Aerosol Lesson Plan
Aerosol Lesson Plan
Aerosol Lesson Plan
Standard(s) Aerosols strongly influences human life through a variety of factors including
of Learning physical and chemical interactions between particles, heat transfer, and
interaction with clouds.
Increased understanding of the earth system enhances students’ awareness and
perception of global climate and health issues.
Key Aerosol, Cloud nucleation, pollutant, anthropogenic source, natural source, physical
Vocabulary/ and chemical properties, climate change, and remote sensing.
Materials Presentation:
Cloud in a Jar Activity: Warm water, Jar and lit, Ice cubes, Aerosol Hairspray, and
paper towels for cleanup.
Introduction “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hold a cloud? Today you
(Hook) will get the chance to give it a try!” Cloud in a Jar activity: Give each pair of Time
students a jar with half a cup of hot water inside and tell them to shake it up 10
so the water covers the inside of the jar. Give each pair 4 ice cubes, which min
they will put in the inverted lid of the jar. Go to each pair and spray hairspray
in each jar and tell the students to put the inverted lid on top of the jar. After
a few seconds, tell the students to remove the lid and watch the cloud
Instructional Show presentation: 45
Activities min
Explain to students “aerosol” catch all terms for anything suspended in the
air, so technically, both the hair spray in the jar and the water droplets are
Slide 6: Ask students what kind of aerosols they come in contact with every
day. Think, Pair, Share.
Slide 8: Ask students what they think aerosols can impact, Think, pair, share,
with a different partner.
Slide 12: Ask students what is occurring in the video. Ask them to describe to
their partner what the aerosols are doing.
Slide 14: Ask students to share with their partner what other effects could
aerosols have on the environment? How do the properties cause the effects?
Closure Tell your partner the most interesting thing that you learned today! 10-
Activity Post test: 15
Follow-Up/ Complete Post test if not completed in class: