an action to make a Any creature that can't see the area at the time the spell
Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC is cast must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against
and succeeding. The area is also difficult terrain until the your spell save DC to recognize the terrain as hazardous
spell ends. before entering it.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Uncanny Outfitting spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage of the roots
Conjuration cantrip increases by 1d6 for each spell level above 2nd, and the
Casting Time: 1 action radius is increased by 5 feet for each spell level above
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Venomous Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
1st-level necromancy
Any armor or attire you are wearing is instantly doffed,
Casting Time: 1 action
and at your option any armor or attire stowed on your
person is instantly donned in its place. The armor or attire Range: 30 feet
you doff can be stowed in an appropriate place on your Components: V, S
person, or dropped harmlessly at your feet. For the
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S, M (a melee weapon)
Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
range. A venomous ray or fang lashes out to infect the You create a pocket of unstable gravity tethered to a
target creature, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and 3d4 melee weapon, which causes it to spin wildly in a
poison damage on a hit. A hit creature must succeed on 5-foot-radius space within range. Any creature that enters
a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end or ends its turn within range must make a Dexterity
of your next turn. saving throw. The creature takes damage equal to the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a weapon’s damage on a failed save, or half as much
slot of 2nd level or higher, the poison damage increases damage on a successful one.
by 2d4 for each slot level above 1st. As a bonus action, you may move the weapon up to 20
feet. If it moves through the space of a creature, they are
Venomous Spit forced to make the save as well.
Evocation cantrip At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may spin an
additional melee weapon in a new 5-foot-radius for every
Range: 90 feet
two slot levels above 1st; when you use your bonus
Components: S action to move a center of gravity, you may only move
Duration: Instantaneous one.
You twist your body back then snap forward with a
hissing open maw releasing a venomous spit. Make a Wall of Tentacles
ranged spell attack against an object or creature within 4th-level evocation
range. On a hit, the target takes either 1d8 poison
Casting Time: 1 action
damage or 1d8 acid damage, as you decide when
casting this spell. Range: 120 feet
This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach Components: V, S, M ( a piece of tentacle from a giant
5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). octopus or a giant squid)
When you roll multiple damage dice, you can roll any Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
amount for acid damage and any amount for poison You create a wall of squirming black tentacles on a solid
damage, as you decide when casting this spell. surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet
long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to
Void Rupture 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The
2nd-level evocation wall is opaque and lasts for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 action When the wall appears, each creature within its area
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
Range: 30 feet
creature takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage, and becomes
Components: S grappled (escape DC = your spell save DC). On a
Duration: Instantaneous successful save, a creature takes half as much damage
You thrust out your hands crossed over one another, and isn't grappled.
tearing directly into the aether along the direction you are One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast
facing. this spell, deals 6d8 bludgeoning damage to each
Creatures in a 30 foot line must make a Dexterity creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of that side or
saving throw, taking 3d8 force damage on a failure, or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage when
half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the saving it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its
throw are knocked prone. turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional
Range: 30 feet
ray for each slot level above 2nd.
Components: V, S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1
sp) Wizzro's Blast
Duration: Instantaneous
5th-level evocation
You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and
Casting Time: 1 action
swing through the air, projecting an attack towards your
Range: See description You touch a piece of wood, which may be a Large or
Components: V, S smaller tree or wooden object or a section of wood that
fits entirely within a 10-foot cube, and cause it to twist
Duration: Instantaneous
into any shape you desire. The extant of these changes
You push both hands forward to blast a searing beam of can't cause the wood to extend beyond 10 feet in any
life-draining energy. This beam lingers for several dimension. While it is possible to make crude coffers,
seconds. During this brief period, you can point the beam doors, and so forth, fine detail isn't possible. You can also
in one direction as a 60-foot line, sweep it over a small create simple melee weapons, such as a club, greatclub,
area as a 60-foot cone, or spiral it around you as a or quarterstaff, using this spell, but shields, armor, and
60-foot-radius circle centered on you. When the beam martial or ranged weapons are too complex to create.
covers a wider area, each individual target suffers it for
less time, and consequently takes less damage. Any
Wreath of Life
target in range must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
to duck out of the way, or take damage based on the area 1st-level conjuration
selected: Casting Time: 1 action
● 60-Foot Line: 42 (12d6) necrotic damage Range: 60 feet
● 60-Foot Cone: 35 (10d6) necrotic damage Components: V, S, M (a flower petal)
● 60-Foot Radius: 28 (8d6) necrotic damage
Duration: 1 round
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
You chant a mystic incantation, creating a magical
spell slot of 6th level or higher, increase the necrotic
garland on the head of an ally. If it is not destroyed, it
damage by 1d6 for every slot level above 5th.
restores their health. If the target takes no damage
before the start of your next turn, it regains a number of
Woeful Stab hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
6th-level conjuration This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Range: Self spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by
1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Components: V, S, M (one dagger, which the spell
Write Contract
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd-level divination
A dagger in the back might hurt for some time, but the
pain of a woeful dagger never ends. You conjure a woeful Casting Time: 1 minute
dagger in your free hand, which lasts for the duration. Range: Touch
You are proficient with the woeful dagger and you may Components: M (One sheet of paper of any kind, ink,
use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength or the blood or signature of all participants)
Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls of melee Duration: Instantaneous
attacks using it. It deals 2d4 piercing damage and is a
Write a contract with any wording you choose. Specify at
magic weapon.
least one negative consequence that will affect any
Once during the spell's duration, when you hit a participants of the spell who break the contract. Specify
creature with the woeful dagger, you can make a woeful the time limit of the spell, if applicable. The negative
stab. The creature you hit must make a Charisma saving consequence cannot involve death unless cast with a 4th
throw. On a failure, you deal an extra 10d10 psychic tier spell slot. The spell does not come into effect unless
damage and the target has disadvantage on saving each participant signs their name or applies their own
throws for 1 minute. The affected creature can repeat the blood to the paper. The participant does not need to
saving throw at the end of each of its turns in an attempt know or understand the actual contents of the paper, and
to end the effect. any form of editing or obscuring the writing temporarily
will not affect the contract in any way. If the contract is
Wood Shape destroyed, it reappears in the caster's hand.
2nd-level transmutation At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot of 4 or higher, the chosen negative
consequence can now be death, of any specification.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Zone of Power
Duration: Instantaneous
6th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small quartz sphere worth at
least 100 gp, and an acorn or a few pieces of wheat
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a zone of slightly bluish energy that suffuses
an area you can see. Choose a 15-foot cube within the
spell's range that you can see. That area takes 4d6 force
damage at the start of each of your turns. Creatures
within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking full damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. You may use a bonus
action on your turn to move the zone up to 15 feet.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 7th level or higher, increase the damage by
1d6 for each slot level above 6th.
Chapter 5: Equipment
The Kingdom of Hyrule and the greater world beyond it is made up of many different cultures, each with its own
technology level. For this reason, adventurers have access to a variety of armor types, ranging from leather armor to
chain mail to costly plate armor, with several other kinds of armor in between. The Armor table collects the most
commonly available types of armor found in Hyrule and separates them into three categories: light armor, medium
armor, and heavy armor. Many warriors supplement their armor with a shield.
Armor Qualities
Armor Proficiency. Anyone can put on a suit of armor or strap a shield to an arm. Only those proficient in the
armor’s use know how to wear it effectively, however. Your class gives you proficiency with certain types of armor. If
you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll
that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast spells.
Armor Class (AC). Armor protects its wearer from attacks. The armor (and shield) you wear determines your base
Armor Class.
Shield. When you wield a shield in one arm, it increases your AC by a specified amount. You can benefit from only
one shield at a time.
Strength Requirements. Heavier armor interferes with the wearer’s ability to move quickly, stealthily, and freely. If
the Armor table lists entries such as “Str 13” or “Str 15” in the Strength column for an armor type, the wearer is
restricted as if they were not proficient with the armor. Armor Enhancements may increase an armor's Strength
requirement further.
Stealth. If the Armor table shows “Disadvantage” in the Stealth column, the wearer has disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to move quietly. If it shows “Advantage”, the wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
The Armor table shows the cost, weight, and other properties of the common types of armor worn in Hyrule. The
costs and weights of weapons listed on this page should be used if they differ from the pages of individual weapons.
1. A wooden shield is vulnerable to fire damage. When you take fire damage while wielding this shield, the shield is destroyed at
the end of your next turn unless you use your action to extinguish the flames.
2. The AC bonus from a deflecting shield is ignored by melee attacks.
The Weapons table shows the cost, weight, and other properties of the common types of weapons wielded in
Hyrule. The statistics of weapons listed on this page should be used if they differ from the pages of individual
Simple Melee Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Clawed Glove 50 r 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, glove
Club 1r 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light
Dagger 20 r 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Gauntlet 45 r 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Glove
Handaxe 20 r 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Hammer or Quarterstaff 5r 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Javelin 50 r 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Thrown (range 30/120)
Scythe 50 r 1d6 slashing 5 lb. Reach, two-handed
Sickle 10 r 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light
Spear or Trident 15 r 1d6 piercing 4 lb. Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Throwing Hammer 50 r 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Greatclub 2r 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Crusher 55 r 1d10 bludgeoning 12 lb. Dire, two-handed
Exotic Weapons
Making an attack with an exotic weapon is particularly abnormal, as defined by each weapon's description.
An exotic weapon's proficiency may rely on another weapon. Anyone proficient with a greatclub is also proficient
with a deku stick, for example.
Exotic Melee Weapons Cost Damage Weight Properties Proficiency Required
Bug‑Catching Net 10 r 1 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, special net (or simple weapons)
Finesse, returning, special, thrown
Lizal Boomerang 900 r 1d6 slashing 2 lb. scimitar (or martial weapons)
(range 20/60)
Deku Stick 500 r 2d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Two-handed, special greatclub (or simple weapons)
Must have a Tail (and martial melee
Tail Attachment 150 r varies 10 lb. Special
Weapon Enhancements
A simple or martial weapon can be made with any of the following enhancements, each of which increases its cost.
Ten pieces of ammunition can be enhanced as if they were one weapon.
A weapon can only have one enhancement unless stated otherwise in the enhancement description.
Exotic weapons, magic weapons, or weapons that have already been crafted cannot be given any enhancements,
subject to DM discretion.
Enhancement Cost Summary
Silvered +100 Bypasses the damage immunity or resistance of some
Weapon 0r creatures
Guardian +160 Bypasses damage immunity or resistance as if it was
Weapon 0r adamantine
Improvised Weapons
Sometimes characters don't have their weapons and have to attack with whatever is at hand. An improvised
weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as broken glass, a tree branch, a soup ladle, a
wagon wheel, or a dead bokoblin. Compared to an unarmed strike, it might be more difficult to hit with an improvised
weapon, but a hit will usually do greater damage.
Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg
is akin to a club. At the DM's option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that
weapon and use his or her proficiency bonus.
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the DM assigns a damage type appropriate
to the object).
If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee attack, or throws a melee weapon that does not have the
thrown property, this is also considered an improvised weapon attack. Such an attack deals 1d4 damage. An
improvised thrown weapon normally has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Adventuring Gear
Crafting Tool. Virtually all gear on this page can be crafted as a downtime activity if you are proficient in the relevant
tool, and your DM allows downtime activities. Each item has the most common tool associated with it, but in many
cases your DM may allow other tools to be substituted. Torches for example would be fairly easy to craft for a
carpenter, a woodcarver, or even a weaver.
Item Cost Weight Crafting Tool Description
Candle 1r ¼ lb. apothecary's kit Sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for another 5 feet. Lasts for 1 hour.
Casts bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Burns for 6
Lamp 5r 1 lb. smith's tools
hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
Oil (flask) 1r 1 lb. apothecary's kit See Oil (flask).
Casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet. Burns for 6
Lantern, bullseye 100 r 2 lb. smith's tools
hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
Casts bright light in a 30-foot cone and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Burns for 6
Lantern, hooded 50 r 2 lb. smith's tools hours on a flask (1 pint) of oil.
As an action, you can lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 5-foot radius.
Miscellaneous gear
Item Cost Weight Crafting Tool
Bedroll 10 r 7 lb. weaver's tools
Bell 10 r — smith's tools
Blanket 5r 3 lb. weaver's tools
Book 250 r 5 lb. calligrapher's tools
Chain (10 feet) 50 r 10 lb. smith's tools
Chalk (10 pieces) 1r ¼ lb. apothecary's kit
Climber's kit 250 r 12 lb. smith's tools
Compass 1,000 r ¼ lb. tinker's tools
Hammer 10 r 3 lb. smith's tools
Hourglass 250 r 1 lb. glassblower's tools
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 100 r — apothecary's kit
Ink pen 1r — apothecary's kit
Ladder (10-foot) 1r 25 lb. carpenter's tools
Magnifying glass 1,000 r — glassblower's tools
Manacles 20 r 6 lb. smith's tools
Mess kit 2r 1 lb. smith's tools
Mirror, steel 50 r ½ lb. smith's tools
Paper or parchment (10 sheets) 2r — —
Piton 1r ¼ lb. smith's tools
Pole (10-foot) 1r 7 lb. carpenter's tools
Ram, Portable 40 r 35 lb. carpenter's tools
Rations (1 day) 5r 2 lb. cook's utensils
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 10 r 10 lb. weaver's tools
Rope, silk (50 feet) 100 r 5 lb. weaver's tools
Scale, merchant's 50 r 3 lb. tinker's tools
Shovel 20 r 5 lb. smith's tools
Signal whistle 1r — woodcarver's tools
Soap 1r — apothecary's kit
Spikes, Iron (10) 1r ½ lb. smith's tools
Tent, two-person 20 r 20 lb. weaver's tools
Tinderbox 5r 1 lb. apothecary's kit
Torch 1r 10 lb. woodcarver's tools
Spellcasting equipment
Item Cost Weight Crafting Tool Description
Arcane focus 100 r 2 lb. various Can take the form of a broom, crystal, orb, medallion, rod, staff, etc.
A witch can use a broom as an arcane focus, and wields it as if it were a
Broom 1r 2 lb. various
A small, watertight belt pouch with compartments to hold all the
Component pouch 250 r 2 lb. — material components you need to cast spells, except for components
that have a specified cost or cannot reasonably fit in a pouch.
Proficiency with a tool helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, forge a
document, or pick a lock. Proficiency with a tool allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you
make using that tool. Tool use is not tied to a single ability, since proficiency with a tool represents broader knowledge
of its use. For example, your DM might ask you to make a Dexterity check to carve a fine detail with your
woodcarver's tools, or a Strength check to make something out of particularly hard wood.
Your race, class, background, or feats give you proficiency with certain tools. Your DM may allow you to train
towards tool proficiency as a downtime activity.
Artisan's Tools
Proficiency with an artisan's tool represents training in how to craft and repair appropriate objects with the relevant
tools. Without proficiency, any attempts to craft or repair items with the tools are inherently crude if at all effective.
Tool Cost Weight Description d100
Bombsmith's Tools 300 r 10 lb. Various tools for crafting bombs, cannons, or other items that make use of explosive powder. 00‑02
Brewer's Supplies 200 r 9 lb. Various containers and devices for brewing ale or other beverages. 03‑08
Calligrapher's Supplies 100 r 5 lb. Fine inks, pens, and brushes for decorative handwriting and lettering. 09‑12
Hammer, saw, nails, and other tools for crafting furniture, buildings, and other structures
Carpenter's Tools 80 r 6 lb. 13‑21
primarily out of wood.
Cartographer's Tools 150 r 6 lb. Various parchment, inks, and measuring devices for the making of accurate maps. 22‑24
Threads, tiny animal skins, small cutting knives, and other materials for the crafting and
Cobbler's Tools 50 r 5 lb. 25‑28
repair of shoes and other footwear.
These include the likes of a whisk, spatula, pots and pans, and other assets for the creation of
Cook's Utensils 10 r 8 lb. 29‑37
meals both functional and fine.
Glassworker's Tools 300 r 5 lb. Tools for the craft and manufacture of windows, glass sculptures, and the like. 38‑41
Jeweler's Tools 250 r 2 lb. Tools for the cutting and polishing of gemstones, precious metals, and fine jewelry. 42‑47
Leatherworker's Tools for tanning, treating, and crafting animal skins into leather armor, hide garments, or
50 r 5 lb. 48‑53
Tools other products of animal skins. Also included are the various tools for skinning animals.
Trowel, chisel, and other instruments for constructing buildings or other structures primarily
Mason's Tools 100 r 8 lb. 54‑62
out of bricks, stones, and dirt, or similar materials.
Brushes, paints, inks, canvases, and an easel for both creating fine works of art and
Painter's Supplies 100 r 5 lb. 63‑66
true-to-life depictions.
The various tools used when creating items from clay, from ceramic pots to clay bricks to
Potter's Tools 50 r 3 lb. 67‑71
artistic sculptures.
Hammer, tongs, and various other tools for working metal into everything from locks to
Smith's Tools 200 r 8 lb. 72‑80
A taxidermist’s tools consist of leather needles and punches, a pair of leather shears, a
Taxidermist's Kit 200 r 4 lb. scraping razor and a fine-blade knife. Proficiency with a taxidermy kit allows you to 81‑83
successfully skin, tan and preserve hides, as well as mount and sell taxidermied creatures.
Various intricate tools for repairing or even creating complex mechanical gadgets, such as
Tinker's Tools 500 r 10 lb. 84‑86
hunting traps, clocks, or simple automatons.
Sewing needles and other tools for crafting fabric, whether creating garments, pillows,
Weaver's Tools 10 r 5 lb. 87‑92
towels or other goods.
A small knife and other fine instruments for the precise cutting and shaping of various
Woodcarver's Tools 10 r 5 lb. 94‑99
woods, or similar materials.
Professional Tools
Proficiency with a professional tool represents training in how to perform a given profession, trade, or service.
Without proficiency, you may be unable to perform anything but the simplest of tasks with the relevant tool.
Tool Cost Weight Description d12
This kit contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials
used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your
Apothecary's Kit 100 r 3 lb. 01‑02
proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to identify or apply herbs. Also, proficiency with
this kit is required to create antitoxin and potions of healing.
This pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props lets you create disguises that change your
Disguise Kit 250 r 3 lb. physical appearance. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability 03
checks you make to create a visual disguise.
Includes various equipment for growing and maintaining crops such as a shovel, hoe, pitchfork,
Farmer's Tools 80 r 12 lb. sickle, watering can, and the like. Proficiency lets you add your proficiency bonus to grow, 04
maintain, or harvest domesticated plants.
This kit includes a wooden rod, silken line, corkwood bobbers, steel hooks, lead sinkers, velvet
Fishing Tackle 10 r 4 lb. lures, and narrow netting. Proficiency lets you add your bonus to any ability checks to locate and 05
catch fish or other aquatic animals.
This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and sealing wax,
gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical
Forgery Kit 150 r 5 lb. 06
documents. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you
make to create a physical forgery of a document.
This set of instruments is used for navigation at sea. Proficiency with navigator's tools lets you
Navigator's Tools 250 r 2 lb. chart a ship's course and follow navigation charts. In addition, these tools allow you to add your 07
proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to avoid getting lost at sea.
This kit includes a miner's pick, brushes for dusting away sand, and the like. Proficiency with this
Prospector's Kit 100 r 10 lb. kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to locate or analyze 08-09
geological features such as mineral veins, precious metal veins or fossils.
A poisoner's kit includes the vials, chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the creation of
Poisoner's Kit 500 r 2 lb. poisons. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you 10
make to craft or use poisons.
This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle,
Thieves' Tools 250 r 1 lb. a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your 11-12
proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.
Musical Instruments
Attempting to play a musical instrument without proficiency results at best in simple, improvised music.
Tool Cost Weight Description d20
A percussion instrument consisting of treated animal skin pulled over the open end of a
Bongo or Drum 60 r 3 lb. barrel or other wide-mouthed tube. It is played by striking the skin with hands or blunt 01‑03
A wooden string instrument consisting of a bear-shaped body and a long handle, with strings
Fiddle, Viola, drawn tightly over its longest axis. It is usually held with the bottom of the body against the
300 r 2 lb. 04‑05
or Ukelele player's chin, and the handle held in the player's off hand. The player's dominant hand works
the strings with a bow, plucks the strings, or various other techniques.
A keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end
Flute 20 r 1 lb. 06‑07
and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone.
A flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with
Guitar 400 r 10 lb. a pick or with the fingers. It is usually held at the player's waist level with a belt-like strap that 08
rests across the player's shoulder.
A wooden box about a foot across, which is chiefly operated by turning a crank at various
Hurdy-Gurdy 300 r 10 lb. 09
speeds. Complex and adjustable string instruments are inside.
A small brass or woodwind instrument, roughly conical in shape, composed of one of
Horn or Trumpet 30 r 2 lb. numerous materials. It is played by blowing into the narrow end of the cone, and may or may 10‑12
not be keyed.
A stringed instrument with a flat, wooden, and U-shaped frame through which several
Lyre 300 r 2 lb. parallel strings are pulled tight. It is usually played by holding the frame in one hand, and 13‑14
plucking strings with the opposite hand.
A woodwind instrument about the size and shape of a potato, which is usually made of clay.
Ocarina 30 r 1 lb. It is played by blowing air into the mouthpiece and covering several of the various 15‑16
specifically-sized holes in its body.
A pair of drumstick-sized and shaped hollow wooden objects filled with seeds or other
Maracas 30 r 2 lb. 17
materials. Shaking them with different intensities and speeds creates varying music.
A woodwind instrument consisting of multiple pipes of gradually increasing length.
Pan Flute 120 r 2 lb. 18
Different pitches can be obtained by blowing into or across different tubes.
A long, tubular woodwind instrument with a conical opening at one end. Like a whistle, it is
Recorder or Shawm 2r 1 lb. played by blowing into the narrower end. Different pitches are achieved by covering various 19-20
specifically-sized holes across the tube with one's fingers.
You can be proficient with either horse-drawn land vehicles (land vehicles) or aquatic vehicles drawn by sail or
pushed by oar (water vehicles). Proficiency allows you to add your proficiency bonus to ability checks made to
maneuver and maintain vehicles of the relevant type.
Land Vehicles
Land vehicles are usually drawn by draft horses, mules, or other creatures that can be found on the page for
mounts and animals. The costs below assume such a creature is not included.
Vehicle Cost Weight Description
This two-wheeled vehicle can be drawn by a single horse (or other beast of burden). It comes with an
Cart 150 r 200 lb.
appropriate harness.
This is a wagon on runners for moving through snow and over ice, and comes with the harness needed to pull
Sled 200 r 300 lb.
it. It is generally drawn by one or two horses (or other beasts of burden).
This is a four-wheeled, open vehicle for transporting heavy loads. In general, at least two horses (or other
Wagon 350 r 400 lb.
beasts of burden) draw it. It comes with an appropriate harness.
This four-wheeled vehicle can transport as many as four Medium passengers within an enclosed cab, plus two
Carriage 1,000 r 600 lb.
drivers. In general, at least two horses (or other beasts of burden) draw it. It comes with the needed harness.
Water Vehicles
Speed. The movement speeds provided assume calm waters. Particularly slow vessels may be unable to overtake
strong currents, and all vessels can ride currents to add onto their normal speed. Vehicles of Huge size and larger
traveling at speed handle very slowly, and in a combat situation may even take several rounds just to accelerate to
full speed, or to turn its forward trajectory onto a perpendicular course.
Capacity. If the weight in a waterborne vehicle exceeds its capacity, it will begin to sink even in calm waters.
Crew. Most water vehicles require more than one individual to operate effectively without going off course or
breaking down under the elements. Only one individual needs proficiency for the whole crew to benefit. In the
following table, a "skeleton crew" is the absolute minimum number of capable humanoids needed to man and
navigate the vehicle. Operating with less than an "ideal crew" is particularly exhausting, as each individual is
effectively working all day with little to no rest. A skeleton crew can work for 8 hours without penalty. For every period
of 8 hours after the first, each individual must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of
exhaustion. The DC of this saving throw is initially 10, and increases by 2 for every 8 hours worked after the first.
Skeleton Ideal
Item Cost Size Speed Capacity Description
Crew Crew
This specifically-shaped wooden pole is ideal for pushing
a raft, keelboat, longship, warship, or galley. One is
Oar 20 r — — — — —
usually at least 10 feet long and weighs about 10 lb., and
can be used as an improvised reach weapon.
A typical raft is about 5 feet square. It is maneuvered by
using a pole or oar to push against the bottom of a river,
15 feet, or used to ride a river's current. A single raft can scarcely
Raft 200 r Medium 400 lb. 1 1
fit more than one Medium or two Small creatures. A
or 1 ½ mph typical raft can only survive a few journeys before falling
apart. One raft weighs about 60 lb.
A typical rowboat is about 10 feet in length, it operated
by pushing against the water with a pair of particularly
Rowboat 500 r Large 15 feet, 800 lb. 1 1 small oars (which are included in the cost). It can safely
or 1 ½ mph carry three Medium or six Small creatures. One row boat
weighs about 100 lb.
A particularly small sailing ship with an overbearing sail,
40 feet, designed to ferry one Medium or two Small creatures at
Lion Boat 5,000 r Large 600 lb. 1 2 high speed. It is relatively swift and maneuverable, but is
or 4 mph easily capsized even in calm and shallow waters. One is
about 8 feet long and 2 feet wide.
This 10-by-20-foot ship has a cellar-like storage area
below deck, and is propelled with a wide box sail. It was
10 feet, 1 ton, designed to be manned by a minimal crew. It is designed
Ferry 10,000 r Huge 2 4
or 1 mph or 2,000 lb. primarily to carry sizable loads over rivers and lakes, and
can manage along coasts but would have difficulty at
open sea.
15 feet, 40 tons, This 50-to-75-foot-long ship is 15 to 20 feet wide and has
Keelboat 30,000 r Gargantuan 6 12 a few oars to supplement its single mast with a square
or 1 ½ mph or 80,000 lb.
sail. It can carry 40 tons of cargo, or 100 soldiers. It can
make sea voyages, as well as sail down rivers (thanks to
its flat bottom).
This 75-foot-long ship with forty oars requires a massive
30 feet, 50 tons, crew. It has a single mast and a square sail, and it can
Longship 80,000 r Gargantuan 15 60 carry 50 tons of cargo or 120 soldiers. A longship can
or 3 mph or 100,000 lb. make sea voyages. It moves about 3 miles per hour when
being rowed or under sail.
This larger, seaworthy ship is 75 to 90 feet long and 20
Sailing 20 feet, 150 tons, feet wide and has an ideal crew of 20. It can carry 150
100,000 r Gargantuan 5 20
Ship or 2 mph or 300,000 lb. tons of cargo or up to 300 soldiers. It has square sails on
its two masts and can make sea voyages.
This 100-foot-long ship has a single mast, although oars
can also propel it. It has a massive crew of rowers. This
25 feet, ship can carry 160 soldiers, but not for long distances,
Warship 200,000 r Gargantuan — 20 80 since there isn’t room for supplies to support that many
or 2 ½ mph people. The warship cannot make sea voyages and sticks
to the coast. It is not used for cargo. It moves about 2 ½
miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.
This three-masted ship has seventy oars on either side
40 feet, 150 tons, and has an ideal crew of 200. A galley is 130 feet long and
Galley 300,000 r Gargantuan 50 200 20 feet wide, and it can carry 150 tons of cargo or 250
or 4 mph or 300,000 lb. soldiers. It moves about 4 miles per hour when being
rowed or under sail.
Conventional poisons are uncommonly used in Hyrulean combat. Hornets, serpents, and other beasts can
effectively administer venoms because they have natural weapons capable of injecting these poisons deep into their
victims. By contrast, the smithed weapons used by Hyruleans are less effective for this purpose; at best a rapier or
other piercing weapon can be coated with a poison before inflicting a wound, but this remains less effective than a
snake's bite. This familiar kind of poison—which is applied to a weapon and has an almost immediate effect—is
known as a 'combat poison.'
Poisons used outside of combat have a longer onset—typically 1 hour—and can usually only have an effect if they
are ingested or injected.
Any dose of poison is about 1 ounce (or 30 mL), and is typically stored in a vial.
Combat Poisons
As an action, you can apply a combat poison to a weapon you are holding that deals piercing or slashing damage.
If you damage a creature with this weapon, the poison is administered to that creature, and your weapon loses
enough of the dose from its blade that it loses
You can use a vial of a lasting poison to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or up to three pieces of ammunition.
Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition is subjected to the effect
of the poison if it fails a Constitution save, with a DC determined by the poison itself. A lasting poison retains potency
for 1 minute before drying; the weapon can administer its poison repeatedly in this span of time.
An instant poison retains its potency for up to 1 minute, or until it hits a creature for the first time, whichever comes
first. A vial of an instant poison can be applied to no more than one piece of ammunition.
A weapon or piece of ammunition can only be coated with one poison at a time.
Name Rarity(Cost) Type DC Effect
basic poison Common (1,000 r) lasting DC 10 The target takes an extra 1d4 poison damage.
rope's kiss Uncommon (2,000 r) lasting DC 15 The target takes an extra 1d6 poison damage.
Until the start of the target's next turn, its speed is halved and it has
sluggish syrup Common (1,000 r) lasting DC 18
disadvantage on initiative checks.
Although they can be expensive, potions are commonly brewed and used in Hyrule, especially compared to
poisons. For nobles or wealthy adventurers, a healing potion is usually the first response to a deep wound or other
serious injury. Explorers often use potions to help them endure bitter cold or arid heat, and knights are known to chug
an empowering potion before a life-or-death battle.
Any dose of a potion is about a ½ pint (or a ¼ liter) and is typically stored in a bottle. Ingesting or administering a
potion takes an action.
Healing Potions
The most famous form of potions are healing potions. These potions simply restore hit points, replenish magic
points, or have similarly straightforward restorative effects.
Name Rarity (Cost) Effect when ingested
Healing Potion Common (500 r) Heals 2d4+2
Greater Healing Potion Uncommon (1000 r) Heals 4d4+4
Superior Healing Potion Rare (5000 r) Heals 8d4+8
Supreme Healing Potion Very Rare (13500 r) Heals 10d4+20
Stamina Potion Common (750 r) Recovers 1d4+2 Stamina points
Greater Stamina Potion Uncommon (1500 r) Recovers 2d4+4 Stamina points
Potion of Magic Restoration Common (750 r) Replenish 1d4+2 magic points
Greater Potion of Magic Restoration Uncommon (1500 r) Replenish 2d4+4 magic points
Duration Potions
Although less renowned, there are numerous potions which enhance physical or mental capabilities in a manner
less obvious than healing. These potions are occasionally referred to as 'digestion potions,' as their effects last for
about as long as they remain in one's stomach.
Any digestion potion has a specified duration. For example, a potion might have a duration of, 'digestion, up to 1
minute.' You can only digest one of these potions at a time. If you ingest a second duration potion, the effect of any
you previously ingested is overwritten, and ends as the new one begins.
Name Rarity (Cost) Duration Effect when ingested
Sneaky Potion Uncommon (1500 r) 1 min. You gain a +2 bonus to stealth checks
Greater Sneaky Potion Rare (3000 r) 3 min. You gain a +4 bonus to stealth checks
Superior Sneaky Potion Very Rare (5000 r) 5 min. You gain a +6 bonus to stealth checks
Hasty Potion Uncommon (1500 r) 1 min. You gain +5 walking speed
Greater Hasty Potion Rare (3000 r) 3 min. You gain +10 walking speed
Superior Hasty Potion Very Rare (5000 r) 5 min. You gain +15 walking speed
Hearty Potion Uncommon (1500 r) 1 min. You gain temporary hit points equal to your level
Handling a large amount of beasts at once can prove to be somewhat difficult. Other than financial burden, there
may be virtually no limit to owning and stabling a large amount of animals. However, maintaining control over
numerous animals on the field of battle or the depths of a dungeon can prove difficult. As a general guideline, a
player-character can effortlessly maintain control over any tamed animal granted by class or background features,
plus one more. Proficiency in the Animal Handling skill allows you to maintain control over yet one more tamed
animal. Anything beyond this limit may cause your animals to run rampant or flee, or require so much of your time
and effort that you become less perceptive or responsive to more immediate dangers.
In Hyrule, a "mount" is a beast of burden that is also suitable for riding. One is most commonly used to enhance
traveling speed or combat maneuverability. (See Mounted Combat.) A mount can also be used to carry excessive
weight that would otherwise slow you down. Although horses are the easiest and most common mounts to train,
Hyrule is home to numerous others.
As a general rule, you can only ride and effectively maneuver a creature that is one size category larger than you.
For example, a Medium Hylian needs a Large horse, whereas a Small deku scrub requires a Medium pony.
Mounts are often used to pull drawn vehicles over land. A beast pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can
move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle. If multiple animals pull the
same vehicle, they can add their carrying capacity together.
Saddles. Saddles are vitally important for any long-term riding of a mount. Forgoing one is particularly
uncomfortable for both mount and rider, and sacrifices your ability to easily and safely control even a well-trained
mount. Without a saddle, you have disadvantage on any check to stay on your mount. If you ride bareback for more
than an hour, every hour both you and the mount must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is 10 + 1 for each
hour past the first. On a failed saving throw, you or the creature suffers one level of exhaustion.
Mount Cost Size Speed Carrying Capacity CR
Donkey or mule 80 r Medium¹ 40 ft. 420 lb. ⅛
Goat 150 r Medium 40 ft. 180 lb. 0
Mastiff 250 r Medium 40 ft. 195 lb. ⅛
Pony 300 r Medium 40 ft. 225 lb. ⅛
Boar 500 r Medium 40 ft. 195 lb. ¼
Dolphin or porpoise 1,000 r Medium 5 ft., swim 50 ft. 165 lb. ¼
Snapper 1,800 r Medium¹ 20 ft., swim 25 ft. 195 lb. ½
Eldin ostrich 2,000 r Medium 50 ft. 180 lb. ⅛
Bull, cow, or ox 350 r Large 40 ft. 480 lb. ¼
Horse, draft 450 r Large 40 ft. 540 lb. ¼
Camel 500 r Large 50 ft. 480 lb. ¼
Horse, riding 600 r Large 60 ft. 480 lb. ¼
Loftwing 10,000 r Large 30 ft., fly 60 ft. 420 lb. 1
Loovar 1,900 r Large 0 ft., swim 40 ft. 360 lb. ¼
Bullbo 2,000 r Large 40 ft. 450 lb. ½
Horse, war 3,000 r Large 60 ft. 540 lb. ½
Gyorg 10,000 r Large 0 ft., swim 60 ft. 420 lb. 9
Great-horned rhinoceros 15,000 r Large 40 ft. 600 lb. 2
Giant horse 10,000 r Huge 70 ft. 1,200 lb. 1
Elephant 20,000 r Huge 40 ft. 1,320 lb. 4
1. Despite its size, this creature can bear either a Medium or Small rider.
Battle Companions
When roaming the wilderness, it is common for adventurers to take on one or more trained beasts that aid them in
battle in a more direct fashion. Certainly a beast can be more loyal and less expensive than a comparable hireling.
Below are feasible options for a battle companion that can be acquired at almost any given bazaar. Any of the mounts
from the previous section can also function as a battle companion if it is not mounted. A battle companion acts on its
own initiative, but if it is loyal it will obey your commands if it can understand them. A trained combat companion will
understand only vital commands, such as to heel or to attack a specific creature you designate, and is incapable of
more specific or advanced tactics such as flanking or scouting ahead.
If you are proficient in the Animal Handling skill, your DM may allow you to train your own combat companion as a
downtime activity.
Remember that any battle companion is considered an NPC, and unlike a typical mount may take a share of XP in
combat if it was of significant help. "If the party received substantial assistance from one or more NPCs, count those
NPCs as party members when dividing up the XP," (DMG page 260). Optionally, your DM can deem that any battle
companion you have takes a portion of your XP instead of a share of the entire party's XP. As a general guideline, if
the companion's Challenge Rating is less than 4 and at least four steps lower than your level (see adjacent table),
then it by default is considered an insignificant help and can be used without consuming XP.
If a DM doesn't use XP or prefers not to use this limitation, there should be another counterbalance in place at low
levels to prevent battle companions from outshining player-characters.
ultimate detail. The DM is free to invent more furniture
for a player that likes interior decorating.
Lamp, oil | 10 rupees | A lamp lights up its Imprisonment in Hyrule is a fickle thing, varying
surroundings. based on the culture of the people one has been
Bed | 10 rupees | Essential for anyone who wants a collared by. Many legends exist of a hero escaping
good night's sleep. confinement, but that may not pan out for you.
Fireplace | 30 rupees (including cost of hiring Imprisonment, if you are not going to be released, or
are unable to escape, is a dreadful prospect. While on
someone to mount it) | Produces light and you can
the inside you may work on criminal connections and
cook on it!
other less savory skills.
Table/Desk | 10 rupees | A wooden desk or table.
Chair (set of 3) | 10 rupees | A chair you can sit on.
Magic items
Painting | varies based on painting. Frame costs 5
rupees. | Art on a canvas.
Workstation | Special. Acts as 1 set of artisan's
Buy a magic item
tools chosen when purchased. Costs double the cost See the rules for carousing in the Dungeon
of the chosen artisan's tool. | You need it to have a Master's Guide.
Rug | 10 rupees if made from cloth, 20 rupees + if
Craft a magic item
made from fur | Soft rug to put on the floor. See the rules for carousing in the Dungeon
Master's Guide.
Shelf | 15 rupees | Store things here.
Wardrobe | 15 rupees | For storing your clothes. Sell a magic item
Chest | Store things inside and they'll be safe See the rules for carousing in the Dungeon
unless you lose the key. Master's Guide.
Run a business Attack. (DC 15) The animal defends you if it can
and focuses its attacks on a creature you choose. An
animal might also be able to utilize a small weapon,
Sell goods like a dagger, when it's fighting.
This downtime activity works well with practicing Pickpocket. (DC 20) The animal can be instructed
certain jobs. to take a certain kind of item (such as coins, papers,
or jewelry) when it sees it.
Materials found by each job:
Hide. (DC 15) The animal hides, even if it would
Hunter. normally not do so.
Meat: 10 rupees/lb, Fur: 20+ rupees/lb Recall. (DC 8) The animal returns to your side,
Fisherman. often paired with a call or whistle for longer range.
Fish: 30-50 rupees/fish Lookout. (DC 12) The animal will stay at the
Miner. instructed location keeping an eye out, crying out or
returning to you when another creature is spotted.
Ore: 60-80 rupees/lb
Arcane Residuum: 60-70 rupees/lb. Special: 3 lb of
arcane residuum can be made into a component
Sow rumors
Across Hyrule, most information is passed through
word of mouth. A small town will usually receive its
news from wanderers and traders. Occasionally, there
is the rare mailman, but news is primarily informal. As
Chapter 7: Treasure
Marks of Prestige
In Hyrule, a mark of prestige is a reward of sorts, reputation, or title even. Much like a blessing, it is usually gained
from committing remarkable feats or deeds. And due to their variety, their uses also vary.
A mark of prestige usually has to be earned one way or another, such as doing the king of Hyrule (Zelda CD-i) a
favor or even slaying Ganondorf himself. Marks of prestige can be minor such as getting a letter of recommendation
from a famous friend/employer, winning a competition, being known for something impressive, among other things.
Unlike a blessing, a mark of prestige isn't a supernatural ability and can't just be used all the time. Some Marks of
Prestige are situational in use, while others give are revered and well known across the realms.
This page lists some marks of prestige suited to the Hyrule campaign setting. Rarity in this context refers not to
how rare a Mark of Prestige is, but roughly how powerful it is akin to blessings.
Marks of Prestige Rarity Benefit
Your reputation precedes you, and you are known as the legendary hero of Hyrule. You may gain a bonus to
Hero of Hyrule rare
Persuasion and Intimidation checks you make.
A title bestowed upon those that explore every nook and cranny of the world. A Hero of the Wild may
Hero of the Wild rare declare once per day that they have found an exceptionally durable weapon that has an additional 15 hit
points of durability for the Fragile Weapons rule.
Your journey through time into the future has made you an inadvertent historian. You may gain advantage
Hero of Time rare
on History checks you make pertaining to your original time period.
In Hyrule, a blessing is a supernatural gift, magical enhancement, or inherent boon. Much like a magic item, it is
usually received as a reward from a powerful or supernatural entity. The power of a blessing becomes an inherent
part of the character, and has no physical form.
A blessing is usually received from a being of extraordinary power, such as a Great Fairy or even a deity. Lesser
blessings may be the result of drinking from a fairy fountain, uncovering a secret within an ancient ruin, or reading
through a tome of arcane secrets, among other possibilities. Adventurers will often seek a blessing much in the same
way magic items are sought. Unlike a magic item, a blessing isn't an object and doesn't require attunement. Some
blessings grant a constant benefit, while others give an extraordinary ability that can be activated one or more times.
This page lists some example blessings suited to the Hyrule campaign setting. Rarity in this context refers not to
how rare a blessing is, but roughly how powerful it is compared to magic items.
List of blessings
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Blessing Rarity Benefit
Bertie's Air uncommon You can hold your breath for 10 minutes.
A protective power containing the perfect defense of the Goron Champion Daruk. It will
Daruk's Protection legendary
automatically protect you from all manner of damage.
Din's Fortitude very rare Your Constitution score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
Din's Power very rare Your Strength score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
You can cast the fairy spell once without expending magic points or spell slots, and regain the ability
Fairy's Form uncommon
to cast this spell in this manner after you finish a short or long rest.
Farore's Candor very rare Your Charisma score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
Farore's Finesse very rare Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
Your unarmed strike can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, in place of
Goron's Fist uncommon
its normal damage.
Great Fairy's Veil legendary You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical attacks.
When determining your carrying capacity or encumbrance, treat your Strength score as though it
Hestu's Hauling uncommon
was 5 points higher. This blessing does not affect the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Hylia's Ward very rare Your AC increases by 1, and you have a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
Mad Batter's Magic legendary Whenever you expend at least 2 magic points, you immediately restore 1 magic point.
A restorative power born from the spirit of the Zora Champion Mipha. When your hit points run out,
Mipha's Grace legendary
you'll automatically regain some of them plus temporary hit points as a bonus.
Nayru's Knowledge very rare Your Intelligence score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
Nayru's Wisdom very rare Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score also increases by 2.
As a bonus action, you can draw one handheld object—such as a wand or a longsword—into your
Ravio's Quick Equip rare
hand. You can do so even if the object is stowed in a container like a backpack or a bag of holding.
A blusterous power born from the spirit of the Rito Champion Revali. Create an upward draft that
Revali's Gale legendary
carries you into the sky.
Ruto's Scale rare You can breathe underwater.
As an action, you can make one melee weapon attack against all creatures within reach of your
Spin Attack rare
melee weapon. You cannot perform this action on consecutive turns
List of charms
A charm is a blessing that can only be activated once. After you activate its effect, you lose its benefit forever—or
at least until you replace it with a new charm.
Charm Rarity Benefit
Crazy Tracy's Secret rare When you are first reduced to 0 hit points, you immediately recover 28 (8d6) hit points.
Soaring thousands of feet in the air, this gargantuan Flight. The Divine Beast itself is slow for its size. It
eagle-shaped vehicle was constructed by the ancient cannot move on the ground but instead has a flying
Sheikah race in order to combat Calamity Ganon. Its speed of 200 feet. It is capable of landing on the
namesake is derived from Medili, a legendary coastal ground or grabbing onto large objects using its talons.
Rito sage of earth that resided on Dragon Roost Huge Size. Vah Medoh's huge size makes its
Island millennia ago. The vehicle itself is controlled by hallways and corridors difficult to traverse. If
the Sheikah Slate, an advanced piece of Sheikah adventurers in your campaign are to travel inside of
technology capable of controlling large constructs and Medoh, see Divine Beast Vah Medoh (5e Quest).
conjuring magical objects and forces. If a Rito attunes Laser Cannons. On the backside of Vah Medoh,
to Medoh and is proven worthy by an all-powerful four cannons are placed in a formation, capable of
sage of light to move the divine beast, they are firing at any hostile creatures that get too close to it.
Medoh's pilot can use an action to fire lasers out of a burst into pieces. This hair does not benefit from
maximum of four cannons. Each cannon can only fire multi-attack, and can only attack once per round.
at one target. The targeted creature(s) must make a Twilight Zone. The user creates a 30 ft. by 30 ft.
Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (5d6) radiant circle of dark energy, cloaking all targets other than
damage, or half as much damage on a successful the wearer in dark, electrical magic. Any target within
save. Each of the four cannons have 50 hit points and this zone, other than the wearer, has disadvantage on
have an AC of 15. all saving throws to avoid attacks, and all attacks
Divine Beast Laser. Like all other Divine Beasts, made against them have advantage.
Medoh is capable of firing a powerful laser at a target, Two Pieces
vaporizing all living matter in its path. Medoh's pilot
Dusken Wormhole. Using the power of the Fused
can use an action to charge up this laser, which takes
Shadows, you may choose to create (2x Number of
three consecutive turns of charging to fire. Once the
pieces - 2) Portals in the same plane of existence.
laser is fully charged, the laser fires in a straight line
These portals can be closed at any time. The portals
capable of traveling a maximum of three miles. The
resemble a wormhole surrounded by an amorphous
targeted creature that Medoh's pilot chooses must
block of shadows. You and up to 6 tiny creatures, 4
make a Constitution saving throw or take 130 (20d12)
small creatures, 3 medium creatures, 2 large
radiant damage, or half as much damage on a
creatures or one gargantuan creature can pass
successful save. All other creatures caught in the
through the portal, turning into black squares of
laser's line of fire take 65 (10d12) radiant damage on
twilight that are sucked into the portal. Objects of the
a failed save, or half as much damage on a
same sizes can also be transported through the
successful one. Because of the amount of energy that
is required to fire such a powerful weapon, it cannot
be used again for 1d4 months after being fired. Twilight Focus. The dark magic of the fused
shadows enhances the wearer's mind. As long as
Barrier. Also like all other Divine Beasts, Medoh is
they wear it, the wearer cannot be charmed,
capable of generating a powerful barrier of energy
frightened or knocked prone and your jump range
around itself. The barrier prevents any objects or
increases by 30 ft. In addition, you have advantage on
creatures from passing through and prevents all
Dexterity, Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws.
damage that would be dealt to Medoh. The barrier
cannot be damaged and can only be disabled when Three Pieces
the four laser turrets outside of the barrier's range are Menacing Shadows The dark power residing in the
destroyed. fused shadows has made you more menacing. You
gain proficiency in Intimidation, and you have
Fused Shadow advantage on rolls to intimidate a creature.
Wondrous item (helmet), artifact Accursed Magic. You gain access to a number of
Though thought to have been destroyed at the end of spells (As allowed by your level), as well as access to
the Era of Twilight, the Fused Shadow is an artifact of a number of effects. These spells can be cast at
near godlike power. Though not as powerful as higher levels, and their damage scales as specified in
Majora, this dark helm still holds an incredible amount their original descriptions.
of dark magic, to the point where the light spirits seal Cantrip
the pieces away. Death Bolt - You may instead choose up to 4
Shattered Shadows Depending on how many weaker death bolts in 1 attack action targeting
pieces of the helmet the wearer has, they gain different creatures, decreasing the damage die for
multiple benefits. These effects stack. every bolt (2 bolts is 1d8, 3 bolts is 1d6, etc.).
One Piece Mage Hand - You summon a physical twilight hand
Dark Threads. Provided the wearer's hair is still (Or "Zant Hand") in place of the spectral hand. This
exposed, the wearer animate, control and attack with hand can attack (+Int/Cha/Wis (Whichever Is Highest)
their hair. When animated, their hair glows bright, pale to hit. Hit. 1d8 +Int/Wis/Cha bludgeoning damage)
orange. If their hair is not exposed, they can choose and carry up to 10 x (Int/Cha/Wis modifier) pounds.
to lose large clusters or hair from their hands. If they Blade Ward - You create a shield of twilight magic.
choose to attack, They use their action to make a In addition to the original resistances granted by this
ranged melee attack (+Int/Wis/Cha (Whatever's spell, you gain resistance to fire, cold and lightning
highest) to hit, 30 ft.). On a hit, the target takes 1d10 damage, and immunity to necrotic damage.
piercing damage and 1d10 necrotic damage. If the 1st Level
target is a creature that dies from this attack, they
Chromatic Orb - You create a massive orb of target up to the spell's range. Make a ranged spell
twilight energy over your head. When deciding the attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 bludgeoning
damage type of the orb, roll a d6. If you roll an odd damage, is pushed back 10 ft. and must make a Dex
number, it deals 3d8 necrotic. If you roll an even saving throw equal to your spell save DC or is
number, it deals 3d8 radiant damage. If you roll a 1, knocked prone.
the orb peters out and the spell ends. If you roll a 6, it Slashing Darkness - Instead of 1 single slash, you
does 2d8 necrotic and 2d8 radiant and summons a make 3 slashing darkness attacks of reduced
group of friendly Shadow Keese up to your damage. Make 3 ranged spell attacks. On a hit, the
spellcasting modifier. These Keese have the same target takes 2d6 necrotic damage. If three attacks hit
stats as a normal Keese, but they lack the elemental the same target, the target is overwhelmed by dark
affinity of their light-world counterparts. magic and takes an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
Shadow Spray - When you cast this spell, the 4th Level
radius increases to 10 ft, and all targets who fail to
Hallucinatory Terrain - You may create a more
resist take 1d8 necrotic damage at the start of each of
in-depth illusion that not only is viewable, but
their turns.
interactable. You may choose to change the terrain
Spin Attack - When you cast this spell, you may using a bonus action up to 5 times. This illusion
move up to your movement speed as you spin rapidly. cannot kill a target, but may cause up to 1d10 psychic
If you take 2 actions to cast it, you may move up to damage of harm, and any harmful aspect of the
double your movement speed. Regardless of how illusion is also capable of harming you (Toxic gas,
long it takes to charge, any target who you hit must lava, etc.). If the target takes half of its total health in
succeed a DC 16 Dex saving throw or be knocked damage, concentration is broken, the illusion ends.
Faithful Hound - As an action, you may choose to
2nd Level make the hound (Which resembles a Twili Wolfos
Shadow Blade - You summon a Twilight Longsword shadow beast (transformation)) attack a creature
as opposed to the normal sword. It has the versatile, using the Lupine Dash ability. You may also make the
dire and thrown properties (30/60 ft.). The sword does hound reveal or cloak itself as a free action.
2d8 necrotic damage. Wall of Tentacles - Instead of tentacles, you cause
Pulling Shade - Instead of a whirlpool, you create a a wall of twilight spikes to rain down from the sky and
40 ft. field of cloud-like shadows. While traveling slam into the ground. These spikes can be in any
through this darkness, a target must succeed on a orientation, so long as the length of the wall does not
constitution saving throw (DC 18) or take 3d6 necrotic exceed 60 ft. in length. A wall of twilight energy then
damage. If the creature fails by 5 or more, they are forms between the spikes. Any creature who touches
dragged down into the darkness and are trapped this wall takes 3d8 Force damage and is knocked
inside. They will take this 3d6 necrotic damage at the prone. If the target is hit by the initial impact of the
start of their turn until they succeed the saving throw. spikes, they take 8d8 piercing damage.
Alter Size - Instead of shrinking, you may triple your 5th Level
size and multiply your weight by 12. While giant, your Chromatic Explosion - The explosion's radius is
AC is increased by your Con mod, and you may use increased to 30 ft, as a red orb of twilight energy
your attack action to stomp an enemy (+Str explodes onto the ground. All targets who fail the Dex
+proficiency to hit. Hit. deals 8d8 bludgeoning saving throw are pushed back 10 ft. and knocked
damage). If you are hit while in this form, you must prone.
make a Int/Wis/Cha saving throw (DC 18) to maintain
Arcane Hand - As an action, you may choose to
concentration or you shrink back down to your original
create two Zant Hands. Doing this causes both hands
to drop to half of your maximum hit points, and have a
3rd Level Str of 22 (+6) and a Dex of 15 (+2). They can perform
Dark Transport - While transporting, you appear as the same actions, and can even attack the same
blobs of color that leave a pitch-black, shadowy mist target.
behind you. You may move up to 60 + (Movement Far Step - Teleporting becomes a free action,
speed / 2) ft. in any direction, including up, down or on though you are able to do it a maximum of 3 times. If
an angle. you have the multi-attack feature, you may attack
Floormaster's Grasp - You may grab any large or once, teleport, then use multi-attack.
smaller creature with a floating, twilight hand that can All Pieces
float up to 30 ft. away from you. If you do not wish to
Fused Ferocity. You are overwhelmed by dark
grapple a target, you may use the hand to punch a
power. Every turn, make a DC 20 Wisdom check. On
a success, you have a bonus to all rolls equal to your Enhanced Guile. You add your proficiency bonus
level. On a fail, you are unable to act for that turn as to Intelligence (Arcana) checks, Charisma (Deception)
you try to retain your composure and composition. checks, Charisma (Persuasion) checks, and Wisdom
Beast from the Black. The pure power of the saving throws. This feature doesn't allow you to add
Fused Shadow changes your physical form. You are your proficiency bonus twice to any roll.
transformed into a 10-armed, gargantuan shadow Spellcasting. While wearing this mask, you gain
beast, with the only distinguishable feature being the innate spellcasting. Initially, you can only cast the first
fused shadow atop your body as a helmet. Your AC is row of spells, but each day at dusk you can access
increased by your highest stat, and you become the following row of spells. These spells have DC 19,
immune to all forms of damage other than radiant, and +11 to hit with spell attacks. If you have the
which you are weak to. Unarmed strikes are counted Spellcasting feature, you can instead use your spell
as light weapons, and they deal 3d8 bludgeoning slots (or magic points) to cast the spells available to
damage, which are counted as magical for the you, but must use your casting ability instead. You
purpose of overcoming damage resistance. cannot target Majora's Mask itself with any of these
Piercing Power. As an action, you may form a spells.
Twilight spear in one of your arms. When you take the 1st day (at will): death bolt, fire bolt, friends,
attack action, you may either make a melee attack levitate (self only but without requiring
(+Int/Wis/Cha (whichever is highest) to hit, deals 1d8 concentration), thunderwave
x Int/Wis/Cha mod), or a ranged attack (150 ft. range, 2nd day (3/day each): beguile person, bestow
+Int/Wis/Cha (whichever is highest) to hit, deals 1d10 curse, darkvision, fireball
x Int/Wis/Cha mod). These attacks are counted as
3rd day (2/day each): control person, compulsion,
siege attacks.
invisibility, polymorph, Wizzro's blast
Majora's Mask 4th day (1/day each): control monster, haste,
wave of obliteration, whirlwind
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
5th day (1/day each): bestow curse (cast as a
According to hearsay, this ancient and magical
9th-level spell), true polymorph, true seeing
mask was used in arcane rituals of hexing and torture.
Whether the mask was worn by the torturer or the Cursed. This mask is cursed, and it gradually gains
tortured is ambiguous. The mask itself was capable of greater control over its wearer—or its "host." Not even
growing in power through both the physical and a wish spell can break this curse.
emotional pain of living creatures, and it is believed While you wear this mask, no force other than you
Majora itself was the sentient creation of this pain. or the mask itself can remove it from you. Forceful
When Majora itself grew too powerful, the ancient attempts to remove the mask would sooner peel the
sorcerers who created the mask—or perhaps their flesh from your face.
descendants—sealed the fiend inside the mask they If you ever attempt to remove this mask or break
had created and forbade its use. attunement to it, you must make a Charisma saving
Although Majora and its mask have reportedly been throw. On a failed save, you are compelled to keep it
destroyed or sealed away several times throughout on your face at least until the next dawn. The DC is
history, just as many times it has appeared again initially 13, but increases by 1 for every failed save,
under mysterious circumstances. After all, here it is, and also increases every day at dusk. If the DC ever
yet again. There's no doubt the mask holds immense becomes so great that you cannot overcome it (e.g., if
magical power, but at what cost? you have a +7 bonus to Charisma saving throws, but
Instant Attunement. If you don this magic mask, the DC has increased to 28), the creature within the
you are attuned to it instantly. If you are already mask gains complete control over your mind and
attuned to three magic items, your attunement breaks body.
with one selected at random. While Majora's Mask is controlling you, it can at any
Influenced Personality. The longer you wear this time use your action to reduce your hit points to 0,
mask, the more you are drawn towards chaotic evil knock you unconscious, remove itself from your body,
actions. Initially, you may be more interested in and transform into Majora. Only a true polymorph
pranks, but after a week you may believe racial spell can permanently revert Majora back into
genocide would be fun. (How much this actually Majora's Mask.
affects your role-playing is ultimately up to yourself
and your DM.)
Master Sword
Weapon (longsword or shortsword), artifact (requires
attunement by a creature of good alignment)
The Master Sword is a holy blade forged by ancient its power erodes with the passage of time. If the
deities and blessed by the goddess Hylia herself. weapon is not wielded for 10d100 years, its 'Pact of
Rumors suggest this weapon can only be wielded by the Silent Hero' and 'Spells' features are subdued. In
master warriors of light, and that its edge is forged yet another 10d100 years, the 'Blade of Evil's Bane'
from a mystic metal capable of cleaving through feature erodes. Finally, after 10d100 years the Master
almost anything. The blade is infamous among Sword becomes indistinguishable from a non magical
followers of Ganon, and any creatures aligned with sword.
this king of evil will always be openly hostile towards Each increment of this degradation can only be
anyone in possession of this sword. undone with a direct blessing by a deity of good
Sword of Hylia. You can choose to wield this alignment. A deity can only undo one stage of
sword as either a longsword or a shortsword. It is degradation at a time. Once a deity has blessed the
immune to effects that corrode or damage metal, and Master Sword to restore some of its power, that deity
is utterly indestructible. cannot do so again until the sword's power is either
Pact of the Silent Hero. While you are attuned to fully restored or fully depleted.
this magic weapon, you have a +3 bonus to attack
The Four Sword
and damage rolls made with it, and any hit you make
with it deals double its normal damage dice (2d6, 2d8, Weapon (shortsword), artifact
or 2d10 depending on how it is wielded) against any The Four Sword, reforged from the shattered
creature not of a good alignment. You also, however, remnants of the Picori Blade and the four elements, is
have disadvantage on any Charisma checks which a powerful weapon against evil in the hands of one
involve spoken words. who knows how to use its anomalous properties.
Spells. While you are attuned to this sword and are Blade of Legend. You gain a +1 to hits with this
wielding it, you can use an action to cast one of the weapon, and it deals an extra 2d8 radiant damage.
following spells from it: light (on the Master Sword
Four Sword Split. When drawn from its pedestal or
only), power beam, or spin attack. For power beam
scabbard, the wielder splits into four copies of
and spin attack, you make a melee weapon attack roll
themselves. Each copy has a slightly different color
with the Master Sword in place of a melee or ranged
scheme, their voices are slightly different pitches and
spell attack roll.
they each take on an aspect of the wielder's
Blade of Evil's Bane. When an immortal creature personality, but otherwise they look identical. Each
or deity of evil alignment is reduced to 0 hit points, the clone gets their own turn, and can use any abilities
Master Sword can be used to prevent any effect from the wielder knows. However, the clones cannot travel
causing that creature to regain hit points or otherwise more than 30 ft. away from the original and
return to life. This ritual requires that a piece of the vice-versa. In addition, each clone shares the same
creature's body be placed in a stone pedestal hit points, and if one clone falls unconscious or dies
specifically designed to hold the Master Sword, and all other clones die.
the sword itself be sheathed over that piece of the
Beam Caster. When at full health, the user may
creature's body. While the sword is sheathed, the
use its bonus action to cast the spell power beam.
pedestal on which it stands cannot be destroyed, and
the sword cannot be unsheathed by a creature unless Evil's Bane. This sword deals twice its damage
that creature is attuned to it. Unsheathing the sword dice to creatures of the Evil alignment or are
ends this effect. If the sword becomes non magical, unaligned.
the effect similarly ends. Destroying the Four Sword. The four sword will
Destroying the Master Sword. Although there is deactivate if the wielder is not holding the weapon.
no known way to destroy the Master Sword outright, The weapon cannot be destroyed otherwise.