Item 5 Monthly Cleaning Report
Item 5 Monthly Cleaning Report
Item 5 Monthly Cleaning Report
1. Introduction
1.1 The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to the Trust Board on
current cleaning issues.
2. Improvements
2.1 Monthly meetings between the Director and Associate Director of Facilities
and the Divisional Director of ISS Mediclean continue.
2.2 The majority of rechecks continue to be completed within the contractual time
frame on all sites except North Manchester and the financial penalties applied
in month reflect this.
2.3 Even though there have been a number of cleaning issues, only problems in
theatre outer areas have been escalated to the Trust Monitoring Officers.
3.1 Cleaning spot checks have taken place as follows and areas marked pass or
fail. For very high risk functional areas, i.e. theatres, HDU/ITU, SCBU a score
of 95% or above equates to a pass, for high risk functional areas i.e. wards a
score of 90%or above equates to a pass.
3.3 Equipment cleaned by nursing staff including dressing trolleys and commodes
was assessed. Only 1 commode was found to be soiled on Ward 21 at FGH
and there was an accumulation of dust on equipment trolley’s on SCBU at
Rochdale Infirmary which caused this audit to fail. Nursing staff on I6 at
NMGH had to be reminded that it is their responsibility to clean patient notes
trolleys which were extremely dusty.
3.4 Ward 21 at FGH at the time of the inspection had a number of challenging
inpatients which made cleaning difficult. An additional toilet clean has now
been implemented on this ward.
4. Concerns
4.1 There are still areas that fail to achieve the required performance rating and
are being monitored weekly. In addition ISS Mediclean has been cautioned
about the failure to undertake the required number of audits at NMGH. The
cleaning committee has address the differentials in cleaning scores of the ISS
Supervisors and the Trust Monitoring Officers particularly at ROH and the
process to be used has been reinforced.
4.3 Staffing competencies still continue to be a concern, although there has been
a significant improvement at ROH. The new manager at NMGH is now in post
and is receiving specific training about healthcare cleaning requirements. In
addition staffing levels, particularly at weekends are a concern as is the
consistency of cover provided for annual leave. It is often evident that there is
a dip in standards when the regular healthcare cleaner is on holiday or off
4.4 There is a concern that even though the nursing staff are fully aware about
the escalation policy it is not being effectively used and nursing staff on 2 of
the areas inspected had not undertaken cleaning duties that they are
responsible for. The Associate Director of Nursing has escalated this to the
Divisional Nurse Managers.
8 Summary
• Further cleaning spot checks are scheduled for all sites and have been
diarised until the end of the year.
John Wilkes
Director of Facilities
August 2010