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Greetings, delegates!
Congratulations on being part of World Health Organisation in the first ever online MUN
organised by the Rotaract Club of Narsee Monjee College, Mumbai.

Our agenda for this conference is: “Analysing the political genesis and Proliferation of
Times like these are extremely testing and for reason which no one could have foreseen this
pandemic i.e., COVID-19. Hence in committee, I would urge you to keep all this in mind and
debate about such issues concentrating mainly on giving solutions as to how to prevent such
things from happening in the near future while maintaining your country’s stance and never
violating from the same. First timers need not be scared, I urge all of you to speak up and voice
your opinions whenever you find necessary.
Now that I've familiarised you with the basic fundamentals of the extravaganza, of varying
view points, and discussions, that you're going to attend, let me introduce myself; I'm Aastha
Arora, and am at the stage IV of a critical disease called the Overthinking Everything Possible.
I am third year student at National Institute of Fashion Technology, Jodhpur,

I am open to all kinds of feedback, questions regarding the conference or simply in-committee
gossip, that you can share with me at my email aasthaarora20@gmail.com , and hope that the
this MUN experience would be fruitful for you.

Signing Off,
Aastha Arora,
World Health Organisation.


The World Health Organization (WHO) is the supervising and coordinating authority on global

health within the UN. Article 1 of the WHO Constitution states that the objective of the WHO

is "the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”. Health is defined in

the preamble as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity”. The WHO is a specialized agency of the UN and works with

other specialized UN agencies through the coordination of the Economic and Social Council

of the UN (About the UN, n.d.). The WHO produces health guidelines and standards, supports

countries in their public health issues as well as finances and promotes health research. Through

the organizational framework of the WHO, governments, UN entities, professional groups and

NGOs can jointly deal with global health and improve all people’s well-being (Working for

Health, WHO, 2007). The organization has quite comprehensive leadership priorities. Its

current priorities are:

1. Advancing universal health coverage by empowering countries to sustain or expand

access to health services, financial protection and effective, affordable medical

2. Combatting communicable diseases (CDs), like HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Malaria,


3. Addressing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mental health, injuries, and


4. Promoting Healthy Lives through sexual and reproductive health, healthy ageing;
good nutrition, food security, healthy eating; occupational health, substance abuse

5. Addressing the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of health to reduce

health inequalities within and between countries

6. Making sure that all countries can detect and react to public health threats through
the International Health Regulations (The Guardian of Public Health, WHO, 2016)

7. Currently, the most important task at hand is the prevention of COVID-19 amongst
all nations and its tracking and containment worldwide.

Moreover, the WHO is responsible for the World Health Reports, a series of worldwide World

Health Surveys. They provide information for policymakers, donor agencies, international

organizations and others to help them in deciding health policy and funding (Global Health

Observatory Data, n.d.). The WHO also organizes the World Health Days: global health

awareness days celebrated every year which draw attention to important global health issues

(WHO Global Health Days, 2017). Accordingly, the WHO has defined its role in public health

as follows:

1. Providing leadership on health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is


2. Shaping the research agenda and stimulating generation and dissemination of


3. Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation;

4. Articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options;

5. Providing technical support and building sustainable institutional capacity; and

6. Monitoring the global health situation and assessing health trends (About WHO,

The very distant origins of the WHO can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century,

when its predecessor, the Health Organization of the League of Nations, was founded.

The WHO was established on April 7th, 1948 and inherited the mandate and resources of its

predecessor. The First World Health Assembly met in 1948 and established early priorities for

the organization: eradication of malaria, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, maternal and child

health, sanitary engineering, and nutrition (McCarthy, 2002). The biggest success of the WHO

so far is the eradication of Smallpox: In 1958 the World Health Assembly decided to undertake

a global initiative to eradicate smallpox, a serious disease with an overall mortality rate of 30–

35 percent. After over two decades of fighting smallpox, the WHO declared in 1979 that the

disease has been eradicated – the first disease in history to be eliminated by human effort (WHO

Emergencies Preparedness, n.d.). 5 In 1969 the International Health Regulations (IHR) were

established as an international legal instrument that is binding on all countries across the globe,

including all Member States of WHO. The IHR are aimed at preventing and responding to

public health risks that have the potential to transcend borders and threaten people in many

other countries. Additionally, the IHR are designed to avoid unnecessary interference with

international trade and travel. They have been modified several times to adapt to changing state

of global health issues. The first list of essential medicines was created in 1977, registering all

medicines that "satisfy the priority health care needs of the population"; According to the

WHO, all people should have access to these medicines in sufficient amounts. Just one year

later, the ambitious goal of "health for all" was declared: The enjoyment of the highest

attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without

distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition. In 1986, WHO

started to fight against HIV/AIDS pandemic and ten years later UNAIDS was formed, a

program for comprehensive and coordinated global action on HIV/AIDS. The Global Polio

Eradication Initiative was established in 1988. It is the largest public health initiative in history

with the aim of eradicating one of the most worrying childhood diseases. This resulted in gains

in child survival, reduced infant mortality, increased life expectancy; reduced the annual cases

from the hundreds of thousands to 37 cases in 2016 (Polio Eradication Initiative). Currently,

the WHO works together with other UN entities to realize the Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs). The SDGs followed the Millennium Development Goals, in which the WHO also

played a vital role. The WHO works on SDG 3 “Good Health and well-being” by improving

maternal health, ending epidemics, decreasing child mortality, achieve universal health

coverage and ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health care services WHO SDG 3,

n.d.). 6 Modus Operandi of the World Health Organization Membership in the WHO

Membership in the organization is open to all states according to article 3 of the WHO

constitution. All UN member states and other countries may be admitted as members when

their application has been approved by a simple majority of the World Health Assembly

(Article 6 of the WHO constitution). As of 2017, the WHO member states list includes 194

member states, all of them are also Member States of the UN, except for the Cook Islands and

Niue. Additionally, the WHO has two associated members, Puerto Rico and Tokelau.

Liechtenstein is currently the only UN Member state which is not part of the WHO. Several

countries have observer status in the World Health Assembly: The Holy See, Order of Malta,

the Palestinian Authority, the European Union, Taiwan (as Chinese Taipei) and the

International Committee of the Red Cross. Structure of the WHO According to article 9 of the

WHO constitution, the organization consists of three organs:

(a) the World Health Assembly (WHA) is the supreme decision-making body of the WHO.

All WHO member states appoint delegations, (usually their health ministers) who meet once

per year in Geneva, the location of WHO Headquarters. Together they are a forum through

which the WHO is governed. The responsibilities of the WHA are:

1. appointing the Director-General every five years

2. electing the Executive Board consisting of 34 members for 3 years

3. voting on matters of policy and finance of WHO, including the proposed budget

4. reviewing reports of the Executive Board and decides whether there are areas

requiring further examination. (WHO Governance, n.d.) 7

(b) the Executive Board carries out the decisions and policies of the Assembly. Moreover, they

advise the WHA and facilitate its work. It can be summarized as executive organ of the WHA.

Its 34 members are elected due to their qualification and reputation in the field of health but

also according to their home country, thus creating an equal geographical representation (WHO

Governance, n.d.).

(c) The Secretariat comprises the Director-General and the technical or administrative staff of

the WHO. The Director-General is the chief technical and administrative officer of the

Organization but is subject to the authority of the Executive Board. According to the

constitution, the Director-General is by the right of their office the Secretary of the WHA. On

the regional level, the WHO has established regional offices to meet the special needs of an

area. The regional divisions are: Africa (AFRO), Europe (EURO), Americas (AMRO), Eastern

Mediterranean (EMRO), South-East Asia (SEARO) and Western Pacific (WPRO). Many

decisions are pre-made at the regional level, including important discussions over WHO's

policy and budget. The natural cooperation partners can therefore be found within the

respective regional division of the WHO. Voting blocks in the WHA also usually form

according to regional interests. Budget of the WHO The programme budget 2018–2019 is US$

4421.5 million, which comprises the “base” programmes (CDs, NCDs, Health Systems, Health

Promotion, Health Emergencies Programme) and special programmes (polio, research and

training in tropical diseases and human reproduction), and the event-driven component of

Outbreaks and crisis response. The budget is financed through assessed and voluntary

contributions. Assessed contributions are the dues countries pay to be a member of the

Organization. The amount for each member is calculated according to the country's wealth and

population. 8 Assessed contributions have been declining for the past years and account for

one quarter of the funding by now (WHO, Summary of Assessed Contributions, 2017).

Voluntary contributions come from Member States adding to their assessed contribution or

from organizations and private persons. Nowadays, voluntary contributions account for three

quarters of the WHO funding. However, voluntary contributions are usually earmarked for

specific purposes, thus reducing flexibility of the WHO budgeting (WHO Voluntary

Contributions, n.d.). Hence, delegates should pay special attention to funding in their health

policy recommendations: the WHO is an institution that has to deal with financial inflexibility

and funding issues.

AGENDA: Analysing the political genesis and Proliferation of

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019

(COVID‑19) caused by a coronavirus (SARS‑CoV‑2). The outbreak was identified in Wuhan,

China, in December 2019.

The virus is primarily spread between people during close contact, often via small droplets

produced by coughing, sneezing, or talking. The droplets usually fall to the ground or onto

surfaces rather than remaining in the air over long distances. People may also become infected

by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their face. On surfaces, the amount of

virus declines over time until it is insufficient to remain infectious, but it may be detected for

hours or days. It is most contagious during the first three days after the onset of symptoms,

although spread may be possible before symptoms appear and in later stages of the disease.

Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of smell.

Complications may include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The time from

exposure to onset of symptoms is typically around five days, but may range from two to

fourteen days. There is no known vaccine or specific antiviral treatment. Primary treatment is

symptomatic and supportive therapy.

As of 1 May 2020, more than 3.27 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 187

countries and territories, resulting in more than 233,000 deaths. More than 1.02 million people

have recovered.


31 Dec 2019
• Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in
Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

1 January 2020
• WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the
organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on
an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

4 January 2020
• WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths –
in Wuhan, Hubei province.

5 January 2020
• WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical
publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media.

10 January 2020
• WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries
on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at
the time.

12 January 2020
• China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19.

13 January 2020
• Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China

14 January 2020
• WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited
human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through
family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak.

20-21 January 2020

• WHO experts from its China and Western Pacific regional offices conducted a brief field visit to

22 January 2020
• WHO mission to China issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human
transmission in Wuhan but more investigation was needed.

30 January 2020
• WHO’s situation report for 30 January reported 7818 total confirmed cases worldwide, with the
majority of these in China, and 82 cases reported in 18 countries outside China. WHO gave a
risk assessment of very high for China, and high at the global level.

3 February 2020
• WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help
protect states with weaker health systems.

11 March 2020
• Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels
of inaction, WHO made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

13 March 2020
COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund launched to receive donations from private individuals,
corporations and institutions.

18 March 2020
• WHO and partners launch the Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial that aims to generate
robust data from around the world to find the most effective treatments for COVID-19.

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As of 30 April 2020, cases have been reported in all Asian countries except for Turkmenistan,
although there are some speculations that even that

Upon the detection of a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology in Wuhan, the

CPC Central Committee and the State Council launched the national emergency response.

A Central Leadership Group for Epidemic Response and the Joint Prevention and Control

Mechanism of the State Council were established. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally

directed and deployed the prevention and control work and requested that the prevention

and control of the COVID-19 outbreak be the top priority of government at all levels. Prime

Minister Li Keqiang headed the Central Leading Group for Epidemic Response and went

to Wuhan to inspect and coordinate the prevention and control work of relevant

departments and provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country.

Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who has been working on the frontlines in Wuhan, has led and

coordinated the frontline prevention and control of the outbreak. The prevention and control

measures have been implemented rapidly, from the early stages

in Wuhan and other key areas of Hubei, to the current overall national epidemic. It has

been undertaken in three main phases, with two important events defining those phases.

First, COVID-19 was included in the statutory report of Class B infectious diseases and

border health quarantine infectious diseases on 20 January 2020, which marked the

transition from the initial partial control approach to the comprehensive adoption of various

control measures in accordance with the law. The second event was the State Council’s

issuing, on 8 February 2020, of The Notice on Orderly Resuming Production and Resuming

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Production in Enterprises, which indicated that China’s national epidemic control work had

entered a stage of overall epidemic prevention and control together with the restoration of

normal social and economic operations.


During the early stage of the outbreak, the main strategy focused on preventing the

exportation of cases from Wuhan and other priority areas of Hubei Province, and

preventing the importation of cases by other provinces; the overall aim was to control the

source of infection, block transmission and prevent further spread. The response

mechanism was initiated with multi-sectoral involvement in joint prevention and control

measures. Wet markets were closed, and efforts were made to identify the zoonotic source.

Information on the epidemic was notified to WHO on 3 January, and whole genome

sequences of the COVID-19 virus were shared with WHO on 10 January. Protocols for

COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, surveillance, epidemiological investigation,

management of close contacts, and laboratory testing were formulated, and relevant

surveillance activities and epidemiological investigations conducted. Diagnostic testing

kits were developed, and wildlife and live poultry markets were placed under strict

supervision and control measures.


During the second stage of the outbreak, the main strategy was to reduce the intensity of

the epidemic and to slow down the increase in cases. In Wuhan and other priority areas of

Hubei Province, the focus was on actively treating patients, reducing deaths, and preventing

exportations. In other provinces, the focus was on preventing importations, curbing the

spread of the disease and implementing joint prevention and control measures. Nationally,

wildlife markets were closed and wildlife captive-breeding facilities were cordoned off. On

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20 January, COVID-19 was included in the notifiable report of Class B infectious diseases

and border health quarantine infectious diseases, with temperature checks, health care

declarations, and quarantine against COVID-19 instituted at transportation depots in

accordance with the law. On 23 January, Wuhan implemented strict traffic restrictions. The

protocols for diagnosis, treatment and epidemic prevention and control were improved;

case isolation and treatment were strengthened. Measures were taken to ensure that all cases

were treated, and close contacts were isolated and put under medical observation. Other

measures implemented included the extension of the Spring Festival holiday, traffic

controls, and the control of transportation capacity to reduce the movement of people; mass

gathering activities were also cancelled. Information about the epidemic and prevention

and control measures was regularly released. Public risk communications and health

education were strengthened; allocation of medical supplies was coordinated, new hospitals

were built, reserve beds were used and relevant premises were repurposed to ensure that all

cases could be treated; efforts were made to maintain a stable supply of commodities and

their prices to ensure the smooth operation of society.


The third stage of the outbreak focused on reducing clusters of cases, thoroughly

controlling the epidemic, and striking a balance between epidemic prevention and control,

sustainable economic and social development, the unified command, standardized

guidance, and scientific evidence-based policy implementation. For Wuhan and other

priority areas of Hubei Province, the focus was on patient treatment and the interruption of

transmission, with an emphasis on concrete steps to fully implement relevant measures for

the testing, admitting and treating of all patients. A risk-based prevention and control

approach was adopted with differentiated prevention and control measures for different

regions of the country and provinces. Relevant measures were strengthened in the areas of

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epidemiological investigation, case management and epidemic prevention in high-risk

public places. New technologies were applied such as the use of big data and artificial

intelligence (AI) to strengthen contact tracing and the management of priority populations.

Relevant health insurance policies were promulgated on "health insurance payment, off-

site settlement, and financial compensation". All provinces provided support to Wuhan

and priority areas in Hubei Province in an effort to quickly curb the spread of the disease

and provide timely clinical treatment. Pre-school preparation was improved, and work

resumed in phases and batches. Health and welfare services were provided to returning

workers in a targeted and ‘one-stop’ manner. Normal social operations are being restored

in a stepwise fashion; knowledge about disease prevention is being popularized to improve

public health literacy and skills; and a comprehensive program of emergency scientific

research is being carried out to develop diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines, delineate

the spectrum of the disease, and identify the source of the virus.


After the outbreak entered its global phase in March, Chinese authorities took strict

measures to prevent the virus re-entering China from other countries. For example, Beijing

imposed a 14-day mandatory quarantine for all international travellers entering the city. At

the same time, a strong anti-foreigner sentiment quickly took hold, and foreigners

experienced harassment by the general public and forced evictions from apartments and


On 23 March 2020, China had only one case transmitted domestically in the five days prior,

in this instance via a traveller returning to Guangzhou from Istanbul. On 24 March, Chinese

Premier Li Keqiang reported that the spread of domestically transmitted cases has been

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basically blocked and the outbreak has been controlled in China. The same day travel

restrictions were eased in Hubei, apart from Wuhan, two months after the lockdown was


The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on 26 March that entry for visa or

residence permit holders would be suspended from 28 March onwards, with no specific

details on when this policy would end. Those wishing to enter China must to apply for visas

in Chinese embassies or consulates. The Chinese government encouraged businesses and

factories to re-open on 30 March, and provided monetary stimulus packages for firms.


Iran reported its first confirmed cases of SARS‑CoV‑2 infections on 19 February in Qom,

where, according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, two people died later

that day. Early measures announced by the government included the cancellation of

concerts and other cultural events, sporting events, and Friday prayers, and closures of

universities, higher education institutions, and schools. Iran allocated five trillion rials to

combat the virus. President Hassan Rouhani said on 26 February 2020 there were no plans

to quarantine areas affected by the outbreak, and only individuals would be quarantined.

Plans to limit travel between cities were announced in March, although heavy traffic

between cities ahead of the Persian New Year Nowruz continued. Shia shrines in Qom

remained open to pilgrims until 16 March.

Iran became a centre of the spread of the virus after China during February. More than ten

countries had traced their cases back to Iran by 28 February, indicating the extent of the

outbreak may have been more severe than the 388 cases reported by the Iranian government

by that date. The Iranian Parliament was shut down, with 23 of its 290 members reported

to have had tested positive for the virus on 3 March.

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The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has demanded economic sanctions to be

eased for nations most affected by the pandemic, including Iran. On 20 April it was reported

that Iran had reopened shopping malls and other shopping areas across the country, though

there is fear of a second wave of infection due to this move. On 27 April it was reported

that 700 people had died from ingesting methanol, falsely believed to be a cure.


The report from 26 April 2020 suggests WHO Country Office for India (WCO) continues

to work closely with MoHFW, on preparedness and response measures for COVID-19,

including surveillance and contact tracing, laboratory diagnosis, risk communications and

community engagement, hospital preparedness, infection prevention and control (IPC) and

implementation of containment strategies. Co-ordination and Partnership: WCO hosted the

Health Partners virtual meeting to facilitate consensus and draft implementation strategy to

support the MHFW as ‘One UN’ through the Joint Response Plan. Laboratory testing:

WHO is providing kits and reagents to COVID-19 testing laboratories through ICMR to

partly meet their huge testing requirement. A total of 625 309 samples have been tested so

far, details here. ICMR had clearly laid down the scope, purpose and usage of the rapid

antibody tests. ICMR has always emphasized that the confirmatory test for diagnosis of

COVID-19 infection is RT - PCR test of throat and/ or nasal swab, which detects virus at

early stage, details here.

ICMR expanded the testing strategy to pregnant women residing in clusters/containment

area or in large migration gatherings/evacuees centre from hotspot districts presenting in

labour or likely to deliver in next 5 days should be tested even if asymptomatic, details


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Surveillance: SARI surveillance is being strengthened in states with support from WCO

field staff. SMOs in the field are facilitating CIF filling and IHIP portal data entry along

with following up on SARI/ILI surveillance.



The pandemic was confirmed to have spread to Spain on 31 January 2020, when a German

tourist tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in La Gomera, Canary Islands. Post-hoc genetic

analysis has shown that at least 15 strains of the virus were imported and community

transmission had begun by mid-February. By 13 March, cases had been confirmed in all

50 provinces of the country.

A state of alarm and national lockdown was imposed on 14 March. On 29 March it was

announced that, beginning the following day, all non-essential workers were to stay home

for the next 14 days. By late March, the Community of Madrid has recorded the most cases

and deaths in the country. Medical professionals and those who live in retirement homes

have experienced especially high infection rates. On 25 March 2020, the death toll in Spain

surpassed that reported in mainland China and only Italy had a higher death toll globally.

On 2 April, 950 people died of the virus in a 24-hour period—at the time, the most by any

country in a single day. The next day Spain surpassed Italy in total cases and is now second

only to the United States.

As of 29 April 2020, there have been 213,435 PCR-confirmed cases with 112,050

recoveries and 24,543 deaths in Spain. The actual number of cases, however, is likely to be

much higher, as many people with only mild or no symptoms are unlikely to have been

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tested. The number of deceased is also believed to be an underestimate due to lack of testing

and reporting, perhaps by as much as 10,000 according to excess mortality analysis.



On 16 March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made an announcement advising against all

non-essential travel and social contact, suggesting people work from home where possible

and avoid venues such as pubs, restaurants, and theatres. On 20 March, the government

announced that all leisure establishments such as pubs and gyms were to close as soon as

possible, and promised to pay up to 80 per cent of workers' wages to a limit of £2,500 per

month to prevent unemployment during the crisis.

On 23 March, the prime minister announced tougher social distancing measures, banning

gatherings of more than two people and restricting travel and outdoor activity to that

deemed strictly necessary. Unlike previous measures, these restrictions were enforceable

by police through the issuing of fines and the dispersal of gatherings. Most businesses were

ordered to close, with exceptions for businesses deemed "essential", including

supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, hardware shops, petrol stations, and garages.

To ensure the health services always had sufficient capacity to treat COVID-19 patients, a

number of temporary critical care hospitals were built around the United Kingdom. The

first to be operational was the 4000-bed capacity NHS Nightingale Hospital London,

constructed within the ExCeL convention centre over nine days. On 24 April it was reported

that one of the more promising vaccine trials had begun in England; the government has

pledged, in total, more than 50 million pounds towards research.

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The pandemic reached France on 24 January 2020, when the first COVID-19 case in

Europe was confirmed in Bordeaux.

On 13 March, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe ordered the closure of all non-essential

public places, and on 16 March, French President Emmanuel Macron announced

mandatory home confinement, a policy which has been extended at least until 11 May. As

of 23 April, France has reported over 120,804 confirmed cases, 21,856 deaths, and 42,088

recoveries, ranking fourth in number of confirmed cases.



As of 24 April, 889,309 cases have been confirmed in the United States, and 50,256 people

have died. Media reports on 30 March said President Trump had decided to extend social

distancing guidelines until 30 April. On the same day, the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship

with about a thousand beds, made anchor in New York. On 3 April, the U.S. had a record

884 deaths due to the coronavirus in a 24-hour period. In the state of New York, cases

exceeded 100,000 people on 3 April.

More than 26 million Americans lost their jobs and applied for government aid, including

3.4 million people in California. The White House has been criticised for downplaying the

threat and controlling the messaging by directing health officials and scientists to

coordinate public statements and publications related to the virus with the office of Vice-

President Mike Pence. Overall approval of Trump's management of the crisis has been

polarised along partisan lines. Some U.S. officials and commentators criticised U.S.

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reliance on importation of critical materials, including essential medical supplies, from


On 14 April, President Trump halted funding to the World Health Organization, stating

they had mismanaged the current pandemic.

In late April, President Trump said he would sign an executive order to temporarily suspend

immigration to the United States because of the pandemic. There were American claims

that China had suppressed information, and on 22 April U.S. Secretary of State Mike

Pompeo alleged on Fox News that China had denied U.S. scientists permission to enter the

country to ascertain the origin of the current pandemic, but he did not give details of any

requests for such visits. On 22 April it was reported that two Californians died from the

virus (not, as previously thought, influenza) three weeks before the first official coronavirus

case in the U.S. had been acknowledged.


As the Covid-19 pandemic is extremely new and of utmost importance, there are multiple

parameters we need to discuss for the functioning of the committee. The Editorial Board

suggests the following research topics for further exploration:

• Socioeconomic impact of COVID-19.

• Overall measures to be taken for resolving the pandemic.

• Xenophobia and Racism.

• COVID-19’s impact on Climate Change.

• Country wise stance.

For first timers, or experienced delegates, even if you cover these topics, the editorial board

ensures a fruitful committee. Hope to see you in the conference.

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