WHO Term Paper - Edit - 2
WHO Term Paper - Edit - 2
WHO Term Paper - Edit - 2
ID: 10874506
To appreciate what the world health organization is all about, we must first understand what
international institutions or organizations are, their relevance and significance in today's world.
We will look at some scholarly definitions of international organizations, their relevances, and
formation, and then narrow it down to the international organization of interest in this paper: the
I would define an international organization as an independent entity that has identified a global
WHO (The World Health Organization) a sector of the United Nations (UN) but not a
subordinate to the United Nations, took over from the health wing of the league of nations. The
WHO is not subordinate to the UN because other sovereign countries can be part of the World
Health Organization but would not be required to be a United Nations member. This is
exemplified by Liechtenstein, which is part of the WHO but not the UN(Abdalla et al., 2020;
Nations, 2019).
This paper would analyze how the WHO was spun-out from the International League of Nations,
its conception, inception, and establishment, and how other countries adopted the WHO
constitution. It would also analyze its objectives and activities from its conception to date. The
WHO structure is integral in this paper, looking at it from a constructive perspective, with a
focus on its three main organs: the World’s Health Assembly, the executive board, and
Over the years, the WHO has played a vital role in the promotion of international public health.
The WHO has worked greatly in eradicating various diseases and infections across the globe.
Despite this, issues erupt as to how effective the organization has been in achieving its main
objectives. The paper will look into the role of the WHO in maintaining Global Health.
Koplan et al. define global health as: ‘'An area of research, science, and practice dedicated to
promoting health and achieving health justice for all people everywhere.' This is a useful concept
that focuses on health improvement and justice in a broad sense(De Maeseneer et al., 2007;
Green, 2010).
Kickbush defines global health as: ‘those health challenges that cut across national borders and
governments, requiring action on the global forces that shape people's health.
The World Health Organization, entrusted with achieving the highest level of health for all
citizens by the United Nations, through its role in the eradication of diseases and provision of
health care guidelines across the globe, has fulfilled its mandate to a large extent over the years,
In analyzing the WHO regarding maintaining Global Health, this paper would look at
Constructivism as its theoretical framework. The international sphere is not static but relatively
malleable. Norms are also critical in Constructivism when it comes to structures evolving to
Similarly, the WHO focuses on various health issues based on what is most prevalent. Thus, the
WHO sets norms and standards depending on the knowledge garnered from their research.
Constructivism played a significant role in the formation of the world health organization. “The
norm entrepreneurs’ strategy” is displayed in the formation of the World Health Organization.
Delegates from Brazil, China, and Norway at the United Nations had a meeting in 1945 and
proposed the need for a world health organization. They subsequently, effectively lobbied for the
The WHO is one of the many UN bodies that China and Brazil proposed its establishment in
1945 with the primary goal of achieving the highest standard of health for all citizens(Clift,
A one hundred and ninety-three (193) member states came together to form the World Health
2020; World Health Organization, 2014). Now from its inception and effective every year, the
World Health Organization would focus its attention on a specific health aspect. For example,
this year, the predicted focus is on the coronavirus, also known as the covid 19. The World
Health Organization also had the mandate to serve as the authority on health within the United
Nations Systems, to provide thoughtful leadership on global health matters, set standards and
norms, assert reliable, evidence-based policy options, provide on need basis technical support for
countries, and provide an assessment of world health trends(Matanock, 2020; World Health
a Secretariat, governed by the World Health Assembly (WHA), to achieve the mission and vision
of the organization. The WHA was ordained the WHO's supreme decision-making body to
maintain structure and focus of the organization’s goals consistent with the body's overall
objective, which is to work strenuously so that “all peoples achieve the highest possible
It is significant for this paper to distinguish and identify specific important terminologies, as they
can be mistaken for each other. Firstly we will look at International health, a widely used term
towards the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century. Now international health was
referred to as the attention on the curb of epidemics beyond boundaries within sovereign states.
governments of sovereign states, coordinating to formulate best public health policies and
practices (i.e. global health in general). This means considering the health needs of people of the
whole world above the issues of individual nations. The phenomenon “Global” is concerned with
independent. This is justified because the world health organization is part of the United Nations
but not subordinate to the United Nations. For example, a country can be part of the world health
organization yet alien to the United Nations. Puerto Rico is a member of the world health
organization yet not a member of the United Nations. Leichtenstein is an example of a state that
The world health organization has its constitution, its own governing body, and has the budgets
The world health organization has various objectives. However, the world health organization's
main objective is to “attain the highest health level for all people”(Hope, 2010). Thus all the
“minor”, objectives of the organization work in sync to achieve the ultimate goal of universal
good health for all people, as asserted above. Other objectives of the world health organization
are as follows;
The work of the World Health Organization encompasses a wide range of health-related topics.
The WHO is in charge of disease prevention and control. The covid 19 pandemic is a prominent
example in our lives today. Previously, the WHO was tasked with preventing the spread of
diseases such as smallpox and polio. One of the WHO's mechanisms used to curb the diseases
was to vaccinate toddlers and infants(WHO, 2021). The WHO also works on developing health
care services, family and environmental health improvement, maintenance of health statistics,
e.g. the international classification of diseases (ICD). The WHO’s activities also extend towards
promoting biomedical research, maintaining health literature and information, and enhancing
cooperation with other global organizations, e.g., doctors without borders. As opposed to other
health organizations, for example, “ health care ready”, the WHO's prevalence in addressing
health care concerns is primarily felt, recognized and participated in almost all
The structure of the world health organization is anchored on three main Organs. Namely, “the
world health Assembly”, “the executive board”, and “ the secretariat(Dünya Sağlık Örgütü,
THE WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY- consists of the supreme governing body and the health
parliament. They converge every year in its headquarters in Geneva, often in May and
rotationally in other countries. The assembly is composed of delegates from its members state;
each allowed a vote. The world health organization also covers the following;
The determination of international health policy and program, reviewing past works, the
acceptance and approval of the budget of the preceding year, and member states' election to
designate an individual to serve three years on the executive board and replace the retiring
members. The world health assembly, through the nomination carried out by the executive board,
THE EXECUTIVE BOARD- Currently consisting of 34 members who are technically qualified
in the health career, are designated but are not a representative of their various governments.
Each year, one-third of the membership is changed. The board of executive's critical function is
to grant effect to the assembly's decisions and policies. Usually, they meet twice a year; they can
also take action in emergency cases by themselves, such as pandemics, floods, earthquakes, to
THE SECRETARIAT- The World Health Organization's third organ is headed by a director-
general who serves as the organization's chief technical and administrative officer. This body's
primary goal is to provide member states with technical and managerial assistance for their
national health development programs. Over 8000 health and other professionals from various
Unlike the head body (United Nations), the world health organization has not only states as its
members; instead, it has member states, Associate members and Non – State actors like NGO’s,
Philanthropic foundations, Academic Institutions etc.
MEMBER STATES: The role of the member states is to formulate the rules and the
regulations or policies of the WHO; they have 194 members in total as of now. The
countries that are members of the WHO institution are obliged with the implementation
of policies set at their various state levels. And as these policies are implemented in the
various member states, the norms and values are diffused and gradually accepted. (this is
Associate Members: this comprises those territories which are not considered or
recognized as states. They also do not take responsibility for the conduct of their
the world health has non-state actors as part of its members. Such as “doctors without
borders “, “ Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, “ African medical & research
1. A prevalent challenge facing the world health organization is the “loss of trust by the
public.” It is assumed that much false information has spread like wildfire globally,
tainting the world health organization's image as unreliable and should not be trusted with
vaccines' distributions, especially in this coronavirus period. This is, to a large extent
slowing down the functions of the world health organization in its quest to curb the virus
2. Competition with other Health Care Providers- many health care providers have filled the
public health arena. Recent innovations in administering health care services through
technology have also played a role. Through this pandemic, the world health organization
would face the challenges of penetrating the public amidst the competition of other health
3. Shortage of Health Care Workers and Volunteers noticed that many healthcare workers
resigned for their safety at the pandemic's peak. Some hospitals were closed because of
the shortage of health care providers. The world health organization registers that the
world will add eighteen million health workers in the coming year twenty-thirty. This
suggests that world health organizations have the task of adequately training and
4. The politicization of the world health organizations. The work of the WHO being
quest to provide global health. Firstly, the world health organization was able to eradicate deadly
infectious diseases that would have caused thousands of lives, eradicating Smallpox and Polio in
The world health organization’s first global public health treaty was unanimously adopted by the
world health assembly after years of rigorous negotiations. The treaty was formed to reduce
tobacco-related deaths and diseases around the world. This occurred in the year 2003, and in that
same year, the “severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)” was first recognized and controlled.
Today's world health organization has increasing access to medical care in developing countries,
Amidst all the above-stated achievements and more, the world health organization has currently
and over the years been criticized in its operations and response to specific diseases and
The “Joy News” reported that the world health organization delayed in responding and
ultimately declare the coronavirus a pandemic. With its massive outbreak in China and other
parts of the world. The USA described the response of the world health organization to the
pandemic as “Problematic.” Considering that the virus was fast spreading and the world needed
proper directions on curbing it, the world health organization was still very slow to respond. The
virus was all over Europe and crept into some parts of Africa.
Many seem to reason that the world health organization will soon fade away. Many other
healthcare organizations are creating a way into the international system and almost doing the
However, the world health organization is still essential today as it still stands to be highly
recognized and appreciated as a global health organization. The “WHO” would have to buckle
up and redeem itself so the public can once again have confidence in its mandate and functions.
FUNDING- primarily, the member states fund the operations and projects of the world health
organization. Over time we have heard of the United States of America’s withdrawal in the
funding of the “WHO’s” projects. This is a significant drawback for the institution as the USA is
During the pandemic, many businesses were crippled, and many countries faced a financial
crisis, which will result in a low contribution to the world health organizations projects.
For Constructivism, the roles of the actors of the world health organization are complementary to
the WHO. In conclusion, one might suggest that the world Health Organisation will transform in
its norms and values but might not cease to exist anytime soon.
Even though the WHO has not been very fulfilling in recent times it has also chalked some giant
achievements. The argument remains that the world health organization's essence and
significance cannot be over-emphasized, regardless of how many other international health care
organizations erupt. Every organization experiences failure, one way or the other, and in the
world health organization, one can argue that its failure to respond to the covid 19 pandemics
was slow compared to its response to other pandemics that existed in our world. The world
health organization urgently needs to braise up as it is speculated that the worse is yet to come.
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