Lesson Plan For Pre-K: Teacher Name Date of Lesson Name of School Little Astorian Grade
Lesson Plan For Pre-K: Teacher Name Date of Lesson Name of School Little Astorian Grade
Lesson Plan For Pre-K: Teacher Name Date of Lesson Name of School Little Astorian Grade
Grade Pre-K
Relevance/Ratio Why are the objectives of this lesson important with regard to
nale: supporting the development, growth and learning of infants and
These objectives are important as it will help them in their daily
lives, it will give them a sense of independence and form good
habits; it will teach them body awareness and sense of community
as they touch things and understand the concept of germs.
Resources/Materi Sick Simon by Dan Krall , Napkins, Glitter multiple colors, Poster
als Pictures of Hand washing
Technology (if Yes laptop/ projector for teacher and camera to record the
applicable)/ lesson.
Modification No room modification
Plan for How will you support the individual needs of children? Be specific
differentiated in regards to certain children.
ctional Translated lesson plan would have been sent home to the
modifications: parents of ELL students so the child can follow along. Many
picture instructions will be used throughout the lesson. There will
also be hand washing diagrams in languages for the ELL
students. Children with disabilities will be supported by making
lesson involve their IEP
Any additional Some children might have sensory sensitivity and will be
information that allowed to modify lessons to make them feel comfortable.
would be helpful for When reading the book I will add translations of key
the observer to vocabulary words for ELL students. i.e spanish : Wash
know: hands = lavarse las manos.