Irreducible Mind PDF
Irreducible Mind PDF
Irreducible Mind PDF
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F. W. H. Myers
a neglected genius of scientific psychology
and to
Ian Stevenson
Michael Murphy
two modern bearers of his intellectual legacy
(Edward F Kelly) XVll
Chapter 4: Memory
(Alan Gauld) 241
Memory and the Brain 242
Trace Theories: General Issues 242
Modern Approaches: Cognitive 248
Modern Approaches: Neuroscientific 260
The Problem of Survival 281
Myers's Approach to the Problem of Survival 284
Problems of Personal Identity 286
Myers's "Broad Canvas" Revisited 293
Myers, Memory, and the Evidence for Survival 295
Conclusion 299
viii-Table of Contents
Chapter 7: Genius
(Edward F Kelly and Michael Grosso) 423
Myers's Theory of Genius: General Features and Scope 425
The Creative Process: A Descriptive Model 427
Myers's Psychology of Creative Inspiration 429
Continuity 430
Automatism 432
Calculating Prodigies 432
"Organic" Senses 433
Hallucinatory Syndromes 435
Automatisms in Genius 440
Genius in Automatists 447
Incommensurability 451
Non-Linguistic Symbolisms 451
Associationism and Its Limits 452
Coleridge and the Theory of Imagination 454
Psychoanalytic Theory: Primary and Secondary Process 457
The Crucial Role of Analogy and Metaphor 459
The Failure of Computational Theories of Analogy 460
Implications for Cognitive Theory 466
Summary 469
The Creative Personality 470
Genius and Mental Illness 470
Genius as Personality in Transformation 476
The Creative Nisus: A Drive Toward Wholeness 477
Art as Transformative 481
Transpersonal Roots of Genius 482
Creativity and Psi 483
Genius and Mysticism 484
Conclusion 492
References 657
Index 759
xiv-Preface and Acknowledgments
challenging sections at first and returning to them later with a better sense
of how everything fits into the overall scheme.
Our book has the outward form of an edited volume but is atypical of
that genre. It is united throughout by a single theme, our collective drive
toward a broadly correct, though necessarily incomplete, scientific picture
of the mind as it relates to brain activity. This generalist impulse contrasts
sharply with the extreme specialization that characterizes the sciences and
other modern professions, and that is often especially pronounced in edited
books. Edited volumes in science often address narrow topics and consist
of pieces authored in hermetic isolation for small groups of specialists inter
ested mainly in talking to each other. That is emphatically not the case with
the present work. The book as a whole and its chapters individually take
on big issues and seek to engage large numbers of readers. Several chapters
include two or more of us as authors, and all were generated not in isolation
but in conformity with an overall plan that emerged through group discus
sions spanning a period of years.
Our collective professional experience covers a wide range in terms of
education, research, and teaching in psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience,
and philosophy, and all of us have had the opportunity to read and critique
every part of the book, usually in multiple versions. In addition to pooling
our own professional expertise in this way, we have sought critical feedback
on chapter drafts from outside volunteer readers including both professional
colleagues from various disciplines and more general readers representing a
diversity of backgrounds. Their efforts and suggestions have led to numer
ous improvements throughout the book, for which we are grateful . We are
acutely aware that many gaps and imperfections remain, and we take full
responsibility for these. One of our main points is that what is most urgently
needed for further theoretical progress is more and better data of certain
critical and specified kinds; this, the greater good, seemed better served
by getting the book out now in reasonably finished form than by obsessing
further over potentially endless refinements.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge contributions from individuals who
have supported this project in various special ways. Among our "test-driv
ers" we give particular thanks to Carlos S. Alvarado, William Barnard,
Frank Benford, Lori Derr, Ross Dunseath, Lorin Hollander, Fritz Klein,
Jeff Kripal, James Lenz, Cory Maxwell, Francis McGlone, Michael Mur
phy, Margaret Pertzoff, Michael Schaffer, Ben Snyder, Ian Stevenson, Pim
van Lommel, and Ray Westphal. Seminar participants who have contributed
vigorously to the interdisciplinary conversations that helped shape the book
include Richard Baker, John and Alyce Faye Cleese, David Fontana, Owen
Flanagan, Arthur Hastings, Sean Kelly, Antonia Mills, Michael Murphy,
Gary Owens, Frank Poletti, Dean Radin, Will iam Roll, Bob Rosenberg,
Marilyn Schlitz, Charles Tart, Jim Tucker, and Eric Weiss. Frank Poletti
efficiently managed the logistics of our meetings, and Bob Rosenberg skill
fully oversaw production of our digital version of Human Personality (see
p. xxx of our Introduction). Robert F. Cook provided translations of the
xvi-Preface and Acknowledgments
Edward F. Kelly
The central subject of this book is the problem of relations between the
inherently private, subjective, "first-person" world of human mental life and
the publicly observable, objective, "third-person" world of physiological
events and processes in the body and brain.
Scientific psychology has been struggling to reconcile these most-basic
dimensions of its subject matter ever since it emerged from philosophy near
the end of the 19th century. Both were fully present in William James's
monumental Principles of Psychology (1 890b), the earliest English-language
survey of the new academic discipline that is still widely cited today. James
explicitly acknowledged the normally intimate association between the men
tal and the physical, and he systematically and sympathetically rehearsed
what little was then known or surmised about the brain. Unlike many of
his scientific contemporaries, however, James resisted premature and facile
attempts at neural reductionism. When he recognized limitations on the
physiological side, he was content to record his psychological observations
and await further progress in neurophysiology. The bulk of the Principles
therefore consists of masterful expositions, relying heavily on sophisticated
observation of his own inner workings, of central properties of mental life
such as attention, imaginatiori, the stream of consciousness, volition, and
at the heart of everything-the self (Leary, 1990).
James's person-centered and synoptic approach was soon largely
abandoned, however, in favor of a much narrower conception of scientific
psychology. Deeply rooted in earlier 1 9th-century thought, this approach
advocated deliberate emulation of the presuppositions and methods-and
thus, it was hoped, the stunning success-of the "hard" sciences, especially
physics. James was barely in his grave when J. B. Watson (1913) published
the founding manifesto of radical behaviorism, the logical culmination of
this tradition. Psychology was no longer to be the science of mental life, as
James had defined it. Rather it was to be the science of behavior, "a purely
I. This quotation and others in this book that do not list a page number were
taken from sources published on the internet without specific pagination.
3. Just as this introduction was being drafted, a lengthy cover story on "mindl
body medicine" appeared in the September 27, 2004, edition of Newsweek. This
article exemplifies throughout the attitudes I have just described, and it culminates
i n a full-page editorial by psychologist Steven Pinker, author of How the Mind Works
(1997), decrying what he terms "the disconnect between our common sense and our
best science." Pinker further advises Newsweek's massive readership that contrary
to their everyday beliefs "modern neuroscience has shown that there is no user [of
the brain]. The soul' is, in fact, the information-processing activity of the brain.
New imaging techniques have tied every thought and emotion to neural activity."
These statements grossly exaggerate what neuroscience has actually accomplished,
as this book will demonstrate.
what should be its most central concerns, and furthermore that mainstream
computationalist/physicalist theories themselves are encountering funda
mental limitations and have nearly exhausted their explanatory resources.
The recent resurgence of scientific and philosophic interest in consciousness
and altered states of consciousness, and in the deep problems which these
topics inherently involve, is just one prominent symptom, among many oth
ers, of these trends.
Even former leaders of the "cognitive revolution" such as Jerome Bruner,
Noam Chomsky, George Miller, and Ulric Neisser have publicly voiced dis
appointment in its results. Chomsky in particular has railed repeatedly and
at length against premature and misguided attempts to "reduce" the mind
to currently understood neurophysiology. Chomsky (1993), for example,
pointed out that empirical regularities known to 1 9th-century chemistry
could not be explained by the physics of the day, but did not simply disap
pear on that account; rather, physics eventually had to expand in order to
accommodate the facts of chemistry. Similarly, he argued, we should not
settle for specious "reduction" of an inadequate psychology to present-day
neurophysiology, but should instead seek "unification" of an independently
justified level of psychological description and theory with an adequately
complete and clear conception of the relevant physical properties of the
body and brain-but only if and when we get such a conception. For in
Chomsky's view, shared by many modern physicists, advances in physics
from Newton's discovery of universal gravitation to 20th-century develop
ments in quantum mechanics and relativity theory have undermined the
classical and commonsense conceptions of matter to such an extent that
reducibility of mind to matter is anything but straightforward, and hardly
a foregone conclusion.
Several contemporary state-of-the-art surveys in psychology-for
example, Koch and Leary (1 985), Solso (1997), and Solso and Massaro
( l 995)-provide considerable further evidence of dissatisfaction with the
theoretical state of things in psychology and of a widely felt need to regain
the breadth of vision of its founders, such as William lames. Solso and Mas
saro (1995) remark in their summing-up that "central to the science of the
mind in the twenty-first century will be the question of how the mind is
related to the body" (p. 306) and that "the self remains a riddle" (p. 31 1).
David Leary's (1990) essay on the evolution of lames's thinking about the
self begins by documenting the remarkable degree to which the Principles
had already anticipated most of the substance of subsequent psychological
investigations of the self. He then goes on, however, to emphasize that later
developments in lames's own thought-developments completely unknown
to the vast maj ority of contemporary psychologists-contain the seeds of
an enlarged and deepened conception of the self that can potentially secure
its location where lames himself firmly believed it belongs, at the very center
of an empirically adequate scientific psychology. From still another direc
tion, Henri Ellenberger (1970) ends his landmark work on the discovery of
the unconscious with a plea for reunification of the experimental and clini-
cal wings of psychology: "We might then hope to reach a higher synthesis
and devise a conceptual framework that would do justice to the rigorous
demands of experimental psychology and to the psychic realities experi
enced by the explorers of the unconscious" (p. 897).
As will become apparent, our book wholeheartedly endorses this his
torically conscious, ecumenical, and reintegrative spirit. Before proceeding
with its very unusual substance, however, we must set forth certain meth
odological principles that have guided us throughout, and that we strongly
encourage our readers to adopt as well.
First and perhaps foremost is an attitude of humility in relation to the
present state of scientific knowledge. Although we humans indisputably
have learned a great deal through systematic application of our scientific
methods, and are learning more at an accelerating rate, we undoubtedly
still have a long way to go. There is surely a great deal about the physical
world in general, let alone brains, minds, and consciousness, that we do not
yet understand. Furthermore, our intimate familiarity with the basic facts
of mental life-including, for example, our ability to direct our thoughts to
states of affairs in the external world, and indeed the fundamental fact of
consciousness itself-should not be confused with understanding, or blind
us to the deeply puzzling and mysterious character of these phenomena.
The self-assurance, even arrogance, of much contemporary writing on these
subjects seems to us wholly unjustified and inappropriate. From this point
of view many old scientific books and papers that purport to explain fea
tures of mental life in terms of hypothetical brain processes make fasci
nating reading, because of the many ultra-confident pronouncements they
contain which in hindsight we know to be false. Future readers of many
present-day books and papers about brain, mind, and consciousness, we
believe, are l ikely to experience similar reactions.
Second, we emphasize that science consists at bottom of certain atti
tudes and procedures, rather than any fixed set of beliefs. The most basic
attitude is that facts have primacy over theories and that beliefs should
therefore always remain modifiable in response to new empirical data. In
the forceful words of Francis Bacon (1620/1960), from the beginning of the
scientific era: "The world is not to be narrowed till it will go into the under
standing . . . but the understanding to be expanded and opened till it can take
in the image of the world as it is in fact" (p. 276).
Although all scientists presumably endorse this idea in principle, there
are complications and subtleties in practice, because "facts" and theories
are strongly interdependent. As remarked long ago by philosopher F. C. S.
Schiller (1905), "for the facts to be 'discovered' there is needed the eye to see
them" (p. 60). Many of the issues discussed in this book revolve around well
documented empirical phenomena-facts, we will insist-that have been
systematically ignored or rejected by mainstream scientists who find them
too discordant with prevailing views to take seriously.
This is a tricky and delicate business, however; for when current scien
tific opinion hardens into dogma it becomes scientism, which is essentially
sense that climbing a tree represents progress toward the moon. This book
will apply Wind's principle by focusing upon a variety of psychological phe
nomena that any adequate theory of mind and consciousness will have to
accommodate, but that we believe cannot be satisfactorily accommodated
within the current explanatory framework of cognitive science. This in turn
will motivate an effort to identify an expanded framework capable of over
coming these limitations.
Our own empiricism is thus thorough-going and radical, in the sense
that we are willing to look at all relevant facts and not just those that
seem compatible, actually or potentially, with current mainstream theory.
Indeed, if anything it is precisely those observations that seem to conflict
with current theory that should command the most urgent attention. As
James (190911986) put it: "When was not the science of the future stirred to
its conquering activities by the rebellious little exceptions to the science of
the present?" (p. 375). Or again (James, 1 890-189611910):
Round about the accredited and orderly fact s of every science there ever
floats a sort of dust-cloud of exceptional observations, of occurrences
minute and irregular and seldom met with, which it always proves more
easy to ignore than to attend to . . . . Any one will renovate his science who
will steadily look after the irregular phenomena. And when the science is
renewed, its new formulas often have more of the voice of the exceptions in
them than of what were supposed to be the rules. (pp. 299-300)
5. The popular terms for the main classes of relevant phenomena are "extrasen
sory perception" (ESP) and "mind-over-matter" or "psychokinesis" (PK). ESP is
sometimes broken into subtypes such as "telepathy" (direct or unmediated aware
ness of the mental state or activity of another person), "clairvoyance" (of distant
events or objects), and "precognitionlretrocognition" (of future/past events). It is
widely recognized by researchers, however, that these familiar terms are unduly
theory-laden and may not correspond to real differences in underlying process.
Many researchers therefore prefer the more neutral terminology introduced by
Thouless and Wiesner (l947)-"psi" for paranormal phenomena in general, occa
sionally subdivided into "psi gamma" for the input side and "psi kappa" for the
output side.
Although the evidence offered by addicts of the marvelous for the reality
of the phenomena they accept must be critically examined, it is equally
necessary on the other side to scrutinize just as closely and critically the
skeptics' allegations of fraud, or of malobservation, or of misinterpreta
tion of what was observed, or of hypnotically induced hallucinations. For
there is likely to be just as much wishful thinking, prejudice, emotion, snap
judgment, naivete, and intellectual dishonesty on the side of orthodoxy,
of skepticism, and of conservatism, as on the side of hunger for and belief
in the marvelous. The emotional motivation for irresponsible disbelief is,
in fact, probably even stronger-especially in scientifically educated per
sons, whose pride of knowledge is at stake-than is in other persons the
motivation for irresponsible belief. In these matters, nothing is so rare as
genuine objectivity and impartiality of judgment-judgment determined
neither by the will to believe nor the will to disbelieve, but only by the will
to get at the truth irrespective of whether it turns out to be comfortably
familiar or uncomfortably novel, consoling or distressing, orthodox, or
unorthodox. (p. 35)
6. Statistically knowledgeable readers will recognize that critics of this type are
acting in effect like Bayesians who have assigned a prior probability of zero to the
existence of psi phenomena (see also Radin, 2006).
were in fact performed under conditions that guaranteed their failure from
the outset. A good example here is provided by the many superficial studies
of "meditation" carried out by unsympathetic investigators, using as their
subjects random samples of undergraduates having little if any experience
or interest in meditation (M. Murphy & Donovan, 1997; M. A. West, 1987;
see also our Chapter 8).
With these methodological principles in mind, we turn now to the sub
stance of our book. In our opinion, the most systematic, comprehensive,
and determined empirical assault on the mind-body problem ever carried
out in the suggested spirit, during the entire long history of psychology, is
summarized in F. W. H. Myers's (1903) undeservedly neglected two-volume
work Human Personality (henceforth, HP). Myers's friend and colleague
William James (1901) declared that "through him for the first time, psychol
ogists are in possession of their full material, and mental phenomena are
set down in an adequate inventory" (p. 16). Gardner Murphy (1954) praised
"the heroic accumulation of data and amazing integration which the work
represents" (p. iv). Ellenberger (1970) described Myers as "one of the great
systematizers of the notion of the unconscious mind" (p. 314) and his book
as "an unparalleled collection of source material on the topics of somnam
bulism, hypnosis, hysteria, dual personality, and parapsychological phe
nomena, . . . contain[ing] a complete theory of the unconscious mind, with its
regressive, creative, and mythopoetic functions" (p. 788). James and various
other writers have suggested that to the extent Myers's views are upheld by
subsequent research he could rank with Charles Darwin in terms of the
character, scope, and originality of his contributions. Myers also powerfully
influenced many leading thinkers of the day, including both William James
and Pierre Janet, but like James and Janet themselves he was soon pushed
aside by the virulent behaviorism nascent at that period . However, just as
James and Janet have undergone a major renaissance in recent years, as
their central concerns and ideas have begun to reanimate the psychological
mainstream, we believe that Myers's work deserves both wider recognition
and careful re-examination for the light it can shed on the current situation
in psychology.
The balance of our book attempts to fur ther these aims. Chapters 1 and
2 provide essential background. We begin by reviewing modern develop
ments in cognitive science, calling into question the ability of physicalist/
computationalist models of the mind in any of their current forms to deal
adequately with the most basic, central, and pervasive phenomena of mind
and consciousness. We also identify a variety of specific empirical phenom
ena, and a variety of critical aspects of human mental life, that appear to
resist or defy understanding in terms of the currently prevailing physicalist
conceptual framework. The central objective of this exercise is to reduce
whatever confidence in that framework readers may in itially have, and thus
to provide justification for revisiting the broader and deeper framework
elaborated over a century ago by Myers, James, and their colleagues.
Edward F. Kelly
The central contention of this book is that the science of the mind has
reached a point where multiple lines of empirical evidence, drawn from a
wide variety of sources, converge to produce a resolution of the mind-body
problem along lines sharply divergent from the current mainstream view.
The goal of the present chapter is to set the stage by sketching the evolu
tion of mainstream psychology itself over the past hundred years, empha
sizing modern developments and assessing critically where things presently
The territory to be covered is vast and complex, so my account will
necessarily be telegraphic and selective, and strongly colored by personal
interests and experience-hence, "A View. . ,," The center of perspective
throughout is that of a working experimental psychologist, one whose pro
fessional experience includes psychology of language, human functional
neuroimaging studies using both high-resolution EEG and fMRI methods,
single-unit neurophysiological work in animals, and experimental parapsy
chology. I regret that I can claim only amateur-level acquaintance with rele
vant contemporary literature in philosophy of mind and language, although
I recognize its value and unlike most of my fellow psychologists have made
significant efforts to acquaint myself with it. The recent upsurge in efforts
1. This chapter updates and greatly expands on views more tentatively expressed
in E. F. Kelly ( 1979). I wish to express thanks to Lisette Coly and the Parapsychol
ogy Foundation for permission to use parts of that earlier essay. Thanks also to
Alan Gauld for especially helpful comments on earlier drafts of this one.
2-Chapter 1
3. For lucid and accessible discussions of the various philosophic positions brief
ly canvassed in this section see for example the books of Church land ( 1988), Heil
( 1998), Kim (1 998), and Searle ( 1992).
4-Chapter 1
case, high-level forms of learning and memory are certainly present in the
octopus, an invertebrate whose nervous organization is radically different
from ours. It even lacks a hippocampus, the one structure that everyone
agrees plays an essential role in mammalian memory systems (Chapter 4).
Type identity, therefore, has had little appeal for psychologists and neu
roscientists, who undoubtedly gravitate in the vast majority-to the extent
they think about such things at all-to some sort of token-identity view. This
was essentially the position advocated by James in The Principles, although
he disavowed atomism in all forms and took pains to insist that the level at
which the intersection is appropriately sought is that of whole momentary
states of consciousness and whole momentary states of the brain. Token
identity, on the other hand, has had relatively little appeal for philosophers.
Among other things it creates a new and serious problem: If the same men
tal state, say a certain belief, can exist in combination with different sorts of
physical states in brains, what is it about all those physical states that makes
them "the same" as their common mental counterpart?
A philosophic response to this problem is the doctrine known as func
tionalism, first formulated by Hilary Putnam (1967).4 Having rejected type
identity, on grounds that a given mental state might conceivably occur in
extraterrestrial beings, or more relevantly in computers, Putnam went on to
propose a novel solution to the problem just noted. His basic idea was to re
conceptualize mental states once again, this time not in terms of what they
are made of, but in terms of what they do, their causal role in the functional
economy of whatever sort of creature or entity is in question. Just as "cut
ting tools" can be implemented using rocks, metals, or laser beams, mental
states are to be conceived as "multiply realizable"-that is, potentially in
stantiated in a variety of physical forms including not only token biological
states of one or many brains, but also in computers and other suitable kinds
of complex physical systems. On this view mental states become simply Xs,
defined by their causal relations to stimuli, to other mental states, and to
responses, and they can be identified as similar states to the extent they
perform similar roles in their respective causal networks.
I will make only a few brief comments on this doctrine, which in various
forms has dominated the philosophy of mind for almost 40 years. First, as
originally formulated it was inherently and fundamentally third-person and
behavioristic, albeit a refined behaviorism that admits the possibility of com
plex causal processes-mental causes, in effect-mediating between stimuli
and responses. Like the earlier forms of behaviorism, it initially avoided all
reference to consciousness and subjective features of mental life. This was
widely felt to be unsatisfactory, however, and a large part of the subsequent
history of functionalism consists of strained attempts to "naturalize" first
person phenomena of these sorts. Second, although functionalism readily
affiliates itself with both physicalism in general and token identity theories
in particular (and in most of its adherents probably still does), such affilia-
tions are not an essential or inherent aspect of the doctrine. J. Fodor (l981a),
for example, pointed out that functionalist principles might perfectly well
apply to the operations of immaterial minds and the like, should any such
things exist. Finally, it is fair to say, I think, that functionalism arose not
so much sui generis in philosophy, but rather as a response to some exciting
new developments which had already occurred within scientific psychology
itself, and with which Putnam was certainly well acquainted. In any event,
it was the confluence of these streams that defined the emergence of the 20th
century's most distinctive contribution to mind-brain theory, the "Compu
tational Theory of the Mind" (henceforth, CTM). I turn now to the psycho
logical dimensions of this story.
By the late 1950s discontent with behaviorism was rapidly spreading, as
its inherent limitations became increasingly apparent. An influential paper
by Lashley (1951) had exposed fundamental difficulties in the attempt to ex
plain complex behavior, notably human linguistic behavior, in terms of l in
ear chains of stimuli and responses. B. F. Skinner, the leading behaviorist,
responded to this challenge, but his book on verbal behavior was subjected
to a destructive and widely circulated review by Chomsky (1959). Most sig
nificantly of all, perhaps, a comprehensive state-of-the-science review orga
nized by Sigmund Koch under the auspices of the American Psychological
Association and the National Science Foundation resulted in a sweeping,
6000-page, six-volume indictment of the entire behaviorist platform (Koch,
At the root of these discontents was a recognition that the old asso
ciationist explanatory principles, and their behavioral translations, were
in principle unable to cope with the hierarchically organized and orderly
character of human language and cognition. We needed a richer concept
of mechanism. And as it happened, possible means of overcoming these
limitations were just then becoming available, due to fundamental develop
ments in the theory and practice of computation.
The old concept of a "machine"-and perhaps for most of us still the
everyday concept-is that of a physical contraption which transforms en
ergy by means of pushes and pulls involving gears, pulleys, shafts, levers,
and so on. The fundamental insight underlying the modern developments
is the recognition that these physical arrangements are really of secondary
importance. The essential attribute of the machine is rather that its normal
behavior is bound by rule. This insight opened the way to an enormous en
richment of our concept of mechanism, beginning with the contribution of
logicians and mathematicians in the 1930s and 1 940s and continuing into
the present day. These developments, moreover, immediately began to have
a profound impact on scientific psychology.
For example, it was quickly recognized that machines can transform
data or "information" as well as energy, and that a machine can in prin
ciple utilize information about its performance to regulate its own behavior.
These ideas had immediate and urgent practical application in the construc
tion of servo-controlled antiaircraft systems during World War II, but pos-
A View from the Mainstream-7
of theory which is still strong enough to account for the known grammatical
facts of language. The result that the corresponding automata are weaker
than Turing machines greatly strengthened the presumption that linguistic
behavior might be formalizable for computer modeling.
The central idea that minds, brains, and computers could fruitfully
be regarded as variants of a more general class of information-processing
mechanisms quickly took root, even among neuroscientists (W. J. Freeman,
1998; von Neumann, 1958). The ground was very well prepared. Indeed,
these developments seem to me an inevitable outcome of our Western sci
entific tradition. This is not meant disparagingly, however. I have stressed
these results about Turing machines and so on precisely to underscore the
impressive depth of the theoretical foundation on which all the ensuing de
velopments rest, a foundation which I feel has not been adequately appre
ciated by many critics of this kind of work, such as Edelman and Tononi
(2000), nor even by some of its enthusiastic supporters, such as H. Gardner
In practice, the applications came a bit slowly at first. In part this was
due to purely technical factors. The early computers were small, slow, and
highly prone to malfunction. More importantly, in the early days program
ming a computer was an exasperating business requiring detailed familiar
ity with low-level details of the hardware organization. Indeed, the basic ele
ments of the available programming languages referred to data structures
and operations virtually at the hardware level. As the technology advanced,
however, machines grew larger, faster, and more reliable, and so-called
"higher-order" languages were created, such as FORTRAN, whose primi
tives referred to data structures and operations at a level relatively natural
for human problem-solvers. Special-purpose applications programs written
in a higher-order language congenial to the user could then be translated
by general-purpose "compiler" or "interpreter" programs into the internal
language of the computer for execution by the hardware.
I mention these details because they relate to the other main reason for
the delay, which is more theoretical in nature and involves a basic question
of strategy. The fantastic complexities of the brain can obviously be studied
at many different levels from the cellular or even sub-cellular on up. At what
level shall we seek scientific explanations of human mental activity? Many
scientists, particularly those working at lower levels of the hierarchy of ap
proaches, assume that events at the higher levels are in principle reducible
to events at lower levels, and that reductive explanations employing the con
cepts of the lower levels are necessarily superior or more fundamental. Like
many other psychologists, I strongly disagree with this view.
Consider, for example, the problem of understanding the behavior of
a computer playing chess under the control of a stored program. It seems
obvious that we might observe the behavior of the computer's flip-flops for
ever without gaining the slightest real understanding of the principles that
are embodied in the program and explain its behavior. One of the essential
characteristics of both human and animal behavior is that functional invari
ance at a higher level may be coupled with extreme diversity at lower levels.
lO-Chapter 1
For example, the rats whose cortex Lashley (1950) progressively destroyed
in efforts to locate the memory trace could wobble, roll, or swim to their
food box, and I can write a given message with either hand, or probably
even with my feet if necessary. Attempted explanations based on activities
of the participating muscle-groups, neurons, and so on would never get to
the essential common feature, which is the approximate invariance of the
final behavioral outcome.
Thus it seems appropriate in general to seek a higher and perhaps dis
tinctively "psychological" level of explanation for human cognitive pro
cesses. For the computer simulation approach this involves identifying an
appropriate set of elementary information structures and processes that
seem powerful enough in principle to account for the relevant behaviors.
The hypothesized structures and processes should perhaps also be poten
tially realizable in the brain, given its known properties-or at least not
demonstrably inconsistent with these properties-but successful use of the
computer as a tool of psychological understanding does not require the ob
viously false presumption of literal identity between digital computers and
By the late 1 950s and early 1960s, a number of higher-order program
ming languages had been created which emphasized the capacities of com
puters as general-purpose symbol-manipulating or information-transform
ing devices, rather than their more familiar "number-crunching" capacities.
These languages (such as IPL-V, LISP, and SNOBOL) provided facilities, for
example, for creating and manipulating complex tree-like data structures
consisting of hierarchically ordered and cross-referenced lists of symbols.
Structures of this sort played a central role in theoretical linguistics, and
in this and other ways the new languages seemed to many workers to fall
a t about the right level of abstraction to support realistic efforts to model
important aspects of human cognition.
Previous generations of workers had been obliged either to try to force
human mental processes to conform to artificially simple but relatively rig
orous behavioristic models, or to lapse into the uncontrolled introspection
and mentalistic speculations of an earlier era. Now suddenly we were pro
vided with a conceptual and technical apparatus sufficiently rich to express
much of the necessary complexity without loss of rigor. The "black box"
could be stuffed at will with whatever mechanisms seemed necessary to
account for a given behavior. A complicated theory could be empirically
tested by implementing it in the form of a computer program and verifying
its ability to generate the behavior, or to simulate a record of the behavior.
Progress toward machine intelligence could be assessed by means of "Tur
ing's test"-the capacity of a computer program to mimic human behavior
sufficiently well that a physically remote human interlocutor is unable to
distinguish the program from another human in an "imitation game" (Tur
ing, 1 950). The seminal modeling ideas of Craik (1943) could at last be put
into practice.
Enthusiasm for the computational approach to human cognition fairly
crackles through the pages of influential early books such as G. A. Miller,
A View from the Mainstream-l l
Galanter, and Pribram (1960), Lindsay and Norman (1972), and Newell and
Simon (1972). Their enthusiasm seemed justified by the ensuing flood of
theoretical and experimental work based on these ideas. In addition to the
specific efforts at computer modeling of cognitive functions that is my main
concern here, the rise of the computer-based information-processing para
digm also stimulated a healthy reawakening of broader interests in many
of the old central concerns of psychology, such as mental imagery, think
ing, and even consciousness. I must also acknowledge here that I myself ini
tially embraced the computational theory practically without reservation.
It certainly seemed an enormous step forward at the time. Fellow graduate
students likely remember my oft-repeated attempts to assure them that the
CTM would soon solve this or that fundamental problem in psychology. But
all was not well.
6. Readers interested in following the history of such work can refer to landmark
publications such as Feigenbaum and Feldman (1963), M insky ( 1 968), Schank and
Colby (1 973), Winograd ( 1972), and Winston (1975), or for an overview H. Gardner
12-Chapter 1
ed image which many outside observers had at the time of the progress of
this work, an image aggressively promoted by some of the research work
ers themselves. Many extraordinarily grandiose statements and predictions
were being bandied about on the basis of very modest concrete accomplish
ments. Of course the predictions could conceivably have been correct; after
all, the theoretical foundation is deep, and the work was still in its infancy.
Perhaps we were simply in the early stages of an evolutionary process in
which machines would inevitably attain at least the equivalent of human
cognitive abilities.
My own confidence in the new paradigm was severely shaken, however,
by extensive and sobering experience associated with my dissertation re
search in the area of natural language processing. The group with which I
was working was principally concerned with the applied technical problem
of reducing lexical ambiguity in English text, the practical aim being in
creased precision and power of automated computer-based content analysis
procedures. In approaching this problem, we constructed an alphabetized
concordance of some half-million words of "typical" behavioral science
texts sampled from a variety of sources. This keyword-in-context listing
(KWIC) identified the most frequently occurring words and supplied infor
mation about their typical patterns of usage. It turned out that about 2,000
types (in this context, dictionary entries) covered around 90% of the tokens
(occurrent words) in an average running text. The striking regularities of
word usage evident in the KWIC enabled us to build for each such diction
ary entry a small computer routine that could scan the context in which each
new token instance of that entry appeared and attempt to determine which
member of a pre-established set of meanings was actually present. Crude as
it was, the resulting system worked surprisingly well, achieving about 90%
accuracy in a large new sample of text (E. F. Kelly & Stone, 1975). So at a
practical level the project was rather successful.
My own primary interest, however, lay in determining whether the
brute facts of everyday language as we were seeing them could successfully
be captured by existing computationalist theories of semantic representa
tion. The main such theory at the time was that of 1. J. Katz and Fodor
( 1964). Their theory built upon the central notions of Chomsky's transfor
mational linguistics and embodied the essential doctrines of the classical
computationalist program as subsequently formalized by J. Fodor (1 975),
Pylyshyn ( 1984), and others. Specifically, it depicted determination of the
meaning of a sentence as resulting from a rule-bound calculation, governed
by the syntactic analysis of that sentence, which operates upon pre-estab
lished representations of the meanings of its constituent words. The possible
meanings of the words themselves were treated as exhaustively specifiable in
advance, with their essential semantic contents represented in terms of an
underlying universal set of discrete "semantic markers"-in effect, atoms
of meaning-or logical structures built out of such markers. In a nutshell,
syntax was to provide for the generativity of language, our ability to make
"infinite use of finite means," and semantics would go along for the ride.
A View from the Mainstream-1 3
Although Katz and Fodor had made their account appear at least semi
plausible for a few carefully contrived examples, it failed totally to account
for obvious and pervasive features of the language in our database, lan
guage as actually used by ordinary speakers for ordinary purposes. For
one thing, it was clear that resolution of lexical ambiguity routinely relied
upon all sorts of linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge, and not just on
some supposedly "essential" knowledge of pre-established word meanings.
More importantly, sentence interpretation could not plausibly be viewed as
a matter of context-driven selection from large numbers of pre-established
and highly specific word meanings. Rather, it clearly involved generation of
appropriate interpretations based on much smaller numbers of more gen
eral meanings (see, e.g., the entries provided by different dictionaries for
common workhorse words such as among, jind,jine, and line, and note that
all major parts of speech display these properties). Any scheme based on
atomization of meaning would necessarily fail to capture what to me had
become the most characteristic property of word-meaning, a felt Gestalt
quality or wholeness, at a level of generality that naturally supports exten
sions of usage into an indefinite variety-indeed whole families-of novel
but appropriate contexts. The existing proposals could only represent the
content of a general term such as "line" by some sample of its possible par
ticularizations, and in so doing rendered themselves systematically unable
to distinguish between metaphorical truth and l iteral falsehood. It seemed
especially ironic that Katz and Fodor, for all their transformationalist in
vective about the need to respect the productivity of language, had erected
a semantic theory which in effect elevated the commonplace to a standard
of propriety and denied creativity at the level of words or concepts. Their
theory failed to account even for identification, let alone representation, of
linguistic meaning (E. F. Kelly, 1975).
I also noted with a certain degree of alarm that this crucial property of
generality underlying the normal use of words seemed continuous with de
velopmentally earlier achievements. Skilled motor acts and perceptual rec
ognition, for example, require similar on-the-f1.y adaptations of past learning
to present circumstance. It seemed at least vaguely conceivable that these
difficult but undeniably fundamental qualities of embodied action and cog
nition might somehow be rooted in lower-level properties of the nervous
system as a particular kind of computing machine. Early discussions had
emphasized similarities between brains and digital computers, for example
treating the all-or-nothing neural spike discharge or action potential as the
equivalent of a digital relay. In more recent times, however, we had become
increasingly sensitized to the ubiquitous presence in real nervous systems of
inherently more continuous or "analog" processes, such as the spatial and
temporal summation of neural input that leads to spike formation, and the
rate and pattern of the resulting spike discharges. Workers in CS and AI had
been relying heavily on their doctrine of "multiple realizability," assuming
perhaps too cavalierly that they could safely disregard such low-level "hard
ware" details and pitch their efforts at a level of abstraction that happened
14-Chapter 1
8. Among other things, Weizenbaum was author of the widely known ELIZA
program, which simulates a non-directive psychotherapist by means of various sim
ple technical devices that involve no "understanding" whatever. Weizenbaum had
been horrified to discover many persons interacting with this program as though it
were an actual human being.
16-Chapter 1
The most significant by far of these rumblings from within, however, oc
curred a decade later when a consummate insider, Terry Winograd himself,
publicly defected from the program of classical AI. Winograd and Flores
(1 986) explicitly embraced most of the points already raised above, empha
sizing in particular that large parts of human mental life cannot be reduced
to explicit rules and therefore cannot be formalized for production by a
computer program. Their detailed and fully-informed argument should be
required reading for anyone interested in these issues. 9 The best we can hope
for along classical lines, they concluded, is special-purpose expert systems,
adapted to carefully circumscribed domains that lend themselves to such
formalization. Current examples, of course, include things like chess-play
ing, integration and differentiation of mathematical formulae, and perhaps
certain areas of medical diagnosis.
Since the late 1970s psychology has taken a strongly biological turn,
and cognitive science has evolved into cognitive neuroscience. This came as
somewhat of a surprise to persons like myself who had been reared in the in
tellectual tradition of classical or "symbolic" cognitivism and had expected
to do all their proper business with little or no reference to biology. When
I was a graduate student, for example, the required course in physiological
psychology consisted essentially of a smattering of neuroanatomy followed
by a lot of boring stuff about appetitive behavior in lower organisms, and
that was pretty much that.
I will single out four main threads of this evolution. The first arose with
in classical cognitivism itself. As indicated above, there was a lot of ferment
in the early days as researchers sought to identify appropriate forms of rep
resentation for the sorts of knowledge we humans can bring to bear in our
thinking, speaking, and so on. Largely reflecting its own historical origins
and the available means of representation, cognitive theory initially focused
almost exclusively on linguistic or propositional forms of knowledge repre
sentation. Mental imagery, however, had recently been readmitted onto the
roster of acceptable research topics (R. R. Holt, 1964), and a number of im
portant new experimental studies were being carried out, especially by Rog
er Shepard, Stephen Kosslyn, and various others. On the strength of these
investigations Kosslyn (1973) ventured to advance an information-process
ing theory of visual imagery in which the underlying knowledge structures
hypothesized to support the generation of imagery were themselves essen
tially pictorial and spatial in nature. This provoked an intense reaction from
9. Fundamentally similar views have also been advanced by writers such as Po
lanyi ( 1 966) and Searle (1992, chap. 8). It is ironic, and perhaps symptomatic, that
CTM advocate Robert Harnish (2002, pp. 107-123) reports enthusiastically on
SHRDLU without even mentioning Winograd's defection.
A View from the Mainstream-17
Zenon Pylyshyn (1973), who reaffirmed the classical cognitivist view that all
knowledge is linguistic or propositional in character (J. Fodor, 1975). The
ensuing imagery debate has raged on more or less ever since, its intricate
experimental details of interest primarily to the participants.1O For present
purposes the critical event was an important theoretical paper by John R.
Anderson (1978). Anderson argued that since both kinds of representations
(and potentially many others as well) could be made internally coherent,
and would lead to identical behavioral predictions, a fundamental theoreti
cal indeterminacy had emerged. Considerations of parsimony and efficiency
might lead us to prefer one such theory to its competitors, but only physi
ological observations could potentially determine which was in fact correct.
Thus it became evident, more generally, that neurophysiological data can
sometimes provide important constraints on psychological theory.
The second thread was the emergence and consolidation following
World War II of neuropsychology as a scientific discipline. An outgrowth and
companion of the medical discipline of neurology, neuropsychology seeks
to gain insight into the nature and operations of the mind through careful
observation and analysis of the mental disturbances, sometimes highly spe
cific and bizarre, that are produced by gunshot or shrapnel wounds, strokes,
degenerative diseases, and other forms of injury to the brain.11 The general
thrust of this work was to suggest that skilled cognitive performances of all
kinds characteristically involve cooperation of a number of localized cor
tical and subcortical regions of the brain, each presumptively specialized
for some particular role in the overall performance. Classical cognitivism
quickly adapted to this emerging picture of things, assimilating its funda
mental theme of the mind as a computational or information-processing
mechanism to a "modular" view of its components and internal organiza
tion (J. Fodor, 1 983; Pinker, 1997).
The third development was the advent and maturation of the functional
neuroimaging technologies mentioned in the Introduction, which enable us
to observe directly, without opening up the skull, the activity of the working
human brain. Two principal classes of such methods are currently available,
although others are under development.12 The first provides measures of
the electric and magnetic fields directly generated by neuroelectric activ
ity in populations of suitably located and oriented cortical neurons (elec-
10. But see Brann (1991) and N. 1. T. Thomas (1999) for excellent third-party re
1 1 . Some important early landmarks here are books by H. Gardner (1976), Luria
(1966), Sacks ( 1987), and Shall ice (1988).
12. In addition to the "macro" technologies described in the text, which operate
on scales from the whole brain down to roughly naked-eye-sized parts of it, contem
porary neuroscience has developed an impressive arsenal of "micro" technologies,
suitable mainly for use in animal studies, that operate down to the cellular or even
subcellular level. Other emerging developments at the macro level that look espe
cially promising for future work in humans include transcranial optical imaging
and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
1 8-Chapter I
1 3. Most cognitive neuroscientists clearly regard such work as repeatedly and un
ambiguously confirming the basic mind-brain doctrine of contemporary physical
ism, but many significant technical uncertainties remain regarding procedures for
acquisition, processing, and interpretation of imaging data, and some of the avail
able results actually conflict with that doctrine. We will touch upon these issues
later in this chapter, as well as in our Chapters 4 and 9.
A View from the Mainstream-19
At any rate the net effect was to drive neural-network models temporar
ily to the margins of the field, although a few dedicated souls such as James
Anderson and Stephen Grossberg soldiered on. The subject burst back into
the mainstream, however, with the publication of a two-volume handbook
on parallel distributed processing (PDP) or "connectionism" as it came to be
called (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986).14 Connectionism has subsequently
emerged as a serious rival to classical cognitivism, but I will give here only
the briefest account of these developments.
The fundamental faith of connectionists is that intelligence emerges
from the interactions of large numbers of simple processing units organized
in a network of appropriate structure. By modifying features of network
architecture such as the number of elementary units, the number of lay
ers, their connectivity patterns (feed forward only vs. recurrent), the rules
for activating units (simple thresholds, sigmoid functions), and the rules for
modifying the connection strengths among units in light of network perfor
mance or experience (Hebb, delta, generalized delta), an enormous variety
of interesting behaviors can be produced. Networks have proved especially
good at some things at which classical models were conspicuously bad, such
as pattern recognition, perceptual learning and generalization, and filling
in of incomplete input. They also display psychologically interesting and de
sirable properties such as content-addressable memory and "graceful deg
radation"-the tendency, as in Lashley's rats, for performance to decline
smoothly and continuously as units are progressively removed. It is perhaps
not surprising, given these properties, that unbridled optimism soon reap
peared within the field. One leading connectionist, Smolen sky (1988), has
proclaimed that "it is likely that connectionist models will offer the most
significant progress of the past several millennia on the mind/body prob
lem" (p. 3). Many contemporary psychologists agree, and even some phi
losophers of mind, including in particular Daniel Dennett and the Church
lands, are no less enthusiastic.
Significant problems have also come to light, however. Although net
work models are often said to be "neurally inspired," the current level of
neurophysiological realism is typically very low. Both the "neurons" them
selves and their connectivity patterns are routinely idealized and distorted,
and the most successful learning rule ("back propagation" or generalized
delta) still has no generally recognized counterpart in the nervous system
(Crick, 1 994). Models often have large numbers of free parameters which
must be adjusted to fit specific situations, raising doubts about their gen
erality. Similarly, generation of a targeted behavior is sometimes strongly
and unrealistically dependent on the exact content and order of previous
network experience or training. Many observers, including Papert (1988),
also worry that problems of catastrophic interference between previously
learned behaviors will emerge as networks are scaled up to more realis-
I S . For useful general introductions to dynamic systems see Bechtel and Abra
hamsen (2002, chap. 8), A. Clark (2001), Dupuy (2000), Kelso (1995), Port and van
Gelder (1998), and papers by Beer (2000) and van Gelder (1998).
16. Parenthetically, a neglected paper by Heil (1981) argued on very similar
grounds that the computational ism of J. Fodor (1 975) is fundamentally mistaken.
22-Chapter 1
17. According to Dupuy (2000, pp. 141-142), Kurt G6del himself specifically stat
ed that irreducibility of semantics to syntax was the "real point" of his incomplete
ness theorem. See also Penrose ( 1989, 1 994).
18. See Searle ( 1980) for some choice examples of these reactions. Additional ex
amples of the quasi-religious fervor of hard-core compuphiliacs can be found in
Brockman (2003). Michael Grosso informs me that this kind of investment of re-
A View from the Mainstream-23
To set the stage I will quote the most trenchant statement known to me
regarding the current status of the mind-body problem. It is from philoso
pher Thomas Nagel (1993b):
First, briefly, some conceptual issues. I am not at all persuaded that Searle
has succeeded in making meaningful distinctions between his philosophical
views and those of a host of others who would describe themselves as advo
cates of token identity or even property dualism. In particular, his abstract
account of the "emergence" of consciousness strikes me as verging upon
intellectual sleight of hand. Can mental properties simply be stipulated into
physicality in this way? The analogies seem faulty. In the water/ice situa
tion, for example, both ends of the causal relation are indisputably physical
things that we know how to observe and measure in conventional physical
ways. But that is exactly what is at issue in the relation of brain to mind, as
Nagel pointed out.
Related to this, and also captured by Nagel's remarks, we do not in fact
have anything even remotely resembling a full causal account of conscious-
26-Chapter I
ness, let alone an account that we can understand in the way we under
stand the freezing of water. Intelligibility of causal accounts is surely some
thing we would like to have, but in this case it seems singularly difficult to
imagine how we could possibly get one. I will leave aside here, however, the
more philosophic issue whether we should require that a satisfactory causal
account be intelligible, and focus instead on the prior empirical question
whether we can get one at all.
For Searle it is virtually axiomatic, a given, that brain processes caus
ally generate every detail of our conscious mental life. Throughout his writ
ings he characterizes this as a demonstrated fact, something we know with
complete certainty and beyond any possibility of doubt. In the discussion
of his paper in Bock and Marsh (1993), for example, he candidly exclaims
"frankly, I just can't take it seriously that my point of view, that brain pro
cesses cause consciousness, is denied!" (p. 77).
The vast majority of contemporary neuroscientists and psychologists
undoubtedly would agree with Searle in accepting without hesitation this
basic premise, although many would perhaps question, as I do, details of his
account of the emergence, and his confidence that we will be able to achieve
a biological theory that is both adequately complete and theoretically sat
isfying.20 As noted in the Introduction, the assumption that brain generates
mind-that the mind is what the brain does, full stop-seems plausible in
light of much prior scientific experience, and has generally served us well as
a working hypothesis. It will undoubtedly continue for most scientists to do
so. And this is not a bad thing; for as Dupuy (2000) remarked: "The only
way to prove the falsity of materialism is to give it every benefit of doubt,
to allow it to push forward as far as it can, while remaining alert to its mis
steps, to the obstacles that it encounters, and, ultimately, to the limits it
runs up against. Any other method-fixing its boundaries in advance, for
example-is bound to fail" (p. 25).
I agree strongly with this view. I also appreciate that the human brain is
a fantastically complex biological system which undoubtedly harbors layer
upon layer of neurophysiological mechanism still to be unraveled by our
steadily deepening scientific inquiry. New discoveries are constantly being
made, some of which profoundly enrich our appreciation of the brain's re
sources. For example, the old idea that neurons communicate exclusively
The fundamental scientific strategy for sorting out the causal structure
underlying observed correlations is of course to attempt to determine what
influences what by manipulating the two sides of the correlation. It is evi
dent, and everyone agrees, that physical events such as sitting on a tack can
influence mental events. But what about the other way around? It seems
equally obvious, naively, that mental events cause physical events, too. For
example, as Searle likes to say, I decide to raise my arm and it goes up. But
there is a hitch here, an asymmetry in the causal structure. Physicalists can
normally reply, and do in their preferred fashion, that the causality in such
cases resides not in the mental per se but in its physical equivalents or ac
companiments. In sum, we can cleanly, simply, and directly manipulate the
physical side of the correlation, but not so the mental, at least under ordi
nary conditions.
Nevertheless, we will argue, the correlations we actually observe are not
simply incomplete but demonstrably imperfect. There exist certain kinds
of empirically verifiable mental properties, states, and effects that appear
to outstrip in principle the explanatory potential of physical processes oc
curring in brains.22 Facts of this sort, moreover, can often be accommo
dated more naturally within an alternative interpretation of the mind-brain
correlation, one already developed in abstract form by William James
(1 898/1900).
James pointed out that to describe the mind as a function of the brain
does not fully specify the character of the functional dependence. Physiolo
gists routinely presume that the role of the brain is productive, the brain gen
erating the mind in something like the way the tea kettle generates steam,
or the electric current flowing in a lamp generates light. But other forms
of functional dependence exist which merit closer consideration. The true
function of the brain might for example be permissive, like the trigger of a
crossbow, or more importantly, transmissive, like an optical lens or a prism,
or like the keys of a pipe organ (or perhaps, in more contemporary terms,
like the receivers in our radios and televisions).
More generally, one can at least dimly imagine some sort of mental
reality, which in James's view might be anything from a finite mind or per
sonality to a World Soul, that is closely coupled to the brain functionally
but somehow distinct from it. Within this basic framework James himself
spoke variously of the brain as straining, sifting, canalizing, limiting, and
individualizing that larger mental reality existing behind the scenes. He also
quoted approvingly Schiller's (1891/1894, pp. 293, 295) characterization of
matter as "an admirably calculated machinery for regulating, limiting, and
restraining the consciousness which it encases .. . . Matter is not that which
produces Consciousness, but that which limits it, and confines its intensity
within certain limits" (James, 1898/1900, pp. 66-67). James also explicitly
portrayed the brain as exerting these various effects in a manner dependent
on its own functional status, and linked this idea to Fechner's conception of
a fluctuating psychophysical threshold (pp. 24, 59-66).
Much can immediately be said in favor of such a picture, James then
argued. It is in principle compatible with all of the facts conventionally in
terpreted under the production model, and however metaphorical and in
comprehensible it might at first seem, it is in reality no more so than its
materialist rival. It also has certain positive superiorities. In particular, it
appears potentially capable of explaining various additional facts such as
those being unearthed by F. W. H. Myers and his colleagues in psychical
research (pp. 24-27).
In sum, "transmission" or "filter" models are logically viable, and they
should rise or fal l in the usual scientific way in terms of their capacity to ac
commodate the available empirical evidence.23
The remainder of this book consists primarily of a systematic though
necessarily incomplete marshaling of evidence and argument supporting
filter models in general as an abstract class. Only in Chapter 9, after all this
material has been put on the table, will we attempt to identify in greater
detail the specific forms we think such theories might take. To complete the
present chapter, I will next set forth in brief compass a catalog of types of
mental phenomena that appear especially resistant to explanation in con
ventional mechanistic, biological terms. Most though not all of these phe
nomena will be discussed in detail in the chapters that fol low.
Psi Phenomena
Like James (1898/1900) and McDougall (191 1/1961), among many others,
I will immediately appropriate the entire body of evidence for psi phenom
ena in service of our central thesis. Such phenomena by definition involve
correlations occurring across physical barriers that should be sufficient, on
presently accepted principles, to prevent their formation (Broad, 1962). This
occurs for example when a subject successfully identifies randomly selected
targets concealed in opaque envelopes, or displayed in a remote location. It
is not difficult to set up controlled experiments of this sort and to evaluate
their outcomes using rigorous statistical procedures. As stated in the Intro
duction, and documented in our Appendix, a considerable amount of work
23. As indicated by an 1 897 letter to Schiller (Perry, 1 935, vol. 2, pp. 1 33-1 34),
James thought initially that the transmission theory was his own invention, but it
certainly has a much longer history. By the time of the Ingersoll lecture James him
self had identified the following passage from Kant's Critique ofPure Reason: "The
body would thus be, not the cause of our thinking, but merely a condition restrictive
thereof, and, although essential to our sensuous and animal consciousness, it may
be regarded as an impeder of our pure spiritual life" (1898/1900, pp. 28-29). Michael
Grosso informs me that the filter concept can also be detected in a number of the
Platonic dialogues, including Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Ion. Clearly, a definitive his
tory of the filter model is yet to be written.
3D-Chapter 1
has been carried out along these lines, with results more than sufficient to
convince me and the other authors of this book that the sheer existence of
the basic input/output phenomena-ESP and PK, or in the more theory
neutral terminology of Thouless and Wiesner (1947), "psi"-is an inescap
able scientific reality with which we must somehow come to terms.
In this light the anti-psi polemic recently advanced by psychologist/phi
losopher and long-time skeptic Nick Humphrey (1 996) is particularly star
tling. Throughout his book Humphrey alludes to a supposed killer argu
ment that he will later deploy to demonstrate the impossibility of psi. When
we finally get there (Chapter 26), the argument turns out to be that he can
not imagine any possible scenario under which ostensible psi effects could
be achieved by some combination of known physical mechanisms. There
fore the reported effects cannot and do not happen, Q. E. D. But whether we
like it or not, such effects do happen, as a matter of empirical fact (see the
Introduction and the Appendix). That is the whole point, and what makes
the phenomena theoretically interesting in the first place! Humphrey's "ar
gument" amounts in my opinion to little more than an expression of his
deeply felt wish that the phenomena should simply go away. In this he is of
course adopting a strategy that has been widely practiced by contemporary
scientists and philosophers.24
Psi phenomena in general are important because they provide examples
of human behavioral capacities that seem extremely difficult or impossible
to account for in terms of presently recognized computational, biological,
or phys ic a l princ ip l es . Even more important for our purposes, however, is
a further body of evidence suggestive of post-mortem survival, the persis
tence of elements of mind and personality following bodily death. It is sim
ply false to declare, as does Paul Church land (1988), that "we possess no
such evidence" (p. 10). We in fact possess a lot of such evidence, much of
it of high quality (see the Appendix). Ironically, the primary threat to the
survivalist interpretation of this evidence arises not from considerations of
evidential quality, but from the difficulty of excluding alternative explana
tions based upon paranormal interactions involving only living persons.
Quite apart from any personal or theological interests readers may bring
to this subject, it should be evident that post-mortem survival in any form,
if it occurs, demonstrates the presence of a fundamental bifurcation in na
ture, and hence the falsehood of biological naturalism. We will touch upon
various facets of the survival evidence later in the book and summarize our
collective sense of the empirical status of the problem in Chapter 9.
Evidence for the occurrence of psi phenomena in general and post-mor
tem survival in particular thus plays an important though largely implicit
24. A curious and relevant historical precedent is provided by Turing (1950), who
explicitly considered the possibility that telepathy could undermine his proposed
Turing-test procedures in favor of the human. Indeed, he evidently took this rather
seriously, since it appears last in a list of objections ordered at least roughly in terms
of increasing difficulty. His "solution" to the problem, however-putting the human
into a "telepathy-proof room"-is patently defective, as he himself probably knew.
A View from the Mainstream-31
role in our overall argument. Our efforts in this book will be amply reward
ed if they lead scientifically-minded readers to take these subjects more seri
ously than they otherwise might. There are many other kinds of evidence,
however, that point in the same general direction.
own body. Even more drastic explanatory challenges are posed, however,
by additional and related phenomena in which one person's mental state
seems to have directly influenced another person's body. Such phenomena
include "maternal impressions" (birthmarks or birth defects on a newborn
that correspond to an unusual and intense experience of the mother dur
ing the pregnancy), distant healing, experimental studies of distant mental
influence on living systems, and cases in which a child who claims to have
memories of the life of a deceased person also displays unusual birthmarks
or birth defects corresponding closely with marks (usually fatal wounds) on
the body of that person. In addition, there has been a considerable influx
since Myers's time of other experimental evidence demonstrating the reality
of psychokinesis (PK), which by definition involves direct mental influence
on the physical environment.
Chapter 3 presents selective and focused discussions of phenomena of
these various types, emphasizing their strong association with factors such
as emotion, strong beliefs, and unusually vivid mental imagery, and draw
ing out their implications for an adequate theoretical picture of conscious
ness, volition, and the mind-body problem. Within-subject phenomena such
as placebo effects, hypnotically induced blisters, and stigmata are also more
carefully situated in relation to modern developments in "psychoneuroim
munology" and mind-body medicine. The common threads of the chapter
are, first, to point out the many, varied, and well-documented phenomena
of extreme psychophysical influence for which no conventional physicalist
explanation is presently available, or in some cases even seems possible; and,
second, to point out the theoretical continuity between normal, conscious
volitional acts and these less common phenomena that suggest unconscious
(or subliminal) volitional activity, sometimes of wider scope than conscious
volition itself. The chapter also provides striking examples of the sometimes
pathological interplay between scientific theories and scientific "fact."
dotting each i and crossing each t with absolute precision and great rapid
ity" (p. 44).
This extraordinary performance illustrates two features that have often
appeared together in the substantial but neglected scientific literature deal
ing with automatic writing (Koutstaal, 1 992; Stevenson, 1978): The subject
is in an altered state of consciousness, and the motor performance, itself ex
traordinary, is apparently guided by an extremely detailed memory record,
an essentially photographic representation of the uncompleted page.
The latter property relates to the phenomenon of eidetic imagery, my
second example, study of which was revived in modern times by the Habers
(see Obler & Fein, 1 988, for an overview). Probably the most dramatic dem
onstration of its psychological reality has been provided using lulesz ran
dom-dot stereograms (Stromeyer, 1970; Stromeyer & Psotka, 1 970; see also
lulesz, 1971 , pp. 239-246). These are essentially pairs of computer-gener
ated pictures, each of which by itself looks like a matrix of randomly placed
dots, but constructed in such a way that when viewed simultaneously (by
presentation to the two eyes separately) a visual form emerges in depth.
Stromeyer and Psotka adapted this technology to their aims by present
ing pictures of this type to the eyes of their single subject, a gifted female
eidetiker, at different times, ultimately as much as three days apart. Under
these conditions, the subject could only extract the hidden form if she could
fuse current input to one eye with an extremely detailed memory-image of
previous input to the other eye. Remarkably, she was able to succeed under
a wide variety of increasingly severe demands. The original stereograms, for
example, were 100 x 100 arrays, but she ultimately succeeded under double
blind conditions with arrays as large as 1 000 x 1000, or a million "bits,"
viewed up to four hours apart.
These results were understandably shocking to many psychologists,
who sought to escape their force by pointing to the dependence on a single
gifted subject and the absence of replications (R. Herrnstein, personal com
munication, October, 1 972). At least one successful replication has subse
quently occurred, however. Specifically, Crawford, Wallace, Nemura, and
Slater ( 1986) demonstrated that their highly hypnotizable subjects were able
to succeed with the small (100 x 100) stereograms, but only when they were
hypnotized. Moreover, the literature already contains many additional ex
amples of prodigious memory. Stromeyer and Psotka themselves mention
the mnemonist intensively studied by Luria (1968) and the case of the "Shass
Pollaks," who memorized all 12 volumes of the Babylonian Talmud (Strat
ton, 1917). Sacks (1 987, chap. 22) has reported a similar case of a person
who among other things knew by heart all nine volumes and 6,000 pages
of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Other examples could easily
be cited. Prodigious memory of this sort appears to be a real psychological
Third in this group is the whole family of "calculating prodigies." Of
special interest is the "savant syndrome," often associated with infantile au
tism, in which islands of spectacular ability appear in the midst of general-
34-Chapter 1
ized mental disability (Obler & Fein, 1988; Treffert, 1 989). The abilities are
of many types, but almost invariably involve prodigious memory. The depth
of the problems they pose for brain theory is exemplified by the case of "The
Twins," also described by Sacks (1987). These individuals, unable to per
form even simple additions and subtractions with any accuracy, nonetheless
proved able to generate and test prime numbers "in their heads." Sacks was
able to verify the primacy up to 10 digits, but only by means of published
tables, while the twins themselves went on happily exchanging ostensibly
prime numbers of even greater length, eventually reaching 20 digits. Sacks
makes the intriguing suggestion that they seem not to be literally calculating
these enormous numbers, but discovering them by navigating through some
vast inner iconic "landscape" in which the relevant numerical relations are
somehow represented pictorially. The twins themselves of course cannot say
how they do it.
Phenomena of the sorts described in this section look hard to explain
in terms of brain processes. The most serious attempt to do so known to me
(Snyder & Mitchell, 1999) is in fact devoid of specific neural mechanisms. Its
central argument is rather that early-stage brain processes like those sub
serving visual perception, for example, must also be rather savant-like in
terms of their speed, precision, and informational capacity; what is unusual
about savants, therefore, may consist merely in their access to these mecha
nisms. This "explanation" of course presupposes a positive answer to the
fundamental question at issue, whether the brain alone can accomplish any
of these things, including perceptual synthesis itself (see below).
I will make just one further observation before leaving this fascinating
and challenging subject. The biocomputational approach leads to one fur
ther expectation that could readily be tested using brain imaging methods
but to my knowledge has not. As proved by von Neumann (1956), the only
practical way to get increased arithmetical depth and precision out of indi
vidually unreliable computing elements is to use more of them. Although I
do not know how to quantify this in a rigorous way, the biocomputational
perspective clearly implies that calculating prodigies must use very large
portions of their brains in very abnormal ways to achieve the observed ef
fects. The cognitive losses that often accompany savant skills could perhaps
be a reflection of such substitution, but we must remember that savant-type
skills sometimes also occur in geniuses such as the mathematicians Gauss
and Ampere (see also Obler & Fein, 1988, chap. 23).
provide a brief sketch of the relevant issues, which are discussed in depth in
Chapter 4.
Memory is increasingly recognized as central to all human cognitive
and perceptual functions, yet we remain largely ignorant of where and in
what forms our past experience is stored and by what means it is brought
to bear upon the present. Generations of psychologists and neurobiolo
gists have taken it as axiomatic that all memories must exist in the form of
"traces," physical changes produced in the brain by experience, but there
has been little progress toward scientific consensus on the details of these
mechanisms despite many decades of intensive research.
Significant progress has recently been made, to be sure, in regard to
"learning" and "memory" in simple creatures such as the sea-slug (Aply
sia), and more generally in regard to what might be called "habit memory"
(Bergson, 190811991), the automatic adjustments of organisms to their envi
ronments. But these discoveries fall far short of providing satisfactory ex
planations of the most central and important characteristics of the human
memory system, including in particular our supplies of general knowledge
(semantic memory) and our ability to recall voluntarily and explicitly our
own past experience (autobiographical or episodic memory). Furthermore,
recent functional neuroimaging studies, although generating vast amounts
of "data," have yielded little if any progress toward a comprehensive and
coherent account of memory based on trace theory.
Meanwhile, deep logical and conceptual problems have been identified
in the root notion of the memory "trace" itself, as well as in allied compo
nents of current mainstream doctrine such as "information" and "repre
sentation." Most challenging of all to mainstream views is the substantial
body of evidence that has accumulated-much of it since Myers's original
efforts along these lines-suggesting that autobiograph ical, semantic, and
procedural (skill) memories sometimes survive bodily death. If this is the
case, memory in living persons presumably exists at least in part outside
the brain and body as conventionally understood. At the very least this evi
dence raises profound and interesting issues of both philosophical and prac
tical importance in regard to our criteria and procedures for determining
personal identity.
I believe that the evidence and issues discussed in Chapter 4 collectively
suggest the need for a radical reconceptualization of human memory along
lines suggested a century ago by Myers, James, and Bergson. We will return
to this theme in Chapter 9.
Phenomena catalogued under this heading involve what looks like mul
tiple concurrent engagement, in potentially incompatible ways, of major
cognitive skills (linguistic skills, for example) and the corresponding brain
systems. Let me explain.
36-Chapter 1
personality. This personality, whom Anna herself named "Old Stump," was
benign, often protecting Anna from her pronounced tendencies toward self
injury. As in the case of Schiller's brother, Stump also typically wrote or
drew while Anna herself was occupied with other matters. But Stump also
continued writing and drawing even when Anna was asleep, and sometimes
in total darkness. This secondary personality also remained calm and ra
tional during periods when Anna herself was feverish and delusional, and it
manifested knowledge and skills which Anna did not possess.
The enormous literature on these subjects is reviewed systematically,
and its implications discussed, in Chapter 5. The chapter specifically ar
gues for the psychological reality of the phenomenon of co-consciousness
(as distinguished from unconscious cerebration and alternating conscious
ness), which is fundamental both to Myers's own theoretical framework and
(as discussed in Chapter 8) to James's later application of that framework to
problems in religion and philosophy.
25. There is an important historical irony here. Dennett and Kinsbourne (1992)
also focus on the absence of anatomical convergence, apparently thinking this
is something new, but use it in a completely different way. Whereas McDougall
(191 1 /1961) took the unity of conscious experience as a fundamental and undeni
able empirical reality, one which physicalism could not explain, Kinsbourne and
especially Dennett (1991) want to use the physiological diversity to undermine that
appearance of unity itself, along with other supposedly pre-scientific "folk-psychol-
38-Chapter I
ogy" intuitions about the nature of consciousness. See also Searle ( 1997, chap. 5),
later sections of this chapter, and our Chapter 9.
26. This paragraph summarizes decades of cumulative progress in the neurobiol
ogy of sensory coding. The early work, inspired by Hubel and Wiesel (1 962), em
phasized "feature detection" by single sensory neurons, and provided for detection
and representation of higher-order features or conjunctions of features by means
of suitable anatomical connectivity. It was subsequently recognized, however, that
combinations of elementary features could potentially occur in numbers far too
large to manage exclusively in this anatomically-based way. The new functional
proposals overcome the combinatorial explosion by providing for rapid and revers
ible linkages among groups of cells responding to more elementary properties.
27. Note that this characterization does not imply or require that the oscil
latory activity itself satisfactorily explains binding. That it does not has already
been argued by neurophysiologists such as Crick and Koch (2003) and Shad len and
Movshon ( 1999). See also the following paragraphs.
28. Although the "global workspace" terminology originated with Baars (1988,
1997), we will use it throughout this book i n the more generic sense supplied in the
text. Baars certainly deserves much credit for emphasizing that we need somehow
to reconcile the unity of conscious experience with the multiplicity of associated
neurophysiological processes in the brain, and for stimulating new imaging studies
that seek to identify more precisely the critical neurophysiological conditions them
selves (see, e.g., Dehaene & Naccache, 2001). His own specific version of a theory
of this type, however, is less than satisfactory. In particular, his extended allegory
of the "theater of consciousness" (Baars, 1997, pp. 41-47), although providing a
colorful vocabulary with which to describe or interpret a variety of psychological
phenomena, is conceptually incoherent in a multitude of ways.
A View from the Mainstream-39
perceptual synthesis is achieved not from the input, but with its aid. This is
necessarily the case for example in regard to ambiguous figures, where the
stimulus information itself is not sufficient to determine a uniquely "cor
rect" interpretation. More generally, we routinely ignore information that
is present in the input and supply information that is not, speed-reading
providing a characteristic example.29 Something within us, a sort of cosmo
genic, world-generating, or virtual-reality system, is continuously updating
and projecting an overall model of the perceptual environment and our po
sition within it, guided by very limited samplings of the available sensory
information (Simons & Chabris, 1999; Tart, 1993).
As in the case of understanding spoken or written language, an enor
mous amount of general knowledge is constantly mobilized in service of
this projective activity, which freely utilizes any and all relevant sensory
data available to it. Top-down and cross-modal sensory interactions have
recently been recognized as the rule rather than the exception in perception
(A. K. Engel et ai., 2001; Shimojo & Shams, 2001). Neuroscientist Rodolfo
Llinas and his co-workers have even advanced the view, which I believe is
profoundly correct, that dreaming, far from being an odd and incidental part
of our mental life, represents the fundamental form of this projective activ
ity. Ordinary perceptual synthesis, on this inverted view of things, amounts
to oneiric (dreamlike) activity constrained by sensory input (Llinas & Pare,
1996; Llinas & Ribary, 1994). Hartmann (1975) had proposed similar ideas
in regard to hallucinatory activity more generally, with dreaming included.
On his view such activity is again a ubiquitous and fundamental feature of
our mental life, and the critical question is not "why do we sometimes hal
lucinate?" but rather "what keeps us from hallucinating most of the time?"
The answer, he thought, lies in inhibitory influences somehow exerted by
the brain activity that accompanies ongoing perceptual and cognitive func
tions of the ordinary waking sorts. Similar arguments for the primacy and
importance of this cosmogenic capacity have more recently been advanced
by Brann (1991) and Globus (1987).30
29. Yuo mgiht aslo be srupsired to fnid taht yuo can raed tihs ntoe wtihuot mcuh
30. Another relevant phenomenon, and one that deserves more attention, is spon
taneous hallucinatory experience in normal and awake persons. That such experi
ences commonly occur was initially demonstrated by the founders of the Society for
Psychical Research (Gurney, Myers, & Podmore, 1886; H. Sidgwick et a!., 1 894) and
has subsequently been confirmed repeatedly by others (Bentall, 2000). The mere
fact of their occurrence demonstrates that the projective activity can sometimes
partially or even wholly override current sensory input. Waking apparitions also
share with dreams a tendency to incorporate massive amounts of information about
physically remote events (Gurney et a!., 1 886). Critical readers should not indulge
any temptation they may experience to dismiss these case reports wholesale as mere
"anecdotes," for they are massively and carefully documented. Penetrating analysis
of the pitfalls of eyewitness testimony did not begin with Loftus ( 1979), as com
monly supposed: See Gurney et a!. (1 886), its review by James (1 887), and Chapters
2 and 6.
A View from the Mainstream-41
So far so good, but where exactly is the "top," the ultimate source of
this projective activity? The mainstream neuroscientists who have already
recognized its existence invariably presume that it arises entirely within the
brain itself. Evidence such as that assembled in Chapter 6, however, like
the more direct evidence of post-mortem survival, strongly suggests that it
originates outside the brain as conventionally understood. We will return
to this in Chapter 9.
Genius-Level Creativity
Mystical Experience
Experiences of this type lie at the core of the world's major religious
traditions and have continued to occur throughout history and across cul
tures. Their existence as a distinctive and important class of psychological
phenomena can scarcely be denied. Yet they have largely been ignored by
mainstream psychology and neuroscience, and generations of reductionist
42-Chapter 1
3 1 . See also Chapter 4, which discusses several of these issues in the specific con
text of memory theory, and Gauld (1989), which develops views similar to those
expressed here more systematically and generally in regard to the "entrapment" of
cognitive science by its current conceptual framework.
A View from the Mainstream-43
causation? But if we reject reductionism, we are not able to see how mental
causation should be possible. But saving mentality while losing causality
doesn't seem to amount to saving anything worth saving. For what good is
the mind if it has no causal power? Either way, we are in danger of losing
mentality. That is the dilemma. (p. 237)
48-Chapter 2
porary problems, but even suggest new (or renewed) avenues for attacking
those problems. Over a century ago, however, that quintessential spokes
man for modern science, Thomas Huxley, lamented the historical ignorance
of scientists in his own day and urged them to study their history because
"there is assuredly no more effectual method of clearing up one's own mind
on any subject than by talking it over, so to speak, with men of real power
and grasp, who have considered it from a totally different point of view" (T.
H. Huxley, 1874, p. 556).
In the second half of the 19th century, psychology was undergoing a
major and rapid transformation from moral philosophy to naturalistic sci
ence, and central to this transformation were efforts to grapple with ques
tions as fundamental to psychology as the nature of mind, the nature of the
relationship between mental and physical processes, and the relationship
of psychology to the rest of science. By the early years of the 20th century,
however, such fundamental questions had, for all intents and purposes, been
written off as "metaphysical" problems unsuitable for a scientific psychol
ogy. Psychology was well on its way to the fragmentation and conceptual
impasses characteristic of contemporary psychology, as described in the
Introduction and Chapter 1. What led to this abandonment of fundamental
questions? Can a return to them aid psychologists in moving the science
of psychology forward, both by bringing psychology conceptually into the
21st century and, perhaps even more importantly, by advancing knowledge
about issues that are of interest and concern to the general public?
It is our contention in this book that such a return to fundamental ques
tions is not only desirable but essential to psychology, and that a few "men
of real power and grasp" in the late 19th century-including in particular
F. W. H. Myers and William James-had opened up avenues for attacking
these questions empirically, avenues that were quickly closed off by assump
tions and beliefs that stil l overwhelmingly permeate modern psychology.
In this chapter, I will first describe briefly the intellectual context in which
scientific psychology developed in the 19th century, and then provide an
overview of the work of F. W. H. Myers.
1 . Laplace's determinism and belief that "conscious will is an illusion" are still
very much a part of modern philosophy and science: "If [scientific psychologists]
somehow had access to all the information they could ever want, the assumption
of psychology is that they could uncover the mechanisms that give rise to all
your behavior and so could certainly explain why you picked up this book at this
moment" (Wegner, 2002, p. I).
50-Chapter 2
into mass). The law thus became the specific foundation for belief in the unity
of all nature in a closed, causal system. Another important development
was Darwin's theory that all biological organisms have evolved through the
mechanism of natural selection. With the application of evolutionary ideas
to biology, not only were all forms oflife presumed to be subject to the same
universal mechanisms, but all forms of life could be seen as having devel
oped from the same elementary organisms.
From these and other descriptions of natural laws emerged the principle
of continuity, or the assumption that the universe is a unitary, not dualistic,
phenomenon. All elements of the universe are not only inextricably related,
but they all function according to the same basic, deterministic principles of
cause and effect and are all, in the final analysis, of the same basic essence
or nature. A corollary of this belief in continuity was the growing convic
tion that, if the world is ultimately a unity, all phenomena must be subject to
the same tools of knowledge-that is, the methods of classical science that
had already proved so successful. Because scientific method relied so com
pletely on observation, it followed that only phenomena that are observable,
directly or indirectly, could provide the contents of science.
The first major task for the mid-19th-century scientists who sought to
transform psychology into science was to reconceptualize mind as a natu
ral, not supernatural, phenomenon. Several lines of influence contributed
importantly to this process. The 17th- and 18th-century empiricist philoso
phy of associationism, which held that all mental phenomena derive solely
2. Today concepts such as volition (along with "belief, desire, fear, sensation, pain,
joy, and so on") are similarly dismissed by many as vestiges of "folk psychology"
(Church1and, 1988, p. 44).
52-Chapter 2
energy into what was otherwise a closed system. Moreover, allowing for the
concept of volition in psychology was "a back-door attempt to reintroduce
an active ego or soul into the new psychology" (Daston, 1978, p. 202). Voli
tion became "a taboo concept" because scientists thought "it would pull
psychology back to its prescientific, mystical days" (Decker, 1986, p. 52).
Thomas Huxley (1887/1892), "Darwin's bull-dog" and the personification
of the so-called science-religion debate of the 19th century, asked: "The
ultimate form of the problem is this: Have we any reason to believe that a
feeling, or state of consciousness, is capable of directly affecting the motion
of even the smallest conceivable molecule of matter?" (p. 292). His answer,
and that of many others, was, certainly not: "If anybody says that the will
influences matter, the statement is not untrue, but it is nonsense .. . . Such
an assertion belongs to the crude materialism of the savage. Now the only
thing which influences matter is the position of surrounding matter or the
motion of surrounding matter" (Clifford, 1874, p. 728). Mental as well as
physical events are part of a deterministic chain in which one event is the
direct antecedent of, and gives rise to, the next event; but "volitions do not
enter into the chain of causation . . . at all.. . . [T]he feeling we call volition is
not the cause of a voluntary act, but the symbol of that state of the brain
which is the immediate cause of that act. We are conscious automata" (T. H.
Huxley, 1 874, pp. 576-577).3
Huxley's statement expresses another central assumption of the 19th
century founders of scientific psychology-the assumption that matter is
the primary, independent factor in the universe and that mind is a second
ary, dependent byproduct of it. Henry Maudsley, a prominent physician
and physiologist whose Physiology and Pathology of Mind (1 868) became "a
turning point in English psychiatry" (Lewis, 195 1 , p. 269), summed up the
views of many of his scientific contemporaries when he defined materialism
as the belief that "mind is an outcome and function of matter in a certain
state of organization" (Maudsley, 1879, p. 667). Huxley (1892) argued that
"so far as observation and experiment go, they teach us that the psychical
phenomena are dependent on the physical. . . called into existence" by physi
cal processes (p. 43). Alexander Bain (1 87211874), one of the most influential
psychologists during the formative years of scientific psychology, argued
that all feelings, intellectual capacities, and volitional activities are directly
correlated with and dependent on brain states. In France also, prominent
psychologists left no room for doubt that mind and consciousness are wholly
dependent on physiological processes. Theodule Ribot (1 898), Professor of
Experimental and Comparative Psychology at the College of France, stated
unequivocally that "the organism and the brain . . . constitute the real per
sonality," and the apparently psychological problem of "the unity of the
ego is, in its ultimate form, a biological problem" (pp. 154-156). Early in his
career, Ribot had argued, like Huxley, for an automaton theory in which
"consciousness is only an adjunct of certain nervous processes, as incapable
of reacting upon them as is a shadow upon the steps of the traveler whom
4. More recently, the eminent neuroscientist Roger Sperry (e.g., 1 980) has
expressed a similar view.
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-55
ing either human principles on the one hand or scientific principles on the
Another major problem that the new psychology not only left unre
solved, but actually exacerbated, was the question of whether to view mind
as fundamentally a unity or a multiplicity. Is mind an indivisible whole that
is the cohesive, organizing factor of mental life, or is it a structure built up
from innumerable elements or experiences? Is mind the sum of the parts,
or the factor drawing the parts together in the first place? In brief, is mind
best understood from the bottom up or the top down? In the 19th century,
this problem was central to the conflict between the old dualistic psychol
ogy and the new materialist psychology; it was a battle "which pitted the
metaphysical 'unity of self' against the scientific 'multiplicity of selves'"
(Robinson, 1978, p. 349). The first was the traditional notion of self, and
even an associationist such as 1. S. Mill (1 84311 874) found this a compelling
idea: "There is a something I call Myself, or, by another form of expression,
my mind, which I consider as distinct from these sensations, thoughts, etc.;
a something which I conceive to be not the thoughts, but the being that has
the thoughts" (p. 56).
In direct opposition to this view was the "colonial" view of conscious
ness as a multiplicity built up from innumerable elements of the nervous sys
tem working in coordination: "Physiology shows that this verdict [of unity
of mind] is an illusion . . . .The apparently simple is, on analysis, found to be
complex" (Ribot, 1 882, pp. 42, 45). Mill (1843/1874), after acknowledging
the compelling sense we all have of a unified self, went on to say that we can
have no knowledge of what this something is ("though it is myself") but only
of "the series of its states of consciousness" (p. 57). For an increasing num
ber of 19th-century scientists, that knowable "series" was the only concep
tion of mind that psychology needed, especially since the view of mind as a
multiplicity conformed much better to the analytic method of science and
the atomistic view of matter in 19th-century physics than did the concept of
a unitary, indivisible self.
Nevertheless, most psychologists recognized that the multiplicity view
of mind left fundamental problems unresolved. As McDougal l (191111961)
later said, the basic problem for all theories of mind is: "What holds con
sciousness together?" How do we get psychical unity out of physical multi
plicity, "the hanging together of a multiplicity of conscious processes in a
numerically distinct or individual stream" (p. 164)?5
The problem of whether mind is a unity or a multiplicity also raised
the problem of whether the traditional analytic methods of the physical sci
ences are adequate for a science of psychology. If mind is basically a com
posite structure built up from numerous psychological elements, then such
methods are appropriate for psychology. If, however, mind is most funda
mentally a unity, then new methods, going beyond quantitative analysis,
may be required. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a few psycholo-
of consciousness are different in kind from nervous states; the two occur
together, that is, in correlation; but there is no interaction or interference
between them. Mental phenomena and physiological phenomena, in other
words, constitute two parallel, completely closed, yet somehow correlated
causal chains; but the relationship between the two chains, the nature of the
concomitance, is a metaphysical, and not scientific, problem.
Few psychologists adopted a specific philosophical doctrine of parallel
ism such as that of Leibniz. Most insisted instead that this parallelism was
not ontological, but methodological or linguistic only. Increasingly, they
began to argue that the impasses to which the naturalization of mind had
led are the result of mixing conceptual categories or realms of discourse
(e.g., Janet, 1 89311901). Adopting a methodological parallelism of psycho
logical and physical processes allowed psychologists the "luxury of onto
logical agnosticism while they got on with their work" (R. M. Young, 1970,
p. 233), because it freed them to study psychological processes in their own
right, without needing to relate them back in any specific way to their physi
ological substratum.
Even more fundamentally, psychologists began to argue that the
impasses in psychology reflected limits beyond which scientific method can
not go. John Tyndall (1879), one of the most thoughtful exponents of sci
entific monism, argued that, although the absolute correlation of mental
phenomena with brain phenomena is known, the ultimate nature of that
relationship is not only unknown but unknowable. A neutral statement
of the "invariable" correlation, or parallelism, is as far as science can go;
science can describe the mind-matter relationship but it cannot explain it,
because, with mind or consciousness, "the methods pursued in mechanical
science come to an end . . . [and] logical continuity disappears" (pp. 390-391).
Tyndall (1 874/1879) therefore insisted that he must remain agnostic on the
question of whether mind is a causal factor in physical events, or merely a
by-product of them, because
(such as those described in Chapter 3 and in works listed in the Appendix) may
indeed require a "radical modification" of certain assumptions in modern science,
particularly about the nature of mind and matter. They in no way, however, require
the "abandonment" of accumulated scientific knowledge-provided we distinguish
assumptions from knowledge.
58-Chapter 2
7. This view that the mind-body problem is insoluble is essentially the "mysterian"
position of McGinn (1 999).
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-59
Not all psychologists acquiesced in this retreat from major problems and
theoretical issues in psychology. William James, for one, was acutely aware
that parallelism, or the Jacksonian doctrine of concomitance, avoided, and
did nothing to help resolve, the basic problems of mental causality inherent
in psychology. To the injunction of his colleague Charles Mercier-"Having
firmly and tenaciously grasped these two notions, of the absolute separate
ness of mind and matter, and of the invariable concomitance of a mental
change with a bodily change, the student will enter on the study of psychol
ogy with half his difficulties surmounted"-James replied: "Half his diffi
culties ignored, I should prefer to say. For this 'concomitance' in the midst
of 'absolute separateness' is an utterly irrational notion" (James, 1890b, vol.
I , p. 1 36). Although he himself had urged psychologists to adopt an empir
ical or methodological parallelism, he also cautioned them that this was
"certainly only a provisional halting-place, and things must some day be
more thoroughly thought out" (p. 182). James's close friend and colleague,
60-Chapter 2
tigators and prolific writers; and his model of human personality, which he
began to formulate in the early 1880s and then presented in detail in the
1890s in a series of nine papers on the Subliminal Self, became the theoreti
cal framework for psychical research, and remained so for decades.8
It is readily apparent from even a brief glance at Myers's writings that
his ultimate concern was with the question of whether individual personality
survives death: "The question for man most momentous of all is . . .whether
or no his personality involves any element which can survive bodily death.
In this direction have always lain the greatest fears, the farthest-reaching
hopes, which could either oppress or stimulate mortal minds" (HP, vol. 1, p.
1). His interest in psychology therefore was not purely academic. Although
initially a poet and classicist, he turned to science and psychology because
he understood that the question of post-mortem survival was, in essence,
the problem of the relation of mind and body, a problem not to be left to
"inward make-believe" (Myers, 189311904, p. 42) but to be attacked by empir
ical methods. As William James (1901) said at the time of Myers's death:
Myers had as it were to re-create his personality before he became the wary
critic of evidence, the skillful handler of hypothesis, the learned neurolo
gist and omnivorous reader of biological and cosmological maUer, with
whom in later years we were acquainted. The transformation came about
because he needed to be all these things in order to work successfully at
the problem that lay near his heart. (p. 214)
Armed with a fervent belief in the power of scientific method, Myers fought
the prevailing tendency in late 19th-century psychology to exclude its most
fundamental problems and argued instead for an expansion of psychology's
empirical base, the development of its own methods, and an examination of
the theoretical assumptions about mind and scientific naturalism that were
contributing to the narrowing of psychology.
Before examining Myers's theory of human personality and the ave
nues of research that he believed important for approaching the mind-body
problem empirically, it is first essential to understand some of the purposes
and principles that provided the foundation for his thinking. Myers and
the field of psychical research in general, for which he was the primary
spokesman and theoretician in its first decades, have too often been mis
understood, erroneously portrayed, and contemptuously dismissed as rep
resenting "pseudo-science" characterized by "magico-religious belief" and
"irrationality" or even "anti-rationality" (see, e.g., Alcock, 1981; Zusne,
1985), or as threatening to return Western society to the superstitious belief
in "the operation of 'hidden,' 'mysterious,' or 'occult' forces in the universe"
(Kurtz, 1 985, p. 505). Nothing could be further from the truth. The central
principles guiding Myers were in fact precisely those of most of his scientific
contemporaries, including "our modern ideas of continuity, conservation,
8. These nine papers are: Myers, 1 892b, 1892c, 1 892d, 1 892e, 1 892f, 1 893a, 1 893b,
1 895d, and 1 895e.
62-Chapter 2
evolution" (HP, vol. 2, p. 251), and a central purpose was to encourage the
expansion of science and scientific method to address the most fundamental
questions about the nature of human personality. For Myers and his col
leagues, the "very raison d'etre [of psychical research] is the extension of
scientific method, of intellectual virtues . . . .into regions where many a cur
rent of old tradition, of heated emotion, even of pseudo-scientific prejudice,
deflects the bark" (Myers, 1900a, p. 459).9
Tertium Quid
In the midst of revolutionary new ideas in the 19th century about the
nature and study of mind, not everyone agreed that the rigid dichotomy of
the old, theological, personal world view and the new, scientific, impersonal
world view, or the acquiescent methodological parallelism to which this
dichotomization had led, is the final word. In the introduction to a two-vol
ume collection of some of his essays, Myers's close friend and fellow psychi
cal researcher Edmund Gurney ( l 887d) wrote:
John Stuart Mill had been the leader and exemplar of mid-19th-century
liberal thinkers who believed that the cause of knowledge is best served,
not by partisans, but by "those who take something from both sides of the
great controversies, and make out that neither extreme is right, nor wholly
wrong" (Mill, 1910, vol. 2, p. 360). The impact of Mill was particularly
strong on intellectual circles at Cambridge in the 1860s; and Myers, Gur
ney, and other early leaders of psychical research educated at Cambridge
fully absorbed this "tertium quid" approach. Fundamental both to Myers's
thinking and to psychical research in general, therefore, was the belief that
conflicts between ideas or points of view are best settled not by contentious
9. In the same paper, he went on to say that "we have more in common with those
who may criticise or attack our work with competent diligence than with those who
may acclaim and exaggerate it without adding thereto any careful work of their own"
(p. 459). Unfortunately, most critics of parapsychology and psychical research, past
and present, have not "criticise[d] or attack[ed] our work with competent diligence,"
nor have they added any work, careful or otherwise, of their own. With such "critics"
in mind, as well as those who "acclaim and exaggerate," Myers (1894-1895) also
pointed out that "between the scornfully sceptical and the eagerly superstitious we
have virtually had to create a public of our own" (p. 1 90). Unfortunately, that public
still remains small.
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-63
debate but by increased knowledge, and that knowledge advances not by the
interminable clashing of old antagonists but by the application of both new
methods and new perspectives to old problems. Behind Myers's work was
thus a conscious and sustained attempt to move beyond the increasingly
polarized, dichotomous positions of 19th-century thought and to seek dif
ferent, broader perspectives in which aspects of both (or all) sides may have
a place. As he put it, "something is gained if, having started with the precon
ception that 'all which is not A is B,' we have come to the conclusion that our
own subject-matter is neither A nor B, but X" (Myers, 1 890a, p. 248).
A corollary of this belief in the continuity of the universe was that the
only reliable means of obtaining knowledge, not only about the physical
world but about mind, is scientific method, "those methods of inquiry which
in attacking all other problems [man] has found the most efficacious" (HP,
vol. 1 , p. 1). Myers did not believe that science is the only way of knowing. A
person whose intensely poetic and emotional nature was vividly apparent in
all his writings, he recognized that science and intellect may not provide a
person's "only or his deepest insight into the meaning of the Universe," and
that "contemplation, revelation, ecstasy, may carry deep into certain hearts
64-Chapter 2
Expanding Psychology
Despite his recognition that science has its limits, Myers objected vehe
mently to the growing segregation in the 19th century of science and meta
physics, science and religion, volition and determinism, or mind and matter.
In keeping with his "tertium quid" approach, he believed that the challenge
to science does not end but begins precisely when one comes up against
two contradictory findings, positions, or theories, and that breakthroughs
occur when one continues to work with conflicting data and ideas until a
new picture emerges that can put conflicts and paradoxes in a new light or
a larger perspective.
For Myers, those who banned certain phenomena or topics from sci
entific inquiry showed "a want rather than an excess of confidence" in "the
immutable regularity" of nature (Myers, 1881, p. 99). The reach of science
is limited only by our ingenuity in translating large, metaphysical problems
into finite, empirical ones (Myers, 1 885d, p. 127). In psychical research in
particular, "such confrontations with metaphysical problems reduced to
concrete form are a specialty of our research" (Myers, 1894, p. 421). Myers's
(1891c) superb review of William lames's Principles ofPsychology was a plea,
in opposition to the deliberate separation of metaphysics and psychology
advocated in that book, to try instead to translate the former into the latter,
and thus to attack large questions by an "attempt to give [them] a precise, an
experimental character" (p. 132). Whereas lames had warned that the data
of psychology cannot provide answers to fundamental, metaphysical ques
tions, Myers turned the issue around and argued instead that fundamental
questions provide the guidance and direction for producing the data-and
ultimately the knowledge-of psychology. II Whereas lames had empha-
10. For more in-depth discussions of this other kind of "knowing," see Chapters
7 and 8 .
I I . In h i s 1 894 Presidential Address to the American Psychological Association,
James (1895/1978) abandoned his earlier attempt to separate metaphysics and
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-65
Psychophysiological Concomitance
ply that "for every mental state there is a correlative nervous state" (Jack
son, 193 1-1932, vol. 2, p. 72), has not closed off the empirical question of
the causal relationship between mind and brain, because it is essentially a
neutral statement: "Accompanying the mental phenomena-states of con
sciousness, there are physical phenomena-brain changes; but no knowl
edge of the one throws any light on the other" (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 3n). Moreover,
merely continuing to observe the parallelism will not advance our knowl
edge in any qualitative sense:
a familiar optical illusion. When we see half of some body strongly illumi
nated, and half of it feebly illuminated, it is hard to believe that the bril
liant moiety is not the larger of the two. And, similarly, it is the increased
definiteness of our conception of the physical side of our mental opera
tions which seems to increase its relative importance, -to give it a kind of
priority over the psychical aspect of the same processes. Yet. .. the central
problem of the relation of the objective and subjective sides of the psycho
neural phenomena can i n no way be altered by any increase of definiteness
in our knowledge of the objective processes which correspond to the sub
jective side. (Myers, 1886a, p. xl)
more clearly suggest that mental and physical processes do not always oper
ate in the accustomed manner (e.g., Gurney et aI., 1886).
To Myers, therefore, subliminal phenomena are particularly important
because they suggest that mind is something greater, not only in extent but in
capacity, than ordinary psychological phenomena reveal. He argued, how
ever, that the investigation of subliminal phenomena must be approached
from a larger perspective than that of most previous studies, which were pri
marily undertaken for medical or clinical purposes. Although subliminal
phenomena were beginning to be widely studied by clinicians (especially in
France by Janet, Charcot, Binet, and many others), Myers believed that they
should also be examined for their bearing upon central theoretical problems
in psychology. The study of hallucinations, for example, "has usually been
undertaken with a therapeutic and not with a purely scientific purpose,"
with the result that pathological aspects of hallucinations have been noted
and emphasized, rather than their "absolute psychological significance"
(Myers, 1892d, p. 342). Similarly, as I will discuss in more detail later, Myers
believed that hypnotism is potentially one of the most effective method
ological tools for theoretical psychologists. Yet, here too, in the burgeoning
study of hypnosis
An Expanded Naturalism
not automatically imply that the known laws of matter provide the sole and
fundamental foundation of that world: "Accepting as perfectly valid every
law which recognised science can establish" does not preclude the supposi
tion that there may also be "further laws, of a different kind it may be," but
still "susceptible of rigorous investigation" (Gurney & Myers, 1 884a, p. 792).
The modern belief that the universe is "inevitably naturalistic, cosmical,
evolutionary" and never the result of "specially-authorised interference"
does not exclude the belief that there may be "a scheme of laws . . . of which
our sciences of matter are . . . powerless to take account," but which new sci
ences-particularly psychology-might discover (Myers, 1890b, p. 329).
Myers thus rejected both supernaturalism and the prevalent form of
naturalism in favor of a different, expanded concept of scientific natural
ism: "This distinction [between natural and supernatural] we altogether
repudiate" (W. F. Barrett, Massey, et aI., 1883, p. 150). In an early essay,
Myers (1881) expressed his belief that it is possible to reconcile "the conflict
between science and orthodoxy [religion] . . .which . . . too often assumes [the
form] of a sheer and barren contradiction"; but to do so, it is first neces
sary to "reject all question-begging terms-all phrases such as 'violations
of the order of Nature'" (p. 96). He endorsed the general belief behind St.
Augustine's statement that "God does nothing against nature." No phenom
ena violate the laws of nature; nevertheless, some phenomena may indeed
go "against Nature as we know it-i n its familiar and ordinary way." There
fore Myers urged antagonists in the controversy between naturalism and
supernaturalism to move beyond the divergent and polarized positions in
which their assumptions have fixed them: "Let us not oppose law and mira
cle. . . . Let us not oppose the natural and the supernatural." Such "polemical
antitheses" derive from the fact that "on each side of the controversy we find
a reasonable prepossession pushed too often to an unreasonable extreme"
(pp. 96-97). As a first step toward resolving or reconciling the apparent
contradiction between naturalism and supernaturalism, Myers rejected the
word "supernatural" altogether as a meaningless word. Instead, he
These, then, were the general purposes and principles on which Myers
based his approach to psychology: first, to maintain a belief in the ultimate
rationality and continuity or interrelatedness of all phenomena, mental as
well as physical; and second, to attempt to forge a new perspective on old
problems concerning the nature of mind by extending psychology's range of
observation and data beyond ordinary, familiar phenomena and by broad
ening its concepts through continually examining assumptions, hypotheses,
and views contrary to those currently prevailing. On the basis of this "ter
tium quid" approach, Myers went on to make two major contributions to
psychology. First, he developed a theoretical model of mind that was an
important attempt to move beyond the two predominant, but diametrically
opposed, views of mind and to develop a more comprehensive view. Second,
he identified numerous lines of research by which he thought that the mind
matter problem could be approached, and potentially resolved, empirically.
In the rest of this chapter, I will first describe Myers's model of mind and
then, by giving a brief overview of his book Human Personality, introduce
some of the kinds of research that he believed essential for developing an
adequate theory of mind.
The engine that drove all of Myers's thinking and work was his passionate
desire to learn whether or not individual consciousness survives death. As
a scientific naturalist in the broad sense, however, he fully recognized that
such an enormous question cannot be answered until that problem, and any
empirical phenomena relevant to it, can be situated in a framework that
makes them theoretically continuous and congruent with other psychologi
cal and biological phenomena. This does not mean reducing the unknown
to the already known, the approach taken in so much of scientific psychol
ogy, but instead linking the unknown to the already known in a continuous
series. Developing such a series, from normal to abnormal to supernormal
psychological phenomena, formed the methodological and organizational
basis for all of Myers's work.
The immediate challenge for a psychology that might ultimately deal
with the question of post-mortem survival is to determine whether human
personality is of such a nature that it could even conceivably survive the
destruction of the biological organism. In other words, survival research can
be conducted productively only within the broader context of psychologi
cal research on the nature of mind or consciousness in general: "It became
gradually plain to me that before we could safely mark off any group of
manifestations as definitely implying an influence from beyond the grave,
there was need of a more searching review of the capacities of man's incar
nate personality than psychologists . . . had thought it worth their while to
undertake" (HP, vol. 1, pp. 8-9). Translating the mind-body problem into
an empirical research problem thus became for Myers the primary chal
lenge and task for psychology. It is important to emphasize again that the
principle of psychophysiological correlation itself is not what was at issue;
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-73
16. For some persons who have seriously considered this "filter" or (as James
called it) "transmission" interpretation of mind-brain relations, see Bergson (1913),
Broad (1953), Burt (1968, pp. 58-59), A. Huxley (1 954/ 1990, p. 23), James (1898/1900),
and Schiller (189111894, pp. 293-295). See also our Chapters 1 , 8, and 9.
74-Chapter 2
Myers's view of human personality had grown out of his attempts, begun
in the early 1880s, to bridge the major theoretical gulf between the old, phil
osophical, mentalistic psychology and the new, scientific, physiological psy
chology. As in physics-which throughout its history had seen the recurrent
waxing and waning of wave versus particle theories of light-psychological
theorizing vacillated between, in essence, a wave theory of mind, in which
mind is seen as an indivisible unity, and a particle theory, in which mind is
seen as the composite product of individual sensations or other "atomistic"
psychological elements. Myers quoted from the 1 8th-century philosopher
Thomas Reid to describe the view of mind as an indivisible whole:
The conviction which every man has of his identity. . . needs no aid of phi
losophy to strengthen it; and no philosophy can weaken it.. . . 1 am not
thought, I am not action, I am not feelings; I am something that thinks,
and acts, and suffers. My thoughts and actions and feelings change every
moment. . . ; but that selfor I, to which they belong, is permanent.. . . [A] per
son is a monad, and is not divisible into parts. (Myers, 1 885c, p. 639; HP,
vol. 1 , p. 10)
tical completeness to the waking self need[s] complete revision" (HP, vol.
2, p. 8 1). The rapidly multiplying observations of experimental psychology,
neurology, psychopathology, and hypnotism clearly showed that the human
mind is far more extensive than ordinarily thought, since much psychologi
cal functioning remains outside the range of our conscious mental life; that
higher mental processes had evolved from lower ones; and that under cer
tain conditions, the ordinary unity of consciousness can break down.
Nevertheless, Myers also believed that even though these observations
were correct, the theoretical conclusion drawn from them-that human
personality is a mere aggregate of separate elements--is a premature and
superficial conclusion. He believed that, when psychologists probe more
deeply into the problem, the analysis, paradoxically, reveals an underlying
continuity, and a fundamental unity, of human personality.
An important first step that Myers took in this direction was to try to
clear up the confusion that many people-then and now-have felt about
the notion of an "unconscious mind." Most people naively equate their
mind, and especially the term "consciousness," with their ordinary aware
ness. To propose that there are unconscious mental states, therefore, seems
an oxymoron. This belief gave rise in the 19th century to interpretations
of unconscious phenomena such as the physiologist William Carpenter's
hypothesis of unconscious cerebration, according to which all unconscious
processes, being by definition devoid of conscious awareness, are reflexes of
the brain (Carpenter, 1874/ 1882).17
This hypothesis was severely challenged, however, by mUltiple kinds of
evidence then emerging for complex mental functioning that occurred out
side an individual's ordinary waking awareness. Such evidence included in
particular the alterations in consciousness seen in connection with mesmer
ism and hypnosis, as well as numerous clinical reports of cases involving
alternate, or secondary, personalities, with what appeared to be separate
memory chains, streams of consciousness, and thus self-identity comparable
in kind (if not always in degree) to the original personality.18 In these situ
ations, processes occurring beyond the margins of ordinary consciousness
displayed all the characteristics that we attribute to conscious beings, such
as memory, intention, volition, and creativity. Myers unequivocally denied
that any variant of the "unconscious cerebration" hypothesis can accom
modate such observations: "I wish to protest against the undue extension of
such phrases as 'unconscious cerebration,' and to insist that we have as good
ground for attributing consciousness to some at least of these subliminal
17. The same idea lives on today i n the form of "the cognitive unconscious" (see
Chapter 5).
18. See, for example, Binet (1890, 1 891/1 896), M . Prince (1905/1 908), Sidis
(1 898/1906, 1 9 1 2), and Sidis and Goodhart (1 905). See also Chapter 5.
76-Chapter 2
When we conceive any act other than our own as a conscious act, we do so
either because we regard it as complex, and therefore purposive, or because
we perceive that it has been remembered. . . .The memorability of an act is,
in fact, a better proof of consciousness than its complexity. . . .I cannot see
how we can phrase our definition more simply than by saying that any act
or condition must be regarded as conscious if it is potentially memorable.
(HP, vol. I , pp. 36-37)
ing, as it were, from center stage and into the background of consciousness,
these processes continue to function automatically, providing the basis
upon which higher and more complex processes develop. The higher pro
cesses, being newer, are less organized, less automatic, and less stable, and
require, because of their relative unfamiliarity, more conscious attention.
When injury or disease strikes the nervous system, the higher processes
being less stable-are the first to be affected and impaired, and when the
higher processes can no longer function, lower functions re-emerge from
the background. According to Jackson (1884), therefore, dissolution of the
nervous system proceeds in an order inverse to its original development,
and pathological functioning, including the symptoms of insanity, reflect
simply whatever lower-level nervous system processes remain functional
when higher-level ones have become impaired (p. 591). This model of a hier
archical system that is in a constant state of change-or evolution and dis
solution-in response to the organism's environment became the model for
Myers's conception of mind, or human personality.
Myers's observations of the numerous forms and varieties of mental
functioning outside ordinary awareness led him to recognize that the dis
tinction between subliminal and supraliminal aspects of consciousness is not
as simple as a dichotomy between "conscious" and "not conscious" (Myers,
1885a, p. 234). It is also "far more complex than a mere fission into two [or
more] personalities" (Myers, 1889f, p. 21 1), which many psychologists and
clinicians were proposing as an alternative to the unconscious cerebration
hypothesis. Mind is instead a complex, fluctuating, and ever-changing inter
action of subliminal and supraliminal elements or processes.
Moreover, our ordinary waking, supraliminal consciousness is not a
pinnacle or the tip of an iceberg:
Myers also pointed out that, on both the individual and evolutionary
levels, the process of evolution has involved not simply the adaptation of an
organism to its environment, but also, with increasingly complex sensory
processes, the widening perception of that environment, the "gradual dis
covery of an environment, always there, but unknown" (HP, vol. 2, p. 95).
The implication for Myers was that, as physics was also revealing, there
probably are "unseen" environments, imperceptible to our senses as they
have so far evolved, but nonetheless "fundamentally continuous" and inter
related with what we do perceive.
Human beings have "evoked in greatest multiplicity the unnumbered
faculties latent in the irritability of a speck of slime" (HP, vol. 1, p. 76).
Nevertheless, it does not thereby follow that our present sensory capacities
and our normal waking consciousness mark the final point of the evolution
ary process: "To anyone . . .who takes a broad view of human development,
it must seem a very improbable thing that that development should at this
particular moment have reached its final term" (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 86). Just as
in the individual spectrum of potential consciousness some contents and
capacities have become supraliminal and some remain subliminal, so in the
evolutionary spectrum of consciousness, some faculties have been evoked
and some remain latent (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 19); but there is "no apparent rea
son why these latent powers should not from time to time receive sufficient
stimulus" to appear sporadically, and eVen ultimately to develop more fully
(HP, vol., 1, p. 1 86).
20. H ilgard (1977) has more recently called attention to the importance of
the "covert" contents of consciousness that can be uncovered by means such as
hypnosis. Observing that people who profess to be unaware of events occurring
while they were hypnotized can sometimes recover memories of these events when
re-hypnotized, H ilgard proposed his "neo-dissociationist" model of hypnosis,
82-Chapter 2
is an extract of the Ego (p. 410). In many respects, in fact, Schiller's and Myers's
theories of mind are parallel; and in a review of Morton Prince's The Unconscious
(Schiller, 1 9 1 5), Schiller specifically advocated Myers's theory of human personality
as providing the best account of the facts described by Prince. Ducasse ( 1 95 1 , p. 495)
later drew a similar distinction between individuality and personality.
84-Chapter 2
22. More recently, Hartmann (1989, 1991) has proposed a similar model in
which what he calls "boundaries" between various "regions, parts, or processes"
in the mind (Hartmann, 1991, p. 4) can be "thick" or "thin" and thus contribute
to individual differences in fantasy-proneness, absorption, hypnotizability, dream
recall, lucid dreaming, and related psychological processes. He also argued, as
Myers did, that thin boundaries can be either adaptive or maladaptive, as seen
especially in the "relationship between boundaries and creativity or madness" (p.
8). In his chapter on "Predecessors of the Boundary Concept," however, he makes
no mention of Myers, and therefore believes, erroneously, that "the concept of thin
and thick boundaries has not. .. been previously used as I am using it-that is, as
a broad dimension of personality and an aspect of the overall organization of the
mind" (p. 49). Thalbourne ( 1 998; Thalbourne & Delin, 1 994) has also proposed a
similar model, based on a factor that he calls "transliminality."
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-85
23. lastrow was among those who mistakenly thought that Myers's hypothesis
of human personality was based on the notion that subliminal processes are "ipso
facto" superior to supraliminal ones (see, e.g., lastrow, 1 906, p. 537). Jastrow seems,
however, to have completely misunderstood Myers's hypothesis in general. He
criticized it as based "upon a fundamental emphasis on the schism of conflicting
personalities," and went on to argue that his own hypothesis of the "subconscious
as a natural function with the most intimate relations to consciousness, . . . both
parts of a common synthesis, . . .is diametrically opposed to that of the subliminal
self" (1906, pp. 537, 539-540). Elsewhere ( 1903) he criticized Myers's hypothesis as
one of discontinuity and argued that the concept of the subconscious will not be
recognized in psychology as important until the hypothesis of the discontinuity of
consciousness and the subconscious is replaced by one recognizing their underlying
continuity. lastrow's hypothesis, in fact, was in many ways closely similar to Myers's
hypothesis, particularly with regard to the ultimate continuity of conscious and
subliminal processes. Some of the larger implications that Myers drew from the
same premises (such as the potential post-mortem survival of human personality)
were undeniably different from lastrow's conclusions; and this may explain why
lastrow (and others) have been so prone to misread and misrepresent Myers's
hypothesis. It may also help explain why Jastrow (1900) and others have also been
so prone to misread and misrepresent psychical research generally.
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-87
subliminal functioning derives largely from the light it might shed on mind
body relations.
Myers also proposed that the emergence of subliminal material in
automatism may be more likely when one's habitual "paths of external is a
tion"25 are in abeyance. As a possible example, he suggested that because the
left hemisphere, the seat of verbal capacity, has become the predominant
expressive vehicle for cognitive and other intellectual functioning, then sub
liminal functioning, or automatisms, might more readily emerge when the
left hemisphere is damaged, inhibited, or otherwise prevented from func
tioning ful ly: "In graphic automatism [automatic writing] the action of the
right hemisphere is predominant, because the secondary self can appropri
ate its energies more readily than those of the left hemisphere, which is more
immediately at the service of the waking mind" (Myers, 1885b, p. 43).26
This suggestion that the subliminal portions of our spectrum of con
sciousness might find their "readiest path of externalisation" through the
right hemisphere has received modest support from modern observations
indicating that right-hemisphere functioning (in right-handers, at least) is
for the most part nonverbal (see, e.g., Springer & Deutsch, 1985). Myers had
noted that "our subliminal mentation is less closely bound to the faculty of
speech than is our supraliminal" (HP, vol. 1, p. 98). More specifically, the
"language" of subliminal consciousness seems to be primarily pictorial and
symbolic, rather than verbal and propositional (e.g., Myers, 1892f, p. 460;
1 897, p. 70; HP, vol. 1 , pp. 100, 277), and he suggested that the "study of
visual and motor automatism w i l l afford us sufficient proof that symbolism,
at any rate pictorial symbolism, becomes increasingly important as we get
at the contents of those hidden [subliminal] strata" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 100). Thus,
he said, art, music, and even poetry (whose "material. . .is the very language
which she would fain transcend") are expressions of this subliminal lan
guage (Myers, 1 897, p. 70; HP, vol. 1, p. 101).
25. This phrase refers to a common belief in the 19th century (and one that
remains with us today; see Chapter 4) that psychological functioning produces
physical changes or "traces" in the brain and that the nerve-currents accompanying
psychological processes take the "paths" ofleast resistance, carving out "established"
paths that subsequent nervous activity will become more likely to fol low (see, e.g.,
Carpenter, 187411882, p. 442; James, 1 890b, vol. I, pp. 108, 563, 659). In contrast,
Myers was concerned to emphasize that here, as elsewhere, psychologists and
physiologists still have no real understanding of mind-brain correlation. Therefore,
to forestall readers who might be tempted to take his terminology of "brain paths"
literally, Myers ( 1 889a) explained that he was using the terminology as a metaphor
and not "a real transcript of the unknown processes which actually occur" (p.
26. In the wake of discoveries of the localization of function in the brain
(beginning especially with Broca's localization of a center for spoken language), the
concept of hemispheric asymmetry and differences became an important one in the
late 19th century (see Harrington, 1987). Myers was one of the earliest to suggest
that subliminal phenomena might find their readiest expression through what was
considered the non-dominant hemisphere.
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the M ind-Body Problem-89
Myers ful ly expected that there are laws of mental causality, or psy
chological laws in addition to those of the physical world and not derived
from these. Moreover, he believed that some such concept as telepathy-the
hypothesis that individual minds (or Selves) can, at some now-subliminal
level, interact directly with other minds-will be an important element in
27. Huxley ( 1 9 1 3), for example, spoke contemptuously of the "twaddle" produced
by many spiritist mediums (vol. 2, p. 144). Stevenson ( 1978), commenting on the
"vapid writings" that an automatic writer had attributed to the deceased William
James, remarked that survival of death with such "a terrible post-mortem reduction
of personal capacities . . . makes it, at least to me, a rather unattractive prospect" (p.
90-Chapter 2
Myers's vision for a new psychology included more than a theoretical model
of mind that could carry psychology beyond the dichotomy of the old
mentalistic psychology and the new materialistic one. He also repeatedly
emphasized the need for psychologists to develop their own unique meth
ods, suitable to the particular problems and phenomena of psychology and
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-9l
not modeled solely after those of the physical sciences. Unfortunately, psy
chology still "remains in that early stage . . .when the methods of experiment
are such as other sciences have suggested, not such as this special branch
of inquiry suggests for itself, or can use with unique effect." The methods
successful in the physical sciences, however, are insufficient for psychology:
"They help us rather to define accurately facts already roughly known, than
to get at underlying facts of which common consciousness does not inform
us. To do this we must pass from general mechanical artifices to artifices
special to psychology" (Myers, 1 892f, p. 443).
In other words, if psychology is to move beyond merely describing in
more detail what we already know, more or less clearly, on the basis of our
ordinary experience, then the important work of psychology lies in going
beyond what we commonly observe. Major theoretical advances in psychol
ogy will come primarily from examining, not normal psychological pro
cesses and behavior, but the unusual, often rare phenomena associated with
subliminal functioning, and appropriate methods must be found for elicit
ing them. The primary methodological challenge to psychology, therefore,
lies in developing methods, or "artifices," for extending observations of the
contents and capacities of mind beyond the visible portion of the psycholog
ical spectrum, just as the physical sciences have developed artificial means
of extending sensory perception beyond its ordinary limits (HP, vol. 1 , pp.
Myers also emphasized that all sciences must go through a developmen
tal process in which their methods, initially crude and imperfect, are gradu
ally improved and strengthened. The apparent reluctance of psychologists
to develop their own special methods reflected, Myers thought, their reluc
tance to put themselves back in the primitive methodological state where
all sciences must begin and where they must return every time they attack
new and different problems: "I allude to the ever-growing dislike felt by the
votaries of advanced and established sciences to the rude approximate work
which has been needed in the infancy of every science; and needed in greater
degree as each new science involved a wider scope." There is, he warned,
"danger. . . for Experimental Psychology in the temptation to cling too exclu
sively to the safe methods of sciences exacter than ours can as yet in reality
be." If psychologists "will make only such experiments as admit of precise
numerical results," the danger is that psychology will become "no more than
a curious appendage to Neurology," rather than its own science, making its
own real discoveries: "Men who insist on electric lamps along their road will
never reach the centre of Africa" (Myers, 1894-1895, p. 191).
The gap between many psychologists and Myers and his colleagues in
psychical research increasingly grew to be one between those who preferred
the established, precise methods of other sciences and who narrowed the
scope of their researches accordingly, and those who preferred to keep their
sights set on fundamental problems, however inadequate the methods might
so far be. In reviews of two issues of L'Annee psychologique, published near
the end of his life, Myers conveyed his deep disappointment with what he
92-Chapter 2
The reason for this triteness, he thought, lay in the overwhelming ten
dency of many psychologists "to treat the easy parts of the subject . . . and
to ignore altogether those difficult parts," with the result that the research
does little more than re-affirm "obvious common-sense" and brings no real
advance in knowledge (p. 106). Those involved in psychical research, in
contrast, attempted to push beyond the commonplace and treat the diffi
cult parts, inevitably with some risk that they "must make many mistakes"
(Myers, 1895c, p. 233). Myers summarized these contrasting approaches to
psychology as follows:
First come the many new Professors and Lecturers in Germany, France,
America, and elsewhere who are making accurate experiments on every
thing in man which they can manage to get at;-the nervous system in
general, vision, audition, orientation, tactile sensibility, reaction-times,
fatigue, attention, memory, mental imagery,-with a host of cognate
inquiries. Much of this is delicate quantitative work, and is performed with
instruments of precision. The drawback is that such methods and such
apparatus are better adapted to give accuracy to facts already roughly
known than to carry the inquirer much farther into the depths of our
being. It is work preparatory to discovery, rather than discovery itself.
At the other end of the range a group still small. . .is attacking psycho
logical problems of the highest importance, but which admit as yet of only
approximate and tentative methods of inquiry. This is work of discovery
indeed; but it is rough pioneer's work-preparatory also in its own way to
the ultimate science to which we all aspire. (p. 233)
In keeping with his "tertium quid" approach, Myers believed that that
"ultimate science" requires above all else the examination and inclusion,
not only of data supporting one's own position, but even more importantly,
of data supporting conflicting positions. He therefore repeatedly cautioned
about the too-frequent temptation to draw conclusions based on a limited
range of observations. He advocated instead amassing a broad range of per
tinent data-broad not just in quantity but especially in kind-in order to
prevent the premature assumption of a hypothesis or view that may be, not
necessarily wrong, but misleadingly narrow and incomplete. For example,
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-93
28. For a discussion of the Salpetriere and Nancy schools and their differences,
see Gauld ( 1992), especially pp. 306-362.
94-Chapter 2
"just entering" the second stage, that is, the early experimental stage "at
which we can sometimes set the machinery going, but have no notion how
it works." Nevertheless, as long as one remains at this second stage, and has
not yet progressed to the third stage of understanding fully how to produce
the phenomena, then the observational method must continue in conjunc
tion with the experimental work. It remains "important to take stock, so
to say, of the whole range of spontaneous phenomena corresponding to the
phenomena which we are endeavouring to produce. We shall thus learn how
far we are likely to be able to go, and we may get hints as to the quickest line
of progress" (Myers, 1892c, p. 333).
In short, the methodological approach for psychology that Myers advo
cated was above all else a comparative one: comparing observations from
widely differing conditions, places, or times; comparing spontaneous phe
nomena and experimentally produced phenomena; comparing different
hypotheses or perspectives. Furthermore, because of his fervent belief in
the ultimate continuity of all phenomena, he emphasized the necessity of
showing continuity and interrelationship among apparently disparate phe
nomena. It was particularly important to understand the continuity between
normal psychological phenomena and the refractory and rare abnormal and
supernormal phenomena of psychology and psychical research, not only to
bring the latter out of the realm of superstition and into the realm of science,
but also to strengthen science itself by expanding its framework to include,
not just some, but all phenomena of human experience. As James summa
rized this, Myers brought "unlike things thus together by forming series of
which the intermediate terms connect the extremes":
Myers's great principle of research was that in order to understand any one
species of fact we ought to have all the species of the same general class
of fact before us. So he took a lot of scattered phenomena, some of them
recognized as reputable, others outlawed from science, or treated as iso
lated curiosities; he made series of them, filled in the transitions by delicate
hypotheses or analogies, and bound them together in a system by his bold
inclusive conception of the Subliminal Self, so that no one can now touch
one part of the fabric without finding the rest entangled with it.. . .Through
him for the first time, psychologists are in possession of their full material.
(James, 1901, p. 16)
adequate theory of human personality but also are essential for stimulating
the development of such a theory. The most ful ly developed and complete
form in which the theoretical, methodological, and empirical themes of
Myers's work were presented is the massive two-volume Human Personality
and Its Survival oj Bodily Death (1 903). Although it was published posthu
mously, two years after Myers's death, most of it had been finished and was
ready for publication at the time of his death, large parts of it having been
drawn from or based upon his numerous publications from the 1 880s and
1890s.29 As Myers had requested when he realized that he was seriously ill
and might die soon, Richard Hodgson and Alice Johnson served as edi
tors after his death.30 When the book appeared, it was quickly reviewed in
numerous journals and periodicals.31
Human Personality consists of \0 chapters and lengthy Appendices that
present much of the empirical data and case reports supporting the pri
mary material. In the first chapter Myers introduces his overall purpose and
his theory of the Subliminal Self. In Chapters 2 and 3 he provides a more
detailed account of the theory by discussing two seemingly different kinds
of phenomena that he believed are closely related psychologically, namely,
hysteria and genius. In Chapters 4 and 5 he discusses the emergence of sub-
29. The William James scholar Eugene Taylor (1 984, p. 179; 1996, p. 147) made an
egregious error when he stated that Human Personality was published posthumously
by Myers's widow and son because Myers himselfhad largely abandoned the project.
He further seriously misrepresented the facts when he opined that Myers had not
completed the book because he had "dallied around" during the 1 890s (Taylor, 1 996,
p. 147). I n fact, Myers published nearly 50 papers and reviews in the I I years before
his death, including the important series of nine lengthy papers on the Subliminal
Sel f, published between 1 892 and 1895 (see footnote 8 for the references), on which
much of Human Personality was based. Would that we could all "dally" like this.
30. Although the primary task remaining for the editors was to put the unfinished
Chapter 9 and the Appendices in order, at least two major changes occurred that
probably deviated sharply from Myers's own wishes. First, as I shall discuss further
below, a large body of material that Myers had intended to include in Chapter 9,
concerning the medium Mrs. Thompson, was omitted. Secondly, Myers himself
had apparently intended a di fferent title for his book than the one that appeared.
James (1 902/1958, p. 386n) stated that it had already been announced by Longmans,
Green, and Company as in press under the title Human Personality in the Light
of Recent Research-a title that far more accurately reflected Myers's approach
than did the title that was ultimately used. The change was apparently made at the
last minute by the editors or the publishers and, I suspect, would not have been
approved by Myers himself. As I have already mentioned, although the question of
survival after death was certainly Myers's central concern, he fully understood that
it could be approached adequately only within the much larger context of the nature
of consciousness. Un fortunately, the title that was used has probably turned away
many scientific readers who would have examined the book if Myers's own title had
been used.
3 1 . We have placed the most significant of these contemporary reviews (Flournoy,
James, McDougall , Stout) on our digital version of Human Personality (see our
Introduction, p. xxx). See also Gauld ( 1 968, chap. 1 2).
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-97
The reader who would grasp what Myers is doing must simply keep his fin
gers in the appendices, often the appendices of both volumes, and indeed
sometimes several fingers at once, to trace out the carefully marshalled
evidence which is offered by the author at each point to support the gener
alization which he offers. This is the only way in which the documentary
strength and philosophical significance of Myers can be understood. (p.
Myers noted that Breuer and Freud had been puzzled by their seem
ingly paradoxical observation "that amongst hysterics we find the clear
est-minded, the strongest-willed, the fullest of character, the most acutely
critical specimens of humanity" (translated and quoted by Myers, 1 893a, p.
14;32 see Breuer & Freud, 1 89311957, p. 1 3). More generally, the apparent rela
tionship between genius and insanity had long been noted and debated (and
stil l is; see our Chapter 7). In Myers's model of mind, this relationship is to
32. This paper (Myers, 1893a, pp. 1 2-15) provided the first published account of
Freud's work in English (Fuller & Fuller, 1986; E. Jones, 1 961, vol. I , p. 250).
98-Chapter 2
of feeling in the limbs" (HP, vol . 1 , p. 47). Some deeper level of personal
ity, it seems, retains awareness and maintains some subliminal supervision
over the individual's functioning. Similarly, Janet showed that, although an
hysteric might have lost the ability to carry out a motor task when her atten
tion was directed to it, she actually retained the capacity at a subliminal
level (Myers, 1893a, pp. 21-22). Janet also followed Myers's lead in utilizing
automatic writing as a means of accessing the subliminal content of con
sciousness, thus revealing that psychological traumas often contribute to
the development of hysterical symptoms, although they remain out of the
patient's conscious awareness (Janet, 1889). Myers encouraged such experi
ments, not only to determine how deep the hysterical losses of sensation and
memory really go and to what extent subliminal awareness of "lost" areas of
consciousness might still be influencing supraliminal functioning, but also
to demonstrate, as he believed they would, an underlying unity and continu
ity beneath the hysteric's apparently dissociated personality.
Finally, cases of hysteria provide "one of the most fertile sources of new
knowledge of body and mind" (HP, vol. 1, p. 43). Hysteria is not solely an
excessive narrowing of consciousness, and phenomena such as hysterical
anesthesia, blindness, or paralysis (e.g., Binet, 1 890; Binet & Fere, 1 888;
Janet, 189311901, 1907/1920) are not, according to Myers, simply the losses
of sensory or motor capacity that they appear to be. Moreover, they are
not organically caused: They do not fit any anatomical pattern; they might
periodically change location; and they can often be cured or made to disap
pear by suggestion. Hysterical symptoms are instead "phantom copies of
real maladies of the nervous system" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 43). As such, they are
evidence for a level of control over physiological processes, latent in the
subliminal consciousness of the individual, that is beyond the capacity of
the supraliminal consciousness. This apparent ability of the hysteric's sub
liminal consciousness to initiate and control, at some level, physiological
processes that are normally beyond conscious control seemed to Myers to
be a gain rather than a loss of function and to have important implications
for an understanding of the relationship of mind and body. In Chapter 3 I
will discuss in more detail these important phenomena, as well as closely
related phenomena such as stigmata, "faith" healing, and maternal impres
sions, to which Myers also called attention.
In short, Myers believed that hysteria, when viewed as a psychological
phenomenon, gives "striking" support to "my own principal thesis" (HP,
vol. I , p. 19), namely, that all personality is a filtering or narrowing of the
field of consciousness from a larger Self, the rest of which remains latent and
capable of emerging only under the appropriate conditions. The hysterical
personality, in essence, bears the same relationship to the normal, healthy,
supraliminal personality as the latter bears to the ideal, totally integrated
Self or Individuality of which it is an extract.33
33. Myers ( l893a), perhaps a trifle facetiously, compared the hysteric's frequent
unawareness of and indifference to her limitations to the indifference of most
normal people to learning more about the nature and extent of their own minds: "If
IOO-Chapter 2
Similarly, Myers argued that the study of genius can teach us about the
structure and evolutionary dynamics of mind, since the same psychological
mechanism that produces a narrowing of consciousness in hysterics pro
duces an expansion of consciousness in geniuses (Myers, l 892d; HP, chap.
3): Both involve an unusual instability or permeability of the barrier or filter
between the subliminal and supraliminal, in one case leading primarily to
a "down-draught," in the other to an "uprush." Believing that the evolu
tion of mind involves a general process of "gaining a completer control over
innate but latent faculty," Myers defined genius as "an emergence of hidden
faculty" (Myers, l 895b, p. 6). In particular, it involves "a power of utilising a
wider range than other men can utilise of faculties in some degree innate in
all," as well as "a subliminal uprush, an emergence into the current of ideas
which the man is consciously manipulating of other ideas which he has not
consciously originated, but which have shaped themselves beyond his will,
in profounder regions of his being" (HP, vol. 1, p. 71). As an "uprush," an
inspiration of genius is a psychological automatism, a subspecies of sub
liminal phenomena. What distinguishes the phenomena of genius, however,
is that they involve not so much the emergence of new faculties as the inten
sification of familiar ones (HP, vol. 1, p. 96). In the analogy of the spectrum,
they "make the bright parts of the habitual spectrum more brilliant," rather
than drawing on subliminal faculty "beyond the limits of the ordinary con
scious spectrum" (HP, vol. 1, p. 78).
Myers's conception of genius was thus quite different from that of
Maudsley, Lombroso, and others who considered genius to be indica
tive of pathology (Myers, 188ge, p. 1 92; HP, vol. 1, p. 71). Unlike them, he
believed that geniuses, with their "perceptions of new truths and powers of
new action," represent instead the "highest product of the race" (HP, vol. 1 ,
pp. 96, 7 1). Because genius and madness both involve similar psychological
mechanisms-namely, a permeability of the psychological boundary-it is
to be expected that they might frequently occur in the same person (Myers,
1885d, p. 1 30; 1892d, p. 355); but any nervous disorders that accompany
genius signal, not dissolution, but a "perturbation which masks evolution"
(HP, vol. 1 , p. 93).
Genius is customarily associated with an unusually high level of intel
lectual functioning or extraordinary artistic achievements of a scientist,
writer, artist, musician, or dancer. Psychologically speaking, however, any
uprush of heightened faculty belongs to the same class: "A man may have a
sudden and accurate inspiration of what o'clock it is, in just the same way as
Virgil might have an inspiration of the second half of a difficult hexameter"
(HP, vol. 1, p. 78). A psychological conception of genius, Myers insisted, is
entirely different from the aesthetic conception. Whereas from the aesthetic
view the important consideration is the perceived quality or value of the
product, from the psychological perspective the important consideration
Chapter 4: Sleep
Myers believed that the study of sleep and dreams should occupy a
prominent position in psychological research. In keeping with his view
that consciousness has evolved out of a primitive "panaesthesia," Myers
described the evolution of consciousness as a process in which, in response
to environmental demands, we become "more and more awake." Sleep is
thus a reversion to an earlier stage of development. Furthermore, just "as
sleep precedes vigilance, so do dreams precede thought" (Myers, 1 892e, p.
363); dreams, he thought, represent "the kind of mentation from which our
clearer and more coherent states may be supposed to develop" (HP, vol. 1 ,
p. 58).
Myers's ( l 898b) psychological definition of sleep, therefore, was that it
is "an alternating phase of our personality" (p. 105) in which the organism
reverts to a more primitive state of consciousness for reparative purposes:
"It is a fully admitted, although an absolutely unexplained fact, that the
regenerative quality of healthy sleep is something sui generis, which no com
pleteness of waking quiescence can rival or approach" (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 23).
Myers attributed this characteristic feature of sleep to its being a primitive,
now subliminal, state of consciousness. Just as in Jackson's hierarchical
theory of nervous functioning a lower level takes over when a higher level
ceases to function, so in Myers's theory, when waking consciousness ceases,
the infrared portion of the spectrum of consciousness, with its "increased
control over organic functions at the foundation of life" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 23),
takes over and makes sleep the "regenerative phase of our personality" (HP,
vol. 1 , p. 1 52; 1898b, p. 105).
For Myers (1892e), therefore, sleep was "no mere abeyance of waking
activities, but rather a phase of personality with characteristics definitely
I 02-Chapter 2
its own" (p. 365). The most obvious and important of these characteristics
are the reparative organic processes; but there are also others indicating a
kind of psychological functioning different from that in the supraliminal
waking state. Because of the "heightening effect of sleep" in allowing sub
liminal impressions "to cross the threshold of consciousness," particularly
by appearing in dreams (W. F. Barrett, Massey, et aI., 1 883, p. 140), sleep and
dreams can provide an important source of knowledge about subliminal
First, Myers argued, dreams provide a readily available means of study
ing the "language" of the subliminal, a language that may underlie other,
less common forms of automatism or subliminal processes. Just as sleep is
not simply an absence of waking functioning, dreams are not just "echoes or
fragments of waking experience, fantastically combined" (Myers, 1 892e, p.
365). Dreams are the evolutionary precursor of thought (p. 363), expressed
in a form or language that is often symbolic in content rather than literal. So
that psychologists might begin to learn this symbolic, primarily nonverbal
language, "dreams should be subjected to an analysis far more searching
than they have as yet received from any quarter" (pp. 365-366).
The study of sleep and dreams might also provide information about
enhanced or even novel psychological processes emerging in subliminal
functioning ( l892e; HP, chap. 4). For example, dreams most commonly, but
also hypnagogic and hypnopompic34 illusions, reveal a latent capacity for
internally generated imagery going far beyond the person's ordinary vol
untary waking capacity. For many people, in fact, dream imagery is "the
highest point" that their visualizing faculty reaches (Myers, 1 892e, p. 370).
Moreover, in most people dreams display a creative and dramatizing capac
ity far greater than they normally show (p. 371); and in some dreams cogni
tive or problem-solving processes seem to have been enhanced, as in cases
in which solutions to mathematical or scholarly problems have appeared in
dreams (pp. 392-397; HP, vol. 1, pp. 134-135, 372-379).
Another cognitive function that can be enhanced in dreams is memory.
For example, "we occasionally recover in sleep a memory which has wholly
dropped out of waking consciousness," a phenomenon Myers considered
common enough so that "no one will raise any doubt about it" (Myers,
1 892e, pp. 380-381). More interestingly, however, there are also occasional
dreams involving facts of which the person had never supraliminally been
aware (pp. 381-392). Such extensions of memory suggested to Myers that,
in sleep as well as in other subliminal states of consciousness, memory may
be more wide-ranging than is supraliminal, waking memory-even if it is
also less focused or controlled than supraliminal memory (HP, vol. 1, p.
1 29). In other words, the study of enhanced memory, or hypermnesia, in
dreams-induding the memory of events once known but now forgotten,
as well as events perceived with the normal senses but never consciously
34. Myers ( 1892b, pp. 3 14-315) coined this word to refer to images that may occur
as a person is waking up, comparable to the hypnagogic imagery that precedes
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-I03
I have long thought that we are too indolent in regard to our dreams; that
we neglect precious occasions of experiment for want of a little resolute
direction of the will.. . . [W]e ought to accustom ourselves to look on each
dream, not only as a psychological observation, but as an observation which
may be transformed into an experiment. We should constantly represent to
ourselves what points we should like to notice and test in dreams; and then
when going to sleep we should impress upon our minds that we are going
to try an experiment;-that we are going to carry into our dreams enough
of our waking self to tell us that they are dreams, and to prompt us to psy
chological inquiry. (Myers, 1887a, p. 241)
What he was proposing was the study of what today we call lucid dreams,
a phenomenon now generally acknowledged even though, like many of the
phenomena Myers thought important for psychologists to study, it first had
to go through a prolonged period of resistance on the part of many scien
tists (Green, 1 968a; LaBerge, 1985; see also our Chapter 6).36
Chapter 5: Hypnotism
was both a poor dreamer (Myers, 1887a, p. 241) and a poor visualizer (Myers, 1 892e,
p. 370). Perhaps predictably, he succeeded on only three nights out of nearly 3,000
on which he tried (Myers, 1 887a, p. 241).
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem-105
37. As Andrew Lang ( 1 9 1 1) put it, "to 'explain the explanation' is the task for
the future" (p. 546). Contemporary psychologists have not advanced much
further. Claims that "we can now understand hypnosis, in part, as a conditioning
phenomenon" (Neher, 1 980, p. 295) are distressingly common and similarly disguise
scientists' ignorance about the essential mechanism underlying hypnosis. Gauld
(1992, chap. 25) has provided an excellent overview of contemporary definitions
of hypnosis, suggestion, and related concepts; and he concludes that none of them
"have any greater explanatory validity than [those of the 19th century]. A truly
viable concept of hypnosis remains to be achieved" (p. 610).
106-Chapter 2
cumstances my subject simply cannot see a tiger at will; nor can I affect the
visual centres which might enable him to do so" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 233).38
Myers also believed that studying experimentally induced hallucina
tions is "an important prerequisite" for understanding spontaneous hal
lucinations (Myers, 1892b, pp. 319-320). For example, he conducted some
experiments (Myers, 1892f, pp. 460-461) in which two hypnotized subjects
were given different suggestions about what they would see on a blank sur
face or speculum. They were then brought together and asked to describe
what they saw. Each subject described what had been suggested to him, and
neither was able to influence the other to see or report anything else. Such
experiments clearly are pertinent to the question of collective hallucinations
and particularly the hypothesis that the comments or reactions of one per
son having an hallucination influenced others present to have an hallucina
tion they otherwise would not have had.
Additionally, some hypnotic phenomena appeared to involve hyperes
thesia, or the enhancement of the normal five senses. The philosopher Henri
Bergson, for example, reported a case of a boy who could, while hypnotized,
identify objects reflected in the corneas of the experimenter's eyes (Myers,
1887b; HP, vol. I , pp. 477-479). Recognizing and ruling out such sensory
hyperesthesia is, of course, necessary before one invokes an explanation
involving psi phenomena such as telepathy or clairvoyance.39
In addition to enhanced control over perceptual processes, the phe
nomena of hypnosis sometimes involve enhancements of cognitive pro
cesses. Experiments in post-hypnotic suggestion by Gurney (1887b; 1888),
Delbreuf (1 892), and Bramwell (1 896) showed that some level of subliminal
consciousness can conduct complicated arithmetical calculations or keep
track of a specific, often lengthy lapse of time (see HP, vol. 1 , pp. 502-510).
Such experiments might contribute, for example, to an understanding of
arithmetical prodigies or the claims of some people that they can awaken
themselves at pre-determined times (Myers, 1898b, p. 104; H. Sidgwick &
Myers, 1892, pp. 605-607).
Finally, from Myers's conception of hypnosis as a means of accessing
subliminal strata of consciousness, it follows that phenomena suggestive of
supernormal modes of perception, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, would
also be observed in connection with hypnosis (see, e.g., HP, vol. 1 , pp. 543-
546, 553-559). Indeed, such phenomena had long been reported in the older
mesmeric literature (Gauld, 1992); and SPR members conducted experi
ments with hypnosis in which the hypothesis of some supernormal mode of
perception had to be considered (see, e.g., Gurney et aI., 1 886, chap. 2). In the
century since these early experiments, many other studies have supported
the prediction from Myers's model that hypnosis can sometimes elicit or
enhance supernormal functioning (for reviews, see Honorton & Krippner,
1 969; Schechter, 1984; Stanford & Stein, 1994; van de Castle, 1969).
41. Stevenson (1987, pp. 106-107) has since had to repeat this warning.
F. W. H. Myers and the Empirical Study of the Mind-Body Problem- I l l
42. He was right: The Ganzfeld method now widely used in parapsychology can
be viewed as a modern variant of the crystal-gazing and shell-hearing techniques
that Myers advocated for psychological research, in that a uniform visual and
auditory field is used to heighten internal imagery and focus the subject's attention
on it (for some references, see the Appendix).
1 l 2-Chapter 2
Myers believed that trance can develop i n two directions (HP, vol. 2 , p.
217). On the one hand, trance may involve an apparent "possession," either
by the automatist's own (subliminal) mind or by the mind of another per
son, living or deceased. Most such cases, however, are neither all one type
of possession nor all the other, but instead involve a more complex "admix
ture . . . of elements which come from the sensitive's own mind with elements
inspired from without" (HP, vol. 2, p. 249). On the other hand, trance may
lead to a phenomenon "common to all religions" (HP, vol. 2, p. 260), and
that is "ecstasy." In Myers's view, aspects of a person's consciousness can
sometimes make "excursions" beyond its normal bounds and thereby make
contact with aspects of the universe with which it ordinarily does not. Such
excursions can range from clairvoyance, which is an "incipient" type, to
the ful l-blown ecstatic experiences of mystics or other persons.47 He also
pointed out that the two types of trance are "complementary or correla
tive," one involving some sort of "entry" of an external mind into another
person's body ("possession"), the other involving some sort of "excursion"
out of one's body into a larger environment ("ecstasy") (HP, vol. 2, p. 259).
Although he used words such as "enter" and "go out," "inside" and "out
side," he emphasized that the unknown processes behind these phenomena,
as well as related phenomena such as clairvoyance, "need not be . . . spatial"
(HP, vol. 2, p. 259).
We will discuss ecstasy and mystical experiences more ful ly in Chapter
8. It is important to note here, however, the spiritual motivation so central
to all of Myers's work and permeating especially Chapter 9 and the Epilogue
of HP. This attitude, and in particular what Gauld (1968, p. 276) called the
"Cosmic chant" of some of Myers's more lyrical writing, has surely contrib
uted to the misunderstanding and dismissal of Myers by other scientists. He
himself readily acknowledged this motivation: "For my own part, I certainly
cannot claim such impartiality as indifference might bring. From my earli
est childhood-from my very first recollection-the desire for eternal life
has immeasurably eclipsed for me every other wish or hope." Nevertheless,
he went on to say, "desire is not necessarily bias," and he believed that "my
wishes do not strongly warp my judgment. . . sometimes the very keenness of
personal anxiety may make one afraid to believe, as readily as other men,
that which one most longs for" (HP, vol. 2, p. 294). Believing that all aspects
of the universe and human experience are part of some unified whole, he
insisted that science and religion are not separate, or even separable, and his
goal was, by bringing religion and science to bear on each other, to expand
and strengthen both. On the one hand, therefore, he believed that science
could ''prove the preamble ofall religions" (HP, vol. 2, p. 297)-namely, that
the universe extends far beyond the perceptible material world. On the other
hand, religion could contribute to "the expansion of Science herself until
she can satisfy those questions which the human heart will rightly ask, but
to which Religion alone has thus far attempted an answer" (HP, vol. 2, p.
47. Shortly after Myers's death, James addressed in detail the phenomenon of
ecstasy, or mystical experience, in his 1 902 Gifford lectures ( 1902/1958).
1 14-Chapter 2
305). Whatever one thinks of the personal religious convictions that Myers
drew from his work, his general goal of expanding science and psychology
to include all aspects of human experience, from the most primitive physi
ological reflexes to the highest manifestations of creativity and mysticism,
was one to which, we contend, scientists must return after more than a cen
tury of avoiding those "larger questions which the human heart will rightly
problem: " The precise constitution of the subliminal. . . i s the problem which
deserves to figure in our science hereafter as the problem of Myers" (James,
1901, pp. 17, 18). Moreover, "Myers has not only propounded the problem
definitely, he has also invented definite methods for its solution . . . . He is so
far the only generalizer of the problem and the only user of all the methods"
(p. 17). James similarly appreciated the vast range of psychological phenom
ena that Myers identified as pertinent to the problem (p. 16).
Additionally, James considered Myers's theory of human personality
to be an important one: "It is a vast synthesis, but a coherent one .. . .No one
of the dots by which his map is plotted out, no one of the 'corners' required
by his triangulation, is purely hypothetical. He offers empirical evidence
for the concrete existence of every element which his scheme postulates
and works with" (James, 1903, p. 30). To those who found Myers's theory
"unsatisfactory," James pointed out that "no regular psychologist has ever
tried his hand at the problem . . . . Myers's map is the only scientifically serious
investigation that has yet been offered" (p. 33).
James ( 1903) did express some reservations, to which we will return in
Chapter 9, but one particularly worth noting here is:
Most readers, even those who admire the scheme as a whole, will doubt
less shrink from yielding their credence to it unreservedly. . . .The types of
case which he uses as stepping-stones are some of them, at present, either
in quality or quantity, decidedly weak supports for the weight which the
theory would rest upon them, and it remains at least possible that future
records may not remedy this frailty. (p. 31)
In the remaining chapters of this book, we will examine many of the "step
ping-stones" to which James refers, and we will argue that "future records"
have to an unappreciated extent remedied their frailty. In the century since
Myers's death, many of the observations he made have been powerfully
reinforced by subsequent research. Perhaps more importantly, the interven
ing century of psychological research has reinforced the need for a theory of
human personality which-like his-encompasses the full range of human
it seems clear that the basic outlines of Myers's theory of subliminal consciousness
were well in place in the 1 880s.
Chapter 3
Psychophysiological Influence!
Phrases about "the influence of the mind on the body" are so often loosely
adduced as though they were themselves the explanation needed, that it
is as well to keep the real obscurity of the physiological problems in view.
(Gurney, 1 887a, p. 105)
The naturalization of mind begun in earnest in the 1 9th century has con
tinued unabated, and the assumption that mind is wholly derivative from
brain processes has strengthened and grown more pervasive over the last
century. The consensus of nearly all scientists and philosophers today is
that all aspects of mind and consciousness are byproducts of an evolving
nervous system; and extremists such as the "eliminative materialists" even
hold not only that all mental processes and concepts are in principle reduc
ible to brain processes but that any reference to them in language other than
that of physiology constitutes mere pre-scientific "folk psychology," to be
abolished through further advances in physiology.
This widespread presumption of equivalence between mind and brain
is based on the observations, both scientific and everyday, that the evolu
tion of mind is correlated with the evolution of the nervous system and that
changes in or injuries to the brain result in changes in or even abolition of
consciousness. It is easy to forget, however, that correlation is not causation.
As I pointed out in Chapter 2, the assumption that the correlation implies a
1 . This chapter has been inspired largely by two great works, both of a remark
able breadth and depth of scholarship: Reincarnation and Biology, by Ian Stevenson
( 1 997), and The Future o/ the Body, by Michael Murphy (1992).
1 17
l I8-Chapter 3
Psychosomatic Medicine
2. Two articles with this title have appeared in medical journals (Frank, 1975;
Osler, 1 910), and, although separated by 65 years (and even by culture, if the distinct
difference in linguistic style can be taken as a measure of that), they both conveyed
the same message: the importance in medicine of releasing the patient's own powers
of healing.
l 20-Chapter 3
breaking down the resistance to the idea that psychological factors can
influence the body, because it essentially erases the problem by insisting on
the unity, if not identity, of mind and brain. In essence, however, the change
to the classical psychosomatic models consisted of recasting the "psycho
logical" part as itself biological, with ideas, beliefs, expectations, and the
like to be understood as patterns of neural activity. In consequence, some
scientists have begun to speak of this unified psychophysiological entity as
"the brain-mind" (e.g., H. Spiegel, 1 997, p. 617).
A few authors have cautioned that there has been a too eager abandon
ment of the original "psychogenic" idea that psychological factors play "an
important etiologic role in the production of disease" (Nemiah, 2000, p. 299).
Moreover, although the currently prevailing view is that "the mind-body
problem . . . cannot be viewed as the subject matter of psychosomatic medi
cine" (Lipowski, 1 984, p. 168), a minority still think that "as a discipline,
psychiatry should be deeply interested in the mind-body problem" (Kend
ler, 2001 , p. 989). It is important to note also that the theoretical assumption
of mind-body unity, or holism, is nevertheless itself frequently accompa
nied by a methodological dualism: "Mind and body may be regarded as
abstractions derived for methodologic purposes," and the "most appropri
ate" position for medicine is "a methodologic and linguistic approach to the
mind-body problem rather than a metaphysical one" (Lipowski, 1 984, pp.
1 68, 161). The editor of the American Journal of Psychiatry spoke for many
when she suggested that "the relationship between mind and brain has been
extensively discussed . . .without any decisive resolution .. . . One heuristic solu
tion, therefore, is to adopt the position that the mind is the expression of the
activity of the brain and that these two are separable for purposes of analy
sis and discussion but inseparable in actuality" (Andreasen, 1997, p. 1586).
As I discussed in Chapter 2 , however, this methodological parallelism
not only permits but encourages the evasion of important questions about
the "how" of psychophysical interaction. In rejecting dualism and embrac
ing a holistic systems model, "we have been evading the question of the
'how' of physical symptom formation, and so far extremely limited atten
tion has been given to the matter of transition from a purely mental concept,
such as consciousness, to very specific somatic alterations" (Sheikh, Kun
zendorf, & Sheikh, 1 996, p. 1 53). Moreover, most contemporary scientists go
much further and believe that this assumption of mind-body inseparability
is not simply a "heuristic solution" but an established fact: "We know that
mind and brain are inseparable .. . . Mental phenomena arise from the brain"
(Gabbard, 2000, p. 1 17).
i22-Chapter 3
Resistance to the idea that mental factors can influence physical states has
primarily been rooted in the lack of any theory to explain the interaction:
"Physicians and scientists until recently dismissed such ideas as nonsense,
because there did not appear to be a plausible biological mechanism to
explain the link" (E. M. Sternberg, 2001 , p. 16). The expression of an anti
dualistic, holistic approach to mind and body in the biopsychosocial model
laid the groundwork, but the most important impetus to the readmittance of
the idea that mental factors influence the body has come from a burgeoning
field that seems to many scientists to provide a plausible biological mecha
nism, namely, psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). This field had its roots in
the work of the physiologist Walter Cannon, the physician Hans Selye, and
others, who showed that the body maintains its proper state of functioning
by a self-regulating internal process (called by Cannon "homeostasis") and
that stress is an important factor in upsetting the normal balance because,
reflecting the body's reaction to environmental changes, it has widespread
biochemical and neurophysiological effects. Solomon and Moos ( 1964)
extended this picture by hypothesizing that stress could be immunosuppres
sive and in this way could influence health, but there was much resistance
to this idea because it was then widely assumed that the immune system is
autonomous and beyond the reach of influence by the central nervous sys
tem (see, e.g., Solomon, 1993; E. M. Sternberg, 2001).
Although evidence continued to accumulate, especially in psychoso
matic medicine, for the influence of psychological factors on disease and
health, and although it seems intuitive that "the two great systems that
relate the organism to the outside world [that is, the nervous system and the
immune system] 'ought' to talk to each other" (Solomon, 1993, p. 357), it
took an experiment by Ader and Cohen (1 975) to demonstrate such interac
tion conclusively. Using a classical conditioning paradigm, Ader and Cohen
showed that the immune system of rats could be suppressed by exposing
them first to an immunosuppressive drug coupled with saccharine, and then
to the saccharine alone. Once the immune system had been shown to be
responsive to conditioning of the central nervous system, this finding could
be extended to account for the interaction between the immune system and
central nervous system activity in response to stress.
PNI seeks to delineate physiological and functional connections
between the brain and the immune system, and as such has been dubbed
"the field of mind-body communication" (E. M. Sternberg, 2001 , p. xi). The
literature of PNI is now vast, but the key point for purposes of this chapter
is that "even the greatest skeptic must now admit that a wealth of evidence
exists to prove in the most stringent scientific terms that the functions of the
mind do influence the health of the body. . . This level of proof [provided by
PNI] of the myriad connections between the brain and the immune system
was needed" (E. M. Sternberg, 2001 , p. xvi). In particular, "by understand
ing these [mind-body] connections in modern terms, in the language of mol-
Psychophysiological Influence-l 23
denly, usually from cardiac arrest, shortly after receiving a sudden shock,
such as news of a death or other serious loss, a sudden fright, or, occasion
ally, at a time of unusual joy. Although Engel's cases were ones he learned
about anecdotally, either from media reports or from medical colleagues, a
systematic study of 26 men who died suddenly found that both depression
and an event causing acute anger or other emotion immediately preceded
the death (w. A. Greene, Goldstein, & Moss, 1 972); and a study of 100 men
under the age of 70 who died suddenly found that the vast majority of them
had been under unusual stress, within 30 minutes, 24 hours, or six months
before the death (A. Myers & Dewar, 1975, p. 1 1 37).
I mentioned above that some sudden deaths have occurred at a time of
fear. Among the most well known of these cases of being "scared to death"
are those commonly labeled "voodoo death," but also "hex death," "bone
pointing," or death by sorcery. In such cases, a person who has been cursed
or otherwise led by another, usually authoritative, person to believe that he
or she is going to die at a particular time does in fact die. The phenomenon
has periodically been discussed in the Western medical and anthropologi
cal literature ever since physiologist Walter Cannon's 1942 paper describ
ing some cases reported by anthropologists and physicians and proposing
a physiological mechanism for them. It is often assumed that such cases
are found primarily in preliterate societies. Despite the many difficulties
in penetrating preliterate cultures by Western investigators and in obtain
ing adequate medical documentation in connection with suspected voodoo
deaths, medical observers have continued to report similar observations.
A. A. Watson ( 1973), for example, reported witnessing 9 or 10 such cases (in
about four years) while he was medical officer at a small mission hospital in
Zaire. One of them involved a native nurse who, now a Christian, had been
"outspoken on the foolishness of accepting the belief in the death curse,"
but who nonetheless died within three days of learning that he himself had
been cursed (p. 1 94). Even in the United States, belief in voodoo death, and
associated cases, persist among particular sociocultural groups such as
African-Americans (Golden, 1 977, 1 982; Tinling, 1967).
Such cases, however, are by no means limited to preliterate or "folk"
societies; they also occur in modern Western cultures. Although superfi
cially different, the general phenomenology of Western cases parallels that
found in aboriginal or preliterate cultures. The belief that one is going to
die may be generated, not by a witch doctor's curse, but by more culturally
congruent phenomena such as a fortune teller's prediction (Barker, 1968),
a doctor's pronouncement of a hopeless condition (Milton, 1973), or some
other suggestion accepted by the patient. Both Myers (1 895e, pp. 528-529)
and Tuke ( 1884, pp. 1 1 2-1 1 3) described cases in which a prediction of death
seemed to have contributed to the person's sudden death. More recently,
Boitnott, Friesinger, and Slavin ( 1967) reported a case in which a midwife
who had delivered three babies on the same day had predicted that the first
would die before her 16th birthday (she did so, in an automobile accident),
the second would die before her 21st birthday (she died on her 21st birthday),
1 26-Chapter 3
and the third (the subject of the report) would die before her 23rd birthday.
This woman was admitted to the hospital, anxious, "terrified," and con
vinced that she was "doomed" because of the prediction; and she died there
two weeks later, the day before her 23rd birthday, apparently of pulmonary
Walters ( 1944) described a case of a woman who, because of a com
plex family situation, believed that she would die at the same age (42) as her
mother. As Walters described the events: "Her last two weeks were marked
by extreme excitement and fearfulness .. . . She lapsed into a coma on the
anniversary of her mother's death and died the day after, in the seventh
month of her forty-second year. . . .It is probable that the cause of death was
renal failure brought about by acute emotionalism" (p. 84).
Another Western case more closely resembles voodoo death. Mathis
(1 964) reported the case of a man who first developed asthma at the age of
53 and died nine months later of an asthmatic attack. A closer examination
of his history revealed that he suffered his first attack two days after his
mother had cursed him for going against her wishes, saying "something dire
will happen to you" as a result. His attacks all seemed to be precipitated
by similar encounters with his mother. On the day of his death, at a 5:00
p.m. interview with a physician, "he was in excellent physical and mental
condition." At 5:30 p.m. he had a telephone conversation with his mother, in
which she repeated her warning. At 6:35 p.m. he was found semicomatose,
and at 6:55 p.m. he was pronounced dead.
A letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal in 1965 (Elkington,
Steele, & Yun, 1 965) described the case of a 43-year-old woman who died
following a minor operation. Years earlier she had been told by a fortune
teller that she would die at 43, and before her operation she told both her
sister and a nurse that she would not survive the operation. This report pre
cipitated numerous additional letters to the editor, in many of which physi
cians reported their own observations of similar cases (e.g., Barker, 1965;
Ellis, 1 965; Hunter, 1965; Nelson, 1965; Nixon, 1965; P. J. W. Young, 1965).
Barker (1965, 1966) appealed in two major medical journals for other cases
of "auto-suggestion," particularly those generated by remarks of fortune
tellers, and he subsequently published a short book on this and related phe
nomena (Barker, 1968).
A corollary of the belief in voodoo death is the belief that the curse can
be overridden by the counter measures of a more powerful figure. Kirkpat
rick (1981) described the case of a 28-year-old Philippine-American woman
diagnosed with and treated for systemic lupus erythematosus. Although the
treatments were at first successful, when her i llness recurred she refused
further treatment and returned to the Philippines, where her village's witch
doctor "removed the curse placed on her by a previous suitor." She returned
three weeks later, apparently cured, and continued in good health with no
further conventional treatment for at least two years, when she gave birth
to a child. Golden (1982) similarly described the case of an American man,
admitted to a Veterans Administration hospital, whose wife had put a "spell"
Psychophysiological Influence-127
Noting that before the 20th century physicians routinely took into
account the influence of mental state on the health of patients, Engel (1968)
asked: "How is it that such insights could have vanished so completely from
medical writings for so long?" (p. 363). In a later paper he further com
mented that "consideration of the relationship between emotion and sudden
death has virtually disappeared from the medical literature, or at best the
idea is greeted with scepticism if not incredulity or downright ridicule" (G.
L. Engel, 197 1 , p. 772). Since Engel made those remarks, and perhaps to
a great extent because of him, the relationship between stress and illness
or death has become a major focus of research, the attitude shifting from
incredulity to a search for the underlying physiological mechanisms.5 As
I mentioned earlier, that search has been prompted primarily by the find
ings of PNI that stress and associated strong emotions produce physiologi
cal effects which can precipitate disease. Phenomena such as voodoo death
have thus begun to be taken more seriously precisely because of the growing
belief that "such deaths may be explained in physicalistic terms" (Lachman,
1 982-1983, p. 347).
Particularly important to this change in attitude has been research
showing that the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis by stress leads to the release of corticosteroids, which have profound
effects on the immune system. Explanations along these lines have been
proposed in particular for the mechanism by which stress and emotion can
lead to sudden death. Cannon (1 942) himself suggested that voodoo death
was the result of "the persistent excessive activity of the sympathico-adrenal
system," precipitated by extreme fear and unrelieved by any action on the
part of the victim, who believes that he can do nothing to prevent his death.6
In an editorial on the 60th anniversary of the publication of Cannon's
paper, E. M. Sternberg (2002) credited his work with "form[ing] the basis of
much of our modern understanding of the physiological response systems
involved in linking emotions, such as fear, with i llness" (p. 1 564). More
over, she concluded that "most of Cannon's proposed explanations" have
been upheld by subsequent research on the role of the massive release of
stress hormones and other neurochemicals in causing disease. The picture
remains complicated, because research on the relationship between depres
sion and specific immune system measures and diseases (such as HIV) has
often produced inconsistent results (M. Stein, M iller, & Trustman, 1991).
Nonetheless, increased understanding of the mechanisms seems likely to
come from advances in basic PNI research. Meanwhile, perhaps the best
lesson to take away from all these phenomena is that "unless you have some
thing to live for you die before your time" ("Pertinax," 1965, p. 876).
Postponement of Death
growth of the tumor was slowed, and another 10% also "far outlived" the
original prognosis of their oncologists (Meares, 1980, p. 323). More dramat
ically, five had a complete regression "in the absence of any organic treat
ment which could possibly account for it," and five more seemed "well on
their way" to a similar regression. Meares (1981, 1983) proposed a mecha
nism for the remissions: On the assumption that cancer is related to a fail
ure of the immune system, he proposed that meditation, by lowering the
patient's anxiety and feelings of stress, also lowers cortisone production,
adrenaline levels, and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, thus
boosting the functioning of the immune system.7
Meares suggested that a similar process might explain some cases of
spontaneous regression of cancer (Meares, 1977, p. 1 33). There have been
several reviews of this phenomenon (see in particular Challis & Stam, 1990;
O'Regan & H irshberg, 1993). All defined spontaneous regression as the par
tial or complete disappearance of a malignancy in the absence of any treat
ment, or with treatment generally considered inadequate to bring about the
observed results (Challis & Stam, 1990, p. 545). Even with this restrictive
definition, it is clear that hundreds of such remissions have been reported
in the medical literature, and furthermore that the usual "explanation" in
terms of mistaken diagnosis is wholly inadequate. Unfortunately, however,
practically none of the reports include a description of the psychological
conditions surrounding the remission (one exception is Ikemi, Nakagawa,
Nakagawa, & Sugita, 1 975, but their report was limited to five cases). Any
at tempt to ev aluat e either Meares's hypothesis or any other more compre
hensive, "biopsychosocial" view of remissions must await more detailed
Faith Healing
7. Another contributing factor may have been Meares himself. In line with my
earlier discussion of the role of authoritative figures in creating or removing a
"curse" of death, Meares's own apparent conviction of the efficacy of meditation
in healing, together with his insistence on a particular practice-even ritual-that
was not to be deviated from, may have profoundly influenced his patients' beliefs
and expectations. A similar factor seems to be involved in placebo/nocebo effects,
which I discuss later in this chapter.
Psychophysiological Influence-133
died," her almost instantaneous recovery after the praying, from whatever
condition she was in, is at least noteworthy.9
In the seventh case reported by Gardner, attributing the recovery to
the patient's " faith" or to self-suggestion again becomes more problematic.
This case involved an infant in England diagnosed with advanced fibros
ing alveolitis, for which the prognosis "is almost uniformly fatal" in such a
young child (p. 1 928). He failed to respond to conventional treatment and
after three months in the hospital was discharged home with a "hopeless"
prognosis, with "maintenance" medication only. After being taken to a
local prayer service-at the suggestion of his physician-he began a rapid
and ultimately complete recovery.
Gardner compared these contemporary cases, in most of which there is
"no doubt as to the accuracy of the diagnosis or clinical details" (p. 1930),
with similar cases reported by the historian Bede in the 7th century; and he
concluded from the similarities that older cases lacking in adequate medical
documentation are not necessarily to be dismissed on that account alone.
Moreover, one might add, cases with clear medical documentation cannot
be ignored or dismissed as "anecdotes" or on the grounds that the reporters
had, like Bede, a Christian orientation and, presumably, interpretation of
the healings. Another physician has published reports of "miraculous" heal
ings in a strongly Christian context (Casdorph, 1 976). Casdorph described
10 cases of rapid and complete healing of serious and longstanding illnesses,
including rheumatoid arthritis, mUltiple sclerosis, various kinds of can
cer (bone, brain, and kidney), and other debilitating and life-threatening
diseases that had not been, or could not be, cured by conventional medi
cal treatment. All occurred during the 1 970s either during or shortly after
the patient attended a large public service conducted by the well-known
healer Kathryn Kuhlman; and all are extensively documented with medical
records studied by Dr. Casdorph, as well as by testimony obtained from the
patients and the physicians involved.
Although Gardner's report was published in the British Medical Jour
nal, most medical journals have refused to publish studies on faith healing
(Benor, 1 990, p. 9).10 As a result, almost all of the research studies, as well
as reviews of them, have been published in relatively obscure specialty jour
nals, such as parapsychology journals (which are, however, peer-reviewed)
or ones devoted to alternative and complementary medicine (e.g., Abbot,
2000; Benor, 1990; Schouten, 1993a, 1 993b; Solfvin, 1984).
9. Interestingly, although this case occurred in rural Thailand in 1963, the woman
also described an experience that seems much like the near-death experiences that
have been widely reported in the West in recent decades (see our Chapter 6): She
said that "she had met Christ, had seen into heaven, but was told she must go back
and report what she had seen" (Gardner, 1 983, p. 1 932).
10. Casdorph has published research papers on other topics in prestigious medi
cal journals, but his reports of unusual healings were published in a popular book.
One wonders whether he tried, without success, to publish these reports in profes
sional journals.
136-Chapter 3
I I . I mentioned earlier that few medical journals would publish results of faith
or spiritual healing studies, regardless of their quality, until recent years. When the
prestigious JA MA (Journal of the American Medical Association) finally broke this
ban in its pages, it did so in an unusual and revealing way. Specifically, in 1 998 the
editors of JA MA published a science-fair project of a 9-year-old 4th-grader who
herself had designed and carried out an experiment to test the practice of Thera
peutic Touch (TT), and in particular "whether TT practitioners can actually per
ceive a 'human energy field'" (Rosa, Rosa, Sarner, & Barrett, 1998, p. 1 005). Finding
that the "practitioners were unable to detect the investigator's 'energy fields,'" the
authors concluded that this study provided "unrefuted [sic] evidence that the claims
of TT are groundless and that further professional use is unjustified" (p. 1005).
However, as 12 letters to the editor about this paper unanimously pointed out,
such a sweeping conclusion was premature, biased, and irresponsible. One clinician
summed up the study as "simpleminded, methodologically flawed, and irrelevant"
(Freinkel, 1998, p. 1905). Several others described some of its serious methodologi
cal flaws. Others recognized that the authors failed to make the important distinc
tion between the efficacy of the method and the theoretical underpinning proposed
by practitioners: "The definitive test of a healing practice is whether healing takes
place, not whether the practitioners have a flawless grasp of the natural forces at
work" (Lee, 1998, p. 1905). It is remarkable-but unfortunately not uncommon
that the editors of this major journal would publish a paper that sweepingly dis
misses a whole complex and controversial phenomenon solely on the basis of one
small and highly flawed study-especially since they have not, to my knowledge,
published a review or research paper with more moderate and reliable conclusions.
One can only conclude that this affair reflects a deep-seated bias on the part of the
editors, where "one would expect medical professionals to be more concerned with
whether real healing takes place" (Lee, 1998, p. 1 906). It is not difficult to guess
what would have been the fate of a paper submitted by similar authors, with simi
larly flawed methodology and conclusions, if the results had been positive and not
in accord with editorial bias. For more responsible reviews of TT, see Astin, Hark
ness, and Ernst (2000), Peters (1999), and Wardell and Weymouth (2004).
Psychophysiological Influence-1 37
I turn now to cases, like that of John Fagan, in which the healing agency
seems not to have been another person deliberately attempting to heal some
one, and in which the hypothesis of healing by self-suggestion is therefore
particularly strong. One of the most well-known-and controversial-of
the claims involving "faith healing" is the venerable belief that visits to cer
tain places or shrines, such as the hundreds of healing temples of ancient
Greece, can result in healing. The best known of such places is the shrine at
Lourdes, in France. Since 1 858, when a young girl claimed to see an appari
tion of the Virgin Mary at a spring, millions of people have visited the place
in the hope of being cured, and there has been an ongoing and still very
much unresolved debate about the nature of the cures that have occurred:
The faithful attribute them to miracles, while the skeptical pronounce them
instances of misdiagnosis, chance spontaneous recovery, or psychosomatic
recovery from functional rather than organic ailments. Lourdes is unique
as a healing shrine, in terms of the level of involvement of physicians in
the evaluation of the cases. One prominent physician-a Nobel laureate in
medicine-himself witnessed the sudden and to him unprecedented recov
ery of a woman near death from tubercular peritonitis (Carrel, 1 950). More
generally, since the late 19th century there have been investigative bodies of
physicians charged with evaluating claims of cures. Dowling ( 1984) gives a
good brief description of the history, procedures, and standards of medical
evaluation at Lourdes.
Not all observers, however, have found the medical evaluations ade
quate. D. J. West (1957), a physician, examined 1 1 cases that occurred
between 1 937 and 1952, the only cures during that time period ultimately
pronounced "miraculous" by an Ecclesiastical Commission after first pass
ing through two levels of medical evaluation (the Lourdes Medical Bureau
and then a Medical Commission in Paris). He arrived at a conclusion simi
lar to that of Myers and Myers (1893) 64 years earlier-namely, that the
medical documentation in all the cases was too incomplete (and sometimes
even biased and distorted) for a reliable assessment of the patient's condi
tion before and after the visit to Lourdes. In his review West had two aims.
The first was to determine whether the Lourdes cures were of "a remark
able kind, such as are not ordinarily encountered in medical experience"
(p. 1 1); and his answer was "No." There was no restoration of lost limbs,
for example, and "in no case is a sudden structural change confirmed by
the evidence of X-rays taken just before and just after the event" (p. 1 22).
Instead, "the great majority of cures concern potentially recoverable condi
tions and are remarkable only in the speed and manner in which they are
said to have taken place" (p. 1 22). Secondly, West asked whether the cures
were "inexplicable," and again he answered "No," insisting that many of
even the best cases "are in fact readily explainable in ordinary terms" (p.
1 22). He favored the view that most of the cases are the result either of the
psychosomatic healing of a functional disease that had been misdiagnosed
as an organic one, or that they were the result of a spontaneous, naturally
1 38-Chapter 3
12. As examples of such recuperative powers, he cites (pp. 19-20, 1 19) some of the
kinds of phenomena that I will discuss at greater length later in this chapter, such as
accelerated healing of skin diseases by hypnosis.
1 3 . As Dowling and others have emphasized, however, declaring a cure "medi
cally inexplicable" is not synonymous with declaring it a "miracle"-the latter being
a theological, not scientific, designation.
Psychophysiological Influence-139
old Delizia Ciroll i went to Lourdes in August 1976 with a diagnosis (made
by X-rays and a biopsy) of a bony metastasis of a neuroblastoma. There
was no improvement, and she continued to decline, X-rays in September
showing further growth of the cancer. Villagers prayed for her, however,
and her mother regularly gave her Lourdes water. By Christmas, weigh
ing less than 50 pounds, she began to recover. Subsequent X-rays showed
the bone repairing, and ultimately cured. Although "there was no doubt
she had been cured," the exact nature of the diagnosis was in some doubt.
Doctors ultimately decided that Ewing's tumor was more likely than a neu
roblastoma; but whether a neuroblastoma or a Ewing's tumor, spontaneous
remissions are either rare or unknown (Dowling, 1 984, p. 636).
Again, what are we to make of such cases? Clearly we cannot dismiss
them as based on unreliable or distorted "anecdotes." But is it then an
adequate explanation simply to say that some self-healing power, perhaps
within the neuroimmunological system, has been activated in some unusu
ally potent way? What is this self-healing power, how is it activated, and
how does it work, not only in the repair of a bone seriously damaged by can
cer, but even in less dramatic illnesses? Do "spontaneous" cures and remis
sions-whether those that are frequently seen or those that are rare-occur
only by "chance"?
14. Thompson (2005) discusses the problem of defining placebo (pp. 27-28) and
provides a table listing 18 different dictionary definitions from 1785 to 2001 (pp.
1 8-21).
140-Chapter 3
IS. This attitude that the placebo is simply a nuisance to be eliminated, rather
than an important phenomenon begging to be explained both for theoretical rea
sons and so that it might perhaps be used deliberately, remains the dominant one.
For example, two physicians (both of them, incidentally, supported by grants from
drug companies) recently said that "a detailed understanding" will allow scientists
"to decrease placebo response in clinical trials" (D. J. Stein & Mayberg, 2005, p.
Psychophysiological Infiuence-14l
later 17 were randomly chosen to receive another placebo, and the remain
ing 23 were given naloxone, a substance that blocks the analgesic effect of
endogenous opiate-like substances such as endorphins. Those given the nal
oxone reported significantly more pain than those given a second placebo,
leading the authors to hypothesize that because naloxone undid the anal
gesic effects of the placebo, the original placebo effect had been the result
of opiate release. With this paper, "the neurobiology of placebo was born"
(Amanzio & Benedetti, 1999, p. 484), and subsequent studies have supported
a relationship between placebo analgesia and release of endogenous opiates
(Rowbotham, 2001; ter Riet, de Craen, de Boer, & Kessells, 1998).
Despite the gradual shift from considering the placebo as only a con
trol condition for research to investigating the placebo effect itself, not all
scientists are convinced that there is any placebo effect to be studied. For
some (Bailar, 2001), the belief that placebos have powerful clinical effects
is a "myth." Others (Kienle & Kiene, 1997) have argued that the "placebo
topic seems to invite sloppy methodological thinking" (p. 1 3 1 1). Most of
this criticism stems from the fact that there are relatively few studies in
which there were three conditions: a treatment condition, a placebo condi
tion, and a true no-treatment condition. This is perhaps understandable in
that, up until recently, the placebo itself was considered the control condi
tion. Nevertheless, it is argued, without a true control condition with which
to compare them, effects seen in the placebo condition may simply be the
result of naturally occurring effects, such as spontaneously occurring fluc
tuations in, or even recovery from, the illness (Ernst & Resch, 1995; Kienle
& Kiene, 1997). In a recent review of studies (Hr6bjartsson & G0tzsche,
2001) in which there was a true control (no-treatment) condition as well as a
placebo condition, the authors claimed to find "little evidence that placebos
in general have powerful clinical effects" (p. 1 599), and they further claimed
that the few effects that do occur are subjective only, especially in pain relief
(see also S. Fisher, 2000; Spiro, 2000).
The responses to such skepticism about the existence of placebo effects
have primarily been two: First, the review ofHr6bjartsson and G0tzsche suf
fered from methodological problems of its own, in that it "lumped together
studies ranging across 40 different maladies," some susceptible to placebo
effects, some not (Stewart-Williams & Podd, 2004, p. 326). The review "is
the classic apples and oranges problem in meta-analysis .. . .What this study
shows is not that placebos do not improve anything, but rather that they do
not improve everything" (D. Spiegel, Kraemer, & Carlson, 2001). The sec
ond and more robust response has been that placebo has in fact been shown
to have objective, and not simply subjective, consequences. I will now exam
ine some of these more objective manifestations of the placebo effect that
must be considered in the debate about its existence and nature.
There have perhaps been more studies of the relationship between pla
cebo and pain than any other studies involving a placebo treatment, prob
ably because pain seems especially responsive to placebo (Ernst & Resch,
1995, p. 552). This observation has led many to conclude that placebo works
142-Chapter 3
on separate occasions. They were told that one was a stimulant to stomach
activity, one was a relaxant, and one was a placebo. In fact, all three pills
were placebos, but in four of the six subjects the measured gastric motility
rate reflected what the subject thought was the nature of the pill-that is,
highest for the "stimulant," lowest for the "relaxant," and intermediate for
the "placebo."
Placebo treatment has not been confined to the use of dummy pills or
saline solution. There are some indications that the type of placebo used
may influence the strength of the response, and specifically that a type of
intervention believed by the patient to be more effective might produce a
stronger response.16 Placebo injection, for example, may have more efficacy
than a placebo pill (Kaptchuk, Goldman, Stone, & Stason, 2000). If so, it
would be surprising if surgery, one of the most radical interventions pos
sible, did not occasionally show a placebo response. There are, of course,
ethical issues that often preclude sham surgery (Hornig & Miller, 2002), and
because of methodological problems, the results of such studies can be con
sidered only suggestive (for example, there are no studies comparing the sur
gery and sham surgery with a third, no-treatment condition). Nevertheless,
surgeons themselves have recognized that surgery, like medications, should
be evaluated when possible for a placebo effect (A. G. Johnson, 1994), and
there have been a few studies comparing the effects of certain surgical pro
cedures with those of a sham surgery.
Among the earliest such studies were several in the 1950s involving a
procedure for the treatment of angina, in which mammary arteries were tied
off in the belief that this would increase blood flow through other channels.
Suspicion about the rationale of this procedure led to the testing of it with
sham surgery. Neither the patients nor the physicians evaluating them after
the surgery knew which group they were in. In one study (Cobb, Thomas,
Dillard, Merendino, & Bruce, 1959), both groups improved with regard to
the number of nitroglycerine tablets taken, with the sham-surgery group
showing a slightly greater reduction than the real-surgery group. The sham
surgery group also reported slightly greater subjective improvement, the
most dramatic improvement being that of a sham-surgery patient. Neither
group improved significantly with regard to exercise tolerance or electrocar
diographic changes, but the only three patients who did show improvement
on these measures were all from the sham-surgery group. In another study
(Dimond, Kittle, & Crockett, 1 958), there was significant improvement in
10 of 13 real-surgery patients, as well as in all five sham-surgery patients.
Apparently the success of this procedure had depended more on the enthu
siasm of the surgeons performing it than on the procedure itself (Beecher,
1961; Benson & McCallie, 1979). More recently, two physicians suggested
that laser treatment for angina may also have "a potentially marked pla
cebo effect" and that, because it has been evaluated primarily with subjec
tive measures and by physicians "presumably enthusiastic" about the pro-
16. For some references to studies suggesting that the size and color of a placebo
pill may influence its effectiveness, see Thompson (2005, p. 41).
144-Chapter 3
cedure, more objective studies are needed to determine how much of the
reported success with the procedure may have been the result of a patient's
(and physician's) belief that laser therapy "is synonymous with state-of-the
art, successful therapy" (R. A. Lange & Hillis, 1999).
Studies have also been carried out recently comparing arthroscopic
knee surgery with placebo sham surgery (Moseley et aI., 2002). Patients
received either the real surgical treatment, or arthroscopic lavage only, or
simulated surgery. Neither the patients nor the physicians who evaluated
them for 24 months after the surgery knew which group they were in. Out
come was measured both by patient reports of pain and level of function and
by more objective tests of walking and stair climbing. Overall, there were no
differences between the three groups; patients in all three groups reported
less pain and improved function. More significantly, on the measures evalu
ated by physicians, "objectively measured walking and stair climbing were
poorer in the debridement [surgery] group than in the placebo group" (p.
84). The authors thus cautioned that the study showed "the great potential
for a placebo effect with surgery" and that "health care researchers should
not underestimate the placebo effect, regardless of its mechanism" (p. 87).
Another attempt to evaluate objective responses to placebo surgery
involved ultrasound therapy for patients following dental surgery (Hashish,
Harvey, & Harris, 1986). There were three groups of patients: those receiv
ing ultrasound therapy, those receiving a mock ultrasound treatment, and
those receiving no treatment. All three groups were given both antibiotic
and analgesic pills. Results were evaluated not only by subjective reports
of postoperative pain, but also by objective measures of inflammation and
facial swelling. There was significant reduction in all three measures in both
the ultrasound and placebo groups, as compared with the control group.
The authors concluded, moreover, that the "majority of the anti-inflamma
tory activity was attributable to the placebo effect" (p. 77). In a follow-up
study (Ho, Hashish, Salmon, Freeman, & Harvey, 1988) designed to rule
out possible massage effects of contact with the ultrasound equipment, as
well as emotional factors such as anxiety, the researchers again found that
"swelling was reduced by a placebo effect of ultrasound" (p. 197).
A more serious and debilitating condition that has also occasionally
responded to placebo, on both subjective and objective measures, is Parkin
son's Disease (Shetty et aI., 1999; Stoessl & de la Fuente-Fermindez, 2004).
Some investigators have looked at objective measures of placebo effects
in conjunction with drug treatments for Parkinson's. For example, Goetz,
Leurgans, Raman, and Stebbins (2000) found that some placebo-treated
patients showed improvement in a standardized evaluation of motor func
tion. (Patients also, interestingly, reported a variety of noxious side effects
of the placebo, including upper respiratory symptoms and nausea.) Other
researchers (de la Fuente-Fernandez et aI., 2001), using PET, have found
a "substantial release of endogenous dopamine" in response to a placebo
injection, an effect "comparable to that of therapeutic doses of levodopa . . .
or apomorphine" (p. 1 164; de la Fuente-Fernandez, Phillips et aI., 2002).
Psychophysiological Infiuence-145
sage to his or her pituitary gland to release its own endogenous pharma
ceuticals" (Harrington, 1997, p. 5)? It is a difficult enough question when,
as with most of the phenomena discussed so far, the initiating factor seems
to be a general state such as fear, depression, or belief, and the effect seems
to be a general systemic one which then leads to the waxing or waning of
one or another disease. The question becomes still more difficult, however,
when particular ideas somehow translate into more specific physiological
reactions. I will next describe examples of this more problematic kind.
Many of the phenomena we have discussed thus far have involved stress
that seems to have resulted in a general breakdown in the immune or car
diovascular systems, as in cases of sudden or "voodoo" death. A much more
specific physiological response-less catastrophic, but probably related to
these sudden-death cases-involves hair turning white suddenly, even within
a few hours, usually after a severe fright. Such cases have been reported
for centuries, both in the medical literature (for reviews, see Barahal, 1 940;
Ephraim, 1959; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1726-1731) and in the non-medi
cal historica1 1iterature (see Jelinek, 1973). A frequently cited example is the
case observed by Parry, a surgeon, in 1 859, of a Bengali prisoner whose hair
turned from glossy black to grey within a half hour, apparently because he
was "stupefied with fear" (Parry, 1 861). This case is by no means unique,
as the above-mentioned reviews demonstrate. Similarly, there have been
reports of a sudden change of pigmentation in patches of skin (for a review
and some photographs of the phenomenon, see Stevenson, 1 997, vol. 2, pp.
1731-1735). Despite the numerous reports, often by apparently qualified
medical observers, there has been, and remains, much skepticism about the
phenomenon. For many scientists, "the structure and physiology of hair
seems incompatible with the sudden spontaneous change in the hair color"
(Helm & Milgrom, 1 970, p. 1 03), and "despite the reports of otherwise trust
worthy observers," the cases thus are dismissed as "legendary tales" or even
"fiction" (Ephraim, 1 959, p. 233). Some have suggested that many reports
are exaggerations, transforming the "weeks or months in reality" to "over
night" (Jelinek, 1973, p. 530)
Others have taken the phenomenon seriously and suggested possible
explanations. One of the earliest was that microscopic air bubbles have
developed in the hair and that these reflect light and create an illusion that
the hair changed color. The explanation seemed supported by "the fact that
emotional states such as shock, rage, or fear, produce histamine-like sub
stances in the skin with a subsequent lowering of the surface tension of the
fluid in the hair shaft, producing a release of gaseous bubbles" (Barahal
Psychophysiological Inftuence-149
& Freeman, 1 946, pp. 35-36; see also Barahal, 1 940; and R. Jones, 1902).
Some (Ephraim, 1959, p. 233) have thought that this mechanism has been
confirmed in some cases, whereas others (Jelinek, 1973, p. 529) have thought
not, but in any event air bubbles cannot account for cases, by far the most
common type, in which the change was permanent.
Another proposed explanation has been that a sudden loss of hair in
which dark pigmented hairs fall out, but white ones do not, would give the
illusion that the hair had changed color rapidly (Helm & Milgrom, 1970;
Jelinek, 1973; P. R. Montgomery, 1967): "In recent years, most patients with
rapid whitening of scalp hair have been found to have either alopecia aleata
[loss of hair] or vitiligo [whitening of patches of the skin]" (Guin, Kumar,
& Petersen, 1981, p. 577). Although this explanation almost certainly cov
ers some cases, it cannot cover all, especially those in which the patient had
originally had no (or very few) white hairs and those in which the reporting
physician denied any substantial hair loss (see Stevenson, 1997, vol. 2, p.
Because sudden stress or other intense emotion affects the immune and
nervous systems, resulting biochemical changes might somehow contrib
ute to loss of pigment (Ephraim, 1959, p. 233; Ornsteen, 1930); and Guin et
al. (1981) have pointed out that both alopecia aleata and vitiligo have been
associated with immune disorders. Clearly, however, sudden whitening of
hair or skin pigment involves a more precise mechanism than that behind
the general systemic responses in the conditions I have discussed so far,
and it remains "physiologically difficult to understand how the hair, which,
once formed, is a structure without nerves or blood supply, can throughout
its length undergo rapid physicochemical changes directly due to emotional
influences" (Ephraim, 1959, p. 228).
False Pregnancy
six in Whelan & Stewart, 1990; and six in Signer et aI., 1992), but it is clear
that the reported incidence (if not the real incidence) is declining, probably
because of several factors. Improved diagnostic techniques, for example,
do not allow a woman to maintain the illusion of pregnancy for long; and
increased sociocultural options for women besides motherhood may have
lessened the pressure to become pregnant that many women probably felt in
earlier times (L. M. Cohen, 1982).
The symptoms are often objective ones, so much so that the condition
"may tax the diagnostic abilities of the ablest physician" (Fried, Rakoff,
Schopbach, & Kaplan, 1951, p. 1330). In one study of 27 cases occurring
between 1 937 and 1952, in every case at least one doctor had concurred with
the woman's belief that she was pregnant (Schopbach, Fried, & Rakoff,
1 952, p. 1 30). The commonest symptoms are, in order of incidence: abdomi
nal enlargement, often progressing at approximately the rate of a normal
pregnancy; menstrual disturbances (usually a complete cessation of men
struation for several months); sensation of fetal movements, felt not only by
the woman but by others (including doctors); nausea and other gastrointes
tinal symptoms; breast changes, including secretions; labor pains; enlarge
ment of the uterus; and changes in the cervix (Bivin & Klinger, 1937). Most
authors since 1937 have reported similar symptoms.17
Some physicians have hypothesized that pseudocyesis represents a psy
chosomatic response to conflicting wishes and fears of pregnancy (e.g., Bivin
& Klinger, 1937; Bressler, Nyhus, & Magnussen, 1958; Fried et ai., 1951).
According to this interpretation, it is a kind of conversion disorder, that is,
a condition in which "a change in physical functioning mimicks a physical
condition as an expression of a psychological conflict or need" (O'Grady &
Rosenthal, 1989, pp. 506-507). Many cases of pseudocyesis do seem to have
occurred at times of psychological distress, although few patients have been
considered hysterical, as are most individuals in whom conversion reactions
are commonly observed. More generally, Pawlowski and Pawlowski (1958)
suggested that the extent to which the pseudo-pregnancy progresses depends
in large part on "the extent to which the idea of pregnancy takes possession
of the patient's entire personality" (p. 439). Clearly, however, such psycho
logical interpretations constitute at best descriptions of the precipitating
conditions, and not an explanation.
Most observers of pseudocyesis therefore have emphasized a psycho
physiological approach according to which disturbances in the hypothala
mus, perhaps brought on by depression or anxiety, have led to alterations in
17. There have even been a few cases reported of pseudocyesis in a male, although
the symptoms are generally much less pronounced than in women. Also, unlike
women, the men almost invariably have severe psychological d isorders contribut
ing to the delusional belief that they are pregnant (see Silva, Leong, & Weinstock,
1991, for references to reports of such cases). A related and much more common
phenomenon is that of couvade, in which someone (usually the father), witnessing
the expectant mother's symptoms and suffering, experiences similar ones in appar
ent empathy (Klein , 1 991).
Psychophysiological Influence-151
Among the most well known and hotly debated of the phenomena I dis
cuss in this chapter are cases of stigmata, in which a person develops marks,
and even bleeding, corresponding to the sites of wounds Christ is thought to
have suffered at his crucifixion. Hundreds of cases have been reported from
the 1 3th century to the present time, although one of the early reviewers of
the phenomenon concluded that up to his time only 50 had been reported
with adequate testimony (Thurston, 1952, p. 121). Most of the cases have
occurred in young, single females, often Catholic and usually highly reli
gious. The marks are usually on the palms, the backs of the hands, and the
soles and top of the feet, corresponding to sites where nails were thought
to have pinned Christ to the cross. Another common site is in the side, cor
responding to the spear wound. Less common but still repeatedly reported
are marks on the head, back, or shoulders (corresponding to the crown of
thorns, the lashings Christ received, and the site where he bore the cross),
and, more rarely, bloody tears. Although usually called "wounds," the
marks vary in nature from relatively simple red marks to blisters to actual
bleeding. Rarely are actual lesions seen; the bleeding instead seems to erupt
from unbroken skin. The emergence of the marks is almost always periodic
and regular, usually occurring on Fridays and repeating weekly for years.
They frequently appear when the stigmatic is in some kind of altered state
of consciousness, such as an ecstatic state or trance. Finally, however severe
the nature of the wounds or bleeding, no sepsis or inflammation occurs,
and the wounds disappear rapidly, leaving little or no mark, until the next
recurrence. 20
Among the most well known cases are those of St. Francis of Assisi in
the 1 3th century, usually considered the first stigmatic, and cases from the
19th and 20th centuries, such as Louise Lateau, Gemma Gelgani, Therese
Neumann, and Padre Pio. Stigmata are, however, still occurring. Early and
Lifschutz (1 974) reported the case of a lO-year-old girl in California who
was "intensely religious" and strongly identified with Christ. She showed
no signs of psychopathology. Unlike most cases, in this one the stigmata
appeared on only one occasion, a period of 19 days just preceding Easter
1 972. A week before the stigmata appeared the girl had read a book about
the crucifixion, and three days later she had seen a movie depicting it. Both
portrayals of the crucifixion apparently affected her deeply, and on the
night she saw the movie she also had a vivid dream about it. Her stigmata
consisted of bleeding from the usual sites, including the hands, feet, and
forehead. As in many cases, there were no lesions; the blood seemed instead
to ooze from the skin. Although the physician (one of the authors) never saw
the actual onset of bleeding, on one occasion she "observed the blood [on
her palm] to increase in volume four fold" (p. 199). Bleeding from all sites
occurred for the last time on Good Friday; up to the time of publication of
the report they had not recurred.
Whitlock and Hynes (1978) reported the case of Mrs. H., a Polish Cath
olic woman who had wanted to enter a convent as a young girl, but became
pregnant at age 16. After years of unhappiness, in 1958 at age 49 she devel
oped hysterical anesthesia and began having visions and pains in her limbs.
Shortly afterward a weekly cycle began in which every Friday she would
pass into a trance state and late that afternoon blood would appear "below
her closed eyelids." Because the blood seemed to be oozing from the skin
20. For some reviews and summaries of cases in English, see Klauder (1938), M.
Murphy (1992, pp. 484-502), Ratnoff (1969), Stevenson (1997, vol. I, pp. 34-53),
Thurston ( 1 922, 1 952), and Whitlock and Hynes (1 978).
l 54-Chapter 3
and there were no lesions or broken blood vessels, the authors conjectured
that the bloody secretions came from her tear ducts (p. 191). She remained
under the care of one of the authors of the paper until her death in 1963, and
the authors were "satisfied that the phenomena of trance, muscular rigidity
and the blood on her eyelids were genuine and not fraudulent" (p. 192). Like
many stigmatics, Mrs. H. was "generally regarded as hysterical" (p. 192);
but, unlike most, her stigmata took only one form-bloody tears. More
over, that form is one of the most rare, having been reported in only a few
other cases, such as those of Therese Neumann, Gemma Galgani, Elisabeth
K., and Delfina (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 , p. 39; Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, p.
1 98).21
J. G. Fisher and Kollar (1 980) reported the case of a 23-year-old Mexi
can-American woman, who was initially raised Catholic but later became
Pentacostal. Her religiosity intensified when she married a man equally
active in the Pentacostal church. In 1971, six months after her marriage,
stigmata began to appear, first on her hands, later on her feet, head, back,
and left side, "usually (but not always) associated with religious ecstasy"
(p. 1461). The authors began psychological and physiological studies (an
MMPI that "revealed a normal profile," with no signs of psychopathology),
but unfortunately they were unable to complete their studies because she
and her husband "disappeared abruptly without notice" (p. 1462).
An even more recent case was phenomenologically quite different from
either Mrs. H. or Early and Lifschutz's patient. Margnelli (1999) reported
the case of Anna Maria T., an Italian Catholic woman whose stigmata first
appeared in 1 990, when she was 64. They continued to appear regularly on
the first Friday of every month and would last two to three days before sud
denly disappearing, leaving no scars. They were still continuing to appear
regularly up to the time of the publication of the report. The marks occurred
only on her palms and consisted of red rounded blotches, and sometimes
blisters, that most closely resembled a burn but never bled. Anna Maria
was not unusually religious, but she did pray and go to mass once a week,
especially after the death of her husband in 1987, and she was an admirer
of St. Francis and Padre Pio (both of them stigmatics themselves). Unlike
most stigmatics, she apparently did not go into a trance-like state, although
the stigmata had begun when, while praying, she had a vivid vision of Jesus
approaching her and taking her by the hands.
She was closely followed by the author for five months, during which time
color and infrared photographs were taken, various physiological reactions
measured, and psychological tests (MMPI and Rorschach) administered.
Measurements and photographs were made on days when the stigmata were
present as well as on days when they were not. Physiological measurements
showed differences in temperature, blood flow, and electrodermal response
on one of his several tattoos. The reactions occurred two days apart, both
times after a psychiatric interview in which he talked about various trau
matic memories. Because the wheals remained for 24 hours after the first
occasion, photographs and plaster casts of them were made (pp. 510, 512). In
another case (Lifschutz, 1957) a patient reported that, when she was 13, her
father had "scratched her down her back with his fingernails, leaving three
long scars." Four years later she left home, but when her father announced
he was coming to visit her, the scars, healed for four years, bled, and they
did so again on several subsequent occasions when her father was coming
to visit (p. 529). Dunbar (1954) described two similar cases. In one of them a
patient, recalling that a physician treating her for typhoid fever would "jok
ingly. . . grasp her neck with his hand," developed a red spot on the left side of
her neck and three red spots ("of the size of a finger tip") on the right side (p.
614). In the other case, a woman developed a bruise and swelling on an arm
in association with recalling her husband beating her (p. 622).
Two of the most remarkable cases were witnessed and documented by
R. L. Moody (1946, 1 948). In one, a man was hospitalized for several months
in 1935 because of frequent somnambulism. On one occasion, to restrain
him from his wanderings, his hands were tied behind his back while he slept.
Nine years later he was again hospitalized because of somnambulism, as
well as aggressive behavior. One night he was seen writhing on his bed with
his hands clasped behind his back, after which he got up and walked outside
in a somnambulistic state, his hands still behind his back. Because of the
patient's aggressive behavior, Moody had ordered that he not be followed
in his somnambulistic wanderings "for the safety of the staff." He returned
20 minutes later in an apparently normal state. The nurse then saw "deep
weals like rope marks on each arm" (1946, p. 934). They remained and were
observed by Moody and others for two days. On the evening after they dis
appeared, "the incident was abreacted under narcosis." 22 While he was in
an apparently "completely dissociated state" and being observed by Moody,
"weals appeared on both forearms; gradually these became indented; and
finally some fresh petechial hremorrhages appeared along their course" (p.
934). Although trickery could not be ruled out on the first occasion, since the
patient was unobserved just before the marks were noticed by the nurse, on
the second occasion the marks appeared under Moody's direct observation.
These remained until the next morning, when they were photographed. The
photograph published by Moody shows the many indentations on the arm
and their close resemblance to rope marks (p. 935; reproduced in Stevenson,
1997, vol . 1, p. 72).
In another case, of a woman whose father had beaten her repeatedly
when she was a child, "swelling, bruising, and bleeding were observed by me
on at least thirty occasions" while she was reliving various traumas she had
suffered CR. L. Moody, 1948 , p. 964). Moody described several examples,
including bruises that appeared on her left buttock;23 a red, bleeding mark
on her left shoulder; the flushing, hemorrhaging, and flaking of a scar left
from a childhood accident; red streaks appearing on her leg while she was
recalling another accident; and a "test case" in which Moody, in the pres
ence of a colleague, produced an abreaction of an event in which her father
had struck her across the palms with a whip, and "transverse red streaks"
appeared on her palms and later bled. The most interesting occurrence,
however, was when she was reliving an incident in which her father had
struck her with an "elaborately carved stick," and a bruise developed with
"a curious sharply defined pattern" that apparently resembled the stick.
In addition to vivid recall of a past event, vivid dreams may also some
times lead to a physiological response. Tuke (1884) reported a case in which
a man dreamed that he had been hit in the chest with a stone: "The vivid
shock awoke him, and then he found that there was on his chest. . . a round
mark, having the appearance of a bruise" (p. 286). Because it was also swol
len the next day, he went to a doctor for treatment, and it soon healed. Ste
venson (1997, vol. 1, pp. 76-78) reported a case in which an Indian man,
while seriously ill with typhoid fever, had a vivid experience in which he
thought that he had died and that, as he was struggling to return to life,
persons in the "other realm" had subdued him by cutting off his legs at the
knees. When he recovered, "he was found to have some unusual horizontal
scars in the skin across the front of both knees," and the "scars" persisted so
that years later Stevenson was able to photograph them (p. 78).
Stevenson (1997, vol. 1 , pp. 54-56) has also reviewed several cases in
which a person's emotional reaction to seeing wounds on another person has
resulted in similar wounds on the observer. Kerner, for example, reported
an 1812 case of a man who observed severe wounds being inflicted on a
soldier, and shortly afterward he developed similar wounds which "bled
and . . . [had to be] treated medically." Pabst described the case of a woman
who, at the time her soldier-brother was being beaten on the back for some
misbehavior, developed bleeding wounds on her own back. Carter reported
a case in which a woman witnessed her child's three middle fingers being cut
off when a window sash fell on them. The surgeon treating the child noted
that the corresponding three fingers on the mother's hand were swollen and
inflamed, so that pus had to be drained from them the next day.
Tuke (1884, pp. 285-287) reported similar cases, such as that of a woman
"whose lips and mouth became suddenly enormously swollen" when she
thought a child was about to cut itself on the lip with a knife (p. 287). In
another case, a woman "well known" to Tuke saw the near-crushing of a
child's ankle by a heavy iron gate. She immediately felt intense pain in her
own corresponding ankle and walked home with difficulty, at which time
she "found a circle around the ankle, as if it had been painted with red-
23. Stevenson (1997, vol. I, p. 75) reported two similar cases, related to him by
colleagues, in which a patient developed wheals on the buttocks when recalling a
Psychophysiological Influence-159
currant juice." The next day it was inflamed, and it kept her bedridden for
several days (p. 285).
Such cases "cause initial incredulity" (Stevenson, 1 997, vol. 1, p. 74),
especially when they occur in times and places other than our own. More
recently, however, Rantasalo and Penttinen (1959) reported the case of a
mother who, on six occasions, developed blisters on her arm. The six occa
sions were, first, during her first pregnancy, then on each of the four occa
sions when her three children were vaccinated, and finally during a time of
stress again involving the welfare of her children.
Later in this chapter I will discuss the numerous instances in which
bleeding, blistering, or other marks have been induced deliberately, usually
by hypnotic suggestion, but one such case is worth mentioning in this sec
tion because it is apparently the only one in which wounds closely resem
bling religious stigmata have been produced by hypnotic suggestion. This
is the case of Elisabeth K., a German girl observed by Lechler beginning in
1 929. Lechler's report has never been translated; the best summary of the
case in English, including five photographs of the stigmata, is by Stevenson
(1997, vol. 1 , pp. 43-49). Similar to the cases reported above of people who
developed reactions in response to seeing another person's injuries, Elisa
beth had an "extraordinary capacity to translate images" of another person's
suffering into similar symptoms on her own body (p. 44). After attending a
lecture on the crucifixion on Good Friday 1932, she reported to Lechler that
she had felt severe pain in her hands and feet while watching depictions of
Jesus nailed to the cross. Lechler had been hypnotizing her for several years
for treatment of a variety of hysterical symptoms, and he decided to test
her apparent ability to produce symptoms in sympathy with other people's
suffering. He hypnotized her and suggested that she would dream that night
of nails being driven into her hands and feet. The next day she had red,
swollen areas, "with the skin somewhat opened up," at the suggested sites.
Lechler told her about the hypnotic suggestion and, with her consent, gave
her the further suggestion that the wounds would become deeper and that
she would produce bloody tears-suggestions that were also effective. On
subsequent occasions he was able to induce actual bleeding, as well as swol
len red marks on her forehead and shoulder. The marks on the forehead,
flecked with blood, were especially interesting because some of them were
"distinctly triangular in shape, and therefore corresponding to the wounds
that real thorns might sometimes make" (Stevenson, 1 997, vol. 1 , p. 45; pho
tographs of these triangular marks are on p. 48). After the first inductions,
she was kept under constant surveillance, and Lechler witnessed the onset
of the bleeding on several occasions.
ing to the image in the person's mind, whether the image is of Jesus' wounds
or of wounds on someone else. For example, stigmata corresponding to the
spear wound on Jesus' side may be located on either the left or the right
side, apparently reflecting the stigmatic's belief about the location of that
wound (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 , pp. 40-41): "There seems to be little doubt
that the representation of this wound in pictures or sculptural crucifixes
had a powerful influence on which side of the body the lesion appeared"
(Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, p. 187). Some stigmatics have had wounds in the
palms of their hands, others wounds in the wrists (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 ,
pp. 38, 41). A n additional example o f the specificity o f location i s provided
by a rare phenomenon known as "espousal rings," in which a red line, often
accompanied by thickening of the skin, appears encircling a finger, appar
ently as a symbolic token of the person's devotion to Jesus (Thurston, 1952,
pp. 130-140). One example was the case of Marie-Julie Jahenny, a 1 9th-cen
tury Breton girl whose stigmatic ring appeared in 1874 and was still visible
in 1891 (M. Murphy, 1992, pp. 491-492; Thurston, 1922, pp. 206-208).
In addition, wounds often take specific shapes, again corresponding
to the image in the person's mind. The triangular marks on Elisabeth K.'s
forehead provide one example. In the case of Anna Emmerich, Y-shaped
stigmata on her chest resembled a Y-shaped cross at the church of her
childhood (M. Murphy, 1992, pp. 486-488; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 , p. 42).
I have already mentioned the detailed shape of rope marks on one of R. L.
Moody's patients; Stevenson (1997, vol. 1 , pp. 38-39) describes three similar
cases among stigmatics (two from the 17th century and, again, Marie-Julie
Jahenny in the 1 9th century), in which rope marks on the wrists appeared,
apparently corresponding to images of Jesus being bound to the cross by
ropes rather than by nails.
Other features of stigmata cases are difficult to reconcile with the
notion that they are the result of some normal disease such as herpes sim
plex. One is their temporal regularity: Many recur regularly, often for years,
at a specific time, usually Friday. Another is "the almost invariable absence
of sepsis when they were open or healing" (Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, p.
188). Additionally, the wounds disappear and heal rapidly, usually leaving
no scars, inflammation, or other residue. Thurston (1922) summed up the
problem presented by features such as these: "For the symmetrical arrange
ment and narrowly limited area, the periodicity extending over a long term
of years, and for such deep wounds . . . -wounds that never suppurate but
heal with extraordinary rapidity-there seems to be no adequate analogy"
(pp. 200-201). More recently, Margnelli (1999) asked what "activates the
nerve trunks, the contained area of the lesions, the wounds' topographical
precision and their long duration" (p. 464).
Predisposing Characteristics
Certain psychological characteristics or conditions seem conducive
to psychophysiological phenomena such as stigmata. The "unmistakable
symptoms of hysteria" in many stigmatics is a clue (Thurston, 1952, p. 122),
Psychophysiological I nfiuence-161
but the essential factor does not seem to be psychopathology per se, but
rather a trait variously manifesting as suggestibility, absorption or intense
concentration, capacity for vivid imagery, hypnotizability, or dissociation.
As M. Murphy (1 992) put it, "images, it seems, often work upon the flesh
most effectively in states of deep mental absorption" (p. 500), and clearly an
important feature in most cases has been the person's heightened, intense
"monoideism" or concentration on the relevant images (Stevenson, 1997,
vol. 1, pp. 50-5 1 , 80-83).
Another characteristic is what has been called "abnormal suggestibil
ity" (Thurston, 1 952, p. 1 22) or unusual "impressionability" (Stevenson,
1997, vol. 1 , p. 52). Stigmatics seem to be "model hysterics in whom suggest
ibility/auto-suggestibility would reach the maximum visibility" (Margnelli,
1999, p. 464). Ratnoff (1969) likewise noted the importance of suggestibility
among patients with AES syndrome (p. 162).
Related to both absorption and suggestibility is the observation that
stigmata frequently occur when the person is in some kind of altered state
of consciousness, such as religious "ecstasy" or a trance (Margnelli, 1999,
pp. 466-467; Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, pp. 1 87, 189). Such an altered state
may also be conducive in non-religious cases, as seen in that of R. L. Moody
(1 946) in which the marks appeared during a somnambulistic state. Such
altered states figure so frequently in these cases that Whitlock and Hynes
(1978) called them "essential precursors" of stigmata-like lesions: "One fact
appears to be fairly well established: the existence of a state of trance or
some other altered state of consciousness seems to have a facilitatory effect
on the production of changes that culminate in bleeding from open wounds
in the skin" (p. 500).
Another important factor, and one surely tied to the absorption in rel
evant imagery, is the intense emotion accompanying stigmata and related
cases. Many people have noted, and many of the phenomena described in
this chapter suggest, "that intense emotional experience can activate spe
cific psychophysiological mechanisms" (Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, p. 200).
The fundamental question, however, behind stigmata as well as all the other
phenomena described in this chapter, is "How?" Although some may pre
sume with R. L. Moody (1946) that "neural pathways undoubtedly exist by
which psychic contents may be projected on to the body in a highly specific
manner" (p. 935), we must ask what exactly are the neural pathways under
lying a physical symptom, such as stigmata, with a highly specific form,
location, and temporal occurrence: "It is difficult to see how underlying sys
temic disorders on their own could cause painful recurrent bleeding, often
for periods of many years" (Whitlock & Hynes, 1978, p. 199). More spe
cifically, "we have no understanding of how the brain could instruct local
blood vessels and other tissues to represent the various forms in the skin"
(Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 87); and vague suggestions that "an anomalous
activation of nerve fibers . . .induc[es] the liberation of histamine in points
where the lesions are formed" are-or should be-clearly inadequate (Mar
gnelli, 1 999, pp. 463-464).
162-Chapter 3
the old psychodynamic terminology, can too easily "distract attention from
careful investigation of how beliefs and related mental images about the
body come to implement physiological changes in the persons affected"
(Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 , p. 53n).
The search for an adequate theoretical model, however, has been ham
pered by the fear of being chained to an outmoded dualism. Like most
modern scientists, those addressing the problem of hysteria have called for
a reconceptualization of the phenomenon that avoids the pitfalls of dual
ism (E. Miller, 1999) and offers instead "a more all-embracing concept"
that integrates rather than separates "the organic and functional, somatic
and psychological " (Ey, 1 982, p. 18). Again, however, I emphasize that such
"holism" also brings us no closer to a real understanding of psychophysi
ological phenomena and too often leads instead to such vacuous statements
as "an individual's hysterical symptoms correspond to his/her ideas about
what his/her symptoms should look like [because] his/her symptoms are his/
her ideas" (M. Turner, 1 999, p. 200).
ing MPD and thereby aid in our understanding of the mechanisms of con
sciousness in general (e.g., S. D. Miller & Triggiano, 1992, p. 57; F. W. Put
nam, 1991 , p. 493; Reinders et a!., 2003)-a goal more in line with Myers's
approach of studying abnormal and unusual phenomena to shed light on
normal psychophysiological processes. All the reviewers have emphasized
that research in this area is in its infancy: There have been few studies yet
with adequate experimental controls, and many of them are unpublished,
presented only in conference reports. Nonetheless, these preliminary stud
ies, as well as frequent clinical observations, have shown that psychophysi
ological changes associated with MPD constitute a robust and potentially
important phenomenon.
Psychophysiological changes between alter personalities have been
observed "in virtually every organ of the body" (Coons, 1988, p. 47).
Although such observations are often derisively labeled as mere "anec
dotes," the persistence and number of them was what suggested the need for
more controlled studies in the first place. Many of the changes, in fact, are
sensorimotor changes similar to those seen in hysterical conversion. There
have been reports, for example, of anesthesia or analgesia in one personality
but not others (e.g., B. G. Braun, 1983a, pp. 87-88; Ludwig, Brandsma, Wil
bur, Bendfeldt, & Jameson, 1972, pp. 305-306); estimates of the incidence
of these are 25-38% (Coons, 1988, p. 48; F. W. Putnam, Guroff, Silberman,
Barban, & Post, 1 986, p. 287). Related phenomena such as deafness or audi
tory hallucinations, or muteness or speaking with different accents, have
also been reported (Coons, 1988, p. 48; S. D. Miller & Triggiano, 1992, pp.
There have also been reports of changes in handedness or handwrit
ing across personalities (Coons, 1988, p. 49); in one study, 37% of the 100
patients surveyed showed changes in handedness (F. W. Putnam et a!., 1986,
p. 289). As many as 26% of MPD patients show allergies in some personali
ties but not in others (F. W. Putnam et a!., 1986, p. 289). In their book about
their famous patient "Eve," for example, Thigpen and Cleckley (1957, p. 132)
reported that the alternate personality Eve Black had an allergic reaction
when she wore nylon stockings, whereas the original personality Eve White
did not. B. G. Braun (1983b) described a case in which one personality could
eat oranges normally, whereas all the other personalities were allergic to
citrus. In another case one personality was allergic to cats, whereas another
was not. In still another a woman had an allergic response to smoke in one
personality but not in another. In a survey of 100 cases, 35% involved alter
personalities which responded differently to foods, and in nearly half the
cases they responded differently to medications (F. W. Putnam et a!., 1986,
p. 289). For example, B. G. Braun (1983a) reported a case in which a woman
who developed adult-onset diabetes "required variable amounts of insulin
depending on which personality had control" (p. 87).
Related to stigmata and the recurrence of traumatic wounds in some
psychiatric patients are phenomena that B. G. Braun (1983b, p. 127) observed
in two patients. One woman, whose mother had repeatedly burned her with
cigarettes, developed several red marks on her skin while recalling the abuse
Psychophysiological lnfluence-169
in one personality, and they would reappear whenever that particular per
sonality emerged.25 In another case Braun observed stripe marks develop
across a patient's arms, shoulders, and neck, apparently refle cting the
patient's memory of being whipped by his mother with a bull-whip. Similar
cases appear in unpublished reports. Ewin (1979; see also B. G. Braun, 1983b,
pp. 1 27-128) had a patient who had suffered severe burns in a motel fire. Ten
years later, after he learned about a boy who had similarly been burned in a
hotel fire, "the area from which his skin grafts had been taken became quite
red, painful, and swollen" (p. 271). Densen-Garber (unpublished data cited
in Coons, 1 988, p. 50, and in S. D. Miller & Triggiano, 1992, p. 56) reported
on stigmata-like phenomena in two cases. In one, a woman addicted to her
oin in one personality (but showing no withdrawal symptoms in the others)
would develop needle track marks when she switched to that personality. In
another, a man beaten as a child would develop welts and marks on his back
and legs when he switched to his child personality.
Sensory changes, especially visual ones, have also been described. An
early case was that reported by Dufay in 1876 (Alvarado, 1989, p. 162; HP,
vol. 1 , pp. 1 33-1 35), in which a woman who had severe myopia requiring
glasses could, when in a somnambulistic state, do needlework and even
thread the needle easily without her glasses and in poorer light. Condon,
Ogston, and Pacoe (1969) studied film recordings made of "Eve" and discov
ered that the three personalities all showed strabismus (divergent eye move
ments in which the two eyes move in different directions and/or at different
speeds). The "least stable personality" showed by far the largest number of
such divergent movements, whereas the personality who later became the
dominant personality showed very few. B. G. Braun (1983a, p. 86) reported
color-blindness in a patient ("documented by the isochromatic color blind
ness test") that disappeared following successful integration of the person
alities. Birnbaum and Thomann (1996) reported a case remarkably similar
to cases of hysterical blindness, in which the patient briefly showed a severe
loss of peripheral vision in her right eye during a particularly stressful time
in her psychiatric therapy. The same patient required different corrective
lens for her primary and an alter personality, and there were also differences
between them in corneal curvature and astigmatism.
It is in studies of optical changes across personalities that we begin
to find experimental studies assessing these differences. So far there have
been three such studies (S. D. Miller, 1989; S. D. Miller, Blackburn, Scholes,
White, & Mamalis, 1991; the third, a 1985 study by Shepard & Braun, is
unfortunately unpublished, but is described briefly by Miller, whose studies
25. Braun reports that he confirmed this particular abuse with outside sources.
Whether the memories of abuse by patients reflect real events or are false memories
has been a matter of much controversy and debate in psychiatric and legal forums
(see, e.g., Braude, 1995; D. Schacter, 1996), but for purposes of the issues I am dis
cussing i n this chapter, resolving that debate is u nnecessary. The crucial point here
is that mental changes , whether rooted in reality or fantasy, can lead to unarguably
real physiological changes.
170-Chapter 3
were intended as a replication). In the first study Shepard and Braun, exam
ining seven MPD patients, found "clinically significant optical differences
between alter personalities" on six measures: visual acuity, manifest refrac
tion, color vision, pupil size, corneal curvature, and intraocular pressure (S.
D. Miller, 1989). On two additional measures, eye muscle balance and visual
fields, there were no significant changes except in one patient. In his attempt
to replicate this study, Miller added a control group of nine people who
attempted to simulate alter personalties, for comparison with nine MPD
patients.26 An ophthalmologist, blind to which persons were the patients
and which the simulators, administered and evaluated the ophthalmologi
cal tests. He tested these 18 people on five of the eight measures that Shepard
and Braun had used: visual acuity (both with and without correction), man
ifest refraction, pupil size, eye muscle balance, and visual fields. There were
4.5 times more changes among different personalities in MPD patients than
in those of the simulating controls. Some of the measures are "subjective,"
requiring the responses of the person being examined, whereas others are
"objective," or measured directly by the ophthalmologist; but Miller ques
tioned whether even the subjective measures were "transparent" enough so
that a feigning patient would know the appropriate responses to make, and
furthermore whether patients would be knowledgeable enough to produce
the consistent results observed over multiple trials (p. 485).
S. D. Miller et al. (1991) replicated this study, extending it to 20 MPD
patients and 20 simulating controls, and they again found significantly
greater differences, both stat i st i cal l y and clinically, between the alter per
sonalities of the MPD patients than between the "simulated" personalities
of the controls. In a table summarizing the results of the three studies, how
ever, they also show that the measures on which significant changes were
found were not the same across all three studies, with changes in visual
acuity and manifest refraction being the most consistent.
In addition to these controlled comparisons, Miller, like clinicians
before him, noted some "highly unusual personality-specific" physiologi
cal changes that were "not amenable" to statistical study (p. 483). 21 In one
26. Although experimental studies with "control" subjects are usually considered
the ideal to which all psychological research must conform to be acceptable, stud
ies of MPD involving simulating controls raise the question of how useful such a
research model is when confronting phenomena produced by highly unusual sub
jects. This question arises again in connection with experimental studies of hypno
sis that fai l to acknowledge the importance of using highly hypnotizable subjects
(discussed later in this chapter) and in connection with phenomena associated with
creativity, genius, and mystical experience (Chapters 7 and 8).
27. S. D. M iller and his colleagues (1991) caution that there has been no system
atic research on whether observed differences are consistent over time within per
sonalities, and that "psychophysiological differences between personalities may
be more labile than previously thought." Nevertheless, they believe that the study
of such differences should move away from demonstrating the phenomena toward
seeking the "underlying processes by which these patients develop such differences"
(p. 1 35).
Psychophysiological Influence-l71
28. Some of these conditions of "accident" and "design" which Myers suggests
can produce these new chains of consciousness include dreams, somnambulism,
automatic writing, trance, certain intoxications, hysteria, and hypnotism (Myers,
1 888a, p. 387; see also our Chapters 2 and 5).
174-Chapter 3
mental effort. At least one person said specifically that he did not conjure
up appropriate imagery or emotion, but was able to raise his heart rate in
the same way-whatever that is-that one raises an arm: "It is probably no
more-and no less-mysterious than is, for example, the flexing of a biceps
muscle" (Ogden & Shock, 1939, p. 320; italics added).
I have added italics to this important sentence because, despite its
familiarity, volitional control of our muscular activity-how the intention
to raise an arm translates into the appropriate motor response-remains a
mystery, encapsulating the mind-body problem in its essence, and not magi
cally erased by simply asserting that the intention and the response are both
brain processes. This point is underscored by the work of Basmajian (1977)
on voluntary control of single motor units in skeletal muscles. Specifically,
when provided with suitable auditory feedback derived from a fine-wire elec
trode inserted into skeletal muscles (such as biceps), most subjects can rap
idly learn to enhance selectively the activity of any given motor unit within
the area sampled by that electrode, while suppressing that of neighboring
units. Virtuoso subjects can not only raise or lower the overall rates at which
such isolated units generate motor potentials, but control their temporal
spacing as well, some even producing complex rhythmic sequences such as
"drum rolls" on demand. Two further points are especially significant here:
First, successful subjects have no idea whatever how they exercise this con
trol; they simply learn to do so, much as an infant learns to control its limbs.
Second, the control in this case is certainly direct, as there is in general
no naturalistic situation a person might recreate in imagination that would
produce a corresponding specificity of motor unit behaviors.3D
The increased heart rate in the cases described above was usually
accompanied by other autonomic changes, such as a rise in blood pres
sure and dilation of the pupils. Although these were normally involuntary
accompaniments, Tuke (1 884, pp. 375-377) also reported on two men each
of whom could "in the same light contract or dilate his pupil at will" and,
at least in one of the cases, "with as much facility as he can open and shut
his hand." One of these men produced the changes by imagining himself
in a bright or a dark place; but the other said specifically that he did not
use any such imagery. Similarly, Luria's subject S. showed a cochlear-pupil
reflex when he imagined a piercing sound and a depression of alpha waves
when he imagined that a strong light was flashing in his eyes (Luria, 1968,
p. 142).
finally returned to normal (98 beats per minute). The obvious explanation,
that the EKG leads had been disconnected, was ruled out, first because
the machine was immediately checked for any malfunctioning, but more
importantly because no electrical disturbance ever appeared, such as would
accompany the disconnection of the leads; subsequent attempts by the
investigators to disconnect the leads always produced "gross and irregular
electrical disturbance." Moreover, malfunction of the machine was highly
unlikely, since "the [EKG] re-appeared spontaneously on the last day" (p.
1649), an "extraordinary coincidence" if it had been a malfunction of the
machine (M. Murphy, 1992, p. 535).3 1 Having ruled out such explanations,
the authors candidly admitted that they were "not prepared" to accept that
the yogi had voluntarily stopped his heart for five days and survived; but
they could "offer no satisfactory explanation for the [EKG] record before
us" (p. 1649).
Other studies (Anand, Chhina, & Singh, 1961b; Hoenig, 1968; Karam
belkar, Vinekar, & Bhole, 1968; Vakil, 1950) have also involved putting yogis
in underground pits, for periods ranging from hours to days, and observing
metabolic changes including oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output. Most
have shown a significant decrease in oxygen consumption, "much more than
what could be produced even by sleep" (Anand et aI., 1961b, p. 89), a finding
replicated in the studies by Wallace and Benson (Wallace, 1970; Wallace
& Benson, 1972) of Transcendental Meditation practitioners. Concurrently,
there is usually a significant decrease in carbon dioxide output.
Most investigators have concluded that yogis can survive these condi
tions not only because of their reduced metabolism but also because "air
tight" underground pits are not, in fact, airtight, even when sealed; oxygen
and other gases seep in from the surrounding earth. In one study (Anand et
aI., 1961b), however, the pit actually was airtight, not one dug in the earth
but a specially constructed metal box. In these conditions the yogi showed
that he could voluntarily "reduce his oxygen intake and carbon dioxide out
put to levels significantly lower than his [ordinary] requirements" (p. 87).
Other physiological changes suggest even more direct control of auto
nomic functions. Luria (1968, pp. 140-141) reported that S. deliberately
raised the temperature of one hand by 20 C and then immediately low
ered the temperature on the other hand by I V2° C. He said that he did this
by imagining one hand being placed on a hot stove and the other being
immersed in cold water. Similarly, a yogi was reportedly able to induce an
1 1 0 F difference in the temperature of the left and right sides of the palm of
one hand, with the color of the skin changing to pink on the hot side and
grey on the cold side (M. Murphy, 1992, p. 532). Wenger and Bagchi (1961)
observed a yogi who could produce forehead perspiration within I V2-l 0
minutes o f being asked t o d o so; moreover, the temperature o n his forehead
3 1 . The sudden reappearance of the heart beat half an hour before the scheduled
end of the experiment also suggested an unusually precise internal clock, since the
yogi had been in complete isolation and darkness for eight days (M. Murphy, 1 992,
p. 535).
Psychophysiological Influence-179
and on his arm was found to have risen. To warm himself while meditating
for long periods in cold mountain caves, he had taught himself to do this
by imagining himself in a warm place. Similarly, Benson et al. (1982) found
that three practitioners of g Tum-mo (or heat) yoga, who also learn to warm
themselves while meditating in cold Himalayan mountain conditions, could
deliberately and significantly raise the temperature of their fingers and toes,
by amounts ranging from 3.15° C up to 8.3° C.
Body temperature can apparently also be lowered. For example, the
yogi studied by Kothari et al. (1973b), who had such extreme and delib
erately produced fluctuations in heart rate, including a straight-line EKG
for five days, had also induced a marked hypothermia. The investigators
reported that his body temperature was "abnormally cold" (34.8° C / 94.6°
F) when he was removed from the pit, and he shivered severely for two hours
afterward, although the temperature in the pit had been normal and com
fortable (24-33° C) for the entire eight days (pp. 1648-1649).
Several hypotheses have been suggested for metabolic changes such as
these. Wenger and Bagchi (1961) suggested that the ability of the yogi who
could voluntarily produce perspiration on his forehead was "a conditioned
ANS response pattern to visual imagery based on reaction to the ambient
temperature in the caves" in which he meditated, which the authors estimated
was about 0° C (pp. 3 1 3-314). This argument seems rather circular, however,
since it is difficult to understand what produced the original, unconditioned
rise in local skin temperature that provided the basis for such conditioning.
Benson et al. (1982) said that the "most likely mechanism" was not control
ling metabolism but controlling vasodilation, or blood flow (p. 235). Simi
larly, Frederick and Barber (1972) concluded that "the principles involved,"
both in yogis and in hypnotized subjects (as I will discuss later), are "local
ized vasoconstriction and vasodilation . . .induced by various types of sug
gestions," whether from oneself or from another person. In other words,
"the process of vividly imagining cold water gives rise to vasoconstriction
and the process of vividly imagining warmth gives rise to vasodilation" (p.
860). However, as with most pronouncements that a response is the result
of "suggestion" or "imagining," such an "explanation" is no more than a
restatement of the phenomena in biological terms, and the deeper problem
still lurks: How are these hypothesized mechanisms activated in the first
place, particularly in instances of specific and localized, rather than general
or systemic, changes?
32. For reviews of such phenomena, see T. X. Barber ( 1961 , 1965, 1 978, 1984),
Crasilneck and Hall (1959), Gorton (1949), M. Murphy (1992, chap. 1 5), and Steven
son ( 1 997, vol. 1 , pp. 56-68).
Psychophysiological Influence-18 1
Autonomic Effects
ature, salivation, and heart rate, but the conclusion of most reviewers of the
phenomena has been that these changes are secondary results of changes in
emotional arousal (e.g., T. X. Barber, 1961 , 1965; Crasilneck & Hall, 1959;
Gorton, 1949; Reiter, 1965). In one patient, for example, temporary cardiac
arrest was induced by suggesting that the patient recall previous episodes of
fainting (Raginsky, 1959), an effect perhaps related to the emotion generated
by the memories. In another study, however, reminiscent of the deliberately
induced changes in heart rate among yogis and other persons, a dramatic
acceleration of heart rate was induced by hypnosis, an effect apparently
induced directly and not by any suggested or accompanying emotions (van
Pelt, 1 965).
I mentioned earlier some cases of multiple personality disorder in which
the subject, while exhibiting the personality of a young child, showed physi
ological effects appropriate to that age: In one case, the child personality
had a childhood eye muscle disorder that disappeared in the adult person
alities, and in another the older personalities had myopia, whereas two child
personalities did not (S. D. Miller, 1989). A similar age-specific alteration in
myopia was induced hypnotically by Erickson (1943). An even more impor
tant study was reported by Gidro-Frank and Bowersbuch (1948), in which
three subjects, regressed to the age of about five to six months and below,
consistently exhibited the Babinski reflex, a reflex that is produced by strok
ing the sole of an infant's foot, and that normally disappears and gradu
ally changes to a different kind of reflex by the age of about one year. The
Babinski reflex appeared spontaneously, with no specific suggestion for it by
the experimenters and in subjects unaware of its existence and properties.
One reviewer (Gorton, 1949) commented shortly after the publication of
this study that it was "the best single piece of evidence available at present
to support the thesis that hypnotic suggestion properly administered to suit
able subjects can bring about psychobiological changes in the total organ
ism which are impossible of attainment in the waking state" (p. 478; italics
Another interesting case involving autonomic changes is related to the
phenomenon of false pregnancy, discussed earlier. Its subject, a male under
going hypnotherapy in an attempt to quit smoking, was on one occasion
given the suggestion to imagine himself as the person he would like to be.
Instead of imagining himself as a non-smoker-presumably the hypnotist's
intention-he imagined himself as a pregnant woman. A homosexual whose
partner had recently died, he had long thought of himself as a woman and
had wished he could bear a child. After the initial suggestion by the hypno
therapist, the patient continued on a daily basis to produce vivid imagery of
himself as a pregnant woman, and by the time he came to a hospital three
months later, he had an enlarged abdomen, morning nausea, nipple secre
tion, and "noticeable" enlargement of one breast (D. Barrett, 1988).
A related series of studies similarly suggests that strong imagery in con
nection with suggestion can contribute to structural changes in the body.
In these studies 70 women who wished to increase the size of their breasts
Psychophysiological lnfluence-183
Sensory Effects
For more than two centuries there have been frequent reports of sensory
changes, in all modalities, that occur as a result of hypnotic (or mesmeric)
suggestion. These include, for example, increased acuity of senses (hyper
aesthesia) and hallucinations (whether positive ones, to perceive something
for which there was no physical stimulus, or conversely negative ones, not
to perceive something). The philosopher Henri Bergson reported in 1876 a
case of hyperaesthesia in which the ability of a hypnotized boy to identify
"clairvoyantly" a playing card being looked at by the experimenter turned
out instead to be an ability to see the card reflected in the experimenter's eye
(HP, vol. 1, pp. 477-479). More recent if less dramatic studies have demon
strated improvements of visual acuity with hypnosis in highly hypnotizable
subjects (e.g., Davison & Singleton, 1967; Kline, 1952-1953; Weitzenhoffer,
1 95 1). Other people, however, have noted that similar improvements can be
induced by suggestion only, not accompanied by hypnosis (e.g., Sheehan,
Smith, & Forest, 1982). They have thus attributed such feats, not to some
special ability associated with the hypnotic "state," but to processes such
as increased (or decreased) attention to stimuli or to feigning or "role-play
ing" (whether deliberate or not) in compliance with the hypnotist's instruc
tions. To address this issue, much emphasis has been placed on examining
more objective changes, especially changes not ordinarily under volitional
For example, changes in normal dilation or contraction of the pupils
during hypnosis have occasionally been reported. One of the earliest to
observe this was the surgeon Esdaile (1 846), who described several occa
sions in which the pupils of a hypnotized patient remained dilated even
36. For references to these studies see T. X. Barber ( 1978) and M. Murphy (1992,
pp. 336-337).
1 84-Chapter 3
when exposed to ful l Indian sunlight: "The muscles of the eye, and iris, . . .
lose their contractibility, and the eye becomes as motionless and insensible
to light as that of a dead man" (pp. 46, 82-83). Similarly the French physi
cian Fere reported that the pupils of two hysterical patients contracted and
dilated appropriately in response to a suggestion given in the "cataleptic"
(or deep hypnotic) state, but not to the same suggestions when they were
in a normal state (Tuke, 1 884, p. 377). More recently, Schwarz, Bickford,
and Rasmussen (1955) found that in two of three subjects who responded
to a hypnotic suggestion of total blindness, the pupils became "much more
dilated and sluggish in their reaction to light" (p. 567). More dramatically,
Erickson (1977) reported "subjects who would dilate the pupil of one eye
and contract the pupil of the other in hypnotic trance, when looking at the
same light" (p. 9). Unfortunately, he published no detailed report of these
observations; but he did describe (1965) the case of one girl who could pro
duce unilateral pupillary responses even when not hypnotized, reminiscent
of the three subjects reported by Tuke and Luria (discussed earlier) who
could voluntarily control pupil contraction or dilation. Significantly, this
girl was "an excellent hypnotic subject"; she had extensive experience with
producing suggested visual hallucinations, and she was also "remarkably
competent in developing autohypnotic trances to obliterate pain."
Whether changes of these sorts have been induced by hypnosis or by non
hypnotic suggestion, our oft-repeated question remains: How? To say that
it is simply a matter of voluntarily, or even involuntarily, diverted attention
(see, e.g., T. X. Barber, 1961; McPeake, 1968) demonstrates the inadequacy
of explanations that deal only with the more commonplace phenomena. The
hypothesis of diverted attention becomes somewhat strained when one con
siders a report in which a hypnotized subject did not react "even when a
pistol was discharged close beside him" (Esdaile, 1846, p. 278). Perhaps the
important diverted attention here is not that of the subject from the relevant
stimulus, but that of the theoretician from the relevant phenomena.
Recent imaging studies seem to be moving us in the direction of see
ing hypnosis more comprehensively, neither as a mere extension of normal
capacities nor as a discrete and homogeneous altered "state" associated
with unique phenomena, but instead as a means of facilitating-in ways
still unknown-physiological changes that go far beyond those producible
by simple imagining or role-playing. For example, two recent PET studies of
hypnotically induced hallucinations (Kosslyn, Thompson, Costantini-Fer
rando, Alpert, & Spiegel, 2000; Szechtman, Woody, Bowers, & Nahmias,
1 998) both found changes in regional cerebral blood flow consistent with
what is seen during "real" sensory perception, but unlike the changes seen
with nonhypnotic imagery. As the authors of one of these studies concluded,
"hypnosis is a psychological state with distinct neural correlates and is not
just the result of adopting a role" (Kosslyn et al., 2000, p. 1279).
Autonomic and sensory changes such as I have been discussing present
a significant enough challenge for those seeking to develop an adequate the
oretical understanding of hypnosis and suggestion. When we examine the
Psychophysiological Influence-IS5
Hypnotic Analgesia
beyond relying on verbal reports of patients and have sought more objective
physiological indicators of pain, or the lack of it.
Even as early an investigator as Esdaile had gone beyond the almost
invariable verbal reports of his patients that they had felt no pain, and also
beyond the observations by himself and numerous others that patients had
endured the surgeries without showing overt behavioral signs of pain. He
also reported that, in addition to the behavioral signs, physiological signs
of pain-ones not readily amenable to volitional control, such as changes in
pulse rate or pupil reaction-were absent. Decades later, other investigators
began again to look at objectively measurable changes such as galvanic skin
response, facial flinching, respiration and pulse, vasomotor changes, and
pupil changes (for a review, see Gorton, 1949, pp. 468-473).
The recent emergence of brain imaging techniques has led to renewed
interest in identifying physiological markers for, and explanations of, hyp
notic analgesia (for a review, see Crawford, Knebel, & Vendemia, 1998). One
early study (Goldstein & Hilgard, 1975), confirmed by later ones, weakened
the hypothesis that hypnotic analgesia, like placebo analgesia, might result
from the release of endogenous opioids: The analgesia persisted even after
the injection of naloxone, which blocks opioid release. More recent studies,
however, have begun to suggest other possible neurological mechanisms.
D. Spiegel, Bierre, and Rootenberg (1989), for example, found changes in
somatosensory cortical event-related potentials following hypnotic sugges
tions-but only among highly hypnotizable subjects-leading them to sug
gest (rather vaguely) that hypnotic analgesia involves "alterations in per
ceptual processing" (p. 753). Since then, other researchers have reported
changes in event-related potentials in the anterior frontal cortex (Crawford,
Knebel, Kaplan, et aI., 1998; Kropotov, Crawford, & Polyakov, 1997).
In what one commentator (Gracely, 1995) called "a pivotal study" in
the controversy between social-psychological and physiological schools of
thought, Kiernan, Dane, Phillips, and Price (1995) found that a spinal pain
reflex (the RIll) was reduced when hypnosis was effective in reducing pain,
leading the authors to conclude that "hypnotic sensory analgesia is at least
partly mediated by. . . mechanisms in the spinal cord" (p. 44). The picture
was complicated, however, by a study that measured RIll, somatosensory
evoked potentials, changes in spontaneous background EEG, and auto
nomic responses (heart rate and respiration). Although all 18 highly hypno
tizable subjects reported significant reduction of pain and showed changes
in the RIll spinal reflex, for some of the subjects the spinal reflex decreased
in connection with the hypnotic analgesia, whereas in the rest it increased.
The authors could only suggest that there must be individual differences in
mechanisms for modulating pain (N. Danziger et aI., 1998).
Still other neuroimaging studies support the emerging concept that
multiple brain regions contribute differentially to the experience of pain
(and thus to hypnotic analgesia), and that these "are highly interactive"
(Rainville, Duncan, Price, Carrier, & Bushnell, 1997, p. 970). Using hypno
sis as a tool to differentiate these regions, researchers have begun to suggest
Psychophysiological Influence-I87
that the sensory and discriminative aspects of painful stimuli are handled
primarily by somatosensory cortex, whereas aspects of emotional response,
such as judgments of pain unpleasantness, are handled by anterior cingu
late cortex and related frontal structures (Faymonville et ai., 2000; Rain
ville, Carrier, Hofbauer, Bushnell, & Duncan, 1 997, 1999). Hypnotic anal
gesia may therefore in part involve a functional dissociation between these
normally cooperating parts of the brain, which in turn enables a blunting of
the pain experience.
Although research on the neurophysiology of hypnotic analgesia (and
of hypnosis in general) is becoming a robust activity, two major questions
remain. The first, asked repeatedly throughout this chapter, is-how does
it occur? Over a century ago, neurophysiologists were already suggesting
that hypnosis involves the inhibition of higher cortical centers, and most
neurophysiological theories since then have suggested one or another cor
tical or subcortical process as being inhibited or otherwise blocked from
functioning normally during hypnosis. But how is this inhibition effected?
What sets in motion the complex and specific processes involved in, say,
complete analgesia of the right forearm or a left lower wisdom tooth? Some
neurophysiologists have recently begun to recognize, as Myers (1886a)
already had, that hypnosis involves more than "inhibitory cerebral action"
(p. xlii). Crawford, Knebel, and Vendemia (1998) have suggested that hyp
notic analgesia requires the "activation of a supervisory attentional control
system . . .involving the anterior frontal cortex" (pp. 22, 29). But, again, what
activates this "supervisory control system," and how does it know to release
the relevant neurochemicals, or block the relevant neural pathways, or do
whatever else is required to produce the desired result?
The second primary question lurking behind all the numerous and var
ied studies of hypnotic analgesia over the past century is prompted by the
uneasy feeling that should be felt by anyone who has paid sufficient atten
tion to what has actually been reported in connection with mesmeric and
hypnotic analgesia-specifically, a feeling that somewhere along the way
we have missed the boat, or, perhaps more precisely, that scientists have
become so focused on the minor leaks in the hold that they have failed to go
on deck and see the typhoon bearing down on the boat. I am referring here
to the question of how adequate all proposed theories-neurological as well
as psychological-are to account for the more extreme phenomena that have
repeatedly been reported by qualified medical observers. For many people,
there is "astonishment" when reading reports of these phenomena, because
they challenge the belief "that hypnotic states are really no more than states
of heightened awareness or attentiveness [or] states of conscious conformity
and obedience" (Robinson, 1977, p. xxvi). The usual response of such people
is simply to dismiss the reports as "anecdotes" that can be ignored in light
of more "rigorous" experimental and clinical studies (Spanos & Chaves,
1989). This is bad enough, but it is even more intellectually irresponsible to
distort and misrepresent what was actually reported, as T. X. Barber (1963)
does to Esdaile's reports. Barber suggests that Esdaile's patients "may not
I88-Chapter 3
have been free of anxiety and pain," because they "moved" or "gave a cry."
He fails to mention, however, that such signs were extremely infrequent, as
Esdaile himself reported, or that such signs of "moving" or "moaning" also
occur occasionally in connection with chemical anesthesias such as ether,
chloroform, or nitrous oxide (Gauld, 1988, p. 21). Moreover, Esdaile recog
nized that some patients were less responsive to suggestion than others, and
may have felt some pain, and thus he soon introduced measures to ensure
that a patient was adequately analgesic before proceeding with the surgery.
Moreover, as Bramwell (1903) and others have pointed out, there is a
vast difference between (in Bramwell's terms) the "pinprick" involved in
most experimental studies and the "faradic brush" (an extremely painful
DC electrical stimulus) involved in other situations (p. 94). Most contempo
rary experimental studies use relatively minor and brief pain stimuli (under
standably, given ethical considerations). The reports of surgical procedures,
however, are quite another matter. There are, as I mentioned earlier, numer
ous reports of major surgeries, including amputations. Gauld (1988) points
out that one response of some contemporary theorists has been to suggest
that "the pain caused by surgical procedures is not as great as is commonly
supposed"; but he cautions us to recognize that "it is easy, in these comfort
able days, to forget what pre-anaesthetic surgery was like for the patient"
(pp. 20-21).37
A few examples, selected from numerous similar ones, should illus
trate the kind of extreme phenomena that need to be accounted for, and not
dismissed cavalierly as "anecdotes," fabrications, or exaggerations. Moll
(1901) cites "a cynical experiment of the American physician, Dr. Little,
who thrust a needle through the cornea of a subject whom he suspected
of simulation" (p. 1 1 3). A dental surgeon reported operating on several of
Bramwell's hypnotized patients, extracting in all about 40 teeth, including a
young girl's "two left lower molars, which were decayed down to a level with
the alveolus, with pulps exposed; also two right lower molar stumps, and
a lower bicuspid: all difficult teeth" (Bramwell, 1903, pp. 162-163). Mason
(1955b) reported the case of a woman who had two impacted wisdom teeth
extracted under hypnosis, involving an incision in the gum and removal of
bone by chisels. Later, also under hypnosis alone, she had a follow-up surgi
cal bilateral mammoplasty in which scars, skin, breast tissue, and fat were
cut out and the breasts completely reshaped. This procedure took 70 min
utes, during which time she showed no sign of pain or shock. She later said
that she felt and remembered nothing.
37. Darwin, who ultimately rejected a medical career in part because of his
inability to tolerate the suffering he witnessed, reminds us of this: "[I] attended on
two occasions the operating theatre in the hospital at Edinburgh, and saw two very
bad operations, one on a child, but I rushed away before they were completed. Nor
did I ever attend again, for hardly any inducement would have been strong enough
to make me do so; this being long before the blessed days of chloroform. The two
cases fairly haunted me for many a long year" (Darwin, 1 892/1958, p. 1 2).
Psychophysiological Infiuence-1 89
38. T. X. Barber (1963) contemptuously dismisses those who "almost always rel[y]
heavily on Esdaile's series" in support of their contention that truly painless surger
ies have been performed under hypnotic analgesia alone (p. 316). Similarly, Spanos
and Chaves ( 1989) "view with alarm the retreat to nineteenth century anecdotes"
(p. 1 3 1). I make no apologies for being another who is profoundly impressed with
Esdaile's reports. I can only wonder at the intransigence of those who simply dis
miss reports that run counter to their beliefs, and moreover in doing so grossly mis
represent them. Furthermore, the suggestion that such reports are limited to one
reporter or to the 19th century or any other "pre-modern" or "pre-scientific" period
is simply false (again, see Hilgard & H i lgard, 197511983, p. 1 34).
39. A "moan," no doubt, that was behind Barber's dismissal of this case as not
being truly painless-but as Esdaile commented later, "he declares most positively,
that he knew nothing that had been done to him . . . -and I presume he knows best"
(p. 1 50).
1 90-Chapter 3
In a massive review of psychological factors in both the etiology and
the treatment of skin diseases, Dunbar (1 954, chap. 14) discussed the impor
tance of emotion in connection with allergies, and she cited in particular
a 1 931 experimental study in which reactions to an allergen were signifi
cantly reduced or increased in response to hypnotic suggestion (pp. 628-
40. Such explanations are also not new. In a book ful l of reports of cases like
Esdaile's, Elliotson (1843) described the amputation of a leg, in words as graphic as
Esdaile's, and the subsequent reaction of a surgeon that "the man had been trained
to it" and "had disciplined himself to bear pain without expressing his feelings" (pp.
7, 8). Like others since then, however, the skeptical surgeon ignored some crucial
details, such as the report that during the surgery the "divided end of his sciatic
nerve was . . . poked with the points of a forceps, and he gave no sign of suffering"
(p. I I).
Psychophysiological I nfluence-191
Hypnotic suggestion has also been successful in controlling bleeding,
an especially important use for hemophiliacs. Myers (HP, vol. 1, p. 490)
had called attention to this phenomenon, particularly in connection with a
case in which a young boy was cured of "a most desperate case of hremor
rhagy." But possibly the best-known case is that involving the Russian
monk Rasputin, who was said to have been able to stop the bleeding of
the hemophiliac son of the Czar by hypnotic suggestion (Stevenson, 1997,
vol. 1, p. 58). Blood flow has also been slowed or stopped in an effort to
41 . The subjects had been chosen randomly, all had comparable reactions
to the histamine solution in a pretest, and all were given a hypnotic susceptibility
scale, but there was no relationship between hypnotizability and the response of the
skin reaction to the hypnotic suggestion (p. 245).
192�Chapter 3
In light of studies such as these showing that hypnotic suggestion can
affect blood flow to specific sites (T. X. Barber, 1978, 1984), the hypothesis
that healing of wounds might be accelerated by hypnosis seems more than
plausible. In one study (Ginandes, Brooks, Sando, Jones, & Aker, 2003),
for example, surgical incision wounds healed faster in a hypnotic sugges
tion group than in two control groups. In addition to-or perhaps because
of-its effectiveness as an analgesic, hypnotic suggestion has also been used
successfully to promote healing of severe burns. Most of the reports have
been of clinical cases, such as that of Ewin (1979), who reported that 1 3 of
14 severely burned patients "healed rapidly and without scarring," includ
ing a man whose right leg had briefly been immersed up to the knee in 9500
C (17500 F) molten aluminum. The 14th patient had "scoffed at the idea" of
hypnosis, perhaps contributing to a self-fulfilling lack of effect.
Few controlled studies have been conducted, but in 1983 some prelimi
nary findings were reported (Hammond et aI., 1983; Margolis, Domangue,
Ehleben, & Shrier, 1983; Moore & Kaplan, 1983). Two of these provided sug
gestive results consistent with accelerated healing, but the results in the third
(Moore & Kaplan, 1983) were even more impressive. The patients served as
their own controls in that each had suffered similar burns on both sides of
the body (usually both hands), and the hypnotic suggestion was directed
Psychophysiological Influence-193
at one side only, randomly chosen. Four of the five patients "demonstrated
clearly accelerated healing on the treated side," as judged by a physician
unaware of which side had been treated. The fifth patient had temperature
increases and rapid healing on both sides, and among the other four patients,
after about the third day of treatment, there was no further acceleration in
the difference between the two sides. However, there was surely motivation
in the patients-understandably-to heal both sides and not conform to the
experimental protocol to heal just one, and the authors pointed out some
evidence suggesting this explanation of the results (p. 17).
Another situation in which hypnotic healing of a skin condition has
been studied involves the treatment of warts. "Old-wives" remedies have
been numerous, varied, and persistent for centuries. Such methods have
included passing the warts to someone else by means of a knotted ribbon
(Gravitz, 1981, p. 282), rubbing the warts with beef stolen from a butch
er's shop (Tuke, 1884, pp. 403-404), or making a drawing of the warts and
then burning the paper (Sulzberger & Wolf, 1934). "There are as many such
methods as there are lands and customs" (Sulzberger & Wol f, 1934, p. 553),
and the common element, clearly, is suggestion. As we have seen through
out this chapter, suggestion and accompanying psychological reactions can
have profound effects in the absence of specific hypnotic induction tech
niques; and the removal of warts is no exception.
Dunbar (1954, chap. 14) said that the contribution of psychological fac
tors to the etiology as well as cure of warts is "a subject. ..which illustrates
particularly well certain phases of medical thinking," because folk treat
ments have "always" been around, but physicians ignored the phenomena
until Bloch "had the moral courage and scientific objectivity to take up
these matters and investigate them systematically" (pp. 623-624). She was
referring here to the German physician Bloch, who in the 1920s developed
an elaborate procedure in which patients were blindfolded and their warts
exposed to the (non-existent) "X-rays" from a noisy and intimidating-look
ing machine. The warts were then painted with a topical treatment (actually,
only a dye) and the patient warned not to touch the warts or wash off the
"medicine" until it had faded. Bloch became famous for his successful cures
of warts. In a group of 179 patients who were followed up, 31% were cured
after the first treatment, and 78.5% overall were eventually cured. More
over, the cures occurred usually within weeks, even though many of the
patients had had their warts for months or even years, and previous medical
treatments had been unsuccessful (T. X. Barber, 1984, p. 80; Sulzberger &
Wolf, 1 934, pp. 553-554). After Bloch, "the treatment of warts by suggestion
[became] more or less respectable" (Dunbar, 1954, p. 624), and references
to subsequent instances of successful treatment of warts by non-hypnotic
suggestion can be found in several reviews (e.g., Sulzberger & Wolf, 1934;
Surman, Gottlieb, Hackett, & Silverberg, 1973; Ullman, 1959).
1 94-Chapter 3
42. Several other studies have not provided evidence for a side-specific effect, in
that in these studies the warts disappeared on both sides and not just on the selected
side (R. F. Q. Johnson & Barber, 1978; Spanos et aI., 1988; Surman, Gottlieb, &
Hackett, 1972; Surman et aI., 1973); but there may be a fairly straightforward expla
nation. In a study that produced significant healing but not a side-specific effect,
Spanos et ai. (1988, p. 257) noted that the effect of suggestion was greater on the
hand that had the most warts, whether it was the target or control side; and in their
highly successful study, Sinclair-Gieben and Chalmers (1959, p. 481) had always
selected the hand with the most or the largest warts as the target hand. As with burn
cases, therefore, it seems likely that the patient's primary motivation would be to
cure the worst, and preferably all, of the warts, rather than comply with the experi-
Psychophysiological Influence-195
Dreaper's case, when treatment was begun the intention was to remove all
warts, which were on both sides of both hands. When they began to shrink,
however, he suggested to the patient that she allow one wart to remain, as a
control; and "after ten months' treatment the only wart remaining was the
suggested one" (p. 308). Attention was then directed to the remaining wart,
and it too disappeared after two months.
Sinclair-Gieben and Chalmers thought that, to be successful, subjects
had to reach a depth of hypnosis such that they could carry out a post-hyp
notic suggestion-a logical hypothesis since the gradual disappearance of
warts after hypnosis is, in essence, the continuing operation of a post-hyp
notic suggestion. In their study, in nine of the 10 patients who could reach
this level of hypnosis the warts disappeared on the treated but not on the
untreated side.
Nearly all the proposed explanations of curing warts by suggestion have
been variations on the idea that the blood supply to the warts has been
altered, a change produced by some vaguely characterized neurological
mechanism. Sulzberger and Wol f (1 934) were among the earliest to propose
this kind of explanation, saying that the "permeability of the capillaries may
be affected by psychic influences," and more specifically that the hypothala
mus receives impulses from the cortex, "which are, in turn, transmitted to
the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres leading to the particular
part. In this way, vasomotor and other changes are brought about which, in
turn, can cause local trophic and physico-chemical changes. These changes
are probably sufficient to make the soil unsuitable for further activity of
the wart virus" (p. 555). In reviewing and summing up similar theories,
Ullman (1959) emphasized the important role of emotion, and particularly
"vasomotor effects emotionally induced": "The mechanism of healing in
the case of cures by suggestion is in all likelihood dependent on local vas
cular changes brought about by vegetative impulses concomitant with the
affective changes experienced by the patient" (p. 483).
Sulzberger and Wol f (1934), however, also cautioned that such descrip
tions "may, at first, seem to be a satisfactory explanation-but, on further
analysis, how utterly hypothetical and incomplete!" (p. 556). We would do
well to remember this cautionary remark, even-perhaps especially-now.
I have asked repeatedly throughout this chapter whether more precise iden
tification of physiological effects accompanying the phenomena discussed,
even if correct, really gets us any closer to understanding what has set those
effects in motion, particularly when they involve not simply a generalized
systemic response to stress, relaxation, fear, or some other emotion, but
instead a specific and localized response. As Dreaper (1978) asked, when
commenting on his own impressive case in which the "mechanism" allowed
one single wart among many to remain, "what can be the mechanism . . .
mental goal of removing only the randomly chosen ones. More clear-cut results
might be obtained, therefore, by assuring patients that after the "target" warts have
been removed, the treatment will later be directed toward the "control" warts.
196-Chapter 3
43. Whereas patients can see warts and the effect that suggestion may be having
on them, most tumors are not visible to the patient, and this may hinder the effec
tiveness of any suggestive techniques. Now, however, tumors can be viewed directly
with imaging techniques, and it is worth considering that patients given appropriate
suggestions together with the feedback of such images might respond to suggestion
as effectively as patients with warts have done.
Psychophysiological Infiuence-197
"no total cure has been effected" (1966, p. 234). He was apparently unaware,
however, of two cases in which a total cure was achieved (Bethune & Kidd,
1961). In the first, after seven weeks of treatment, "the patient had reached
a state of complete naked-eye remission," and four years later she remained
cured. The second case was somewhat more complicated. The early results
were "not so striking" as in the first case, and after about six months the
patient had a partial relapse. This relapse prompted "a determined redirec
tion of drive by the patient himself," which almost immediately produced "a
complete remission, which has remained" (p. 1421).
The difficulty of explaining such effects is complicated by the undeni
able fact that positive results are more the exception than the rule. Mason
himself ( 1961), whose first case stimulated the rest, failed with eight subse
quent ichthyosis patients with whom he tried hypnosis, and "why one case
responded and the others did not still remains a mystery." One strong can
didate for an explanation (not, however, mentioned by Mason) is that the
first patient may have been highly hypnotizable, whereas the others may
have been less so.
Whatever the reason, the cases that have been successful cannot simply
be ignored because other attempts have failed.44 Mason's first case report
prompted numerous letters to the editor of the British Medical Journal, many
of them skeptical and dismissive. One of the correspondents, however, who
had himself actually seen Mason's patient, had this to say: "It is surprising
that it [congenital ichthyosis] should respond to any kind of treatment; that
it should respond to hypnotic suggestion demands a revision of current con
cepts of the relation between mind and body. If this case does not surprise
Dr. Freeman [one of the skeptics], nothing ever will" (Bettley, 1952).
T. X. Barber (1984) also commented on the importance of such cases
for an adequate understanding of the mind-body problem, concluding that
these reports of cures of ichthyosis alone are "sufficient to topple the dual
istic dichotomy between mind and body." Insofar as "dualism" is under
stood-incorrectly-to imply the impossibility of interaction between mind
and body, Barber is correct. As I discussed earlier, however, a mere assertion
of the unity of mind and body gets us no further in understanding how (as
Barber described it) "abnormally functioning skin cells begin to function
normally when the individual is exposed to specific words or communica
tions (suggestions)," and his explanation-that "suggestions are associated
with dramatic skin changes when they are experienced and accepted at a
deep emotional level"-is clearly no help in that regard (p. 79).
Other attempts to explain the amelioration of ichthyosis by suggestion
are similarly inadequate. Most investigators have simply "presumed that
the effect of suggestion on the patient activates the nervous system and sets
in motion complex physiological adjustments" (Bethune & Kidd, 1961 , p.
44. This point might seem too obvious to have to make, but, in fact, in many
instances involving controversial phenomena, it has apparently been too tempting,
because easier, to ignore positive results rather than to dig deeper into conditions
behind, and hence reasons for, the successes versus the failures.
Psychophysiological Influence-199
1420). Others have tried to be more specific, noting for example that "the
skin is a sensitive indicator of emotional disorder" such as stress (p. 1419).
Thus, the presumed changes in blood flow occur when "a state of emotional
high drive . . .initiates activity of the central nervous system [and] the subjec
tive feeling of the physiological response directs efferent nerve impulses to
the organ or part which is now the seat of subjective sensations" (p. 1420).
In short, "efferent nerve impulses act on the vascular bed of the affected
skin areas" (Kidd, 1 966, p. 107). But how does an idea, an image, or an emo
tion activate nerve impulses that target a specific location on the skin? Kidd
thought it "easy" to understand that psychological methods may be success
ful "in treating diseases that are of psychogenic as well as organic origin"
(p. 103). Is it, though? As Wink (1961) pointed out, cases in which there is
"a generalized beneficial effect, rather than a local and specific effect" may
be more easily understood, but cases involving "correspondences between
specific suggestions and the changes consequent upon them . . .indicate the
influence of a psychological process acting directly on local tissue metabo
lism . . . and it is difficult to see by what pathways such an influence could be
mediated" (p. 742). Wink's two cases, like those of Mason (1952) and Mul-
lins et al. (1955),
both showed some definite conformity to the suggestions, though this con
formity was not exact, for the response included improvement extending
outside the designated areas, and a relative failure in other areas which
were intended to respond. Finally, though there was a mild improvement
in undesignated areas, it was quite overshadowed by the changes in those
intended to benefit. (Wink, 1961, p. 743)
45. Kidd ( 1 966) also pointed out, first, that "there is no evidence that any psycho
logical component influenced either cause or chronicity" of ichthyosis (especially
considering that it is usually present from birth), and, second, that hypnotic sug
gestions "seem to operate without direct reference to the emotional state of the
patient" (p. 104).
200-Chapter 3
some studies in which asthmatic patients, given a nocebo that they were told
was an allergen and then a placebo that they were told was a medication,
responded appropriately to these suggestions. In a similar study, this one
involving hypnosis, Ikemi and Nakagawa (1962) reported five experiments
involving teenage boys, some of whom were allergic to the leaves of lacquer
and wax trees, developing severe dermatitis when exposed to the leaves, and
some of whom were not. In one experiment involving 13 subjects who were
severely allergic, five were given the suggestion when hypnotized, and eight
were given the same suggestions in a waking state. All were touched on one
arm with a lacquer or wax tree leaf but told that it was that of a chestnut tree
(to which they were not allergic). They were touched on the other arm with
a chestnut tree leaf but told that it was a lacquer or wax tree leaf. Four of
the five hypnotized subjects and seven of the eight non-hypnotized subjects
developed dermatitis in response to the inert substance that they thought
was the allergic agent, and conversely showed no reaction to the real allergic
agent that they thought was inert. The other two subjects showed an allergic
response to both substances, including the inert one.
In another experiment, this one involving 15 (non-hypnotized) subjects
who were moderately allergic, all subjects were touched on both arms with
the actual allergic agent, but they were told that one was the agent whereas
the other was only water. The subjects were observed for five days. At the
end of that time eight of the 15 subjects had developed a normal allergic
reaction on one arm, but not on the arm that they thought had been touched
with water. In three other subjects, the allergic reaction on the "water" arm
took longer to develop than it did on the other arm.
Some subjects had claimed that they did not even have to touch the
leaves, but had only to walk under the trees to develop an allergic reaction.
The conventional explanation was that they had in fact been exposed to
minute particles of the leaf in the air under the tree. To test this, the authors
took one of the boys and had him walk under a lacquer tree that he knew
to be such; he developed the usual reaction. On a second occasion he was
taken under an oak tree in which lacquer tree leaves had been placed with
out his knowledge. On this occasion, he did not develop an allergic reaction.
Another boy developed an allergic reaction both when he was taken under
a lacquer tree that he knew to be such and when he was taken under a tree
that he was told (falsely) was a lacquer tree.
The authors concluded that there is a psychological component in the
development of allergic reactions, revealed by their success in both sup
pressing and inducing the physiological response by means of suggestion.
But what known mechanism can selectively turn on the allergic response in
one arm while simultaneously turning it off in the other?
I turn now to cases in which a stigmata-like skin reaction, such as an
area of redness, a burn or blister, or even bleeding, has been induced by
hypnotic suggestion. I discussed earlier the spontaneous cases of redness,
bleeding, and blistering occurring at specific sites, most notably in con
nection with stigmata and with the recall of previous traumatic or emo-
Psychophysiological Infiuence�201
46. One might ask why Biggs (and others) repeatedly used the image of a cross
with his subjects; but this is understandable if one considers that emotional salience
may be an important factor. We do not, however, have information about the religi
osity of these three subjects.
202-Chapter 3
were a blistering agent. The area was then bandaged. The next day the still
intact bandages and stamps were removed. The area was "thickened, dead
ened and of a whitish-yellow colour," surrounded by a reddened and swollen
area, and later that day a blister appeared (Gauld, 1990, p. 143; Pattie, 1941,
pp. 63-64; Stevenson, 1 997, vol. 1 , p. 61).
Similarly, Hadfield (1917) reported that he had induced a blister in a
patient by touching him lightly on the arm with his finger, but telling him
that it was a "red-hot iron." A blister formed after half an hour, but because
the patient had been unobserved during that time, Hadfield considered this
inconclusive. Consequently, he attempted another experiment, but this time
covered the area with "a large roller bandage, so that it would be impossible
for [the patient] to interfere with the area touched." The bandage was then
fastened with a safety pin and the pin sealed with sealing wax. Nonetheless,
six hours later, a blister had formed, and it soon increased in size and devel
oped a large quantity of fluid.
Other experimenters used different means of securing the area. In one
experiment, a sealed cardboard tube was placed around the area (Paul,
1 963, p. 236). In two others a glass covering was applied instead of a soft
bandage, a covering "that would seem to preclude any attempt to scratch
the indicated area" (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 61).
Even with such coverings, however, doubts can remain, particularly
since in at least one case the subject was apparently still able to scratch
herself through the bandage (Gauld, 1990, p. 144). An alternative or addi
tional measure is to keep the subjects under close surveillance until the
mark or blister appears. Hadfield himself was not satisfied with the bandag
ing method, and in a third experiment with his subject, he instituted "still
stricter conditions" in which the patient's arm was bandaged as before, and
he was watched continuously for 24 hours. The bandage was then removed,
and Hadfield and three other surgeons observed "the beginning of a blis
ter. . . , which gradually developed during the day to form a large bleb with
an area of inflammation around it."
One might argue that 24 hours is a long time to keep someone under
observation without lapses of attention, even with multiple observers. How
ever, in most cases in which the subject was closely observed, the time until
the mark developed was much shorter, and in numerous cases the mark in
fact developed almost instantly. For example, one subject had spontane
ously begun crying bloody tears, which we encountered earlier in some of
the stigmata cases. The tears could also be evoked by hypnotic suggestion,
but not halted, and so on one occasion the physician suggested instead that
the bleeding be transferred to her hand. Several minutes after she was awak
ened, "blood seemed to well up in the lines of the hand much as a pro
fuse sweat would have done." Moreover, the process "took place before our
eyes" (see Gauld, 1990, pp. 141-142; HP, vol. 1, p. 498). Similarly, Smirnoff
described two instances in which a blister appeared shortly after the sug
gestion, and he could rule out self-injury because "the whole process ran its
course before our eyes" (Gauld, 1990, p. 147; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 63).
Psychophysiological Influence-203
Li6beault suggested to two subjects that when they were awakened, they
would go to a stove and touch it, suggesting further that the stove was red
hot. They did so, and although the stove was in fact cold, both subjects
developed immediate reactions, one "a lively reddening" and the other "an
actual burn from which the skin subsequently came away" (Gauld, 1990,
p. 142; Madden, 1 903). Bellis (1966) suggested to a patient that she imagine
herself on the beach on a sunny day, not intending to induce anything but
relaxation. Instead, immediately upon awakening her, he saw that her face
had become "beet-red . . . [and the] redness extended over her shoulders and
half-way down her arms." Ullman (1947) gave a soldier the suggestion that a
molten shell fragment had hit his hand. An "immediate pallor" developed,
and 20 minutes later a "narrow red margin appeared." In an hour a blister
began to form, ultimately becoming a second-degree burn. Most impor
tantly, the "patient had remained under the observation of the author and
another medical officer. . . for the entire period" (p. 829).
Some observers were not satisfied even with such immediate reactions.
Schrenck-Notzing, whose experiences with a subject who was probably
guilty of self-injury had led him to issue a strong plea for adequate control
in these experiments, watched a red mark develop "almost immediately"
on one of Li6beault's hysterical patients. Not convinced, he and a colleague
paid a surprise visit to the patient's house, and while there they commented
that she seemed to have been bitten by an insect because they saw a red
spot under her left ear (nothing, in fact, was there). They reinforced the
suggestion by saying that it seemed to be getting worse and must be pain
ful . Although concerned, she did not touch the spot, and within three min
utes they saw that an area of redness had developed in the spot suggested
(Gauld, 1990, p. 144).
Perhaps the most striking case of immediate observation, however,
involved a patient of Schindler (see Pattie, 1941, p. 70; Paul, 1963, p. 237; Ste
venson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 62), who had suffered from spontaneous and appar
ent psychogenic bruising (the phenomenon later called autoerythrocyte
sensitization, discussed earlier). Schindler was able to induce bruising in
this patient by hypnotic suggestion, and on one occasion he suggested that a
blister would develop, which it did. Ultimately, according to an entry in his
log, "it is now possible to regulate the occurrence of the blister to the minute.
It shoots up before the eyes of the physician at the regulated time, becoming
fully developed within five minutes" (Dunbar, 1954, p. 603).
Fraud (or unconscious compliance, if one wishes to be more generous
in the interpretation) thus seems to be ruled out as a general explanation.
Other more "normal" explanations have been suggested, however, relying
especially on the idea that the subject's skin is unusually sensitive and there
fore that the phenomena observed involve either dermographia (a condi
tion in which even light touch can produce marked reactions) or contact
dermatitis (in which ordinarily harmless materials, usually metal, produce
an allergic reaction). Paul (1 963), for example, attributed most (but not all)
cases to such reactions, and he even extended the hypothesis to suggest that
204-Chapter 3
in cases in which a bandage was applied to control the subject's access to the
site, the bandage itselfcaused the wound: "In their zeal," he said, the investi
gators "have in fact induced the 'injury' themselves" (p. 239). In many cases
the site of the blister had been lightly touched to reinforce the suggestion.
Sometimes the stimulus was simply the physician's finger, and sometimes it
was a small object such as a coin, a metal file, or a pencil, especially when
the suggestion given was that the hypnotist was burning the patient with a
hot object.
However, in one early study examining the possibility that hysterical
patients showing unusual skin reactions have abnormally reactive skin,
Haxthausen (1936) found that none of the eight hysterical patients examined
did. Gauld (1990, pp. 148-149) and Stevenson (1997, vol. 1, pp. 64-65) have
also pointed out that, although some subjects have had unusually sensitive
skin, not all have. More importantly, in cases in which the stimulus was
an everyday object, such as a button, a matchstick, or a cold stove-or the
physician's finger-it is "absolutely inconceivable" that a contact dermatitis
sufficient to produce blisters would not have been known before to the sub
jects or their doctors (who were often the hypnotists) (Gauld, 1990, p. 149).
Myers seems to have been the first to recognize the need to provide
appropriate controls for unusual skin reactions. In an 1885 experiment in
which he and Gurney participated, Liebeault "slightly pricked" the back of
the hand of his patient Mlle. A. E., suggesting that a patch of redness would
form there. At the same time, Myers scratched her arm, with no sugges
tion of any reaction, as a control. On the place touched by Liebeault, a red
patch appeared almost immediately; on Myers's control scratch, no reac
tion was observed (Myers, 1886c, pp. 167-168n). Forel later made a similar
experiment in which he drew a cross on each forearm with a blunt knife. He
suggested that blisters would appear, but on the right side only, and after
five minutes a reddish swelling and a wheal, "somewhat in the shape of a
cross," appeared on that side only (Moll, 1901, pp. 136-137). In a similar
case, performed by a German physician, Oskar Kohnstamm, before a group
of neurologists, some of whom kept the hypnotized subject under constant
observation, a cross was traced on both arms with a pencil, with the sugges
tion that a wheal would form on the left side only. A wheal appeared an hour
later, only on the left arm (Dunbar, 1954, p. 613).
Similar cases are those in which a suggestion of analgesia was given to
one arm, but not to the other, to see whether the suggested analgesia would
affect the skin response. Delboeuf, for example, suggested to a hypnotized
subject that her right arm was analgesic, and he then burned both arms
with a red-hot iron rod.47 The left arm showed a normal reaction, with a
large, inflamed, and blistered wound, but the right arm had only a small
bump, with no redness or inflammation (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, pp. 65-66).
In another experiment performed by the physician Kohnstamm before a
47. Delboeuf had obtained her permission to do this before he hypnotized her,
but probably few subjects (or university review boards) would agree to such a pro
cedure today.
Psychophysiological Infiuence-205
medical audience, a deeply hypnotized subject was given the suggestion that
one finger would be analgesic. When that finger was punctured with a large
pin, no bleeding occurred, although the corresponding finger on the other
hand bled normally when similarly punctured (Dunbar, 1954, p. 608). Chap
man, Goodell, and Wolff (1959) reported a more extensive experiment of
this kind, involving 13 hypnotized subjects in 40 experiments. In 39 of these
the subjects were given the suggestion that one arm was either normal or
anesthetized and that the other arm was especially "vulnerable"; and in the
other the suggestion was that one arm was normal and the other was anes
thetic. A "standard noxious [thermal] stimulus" was then applied to three
spots on each arm. In 30 of the 40 experiments, the arm suggested to be the
more "vulnerable" showed greater inflammatory reaction and damage than
did the anesthetic or normal arm. The reaction clearly depended on the sub
jects' beliefs or expectations about being burned, and not on an unusually
sensitive skin condition.
An equally important argument against dermographia or contact der
matitis as general explanations is that there are numerous cases in which the
site that developed the reaction was not touched. In the Myers/Liebeault
case, described above, Liebeault had suggested that a red mark would
appear on both hands, although he touched only one of them. A red mark
developed also on the hand he had not touched, although "a little less red
and distinct" than the other mark (Myers, 1886c, pp. 167-168n). In Bellis's
case of induced sunburn, no tactile contact was made with the patient's face,
arm, or shoulders; and in Schindler's case, also cited above, many of the
instances of bruising and blistering involved suggestion only, with no touch
(Paul, 1963, pp. 237, 241). Charcot suggested to a patient, "without touch
ing it," that her arm was covered with burning wax. She was continuously
watched, and within a few minutes she developed "a veritable burn" (Gauld,
1 990, p. 146). Ullman (1 947, pp. 829-830) suggested to his patient (the sol
dier mentioned above) that he was "rundown and debilitated" and that a
fever blister would develop on his lower lip in the right corner. The area was
not touched. The patient was kept under observation, and 24 hours later
one large blister and multiple smaller satellite blisters had developed at the
suggested site.
Other cases that cannot be explained by skin sensitivity are those in
which the mark appeared at a site other than the one either suggested or
touched. Podiapolsky (1909) described a case, again one in which the sub
ject was closely watched by several people, in which a coin and then the
bottom of a thermometer case were lightly pressed against her skin in two
locations on her back, with the suggestion that she was being burned, as
with a hot coal. Several hours later, blisters had appeared in both spots, but
"not quite in the right place." One was a grouping of three or four blisters
about 3 cm below and to the left of the site touched, and the other a larger,
broken blister about 1 cm above that site. Similarly, Smirnoff placed a but
ton on his subject's hand, suggesting that it was "glowing hot." Immediately
after she was awakened, a red patch appeared, and 15 minutes later a blister
206-Chapter 3
of the supposedly "fatal defect" that it took 24 hours or more for her blis
ters to develop. It is not clear why this lapse of time should necessarily be
considered a defect; but in any case, like many such "skeptics" he was less
than accurate in his portrayal of the facts. It is not true that "in no case"
with lIma was the interval less than 24 hours; nor is it true that there was
no description of the means by which lIma was controlled. lendrissik, for
example, had reported an instance (the one involving the ring) in which the
blister had developed after five hours, during which period of time she had
been watched continuously (Gauld, 1990, p. 143; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p.
64). Another "condemning fact" to Madden was that, according to him, a
"burn just like a K" appeared on the shoulder touched. In reality, the mark
appeared not on the left shoulder, but on the untouched right shoulder, and
was both reversed and more like an H than a K in shape.
Myers took quite a different view of the reversal and distortion of the
K than Madden's "conviction" that such distortions were "the very stron
gest evidence for deceit." For him, lIma's case was a "striking example"
of "the intellectual character, as I have termed it, of the organic process
which responds to suggestion" (HP, vol. 1, p. 495). The fact that the mark
was not an exact reproduction suggested to Myers that, just as the marks
in Dr. Biggs's three cases had corresponded to "the idea of cruciformity,"
so in this case it "corresponded to an intellectual idea," that is, "the idea of
K-shape," an idea that "underwent some idiosyncratic modification in the
subject's subliminal intelligence" (HP, vol. 1, p. 496)-one of those modi
fications, common in other automatisms such as automatic writing, being
mirror-image writing (Myers, 1 885b).
Other marks corresponding to a suggested shape have been reported.
Earlier in the chapter I described several cases of this kind. By hypnotic sug
gestion Lechler was able to induce on the forehead of his patient Elisabeth
K. several marks having the triangular shape of thorns. lima K. developed
on her right arm a blister in the shape of a ring with the additional detail
of a notch in the ring, corresponding to the shape and appearance of a ring
that had been pressed against her left arm. Similarly, several stigmatics have
developed marks, called "espousal rings," encircling a finger (Thurston,
1 952, pp. 1 30-140). Another case, this one not involving hypnosis, was R. L.
Moody's patient, on whose arm appeared marks clearly showing indenta
tions resembling rope marks. I have also already mentioned Biggs's three
subjects, who developed marks in the shape of a cross. More significantly,
one of them also developed a mark, in a place that had not been touched,
that was the beginning of a letter S, in response to the suggestion that the
word "Sancta" would appear. In Bellis's case of induced sunburn, the red
ness conformed to the lines of the patient's dress. Louis v., who showed
numerous physiological reactions to suggestions, on one occasion devel
oped a bleeding V on his arm after that had been suggested to him (Myers,
1886c, pp. 168-169; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 63). One of Liebeault's patients
developed a mark resembling a cross in response to a post-hypnotic sugges
tion (Gauld, 1990, p. 144), as did Forel's subject (Moll, 1901, pp. 136-1 37).
208-Chapter 3
Janet reported three cases, the first illustrating again what Myers called
"the intelligence presiding over these organic suggestions" (HP, vol. 1, p.
496). Specifically, Janet suggested to his patient Rose that he was applying
a mustard plaster to her abdomen, although he did not in fact do so. After a
few hours, a swollen and red rectangular area appeared, but it had the odd
characteristic that it looked as though the four corners had been cut on a
diagonal. When Janet commented on this, Rose said that it was the custom
where she came from to cut the corners at an angle; it was thus her own
notion of mustard plasters, and not the suggestion from Janet, that deter
mined the particular form. On another occasion, Janet suggested to Rose
that he was applying a mustard plaster in the shape of a six-pointed star, and
a red mark appeared with "exactly" (Janet's term) that shape. In the third
instance, this one involving his patient Leonie, Janet suggested a mustard
plaster in the shape of an S, and a mark in that shape appeared on her chest
(HP, vol. 1, pp. 496-497; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, p. 64).
Another remarkable case involving skin marks corresponding closely
to suggested images was that of Olga Kahl. Among her abilities was that
of producing thin red lines in the skin of her forearms or chest, closely cor
responding to target images chosen sometimes by her, sometimes by the
investigators.48 This ability was studied in detail by the physician Osty and
the physiologist Richet (Osty, 1929). Their experiments were conducted
with Olga under observation in full daylight. The marks were generally
both clear and large, occupying for example a sizeable part of Olga's ventral
forearm. They usually took some tens of seconds to form and then faded
within a minute. Unfortunately, there are no photographs of these marks
(as there are in R. L. Moody's cases, in the case of Lechler's Elisabeth K.,
or in Hadfield's case), but Osty made drawings of lO of them, which have
been published (Osty, 1929, pp. 129-l31; Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 , pp. 97, 98,
l O1). Three of the targets were complex line drawings, all reproduced fairly
closely in Olga's skin writing, although somewhat distorted or missing some
lines. When the number 8 was suggested, for example, an X first appeared,
and then a rounded line at the bottom appeared, giving the X the appear
ance of part of an 8. When a water goblet was suggested, lines appeared
that closely resembled one side of a drawing of a goblet. In the remaining
five instances, names were suggested, and in all cases letters appeared on
her arm, one after the other, partially spelling out the name. Thus, the name
"Rosa" yielded "Ro," the name Fran<;:ois yielded "FrAN," and the name
"Sabine" yielded an odd-looking S, followed by an A, a B, a blank space,
and then an N and a straight vertical line. The name "Yolande" yielded an
odd-looking Y, followed by a blank space, then an L, a distorted a, an n, a
distorted d, and an e. Perhaps the most interesting, however, was "Rene,"
which came out upside down on her arm in the form "REH." Olga was Rus
sian, and in the Russian alphabet N is written like H. Although there had
48. As I will discuss later in the chapter, an important feature of this case is that,
when the target was chosen by the investigators, Olga herself was usually neither
told nor allowed to see what the target was.
Psychophysiological Influence-209
been no touching or tracing of the images on Olga, she was tested for der
mographia, and showed only a "feeble" response (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1 ,
p. 102).
It seems clear that there have been cases of skin marking and blistering
that cannot be explained in terms either of fraud or of unusually sensitive
skin. What other "normal" explanations might be available? Several have
been proposed. One of the most common focuses on the fact that in many
instances of hypnotic or non-hypnotic skin reactions, as well as many of
the other phenomena discussed in this chapter, emotion plays an impor
tant role. Clearly, emotion can engender physiological reactions, such as the
blushing that occurs when one feels embarrassment or the increase in heart
rate when one is frightened. Blushing or changes in heart rate, however, are
a far cry from a clearly outlined letter K at a specific spot on the skin. As
Stevenson (1997, vol . 1 , pp. 102-103) put it, "blushing shows neither the vol
untariness nor an ability to control the sites of vasodilatation, let alone that
of dilating blood vessels to represent particular forms." Madden (1903) was
more specific: "No one ever saw a blush in the shape of a K of such intensity
that it caused a burn" (p. 289).
Others have suggested that the abnormal reactions are, in essence, a
conditioned response produced when the person recalls suffering a similar
injury in the past (see, e.g., Paul, 1 963, p. 242). Podiapolsky (1909), for exam
ple, had found that a certain patient did not respond, as Janet's patients had,
to suggestions that a mustard plaster was being applied, but he then learned
that this patient had never experienced a real mustard plaster. He concluded
that subjects must have previously experienced the sensations of a particu
lar stimulus before the suggestion would "take." Similarly, as we saw earlier,
Ewin (1979, p. 271) reported the case of a man who developed redness and
swelling when he was vividly reminded of a serious burn he had suffered 10
years earlier; R . L. Moody's patient developed rope marks on his arm when
recalling a traumatic experience of being tied down with ropes; and Bellis's
patient developed a sunburn in reaction to her memory of a severe sunburn
she had previously experienced. Weitzenhoffer (1953) believed, much like
Podiapolsky, that "for the suggestion to be effective the subject must have
previously experienced traumatic situations leading to blister formation,"
because the "re-experiencing" elicits a conditioned response that "brings
about reflexedly the somatic changes that were once associated with the pre
vious reaction" (pp. 298, 296).49
50. Barber (1984) later apparently acquiesced somewhat on this point when he
described "all of the individuals" who had produced blisters as "superb" or "excel
lent" hypnotic subjects (p. 92).
Psychophysiological Influence-2 1 1
The meanings or ideas imbedded in words which are spoken by one person
and deeply accepted by another can be communicated to the cells of the
body (and to the chemicals within the cells); the cells then can change their
activities in order to conform to the meanings or ideas which have been
transmitted to them. (pp. 1 1 5-1 16)
52. In answer to his own question, McDougall could only say that it was "utterly
impossible to conceive."
214-Chapter 3
for the mind to say, simply, get off, eliminate yourselves, without provid
ing something in the way of specifications as to how to go about it." Given
that warts are caused by a virus and often gotten rid of by immunological
mechanisms rejecting them, the process of eliminating them by suggestion
probably involves not only selectively shutting down the local blood sup
ply, but also activating the appropriate lymphocytes while simultaneously
"exclud[ing] the wrong ones." Again, he insisted, "it wouldn't do to fob off
the whole intricate business on lower centers without sending along a quite
detailed set of specifications, away over my head." Thomas concluded that
there must be a "Person in charge," a "kind of superintelligence in all of us"
that knows how to do this, one that is "infinitely smarter and possessed of
technical know-how far beyond our present understanding." Yet
with a fundamental problem with which few psychologists have been willing
to grapple-namely, the problem of volition and what all volitional phe
nomena, from deliberately raising one's arm to deliberately raising a blister,
imply about the nature of mind.
Even Thomas, however, may not have fully appreciated the magnitude
of the problems he was pointing out. I have already stated several times that
attempted explanations of phenomena of psychophysiological influence in
conventional biological terms become progressively strained and unsatis
factory as we move from the level of commonly occurring global or systemic
effects to phenomena of the more localized, dramatic, and uncommon sorts.
In fact, I will now argue, in extreme cases like those of blistering and skin
marking the conventional approach breaks down altogether, because the
brain and body demonstrably lack output mechanisms capable of produc
ing the observed effects. It is imperative to note also that this argument,
if sustained, casts retrospective doubt on the conventional interpretations
of all seemingly less complex phenomena of psychophysiological influence,
including that everyday phenomenon which we so readily take for granted
namely, our ability to raise our arm whenever we intend to do so.
Consider first the case of hypnotically induced blisters. Gurney (1887a)
examined these thoughtfully in relation to his own suggestion that vivid
mental imagery might be a causative factor in their production. The more
primitive manifestations, such as a generalized reddening of an area of skin
when attention is focused on it, seemed to him possibly within the reach of
a biological explanation. However, he cautioned, "difficulties increase as we
go on." In particular, he recognized clearly the difficulties of identifying any
mechanism by which a suggested idea-hypnotic or non-hypnotic, emo
tional or non-emotional, hallucinatory or not-could produce a "minutely
localised erethism . . . [that] corresponds with the idea to the extent of being
cruciform" (p. 105). Gurney was even willing to allow-wrongly, as we now
know-the possibility "that the cerebral area involved in the idea of a cross
should itself be cruciform." That would not help explain the cruciform blis
ter, however:
No one has ever supposed that a nervous impulse transmitted from ide
ational tracts to lower centres, and thence to the periphery, was conveyed
by fibres which retained precisely similar spatial relations, so that the
course of the discharge, wherever cut across, would present a similar sec
tion. Passing inwards from the periphery along the track of nervous distur
bance, should we find cruciformity of area all the way? And if not, where
does it stop? And if it stops anywhere, what is the connection between the
cruciform effect at the periphery, and the cause (even if we assume that to
be cruciform) in the brain? (Gurney, 1887, p. 1 05)
Others since Gurney have also clearly recognized the severe explanatory
challenge posed by blisters of this type. Madden (1903) outlined arguments
that are in fact quite similar to Gurney's, but unlike Gurney he concluded
on that basis that "vesication by suggestion is a physiological impossibility"
2 l6-Chapter 3
and therefore that all previous investigators had been deceived. Pattie (1941)
was more cautious, acknowledging the strength of the evidence, but main
taining "an attitude of suspended judgment, an attitude due mostly to [my]
inability to understand by what physiological processes suggestion-or the
central nervous system-could produce localized and circumscribed erythe
mas or blisters" (p. 71).
The essence of the problem in more modern terms is that although we
have learned a great deal in recent decades about the processes of neuro
genic inflammation that give rise to blister formation in the case of, say, a
burn, we have no credible idea as to how those processes could be engaged
directly by the central nervous system, in the absence of the tissue injury
and activation of pain receptors that normally precipitate local release of
substance P and related vasoactive agents. Pattie himself thought that this
had to occur "independent of the central nervous system," and in this he
seems almost certainly correct.
But how then might it happen at all, if the central nervous system can
not itself directly produce the necessary effects in the skin, with the requisite
precision? The only remaining hope for a neurological explanation amounts
essentially to transferring control of blister shape to the corresponding tac
tile stimulus, such as Janet's mustard plaster in the shape of a six-pointed
star. The basic idea is that an abnormal state of the central nervous system,
such as deep hypnotic trance, might somehow sensitize the skin in such a
way that light touch with the star activates local mechanisms of blistering
in the same way that they would normally have been activated had the star
actually been burning hot. Although skin-based mechanisms capable of
producing such local sensitization are known to exist (Willis, 1999), it is not
known whether they can be mobilized by hypnosis, directly from the central
nervous system, in the necessary form and extent. Furthermore, and more
decisively, these mechanisms could not in any event provide a general expla
nation of hypnotic blistering because, as we have seen, blisters sometimes
appear, not at the location touched by the hypnotist, but at some other loca
tion, or even in the absence of any touch stimulus whatever.
Let us go on to a second and even more challenging case, the skin-writ
ing of Olga Kahl.53 The marks in this case were in or below the skin, and not
on the skin, because they were not altered by attempts to wash them away
(Bester man, 1929, p. 428). Osty (1929), a physician, regarded this skin-writ
ing phenomenon as an inspiring example of generally unrecognized poten
tials of the human organism for physiological self-control, and he made
a serious attempt to understand it in terms of the neurophysiology of the
day. The red color, apparent depth, and spatial precision of the lines clearly
required an extraordinary degree of control of the peripheral circulation.
Osty (p. 1 37) assumed that this control had to be exerted at the level of the
capillary bed, through local dilation of capillaries, and by a central nervous
53. I will leave aside here the psi-related aspects of this case, discussed later in the
chapter, and consider only the challenge it poses as a purely psychophysiological
Psychophysiological Infiuence-2l 7
By this point it should be abundantly clear that there are numerous types,
and many well-attested instances, of phenomena demonstrating that an
emotion, a belief, vivid imagery, or some other psychological process can
sometimes produce striking physiological changes which, in terms of their
specificity of location and form, go far beyond the generalized responses of
the body and nervous system to stress or other emotions. The belief that all
phenomena of psychophysiological influence must be explainable in purely
biological terms can perhaps be sustained, in those sufficiently committed
to it, so long as we confine our attention-as we have so far-to phenomena
involving the apparent effects of mental states on a person's own body.
This promissory materialism, however, is further undermined by related
types of phenomena in which one person's mental state seems to have influ
enced another person's body. Although most scientists, and many others,
are unwilling even to entertain the idea that such phenomena can occur,
they do in fact occur, and pose essentially the same problem as phenomena
of psychophysiological influence involving only one person. Both types are
examples of volition, or the carrying out of some kind of intention or pur
pose by some kind of intelligence. Even in its simplest and most basic forms,
as I have said before, volition remains a mystery: How does the idea to raise
one's arm translate into the complex motor processes that carry out that
intention? The phenomena that I will discuss in the remainder of this chap
ter are simply an extension of that basic problem, but they are especially
important because they call even more seriously into question glib asser
tions of mind-body "unity" as the basis of all psychophysical interactions.
How on such views can a brain process in one person set in motion its physi
ological expression in the body of another person? The problem of volition,
from the most common everyday acts to the rarest and most extreme of the
phenomena examined in this chapter, will remain a mystery without some
understanding of the relation of mind and brain that goes deeper than either
an absolute separation of non-interactive mind and brain or the currently
popular, but ultimately superfic ial, assertion of mind-brain unity.
Myers suggested that all supernormal phenomena, including those in
which the thoughts of one person seem to have affected the body of another
person, may reflect an ability to act on other bodies "such . . . as the living
energy, whatever it be, in each of us is wont to exercise upon the brain"
(Myers, 1894, p. 417), a process he called "telergy" (HP, vol. 2, p. 52). The
extension of this volitional power from one's own body to another person's
body may seem radical, but, as Myers (1894) summarized the situation, we
are as ignorant about the nature of the former as about the latter:
Psychophysiological Influence-219
It is the very secret of life which confronts us here; the fundamental antin
omy between Mind and Matter. . . .I here say only that since this problem
does already exist, . . .we have no right to take for granted that the prob
lem, when more closely approached, will keep within its ancient limits, or
that Mind, whose far-darting energy we are now realising, must needs be
always powerless upon aught but the grey matter of the brain. (p. 421)
Sympathetic Symptoms
The difficulty of making the distinction between effects on one's own
body and effects on another person's body is illustrated by cases that might
220-Chapter 3
54. For two additional cases reported by Stevenson-including that of a man who,
shortly after a friend died of lung cancer, developed pains that persisted for more
than four years and seemed to correspond to the pains suffered by his friend-see
Stevenson, 1965, pp. 1 232-1233; 1 970, p. 108.
Psychophysiological Influence-221
Maternal Impressions
There have been numerous cases, reported throughout history, in which
an idea in the mind of a pregnant woman, usually triggered by her percep
tion of another person's injury or deformity, seems to have resulted in a sim
ilar deformity in a third person-her unborn baby. Such phenomena have
been called "maternal impressions," and Myers urged the study of them:
If [some] shock fal l upon the mother during the embryo's life, and if it
chance . . . to reach the mother's subliminal self in effective fashion, it may
then transfer itself to the embryo, and imprint upon the child the organic
memory of the mother's emotion of admiration, disgust, or fear. . . . 1 believe
that there is evidence enough . . . to show that isolated and momentary sug
gestions-as the sight of a crushed ankle or missing finger-may produce
a definite localised effect on the embryo in much the same way as a hyp
notic suggestion may produce a localised congestion or secretion. (Myers,
1 895d, p. 349; also HP, vol. 2, p. 267)
222-Chapter 3
55. An interesting variation on this may have occurred in connection with a stig
mata case. I mentioned earlier a case reported by J. G. Fisher and Kollar (1980) of
a young Mexican-American woman who developed stigmata shortly after her mar
riage. About a year and a hal f later, she gave birth to a child who "also had the stig
mata (hands, feet, crown of thorns) five times, the first at age 21> weeks" (p. 1462).
This is a "variation" on maternal impression cases because the marks developed,
not in utero, but shortly after the child's birth.
56. For a summary of all 50 cases, see Stevenson (1997, Table 3.2, pp. 1 1 1-134).
Psychophysiological I nfluence-223
pregnant woman. Second, Stevenson chose cases in which the most detail
had been given (although in many of them still more detail would have been
desirable). Third, he chose cases in which the correspondence between the
two marks or deformities was close. Finally, and perhaps most importantly,
he gave preference to cases in which the marks in question were unusual,
thus lessening the likelihood of chance correspondence.
For example, 32 of the 50 cases involved birth defects, usually the con
genital absence of all or part of a limb. In one (from the 1890s), a child of the
pregnant woman had accidentally been cut severely with a wood chopper
across the middle, ring, and little fingers of the left hand; and the child born
subsequently was also missing the middle, ring, and little fingers of the left
hand. In another (from 1 949) the pregnant woman saw a man whose ear had
been cut off by a sword in a war, and her child was born without an exter
nal left ear. In a third case (from 1863), a pregnant woman who had seen
her brother's genitalia after his penis had been amputated for treatment of
cancer later gave birth to a male child lacking a penis. The physician in this
case confirmed the condition of both the woman's brother and her baby.
This case particularly calls into question the hypothesis of chance coinci
dence: Surgical amputation of a penis is not a common occurrence, and the
incidence of congenital absence of the penis is similarly exceedingly rare.
Stevenson (1997, vol. 1, p. 140) cites an 1898 study in which the incidence
of congenital absence of the penis was estimated at 1 in 30,000,000 births
and another study showing that only 15 such cases had been reported in the
medical literature up to 195 1 .
In the remaining 18 cases, involving what would b e more accurately
described as birthmarks rather than birth defects, the two conditions were
also often unusual ones. In one case (from 1877), a pregnant woman's 2-
year-old son cut his upper lip severely, requiring surgical repair and leaving
a scar. The child born subsequently had a linear scar on the upper lip at the
same place. In another case, a woman had seen her husband after he had
been slapped on the face and neck by someone whose four bloody fingers
had left bloody marks on his face. The child was born with marks on the
face and neck resembling the four finger marks.
The cases are not confined to earlier times. Similar cases are still occa
sionally reported, even in medical journals (e.g., H. C. Williams & Pem
broke, 1988). Stevenson himself has investigated and reported six such cases
(1 997, vol. 1, pp. 142-173).57 One of these (Stevenson, 1985, 1989, 1997, vol. 1 ,
pp. 160-169) occurred i n the 1980s i n Sri Lanka. I n 1974 the father and uncle
of Sampath, the subject of the case, murdered a man in their village by cut
ting off his arms and legs. The victim's mother repeatedly cursed the family
and wished them to have a deformed child. Sampath's mother feared that the
curse would be effective, but when her next child was born a few years later,
57. Additionally, some of the more than 200 cases that Stevenson (1 992b,
1 997) has reported of birthmarks or birth defects attributed to the effects of a pre
vious life (which I will discuss later in the chapter) may possibly be attributable
instead to maternal impression.
224-Chapter 3
it was normal and she believed that the curse had somehow been negated.
The next child, however, born in 1982, was severely deformed, lacking both
of his arms and having seriously deformed legs.
A curse of this kind is an unusual form of maternal impression, but we
encountered similar kinds of cases earlier in the chapter in connection with
hexing or voodoo deaths. Moreover, Sampath's case is not alone. A pediatri
cian in Australia reported a remarkably similar case (E. K. Turner, 1960), in
which a young girl became pregnant by a man of whom her parents disap
proved. From the second month of her pregnancy,5s her mother repeatedly
cursed her and declared that the baby would be born "without arms and
legs, and blind." The girl nonetheless persisted in the pregnancy, and when
the child was born he was missing both legs and had severe deformities of
the arms, although he did not seem to be blind. He died six months later.
The author attributed the deformities to severe stress that aborted the devel
opment of the child's limbs.
E. M. Sternberg (2001) likewise believes that stress or other strong emo
tion can explain such cases, because of the findings of psychoneuroimmu
nology, discussed earlier in this chapter, showing a relationship between
emotion and the immune system. Thus, she claims, maternal impression
cases have been "removed from the realm of the magical" (p. 8). But can
anyone really take seriously the "explanation" that "stress" produced the
specific, localized, and often rare marks and deformities encountered in
many of these cases?
Unfortunately, opportunities for scientists to find a more adequate
explanation by studying cases at first hand may be diminishing. In ear
lier centuries physicians believed that the fetus was directly connected to
the mother's body by nerve or blood vessels and that the cases could be
"explained" as an effect of the mother's mental processes on her own body.
As long they believed in this as a plausible explanation, maternal impression
cases were regularly reported in the medical literature. In the 20th century,
however, scientists learned that there are no such neural or circulatory con
nections. There is transfer of some substances across the placenta, but this
clearly cannot explain how an idea in one person's mind (the mother's) could
translate into correspondingly specific and localized effects on another per
son's body (the baby's). Apparently because there was no longer an accept
able explanation, reports of such cases in the medical literature declined
precipitously. Perhaps even more importantly, however, as Stevenson (1 997,
vol. 1 , p. 174) has pointed out, the real (and not just the reported) incidence
of such cases may also be falling off, since the belief in such an effect among
the general public may be dying away, in the West at least.
58. This case i llustrates an interesting finding by Stevenson (1997, vol. 1, pp. 1 38-
1 39), namely, that the stimulus i n maternal impression cases was significantly more
likely to occur in the first trimester than in the other two. Assuming that a pregnant
woman would be equally likely in any trimester to encounter a stimulus, Stevenson
suggested that this finding is "medically significant," because the 1 st trimester is
also the one in which the developing fetus is most vulnerable.
Psychophysiological Inftuence-225
Community ofSensation
Some of the early mesmerists had reported that a mesmerized subject
sometimes seemed to experience a sensation comparable to one that the
mesmerist was feeling, usually a taste or a pain-although, as Gauld (1992,
pp. 234-235) pointed out, rarely was there any indication that auditory or
olfactory cues had been adequately controlled for. Later in the century,
Esdaile, Elliotson, and others also reported experiments along these lines
(for a brief review, see Gurney et aI., 1886, vol. 2, pp. 324-329), and still later
Gurney, Myers, and other members of the SPR undertook similar experi
ments (for a review, see Gurney et aI., 1886, vol. 1, pp. 51-58; HP, vol. 1, pp.
Another series of experiments that might be considered a variation on
the "community of sensation" phenomena were those, described earlier, in
which Olga Kahl was able to reproduce on her skin target pictures or writ
ing. It was remarkable enough, as described above, that she could somehow
translate an image presented to her normally into corresponding marks
within her skin. Even more remarkable was that the target information
often had not been conveyed to her in any normal sensory way. In a typical
experiment of this sort, an investigator would write a name or other target
on a piece of paper and then concentrate on it, always taking care of course
that Olga did not see it, sometimes by going into a different room. The
investigators also sometimes designated at the time of the experiment the
skin location where they wanted the marks to appear. Within a short time,
corresponding letters or lines would begin to form in Olga's skin (Stevenson,
1 997, vol. 1, pp. 94-lO3). Somehow, it seemed, information in one person's
mind was transferred, within seconds or minutes, into a highly specific
physiological reaction in another person. Olga's case invites the interpreta
tion that it was the image that arose in her mind, rather than a direct PK
effect from the other person, that somehow controlled the reaction: Recall,
59. I will not attempt here even to summarize this literature, let alone discuss it
adequately, but for pointers into it see the Appendix.
226-Chapter 3
for example, that when the target was the name "Rene," the "N" came out
looking like an "H," as in the alphabet of Olga's native Russian.
Suggestion at a Distance
The possibility of direct, PK-like influence from experimenters or other
persons, however, seems stronger in some other experiments in which a
more generalized physiological response was induced in a distant subject.
For example, Janet, Richet, and others undertook experiments in "sugges
tion at a distance," in some of which Myers participated (Janet, 188611968a,
l 88611968b; Myers, 1886c, pp. 1 27-137; Richet, 1888, pp. 32-52).60 In 18 of
25 trials Janet and his colleague Gibert were able to induce a trance in their
hysterical subject Leonie at distances varying from V4 to 1 mile. In most of
these, the experimenter made the suggestion while another person was with
Leonie and could observe her. To rule out the possibility that the observer
might have inadvertently conveyed normally to her a suggestion that she fall
into an hypnotic trance, some trials were made when the observer did not
know that an attempt was being made. Moreover, she was rarely found to
have fallen into a trance spontaneously, "not provoked by our order" (Janet,
1886b, p. 263). Recognizing the importance of such experiments, Myers sug
gested that they be extended with experiments on the distant influence of a
subject's physiological state (such as vasomotor, circulatory, or respiratory
systems) (l886e, p. 450; 1893b, pp. 31-32).61
Myers had thought that Janet and his colleagues "are not likely to
drop the inquiry; and we may hope that the experiments . . . are but the first
instalment of what they may yet achieve" ( l 886e, p. 450). Regrettably, they
did soon drop the inquiry. Even worse, years later Janet downplayed their
significance, apparently retrospectively embarrassed by his own results. In
reporting his experiments in 1886, he had said that "there is a sort of fac
ulty, I don't know what sort, by which she [Leonie] is able to perceive the
thoughts of others" (Janet, 188611968a) p. 130); but in 1930 he declared that
he had always been "skeptical as to mental suggestion and hypnotism from
a distance" (Janet, 193011961 , p. 1 25). He even rebuked those who had tried
to urge the importance of such research. Apparently, the suggestion that
such studies might imply "unknown faculties of the human mind" (p. 125)
was unacceptable enough to lead him to repudiate this line of research
even his own-altogether.62
63. Such studies, however, still do not entirely rule out placebo, or self-suggestion,
effects. There remains the possibility that patients detected the attempted influence
228-Chapter 3
who have taken seriously the evidence for such phenomena have insisted
that the only consequence of accepting them is not the negation but the
expansion of modern science-rightly understood as an epistemological
method and not an ideology. One can fully accept the fundamental scientific
premise of the underlying continuity and lawfulness of nature without also
assuming that we currently know all relevant principles. Accepting evidence
that consciousness can have an influence on distant minds or matter clearly
implies rejection of the modern equation of the natural order with the physi
cal universe as classically conceived-but not of science itself.
The second critique of prayer studies-the need to keep science and
religion separate because questions about God are beyond the scope of sci
ence-betrays a limited view of what prayer studies really imply. Much of
the visceral reaction against studies of the efficacy of prayer seems to be
based on this assumption: "The most fundamental problem is that experi
ments to test the power of prayer. . . require God . . . to work miracles. The
whole enterprise is therefore not really about prayer as a practice, but about
the existence of God" (Thomson, 1996, p. 534). And again: "God is the pur
ported mechanism in these studies . . . .We maintain that studies of distant
prayer have had this feature not to test the effect of prayer on human illness,
but to test for God's intervention in response to human intercession" (Chib
nail et al., 2001, p. 2532).
Such statements are simply false. I cannot of course comment on the
personal motivations of individual researchers, but prayer studies broadly
understood are not about the existence of either God or miracles. As Harris
et al. insisted, "it was intercessory prayer, not the existence of God, that was
tested here" (p. 2277). Prayer studies are, in fact, a subset of the much larger
body of research intended to examine the question of whether consciousness
can directly affect, not just the healing of another person, but more gener
ally material objects (psychokinesis, or PK studies; see the Appendix) and
biological systems (the experimental studies to be discussed in the next sec
tion). Given this larger context of numerous studies suggesting the existence
of such effects, it would be surprising if intercessory prayer-understood as
the intentional direction of one's thoughts toward another person-were not
effective under appropriate circumstances (those circumstances, of course,
to be determined by further research).
A more valid criticism of prayer studies has been that the use of blinded
intercessors-persons praying for a distant person not known to them
makes little psychological sense (Chibnall et al., 2001).65 These authors sug
gest placing the intercessor surreptitiously outside a patient's room where
they can "direct their intention right at the patient" (p. 2532). As an alterna
tive, remote healers or persons praying could view the patient on a video
monitor. As we will see in the next section, numerous successful experi
ments in distant influence have been conducted in this way, and I would
65. Three recent large-scale studies of prayer and healing that did not produce
significant results suffered from this same methodological weakness, one I consider
serious (Aviles et aI., 2001 ; Benson et aI., 2006; Krucoff et aI., 2005).
230-Chapter 3
expect the results of prayer studies to improve greatly under more personal
and directed conditions.66
Under these general conditions, the results over numerous studies have
been reasonably consistent and robust. In an overview of 19 studies con
ducted at three labs, Schlitz and Braud (1997) found an overall success rate
of 37%, when 5% would be expected by chance (p = .0000007, effect size
= .25). In a more recent and conservative meta-analysis of 37 studies, S.
Schmidt et al. (2004) found a somewhat smaller, but still significant effect (p
= .00 1 , effect size = . 1 1).
68. These studies also underscore another point I made earlier: Failure of some
investigators to replicate research does not automatically invalidate positive results
obtained by other qualified researchers. Such failure calls, instead, for closer exami
nation of the factors contributing to success in one study but not in another. Strong
experimenter effects are hardly unknown elsewhere in psychology; biofeedback
training for control of hand temperature provides another and closely related exam
ple (Taub, 1977, pp. 276-277).
Psychophysiological Inf'luence-233
the ages of five and eight, although the associated behavior may persist into
adulthood. Research on these cases, which have been found all over the
world, has been going on for over 40 years, and several thousand cases have
been identified and studied-some in great detail-by a number of investi
gators, including most notably Dr. Ian Stevenson, who pioneered this line
of research (for an introduction, see Stevenson, 2001; Tucker, 2005; see also
the Appendix for additional literature).
Particularly relevant to this chapter are those cases, now numbering
well over 200, in which the child has a birthmark or birth defect corre
sponding to a similar mark (usually a fatal wound) on the deceased per
son. Stevenson has considered these cases so important that he devoted a
two-volume, 2,268-page monograph (1997) to them. A typical case is that
of Hanumant Saxena (Stevenson, 1997, vol. 1, pp. 455-467), an Indian boy
born with a large cluster of hypopigmented birthmarks near the center of
his chest. A few weeks before he was conceived, a man in his village had
been shot in the chest at close range with a shotgun, and almost immedi
ately died. Hanumant's mother not only saw the body, but had a dream
about the dead man which prepared her to think that she might have a child
who would be the rebirth of this man. Between the ages of three and five,
Hanumant spoke as if he were this man; but the most important feature of
the case is certainly the unusual birthmark, especially since Stevenson was
able to confirm by means of a post-mortem report its close correspondence
with the fatal wound.
Hanumant's family believed that he was the deceased man reborn, and
on this theory birthmarks such as his are somehow linked to the mental and
physical effects produced in the deceased man as he was suddenly shot to
death. There are, however, other possible interpretations that must be kept
in mind when studying these cases. The most obvious, of course, is chance
coincidence. Most people are born with some birthmarks, and certainly one
of these will occasionally correspond just by chance with a mark on another
person's body. Stevenson (1997, vol. 1, pp. 1 1 31-1 140) has discussed this pos
sibility extensively. The basic argument against the chance hypothesis in
most of the cases is that, unlike the common moles and nevi that many
people are born with, the birthmarks and birth defects in these cases are
often extremely unusual ones. Hanumant's multiple hypopigmented marks
provide one example. Other cases involve extremely unusual birth defects
such as unilateral brachydactyly (the lack of part or whole of the fingers on
one hand), a condition otherwise practically unknown in the medical litera
ture. Moreover, the close correspondence in shape, size, location, and other
features in most cases makes the chance hypothesis exceedingly unlikely,
especially since the children's families have not scoured the countryside
looking for someone whose fatal wounds correspond to their child's marks.
Instead, either the deceased person lived nearby-making the chance expla
nation even more unlikely-or the deceased person had been identified by
means of statements that the child made.
234-Chapter 3
Another argument against chance is that there are many cases in which
there are two or more birthmarks, not in the same location as in Hanumant's
case, but in two or more discrete locations. Stevenson (1997, vol. 2, pp. 1 1 32-
1 1 34) has listed 33 examples of this type in a table. In 18 of these there were
birthmarks corresponding to entry and exit gunshot wounds, often with a
small birthmark corresponding to the entry wound and a larger and more
irregularly shaped one corresponding to the exit wound (Stevenson, 1997,
vol. I, pp. 933-934). One such case, for example, involved a birthmark in
the subject's throat. After hearing a description from the deceased man's
sister of how he had shot himself in the throat, Stevenson conjectured that
the subject might also have a birthmark on the top of his head. Returning
to the subject, he found another, slightly larger birthmark there, covered by
hair, about which he had not previously been told (Stevenson, 1997, vol. I ,
pp. 728-745).
The chance interpretation is further weakened by another type of case.
In discussing maternal impression cases, Myers ( l 892c) had urged attempts
to generate them experimentally, using some benign rather than harmful
image or suggestion as the stimulus (p. 335n). In some CORT cases, attempts
of this sort have been made, and successfully. In some Asian countries, par
ticularly Thailand and Burma, people sometimes mark the body of a dying
or just-deceased person with, say, soot from a cooking pot, in the hope of
generating a birthmark in a later-born child that will allow the family to
identify the deceased person in his or her next life (Stevenson, 1997, vol.
1, pp. 803-879; Tucker, 2005, pp. 77-82; Tucker & Keil, in press). Steven
son and his colleagues have identified and studied 38 such "experimental
birthmark" cases in which a child's birthmarks or birth defects correspond
closely with a mark made on the deceased person's body (Tucker, 2005, p.
77). Moreover, in some African countries where infant mortality is high,
particularly Nigeria, some people engage in the practice of mutilating a
dead infant's body, such as by cutting off the tip of a finger, believing that
this will prevent the child from dying again in infancy after its next birth.
Stevenson (1997, chap. 20) has reported several cases of this type in which
the correspondence between the mutilation and defects in a child born later,
usually in the same family, is close and chance seems highly unlikely.
One such "experimental birthmark" case illustrates particularly well
the difficulty confronting the chance hypothesis. The case involved a young
Thai woman who died during surgery for a congenital heart problem; 13
months later her sister gave birth to a female child, Ma Choe Hnin Htet,
who was found to have two birthmarks-a long linear hypopigmented
birthmark down the middle of her chest and an irregularly shaped red
birthmark on the back of her neck. Stevenson confirmed with the deceased
woman's surgeon that the first birthmark corresponded closely with the sur
gical wound. Moreover, three of the deceased woman's friends explained
that, as they were preparing the body for cremation, they had marked the
back of the woman's neck with lipstick, hoping to generate an "experimen
tal" birthmark of the kind described above. The mother of the child had of
Psychophysiological Influence-235
course known about the surgery on her sister. She had not, however, known
about the marking of the body until after the child was born (Stevenson,
1 997, vol. 1, pp. 839-852).
Here I can only refer readers to Stevenson's densely documented mono
graph for more information about the unusual nature of many of the birth
marks and birth defects and their close correspondence to similarly unusual
marks or wounds on the deceased person; but I think it is an inescapable
conclusion that chance correspondence can explain few if any of these
Another possible interpretation that in some cases seems more reason
able to consider is that of maternal impressions. In most of the birthmark/
birth-defect cases reported by Stevenson and others, the mother had either
seen or heard about the wound on the deceased person. In Hanumant's
case, for example, the hypothesis of maternal impression seems strong.
This hypothesis is complicated, however, by the fact that in some cases the
mother did not know anything whatsoever about the wound or mark on the
deceased person, at least not consciously. Ma Choe Hnin Htet's case pro
vides an example: Although her mother knew about the surgery, she knew
nothing about the lipstick mark made on the back of her deceased sister's
neck. Stevenson has listed 25 such cases in a table (1 997, vol. 1 , p. 1 144). As we
saw in our discussion of "sympathetic symptoms," however, a wound, pain,
or other injury in one person's body was sometimes reflected in a physiologi
cal response, such as pain, in another person, even though the latter had no
way of knowing normally about the injury. In such cases it was plausible to
suppose that the process leading to the physiological response was guided
by information obtained by the respondent in some supernormal manner. A
similar process is plausible here too, and difficult to rule out decisively.
Another possible interpretation of these cases is that something in
the mind of a dying or perhaps even a deceased person has somehow been
translated into a mark on a developing fetus.69 The process might thus be
comparable to psychokinesis (PK) or, more precisely in this instance, to
DMILS-type cases-the critical difference being that the agent may be a
deceased person, still surviving in some form. Alternatively, CORT cases
involving birthmarks and birth defects may be more akin to cases, such as
those of stigmata, in which powerful or obsessive images in the mind of a
person have produced a physiological response in that person's own body
the important difference here being that the body influenced is a new body,
69. The "mark" does not always involve just surface features on the skin. Ste
venson ( 1997, chap. 21) has reported cases in which the subject has a disease cor
responding to one that the previous person suffered. One such case was that of
Selma Kiliy, a Turkish girl who seemed to be remembering the life of a woman
who had died a year or so before Selma's birth of kidney disease; Selma herself
subsequently developed kidney disease at the age of about seven (Stevenson, vol.
2, pp. 1 679-1695). In a similar case, investigated by Tucker (Pasricha, Keil, Tucker,
& Stevenson, 2005, pp. 379-381; Tucker, 2005, pp. 1-3), an American boy was born
with defects of the pulmonary artery and heart closely similar to injuries suffered
by his grandfather, a policeman, when he was fatally shot.
236-Chapter 3
now being occupied by what is in some sense the same person. With this
interpretation, the cases would be what most people witnessing them believe
them to be-instances of rebirth or reincarnation. On any interpretation
involving survival, however, it seems necessary to postulate, as has Steven
son (1997, vol. 2, pp. 2083-2092), some kind of "vehicle" or "substance" or
"field" that retains memories and dispositional characteristics of a deceased
person, called by Stevenson a "psychophore."
It is difficult to judge the relative plausibility of these interpreta
tions in particular cases, and it is by no means self-evident that any one
of them is always or even most frequently the best. Whatever the correct
interpretation(s), however, what should be evident is that these cases are not
sui generis, but instead constitute another large and well-documented fam
ily of extreme psychophysiological phenomena related to the various other
phenomena we have examined in this chapter.
A further important question, however, remains. Many of the CORT
cases involve a deceased person who was a total stranger, or perhaps only
slightly acquainted with the child's family. What, therefore, is the connec
tion or impetus, whether for the deceased person to be reborn in that family,
or for the deceased person to influence that particular developing fetus, or
for the mother to generate a maternal impression involving that person? The
problem is not confined to these cases. As I mentioned in Chapter 2, Myers
(1884-1885) pointed out that the connection between people in some tele
pathic or other supernormal experiences also does not seem "clearly refer
able either to kinship or to affection" (p. 100), since the people involved were
strangers (p. 1 22). We are a long way from answering this question, just as
we are a long way from understanding many other aspects of the phenom
ena described in this chapter.
One major goal of this chapter has been to provide an overall picture, derived
from a truly enormous biomedical literature, of the remarkable range and
diversity of phenomena of psychophysiological influence. Another major
goal has been to show that there are well-attested phenomena demonstrat
ing that strong emotions, beliefs, or intentions, unusually vivid imagery,
and altered or dissociative states of consciousness sometimes result in
striking physiological changes that, in terms of factors such as specificity
of form and location, go far beyond generalized or systemic responses of
the body and nervous system to stress or other emotions. Still another goal
has been, following Myers, to present all these diverse phenomena in such
a way as to show that they are not isolated, individual "anomalies," but
instead comprise a continuum, ranging from commonplace and accepted
kinds to extraordinary and dismissed ones, and moreover that they are
deeply related both phenomenologically and conceptually. Recognizing
Psychophysiological Infiuence-237
this continuum also highlights the primary thesis of this chapter: Volition
in general-whether of the sort that we take for granted (such as raising an
arm) or rarer phenomena that more clearly challenge the currently prevail
ing view of mind-brain relations (such as raising a blister)-remains a chal
lenging mystery.
Moreover, the phenomena described in this chapter illustrate that simi
lar effects can result from quite different psychological and physiological
conditions. Blisters can occur in response to a thermal stimulus, a strong
emotional memory of a previous burn, or the suggestion of a hypnotist, and
it seems unlikely that the physiological mechanism is the same in all three
types. Symptoms of pregnancy occurring as a result of a true pregnancy
seem to involve different physiological mechanisms from those occurring
in association with pseudocyesis. An hallucination can be generated patho
logically by physical illness, drugs, or alcohol, or by a telepathic impression.
Again, we seem to be encountering volition: In contrast to purely physiolog
ical responses, many of the phenomena described in this chapter suggest the
realization of an intention by whatever mechanism is available.
I have also tried to call attention to some important methodological
issues inherent in the study of these refractory and puzzling phenomena.
Reports of them often take the form of individual case studies involving
persons who were clearly very unusual. Most of the phenomena described in
this chapter occur primarily among such persons, and not among randomly
selected samples of ordinary persons. For example, inducing phenomena
such as psi, blisters, or vivid hallucinations with hypnotic suggestion does
not occur easily or readily. As Myers stated, "they are not often evoked in
answer to any rapid and, so to say, perfunctory hypnotic suggestion; they
do not spring up in miscellaneous hospital practice; they need an education
and a development which is hardly bestowed on one hypnotized subject in a
hundred" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 209).
Moreover, such studies of unusual persons cannot be belittled and dis
missed as mere "anecdotes," in contrast with experimental studies involving
larger numbers of less unusual subjects. This is particularly evident when
one recognizes that most if not all of the cited observations and reports have
been made by competent scientists, and that the phenomena they describe
fall into a coherent overall pattern such as I have tried to display in this
Another important lesson concerns the remarkable interplay between
theory and data that has generally governed the responses of scientists to
the phenomena described in this chapter. On the one hand, phenomena
previously regarded as suspect became more acceptable when a theory was
discovered that seemed to permit their existence. Thus, for example, tra
ditional psychosomatic medicine, long regarded with great skepticism by
many physicians, has revived (albeit in modified form) with the advent of
psychoneuroimmunology. On a more personal level, T. X. Barber's resis
tance to the evidence for extreme hypnotic phenomena collapsed once he
238-Chapter 3
the mind tends to materialize itself in the body" (Goddard, 1 899, p. 500).70
Hypnosis has come to be accepted in large part because its phenomena can
blithely be attributed to "suggestion" conceived in this way. But as many
people have recognized, explanations that invoke suggestion beg the ques
tion in that "they presuppose that the nature of suggestion has been fully
clarified, which is hardly true" (Weitzenhoffer, 1953, p. 232). Myers warned
that words such as suggestion are "mere names which disguise our igno
rance" (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 53); and his contemporary Andrew Lang (191 1), also
referring to suggestion, insisted that "to 'explain the explanation' is the task
for the future" (p. 546).
All the phenomena of this chapter presumably have physiological
correlates of some sort that we may be able to pinpoint more precisely as
research continues. But, I repeat, identifying such correlates will tell us little
if anything about how the physiological processes involved are initiated and
guided by an idea. The currently popular assertion that mind and brain
are mind-brain-a biological, material unity-is as empty an explanation
as suggestion. Recognizing this, however, does not automatically entail a
return to the substance dualism that engenders such fear and loathing in the
hearts and minds of most contemporary scientists. Such persons should con
sider more seriously Myers's insight that our expanding knowledge, about
both the nature of mind and the nature of matter, suggests that "our notions
of mind and matter"-as well as of the relationship between them-"must
pass through many a phase as yet unimagined" (Myers, 1886c, p. 179).
More specifically, after studying phenomena such as I have covered in
this chapter, Myers (1891d) was confident that "Thought and Conscious
ness" would emerge as a fundamental aspect of the universe, and "not, as
the materialists hold them, a mere epiphenomenon, an accidental and transi
tory accompaniment of more permanent energies, a light that flashes out
from the furnace-door, but does none of the work" (p. 642). The unwilling
ness of most scientists to confront and address the real nature and scale of
the problems posed by the psychophysiological phenomena outlined in this
chapter reflects the general unwillingness in psychology and neuroscience
to confront the problems both of psychophysical interaction and of volition,
problems at the heart of the nature of consciousness.
Alan Gauld1
I . I am most grateful for the help of Ed and Emily Kelly in the preparation of this chap
242-Chapter 4
existed at some previous time. The literature in all these areas is enormous,
and all I can do is try very briefly to sketch some of the leading questions.
Definitive answers are not to be had-only perhaps further questions.
2. Many of the conceptual diffic ulties I will be pointing out in this chapter have been dis
cussed previously by myself and others (e.g., Bennett & Hacker, 2003, pp. 160-164; Braude,
1979, pp. 188-202, 209-212; Bursen, 1978; Gauld, 1982, pp. 189-203, 1989; Heil, 1978; Mal
colm, 1977). Most of these critiques, however, have appeared in locations frequented primar
ily by philosophers.
The first element which [memory] knowledge involves would seem to be the
revival in the mind of an image or copy of the original event. And it is an
assumption made by many writers that the revival of an image is all that
is needed to constitute the memory of the original occurrence. But such a
revival is obviously not a memory, whatever else it may be; it is simply a
duplicate, a second event, having absolutely no connection with the first
event except that it happens to resemble it. . . . The successive editions of a
feeling are so many independent events, each snug in its own skin. (vol. 1 ,
pp. 649-650)
4. It is of course perfectly possible that one should entertain without recognition an image
that replicates or resembles some object or event that one experienced in the past, and that
this image should be caused by neural traces left in one's brain by the past experience. One
could, if one wished, extend the term "memory" to cover such episodes (see also Ayer, 1968,
pp. 252-256). But this move would not dispose of the problems confronting trace theory.
this presupposes and hence cannot explain the phenomenon of memory. Per
haps one might postulate instead that a true memory image is distinguished
from an imagined fiction by some intrinsic characteristic that marks its impec
cably authentic origins and gives it a metaphorical warmth and intimacy. This
"mark" cannot be sheer vividness, since images of hallucinatory vividness
can be quite erroneous. Let us just pretend that genuine memory experiences
emerge with an ineffable stamp of genuineness that somehow influences us
subliminally. It cannot be that we learn that such images are genuine, for that
would involve memory and be regressive. The only alternative is to suppose
that the stamp of genuineness somehow (perhaps innately) invests the image
with an irresistible authority that makes its acceptance inevitable. Will this
radical approach rescue a trace theory of memory? Of course not. Whatever
the stamp of genuineness may consist in, its presence, nature, and origins lie
outside the actual image and thus introduce into remembering some unknown
factor over and beyond the underlying trace. But the stamp of genuineness,
along with feelings of warmth, intimacy or familiarity, and so forth, are surely
myths, except insofar as they are metaphorical synonyms for recognition, itself
a form of memory and therefore as an explanation yet again regressive.s
Recognizable descendants of this "trace" theory of personal, autobio
graphical memory have persisted, and at times flourished, more or less down
to the present. And I have talked of them as though what is meant is a kind
of viewing or hearing, fol lowing the reactivation of a memory trace, of an
interior picture or recording (generally attenuated and vague) of the object
or event originally perceived. Such experiences are still widely called "mem
ory-images." Now if one took these metaphors literally (as many seem to)
the images would emerge as entities, almost as little objects or pictures, hav
ing a similar status to the "sense-data" or "sensa" widely written about by
early to mid-20th-century philosophers, and by some thought of as known
by a not too clearly defined "inner perception" or "inner sense." Such ideas
lead to various problems that, whether or not insoluble, are at least decidedly
tricky. For instance, the images would need interpretation before they could
qualify as memory-images. Whoever "looked at" them would have in effect
to say to him- or herself "that is so and so or such and such, at this, that, or
the other time and place, and I know because I was there and observed or
experienced it." This implies at least two further kinds of memory that have
to be brought to bear on the images before they can qualify as full-blooded
personal or autobiographical memory-images. The first is the matter of what
makes a memory "mine," a personal memory rather than an exercise of the
imagination. One can, as we saw, certainly talk of such memories possess
ing a certain "intimacy" ("warmth," which is a sensory property, would be
misleading) and be understood; but that is simply to state the problem. The
5. Using visual pattern recognition tests, in combination with fMRI scans, Slotnick and
Schacter (2004) found that correct recognition, as opposed to false recognition, was accom
panied by relatively heightened activity in "early" visual processing areas (occipital areas 18
and 19). However the authors conclude that these findings most probably "reflect a non-con
scious or implicit form of memory retrieval." It is not altogether clear why we should call it
memory "retrieval" at all.
246-Chapter 4
6. One can of course have a purely factual memory of something one personally experi
enced-for instance I can remember the fact that I once met a certain rather distinguished
lady, though, regrettably, I cannot recollect the lady or the occasion at all-but that is not
what is here in question.
7. This is a central part of modern proposals about "metarepresentation" (see, e.g., Hoed,
2001, pp. 326-328, and Pemer, 2000, pp. 300-301). B. Levine et a!. (1998), discussing a patient
suffering from traumatic brain injury, attributed his combination of severely impaired "epi
sodic" (personal) memory with retained or reacquired factual ("semantic") memory relating
to some of the lost events, to an impaired awareness of continuity of self over time, due to
right frontal damage. But such an impairment just of the "autonoetic" aspect of memory
would still have left open the possibility of the "revival" (not, however, manifested by the
patient in question) of particular past experiences that he nonetheless did not recognize as
from his past and that could not be regarded as "memory" in the full sense or as a justifiable
basis for memory-claims.
248-Chapter 4
any causation by preceding images. The images, words, and actions concerned
may and often will be adapted to the varied circumstances eliciting them and
may take a range of forms impossible to set limits to. It is difficult indeed to
see how one might accommodate these facts within any approach that tries
to reduce memory to the mere revival, in mental images or any other form,
of the residua of past experiences stored in the brain as neural changes. Once
again, in sum, we would have to say that the underlying "memory" knowledge
(whatever it may consist in) is something over, above, and behind any delimit
able set of possible expressions in thought and behavior.
I pass now straight to the present-day scene in which the study of memory
(and practically everything else in mainstream academic psychology) is car
ried out largely within the traditions of "cognitive psychology" and the com
putational theory of the mind (CTM). As described more fully in Chapter 1 ,
the cognitive psychological movement began in the 1 950s, and represented
a displacement of the traditions of stimulus-response behaviorism by ideas
drawn from the interlinked sources of "information theory," linguistics, and
(particularly) computer science and the general theory of computation (the
ensemble, together with some aspects of neuropsychology, is often referred
to as "cognitive science"). Computer science seemed to open up many pos
sibilities for the understanding of memory, not least because the vocabulary
adopted by pioneering computer engineers gave prominence to "memory" and
related terms. So we still find many psychologists discussing memory (often
rather unreflectingly) within a broad framework according to which the brain
receives "input" "encoded" by successive stages of the sensory pathways, and
this input is passed into one or more forms of short-term or working memory
(a "buffer") and thence (perhaps in recoded form) to an "address" within
a more permanent memory store ("external memory") from which in due
course it can on the receipt of appropriate cues be "retrieved" and further
Within this general coding/storage/retrieval (CSR) framework, comput
ers are regarded from a mathematico-logical point of view as discrete-state
devices which manipulate language-like symbols (that is, tokens of different
symbol types) and strings of symbols, in accordance with sets of formal rules
("algorithms"), and which may store (in "memory") and later be made to
resurrect (or "token") such symbols and symbol-strings. This terminology
has also been found appropriate by the somewhat numerous philosophers
who have fallen under the spell of cognitive science, for example Fodor (Cain,
2002) and other proponents of the CTM. According to these philosophers,
the mind is "computational" because its procedures, like those of comput
ers, involve formal rule-governed operations on "symbols," and "representa
tional" because these symbols are or may be "representations" -of what or
for whom or how remains largely obscure. Particular "mental states" consist in
provided that (like holograms) they can in the end be completely and success
fully disentangled by the right procedures, as they have to be to produce the
correct final output. Again certain connectionists (e.g., Smolensky, Legendre,
& Miyata, 1 994) have adapted the mathematics of tensor calculus specifically
in order to abstract from the distributed activity patterns of connectionist
networks an analysis in terms of symbol structures and rules mirroring those
of more conventional symbol-manipulating computational systems.
After these preliminaries we can turn to the cognitive psychology of
memory insofar as it has been conducted in relative independence of brain
physiology. It is characterized by a vast quantity of data, a considerable num
ber of theories or explanatory speculations of rather limited scope, and a
noticeable scarcity of broader theories (Neath & Surprenant, 2003, pp. 363-
394). Much of the theorizing is conducted within the broad CTM conceptual
framework outlined above, and some of the theories are actually designed
and implemented as computer programs. Thus we find regular use of such
terms as "information," "encoding," "computation," "representation,"
"store," "address," "search," "retrieval," and so forth. In general this frame
work is taken essentially for granted by psychologists, though with some vari
ations, the most considerable being of course found among connectionists.
The philosophers mentioned above, who find the computational approach of
cognitive psychologists to "mental phenomena" congenial, have been rather
more critical. They fall into two groups: first, those who, like most cognitive
psychologists, are prepared to accept "mentalistic" or "folk psychological"
terminology, but insist that it must be redeemed in "naturalistic" terms (i.e. ,
roughly, terms consonant with the principles of current physical science)�no
easy task; and second, those (a small group favoring connectionism) who
hold such redemption impossible, and aspire to "eliminate" mentalistic terms
altogether from the scientific vocabulary (e.g., Churchland, 1 988).
The most obvious problem with the cognitive psychologists' framework
of thought is its very unsatisfactory terminology. Several of the key terms
listed above have both well-understood everyday usages and technical usages
assigned to them by the pioneers of computer technology. The novel techni
cal usages should have been enclosed in scare quotes; but somehow the scare
quotes, if they were ever there, were soon forgotten. This made it easy for
people to slide carelessly from one usage to another and to delude themselves
that they were making progress when they were not. Let us consider in this
light, because of their crucial relevance to problems of memory, the terms
"store," "representation," and "information" (on the pitfalls of the first two
of these, see especially Bennett & Hacker, 2003, pp. 1 58-1 7 1 , 1 92-1 93).
Let us start with "store." The metaphors of a memory "store" and of
memory "storage" have a long history (Draaisma, 2000; Sutton, 1998),
and there has been a good deal of hovering between literal and metaphori
cal interpretations. Taken literally, a memory "store" would be something
like a cupboard or a filing cabinet in the mind or brain that might contain
equivalents of notes, file cards, or photographs, perhaps labeled and arranged
systematically. But to retrieve, look at, and recognize these would require a
9. The concept of information has been applied in various other areas of science, from
genetics to cosmology. The source of these uses is often the close relationship between the
mathematical concepts of information in information theory and of thermodynamic prob
ability in statistical thermodynamics. In thermodynamics "entropy" is a measure of chaos or
the disorderliness of a system. In information theory "information" is a measure of orderli
ness. Hence information has been called negentropy, or the negative of entropy. In this form
it has found its way into cosmology as a measure of system order, organization, or complexity.
But it is not at all clear that all or any two of these concepts can be equated with each other
(see also Davies, 1995, pp. 73-77) or that any can satisfactorily be used for such a purpose.
create "inner representations" for oneself, and in certain cases seem to come
upon them; one can picture to oneself some absent or imaginary state of
affairs, excogitate a description of it in "inner speech," recognize hypnagogic
images that pass before one's mind. But these capacities are not other than
those one exercises in drawing a sketch or diagram as a sketch or diagram of
some putative state of affairs, or in taking rows of model soldiers as oppos
ing armies in a battle that is about to begin. Such capacities to create "inner
representations," and "outer" ones also, are not to the cognitive scientist's
way of thinking to be explained in the sort of "mentalistic" terms which we
commonly use to describe them. Cognitive scientists, as noted above, are after
"naturalistic" accounts, ones free of unredeemed "non-naturalistic" terms
such as those of "folk psychology." This ambition has so far proved a will
o'the wisp, alluring and seemingly almost within grasp, but perpetually elu
sive. Despite this small difficulty, many, perhaps most, psychologists seem
content to drift hopefully on and accept the scientific kudos derived from
using "representation" as if it were a high-flying technical term, while surrep
titiously and illegitimately reverting to its everyday connotations.
We have already met rather similar situations over "store" and "informa
tion." Philosophers, even those irrevocably wedded to the idea that only com
puter or network models can throw light on the nature and workings of the
mind, have generally been more critical. In a moment I shall briefly discuss
some recent attempts by philosophers to give a naturalistic account of the
relation that must obtain between two things if one of them is to be regarded
as a "representation" of the other. A solution to this problem would, in the
context of a representationalist theory of thought, amount to or involve
a solution to the so far unresolved problem of the "intentionality" of the
mental, of the fact that such "propositional attitudes" as thinking, believing,
desiring, intending, and so forth, can be said to be "directed upon" or "about"
states of affairs outside the immediate experience of believing, desiring, and
so forth. IO
10. Thus a desire is always a desire "for" something or "that" something should come about
or be the case; a thought is a thought "of" or "about" some state of affairs; a belief is always
a belief "that" something is, was, or will be the case. A full description of any such mental
state must always include a specification of the state of affairs upon which it is directed.
But of course we can, and often do, desire, hope for, think about, imagine, dream about,
fancy that we recall, and so forth, objects or states of affairs that do not exist or obtain, and
never have existed or obtained and never will. For instance Ponce de Leon (we may sup
pose) did many of these things in respect to the Fountain of Youth. Intentionality is therefore
not a relation between the cognizing subject and some external state of affairs (it has been
called "relationlike"). Furthermore, beliefs, desires, and what have you can only be about or
directed upon external states of affairs as these are understood or conceived by the believer
or desirer. For example, I may believe that the criminal will be caught, and the criminal may
in fact be Moriarty; but if I do not know that the criminal is Moriarty, my belief will not be
correctly described by the statement that I believe that Moriarty will be caught. These points
have often been put more formally by saying that the sentences describing mental phenomena
exhibit certain logical peculiarities. Such sentences are said, for instance, to exhibit failure of
existential generalization ("he is riding on a horse" implies the existence of a horse, whereas
"he is thinking of a centaur" does not imply the existence of a centaur), and referential opacity
("he recollected that Scott was the author of Waverley," together with "Scott was the owner
254-Chapter 4
Before we turn to the kinds of solutions that have been proposed, I must
say a bit about the types of inner representations commonly invoked by con
temporary cognitive psychologists. Some have centered their discussions and
practical work mainly around the role of images (and images undoubtedly do
play an important part in the mental lives of many people). We have already
criticized as regressive the role played in traditional trace accounts of memory
by internal images conceived as faded perceptions. There is, however, one fur
ther point that is worth a brief mention. Some authors have a habit of refer
ring to images (particularly visual ones) as "analog" representations, meaning
that they can change continuously when representing changes or variations
in their "intentional objects" (as, for instance, the needle on a gauge changes
continuously while representing steam pressure in the boiler of a locomotive).
Analog representations are conventionally contrasted with "digital" ones, for
instance those constituted by the states and state transitions of a discrete state
automaton such as a digital computer. But some cognitive psychologists (e.g.,
Kosslyn, 1 980, 1 98 1 , and see also his later views, 1 994, e.g., pp. 4-9) have
developed "digital" models for mental images, thereby blurring this distinc
tion. 1 1 Somewhere between concepts of analog and of digital representations
is the notion of an "inner model" (e.g., Johnson-Laird, 1 983), according to
which one somehow builds up "inner" or brain "models" of one's environ
ment or parts of it. Such models do not literally resemble the environment,
but are said to map on to it, systematically, so that facts about the environment
can be read off from the model by an internal scanning device (vaguely identi
fiable with "the mind"). As explanations of memory and related phenomena,
however, "inner models" seem to me every bit as regressive as simple images
(see also Gauld, 1 989, pp. 1 1 2-1 14, 1 26-1 32).
What may be called the main line of philosophical (perhaps one should
say "cognitive philosophical") theorizing about "inner representations" has
lain squarely within the classic "digital" or "symbol-processing" tradition,
though there have been many branch lines. It also lies squarely within the
"naturalizing" tradition, the tradition that tries to avoid introducing into its
speculations any concepts not demonstrably compatible with those of physi
cal science, and accordingly looks benignly upon the CTM. How does this
apply to "propositional attitudes," that is, to mental states such as belief or
desire (and particularly belief, because belief includes memory-beliefs), which
are held to involve a distinctive attitude towards some particular proposi
tion? Theorists of this genre commonly suppose that in believing the believer
stands in a belief relation (conceived computationally, but for our purposes
we need not worry about the details) to an "inner representation" regarded
on the analogy of symbols or symbol-strings in a digital computer or on its
screen. It is this inner representation that purportedly carries the semantic
of Abbotsford," do not together imply "he recollected that the owner of Abbotsford was the
author of Waverley").
1 1 . Fodor (2003) attempts, with his usual panache, to assimilate David Hume's impression
idea (roughly, sensation-image) epistemology to his own preferred "Representational Theory
of the Mind" (at least a first cousin to the CTM).
12. I have decided not to go into the issue of externalism versus internalism, which some
would think relevant in the present context and on which there is a large literature. Roughly
speaking, internalism is the view that a mental state, for example, a memory-belief, can be
characterized (e.g., as the belief that so-and-so) solely in terms of factors internal to the
believer, (i.e., its "narrow content"); externalism holds that reference to factors external to
the believer ("broad content") may be required. For brief introductions to the issues see Segal
(2000, chap. 5) and Cain (2002, chap. 6).
256-Chapter 4
this carries the information that the corresponding summer (source s) was
sunny (in state F) since it is nomologically necessary that if the ring is wide
the summer was sunny. A next move, tempting to some, has been to say, let us
call receiver r's being in state G (a state which carries the "information" that
source s is in state F) a "representation" of source s's being in state F. This
purportedly gives us a "naturalistic" concept of representation. It would be a
very different concept from the everyday one touched on above, but that is not
a problem; we have to find a different concept anyway, because the usual one
is only intelligible when applied to human beings who already possess diverse
intellectual capacities including memory, which is precisely what we are aim
ing to explain naturalistically in terms of "representations."
Nonetheless this approach will not do. As I said above, effects are not
plausibly construed as "representations" of their causes. For the fact that
receiver r is in state G is no more than a sign or clue or indication that source
s is in state F, just as a sprinkling of cigar ash on the ground (receiver r is in
state G) is a clue that the villain stood there smoking for five minutes (source
s is in state F). The ash on the ground is not a symbol or a representation; it
is just a sprinkling of ash. In particular we cannot evaluate the ash as true or
false; but this is fatal, because however much we may change our concept of
representation it must remain the case that the representational aspect of the
propositional attitude of belief, memory-belief, or otherwise, is that aspect of
the whole which makes it possible to evaluate the belief as true or false. In the
case of the ash all that can be evaluated as true or false is the inference which
Holmes draws from studying it.
To solve the problem of inner representations in conventional physicalist
terms, we are thus still left with three tasks. We must devise a theory of inner
representations (whether informational or not) that does not presuppose the
intervention of an intelligent, concept-, and memory-possessing human agent.
We must work out how to smuggle this proposal into our overall account of
brain functioning. And we must so arrange things that a representation is
not merely located in the brain but available to be "tokened" (brought up on
some inner screen?) and put to use (in computations on that screen?). This
last would appear to involve a shift from a third-person or observer's to a
first-person "take" on representations, another interesting requirement. Alas,
neither I nor anyone else, so far as I know or can judge, can find any way
whatever of accomplishing these tasks, or at least any way that amounts to
more than a mere neuroscientific fairy tale.
It is easy to see why the LOT approach, which has so often hidden its magic
wand behind the impressive logical requirements of the inviolable CTM, has
had such appeal. It solves these three problems (if "solves" is the right word)
at a stroke: The symbols of LOT are basically unlearned and carry "informa
tion" conceived naturalistically. They are presumed to be in the brain. And
they can be "tokened. " Q. E. D. But let us probe the LOT hypothesis a little
further. According to this hypothesis, to think of a horse, to activate an inner
representation of a horse, requires one to "token" the LOT symbol HORSE.
But what does this involve? Does one hear a little inner voice whisper HORSE
(or let us say 'mno� to give it a slight but appropriate air of strangeness) when
ever one encounters a horse? Of course not; and in any case this would be
of no help when it came to understanding memory, because one would still
have to learn the association between ' mno� and horses. Or, more plausibly,
does the tokening of the LOT symbol simply result in a wordless intimation
which might be expressed as "Ah! One of those!" Then the child, born with or
very quickly developing the neural embodiments of LOT symbols, might be
supposed as it encountered each new object to have the intimations "One of
those " one of those , one of those} ," and so on.
But whatever help this form of the LOT hypothesis might give us in deal
ing with certain of the propositional attitudes, it will not be easy to apply to
memory, that is, to memory-beliefs. For in the scheme of things we are con
sidering, the truth or otherwise of a belief is determined by the truth evalua
tion of the inner representation on which the belief is directed. If (to take the
simplest possible example) my belief is directed on the representation (LOT
symbol) HORSE and a horse is there, the belief is true. But what if my belief
is that I have seen a horse before, that is, it is a memory-belief? Then what is
believed is in effect not "horse" but "horse again." But what is the force of this
"again"? How might it be unpacked into symbols? The content of the belief
would have to be something like: "This is a horse, I have seen one before, and
what's more I can remember seeing one before." All the separate statements
that are here conjoined would appear to be necessary to capture the full impli
cations of "horse again."
However, this is more complex than would at first sight appear. For the
second and third parts of this conjunction are statements about myself and
my history as a continuous sentient being. It is far from obvious how or
whether the elements in these statements could be supposed to be represented
by special symbols of our built-in LOT. And more than that, a symbol rep
resenting remembering has to be present or implicit in the overall compound
inner representation. In effect to remember something is, in part, to believe
that one remembers it. But this involves one's having a propositional atti
tude of belief directed on a LOT sentence that includes a representation of
a propositional attitude of belief directed on a LOT sentence that. . . and so
on. But it is memory that we were hoping to analyze in terms of such inner
representations and propositional attitudes directed upon them. It does not
seem plausible to maintain that under these circumstances an illuminating
and non-regressive account of memory can be derived from a framework of
thought which regards memory as an attitude of belief directed on informa
tion-carrying inner representations consisting of symbols of a "Language of
Here, as throughout, I have had to skim very quickly over the surface of
some very difficult and extensively discussed problems. The approaches to
inner representations I have so far been mainly concerned with are commonly,
though hardly luminously, classed under the heading of "informational
semantics." They have been SUbjected to several additional lines of objection
258-Chapter 4
that I have not attempted to summarize. 13 But there are other approaches
to the naturalization of meaning.14 For example, there are approaches, not
on the whole spelled out in detail, involving what has been variously called
"inferential role," "causal role," or "conceptual role semantics" (Block, 1 986,
1 995; Cain, 2002, pp. 1 24- 1 34; J. Fodor & Lepore, 1992, chap. 6). Their unify
ing idea is that the semantic properties of inner representations are at least in
part determined by the inferential, causal, or conceptual relationships these
representations bear to each other. And there is a tendency to suppose, or
hope, that inferential and conceptual relationships may be reducible to causal
ones, thus bringing the whole scheme into line with a "functionalist" philoso
phy of mind (see Chapter 1).
Certainly the question of what makes a representation a representation
"of" that which it represents can hardly be considered independently of ques
tions about the relations of one representation to other representations and
of the whole complex to the things represented. To take a simple example:
One might have an "inner representation" of a "hammer" as a moderate-sized
T-shaped hard object, and on this basis one would do quite well at calling
hammers "hammers." But this would fall seriously short of capturing the full
meaning of the term. Such a T-shaped object might be a mere decoration or
a religious symbol. It is essential to thinking about, wanting, having beliefs
concerning or memories of, a hammer, that one knows a hammer to be a tool
used in the building and related trades, and one cannot (according to the rep
resentational theory of thinking) know this except through the mediation of
further representations. The question therefore arises of how these different
representations interact to produce the desired result. But it would be very dif
ficult to suppose with causal role theorists that the relations between the con
stitutive representations are at root causal. Part of the meaning of "hammer,"
of what would have to be embraced by an adequate inner representation, is a
tool used in the building trade; and part of the meaning of "building trade" is
the sort of trade in which hammers are used. And so on. Without this mutual
relationship the scope of each representation would become vaguer and for
most purposes less effective. What we possess here and elsewhere seems to be
a whole intrinsically interrelated system of representations which cannot be
picked apart without attenuating the content of each individual representa
tion. Such relationships appear to be conceptual as opposed to causal. And
yet to label them as "inferential" or "conceptual" carries its own difficulties.
Consider a geological hammer. Someone who had never seen or heard of
such an implement yet knew a little about hammers and about geology could
nonetheless work out some of its likely features, for example, that it would be
likely to have a wedge or chisel aspect for splitting rocks as well as a fiat side
for breaking them, and represent it accordingly. This would not be a matter
of selecting aspects of a hammer-representation and aspects of a geology
representation and combining them, nor yet of each representation occasion
ing causal changes in the other, but of his creatively exercising what might be
13. On these standard difficulties, see, for example, Jacob (1997) and Rowlands (1999).
14. For a general account of these, see Fodor and Lepore (1992) and Loewer (1999).
But all proposals of this kind encounter profound difficulties of the fol
lowing sort: A certain smell reaching my nostrils in the morning air (receiver
r moves into state G) may be a sign that sausages and bacon are being cooked
in the kitchen (source s is in state F). Lo and behold, after a few repetitions I
start turning up in the kitchen soon after the smell reaches me. But this could
have come about in various ways. The rewarding effect of stumbling across
food in the kitchen (source s is in state F) soon after the olfactory stimulation
began (receiver r is in state G) could have strengthened the neural connections
between my olfactory lobes and my leg muscles in such a way that the chemi
cal stimulation of my nose now brings me downstairs like an automaton. But
in that case I would no more have an inner representation of the connection
between smell and breakfast than a slug drawn irresistibly towards spilt beer
would have an inner representation of the connection between the smell of
beer and beer. Suppose, on the other hand, that what I acquired was not an
automatic response to the smell as a regular precursor (a "sign") of break
fast, but instead knowledge that the smell is a sign of breakfast. In that case
my new memory-knowledge (my supposedly newly formed inner representa
tion of the smell-breakfast relationship) could in principle find expression
in all sorts of different ways, some entirely contrary to the automatic stimu
lus-response sequence described above. There is no sense in which my inner
state Gj would have charge of this behavior: I would be in charge of it. For
example, I might think "sausage and bacon will contravene my diet" and go
for a walk instead. So now all that Dretske needs to complete his theory is to
tell us ( 1 ) what the neural changes are that constitute the representation, (2)
what makes them a "representation" of the smell-breakfast regularity, and
(3) how the representation in question is accessed and utilized, and not only
that but variably and intelligently utilized. In other words the whole problem
remains to be solved.
In sum, exiguous though these accounts have necessarily been, I hope
to have shown that both traditional "trace" theories of memory and their
modern "inner representation" counterparts are faced with very considerable
260-Chapter 4
conceptual difficulties, difficulties which have for the most part gone unrecog
nized or ignored, particularly by psychologists. I am not going to claim that
these difficulties are in principle insuperable-though I personally cannot see
any way round theml5-but I do claim that they cannot and should not be
The period during which Myers was writing his Human Personality was
one of significant advance in knowledge of brain function (Hecaen & Lan
teri-Laura, 1 977, pp. 1 27-200), and he was well aware of these advances.
The relevant discoveries came principally from study of the effects of brain
lesions, but also, to a limited extent, from animal experimentation. The major
sensory and motor regions had been located, and it was known that certain
cortical areas were linked to aspects of linguistic and conceptual capacity
(see, e.g., Ladd, 1 893; Ladd & Woodworth, 1 9 1 5; Markowitsch, 1 992). But
of the physical basis of "episodic" and much of "semantic" memory almost
nothing was known. It was widely assumed that memory "traces," though
they were never found, must be located in what before long came to be called
"silent" or "association" areas, that is to say, areas of cortex ("polymodal
areas"), outside the known sensory, motor, and language-related regions, on
which "association fibers" from one or more sensory areas were presumed
to converge and create intra- or inter-modality "associations," and perhaps
also links to output pathways. This assumption could be supported by citing
the loss of memory and intellect accompanying various forms of senile and
other cortical degeneration,16 while the hypothetical "memory traces" could
now be conceived on the newer analogies of photographic plates, grooves in
wax phonograph cylinders, or circuitry in telephone switchboards (Draaisma,
2000; Sutton, 1 998).
For some decades what is now called neuropsychology continued to
revolve mainly around brain lesions and brain anatomy, with a leavening of
1 5. My own view (Gauld & Shotter, 1977, pp. 1 12-1 16) is that there is no way of deriv
ing the intentional (e.g., the "aboutness" of a memory-belief) from the non-intentional. See
also Smythe (1992): "Cognitive theorists must come to recognize that cognitive states and
processes are already meaningfully constituted prior to their theoretical interpretation" (p.
16. The amnesias forming a prominent part of "Korsakoff's syndrome" were well known by
1900, but only much later was it proposed that they result from atrophy of or damage to one or
more parts of the "limbic" system occasioned by thiamine deficiency consequent on chronic
alcoholism. The limbic system consists of a set of interlinked structures in or surrounding the
upper brain stem, and including the amygdala, the hippocampus, the mammillary bodies,
certain thalamic nuclei, the fornix, and various associated regions of cortex. Most frequently
involved seem to be the mammillary bodies and anterior thalamus, but the variable location
of the damage and its tendency to be accompanied by general cortical degeneration, together
with the somewhat muddy nature of the overall syndrome, have rather hindered speculative
psychological speculation. But even by the early 1950s only a limited number
of further discoveries had been made that bore directly on questions to do
with the physiological basis of memory. 17 This was to change markedly in the
late 1 950s as the result of a brain operation which, undertaken to alleviate
severe epilepsy, turned out to have had catastrophic side-effects. The patient,
known in the literature as H . M. or Henry M . , underwent bilateral removal of
the hippocampus (a somewhat slug-shaped structure deep inside the medial
temporal lobes) and adjacent parts of temporal cortex. He thereafter exhib
ited a dense and intractable " anterograde amnesia" (an inability to acquire
new memories), combined with a lesser "retrograde amnesia" (a difficulty
in recalling events from a certain period of time preceding the operation),
despite retaining more or less normal short-term memory. Further study of
H. M . , and of cases analogous to his, brought vividly home the fact that here
at last was a kind of brain lesion of limited scope which had a profound effect
on memory. Early speculation as to the critical locus centered round the hip
pocampus itself, which has extensive and reciprocal linkages to other brain
regions. It was suggested that the function of the hippocampus was to trans
fer material circulating in short-term memory to a long-term memory store
in which (following some period of "consolidation") it might be indefinitely
retained. No hippocampus, no further admissions to long-term memory.
In the decades between then and today, there have been many develop
ments both in neuroscience in general and in the neuropsychology of mem
ory. IS Theoretical standpoints have shifted appreciably, mainly because of the
infiltration or partial ousting of the older, heavily anatomical approach by
the newer functional concepts, not to say jargon, of cognitive psychology,
which of course has itself progressively transformed into cognitive neurosci
ence. In its earlier days practitioners of "cognitive neuropsychology" were less
interested in the localization of psychological functions in the brain than in
interpreting the psychological effects of brain damage in terms of cognitive
psychological models, models often set out in the box-and-arrow manner of
flow charts. They were particularly interested in finding so-called "double dis
sociations" of function, that is, in discovering pairs of functions, conceived
as part of some cognitive psychological model, either of which can be carried
on successfully even when the other is impaired by some sort of brain insult.
Such dissociations were (and still commonly are) thought to shed light on the
validity of functional distinctions embedded in the models-which indeed
they may do when the "dissociated" functions are more exhaustively tested
than is commonly the case (Shallice, 1 988; Uttal, 200 1). Nowadays cognitive
neuropsychologists are usually well versed in brain anatomy and interested
17. It is interesting to note the limited progress on this front between Ladd and Woodworth
( 1 9 1 5) and Morgan and Stellar (1950), each in its day a standard textbook of physiological
18. Useful general works here are Bear, Connors, and Paradiso (2000), Carlson (2004),
Eichenbaum (2002), Eichenbaum and Cohen (2001), Heilman (2002), Heilman and Valenstein
(2003), Kolb and Whishaw (2003), and Parker, Wilding, and Bussey (2002).
262�Chapter 4
not only in the cognitive consequences of brain injuries but in the location
and character of the injuries themselves.
More significant and ultimately more important than these shifts in
theoretical standpoint have been the numerous and remarkable technologi
cal advances in our ability to observe the inner workings of the brain. As
described more fully in Chapter 1 , we can divide these technologies roughly
into two groups: "macro" technologies which operate on scales from the
whole brain down to roughly naked-eye-sized parts of it, and "micro" tech
niques operating down to the cellular or sub-cellular level. At present the
"macro" technological advances generating the greatest interest and enthusi
asm are those involving "imaging" or "scanning" of the brain by techniques
which reveal the level of metabolic activity (as measured for example by blood
flow, glucose consumption, or oxygen uptake) in various brain regions. These
techniques-especially positron emission tomography (PET) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-give rise to the widely reproduced (and
often seriously misleading) computerized images in which "active" areas are
represented in red, less active ones in orange, and so on. Another "macro"
technique, electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB), has also produced many
interesting results related to memory (see, e.g., Ojemann, 1 983, 1 990; Pen
field & Rasmussen, 1 952). More recently somewhat similar results have been
obtained by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which does not require
opening of the skull. Each of the latter techniques has been shown capable
of interfering with the maintenance or expression of certain kinds of what
might be called "memory" (short-term perceptual, short-term verbal, sen
tence construction or production). The "micro" technological advances have
been deployed mainly in studies of rudimentary learning and conditioning
processes in simpler organisms, in an effort to identify and characterize at the
inter- or intra-cellular levels the fundamental biochemical mechanisms likely
to be at work.
So what have these technological developments, macro and micro, taught
us about memory? They have certainly resulted in a vast accumulation of
data, but have they brought about a revolution in our understanding of mem
ory? It is, I think, fair to say that advances in understanding have nothing like
kept pace with the accumulation of data, and that the latter has served mainly
to bring out the complexity of the problems that impede the former. To jus
tify these assertions fully would require several substantial volumes of which
I have no ambition to be the author. However, to illustrate the character of
recent developments it will be useful to consider various to-ings and fro-ings
in the neuropsychological investigation of explicit or "declarative" memory
(i.e. , roughly, the sort of memories-most notably "episodic" and "seman
tic" memories-that can be brought to conscious awareness and reported
upon). J 9
1 9. I have had to pass by some very curious cases of loss of memory for the qualita
tive properties of things. In a smal1 number of extreme examples (see for instance Kolb &
Whishaw, 2003, pp. 332-333; Zeki, 1993, pp. 265-266; and cf. Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987,
pp. 1450-1451), brain damage has led not just to inability to see things in color (achromatop-
sia) or to name the colors of things (color anomia) but to inability to recollect what it is like
to experience color.
20. See also Irle and Markowitsch (1990) and criticisms by Zola-Morgan and Squire (1993).
Findings in healthy humans of a negative correlation between hippocampal volume and
memory performance, and also between grey matter volume and memory performance, have
been surprisingly frequent (see, e.g., Van Petten et a!., 2004). How far this has to do with the
need for the thinning out of nerve cells and connections during early development is still a
matter of discussion. The most startling examples of discrepancy between tissue volume and
mental ability are certain cases of hydrocephalus described by Lorber (1983) and Lonton
(1979), and see also R. Lewin (1980). Some of these individuals were able to function at a
normal to high level with both cerebral hemispheres reduced to as little as five percent of the
normal volume.
264-Chapter 4
grade amnesia for episodic memory tasks; but semantic learning and memory
were well preserved. A case of the opposite tendency is described by Kapur
et al. ( 1 994). This patient's hippocampus and surrounding structures were
intact, but other medial temporal lobe structures had gone. Episodic memory
was preserved, but there were moderate impairments of semantic memory.
Steinvarth, Levine, and Corkin (2005) conclude from experiments with two
severely amnesic but contrasting patients (H. M . and W R.), combined with a
review of other cases, that although established semantic memories may after
awhile shake free of dependence on medial temporal lobe structures, episodic
memories (defined, however, as bound to delimitable spatio-temporal con
texts, so that genuine autobiographical episodes recollected out of context
would not count) in general do not.
Various other cases seem likewise to indicate at least a partial "double
dissociation" between episodic or autobiographical memory and semantic
memory. For instance, Kitchener, Hodges, and McCarthy ( 1 998) report a
patient with severely impaired episodic memory, both anterograde and retro
grade, but largely preserved semantic memory. A stroke had occasioned dam
age to the right hippocampus and severe general damage to the left medial
temporal lobe. 1. R. Hodges, Patterson, Oxbury, and Funnell ( 1 992) and
Murre, Graham, and Hodges (200 1 ) describe cases of progressive "semantic
dementia" with lateral temporal cortical degeneration in which the patients
suffered from considerable impairment of semantic memory but had some
degree of spared episodic memory. Similarly, De Renzi, Liotti, and Nichelli
( 1 987) describe a patient with impaired semantic memory but preserved auto
biographical memory in conjunction with damage to the anteromedial por
tion of the left temporal lobe caused by acute encephalitis. Temple and Rich
ardson (2004) describe a case of seemingly idiopathic developmental amnesia
in a 9-year-old girl with impaired semantic memory but preserved episodic.
Maguire and Frith (2003) found that in a comparison of older with younger
subjects, neither suffering from morphological changes in the medial tempo
ral lobes, brain activation during episodic-autobiographical but not semantic
memory tasks had switched substantially with age from the left hippocampus
to the right.
With regard to the prevailing "double dissociation" interpretation of
such cases, however, one can only recommend great caution. It is easy enough
to suppose that semantic memory could persist in the absence of episodic
memory, but vice versa is a different matter. Suppose one remembers, as I
do, blowing away the end of one's army service rifle while firing rapidly. As
I remarked above, one could not remember this episode in its fullness unless
implicit, so to speak, in one's act of remembering were a grasp of various
further remembered facts, as well as of the conceptual background against
which it occurred. Without such "semantic" memory, one's recollection of
the event in question would be so to speak pale and attenuated. One can per
haps imagine being able to recall something about an exciting episode with an
elongated object of wood and metal, without having any real ("semantic")
memory of what a rifle is and what it can accomplish and how it is used and
21 . This was forcefully argued by Markowitsch (1984), and has been confirmed since. For
example, after a lengthy and most interesting review of20 years of work with K. C., a multiply
brain-damaged and severely amnesic patient, Rosenbaum et al. (2005) conclude that implicit
memory may be preserved when explicit memory has vanished, that "it is not necessarily the
case that episodic and semantic memory follow the same trajectory of impairment and pres
ervation," that there may be different types of spatial memory, and that "different types of
inferences may be made on the basis of cases in which lesions are highly restricted and those
like K. C. with more extensive damage" (pp. 1015, 1016).
266-Chapter 4
22. Vttal (2001) and especially Harpaz (2006) make very strong claims about the pervasive
lack of inter-experiment, inter-subject, or even intra-subject consistency in imaging studies.
23. See, for example, Caplan (1987, pp. 345-402), Kertesz (1979), Ojemann (1990, pp. 303-
304), Ojemann and Whitaker (1978), and Pulvermiiller (1999).
268-Chapter 4
may be christened by such ridiculous titles as "the God spot" or "the seat of
intelligence" (see the criticisms by Sarter, Berntson, & Cacioppo, 1 996).
These kinds of procedures are now widely regarded with caution, and
more sophisticated ones are being adopted or are under development, but
other substantial difficulties in the interpretation of PET and fMRI findings
remain. For instance these findings reflect degrees of blood flow and oxygen
uptake in different brain regions; but how are the latter in turn related to
"information processing" in those areas? Metabolic activity within any region
is more likely to be determined by the inputs to that region than by its out
puts, that is, by the results of information processing (Logothetis, 2002), and
in fact inputs are not infrequently inhibitory with respect to outputs. Indeed
there is no obvious reason why degree of metabolic excitement in the brain
should always be in synchrony with the functional importance of the task
being undertaken. Again in work with brain imaging there is always a trade
off between achieving sharp definition and achieving a rapid response to
changes in mental activity.
No one, I think, would deny that there are problems----conceptual, empiri
cal, and interpretive-with imaging studies. Where differences of opinion arise
is over how or whether these problems can ultimately be resolved. Some (e.g.,
Uttal, 200 1 ) argue that the problems are irresolvable, that there is a certain
endemic elusiveness about the relations between brain functions and psycho
logical ones. Others, probably ranking most neuroscientists among their num
bers, are more optimistic and anticipate steady progress driven by advances
in imaging hardware and image-analysis techniques, perhaps combined with
fractionation of brain functions and the assigning of sub-functions to differ
ent anatomical loci. One can only await developments; but I personally am
unconvinced that technological developments will not multiply rather than
diminish the opacities with which we are currently confronted.
Meanwhile, what are we to say of the supposed memory stores in regions
of anterior and posterior "association" cortex, to which episodic memory
traces are supposedly consigned, within which they are supposedly con
solidated, and from which episodic and semantic memories are allegedly
retrieved? There is no doubt that diffuse degeneration or metabolic impov
erishment of those regions (as for example in Alzheimer's disease) may occa
sion or be accompanied by severe and generalized memory problems includ
ing retrograde amnesia, but interpretation of this fact is not straightforward.
Many cognitive functions and personality characteristics may be drastically
disrupted by the disease, which is associated with (and some say caused by)
gross malfunctioning of neurotransmitter systems (especially but not exclu
sively cholinergic ones) centering on subcortical structures.
Things look at first sight a bit more clear-cut, perhaps, in relation to
semantic memory. Specifically, there are some fairly well-established find
ings that have been interpreted as demonstrating the existence of semantic
memory "stores" of restricted scope and limited anatomical area. Damage
to certain brain areas, especially ones abutting on posterior speech areas of
the left hemisphere, has long been known to produce "anomia" or "anomic
24. For the ensuing paragraphs on Bergson and Damasio, I am indebted to Ed Kelly.
270-Chapter 4
Now these metaphors, while picturesque, are surely very obscure, and I do
not wish to defend or endorse Bergson's general philosophical position. How
ever, there is one specific point at which it connects directly with the issues
presently before us. His book advances a variety of theoretical and empirical
arguments in support of the view that "true" memory cannot be accounted for
in terms of "engrams" (traces) inscribed upon the brain.25 Among his empiri
cal arguments the one he himself clearly thought most decisive concerned
memory for words and their meanings. He was fully aware of the emerging
neuropsychological story about the language system and its relationship to
the clinical phenomena of aphasia. Anomia seemed to him to provide a cru
cial "test case," one in which he could demonstrate a fatal flaw in trace theo
ries of memory. For most of his contemporaries the loss of specific letters,
words, or groups of words following a stroke seemed to provide the first really
compelling evidence for localization of specific memories at specific points
in the brain. But closer study of the evidence, Bergson argued, reveals that
this interpretation is incorrect. For example, a patient may recover a seem
ingly "lost" word if he becomes sufficiently excited, and although he cannot
produce the name of some pictured object on demand, as in a typical testing
context, he may produce it spontaneously in some other context, or even in
the course of his circumlocutions about the pictured object itself. Thus, what
appears to be damaged is not the memory per se but the mechanism of its
retrieval. The engram theory, Bergson concluded, is false.
From our present vantage point we can see that Bergson was basically
correct about the facts; specific types of knowledge or psychological function
may be significantly degraded by localized lesions, but they are rarely com
pletely abolished. His conclusion that this falsifies trace theory, however, was
certainly premature and unwarranted, because the argument depends upon
the incorrect premise that a materialist account of memory must be framed in
terms of sharply localized traces, analogous to the inscription of snatches of
music in the grooves of a phonographic record. As we have seen, however, vir
tually all contemporary neuroscientific and connectionist thinking presumes
that traces are anatomically widely distributed.
But the story does not end there. Bergson's account of how "true" remem
bering actually works, though again basically metaphorical, comes remark
ably close to the picture sketched above as emerging from the latest neuro
psychological and functional neuroimaging studies. On Bergson's view the
overall pattern of brain activity associated with some particular act of con
scious remembering constitutes a sort of "frame," into which the memory
knowledge somehow "inserts" itself. In retrieving semantic knowledge, say of
a hammer, this "frame" would tend to consist of activation of whatever brain
areas would be involved in my actually perceiving and using hammers. Similar
expectations flow from the general connectionist point of view, according to
The theory of the engram, or any similar theory, has to maintain that, given
a body and brain in a suitable state, a man will have a certain memory, with
out the need of any further conditions. What is known, however, is only that
he will not have memories if his body and brain are not in a suitable state.
That is to say, the appropriate state of body and brain is proved to be neces
sary for memory, but not to be sufficient. So far, therefore, as our definite
knowledge goes, memory may require for its causation a past occurrence as
well as a certain present state of the brain. (p. 9 1 )
To summarize the results o f this section, what I earlier called the "macro"
approach to memory and the brain, as exemplified by neuropsychological and
neuroimaging investigations of "episodic" and "semantic" memory, has deliv
ered great quantities of empirical data, but offers only rather limited help
with problems of interpretation and localization, and certainly has not yet
provided anything like a coherent and complete theory of memory. It is time
to look briefly at the "micro" approach, and particularly at its biochemical
There are many substances, the most obvious being alcohol, administra
tion of which can produce biochemical changes that affect memory. Scopol
amine and benzodiazepines, which enhance the effects of GABA (gamma
aminobutyric acid, the major inhibitory cortical neurotransmitter), have been
used for pre- and post-operative medication and have the convenient effect of
promoting amnesia for possibly unpleasant experiences attendant on surgery.
Ingestion of glucose and the inhaling of pure oxygen have both been shown
to cause transient memory improvements in the elderly. What we are after,
however, are biochemical processes that are specifically linked to memory,
so that the memory changes cannot be attributed to a general excitement or
depression of function or to motivational or attentional changes. Much (not
all) of the relevant work has been done on invertebrates (notably the sea
hare and the fruit-fly) and on rats,27 and especially with the rat hippocampus,
which permits of being removed, cut into thin but still functioning slices, and
26. There are useful treatments of this area in Bear et al. (2000) and Carlson (2004). A
semi-popular and very readable book on biochemical and related approaches to memory is
Bourtchouladze (2002); a much more technical one is Holscher (2001).
27. Bennett and Hacker (2003, pp. 1 56-158) argue that research on habituation, sensitiza
tion, and classical conditioning is "not research on memory in any sense of the word," a view
with which I quite agree. They remark that "an accelerated reflex or a conditioned reaction is
not a form of knowledge. But memory is the retention 0/ knowledge acquired, and remember
ing to . . . is the use o/knowledge retained" (p. 157). And they enlarge on this theme. One might
remark further that even in the human case, the subject in, say, an eyeblink conditioning
experiment may well have learned that the CS will be followed by an unpleasant experience;
274-Chapter 4
studied in vitro. The main aim of this work has been to explain the phenom
enon of "long-term potentiation" (LTP), a process thought to be central in
memory formation.
LTP is a relatively long-lasting enhancement in the excitability of a post
synaptic neuron through induced brief but high-frequency bombardments
from a pre-synaptic neuron. A feature of LTP particularly attractive to main
stream memory theorists is that if a weaker stimulus arrives at the post-syn
aptic cell more or less concurrently with the high-frequency bombardment,
the cell's response to the weaker stimulus is strengthened, thus apparently
paralleling what happens in classical conditioning when, say, a warning sound
comes to produce the eyeblink originally called forth by a puff of air. The
attempt to provide a neurochemical account of the basis of memory has
thus devolved mainly to seeking explanations of LTP and certain closely
related matters (including long-term depression). No one would claim that
the account is as yet anywhere near completion; but certain features stand
out and seem to hold across at least some sites outside the hippocampus.
One is the involvement of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which
in appropriate circumstances opens receptors on the membrane of the post
synaptic cell allowing the entry of calcium ions from the extracellular fluid.
This in turn activates enzymes that (after very complicated chains of events)
multiply the number of receptors in the cell membrane and cause other struc
tural changes further increasing the receptivity of the cell. It may also trigger
a backward diffusion of nitric oxide into the pre-synaptic cell, which increases
the production of glutamate there.
All this results, however, only in an LTP lasting for periods most appro
priately counted in hours. It has become clear that what has been termed
"long-lasting, long-term potentiation" requires the synthesis of new proteins
in or around the receptor-bearing dendrites (branches) of the post-synaptic
cell. Like the other processes we have been considering, this one also seems
to be initiated during the later stages of the cascade of intra-cellular events
initiated by the influx of calcium ions. The end-product of this cascade is the
activation of CREB (c-amp response element binding) proteins which bind to
segments of DNA and by affecting gene expression modulate protein produc
tion. How exactly this may bring about long-lasting, long-term potentiation
remains a matter of speculation.
I should remark that while a fair bit of the relevant work in this area has
been done directly upon in vitro slices of rat hippocampus, some of the pro
posals put forward have also been successfully tested by observing the effects
which interference (chemical, psychopharmacological, genetic) with various
stages of the postulated cascades of neurochemical happenings may have
upon the learning capabilities of experimental animals. Certain drug compa
nies are known to have become interested in the possible memory-enhancing
effects of CREB proteins. But even so it would be pointless to pretend that
but his response to the CS (closing the eyes and screwing up the face) is on a much more primi
tive level than the application of propositional knowledge.
all, or anything like all, of the findings in this area are necessarily to be inter
preted at face value.28
The turn of mind of many of those who have engaged in this kind of
research is clearly to regard the results as evidence for good old-fashioned
memory traces (henceforth, GOFMTs), often conceived in the neurological
fashion introduced by the late D. O. Hebb ( 1 949), and widely accepted in one
or another form today. However, it seems to me certain that no theory in the
GOFMT tradition will ever fully get to grips with the problems of memory,
at least where by memory is meant the human capacity to acquire and deploy
knowledge, rather than, say, the automatic modifications of neuromuscular
reactivity acquired during procedures of classical or operant conditioning
and the like. I have already touched on some of the more obvious theoreti
cal problems. Memory is not a reliving of some past experience or of some
distillate of past experiences, or the re-enactment of past behavior when like
circumstances recur. Perhaps there is at times such an aspect to remember
ing; but that aspect would need to be supplemented by a kind of memory
(one might be tempted to describe it as "memory proper") which implicitly
affirms "that is how it was and I was there as witness or participant. "29 It is
often assumed that such a requirement does not hold true for "semantic" as
distinct from "episodic" memory, but even with that there has to be a kind of
implicit affirmation of the form "I learned that somewhere or another from
some reliable source or sources."
The need for such an implicit affirmation (and by "implicit" I do not
mean "not conscious" but only not in general spelled out) also highlights sev
eral further difficult, interlocked, and almost universally neglected issues. I
am thinking in particular of the inescapable involvement in human memory
of one's "self," or of oneself conceived from a first-person point of view ("/
was there"), and the need to offer some account of the fact that remembering
(an event in the present) is often "of" or "about" a past or future event or fact
(that yesterday one saw an eclipse of the moon or visited one's dentist, or that
tomorrow one will see an eclipse of the moon or visit one's dentist). What is it
to regard some event as in this peculiarly intimate way part of one's own his
tory or likely future, and how can one derive the concepts of past and future
from experience limited to the fleeting present? How indeed can one handle
the "ofness" or "aboutness" of all propositional acts or judgments, includ
ing of course memory-judgments? This is again the perennial problem of the
"intentionality" of the mental, which we ran into before as the problem of
"inner representations" and their relation to that which they are held to "rep
resent." Intentionality-"the heart of the mind" (Puccetti, 1 989)-lies at the
28. Cautionary warnings concerning the alleged evidence for LTP given by the contribu
tors to Holscher (2001 ) relate to failures to repeat, changes of experimental conditions leading
to failures to obtain the phenomenon, the likelihood that there is more than one kind of LTP
(dependent on location and biochemistry), the likelihood that LTP may be confined or largely
confined to limited areas of the hippocampus, the side-effects of the chemicals used and the
genetic manipulations introduced, and the possibility that LTP may in fact be a product of
widespread theta rhythms and gamma rhythms in the brain.
29. See footnote 7 on "metarepresentation."
276-Chapter 4
30. Similar issues, it should be noted, arise in regard to the phenomenon of creative insight
(Chapter 7).
First, a sensation from an odorant does not create a pattern in the brain that
is fixed and stored away in a memory bank. Instead, I have observed that
brain activity patterns are constantly dissolving, reforming, and changing,
particularly in relation to one another. When an animal learns to respond to
a new odor, there is a shift in all other patterns, even if they are not directly
involved with the learning. There are no fixed representations, as there are
in computers; there are only meanings. Second, a sensory stimulus from an
object does indeed induce the formation of a pattern in the brain, but when
it is given repeatedly it does not induce precisely the same pattern in the same
brain, let alone in any other brain. (p. 22)
In somewhat similar vein Rose (2003) says of his experiments with chick-
The seemingly paradoxical results of the first set of these experiments was
that regions of the brain which were necessary for memories to be made, and
which showed lasting cellular changes as a result of that learning, after an
hour or so ceased to be necessary for recall. The solution to this paradox was
the recognition that memories are dynamic and dispersed, located in differ
ent ways in different parts of the brain. (p. 373; see also 2005, pp. 1 59-1 63 ,
207-2 1 2)
Right prefrontal cortical activity could be associated with the act of search
ing (retrieval mode) or successful retrieval depending on its relations to other
[activated or deactivated] brain regions. . . . Common to both examples is the
possibility that learning and memory . . . may emerge from neural interactions
rather than being the responsibility of particular brain areas. . . . Memory per
se is an emergent behavior of the central nervous system-it is something the
brain does. (p. 542)
These ideas are less than fully worked out, but they seem to me headed in
the right direction.32 In the light of current trends in brain science one can cer
tainly see the appeal, indeed the necessity, of regarding the brain increasingly
32. Another phenomenon that has been taken to support the view of memory "traces" as
dynamic and constantly subject to revision is the recent discovery or rediscovery that estab
lished "memories" can apparently be erased if they are activated and their activation is fol
lowed shortly afterwards by the administration of a protein synthesis inhibitor (for reviews,
see Alberini, 2005; Nader, 2003a). The findings have led to a renewed debate between the
currently dominant "structuralist" theories of memory and supporters of a more strongly
biochemical approach, with the biochemists arguing that structural "traces" could not be so
quickly eradicated, and proposing instead a return to the notion (unfashionable for upwards
of 30 years) that the bearers of memories must instead be complex molecules (Arshavsky,
2003; Nader, 2003b). The "memories" studied have often involved rats or chicks coming to
avoid or react to an impending noxious stimulus on receipt of a warning signal, and it is less
than obvious that "memory" is an appropriate term for their reactions. In some experimen
tal situations (e.g., ones involving noxious tastes) the effect has not been found. It is as yet
far from apparent whether similar findings might also be obtained with human episodic or
semantic memories. What has become increasingly clear with more sharply targeted bio
chemical intervention is that while in general consolidation of memories and reconsolida
tion following reactivation share common molecular mechanisms, they are likely to involve
largely different brain loci and systems, as though the memories have so to speak moved on.
Furthermore, there may be a time effect, newly minted memories being affected by protein
synthesis inhibitors, and more established ones less affected or immune.
33. See, for example, V. Anderson, Northam, Hendy, and Wrennall (2001), Basso, Gardelli,
Grassi, and Mariotti ( 1 989), and A. Smith ( 1983).
28D-Chapter 4
34. Useful short reviews of this material wi ll be found in Fawcett et al. (2001, chap. 1 3) and
M. H. Johnson (2005, pp. 40-44). The re-routing studies are those of Roe, Pallas, Hahm, and
Sur (1990), Sur ( 1 993), and von Melchner, Pallas, and Sur (2000).
35. Grutzendler, Kasthuri, and Gan (2002) failed to obtain confirmatory findings; but they
used mice on average rather older, examined visual rather than barrel cortex (rats and mice
are not highly visual animals), and did not provide the animals with a changing environment
to stimulate experience-related neural activity.
I return at last to Myers and his disciplined and long-sustained quest to find
evidence that might permit, and a philosophy that might sustain, a rational
belief in human survival of bodily death. It should be emphasized, perhaps,
that to the extent that such a quest succeeds it will among other things under
mine all theories of memory based entirely on brain processes. Myers himself
was persuaded of survival by the evidence available to him, and regarded it
as providing "the strongest proof which can be imagined" for the underlying
unity of personality, that it can outlast not just minor disintegrations but "the
crowning disintegration of bodily death" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 1 ).
The principal form of evidence for the post-mortem persistence of an
identifiable individual has to be the survival of his or her distinctive memo
ries, from which questions about the post-mortem survival of his or her char
acteristic desires, purposes, and skills can only partially be separated. Myers
himself encapsulates the evidential issues this way (HP, vol. 2, p. 252):
36. Attempts to find salvation by proposing cosmic memory stores in which the memories
of living persons may be deposited and subsequently be accessed by those persons before
their deaths and by suitably attuned other individuals ("psychics," "mediums") thereafter
would be very likely to stumble over very much the same problems we have been discussing.
Setting aside the "akashic records" of Hinduism, the best-known speculations of this kind are
those of Wi lliam James on "cosmic consciousness" (see James, 1 9091197 1 , 190911986).
282-Chapter 4
37. It is curious how these tactics, well-known and often commented on for well over a
century, have of late been christened "cold reading" and treated as though the fact of their
use was some kind of new discovery. The earliest use of the term, according to Lamont and
Wiseman ( 1 999, p. 134), dates from 1977.
with the literature), cover all cases.38 It is indeed regrettable that the interest of
the substantial number of really puzzling and carefully investigated cases has
tended to be obscured by the much larger quantity of inferior evidence with
which the popular market has been flo oded, especially in recent years.
Not least among the "puzzle cases" is Mrs. Leonora E. Piper ( 1 859-1 956)
of Boston, William lames's "White Crow"and one of the two "trance" medi
ums that most impressed Myers. Mrs. Piper was extensively investigated both
in America and England (for fairly extensive accounts of her, see Gauld, 1 982,
and H. Holt, 1 9 1 5) . There is no doubt that on bad days she (or her "con
trols") would blatantly fish and hazard guesses; but on good days the flow of
accurate, detailed, and appropriate information that sitters (including new sit
ters, sitters introduced under pseudonyms, etc.) might receive, as though the
veritable memories of deceased persons known to them were being tapped,
could be at once baffling and compelling. Although it has been convincingly
argued, in this and other similar cases, that the communicating "personali
ties" are simply aspects or phases of the medium herself (E. M . Sidgwick,
1 9 1 5)-like the various personalities of multiple personality cases they are
apt to share limitations of thought and knowledge, or favorite turns of phrase
and quirks of vocabulary with each other and with the medium-the prob
lems still remain of where the apparently surviving memories come from and
of how they find their way into the medium's mind.
Interpretations of categories 2 and 3 have to be taken together. Each cat
egory contains proposals other than the clear-cut super-ESP versus survival
ones to which the possibilities are so often reduced. But I shall have to pass
over them here and confine my remarks to the two main proposals. Initially
these sound pretty straightforward, but when one comes to look for ways to
decide between them testable implications prove elusive. The rival interpreta
tions are little better than dummy emplacements behind which entrenched
opposing theoreticians make a good deal of noise while waiting hopefully
for decisive weaponry to arrive. Proponents of a survivalist view argue that
mediums through whom deceased persons are ostensibly communicating
their memories, or children who ostensibly remember previous lives, have in
some instances come out with copious and correct information far exceeding
anything that the medium or child could have come by normally or could
have obtained supernormally from still living persons or other extant sources.
Their opponents claim that we cannot with assurance set limits on what could
be learned by normal or supernormal means not involving communication
with the departed, and that in any case the process by which such a discar-
38. The distinguished philosopher and psychical researcher C. D. Broad ( 1962) offers the
following summary remarks, with which I wholly agree: "Controls and ostensible communi
cators often display a knowledge of facts about the past lives of dead persons and about the
present actions and thoughts and emotions of living ones, which is too extensive and detailed
to be reasonably ascribed to chance-coincidence, and it is quite inexplicable by reference to
any normal sources of information open to the medium. I do not think that this would be
seriously questioned by anyone, with a reasonably open mind, who had made a careful study
of the recorded facts and had had a certain amount of experience of his own in these matters;
though it is often dogmatically denied by persons who lack those qualifications" (p. 259).
284-Chapter 4
39. For further discussion o f these issues, see Chapter 9, as well as works listed i n our
40. See, for example, the interesting exchange on apparitions of the dead between Myers
and Pod more ( Myers, 1 889d, 1890b; Podmore, 1890).
p. 220) without any distinctive conscious antecedents, and which have been
thought characteristic of literary, musical and scientific genius (HP, chap.
(3) In the state of hypnosis also (which Myers regarded as "an experimental
development of the sleeping phase of personality"41 ), we more than ever find
evidence of heightened faculty, including access to ordinarily inaccessible
memories, enhanced control over physiological processes, and supernormal
processes (HP, chap. 5).
41. A view less widely shared today, and which had indeed begun to be questioned even in
Myers's own time (see also Gauld, 1992, pp. 561-567).
286-Chapter 4
purported spirit communicators, that should not weaken one's caution over
accepting the communicators as genuine-imaginative romancing is another
characteristic of some levels of the subliminal (see our Chapter 5).
Matters become more complex, however, when we come to apparitions
of the dead in which the information conveyed was unknown normally to the
percipient and seemed to have originated in the surviving memories of the
deceased person. In fitting such cases into his "broad" canvas, Myers believed
that it was more intelligible to suppose that the correct and sometimes copi
ous details arose from the minds of now-deceased persons than to enter (like
Podmore and other advocates of the super-ESP hypothesis) into what Myers
called (HP, vol. 2, p. 68) the " labyrinth of complexity" involved in supposing
that all the veridical details in such cases are assembled by telepathy with liv
ing sources.
One important group of cases (whose numbers have grown since Myers's
time) influenced his judgment that some cases provide evidence for the active
agency of a surviving deceased person. These are reciprocal or experimental
apparitions, in which the apparition of a living person is seen at a certain
place, and at the same time the person whose apparition it is has a vivid expe
rience as of being at that spot (H. Hart & Hart, 1 93 3). Such cases sometimes
occur spontaneously, but sometimes they have apparently been induced by an
effort of will or imagination on the part of the "sender. " Myers thought that
such cases provided evidence for a kind of "self-projection" or "psychical
invasion" on the part of the subliminal mind, and thus for the agency or at
least the participation of the person seen as the apparition. Similarly, in cases
of apparitions of the dead, we may need to consider whether elements of the
deceased person's surviving mind and memories may likewise be active. Myers
suggested that "this self-projection is the one definite act which it seems as
though a man might perform equally well before and after bodily death" (HP,
vol. 1 , p. 297). "Psychical invasion," with its implication of post-mortem sur
vival, might therefore be a more fitting term than "telepathic impact" ; and
"possession" might be a more appropriate term than either.
So much for an exiguous, indeed a skeletal, precis of Myers's "broad can
vas" approach, centered on the notion of the " Subliminal Self," to the inter
pretation of the evidence for survival. Through this approach he hoped to
carry his readers over or around the difficulties that obsess those who adopt
what I called above a "narrow focus" approach. I shall touch on the general
notion of a "broad canvas" approach again, but first I need briefly to consider
certain relevant issues that have arisen out of recent philosophical investiga
tions of the extremely elusive notion of personal identity.
same object with itself through the various phases of its career. Numerical
identity is not generally supposed to require qualitative identity (indeed such
a requirement could rarely be met). Thus the proposition that a certain rusty
length of metal found at the bottom of an old lake is numerically identi
cal with the noted sword Excalibur, formerly the property of a 6th-century
Romano-Celtic war leader, involves no misuse of terms, even though it may
not be true. But if (to take a much discussed type of example) the residual
good metal has been turned into a kilt-pin, and it is claimed that the kilt
pin is numerically identical with Excalibur, a certain conceptual fog would
quickly set in. Different answers would be possible in different conceptual
contexts. The continued personal identity of human beings (who are ongoing
processes rather than stable objects) is a far more complex question than that
of swords, and conceptual fog can correspondingly set in more quickly and
more thickly.
Let us next distinguish between two sorts of question about personal
identity, which Noonan (2003) in an extended survey of the topic42 charac
terizes (p. 2) as the "constitutive" (or "metaphysical-cum-semantic") and the
"evidential" questions (Paterson, 1 995, pp. 2 1 -22, calls them the "ontologi
cal" and the "epistemological" problems). The "constitutive" question is the
question of what personal identity over time consists in, of what makes a per
son the self-same individual at different phases of his or her existence. Simple
answers to this question-for example, ones in terms of a soul or "Cartesian
ego," of bodily continuity, of continuity of memory, and so forth-have long
ago been largely buried in the debris of protracted conflict, and modern dis
cussions have more and more consisted of analyses of the concept of personal
identity in terms of tortuous imaginary cases.43 The "evidential" question is
the question of what counts or should count as evidence that a person P2,
encountered at time T2, is the self-same individual as person P I , encountered
at time T l . Obviously, these questions can become deeply intertwined.
Equally obviously, they have a considerable bearing on issues related to
survival. Which answers to the constitutive question do, and which do not,
allow for the possibility of continued personal identity after bodily death?
How far can we justifiably accept the kinds of evidence (or some of them) that
are widely agreed to be appropriate for the reidentification of still embodied
persons as also appropriate for the reidentification of ostensibly disembodied
ones? Which has primacy-empirical evidence or constitutive theory? And so
on. I want to tackle now a recurrent line of argument that attempts to resolve
at a stroke important issues relating to both the constitutive and the evidential
This originated from the "ordinary language" philosophers who were so
prominent in Oxford philosophy and indeed world philosophy in the 1 950s
and 1 960s. There was a tendency among these philosophers to argue that our
42. Useful edited works are those by Corcoran (2001), Edwards (1997), and R. Martin and
Barresi (2003).
43 . Some philosophers have objected to what they regard as the excessive use of such cases
(see, e.g., Baillie, 1993; Donagan, 1990; and Wilkes, 1 988).
288-Chapter 4
would simply have gone.47 In what sense (if any) and from what point of view
(if any) can he be said to have pursued a continuous bodily spatiotemporal
track from his departure point to his almost instantaneous arrival at a desti
nation remote in space and time?
The upshot of these examples is that criteria for the reidentification of
the same individual items again (be they objects or persons) vary according
to the conceptual framework within which the question of reidentification
arises; and that criteria which are appropriate in one setting may not be mean
ingfully applicable in another.
There has been an understandable but misguided temptation to regard
the can of beans kind of case, our first example, as canonical for the reiden
tification of particular things in the world. If we can establish that a can of
beans we observed at a given place and time pursued a continuous spatiotem
poral path to a different place and time at which we perceived an apparently
identical can, we may for nearly all purposes be sure that the latter was the
same can again as the former. The discovery of its continuous spatiotemporal
track might indeed in some rather loose sense be called "logically decisive"
or "criterial" for questions of its numerical identity. Other cues to continu
ing identity there may be, but this one is decisive and takes precedence in the
event of a clash. Note, however, that this is so only because within our every
day framework of thought for talking about everyday items the establishment
of continuity of spatiotemporal track is a question-stopper. Unless the can
has been incinerated and turned to powder, or emptied of its contents, or oth
erwise metamorphosed, there are no further relevant questions to be asked.
But this framework, it should be observed, is not established by science. It is
a deeply engrained feature of our societal conventions, held because for most
purposes it works more effectively than any other.
This brings us to the essential point: Reidentifying a particular item (per
son or thing) as the same item again usually presents no problems in the con
text of the commonplace can of beans model within which spatiotemporal
track predominates. Once we step outside the merely commonplace, however,
we can find ourselves confronted with questions of reidentification which lie
far outside the scope of such a model. We are entitled to talk of the identifi
cation and reidentification of particular things far beyond the scope of that
model provided that the conceptual context in which we do so licenses and
makes sense of such a way of talking. The everyday conceptual context which
licenses and accords ultimate predominance to talk of continuous spatiotem
poral tracks through three dimensions of space and one of time is not neces
sarily the only framework of thought within which we can sensibly talk of
reidentification, whether of particles or of people-indeed L. R . Baker ( 1 997,
2000, 200 1 ) argues at length that even within our present everyday framework
the continuity of the person is not to be identified with the persistence of the
Let us now turn away from these rather abstract questions of identifica
tion and reidentification to the more immediate issue of what is in practice
47. For a lucid non-technical account of wormholes, see B. Greene (2004, pp. 461-468).
48. One such case is that of Lurancy Vennum, cited by both Myers (HP, vol. I, pp. 360-368)
and James ( l890b, vol. I, pp. 396-398). Similar but more recent cases are those of Shiva (Ste
venson, Pasricha, & McClean-Rice, 1989) and Jasbir (Stevenson, 1974, pp. 34-52). Somewhat
different is the case of Sharada (Stevenson & Pasricha, 1979; Stevenson, 1984). In this the
subject was not ill at the time of the "possession," the identity of the intruding personality
(from the early 19th century) was not completely established, though appropriate details were
given, and the intrusions were accompanied by a sudden fluency in a language not (so far as
could be discovered) learned normally by the subject.
49. There is no one template that all theories in science must fit, and probably no one con
tinuum on which they can all be placed. Perhaps several intersecting continua would do the
job! But this raises issues too complex to be gone into here.
50. A similar example might be the theory of continental drift, which brought together a
diversity of findings derivable from and united by the theory largely on what might be called
a commonsense basis. It encountered great hostility from geologists who regarded it as con
travening established principles. Only when the global positioning system made it possible to
measure the movements of tectonic plates could the theory be directly tested.
William James ( 1 903) drew a parallel between Darwin and Myers, remark
ing of the latter that he showed "a genius not unlike that of Charles Darwin
for discovering shadings and transitions, and grading down discontinuities
in his argument" (p. 30). It will have been obvious that, in writing about my
imaginary world of copious evidence for psychical phenomena and for sur
vival, and about the overarching schema into which that evidence might be
fitted, I have been trying to make clearer, as it were through magnification,
the general aim and tenor of Myers's great project, both on its theoretical
and on its data-collecting side. Of course our world, the "real" world, is not
so generously provided with just the kinds of phenomena you might want for
his purposes. Yet I never cease to be astonished at how far Myers actually got
on both fronts. His Human Personality and his major articles contain between
them one or two and often many first-hand accounts of almost allsl the kinds
of phenomena with which I chose to fill my imaginary world, and of other
phenomena also. And his theory of the Subliminal Self, however one evalu
ates it, does indeed provide an overarching schema or "broad canvas" into
which this array of phenomena can be systematically slotted with an apparent
strengthening of his general position.
Any attempt (not least Myers's) to systematize and interpret the osten
sible evidence for human survival of bodily death has to take on board the
empirical facts, so far as they are known, of the relationship between memory
and the brain. Most modern neuroscientists regard memory as totally a func
tion of the brain, a view which if justified (and it was widely enough held in
Myers's own time) is fatal to the possibility that memory and related features
of personality might survive death as Myers hoped, believed, and argued. It
is curious how many subsequent persons who have discussed the evidence for
survival and its interpretation have failed to take this crucially relevant ques
tion fully on board. I discussed the issue of memory and the brain earlier in
the chapter and shall say a few concluding words on it now.
Myers himself was well abreast of the neuroscience of his time, and of
the probable close relations between memory and brain function. Nonethe
less, he is surprisingly relaxed about the matter and about the inseparably
linked question of the general relation between mind and brain. That mental
functions cannot be wholly reduced to brain functions he regards as indi
cated by the occurrence of telepathy, of which, he argues (e.g., HP, vol. 1 , pp.
245-246), a physical explanation is not possible, and by the fact that in certain
circumstances (for instance during what would now be called NDEs; see HP,
vol. 2, pp. 3 1 5-323) vivid experiences, including what may have been clairvoy-
ant ones, have occurred to persons who are comatose or greatly enfeebled
(on this, see further our Chapter 6). With regard to memory and brain, he
seems at times almost ready to accept that supraliminal memories are medi
ated by ordinary memory traces, though he also suggests (HP, vol. 2, p. 1 92)
that, for instance in cases of temporary displacement of one set of memories
by another as in some instances of alternate personalities, the same brain
cells may be involved in different and discordant memories (a suggestion to
an extent compatible with modern connectionist ideas). These processes, he
remarks, "are completely obscure," but may belong "to the same unknown
series of operations" which ultimately lead to possession by an external spirit.
The Subliminal Self he seems to think of (and this is in line with his other
ideas about its nature) as enjoying a certain, and at "deeper" levels complete,
freedom from the constraints of memory traces and indeed of the brain,52 and
as possibly able to select from and rearrange the restricted and trace-bound
memories characteristic of the supraliminal (for hints about this see HP, vol.
1 , pp. 1 05, 1 28, 226; vol. 2, p. 266). No doubt, also, his firm conviction that
he already possessed compelling evidence for human survival of bodily death
helped to persuade him in accordance with his broad canvas approach that
the physical basis of memory, whatever it might turn out to consist in, could
not be ultimately incompatible with this evidence.
Today memory appears a considerably tougher problem for an approach
like Myers's than it was in his time (and it was tough enough then). The data
demonstrating connections between memory and brain function, which
were already sufficient in Myers's time to fill a library shelf or two, have now
attained a detail and quantity that would fill a library or two. How within a
broad canvas one might reconcile these data with the data ostensibly indicat
ing that personal memories may survive death and disintegration is not easy
to conceive, and the evidence for post-mortem survival of memory, though it
has grown since Myers's time, has not grown on anything like the same scale
as the evidence for some sort of linkage between memory and the brain.
At the same time, however, it must be recognized that this memory-brain
linkage is nowhere near as straightforward as it is often made out to be. In the
first part of this chapter I said something about modern psychological and
neuroscientific approaches to memory with particular reference to "trace"
theories of memory and their modern descendants. My conclusion about
good old-fashioned memory traces (GOFMTs) was that while they may be
52. If this is indeed the case, and if, as Myers believed, there may be genuine cases of living
persons (often ones who are asleep or comatose) manifesting as mediumistic communica
tors, it should be possible for the subliminal selves of persons suffering severe memory loss
through brain damage to manifest likewise, relatively unimpeded by their memory problems.
I can call to mind only one apparent case (Schiller, 1 923) of this kind. The medium was Mrs.
Piper and the "communicator" was an elderly lady in an advanced state of senile dementia.
Schiller regarded this case as supporting his "transmission" theory of mind. On this theory
one might suppose that if, as seems not impossible, at some time in the future it becomes pos
sible to replace cells destroyed by Alzheimer's disease, lost memories might return; that is,
transmission might be resumed; see also Chapter 6 for references to a few cases suggesting
such restoration near death. My own guess is that there would be some degree of restoration,
but not enough to convince those who do not antecedently believe in the theory.
all very well at the level of conditioned reflexes, avoidance learning, and so
forth, they are totally inadequate to account for human declarative memory
(semantic and episodic). Their modern descendants, the various forms of
"inner representation" imagined by cognitive psychologists, have yet to be put
in any form that coherently handles the relevant facts. In particular neither
GOFMTs nor inner representations have come properly to grips with such
central and inescapable issues as the "intentionality" of memory (what makes
memories "of" or "about" certain events or states of affairs, and, in the case
of cognitive psychology, how "inner representations" become representations
"of" things external to themselves, or become, in short "representations" at
all), and the relations between memory, concept possession, intentionality,
and possession of a "first-person perspective."
Some writers, sensing these problems, have, as outlined earlier, developed
more dynamic and holistic views of the neural underpinnings of memory.
But their views, or so I suggested, do not reach anywhere near the heart of
the matter.
We are left, then, with an awkward conjunction of seemingly discordant
observations. First, it is a hard scientific fact that there are strong and well
established correlations between normal memory function and activities of
the brain, both macroscopic and microscopic. Any adequate theory of mem
ory must somehow accommodate and make sense of these correlations. Sec
ond, currently fashionable hard scientific accounts of memory, which attempt
to build directly on these correlations and are entirely brain-based, have very
marked theoretical and empirical shortcomings, as we have seen.
Finally, into this already complex situation is thrown a further compli
cation introduced in the second part of the chapter, which here concerns
us particularly; namely, that some peoples' memories-including semantic,
factual, episodic, and procedural memories-have ostensibly to a greater or
lesser extent survived the disintegration of their brains. The evidence for this
ranges from the apparent manifestion of mere snippets of recollection to that
of quite extensive and varied sequences of correct memories presented as
if from an appropriate first-person perspective. Looking at these ostensible
manifestations of post-mortem memory against a broad canvas, even if not
quite Myers's canvas, I find it difficult not to suppose that some of them are
in varying degrees somehow linked to the original person (in ways we do not
understand, but not to be thought of in terms of extant records and memo
rabilia, the effects of pre-mortem deeds, memories lingering in the minds of
the still-living, or "super-ESP" directed on all or any of these). At any rate,
whatever the best explanation of the best cases may be, I can see no satisfac
tory means of explaining them away.
Now, if post-mortem survival of memories is a fact-and this assuredly
remains at present a big "if," at least for most scientific observers-the purely
brain-based mainstream approach to memory must necessarily fail. But the
difficulty still remains that, so far as the deliverances of neuroscience go, a
functional memory is normally strongly dependent in some way on a working
brain. What this confluence of discordant observations suggests, in sum, is
298-Chapter 4
( 1 ) It will be a "top down" rather than a "bottom up" theory. That is to say,
it will be a theory which proposes that the elements of a system sometimes
act in conformity with laws characterizing the system as a whole and not
derivable from the interactions of its elements. These principles (unlike the
laws of neurochemistry or the quasi-computational rules of much cognitive
psychological theorizing) might be described as emerging from or super
vening upon interactions of the elements, not, one should emphasize, on a
moment-by-moment basis, but gradually over time and having something
like the status of psychophysical laws in part tailored to each individual.
(2) It will accommodate the fact that particular declarative memories can
not be supposed tied or permanently tied to particular anatomical loci in the
brain or to particular brain systems or activity patterns. There is copious evi
dence that such memories may be underpinned by different brain circuitry at
different stages of their development or may reinstate themselves to a greater
or lesser extent following extensive tissue damage and destruction.
(4) It will regard the nerve tracts that transmit nerve impulses from one part
of the brain to another not as conduits for the transmission of "informa
tion" in the loose sense commonly adopted by psychologists, but as means
by which spatiotemporal patterns of activity in different regions may be fine
tuned to create overarching patterns.
From what quarter we may derive help in fleshing out the bare bones of
such theoretical requirements remains to be determined. The most obvious
suggestion (and I do not have a better one) is to seek new ideas about the
relations of brain and memory (and also about brain and the ostensible evi
dence for personal survival) from the bizarre, but fascinating, frontier areas of
physical science. So far only a small number of workers have even looked at
this road, let alone gone far down it. Lockwood ( 1 989), D. Hodgson ( 1 99 1 ),
and Stapp (2004a) attempt to illuminate cerebral and mental functioning and
their relationships in terms of their own preferred interpretations of quantum
theory. Romijn ( 1 997) proposes, under the influence of Bohm, that a large
part of mental activity, including the storage of declarative memories, takes
place outside the brain at "a deeper, submanifest level." Penrose (2004), com
ing at the problems from the opposite direction, remarks "that a 'fundamen
tal' physical theory that lays claim to any kind of completeness at the deepest
levels of physical phenomena must also have the potential to accommodate
conscious mentality" (p. 1 033). He argues strongly that "computational func
tionalism" is not up to this task. All of these writers lay interesting possible
new directions before their readers-earnests, we may hope, of developments
to come. (These and related issues will be discussed further in Chapter 9.)
Perhaps, then, the best that each of us can do at the moment to subdue
and render provisionally intelligible these complex and complexly interrelated
areas where memory, philosophy, and psychical research meet, mix, and mys
tify is to work out for him- or herself some tentative sketch for a "broad
canvas" picture of them that, however vague and imperfect, we may hope will
provide appropriate and appropriately related spaces for features we may one
day delineate more effectively. To date no one, perhaps, has had a better trial
shot at this task than did Myers so long ago.
more than viable option by demonstrating that the world on fuller inquiry
turns out to be more like the "imaginary world" which I described above than
most people would suppose. This may well be the only kind of approach to
the matter that holds out any prospect of ultimate agreement. Whether or not
one believes that Myers himself fully succeeded in his endeavor, one can only
marvel at the dedication, the ability, the range of information, the literary
skill, and the power to inspire others that he brought to it.
Chapter 5
Adam Crabtree
I cannot but think that the most important step forward that has occurred
in psychology since I have been a student of that science is the discovery,
first made in 1886,1 that, in certain subjects at least, there is not only the
consciousness of the ordinary field, with its usual center and margin, but
an addition thereto in the shape of a set of memories, thoughts, and feel-
I . There is little doubt that the 1 886 date refers to a work of Myers, but there is a question
as to which work. Powell ( 1979, p. 1 56) believes it is Myers's note on "psychical interaction"
in Vol. 2 of Phantasms of the Living (Gurney et aI., 1 886) where he wrote of mental operations
"below the threshold . . . of consciousness" (p. 285). Ignas Skrupskelis, editor of the Harvard
University Press edition of Varieties of Religious Experience, believes that the 1 886 date points
to Myers's paper "Human personality in the light of hypnotic suggestion," which he says was
published in 1 886 in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research; this is also the
opinion of David Leary (Leary, 1 990, p. 1 17). However, Skrupskelis and Leary are mistaken
about the date of publication, which is, in fact, 1885 (Myers, 1 885e). Perry ( 1 935, vol. 2, p.
1 21), Fontinell ( 1986, p. 1 20), Taylor (1996, p. 87), and Barnard ( 1997, p. 173) state that the
reference is to Myers, but do not cite a particular text. To my knowledge, the only author who
believes that James is not referring to Myers in this passage is Ann Taves, who sees his words
as referencing the works of Pierre Janet and indicates that it was actually Janet who made
the "basic discovery" of the subconscious (Taves, 1 999, p. 418). This position is weakened by
the fact that, as I have pointed out elsewhere (Crabtree, 2003), Janet's understanding of the
subconscious was itself largely influenced by the prior work of Myers, and that, in the passage
in question, James nowhere mentions Janet or Janet's term "subconscious," but uses Myers's
term "subliminal" to explicate his meaning.
302-Chapter 5
Historical Background
2. Swiss psychologist Theodore Flournoy, author of the widely acclaimed From India to the
Planet Mars ( 1900/1983), mentor to Carl lung, and a personal friend of Myers, wrote: "Fred
eric Myers was one of the most remarkable personalities of our time in the realm of mental
science" (Flournoy, 1 9 1 1 , p. 48).
3. Boris Sidis, American psychologist and pioneer in laboratory techniques at Harvard,
wrote: "Psychology is especially indebted to the genius of Myers for his wide and comprehen
sive study of the phenomena of the subconscious, or of what he calls the manifestations of the
subliminal self" (Sidis, 1898/1906, pp. 2-3).
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-303
were . . . identical" and that "reason was independent from brain function,"
was untenable (Laycock, 1 876, p. 477). He took the position that all energies
involved in human mental functioning originate in the organism and that
psychological research produces no evidence showing that a separate mind
or will causes changes in the brain. He termed the actual process, involving
purely physiological factors, cerebral reflex action, and he declared that this
principle applied even to "the highest work of intellectual faculties" (p. 1).
In this way, he said, every living organism is an automaton, able to adapt
itself to the external world without input from some extrinsic, rational, or
spiritual influence (p. 486).
Similar views5 were developed by William Carpenter (1813-1885), pro
fessor of medical jurisprudence in University College, London. Writing in
his textbook Principles of Human Physiology ( 1 855), he stated:
But not only is much of our highest Mental Activity thus to be regarded as
the expression of the automatic action of the Cerebrum:-we seem justi
fied in proceeding further, and in affirming that the Cerebrum may act
upon impressions transmitted to it, and may elaborate results such as we
might have attained by the purposive direction of our minds to the subject,
without any consciousness on our own parts; so that we only become aware
of the operation which has taken place, when we compare the result, as it
presents itself to our minds after it has been attained, with the materials
submitted to the process. (p. 607)
5. Carpenter's views were similar only up to a point, since he still held to the "old" view that
Will, or Volition, was extra-physiological.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-305
that all states of consciousness are caused by molecular changes in the brain
and stated that: "The consciousness of brutes would appear to be related to
the mechanism of their body simply as a collateral product of its working,
and to be as completely without any power of modifying that working, as
the steam-whistle which accompanies the work of a locomotive engine is
without influence upon its machinery" (p. 575). Huxley went on to say that
what is true of brutes is also true of human beings. Nevertheless, he insisted,
this view of things does not rule out free will and does not, as some might
charge, lead to fatalism, materialism, and atheism.6
6. One of those who did so charge was William James (see James, 1879).
7. For a more detailed discussion, see Crabtree (2003).
8. Later Myers would more explicitly spell out his objections: "1 have explained that by
these names [subliminal and supraliminal consciousnesses] 1 wish to protest against the
undue extension of such phrases as 'unconscious cerebration,' and to insist that we have as
good ground for attributing consciousness to some at least of these subliminal operations in
ourselves as we have for attributing consciousness to the intellectual performances of our
306-Chapter 5
that the facts of the Clelia case-particularly the writing of anagrams with
meanings hidden to the automatist9-were "already overpassing very con
siderably the recognized limits of unconscious cerebration" (Myers, 1885b,
p. 25).
Myers believed instead that the Clelia case and other cases of automatic
writing indicated the presence of a second center of intelligent activity:
It must be repeated, then, that this conclusion is already far enough from
the accredited view as to the extent of the brain's unconscious operation. A
secondary self-i f ! may coin the phrase-is thus gradually postulated,-a
latent capacity, at any rate, in an appreciable fraction of mankind, ofdevel
oping or manifesting a second focus of cerebral energy which is apparently
neither fugitive nor incidental merely,-a delirium or a dream-but may
possess for a time at least a kind of continuous individuality, a purposive
activity of its own. (p. 27)
away from the latter on the basis of philosophical bias (see Cook [Kelly],
1992, pp. 32-35, and Chapter 2 of this book).
Myers knew that his conception of multiple centers of consciousness
operating within the psyche was novel and would not be easily accepted by
conventional researchers:
Myers stated that this new way of looking at things brought with it a
whole new perspective on automatisms. His automatic writing experiments
(and those of his colleague Edmund Gurney on hypnosis) were conducted
with "normal" subjects, and he believed that the conclusions he arrived at
were applicable to all human beings. He believed that he had adequately
demonstrated that automatisms of a complex, intelligent kind, such as auto
matic writing, automatic speaking, automatic drawing, artistic creations
that spring into consciousness fully formed, and hallucinations (such as
veridical phantasms) of every kind, resulted from the action of additional
centers of true conscious intelligence operating outside the normal aware
ness of the individual. He observed that experiences like these provide a
glimpse of intelligent activity which has a brilliance that sometimes exceeds
that of the ordinary self.
In an article on automatic writing published in 1889, Myers attempted
to describe more completely the meaning of the word "automatism" in its
psychological sense (as opposed to what he called "reflex" or "automatic"
phenomena). To begin he stated that automatisms "parallel automatically
whatever our conscious will, our conscious perception can discern or decree"
(Myers, 1 889a, p. 522). He went on to say that automatisms are, first, "inde
pendent"-that is, not related to some underlying physical pathology-and,
second, "message-bearing" or "nunciative," meaning not that they bring
messages from some source external to the automatist's mind, but that
"they present themselves to us as messages communicated from one stra
tum to another stratum of the same personality. Originating in some deeper
zone of a man's being, they float up into superficial consciousness as deeds,
visions, words, ready-made and full-blown, without any accompanying per
ception of the elaborative processes that have made them what they are" (p.
524). Third, in some cases they are "veridical," that is, they correspond with
objective facts not available to the automatist through normal means-an
event, however, that is not to be seen as supernatural but as "supernormal"
(p. 525).
308-Chapter 5
Myers also made it clear that he did not conceive of the hidden second
ary self as a single principle coordinate with the ordinary self, but rather pic
tured any number of "secondary manifestations of the self" (Myers, 1 889a,
p. 522). In 1888 he presented a grand formulation of his view of automatism
and raised themes that became familiar in his later writings:
And here I should wish to give a much wider generality to this principle,
and to argue that i f there be within us a secondary self aiming at manifes
tation by physiological means, it seems probable that its readiest path of
externalisation-its readiest outlet of visible action,-may often lie along
some track which has already been shown to be a line of low resistance
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-309
Pierre Janet
We believe that one can accept simultaneously both automatism and con
sciousness and thereby give satisfaction to those who note in humans an
elementary form of activity as completely determined as an automaton
and to those who want to conserve for humans, in their simplest actions,
consciousness and sensibility. I n other words, it does not seem to us that
in a living being the activity that manifests on the outside through move
ment can be separated from a certain kind of intelligence and from the
consciousness that accompanies it inside, and our goal is not only to dem
onstrate that there is a human activity that merits the name of automatic, but
also that it is legitimate to call it a psychological automatism. (Janet, 1889,
pp. 2-3)"
10. For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see Crabtree (2003).
I I . All translations in this chapter are mine.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-3 l l
ried out ordinary tasks with ordinary mental involvement, these centers
communicated with the researcher in a complex manner that was indistin
guishable from ordinary intelligent action. Typically this communication
occurred in the form of automatic writing of which the hysterical subject
was unaware. Janet (1889) described the emergence of these centers in his
subjects in this way:
William James
Very early in his career, William James had struggled with what was
called (based on the paper by Huxley quoted above) the "automaton the
ory." In a series of lectures titled "The Brain and the Mind" delivered in
1 878 (James, 1 87811988), he argued that because we know the mind better
than the nervous system, we cannot derive psychology from physiology, that
is, explain psychological phenomena in purely physiological terms. Like
Myers, James disagreed with Maudsley, who said that physiology is a full
and sufficient basis for explaining mental experience (Perry, 1 935, vol. 1, p.
28). In these lectures and in his article on Huxley's paper, James vehemently
rejected the notion that automatism, as described by the physiologists, could
provide an adequate basis for understanding human psychology. He insisted
that the "subjective" or introspective method not only provided our most
secure psychological knowledge, but it also provided a basis for interpreting
the facts of brain physiology. Taking aim directly at Huxley, he wrote:
Many persons now-a-days seem to think that any conclusion must be very
scientific if the arguments in favor of it are all derived from twitching of
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-3 1 3
And this leads me to what, after all, is the really important part of these
investigations-I mean their possible application to the relief of human
misery. Let one think and say what one will about the crudity and intellec
tual barbarism of much of the philosophizing of our contemporary nerve
doctors; let one dislike as much as one may please the thoroughly mate
rialistic attitude of mind which many of them show; still, their work, as a
whole, is sanctified by its positive, practical fertility. Theorems about the
unity of the thinking principle will always be, as they always have been, bar
ren; but observations of fact lead to new issues ad infinitum . Who knows
. . .
how many pathological states (not simply nervous and functional ones,
but organic ones too) may be due to the existence of some perverse buried
fragment of consciousness obstinately nourishing its narrow memory or
delusion, and thereby inhibiting the normal flow of life? (pp. 3 71-372)
shown the coexistence of secondary selves with the primary one. Here, echo
ing Myers, he brought in his only real criticism of Janet's approach:
questions in writing. Also, Old Stump seemed never to sleep, but watched
over Anna during the night, seeing that she remained covered and rapping
on the headboard to awaken Anna's mother when Anna experienced spasms
or other problems.
This case strikingly illustrates the concurrent operation of two separate
centers of consciousness in one individual. Each manifested as a personal
system with its own ideas, intentions, and memory chains. The later work of
Myers and Janet provided a great deal of additional material that indicated
the co-temporal status of multiple centers. Myers's automatic writing sub
jects often wrote from a second center while they engaged in ordinary activ
ities, such as reading or conversing, in their primary consciousness, and
Janet's (1889) hypnotic experiments-with Leonie, for example-demon
strated the simultaneous activity of several secondary personalities. A case
described by F. C. S. Schiller bears a certain resemblance to that of Anna
Winsor in that a man, using two planchettes, one under each hand, simul
taneously wrote two messages, dealing with entirely different subjects and
purporting to come from two different personalities (HP, vol. 1 , p. 420).
James, however, was especially interested in a further issue discussed
by Myers, namely the patterns of mutual awareness holding among the con
currently active centers. Myers held that the consciousness of a sublimi
nal personality could embrace knowledge of the thoughts and deeds of the
supraliminal self. This might be thought of as a kind of inclusivity-not
necessarily in the way a person's mind is inclusive of its own thoughts-but
in some fashion which allows the thoughts of another personality to be
directly perceived,12 Myers did not speculate on whether this kind of inclu
sivity could also occur between two or more subliminal consciousnesses.
However, he did indicate that the Subliminal Self (in the sense of the all
embracing and ultimate source of unity beyond the multiplicity of an indi
vidual) encompasses all that occurs in the supraliminal and multiple sub
liminal centers (see Chapter 2).
James accepted and carried forward this difficult idea in his later works
on problems in religion and metaphysics (see especially the conclusions of
James, 1 90211 958, and 19091197 1 , Lecture 5). While these later efforts on the
part of James to grapple with the fundamental issues raised by the scientific
investigation of human experience were essentially ignored by most 20th
century psychologists as mere philosophizing, they were in fact his way of
1 2 . There is no evidence that Myers believed that such a subliminal self necessarily per
ceives the thoughts (and actions) of the supraliminal self as its own-which would imply that
the subliminal self would perceive itself as responsible for those thoughts (and actions). Such
a position would, in fact, be hard to maintain in the face of a great many accounts in the lit
erature of mesmerism and hypnotism in which, for example, a hypnotic personality explicitly
distinguished itself from the primary personality and specifically disowned the attitudes and
actions of that personality; these, and many instances of "dual personality" (e.g., Azam, 1 887;
Deleuze, 1 8 1 3, vol. 1, p. 176; Oespine, 1 838, pp. 38-40; Ennemoser, 1 852; Gregory, 1 8 5 1 , pp.
85, 486; James, 1 889; Janet, 1 889; Pigeaire, 1839, p. 44; Prince, 190511908; Richet, 1 883, pp.
228-233) provide evidence that the experience of inclusivity does not necessarily, and perhaps
not typically, involve a sense of common identity. Mitchell ( 1 922, p. 223), on the other hand,
said that one personality of a multiple may sometimes experience another as "part of itself."
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-317
carrying forward the thoroughly empirical spirit of Myers. And he was not
alone in tackling this conceptually difficult subject. American psychologist
and fel low Bostonian Morton Prince was among the foremost of Myers's
contemporaries who grappled with issues relating to automatism and co
Morton Prince
Prince also pointed out that the two centers of consciousness need not
be unaware of each other. As in the case of Old Stump, there may be one
way or even mutual awareness without affecting the fact of separateness.
Like Myers, Prince emphasized that secondary centers show every sign of
intelligence and cannot be explained in purely physiological terms. In fact,
he says, they should be treated as one might treat any separate intelligent
The only grounds which I have for believing that my fellow beings have
thoughts like myself are that their actions are like my own, exhibit intel
ligence like my own, and when I ask them they tell me they have conscious
ness, which as described is like my own. Now, when I observe the so-called
automatic actions, I find that they are of similar character, and when I ask
of whatever it is that performs these actions, Whether it is conscious or
not? The written or spoken reply is, that it is and that consciously it feels,
thinks and wills the actions, etc. The evidence being the same in the one
case as i n the other, the presumption is that the automatic intelligence is as
conscious as the personal intelligence. (p. 69)
patience; BIV, named "the woman" and "the realist," who was strong, reso
lute, self-reliant, and easily provoked to anger; and Sally, who was mischie
vous, fun-loving, free from responsibility-all in all a child in character.
While BI and BIV alternated with each other and became dormant when not
in possession of the body, Sally was a co-conscious personality in a deeper
sense. When she was not interacting in the world, she did not become dor
mant, but persisted and was active, often producing automatic phenomena
in the other two personalities. Sally knew the thoughts, feelings, and actions
of the other two personalities; also, when co-conscious, "she had percep
tions of her environment which never entered the awareness of the principal
consciousness. In this state she saw, heard and was generally cognizant of
much that neither BI nor BIV consciously recognized" (p. 149). Prince noted
that "a large mass of evidence goes to show that as a co-consciousness there
were trains of thought and feelings that did not enter the conscious stream
of the principal consciousness" (p. 149).
Sally maintained that she "knows everything Miss Beauchamp . . . does
at the time she does it,-knows what she thinks, hears what she says, reads
what she writes, and sees what she does; that she knows all this as a sepa
rate co-self, and that her knowledge does not come to her afterwards . . .in
the form of a memory" (Prince, 1 905/1908, p. 145). Sally would torment BI
with practical jokes and called BIV an "idiot." Her whole attitude was that
of a separate person with ideas and purposes of her own, who in no way felt
identified with the others. Here we have another example of inclusiveness in
the sense that the thoughts, feelings, and actions of one personality (or two)
are known by another, without any sense of those thoughts, feelings, and
actions belonging to that other.13
Although probably best known for his work with "Miss Beauchamp,"
Prince derived much of his evidence for co-consciousness from other
sources, not least his work with automatic writing. Like Myers, he believed
that the simultaneous functioning of two or more consciousnesses was the
only possible way to explain much of the data observed. He also noted that
automatic writing exhibits, as it were, grades of co-consciousness, from
automatic writing produced while the writer's ordinary consciousness is
completely alert and active to instances in which ordinary consciousness
is nearly extinguished. He pointed out that in the latter case an argument
1 3 . Later studies of multiple personality (e.g., Allison, 1 980; Beahrs, 1982; Ludwig et ai.,
1 972; F. W. Putnam, 1 989; Ross, 1989) have also described this kind of inclusiveness, where
one personality is aware of the activities of another personality "in real time," as it were,
rather than, say, learning about those activities indirectly through some subsequent inner
communication. Thus one personality was considered to be "co-conscious" with another
when it was directly aware of what that other personality was doing while it was doing it, and
"co-consciousness" referred to the internal state of a multiple in which this kind of awareness
was operating. An alter personality might, for example, speak of "hearing" the thoughts of
another personality or "seeing" the other personality do something. Having such awareness,
however, did not mean experiencing the other personality as having the same identity as the
alter or experiencing that other personality as part of the alter. Each of the two personalities
involved would see the other as distinct in identity from him- or herself, in the same way that
one human being sees another as separate and distinct.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-3 1 9
T. W. Mitchell
Thoughts and feelings cannot be left floating about in the void, unclaimed
by any thinker. We have no knowledge of any thoughts or feelings that are
not the thoughts or feelings of some personal self. And we know that i n
becoming dissociated the split-off portions d o not necessarily lose their
quality of consciousness. While the patient is awake and aware of some
things, dissociated sensations or perceptions may provide evidence of a
concurrent discriminative awareness of other things, as effective as that
which characterizes the sensory or perceptive activity of the conscious
waking self. (pp. 33-34)
Recognizing that not all instances of multiple personality are the same,
M itchell ( 1 91 2) distinguished two major types: alternating and co-conscious.
In the first type,
the split-off portions of the self seem to remain latent until the attack or
alternation occurs. During their periods of latency they seem to be cut off
from all experience and do not grow or develop i n any way. There is a divi
sion of the self without any true doubling of consciousness. (p. 272)
It is true that trance personalities do not, as a rule, alternate with the wak
ing consciousness to the extent of taking possession of the whole bodily
organism, and in many instances they afford no definite evidence of their
existence as co-conscious activities. Yet i n so far as their origin cannot
be traced to any large splitting off or secession from the waking self, they
seem to conform to the type of secondary personality whose growth and
development take place entirely in the subconscious. I have assumed that
the evolution of these personalities must be dependent on subconscious
experiences in relation to the ordinary environment. But if, as some people
think, man has an environment which transcends sense, it may be that this
environment can affect the subconscious without having any noticeable
influence on the waking self. It would then be legitimate to suppose that
experience related to such an environment might sometimes take part in
the formation of secondary personalities. (p. 274)
William McDougall
a member of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) and served a term
as its president. McDougall was strongly critical of Myers's vision of sub
liminal selves, automatism, and multiple centers of consciousness. In his
( 1903) review of Human Personality (on our digital version), McDougall
claimed that Myers subscribed to what William James had called "multiple
monadism," the view that the individual is a system of psychic units each
with its own degree of mental life, but had added to this an unacceptable
additional doctrine that there is a profounder unity, the Subliminal Self,
that coordinates this multiplicity (p. 5 1 5). McDougall developed a different
monadic theory of the psyche, first alluded to in his book Body and Mind
(McDougall, 191 1/1961, p. 368n) and elaborated in his Presidential Address
to the SPR (McDougall, 1 920). Here he repudiated the views of Prince,
Mitchell, and others on co-consciousness and made explicit how very dif
ferent his understanding of the psyche was from that of Myers.
In this address he stated that, in Body and Mind, "I maintained that,
however we conceive the body, we are compelled to conceive our conscious
mental life as the activity of a unitary being endowed with the faculties of
knowing, feeling and striving, the ego, soul, or self" (McDougall, 1 920, p.
1 1 0). He went on to say that in the years intervening since the publication of
that book, he had himself become involved with cases of nervous disorder
that seemed at first glance to make this notion of a unitary ego untenable.
These cases suggested that the self had been divided into two or more parts,
each endowed with "the fundamental faculties of mind, conscious know
ing, feeling and striving, a striving that expresses itself in part in the con
trol of bodily movements" (p. 1 1 0). From such data, said McDougall, many
had concluded that consciousness is a kind of stuff which can be combined,
broken up, and recombined in many ways. However, he insisted that this
conclusion was unjustified and that " the argument for the unity of the ego
seems to me as strong and conclusive as ever" (p. 1 1 1). He did not deny the
facts marshaled by those who accepted the notion of a divided self:
14. We cannot assume from this that McDougall was personally convinced of survival.
I n Body and Mind ( 1 9 1 111961) he wrote: "A considerable mass of evidence pointing in this
direction [survival] has been accumulated . . . . Nevertheless . . . again and again the evidential
character of the observations has fallen just short of perfection" (p. 347).
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-325
1 5 . Some years earlier, the philosopher Gerald Balfour, in his Presidential Address to the
SPR, had proposed a similar view (Balfour, 1 906; see also Balfour, 1935, pp. 3 1 1-314, which
further develops these views in the context of an extended critique of Myers's theory of the
Subliminal Self). We will return to this in Chapter 9.
1 6. For a discussion of James's understanding of this expression of Myers, see E. Taylor
( 1996).
326-Chapter 5
larly called a 'character' of its own. There will thus be one distinct supra
liminal self at a time; but more than one subliminal self may exist, or may be
capable of being called into existence" (Myers, 1 892b, pp. 305-306n).
With regard to "self" (small "s"), Myers held that all psychical action
that occurs in the individual, subliminal and supraliminal, occurs with con
sciousness and is included in an actual or potential memory. Although he had
himself sometimes done so, Myers thought that to speak of a "secondary"
self could be misleading, because one might give the mistaken impression
that there cannot be more selves than two and because it could cause one to
believe that the supraliminal self, the empirical self of common experience,
was in some way superior to the subliminal self-something that Myers
explicitly denied. He insisted that "the arrangement with which we habitu
ally identify ourselves,-what we call the normal or primary self. . . is not
necessarily superior in any other respect to the latent personalities which lie
alongside it" (Myers, 1 888a, p. 387). In other words, the ordinary conscious
ness, the supraliminal self, had no privileged position in respect to those
"arrangements" called subliminal selves or personalities. In fact, a central
part of Myers's doctrine is that these normally hidden strata of the psyche
have access to wider ranges of information and faculty than the everyday
self. This view is in stark contrast to that of McDougall, who insisted on the
superiority of the monad that is the self of everyday life. Said Myers:
Sigmund Freud
Myers, in the article mentioned above, was the first to introduce Freud
and his ideas to the English-speaking world. He referred to the work of
Freud and Breuer with appreciation and cited their findings as welcome
confirmation from medical clinical practice of ideas he had himself devel
oped about subliminal mental processes. At the same time, Myers implied
that Freud and Breuer were latecomers to the work originally begun by
himself, Edmund Gurney, and Pierre Janet. Although Myers wrote posi
tively of Freud and Breuer, he also made the point that the investigation of
psychological pathology, such as they had been engaged in, could go only so
far, and that it was only through the study of subliminal phenomena in the
healthy that the ful l story would be told (Myers, l 893a, p. 14). It is Keeley's
(2001) contention that, whatever Freud may have thought about Myers's
comments in 1 893, by 1 9 1 2 he was ready to tell the world that psychoanaly
sis had become a psychology of unparalleled depth that had left far behind
its beginnings in the 19th-century practice of hypnotism, and embodied
its own distinctive theories and methods. Keeley also believes that Myers's
mention of the name of Janet (with whom Freud had in the intervening years
developed a bitter rivalry) as an investigator who had priority of ideas over
Freud would have provided further motivation for Freud to present his con
trary views. What is important about Keeley's article for our purposes is its
presentation of the ways in which Freud distinguished the "Unconscious"
of psychoanalysis from Myers's "Subliminal Self" and where that put Freud
in relation to the concepts of automatism, co-consciousness, and secondary
Freud ( 1 91 2) began "A Note" by making clear what he meant by "con
scious" and "unconscious." He wrote:
Now let us call "conscious" the conception which is present to our con
sciousness and of which we are aware, and let this be the only meaning
of the term "conscious." As for latent conceptions, if we have any reason
to suppose that they exist in the mind . . . Iet them be denoted by the term
"unconscious." Thus an unconscious conception is one of which we are
not aware, but the existence of which we are nevertheless ready to admit
on account of other proofs or signs. (pp. 3 1 2-313)
He then tackled the belief that consciousness can be split up in such a way
that some ideas or psychical acts might be said to constitute a "consciousness
apart" which has become estranged from "the bulk of conscious activity"
(p. 3 1 5). Freud acknowledged first that such a view might seem to be sup
ported by cases of dual personality, such as that described by Azam (1887),
which I mentioned earlier. But we are not justified, said Freud, in extending
the word "conscious" so far that it includes a consciousness of which the
"owner" him- or herself is not aware. He then went on to say that if philoso
phers find it hard to accept the existence of unconscious ideas, they should
find it even more difficult to accept that there can be such a thing as an
"unconscious consciousness." He suggested that, instead of talking about a
"splitting of consciousness," as in the case of dual consciousness described
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-329
by Azam, it would make most sense to say that we are dealing with a "shift
ing of consciousness," where that function simply oscillates between two
different psychical complexes "which become conscious and unconscious
in alternation" (p. 3 1 5).
If Myers were reading this explanation, he would object that the exam
ple Freud chose to illustrate his position, Azam's dual personality case of
Felida X, is one that was widely recognized to be subject to an alternating
consciousness explanation and therefore could not serve as a test case for
automatism and co-consciousness. Already in the 1 870s, the case of Felida
X had been understood as a shifting of consciousness from one state to
another for which no further explanation was needed. What Freud would
find more difficult to explain with his unitary consciousness theory would
be those numerous cases in which two apparent intelligences communicate
simultaneously. That, after all, was the kind of case that led Myers, James,
Janet, and eventually many others to the notion of psychological automatism
and a conception of the situation that would later be called co-conscious
ness. If Freud could not explain examples of psychological automatism with
temporal co-consciousness, his theory was incomplete, if not erroneous.
Freud ( 1 91 5/ 1 964) returned to the issue of the unity of consciousness
in The Unconscious, but there did little more than repeat what he had set
forth in his article of 1912. In An A utobiographical Study, however, Freud
(1925/ 1964) took the discussion one step further and launched an explicit,
concerted attack on Pierre Janet and his idea of multiple centers of con
sciousness. Chafing at Janet's often repeated charge that much of psycho
analysis derived from his own work, Freud was at pains to show how little
his ideas had in common with Janet's and therefore how absurd the accusa
tion of intellectual dependence was. He stated his differences in the plainest
terms possible: "Psycho-analysis regarded every thing mental as being in
the first instance unconscious; the further quality of 'consciousness' might
also be present, or again it might be absent" (p. 31). He took pains to chide
those "philosophers" for whom "conscious" and "mental" were identical
and who could not accept the notion of an "unconscious mental." Taking up
Janet's view, Freud pointed out what he considered an unsolvable dilemma:
"Anyone who tried to push the argument further and to conclude from it
that one's own hidden processes belonged actually to a second conscious
ness would be faced with the concept of a consciousness of which one knew
nothing, of an 'unconscious consciousness'-and this would scarcely be
preferable to the assumption of an 'unconscious mental'" (p. 32).
To anyone who has actually read Janet (and Myers), Freud's stand is,
to say the least, puzzling, and one might wonder if Freud was being delib
erately obtuse in his interpretation of Janet's "unconscious mental acts."
It was precisely because his hysterical subjects exhibited what he consid
ered irrefutable evidence for a "consciousness of which one knew nothing"
that Janet felt compelled to posit unconscious mental acts. It was clear even
from Janet's very first writings on the matter that he used the word "uncon
scious" with a very specific meaning: It meant unconscious in relation to
330-Chapter 5
If [the ego's object-identifications] obtain the upper hand and become too
numerous, unduly powerful, and incompatible with one another, a patho
logical outcome will not be far off. It may come to a disruption of the ego
in consequence of the different identifications becoming cut off from one
another by resistances; perhaps the secret of the cases of what is described
as "multiple personality" is that the different identifications seize hold of
consciousness in turn [italics added]. Even when things do not go so far as
this, there remains the question of conflicts between the various identifica
tions into which the ego comes apart, conflicts which cannot after all be
described as entirely pathological. (pp. 30-31)
17. Despite this criticism of psychoanalysis, Hart contended that when discussing dissocia
tion, Janet and Freud were operating on two entirely different levels and that what appeared
to be rival theories were in fact two different stages of inquiry (for a description of Hart's
view, see Crabtree, 1 986, pp. 97-100). Unfortunately, Hart did not tackle the crucial issue of
co-consciousness and for that reason failed to see the incompatibility of the two positions.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-331
states as mental (that is, as what Searle would call "occurrent intrinsic
intentional states") even when they are unconscious, Freud is asserting that
the distinction between conscious and unconscious mental states is not a
distinction between two kinds of mental states-since, for him, all mental
states are in themselves unconscious. Searle notes that Freud sees bringing
such mental states to consciousness on the analogy of perceiving an object:
Searle goes on to say that "I cannot find or invent a coherent interpretation
of this theory" (p. 168). Specifically, he states that he cannot find a way to
make this notion of the ontology of the unconscious consistent with cur
rent knowledge of the brain and that he cannot form a coherent analogy
between perception and consciousness. In regard to the latter problem, he
points out that "the model of perception works on the assumption that there
is a distinction between object perceived and the act of perception" (p. 171).
He argues that this distinction simply cannot apply to conscious thoughts.
Further, he describes why the perception theory of consciousness cannot
stand, because if bringing unconscious states into consciousness consists in
having a perception of previously unconscious mental phenomena, and if
this act of perceiving is itself considered a mental phenomenon (and thus "in
itself" unconscious), then this act of perception requires a further, higher
act of perception to bring it to consciousness, and so forth; in this w ay one
is left with the need for ever-higher acts of perception, involving one in an
"infinite regress."
It seems that the fatal flaw in Freud's view of conscious and unconscious
acts is to consider that mental acts are "in themselves" unconscious. The
view held by Myers might be stated as the contrary: that all mental acts are
"in themselves" conscious. This view escapes the telling criticisms of James
and Searle and provides a ready framework for understanding the data of
automatism that remained so opaque for Freud.
Despite their major differences, Freud did have important areas of
agreement with Myers. Both hoped for ultimate reconciliation between psy
chology and physiology but repudiated, on the basis of empirical evidence,
the premature and glib reductionism of 1 9th-century neurology. Both also
insisted that mind was not co-extensive with everyday consciousness; and
both held that the "mental" which operates outside ordinary awareness is
governed by laws of its own, laws whose exploration had only just begun.
However, Myers's belief that the Subliminal is the source of both the patho
logical and the sublime, disturbance and inspired genius, the normal and
the supernormal, contrasted with Freud's description of the Unconscious.
Also, Freud could not agree with Myers's conviction that our everyday "ter-
332-Chapter 5
Carl Jung
18. This tradition was what Ellenberger ( 1970) called the "first dynamic psychiatry" (p.
1 1 1).
19. Throughout the decades of the latter half of the 20th century, orthodox Freudian think
ers for the most part did not stray far from the view expressed by the master. However, some
recent psychoanalytic writings have begun to move away from the strict one-consciousness
view. An example of this new take on psychoanalytic theory can be found in the writings of
James Grotstein, who, in his Who is the Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream? (2000), for exam
ple, posits an array of subselves who act from their own initiative and display all the charac
teristics of independently conscious centers.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-333
Ernest Hilgard
One thing that Hilgard does not make clear is just how the executive
ego exercises control over the subsystems. That control can hardly be con
ceived as consciously imposed in many of its aspects. It is one thing to say
that the executive ego, aided by a central monitoring function, consciously
plans and puts certain processes into action. It is quite another to say that
hierarchies of subsystems are consciously arranged and rearranged. There
is no evidence that such conscious interventions occur. If the executive ego
is responsible for those arrangements, it must bring them about uncon
sciously. Hilgard says: "Central executive functions are responsible for plan
ning in relation to goals, initiating action commensurate with those plans,
and sustaining action against obstacles and distractions" (p. 220); the steps
of such planning can be laid out and examined. But with many actions that
are obviously intelligently devised we cannot spell out how the various sub
systems were enabled to interact and successfully bring about the desired
result. For instance, in the heat of an academic debate on a contentious
subject, a mass of information must be sorted, the import of certain words
calculated, the line of the argument charted, and so forth, and debaters will
tell you that only a relatively small number of these factors are consciously
analyzed and that only a limited number of the many decisions involved are
consciously taken. If the executive ego is indeed setting things up so that the
delivery goes well, adjusting and ordering the hierarchy of subsystems, it
must be doing that largely on an unconscious level. Hilgard seems to suggest
that such activity may be taking place through the executive and monitor
ing functions of the subsystems themselves, and therefore outside the con
sciousness of the central control. But if in this example we do not need the
central executive and monitoring function to hierarchically arrange sub
systems, when do we? To say, as Hilgard does (p. 233), that what he calls
the "hidden observer"21 is a fractionated part of the monitoring system that
exists behind an amnesic barrier, is to indicate that there could also be a
significant part of the central executive functioning behind that barrier.
Another problem with Hilgard's approach has to do with the notion of
hierarchy and the tacit assumption that its upper levels are somehow supe
rior to those below. This difficulty is the same as that faced by McDougall,
who contended that the highest function in the human psyche is the normal
consciousness of everyday life. This view is contradicted by important data
of automatism, such as the fact that cognitive functions unavailable to ordi-
2 1 . The "hidden observer" is a cognitive system that has access to information available
neither to ordinary consciousness nor to hypnotic consciousness. According to Hilgard, it is
discovered by using special techniques within the hypnotic state.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-337
Stephen Braude
22. Further critical remarks regarding Hilgard's ideas may be found in Gauld (1992, pp.
338-Chapter 5
and, like Myers, he argues that there is a unifying "Self" that exists below
and beyond all multiplicity (pp. 166-180).
Braude makes the case that the alter personalities of a multiple are
"distinct centers of self-awareness" (p. 68) or "apperceptive centers" (p. 78).
Defining the latter term, he says that "an apperceptive center is an individ
ual most of whose autobiographical states [states experienced as one's own]
are indexical [states believed to be one's own]" (p. 78). Further, he contends
that apperceptive centers are distinct if the autobiographical and indexical
states of each are largely non-autobiographical and non-indexical for the
other. The personalities of a multiple, says Braude, fulfill this requirement.
He also points out that these apperceptive centers may exhibit various pat
terns of asymmetrical awareness "in which personality A is aware of B's
thoughts or actions, but B is not aware of A's existence" (p. 43).
Having described the nature of the distinct centers of a multiple, Braude
is at pains to make a further point:
are or are not one's own be for a multiple? What would it be for a hypnotic
subject who develops hidden observer phenomena? Would they be the same
in each case? I do not think there is any reliable way to determine how these
two instances of belief might differ. For that reason, either distinctness has
to be denied for both, or another criterion needs to be used.
Moreover, I disagree with Braude's statement that most, if not all, of
the hypnotic subject's states seem to be indexical for the hidden observer.
This certainly does not hold true, at least if we go beyond examples taken
from recent "hidden observer" experiments and include in our examina
tion the massive literature of mesmerism and hypnotism, including cases of
the sort relied upon by Myers and his colleagues. As has been pointed out
in the principal histories of these phenomena (Crabtree, 1 993; Dingwall,
1 967-1968; Ellenberger, 1 970; Gauld, 1 992), credible cases of this type were
reported in large numbers throughout the 1 9th century. In this literature we
encounter many examples of hypnotic personalities who see themselves as
distinct from the hypnotic subject (e.g., Deleuze, 1 8 1 3 , vol. 1 , p. 176; Gurney,
1 884; Janet, 1 886; Strombeck, 1 8 14, pp. 65-70). In these "strong" instances
of dissociation, the hypnotic personalities frequently deny that the states
of the hypnotic subject are indexical for themselves; they explicitly reject
the notion that the thoughts of the subject are their own and affirm their
non-identity with the subject. An examination of the literature of automatic
writing reveals the same attitude on the part of the "communicators."23
The difficulty with Braude's criterion for distinctness is that it falls short
of establishing even the personalities of a multiple as distinct. In my opin
ion, the best criterion for calling something a "distinct apperceptive center"
or "distinct communicating personality" remains that suggested by Prince
and other early investigators of psychological automatism: If a source of
automatic communication thinks and acts like a personality, for all practi
cal purposes it is a personality; if the subject of the automatism experiences
that source as distinct from him- or herself, for all practical purposes it is
distinct. 24
Despite this problem in Braude's criterion for distinctness, his overall
grasp of the nature and functioning of multiple centers of consciousness is
impressive, and his book represents an important step forward in establish
ing a sound philosophical basis for talking about psychological multiplicity.
Although Braude's views were developed independently of those of Myers,
23. Braude agrees that his criterion for distinguishing DID from other strong instances of
dissociation is inadequate as it stands in First Person Plural. His current view is that the dis
tinction should be established partly in terms of temporal properties. A hidden observer case
might manifest in a very DID-like manner, but be short-lived, whereas DID cases persist for a
considerable period, long enough for at least some alters to get to be personality-like (Braude,
personal communication, May 17, 2004).
24. Braude rightly points out that this criterion does not clearly distinguish DID cases from
deeply-involved role playing and does not cover cases of fragmentary personalities formed for
specific purposes (personal communication, May 17, 2004). Unfortunately, we do not yet have
a good philosophical basis for distinguishing these two forms of automatism and so, I fear,
must make do with rough determinations of this kind.
340-Chapter 5
William Carpenter's doctrine that all automatism results from the "reflex
action of the brain," expressed in the catchphrase "unconscious cerebra
tion," has always had powerful adherents. This way of thinking, couched
in more modern terminology, remains well represented among psychologi
cal thinkers today. The main representatives of this point of view are to
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-341
Sociocognitive Theorists
is false and the result of social conditioning. Spanos believed that amnesia
on the part of one identity for what might be done by another identity is sim
ply an example of "selective recall," whereby the individual can only bring
back the memories associated with the present role enactment and cannot
get in touch with any other memories. Referring more specifically to MPD,
Spanos wrote: "Absorption in the enactment of identity A may, to a substan
tial degree, function to prevent the recall of memories associated with the
enactment of identity B. But what if identity B, when asked to recall identity
A, claims an inability to do so? An 'inability' to recall identity A may be a
requirement of the MPD role" (p. 6). The ability to remember something,
said Spanos, depends on whether the role an individual is now enacting
allows that recall. If it does not, then the person will experience "amnesia."
This view is reflected in Spanos's conception of the nature of hypnosis:
This way of looking at things is, I submit, fatally flawed. In the experi
mental situation, the subject is asked for a description of his or her experi
ence of what is happening. This must be done, since it is only the subject who
can say whether something called "voluntariness" subjectively occurs. We
are then told that if the subject describes the experience as involuntary, he
is mistaken. On what basis? That the subject, by describing the experience
as involuntary, is actually obeying ("voluntarily," by the way) some kind of
interiorized social demand. If there ever was a circular proof of a position,
this has to be it! If voluntariness-which can only be determined subjec
tively-is not to be determined by the experience of the subject, but rather
by the theory of the experimenter, the term has lost all meaning. Here the
explanations of the experimenter rule out results that do not fit the theory,
and for no other reason than that they do not fit the theory.25
In examining Spanos's position, a question should also be asked about
what it can mean that individuals "guide it [their behavior] in terms of their
understanding of what is expected." Is this "guidance" and "understand
ing" conscious to them? Also, if, as previously stated, amnesia is "selec
tive recall," is that selection a conscious action? Sociocognitive theorists
certainly speak of these things as if they were conscious. But if so, why do
people have no awareness of this guidance or selection? Do they have some
kind of mechanism that causes them immediately to forget this conscious
guidance or selection as soon as it has happened? On the other hand, if it
is not conscious, are we not then talking about unconscious mental activ
ity-something that Spanos explicitly rejects?
Voluntariness is, of course, a key issue in automatism. Automatism
involves sensory or motor activity-activity that evinces intelligence-which
the individual does not subjectively experience as deriving from his or her
own conscious thinking or willing. The automatism seems to "happen to"
the individual. How would the sociocognitive theorist explain what is really
25. This kind of rush to prove a theory is also evident in the way sociocognitive research
ers typically measure "voluntariness." For example, in the protocol used by Spanos (Spanos
& Gorassini, 1984; Spanos, Radtke, Hodgins, Starn, & Bertrand, 1983) in connection with
testing hypnotic suggestibility, the individual was asked to rate voluntariness in this way:
"During this [the arm rising] suggestion my arm felt like it rose by itself;" the subject is then
given a choice of four possible answers: a) not at all; b) to a slight degree; c) to a moderate
degree; d) to a great degree. Experiments of this kind rely on what the experimenters might
consider a "commonsense" meaning of the words being used, but that is a naive assumption.
Clinicians know that this framing of the question can be easily misunderstood by the experi
mental subject. When the subject is asked whether something he or she did was experienced
as happening "by itself," genuine confusion may result. The subject may think: "Well, my
body did it, so I cannot say that it happened 'by itself.'" In this way a conclusion is reached
and the response is given on the basis of that conclusion, which may not reflect the subjective
experience of the subject. If experiments of this kind are to have any validity, there will have
to be greater attention devoted to making sure that the subjects questioned understand the
meaning of the instructions they are being given. One further comment: In a large propor
tion of sociocognitive studies, the experiments are conducted with un selected undergraduate
volunteers. There is no reason to think that in such samples the more impressive automatic
phenomena, such as those reported in studies involving more selective groups, or in the clini
cal literature, will occur.
344-Chapter 5
happening? If the automatist knowingly and voluntarily does what the situ
ation demands, if the actions of the automatist and the interpretation of
those actions are controlled, voluntary, goal-directed,26 as the sociocogni
tive perspective insists,27 then there seems to be only one possible way that
an automatist could say that the actions are "involuntary." The automatist
must consciously carry out the voluntary, goal-directed behavior, but then
immediately forget that he did so. In that case, an automatism must involve
repeatedly knowing and then forgetting the conscious, voluntary actions
just performed, and doing so again and again in a short space of time. It
must involve at one moment making conscious choices of compliance and
then forgetting those choices, so that it seems to the automatist that no such
choices were ever made, and then at the next moment making another delib
erate goal-directed choice to comply, and then, once again, immediately
forgetting it, and so on. This might be compared to the multitasking activity
of a computer, which seems to perform many tasks at once, but really is car
rying out discontinuous operations, constantly leaving one task to carry out
a mini-step in the procedure of another task, and then returning to the first
task to perform a mini-procedure there-and doing all this so quickly that
there seems to be no break in the action. This kind of multitasking of know
ing and forgetting might be a possible explanation, but to my knowledge the
experiments that sociocognitive experimenters cite contain no evidence of
such a process.28
Given the unproven status of such alternation of knowing and forget
ting, it must be said that sociocognitive theorists have failed to demonstrate
how what they posit as controlled, voluntary, goal-directed behavior (which
they see as necessary to explain apparent automatisms) could derive from
a unitary consciousness and yet at the same time be hidden from that con
sciousness. They have failed to show how an action can be both conscious
and unconscious at the same time and in the same respect.
26. As has been pointed out, Janet (and many experimenters since him) showed that
instances of psychological automatism involving negative hallucinations require the inter
vention of controlled, voluntary, goal-directed behavior to make the automatic movement
intelligible (for instance, through suggestion an individual may be unable to see a table stand
ing in his path, but nonetheless walk around it and avoid a collision). For Janet, the source of
that behavior was a subconscious center of consciousness.
27. Robert White (1941), often cited by sociocognitive psychologists as a precursor of their
thinking, made the statement: "Goal-directed striving no longer necessarily implies either
awareness or intention" (p. 485). It is precisely this change in meaning of language that haunts
the writing of sociocognitive thinkers and muddies the issues they deal with. How can one say
that "goal-directed" striving does not involve awareness or intention? That can only happen
if one moves the level of discussion from the psychological to the physiological/mechanical.
In that case, a computer, for instance, might be said to carry out "goal-directed" or "purpose
ful" actions without the benefit of consciousness or intention if those actions are programmed
to accomplish some predetermined end. But if we are going to deal with human beings, and
do so on a psychological level, we do not have the luxury of so glibly excluding awareness and
intention from the scene (see also Chapter I).
28. For a further discussion of the sociocognitive position, see Gauld (1992, pp. 581-608).
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-345
states: "When mental representations are integrated with the self, they
become part of conscious mental life; when this integration is lacking, they
are not accessible to introspection, although they may influence experience,
thought and action outside of phenomenal awareness" (p. 452).
Then Kihlstrom makes a bold move: "Perhaps there is not just one
mental representation of the self.. . . Considerations of the self as a concept
suggest that each individual possesses a number of context-specific selves,
arrayed as a set of exemplars or coexisting with a summary prototype" (p.
463). Again he cites James, who in his Principles wrote:
The buried feelings and thoughts proved now to exist in hysterical anaes
thetics, in recipients of post-hypnotic suggestion, etc., themselves are parts
of secondary personal selves. These selves . . . are cut off at ordinary times
from communication with the regular and normal self of the individual;
but still they form conscious unities, have continuous memories, speak,
write, invent distinct names for themselves, or adopt names that are sug
gested; and, in short, are entirely worthy of that title of secondary person
alities which is now commonly given them. (James, 1 890b, vol. I, p. 227)
Kihlstrom ( 1997) does not see these selves as a part of the "psychologi
cal unconscious," properly understood. For him, dissociative phenomena
cannot be understood in terms of concepts applied to preconscious and
unconscious processing; they demand reference to a self (p. 464). He spells
out this distinction: "In unconscious processing, procedural knowledge is
executed without ever making contact with a mental representation of self.
In preconscious processing, events have been so degraded that they, too,
never enter working memory at the point of perception . . . .Thus they never
achieve any links with the self in the first place" (p. 464).
In an informal discussion with John Searle, Kihlstrom ( 1993b) further
clarifies the character of mental activity associated with secondary personal
I do want to insist that these things are mental in a sense that they are
representations of experiences. They are constructed through perception
or reconstructed through memory or whatever, and simply have an impact
on the person's ongoing experience without themselves being conscious. I
don't think this is the same as playing with somebody's neurotransmitter
system, which would not be mental in that sense. These are representa
tions. I think the best evidence for the representational status is the fact
that you can get conscious access to them under some conditions. The
whole beauty of hypnosis and hysteria, and the reason I'm interested in
hypnosis and hysteria, is that we can cancel the amnesia suggestion and
the person remembers the word list perfectly well. Similarly, when a per
son recovers from a fugue state, the person remembers his or her past per
fectly well. You have to give those things the status of mental representa
tions; they are not merely neurotransmitters hanging around in the brain
matter. (pp. 1 56-1 57)
348-Chapter 5
Neurobiological Research
30. For additional evidence of this type and related discussions of the evidence cited here,
see Chapter 3. There we address primarily the issue of changes of consciousness that induce
changes in the body. Here we address the issue of the bearing of these phenomena on the
psychological reality of MPD.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-349
ies, experimental blinds, valid survey instruments, etc.)" (p. 56), and sug
gested directions for future research.
Although the above studies successfully employed physiological mark
ers to provide evidence for the distinctness and genuineness of alter person
alities, they themselves do not provide anything like a plausible physiological
theory of the formation of MPD. Indeed, some of the observed phenomena,
such as changes in allergic responses and evoked potential morphologies
would appear, if genuine, to threaten gravely the prospects for finding any
such theory, as Myers himself might have contended. The literature on this
topic is scanty, but a few points should be made.
When evidence of "duplex" personality first emerged in the 1 9th cen
tury, many neurologically zealous writers immediately sought to map that
evidence onto the obvious anatomical duality of the brain (Harrington,
1 987).31 Myers contributed to these early debates in a particularly interest
ing and sophisticated way. In a series of papers on automatic writing, Myers
pointed out that quite apart from issues related to its content, such writing
spontaneously displays many other properties that make it extremely chal
lenging, psychologically. For example it may be produced at extraordinary
speed, or be almost invisibly minute. James (1889) described a case in which
the writer, with his face the whole time buried in his elbow on the side away
from his writing, first writes out an entire page without lifting the pencil
from the paper, and then goes back and dots each i and crosses each t "with
absolute precision and great rapidity" (p. 44). It was noted that writing can
sometimes be produced by both hands simultaneously, and on different top
ics (HP, vol. 2, p. 420). It may be written with words in reverse order, or with
the order of their letters reversed, or in pure mirror-image form, even start
ing from the bottom right and continuing to the top left of each page (James,
1 889), or upside down so as to be read in the normal way by an observer fac
ing the writer (HP, vol. 2, p. 448). Some of these formal peculiarities, Myers
observed, also occurred in the writing of right-handed adults who had suf
fered damage to the left hemisphere, or in children newly learning how to
write. On the basis of these and related observations Myers tentatively sug
gested that subliminal processes might often functionally "appropriate the
energies" of the non-dominant hemisphere while the dominant hemisphere
goes about its ordinary business. With characteristic prescience he further
suggested that it might be possible to test this hypothesis by observing pat
terns of cerebral blood flow (Myers, 1 885b, p. 43)-a suggestion we have
only recently acquired the means to pursue. Unlike some of his contempo
raries and successors, Myers did not naively imagine the secondary person
ality as generated by, or residing in, the non-dominant hemisphere, noting
that, among other things, there is the awkward fact that the number of alter
personalities is often greater than twoY
epileptic seizures. Writers such as Gazzaniga ( 1970) and Sperry ( 1974) have argued that this
procedure in effect results in the existence of two conscious persons occupying the same skull.
John Sidtis ( 1986), on the other hand, examining split-brain patients to determine whether
"neurological disconnection produces psychiatric dissociation" (p. 127), concluded: "The
paradoxical absence of striking changes in general behavior after commissurotomy stands as
a counter point to dissociative phenomena ... .The person who remains adapts to disconnec
tion, in some ways that are behaviorally obvious, such as cross-cuing, and in other ways that
we are just beginning to observe, such as by making use of semantic and spatial information
that is not readily available for conscious processing . . . . Disconnection, then, does not provide
a model for dissociative phenomena" (p. 144).
I agree with this view and would point out that explanations of this type are considerably
less cogent than the evidence assembled by Myers and his colleagues for multiple streams of
consciousness in anatomically intact subjects. See also Nagel (1979, chap. 1 1 , "Brain bisection
and the unity of consciousness").
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-353
33. See James ( 1890-1896/1 9 1 0): "In fact, were I asked to point to a scientific journal where
hard-headed ness and never-sleeping suspicion of sources of error might be seen in their full
bloom, I think I should have to fall back on the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical
Research" (pp. 304-305).
354-Chapter 5
34. For more extensive discussion of Myers's ideas about genius, see our Chapter 2 and
especially Chapter 7.
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-355
35. James ( l890b) too commented on the stylistic peculiarities of mediumistic communica
tions: "If he ventures on higher intellectual flights, he abounds in a curiously vague optimis
tic philosophy-and-water, in which phrases about spirit, harmony, beauty, law, progression,
development, etc., keep recurring. It seems exactly as if one author composed more than half
of the trance-messages, no matter by whom they are uttered" (vol. I, p. 394).
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-357
Flournoy, whose study of the medium " Helene Smith," From India to the
Planet Mars, is considered a classic to this day.36 Flournoy (1 900/1983) had
this to say about the matter:
36. Flournoy was a proponent of Myers's "subliminal psychology" (see Flournoy, 191 1 , and
his 1 903 review of Human Personality, on our digital version of HP).
37. C. D. Broad (1962) observed: "Although instructed opinion is almost unanimous in
holding that trance-mediumship supplies data which require a paranormal explanation of
some kind, there is no consensus of experts in favour of any one suggested paranormal expla
nation" (p. 259).
38. See, for example, R. Hodgson (1 892, 1 898); Hyslop (1901); James (1 909); Lang (1900);
Myers, Lodge, Leaf, and James (1 890); Newbold (1 898); Podmore (1 898); E. M. Sidgwick
( 1 900, 19 15). For biographical material on Mrs. Piper see Gauld (1968), H. Holt ( 1 9 1 5), Hyslop
358-Chapter 5
with the precautions used and information produced, were reported in vari
ous articles, mostly in the Proceedings of the SPR. Myers himself discussed
the nature and implications of Mrs. Piper's mediumship at some length in
Human Personality (vol . 2, pp. 237-244, 599-624).
Mrs. Piper's mediumistic productions raised many intriguing psycho
logical questions. The experience of going in and out of the trance state was
characterized by different phenomena at different periods of her medium
ship. At times it was a pleasant experience, and at others it involved unpleas
ant happenings such as convulsive movements and grinding of teeth. While
in trance Mrs. Piper could be pricked, cut, or burned and experience no
pain; she could even have ammonia held under her nose without apparent
effect. When she achieved the trance state, she would appear to be taken
over by one or more "spirits" who would conduct the seance and/or provide
the information. She would typically sit slumped over, unresponsive to out
side stimuli. She might speak to one sitter while writing messages to others.
When Mrs. Piper returned to her normal state, she would often spend some
time in an in-between state in which she would be confused, disoriented,
and exhausted. When fully awake she consistently had no memory for what
had occurred in her trance state.
Mrs. Piper's mediumship went through four distinct stages, with four
different principal "controls" involved-a "control" being the intelligence
who is in direct communication with the medium by voice or writing (E. M.
Sidgwick, 1 91 5). In the first stage her principal control called himself "Phin
uit." In this stage Phinuit spoke directly to the sitters attending the trance
session. In the second stage, which began in 1 892 and is evidentially the
most significant, Phinuit continued to communicate by voice, but the prin
cipal control was a recently deceased man named George Pellew, referred
to as "G. P.," who gradually adopted writing as his mode of communica
tion. During the first part of this period there were frequent occasions on
which Phinuit talked about one subject while at the same time G. P. wrote
about another, but eventually G. P. took over as Mrs. Piper's main controp9
George Pellew, a Washingtonian, had been killed in a riding accident only
a few weeks before his communications started. Hodgson had known him
slightly, but many sitters came to Mrs. Piper who were intimately acquainted
with the man and his peculiarities and who were in a good position to judge
the genuineness of G. P.'s information and style of communication. Of 1 50
sitters who were introduced to him anonymously, G. P. recognized 30 as
his acquaintances in life; those 30, and only those 30, were in fact known
to the living Pellew. G. P. responded to these old friends in ways that were
appropriate to the actual relationships that had existed, sometimes provid-
(1905), Piper (1929), Sage (1903), and Salter (1950). On critics of Mrs. Piper, see Gau1d (1968,
Appendix B).
39. Hodgson ( 1898) was a witness to these instances of dual simultaneous controls operat
ing concurrently through two different automatisms. He also reported that there were rare
occasions on which right and left hands wrote separate messages while at the same time a
third message was communicated by voice (p. 395).
Automatism and Secondary Centers of Consciousness-359
If you will let me use the language of the professional logic-shop, a univer
sal proposition can be made untrue by a particular instance. If you wish
to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no
crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white. My own
white crow is Mrs. Piper. In the trances of this medium, I cannot resist
the conviction that knowledge appears which she has never gained by the
ordinary waking use of her eyes and ears and wits. What the source of this
knowledge may be I know not, and have not the glim mer of an explanatory
suggestion to make; but from admitting the fact of such knowledge I can
see no escape. (pp. 5-6)
For many, considering the volume, complexity, and power of the best
available evidence, the only reasonable explanation was that the medium
got her knowledge, as claimed, from spirits of the deceased who commu
nicated through her. There were, however, already some who thought there
was a cogent alternative explanation. When writing about the medium
"Helene Smith," Flournoy had invoked Myers's notion of the "mythopreic"
to express the tendency that people have to construct characters, stories,
and "romances" in their subliminal minds, and, on occasion, to drama
tize these romances in the form of automatisms, such as automatic writing.
Flournoy believed that mediums demonstrated this tendency to an extraor
dinary degree, and that the "spirits" that they claimed to be in touch with
were the products of this faculty. His observations of "Helene Smith" led
360-Chapter 5
him to believe that almost everything that she produced could be explained
in terms of the creative play of her subliminal mind, supplemented by "cryp
tomnesia" (unconscious recall of forgotten events) and spurred on by the
need to resolve certain personal psychological problems. Although in his
analysis of "Helene Smith's" communications Flournoy allowed for the pos
sibility that telepathy occasionally had a role, for the most part that element
was played down. Flournoy's estimation of the part played by supernormal
knowledge in mediumistic communications evolved, however, and his final
position on the matter can be found in Spiritism and Psychology (Flournoy,
1 91 1). Here he stated that he now believed that the information presented by
certain mediums was so impressive that telepathy must be involved.
Flournoy's position became the seed for a conception of mediumistic
psychology that slowly evolved over the 20th century and eventually came
to be called the "super-psi" theory of mediumship. This theory of medium
istic communication has two components:
to everyone.40 A number of other pillars of the SPR also went from early
doubt to acceptance of some concept of survival. After many years of obser
vation of Mrs. Piper, Hodgson, who was initially skeptical, himself became
convinced of continued personal existence (for a summary of his reasons,
see Gauld, 1 968, pp. 265-267; for the complete account, see R. Hodgson,
1 898). Physicist Oliver Lodge soon ( 1 894), and the rather skeptical Elea
nor Sidgwick more slowly (1915), came to the same conclusion, although in
somewhat different forms. On the other hand, James remained uncommit
ted to any notion of survival, and McDougall (191 1 /1 961), although respect
ful of those who assented, believed that " the evidence is not of such a nature
that it can be stated in a form which should produce conviction in the mind
of any impartial inquirer" (p. 347).
Since Myers's time much more evidence of the types he was familiar
with, plus additional types largely or totally unknown to him, has come
to light (Appendix). Nevertheless, the issue of survival remains essentially
deadlocked, with more or less equally able and informed parties lined up on
both sides. We will revisit the extremely difficult issues related to survival
in Chapter 9, but for present purposes the crucial fact is that the medium
istic literature fully documents the predicted association between automa
tism and supernormal phenomena, and to that extent at minimum supports
Myers's overall theoretical outlook.
40. "I do not venture to suppose that the evidence set forth in these volumes, even when
considered in connection with other evidence now accessible in our Proceedings, will at once
convince the bulk of my readers that the momentous, the epoch-making discovery has been
already made" (HP, vol. 2, p. 79). In fact, what Myers regarded as his best evidence for sur
vival (the case of Mrs. Thompson) was never published, and his records of it disappeared
after his death.
41 . H. Hart, Broad, and Stevenson also provide excellent accounts of trance mediumship.
362-Chapter 5
response method of the gifted subject Van Dam in the classic experiment
of Brugmans, Heymans, and Weinberg was essentially a motor automatism
(Schouten & Kelly, 1978). Both of these gifted subjects, and several others
as well, also showed strong tendencies to get hits in "bursts" of unusually
high scoring, often accompanied by mild alterations of state suggestive of
automatism. In some cases, moreover, it could be shown that virtually all of
the excess hits that occurred during very long series of trials occurred dur
ing scattered episodes of this sort (E. F. Kelly, 1 982).
In sum, the existing literature of experimental parapsychology provides
substantial additional support for Myers's theory, by confirming both the
existence of supernormal phenomena and their linkage with psychological
When Myers died in 1901, his masterwork Human Personality was very
nearly complete. There we find Myers's most mature formulation regarding
psychological automatism and the issues surrounding it. His formulation
involves five central features:
368�Chapter 6
I. We wish to emphasize immediately that our use of the word "hallucination," here or else
where, is in no way meant to imply that the experiences we discuss in this chapter are patho
logical. We define "hallucination" as a perceptual experience in the absence of corresponding
sensory input. Following Myers's approach, we propose that the word "hallucination" should
be understood more broadly as a psychological process that can take non-pathological as
well as pathological forms, depending on the circumstances in which the experiences occur.
Unfortunately, the association of the word "hallucination" with pathology and delusion is so
ingrained that Stevenson ( l983b) has suggested that we need a new word, "idiophany," to refer
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena�369
I had floated out of my body and was looking down on all of this [the doc
tors and nurses working on her]. I was wearing white. I started floating
down a tunnel which had rough looking sides and a blinding, bright light
at the end, and I was headed for the lighted end. As I was going through
the tunnel I saw my Grandfather's face, and he was smiling at me. He said
something like, "It's been a long time. Welcome." He died i n 1 948, and I
was his favorite grandchild; we were very close. I saw several faces on the
wall; some of them I knew and some I did not, but they were all smiling. I
to non-pathological hallucinations. Until this is or some other word becomes widely adopted,
however, we will continue to use the word "hallucination" to include the large number of
experiences that go beyond sensory perception but that seem to have more in common with
ordinary sensory experiences than with illusions or delusions.
370-Chapter 6
Some time after entering the operating room, I found myself above the
scene looking down on myself, and the doctors and nurses around me. I
could, of course, hear everything they were saying, and I wanted to tell
them not to feel so bad, that I couldn't stand the pain any more and I l i ked
it where I was. I was somewhere where it was so beautiful and peaceful that
I wanted to stay there forever. I did not actually see anyone I knew, or any
thing in particular. There was a bright, but soft light, and I felt the most
comforting sense of peace. Suddenly I thought "Ben [her husband] can't
possibly bring up Molly alone; I had better go back," and that is the last
thing I remember. I am absolutely positive that I decided to come back.
Since that time I have no fear of dying.
I spent ten days in intensive care, and almost a month in the hospi
tal, but I was never able to mention this to the doctors or nurses. I have
mentioned it to only a very few people in the last couple of years, and then
reluctantly. I feel as though people might think I am making up a story for
attention, but I assure [you] that is not so.
An experience such as this does change your outlook on life and also
some of your religious beliefs. I h ave a lways been an active church-goer,
but only on the surface, I am afraid. Since then, I have given thought to
some of the facts I was taught, and have my own way of dealing with them.
I wish that people who have a loved one die suddenly, perhaps in an early
stage of life, could be made to understand what this felt like, they wouldn't
feel so bad.
2. See, for example, Audette (1982), c. B. Becker (198 1 , 1984), C. Carr ( 1993), Counts ( 1 983),
Feng and Liu (1992), R. Gardner (1983, p. 1932), Holck (1978), Kellehear ( 1993), Lundahl
( 1 982), Osis and Haraldsson (197711997), Pasricha ( 1993), Pasricha and Stevenson (1986),
Schorer (1985), and Zaleski (1987).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-37l
[while seemingly dead] the sighs and lamentations of her father, and all that
had been said with regard to her funeral" (p. 263).
As we mentioned earlier, later in the 1 9th century Myers (1 892a) reported
three cases that included many of the features reported in today's experi
ences. In one of these, which occurred in 1 889, the patient (a physician him
self) seemed to have died from typhoid fever; his physician testified that "he
was actually dead as ful ly as I ever supposed anyone dead," with no percep
tible pulse, heartbeat, or respiration (p. 1 93). Nonetheless, the patient had a
vivid and complex experience of seeming to leave his body and see it, as well
as the actions of the people in the room. He then went to a place of great
beauty where he felt a presence and saw the face of an unidentified person
who radiated great love. He also saw a dark cloud and dark pathway (per
haps corresponding to the later descriptions by other people of a tunnel).
He seemed to be given the choice of staying or returning, but when he chose
to stay and tried to cross an apparent boundary, he was stopped from pro
ceeding and then suddenly found himself back in his body. Throughout the
experience, he seemed to be in a nonphysical body that had "perfect health
and strength," and he reported that "memory, judgment, and imagination,
the three great faculties of mind, were intact and active" (pp. 1 83-184).
The first systematic study was that of Heim (1892/1 972), who published a
report on his collection of 30 firsthand accounts (including his own) of expe
riences of mountain climbers who had fallen in the Alps, soldiers wounded
in war, workers who had fallen from scaffolds, and individuals who had
nearly died in accidents and near-drownings. This study was important
for bringing together for the first time a large number of these experiences,
including experiences that occur, not when the person is physiologically
near death, but when he or she only thinks that death is imminent.
Similar systematic studies were conducted during the early 1 970s, par
ticularly by psychiatrist Russell Noyes (e.g., Noyes, 1 972, 1 976). In 1975 a
popular book by the psychiatrist and philosopher Raymond Moody brought
widespread attention to such phenomena, and in the past three decades
there has been a surge of interest in and study of them.
As research on these experiences has increased, it has become clear that
NDEs are not infrequent. Our collection at the University of Virginia now
numbers 861 reports, and other researchers, including the many local and
national branches of the International Association for Near-Death Stud
ies, have also collected large numbers of cases. Early estimates of the inci
dence of NDEs may have been inflated by ambiguous criteria for NDEs and
by biased sampling (Greyson, 1 998), but studies in the past decade, using
more explicit criteria and better sampling techniques suggest that NDE-like
experiences may occur in about 10-20% of patients close to death (Greyson,
2003; Milne, 1 995; Parnia, Waller, Yeates, & Fenwick, 2001; Schwaninger,
Eisenberg, Schechtman, & Weiss, 2002; van Lommel, van Wees, Meyers, &
Elfferich, 2001).
Although the widespread impression is that NDEs occur among
patients who have been clinically dead and then resuscitated, they in fact
372-Chapter 6
3. In our studies patients are judged to be near death if the medical records indicated a loss
of some vital sign such as blood pressure or pulse or if the condition was serious enough to
have caused death if the patient had received no medical attention. Patients judged not to be
near death were those whose medical records indicated that they had a serious, but not life
threatening condition and those who were not seriously ill. Many of these medical records
were obtained years after the experience in question, and we cannot vouch for their accuracy
or completeness. Nevertheless, as a group they illustrate the wide variety of physiological
conditions in which these experiences can occur.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-373
4. Unpleasant experiences seem to be the exception, however. In our collection, for exam
ple, among cases for which we have data on this feature, only 1 1% described the NDE as being
either "totally unpleasant" or "mostly unpleasant."
5. See, for example, Bauer (1985), Flynn (1986), Grey ( 1 985), Greyson ( l983a, 1992), Noyes
( 1980), Ring ( 1980, 1984), Sabom ( 1982), and van Lommel et a!. (2001).
374�Chapter 6
Apart from the profound psychological effects that NDEs often have on
individual experiencers, the importance ofNDEs for psychology lies in their
implications for an understanding of the relationship of mind and brain. In
particular, it is the continuation and even enhancement of mental function
ing at a time when the brain is physiologically impaired that presents prob
lems for the prevailing view of mind-brain relations and thus renders NDEs
of particular importance in this regard. In this section, we will review some
of the explanatory models that have been proposed for NDEs, paying spe
cial attention to how well they can account for the various features of NDEs
and especially for enhanced mental functioning.
Many observers have considered NDEs to be a defense against the
threat of death. One widespread suggestion is that NDEs are products of
the imagination generated to protect oneself when facing the threat of death
and constructed from one's personal and cultural expectations. NDEs do
seem to be a universal phenomenon-as we mentioned earlier, they have
been reported throughout history and in many cultures-and they may thus
be a common human reaction when confronted with death. On the other
hand, there are cultural differences, suggesting that prior beliefs may have
some influence on the kind of experience a person will have or report. The
life review and tunnel sensation, for example, are common in some cultures
but rare in others (Kellehear, 1 993). Cases in India show some differences in
features as compared with Western cases, primarily in the way in which the
person reports being taken to an "other" realm and being sent back (Pas
richa & Stevenson, 1 986). Cases in north India also show differences from
cases in south India (Pasricha, 1 993).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-375
6. In this respect, NDEs are like mystical experiences. There has long been a dichotomy
of opinion about mystical experiences, some emphasizing the cross-cultural differences in
reports of mystical experience, others (such as James, 190211958, and Stace, 1 96011987) argu-
376-Chapter 6
Birth Models
In a variation on the idea that NOEs are a universal psychological reac
tion to the threat of dying, Sagan ( 1 979, 1 984) interpreted them-with their
features of a dark tunnel, a bright light, and going to another realm-as a
memory of one's birth. C. B. Becker ( 1982) argued, however, that newborns
lack the visual, spatial, or mental capacities to register memories of being
born. Even if the implicit assumption here about the dependence of episodic
memory upon the brain were to prove inadequate (see Chapter 4), a more
important criticism is that many NOEs do not contain the features of a tun-
ing that there is a core of common experience behind those differences. We discuss this issue
more fully in Chapter 8.
7. We have had people tell us that they had never told anyone about their experience, until
they contacted our research unit and told us. While interviewing a woman at her home about
her NDE, one of us (EWK) learned that she had never before told her husband about her
experience. Moreover, when EWK's impending visit prompted the woman to explain to her
husband the reason for the visit, he told her that he too had had an NDE, which he had never
told her about.
This example is not unique. K. Clark (1984) reported a similar situation: At the hospital
and in the presence of his wife, a patient told Clark about his NDE, which occurred dur
ing mUltiple episodes of cardiac arrest. When he had finished his description, his wife told
them both that she too had had an NDE, during childbirth a few years earlier, but that "she
had never told anyone about this, even her husband, because he had 'always been scientific
minded and I just didn't think he would accept it, and I wasn't prepared to be rejected'"
(p. 249). Another patient, readmitted to Clark's unit several years after an earlier hospital
ization, told her that, although she had twice asked him during the earlier hospitalization
whether he had any unusual memories associated with his accident, "he had lied and denied
any recollections . . .[because] the experience had been so personal that he needed to come to
terms with it in his own mind before telling anyone about it" (p. 246).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-377
nel or a light, and many other common features of NDEs do not seem ade
quately accounted for by a "birth" model. Furthermore, Blackmore (1 983)
found that claims of OBEs and of passing through a tunnel to another realm
were equally common among persons born by caesarean section and those
born by normal vaginal delivery. Grof (1975) and Grosso (1981, 1 983) have
generalized the birth model and suggested that NDEs reflect an archetype
of birth (or rebirth), rather than an actual memory, but it is difficult to see
how this theory could be tested empirically.
Noyes and Kletti ( 1976) suggested that NDEs are a type of depersonal
ization, in which feelings of detachment, strangeness, and unreality protect
one from the threat of death. There are significant phenomenological differ
ences, however, between most NDEs and depersonalization (see, e.g., Gab
bard & Twemlow, 1 984, pp. 45-59).8 For example, in depersonalization, "the
feeling of one's own reality is temporarily lost" (p. 46), a feeling that does
not occur in NDEs. Moreover, many NDEs are described instead as being
vividly real. Most experiences of depersonalization are also unpleasant in
nature, again in distinct contrast to most NDEs. Furthermore, in deper
sonalization the person may feel a certain detachment from his or her body
without feeling actually out of the body.
Personality Factors
Attempts to identify personality traits or variables that predict either
the occurrence of an NDE or the number and type of features occurring
have generally been inconclusive, although the research has been limited so
far to retrospective studies that may not reliably reflect the person's charac
teristics before the NDE. Experiencers have collectively been found to be as
psychologically healthy as people who have not had an NDE, and they also
do not differ in age,9 gender, race, religion, religiosity, intelligence, neuroti
cism, extroversion, anxiety, or Rorschach measures (Gabbard & Twemlow,
1984; Greyson, 1991; I rwin, 1 985; T. P. Locke & Shontz, 1 983; Ring, 1980;
Sabom, 1 982).
Conjecturing that people who experience NDEs may be good hypnotic
subjects, remember their dreams more often, and engage easily in mental
imagery, some researchers have begun to examine personality variables
related to hypnotic susceptibility, dream recall, or imagery. One such char-
8. Gabbard and Twemlow ( 1984) were actually comparing depersonalization with out-of
body experiences (OBEs), not NOEs in particular, but the features they attributed to OBEs
(p. 1 14) apply equally to NOEs. As we will discuss later in this chapter, OBEs and NOEs are
overlapping phenomena, although neither can be subsumed under the other.
9. There does seem to be a tendency for NOEs to be reported by younger persons, at least
among cardiac patients (see van Lommel et aI., 2001 , p. 2043); but whether this is because
NOEs are more likely to occur in younger people, whether it is because younger people are
more likely to report NOEs, or whether older people are less likely to survive a medical condi
tion in which an NOE might occur are questions that remain open.
378-Chapter 6
acteristic is dissociation. Ring and Rosing ( 1990) and Greyson (2000) found
that near-death experiencers scored higher than a comparison group on
a dissociation scale, although their scores were much lower than those of
patients with pathological dissociative disorders. Near-death experiencers
may therefore be persons who respond to serious stress with dissociative
behavior that is adaptive, rather than pathological (Greyson, 2001).
Related to dissociative tendencies may be absorption, or the ability to
screen out the external world and focus one's attention either on selected
sensory experiences or on internal imagery (Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974),
and fantasy proneness, characterized by frequent and vivid fantasies and
even hallucinations, intensely vivid sensory experiences, and eidetic imag
ery (S. C. Wilson & Barber, 198 1 , 1 983). Empirical data regarding absorp
tion and fantasy proneness among near-death experiencers, however, have
been inconclusive. In one study people experiencing an NDE had slightly
higher scores on scales of absorption or fantasy proneness, as compared
with a control group (Council & Greyson, 1985); but the experiencers' scores
on the measure of fantasy proneness were substantially lower than those
of Wilson and Barber's fantasizers. Ring and Rosing ( 1990) found no such
correlation, although this finding may have been partly the result of using
only a brief questionnaire rather than intensive interviews (Lynn & Rhue,
1988). In any case, even a strong relationship between fantasy proneness
and NDEs would not demonstrate that NDEs are nothing but fantasies,
especially since (as we will discuss later) there are NDEs in which the per
son has perceived some real, verified event occurring outside the ordinary
sensory range. A tendency toward fantasy proneness or absorption might
instead reflect an ability to enter more readily into altered states in which
the ordinary relationship of consciousness to brain activity and to the exter
nal environment has changed.
Physiological Theories
to find a single common mechanism underlying all NDEs, and toward rec
ognizing that "a multi-leveled interpretation is . . . the most useful" (Jansen,
1 997a, p. 1 3). Most commentators, therefore, would now acknowledge that
these proposals, biological and psychological, are not mutually exclusive
and that a variety of factors can lead to the occurrence of an NDE.
Blood Gases
One of the earliest and most persistent of the physiological theories
proposed for NDEs is that lowered levels of oxygen (hypoxia or anoxia),
perhaps accompanied by increased levels of carbon dioxide (hypercarbia),
have produced hallucinations (Blackmore, 1 993; Lempert, 1 994; Rodin,
1 980). Although such changes are potentially a factor, particularly among
NDEs occurring in connection with cardiac impairment or arrest, NDEs
also occur in many circumstances in which changes in oxygen or carbon
dioxide levels are unlikely, such as non-life-threatening illnesses, falls, or
other near-accidents. Furthermore, despite claims to the contrary, the expe
riential phenomena associated with such changes are only superficially
similar to NDEs. One study frequently cited is that of Whinnery ( 1997),
who compared NDEs to what he called the "dreamlets" occurring in brief
periods of unconsciousness induced in fighter pilots by rapid acceleration
in a centrifuge (this reduces blood flow, and therefore delivery of oxygen,
to the brain). He claimed that some features common to NDEs are also
found in these hypoxic episodes, including tunnel vision, bright lights, brief
fragmented visual images, a sense of floating, pleasurable sensations, and,
rarely, a sense of leaving the body. The primary features of acceleration
induced hypoxia, however, are myoclonic convulsions (rhythmic jerking of
the limbs), impaired memory for events just prior to the onset of uncon
sciousness, tingling in extremities and around the mouth, confusion and
disorientation upon awakening, and paralysis (Whinnery, 1 997), symptoms
that do not occur in association with NDEs. Moreover, contrary to NDEs,
the visual images Whinnery reported frequently included living people, but
never deceased people; and no life review or accurate out-of-body percep
tions have been reported in acceleration-induced loss of consciousness.
Other authors have suggested that, in parallel with lowered oxygen lev
els, increased levels of carbon dioxide may contribute to NDEs (Blackmore,
1996, p. 74; Jansen, 1 997a, p. 1 9). Again, this hypothesis is based on the
purported similarity between NDEs and phenomena reported in connec
tion with the proposed mechanism. For example, M. Morse, Venecia, and
Milstein ( 1989) state that "all the reported elements of NDEs can be pro
duced in the offic e setting" with inhaled carbon dioxide (p. 48). Only one
study, however, is cited in support of this claim (Meduna, 1 950). Meduna
does mention some features that occur commonly in NDEs (such as a sense
of being out of the body, a bright light, a dark void or tunnel, revival of
a memory, and a sense of peace, love, or harmony with God); but these
seem comparatively rare, isolated, and fragmented in this context. And
other important features, such as meeting deceased persons or a life review
380-Chapter 6
involving many memories, are not reported. In sum, the overall phenom
enology of carbon dioxide inhalation does not so far seem at all comparable
to that of NDEs.IO
Another important objection to attributing NDEs to anoxia has been
noted by van Lommel et al. (2001). If anoxia and related mechanisms play
an important role in the generation of NDEs, why do not most cardiac
arrest patients report an NDE? Clearly, anoxia is neither a necessary nor a
sufficient condition, and some other factor(s) must be involved.
Neurochemical Theories
Another early proposal of a physiological mechanism was that the
release of endorphins or other endogenous opioids at a time of stress plays
a major role in generating NDEs (Blackmore, 1 993; D. Carr, 1981, 1 982;
Saavedra-Aguilar & G6mez-Jeria, 1989). This seemed a reasonable factor
to examine, because endorphins are known quickly to produce cessation
of pain (Oyama, Jin, & Yamaya, 1 980) as well as feelings of peace and well
being, both of which are common features of NDEs. Problems with mod
els based on the release of endorphins or similar substances soon became
apparent, however. Most such neurochemicals produce long-lasting effects
once they are released; the injection of endorphins in pain patients, for
example, produces relief from pain lasting for hours (Oyama et aI., 1980).
In contrast, the onset and cessation of the NDE and its associated features
are usually quite abrupt, with the pain relief lasting only as long as the NDE
itself, which may be only seconds.11 Furthermore, although the release of
substances such as endorphins might account for the cessation of pain and
the feelings of joy and peace, it fails to account for many other important
components of NDEs, such as the out-of-body experience, seeing deceased
persons, a life review, and the transformative effects.
Other, related models have thus been proposed that might overcome
these limitations. Perhaps the most important of these has been the sugges
tion that a ketamine-like endogenous neuroprotective agent may be released
in conditions of stress, acting on NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors
located in the upper layers of the cerebral cortex and other central gray
matter structures to block the neural hyperactivation and consequent cell
death that would otherwise result from the massive release of glutamate
that occurs during stress. Ketamine, an anesthetic agent that selectively
occupies NMDA receptors, can at sub anesthetic doses produce feelings of
being out of the body (Collier, 1 972; Rogo, 1 984). Moreover, ketamine some
times produces other features common to NDEs, such as travel through a
10. Some authors have reported measurements of arterial blood gases in patients reporting
an NDE that do not support the hypothesis of lowered oxygen levels or heightened carbon
dioxide levels (M. Morse et aI., 1989, p. 50; Parnia et aI., 2001; Sabom, 1982, p. 178). Others,
however, have questioned the reliability of arterial blood measurements as indicators of what
may be going on in the brain (Glicksman & Kellehear, 1 990).
I I . This feature of sudden cessation of pain, and its return when the NDE ends, strikes us
as especially difficult to explain from a conventional neurophysiological point of view.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-381
dark tunnel into light, believing that one has died, or communing with God
(Jansen, 1 997a, p. 9).
This hypothesis, however, also has problems. First, it is not at all clear
that ketamine experiences do in fact resemble NDEs (M. Morse, 1 997, p.
61; Strassman, 1 997, p. 29).12 Unlike the vast majority of NDEs, ketamine
experiences are often frightening and involve bizarre imagery, and patients
usually express the wish not to repeat the experience (Collier, 1 972; John
stone, 1 973; Strassman, 1 997). Most ketamine users also recognize the illu
sory character of their experience (Fenwick, 1 997, p. 45), in contrast to the
many NDE experiencers who are firmly convinced of the reality of what
they experienced and its lack of resemblance to illusions or dreams. Even if
ketamine experiences do resemble NDEs in some respects, many important
features of NDEs, such as seeing deceased people or a revival of memories,
have not been reported with ketamine. Furthermore, ketamine typically
exerts its effects in an otherwise more or less normal brain, while many
NDEs occur under conditions in which brain function is severely compro
mised. We will return to this point later in the chapter.
Neuroanatomical Models
The need for a more comprehensive and searching comparison between
the phenomenology of NDEs and that associated with various purported
mechanisms for them becomes even more apparent when we examine another
major component of most current physiological theories of NDEs. Behind
most of these theories is an assumption that abnormal activity of the lim
bic system or the temporal lobes, whether produced by anoxia, endorphins,
ketamine, or some other mechanism, produces NDE-like experiences. M.
Morse et al. (1 989), for example, proposed a model in which imbalances
in serotonin or other monoamines lead to abnormal activity in the tempo
ral lobes. Saavedra-Aguilar and G6mez-Jeria (1 989) suggested that, under
conditions of hypoxia and psychological stress, there is temporal lobe dys
function and the release of endogenous neuropeptides or neurotransmitters,
resulting in analgesia, euphoria, and feelings of detachment. They claim
that "the list of mental phenomena seen in temporal lobe epilepsy and ste
reotoxic stimulation of the temporal lobe includes all the NDE phenomena"
(p. 209), and they thus describe their theory as "a neurophysiological expla
nation for NDEs that is based on their striking similarity to temporal lobe
epilepsy" (p. 2 17).
Many people cite electrical stimulation studies, particularly those of the
neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, as justifying this belief in the "striking simi
larity" between NDEs and temporal lobe epilepsy. For example, M. Morse
et al. ( 1989) refer to the "agents that cause OBEs and NDEs," namely, "acti
vation of areas of the temporal lobe that have been documented to cause
mystical visions, out-of-body sensations, panoramic memories, and vivid
hallucinations," citing Penfield ( 1955) and Penfield and Rasmussen ( 1950) in
12. Jansen ( 1997, p. 8) reports that he has had both types of experience and found them to
be similar, but we know of no other such reports.
382-Chapter 6
support of this statement (p. 47). We will discuss in more detail below the
often-made claim that Penfield and others have produced OBEs by electri
cal stimulation of the temporal lobes, but two general points merit mention
First, electrical stimulation of cortex is massive and grossly unlike ordi
nary physiological stimulation. It does not, and cannot, result simply in a
localized "activation" of the stimulated region. Indeed, as Penfield (1 975)
himself clearly recognized, its predominant effects are disruption of elec
trical activity in the immediate vicinity of the electrode, accompanied by
abnormal patterns of discharge into additional cortical or subcortical areas
to which the stimulated cortex itself is linked by both forward and backward
projections. These remote influences, moreover, may be either excitatory
or inhibitory in character. The net result, in short, is a poorly controlled,
poorly characterized, and spatially widespread pattern of abnormal electri
cal activity. Similar comments apply to the "electrical storms" associated
with epileptic attacks originating in specific cortical regions.
Second, an examination of the experiences reported by Penfield's sub
jects, whether during the pre-surgical electrical stimulation studies or dur
ing actual epileptic seizures, does not support sweeping claims such as those
cited above about the "striking similarity" between NDEs and experiences
produced by temporal lobe seizures or stimulation. Most of the experiences
Penfield reported in fact bore little resemblance to actual NDEs. They con
sisted of hearing bits of music or singing, seeing isolated and repetitive scenes
that seemed familiar and may have been fragmentary memories, hearing
voices, experiencing fear or other negative emotions, or seeing bizarre imag
ery that was often described as dream-like (Penfield, 1955; Penfield & Perot,
1 963, pp. 61 1-665). Subsequent studies have found similar experiential phe
nomena, especially fear or anxiety and fragmented, distorted experiences
quite unlike NDE phenomenology (Gloor, 1 990; Gloor, Olivier, Quesney,
Andermann, & Horowitz, 1 982).13
Persinger ( 1989) has also claimed that "a vast clinical and surgical liter
ature . . .indicates that floating and rising sensations, OBEs, personally pro
found mystical and religious encounters, visual and auditory experiences,
and dream-like sequences are evoked, usually as single events, by electri
cal stimulation of deep, mesiobasal temporal lobe structures" (p. 234). His
sole reference for this strong claim is a paper by Stevens (1982). That paper,
however, is confined entirely to descriptions of certain physiological obser
vations made in studies of epileptic patients, and it contains no mention
whatever of any subjective experiences or of electrical stimulation studies,
much less of "a vast clinical and surgical literature" supporting Persinger's
claim. Persinger goes on to claim that, using weak transcranial magnetic
1 3 . Moreover, as we will discuss later in this chapter, Gloor and his colleagues called into
question the assumption that it is the stimulation of the temporal lobes that produces the
phenomena reported. Using both surface and depth electrodes, they showed that limbic
structures associated with temporal cortex, rather than temporal cortex itself, constituted
the anatomical substrate for these effects.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-383
stimulation, he and his colleagues have produced "all of the major compo
nents of the NDE, including out-of-body experiences, floating, being pulled
towards a light, hearing strange music, and profound meaningful experi
ences." However, we have been unable to find phenomenological descrip
tions of the experiences of his subjects adequate to support this claim, and
the brief descriptions that he does provide in fact again bear little resem
blance to NDEs (e.g., Persinger, 1 994, pp. 284-285).
The discrepancy between Persinger's claim to have stimulated NDEs
and the actual data from his studies is particularly obvious in Persinger
(1999). In one study participants reported their experiences by complet
ing a "debriefing questionnaire" consisting of 19 items that Persinger calls
"the classic types of experiences associated with these experiments" (p. 96).
Nearly all of these items, however, are completely unlike typical features
of an NDE, and the few that might be said to resemble them ("I felt the
presence of someone"; "I felt as if I left my body"; "I experienced thoughts
from childhood") are too vague to be able to judge their similarity to what
is experienced during an NDE. In two tables, however, Persinger gives ver
batim descriptions made by two participants during the stimulation experi
ment (pp. 97-98). Again, neither of these descriptions resembles an NDE.
Isolated elements might seem vaguely similar to those of an NDE ("I see a
light"; "I see trees"; "I feel I'm not here . . . not in my body . . . .I can't feel it");
but without much more detailed description, the claimed similarity between
NDEs and experiences induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation is
clearly premature at best.14
Experiences reported in other brain stimulation studies inspired by Pen
field's work likewise bear little resemblance to NDEs (Horowitz & Adams,
1 970, p. 1 9). Neurologist Ernst Rodin (1 989) stated bluntly: "In spite of
having seen hundreds of patients with temporal lobe seizures during three
decades of professional life, I have never come across that symptomatology
[of NDEs] as part of a seizure" (p. 256).
Despite the shaky foundations for assertions that NDEs are similar
to experiences produced by abnormal temporal lobe activity, anoxia, ket
amine, endorphins, or any other proposed physiological mechanism, most
current theories of NDEs are multi factor theories in which these various
hypothetical physiological and psychological mechanisms are combined ad
lib to account for whatever constellation of features is observed in any given
NDE. Blackmore (1 984, 1993) and Palmer ( 1978), for example, have sug
gested that sensory isolation or increasing malfunction of the body threaten
the patient's body image, leading him or her to feel detached from the body,
after which the person's synesthetic or other imagery abilities produce the
14. It is also important to note that Granqvist et al. (2005; see also Larsson, Larhammar,
Frederikson, & Granqvist, 2005) were unable to replicate Persinger's results. They concluded
that, whereas their studies had involved a strict double-blind protocol, Persinger's partici
pants had been inadequately blinded and therefore that "suggestibility may account for pre
viously reported effects" (Granqvist et aI., 2005, p. I). For another skeptical evaluation of
Persinger's claims-by one who has experienced Persinger's "God machine"-see Horgan
(2003, pp. 91-105).
384-Chapter 6
illusion of watching what is going on around the body. The release of endor
phins leads to analgesia and feelings of joy and peace. With increasing cere
bral anoxia, the visual system is compromised, producing the illusion of a
tunnel and lights. Temporal-lobe mini-seizures stimulate a revival of memo
ries. Visions of deceased persons and of another realm are hallucinations
produced by expectations of what will happen at death.
Although physiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors may
indeed interact in complicated ways in conjunction with NDEs, these and
all other psychophysiological theories proposed thus far consist largely of
unsupported speculations about what might be happening during an NDE.
None of the proposed neurophysiological mechanisms have been adequately
tested or even shown actually to occur in connection with NDEs. A natu
rally occurring ketamine-like substance, for example, has not been iden
tified in humans (Strassman, 1 997, p. 31). Similarly, the presence of other
relevant neurochemicals or seizure activity during an NDE remains wholly
conjectural, based entirely on the supposed-but questionable-similarity
between experiences they are known to produce and NDEs. Moreover, some
of these proposals, such as the role of expectation or the presence and effects
of anoxia, have been contradicted by what little data we do have. In short,
contrary to confident assertions such as "there is little doubt that the class
of experiences that comprise mystical experiences in general, and NDEs in
particular, is strongly correlated with temporal lobe activity" (Persinger,
1 989, p. 234), there is still very much doubtY
The most important objection to the adequacy of all existing psy
chophysiological theories, however, is that mental clarity, vivid sensory
imagery, a clear memory of the experience, and a sense that the experi
ence seemed "more real than real" are the norm for NDEs, even when they
occur under conditions of drastically altered cerebral physiology. As Parnia
and Fenwick (2002) point out, "any acute alteration in cerebral physiology
such as occurring in hypoxia, hypercarbia, metabolic, and drug induced
disturbances and seizures leads to disorganised and compromised cerebral
function . . . [and] impaired attention," whereas "NDEs in cardiac arrest are
clearly not confusional and in fact indicate heightened awareness, attention
and consciousness at a time when consciousness and memory formation
would not be expected to occur" (p. 6). Moreover, experiencers of NDEs in
connection with cardiac arrest almost invariably retain vivid memories of
their experience that change little with the passage of time (van Lomme! et
a!., 2001), despite the fact that memory under such conditions is ordinarily
seriously impaired. For most patients the involvement of the hippocampus
in temporal lobe epilepsy precludes any memory afterward for what hap
pened during a seizure; "abnormal discharges in the temporal lobe may
produce confusional fragments of phenomena sometimes seen in NDEs .. . .
This i s a very long way from arguing that seizure discharges i n those areas,
resulting from brain catastrophe, can give rise to the clearly remembered,
highly structured NDE" (Fenwick, 1 997, p. 48).
"Transcendent" Aspects
Most near-death experiencers are convinced that during the NOE they
temporarily separated from their physical bodies, and therefore that they
may also survive the more permanent separation at death. In our collection,
for example, among the people who provided information regarding these
features, 81% reported feeling separated from the body during the NOE,
and 82% said that the NOE had convinced them of survival after death.
We have labeled this interpretation of NOEs a "transcendent" model, at
the risk of alienating readers who associate such a word with unscientific
beliefs, because the idea that there are aspects of the natural world inac
cessible to our ordinary senses and consciousness, but perhaps reflecting
some level of reality transcending the ordinary physical world, is not inher
ently unscientific. Although it certainly contradicts the assumptions of most
contemporary psychologists and neuroscientists that the ordinary physical
world is the only reality, the direction that physics has taken in the last cen
tury amply justifies Myers's cautionary remark that we should "sit loose"
when it comes to making assumptions about the scope and the fundamental
character of the natural world (HP, vol. 2, p. 262; see also our Chapter 9).
The popular interest in NOEs clearly derives from their suggestion that
mind or consciousness may persist and continue to function even after the
death of the brain. In contrast, most NOE researchers have largely ignored
this question, undoubtedly because of the widespread acquiescence among
psychologists and neuroscientists to the dogma that brain produces mind,
or is the mind. Most researchers have concentrated instead on descriptive
studies of the aftereffects of NOEs or on speculating about possible neuro
physiological and psychological mechanisms, as described above. Several
features of NOEs, however, call into question whether current psychologi
cal or physiological theories of NOEs will ever provide a full explanation
of them.
386-Chapter 6
Enhanced Mentation
As we mentioned earlier, perhaps the most important of these features,
because it is so commonly reported in NDEs, is the occurrence of full
fledged mentation, either normal or even enhanced mental activity, at times
when, according to conventional psychophysiological theory, such activity
should be diminishing, or even not possible. Individuals reporting NDEs
often describe the experience as being altogether unlike a dream, in that
their mental processes during the NDE were remarkably clear and lucid and
their sensory experiences unusually vivid, equaling or even surpassing those
of their normal waking state.16 Clearly, these are subjective impressions
that we cannot verify, but the frequency and consistency of such reports
is impressive. Furthermore, an analysis of cases in our collection in which
we were able to examine contemporaneous medical records showed that, in
fact, people reported enhanced mental functioning significantly more often
when they were actually physiologically close to death than when they were
not (Owens et ai., 1990).
Another example of enhanced mental functioning during an NDE
is a rapid revival of memories that sometimes extends over the person's
entire life. Myers ( l 895d) had called attention to this phenomenon when he
described "the occasional revival during drowning-or, in Charles Darwin's
case, during a fal l from a wall-of a series of life memories both swifter and
fuller than conscious effort could have supplied" (p. 354). The philosopher
Henri Bergson likewise recognized not only the occurrence but the theoreti
cal importance of this phenomenon (e.g., Bergson, 1 90811991, p. 1 55). It is
worth noting here also that such revivals of memory may be frequent (Myers,
1 895d, p. 354). For example, an analysis of computer-coded NDE cases in
our collection showed that in 24% of them there was a report of some degree
of revival of memories during the NDE. We emphasize, moreover, that in
contrast to the isolated and often just single brief memories evoked during
cortical stimulation, those revived during an NDE are frequently described
as being "many" or even as an almost instantaneous "panoramic" review of
the person's entire life.17
Reports of NDEs from widely divergent cultures and times support the
view that enhanced mental functioning can occur under conditions in which
it would not be expected on current models of mind and brain. However one
interprets the crosscultural differences, perhaps the most important finding
16. A recent analysis of our collection showed that 80% of near-death experiencers
described their thinking during the NDE as "clearer than usual" (45%) or "as clear as usual"
(35%). Additionally, 74% described their thinking as "faster than usual" (37%) or at "the usual
speed" (37%); 65% described their thinking as "more logical than usual" (29%) or "as logical
as usual" (36%); and 55% described their control over their thoughts as "more control than
usual" ( 19%) or "as much control as usual" (36%).
17. In our collection, 57% of those reporting memories said that they had experienced many
memories or a review of their entire life; 43'1'0 reported one or a few memories. Additionally,
in an analysis of 68 published life review cases not from our collection, we found that in 7 1%
of these the experience had involved memories of many events or of the person's whole life
(Stevenson & Cook [Kelly], 1 995, p. 455).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-387
from such studies is that people have consistently reported, from different
parts of the world and across different periods of history, having had com
plicated cognitive and perceptual experiences at times when brain function
ing was severely impaired.
Since the earliest years of chemical anesthesia, there have been occasional
reports of patients who appeared to display some degree of memory for
events that occurred during surgery (Cheek, 1 964, 1 966). Most of these
could be attributed to insufficient anesthesia, but not all (Levinson, 1 965,
1 990). There were also some intriguing early clinical case reports indicat
ing that patients sometimes showed agitation following surgery in which
negative comments had been made about them or their prognosis. More
benignly, other patients were reported to recover more quickly when given
positive suggestions during the surgery to the effect that they would do so
(D. Schacter, 1 996, p. 1 72).
Even an early review questioned the claim that people might retain
some auditory perception under general anesthesia, finding numerous
methodological problems with studies purporting to show this (Trustman,
Dubovsky, & Titley, 1 977). Moreover, more recent and better controlled
studies have also not substantiated such claims (Ghoneim & Block, 1 992,
1 997). Studies of memory and awareness in anesthesia have been highly
inconsistent, and there is no convincing evidence for adequately anesthetized
patients having any explicit, or conscious, memory of events during the sur
gery (apart from patients who have reported such memories in connection
with an NDE). What positive evidence there is for "learning and memory"
during adequate general anesthesia mainly involves implicit memory phe
nomena such as perceptual and mnemonic "priming" and other low-level
effects, which are known not to require participation of the brain systems
normally involved with explicit declarative memory (Bonke, Fitch, & Mil
lar, 1 990; D. Schacter, 1 996). Moreover, even these low-level effects occur
inconsistently, and they depend in complex and poorly understood ways on
factors such as the nature and dosage of the specific anesthetic agents used,
their interactions, the specific types of memory tasks used and their con
ditions of administration, and the many semi-controllable stimulus events
occurring during the surgery itself. Ghoneim and Block (1997) summa
rize the situation as follows: "We can speculate that unconscious memory
occurs only in few patients, only some of the time, and during light levels
of anesthesia. Learning may be more perceptual than engaging in elaborate
processing of complex information and may be limited to single, relatively
familiar words. Memory may be more evident if tested as soon as possible
after surgery" (p. 406).
In sum, such studies as we have afford little hope for explaining NDE
reports involving complex sensory experiences of events occurring during
general anesthesia in terms of knowledge acquired by the impaired brain
itself during the period of unconsciousness. Note also that any such explan
atory claims are even less credible when, as commonly happens, the specific
sensory channels involved in the reported experience have been blocked as
part of the surgical routine-for example, when specifically visual experi
ence is reported by a patient whose eyes were taped shut during the relevant
period of time. We will discuss the theoretical significance of general anes
thesia in relation to NDEs more fully later in this chapter.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-389
ognized. If expectation alone were driving the process, people would pre
sumably recognize the hallucinatory figures, either as actual deceased or
living people or as known religious figures, more often than was in fact the
case. In our collection, however, few people reported perceiving specific reli
gious figures such as Jesus.19 Even fewer reported perceiving living persons,
even though many of them commented that it was the thought of living
people whom they were leaving that made them return to their bodies. Only
two people reported perceiving deceased pets, much to the disappointment
of some of those who did not. We have found that people do more often
perceive deceased people with whom they were emotionally close, a find
ing consistent with the expectation theory-but, we add, equally consistent
with that of survival after death. Nonetheless, in one-third of the cases the
deceased person was either someone with whom the experiencer had a dis
tant or even poor relationship or someone whom the experiencer had never
met, such as a relative who died long before the experiencer's birth (E. W.
Kelly, 2001). For example, van Lommel (2004, p. 1 22) reported the case of a
man who had an NDE during cardiac arrest in which he saw his deceased
grandmother and an unknown man. He later learned from his dying mother
that he had been born out of an extramarital affair and that his father had
been killed during World War II. Shown a picture of his biological father,
he immediately recognized him as the man he had seen in his NDE, 10 years
previously. We have a similar case in our collection, in which a man reported
seeing five unknown men, one of whom he recognized several months later
in a photograph as the deceased father of a girlfriend (later his wife), whom
he had never met. 20
19. Many, however, did report seeing a bright or all-encompassing light which seemed to be
a "Being of Light" and was often identified as God.
20. Although in neither of these cases has it been possible to obtain corroborating tes
timony from someone other than the person who had the experience, they illustrate a par
ticularly important kind of experience, and we suspect that, as with many of the phenomena
discussed in this chapter, we will identify more such cases if we look specifically for them.
392-Chapter 6
2 1 . The clicks were 95 dB, 100 !lS/ click, 1 1 . 3 clicks/sec, in successive blocks of 2,000 clicks
(just under 3 minutes/block).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-393
fiable features: First, despite having speakers in her ears that blocked all
external sounds with 95 dB clicks, the experience began when she heard
the sound of the special saw used to cut into her skull (a sound that she, a
musician, identified as a natural "D"). She then seemed to leave her body
and, from a position near the neurosurgeon's shoulders, was able to see (and
subsequently describe) the saw itself. She also noted the unexpected (to
her) way in which her head had been shaved, and she heard a female voice
commenting that her veins and arteries were small. At some point she felt
herself being pulled along a "tunnel vortex" toward a light. She also heard
her deceased grandmother's voice, and then she saw numerous deceased
relatives, all of them permeated by an "incredibly bright" light. Told by her
relatives that she had to go back, and thinking about the young children she
would be leaving, she reluctantly returned to her body. She also reported
that "when I came back, they were playing 'Hotel California' and the line
was 'You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave"'-a
choice of music that she later laughingly told one of her doctors had been
"incredibly insensitive."
Although many of the features of her experience were subjective and
unverifiable, some were not. Her description of the unusual saw was verified
by the neurosurgeon and by photographs of it obtained by Sabom. Also, as
the patient had heard, at the time the cardiopulmonary bypass procedure
was being started, the cardiac surgeon (a female) had commented that the
right femoral vessels were too small to support the bypass, so that she had
to prepare the left leg. Although at the time this comment was made the
patient's brainstem auditory evoked potentials had not yet disappeared, the
molded speakers in her ears themselves, let alone the 95 dB clicks, would
have made it impossible for her to hear the comment in the ordinary way,
even had she been fully conscious at that moment.
Equally importantly, the patient reported the kind of mentation that
we described earlier: She said that during her experience she was not only
aware, but "the most aware that I think I have ever been in my life" (Sabom,
1 998, p. 41). She further commented that her vision "was not like normal
vision. It was brighter and more focused and clearer than normal vision" (p.
41) and that her hearing "was a clearer hearing than with my ears" (p. 44).
The case is not perfect. The details were not published for several years
after the experience occurred. More importantly, the verifiable events that
she reported observing in the operating room occurred when she was anes
thetized and sensorially isolated but before and after the period of time in
which she was clinically "dead." Further, it is impossible to tell exactly when
during the procedure she had the experience of going into a tunnel, seeing
a bright light, and conversing with her deceased relatives. Her description
of the experience suggests (although of course it cannot prove) that it was
continuous from the time she first heard the surgeon's saw (over an hour
after she had been anesthetized) until she returned to her body and heard
the song "Hotel California," near the end of the procedure, some 511z hours
later, when younger assistants had taken over from the surgeons and the
394-Chapter 6
background music was changed to rock music (Sabom, 1 998, p. 47). Some
parts of Pam's experience may therefore have occurred during the time in
the procedure when she was clinically "dead" or near the end of the proce
dure, when she suddenly went into ventricular fibrillation. We cannot, how
ever, say with certainty that any part of her NDE actually occurred during
the period when she was clinically "dead." Even so, the extremity of her con
dition and her heavily anesthetized state throughout the entire procedure
casts serious doubt on any view of mind or consciousness as unilaterally
and totally dependent on intact physiological functioning.
The few shortcomings in this case simply highlight the need for inquir
ing about the experiences of other patients who have undergone hypother
mic cardiac arrest or similarly drastic procedures. A major priority for
future research on NDEs is to identify and study experiences that occur in
conjunction with heavily monitored surgical procedures, especially cardiac
procedures involving close monitoring of electrical brain activity, blood
gases, neurochemical levels, or other physiological measures.
Most of the proposed explanations for NDEs assume that they are the prod
uct of a "dying brain" (e.g., Blackmore, 1 993; Vaitl et aI., 2005, p. 1 02). As we
have said earlier and will discuss in more detail below, one of the things that
makes NDEs so important is that many of them do occur at a time the per
son is physiologically near death. Nonetheless, as we also pointed out ear
lier, many of them do not occur when the person is dying. Moreover, NDEs
are by no means an isolated phenomenon. All features occurring in connec
tion with NDEs occur in the context of other kinds of experiences in which
the brain is certainly not "dying." Before we can accept any explanation of
NDEs as adequate, we will need far more information than we now have
concerning the actual-as opposed to conjectured-physiological and psy
chological conditions under which they take place. Clearly, however, they
will never be understood until they are examined together with these other
experiences, occurring under different conditions, that share their features.
We therefore turn now to some of those other experiences.
Out-of-Body Experiences
& Houran, 2004, p. 1 67). As a result, many of the early collections of reports
of OBEs included what we would now call NOEs because they occurred in
the context of a medical or life-threatening condition (e.g., Crookall, 1 964,
1 972; Green, 1 968b; Muldoon & Carrington, 1951/1969). On the other hand,
many OBEs occur in non-medical contexts, and many NOEs do not include
OBEs. Thus, it seems likely that neither OBEs nor NOEs are a subset of the
other, but that both instead are manifestations of a larger class of experi
ences in which there has been an alteration in the ordinary experience of the
self in relation to the body and the external environment.
A typical OBE is one that comes from our own collection, in which a
man competing in a triathalon, after completing the swimming segment and
beginning the bicycling segment, suddenly and briefly seemed to himself to
be above the scene, watching the riders below, including himself, with no
apparent ill effect on his ability to ride the bicycle. A more dramatic but
less typical case is one from the classical literature that is frequently cited,
the Wilmot case (E. M. Sidgwick, 1 891 , pp. 41-46; also cited in HP, vol. 1 ,
pp. 682-685). I n 1 863 Mr. Wilmot and his sister Miss Wilmot were o n a ship
traveling from Liverpool, England, to New York, and for much of the jour
ney they were in a severe storm. More than a week after the storm began,
Mrs. Wilmot, in Connecticut and worried about the safety of her husband,
had an experience, while she was awake during the middle of the night, in
which she seemed to go to her husband's stateroom on the ship, where she
saw him asleep in the lower berth and another man in the upper berth look
ing at her. She hesitated, kissed her husband, and left. The next morning Mr.
Wilmot's roommate asked him, apparently somewhat indignantly, about
the woman who had come into their room during the night. Miss Wilmot
added her testimony, saying that the next morning, before she had seen her
brother, the roommate asked her if she had been in to see Mr. Wilmot dur
ing the night, and when she replied no, he said that he had seen a woman
come into their room in the middle of the night and go to Mr. Wilmot.22
22. Blackmore (1983a, pp. 143-144) thinks that she has successfully discredited the Wilmot
case, and Edwards ( 1997, p. 20) agrees, asserting that "the case totally collapsed when it was
investigated by Susan Blackmore." Blackmore claims that the entire story rests on Mr. Wil
mot's testimony alone and that this testimony was unreliable because he had been seasick at
the time. She further claims that "Mrs. Wilmot never reported having had an OBE at all."
Although Blackmore claims to have read the original reports (citing Myers's reprinting of the
case), she clearly did not read them carefully enough, and Edwards apparently relied entirely
on Blackmore without reading the original report himself. In the report, both the original
and Myers's reprinting of it, letters are printed not only from Mr. Wilmot but also from Mrs.
Wilmot and Miss Wilmot, corroborating the essential features of his account. Although Mrs.
Wilmot never explicitly said "I had an out-of-body experience," she did say "I had a very vivid
sense all the [next) day of having visited my husband." She also said "I felt much disturbed
at his [the man in the upper berth) presence, as he leaned over, looking at us." She further
reported that "the impression was so strong that I felt unusually happy and refreshed," in
contrast to the anxiety about her husband that had preceded it. We do not unfortunately have
the testimony of the man in the upper berth (who had since died), but, as we mentioned above,
we do have Miss Wilmot's testimony that he told her about his experience the next morning,
before she had seen her brother and heard his account of what had happened. The case is not
396�Chapter 6
perfect, but Blackmore's and Edwards's misrepresentation of the reported facts, and offhand
dismissal of testimony that conflicts with their beliefs, is indefensible at best.
23. For a review of studies estimating incidence in various populations, see Alvarado
(2000, pp. 1 84-186).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-397
24. Interestingly, four of Devinsky et al.'s own 10 patients described an OBE that sounds
more like an NDE. One patient, for example, was involved in an automobile accident in which
she suffered severe head trauma. Although she was unconscious for two hours and had 24
hours of retrograde amnesia, she remembered that, while unconscious, she had an OBE in
which she saw the scene of the accident, including her own body, and heard a voice send
ing her back. Her seizures began one month later, as a result of the injuries she suffered in
the accident. Another woman, who had had numerous generalized (or whole-brain) seizures
(about two per month) for 21 years, reported only two OBEs, both of them occurring during
seizures at times when she seemed in danger of dying (for example, by being strangled by the
bedsheets in which she had become entangled). Another woman, who had frequent general
ized seizures for six years, had her single OBE at a time when she thought she was dying dur
ing the seizure. The fourth patient, who had frequent absence seizures (about five a week for
17 years), had an NDE-like experience during her only generalized seizure. In this experience,
she had an OBE in which she first saw her unconscious body, and then seemed to travel into
space, where it was "gorgeous . . . [and] warm-not like heat, but security" (Devin sky et aI.,
1989, p . 1082). A voice then told her to go back, which she reluctantly did.
398�Chapter 6
The empirical findings of Blanke and his colleagues are certainly sig
nificant, but their theoretical conclusions seem to us premature. First, the
purported localization of neurologic abnormalities is less than clear and
compelling. The identified region, the TPJ (encompassing the anterior part
of the angular gyrus and the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus),
is only a region of "mean overlap" of individual lesions that are distributed
much more widely. Furthermore, the appearance of localization derives in
part from mapping results from the very different brains of all five patients
onto the left hemisphere of only one of them (Blanke et aI., 2004, Figures 2
and 4). In one patient no overt anatomical or functional defect could even
be identified. Similarly, of Devinsky et al.'s ( 1989) 10 patients, three were
specifically said to have fronto-temporal lesions or EEG abnormalities, two
showed "generalized 3/s spike and wave discharges," and one showed no
overt anatomical, neurological, or EEG abnormalities. Among the 29 addi
tional patients for whom any information was available, the seizures of two
were specifically localized to the anterior temporal lobe (which does not
involve the TPJ), and only about a dozen are characterized in terms even
loosely consistent with the Blanke et al. hypothesis. Furthermore, there is
no clear lateralization. Among Blanke et al.'s patients and those reviewed
by Devinsky et aI., the location of identifiable foci was almost evenly split
between the left and right hemispheres. Moreover, the studies of Gloor and
his colleagues led them to "conclude that experiential phenomena, includ
ing perceptual ones, are more likely to occur in response to limbic than to
temporal neocortical st i mu l ati on or seizure discharge" (Gloor et ai., 1982,
p. 140; see also Gloor, 1 990).
Second, the generalization from these few patients with identified neuro
logical problems to all persons experiencing an OBE, most of whom have no
known neurological problem, is purely conjectural. We agree that abnormal
activity in the TPJ region or some other location may sometimes contribute
to the occurrence of an OBE; the fact that the experiences of some of these
patients could be altered or abolished by therapeutic intervention (surgery
or medication) provides evidence for this. Nevertheless, to conclude that
any such activity pattern is necessary, in general, seems to us quite doubt
ful. All of the patients reported by Devinsky et al. (1989) and five of the
six patients of Blanke et al. (2004) suffered moderate to severe neurological
pathology; but such pathology appears generally to be absent, and certainly
has not been demonstrated to be present, in the vast majority of persons
who spontaneously experience OBEs. A special OBE subject studied by Tart
( 1968), for example, was specifically found to have a normal clinical EEG.
Furthermore, even if we assume that cortex in the vicinity of the TPJ
is involved somehow in the production of at least some OBEs, that cortex
itself is probably not producing them. This is because both seizure activity
and direct electrical stimulation of a particular region of association cortex
typically lead to disruption of whatever patterns of neuroelectric activity
would otherwise be going on there. That is, the failure of the normal inte-
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-399
gration could be explainable by these factors, but not the production of the
abnormal one (the OBE). Something else is doing that.
Moreover, there are many patients with similar neurological problems
or patterns of seizure activity who do not experience OBEs. In Devinsky
et al.'s prospective study (1989), only 10 (or 6. 3%) of 1 58 seizure patients
reported OBEs or autoscopy. Furthermore, although the 43 patients in the
Devinsky et al. review had suffered numerous seizures, often over a period
of many years, 10 had only one experience, and 15 others had five or fewer
(p. 1082). Only two of Penfield's 1 , 1 32 patients reported even vaguely OBE
like phenomena. Moreover, as we mentioned earlier, some of Devinsky et
al.'s patients had an OBE, not during an ordinary seizure, but only at a
time when they were near death, or thought they were dying. These findings
clearly suggest that localized abnormal activity in the brain is not only not
necessary, but also not in general sufficient to produce the change in per
ceptual locus that is an OBE. At the very least, the sufficient neurological
conditions for OBEs have not yet been fully identified.
Finally, Blanke and his colleagues, and others who have focused on
the role of temporal lobe activity in the production of OBEs, have not even
begun as yet to deal with certain deeper and more difficult aspects of the
OBE. For example, even if we are able to associate OBEs with a certain
region of the brain-something we are far from doing yet-such localiza
tion cannot account for the occurrence in many cases of veridical percep
tions during loss of consciousness. More generally, it c annot account for
the occurrence of any complex perception or mentation at a time when the
abnormalities in brain functioning would normally abolish consciousness.
As Devinsky et al. ( 1989) themselves appropriately caution, "an unresolved
problem involves . . . the paradox of apparent consciousness during the sei
zure" (pp. 1 087-1 088). To equate OBEs with pathological "body illusions,"
as Blanke et al. do, seems to us to beg the question of the nature of these
experiences by ignoring the complexity of their physiological, psychologi
cal, and phenomenological aspects. In short, studies such as that of Blanke
et al. and Devinsky et al. have not provided anything like a complete and
verified neurophysiological account of the OBE, but rather some prelimi
nary findings and hypotheses to be pursued in further work.25
The polarization between those who think we must choose between an
exclusively psychophysiological theory on the one hand or, on the other, a
monolithic theory of OBEs as evidence for the separability of consciousness
and the body seems to us too narrow a view. Before suggesting an alterna
tive way of thinking about the problem, however, we should briefly review
additional aspects of OBE cases that suggest the need for a theory that,
25. In the light of the above considerations, it strikes us as at best highly premature, and
quite revealing, that the editors of Nature saw fit to declare triumphantly, in connection
with their publication of Blanke et al. (2002), that as a result of this one study, which dealt
with only one case, "the part of the brain that can induce out-of-body experiences has been
located" (p. 269).
400-Chapter 6
26. As we discussed in the Introduction, the authors of this book are united in the con
viction that psi phenomena have been adequately demonstrated, both in spontaneous case
studies and in experimental studies, even if there is as yet no adequate theoretical model to
account for them. It is our hope that this volume will help catalyze the development of such
a model. For readers who do not share our conviction, we refer them to reliable literature on
this topic (see the Appendix).
27. One might ask whether Roll awoke from his OBE, not immediately after the experience
as he thought, but later in the night, when earlier moonlight might have disappeared. The
purpose here, however, is not to debate the details of this particular experience, but simply to
call attention to the undeniable fact that many OBEs, however vivid, are not veridical.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-40l
target reflected in the glass surface of a clock.28 Interestingly, Miss Z's OBE
experiences occurred in conjunction with a fairly well-defined physiological
pattern, developing out of Stage 1 sleep and consisting primarily of low
voltage "alphoid" EEG dominated by slow alpha frequencies. Moreover, the
rapid eye movements characteristic of dreaming were absent. Miss Z unfor
tunately moved away shortly after this promising experiment, and Tart was
unable to conduct further work with her.
In another series of experiments, a person who claimed to be able to
induce OBEs at will, while awake, attempted during randomly selected
experimental periods to go to a specified distant location during an OBE
and influence a variety of detectors located there, including other persons,
animals, and physical detectors of various sorts (R. L. Morris, Harary,
Janis, Hartwell, & Roll, 1978). Although the overall psi results of the study
were insignificant, there was one intriguing series of trials in which the sub
ject's new pet kitten showed significantly less movement and less vocalizing
during the OBE periods than during the control periods. Examination of
physiological data showed that this subject's OBEs were also accompanied
by a fairly distinctive state, consisting of deep relaxation (as evidenced by
significant decline of skin potential) coupled with elements of arousal (as
evidenced by significant increases of heart rate and respiration rate). There
was also a large percentage decline in eye movements, although this was not
statistically significant. There were no significant EEG findings.
Osis and McCormick (1 980), working with another person who claimed
to induce OBEs at will, conducted an experiment in which the task was to
view a target in a specially constructed optical image device in which the
target appears as an illusion and is visible only from a position directly in
front of the viewing window. A random number generator created the target
for each OBE trial by making a random composite of three features (inde
pendently drawn from four possible background colors, four quadrants, and
five line drawings). In addition, unbeknownst to the subject, a strain gauge
sensor was situated in a shielded chamber directly in front of the viewing
window. Out of 197 such trials, there were 1 14 hits (a hit being defined as
accurate identification of any of the three target features), which was mar
ginally significant. Perhaps more interestingly, strain gauge activation was
significantly higher during hits than during misses, both before and after
target generation. Although, once again, the results can be interpreted as a
combination of clairvoyance and psychokinesis, they are also in line with an
hypothesis that is consistent with the subject's reported experience, namely,
that he had projected his consciousness into the viewing chamber at the
only point from which the target could be (optically) seen and where the
strain gauge was located.
Clearly, these few existing experiments are inadequate to validate any
interpretation of OBEs as involving either psi or an "exteriorization" of
the mind from the body. Nevertheless, they also collectively demonstrate
28. It is worth noting, however, when considering this suggestion, that she called the five
digits out in their correct left-right order (Tart, 1968, p. 17).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-403
that further experimental work along these lines is feasible and potentially
productive. As with NDEs, the further study of OBEs under appropriate
conditions of experimental control and physiological monitoring is urgently
needed. We repeat, however, our belief that advances in our understanding
of NDEs, OBEs, and related phenomena are likely to come only by moving
beyond the current polarization between exclusively psychophysiological
models on the one hand and transcendent or "exteriorization" models on
the other. OBEs, NDEs, and other such phenomena surely do not occur at
random. It is reasonable to suppose that there are physiological and psycho
logical conditions specially conducive to such experiences, and some of the
psychological and physiological models proposed, sparse and conjectural
as they presently are, may be converging upon some of those conditions. On
the other hand, there is also a not insignificant body of evidence supporting
the idea that some experiences are more than mere subjective illusions, and
this body of evidence cannot simply be "quietly dropped," as Blackmore
would have us do, simply because it presents problems for current models
of mind and brain.
In attempting to account for reciprocal apparitions, such as those men
tioned above, and for apparitions perceived simultaneously by more than
one person (discussed later in this chapter), Myers (1886b) had tentatively
proposed the idea that some aspect of consciousness is able in some sense to
"go out" from the body and somehow produce an effect in external physical
space, not in a conventional material way perceptible to ordinary senses,
but nonetheless in a manner sufficient to stimulate an apparition or (as in
the case of the strain gauge in Osis and McCormick's experiment or the kit
ten in the R. L. Morris et al. study) to affect something physical in the envi
ronment.29 Such an idea supposes, as Myers ( l 886c) did, that the ordinary
distinction between mind and matter may not be so straightforward as we
often assume, and thus that there may be something intermediate between
matter as we ordinarily perceive it and mind as we ordinarily experience
it (pp. 178-179; see also our Chapter 2). We might further conjecture that
under appropriate psychophysiological conditions, a wide range of experi
ences may emerge in which the ordinary relationship between conscious
ness and the body is altered, including some in which consciousness actu
ally does separate from the body.
The neurological condition known as autoscopy bears some phenom
enological resemblance to OBEs. Autoscopy has sometimes been defined
as "the hallucinatory projection of the body image into perceptual space"
(Lukianowicz, 1958, p. 214). This definition, however, is ambiguous as to the
SUbjective point of view from which the experience occurs, leading some
authors inappropriately to equate OBEs and autoscopic experiences (e.g.,
Lunn, 1 970). A more precise definition is "a visual experience where the
29. For an excellent brief discussion of Myers's theory, which he called "phantasmogenetic
efficacy," see Gauld ( 1 982, pp. 250-260).
404-Chapter 6
Lucid Dreams
Another phenomenon suggesting an alteration in the ordinary rela
tionship of consciousness and the brain is that of lucid dreams. In dreams
of this type the state of consciousness associated with ordinary dreaming
is enhanced, in that dreamers become self-conscious, are aware that they
are dreaming, and are "fully in possession of their cognitive facuIties while
dreaming" such that they can initiate purposive behavior (LaBerge & Gack
enbach, 2000, p. 1 52). In a real sense, therefore, the dreamer becomes more
"awake" or conscious than is ordinary in sleep and dreams. As we men
tioned in Chapter 2, Myers ( 1887a) had recognized the importance of this
particular example of enhanced awareness, saying that
enough of our waking self to tell us that they are dreams, and to prompt us
to psychological inquiry. (p. 241)32
30. Blanke et al. (2004) and Brugger, Agosti, Regard, Wieser, and Landis (1994) also call
attention to transitional experiences, called "heautoscopic," in which the subject alternates
between these two perspectives, or even experiences both simultaneously.
3 1 . This apparent association with pathology, however, may simply reflect a reporting bias,
since most studies of autoscopy have been published in medical journals.
32. It was many years before anyone took up this suggestion, but one of the earliest reports
about lucid dreams was published in the SPR Proceedings by Myers's friend and colleague,
Dr. F. van Eeden ( 1 9 1 3).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-405
33. These methods involve subjects signaling with pre-specified voluntary eye movements,
verifiable by outside observers, that they are having a lucid dream (LaBerge & Gackenbach,
2000, p. 1 57-163).
There is another interesting parallel in the history of research on NDEs and lucid dreams:
Blackmore has suggested that NDEs must occur in the moments just before losing conscious
ness or just before fully regaining it, when brain processes are not so seriously impaired.
Similar explanations were proposed for lucid dreams by sleep researchers whose assumptions
about the nature of sleep did not allow for the "paradoxical" concept of "conscious sleep";
they argued that lucid dreams must occur either in brief awakenings or in non-REM phases of
sleep, until methods were developed demonstrating that lucid dreams do occur during REM
sleep (LaBerge & Gackenbach, 2000, pp. 1 57-158).
34. A "positive" hallucination is one in which a person sees a person or object that is not
physically present. A "negative" hallucination is one in which a person does not see a person
or object that is present.
406-Chapter 6
Veridical Apparitions
Additionally, just as an adequate theory of NDEs or OBEs must take
into account the veridical perceptions sometimes occurring outside the
person's ordinary sensory capacities, an adequate theory of hallucinatory
experience must take into account reports of veridical apparitions. Particu
larly important examples of these are cases in which the hallucination coin
cided closely in time with the death or some other crisis happening to the
person seen or heard in the hallucination, even though the percipient did
not yet know about that death or crisis. Such cases are far from infrequent.
It is no exaggeration to say that thousands of them have been investigated
and reported, primarily in the pages of the Proceedings and Journals of the
Society for Psychical Research and of the American Society for Psychical
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-407
Collective Apparitions
Another important group of cases suggesting that not all hallucinations
are purely subjective is that of "collective" cases, in which more than one
person has simultaneously seen the apparition. In one case (which provides
an example both of collective perception and of the crisis apparitions men
tioned above), a man and his 5-year-old son simultaneously saw at the ceil
ing the face of the man's father, at the time (they subsequently learned) that
this person had died. The man's wife, who was sitting in the same room,
corroborated having witnessed the reactions and comments of her husband
and son, although she did not herself see the apparition (Gurney et aI., 1886,
vol. 2, pp. 248-250). Such cases are again not infrequent: Tyrrell (194311953)
reported that he had found 1 30 collective cases in the literature and had
"no doubt that this list is not exhaustive" (p. 69). Furthermore, although
collective cases are a small fraction of all reported apparitions, most wit
nesses report being alone at the time they saw the apparition-a condition
perhaps conducive to such an experience. But among cases in which more
than one person was present, a third (H. Sidgwick et aI., 1 894, pp. 320-321 ;
Tyrrell, 1 94311953, p. 23) to half ( H . Hart e t aI., 1 956, pp. 204-205) involved
collective perception, although, as we saw in the case described above, not
everyone present necessarily shares the experience.
Other features of collective cases likewise suggest that they are some
thing more than subjective experiences. As Tyrrell pointed out (1943/1953),
the testimony in collective cases indicates that "all the percipients see the
same thing, each from his own point of view in space, just as though it were
a material figure" (p. 70). In support of this observation, Tyrrell listed 19
features (of both solitary and collective cases) that suggest some kind of
35. Many cases identified in this study, in which the person reported simply a "sense of
presence" or a "dream" coinciding with a death or other crisis, may also have involved appari
tions, but even if not, they are clearly related to the apparitional cases. A "sense of presence"
may in fact be an incipient apparition, as suggested by a few cases reported in which an initial
sense of presence then developed into a sensory apparition (Gurney et aI., 1886, vol. 1, p. 483,
408-Chapter 6
objectivity to the figure seen (pp. 77-80). For example, in one case a man
reported seeing in his bedroom the figure of his brother on the night the
brother was killed, and he continued to see the figure, in the same spot but
from different perspectives, even when he walked around and away from it
(Gurney et aI., 1886, vol. 1 , pp. 556-559). In another case, a woman saw an
apparition of a dying friend reflected in a mirror, as well as when she turned
to look directly at it (Myers, 1 895e, pp. 444-446; also in HP, vol. I, pp. 421 -
423). In still other cases, the apparition may obscure light and cast a shadow
(e.g., Myers, 1 889d, p. 28; this case, incidentally, was also a collective case).
It was collective cases specifically that led to the two major ways of
interpreting apparitions in general. On the one hand, Gurney had argued
that veridical, or "crisis," apparitions occur when the person learns tele
pathically36 about, say, the death of the distant person; this information
then emerges into consciousness in the form of an hallucination. Collec
tive cases occur when one primary percipient receives the information tele
pathically and then "spreads" the information, also telepathically, to other
persons present who are sufficiently sensitive to detect it. In contrast, Myers
believed that the existence of so many cases in which multiple percipients
had perceived the apparition in consistent fashion, together with certain
details suggesting some kind of objectivity (such as those described in the
previous paragraph), supported the idea that at least some apparitions have
a more objective character than telepathic impression alone can account for.
He thus proposed his idea of "phantasmogenetic efficacy," which we briefly
described earlier in this chapter, in which apparitions are in some sense spa
tial, or affect space, without being physical in any ordinary sense.37
Deathbed Visions
As we also mentioned earlier, one important feature of NDEs is that
of perceiving identifiable deceased persons during the experience. Closely
related to this feature of NDEs are deathbed visions. Deathbed visions are
experiences in which dying people seem to see or converse with people not
physically present-usually deceased persons-or to perceive some envi
ronment not physically evident to bystanders. Occasionally, a bystander
will also perceive what a dying person seems to be seeing (see, e.g., Howarth
& Kellehear, 200 1; Stevenson, 1 995, pp. 359-361).
Like NDE experiencers, dying persons who see people not physically
present almost invariably see deceased persons, not living ones. Deathbed
visions rarely seem to involve other features prominently associated with
NDEs, such as OBEs or tunnels, but these differences may be more appar
ent than real because an even more fundamental difference between NDEs
36. As we pointed out in Chapter 2, Myers coined the word "telepathy" in 1 882 to refer
to the phenomenon of one person apparently deriving information directly from another
person's mind.
37. Gauld ( 1 968, pp. 168-171; 1982, pp. 238-242, 250-260) has presented summaries of
these two views. In 1 968 he was clearly not persuaded by either of them, but by 1982 he took
Myers's theory more seriously.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-409
and deathbed visions is that in the latter the experiencer usually dies shortly
after the experience. We therefore rarely get direct accounts from dying per
sons themselves; reports of what they experienced come rather from people
at their bedside who heard what the dying person said about the experience
or who witnessed behavior suggesting what the dying person was experienc
ing. As a result, we probably know little about the full extent and charac
ter of the dying person's experience. Nevertheless, the similarities between
NDEs and deathbed visions suggest that, just as NDEs overlap in certain
respects with OBEs, so also do they overlap, in different ways, with death
bed visions. It seems likely that all are variants of some larger class of phe
nomena whose nature has yet to be adequately delineated.
There has been little systematic research to date on deathbed visions.
Collections of cases have been published (e.g., W. F. Barrett, 1 926; Bozz
ano, 1906), but in modern times only Osis (1961) and Osis and Haraldsson
( 1977/1997) have attempted a systematic survey of such experiences. Because
these surveys were based entirely on the retrospective recollections of doc
tors and nurses, often from many years earlier, the findings must be con
sidered preliminary only, and they tell us little about the real incidence and
character of such experiences. Nevertheless, they provide reason to believe
that deathbed visions may be far more common than is presently recog
nized, and potentially accessible to more systematic study. Our own infor
mal inquiries, particularly with hospice doctors and nurses, have strongly
suggested that such experiences are in fact quite frequent. Moreover, in a
recent study conducted by one of us (EWK), the single most common expe
rience reported was being with a dying person who seemed to see or hear
deceased loved ones; 218 out of 525 respondents reported such an experi
ence, including 36 nurses or other hospital workers who reported witnessing
such experiences, some of them on multiple occasions. Clearly, systematic
research is needed to learn more about the incidence, nature, and circum
stances of these theoretically important and humanly meaningful experi
Sufficient evidence is already available, however, to counter any fac
ile blanket dismissal of deathbed visions as mere hallucinations of a dying
brain. We need to keep in mind, first, that deathbed visions are not isolated
phenomena. As we have seen, people also report seeing deceased persons
in various conditions other than that of actually dying-for example in
NDEs in which they were not physiologically close to death, or in appari
tions experienced by awake, healthy persons. Second, Osis and Haraldsson
( 1977/1 997) reported that patients were actually less likely, not more likely,
to have deathbed visions if they were on medications or had illnesses affect
ing consciousness. Also, there are again cases that call into question even
more directly this explanation of deathbed visions as subjective hallucina
tions. For example, in so-called "Peak in Darien" cases, the dying person
apparently sees, and often expresses surprise at seeing, a person whom he
or she thought was living, but who had in fact recently died. Reports of
41O-Chapter 6
such cases are scattered and often not adequately documented; but there are
enough of them to warrant giving them serious attention.38
An even rarer kind of deathbed experience, but one that like NDEs calls
into question the absolute dependence of mental functioning on the state of
the brain, are cases in which the dying person has demonstrated a sudden
revival in mental functioning just before death. People sometimes appear
to revive somewhat physically just before death. In a case in our collection,
a woman, dying of congestive heart failure, was on oxygen, in a coma, and
unable to communicate. At one point, however, according to her daughter,
who was present, "much to my surprise she not only sat up in bed but leaped
over the bottom rail of the bed, saying 'Jim [her deceased brother], wait for
me, don't go .. . .' She was looking at the wall behind where I sat and obvi
ously saw something I did not." Her daughter and the nurses present had
trouble restraining her. She did not die on this occasion, but did so a month
later, after being sent home since her condition seemed to have improved.
Even more interesting than these physical revivals, however, are revivals
in mental functioning. Myers ( 1 892b) had referred to the "sudden revivals of
memory or faculty in dying persons" (p. 3 1 6), and there are scattered reports
of people apparently recovering from dementia shortly before death. The
eminent physician Benjamin Rush, author of the first American treatise on
mental illness ( 1 8 1 2), observed that "most of mad people discover a greater
or less degree of reason in the last days or hours of their lives" (p. 257). Simi
larly, in his classic study of hallucinations, Brierre de Boismont ( 1859) noted
that "at the approach of death we observe that. . . the intellect, which may
have been obscured or extinguished during many years, is again restored in
all its integrity" (p. 236). Flournoy (1903, p. 48) mentioned that French psy
chiatrists had recently published cases of mentally ill persons who showed
sudden improvement in their condition shortly before death.
In more recent years, Osis (1961) reported two cases, "one of severe
schizophrenia and one of senility, [in which] the patients regained normal
mentality shortly before death" (p. 24). Osis and Haraldsson ( 197711997)
reported a case of a meningitis patient who had been "severely disoriented
almost to the end," but who "cleared up, answered questions, smiled, was
slightly elated and just a few minutes before death, came to herself" (p. 1 33).
Turetskaia and Romanenko (1 975) reported three cases involving remis
sion of symptoms in dying schizophrenic patients. Grosso (2004, pp. 42-43)
described three dementia cases that had been reported to him, one by a col
league and two by a nurse. In all three cases, the patient had not recognized
family members for several years, but shortly before death they all were said
to have become more coherent or alert and to have recognized family mem-
38. Reports of such "Peak in Darien" experiences may be found in W. F. Barrett (1926, pp.
10-26), Callanan & Kelley (1993, pp. 89-90, 98-99), Cobbe (1882, p. 297), Crookall ( 196011966,
pp. 21-22), Gallup and Proctor ( 1 982, pp. 1 3-14), Gurney and Myers (1 889, pp. 459-460), Hys
lop (1908, pp. 88-89), A. Johnson ( 1899, pp. 288-291), Kubler-Ross (1983, pp. 208-210), R. A.
Moody with Perry (1988, p. 1 36), in HP (vol. 2, pp. 339-342), Osis and Haraldsson ( 197711997,
p. 166), Ring ( 1 980, pp. 207-208), E. M. Sidgwick ( 1885, pp. 92-93), Spraggett (1974, p. 95),
and Stevenson (1959, p. 22).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-41 1
bers. Such cases are few i n number and not adequately documented, but
the persistence of such reports suggests that they may represent a real phe
nomenon that could potentially be substantiated by further investigations.
If so, they would seriously undermine the assumption that in such diseases
as Alzheimer's the mind itself is destroyed in lockstep with the brain (e.g.,
Edwards, 1997, pp. 295-296). Like many of the experiences discussed in this
chapter, such cases would suggest that in some conditions, consciousness
may be enhanced, not destroyed, when constraints normally supplied by the
brain are sufficiently loosened.
NDEs also have ties to still another class of phenomena that must be
considered when evaluating proposed explanations. Many features ofNDEs
are similar to those of mystical experiences. The ineffability of the experi
ence and the sense of being in the presence of something larger than or
transcendent to oneself are features common to both NDEs and mystical
experiences. lust as with NDEs, the onset of a mystical experience is often
accompanied by overwhelming feelings of joy, happiness, and peace (James,
1 90211958, pp. 1 57, 204-205). People sometimes describe a feeling of sud
den release, and although they usually seem to mean this figuratively, some
reports border on an OBE: As one of Leuba's subjects said, "I cannot tell
you whether I was in the body or out of the body" (Leuba, 1 896, p. 372).39
As with NDEs, many mystical experiences involve enhanced mental
functioning or heightened perception. Sometimes the "senses are much
more acute," such that details of the experience and of one's physical sur
roundings at the time "are frequently recalled with great minuteness" (Star
buck, 1906, p. 78). One of lames's ( 1902/1958) experiencers said that "my
memory became exceedingly clear" (p. 1 57). A sensory phenomenon that is
particularly common in mystical experiences, as well as NDEs, is the sense
of seeing a bright light of unusual quality, such as "a strange light which
seemed to light up the whole room (for it was dark)" (p. 202). Some people
seem to be using the phrase "seeing the light" in a figurative sense, but oth
ers are clearly referring to what was to them a real and vivid sensory phe
We will discuss mystical experiences in detail in Chapter 8, but here
we focus on one further and extremely significant feature common to both
classes of experience-namely, the transformative aspect, especially of expe
riences sometimes called conversion experiences. Whatever the explanation
of NDEs may be, there is no doubt that they have a profound and appar
ently lasting impact on many people who experience them. As we noted
earlier, they often precipitate a significant change in values, attitude toward
39. This person's experience is reminiscent of the experience described by St. Paul in which
he said "whether in the body, or out of the body, r cannot tell" (2 Corinthians 1 2:3).
4 12-Chapter 6
40. As we will discuss in Chapter 8, however, such transformations are commonly associ
ated, not just with religious "conversion" experiences, but with mystical experiences in gen
eral, including the mystical-type experiences sometimes reported in connection with the use
of certain drugs.
41. James interpreted conversion experiences in just this way, saying that the "discovery
of a consciousness existing beyond the field of consciousness, or subliminally as Mr. Myers
terms it, casts light on many phenomena of religious biography," and that "possession of a
developed subliminal self, and of a leaky or pervious margin, is thus a conditio sine qua non
of the Subject's becoming converted in the instantaneous way" (James, 1 902/ 1 958, pp. 188,
1 94).
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-4l 3
A Psychological Theory?
42. A small percentage of other cardiac arrest patients in these studies reported some mem
ories during the arrest, but not enough to qualify for an NDE as judged by the Greyson NDE
Scale (Greyson, 1983b, 1985) or the Ring WeEI (Ring, 1 980).
414-Chapter 6
intubation, and defibrillation. The groups also did not differ significantly in
terms of other measures of proximity to death, such as the duration of arrest
and unconsciousness. Both groups included patients who had cardiac arrest
out of the hospital, making a precise evaluation of their actual physiological
condition somewhat more difficult. Nonetheless, patients who reported an
NDE were more than twice as likely to die within 30 days than those who
did not. Clearly, one high priority for further research will be to character
ize more precisely the relationship between actual physiological proximity
to death, the likelihood of experiencing an NDE, and the phenomenological
character of the experiences that do occur.
More generally, however, the occurrence of not only NDEs but also
other related experiences under such a wide variety of physiological condi
tions, and to only some people, suggests the need to expand the search for
an adequate theoretical model which includes psychological factors. Gen
eral support for this idea might come from the additional finding of van
Lommel et al. (2001) that reporters of NDEs were more than three times
as likely as non-reporters to have had a previous NDE, even though the
reporters as a group were significantly younger than the non-reporters. This
suggests again that future research might profit in particular by examining
all the experiences discussed in this chapter in light of Myers's model of a
"permeable barrier" that controls the exchange of material between supra
liminal and subliminal levels of consciousness. On this model, some people
have more chronically permeable barriers than others, and in all of us the
permeability can vary with changes in physiological or psychological condi
tions.43 The model predicts, therefore, that people reporting NDEs, as well
as other related experiences, differ from other people on measures of hyp
notizability, absorption, schizotypy, dissociation, or transliminality. As we
mentioned earlier, a few studies have already found some differences in dis
sociative tendencies, absorption, and fantasy proneness between those who
have had an NDE and control groups consisting of otherwise unselected
persons who have not. A more meaningful comparison, however, might be
between NDE experiencers and a control group of people who have been in
the same or similar physiological circumstances but did not have an NDE.
This model might also help make sense of what is currently a "loose
end" in the literature on awareness during general anesthesia. We mentioned
earlier that the evidence for memory of events occurring while a patient was
adequately anesthetized is generally poor. Interestingly, however, the most
impressive reports of explicit (or conscious) awareness of events during anes
thesia have been elicited by hypnosis (Cheek, 1 964, 1 966; Levinson, 1 965).
The historically important Levinson study, for example, involved 10 highly
hypnotizable subjects undergoing very similar surgical procedures carried
out under a deliberately deep and uniform anesthesia regime monitored
43. Hartmann ( 1 989, 1 991) and Thalbourne (1998; Thalbourne & Delin, 1994) have pro
posed similar ideas about factors influencing the exchange of material between levels of the
mind, and both have developed questionnaire instruments capable to some degree of measur
ing these factors-"boundaries" and "transliminality," respectively.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-4l 5
Following Myers, we have argued that explanatory models for the phenom
ena we have discussed in this chapter must take into account not only the
full range of features and conditions associated with each individual phe
nomenon in isolation, but also the wide variety of related phenomena that
share some of its principal features. We are not suggesting simplistically
that all these phenomena will one day be brought under the rubric of one
all-encompassing explanation. Nonetheless, we are arguing that if we are to
understand any particular phenomenon, we must situate it in the context of
related phenomena, an exercise that may then ultimately lead to a greatly
expanded view of the nature of all of them. As noted several times in this
chapter, the phenomena that we have discussed all suggest a marked altera
tion, not only in the person's state of consciousness, but more broadly in the
ordinary relationship of the person's consciousness with the external world.
We emphasize again that some of these alterations-sharing common char
acteristics despite the apparent diversity of means by which they may be
brought about-suggest that there may be more to the external environ
ment itself than our ordinary sensorimotor functioning can detect.
The challenge of NDEs in particular, however, goes beyond situating
them properly within a broader framework of cognate phenomena. The
challenge lies also in recognizing and accounting for one central feature that
in our opinion makes this phenomenon uniquely important in any contem
porary discussion of the mind-brain problem-specifically, the occurrence
of vivid and complex mentation, sensation, and memory under conditions
in which current neuroscientific models of the mind deem conscious experi
ence of any significant sort impossible. The stark incompatibility of NDEs
with current models of mind-brain relations is particularly evident in con
nection with experiences that occur under two conditions-general anes
thesia and cardiac arrest. We wish now to highlight this conflict, because
the theoretical significance of the many experiences occurring under these
conditions has perhaps not been sufficiently appreciated. In both of these
situations, we will argue, much more is at issue than some vague sense of
416-Chapter 6
General Anesthesia
Take first the case of NDEs occurring under conditions of general anes
thesia: In our collection at the University of Virginia, 23% of the computer
coded cases occurred under anesthesia, and these involved the same fea
tures that characterize other NDEs, such as having an OBE and watching
medical personnel working on their body, an unusually bright or vivid light,
meeting deceased persons, and-significantly-thoughts, memories, and
sensations that were as clear or clearer than usual. If the incidence of cases
involving anesthesia in our collection is any indication of the general inci
dence, then conservatively many thousands of NDEs have occurred during
surgical procedures involving general anesthesia.
44. The specific brain regions involved vary somewhat according to the tasks and theorists,
but characteristically include cerebellar and limbic cortex, anterior cingulate and insular cor
tex, the thalamus with its dense and reciprocal connections with neocortex, and large parts
of the neocortex itself, including in particular frontal and parietal cortex as well as whatever
specific sensory systems may be momentarily engaged (see, e.g., Baars, 1 997; Crick, 1 994;
Dehaene & Naccache, 2001; Edelman & Tononi, 2000; A. K. Engel et ai., 2001 ; W. J. Freeman,
2000; John, 2001; Liinas, 2001 ; Mesulam, 2000; Varela et ai., 2001).
45. A similar line of argument could be developed, we believe, for related conditions such
as coma and persistent vegetative state, during which NDEs have also occasionally been
reported. We focus here on general anesthesia and cardiac arrest only because the relevant
physiological conditions are relatively well characterized and the cases already numerous.
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-4l 7
Cardiac Arrest
vivid the experience was. The main thing that stands out is the clarity of my
thoughts during the episode" (p. 889). Another typical comment was that of
a 6-year-old cardiac arrest victim who insisted that "it was realer than real"
(M. Morse, 1994a, p. 67).
Cardiac arrest, however, is a physiologically brutal event. Cerebral func
tioning shuts down within a few seconds. Whether the heart actually stops
beating entirely or goes into ventricular fibrillation, the result is essentially
instantaneous circulatory arrest, with blood flow and oxygen uptake in the
brain plunging swiftly to near-zero levels. EEG signs of cerebral ischemia,
typically with global slowing and loss of fast activity, are visually detectable
within 6-10 seconds, and progress to isoelectricity (flat-line EEGs) within
10-20 seconds of the onset of arrest. In sum, full arrest leads rapidly to
establishment of three major clinical signs of death-absence of cardiac
output, absence of respiration, and absence of brainstem reflexes-and pro
vides the best model we have of the dying process (DeVries, Bakker, Visser,
Diephuis, & van Huffelen, 1 998; Parnia & Fenwick, 2002; van Lommel et
aI., 200 1; Vriens, Bakker, DeVries, Wieneke, & van Huffelen, 1 996). Never
theless, in five published studies alone, over 100 cases of NDEs occurring
under conditions of cardiac arrest have been reported (Greyson, 2003; Par
nia et aI., 2001; Sabom, 1 982; Schwaninger et aI., 2002; van Lommel et aI.,
2001), and there are many more in other collections, including our own.
The case of Pam Reynolds, described earlier in this chapter, is a notable
example of an NDE that occurred under conditions involving both deep
general anesthesia and cardiac arrest of a particularly extreme form. As
pointed out in our earlier discussion, we do not know precisely when in
the surgical procedure Pam had her experience, other than to say that the
early parts of the experience, including the OBE, occurred when she was
not yet "brain dead" but already deeply anesthetized. Nonetheless, even if
we assume for the sake of discussion that her entire experience occurred
during these earlier stages of the procedure, brain activity even at that time
was inadequate to support organized mentation, according to current neu
rophysiological doctrine.
How might scientists intent upon defending the conventional view
respond to the challenge presented by cases occurring under conditions like
these? First, it will undoubtedly be objected that even in the presence of a
flat-lined EEG there still could be undetected brain activity going on. Cur
rent scalp-EEG technology detects only activity common to large popula
tions of suitably oriented neurons, mainly in the cerebral cortex; and so
perhaps future improvements in technology will allow us to detect addi
tional brain activity not visible to us at present. This objection may seem
to have some force, because both experimental and modeling studies show
that certain kinds of electrical events in the brain, such as highly localized
epileptic spikes, do not appear in scalp recordings (Pacia & Ebersole, 1 997).
Moreover, recordings carried out under conditions of general anesthesia
comparable to those used with Pam Reynolds provide direct evidence that
some residual electrical activity can appear subcortically or in the neigh-
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-419
46. Representative of people who have completely missed the mark here is Woerlee (2004).
420-Chapter 6
tific evidence. We will make only two comments regarding this attitude, in
relation to the entire body of evidence presently available. First, it is sci
entifically inappropriate to approach each such "anecdote" in complete
isolation, as though it stands on its own as the only evidence in existence
for phenomena in which people have obtained information about situations
from which they were sensorially isolated. As stated in our Introduction and
documented in the Appendix, phenomena of this type are independently
known to exist; what is unusual here is only the specific circumstances of
their occurrence. Second, as emphasized especially by Bergson (1913) in
his Presidential Address to the SPR, many reports of veridical spontaneous
experiences (including those associated with NDEs) are not simply vague or
general statements but contain very specific details, and the correspondence
of these details with remote events must be recognized as highly unlikely
to have occurred by chance, even if we cannot compute their improbability
with any great exactitude.
The other critical response comes from persons who take the avail
able veridical reports seriously, like ourselves, but interpret them differ
ently. Their suggestion, essentially, is that the NDE is simply an imaginative
reconstruction, and one which can sometimes incorporate paranormally
derived information, obtained when the brain is fully functional, about
events occurring during the period of unconsciousness. We will again make
just two brief comments in response: First, this form of counter-explanation
will presumably provide little solace to mainstream critics, since it incorpo
rates as an essential ingredient psi processes which are themselves equally
inconsistent with current mainstream views. Second, although this time
displaced psi interpretation, like other "super-psi" hypotheses, cannot be
decisively refuted, it simply ignores, in our opinion, the essential core of
NDE phenomenology-that these intense and vivid experiences are sub
jectively timed to the moment of the reported and verifiable events and are
remembered that way for years or decades afterwards. It would also need to
explain why the reports always follow, never precede, the events in question,
and why their subjects characteristically show little or no evidence of psi
capacities in any other context before the NDE.
Two further critical responses merit only still briefer mention. One is to
suggest that these supposedly verifiable NDEs are being inadvertently mis
reported, whether by the subjects of the experiences themselves or by their
investigators. That is certainly always a possibility to be guarded against
in individual cases; but when this suggestion is used repeatedly and with
out supporting evidence as a blanket defense against the entire body of evi
dence, it should be recognized for what it is, which is simply an unwilling
ness to examine that evidence in a truly scientific spirit. The same response
applies, but even more so, to any suggestion that the investigators of NDEs
are just making it all up. As the philosopher Henry Sidgwick (1882) pointed
out in his initial Presidential Address to the SPR in 1882: "We have done all
that we can when the critic has nothing left to allege except that the investi-
Unusual Experiences Near Death and Related Phenomena-42l
gator is in the trick. But when he has nothing else left to allege he will allege
that" (p. 1 2).
In sum, the central challenge of NDEs lies in asking how these complex
states of consciousness, including vivid mentation, sensory perception, and
memory, can occur under conditions in which current neurophysiological
models of the production of mind by brain deem such states impossible.
This conflict between current neuroscientific orthodoxy and the occurrence
of NDEs under conditions of general anesthesia and/or cardiac arrest is
head-on, profound, and inescapable. In our opinion, no future scientific or
philosophic discussion of the mind-brain problem can be fully responsible,
intellectually, without taking these challenging data into account. We refer
readers back to the quotation from Myers with which we began this chapter,
and to the challenge that he issued over a century ago. Only when research
ers approach the study of NDEs and their associated physiological condi
tions with this question firmly in mind will we progress in our understanding
of NDEs beyond the sorts of ill-founded neuroscientific and psychological
speculations that abound in the contemporary literature. Similarly, how
ever, only when neuroscientists and psychologists examine current models
of mind in light of NDEs and related phenomena such as those discussed in
this chapter will we progress in our understanding of consciousness and its
relation to brain.
Chapter 7
424-Chapter 7
"the world of mind is shown as something infinitely more complex than was
suspected" (p. 14). James explicitly characterizes Myers as the leader of this
expansionist movement: "Through him for the first time, psychologists are
in possession of their ful l material, and mental phenomena are set down in
an adequate inventory" (p. l 6). Moreover, Myers was more than just a prodi
gious collector; he had shown a Darwin-like genius for organizing and coor
dinating this mass of material in service of what James regarded as the first
serious scientific attempt to delineate the constitution of this transmarginal
or subliminal background of the mind. This problem-henceforward to be
known as "the problem of Myers "-"still awaits us as the problem of far the
deepest moment for our actual psychology, whether his own tentative solu
tions of certain parts of it be correct or not" (p. 1 8).
Chapter 2 presented a general account of Myers's theory, but here we
will concentrate in much greater detail on just one of the empirical topics
that Myers himself dealt with explicitly-genius. This topic, we will argue,
provides another important arena within which Myers's views, when revis
ited in light of the much larger body of relevant evidence available today,
can be recognized as preferable in a variety of ways to the alternatives that
mainstream psychological theory and research have so far provided.
Genius is obviously a topic of great human interest and significance,
to all of us as individuals and to civilization as a whole. It also seems self
evident, as Wind's principle and our first epigraph suggest, that a cogni
tive science capable of accommodating the fully-developed phenomena of
genius would be capable a fortiori of accommodating cognitive phenomena
in general. However, despite this seemingly crucial importance of genius as
a kind of benchmark and navigational aid for progress in scientific psychol
ogy, its treatment to date for the most part reflects the general history of
20th-century psychology, as summarized in our Introduction, and has been
anything but satisfactory or illuminating.
In the first four decades following the rise of Watson's radical behavior
ism, for example, the mainstream American psychological literature was
practically devoid of relevant studies. In his landmark Presidential Address
to the American Psychological Association J. P. Guilford ( 1950) reported
that only 186 of the roughly 1 2 1 ,000 entries in Psychological Abstracts up to
that date had addressed this vital topic. Guilford bemoaned this "appall
ing" neglect, and his challenge provoked a modest increase in research
output which has continued and even slowly intensified up to the present.
Nevertheless, even now such research represents a relatively tiny and spe
cialized sub-field of psychology. Moreover, by far the greatest proportion of
research to date has been carried out in the framework of Guilford's own
psychometric tradition, dating back to Galton and Binet, which revolves
mainly around measurement of "divergent thinking," "fluency," "flexibil
ity," puzzle-solving behaviors, and the like, typically in student volunteers.
We do not wish to disparage unduly the modern research tradition, and
we hasten to add that it includes many other threads, such as the early work
of Gestalt psychologists on "insight," psychoanalytic investigations of "pri-
mary process" thinking, and detailed studies of life history and personality
characteristics in demonstrably productive individuals, some of which we
will touch upon later.
For purposes of this introduction, however, the important bottom-line
fact is that even to many of its practitioners, not to mention outside observ
ers such as ourselves, modern "creativity" research appears mired, overall,
in a rather dismal state. A number of the contributors to the recent Hand
book of Creativity (R. 1. Sternberg, 1 999)-the explicit goal of which was
"to provide the most comprehensive, definitive, and authoritative single vol
ume review available in the field"-candidly acknowledge this sorry state
of affairs, which also is fully apparent in the most current state-of-the-art
review consulted by us (Runco, 2004). In effect, we suggest, the study of
the real thing-"genius"-has largely degenerated in modern times into the
study of diluted cognates such as "creativity" or even "talent," which hap
pen to be relatively accessible to the more "objective" means of investigation
currently favored by most investigators.
Myers consciously and deliberately took an approach targeted through
out to genius in its fullest expressions-what "the highest minds have
bequeathed to us as the heritage of their highest hours" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 120).
We will show that by means of this approach, honoring Wind's principle,
Myers produced an account of genius which anticipates to a remarkable
degree most of what has been best in more recent work, while also accom
modating various unusual phenomena, such as psychological automatisms
and secondary streams of consciousness, altered states of consciousness,
unusual forms of symbolic thinking, and psi, that are inescapably bound
up with this topic but scarcely touched upon in contemporary mainstream
accounts. His views also have been confirmed at various important points
by more recent empirical and theoretical investigations, and they have
important implications for the further evolution of scientific psychology
more generally.
To substantiate these claims we will present Myers's account of genius
in considerable detail, situating it as we proceed with respect to the main
relevant trends in more recent psychological research. Our presentation is
necessarily telegraphic and selective, for the existing literature on "creativ
ity," though but a tiny proportion of the psychology literature as a whole,
harbors something upwards of 10,000 papers and books; our purpose is not
to survey this enormous literature comprehensively, but to advance and
defend a particular point of view.
than its siblings, and lacks an appendix. Yet there can be no doubt that
it both illustrates and provides support for some of Myers's most central
and deeply-felt convictions regarding the subliminal realm and its role in
human mental life . His chapter on genius is itself a work of genius, so full
of bold and challenging observations and speculations that it will require
the balance of our present chapter and all of the next to do it reasonably
full justice.
Myers begins by setting forth the general character of his conception of
genius. In his previous chapter he had characterized hysteria as a disinte
grative or "dissolutive" process involving loss of control of normally supra
liminal elements of the personality. Genius for Myers presents the opposite
situation. Specifically, in genius an increased "strength and concentration of
the inward unifying control" (HP, vol. 1, p. 70) results in enhanced coordi
nation and integration of the supraliminal and subliminal phases of person
ality. In effect genius stands in relation to ordinary personality roughly as
ordinary personality itself stands in relation to hysteria. Genius represents
the evolution of personality toward a more ideal form of psychic function
ing, and therefore toward a truer standard of "normality."
In taking this position Myers directly opposed a sizeable cadre of writ
ers including Max Nordau, John Nisbet, and Cesare Lombroso, who at that
time were busily engaged in deflating "genius" by characterizing it as noth
ing more than a form or manifestation of "degeneracy" or "madness" of one
or another supposedly well-understood type.'
Myers's basic response to this deflationary movement, then in full flood,
incisively encapsulates the main features of his own very different view (HP,
vol. 1 , p. 71):
On this point I shall join issue; and I shall suggest, on the other hand, that
Genius-if that vaguely used word is to receive anything like a psychologi
cal definition-should rather be regarded as a power of utilising a wider
range than other men can utilise of faculties in some degree innate in all;
a power of appropriating the results of subliminal mentation to subserve
the supraliminal stream of thought;-so that an "inspiration of Genius"
will be in truth a subliminal uprush, an emergence into the current of ideas
which the man is consciously manipulating of other ideas which he has
not consciously originated, but which have shaped themselves beyond his
will, in profounder regions of his being. I shall urge that there is here no
real departure from normality; no abnormality, at least in the sense of
degeneration; but rather a fulfilment of the true norm of man, with sug
gestions, it may be, of something supernormal;-of something which tran-
What the poet feels while he writes his poem i s a psychological fact in his
history; what his friends feel while they read it may be a psychological
fact in their history, but does not alter the poet's creative effort, which was
what it was, whether any one but himself ever reads his poem or no.
2. E. Taylor (1984, pp. 162-163) uses this very passage-almost verbatim and without iden
tifying it as Myers's-by way of characterizing Myers's theory of genius as the chief back
ground for James's final Lowell Lecture.
428-Chapter 7
3. Wallas identified the first three stages in an 1891 lecture by Helmholtz, on the occasion
of his 70th birthday, in which he described how his best scientific ideas had come to him, and
the fourth in the famous account by Poincare of some of his mathematical discoveries (see
Hadamard, 1 949, or Ghiselin, 1952). Hutch inson arrived at his formulation through study of
hundreds of accounts involving not only scientists and mathematicians but artists, musicians,
and Iiterateurs, mostly persons of lesser magnitude than Helmholtz and Poincare.
liminal, or that all that was subliminal was potentially "inspiration." (HP,
vol. 1 , p. 72)
4. Ellenberger ( 1 970, pp. 150, 314-318) specifically credits this term and concept to Myers
(although he uses the alternate spelling "mythopretic") and laments its general neglect by sub
sequent workers in dynamic psychiatry. A major exception is Myers's colleague and admirer
the Swiss psychologist Flournoy, whose studies of the medium Helene Smith we will come to
432-Chapter 7
Myers holds that the subliminal uprushes of genius belong to the more
general category of psychological automatisms (see our Chapter 5) and
therefore are inevitably associated not only with automatism itself but with
related phenomena such as mediumistic trance and kindred altered states of
consciousness. He develops this picture, characteristically, in stages.
Calculating Prodigies
Myers turns first to a discussion of "calculating boys," who for him
illustrate the essential psychological workings of higher forms of genius in a
usefully "diagrammatic," verifiable, and semi-quantitative form. 5 The scant
information then available in regard to some 1 5 such cases either previously
published or known to him personally was sufficient to reveal the affinity
of this "computative gift" to other phenomena of subliminal origin, such
as hallucinations, rather than to products of ordinary voluntary effort. For
example, despite its seemingly necessary connections with more general
mathematical knowledge and insight, it is distributed almost at random,
appearing among persons of ordinary or even extremely low intelligence as
well as in mathematical geniuses such as Gauss and Ampere. It also has a
"critical-period" aspect, tending to appear and disappear suddenly in child
hood, and if it disappears without being integrated into the general pattern
of voluntary skills, it usually leaves behind no memory whatsoever of the
processes involved. Most significantly, perhaps, among the dull prodigies it
usually operates in the apparent absence of steady conscious effort, or even
while the calculator is consciously occupied with other matters. The answer
simply appears, usually though not always visually, all at once and with no
trace of the steps or processes that led to it. Indeed, the calculator may not
even be able to grasp the elementary arithmetical operations that an ordi-
5. See also our Chapter I. Myers states clearly that he would rather have used illustrations
drawn from higher mathematics, were sufficient data available, and he appeals to mathemati
cians for accounts of the mental processes accompanying attainment of their highest results
(HP, vol. I, pp. 78-79). This may have precipitated a subsequent survey of mathematicians
carried out by Claparede and Flournoy, which in turn stimulated the famous account by
Poincare in 1904 of his inventive processes (see Hadamard, 1 949, pp. 10-1 1). Hadamard's own
book answers Myers's appeal more definitively, combining Poincare's account with a substan
tial number of others, and strikingly confirms Myers's general outlook.
nary person would use to solve, much more laboriously, the same problem.
Myers also noted that there was a possible hint of special involvement of the
right hemisphere in these phenomena, inasmuch as the two cases for which
relevant information was available showed a pronounced tendency toward
Myers's observations on prodigious but retarded calculators such as
Dase and Fuller have been sustained and generalized in the subsequent
century, primarily through further study of what is now called the "savant
syndrome," in which islands of considerable or sometimes spectacular abil
ity appear in the midst of otherwise generalized and profound disability.
A particularly valuable survey is that of Treffert ( 1989), who estimates that
something like 100 such "prodigious" cases of the sort that interested Myers
have so far been reported, of whom roughly one or two dozen, including
"the twins" of Sacks (1987), are currently living. In addition to prodigious
calculators, there have been prodigious mechanical, artistic, and especially
musical savants, all of whom characteristically display narrow but deep
attention coupled with extraordinary memory.6 Treffert speculatively links
the savant syndrome to hypothetical abnormalities in development and func
tional organization of memory and attentional systems in the savant brain,
and sensibly calls for anatomical and functional imaging studies (which to
our knowledge are just getting underway in earnest) to investigate these.
But in the end, echoing Penfield ( 1975), he acknowledges misgivings as to
whether the brain alone can provide the full answer. Both Treffert and Sacks
are skilled and caring clinicians with long and first-hand experience of the
savant syndrome, and both remain-appropriately, in our opinion-openly
awed by it. They also share with Myers a recognition of its deep connections
with the mystery of genius.
"Organic" Senses
Myers next presses on to consider more briefly some further instances
of apparent subliminal cooperation, instances which share with arithme
tic calculation the properties of definiteness and verifiability of result, but
which involve sensory phenomena of various sorts. His first examples con
cern "perceptions of a less specialized kind which underlie our more elabo
rate modes of cognizing the world around us"-specifically the sense of the
passage of time, and the sense of weight or muscular resistance, which rank
6. Various other kinds of supernormal abilities have also been reported in such individuals.
For example, when Sacks accidentally dropped a large box of matches on the floor, both twins
instantly perceived that there were I I I matches in all, and that this number is the product
of the prime numbers 37 and 3. According to Scripture ( 1 89 1 , pp. 20, 39-40), this unusual
capacity for immediate perceptual grasping of numerosity ("subitizing") is universal among
calculating prodigies. Dase, for example, could instantly determine the number of sheep in
a herd, or of books in a book-case, or of window-panes on the side of a large house. Yet for
most of us such judgments remain accurate only to something at best on the order of the
usual 7 ± 2 items (Mandler & Shebo, 1982; G. A. Miller, 1956). Rimland ( 1978, and personal
communication, November, 1 978) has also reported finding in his survey of savant-type skills
in early infantile autism a few cases in which recurrent spontaneous psi phenomena were
conspicuously present.
434-Chapter 7
"among the profoundest elements in our organic being" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 85).
He cites several cases, drawn mainly from "a sane and waking person" whose
acquaintance he had made, in which correct knowledge of some objective
state of affairs such as the time of day, or the weight of an animal hide,
had appeared spontaneously and in quasi-hallucinatory form, in advance
of verification and accompanied by a strong sense of conviction. Myers sug
gests that such occurrences are best explained as the result of some sort of
subliminal calculation, analogous to those of arithmetical prodigies, rather
than to any sort of direct or supernormal knowledge.
Hypnotism provides many further analogies to the process of sub
liminal uprush in genius, as Myers ( l 898b) had himself argued earlier in
an address to the British Medical Association. When a deeply hypnotized
girl produces the suggested hallucination of a black cat, for example, she
reveals a degree of creativity comparable to that of her dreams but normally
unavailable to her waking consciousness. Thus, comments Myers, "as the
Sistine Madonna was to Raphael, so to the hypnotized girl is the delusive
cat." Additional examples are provided by successful posthypnotic sugges
tions, in which the suggested thoughts or actions emerge into consciousness
or behavior, suddenly and involuntarily, upon the appearance of a prespeci
fied but consciously forgotten cue. Of special interest among these in the
present connection are cases in which the "cue" consists in the passage of
a specified amount of time. Careful work by Myers's colleagues Gurney,
Delboeuf, and especially Bramwell had shown that in deeply hypnotizable
subjects this sense of the passage of time can sometimes reach astonishing
levels of precision, with errors on the order of one part in 2000 or better
over intervals of many thousands of minutes.7 McDougall (191 111961, pp.
353-354) comments favorably on this work, and mentions in a footnote that
he had himself encountered the same phenomenon-interestingly enough,
in a highly hypnotizable subject who had also proven capable of producing
blisters and extravasation of blood from the skin. McDougall further points
out that this phenomenon poses a severe challenge to any attempted expla
nation based on unconscious monitoring of physiological rhythms, because
"we know of no bodily rhythm sufficiently constant to serve as the basis of
so accurate an appreciation of duration as would have enabled the subject
to carry out the suggestion with the high degree of accuracy shown" (p.
353). To our limited knowledge of research on biorhythms, this argument
remains valid today, but little further work, unfortunately, appears to have
been carried out along these lines.8
7. Myers gives a condensed account of this work in his chapter on hypnotism (HP, vol. I,
pp. 194-195, plus supporting appendices), but a much fuller account, including descriptions
of the precautions against various potential sources of error, appears in Bramwell (1903, pp.
1 14-139).
8. There may also be an "absolute" time-sense, analogous to the well-known sense of abso
lute or perfect pitch which is common in the musically gifted (though neither necessary nor
sufficient for high achievement) and apparently universal among musical savants (Treffert,
1 989). One of us (EFK), as a teenager, was briefly acquainted with a younger boy, in other
respects ordinary, who always somehow "knew," with startlingly small error, what time it
Hallucinatory Syndromes
Myers turns next to Sir John Herschel, the former royal astronomer,
for an example of subliminal products of visual type. Herschel, it turns out,
was subject to vivid and kaleidoscopic visual imagery of a highly regular
and geometric sort. This imagery occurred involuntarily, usually when he
was lying awake in darkness (though twice in broad daylight and twice also
in conjunction with chloroform anesthesia for minor surgeries), and was
not accompanied by illness or discomfort. Herschel himself had interpreted
these hallucinatory phenomena as providing "evidence of a thought, an
intelligence, working within our own organization distinct from that of our
own personality" (HP, vol. 1, p. 88). Myers agreed, viewing them as expres
sions of an "indwelling general perceptive power" which we all have, and
credited Herschel with having thus originated at least in germ his own more
comprehensive theory of subliminal consciousness.
Contemporary research on hallucinatory syndromes lends support
to Myers's conception, although the situation now looks more complex
and interesting. To begin, Herschel himself can now be recognized as a
migraineur, one of the roughly 1% of the total population who experience
migraine aura without accompanying headache (Sacks, 1 999, chap. 17;
Wilkinson, 2004). Second, "geometrical spectres" like those of his migraine
aura are now known to occur under a wide variety of additional circum
stances including in particular "hypnagogic" or "twilight" states at sleep
onset and offset, the intoxications produced by various hallucinogenic sub
stances such as mescaline and LSD, psychotic breakdowns, fever-induced
delirium, stroboscopic visual stimulation at critical frequencies, and sen
sory deprivation (Kluver, 1 966; Sacks, 1 999; Siegel, 1 977).
The most primitive or elementary forms of such activity typically
involve single or multiple points or spots of light, possibly colored, that may
organize progressively into a variety of characteristic and simple geome
tries. Drawing mainly upon his own studies with mescaline, Kluver (1 966,
p. 66) identified the principal building blocks, or "hallucinatory form con
stants," from which more complicated imagery might subsequently evolve.
In his original analysis these were just four in number: (1) gratings, lattices,
fretworks, filigrees, honeycombs, or chessboards; (2) cobwebs; (3) tunnels,
funnels, alleys, cones, or vessels; and (4) spirals.9
The central impulse of mainstream reductionist science, exemplified
with particular clarity in the cases of migraine aura (Sacks, 1 999; Wilkin
son, 2004) and hypnagogic imagery (Mavromatis, 1 987; D. Schacter, 1976),
has always been to "explain" these recurrent formal characteristics of visual
hallucinatory experience as direct expressions in consciousness of events,
was. Treffert (1 989, pp. 97-98) describes two similar cases, one involving "Ellen," a blind
musical savant who also displayed spontaneous ESP abilities.
9. Kliiver himself was not entirely clear or consistent about this classification, which seems
to us somewhat arbitrary, and Siegel ( 1977) and colleagues, working mainly with psychoac
tive drugs, subsequently identified additional/arm constants as well as a variety of color and
movement constants. These details need not concern us here, however.
436-Chapter 7
10. For further details see Sacks (1999) and Wilkinson (2004).
I I . Sacks's own worries remain at the level of Kliiver's form-constants, and he seeks to
ameliorate them by appealing to the modern vogue of non-linear dynamic systems, conceived
as operating within the visual system itself to produce more global forms of self-organized
activity that are not so closely tied to the hard-wired cortical architecture and thus might
capture the required properties. This approach barely begins to address the real complexities
of the problem, as indicated in the text, and even on its own narrower terms the simulation
results provided by Sacks are hardly very encouraging. The results of Bressloff et al. (2001)
are far more impressive, and yet these authors explicitly acknowledge various limitations of
their model.
438-Chapter 7
12. The success rate of the Ganzfeld might actually prove much higher, we surmise, ifatten
tion were confined more narrowly to those subjects and conditions that produce altered states
of consciousness with hypnagogic-like, vivid, and autonomous visual imagery, as contrasted
with more ordinary forms of free-associative thought. Much of what goes on under conven
tional short-term Ganzfeld conditions is almost certainly of the latter type, as indicated both
by the character of typical mentation reports and by the EEG studies of Wackermann, Piitz,
Biichi, Strauch, and Lehmann (2002). See also Alvarado (1998).
440-Chapter 7
Automatisms in Genius
Myers turns next to his main topic, the natural history of inspiration
itself-"the records, namely, left by eminent men as to the element of sub
conscious mentation, which was involved in their best work" (HP, vol. I, p.
89). We will recapitulate the main threads of his exposition, departing for
reasons of expository convenience from strictly textual order and emphasiz
ing points of special theoretical significance to Myers. As we proceed, we
will also attempt to show how his overall picture of genius has been cor
roborated and extended through various lines of subsequent research and
Myers begins by briefly quoting 10 typical illustrations of the auto
matic character of inspiration, selecting these from a much larger number
of records obtained by Paul Chabaneix, a French physician, through direct
inquiry with eminent contemporary artists, philosophers, and writers. Two
points are immediately noteworthy here: First, Myers explicitly declined to
make use of similar material that had been collected on a much larger scale,
but in a far less disciplined manner, by von Hartmann in his then-popular
book, Philosophy of the Unconscious, a work which Myers bluntly charac
terizes as "to me especially distasteful, as containing what seems to me the
loose and extravagant parody of important truth" (HP, vol. 1, p. 89). Sec
ond, and more importantly, the basic phenomenological picture that Myers
seeks to convey here has been confirmed and amplified in many subsequent
Ghiselin's introductory essay provides a particularly thoughtful,
insightful, and concise descriptive account of the creative process, based
on first-person reports of creative activity in a wide variety of fields. His
account is also highly consistent with Myers's as far as it goes, though lack
ing Myers's more richly elaborated conception of subliminal operations,
and was arrived at independently, making the confirmation of Myers's gen
eral outlook even more striking. In regard to automatism, Ghiselin (1952)
could hardly be more definite:
Thus for Ghiselin as for Myers the essence of genius is unusually effec
tive cooperation between supraliminal and subliminal elements of the per
sonality. Neither is sufficient by itself to support the highest forms of creative
achievement. Skilled and persistent voluntary effort is almost invariably
necessary, both to initiate and shape the subliminal work and to evaluate
its products, the materials delivered to waking consciousness in moments of
inspiration. But persons of genius throughout history have testified consis
tently that such moments were the characteristic and essential accompani
ment of their best work.
These moments often reach extreme levels of phenomenological impres
siveness. Material may suddenly appear that is surprising, unfamiliar, even
strange, flowing with extraordinary ease and copiousness, accompanied
by intense affect and excitement, and in the absence of any feeling of per
sonal responsibility for what comes. Many examples of such events can be
found in the sources cited above, and we need not repeat them in profusion
here, but it is precisely in light of such extreme and unusual manifestations
that Myers seeks to establish the fundamental kinship between subliminal
uprushes of genius and other forms of psychological automatism.
Sleep and dreams provide a first sort of example, relatively close to ordi
nary experience. Myers pictures the genius as successfully coordinating the
waking and sleeping phases of his existence: "He is carrying into sleep the
knowledge and the purpose of waking hours;-and he is carrying back into
waking hours again the benefit of those profound assimilations which are
the privilege of sleep" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 90). Robert Louis Stevenson provides
the chief example here: In his well-known chapter on dreams in Across the
Plains, Stevenson describes how he progressively harnessed his abundant
dream-life in service of his writing. His "Brownies," the "little people" who
manage his internal theater,
442-Chapter 7
are near connections of the dreamer's, beyond doubt; they share in his
financial worries and have an eye to the bank-book; they share plainly
i n his training; . . . they have plainly learned like him to build the scheme
of a considerate story and to arrange emotion in progressive order; only
I think they have more talent; and one thing is beyond doubt;-they can
tell him a story piece by piece, like a serial, and keep him all the while in
ignorance of where they aim. (HP, vol. 1, p. 91)
One phenomenon is certain and I can vouch for its absolute certainty: the
sudden and immediate appearance of a solution at the very moment of
sudden awakening. On being very abruptly awakened by an external noise,
a solution long searched for appeared to me at once without the slightest
instant of reflection on my part-the fact was remarkable enough to have
struck me unforgettably-and in a quite different direction from any of
those which I had previously tried to follow. (p. 8) 1 5
1 5 . It is of interest, and will be relevant to subsequent discussion, that Hadamard had read
Myers and acknowledges (p. 22) that he himself was capable of automatic writing.
More generally, drawing not only upon his own experiences of mathemati
cal discovery but also upon extensive and direct interactions with many
other leading mathematicians and scientists, Hadamard declares that any
doubt as to the existence of unconscious work "can hardly arise" (p. 21).
Indeed, "strictly speaking, there is hardly any completely logical discovery.
Some intervention of intuition issuing from the unconscious is necessary at
least to initiate the logical work" (p. 1 1 2).
We jump now to section 327 of HP, in which Myers begins to develop
more fully the deep and overlapping interconnections among genius,
automatism, and trance. All, of course, involve subliminal influences upon
the supraliminal consciousness, but these can vary greatly in terms of their
intensity, the degree to which they alter the normal functioning of that
consciousness. Just as trance, when habitual, tends to engender automatic
writing or speech, and prolonged automatism tends to induce trance, the
subliminal uprushes of genius can be arranged in a hierarchy of increasing
involvement of these more extreme manifestations.
At the near or shallow end of this progression in depth is the momen
tary flash of inspiration, a brief automatism. Myers illustrates this with lines
from Wordsworth describing how "Some lovely image in the song rose up
/ Full-formed, like Venus rising from the sea," adding that "such a sudden
poetic creation, like the calculating boy's announcement of the product of
two numbers, resembles the sudden rush of planchette or pencil, in haste to
scrawl some long-wished-for word" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 04).
A transition from ordinary facility to something involving more signifi
cant contributions from the subliminal can sometimes be recognized in con
nection with improvisation. Myers first acknowledges the important contri
butions of memory and conventional rules or habits to ordinary musical or
oratorical improvisation, following lines quite similar to those subsequently
taken by Boden (1991) in regard to computer simulations of jazz improvisa
tion and the like. But in George Sand ordinary facility evolved into
He begins in an ordinary way, or with even more than the usual degree of
difficulty and distress in getting into his subject. Then gradually he begins
to feel the creation of a number of quasi-personalities within him;-the
characters of his play, who speak to him;-exactly as Dickens used to
describe Mrs. Gamp as speaking to him in church. These personages are
not clearly visible, but they seem to move round him in a scene-say a
house and garden-which he also dimly perceives, somewhat as we per
ceive the scene of a dream. He now no longer has the feeling of composi
tion, of creation, but merely of literary revision; the personages speak and
act for themselves, and even if he is interrupted while writing, or when he
is asleep at night, the play continues to compose itself in his head. Some
times while out shooting, &c., and not thinking of the play, he hears sen
tences rising within him which belong to a part of this play which he has
not yet reached. He believes that subliminally the piece has been worked
out to that further point already. M. de Curel calls these minor duplica
tions of personality a bourgeonnement or budding of his primary personal
ity;-into which they gradually, though not without some painful struggle,
re-enter after the play is finished. (HP, vol. 1 , p. 107)
He started doing this movement and that, showing the dancers what they
had to do. Then at a certain moment it became something much more than
just himself and his ideas. He started to work as a somnambulist, without
knowing what he was doing. And all this was quickly done, with the great
est assurance. When he finished, he would sit and ask the dancers to show
him what he had done, and he would seem to be very astonished. That is
what I call inspiration. (Teachout, 2004, pp. 1 8-19)
there would flow into my mind, with sudden and unaccountable emotion,
sometimes a line or two of verse, sometimes a whole stanza at once, accom
panied, not preceded, by a vague notion of the poem which they were des
tined to form part of. Then there would usually be a lull of an hour or so,
then perhaps the spring would bubble up again . . . .I happen to remember
distinctly the genesis of the piece which stands last in my first volume.
Two of the stanzas, I do not say which, came into my head, just as they
are printed, while I was crossing the corner of Hampstead Heath between
Spaniard's Inn and the footpath to Temple Fortune. A third stanza came
with a little coaxing after tea. One more was needed, but it did not come:
I had to turn to and compose it myself, and that was a laborious business.
I wrote it thirteen times, and it was more than a twelvemonth before I got
it right. (p. 91)
William Blake, who with Wallace Stevens was "an extremist of the
imagination" (Brann, 1 99 1 , p. 509), wrote his friend Butts that his prophetic
poem Milton was written "from immediate dictation, twelve or sometimes
twenty or thirty lines at a time, without premeditation and even against my
will. The time it has taken in writing was thus rendered non-existent, and
an immense poem exists which seems to be the labour of a long life, all pro
duced without labour or study. . .1 may praise it, since I dare not pretend to
Can any one at the end of this nineteenth century possibly have any dis
tinct notion of what poets of a more vigourous period meant by inspira
tion? I f not, I should like to describe it. Provided one has the slightest
remnant of superstition left, one can hardly reject completely the idea that
one is the mere incarnation, or mouthpiece, or medium of some almighty
power. The notion of revelation describes the condition quite simply; by
which I mean that something profoundly convulsive and disturbing sud
denly becomes visible and audible with indescribable definiteness and
exactness. One hears-one does not seek; one takes-one does not ask
who gives: a thought flashes out like lightning, inevitably without hesita-
16. Myers, like Brann ( 1991), regards Blake as an example of strong imagination insuf
ficiently controlled by supraliminal discipline: "Throughout all the work of William Blake (I
should say) we see the subliminal self flashing for moments into unity, then smouldering again
in a lurid and scattered glow" (HP, vol. 1, p. 73).
446-Chapter 7
tion-I have never had any choice about it. There is an ecstasy whose ter
rific tension is sometimes released by a flood of tears, during which one's
progress varies from involuntary impetuosity to involuntary slowness.
There is the feeling that one is utterly out of hand, with the most distinct
consciousness of an infinitude of shuddering thrills that pass through one
from head to foot;-there is a profound happiness in which the most pain
ful and gloomy feelings are not discordant in effect, but are required as
necessary colors i n this overflow of light. There is an instinct for rhythmic
relations which embraces an entire world of forms (length, the need for a
widely extended rhythm, is almost a measure of the force of inspiration, a
sort of counterpart to its pressure and tension). Everything occurs quite
without volition, as if in an eruption of freedom, independence, power and
divinity. The spontaneity of the images and similes is most remarkable;
one loses all perception of what is imagery and simile; everything offers
itself as the most immediate, exact, and simple means of expression. (pp.
have come suddenly upon me, and have insisted on being composed imme
diately, so that I have felt an instinctive and dreamy impulse to write them
down on the spot. In such a somnambulistic condition, it has often hap
pened that I have had a sheet of paper lying before me all aslant, and I have
not discovered it till all has been written, or I have found no room to write
any more. I have possessed many such sheets written diagonally. (p. 1 2)
[It] manifests itself in a manner which no one can mistake. The poet unac
countably finds himself dominated by something which absorbs his being
and excludes other interests from his mind. It is not easy to define exactly
what this is, but we may mark certain elements in it. Central to it is some
thing which may be called an idea, though in some ways it is too vague to
deserve the name. It has a powerful character and atmosphere of its own,
and though at first it is too indefinite for intellectual analysis, it imposes
itself on the poet with the majesty and authority of vision. Even if he does
not fully understand it, he feels it and almost sees it. (p. 4)
Genius in A utomatists
In the first instance it should be noted that considerable amounts of
"creativity" are necessarily involved in the production of characteristic
dissociative phenomena such as glove anesthesias, negative hallucinations
in hypnosis, and "alter" or "multiple" personalities formed in response to
overwhelming trauma. Philosopher Stephen Braude (2002) has shown with
particular clarity that such phenomena cannot be conceived in terms of
atomic mental states or contents that are statically segregated by fixed and
passive boundaries of some sort. Rather, successful maintenance of the dis
sociation requires continuous, active, adaptive-in short, creative-sub
liminal improvisation in response to the subject's ongoing and constantly
changing interactions with his environment. Mediumistic dramatizations
of deceased personalities also sometimes display (at minimum) remarkable
histrionic capacities, reproducing voice, tone, mannerisms, characteristic
turns of phrase, and other traits of the deceased with verisimilitude suffi
cient to convince even knowledgeable and critical sitters of their continuing
post-mortem existence.
Cases involving emergence of secondary personalities with character
istics superior to those of the primary personality are also relevant here.
One such case is that of Old Stump, described in Chapter 5. Another is de
Puysegur's patient Victor Race, suffering from an inflamed lung, who mani
fested when mesmerized a secondary personality remarkably more gifted
than Victor in his normal state: "Though ordinarily a simple and tongue
tied peasant, he would, in the somnambulic state, converse in a fluent and
17. Similar group dynamics have sometimes been observed, incidentally, in the production
of unusually strong psychokinetic effects (Batcheldor, 1984).
448-Chapter 7
that I must have slept because I notice that my fingers are covered with dif
ferent colours, and I do not remember at all to have used them. (p. 350)18
1 8 . Two additional cases of this type were reported by Osty ( l928a, 1 928b), both involving
pronounced aspects of automatism and trance.
450-Chapter 7
Non-Linguistic Symbolisms
In the next six pages, one of the most condensed and difficult but impor
tant parts of the chapter, Myers develops his central ideas: Subliminal men
tation is less closely bound than supraliminal mentation to language, either
ordinary spoken and written language or the specialized languages of sci
ence and mathematics; but it is not for that reason to be presumed inferior,
that it "in some way falls short of the standard implied in articulate speech"
(HP, vol . I, p. 98).
Myers clearly acknowledges the primacy of language as the privileged
means of ordinary communication. It is an absolute necessity of intellectual
life and the foundation of all civilization. But it is not the whole story: "There
is, however, no a priori ground for supposing that language will have the
power to express all the thoughts and emotions of man" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 99).
Indeed, the study of automatisms in general and the inspirations of genius
in particular reveal that other forms of symbolism become increasingly
important as we access deeper strata of the subliminal. There is a "hidden
habit of wider symbolism, of self-communion beyond the limits of speech"
that is better adapted to expression of "that pre-existent but hidden con
cordance between visible and invisible things, between matter and thought,
between thought and emotion, which the plastic arts, and music, and poetry
do each in their own special field discover and manifest for human wisdom
and joy" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 101).
Myers goes on in section 326 to make some extremely condensed and
penetrating remarks elaborating this basic conception with respect to
poetry, music, and the plastic arts in turn. We encourage interested readers
to savor thoughtfully these remarks, which anticipate in a remarkable way
attempts by later philosophers such as Brann (1991), Cassirer (1 955-1996),
Langer ( 1956), and Whitehead (1 938/1 968) to temper the linguistic obses
sions of modern analytic philosophy with an appreciation of non-discursive
or "presentational" modes of symbolism. Langer (1 956) says of music, for
example, that "there are certain aspects of the so-called 'inner life'-physi
cal or mental-which have formal properties similar to those of music-pat
terns of motion and rest, of tension and release, or agreement and disagree
ment, proportion, fulfillment, excitation, sudden change, etc." (p. 1 85). By
452-Chapter 7
19. We comment parenthetically that the conditions identified by Martindale are also asso
ciated with the hypnagogic state and its vivid, involuntary imagery, which commonly plays a
role in creative activity as noted above. More generally, his neurobiological observations are
also consistent with a Myers-like view in which global impairment of the normal supraliminal
mode of mind-brain operation can lead to proportional disinhibition or release of normally
inaccessible subliminal modes.
454-Chapter 7
20. See especially Coleridge ( 1 817/1967); good secondary sources here are Abrams (1958),
Brann (1991), Hill (1978), and I. A. Richards (1960). It seems certain that Myers would have
been intimately familiar with the original literature of this movement, and fully aware of its
deep affinities with the theory of genius he articulates in HP. Most fundamentally, perhaps,
for Coleridge as for Myers, the role of imagination in genius is secondary to its role as "the liv
ing Power and prime Agent of all human Perception" (Coleridge, 1 81711967, p. 167). For both,
that is, perception becomes imagination constrained by sensory input. It is also somewhat
ironic, even sad, that Coleridge is mainly cited by contemporary psychologists in connection
with his much-maligned stories regarding the composition of Kubla Khan in an opium dream.
He is of far greater importance to psychology, we think, as a theorist and exemplar of the
imagination (see also Lowes, 1927).
thinking.21 The same recognition lies at the core of the account by Koestler
(1 964) of creative inspiration as "bisociation," or association of ideas across
normally separate domains. Indeed, Koestler states flatly that "we find all
the bisociative patterns that I have discussed prominently displayed in the
dream" (p. 179).
These trends within neo-Freudian psychoanalytic thinking in regard
to primary process and creativity have been documented in many places,
including Erdelyi (1 985), Fromm ( 1978-1979), Kris (1 952), Kubie (1958),
Rapaport (1951), and Suler ( 1980). They coalesce around the concept of
"regression in service of the ego," introduced by Ernst Kris ( 1952). Stripped
of its heavy encrustation in the technical vocabulary of psychoanalysis, this
amounts essentially to voluntary, controlled exposure to the free play of
imagination (primary process) in service of adaptive purposes such as cre
ativity, wit, and humor (Schafer, 1 958). Clearly, this notion is substantially
congruent with Myers's general conception of genius as effecting greater
than normal cooperation between supraliminal and subliminal forms of
mentation. Kris's (1 952) conception of inspiration likewise is closely similar
to Myers's, except that his clinical perspective and experience compel him
to point out the associated psychological hazards as well: "Inspiration-the
'divine release from the ordinary ways of man,' a state of 'creative mad
ness' (Plato), in which the ego controls the primary process and puts it into
its service-need be contrasted with the opposite, the psychotic condition,
in which the ego is overwhelmed by the primary process" (p. 60). Koestler
(1 964, p. 659) speaks in very similar terms of genius as reaching deep under
ground sources of inspiration through a reculer pour mieux sauter, as con
trasted with pathological conditions representing a reculer sans sauter.
21. Not all mainstream psychologists agree, however. R. J. Sternberg and Lubart (1999), for
example, provide just a two-paragraph summary of psychoanalytic contributions, and then
dismiss the entire subject from further consideration, saying only that "although the psycho
dynamic approach may have offered some insights into creativity, psychodynamic theory was
not at the center of the emerging scientific psychology" (p. 6).
460-Chapter 7
in the Socrates (target) domain in such a way that Socrates bears the same
relationship to ideas as midwives do to babies (Holyoak & Thagard, 1989,
pp. 344-347). Boden (1991, p. 1 74) gushes over this result, characterizing it
as a step toward understanding what takes place in the mind of a human
reader of Shakespeare's famous passage in Macbeth about "sleep that knits
up the ravelled sleave of care," and Holyoak and Thagard (1995, p. 258)
thank her for her "fine overview" of their work on analogy.
We feel obliged to register our astonishment that anyone could take this
example, representative of many similar examples in the broader analogy
literature, so seriously. To us it seems utter caricature of real human under
standing, "explaining" nothing. We feel certain, too, that John Searle would
agree with this judgment, finding clear parallels to the hyperbole about
computer "story understanding" that originally provoked his critique of the
CTM, all of which applies here (Chapter I).
In this case, however, we can also call upon one further witness who is
even more important, because he differs from both Searle and ourselves in
sharing the basic philosophical commitments of the CTM, and has himself
worked extensively on the subject of analogy. We refer to computer scien
tist Douglas Hofstadter, who with his "Fluid Analogies Research Group"
(FARG) has tenaciously pursued a radically different and highly innovative
approach to analogy that is rooted in the study of "microdomains" such
as letter-string problems rather than "macro domain" or high-level analo
gies of the Socrates/midwife sort. Hofstadter and FARG ( 1995) provide not
only an illuminating history of their own efforts, packed with important
psychological and computational insights, but trenchant critiques of their
"real-world" competitors, including in particular SME and ACME, as well
as many other leading projects in cognitive psychology and artificial intel
ligence including scientific-discovery and story-writing programs.
We will mention here just a few of Hofstadter's most telling criticisms
of SME and ACME, which are also the ones most important for our own
purposes. First, these "real-world" approaches essentially bypass the cru
cial issue as to how concepts or representations are acquired or constructed
in the first place, leaving it to the designers to provide all the necessary
"knowledge" in precisely the right form. Both systems lack the dynamic
flexibility of human cognition and depend too strongly on the detailed struc
ture of the representations provided them in advance. Hofstadter wonders,
appropriately, what would happen if these "source" and "target" knowl
edge representations were coded independently by different persons. Most
importantly, and like many other AI projects, SME and ACME engender
a strong "Eliza" effect (Weizenbaum, 1 976)-that is, an atmosphere of
meaningfulness which depends strongly upon the use of English-like words
and expressions in their representational notations. Such notations, even if
intended simply as mnemonic aids, covertly engage the semantic capabili
ties of designers or observers of the system and encourage them to project
these capabilities into the system itself (the homunculus problem; Chapter
1). But, Hofstadter argues, SME and ACME are in reality "hollow," seman
tically empty; they know nothing about Socrates, midwifery, or anything
else, and operate entirely syntactically, in terms of the forms employed in
the notation. To underscore this last point Hofstadter suggests replacing the
English-like words and expressions of the original notation with letters or
numbers. In that case everything would work exactly as before, except that
the specious atmosphere of meaningfulness would be dispelled.22
Hofstadter's critique of these high-level analogy programs, in our opin
ion, is fair, thorough, and devastating. We wish only to add one further point
related specifically to ARCS, the program for retrieving suitable analogs of
a given word from long-term memory. Both Boden (1991, p. 174) and Holy
oak and Thagard ( 1995, p. 252) make much of the fact that ARCS utilizes
information from WordNet, an electronic thesaurus of English developed
independently at Princeton by George Miller and colleagues (Miller, Beck
with, Fellbaum, Gross, & Miller, 1990). Boden in particular suggests that
ARCS thereby gains access to a significant part of the conceptual system
underlying English, but this suggestion needs to be carefully qualified. As
Miller and Fellbaum (1991, pp. 200-201) made clear, WordNet is not "con
structive" but merely "differential": It explicitly labels a variety of semantic
properties of entries and semantic relations that hold between entries, but it
does not attempt to represent the meanings of entries directly; rather, it sim
ply provides brief definitions ("glosses") sufficient to allow fluent speakers
of English to identify meanings which they are presumed already to possess .
Although WordNet helps ARCS retrieve words semantically related to a
target word, it does so syntactically, by virtue of the labels provided, and has
no understanding of word meanings themselves.
If meaning cannot successfully be captured by standard forms of high
level symbolic cognitive architecture, how then are we to deal with it? Hof
stadter believes that he has the answer, and that his approach, radically dif
ferent, ratifies the fundamental connectionist faith that "human cognitive
phenomena are emergent statistical effects of a large number of small, local,
and distributed sub cognitive effects with no global executive" (Hofstadter
& FARG, 1 995, p. 291). Abandoning the forlorn hopes of those who attempt
to get at high-level semantics directly, Hofstadter turns instead to a variety
of microdomains in which, he believes, all the essential features of human
cognition are present, but in more tractable form. His goal, as the book's
22. This same exercise, incidentally, was suggested by E. F. Kelly ( 1 975, p. 72) as a way to
strip the "semantic markers" of 1. 1. Katz and Fodor ( 1964) of their atmosphere of telegraphic
464-Chapter 7
23. On pp. 291-295 Hofstadter makes some especially interesting remarks concerning
the position of Copycat's computational architecture with respect to that of conventional
symbolic and connectionist models. It is not a hybrid or mixture of these, but intermedi
ate between the two. Most importantly, it embodies a fundamental operational distinction
between types (the Platonic constituents of the slipnet) and tokens (their instances in the work
space), a distinction which Hofstadter believes is essential to all cognitive activity but cannot
be captured by conventional connectionist models. His arguments here are in fact strikingly
parallel to those of 1. Fodor (2001), who has abandoned the CTM altogether.
24. It is a bit ironic, in this light, that despite his own earlier warnings about the Eliza
effect in high-level analogy programs, Hofstadter himself begins talking ever more loosely
about Copycat as "seeing," "knowing," "judging," "understanding," "focusing its attention,"
"believing," and so on. On the other hand, it is no surprise that he loathes the "biochauvin
ism" of philosophers such as John Searle (p. 290) and that he applauds the linguistic achieve
ments of Terry Winograd's SHRDLU without mentioning Winograd's subsequent defection
from AI (p. 3 1 1 ; see also our Chapter 1).
466-Chapter 7
25. To describe this activity, of course, is not to explain it. Common to all recent attempts by
cognitive psychologists to explain it, from Tversky ( 1 977) to the real-world analogy theorists,
is the idea that we can structure the representations of the relevant concepts and things in
such a way that their "similarity" is intrinsic and can be directly computed from properties of
those representations themselves. Formidable difficulties stand in the way of any such proj
ect, however, as shown in particular by philosophers such as McClendon ( 1 955) and Good
man ( 1972). As Goodman summarizes his results, "similarity tends under analysis either to
vanish entirely or to require for its explanation just what it purports to explain" (p. 446). For
a notable recent attempt to find a way through these difficulties, see Goldstone (1994); but see
also our Chapter I and below.
468-Chapter 7
despite the efforts of the early Gestalt psychologists (Mayer, 1 995, 1999)
present-day cognitive science remains very far from solving them. We can
again only concur with Hofstadter when he says candidly that "though few
seem to recognize or admit it, ours is a field still searching for its founda
tions" (Hofstadter & FARG, 1 995, p. 376). For related discussion see Chap
ters 1 , 4, and 9.
Let us now try to summarize this long discussion of "incommensura
bility," all of it precipitated by Myers's trenchant comments on differences
between supraliminal and subliminal forms of mentation. Recent decades
have witnessed a welcome renewal of interest among mainstream psycholo
gists in topics such as imagery, analogy, and metaphor that are deeply inter
twined with the psychology of genius. In regard to analogy in particular,
serious attempts have been made to account for routine "real-world" forms
of the phenomenon using conventional cognitive formalisms, but despite
claims to the contrary these attempts have produced little if any real prog
ress. The unconventional "micro domain" approach of Hofstadter and
FARG (1995) has fared little better, although it is in many ways more inter
esting. Meanwhile, it has also become evident that the aspects or properties
of cognition that make these mid-level problems so intractable in computa
tionalist terms reach not only upward, to the even more difficult phenomena
associated with genius, but downward, to the most mundane forms of every
day cognition. In consonance with Wind's principle, an adequate cognitive
psychology of genius will surely accommodate the psychology of everyday
cognition, but a truly adequate psychology of everyday cognition is prob
ably not attainable without it.
In this light, more intensive investigation of the cognitive character
of subliminal contributions to genius-level creativity is certainly needed.
Older psychological theories of creative inspiration, such as those of the
various psychoanalysts, as well as E. F. Kelly (1962) and Koestler ( 1964),
have grappled more directly with these core phenomena, descriptively, but
fall short of explaining them in a satisfying way. All, significantly, share
one central theoretical commitment, which is to seek explanations of cre
ative inspiration entirely in terms of regression to developmentally prior or
more "primitive" forms of symbolic activity that persist alongside the more
advanced, adult, reality-oriented forms associated with ordinary language.
Myers has a different and more radical idea: For him, that "something of
strangeness" and the sheer complexity as well as the prodigious memory and
speed of mental operations displayed by calculating boys, by automatists
such as Helene Smith and Patience Worth, and by major inspirations of
genius, all point to something which transcends ordinary forms of cognition
rather than simply preceding them developmentally. We will return to this
theme shortly.
470-Chapter 7
Any theory of the creative process entails consequences for a theory of cre
ative personality, and Myers's unusually rich conception of inspiration as
subliminal uprush entails a correspondingly rich variety of implications
regarding personality structure, both in geniuses themselves and in human
ity at large. His views in this area again not only correctly anticipate the
main trends in subsequent research, but in some cases point significantly
beyond them.
26. This is particularly true, we should point out, given the excessive latitude of Lombro
so's criteria for "eccentricity." These are sometimes bizarre by modern diagnostic standards,
including things such as short stature, odd physiognomy or skull shape, left-handedness,
leanness, rickets, and excessive yawning. His procedures also share with those of modern
investigators such as Jamison ( 1993) a problem of circularity due to direct overlap between
features of creativity itself and features supposedly diagnostic of the form of psychopathol-
ogy with which it is being compared. For Lombroso, for example, "eccentricity" is also indi
cated by characteristics such as word-coining, originality, and flights of imagination.
27. Compare this statement by Charles Lamb from his remarkable three-page essay "San
ity of True Genius": "The ground of the mistake is, that men, finding in the raptures of the
higher poetry a condition of exaltation, to which they have no parallel in their own experi
ence, besides the spurious resemblance of it in dreams and fevers, impute a state of dreami
ness and fever to the poet. But the true poet dreams being awake. He is not possessed by his
subject but has dominion over it" (E. V. Lucas, 1 903, pp. 1 8 7-1 89).
472-Chapter 7
mental and quantitative studies of various types. We will next briefly survey
some highlights of this large literature.
The clinical side of things was of course at first mainly in the custody
of the Freudian school of psychodynamic theorists, which to a consider
able extent followed the degeneracy theorists in emphasizing regressive,
unconsciously determined, and seemingly pathological aspects of genius
to the exclusion of those aspects of rational, conscious control that Myers
and James recognized as equally fundamental to success of the creative
enterprise. Freud himself was profoundly ambivalent toward genius and the
imagination, greatly admiring them but deeply suspicious of their origins
(Storr, 1972). Creative imagination, like the dream, was viewed by Freud
as substitute gratification, the disguised expression of unacceptable wishes
and impulses. Behind it all there is nothing but a deep inability to confront
"reality." Leonardo da Vinci, for example, was characterized by Freud as a
repressed homosexual who sublimated his unacceptable urges into scientific
curiosity and the production of great works of art. Of course there is little
if any historical evidence that Leonardo himself was a closet homosexual,
and there have certainly been a great many repressed homosexuals, but few
Leonardos. Freud was apparently undeterred by such considerations, how
ever, and legions of his disciples followed his example, producing specula
tive accounts of wildly varying plausibility of the neurotic origins of various
great works of art and literature (see, e.g., W. Phillips, 1 957). These psycho
analytic accounts mainly addressed supposed neurotic conflicts of creative
geniuses in relation to the thematic content of their works, for as Freud
himself had acknowledged in his study of Leonardo, the creative act itself
remained unexplained.
We have already described in relation to the creative process how ortho
dox Freudian theory gradually gave way to reformists such as Kris (1952)
and Kubie ( 1958), who adopted views much closer to those of Myers and
James. Kubie's conception of the "preconscious" in particular has a great
deal in common with Myers's conception of the subliminal; it is the home
of imagination, and the vital source of creativity and dreams, rich in affec
tively loaded symbolism, analogy, and imagery. While retaining Freud's
conception of a truly inaccessible dynamic unconscious which harbors
actively repressed and unacceptable wishes and urges, Kubie ( 1958) treats
this as the source not of creativity itself, as in Freud's view, but of limitations
and distortions in an otherwise healthy psychological process: In a nutshell,
"neurosis corrupts, mars, distorts, and blocks creativeness in every field"
(p. 142). Correspondingly, the creative person is one who enj oys an unusual
degree of conflict-free intimacy with preconscious processes, and who thus
for Kubie as for Myers is a model of psychological health. Closely similar
views in regard to art and neurosis were expressed from the point of view of
literary theory in an excellent essay by Lionel Trilling (1 953).
The psychoanalytic concept of "neurosis" of course corresponds to
relatively mild forms of "insanity" or "madness" as understood by the
1 9th-century degeneracy theorists. As psychiatry advanced and its diagnos-
[Lowell] had in awesome abundance the poet's first gift for surrender
to those energies of language that heave to the fore matter that will not
be otherwise summoned, or that might be otherwise suppressed. Under
the ray of his concentrati:m, the molten stuff of the psyche ran hot and
unstanched. But its final form was as much beaten as poured, the cool
ing ingot was assiduously hammered. A fully human and relentless intel
ligence was at work upon the pleasuring quick of the creative act. He was
and will remain a pattern for poets in this amphibiousness, this ability to
plunge into the downward reptilian welter of the individual self and yet
raise himself with whatever knowledge he gained there out on the hard
ledges of the historical present. (Jamison, 1 993, p. 99)
28. Compare Barron (1958, p. 164). Much of the extensive research that Jamison cites in
this connection derives from Frank Barron and the Institute for Personality Assessment and
Research (IPAR). Interestingly enough, Barron ( 1969, preface) has revealed that his transi
tion from philosophy to psychology was spurred by reading Myers's Human Personality in
combination with James's Principles, and that this experience profoundly influenced all of his
subsequent work.
29. Jamison (1993, pp. 105-1 1 3) identifies two principal characteristics which connect the
thinking that occurs during this period with imagination as conceived by Myers, James, and
Coleridge, among others: First, its extreme fluency, speed, and flexibility; second, its formal
properties, including unusual forms of categorization and combination, merging of percepts,
ideas, and images, highly original associations and analogies, and elevated mood. For her
prime illustration of these characteristics, interestingly, she turns to Coleridge.
The brunt of our effort so far has been devoted to showing that Myers's
central conception of genius as successful cooperation between supraliminal
and subliminal forms of mentation has been strongly confirmed by subse
quent research, and that this has significant ramifications even for contem
porary mainstream cognitive science. This is by no means the whole story,
however, for his theory of genius as described so far is embedded within a
more comprehensive theoretical framework that pushes the envelope of cur
rent mainstream thinking about both genius itself and human personality
in general even further (Chapter 2). We will conclude by sketching these
even more challenging features of his theory of genius.
For Myers, as we have said, genius is "evolutive," in contrast to the "dis
solutive" phenomena associated with hysteria and other mental disorders.
He was profoundly influenced by Darwin, and strove to remain broadly
consistent with Darwin's evolutionary outlook while accommodating the
special facts being brought to light by psychical research. Myers portrays
genius as the norm of the future, representing a condition of improved psy
chic integration. The genius thus stands for him among the vanguard on an
evolutionary track which humanity as a whole is pursuing, a track that leads
"in the direction of greater complexity in the perceptions which he forms of
things without, and of greater concentration in his own will and thought,
in that response to perceptions which he makes from within" (HP, vol. 1 , pp.
77-78). This evolution, moreover, consists "not only of gradual self-adapta
tion to a known environment, but of discovery of an environment, always
For Myers, the essential link between genius and madness is that they
both reflect, in their differing ways, a "perturbation which masks evolu
tion," an instability caused by the evolving dynamic interplay between
supraliminal and subliminal modes of mentation. Genius, however, effects
fuller "co-operation of the submerged with the emergent self" (HP, vol. I ,
p. 96), and in this way i t expresses a nisus (striving or drive) toward greater
psychic integration or wholeness that Myers sees as a fundamental property
of human nature. Thus, he says, the waking personality "will endeavor to
attain an ever completer control over the resources of the personality, and
it will culminate in what we term genius when it has unified the subliminal
as far as possible with the supraliminal in its pursuit of deliberate waking
ends" (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 52). Genius, in short, draws upon hidden resources of
the Self or Individuality in service of a more flourishing conscious life.
Expressions of such a nisus can be discerned in all the various forms
and levels of creative activity described above. It can be mobilized, for
example, in the treatment of cases of secondary personality (MPD/DID; see
our Chapter 5). Thus, Victor Race eventually began to take on the superior
qualities of his secondary personality, and early investigators such as Janet
and Binet came to understand more generally that their patients' multiple
selves represented opportunities for re-integration, healing, and enlarge
ment of the waking personality. Similar positions have been reached by
two thoughtful contemporary students of MPD, Stephen Braude (1995) and
Adam Crabtree ( 1985), from their distinctive vantage points in philosophy
of mind and clinical practice, respectively. Crabtree ( 1985) specifically rec-
478-Chapter 7
ommends that the goal of therapy in such cases should be "to assist the
creation of a full-blown personality that embodies mixed elements already
existing within the individual in a disorganized way" (p. 225).
Similar integrative tendencies can often be seen at work in the related
but more benign domain of mediumistic creativity. The highly functional
Helene Smith, for example, said of herself that "I have never been so clear
sighted, so lucid, so capable of judging rapidly on all points, as since I have
been developed as a medium" (HP, vol. 2 , p. 1 31). No one disputed these
observations, according to Myers, and his colleague Flournoy, who studied
her extensively, went even further, declaring that those who have looked into
mediumship most deeply "see in it a faculty superior, advantageous, healthy,
of which hysteria is a form of degenerescence, a pathological parody, a mor
bid caricature" (HP, vol. 2, p. 1 32). Prince (1927/1964) responded in similar
fashion to Professor Cory's characterization of Pearl Curran as "disinte
grated," noting that "to all appearances, and judging by her ability to meet
the crises and tests of life, she is splendidly integrated" (p. 462). Indeed,
Prince continues, "since somehow remarkable literature has resulted, and
according to all testimony her own mentality has been improved and her
life made happier and more effective since the arrival of 'Patience Worth',
it seems a pity that we cannot start an epidemic of disintegration." We gen
erally agree with these sentiments, and we deplore the fact that the scien
tific study of trance mediumship, so ably begun by persons of the stature of
Myers, James, Flournoy, Prince, and others has been so neglected in more
recent times. The psychology and neurophysiology of trance mediumship,
and its impact on the development of personality, cries out for further inves
tigation using modern research tools.30
A drive toward integration is also observable among creative persons
suffering from various forms of overt psychopathology. Even WolfE, for
example, appeared through his writing and art to gain some degree of mas
tery over the sexual and aggressive impulses that had led to his hospital
ization. Writers such as Kubie ( 1958) and Trilling (1953) discuss in depth
how highly creative persons in effect utilize creative work to overcome the
fragmentation of their own personalities by neurotic conflicts, and in so
doing may help us to overcome ours. Jamison (1993) and especially Storr
( 1972) articulate similar views regarding the healing power of art, extending
them to more extreme forms of mental illness including in particular manic
depressive illness.
Relatively healthy geniuses display a similar nisus, however. Ghiselin
( 1952) states that in general "the inventor, whether artist or thinker, creates
the structure of his psychic life by means of his words" (p. 1 3). This theme
also pervades the discussion by critic Harold Bloom (2002) of 100 geniuses
of literature. Genius in Bloom's view reflects an "aboriginal" compulsion
30. We do not mean to deny, however, that careless or superficial engagement with medi
umship and associated practices such as the use of ouija boards and the like can sometimes
result from or lead to psychological problems. We also wish to dissociate ourselves from most
current commercial, stage, or TV "mediumship."
toward the expansion of human consciousness, and thus at the top of his list
stands Shakespeare-"a consciousness shaped by all the consciousnesses
that he imagined. He remains, presumably forever, our largest instance of
the uses of literature for life, which is the work of augmenting conscious
ness" (p. 1 2). Storr (1972) takes as paradigmatic a statement by composer
Aaron Copland, who, having first explained that the compulsion to create is
at bottom a need for self-expression, continues as follows:
But why is the job never done? Why must one always begin again? The
reason for the compulsion to renewed creativity, it seems to me, i s that
each added work brings with it an element of self-discovery. I must cre
ate in order to know myself, and since self-knowledge is a never-ending
search, each new work is only a part-answer to the question "Who am I?"
and brings with it the need to go on to other and different part-answers.
(p. 223)
"most powerful tool in Jungian psychology for achieving wholeness" (p. 2),
this is essentially a technique for actively engaging the subliminal; one waits,
for example, for emotionally charged imagery to well up from below, and
then actively attempts to express its meanings concretely in paint, words,
gesture, or vocalization.
Similar views regarding the contributions of imagination to psychother
apy, and more generally of creativity to personal growth or "self-actualiza
tion," have been advanced by persons such as Achterberg ( 1985), Assagioli
( 196511971), Maslow (1968), Sheikh ( 1984), and Storr ( 1972), among many oth
ers. This leads inexorably to the potentially important but currently vexed
practical topic of creativity "training," around which a large and lucrative
commercial industry has in recent decades sprung up. We agree for the most
part with critics such as Beyerstein (1 999), R. 1. Sternberg and Lubart ( 1999),
and Weisberg ( 1986) that existing training procedures are not grounded in
an adequate psychological theory of creativity, and that empirical evidence
of their validity and effectiveness is in extremely short supply. Nevertheless,
we also feel with Nickerson ( 1999) cautious optimism that real progress in
this direction may be possible-particularly, we suggest, in the context of
Myers's theoretical and practical investigations of subliminal processes.
Myers himself distinctly foresaw this possibility: "Man is in course of
evolution," he says, and "it may be in his power to hasten his own evolu
tion in ways previously unknown" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 23). "What advance can
we make in inward mastery?" he wonders; "how far extend our grasp over
the whole range of faculty with which we are obscurely endowed?" (HP, vol.
1 , p. 70). Although Myers himself does not explicitly address these ques
tions, it follows from his general theory that any procedures which encour
age increased but controlled interaction with the subliminal can potentially
move us in the desired direction. In addition to "active imagination" and
creative work themselves, one thinks naturally in terms of cultivating phe
nomena such as ordinary dreams, lucid dreaming, and hypnagogia, which
most persons can probably do, and perhaps-in those with the requisite
susceptibilities-activities such as automatic writing or drawing, crystal
gazing or scrying, trance mediumship, and deep hypnosis.
We should also mention in this connection that there is a very large
cross-cultural literature dealing with procedures for controlled production
of altered states of consciousness and associated phenomena. The sha
man, as a specialist in these "archaic techniques of ecstasy," represents in
effect the creative genius of preliterate society (Eliade, 1 964; Nettle, 2001).
M. Murphy ( 1992) has situated this form of genius within an even larger
context, drawing upon a vast array of anthropological, psychological, and
biomedical data to provide a comprehensive natural history of psychophysi
cal transformative practices. From this larger point of view the shamanistic
vocation can be seen as one species of a broader genus of personality-devel
opment technologies (Grosso, in press). In addition to utilizing particular
techniques of the sorts identified above, such personality-development
processes might wisely begin by identifying and building upon whatever
Art as Transformative
of poetry by Bowra (1955, pp. 1 9-25). "Poems which are known to have
been conceived by their authors in inspired moments are often those which
move us most powerfully," he says, stating a potentially testable hypothesis.
Furthermore, "if we look into the question, we see that inspired poetry has
certain qualities which are responsible for its hold on us and for our con
tinued delight in it." The qualities that Bowra goes on to identify need not
occupy us in detail, for they overlap strongly, and unsurprisingly, with the
qualities of creative imagination as delineated by persons such as Coleridge
and Myers.
And here we return at last to the main thread of Myers's own explicit
argument-the thread we temporarily put aside at the end of our discus
sion of "incommensurability" between supraliminal and subliminal modes
of expression. As we indicated there, Myers does not believe that creative
imagination can be fully explained in terms of facts of personal biography,
developmentally earlier or more "primitive" forms of symbolic activity, and
the like. In the last 14 pages of the genius chapter he develops his alterna
tive view, according to which the roots of imagination, of expression, and
indeed of genius itself, lie much deeper.
The essence of Myers's conception is that both human personality and
nature as a whole have complex, multilevel organizations, that these orga
nizations are in some meaningful sense "parallel," and that "inner" and
"outer" somehow mingle at the deepest level. Like Coleridge, who warred
incessantly against "the despotism of the eye," Myers believes that ordinary
supraliminal perceptual and cognitive processes reveal only relatively super
ficial aspects of the far wider and deeper environment, mostly unknown, in
which we are continuously immersed. The subliminal reaches further into
this complex reality, however, and can report what it finds using its own
characteristic modes of symbolic expression. Thus genius, the distinctive
characteristic of which is "the large infusion of the subliminal in its mental
output" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 97), provides means for discovery of this hidden envi
Views of this sort were of course especially characteristic of the 1 9th
century English romantic poets (Abrams, 1953; Bowra, 1 955; Prescott, 1 922),
although contemporary American writers of the "transcendentalist" school
held similar views. Emerson (1837/1983), for example, says of the genius that
"in going down into the secrets of his own mind, he has descended into the
secrets of all minds" (p. 64); and not just of minds, but of nature as well, for
"nature is the opposite of the soul, answering to it part for part. One is seal,
and one is print. Its beauty is the beauty of his own mind. Its laws are the
laws of his own mind" (p. 56).
Among later psychologists, the figure who comes closest to Myers is
again Carl Jung ( 1952), who speaks like Myers of true symbolic expression
the less creative. Two lines of modern experimental evidence, however, more
clearly confirm Myers's expectation of linkages between creativity and psi.
Both trace back to a seminal paper by R. A. White (1964), who sought
to identify psychological conditions associated with the unusual levels of
success in some older "free-response" ESP experiments (these had used
materials such as objects and drawings, rather than ESP cards or the like,
as the targets). Her resulting "recipe" for psi success strikingly parallels the
Wal las/Hutchinson model of the creative process: Specifically, following an
initial period of sensory isolation and relaxation, it prescribes a deliber
ate demand for the needed information (preparation) followed by waiting
and release of effort (incubation), spontaneous emergence of information
into consciousness (inspiration, usually in the form of involuntary visual
or auditory imagery), and evaluation or elaboration of the information so
retrieved (verification). White's analysis was one of the main influences
leading to Honorton's ( 1977) model of psi and internal attention states, and
to the large body of successful psi research using "Ganzfeld" procedures
(Alvarado, 1 998; Braud, 1 978; see also the Appendix).
A number of additional experimental studies have sought more directly
to measure relationships between creativity and psi performance. Both cre
ativity and psi have generally been in short supply in these studies, unfortu
nately, and most have relied excessively, in our opinion, on psychometrically
suspect "creativity" measures of the conventional sorts ("divergent think
ing" and the like; see, e.g., Barron & Harrington, 1981; Dellas & Gaier,
1 970; Hocevar, 1 981). Nevertheless, some order has begun to emerge, par
ticularly since the advent of the Ganzfeld procedures. Free-response Gan
zfeld studies carried out by a variety of investigators and laboratories have
now also clearly indicated that "creative" groups such as musicians, artists,
and writers perform conspicuously better than unselected subjects, averag
ing something over 40% direct hits where only 25% would be expected by
chance (Dalton, 1997; N. 1. Holt, Delanoy, & Roe, 2004; Schlitz & Honor
ton, 1 992).
In sum, although much remains to be done to sort out details of the
relationship between creativity and psi, that such a relationship exists now
seems beyond reasonable doubt. We emphasize again that this confirms a
specific expectation flowing directly from Myers's theory of genius.3!
31. Another aspect of this relationship, which we will not attempt to develop further here,
concerns possible psi contributions to the creative process itself, and perhaps to some cases
of "simultaneous discovery." Mark Twain (1900), who was a firm believer in "mental telegra
phy," took special interest in this subject.
32. It is also of some importance here that Myers was socially connected to Wordsworth's
family, had met him as a child, and had previously written a monograph about him informed
by intimate acquaintance with the poet's family history and private correspondence (Myers,
1 880/1929).
486-Chapter 7
table is, so to speak, in the air" (HP, vol. I , p. 1 19). Thus, as in the case of
other supernormal phenomena of subliminal origin, biological variation
did not create but only revealed Dase's ability: "By some chance of evolu
tion-some sport-a vent-hole was opened at this one point between the
different strata of his being, and a subliminal uprush carried his computa
tive faculty into the open day" (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 1 9).33 The progress of evolu
tion, epitomized in genius, consists largely in the progressive revelation and
integration of such latent subliminal faculty and, in this way, fuller discov
ery of this ideal world.
Myers ends here, acknowledging that his grand theoretical vision of
genius as personality in evolution goes beyond what the science of his day
can guarantee, and returns to the sober exposition of matter-of-fact issues
that characterizes the great bulk of his book. How does all this relate, we
must now ask, to a contemporary psychology of genius?
It probably could go without saying that few if any mainstream psychol
ogists of the past century would have taken these more challenging elements
of Myers's theory of genius at all seriously, had they ever been exposed to
them. Nor have the various humanistic and transpersonal psychologists
who have advocated Myers-like views from the margins of the field shown
much awareness of the additional strength their positions could derive from
Myers's relentlessly empirical approach to an enlarged scientific psychol
ogy. Both groups, we suggest, would do well to revisit Myers's theoretical
challenge in light of more recent developments.
To begin, the Neoplatonic elements in Myers's account of genius no
longer appear as radical as they might have even a few decades ago. The
sense of beauty, for example, has increasingly been recognized as playing
a vital role in creative activity in all fields from mathematics and science to
the arts. Koestler (1964) in particular had urged this view upon the early
cognitive psychologists, without much success, declaring for example that
"beauty is a function of truth, truth a function of beauty. They can be sepa
rated by analysis, but in the lived experience of the creative act-and of
its re-creative echo in the beholder-they are as inseparable as thought is
inseparable from emotion" (p. 331). A. I. Miller (2001) documents in detail
the role played by a sense of beauty in both Picasso and Einstein. Even Poin
care, in what surely is one of the most mechanistic accounts ever provided
of the creative process, invoked the notion of a subliminal aesthetic "sieve"
that would only pass through to waking consciousness, among the innumer
able "combinations of mental atoms" mechanically formed by unconscious
processes, those whose "elegance" would make them of real mathematical
interest. The contemporary computationalist Hofstadter makes the point
even more directly, saying "I feel that responsiveness to beauty, and its close
33. Treffert ( 1989) comes fairly close to Myers here, concluding that we must conceive the
skills of prodigious savants as emerging out of some sort of "collective unconscious." In such
persons, Treffert says, "access to the rules of music or rules of mathematics, for example, is
so extensive that some ancestral (inherited) memory must exist to account for that access"
(p. 220). Unlike Myers, of course, Treffert hopes to locate this "ancestral memory" in the
He imagined Mozart plucking melodies out of the air as if they were ever
present in the universe, and he thought of himself as working like Mozart,
not merely spinning theories but responding to Nature, in tune with the
cosmos . . . . He thought of both musical and physical truths as Platonic
forms that the mind must intuit. Great music cannot be "created" any
more than great physics can be deduced strictly from experimental data.
Some aesthetic sense of the universe is necessary for both. (A. 1 . M iller,
2001 , p. 1 86)34
34. Myers held similar views in regard to music, which for him was a quintessential expres
sion of subliminal faculty. "We know the difficulty of explaining its rise on any current theory
of the evolution of human faculty. We know that it is like something discovered, not like
something manufactured;-Iike wine found in a walled-up cellar, rather than like furniture
made in the workshop above" (HP, vol. 1, p. 103). Mozart, for Myers as for Einstein, is the
prime example. Although we will not pursue this subject further here, music remains even
now resistant to conventional forms of explanation.
488-Chapter 7
nately, neither Hardy nor apparently Ramanujan himself took much inter
est in observing or reporting these psychological phenomena.
Ramanujan's theorems were "elegant, unexpected, and deep" (p. 206).
Mathematicians of great ability, including Hardy among many others,
were "enraptured" by his work, and specifically by "its richness, beauty,
and mystery-its sheer mathematical loveliness" (pp. 349-350). He was not
often wrong, and even when he was wrong (as in some early work on the dis
tribution of prime numbers), the incorrect results still exuded this peculiar
atmosphere of mathematical beauty. Yet, as Hardy himself observed, "all
his results, new or old, right or wrong, had been arrived at by a process of
mingled argument, intuition, and induction, of which he was entirely unable
to give any coherent account" (p. 2 16).
Ramanujan was also an overt Platonist, Indian style. "He pictured
equations as products of the mind of God" (p. 282). Mathematical real
ity exists independently of us, and is discovered, not made; "for him, num
bers and their mathematical relationships fairly threw off clues to how the
universe fit together. Each new theorem was one more piece of the Infinite
un fathomed" (p. 66). In this matter at least, Ramanujan, the apotheosis of
intuition, was in complete accord with his colleague and mentor Hardy, the
master of proof.
Creative imagination on this scale, we submit, fairly beggars the theo
retical apparatus available to contemporary cognitive science, its "associa
tions," predicate-calculus "representations," and all the rest. We make no
exception here of the recent attempt by Lakoff and Nunez (2000) to account
for the origins of mathematics in terms of Lakoff's more general theory
of "embodied cognition." In brief, these authors argue that a fundamental
cognitive process of "conceptual metaphor" can fully explain the progres
sive elaboration of systems of increasingly abstract mathematical ideas,
both historically and ontogenetically. From this point of view, moreover,
they summarily dismiss the Platonic "romance of mathematics" as mere
pre-scientific mythology, a folk-theory, immune to empirical evidence and
acceptable only as a matter of a priori faith.
Apart from its pedagogical implications, which appear substantial, we
find this theoretical position deeply flawed, and if writing a full review we
would develop the following as our main points of rebuttal: (1) Lakoff and
Nunez insufficiently appreciate the fact that inventions of pure mathematics
have often been discovered only long after the fact to have profound physi
cal parallels. (2) The realization of a concept such as "number" in alterna
tive and seemingly inconsistent mathematical forms does not invalidate a
Platonist view, since even on their own terms this is compatible with the
possible existence of the "idea" of number at some deeper psychological
or ontological level. (3) More generally, they persistently confound issues
related to the ontological status of mathematical ideas with issues as to the
means by which we acquire them. (4) They also persistently caricature the
Platonist position, claiming for example that it implies that mathematical
ideas are literally in or part of the observable world, and that classical sym
bolic computational ism is the correct theory of the mind; yet the Platonist
490�Chapter 7
35. See also A. Baker (2005), for a philosophic defense based on the prime-numbered life
cycle lengths of cicadas. We specifically decline here to embrace any specific philosophical
conception of the "ideal" realm, whether that of Plato himself or any of its historical vari
ants. Like Myers and James, we tend to think that issues as to its ultimate character and
composition will only be resolved, if ever, by expanded forms of empirical inquiry involving
systematic exploration of altered states of consciousness. There is one point of Platonic doc
trine, however, that is especially relevant to the subject of genius and deserves at least brief
mention here. Myers was in general very ambivalent about the possibility of pre-existence,
and he specifically rejected Plato's conception of learning as "reminiscence"-the idea that
Dase, for example, might have acquired his knowledge of the multiplication tables through
"individual training" in some previous state of existence (HP, vol. I , p. 1 19). We tend to agree
with Myers in regard to Dase himself, but in light of the large body of evidence that has sub
sequently accumulated in support of reincarnation (see the Appendix), we would not rule out
its possible contributions to some otherwise puzzling cases of extreme precocity. There are
many such cases, possible examples including Mozart with his pronounced tendencies toward
automatism, and Picasso, who drew skillfully before he could talk and whose first words were
"piz, piz," Spanish baby-talk for "pencil" (A. 1. Miller, 2001 , p. 1 0). Stevenson (2000, p. 654)
has identified several instances of unusual precocity that occurred without familial counter
parts, but we currently lack any such case that is accompanied by verifiable memories of an
appropriate previous life.
What Myers and James really said, of course, is not that the subliminal
connects us to another world, but that it connects us to the one existing
world in novel ways. The more extreme phenomena of genius, and especially
phenomena of the sorts adduced by Myers and amplified here, show that the
roots of genius reach into or through a part of our being which somehow
transcends ordinary biological functioning in space and time. The deepest
affinity of genius lies with this transcendent or trans personal aspect of our
psychological constitution, and hence with the world-wide phenomenon of
It is no accident, therefore, that Myers selects as his culminant example
of genius, the completest type of humanity, "the eagle soaring over the tomb
of Plato"-the Alexandrian mystical philosopher Plotinus (HP, vol. I, p.
1 20). But before proceeding further with this theme we must take special
pains to correct a misapprehension which is already rampant in the psycho
logical literature. Notwithstanding assertions to the contrary by R. 1. Stern
berg and Lubart (1 999), Boden (1991), Weisberg (1 986), and many others,
mysticism does not imply supernatural intervention. It is true that in pointing
out these psychological connections with mysticism Myers hews close to
the classical origins of the terms genius and creation, with their well-known
supernatural connotations. But the essence of what he is doing is to respect
the impressive phenomenology of genius-reflected in the concept of "inspi
ration" as being literally "breathed into" by the Muses, a god or daemon, or
whatever-while reinterpreting it in entirely naturalistic, functional terms.
As we will show in the following chapter, the term "mystical" properly refers
to a very large and important class of real human experience which is not
necessarily or even primarily "religious." It does not deserve to be used
pejoratively, and it is not synonymous with "unscientific." To attempt, as
many do, to dichotomize accounts of genius into those that are mystical, as
opposed to those that are supposedly scientific, is altogether specious.
492-Chapter 7
Mystical Experience
I think it more likely than not that in religious and mystical experience
men come into contact with some Reality or some aspect of Reality which
they do not come into contact with in any other way. (Broad, 1 953, p. 173)
That which lies at the root of each of us lies at the root of the Cosmos too.
(Myers, HP, vol. 2 , p. 277)
496-Chapter 8
Subjects of profound mystical experience thus typically feel sure that they
have gained fundamental insight into the nature of "reality," and yet find
themselves unable to express their discoveries adequately in a form intel
ligible to the rest of us. It is chiefly this strange combination of cognitive
properties, so characteristic of mystical experience, that has given rise to the
heated controversies regarding its objective significance.
Two further characteristics-transiency and passivity-James regards
as less sharply marked and not to the same degree definitive, but still com
monly present, particularly in association with experiences that occur
spontaneously. Mystical experiences are typically very intense and usually
though not always can be sustained only for short periods ranging from a
few seconds to perhaps a few hours, although sometimes also recurring over
time with an appearance of progressive development. Even when cultivated
by voluntary practices such as meditation, moreover, they tend to break in
upon and engulf the subject as though originating from a region outside
normal consciousness.
Having described in the abstract these characteristics of strong mystical
experiences, James turns to providing concrete examples. It is important
to note here that in doing so he deliberately employs Myers's taxonomic
method (p. 294; see also Chapter 2), situating his examples of true mystical
experience as extreme cases on a continuum stretching upward through var
ious phenomena of more rudimentary but related type. He begins with the
sense of heightened significance that can suddenly attach itself to a word, a
phrase, a passage of poetry or music, or the play of light and sound, when
the mind is suitably attuned, remarking that "we are alive or dead to the
eternal inner message of the arts according as we have kept or lost this mys
tical susceptibility" (p. 295). Next in line come deja vu and related experi
ences; "dreamy" states of various kinds; states induced by intoxicants and
anesthetics such as alcohol, nitrous oxide, and chloroform; borderline mys
tical states awakened in various persons by scenes of great natural beauty;
and finally, as his culminant example of a spontaneous mystical experience,
the case of Canadian psychiatrist R. M. Bucke, whose single and brief but
impressive experience at age 36 of what he later termed "cosmic conscious
ness" led him to devote the remainder of his life to investigating and report
ing its occurrence in others (Bucke, 1901/1969). We reproduce in full Bucke's
own description of this experience, as quoted by James from a privately
printed pamphlet that preceded the main work.3 All four of James's marks
are clearly present:
3. The corresponding passage in the latter (Bucke, 1 90111969, pp. 9-10), although very simi
lar in content to the version quoted by James, shows signs of theoretical elaboration in light
of Bucke's subsequent research.
Mystical Experience-499
I had spent the evening in a great city, with two friends, reading and dis
cussing poetry and philosophy. We parted at midnight. I had a long drive
in a hansom to my lodging. My mind, deeply under the influence of the
ideas, images, and emotions called up by the reading and talk, was calm
and peaceful. I was in a state of quiet, almost passive enjoyment, not actu
ally thinking, but letting ideas, images, and emotions flow of themselves,
as it were, through my mind. All at once, without warning of any kind, I
found myself wrapped in a flame-colored cloud. For an instant I thought
of fire, an immense conflagration somewhere close by in that great city;
the next, I knew that the fire was within myself. Directly afterward there
came upon me a sense of exultation, of immense joyousness accompanied
or immediately followed by an intellectual illumination impossible to
describe. Among other things, I did not merely come to believe, but I saw
that the universe is not composed of dead matter, but is, on the contrary,
a living Presence; I became conscious in myself of eternal life. It was not
a conviction that I would have eternal life, but a consciousness that I pos
sessed eternal life then; I saw that all men are immortal; that the cosmic
order is such that without any peradventure all things work together for
the good of each and all; that the foundation principle of the world, of all
the worlds, i s what we call love, and that happiness of each and all i s in
the long run absolutely certain. The vision lasted a few seconds and was
gone; but the memory of it and the sense of the reality of what it taught
has remained during the quarter of a century which has since elapsed. I
knew that what the vision showed was true. I had attained to a point of
view from which I saw that it must be true. That view, that conviction, I
may say that consciousness, has never, even during periods of the deepest
depression, been lost. (pp. 306-307)
James next goes on, using the relatively scanty comparative materials
available at that time, to provide a sampling of reports concerning states of
consciousness methodically cultivated in accord with the Hindu, Buddhist,
Islamic (Sufi), and Christian mystical traditions. By far the largest amount
of space is devoted to the Christian mystics, with whom James undoubtedly
felt himself more thoroughly and reliably familiar. His emphasis through
out is on the key properties of ineffability and noetic quality, which emerge
together in conjunction with states of consciousness that somehow pass
beyond all ordinary forms of sensation and cognition and yet seemingly
into contact or even unity with some sort of higher reality. An elegant illus
tration is provided by St. John of the Cross in his Dark Night of the Soul
(Book 2, chap. 17[3]), in a passage in which he attempts to explain why the
infusion of spiritual knowledge or wisdom in mystical states is ineffable or
tual feeling. And thus, even though the soul might have a great desire to
express it and might find many ways in which to describe it, it would still
be secret and remain undescribed. For, as that inward wisdom is so simple,
so general and so spiritual that it has not entered into the understanding
enwrapped or cloaked in any form or image subject to sense, it follows that
sense and imagination (as it has not entered through them nor has taken
their form and color) cannot account for it or imagine it, so as to say any
thing concerning it, although the soul be clearly aware that it is experienc
ing and partaking of that rare and delectable wisdom.
We hope that the material presented so far will suffice to convey, even
to readers having no prior acquaintance with the subject, some initial feel
ing for the impressive phenomenology of mystical experience. Additional
examples will be provided below, and many more can be found in important
collections such as those of Bucke (190111969), Rappold ( 196311 970), Stace
(1 960/ 1987), Underhill (191 1 11 974), and Woods (1 980).
But now what is the real significance of these powerful experiences? Are
they revelations of hidden realities, as the mystics themselves believe, or
are they instead purely subjective phenomena, mere delusions fabricated
by disordered brains? As pointed out above, contemporary Western cul
ture remains deeply divided on these issues, with the positive and negative
attitudes tending to parcel out along religious versus scientific lines, respec
Even more poignantly, both attitudes can sometimes be found coexist
ing uneasily in the same person, as in the case of the rationalist philosopher
Bertrand Russell. Russell was deeply appreciative of mystical philosophers
such as Plato and Spinoza, and even said of Heraclitus that "in such a nature
we see the true union of the mystic and the man of science-the highest emi
nence, as I think, that it is possible to achieve in the world of thought" (Rus
sell, 1 921b, p. 4). Yet Russell also remained deeply and generally distrustful
of mystical experience, declaring with characteristic sarcasm, for example,
that "from a scientific point of view, we can make no distinction between
the man who eats little and sees heaven and the man who drinks much and
sees snakes. Each is in an abnormal physical condition, and therefore has
abnormal perceptions" (Russell, 1 935/1 974, p. 1 88).
On the other hand, many eminent scientists have been more or less
openly religious, and receptive to mysticism in particular. Einstein (1949),
for example, remarked that "the religious geniuses of all ages have been
distinguished by this kind of [cosmic] religious feeling . . . .In my view it is the
most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep
it alive in those who are capable of it .. . .1 maintain that cosmic religious
feeling is the strongest and noblest incitement to scientific research" (pp.
Such remarkable diversity of attitudes underscores once again our
need, both culturally and individually, to resolve the fundamental question
as to the "truth" (James) or objective significance of mystical experience. In
order to begin framing the relevant issues more narrowly, we will conclude
Mystical Experience-50 1
Just i n the same way do the reports of those who have had cosmic con
sciousness correspond in all essentials, though in detail they doubtless
more or less diverge (but these divergences are fully as much in our mis
understanding of the reports as in the reports themselves). So there is no
instance of a person who has been illumined denying or disputing the
teaching of another who has passed through the same experience. (p. 7 1 )
This overcoming of all the usual barriers between the individual and the
Absolute is the great mystic achievement. In mystic states we both become
one with the Absolute and we become aware of our oneness. This is the
everlasting and triumphant mystical tradition, hardly altered by differ
ences of clime or creed. In Hinduism, in Neoplatonism, in Sufism, in
Christian mysticism, i n Whitmanism, we find the same recurring note, so
S02-Chapter 8
That region contains every kind of matter: "seraph and snake" abide there
side by side. To corne from thence is no infallible credential. What comes
must be sifted and tested, and run the gauntlet of confrontation with the
total context of experience, just like what comes from the outer world of
sense. Its value must be ascertained by empirical methods, so long as we
are not mystics ourselves. (p. 326)6
5. lames's personal attitudes are brought out even more clearly in a letter he wrote in 1904
(Perry, 1935, vol. 2, pp. 350-351) to his colleague lames Leuba, an arch-reductionist: "I fi nd
it preposterous to suppose that if there be a feeling of unseen reality shared by large numbers
of best men in their best moments, responded to by other men in their 'deep' moments, good
to live by, strength-giving,-1 find it preposterous, I say, to suppose that the goodness of that
feeling for living purposes should be held to carry no objective significance . . . .Now, although
I am so devoid of Gottesbewusstsein in the directer and stronger sense, yet there is something
in me which makes response when I hear utterances from that quarter made by others. I rec
ognize the deeper voice. Something tells me:- 'thither lies truth'- and I am sure it is not old
theistic prejudices of infancy. . . . Call this, if you like, my mystical germ."
6. As discussed in Chapter 2, the diversity of the content of the subliminal, ranging from
"dissolutive" to "evolutive" manifestations, was an important aspect of Myers's theory: "Hid
den in the deep of our being is a rubbish-heap as well as a treasure-house;-degenerations and
insanities as well as beginnings of higher development" (HP, vol. I, p. 72).
Mystical Experience-503
Stace shares with many earlier writers including Bucke and James the gen
eral sense that deep mystical experiences have something important in com
mon that sets them off sharply from ordinary states of consciousness. He is
dissatisfied, however, with previous attempts to say what that something is,
and he takes as his first and logically primary task to establish and charac
terize this universal core in a more rigorous and empirically well-grounded
This requires in the first place sampling from a wider than normal cul
tural and temporal variety of reported experiences. In addition to numerous
examples drawn from the Judeo-Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, and
Taoist religious traditions, therefore, Stace also examines reports provided
by historically prominent but "unattached" mystics such as Plotinus, and
less well-known reports from recent times such as that of Arthur Koestler
Of course we have direct access only to mystics' reports (or perhaps
even translations or descriptions of their reports) and not to their experi
ences themselves. These records, moreover, are sometimes saturated with
highly figurative language, or with language that clearly goes beyond simple
description of an experience to its interpretation, where by "interpretation"
Stace means "anything which the conceptual intellect adds to the experience
for the purpose of understanding it, whether what is added is only classifica
tory concepts, or a logical inference, or an explanatory hypothesis" (p. 37).
In most cases the relevant conceptual apparatus is of course that provided
by the theological or institutional context in which the experience occurs.
Although this distinction seems clear enough in principle, it is often
hard to apply in practice, and to varying degrees in different cases. Stace is
not at all naive about these diffic ulties, however, and requires only that he
504-Chapter 8
7. Stace adds the qualification "alleged" to underscore the peculiarity that virtually all
mystics, having declared that their experience cannot be described in words, immediately
go on to describe it, often at prodigious length. In a separate chapter devoted to this subject
he argues that mystics are in fact providing literal descriptions of remembered experiences
which were themselves inherently paradoxical. Price (1962) resists this interpretation, how
ever, suggesting that the diffic ulty is more akin to that of one who, not having acquired the
concept of "Scotch mist," must describe the meteorologic condition to which that concept
applies as both "raining" and "not raining." Although we cannot pursue these interesting
issues in greater detail here, we suspect that Price may be correct in suggesting that more
widespread first-person familiarity with mystical experience could lead to reduction of the
apparent paradoxicality through a similar process of "ostensive definition," and more gener
ally that we need to extend and refine our currently impoverished methods ofphenomenologi
cal description and analysis.
Mystical Experience-50S
Having drunk deeply of the heaven above and felt the most glorious beauty
of the day, and remembering the old, old sea, . .I now became lost, and
absorbed into the being or existence of the universe. I felt down deep into
the earth, under, and high above into the sky, and farther still to the sun
and stars. Still farther beyond the stars into the hollow of space, and losing
thus my separateness of being came to seem like part of the whole.
persons such as Meister Eckhart who have experienced both. They are also
easily recognized, even by third-person observers such as ourselves, as a
more radical and complete expression of the central impulse of the extro
vertive mystical states described above. The core experience is again one of
unity, but in this case the unity is even more profound, and it is achieved in
a startlingly different manner. In these experiences one's perceptual world
is not merely transfigured but abolished, along with all other contents of
ordinary consciousness such as specific thoughts, images, memories, and
the like. But what results-confuting the expectations of empiricists such as
David Hume-is not some sort of blank or dim or unconscious condition,
but an extraordinary inward experience of pure, contentless, undifferenti
ated, unitary consciousness. "This undifferentiated unity is the essence of the
introvertive mystical experience" (Stace, 1 96011 987, p. 87).
A few examples here may help to flesh out this description. We cite
first a passage from the Mandukya Upanishad which distills the essence of
India's psychological teachings. Beyond ordinary consciousness, dreaming
consciousness, and dreamless sleep, say their ancient sages, lies a higher
form of consciousness-Turiya , the Fourth:
The Fourth, say the wise, is not subjective experience, nor objective experi
ence, nor experience intermediate between these two, nor is it a negative
condition which is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness. It is not
the knowledge of the senses, nor is it relative knowledge, nor yet inferen
tial knowledge. Beyond the senses, beyond the understanding, beyond all
expression, is The Fourth. It is pure unitary consciousness, wherein aware
ness of the world and multiplicity is completely obliterated. It is ineffable
peace. It is the supreme good. It is One without a second. It is the Self.
Know it alone! (Prabhavananda & Manchester, 1957, p. 5 1 )
8. Stace's argument here turns on the fact that St. John of the Cross, whose descriptions
of unitive experience are often extremely similar to Meister Eckhart's, was also St. Teresa's
principal spiritual advisor and confessor and apparently largely agreed with her as to the
principal psychological characteristics of unitive states. An important translator, student,
and admirer of the great Spanish mystics, Peers (1951) confirms this latter point, adding that
"the complementary nature of the works of the two saints is very noticeable: they seldom
disagree, though each relies largely on personal experience, and a synthesis of their writings
would form an account of the mystical life, we may safely say, approached by very few other
syntheses, and surpassed by none" (p. 232). St. John, for example, is known to have deliber
ately avoided writing on "lower" mystical phenomena such as voices and visions, which he felt
St. Teresa had already described in adequate detail. A j oint and in-depth psychological study
of these two individuals clearly would be of great interest and value.
Mystical Experience-507
matic and remarkably consistent way. Specifically, in its place there char
acteristically emerges a vastly amplified sense of self-a Self-that almost
inevitably experiences itself as being in a state of direct contact, or union,
or identity with some reality variably conceived as a Universal Self, the One,
the Absolute, the Ground of Being, or God (Stace, 1 960/1987, p. 93).
This fundamental characteristic of introvertive mystical experience
appears with particular clarity and force in another of its classic descrip
tions, this one by the Neoplatonist philosopher Plotinus, who appears in
history at or near the original confluence of the Greek and Oriental mysti
cal traditions and is arguably a principal fountainhead of modern Western
mystical traditions as well. The passages we quote from are widely known,
and in varying translations have been cited as representative and authorita
tive by both Stace and Underhill, among many others.9 The testimony of
Plotinus (1969) seems to us especially significant, as it constitutes a seri
ous effort by a philosopher of the first rank to characterize as clearly as
he can an extraordinary experience of union which he is known to have
entered into himself, on at least four occasions (p. 17). Based largely on this
description, moreover, Underhill (191 1 /1 974, p. 372) specifically endorses the
fundamental identity between the unitive experiences of Plotinus and those
of the great Christian mystics. Its affinities with the description from the
Mandukya Upanishad, quoted above, will be equally apparent.
The key passage appears in the 6th Ennead, tractate 9, section 10, of
which we quote only a small part.1O Plotinus is attempting to describe the
supreme good, the "flight of the one to the One," which can only be realized
in ful l through a mode of direct apprehension which he finds greatly supe
rior to ordinary reason:
I n our self-seeing There, the self is seen as belonging to that order, or rather
we are merged into that self i n us which has the quality of that order. It is
a knowing of the self restored to its purity. No doubt we should not speak
of seeing; but we cannot help talking in dualities, seen and seer, instead of
boldly, the achievement of unity. In this seeing, we neither hold an object
nor trace distinction; there is no two. The man is changed, no longer him
self nor self-belonging; he is merged with the Supreme, sunken into it, one
with it: centre coincides with centre, for centres of circles, even here below,
are one when they unite, and two when they separate; and it is in this sense
that we now (after the vision) speak of the Supreme as separate. This is why
the vision baffles telling; we cannot detach the Supreme to state it; if we
have seen something thus detached we have failed of the Supreme which is
to be known only as one with ourselves.
9. Myers, who was intimately familiar with the Enneads, uses the same passages (in his own
slightly different translation, naturally) in an interesting essay on "Tennyson as Prophet"
(Myers, 1 8 89h).
10. Like Stace we have relied on the famous translation by Stephen McKenna, but ours is a
later (4th) edition, revised by B. S. Page, and differs slightly from the version quoted by Stace
(p. 104).
Mystical Experience-509
This has come upon me through repeating my own name to myself silently,
till all at once, as it were out of the intensity of the consciousness of indi
viduality, individuality itself seemed to dissolve away into boundless
being, and this not a confused state but the clearest, the surest of the sur
est, utterly beyond words-here death was an almost laughable impossi
bility-the loss of personality (if so it were) seeming no extinction, but the
only true l i fe. I am ashamed of my feeble description. H ave I not said the
state is utterly beyond words? ( VRE, p. 295) 1 1
The second and perhaps even more interesting case involves Arthur
Koestler (1 954, pp. 345-363), who reports a series of mystical experiences
precipitated under the harrowing conditions of his imprisonment during
the Spanish Civil War in 1937. Koestler, a scientifically well-educated per
son, was at that time strongly committed to Socialist/Communist politics
and decidedly materialist and anti-religious. Placed in solitary confine
ment by his Fascist captors, he had undergone a prolonged hunger strike
and found himself in a state of chronic exhaustion, expecting constantly
to be taken from his cell and beaten or executed like many other prisoners.
The first experience supervened upon his profoundly gratifying success in
reconstructing Euclid's proof that there is an infinity of prime numbers.
Suddenly, he reports,
1 1 . James adds this further statement by Tennyson, as reported by Tyndall: "By God
Almighty! there is no delusion in the matter! It is no nebulous ecstasy, but a state of transcen
dent wonder, associated with absolute clearness of mind."
5 10-Chapter 8
Thus, on the view of Katz and his constructivist allies, if one is a Chris
tian one necessarily has a distinctively Christian experience, a Taoist's expe
rience will be structured by Taoist assumptions, a Jew can never escape from
the shaping power of his Jewish upbringing, and so on. There can therefore
be no ultimate type or universal core of mystical experience, independent
of factors such as time, context, gender, race, and culture. There is only a
multiplicity of distinctive, culturally conditioned states of consciousness.
We believe this doctrine is seriously flawed, both psychologically and
philosophically. Although we cannot go deeply into details of the contro
versy, we must attempt at least briefly to indicate our principal reasons for
thinking so.
Katz evidently believes that his primary epistemological axiom-his
italicized statement in the passage above-represents the fundamental nov
elty in his position and the source of his differences with Stace and other
perennialists. If so, however, he is certainly mistaken. In the first place
the axiom itself is not a novelty, because Stace himself accepts it; he states
clearly, for example, that "there is no such thing as an absolutely pure expe
rience without any interpretation at all" (p. 203).
Second and more importantly, the axiom by itself does not suffice to
undermine Stace's project, because it leaves uncertain the degree to which
particular experiences are in fact shaped by cultural conditioning. This is
the real source of their differences. Stace nowhere claims that all reported
mystical experiences are completely unmediated, but only that enough of
them are sufficiently so to permit us to grasp their common psychologi
cal characteristics. Katz, by contrast, clearly presumes that experiences in
general, and mystical experiences in particular, are completely determined
by cultural conditionings. In this crucial respect Katz and other radical
constructivists seem to us driven, at bottom, by an unexamined a priori
commitment to the sort of relentless "postmodernism"-characteristic of
so much contemporary scholarship in the humanities and social sciences
that abhors absolutes and universal narratives of any kind.
This sort of radical constructivism, however, is known to require heavy
qualification even in the case of ordinary perceptual and cognitive expe
rience, as shown for example by the old controversies over the "linguistic
relativity" hypothesis of Sapir and Whorf. The fact that Eskimos have many
more words than we do for specific types of snow, for example, does not
entail that we are incapable of having the corresponding perceptual experi
ences, or of making the same distinctions (recall here too the "Scotch mist"
example). Conversely, many perceptual illusions are "cognitively impene
trable" in the sense of J. Fodor (1983), and not alterable by any sort of vol
untary efforts, or by knowledge of their underlying mechanisms.
It cannot be denied, of course, that most of us operate most of the time in
the grip of linguistic habits, beliefs, and expectations that powerfully shape
and color what we experience and report. It is equally certain that many
kinds of phenomena reported by mystics, particularly in the early stages
of their vocation, are shaped in similar ways. Thus, for example, whereas a
Catholic mystic might report a visionary experience of Jesus or the Virgin
Mary, his Hindu counterpart would naturally report a vision of Krishna,
Kali, or some other personality drawn from his own religious tradition.
The radical constructivist position, however, becomes increasingly
strained as we progress toward the deeper regions of mystical experience,
Mystical Experience-5 1 3
which are precisely the ones of greatest interest both to Stace and to us. In
the first place it ignores the fundamental relationship between the character
of such experience and the practical teachings of mystics as to how it can be
achieved. The central objective of mystical teachings and practices every
where is essentially the same-specifically, to overcome conditionings and
attachments of everyday life that get in the way of a mystical receptivity
which is presumed to exist in all of us. To what degree we can in fact pal
liate or transcend these cultural and psychological conditionings is exactly
the question at hand, and this is an empirical question. We all know from
experience that it is to some degree possible to reflect upon one's beliefs,
attitudes, and habits of perception and thought; to take a position for or
against them; to choose to intensify and prolong or reject and eradicate
them; and so on. Mysticism is a domain of human experience in which this
capacity, not highly developed in most of us, is seized upon and exploited in
the highest degree.
The great systematizer of Yogic practices Patanjali, for example, defines
the technique of Yoga succinctly as "inhibition of the modifications of the
mind" (Taimni, 1 972, p. 6). Eliade (1958) characterizes these practices col
lectively as a process of systematic deconditioning which results in "rebirth
to a nonconditioned mode of being" (p. 4). This "rebirth," moreover, consti
tutes "one of India's greatest discoveries: that of consciousness as witness,
of consciousness freed from its psychophysiological structures and their
temporal conditioning" (p. xx). To achieve this state, "the yogin undertakes
to 'reverse' normal behavior completely. He subjects himself to a petri
fied immobility of body (asana), rhythmical breathing and arrest of breath
(pranayama), fixation of the psychomental flux (ekagrata), [and] immobility
of thought" (p. 362). The ultimate goal of Yogic training, in short, is specifi
cally to overcome the conditionings that keep us culturally and psychologi
cally bound, and that prevent us from experiencing what we can become in
a deconditioned state.
The same principle is also evident in the various forms of Buddhism.
For example, the Madyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism, founded by
Nagarjuna in the 1 st century B. C. E., is explicit about the practice of pro
gressively and systematically de conditioning the beliefs and assumptions of
one's working epistemology, leading to a state of pure consciousness called
the Middle Way or Emptiness. Goleman (1977) and D. P. Brown ( 1 977) have
shown respectively, and in detail, that Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga (the
"path to purification") and a collection of Tibetan Buddhist meditation
texts, the Mahamudra, can also be interpreted in these terms. Similarly, a
contemporary Tibetan monk and associate of the Dalai Lama describes
as the fundamental method for achieving states of emptiness or nirvana a
relentless analysis of the contingent conceptualizations that permeate ordi
nary experience. The fundamental insight sought is that all such experience
is "conceptually designated." Thus he writes: "As you look around at differ
ent objects and events, mentally comment, 'This is simply a conceptual des
ignation.' As you do so, try to identify the basis of designation of these vari-
5 14-Chapter 8
ous objects that you identify, and see how you label things that have no label
in themselves" (Lamrimpa, 1 999, p. 37). One trains oneself to observe how
from moment to moment one "conceptually designates" one's experience,
and constructs one's contingent notions of the real, one's values, interpre
tations, and beliefs, or in sum the entire busy apparatus of one's everyday
mental life. The central Buddhist practice is again to identify, deconstruct,
and root out of consciousness these mental fabrications, and thus to realize
nirvana, release, transcendence-in short, deconditioned consciousness.
The same sort of disciplined effort to overcome ordinary conditionings
is also central to the practices of Plotinus and many Christian mystics. For
example, Dionysius the Areopagite, one of the founders of Christian mysti
cism, emphasized the idea of the via negativa (Happold, 1 96311970, pp. 21 1-
2 17). It is a way of not doing, forgetting, letting go. For Dionysius the mysti
cal project is to "leave behind the senses and the operations of the intellect"
and enter the "dazzling obscurity." In the way of negation, we deliberately
go beyond all conditioned attributes "in order that, without veil, we may
know that Unknowing" (p. 2 15).
St. John of the Cross, whose description of "secret" or ineffable wisdom
we quoted earlier, also explains in complementary fashion how that infu
sion of wisdom is to be attained :
A soul is greatly impeded from reaching this high estate of union with God
when it clings to any understanding or feeling or imagination or appear
ance or will or manner of its own, and cannot detach and strip itself of all
these. For, as we say, the goal which it seeks lies beyond all this, yea, beyond
even the highest thing that can be known or experienced; and thus a soul
must pass beyond everything to unknowing. (Peers, 1 958, pp. 88-89)
13. Similar comments apply, of course, to NDEs, which overlap phenomenologically with
both mystical and psychedelic experiences (see Chapter 6, and Ring, 1988).
Mystical Experience-5 17
We conclude, then, that the constructivist critique falls short, and that
Stace's characterization of a most-extreme form or universal core in mysti
cal experiences remains valid. This is not to claim, however, that all mystical
experiences are the same. The domain is large and heterogeneous, and the
constructivists are certainly correct in maintaining that cultural condition
ing plays an important role in shaping large parts of it. But the domain also
appears to be stratified more or less in the way Stace describes, with its
psychologically and philosophically most significant region lying beyond
the reach of purely constructivist principles. One can certainly honor and
investigate the real differences among mystical traditions, as constructivists
advocate, without denying the reality of these vital commonalities. Consid
erable further support for this position, especially in regard to the existence
and importance of states of pure, undifferentiated consciousness, can be
found in an important series of books by philosopher Robert Forman (1990,
1998, 1999), himself apparently a subject of such states.
Although we are indebted to Stace for his taxonomic labors, some criti
cal points also need to be made. We agree first with Price (1962) that he puts
rather too much emphasis on cool intellectual mystics such as Meister Eck
hart at the expense of more devotional or emotional ones such as St. Teresa
of Avila. Stace constantly reminds his readers that Teresa is naive, uncriti
cal, not quite up to par philosophically, and-no doubt worst of all-drunk
with love. Yet the available evidence clearly suggests that both reason and
emotion, each in their own way, can serve-when rightly deployed-as tools
of mystical self-development. The Hindu tradition, for example, recognizes
the Bhakti or devotional path as equally valid, and Plato, the Sufis, and
other great Christian mystics such as St. John of the Cross would certainly
agree. James clearly admires St. Teresa's psychological self-descriptions, and
Peers ( 1 95 1 , p. xvii) even characterizes her as the central unifying personal
ity among the great Spanish mystics. In short, Stace's personal predilections
as an analytic philosopher seem to have led him to underrate the potential
contributions of religious emotion to the genesis of mystical states.14
Second, we must insist that Stace was misguided in excluding voices,
visions, and allied subjects from the class of "genuine" mystical phenomena
(pp. 47-55). These are indeed very different from the more extreme phenom
ena that are especially germane to his own philosophical agenda, and they
are widely recognized by mystics and scholars alike as belonging primarily
to earlier, lower, or less advanced stages of mystical development. Never
theless, they comprise a variety of unusual and interesting psychological
phenomena which form an important part of the total worldwide litera
ture of mysticism. Moreover, as we will soon show, they occupy a natural
place within the sort of psychological model advanced by Myers and James.
14. Ironically, philosopher John E. Smith (1 983) takes William James to task in exactly
the opposite direction-that is, for not adequately appreciating the potential contribution of
abstract metaphysical reasoning to the genesis of mystical states, as illustrated by the case of
St. Bonaventure.
S I 8-Chapter 8
The consistency with which mystics describe their deepest experiences dem
onstrates that they are testifying more or less correctly about unusual states
of consciousness that really do occur, and that are profoundly impressive to
their subjects. As we have already seen, however, this unanimity of the great
mystics about their experience, although necessary, is not by itself sufficient
to establish any thesis regarding its objective significance. It could still be
entirely subj ective, a shared illusion, a mirage, as the great majority of con
temporary scientists undoubtedly suppose.
On the other hand, it should be equally clear that identification of some
biological condition or conditions under which mystical experience occurs
would not by itself disprove its objective significance. Reductionist scien
tists have always been inclined to overlook this rather elementary logical
point, and the recent spate of facile and triumphant neurologizing about
"God Spots" and the like is only the latest installment in a long and dismal
history. William James went to considerable pains to disarm this unthink
ingly skeptical attitude in the very first chapter of VRE: Medical materi
alism "has no physiological theory of the production of these its favorite
states [i.e., ordinary states], by which it may accredit them; and its attempt
to discredit the states which it dislikes, by vaguely associating them with
nerves and l iver, and connecting them with names connoting bodily afflic
tion, is altogether illogical and inconsistent" (p. 30). All ordinary percep
tual and cognitive experience goes forward in conjunction with biological
processes in our bodies and brains, but nobody denies for that reason that
such experience can teach us important things about the reality in which we
find ourselves situated. It could also be the case, as the mystics themselves
believe, that their experience contains lessons of at least equal importance
in regard to that reality. As James himself concluded, mystical experience
like all other experience "must be sifted and tested, and run the gauntlet of
confrontation with the total context of experience" ( VRE, p. 326).
James, as we saw earlier, was led by his own survey to a carefully
guarded epistemological position: Mystics do gravitate in certain definite
philosophical directions, but they are less than fully unanimous about this,
and however impressive their experiences may be individually, collectively
they warrant no specific propositions about the nature of reality to which
those of us who are non-mystics need assent. This remained more or less
the received opinion among philosophers for many decades, as illustrated
by the quotations above from Bertrand Russell and by old standard texts
in epistemology such as Montague (1925). Stace, however, builds upon his
characterization of the universal core in a serious effort to carry the subject
Mystical Experience-5 19
the boundary walls of the separate self fade away, and the individual finds
himself passing beyond himself and becoming merged in a boundless and
universal consciousness . . . .The conclusion which the mystic draws-not
however by way of a reasoned conclusion, but as something immediately
experienced-is that what he has reached is not merely his individual
pure ego but the pure ego of the universe; or, otherwise put, that his indi
vidual self and the universal self are somehow one and the same. (Stace,
1960/1987, pp. 147-148)
15. Discovery of such properties, for example, is what forced abandonment of early mind
brain identity theories; see Kim (1998, chap. 3) and our Chapter I .
520-Chapter 8
claim more carefully to the conscious states themselves; but even this can
not save the argument, for it relies too heavily upon his own very abstract
characterization of the vacuum aspect of introvertive mystical experiences.
In reality, things are more complicated. Even Meister Eckhart, for example,
who provides Stace with many classic descriptions of unitary conscious
ness, points out repeatedly that some tiny spark or thread of individuality
always remains, even in his "deepest" states, which enables his return to the
ordinary state.
More generally, our reading of the mystical literature suggests that
there is ample room for differentiation of introvertive mystical states on
the plenum side, in terms of their positive characteristics. Affectively, for
example, they seem to range from relatively bland or neutral (or perhaps
even somewhat negative, as in the very atypical case of J. A. Symonds; see
VRE, pp. 296-297) to blissful beyond comparison; as James remarks, "the
deliciousness of some of these states seems to be beyond anything known to
ordinary consciousness" (p. 316).
What this points to again, in our opinion, is the need for a more detailed,
precise, and empirically well-grounded phenomenological cartography
of mystical states. Many such cartographies have already been advanced
within the world's mystical traditions, of course, often in mind-numbing
detail. The difficulties of this profoundly interesting subject are unfortu
nately greatly magnified by the increasing inability of ordinary language
to convey adequately the properties of the relevant states and experiences
as one ascends the mystical scale. Although these schemes certainly bear
generic resemblances to one another (as indeed they must, if Stace and
other perennialists are right about a common core), we cannot agree with
those such as H. Smith ( 1976) who apparently think this mapping of mysti
cal states has already been successfully completed, and that the wisdom
traditions themselves provide alternative but equivalent descriptions of the
same, well-established empirical realities. We will not attempt to argue this
point here, but the actual level of resemblance among the traditional taxon
omies seems to us rather more like that of a group of garden shrubs, similar
in global shape but differing markedly in internal detail. Nor do we find any
compelling reason to suppose that any one of these traditions is empirically
complete and has correctly worked out the whole story, or even is signifi
cantly ahead of all the others in attempting to do so. We do not doubt that
much can be learned through comparative study of the wisdom traditions,
but we also think a complementary approach to the problem using modern
scientific methods is urgently needed, and long overdue.
In sum, Stace's abstract philosophical argument for the objective sig
nificance of mystical experience does not quite succeed. Stace himself
acknowledges that it cannot be regarded as conclusive, although he person
ally finds it strong (p. 202). But at the very least it deserves admiration as
a unique attempt to theorize about mystical experiences in a manner com
mensurate in boldness with the extraordinary character of the experiences
themselves. It may yet prove true, that is, that the mystic arrives at what
Mystical Experience-521
Plotinus calls the center of the sphere, the single point at which all of its
great circles intersect-"the still point of the turning world," in T. S. Eliot's
memorable phrase.
Stace himself turns next to various ontological matters outside the scope
of this chapter. There is much more still to be said, however, in regard to the
objective significance of mystical experience. Specifically, we will now pres
ent some additional, empirical, arguments supporting the view that mystics
do in fact make contact with reality in novel ways.
16. We are indebted to concert pianist Lorin Hollander for this information (personal com
munication, April 9, 2006).
17. Many difficulties stand in the way of evaluating this association in a rigorous way using
only historical documents, but for us it satisfies what statisticians jokingly refer to as the
"lOT" ("lnterOcular Trauma") test-it socks you right between the eyes.
522-Chapter 8
various ways. It is hardly surprising, for example, that persons who have
been the subjects of such powerful experiences will often seek to publicize
them using whatever powers of expression they antecedently possess. Thus,
Dante produces the Paradiso, Tennyson's recurrent experience of self-tran
scendence finds it way into The A ncient Sage, Koestler grinds out his four
books in five years, and-for good or ill-Jacob Boehme generates thick
tomes crammed with impenetrable Hermetic symbolism.
There is one further connection, however, which to our knowledge
remains poorly documented but which if real is of potentially consider
able significance to cognitive science. Specifically, mystical experience may
sometimes transform an individual's perceptual, cognitive, and expressive
capacities themselves. Bucke (190111969), for example, regards such sudden
increases in mental powers as one aspect of an objective "transfiguration"
produced by genuine experiences of cosmic consciousness. His primary
example is Walt Whitman, whose published works he studied diligently
and whom he knew personally as well. Bucke asserts that "in the case of
Whitman (as in that of Balzac) writings of absolutely no value were imme
diately followed (and, at least in Whitman's case without practice or study)
by pages . . . covered not only by a masterpiece but by such vital sentences as
have not been written ten times in the history of the race" (p. 226). We our-
1 8 . There is some irony here, for Underhill herself certainly was familiar with Myers's
depth psychology. She cites him explicitly only once, but shows considerable general acquain
tance with the subject matter of HP, and liberally invokes key Myers concepts such as those
of automatisms, uprushes, and subliminal mentation. She in fact uses Myers in much the
same way as does James in VRE, while apparently distancing herself rather deliberately, for
reasons we can only surmise, from both. One wonders how subsequent mysticism scholarship
might have been altered had she been less reticent about these scientific connections, and less
of an apologist for Christianity.
M yst ic a l Ex per ie n ce
- 523
From the medicine-man of the lowest savages up to St. John, St. Peter,
St. Paul, with Buddha and Mahomet on the way, we find records which,
though morally and intellectually much differing, are in psychological
essence the same . . . .We thus show continuity and reality among phenom
ena which have seldom been either correlated with each other or even
intelligibly conceived in separation. With our new insight we may correlate
the highest and the lowest ecstatic phenomena with no injury whatever to
the highest. (p. 260)19
When she was composing her works she would experience a sudden and
irresistable inclination to take up her pen; though feeling wholly incapable
of literary composition, and not even knowing the subject on which she
would be impelled to write. If she resisted this impulse it was at the cost of
the most intense discomfort. She would then begin to write with extraor
dinary swiftness; words, elaborate arguments, and appropriate quotations
coming to her without reflection, and so quickly that one of her longest
books was written in one and a half days. (p. 66)
20. The modern mystical experience of Jungian psychologist Genevieve Foster ( 1 985) was
closely similar to some of Teresa's "intellectual visions," as Foster herself eventually discov
ered upon reading Underhill. Its core feature was an overwhelming sense of numinous con
tact with a loving but invisible being whose presence was keenly felt and sharply localized in
space. This "vision" lasted for some five days, and it transformed her life. See also Hufford's
( 1985) interesting commentary on this case, and Man:chal ( 1927/2004), who makes the "feel
ing of presence," in a hierarchy of progressively intense forms, central to his account of mysti
cal development.
526-Chapter 8
21. William James himself verges upon this argument at various points in VRE (see, e.g.,
pp. 3 1 3, 314, 378), but always holds back, confining the relevant remarks to brief asides, allu
sions, and footnotes. His conservatism may have been "politically" wise in the academic envi
ronment of the Gifford lectures, and indeed his very first words were: "It is with no small
amount of trepidation that I take my place behind this desk, and face this learned audience."
Nevertheless, that James did not more systematically and openly bring the findings of psychi
cal research to bear on the problem of mystical "truth" seems to us an unfortunate instance,
rare for him, of missed opportunity. It certainly does not reflect any ambivalence or uncer
tainty on his part regarding the value of these findings (see, e.g., James, 1890-1896/1910).
22. In this section we have adapted some material previously published in E. F. Kelly and
Locke (198Ib). We thank the Parapsychology Foundation for permission to use this mate
23. Readers should be forewarned, however, that Taimni occasionally injects superfluous
elements of Theosophical doctrine into his interpretations of Patanjali's meaning. See also
Jain and Jain ( 1 973) for a useful summary of Patanjali's system by contemporary biomedical
Mystical Experience-527
24. An interesting detail arises here: Although the Yogic discipline of meditation is empha
sized as providing the main pathway to the siddhis, Patanjali also acknowledges that they may
arise "abnormally" in certain other contexts. The relevant sutra (vol. 1, sutra 19) is particu
larly obscure, but Taimni argues plausibly that it can be construed as referring specifically to
capacities for trance mediumship.
25. For similar reasons we deplore the curious tendency of transpersonal psychology to
distance itself from parapsychology, at least in part out of what looks to us like unthinking
compliance with the prevailing negative attitude of the wisdom traditions.
528-Chapter 8
ton ( 1977) pointed out that the eight limbs of Yogic practice as outlined by
Patanjali can be understood at minimum as a system of progressive psy
chophysical noise reduction leading to a state characterized by physical
relaxation, isolation from the normal sensory environment, and intensely
focused inwardly directed attention. This is strikingly consistent with the
self-descriptions of gifted ESP subjects (R. A. White, 1964), and it would
therefore not be surprising if even modest practice of Yoga and its cen
tral techniques of meditation should produce conditions favorable for the
occurrence of psi. And indeed this appears to be the case, as indicated by an
increasing variety and number of experimental studies of psi performance
in relation to meditation and similar low-noise conditions (Braud, 1 978;
Honorton, 1 977, 1 997; Rao & Palmer, 1 987).
Although the linkage identified by Patanjali between the achievement
of deep meditative and mystical states and the emergence of strong psi
phenomena has barely begun to be verified and explored experimentally,
significant further support for such a linkage derives indirectly from com
parative study of the wisdom traditions themselves. It is noteworthy first
that Patanjali's catalog of siddhis is anything but unique. Other mystical tra
ditions, including relatively remote ones such as Sufism, Catholicism, and
the many expressions of Shamanism in preliterate societies, have discovered
and catalogued many of the same phenomena in strikingly parallel ways.
These parallels are drawn out in considerable detail by M. Murphy (1992),
who provides what is by far the most systematic attempt to date to construct
a "natural history" of the entire domain.
More importantly, this domain is not populated solely by unverifiable
oral reports of ancient anecdotal lore, as many skeptical observers might
casually suppose. Significant empirical anchorage can be found, for exam
ple, in an important but neglected work by Herbert Thurston (1952). Thur
ston, a Jesuit scholar, performed the heroic service of digesting innumerable
volumes of Catholic hagiography in search of serious evidence of supernor
mal phenomena in the lives of the saints. Most of what he found falls within
the ambiguous domain of extreme psychophysiological influence-what
Myers referred to generically as "hyperboulia," or "increased power over
the organism" (HP, vol. 1 , p. xiii). Relevant phenomena here include stig
mata (appearance of the wounds of Christ), tokens of espousal (deforma
tion of the skin to produce structures with the appearance of wedding rings
or other symbols of the mystical marriage), "incendium amoris" (produc
tion of intense bodily heat), inedia (not eating for weeks, months, or years),
capacity to sustain prolonged contact with fire, boiling water, and so forth,
without pain or injury, several peculiarities manifested by saintly corpses
(prolonged incorruption, continued bleeding, or absence of rigidity), and
luminous phenomena.26 Other phenomena investigated by Thurston, how-
26. Luminous phenomena form a complex and fascinating subject deserving of detailed
treatment on its own. The introvertive mystical state of consciousness is often described as
"self-effulgent," and Bucke takes this sense of unusual subjective light as one of the defining
marks of cosmic consciousness. Something of this sort is in fact commonly reported in con-
Mystical Experience-529
ever, fal l well within the traditional domain of psi research, including both
ESP phenomena of various kinds and macroscopic PK phenomena includ
ing in the most extreme cases outright bodily levitation.
Thurston's method is to adduce evidence systematically for each of the
targeted phenomena in turn, based on the lives of saints (mainly post-16th
century) who reportedly manifested them. The evidence cited comes primar
ily from the written records of formal proceedings instituted by the Church
for the purposes of determining whether these particular individuals mer
ited beatification or canonization. However, Thurston also goes to consid
erable pains to point out instances of analogous phenomena documented
outside the Church. In particular, he seems to have been quite familiar with
the early work of the SPR and with its standards of evidence.
How seriously should scientifically minded persons take this rather
mind-boggling assortment of material? Although this must always remain
to some degree a matter of personal judgment, conditioned by individual
knowledge and sensibilities, we ourselves believe, for reasons we will next
briefly explain, that it deserves to be taken very seriously indeed.
Four main features of Thurston's evidence seem to us significant. First
is its sheer volume. Many individual events of very unsubtle type were
observed and reported consistently by large numbers of people and/or on
repeated occasions, with some of this testimony coming from initially hos
tile or skeptical witnesses. Some of the reports also appear to be independent
in the sense that persons manifesting or reporting a particular phenomenon
appear unlikely to have known of other contemporaneous or previous mani
festations of that same phenomenon. Furthermore, most of the categories of
phenomena, in particular those that do not depend on specifically Christian
doctrine, have been reported to recur independently in a variety of settings,
and some, such as the phenomena of extreme psychophysical influence, have
been independently confirmed and amplified by a variety of modern scien
tific evidence (Chapter 3).
Second is the general quality of the evidence. Beatification and canon
ization proceedings are serious business, not unlike secular trials. Although
bona fide "miracles" might make good advertisements for the faith, the
Church is a conservative institution with considerable investment in avoid
ing potentially embarrassing and damaging error. Evidence presented in
favor of a candidate is systematically attacked by a "devil's advocate" or
promotor fidei whose specific task is to find weaknesses sufficient to throw
out the case. The records distinguish among types and grades of evidence
for example, first-hand versus second-hand testimony, skeptical versus doc
ile witnesses, and so forth-and important witnesses are whenever possible
junction not only with religious mystical states but also with OBEs, NDEs, shamanic jour
neys, and apparitional experiences of many sorts (see Chapter 6). The unusual luminosities,
moreover, are sometimes "objective" in the sense that they may be visible to some though not
necessarily all potential observers, or on rare occasions even photographed or detected by
optical instruments such as photomultiplier tubes (Alvarado, 1987; Joines, Baumann, Kim,
Zile, & Simmonds, 2004). Intellectual or spiritual "illumination" and "enlightenment," in
short, may sometimes involve more than mere metaphors.
5 30-Chapter 8
In this section we will first briefly canvas the principal attempts known to us
to say something meaningful about aspects or patterns of brain-body activ
ity associated with mystical experience. None of these is very successful,
in our opinion, and all exemplify in varying degrees several characteristic
faults of the existing literature, in particular: (I) failure to come to grips
with the full-blown phenomenology of mystical experiences; (2) paucity of
directly supporting empirical data; and (3) excessive willingness to spin out
elaborate neurophysiological just-so stories that purport to "explain" mysti
cal experience in terms of currently understood neuroscience.
27. Stace (1960/ 1987, pp. 1 96-197) explicitly likens the ontological status of the "cosmic
ego" encountered by mystics to that of other "universals" as conceived by Plato, Aristotle,
and many philosophers of mathematics. See Chapter 7 regarding the modified Platonism
underlying Myers's account of genius.
532-Chapter 8
"debunk" religious personalities such as St. Paul and Joan of Arc, and are
foundational to the work of contemporary God-in-the-Brain theorists such
as Mandell (1 980) and Persinger ( 1 987). They seem even to have become
widely accepted as an element of medical folklore; according to Ramach
andran and Blakeslee ( 1 998), for example, "every medical student is taught
that patients with epileptic seizures originating in this part of the brain
can have intense, spiritual experiences during the seizures" (p. 175; see also
Mesulam, 2000, chap. 8).
The actual evidence for such a linkage, however, is in fact very sparse,
as is apparent even in a recent attempt by Saver and Rabin (1997) to summa
rize the observations supporting it. We focus here on their discussion of ictal
(during-seizure) experiences in TLE, in particular the intellectual "auras"
or altered states of consciousness that sometimes accompany the abnormal
neuroelectric activity. Most such experiences are in the first place only "reli
gious" in a very broad sense having little to do with mystical states per se.
They include, for example, dreamy states, feelings of depersonalization or
unreality, and feelings of being detached, far away, or "not in this world."
The one point of seemingly genuine contact concerns so-called "ecstatic sei
zures," for which the historical prototype is Dostoevsky's famous descrip
tion of Prince Myshkin in The Idiot. This indeed sounds like a real mysti
cal experience, and Saver and Rabin therefore include Dostoevsky, along
with St. Paul, St. Teresa, and Joan of Arc, in a long table summarizing 1 5
cases of "historical-religious" personalities known or surmised to have been
epileptic. These diagnoses are in most cases transparently circumstantial,
however, and they often depend on behaviors that are associated primar
ily with early stages of the mystic vocation and are equally well or better
interpreted as psychological automatisms (Chapter 5). In only two of their
15 cases, in fact, is a medical diagnosis of epilepsy certain: In the first, that
of Dostoevsky, it is not certain either that he was a temporal-lobe case or
even that he himself had the experiences he describes (see below); the other,
oddly enough, involves Myers's own brother, the physician Arthur Myers,
who was a patient of Hughlings Jackson (1888, 1 898; see also D. C. Taylor &
Marsh, 1 980) and who was found on autopsy to have a small left temporal
lesion, but who was by no stretch of the imagination subject to mystical
states of any kind.
Saver and Rabin ( 1997) next go on to identify 10 "well-studied modern
clinical cases of ecstatic seizure all [of which] appear to have had a tempo
rolimbic substrate" (p. 503). In seven of these, however, all appearing in a
single article (D. Williams, 1 956), the "ecstasy" is more aptly described as
"pleasure," and the main point of the article is that even this is extremely
rare. Two of the other three arguably enter the genuinely mystical range, but
fall considerably short even of Dostoevsky's description, let alone the full
blown introvertive mystical experience.28
28. In the best of these (Cirignotta, Todesco, & Lugaresi, 1 980), a brief ecstatic episode
fortuitously occurred during a polygraphic recording including eight channels of EEG, in a
patient in whom the diagnosis of TLE had been confirmed by the presence of spike-and-wave
Mystical Experience-533
activity in right temporal cortex during slow-wave sleep. Although abnormal electrical activ
ity localized to the right temporal region may therefore have preceded the ecstatic experience,
its causal role is unclear because the experience itself occupied just "a few instants," of uncer
tain temporal location, in a record that lasts for over a minute and displays rapidly changing
large-scale patterns of unusual brain activity. Future studies of this type, using more EEG
channels, common-reference (versus bipolar) recordings, and markers for onset/offset of the
targeted conscious states, could help to pinpoint their actual electrophysiological correlates.
29. In a subsequent paper Gastaut ( 1 984) slightly qualifies his diagnosis of Dostoevsky's
epilepsy but not his attack on the concept of ecstatic auras in TLE.
534-Chapter 8
and all of them emphasize like Gastaut both that affective responses of
any kind are relatively rare and that they consist almost exclusively of fear
and anxiety. Gloor et al. ( 1982), using implanted multichannel electrodes
which permitted stimulation and recording at both temporal neocortical
and limbic sites in the same subject, showed in addition that experiential
phenomena occur only when limbic structures are activated, whether or
not an afterdischarge propagates to temporal cortex, whereas stimulation
of temporal neocortex produces experiential responses only if it is strong
enough to propagate afterdischarges into limbic structures. Experiential
responses, moreover, can change dramatically with repeated stimulation of
the same limbic site, have no fixed relationship to the precise locus of that
site, and can reoccur after the tissue surrounding the site has been surgically
removed, all suggesting that the conscious experiences actually originate
somewhere else altogether (Halgren, 1982).30
In sum, we find no credible evidence of any generalized associa
tion between epileptic seizure activity and genuine mystical experience.
Extremely few if any well-documented epileptics have reported true mysti
cal experiences, and there is little or no cogent evidence of epilepsy in the
great majority of historically prominent mystics about whose lives we have
sufficient information to judge. It may still be true that epilepsy sometimes
produces neurobiological conditions conducive to mystical experience, but
as yet we have no clear picture as to what, precisely, those conditions are.
Meanwhile, TLE per se, as a gross clinical entity, is certainly neither neces
sary nor sufficient.
30. Note the structural analogy here with migraine auras and related hallucinatory phenom
ena discussed in Chapter 7. Among other things, these stimulation results render it exceed
ingly unlikely, in our opinion, that "God experiences" can be induced by weak impressed
magnetic fields of the sort applied by Persinger ( 1999, 2001). The experiences Persinger reports
are at best distantly related to the genuinely mystical, and they appear highly vulnerable to
distortion by subject expectancies and demand characteristics created by his experimental
conditions. Our long-standing suspicions in this regard have recently been confirmed by the
failure of an attempt to replicate his findings using his own apparatus under strictly double
blind conditions (Granqvist et aI., 2005). More generally, the numerous papers and books
in which Persinger has claimed to explain all sorts of supernormal phenomena in terms of
largely hypothetical patterns of abnormal temporal lobe activity seem to us of little scientific
value (see also Chapter 6; and Horgan, 2003, pp. 91-\05).
Mystical Experience-535
3 1 . Although this classical conception remains substantially correct, it has recently been
expanded and refined in ways summarized by Hugdahl ( 1996).
32. Gellhorn and Kiely also make a somewhat overdrawn comparison here between Yogic
ecstasy and REM (dreaming) sleep, which displays partly similar physiological properties,
and they make the prescient suggestion that the transitions to these states, and to somewhat
similar psychedelic and psychotic states, might be mediated by overlapping or similar mecha
nisms (see below).
536-Chapter 8
33. Sargant himself has no use for any of these states and seeks merely to discredit them as
variant forms of "brain-washing," explainable in full in terms of mechanisms of generalized
inhibition identified by Pavlov in his studies of experimental neurosis in dogs.
Mystical Experience-537
34. With one significant technical caveat, however: Austin is not as aware as he should be
of the emerging neurophysiological story in regard to global workspace theory and the puta
tive role of large-scale shared cortical neuroelectric activity in solving the "binding" prob
lem (although this seems to be changing-see Austin, 2000). Perhaps for this reason, he also
shares with many other neuroimaging enthusiasts a failure to appreciate the potential con
tributions of high-density EEG (and MEG) imaging. These electrophysiological methods are
complementary, not alternative, to currently more popular PET and fMRI methods, and have
enjoyed major technical advances in recent years. Briefly, under conditions substantially more
comfortable for subjects, they provide relatively direct measures of shared neural activity, on
a frequency-specific basis and on a time scale more relevant to experience and behavior. See
also Nunez and Silberstein (2000) and E. F. Kelly, Lenz, Franaszczuk, & Truong (1997).
540-Chapter 8
35. Note that Austin differs here both from d'Aquili and Newberg, who think the self is
specially associated with left posterior parietal cortex, and from most other cognitive neu
roscientists, who presume that it is part of a neural "executive" system which resides within
the frontal lobes.
36. The precise spatial distribution of such events within and between subjects remains to
be determined in detail, however. We leave aside here the related matter of Austin's premature
endorsement of a "copy" or "image" theory of memory, encouraged in part by his subsequent
discovery of a photograph that he himself had earlier made of the same maple leaf (see also
our Chapter 4).
Mystical Experience-54l
37. Here our views largely coincide with those expressed in a thoughtful review by cognitive
scientist Eleanor Rosch (1999). although we are not comfortable with some of the examples
she invokes in support of her challenge to neuroscientists.
542-Chapter 8
One conclusion was forced upon my mind at that time, and my impression
of its truth has ever since remained unshaken. It is that our normal wak
ing consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special
type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of
screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We
may go through l i fe without suspecting their existence; but apply the req
uisite stimulus, and at a touch they are there in all their completeness,
definite types of mentality which probably somewhere have their field
of application and adaptation. No account of the universe in its totality
can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disre
garded . . . They forbid a premature closing of our accounts with reality. (p.
38. We prefer the term psychedelic, which means "mind-manifesting," to more theoreti
cally loaded cognate terms whether negative (such as psychotomimetic, hallucinogenic, and so
on) or positive (such as entheogenic). For an interesting account by Humphry Osmond of his
invention of this term in friendly competition with Aldous Huxley, see Cavanna and Ullman
(1968, pp. 1 24-125).
39. Myers also self-experimented with nitrous oxide. In his review of the Principles (Myers,
189lc) he strongly endorses James's call for further experiments with anesthetics, and adds
this personal note: "Having myself, by mere good fortune, once attained under nitrous oxide
to the state of 'impersonal consciousness' . . . 1 have endeavoured in vain to repeat the experi
ence. Yet the psychological instructiveness of this unique sensation is so great that it should, I
think, be a matter of course for the experimental psychologist to test fully his own capacity of
getting down into that diffusive sense of scarce-conditioned existence from whence the notion
Mystical Experience-543
James (p. 301) cites two further instances in which quasi-mystical expe
rience occurred in conjunction with surgical anesthesia, under chloroform
in one case and ether in the other.40 Indeed, the emergence of both of these
agents as drugs of abuse in the late 19th century may well have resulted in
part from their capacity to engender such experiences (L. Lewin, 192711998).
We are not aware of any modern attempt to collect and systematize observa
tions of this sort, but the effort to do so would undoubtedly be worthwhile,
since similar experiences are almost certainly occurring in connection with
modern anesthetic regimes, and they bear strongly on the central themes of
this chapter (see also H. Smith, 2000, pp. 70-71). It will also be recalled from
Chapter 6 that NDEs, which often have a mystical dimension, sometimes
occur in conjunction with general surgical anesthesia.
We now reach the heart of the subject, the major psychedelics, includ
ing both plant-derived substances such as mescaline and psilocybin and the
later synthetic agents, above all LSD-25. Their turbulent cultural and legal
history has been told in detail many times, perhaps most notably in the
sober and balanced treatment by Grinspoon and Bakalar (1 97911997). Had
Myers and James lived long enough, they would certainly have participated
actively in these developments, and indeed James himself is known to have
consumed peyote, though only once because it made him violently ill with
out any compensatory psychedelic effects (Grinspoon & Bakalar, 197911997,
p. 59).
Although the extraordinary psychedelic properties of LSD had already
been discovered by Albert Hofman in 1943, an overt linkage in Western
popular culture between psychedelics and mysticism was initially forged
by the perennialist Aldous Huxley ( 195411990), based mainly on his own
early encounters with mescaline.41 This was of course followed by the mostly
infamous doings at Harvard under the inauspicious leadership of Timothy
Leary, the hysterical culture wars of the 1960s, and the near-total govern
ment shutdown by 1970 of psychedelic research with humans (Grob, 1998).
Because of this decades-long ban on new research, much of the following
discussion is based on very old work, some of it certainly falling short in
various ways of today's research standards. Nevertheless, the main points
we want to make appear to us fully justified by the evidence already avail
First and foremost among these points is that the major psychedelics
can and sometimes do produce genuine mystical experiences. In fact, they
appear capable of producing or at least helping to produce the entire range
of personality itself, and the specialized senses severally, seem slowly to define themselves,
not only as an advance and a development, but as a loss and a limitation" (pp. 1 1 5-1 16).
40. The latter, interestingly, also included an aspect of "panoramic life review" (see Chap
ter 6).
4l . An interesting historical footnote is provided here by neuroscientist 1. R. Smythies
(1983), who reveals that he provided mescaline not only to Huxley but also to other intellectu
als interested in its philosophical implications, including C. D. Broad, H. H. Price, and R. C.
544---Chapter 8
this conclusion derives from the testimony of Huston Smith (2000, pp. 1 00-
101), who as it turns out was one of Pahnke's "guides," received the psilocy
bin, and acknowledges that the Good Friday experiment provided him with
"the most powerful cosmic homecoming I have ever experienced."
Further evidence comes from Masters and Houston ( 1966), who admin
istered psychedelics (mainly LSD or peyote) in varying dosages to 206 sub
jects of their own and interviewed some 214 others who under a variety of
circumstances had taken the same or similar drugs. Although the great pre
ponderance of the effects they report are perceptual and imaginative, par
ticularly at low dosages or early in the sessions, they also devote an entire
chapter to experiences of more religious or mystical character, and state
specifically that six of their own 206 subjects appeared to have reached a
"deepest phenomenological stratum" corresponding to the full-fledged
introvertive mystical experience as described by Stace (1 960/1987, p. 307).
All six, interestingly, were over 40 years of age, of superior intelligence, well
adjusted, and creative.
More recently, Strassman (2001) has reported experiences induced by
DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a fast-acting and powerful psychedelic that
may be produced endogenously by the pineal gland.42 Among these, once
again, are experiences that clearly reach well into the mystical range. One
subject, for example, says:
Many further examples of this sort can be found in the reports of other
researchers who have worked extensively with LSD and related psychedelics,
such as Grof ( 1975, 1985) and de Rios and Janiger (2003), and in the popular
psychedelic literature. Although deep mystical experiences certainly do not
occur automatically or routinely, especially among unprepared recreational
users exposed to drugs of unknown composition and quality, that such
experiences can and do occur fairly often among well-prepared, mature,
and stable persons in suitably structured and comfortable settings seems
to us a certainty. Indeed, like Pahnke and Richards (1966, p. 1 93), we think
that the reproducibility of mystical-type experiences under such conditions
is in principle sufficient to support their investigation using modern experi
mental methods, if only the current legal barriers can be relaxed.43
42. Strassman also paints a grim picture of the regulatory hurdles he had to overcome in
conducting this research.
43. Groups working in support of such changes include the Heffter Research Institute, the
Albert Hofmann Foundation, the Council on Spiritual Practices (CSP), and the Multidisci-
546-Chapter 8
Some religious scholars such as Zaehner (1 957/1978) and Katz (see Hor
gan, 2003, pp. 44-45) have strongly resisted such conclusions, but their resis
tance seems to us transparently motivated by factors such as pre-existing
commitment to one or another theological position and perhaps a certain
horror at the thought that genuine religious experience might sometimes be
obtained by popping a pill, without the protracted austerities characteristic
of traditional mystic self-disciplines.44 Any such horror ought to be miti
gated at least somewhat, however, by the realization that psychedelics can
be regarded, much like other widely recognized and accepted "triggers" of
genuine mystical experience, as somehow establishing or permitting condi
tions in the brain that are conducive to its occurrence. The key question, of
course, is precisely what those conditions are.
Although psychedelics clearly afford unique opportunities to produce
and study the relevant conditions experimentally, little has so far been
accomplished along these lines, mainly because of the legal restrictions cur
rently in place. Nevertheless, some sense of the possibilities in this direction
can already be gleaned from recent PET imaging studies carried out with
humans by psychiatrist F. X. Vollenweider and colleagues in Switzerland,
where these restrictions are less severe (Gamma et aI., 2004; Vollenweider,
1 994, 1998; Vollenweider & Geyer, 2001 ; Vollenweider, Leenders, 0ye, Hell,
& Angst, 1997; Vollenweider, Leenders, Scharfetter, Antonini, et aI., 1 997;
Vollenweider, Leenders, Scharfetter, Maguire, et aI., 1997). The most rel
evant of these studies examined patterns of brain activity (glucose utiliza
tion) and associated states of consciousness produced in healthy normal
volunteers by moderate doses of psilocybin and ketamine. Briefly, these
agents were found to produce strikingly similar global effects, despite alto
gether divergent primary actions on cortical neurotransmission. Metabolic
activity increased over much of the brain, and especially in areas gener
ally associated with the "global workspace," including in particular frontal,
temporal, and parietal cortex, the insula, and the thalamus. Vollenweider
intreprets these results, which conflict both with the model of d'Aquili and
Newberg ( 1999) and with the "transient hypofrontality" hypothesis of Diet
rich (2003), as revealing previously hidden interactions among the major
neurotransmitter systems. The common final outcome, he suggests, results
from the fact that both psilocybin (a partial agonist of [5-HT J serotonin
receptors) and ketamine (an antagonist of glutamate at NMDA2 receptors)
lead, by different pathways, to top-down inhibition of a gating or filtering
of incoming information normally exerted at the level of the thalamus. The
plinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), all easily accessible on the worldwide
44. Austin (1999) acknowledges the overlap between mystical and psychedelic experience,
but discourages the use of drugs on the grounds that they effect rapidly and violently the same
kinds of changes in brain function that he thinks are produced more gradually, voluntarily,
and controllably by practice of meditation. We have considerable sympathy for this point of
view, but genuinely adverse effects even of the major psychedelics are not common (Strass
man, 1984), and we wonder also whether "gentler" psychedelics yet to be discovered might not
some day prove more trustworthy adjuncts to meditative practice.
Mystical Experience-547
45. We also mention in passing that even on its own purely neurobiological terms Vollen
weider's current model neglects at least one other important source of "filtering" action in the
brain, namely, the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor system of the upper cortical lay
ers. As summarized for example by Kohn and Whitsel (2002) and Flohr (2000), this activity
dependent system plays a critical role in habituation to repeated stimuli and other short-term
dynamic adjustments of cortical function, and also is specifically and selectively disabled by
agents such as ketamine and PCP.
548-Chapter 8
The deepest parts of this continuum are of course our primary concern
here.46 Arguably the most systematic attempt to date to map this "transper
sonal" region of psychedelic experience is that of psychiatrist Stanislav
Grof, based on literally thousands of sessions spanning 17 years of clini
cal research and personal experimentation with LSD. The conclusions Grof
wishes to draw from this mass of material were already largely in place by
the time of his first book (Grof, 1975), in which he describes how the expe
riences he encountered in himself and his patients forced him beyond the
orthodox Freudianism of his psychoanalytic training in Czechoslovakia to
a greatly expanded conception of the human unconscious. Briefly, he identi
fies four large classes or stages of LSD experience which he terms "abstract
and aesthetic," "psychodynamic," "perinatal," and "transpersonal." The
last two of these represent the principal novelties of his expanded con
ceptual scheme: Perinatal experiences revolve around ostensible memo
ries of psychologically formative events occurring near the time of birth,
and transpersonal experiences include, in addition to mystical experiences
proper, the emergence of "archetypes" and other products of the Jungian
collective unconscious, encounters with superhuman spiritual entities,
ostensible memories of past lives, and a score of other experiences that to
say the least are extremely odd.
Grof himself quickly recognized strong affinities between his expanded
conception of the psychodynamic unconscious and the trans personal psy
chologies associated with the primordial tradition (Tart, 1975b), and he has
spent much of his subsequent career working out these parallels in greater
detail. Huston Smith (1 976, 2000) also recognized these similarities, and
has even gone so far as to characterize Grof's work as in effect scientifically
corroborating that tradition. It is hardly surprising in this light that Grof
is widely regarded as one of the pillars of contemporary transpersonal psy
chology (Walsh & Vaughan, 1980, 1993).
Grof surely deserves credit for helping to open up this potentially
important area of research, but in our opinion his actual scientific accom
plishments, as represented in his published works, cannot carry this much
theoretical weight. Perhaps reflecting his clinical background and training,
his reports seem to us to consist mainly of Grof himself presenting, at one
remove from the actual experiences of his subjects, what amount to sum
mary narratives sketching his overall impressions and interpretations of
their character and meaning. This procedure is certainly insufficient to jus
tify strong and radical empirical claims of the sorts that he makes through
out his books. Readers are apparently expected simply to trust his judgment,
primarily on the strength of oft-repeated general reassurances as to the sup
posedly thorough, cautious, and conservative nature of his procedures for
46. Note, however, that the existence of a "middle" region in which strikingly different and
in some ways superior modes of symbolism and cognition emerge is in line with the account of
genius developed in Chapter 7. Psychedelics could thus in principle facilitate further experi
mental investigation of these processes, and indeed of creativity itself (de Rios & Janiger,
Mystical Ex perie nce- 549
collecting and analyzing data, when what we really need are details of the
actual evidence supporting specific factual claims. In regard to ostensible
memories of past lives, to take one especially significant example, detailed
presentation of verified supporting evidence after the manner of Steven
son (1997, 2001) is surely crucial; yet Grof presents practically no such evi
dence, and most of what little he does present was apparently discovered by
the subjects themselves. Unlike Masters and Houston ( 1 966), who suggest
that many aspects of LSD experience "may constitute subliminal triumphs
of Time, Life, Newsweek" (p. 306), Grof also shows little or no awareness
of the potential for cryptomnesia to explain much of his data (Stevenson,
1983a). More generally, he seems to us altogether too prone to regard the
intense phenomenology of LSD experiences as itself somehow warranting
their empirical truth. In sum, although we find Grof's work in many ways
interesting and suggestive, in its current form it falls far short of empirically
establishing his central transpersonal claims.47
One point all psychological students of psychedelics agree upon is that
these agents somehow activate or provide access to important psychological
materials and processes normally latent somewhere beyond the margins of
waking consciousness. In this, psychedelic states are again closely akin to
mystical states. In both, as James puts it, "we pass from out of ordinary con
sciousness as from a less into a more, as from a smallness into a vastness"
( VRE, p. 319). What could be more natural, under these circumstances, than
to conceive of ordinary consciousness as a contracted or reduced form of
some sort of larger and more potent consciousness latent within-to think,
that is, in terms of a "filter" or " transmission" theory of the sort advocated
by Myers, James, and Bergson, and discussed throughout this book, in
which the normal functions of the brain with its sensory and motor systems
are in substantial part eliminative rather than productive?
Even the physiologist Vollenweider, as we saw, moves partway in this
direction, and many psychologically oriented students of psychedelics in
addition to Grof have explicitly adopted a full-fledged transpersonal filter
model of some sort. A. Huxley (1 954/1990, pp. 22�27) does so, for example,
relying upon the following passage from C. D. Broad ( 1953), which was orig
inally written in relation to the problems posed for conventional mind-brain
theory by psi phenomena:
47. Despite these scientific limitations of his published work, Grof certainly does not
deserve the sneering Voltaire-style abuse heaped upon him by Edwards ( 1996). It remains
possible in our view that more information may yet be mined from Grof's original records,
and that future research by others will substantiate at least some of his transpersonal claims.
Similarly non-dismissive attitudes are expressed by scientific commentators as diverse as
Austin (1999), Wulff (2000), and especially Grinspoon and Bakalar ( 1 979/1997).
5 50-Chapter 8
As M ind at Large seeps past the no longer watertight valve, all kinds of
biologically useless things start to happen. In some cases there may be
extra-sensory perception. Other persons discover a world of visionary
beauty. To others again is revealed the glory, the infinite value and mean
ingfulness of naked existence, of the given, unconceptualized event. In the
final stage of egolessness there is an "obscure knowledge" that All is in
all-that All is actually each. (p. 26)
48. We also suspect that it could be particularly fruitful to explore possible ways of recover
ing conscious experiences that may occur at a deeper stratum of personality during ketamine
anesthesia (see also Grace, 2003; H. Smith, 2000, pp. 70-71).
552-Chapter 8
organic, but all the various induction procedures both trophotropic and
ergotropic devised by literally thousands of human societies, over thou
sands of years, in service of their production (R. G. Locke & Kelly, 1985). It
seems to us unlikely that all of these heterogeneous means of engendering
mystical experience can have anything more in common than a capacity to
disrupt or destabilize the normal mode of operation of the mind-brain sys
tem. Why some kinds of "disruption" produce this "loosening" while others
do not remains to be elucidated.49
Second is the curious phenomenon of synesthesia, or fusion of the
senses, which is a common accompaniment of both psychedelic and mysti
cal experiences. Although we do not wish to press the point too hard, this
seems just the sort of thing one might expect if the normal sharp differentia
tion of the special senses is effected by coupling of a more general imagina
tive power with the specific environment of the brain and its sensory organs,
and is partially undone by a decoupling effect of psychedelic agents. 50 Sug
gestions by Cytowic ( 1995) and others that synesthesia is more common in
writers, artists, and musicians and also associated with increased incidence
of psi phenomena could, if upheld in further research, support such an
Third, the full-fledged transpersonal filter model receives direct sup
port from the body of evidence reviewed in Chapter 6 showing that NDEs
which, as we have said before, often have a mystical or transcendent
aspect-sometimes occur under conditions in which the specific physiologi
cal mechanisms thought by mainstream neuroscientists to be necessary for
the production of conscious states have been largely or totally disabled.
Finally, states of consciousness produced by psychedelic agents, like
mystical states in general, appear likely to be strongly psi-conducive,
although the evidence for this too is currently less than satisfactory. The
existence of such connections is presumed by the worldwide shamanic tra
dition and also deeply ingrained in contemporary psychedelic folklore,
including the publicallY expressed expectations of neuroscientist John
Smythies and various eminent persons to whom he provided mescaline (see
footnote 41). However, there has so far been little meaningful experimental
work on this important topic. During the brief period when psychedelics
were widely available for use with humans, formal ESP testing of all sorts
was unfortunately carried out almost without exception using forced-choice
card-guessing methods that are singularly ill-suited for use with persons
undergoing intense psychedelic experiences. Nevertheless, even the scanty
data currently available suggest that the association is real and accessible
to more imaginative forms of experimentation. Grof ( 1975) in typical fash
ion makes many strong claims but provides little if any credible evidence.
Masters and Houston (1 966, pp. 1 1 3-1 22), in contrast, report some quite
striking albeit informal results using both forced-choice and free-response
procedures, with the latter clearly emerging as the preferred testing strategy
for any future work. Tart (1977) summarizes most of the existing studies
and suggests additional methodological refinements for future work. There
seems ample reason to expect that such work will be successful, provided
that it heeds the lessons of the past (Grob, 1998).
In summary of this section, it seems to us beyond reasonable doubt
that in principle psychedelics afford vital opportunities for wide-ranging
and illuminating experimental studies of mystical-type experiences, their
neurobiological accompaniments, and associated cognitive phenomena
of many kinds including psi phenomena. Whether our culture can muster
the courage and wisdom to permit such explorations remains to be seen,
however. At present the major psychedelics are treated simply as drugs of
abuse, under a legal system which in fact does little to prevent abuse but has
been highly successful in suppressing research that could contribute sig
nificantly to reshaping scientific understanding of human personality and
mind-body relations. We refer readers here especially to Grinspoon and
Bakalar ( 1979/1997, chap. 8), who sharply highlight the manner in which the
existing medical-legal control system has itself in effect become a means of
defending the entrenched mainstream reductionist-materialist conception
of human mind and personality. As they trenchantly observe, "we have a
mysticism problem as well as a drug problem" (p. 302).
51. We include in this group the work of Leuba ( 1 925), who sought to analyze the highest
experiences of Christian mystics in terms of a reductive psychodynamics of sexual repression
and sublimation having much in common with Freudian psychoanalysis while not embracing
it overtly. For a destructive critique of Leuba's efforts along these lines, informed by a much
deeper acquaintance with Christian mysticism, see Marechal ( 1927/2004).
Mystical Experience-555
lung saw the central process of individuation, the growth and integration of
personality, as driven and shaped by numinous encounters between the con
scious ego and this deeper unconscious or "dark" region of the psyche. For
him and his followers, as for Myers, genius and mysticism are profoundly
related, with both reflecting an inherent drive or nisus toward more com
prehensive consciousness and more complete psychic integration. Accord
ing to Neumann (196811970), we are in fact at bottom homo mysticus: The
mystical is "a fundamental category of human experience" (p. 383) and "the
profoundest source of creative life" (p. 385). Indeed, "man's very center is an
unknown creative force which lives within him and molds him in ever-new
forms and transformations" (p. 41 5). Mystical experiences involve mutually
transformative contacts between the ordinary ego and this hidden center,
which lungians term the self, and thus they can energize and guide that
overall shift in the center of gravity of the personality from ego toward self
which constitutes the essence of individuation. lung's views here approach
those of Underhill ( 1 911 1 1974), for whom "the essence of the mystic life con
sists in the remaking of personality," leading when successful to the "Mysti
cal Marriage" or "Unitive Life," a more or less permanent or recurrent state
of "conscious relation with the absolute" (p. 375).
For further detail we must refer readers to the elaborate and sometimes
difficult expositions provided by the lungians themselves. 53 Although it is
true in a general way that lung's theory is more comprehensive than Freud's
and more consistent with the full range of available data, it can hardly be
claimed that it provides an empirically satisfactory or complete psychody
namic account of mystical experience. lung's arguments for archetypes and
the collective unconscious, for example, rest primarily on his own clinically
based investigations of art and literature, comparative mythology, dreams,
and psychosis, and like most other developments in transpersonal psychol
ogy have so far generally been viewed by more mainstream psychologists
as undisciplined, uncritical, and largely irrelevant to scientific psychology.
Nevertheless, some additional support for his ideas can be found in fur
ther studies of comparative mythology by l. Campbell (1949/2004) and per
haps also in observations from psychedelic investigations. Grof ( 1985), for
example, asserts that the latter "have repeatedly confirmed most of lung's
brilliant insights" and that lung's system, although not yet encompassing
the full spectrum of psychedelic phenomena, "requires the least revisions
or modifications of all the systems of depth psychology" in order to do so
(p. 190).
Such "confirmations" are of course hardly independent of lung's origi
nal formulations, and it remains to be seen whether or to what degree they
will be supported in further investigations along similar lines. Moreover,
53. A. Huxley ( 1 961) explicitly contrasts the rich documentation with concrete facts that is
so characteristic of Myers with "those psycho-anthropologico-pseudo-genetic speculations
which becloud the writings of the sage of Zurich." Nevertheless, there are also important
similarities and hidden links between the views of Myers and lung that certainly merit further
Mystical Expe rienc e -557
quite apart from serious and still unresolved issues as to the character, num
ber, and thematic content of "archetypes," there are at least two significant
ways in which Jungian accounts of mystical experience seem to us inad
equate, empirically. In the first place, such experiences certainly cannot all
be regarded as "archetypal," for archetypes only reach overt expression in
the form of images, broadly construed, and as shown by Stace and others
the innermost core of mystical experience unfolds in a region beyond images
and all other distinctive mental particulars. This is closely connected with
the second and more serious limitation. What Jung clearly found most con
genial in his encounters with religious mysticism generally and Eastern mys
ticism in particular was the wealth of myth, symbolism, and imagery that
he could readily assimilate to his core doctrine of individuation and the
collective unconscious, as described above. A central feature of that doc
trine, however, is Jung's conviction that the ego is the primary bearer of
consciousness. Thus for example, he says:
54 lung ( 1 969a, p. 283) also makes explicit that the same characterization applies to what
ever consciousness accompanies any "complexes" or secondary personalities that may form
under pathological conditions (see Chapter 5).
55. A similar picture of the limitations of lung's understanding of mystical experience is
presented in scholarly detail by Coward ( 1 985).
SS8-Chapter 8
And here we arrive at a central message of this chapter, directed not only
to students of comparative religion but also to humanistic and transpersonal
psychologists generally and to any mainstream scientists who might develop
an increased interest in mysticism as a result of our labors here. It is this: The
best way forward, we believe, is not through any sort of minor adjustment of
traditional clinically based psychodynamic models of the sorts advanced by
Freud and lung, as advocated for example by Parsons (1999), nor by uncriti
cally embracing the "perennialist" psychologies of persons such as H. Smith
( 1976) and Grof (1 975, 1985), but by building upon the conceptually more
adequate and empirically more secure foundation already created by Myers
and carried forward by lames.56
The importance of lames's connections with Myers, we believe, has not
yet been adequately appreciated by most students of mysticism and religion.
lames's biographers, including his "official" biographer Perry ( 1936), have
generally downplayed or ignored altogether his deep involvement with psy
chical research, and even E. Taylor (1 996, p. 96), who knows better, cites as
a summary of lames's "own position" a passage from VRE (p. 366) in which
lames in essence is paraphrasing Myers (and anticipating Maslow). It can
be argued that a large proportion of lames's late work revolves specifically
around his attempts to draw out in detail consequences for the psychology
of religion, and for epistemology and metaphysics, of Myers's theory of the
Subliminal Self.
These connections are perhaps especially apparent in regard to VRE.
There, lames not only uses Myers's "taxonomic" expository methods
throughout, organizing his case material serially and placing special empha
sis on the most extreme and challenging phenomena, but clearly acknowl
edges in various ways and places that the theoretical apparatus he brings to
bear on their explanation is that provided by Myers (e.g., see VRE, pp. 366,
386). His treatments in VRE of the psychology of religion generally, and of
mysticism in particular, can be regarded, not unfairly we believe, as consist
ing in the main of an attempt to make more fully explicit views that in Myers
are already clearly present but remain for the most part implicit.
56. Recall here that Huxley, who as we saw had himself advanced a filter theory of psyche
delic and mystical experience, apparently came to the same conclusion when he discovered
Human Personality. In an introduction written for a one-volume edition ( 1 961), he explains
why he finds Myers's conceptual framework far more congenial than those of Freud and Jung,
and declares: "How strange and how unfortunate it is that this amazingly rich, profound, and
stimulating book should have been neglected in favor of descriptions of human nature less
complete and of explanations less adequate to the given facts!" We could hardly agree more.
Mystical Experience-SS9
But James also went further and extended Myers's thinking in novel and
important ways. In particular, as shown with particular clarity by Leary
(1 990), he continued throughout his final decade to pursue tenaciously the
problem that was always closest to his heart, the problem of the self. Most
psychologists are aware of James's elaborate discussions in the Principles of
the self and the stream of consciousness, and of his famous doctrine of the
thought itself as the only thinker. Relatively few, however, are aware of his
own dissatisfaction with these views, of his continuing struggles after 1 890
to get beyond them, and of the more radical position at which he eventually
The linchpin of these late developments is VRE, because in religious
and especially mystical experiences James found himself able to begin trac
ing that "something more" that he had always obscurely sensed to be hidden
behind the subjective pole of everyday states of consciousness (James, l 890b,
vol. 1, p. 305). In mystical experiences we come into contact with something
in ourselves that is wiser than the ordinary self yet somehow of the same
type or quality. James states as one of his principal conclusions in VRE
that "we have in the fact that the conscious person is continuous with a wider
self through which saving experiences come, a positive content of religious
experience which, it seems to me, is literally and objectively true as far as it
goes" (p. 388). This "wider self" James explicitly identifies (p. 386) with the
Subliminal Consciousness as characterized by Myers (1 892b): "Each of us is
in reality an abiding psychical entity far more extensive than he knows-an
individuality which can never express itself completely through any corpo
real manifestation" (p. 305). On its "near side" this wider self abuts every
day consciousness and provides "exactly the mediating term" required to
describe accurately, and at least partly explain, not only dissolutive phe
nomena of various sorts but automatisms, inspirations of genius, and all the
central phenomena of religious life-the divided self, the struggle, prayer,
conversion, the sense of influx of helping power, joy and security, saintli
ness, and mystical experience itself.
But what about the "far side," the remoter margin of this vast sublimi
nal region? Here James begins to diverge from Myers in an important way.
Myers was deeply acquainted with mystical philosophers and poets such as
Plato, Plotinus, Wordsworth, and Tennyson, and he himself was evidently
at least somewhat susceptible to mystical experiences, both natural and
drug-induced. Although a strong undercurrent of sympathy for the mysti
cal therefore pervades his thinking, it rarely finds overt expression in his
scientific writings, including HP, and in fact he himself never discusses the
subject of mysticism explicitly in a continuous and connected fashion. From
various scattered evidence it appears certain that he imagined the sublimi
nal region revealed by mystical experience as reaching all the way to a sort
of "World Soul" or "God" (see, e.g., Gauld, 1 968, chap. 1 3; Myers, 1 895e, pp.
585-593; HP, chap. 10), but he refrains from any systematic attempt to spell
out his cosmological views in greater detail. Indeed, he explicitly declines to
address such larger issues, saying that his aim is not "to shape the clauses
5 60-Chapter 8
of the great Act of Faith, but merely. . . to prove the preamble ofall religions . . .
that a spiritual world exists-a world [that is] not a mere 'epiphenomenon'
or transitory effect of the material world" ( l900b, pp. 1 16-1 1 7).
James, however, was less preoccupied with personal survival and less
convinced of its existence, and it is he who picks up and develops further
this largely implicit cosmological thread in Myers's thinking. Mystical expe
rience shows that there is something in us or connected with us which is
both other and larger than our ordinary conscious selves, something which
produces real effects, and which in its highest expressions is "godlike"
though not necessarily corresponding precisely to any extant conception of
God. How shall we conceive the nature and organization of this something
In A Pluralistic Universe ( 1909/1971) James delivers on the promise first
made in his postscript to VRE, setting forth in general terms his sense of the
right sort of answer-specifically, a "pluralistic panpsychism" along lines
originally suggested by Gustav Fechner.57 The facts of ordinary psychol
ogy, together with those of psychopathology, psychical research, and reli
gious experience, establish for James a "decidedly formidable probability"
in favor of such a view: "The drift of all the evidence we have seems to me
to sweep us very strongly toward the belief in some form of superhuman life
with which we may, unknown to ourselves, be coconscious" (p. 268). James
pictures this coconscious life as having a complex structure of its own, tak
ing the form of a hierarchy of progressively comprehensive integrations of
the consciousnesses appearing at lower levels. Int eg r at io n" here involves
our mind is not the bare sum of our sights plus our sounds plus our pains,
but in adding these terms together also finds relations among them and
weaves them into schemes and forms and objects of which no one sense in
its separate estate knows anything.. . .It is as if the total universe of inner
life had a sort of grain or direction, a sort of valvular structure [normally]
permitting knowledge to flow in one way only, so that the wider might
always have the narrower under observation, but never the narrow the
wider. (p. 202)58
57. This is the same Gustav Fechner, the physicist, known to most psychologists only as the
founder of psychophysics.
58. This Fechner/lames concept of integration or compounding is explicitly rejected by
Balfour (1935) and McDougall ( 1 9 1 1 1 1 96 1 ), both of whom also reject Myers's closely related
conception of the Subliminal Self. Both, however, seriously misrepresent it. Balfour, for
example, states that "the unity resulting from the compounding of consciousness is nothing
but the components themselves, although nevertheless each component retains its separate
individuality inside the unity" (p. 270). With typical sarcasm, McDougall characterizes com
pounding instead as a kind of blending or averaging process: "Suppose my consciousness is
filled with the glory of colour of a sunset sky, while yours, as you lie near by under your motor
car, is filled with a problem in mechanics. What sort of consciousness would these two make
Mystical Experience-56 l
60. James ( 1 9 0 1 , pp. 17-18) first delineated this as "Myers's problem" in his obituary of
Myers, which is included on our digital version of HP.
Mystical Experience-563
Most of the useful work to date on mysticism, from James onward, has been
based upon close study of biographical documents and other writings pro
duced by identified historical mystics and their interpreters. In addition to
illuminating individual cases, these studies have provided raw materials for
the valuable "natural histories" of James, Stace, Thurston, and M. Mur
phy, among others. Although such work has therefore been valuable and
should surely continue, our purpose here is to emphasize possibilities for
additional, complementary forms of empirical research that can potentially
shed new light on all of the issues discussed above.
General Considerations
61. We find especially repugnant the often-expressed view that only persons who them
selves have had full-blown mystical experiences can contribute anything of value to the study
of mysticism. Anyone tempted by this doctrine should consider the examples of Myers, James,
and Stace, among many others, which belie it. This is not to deny, however, that personal
experience of mystical (and psychedelic) states could be helpful in many ways in shaping their
scientific investigation (see also Tart, 1972).
564-Chapter 8
front as well. It seems now widely appreciated, for example, that "objec
tive" and "subjective" methods differ more in degree than in kind, and that
the collapse of classical introspectionism had less to do with any inherent
problems than with the ascendency of the behaviorist juggernaut itself (K.
Danziger, 1 980; Varela, 1 996).
There are problems to be sure, as with any other method of scientific
observation, but also an increasing variety and sophistication of means for
coping with these. For excellent general introductions to methodological
issues in altered-states research, see Tart ( l 975a) and Pekala and Cardeiia
(2000). What is especially needed, we think, is further refinement and adap
tation of these methodologies to the specific environment of research on
meditative, psychedelic, and mystical states. We already have some ques
tionnaire-type instruments with respectable psychometric properties (reli
ability and validity) that sample these overlapping domains. These include
Hood's mysticism scale (Hood, 1 975; Hood, Morris, & Watson, 1 993), which
is based directly on Stace's analysis; Dittrich's (1994, 1 998) APZ, which has
become standard for psychedelic studies in Europe; and Pekala's PCI and
DAQ (Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory, Dimensions of Atten
tion Questionnaire; see Pekala & Cardeiia, 2000, p. 65), which are more
general-purpose tools for quantitative characterization of altered states
of consciousness. In addition, MacDonald, LeClair, Holland, Alter, and
Friedman (1 995) present a comprehensive survey of existing measures of
transpersonal constructs and a good general discussion of the strengths
and limitations of the psychometric approach. Further effort to identify
the major dimensions of variation in altered states of consciousness and to
standardize their measurement should be a high priority, for by mapping
a diversity of experiences into common coordinates the use of such instru
ments can undoubtedly help bring some order into studies of mysticism, as
has the use of Greyson's (1985) scale in studies of NDEs.
These psychometric efforts must be closely coordinated, however, with
attempts to refine and enrich our currently impoverished resources for phe
nomenological description of the relevant states (Gifford-May & Thompson,
1994; Lukoff & Lu, 1988; Varela, 1996; Walsh, 1 995). Further comparative
study of the traditional "cartographies" of meditative and mystical states,
as noted earlier, can surely be of help here, but these cartographies can and
must also be cross-checked wherever possible through independent inves
tigations using contemporary subjects and methods. In-depth interviews
will be crucial to such efforts, and pose problems for the most part analo
gous to those successfully confronted on a daily basis by skilled workers in
areas such as cultural anthropology, neuropsychology, psychotherapy, and
developmental psychology-namely, the task of fathoming "foreign" states
of mind and consciousness by means of searching yet sensitive questioning
and observation.
Good subjects will also be uncommonly vital to future research on
altered states of consciousness-co-investigators, really, or sometimes even
the investigators themselves in an alternate role-and will often be selected
Mystical Experience-565
or trained to help ensure its success. Above all, they must strive to describe
their conscious experiences as accurately and in as much detail as possible,
and with a minimum of interpretation as emphasized especially by Stace.
In order to optimize the possibility of correlating physiological and psy
chological events, moreover, subjects should be enabled to report unusual
experiences (or at least to register them for subsequent reporting). Similarly,
experimenters should be enabled to collect reports of experiences occurring
in conjunction with any unusual physiological events or states they detect
in their subjects, preferably at or near the time of detection. It can be antici
pated with confidence that our understandings of what we most need to
measure on both the physiological and experiential sides, and how to do
so, are likely to undergo considerable evolution as research of this sort pro
All of these general considerations would clearly apply, for example,
to further research with psychedelic agents, which would provide means
for producing strong mystical-type states under reasonably well-controlled
experimental conditions. On this front, unfortunately, we can do little at
present except to encourage our European colleagues to expand their intel
lectual horizons beyond the current preoccupation with "psychotomimetic"
properties of psychedelic experience, while reiterating our hope that suit
able relaxation of existing regulations will soon facilitate the resumption of
such research here in the U.S. as well.
afterward by Hay and Morisy ( 1 978) for a large sample of adults in Great
Greeley's question is rather vague, however, and it seems certain that a
sizeable proportion of the affirmative answers reflect experiences falling well
short of the full-blown mystical type. This is already evident from Greeley's
own data, for among those who answered the main question affirmatively,
the proportions who also accepted key items on an accompanying checklist
of "descriptors" of mystical experience were often quite low, on the order
of 25% or less (p. 65). Moreover, follow up studies by Hufford (1 985) and by
L. Thomas and Cooper ( 1980) demonstrated directly, by investigating in
greater detail the experiences that gave rise to "Yes" answers, that relatively
few could be regarded as genuinely mystical. In the latter study, in fact, only
about 1% of the total sample appeared to have had such experiences.
Although the prevalence of deep mystical experiences is therefore un
doubtedly much lower than Greeley's numbers suggest, the more important
fact is that they do occur. Even if their incidence were far lower still, say even
on the order of one per million adults per year, there would potentially be
hundreds or even thousands of new cases annually, world-wide, if we could
just find them. We could then not only systematically collect detailed reports
of contemporary mystical experiences but also investigate their conditions
of occurrence (triggers), their short-term and long-term effects, and the cog
nitive and personality characteristics of those predisposed to have them.
Some sort ofiarger-scale, better-funded, and better-publicized international
registry, structured along lines pioneered in the U.K. by Alister Hardy's
Religious Experience Research Unit (Hardy, 1 979; http://www.religiousex and in the U. S. by Rhea White's Exceptional Human Expe
rience network (S. Brown, 2000;, would ideally serve
these purposes and could perhaps even facilitate collaborative connections
between especially promising subjects and appropriate research groups.
Leading educational and membership organizations involved in the pro
motion and study of meditation and other transformative practices, such
as Esalen, the Institute for Noetic Sciences, the Institute for Tramspersonal
Psychology, and the California Institute for Integral Studies, might also
Much more also remains to be learned through cross-cultural inves
tigation of procedures for controlled production of altered states of con
sciousness. The very large anthropological literature dealing with this sub
ject shows that over 90% of the world's roughly 4,000 recognized societies
harbor one or more institutionalized procedures for induction of altered
states of consciousness, typically combining elements such as fasting, sleep
deprivation, and other ascetic practices with the use of psychoactive sub
stances and "driving" procedures such as drumming, dancing, clapping,
and chanting, often carried on at great intensity and for protracted peri
ods of time. Indeed, the great social value attached to the resulting altered
states of consciousness-which are universally believed to confer supernor
mal abilities such as divination, healing, and control of pain-is directly
Mystical Experience-567
62. Following the imposition of governmental restrictions on use of LSD in research with
humans, Grof developed a technique he calls "holotropic breathwork," a kind of music
assisted hyperventilation which he claims produces similar, if less dramatic effects. Although
we have not specifically investigated it, this claim seems to us rather dubious and reinforces
our more general concerns about the possible role of expectancies and demand characteristics
throughout Grof's research, including his psychedelic research (see also Wulff, 2000).
63. This is the same Henri Gastaut, distinguished French epileptologist, who figured in our
earlier discussion of Dostoevsky's "ecstatic seizures."
570-Chapter 8
64. Recall here too that this study provided Gellhorn and Kiely (1972) with the principal
stimulus for their theoretical ruminations about neurophysiological correlates of mystical
65. We mention in passing that a widely cited debunking study by D. E. Becker and Shapiro
(1981) has no impact here, because it deals only with habituation of the EEG blocking nor
mally produced by sensory stimulation, and not with the abnormal absence of blocking, even
by very strong stimuli, observed by others under conditions of deep meditative absorption.
Indeed, we see little sign in their data that any such states occurred.
Mystical Experience-5 7 l
66. One possible exception here is the study of Anand et al. ( 1 96 I a), who specifically state
that they did not observe the high-frequency, high-amplitude EEG activity reported by Das
and Gastaut. It is not clear, however, whether their experimental conditions, physiological
instrumentation, and EEG recording procedures were fully comparable.
572-Chapter 8
Edward F. Kelly
The problem of Myers still awaits us as the problem of far the deepest
moment for our actual psychology, whether his own tentative solutions of
certain parts of it be correct or not. (James, 1901, p. 1 8)
The truest success of this book will lie in its rapid supersession by a better.
(Myers, HP, vol. 1 , p. 9)
We come now to the hardest task of all, that of weaving together the various
threads of this book into an overall reassessment of Myers's work and its
implications for the future of scientific psychology. I will begin with what
some major contemporaries had to say.
There were many early reviews of HP, ranging in tone from scornful deri
sion to unalloyed praise (see Gauld, 1 968, chap. 1 2), but the most useful for
our purposes are those of Stout (1 903), McDougall (1 903), and James (1903),
578-Chapter 9
Despite Stout's attempts to justify this description using quotes from HP,
it is a caricature of Myers's actual views. Myers does hold that some con
tents of the subli minal region do not derive from the conscious experience
of the ordinary sel f, but he certainly does not hold that all of its contents
are of this sort. Indeed, as shown in Chapters 2 and 5, Myers admits all the
conventionally recognized for ms of trans marginal content, including every
thing from momentarily forgotten or incompletely processed material to
Janet's well-characterized clinical cases of dissociated consciousness, and
seeks only to extend these existing conceptions in order to embrace a still
wider range of documented empirical phenomena. One of the strengths of
his theory, in fact, is that it identifies previously unrecognized relationships
and continuities underlying an enormous range and variety of phenomena,
both normal and supernormal.
Stout next deploys his own caricature of Myers's conception in an
attempt to turn the generality itself into an argument against him. Specifi
cally, the central strategy of Stout's critique is to argue that the Subliminal
Self as he has described it must provide at least part of the explanation of
all "normal" phenomena, as well as any supernormal ones, and hence that
if any normal phenomenon can be explained without recourse to it, Myers's
general theory is false. He then proceeds to describe how unconscious cer
ebration alone might explain recollection of momentarily forgotten names,
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-579
I cannot resist noting here the irony that Stout's dismissive final sentence
was penned in the same year in which the Wright brothers made their first
successful flight at Kitty Hawk. More to the point scientifically, however,
are the many parts of our Chapter 3 that undermine his unquestioning faith
in the reach o f conventional forms of explanation, even in regard to the
psychophysiological aspects o f hypnotism. Similar comments apply to the
other "normal" phenomena he discusses.
Finally, having resorted repeatedly to his "setting aside" approach
to Myers's documentation of psi-type phenomena occurring in conjunc
tion with hypnosis, dreams, and so on, and mistakenly believing himsel f
already to have successfully disproven Myers's general theory of the Sub
liminal Self, Stout turns to a brief statement (pp. 62-64) of his own "per
sonal attitude" toward psi phenomena generally. He acknowledges "that
after all criticisms are allowed for, the evidence is still decidedly impressive,
and that it is sufficient to constitute a good case for further investigation,"
but he is not persuaded by it. Most of the "reasons" he offers in defense of
this attitude, however, amount to generic suspicions, devoid of re ference to
specific experiments or cases, about possible failures of memory, conscious
or unconscious cheating, and the like, issues that had long since been iden
tified and controlled in ongoing investigations by Myers and his SPR col
leagues. The one specific opinion he advances is that a proposed skeptical
explanation of ostensible evidence for telepathy in terms of "unconscious
whispering" is "peculiarly probable." What Stout neglects to mention here,
however, is that this hypothesis-also eagerly embraced by the even more
skeptical American psychologist Titchener in the pages of Science-had
been thoroughly discredited in papers already published by William James
and Henry Sidgwick (see Burkhardt, 1986, chap. 22; E. Taylor, 1996, pp.
108-1 1 1). In short, like many present-day scientists Stout is simply unable to
come fully to grips with the relevant evidence and chooses instead to ignore
McDougall and James, unlike Stout, accept the reality of psi phenom
ena and find much to admire in the character and content of Myers's book,
5 80-Ch apter 9
but they too have problems with his general theory. McDougall's complaints
run partly parallel to Stout's and rest on the same primary misapprehen
sions, in particular that Myers fails to recognize routine contributions of
unconscious cerebration to everyday mental life, and that he holds a rigidly
duplex theory in regard to the supraliminal and subliminal streams of con
sciousness.! Two additional factors also seem to drive his somewhat con
voluted and turgid critique: First, he is already beginning to develop his
own very different "monadic" theory (discussed in Chapter 5), according to
which the everyday consciousness or self is the real self, and the apex of per
sonality. This leads him to be hostile to Myers's conception of psychological
automatisms as expressions of a larger and in some ways superior transmar
ginal consciousness. Secondly, he thinks that Myers has failed to appreciate
his true "main difficulty" (p. 526), the fact that post-mortem survival seems
to be precluded by the normal dependence of mind and consciousness on an
intact brain. Although McDougall's language here is carefully guarded, he
appears at this time to hold something close to a standard production model
of mind-brain relations.
Two crucial points should be noted, however. First, McDougall himself
soon moved beyond the production model, driven in part by the findings of
psychical research and also by his own ruminations on other topics, such as
memory, meaning, and the unity of consciousness, discussed in the present
volume. His book Body and Mind (191 111974) is in fact subtitled "A History
and a Defense of Animism," where by animism he means the following:
The essential notion, which forms the common foundation of all varieties
of Animism, is that all, or some, of those manifestations of life and mind
which distinguish the living man from the corpse and from inorganic bod
ies are due to the operation within him of something which is of a nature
different from that of the body, an animating principle generally, but not
necessarily or always, conceived as an immaterial and individual being or
soul. (p. xx)
Here, however, the second point comes into play. McDougall seems
never to have taken fully on board the significance of James's ( 1 898/1 900) dis
cussion of transmission theory (see our Chapter 1). It is not even mentioned
in his review of HP as a possible way around the difficulty, and one, more
over, that is compatible with Myers's theory. In addition, when McDougall
later does come to discuss it, in the last chapter of Body and Mind, he grossly
misrepresents James's actual views, as I will demonstrate later.
Meanwhile, let us turn even more briefly to the appraisal of Myers's
work by William James. The two main sources for this are his 1901 memo
rial address and his 1 903 review of HP (both on our digital version of HP).
Both pieces are vintage James, marvels of incisiveness, clarity, warmth, and
felicity of expression, and I beg all readers-especially my fellow psycholo
gists-to study them with care in conjunction with this chapter. James was
more intimately acquainted with Myers and his work than either Stout or
McDougall, understood the theory better, and appreciated it far more:
sometimes startlingly ornate and lyrical, and the text loaded with quota
tions from multiple foreign languages including in particular Greek and
Latin.2 All of this can make for hard going, but it involves only superficial
styli stic matters characteri stic of Myers and his time. The effort necessary
to penetrate his meanings is almost always worthwhile, in my opinion, and
it must be made in order to appreciate in full the richness and beauty of his
theory. Related to this, what we must attempt now to appraise i s the theory
that Myers actually held, and not the sorts of caricatures of it served up by
critics such as Stout and McDougall, and by Freud's biographer and disciple
Ernest Jones (1918, p. 1 22) in service of their own very different theoreti
cal outlooks. Third, we must respond to the whole theory and take all the
associated data into account, not artificially restricting our attention, as did
Stout, to those elements of Myers's vision with which we happen to be com
fortable at the moment. Finally, and most importantly, we must try to take
into account all of the additional relevant evidence that has come forward
in the intervening century, most of which has been summarized, or at least
pointed to, in the present volume.
Our assessment will proceed at three general levels: (I) Myers's meth
odological principles and commitments; (2) his natural history of the mind;
and (3) the theoretical structure which he elaborated in order to account for
his data. The first two of these sections can be relatively short and should, I
think, be uncontroversial.
Myers was reared chiefly on literature and history, with primary inter
ests in poetry and religion, but that he successfully transformed himself
into a seriou s scientist can scarcely be doubted by anyone who take s the
trouble to study his contributions to psychology. As de scribed in Chapter
2, he was deeply committed to the ultimate lawfulness of nature, and to the
use of empirical methods in ferreting out its secrets. Where he differs from
most contemporary scientists i s in refusing to rest content with scientific
theories, facts, or methods in their existing state of development. No topic
is to be banned a priori as beyond the reach of science. Indeed, Myers's
central impulse and long-term goal is to overcome the historical opposi
tion between science and religion by means of an expanded and enlightened
science capable of penetrating into the p sychological territory previously
occupied by the historical religions alone, with their mutually inconsistent
teachings and decidedly mixed impacts on human welfare. He aspire s ulti
mately to re-ground thi s entire domain of vital human experience in real
scientific knowledge rather than faith and dogma; see, for example, his
"Provisional Sketch of a Religious Synthesis" in HP (vol. 2 , pp. 284-292).
In pursuit of this and all the related goals of psychical research, what seems
to him most needed is not unthinking mechanical application of any exist
ing method to every new problem, but constant effort to adapt our research
methods creatively to all new situations as they arise, and as we find them.
Myers would therefore certainly have lamented-correctly, I beJieve
the subsequent withering of psychical research , and of psychology more
generally, into disciplines preoccupied to the extent they presently are with
laboratory-based experimental investigations as the only road to knowl
edge.3 This is not because he doubted the value of experimentation, when
appropriate, but because he also appreciated the value of other kinds of
empirical research such as detailed individual case studies and field inves
tigations. Both HP itself and the present volume illustrate, I believe, the
power of the broader concept of empiricism advocated by Myers and James
for psychology as a whole.
It also merits emphasis here that there are many scientific options in the
region between one-shot case studies and full-fledged factorial experimen
tal designs. Methodologists D. T. Campbell and Stanley ( 1966), for example,
identified numerous useful though less rigorous experimental designs that
are still capable of producing reliable and valid scientific knowledge, and
they explicitly stated that the goal of their efforts was to "encourage an
open-minded and exploratory orientation to novel data-collection arrange
ments and a new scrutiny of some of the weaknesses that accompany rou
tine utilizations of the traditional ones" (p. 61). From the opposite direction,
cases initially studied and reported in detail individually, such as appari
tion cases , NDEs, and cases of the reincarnation type, can also be encoded
according to appropriate descriptive schemes and entered into cumulative
databases which, when they become sufficiently large, afford important new
opportunities for quantitative study of internal patterns, predictive relation
ships, and so on, governing the relevant domains.4
A broadened empiricism has similarly been advocated for psychology
as a whole by Toulmin and Leary (1985):
3. In fact, in reviews of two annual volumes of L'annee psych% gique published shortly
before his death Myers had already begun to lament the direction that scientific psychology
was taking toward limited and ultimately trivial experimental studies (see our Chapter 2).
4. At the University of Virginia, for example, 836 cases of NDEs and 1 ,200 cases of young
children who claim to remember a previous life have been entered into such computerized
5 84- Chapter 9
Reading him afresh in these two volumes, I find myself filled with an admi
ration which almost surprises me. The work, whatever weaknesses it may
have, strikes me as at least a masterpiece of co-ordination and unifica
tion. The voluminous arsenal of "cases" of which the author's memory
disposes might make the most erudite naturalist or historian envy him,
and his delicate power of serially assorting his facts, so as to find always
just the case he needs to fit into a gap in the scheme, is wholly admirable.
He shows indeed a genius not unlike that of Charles Darwin for discov
ering shadings and transitions, and grading down discontinuities in his
argument. (p. 30)
6. It has been overlooked that Myers's colleague Edmund Gurney had apparently arrived
at closely similar views, and for reasons at least partly independent of Myers, prior to his
untimely death in 1888. In Gurney et al. ( 1886) he first points out that phenomena of hypnosis
and secondary personality render it difficult "to measure human existence by the limits of the
phenomenal self." Moreover, he goes on, "the very nature of this difficulty cannot but sug
gest a deeper solution than the mere connection of various streams of psychic life in a single
organism. It suggests that a single individuality may have its psychical being, so to speak, on
different planes; that the strong fragments of 'unconscious intelligence,' and the alternating
selves of 'double consciousness,' belong really to a more fundamental unity, which finds in
what we call life very imperfect conditions of manifestation; and that the self which ordinary
men habitually regard as their proper individuality may after all be only a partial emergence"
(vol. I, p. 231).
For philosophic elaboration and justification of such a conception Gurney also appeals to
Du PreI (1889/1976). Recall here too that Braude (1995) independently reached a similar posi
tion based on his philosophical analysis of mUltiple personality disorder (see our Chapter 5).
5 86-Chapter 9
fully the number and character of these strata, or more generally to map
out in greater detail the structural and functional organization of the sub
liminal region. Nevertheless, James seems to me to overstate somewhat the
difficulties here. He may have been thinking of strata as e ssentially geo
logical in character, rigid and static, whereas Myers was more inclined to
think of them in terms of his image of imperfectly miscible fluids of vary
ing density, " subject to currents and ebullitions which often bring to the
surface a stream or a bubble from a stratum far below" (Myers, 1 892b, p.
307). On this latter view the p syche i s a dynamic system constantly in flux,
with currents initiated in the deeper layers boiling toward the surface and,
depending on their inherent energies, emerging there in forms varyingly
intermingled with material derived from intermediate layers. Such a pic
ture, metaphoric though it i s, seems naturally to accommodate the fre quent
but by no means invariable "smothering" of supernormal phenomena in
degenerative accompaniments that so troubled James. Myers also empha
sized repeatedly that the character of final outcomes-evolutive or dissolu
tive-is determined in large part by what the supraliminal consciousness
itself is able to do with the subliminal products it receives (see our Chapter
7). Finally, another issue lurking here for James, and barely touched upon
by Myers, concerns the "depth" to which operations of the subliminal parts
of the mind might map directly onto operations of the brain. This general
issue-how Myers's psychological theory can be reconciled with contempo
rary brain science-will be discussed in detail in a later section.
We move on now to the conceptual heart of Myers's theory of the Sub
liminal Self, its postulation in all of us of a more comprehensive conscious
ness, indeed an all-inclusive consciousness embracing the entirety of our
conscious mental activity both supraliminal and subliminal, evolutive and
dissolutive. The primary alternative to such a view (at least among those
prepared to recognize the reality of subliminal streams of awareness) is
the family of "monadic" views exemplified in particular by McDougall
(191 111961, 1920) and Balfour (1935).7
McDougall's monadic theory of personality has already been discussed
in Chapter 5. The e ssence of such theories i s that they picture everyday con
sciousness as emerging at the apex of a hierarchy of lesser integrations of
lower-level individuals. Under normal conditions, on this view, the ordinary
self or "dominant monad" thus represents the true and only self. Balfour
(1935, p. 175) candidly states, speaking for many, that "my own instinctive
conviction is that my own true self is 'the me as I know myself'." This intu
ition certainly corresponds both with everyday experience and with all con
ventional mainstream theories of personality, but it cannot be presumed to
7. The analysis of Myers's theory by Balfour, a philosopher, is the most serious and sus
tained attempt known to me to grapple directly with its central conceptual difficulties. Balfour
undertook this effort in conjunction with his intensive study of communications delivered by
the trance medium "Mrs. Willett" from the ostensibly surviving personalities of Myers and
Gurney. If nothing else this material illustrates, on Balfour's view, the automatic production
of intellectual activity outstripping the known capacities of the medium in her ordinary state,
as in the case of Patience Worth (Balfour, 1935, p. 300).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-589
Both reject the claims of mechanism to rule in the organic world; both
regard all psychical existence as of the form of consciousness only; both
assume that consciousness exists independently of the physical world in
some vast ocean or oceans of consciousness; both maintain that the con
sciousness or psychical life of each organism is a ray from this source; that
the bodily organisation of each creature is that which determines indi
viduality; that the brain is a mechanism which lets through, or brings into
operation in the physical world, a stream of consciousness which is copi
ous in proportion to the complexity of organisation of the brain. (p. 358n)
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-59 !
If our finite personality here below, the objectors say, be due to the trans
mission through the brain of portions of a preexisting larger conscious
ness, all that can remain after the brain expires is the larger consciousness
itself as such, with which we should thenceforth be perforce reconfounded,
the only means of our existence in finite personal form having ceased.
But this, the critics continue, is the pantheistic idea of immortality,
survival, namely, in the soul of the world; not the Christian idea of immor
tality, which means survival in strictly personal form.
In showing the possibility of a mental life after the brain's death, they
conclude, the lecture has thus at the same time shown the impossibility of
its identity with the personal life, which is the brain's function . . . .
The plain truth i s that one may conceive the mental world behind the
veil in as individual/orm as one pleases, without any detriment to the general
scheme by which the brain is represented as a transmissive organ .
I f the extreme individualistic view were taken, one's finite mundane
consciousness would be an extract from one's larger, truer personality,
the latter having even now some sort of reality behind the scenes. And
in transmitting it-to keep to our extremely mechanical metaphor, which
confessedly throws no light on the actual modus operandi-one's brain
would also leave effects on the part remaining behind the veil; for when a
thing is torn, both fragments feel the operation.
And just as (to use a very coarse figure) the stubs remain in a check
book whenever a check is used, to register the transaction, so these
impressions on the transcendent self might constitute so many vouchers of
the finite experiences of which the brain had been the mediator; and ulti
mately they might form that collection within the larger self of memories
of our earthly passage, which is all that, since Locke's day, the continu-
8. Parenthetically, it seems very unlikely that McDougall would not have been aware of this
clarification. It had long been in the literature when McDougall was writing Body and Mind,
and in his memorial address McDougall (191 1) describes James as having been "for many
years the largest influence affecting my intellectual life" (p. 1 2). We can be sure in any case
that this clarification would have been one of the first points James brought to McDougall's
attention, had they ever discussed the subject.
592-Chapter 9
ance of our personal identity beyond the grave has by psychology been
recognized to mean.
It is true that all this would seem to have affinities rather with preexis
tence and with possible re-incarnations than with the Christian notion of
immortality. But my concern in the lecture was not to discuss immortality
in general. It was confined to showing it to be not incompatible with the
brain-function theory of our present mundane consciousness. I hold that
it is so compatible, and compatible moreover in fully individualized form.
(James, 1 89811900, pp. v-viii)
The overall resemblance between the picture sketched here by James and
Myers's model of human personality is unmistakable.
The bulk of McDougall 's attack upon transmission theory is directed
at the "mind-stuff" doctrine, and more specifically at James's attempt in A
Pluralistic Universe to defend the very sort of self-compounding of mental
states that he himself had destructively criticized in the Principles. McDou
gall clearly thinks that in doing this he is attacking the transmission theory
itself, but in this he is again off the mark, for what is primarily at stake in
their disagreement is not the existence of complex mental states but alter
native accounts of how they come into being. We can therefore bypass the
tortuous details of these arguments (although I must comment in passing
that like McDougall I find James's revised treatment of "compounding"
ultimately unconvincing) and proceed instead to what for our purposes is
a more critical question. Does everyday consciousness represent the high
est level of consciousness within us, as McDougall and Balfour and virtu
ally all contemporary mainstream psychologists presume, or could there
really be within many or all of us a more comprehensive consciousness of
the sort postulated by Myers and James? McDougall correctly identifies the
two main sources of evidence relied upon by James and Myers-psychologi
cal automatisms and related dissociative phenomena, and mystical expe
rience-but he does not discuss this evidence at all, apparently thinking
(mistakenly) that his theoretical arguments against the transmission theory
have already discredited their view. I must now say a little more about this
James (1909/1971) clearly thought that phenomena of divided personal
ity, hypnosis, automatic writing and speech, and trance mediumship collec
tively demonstrate the existence of inclusive or higher-order consciousness
as a real psychological phenomenon:
For my own part I find in some of these abnormal or supernormal facts the
strongest suggestions in favor of a superior coconsciousness being possible.
I doubt whether we shall ever understand some of them without using the
very letter of Fechner's conception of a great reservoir in which the memo
ries of earth's inhabitants are pooled and preserved, and from which, when
the threshold lowers or the valve opens, information ordinarily shut out
leaks into the mind of exceptional individuals among us. (p. 264)
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-593
The main evidence from these sources for inclusive forms of co-conscious
ness has been summarized in Chapters 2 and 5 and need not be repeated
here; I will only say again that I too find it convincing in that regard (but
see Balfour, 1935, pp. 272-276, and Gauld, 1968, pp. 296-299 for different
In the Conclusions chapter of A Pluralistic Universe, James turns to reli
gious and mystical experience for additional evidence:
The sort of belief that religious experience of this type naturally engen
ders in those who have it is fully in accord with Fechner's theories. To
quote words which I have used elsewhere [i.e., in the Conclusions chapter
of VRE], the believer finds that the tenderer parts of his personal life are
continuous with a more of the same quality which is operative in the uni
verse outside of him and which he can keep in working touch with, and
in a fashion get on board of and save himself, when all his lower being
has gone to pieces in the wreck. In a word, the believer is continuous, to
his own consciousness, at any rate, with a wider self from which saving
experiences flow in. Those who have such experiences distinctly enough
and often enough to live in the light of them remain quite unmoved by
criticism, from whatever quarter it may come, be it academic or scientific,
or be it merely the voice of logical common sense. They have had their
vision and they know-that is enough-that we inhabit an invisible spiri
tual environment from which help comes, our soul being mysteriously one
with a larger soul whose instruments we are. (p. 267)
9. Even McDougall (191111961) himself seems at times to verge on acceptance of the Myers!
James view. For example, he accepts the existence of inclusive memory in multiple personality
cases such as that of Miss Beauchamp (p. 369), and at one point he even suggests that "by con
ceiving the animating principle of each organism as but relatively individual, as a bud from
the tree of life, it seems possible dimly to foreshadow a synthesis of the Animism of James
and Bergson with the hypothesis [his soul-theory] discussed in these concluding paragraphs"
(p. 377).
594-Chapter 9
10. The central and very obscure difficulty here, also recognized by McDougall, is that
the activity of a mind involves more than its occurrent aspect, the stream of consciousness,
with specific isolable contents such as particular images, thoughts, and the like. Knowing, for
example, that someone has in mind the image of an elderly bearded man would tell you very
little of what is actually going on in that person's mind. For the Subliminal Self to be fully
inclusive of the supraliminal self, it would have to be somehow inclusive of its hidden disposi
tional properties and point of view as welL Much more is involved in "inclusiveness," that is,
than merely treating the Subliminal Self or Individuality as a large set of discrete "elements
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-595
certainly it falls far short of the form proposed by Gauld ( 1968) as necessary
for a "conclusive" demonstration-specifically, "the bringing to light in a
large number of people of a hidden stream of consciousness which could
give a coherent and testable account of its own past history and actions" (p.
299). Nevertheless, it seems to me definitely possible and perhaps even prob
able, especially in light of the evidence flowing from mystical experiences,
that Myers and James really have identified a more or less correct account
of the overall structure and dynamics of the human psyche-one, further
more, that is capable of accommodating in a natural way a far wider array
of empirical observations than any of its rivals. In sum, although Myers's
theory of the Subliminal Self is by no means proven, it constitutes at mini
mum, in my estimation, a viable and useful working model capable of guid
ing further research.
Post-Mortem Survival
of personality," some subset of which can be told off into the supraliminal self or personality
and shared by both (see also Braude, 1979).
5 96-Chapter 9
I I . See the Appendix. Another interesting kind of survival evidence involves the display not
only of appropriate information but of high-level skills such as the linguistic skills involved
in "responsive xenoglossy," the capacity to speak fluently a foreign language not learned by
normal means. Stevenson, for example, has documented extensively the case of Sharada, in
which a secondary personality in a young Hindu woman spoke and wrote an archaic form of
Bengali appropriate to the life she claimed to have led some 1 50 years earlier. She also pro
vided factual details about that life that Stevenson was able to verify, but only by means of an
extremely laborious investigation of obscure historical records (Stevenson, 1984; Stevenson &
Pasricha, 1979; see also Braude, 2003, chap. 4).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-597
This brief and abstract description will serve, I hope, to illustrate the
general flavor of these debates, which seem to many well-informed observ
ers to have arrived at a logical impasse. The core problem hinges on the
fact that information provided by an ostensibly surviving communicator
can only be verified by reference to information which is known to some
living person or persons, or objectively documented in some other fashion,
and hence which is also in principle potentially accessible to some sort of
psi process. It is therefore always possible to invent scenarios according to
which apparent evidence of survival can be "explained" alternatively in
terms of psi processes involving only living persons. Such scenarios may
need to be fantastically complex, but psi has been shown in various experi
mental contexts to operate in a "goal-oriented" manner unaffected by the
apparent "complexity" of its tasks (H. Schmidt, 1 987), and consequently
they cannot be decisively refuted. But note the real logical peculiarity here:
It is not that we have positive knowledge that psi processes can accomplish
the extraordinary things required by such explanations, but rather that we
are presently unable to prove they cannot. 1 2
Let me conclude this section with a few general observations on the
net status of this debate. First, it involves a large body of relevant empiri
cal evidence which at present is virtually unknown to the great majority of
laypersons and scientists alike. Our Appendix provides many pointers into
this literature, emphasizing sources which illustrate in cogent form proper
ties of the sorts characterized above as particularly suggestive of survival.
We insist that anyone who wishes to participate meaningfully in discussions
of the survival question must study this literature, thoughtfully and with an
open mind.
Second, the core issue of super-psi versus survival cannot be decisively
resolved at the present time. Persons sufficiently determined to deny sur
vival while accepting the reality of psi can continue to do so rationally, but
provisional acceptance of the survival hypothesis is also rationally war
ranted by the evidence available. One might also choose, of course, to defer
commitment either way, pending further information.
As a matter of historical fact, able and informed students such as
Braude (2003), Broad (1962), Dodds (1 934), Ducasse (1961 , 1969), Gauld
(1982), G. Murphy ( 1 945), Price (1966), and Stevenson (e.g., 1 977; 1997, chap.
26), among numerous others, have divided more or less equally, and for the
most part narrowly, along the two sides of this divide. Some have remained
undecided, and Stephen Braude, for many years a particularly determined
defender of super-psi interpretations, has recently moved tentatively to a
mildly pro-survival position much like our own.
Our general attitude toward super-psi explanations, in the first place, is
essentially that of Ducasse (1969):
12. The survival hypothesis itself, of course, must also invoke psi processes of some sort to
account for information flows between mediums and communicators.
598-Chapter 9
present, as to its incidence and nature. A wide range of possible forms can
be discriminated (Broad, 1 962, Epilogue), and there exists at least some evi
dence consistent with each of them. These range from mere transient per
sistence of at least a few memories, to persistence of something much like
the earthly personality with evidence of thought, planning, conscious will,
and so on (Ducasse, 1961, 1969), to merging into some sort of transpersonal
field (G. Murphy, 1 945). It may seem plausible to suppose like Myers that if
anyone survives in personal form we all do, but in making this particular
leap Myers was certainly too hasty, for survival could perfectly well occur
in widely differing forms and durations for different persons, or not at all,
depending on a host of factors we currently know nothing about.13
I will leave the matter there for present purposes. Whether or not read
ers are swayed by our assessment of the survival issue, we will be satisfied
if we have convinced them of the difficulty and importance of the problem,
and of the fact that it is amenable to empirical investigation. We also wish to
emphasize in concluding this section that a choice must ultimately be made
between super-psi and survival interpretations of the survival evidence.
Both horns of this dilemma are in our view fatal to the current mainstream
materialist synthesis, but the occurrence of survival in particular-of any
form-would decisively resolve the conflict between production and trans
mission models of mind-brain relations in favor of some sort of transmis-
sion model.
\3. The same comment applies, of course, in relation to the evidence for reincarnation.
60O-Chapter 9
their parents showed no signs of possessing. But I differ from those who
hold that the faculty itself thus manifested is now for the first time initiated
in that stock by some chance combination of hereditary elements. I hold
that it is not initiated, but only revealed; that the "sport" has not called a
new faculty into being, but has merely raised an existing faculty above the
threshold of supraliminal consciousness. (HP, vol. 1, p. 1 1 8)
No fresh mystery is in fact introduced. All human powers, to put the thing
broadly, have somehow or other to be got into protoplasm and then got out
again. You have to explain first how they became implicit in the earliest
and lowest living thing, and then how they have become thus far explicit
in the latest and highest. All the faculties of that highest being, I repeat,
existed virtually in the lowest, and in so far as the admitted faculties are
concerned the difference between my view and the ordinary view may be
said to be little more than a difference as to the sense which that word vir
tually is here to assume. (HP, vol. 1 , p. 1 18)
is not one whit remoter or more speculative than the view which, Jaute de
mieux, is often tacitly assumed by scientific writers. My supposed oppo
nent and I are like two children who have looked through a keyhole at the
first few moves in a game of chess,-of whose rules we are entirely igno
rant. My companion urges that since we have only seen the pawns moved,
it is probable that the game is played with the pawns alone; and that the
major pieces seen confusedly behind the pawns are only a kind of fringe
or ornament of the board. I reply that those pieces stand on the board like
pawns; and that since they are larger and more varied than the pawns, it
is probable that they are meant to play some even more important role in
the game a s it develops. We agree that we must wait and see whether the
pieces are moved; and I now maintain that I have seen a piece moved [i.e.,
telepathy], although my companion has not noticed it.
The chessboard in this parable is the Cosmos; the pawns are those
human faculties which make for the preservation and development on this
planet of the individual and the race; the pieces are faculties which may
either be the mere by-products of terrene evolution, or on the other hand
may form an essential part of the faculty with which the human germ or
the human spirit is originally equipped, for the purpose of self-develop
ment in a cosmical, as opposed to a merely planetary, environment. (HP,
vol. I , pp. 93-94)
I think we can go slightly further now, but I must preface the following brief
remarks by saying that I intend to tread very lightly here, in part because
of my own very limited acquaintance with evolutionary biology, and in part
because of the super-heated cultural conflicts currently swirling around this
I do think there has been a small net movement in the direction of
Myers's view. First, as the present book seeks to demonstrate, his general
picture of mind and personality has in fact continued to accumulate various
kinds of empirical support, even as theoretical and empirical difficulties and
limitations have come to light in competing accounts of conventional mate
rialistlreductionist sort, such as the CTM (Chapter 1). As James pointed
out, this in itself tends to work in favor of Myers's larger view.
Second, there has recently been some motion in this direction from
within evolutionary biology itself. Let me speak very carefully here. Myers
was certainly no creationist, nor even an "intelligent design" theorist unless
in the most attenuated sense. All he requires is that there be some global
602-Chapter 9
creative tendency in the universe, however slight, that results over time in
increasing richness and complexity of biological forms.14 But even some
mainstream evolutionary biologists seem prepared to accept pictures of
this sort. Commentator Robert Wright (1999), for example, while explicitly
denying that evolution is directed specifically toward us-Homo sapiens
points out that the average complexity of species has in fact risen in general,
driven by competitive pressures ("arms races") within and between species,
and that mammalian lineages in particular have tended toward increased
"braininess." Certain useful properties such as vision and flight have also
been reinvented repeatedly during the course of evolution, and Wright
explicitly proposes that similar built-in tendencies may exist with respect
to higher-order properties, such as intelligence, altruism, and love, that are
of course central to Myers's vision. Similarly, both Wright himself and the
evolutionary biologist Lumsden (1999) point to an increasing recognition
among neo-Darwinian theorists that in humans the evolution of the genome
has become strongly intertwined with the evolution of civilization itself, so
that they cannot be thought of as proceeding independently on separate
tracks. Lumsden even goes so far as to state flatly that "human creativity is
the fire that drives gene-culture coevolution" (p. 160).'5
Views of these latter sorts seem within range of rapprochement with
Myers's generalized concept of evolution. Modern neo-Darwinists certainly
have achieved a greatly expanded mechanistic understanding of the mate
rial side of evolution, but I think Myers would unhesitatingly endorse that
aspect of their science. The main residual difference lies rather in the pre
sumption, shared by most evolutionary biologists with virtually all other
contemporary mainstream scientists, that genius along with all other human
mental functions can be fully and satisfactorily explained in terms of clas
sical physicalist principles. This presumption was firmly rej ected by both
Myers and James, and the central theme of the present volume has been to
substantiate that they were correct in doing so. Myers's generalized picture
of evolution, in sum, may yet prove closer to the truth.
16. This applies especially to a part of his doctrine I did not discuss-namely, his convic
tion that individual human personalities may continue to develop or "evolve" in the post
mortem state. To my knowledge, there is presently little or no credible evidence for such a
604---Chapter 9
The broad framework is not one that can be used to derive the details of
the phenomena that are used to support it. It may "make sense" of the phe
nomena, but it does not enable us unequivocally to predict any particular
phenomenon. This situation obtains commonly enough in psychology, but
it would generally be thought undesirable in the "hard" sciences and by
philosophers. A partial parallel, however, i s provided by the Darwinian
theory of evolution. Here too we have a broad and abstract hypothesis
which "makes sense" of a great mass of observations; yet it would be hard
to maintain that the details of the data can be directly derived from the
theory. Of course since Darwin's time certain paths have been established
which fi l l some of the space between the theory and particular features
of the phenomena. Nothing similar has been accomplished in respect of
Myers's theory of the subliminal self [sic]. If it had been, Myers would per
haps now be as famous as Darwin. (pp. 399-400)
I will make just two main comments on this relatively negative assess
ment. First, I think the demand for derivation of phenomena in all details is
too strong a requirement for justification of large-scale psychological theo
ries, although I will not attempt to argue this point here. I also think, as
indicated above, that Myers's theory does in fact have significant predictive
value, albeit of a weaker sort than that characteristic of the "hard" sciences.
Second, although Gauld certainly is correct in pointing to the subsequent
"filling in" of Darwin's theory as having contributed in major ways to its
justification, I think he overstates the contrast between Darwin and Myers
in this respect. In the first place, as indicated above, a good deal of descrip
tive filling-in has already occurred, in the sense of more and better docu
mentation for phenomena already utilized by Myers himself in developing
his scheme, and the discovery of additional phenomena consistent with it.
Toward a Psychology for the 2 l st Century-60S
One major gap remains, however. It was specifically the rise of new sci
entific disciplines such as population genetics and molecular biology that
did more than anything else to fill in and buttress the original Darwinian
theory. Similarly, a psychological theory of the sort advanced by Myers
and James cannot be sustained unless it can somehow be reconciled with
the enormous advances of the ensuing century in what we know about the
brain. The central task of this section, therefore, is to demonstrate that such
reconciliation may in fact be possible.
We believe that the empirical evidence marshaled in this book is suf
ficient to falsify all forms of biological naturalism, the current physicalist
consensus on mind-brain relationsP The mind is "irreducible" in a stron
ger sense than that intended by epiphenomenalists, including Chalmers,18
or even by those like Searle who are at least committed to salvaging mind
and consciousness as causal factors in behavior, but cannot explain how
to do so in conventional physicalist terms. There is apparently at least one
fundamental bifurcation in nature that cannot be accounted for in these
terms, and we therefore seem driven toward some sort of animist or plural
ist alternative.
Although the primary purpose and merit of our book consist in the
marshaling of the evidence itself, we also think it is now possible to see
at least dimly how a psychological "filter" theory of the Myers/James sort
can be adapted to the framework of contemporary science, and we wish
to provide at least in outline some more positive characterization of these
possibilities. We emphasize at the outset that this account is necessarily
provisional and very incomplete; our goal is simply to suggest a variety of
potentially fruitful directions for further investigation. We also urge readers
to bear in mind as they work through this section, as we have in developing
it, the wise counsel of H. H. Price (1939): "We may safely predict that it will
be the timidity of our hypotheses, and not their extravagance, which will
provoke the derision of posterity" (p. 341).
We must begin by making clearer what we mean by "a psychological
filter theory of the Myers/James sort." In the first place, in lumping Myers
and James together in this way we do not mean to imply that they hold
17. From here on I will speak more consistently in the first person plural, reflecting the fact
that what follows is to a much greater extent the product of very extensive discussions involv
ing all authors of the present book and many additional parties as well. The opinions stated
are in all cases strong majority positions, but I am primarily responsible for details of their
formulation, and not all of us are in full accord on all points. We are, however, unanimous
in regard to certain more general attitudes, including in particular an admiration for Myers
and his synoptic naturalism, skepticism about the current received wisdom in psychology
and neuroscience, openness to unorthodox findings where properly evidenced, and a convic
tion that the world is at bottom a much more puzzling place than contemporary mainstream
science admits. Individual authors are of course responsible for opinions expressed in their
own chapters.
18. That Chalmers is an epiphenomenalist follows from his arguments for the conceiv
ability of "zombies," creatures that lack consciousness but nonetheless are equivalent to us
cognitively. We reject both the epiphenomenalism and his endorsement of strong artificial
606-Chapter 9
identical views on all subjects, but only that their overall conceptions of the
psyche are far more similar to each other than to any materialistlreduction
ist theory past or present.
We also need to specify more carefully our interpretation of James's
"transmission" or "filter" theory, originally introduced in Chapter 1 and
recurring intermittently thereafter throughout this book.19 As invoked
informally and loosely so far, this amounts only to a family of related but
somewhat cloudy metaphors bearing a variety of unexamined connota
tions and implications regarding the role of the brain in our mental life.
"Transmission," for example, suggests faithful conveyance from one place
to another, but this is certainly not what Myers had in mind with his the
ory of the Subliminal Self and its relations with the supraliminal self. The
related term "filter," which like Aldous Huxley's "reducing valve" suggests
selection, narrowing, and loss, is much more appropriate to that relation
ship, and for that reason we greatly prefer it as a shorthand description of
Myers's theory.
But how does this relate to the brain? Myers's theory as he himself
developed it is entirely psychological, not philosophical, and he also says
extremely little about the brain. It is rather James, the psychologist and
philosopher, who explicitly links these notions of transmission and filter
ing with the brain. James in fact suggests a variety of metaphors, but the
one that has most commonly been seized upon by others is that of opti
cal devices such as colored glass, lenses, and prisms. The common feature
is that a beam of integral white light presented to such devices comes out
the other side filtered, reduced, focused, redirected, or otherwise altered in
some systematic fashion.
Subsequent advocates of transmission or filter models have tended nat
urally to update this basic picture with reference to emerging technologies
such as radio and television. Thus for example we find Strassman (2001)
comparing the brain to a TV receiver, and likening entry into the altered
states produced by psychedelics to changing the channel. There are two
generic problems with accounts of this sort, however, that we must attempt
to avoid. First, all metaphors of the radio and TV variety clearly engender
homunculus problems of the sorts described in Chapter 1 ; after all, who is
it that is watching Strassman's TV and changing the channels? More gener-
ally, we must not endow the "filter" with all the properties we are trying
to account for in the mind itself-properties such as high-level thinking,
memory, imagination, conceptual grasp, and so on.
The common feature of these metaphors, and the root of their concep
tual problems, is the idea of passage through the filter. There is a way around
this, however. Recall that the central goal of James's original analysis was to
show that even perfect correlation between brain events and mental events
entails neither the impossibility of post-mortem survival nor the truth of the
conventional materialist production theory of brain-mind relations. Those
views derive from interpreting the admitted facts of functional depen
dence-mind-brain correlations-in one particular way. Other possibili
ties exist, however: "When we think of the law that thought is a function
of the brain, we are not required to think of productive function only; we
are entitled also to consider permissive or transmissive function. And this the
ordinary psychophysiologist leaves out of his account" (James, 1 89811900,
p . 1 5).
Most subsequent advocates of James's analysis, as we have seen, have
invoked its "transmission" thread, so much so that the whole picture is now
widely known by that name alone. We think this unfortunate, because it is
actually the other thread-permission-that is theoretically the more prom
ising. More generally, we wish now to argue that by thinking of the brain as
an organ which somehow constrains, regulates, restricts, limits, and enables
or permits expression of the mind in its full generality, we can obtain an
account of mind-brain relations which potentially reconciles Myers's theory
of the Subliminal Self with the observed correlations between mind and
brain, while circumventing the conceptual difficulties identified above in
transmission models. We in fact see a spectrum of potentially viable theo
retical possibilities of this sort. We will next canvas these under two broad
headings-non-Cartesian dualist-interactionist models and neutral-monist
models-that seem to us to bracket the range.
models of this sort.20 The driving idea is that associated with each human
organism, a physical thing in the ordinary sense, is a second thing, a mind
or psyche, which interacts in some way with that organism. Based upon the
evidence summarized in this book, we will also presume for the sake of dis
cussion that the psyche has the kind of internal organization and dynamics
assigned to it by Myers and James, and that it may under various circum
stances, including circumstances involving serious bodily injury or death,
be able to function in some manner on its own. What we want to focus on
here is how we can conceive of its normal interactions with the associated
We will begin by briefly noting that there have been previous efforts
along dualist lines by modern scientists, including some very distinguished
20th-century neuroscientists.21 One group includes Charles Sherrington and
two of his students, John Eccles and Wilder Penfield. All three expressed the
conviction that the properties of minds cannot be reduced to or identified
with those of brains, and all attempted to support that conviction by refer
ence to empirical data of various kinds. In all cases, however, the evidence
marshaled, although readily interpretable within a dualist-interactionist
framework, was insufficient to establish it, since alternative explanations
based on the conventional viewpoint were nowhere decisively excluded.
Popper and Eccles (1 977) suffered the additional liability that their attacks
were directed mainly at associationist-type theories that had already largely
disappeared from cognitive psychology.22 In Eccles's case it was also clear,
as shown for example by his last ( 1 994) book, that he had embraced dualism
early in life and for largely non-scientific reasons (his Catholicism, possibly
supplemented by an OBE), and had sought throughout his career simply to
tell this unchanging dualist story in the most up-to-date neurophysiologi
cal language. The net result, in any case, was that the dualistic views of all
three have largely been ignored by mainstream psychologists and neurosci
Next comes another major neuroscientist, Roger Sperry (e.g., 1980,
1 993), who also sought to salvage the mind but in a slightly different way,
essentially by splitting the difference between mainstream physicalist views
20. In an unpublished essay on Myers that he was still developing at the time of his death,
C. D. Broad concluded that this was Myers's own philosophic position. This unfinished essay,
"The Life and Work of F. W. H. Myers," can be found among Broad's papers in the archives
of Trinity College, Cambridge.
2 1 . There has recently been a modest revival of interest in dualism among philosophers
as well; see for example J. Foster (1991), E. J. Lowe (1996), Madell (1988), and Smythies and
Beloff (1989). Unfortunately, these philosophic discussions often fail to make contact with
relevant empirical literature; in Corcoran (2001), for example, the possibility of post-mortem
survival is assessed almost exclusively in light of the apparent a priori viability of philosophi
cal theories that seem to permit it, and without reference to the available empirical evidence.
22. See Mandler ( 1978). Of course associationist theories have subsequently revived in the
form of "connectionism," as described in Chapter I. Note the irony here that the anti-asso
ciationist arguments of Popper and Eccles, as well as those of William James and numerous
other early critics including in particular the Gestalt psychologists, have once again become
relevant. See also 1. Fodor (200 I).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-609
23. Note that similar analogies are regularly invoked by dynamic systems theorists such as
W. J. Freeman ( 1 999, 2000).
6 1O-Chapter 9
24. For authoritative but readable surveys see for example Capek (\961), Whitehead
(1925/1953, 1938/1968), and Stapp (2004a, 2005a).
6 12-Chapter 9
25. Eugene Wigner (1962, p. 285) similarly remarked that the laws of quantum mechan
ics cannot be formulated consistently without recourse to the concept of consciousness.
Although Wigner himself subsequently retreated from this position, Stapp (2004a) shows that
his reasons for doing so are not compelling.
26. Physicist and brain theorist Paul Nunez (1995) remarks that "an appreciation of the
grand conceptual leap required in the transition from classical to quantum systems may give
us some vague feeling for how far from current views neuroscience may eventually lead. Such
humbling recognition will perhaps make us especially skeptical of attempts to 'explain away'
(that is with tautology) data that do not merge with common notions about consciousness,
such as multiple conscious entities in a single brain, hypnosis, and so on" (p. 1 58).
27. Eccles had originally proposed that this dynamic instability might be exploited by
"triggering" certain "critically poised" neurons, using the quantum indeterminacy associ
ated with neurotransmitter molecules in the synaptic cleft itself to effect the triggering with
out violation of conservation laws. It soon became evident, however, that these molecules are
too large, and the distances too long. Eccles himself subsequently settled on the exocytosis
mechanism as a critical site (Beck & Eccles, 1992; Eccles, 1994).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-61 3
28. We note in passing that the received causal doctrine of conventional neuroscience,
that system-level properties of the brain are produced by bottom-up local interactions of its
constituent microentities, is the one-dimensional historical residue of a much richer causal
doctrine dating back to the Greeks, one that specifically incorporates downward mental
or "ontic" causation. For a sustained philosophic argument in support of ontic causation,
informed by modern developments in cognitive neuroscience, see Pols (1998).
6 1 6-Chapter 9
29. Clearly on this view the occurrence of such phenomena depends partly on conditions
within the mind or consciousness of the agent, partly on conditions having to do with the
character of the targeted physical system itself, and partly, perhaps, on the availability of
appropriate feedback. This invites further work, both theoretical and experimental, to delin
eate more precisely what the relevant conditions are, and how they can be instantiated or
exploited experimentally. We also note in passing that this sort of view seems to us prefer
able to the view apparently held by Myers (HP, vol. 2, pp. 505-554), according to which the
Subliminal Self consciously manipulates all necessary low-level details of the neural and bio
chemical machinery in order to produce the targeted effects.
Toward a Psychology for the 21 st Century-61 7
30. Following Myers, we presume that the intelligence which determines precisely what
products of subliminal activity achieve supraliminal expression under particular brain condi
tions is itself subliminal.
6 1 8-Chapter 9
3 1 . We refer here especially to Uttal's discussion of experimental and logical issues in neu
roimaging research; better introductions to the imaging techniques themselves can be found
elsewhere. Related diatribes regarding problems in neuroimaging research can be found at
Toward a P sycholog y for the 2 1 st Century-6 1 9
ponents" mainly reify aspects o r properties of the mind that are brought
into action under particular task conditions or circumstances. 32
Things are hardly better on the neurophysiological side, despite the
sophistication and elegance of the new functional neuroimaging technolo
gies. The dramatic and modular-looking "brain activation" pictures now
routinely displayed in fMRIIPET imaging articles in our journals and news
media are often seriously misleading. The brain does not neatly decom
pose either anatomically or functionally, especially at the cortical level,
into well-delineated structures or regions that are identifiable with specific
components of mind and whose contributions to cognitive performances
can be inserted or removed without influence on the rest of the system. The
appearances of modularity in these images in fact result to a considerable
and insufficiently appreciated degree from the complex processes involved
in image acquisition and analysis itself.
Measuring brain "activation" is not a simple or standardized process
l ike reading a meter on a physical instrument or performing routine assays
of blood chemistry. The intrinsic resolution of the imaging hardware is
compromised by preliminary data-conditioning operations such as spatial
and temporal smoothing or filtering, and there are deep statistical issues,
with no fully satisfactory solutions, related to control of Type I and Type 2
errors (false positives and false negatives) in final images that may still con
tain hundreds or even thousands of correlated elements. Small variations
in a long sequence of analytical decisions can result in strikingly different
looking final maps, each portraying well-demarcated regions that ostensi
bly contain all the physiologically "significant" activation, from the same
raw image data. Attempts to overcome the high variability of anatomical
and functional organization across subjects by mapping their individual
data onto standardized brains or coordinate systems can result in spurious
"localizations" existing in none of them. The mechanisms of neurovascular
coupling that underlie the measured responses are extremely complex and
only partly understood, involve multiple layers of interdependent mechanism
operating on different spatial and temporal scales, and may differ in detail
from region to region and even across layers of the cortex. The measured
responses themselves are spatially and temporally imprecise, relate only
indirectly to the neural activity of primary interest, and correlate well only
in limiting cases with more direct measures of neuroelectrical activity such
as EEG and MEG (Huettell et aI., 2004; Nunez & Silberstein, 2000; Wikswo
et aI., 1993). PET and fMRI also have little capacity at present to distinguish
between excitatory and inhibitory neural activity within a given brain area
32. Analogous comments certainly apply to our presently impoverished means for describ
ing and differentiating states of consciousness in general. Similar positions as to the uni
tary character of mind were staked out much earlier by commentators such as James ( l890b),
McDougall (191 1/1961), and Broad (1925/1960). Uttal himself concludes that we should fall
back to a more sophisticated form of behaviorism (p. 206); however, his working list of the
great questions of scientific psychology (his Appendix A) suggests that he may also be open to
more radical theoretical options of the sort we are advocating here, at least if they are forced
upon us by data (as we believe they are).
-C apter 9
33. James ( l890b, vol. I , pp. 141-142) went so far as to suggest that the preserved concept
of a lost or diminished mental function may somehow participate directly in the recovery of
that function through appropriate repairs or modifications of the associated brain activity.
We think this idea has merit, as did Myers (189Ic, p. 1 16), but Myers was also certainly correct
in cautioning as to the practical difficulties in evaluating it (see also Finger, LeVere, Almli,
& Stein, 1988).
622-Chapter 9
Despite the appeal that such a theory clearly held for him, James declined
to accept it, offering instead his famous doctrine of the stream of conscious
ness, according to which the only thinker that psychology needed to recog
nize became the thought itself. Only much later did James give full expres
sion to the logical scruple that had prevented him from endorsing dualism, a
difficulty whose seriousness is underscored by the fact that George Mandler
(1 978) made it the centerpiece of his hostile commentary on the dualism of
Popper and Eccles (1 977). Here is James's (190911971) statement:
It is not for idle or fantastical reasons that the notion of the substantial
soul, so freely used by common men and the more popular philosophies,
has fallen upon such evil days, and has no prestige in the eyes of critical
thinkers. It only shares the fate of other unrepresentable substances and
principles. They are without exception all so barren that to sincere inquir
ers they appear as little more than names masquerading- Wo die Begri/fe
fehlen da stellt ein Wort zur rechten Zeit sich ein. You see no deeper into
the fact that a hundred sensations get compounded or known together by
thinking that a "soul" does the compounding than you see into a man's
living eighty years by thinking of him as an octogenarian, or into our hav
ing five fingers by calling us pentadactyls. Souls have worn out both them
selves and their welcome, that is the plain truth. Philosophy ought to get
the manifolds of experience unified on principles less empty. Like the word
34. "Holism," according to which the brain acts as an undifferentiated whole, goes back
to antiquity and has waned and waxed and waned again in popularity across the history of
modern neuroscience. The 19th century witnessed an upsurge of localization driven by the
early discoveries of people like Fritsch and Hitzig, Broca, and Wernicke, but this produced
an extreme holistic backlash in the 20th at the hands of Pierre Marie, Kurt Goldstein, Henry
Head, and Karl Lashley. Lashley's famously unsuccessful effort to locate "engrams" (mem
ory traces) in animal brains was particularly influential in American psychology during the
behaviorist period, but localizationists regained the ascendancy during the cognitive revolu
tion. Current global workspace theories thus represent a compromise position, with partial
reversion toward holism.
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-623
"cause," the word "soul" is but a theoretic stopgap-it marks a place and
claims it for a future explanation to occupy. (p. 221)
35. See especially Stevenson (1997). There may also be a parallel here with trance medium
ship, in that a number of the really successful communicators such as "G.P." (see Gauld, 1968,
1982) have also suffered violent or sudden death. Perhaps "unfinished business" is somehow
conducive to remembering, as in the well-known "Zeigarnik" effect.
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-625
sort, variable between individuals and tasks, are inherent in Stapp's model,
inasmuch as Process I in itself imposes a task-dependent framing on the
otherwise continuous evolution of Process 2.36
Even when the normal, ongoing adult engagement of mind and brain is
in force (whatever that relationship amounts to in detail), the mind appears
to retain at least a limited ability to operate more independently, and poten
tially in very different ways, when that engagement is altered or ruptured
in various ways by changes in the functional status of the brain. The dra
matic and rapid within-subject fluctuations in mental status often observed
in brain-damaged patients (H. Gardner, 1976), for example, might reflect
corresponding fluctuations in patients' capacities to interact normally with
their malfunctioning brains. Sleep and dreams also can clearly be thought
about in this way-a kind of regulated quasi-periodic "stretching" or other
modification of the normal linkage-and certainly the lack of satisfactory
progress on these subjects despite a century or so of serious scientific effort
provides motivation to try thinking about them in a new and different way.
Slow-wave sleep, for example, involves significant modifications in the over
all level and pattern of brain activity, modifications that partially mimic
those produced by general anesthesia, and these non-REM sleep states are
already known to be accompanied by fragmentary mental activity very
different in character from that of ordinary dreams (Foulkes, 1 962). Vivid
REM-sleep dreaming itself, interestingly, has recently been shown in both
imaging (A. R. Braun et ai., 1 998) and neuropsychological (Solms, 1997)
studies to be associated with reduced activity in prefrontal and occipital cor
tex, consistent with Myers's principle that the subliminal is liberated by the
abeyance of the supraliminal and its associated forms of outwardly directed
activity. Recently identified phenomena of "paradoxical function facilita
tion," in which previously unrecognized skills or abilities emerge following
brain injury (Kapur, 1 996; B. L. Miller et ai., 1 998), may in some cases merit
a similar interpretation.
The "dreams" that are sometimes reported as occurring in connection
with general anesthesia itself also deserve more careful study than they have
received to date, to characterize more precisely their phenomenological
properties and physiological conditions of occurrence. For these to occur
at all under conditions of deep general anesthesia would conflict-like the
occurrence of NDEs (Chapter 6)-with current neuroscientific opinion
regarding conditions necessary for conscious experience. They would be
expected, however, from the Myers/James point of view, and especially in
persons open to subliminal influence, such as persons of high "translimi
nality," with thin or permeable "boundaries." An observation consistent
36. Another possible manifestation of this "framing" process is the EEG "microstates" dis
covered by Dietrich Lehmann and colleagues (Lehmann, Ozaki, & Pal, 1987; Pascual-Mar
qui, Michel, & Lehmann, 1 995). These are brief episodes of relatively stable topography in
the scalp-recorded potential field, lasting on the order of 50-ISO milliseconds and separated
by sharp transitions. The manner and degree to which such segmentation of scalp potential
fields corresponds to the rapidly changing structure of conscious experience remains to be
determined, however.
628-Chapter 9
with this expectation is provided by Hejja and Galloon (1975), who showed
that "dreaming" in conjunction with ketamine anesthesia occurred over
whelmingly among patients who also recalled dreaming at home. A ful l 50
of their reported ketamine dreams occurred among the 68 patients who
also reported dreaming at home, while only two others were reported by an
additional 82 patients who did not.
The NDE literature (Chapter 6) further indicates that the normal link
age can sometimes be so severely stretched or otherwise modified that the
mental system spontaneously begins to operate in radically different ways.
It seems especially significant in this regard that NDEs involving subjec
tively enhanced cognitive functioning tend to occur more commonly in per
sons who in fact are closer to death physiologically (Owens et a!., 1 990). But
NDEs can also occur in persons who are continuously and fully conscious,
as for example in mountain climbers during serious falls, and similar experi
ences also can arise following ingestion of various psychedelic agents, and
in connection with transformative practices such as meditation, where their
physiological accompaniments are surely very different and can more read
ily be studied in detail and across time (Chapter 8). The sheer diversity of
circumstances under which similar kinds of experience can occur itself sug
gests that their common cause may involve some overall alteration of the
normal mind-brain relationship, rather than engagement of specific neuro
physiological final common pathways or mechanisms.
The strength of mind-brain coupling may also vary systematically
between persons in ways that could be measured, and that might again shed
light on the nature of the coupling itself. Successful trance mediums like
Mrs. Piper, for example, might be viewed (and were viewed by Myers) as
persons in whom the coupling is unusually "loose," permitting the psyche to
disengage partially or wholly from its customary entanglements and thus to
provide temporary access for potential "communicators."37 Unfortunately,
practically nothing of significance is presently known about the great trance
mediums (or for that matter about exceptional psi subjects of any other kind)
in terms of relevant characteristics of physiological function, personality, or
cognitive style.
Our basic functional picture of the normal waking situation, like that
of most neuroscientists including Crick and Koch (2003) in their discussion
of "zombie modes," is that mind and consciousness get involved in ongoing
activity only to the extent they need to, while things that are simple, or fully
learned or overlearned, can run on more or less automatically via brain
processes. Such a division of labor can readily be accommodated within
the basic framework of Stapp's model, because to the degree that the pro
liferation of possible brain states by Process 2 is directly constrained by
interactions between the organism and its environment, the need for Pro-
37. Conversely, aphasia-like phenomena which often accompany the emergence of a new
communicator (such as difficulties in speaking or writing the right words) might be viewed
as expressions of the difficulties that psyche encounters in "operating" a partly unfamiliar
organism. See Myers (HP, vol. 2, p. 254) for some interesting remarks on this subject.
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-629
Neutral-Monist Models
38. For additional help in this regard, see the all-out assault on this everyday intuition by
Harrison (1989).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-63 1
many salient respects to the world we all experience in the waking state. We
experience ourselves as embodied, and we move purposefully among other
solid, three-dimensional objects, including at times other persons, that
seem to exist independently of ourselves and that also behave for the most
part in more or less customary ways. Both we and the persons we encounter
seem to have both an "outside" and an "inside." If we smash violently into
something, we may appear to bleed, and it usually hurts. Those other per
sons act as though they have their own thoughts and motivations, and they
sometimes tell us things that we ourselves do not consciously know. Yet all
this vivid dream-world experience, so like what we experience in ordinary
waking life, occurs in the near-total absence of corresponding sensory input
(Globus, 1987).
The seeming reality of the dream of course evaporates, for most of us
anyway, when we awaken in the ordinary way to the phenomenologically
similar world presented in everyday experience. This world seems to most of
us unquestionably real, existing "out there" and independently of ourselves.
Yet as we saw in Chapter 8, great mystics of all traditions have reported
entering states of consciousness relative to which that everyday reality itself
proves evanescent in the same way as a dream. The material world given
in everyday experience, they declare, is not what it seems. Matter as we
customarily experience it does not exist, at least not in the way we naively
believe it to exist.
In our attempt to develop the non-Cartesian dualist-interactionist
model we relied heavily on a first major consequence of quantum theory,
that it brings consciousness back into physics at the foundational level and
in a causally effective manner. There is a second major consequence, how
ever, no less profound but even less widely appreciated. It is this: There is no
such thing as matter as classically conceived. Physics is not ultimately about
an independently existing objective world of classically conceived material
entities, but rather about our knowledge, and about relationships among
experiences. Thus our ontology, our conception of the basic "stuff" of which
the universe is composed, also must undergo fundamental revision. Stapp
(2004a) summarizes the situation this way:
So far we have "only the hope of a science," and its actual state of devel
opment requires us "to understand how great is the darkness in which we
grope, and never to forget that the natural-science assumptions with which
we started are provisional and revisable things" (James, 1 892, p. 468). In his
Presidential Address to the American Psychological Association in Decem
ber 1 894 James again stated flatly: "I have become convinced . . .that no con
ventional restrictions can keep metaphysical and so-called epistemological
inquiries out of the psychology-books" (James, 1 895/1978, p. 88; see also E.
Taylor, 1996, chap. 7). The real issue, in short, is not whether we will have
metaphysics, but whether we will have good metaphysics or bad.
This of course marks the point at which behavioristically oriented his
torians of psychology characteristically portray James as ceasing to be a
psychologist and becoming instead a "mere" philosopher. But there can be
no doubt that James himself did not see things this way. We have already
shown (Chapter 8) that much of James's later work, especially The Varieties
of Religious Experience (1902/1958) and A Pluralistic Universe (1909/197 1),
can be understood in considerable part as direct applications of Myers's
model of the psyche to problems in religion and philosophy. What we have
not yet emphasized, however, is that there is a further dimension of James's
later work that connects directly with the matters now before us.
Our account of the non-Cartesian dualist-interactionist model rested
directly upon the formulation of "transmission" theory by James (1 898/1900).
Yet even at that early date James was already searching for a way to get
beyond dualism. In a crucial footnote he remarks:
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-633
The philosophically instructed reader will notice that I have all along been
placing myself at the ordinary dualistic point of view of natural science
and of common sense. From this point of view mental facts like feelings
are made of one kind of stuff or substance, physical facts of another. An
absolute phenomenalism, not believing such a dualism to be ultimate, may
possibly end by solving some of the problems that are insoluble when pro
pounded in dualist terms. (pp. 50-51)
39. Just as we have not taken Henry Stapp to be any sort of final or ultimate authority but
rather as the primary representative of a group of quantum theorists whom we see as moving
in broadly similar directions in regard to mind-brain relations, we are here taking Whitehead
as representative of a larger group of "process" theorists working in what we are calling the
neutral-monist tradition. Among these we include (in addition to Leibniz, the later James,
and Whitehead himself in his Harvard period) major figures such as Charles Sanders Peirce,
Henri Bergson, Bertrand Russell, Charles Hartshorne, and David Ray Griffin. We thank Eric
Weiss for particularly helpful comments on this section.
634-Chapter 9
40. The scare quotes in this sentence are meant to emphasize that the mentalistic terms
employed here are being used broadly and metaphorically, and not as they would normally
apply to the mental activity of a conscious human being. Row far down nature can plausi
bly be viewed as manifesting such "mentalistic" properties remains an open question, but
the threshold, if one exists, is undoubtedly much further down than most of us commonly
assume. McDougall (191 111969, pp. 258-260) found signs of unified and purposive behavior
even in one-celled organisms such as the Amoeba and the Paramecium, and Seager (1998)
has advanced somewhat similar arguments in regard to elemental units of inanimate nature
4 1 . Recall that very similar ideas in regard to "panaesthesia" as a more fundamental or
primitive capacity for experience were expressed by Myers (Chapter 2).
42. Whitehead's magnum opus, Process and Reality (1929/1978), is an extremely difficult
book, but an excellent and readable introduction to his main ideas can be found in his last
book (Whitehead, 1938/1968), especially Chapters 7 and 8. Griffin (1997, 1998, 2000) and
Rosinski (1993) provide accurate and readable secondary sources, and G. R. Lucas (1989) and
Griffin, Cobb, Ford, Gunter, and Ochs (1993) situate his work within the larger philosophic
Toward a Psychology for the 21 st Century-635
It would carry us far beyond the purposes and scope of the present book
to present or discuss Whitehead's views here in greater depth. We certainly
do not mean to endorse his views wholesale, but we do wish to record here
our collective sense that he was moving in a direction that is both theoreti
cally promising and fundamentally consistent with the ontological impli
cations of quantum theory. The latter is perhaps especially surprising and
impressive in that Whitehead apparently arrived at his ontological ideas
mainly by generalizing from his own earlier work on relativity theory and
foundational concepts of physics such as space, time, motion, and causal
ity, rather than by way of quantum theory itself. He was certainly famil
iar with emerging developments in quantum theory, but he apparently saw
these primarily as illustrating or confirming ideas that he had arrived at on
his own and from a different direction (Y. Lowe, 195 1 , p. 90). Many quan
tum physicists including Henry Stapp (2004b) apparently agree with this
judgment, finding Whitehead's general outlook intuitively appealing and at
least potentially compatible with their understanding of the physics. There
also appears to be growing interest among such physicists in exploring and
deepening these connections, through a process of cross-fertilization and
mutual adjustment in which Whitehead's original philosophical system is
being progressively "modernized" in light of continuing developments in
physics, while serving as a fruitful source of suggestions toward rounding
out the ontological side of quantum theory itself (Shimony, 1 993; Eastman
& Keeton, 2004).43
In addition to being deeply compatible with basic science, a Whitehead
like neutral-monist outlook seems to afford new possibilities for progress
on substantive issues relevant to mind-brain relations. First, as argued in
particular by Griffin (1997, chap. 3; 1998) one can readily appreciate at least
in principle how a neutral-monist solution might overcome the unresolved
problems-common to both materialism and dualism as traditionally con
ceived, and probably unresolvable in those terms-of accounting for the
emergence of mind and consciousness in the course of biological evolution
and individual human development. Griffin (1993, 1994, 1 997, 1998, 2000)
has also made serious and generally well-received efforts to accommodate
the data of psychical research, including survival data, within his basically
Whitehead ian framework.44 We ourselves can also glimpse at least in general
43. See Eastman and Keeton's on-line resource guide to physics and Whitehead, which is
available at It is also worth noting here that
a similar neutral-monist position has tentatively been reached, from still another direction,
by Chalmers ( 1 996); see also his and other contributions to Shear (1998). Chalmers hardly
mentions Whitehead at all, anchoring his neutral-monist sympathies instead in the work of
Russell (1927). For critical comparative analysis of the neutral monisms of Russell and White
head, see Lovejoy (1930/1960) and G. R. Lucas (1989, chap. 7).
44. Parenthetically, physicist Oliver Lodge ( 1929) was probably the first to recognize the
relevance of Whitehead's metaphysics to the survival problem. Affinities between psi phe
nomena and the picture of "entangled" reality revealed by quantum theory have been care
fully drawn out by Radin (2006), and Stapp (in press a), in his discussion of the Libet experi
ments, provides a potential solution for Griffin's problems concerning precognition.
63�hapter 9
45. Related suggestions regarding NDEs and memory have recently been offered by Romijn
(1997), who draws upon the generically similar quantum-mechanical theory of consciousness
developed by David Bohm in his later years. Bohm himself attempted to use that same theory
to explain psi phenomena, which he evidently took seriously (Bohm, 1986), and his neutral
monist conception of the "implicate order" has also been enlisted by Karl Pribram (1979,
1986, 1991) in support of "holonomic" explanations of brain function, perception, and (recep
tive) psi, though with only limited success (Braude, 1979; Draaisma, 2000; see also Stapp, in
press a, in press b, regarding technical problems in Bohm's quantum mechanics).
46. A possible way forward is suggested by physicist and philosopher of science Abner Shi
mony in his critical response to Roger Penrose (1997) from the point of view of a "modernized
Whiteheadianism" which "applies the framework of quantum theory to an ontology that is
ab initio mentalistic" (Shimony, 1997, p. 154). Shimony portrays the emergence of conscious
states from an ensemble of neurons, for example, as due to large-scale quantum entangle
ment, analogous to the demonstrated emergence in relatively small quantum systems of novel
properties transcending those of their constituents. Quantum theory, that is, already encom
passes a mode of composition that has no analogue in classical physics. Penrose himself sub
sequently endorsed these suggestions, stating that "although I had not explicitly asserted, in
either Emperor or Shadows, the need for mentality to be 'onto logically fundamental in the
universe', I think that something of this nature is indeed necessary" (1997, pp. 175-176). See
also Seager (1998).
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-637
of the sort sketched earlier. This is the central theme of Lovejoy's (193011960)
examination of the doctrines advanced by Russell and Whitehead, and
Griffin's descriptive term for his own position, "nondualist interaction ism,"
seems perilously close to an oxymoron. In addition, Whitehead's theory as
described so far is a purely bottom-up theory in which our normal, supra
liminal consciousness emerges at the apex of a hierarchy of lesser integra
tions. This picture is similar to the monadic theories of McDougall and
Balfour, and we have already argued that such theories deal poorly with
the fully-developed phenomena of psychological automatism and second
ary personality, as well as genius and mysticism (Chapters 5, 7, 8). More
generally, they cannot easily accommodate any of the evidence assembled
by Myers, James, and their colleagues for the existence in all or at least
some of us of normally hidden levels of psychic organization characterized
by increasing scope, precision, speed, and complexity of mental function. It
appears possible in principle, however, to accommodate such phenomena,
while remaining within the basic neutral-monist framework, by incorporat
ing elements of a complementary top-down tradition (represented in the
West by historical figures such as Plato, Plotinus, and the German idealists,
and in the East by the higher schools of Hindu philosophy and the wis
dom traditions) that sees consciousness itself as the fundamental reality in
nature, flowing outward or downward to its most matter-like aspects, and
then back up again in the course of cosmic evolution (Poortman, 1954/1978).
Whitehead's own system in its full development incorporates such ideas in a
form having much in common with James's vision of an unfinished plural
istic universe (see our Chapter 8). It is also worth mentioning, perhaps, that
considerable sympathy for views of this general type has been expressed
by theoretical physicists such as Schrodinger (1959, Epilogue), d'Espagnat
(1976), and Haag (1996).
Within such a top-down neutral-monist framework, human personality
would be pictured as a complex system made up of the same kind of "stuff"
throughout. The system consists of a hierarchy of levels or strata of the types
recognized in particular by Myers, James, and the wisdom traditions. Each
level is characterized by its own form of psychophysical organization and
has both interior and exterior aspects that allow it to participate in some
form of experienced world appropriate to itself. The activities of these differ
ent strata are somehow interconnected, and coordinated in greater or lesser
degree, by something like Myers's Subliminal Self, or by a consciousness
that somehow underlies or pervades the whole structure. The fundamental
cleavage in nature suggested in particular by the survival evidence would on
such a view be interpreted not ontologically, as the separation of an entire
"psyche" from its associated "body," but functionally, as a shift within that
complex system, following dissolution of its outermost psychophysical shell,
to a different mode of operation based on whatever levels remain. Such a
picture would be theoretically attractive in that it incorporates both of the
fundamental insights of quantum theory and overcomes the residual dual
ism of the non-Cartesian dualist-interactionist model, while also potentially
638-Chapter 9
47. James (1890b) remarks that "ifevolution is to work smoothly, consciousness in some shape
must have been present at the very origin of things" (vol. I, p. 149). See also the critique by
Griffin ( 1 998) of conventional accounts by Dennett, Humphrey, and others of the supposed
incremental "emergence" of consciousness in the course of evolution.
Toward a Psychology for the 2 1 st Century-639
are more deeply compatible with leading-edge physical science itself; they
appear potentially capable of explaining most and perhaps all of the "rogue"
empirical phenomena catalogued in this book; and they ratify, rather than
reject, our everyday experience of ourselves as purposeful, causally effec
tive, conscious agents. We wish here to underscore this last point, because
it brings out in perhaps the most dramatic and humanly relevant way the
stark contrast between the sorts of theory we are advocating and those that
dominate the current scene.
The self was absolutely central to the psychology of William James
(Leary, 1 990). In the Principles (1 890b) he says: "The universal conscious
fact is not 'feelings and thoughts exist' but 'I think ' and 'I feel'. No psychol
ogy. . . can question the existence of personal selves. The worst a psychology
can do is so to interpret the nature of these selves as to rob them of their
worth" (vol. 1, p. 226). The self is something the presence of which we can
feel almost constantly at the innermost subjective pole of our experience.
Its ultimate origins remain mysterious, and as we saw in Chapter 8 James
himself traced them into the recesses of the subliminal consciousness, and
even to the hypothesis of a World-Soul as the ultimate foundation and root
of our individualized conscious selves. But however it arises, the self is the
active element in the stream of consciousness, expressing the dispositional
basis of our conscious mental life:
48. This is not to say, of course, that all of our actions are fully under conscious supra
liminal control. Both Myers and lames recognized that aspects of experience and behavior
are sometimes controlled in part or in whole by transmarginal influences of various kinds,
whether automatic or "infrared" processes originating in the organism or "ultraviolet" influ
ences exerted by a wider subliminal consciousness.
642-Chapter 9
The research on which my friends and I are engaged is not the mere hobby
of a few enthusiasts. Our opinions, of course, are individual and disput
able; but the facts presented here and in the S.P. R . Proceedings are a very
different matter. Neither the religious nor the scientific reader can longer
afford to ignore them, to pass them by. They must be met, they must be
understood, unless Science and Religion alike are to sink into mere obscu
rantism. And the one and only way to understand them is to learn more of
them; to collect more evidence, to try more experiments , to bring to bear
on this study a far more potent effort of the human mind than the small
group who have thus far been at work can possibly furnish. Judged by this
standard, the needed help has still to come. Never was there a harvest so
plenteous with labourers so few. (HP, vol. 2, p. 80)
Introductory Bibliography
of Psychical Research
This annotated list is intended only to provide an entry into the vast lit
erature of serious psychical research. It is by no means complete or even
comprehensive, and it reflects to some degree our personal preferences,
although many if not most of our selections would probably also appear on
similar lists compiled by other knowledgeable professionals. Many of the
entries cited contain extensive bibliographies of their own. For additional
references to some of the basic literature of the field, see http://www.pfly
Edge, Hoyt L., Morris, Robert L., Rush, Joseph H., & Palmer, John (1986). Founda
tions of Parapsychology: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Capability. Lon
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul. An advanced, textbook-style survey of methods
and findings in modern parapsychology, emphasizing experimental studies.
Murphy, Michael (1992). The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further
Evolution of Human Nature. New York: Tarcher/Putnam. An extensive survey
Pratt, 1. G., Rhine, J. B., Smith, B. M., Stuart, C. E., & Greenwood, 1. A. (1 940).
Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years: A Critical Appraisal ofthe Research
in Extra-Sensory Perception. New York: Henry Holt. One of the classics of
experimental parapsychology which, despite its age, is still a valuable overview
of the early research at Duke. Includes responses to all meaningful experimen
tal and statistical criticisms advanced up to that date.
Radin, Dean R. (1 997). The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic
Phenomena. New York: Harper Edge. An excellent recent survey, particularly
good in terms of its overall assessments of several large areas of contemporary
experimental psi research.
Rao, K. Ramakrishna (Ed.) (2001). Basic Research in Parapsychology (2nd ed.). Jef
ferson, NC: McFarland. A collection of previously published journal reports of
important experimental studies.
Ullman, Montague, & Krippner, Stanley (with Alan Vaughan) ( 1 989). Dream Telep
athy (2nd ed.). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. A report of the experiments on tele
pathic dreams conducted at Maimonides Medical Center in New York, plus a
limited survey of spontaneous dream telepathy cases.
Gurney, Edmund, Myers, Frederic, & Podmore, Frank ( 1 8 86). Phantasms of the
Living (2 vols.). London: Triibner. A classic and the first major publication of
the Society for Psychical Research, primarily reporting hundreds of sponta
neous cases investigated and documented by the authors, with emphasis on
apparitions coinciding with the death of a distantly located person. Indispens
able reading for anyone seriously interested in psychical research. Contains
sophisticated discussions of problems of evidence and methods for investigat
ing spontaneous cases.
Prince, Walter Franklin (1963). Noted Witnessesfor Psychic Occurrences. New Hyde
Park, NY: University Books. Prince collected in this volume numerous first
hand accounts from well-known scientists, artists, statesmen, and profession
als from a wide variety of fields, describing apparently paranormal experiences
that they themselves had. Prince believed that such reports from people who
were otherwise known to be responsible, intelligent observers and who had rep
utations that could be damaged by a fraudulent or fictional account would help
raise the credibility of all reports of spontaneous paranormal experiences.
Rhine, Louisa E. (1981). The Invisible Picture: A Study of Psychic Experiences. Jef
ferson, NC: McFarland. Summary of the author's research, spanning several
decades, on reports of spontaneous psychic experiences.
Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1962). Phantasms of the Living. New Hyde Park, NY:
University Books. A volume consisting of two classic studies of spontaneous
cases: A survey, first published by Mrs. Sidgwick in 1922, of spontaneous cases
of telepathy and apparitions reported to the Society for Psychical Research
between 1 886 and 1920; and an abridged version of the 1 886 volume Phantasms
of the Living by Gurney, Myers, and Pod more (see above).
Sidgwick, H . , Johnson, A., Myers, A. T., Myers, F. W. H., Podmore, F., & Sidgwick,
E. ( 1894). Report of the Census of Hallucinations. Proceedings of the Society
for Psychical Research, 10, 25-422. Report of a survey of 17,000 persons which
demonstrated the frequent occurrence of hallucinatory experiences in normal,
healthy persons in a waking state. Many of the experiences reported coincided
closely in time with a crisis, such as the death of a distant person, and the
authors made quantitative evaluations suggesting that such experiences occur
more often than can be expected by chance.
Stevenson, Ian ( 1 970). Telepathic Impressions: A Review and Report of35 New Cases.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. A review and analysis of 160
previously published cases in which a person has a strong impression about
something happening to another person who is physically distant, followed by
reports of Stevenson's investigations of 35 new cases.
Philosophical Literature
Braude, Stephen E. ( 1986). The Limits ofInfluence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy
of Science. New York, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Braude examines
evidence for large-scale phenomena of psychokinesis, arguing that much of the
evidence is of high quality and that it can and must be incorporated into the
framework of science.
Braude, Stephen E. (2003). Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life after Death.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Braude examines various kinds of evi
dence for survival, including mental mediumship, reincarnation and posses
sion cases, hauntings, and out-of-body experiences, especially in the context of
Introductory Bibliography of Psychical Research-649
Dodds, E. R. (1934). Why I do not believe in survival. Proceedings of the Society for
Psychical Research, 42, 147-172. A classic statement advocating the super-psi
interpretation of survival evidence, written by a keen student of the literature.
Hart, Hornell (1959). The Enigma of Survival. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. A
review of some of the evidence for post-mortem survival from mediumship and
from apparitions, followed by a comprehensive review of the arguments both
for and against the competing interpretations of this evidence.
Murphy, Gardner (1945). (a) An outline of survival evidence; (b) Difficulties con
fronting the survival hypothesis; (c) Field theory and survival. Journal of the
A merican Society for Psychical Research, 39, 2-34, 67-94, 1 81-209. These
papers by a distinguished American psychologist bring the difficulties of the
survival debate into sharp focus.
Myers, Frederic W. H. (1903). Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (2
vols.). London: Longmans, Green. A major classic of early psychical research,
and indeed of psychology, in which Myers describes a wide range of subliminal
psychological phenomena, including dissociation, sleep, genius, hypnotism,
automatisms, and trance, within the context of his theory of human personal
ity as extending beyond the confines of normal psychophysiological function
Stevenson, Ian (1977). Research into the evidence of man's survival after death: A
historical and critical survey with a summary of recent developments. Journal
of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1 65, 1 52-170. A brief but scholarly and well
documented summary of the main lines of research on post-mortem survival.
Shroder, Tom (1999). Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives. New York:
Simon & Schuster. In 1 997 Tom Shroder, an editor at the Washington Post,
accompanied Dr. Ian Stevenson through India, Lebanon, and the United
States as Dr. Stevenson investigated cases of children who seem to remember
previous lives. This is Shroder's book about those experiences. Now also out
in paperback as Old Souls: Compelling Evidencefrom Children Who Remember
Past Lives from Fireside Books.
Stevenson, Ian (1 974). Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (2nd ed., revised
and enlarged). Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. Dr. Stevenson's
first book on what has become an extensive body of research. Includes detailed
reports of 20 cases of children (from five different countries) who claimed to
remember previous lives.
Stevenson, Ian (1 975-1983). Cases of the Reincarnation Type (vols. 1-4). Charlot
tesville: University Press of Virginia. Reports of 44 cases of the reincarnation
type in India, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Turkey, Burma, and Thailand, investigated
extensively by the author.
Stevenson, Ian (2003). European Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Jefferson, NC:
McFarland. With this volume Dr. Stevenson shows that cases of the reincarna
tion type occur in modern Western cultures, many of them similar to those
from Asian countries in which a belief in reincarnation is widespread. He
Introductory Bibliography of Psychical Research-651
describes some cases from early in the 20th century, and then reports 32 cases
that he himself investigated.
Stevenson, Ian (2001). Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Rein
carnation (Rev. ed.). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Dr. Stevenson describes, for
the general reader, research conducted over the past 40 years on the phenome
non of young children who seem to remember a previous life. He also addresses
some of the questions frequently asked about these cases.
Tucker, Jim B. (2005). Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children 's Memo
ries of Previous Lives. New York: St. Martin's. An excellent introduction for
the general reader to investigations, conducted by Dr. Tucker, Dr. Ian Steven
son, and other colleagues, of cases suggestive of reincarnation among young
children. Included are discussions of the memories reported by the children,
unusual behavior in the children, and birthmarks and birth defects apparently
related to the previous life.
Beloff, John (1997). Parapsychology: A Concise History. New York: St. Martin's. A
brief historical survey of the field from its origins in renaissance magic, mes
merism, and spiritualism, through 19th-century psychical research, early 20th
century psychical research and experimental parapsychology, to more recent
Gauld, Alan (1 968). Founders of Psychical Research. New York: Schocken Books.
The best available treatment of the persons and events involved in the forma
tion and early work of the Society for Psychical Research.
James, William ( 1986). The Works of William James: Essays in Psychical Research.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press. A comprehensive collection of all of
James's known writings on the subject of psychical research, from 1 869-1909,
including papers, reviews, and correspondence. Includes all the works pub
lished in an earlier volume (Murphy, Gardner, & Ballou, Robert O. [1961]. Wil
liam James on Psychical Research. London: Chatto & Windus).
Mauskopf, Seymour H . , & McVaugh, Michael R. ( 1980). The Elusive Science: Ori
gins of Experimental Psychical Research. Baltimore, London: Johns Hopkins
University Press. A comprehensive, well-documented, and scholarly history of
the development of experimental psi research, concentrating primarily on the
period from 1 920-1940.
Bern, D. J., & Honorton, C. (1994). Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anom
alous process of information transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 4-1 8. Report
and meta-analysis of a series of psi Ganzfeld experiments, in which subjects
in a condition of sensory deprivation attempt to identify a randomly chosen
target image. A critical response to this paper was Milton, 1. & Wiseman, R.
( 1999). Does psi exist? Lack of replication of an anomalous process of informa
tion transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 378-391. A reply to these criticisms
appeared in Bern, D. 1., Palmer, 1., & Broughton, R. S. (2001). Updating the
Ganzfeld database: A victim of its own success? Journal of Parapsychology, 65,
Honorton, C., Berger, R., Varvoglis, M., Quant, M., Derr, P., Schechter, E., & Fer
rari, D. (1990). Psi communication in the ganzfe1d: Experiments with an auto
mated testing system and a comparison with a meta-analysis of earlier studies.
Journal of Parapsychology, 54, 99-139.
Hyman, R. & Honorton, C . ( 1986). A joint communique: The psi Ganzfeld contro
versy. Journal of Parapsychology, 50, 351-364. In response to their continuing
debate about the status of the Ganzfeld research, Honorton, a parapsycholo
gist, and Hyman, a skeptic, issued here a set of guidelines for conducting and
reporting future research that they both agreed would constitute adequately
stringent standards. The papers by Honorton et al. ( 1990) and Bern and Honor
ton ( 1994) (see above) report research conducted using these guidelines.
Honorton, c., & Krippner, S. (1969). Hypnosis and ESP performance: A review
of the experimental literature. Journal of the A merican Society for Psychical
Research, 63, 214-252.
Honorton, c., Ferrari, D., & Bern, D. ( 1 998). Extraversion and ESP performance:
A meta-analysis and a new confirmation. Journal of Parapsychology, 62, 255-
Radin, D., & Ferrari, D. (1991). Effects of consciousness on the fall of dice: A meta
analysis. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 5, 61-83.
tic, argues that there is no persuasive evidence for any paranormal phenomena
and that it is a belief system rather than science.
Druckman, D., & Swets, J. A. (Eds.). (1988). Enhancing Human Performance: Issues,
Theories, and Techniques, pp. 169-231. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press; Palmer, J. A., Honorton, c., & Utts, J. (1988). Reply to the National
Research Council Study on Parapsychology. Research Triangle Park, NC: Para
psychological Association. A report from the National Research Council which
concluded that research in parapsychology has provided "no scientific justifi
cation . . . for the existence of parapsychological phenomena." In the reply, the
authors show that the scope of this review was severely restricted to conform
to the authors' pre-existing beliefs, even to the extent of asking a prominent
psychologist to withdraw his favorable conclusions.
Price, George R. (1 955). Science and the supernatural. Science, 122, 359-367. A
paper often cited by skeptics, who nonetheless rarely if ever mention Price's
later apology to Rhine for the accusations of fraud that he made against him in
this paper (Price, George R. [ 1972]. Letter to the editor. Science, 1 75, 359).
Rao, K. R. & Palmer, J. (1987). The anomaly called psi: Recent research and criti
cism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 539-643. A lead positive review article
on the then current status of experimental psi research, followed by a second,
negative target article by James Alcock, with numerous commentaries on both
articles and responses from their authors.
Introductory Bibliography of Psychical Research-655
Baars, B. J. (1993). How does a serial, integrated and very limited stream of con
sciousness emerge from a nervous system that is mostly unconscious, distrib
uted, parallel and of enormous capacity? In G. R. Bock & J. Marsh (Eds.),
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness (pp. 282-290). Chiches
ter, UK: Wiley-Interscience.
Baars, B. J. (1997). In the Theater of Consciousness: The Workspace of the Mind.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Baars, B . 1. (2001). The brain basis of a "consciousness monitor": Scientific and
medical significance. Consciousness and Cognition, 10, 1 59-164.
Bacon, F. (1960). The New Organon and Related Writings. New York: Liberal Arts
Press. (Original work published 1 620)
Badash, L. (1972). The completeness of nineteenth-century science. Isis, 63, 48-58.
Baddawi, K., Wallace, R. K., Orme-lohnson, D., & Royzere, A. M. (1984). Electro
physiologic characteristics of respiratory suspension periods occurring during
the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. Psychosomatic Medi
cine, 46, 267-276.
Bahnson, C. B., & Smith, K. (1975). Autonomic changes in a multiple personality.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 3 7, 85-86.
Bailar, 1. C. (2001). The powerful placebo and the Wizard of Oz. New England Jour
nal of Medicine, 344, 1630-1632.
Baillie, J. (1993). Problems in Personal Identity. New York: Paragon House.
Bain, A. ( 1874). Mind and Body: The Theories of Their Relation. New York: D.
Appleton. (Original work published 1872)
Bakan, D. ( 1967). On Method: Toward a Reconstruction of Psychological Investiga
tion. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Baker, A. (2005). Are there genuine mathematical explanations of physical phenom
ena? Mind, 114, 223-238.
Baker, L. R. (1997). Persons in metaphysical perspective. In L. E. Hahn (Ed.), The
Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm (pp. 433-453). La Salle, IL: Open Court.
Baker, L. R. (2000). Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View. Cambridge: Cam
bridge University Press.
Baker, L. R. (2001). Materialism with a human face. In K. Corcoran (Ed.), Soul,
Body and Survival (pp. 1 59-180). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Balfour, G. ( 1 906). Presidential address. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical
Research, 19, 373-396.
Balfour, G. ( 1 935). A study of the psychological aspects of Mrs. Willett's medium
ship, and of the statements of the communicators concerning process. Proceed
ings of the Society for Psychical Research, 43, 41-3 18.
Banquet, 1. P. (1973). Spectral analysis of the EEG in meditation. Electroencephalog
raphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 35, 143-151 .
Barahal, H. S. (1940). The psychology of sudden and premature graying of hair.
Psychiatric Quarterly, 14, 786-799.
Barahal, H . S., & Freeman, N. ( 1 946). Sudden graying of hair, alopecia, and diabe
tes mellitus of psychogenic origin. Psychiatric Quarterly, 20, 3 1-38.
Barbato, M. (1 999). Parapsychological phenomena near the time of death. Journal
of Palliative Care, 15, 30-37.
Barber, B. ( 1 961). Resistance by scientists to scientific discovery. Science, 134, 596-
Barber, T. X. ( 1 961). Physiological effects of "hypnosis." Psychological Bulletin, 58,
Barber, T. X. ( 1 963). The effects of "hypnosis" on pain. Psychosomatic Medicine,
25, 303-333.
Barber, T. X. ( 1965). Physiological effects of "hypnotic suggestions": A critical
review of recent research (1960-1964). Psychological Bulletin, 63, 201-222.
Barber, T. X. ( 1 978). Hypnosis, suggestions, and psychosomatic phenomena: A new
look from the standpoint of recent experimental studies. American Journal of
Clinical Hypnosis, 21, 13-27.
Barber, T. X. ( 1984). Changing "unchangeable" bodily processes by (hypnotic) sug
gestions: A new look at hypnosis, cognitions, imagining, and the mind-body
problem. In A. A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagination and Healing (pp. 69-127). New
York: Baywood Publishing. (Also published in 1984 in Advances: Journal of the
Institutefor the Advancement of Health [now Advances in Mind-Body Medicine],
1, 7-40)
Barker, J. C. (1965). Scared to death? [letter]. British Medical Journal, 2, 591.
Barker, 1. C. ( 1 966). Scared to death [letter). Journal of the American Medical Asso
ciation, 198, 176.
Barker, J. C. ( 1968). Scared to Death: An Examination of Fear, Its Causes and Effects.
London: Frederick Muller.
Barnard, G. W. ( 1997). Exploring Unseen Worlds: William James and the Philosophy
of Mysticism. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Barrett, D. (1988). Trance-related pseudocyesis in a male. International Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 36, 256-26 1 .
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H . N., Stone, W. H., Wyld, G., Robertson, C. L., & Podmore, F. (1883). Third
report of the committee on mesmerism. Proceedings of the Societyfor Psychical
Research, 2, 1 2-23. (Report written by Barrett & Gurney)
Barrett, W. F., Gurney, E., Myers, F. W. H., Ridley, H . N., Stone, W. H., Wyld, G.,
& Podmore, F. (1883). First report of the committee on mesmerism. Proceedings
of the Society for Psychical Research, I, 217-229. (Report written by Barrett,
Gurney, Myers, & Podmore)
Barrett, W. F., Massey, C. C., Moses, W. S., Podmore, F., Gurney, E., & Myers, F.
W. H. (1883). Report of the literary committee. Proceedings of the Society for
Psychical Research, 1, 1 1 6-1 55. (Report written by Gurney & Myers)
Barron, F. (1958). The psychology of imagination. Scientific American, 199, 1 50-
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Basso, A., Gardelli, M., Grassi, M. P., & Mariotti, M. (1 989). The role of the right
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Society for Psychical Research, 27, 1 57-175.
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York: Zone Books. (Original 5th edition published 1 908)
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Abbot, N.C: 1 35, 1 36, 228 Alternative medicine, mainstream medicine
Abraham, G. E.: 149, 1 52 and, 1 36, 136n l l
Abrahamsen, A.: 19n 14, 2 1 n 1 5, 23, 456 See Faith healing, Distant healing, Mind
Abramovitch, H . : 375 body medicine
Abrams, M.: 142 Alvarado, C. S.: 169, 396n23, 405, 439n 12,
Abrams, M. H.: 440n14, 454n20, 455, 482, 484, 528-529n26
485 Amanzio, M.: 141, 146
Absorption: 84n22 Aminoff, M. l.: 387, 419
Hysteria and, 162 Amnesias. See Memory
Multiple personality and, 342 Ampere, A. M.: 34, 432
Mystical experiences and, 570-571 Analgesias. See Hypnotic analgesias,
Near-death experiences and, 378 Placebo analgesias
Physiological effects in hypnosis and, 210 Analogical constraint mapping engine
Stigmata and, 161 (ACME) and, 461
Suggestion and, 105 Criticism of, 462-463, 465
Yoga and, 526-527, 570-571 See also Computational Theory of Mind
See also Psychology (CTM)
Achterberg, J.: 480 Analogical retrieval by constraint
Action at a distance: xxin2 satisfaction (ARCS) and, 471
Adams, 1.: 129-1 30 Criticism of, 462-463
Adams, 1. E.: 383 WordNet and, 463
Ader, R.: 1 22, 142, 146 See also Computational Theory of Mind
Agnati, L. F.: 27 (CTM), Connectionism
Agosti, R.: 404n30 Analogy: 459-465, 469
Aker, l.: 192 Cognition and, 467n25
Alberini, C. M.: 278-279n32 Computational Theory of Mind (CTM)
Albin, R. L.: 145 and, 452, 460-465
Alcock, 1. E.: 61 Creativity and, 459, 460
Aldrich, C. K.: 149 Imagination and, 457, 459
Alexander, S.: 602nl4 See also Metaphor
Alkire, M. T: 417 Anand, B. K.: 178, 571 n66
Allard, T T: 572 Andermann, F.: 382
Allison, R.: 31 8 -n 1 3 Anderson, 1. A.: 19n14
A llport, G.: xviii Anderson, 1. R.: 17, 19
Almli, R.: 621n33 Anderson, Y. : 279n33
Alpert, N. M.: 184 Andreasen, N. c.: 1 2 1 , 475, 535, 567
Alter, A.: 564 Andrews, S.: 231
Altered states of consciousness: xxii, 41, 87, Andrews, T 1.: 626
96-97, 167, 172, 293, 350, 425, 504, 525, 536, Anesthesias, 308, 312
558-559, 564, 566-567, 584, 603 Chemical, 185, 188, 190
See also Automatisms, Dreaming, General, 416-421, 416n45, 628
Meditation, Mediumship, Multiple Global workspace and, 39, 416
Personality, Mystical experience, Hypnotic, 67, 87, 181, 185, 188
Psychedelics, Sleep, Stigmata, Telepathy Hysterical, 3 1 , 67, 68, 87, 99, 106, 1 62, 164,
Supernormal phenomena and, 353-362 Barrett, W. F.: 60, 67-68nI4, 7 1 , 93, 102, 103,
Voluntariness and, 343-344, 345 106, 1 10, 409, 41On38
See also Mediumship, Trance speaking Barron, F.: 474, 474n28, 484
Autonomic processes: Barrows, I.: 3 1 5
Biofeedback and, 176n30 Bartrop, R. w.: 1 24
Hypnosis and, 1 81-183 Barzun, J.: 1 l4 - 1 1 5n49
Voluntary control of, 176, 178 Basmajian, J. Y.: 176, 616
Yogis and, 177-179 Basso, A.: 279n33
Autoscopy: 396, 397, 403-404, 404n31 Batcheldor, K. 1.: 447nl7
See also Depersonalization, Near-death Bauer, w. : 373
experiences, Out-of-body experiences Baumann, S. B.: 528-529n26
Autosuggestion: Baxter, M. 1.: 263
Death and, 126. See Mortality Beahrs, J.: 3 1 8 n l 3
Healing and, 1 3 3 - 1 34, 1 33n8, 1 37, 138 Bear, M. F.: 261n 1 8 , 273n26
Psychophysiological changes and, 180, 218 Beard, A. w.: 413
Therapeutic touch and, 227-228n63 Beatty, 1.: 176n30
See also Faith healing, Distant healing Beauchamp, S.: 81, 3 17-319, 593n8.
Aviles, J. M.: 229n65 See also Multiple personality, M. Prince
Ayer, A. J.: 3, 244n4 Beauregard, M.: 615
Azam, E.: 3 1 5, 316n12, 328-329 Bechtel, w. : 19n14, 21n15, 23, 456
Becker, C. B.: 370n2, 376
Baars, B. 1.: 36, 38, 416n44, 614-615, 626 Becker, D. E.: 570n65
Bach, 1. S. 521 Beckwith, R.: 463
Bacon, F.: xxiii, 561n59 Beddow, M.: 479
Baddawi, K.: 568 Bede, 1 35
Bagchi, B. K.: 178-179 Beecher, H. K.: 140, 143
Bagiella, E.: 1 30 - 1 3 1 Beer, R. D.: 2 1 n l
Bahnson, C. B.: 171, 349 Beethoven, L . : 521
Baillie, 1.: 287n43 Behaviorism. See Psychology
Bain, A.: 53, 56, 460 Bellis, J. M.: 203, 205
Bakalar, J. B.: 516, 543, 544, 549n47, 551 Beloff, J.: 608n21
Bakan, D.: xviii Bern, D. J.: 362
Baker, A.: 490n35 Bendfeldt, F.: 168
Baker, L. R.: 290 Benedetti, F.: 141, 145, 146
Bakker, P. F. A.: 418 Benet, M.: 475
Balanchine, G.: 444 Bennett, M. R . : 242n2, 250, 251, 273-274n27
Balfour, A.: 60 Benor, D.: 1 35, 230
Balfour, G.: 60, 326n1 5, 364, 560n58, 588, Benson, H.: 140, 143, 178, 179, 229n65
588n7, 589, 590, 593 Bentall, R.: 40n30, 109, 405, 406, 471
Ballou, R . 0.: xxvii Bereavement. See Disease,
Balzac, H.: 521, 522 Immunosuppression, Mind
Banquet, J. P.: 571 body medicine, Mortality,
Barahal, H. S.: 148, 148-149 Psychoneuroimmunology
Barban, L.: 168 Bergson, H.: 35, 73n16, 107, 183, 241, 269,
Barbato, M.: 406 269n24, 270n25, 270-271, 272, 322, 364,
Barber, T. X.: 149, 179, 180, 180n32, 182, 183, 384, 420, 481, 549, 574, 590-591 , 593n9,
183n36, 184, 1 87-188, 189, 189n38, 189n39, 602n14, 606n19, 621 , 633n39
191, 192, 193, 194, 194-195n42, 196-197, Berk, L. S.: 1 29
198, 21On50, 210-21 1 , 212, 213, 220, 237- Berne, R. M.: 217
238, 341, 378 Bernheim, H.: 93
Barglow, P.: 1 5 1 Berntson, G. G.: 268
Barker, J. c . : 125, 1 26 Berrios, G. E.: 162, 164, 165, 404
Barnard, G. w.: 30lnl Bertrand, L.: 343
Barresi, J.: 287n42 Bethune, H. c.: 198, 198-199
Barrett, D.: 182, 442 Beyerstein, B. L.: 480
Barrett, S.: 1 36n1 1 Bhole, M. Y.: 178
Bickford, R. G.: 184
762-l ndex
Structure-mapping engine (SME) and, 361 Quantum dynamics and, 613, 614, 616,
Computer simulation: I I, 13, 1 5 616n29, 636n45
Concentration: Secondary centers of, 41, 305-365
Stigmata and, 161 Sociocognitive theories of, 345, 346-348
Yoga and, 526-527 States of, methods for differentiating,
Conceptual understanding, 619n32
phenomenological content of: 44-45 Survival research and, 72-73
Condon, W. S.: 169 "Theater of", 38
Conn, L.: 192 Transmission model of, 73, 550
Connectionism: 16, 19-21, 43, 249-250, Vehicles of, 610
249n8, 260, 453, 456, 463-464, 464n23, Unity of, 37-44, 321-322, 323, 325-326, 329,
608n22, 640 330, 331-332, 337-338, 341-342, 580, 634
Conner, D.: 375 See also Binding problem, Dualism,
Connors, B. W.: 261 n l 8 Epiphenomenalism, Global workspace
Consciousness: xxi, xxii, xxv, 1 1 , 27, 44, 45, theory, Mind, Reductive physicalism,
76-78, 1 18, 634 Self, Stream of consciousness,
As the fundamental reality in nature, 637 Subliminal consciousness, Supraliminal
Automatism and, 309-310, 345 consciousness
Automaton theory of, 53-54, 312 Conservation of energy, principle of: 49-50
Brain activity and, 626, 627, 642 Impact of, on psychology, 52, 56, 56-57n6
Central control of, Hilgard and, 335, 336- Constantini-Ferrando, M. F.: 184
337 Contreras, D.: 38
Covert centers of, 312, 316, 317, 319, 339 Conversion disorder. See Hysteria, Stigmata
Deep general anesthesia and, 39 Cook, I. A.: 142
Dissociated forms of, 36-37 Coombe-Tennant, W. [Mrs. Willet): 588n7.
Emergent nature of, 24-26, 83-86, 636n46 See Mediumship
Extra-marginal versus Intra-marginal, Coons, P. M.: 1 67, 168, 169, 174, 348, 349
77-79n I9, 578 Cooper, P.: 566
Filter theory of, 546-549, 550, 558, 558- Cooper, S.: 389
559n56, 562-563 Cope, H.: 165
Folk-psychology conceptions of, 37-38n25 Copeland, A.: 479
Freud and, 327, 329, 330-331 , 330nl7 Copernicus: 48
Fringe, 15, 22 Copertino, 1.: 530
Genius and, 100 Copycat: 466
Hidden observer and, 336n21 Description of, 464-465, 464n23
Holistic view of, 364 See also Fluid analogies research group
Homunculus problem and, 43-44, 251, 492 (FARG)
Hysteria and, 98, 99, 166 Corcoran, K.: 287n42
James and, 412n41, 558-559, 561-562, 558- Corkin, S.: 264
589, 591-592, 594 Cosmic consciousness. See Mystical
Jastrow and, 86n23 experience, Post-mortem survival
Jung and, 332-333, 556-557 Council, J. R.: 378
McDougall and, 322-323, 325-326, 336, Counts, D. A.: 370n2
580-581 Cousins, N.: 129
Multiple personality disorders and, 168 Couvade, 150n17
Myers and, 75-76, 80-83, 99, 309-310, 325- Cowan, J. D.: 436
326, 329, 412n41, 561n59, 562, 586, 588- Coward, H.: 557n55
589 Crabtree, A.: 301n l , 302, 303, 304n7, 305n7,
Mystical experiences and, 513, 522 310n10, 315, 339, 477-478
Near-death experiences and, 39, 385 Craik, K. J.: 10, 266
Perception as an analogy for, 331 Crandall, P. H.: 533
Persistence of, in pathological conditions, Crasilneck, H. B.: 180n32, 182, 192, 196
III Crawford, H. J.: 33, 186, 187
Physical measurement and, 50 Creativity: xx, xxx, 14, 41, 42, 75, 87, 1 14,
Physics and, 634 276n30, 353, 356, 359-360, 427-429, 430-
Post-mortem survival and, 591-592 434, 443-444, 450, 453-460, 458n21, 471-
Psi phenomena and, 32
Hallucinations and, 438 Creativity and, 100, 354, 425, 430-433, 434,
Interpretational problems in, 1 8n 13, 267- 457, 589
268, 518, 532, 534n30, 619-620 Definition of, 427
Memory and, 35 Degeneracy theory of, 426, 426nl, 470, 478,
Visual cortext and, 438 533
See a/so Neuroscience Depression and, 473
Functionalism: Divergent thinking and, 424
Philosophy and, xix, 5-6 Dreaming and, 441-442, 443-444
Funnell, E.: 264 Ego strength and, 473-474
Furst, P. T.: 544 Flexibility and, 424
Furukawa, K.: 571 Fluency and, 424
Fuxe, K.: 27 Freud and, 471 -472, 475
Gestalt psychology and, 424
Gabbard, G. 0.: 1 2 1 , 372, 375, 377, 377n8 Hallucinatory syndromes and, 435-447
Gackenbach, 1.: 404, 405, 405n33 Hypomania and, 473, 474
Gaier, E. L.: 473, 484 Hysteria and, 97
Galanter, E.: 1 1 Illumination and, 428, 428-429
Galileo: xxv, 49, 633 Imagination and, 454-457, 474n29, 475,
Galishoff, M. L.: 228 482-483, 492-493
Galloon, S.: 628 Incommensurability and, 429, 469
Gallup, G.: 41On38 Incubation and, 428-429
Galton, F. : 228n64, 424 Individuation and, 479-480
Game-playing: 1 1 , 1 5 Insanity and, 97-98, 426, 426nl , 471
Gamma, A . : 546 Insight and, 424
Gan, W. -B.: 280n35 Inspiration and, 440, 441, 450, 477
Ganzfeld technique: 484 Integration of subliminal with
Artistic personality and, 484 supraliminal in, 354, 476-477, 477-481 ,
Hypnagogic imagery and, 439, 439n12 561
Scrying and, 1 1 1n42, 439 Life histories and, 425
States of awareness and, 439n1 2 , 484 Manic-depressive disorder and, 474
Gardelli, M.: 279n33 Materialism and, 423
Gardner, H.: 2, 9, 1 1 , l 7n 1 1 , 23, 272, 621 , 627 Mathematics and, 487-490
Gardner, R.: 134-135, 1 35n9, 370n2 Mediumship and, 450
Garner, 1.: 1 3 8 Multiple personality and, 477-478
Gastaut, H . : 533-534, 533n29, 535, 569, Myers's views on, 96, 97-101, 354, 425-434,
569n63, 571, 571n66, 572 471 , 486-488, 531n27, 589, 599-600
Gauld, A.: I n l , 42n31 , 67, 83, 93n28, 105n37, Mystical experiences and, 480-481 , 589
108, 1 10, 1 12n45, 1 12n46, 1 13, 1 80, 184, Mythopreic faculty and, 356, 359-360
1 88, 201 , 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 225, Neurobiology and, 453-454
242n2, 260n15, 281, 283, 288n46, 303, Organic senses and, 433-434
337n22, 339, 344n28, 357-358n38, 360, 361, Personality deVelopment and, 480-481
403n29, 408n36, 408n37, 448, 559, 577, 586, Physiology and, 470-471 n
588n7, 595, 598, 604-605, 624, 624n35 Pre-inventive structures and, 457
Biography of, Preparation and, 428
Gauss, 1. C. F.: 34, 432 Primary process thinking and, 424-425, 475
Gazzaniga, M.: 351-352n32 Primary process versus secondary process
Gelgani, G.: 153, 154 and, 458
Gelhorn, E.: 534-535, 536, 538, 570n64 Process model of, 428-429
Generalization: 19, 466-467 Psi and, 425
Generative lexicon: 468 Psychoanalysis and, 457-459, 458n21, 471-
See also Analogy, Metaphor 473
Genius: 423-493 Psychopathology and: 85, 470-473
Altered states of consciousness and, 425 Puzzle-solving behavior and, 424, 428-429
Analogy and, 459-460 Secondary selves and, 425, 477-478
Automatism and, 425, 429, 440-450 Self-actualization and, 480-481
Boundaries and, 98 Sleep and, 441-442
Continuity and, 429, 430-432 Supernormal phenomena and, 353
Amnesias and, 260n16, 261, 262-263nI9, Scientific method and, 57-58, 228-229
263-264. 268-269, 277, 303, 320, 342 Scientific naturalism and, 52-53
Anesthesias during surgery and, 388, 414- See also Volition
415, 543, 543n40 Mental imagery, I I, 16-17, 469
Association areas and, 260 Analog versus digital models of, 254
Associationism and, 249n8, 456 Genius and, 435-447, 440n 13, 492-49
Autobiographical form of. See Episodic Hallucinations and, \08, 1 1 1 , 440
form of Memory and, 244-245, 246
Brain and, 242-281, 298-299 Migraine aura and, 436
Category-specific areas in the brain and, Psi phenomena and, 32
269 Representation and, 16-17, 252-253, 254-
Cognitive psychology and, 34-35, 248-260 256, 257-259
Consciousness and, 76, 322 Stigmata and, 161
Convergence zone framework and, 271 Subliminal processes and, 285, 440
Double dissociation and, 264-265 Suggestion and, 182-183
Emotion and, 244 Mercier, c.: 59
Enhancement of, 274-275 Merendino, K. A.: 143
Episodic form of, 35, 243, 245, 246-247, Merrill, J.: 446-447
247n7, 260, 261, 263-264, 265, 265n21, Merzel, A. P. C.: 475
268, 270n25, 273, 275-276, 277, 295-296 Merzenich, M. M.: 572
Factual variety of, 246n6, 247-248 Mescaline. See Psychedelics
Habit and, 35 Mesmer, F. A.: 93, 104, 303
HERA hypothesis and, 266, 280-281 Mesmerism: 60, 75, 90, 93, 94, 104, 3 16nlO
Hippocampus and, 263-265 Healing and, 1 33, 1 90
Hypnosis and, \05 History of, 302-303
Imagination and, 456 Magnetic rapport and, 303
Knowledge retention and, 273-274n27 Psi phenomena and, \08
Long-term potentiation and, 274-275, See also Amnesias, Community of
275n28 sensation, Hypnosis, Psi
Metaphors of, 250-251 , 254 Messiaen, 0.: 521
Multiple identities and, sociocognitive Mesulam, M. -M.: 272, 416n44, 532
theories of, 341-342 Metaphor:
Near-death experiences and, 386h17 Analogy and, 468, 469
Neuroimaging and, 262, 265-273 Creativity and, 460-465, 466-467
Neurotransmitters and, 273-274 Dissociation and, 335-336, 337
Post-mortem survival and, 272, 281, 292, Imagination and, 454-455, 469
296, 298-299 Memory and, 250-251, 269-270
Previous lives and. See Cases of the Metarepresentation. See Memory
reincarnation type (CORT) Metcalf, J.: 487
Recall of surgery under anesthesia, 414-415 Methodological parallelism: 56-59, 62
Recent research and, 262 Metz, C.: 27
Representation and, 252-253, 255-256, 257, Meyers, Y. : 371
258-259 Micheli, Y. : 1 38
Self and, 275, 322 Michelson, A. A.: xxiv
Semantic variety of, 247, 260, 264 Migraine aura: 435-437, 534n30
Sleep and dreams and, 102-\03 Genius and, 435-436
"Trace" theory of, xxx, 35, 241, 242-248, Lucid dreaming and, 406.
249, 259-260, 275-279, 278-279n32, 296, See also Hallucinations, Mental imagery
585 Milgrom, H.: 148
Unconscious and, 75 Mill, J. S.: 55, 60, 62, 481
See also Eidetic memory, Episodic Millar, K.: 388
memory, Intentionality, Semantic M iller, A. H.: 129
memory Miller, A. 1.: 486, 490n35
Mendeleyev, D.: 442 M iller, B. L.: 627
Mendelsohn, G. A.: 453 Miller, E.: 163, 166, 167
Mental causality: xxi, 49-50, 54, 56, 67, 89- Miller, G. A.: xxii, 10- 1 1 , 463, 642
90, 6\0-6 1 1 , 615n28, 629 Miller, K.: 463
Index-78 1
Temporal lobe abnormalities and, 397n24, Pattie, F. A.: 201 , 202, 203
398 Paul, G. L.: 203, 203-204, 209, 212
Veridical elements of, 387-390, 400, 400- Paul, St.: 532
401 , 406-407 Pavlov, I. P.: 535n33
See also Near-death experiences Pawlowski, E. J.: 150, 152
Owens, J. E.: 372, 373, 375, 386, 389, 628 Pawlowski, M. M. F.: 150, 152
Oxbury, S.: 264 "Peak in Darien" cases. See Deathbed
Oyama, T.: 380 VISIOns
0ye, I.: 546 Paydartar, J. A.: 626
Ozaki, H.: 627n36 Pedroarena, C.: 38
Peers, A.: 499n4, 506n8, 517, 525
Pacia, S. Y.: 418 Peirce, C. S.: 426, 633n39
Pacoe, L . Y.: 169 Pekala, R. 1.: 564
Pahnke, W: 544, 545, 550 Pellew, G.: 358-359, 624n35. See Piper
Pahrian, S. L.: 239n70 Pembroke, A. c.: 223
Pal, I.: 627n36 Penelhum, T.: 287n44
Palladino, E.: 530. See Mediumship Penfield, W: 381, 382, 396, 399, 433, 533,
Pallas, S. L.: 280n34 608, 626, 629
Palmer, 1.: 383-384, 528 Peng, C. -K.: 569
Panpsychism. See Neutral-monist models Penny, R.: 124
Papert, S.: 18, 19 Penrose, R.: 22, 22n17, 23n19, 299, 487, 490,
Papineau, D.: 259 6 1 1 , 646n46
Paradiso, M. A.: 261n l 8 Penttinen, K.: 159
Paradoxical function facilitation, brain Perani, D.: 269
injury and, 627 Perception: xx, 34, 39, 40
Parallel distributed processing (PDP): 19 19th-century physics and, 69
See also Connectionism, Dynamic systems Binding problem and, 538, 539, 571
theory, Neural-network models Conceptual understanding and, 44-45
Paranormal phenomena: xxviii Imagination and, 456-457
Belief in, 32 Learning and, 19, 20
Evidence for, 645-655 Memory and, 35, 243, 271-272
See also Supernormal phenomena Neurophysiology of, 538
Parapsychology: xxvi Supernormal mode of, 108. See Psi
Criticism of, xxvii-xxviii, 62n9 Symbolic nature of, 108
Experimental methods and, 29-30, 1 1 1 , 362, See also Binding problem, Global
483-484, 552, 582-584, 584n5 workspace theory, Pattern recognition
Experimenter effect and, 2 1 1 n51 Perceptrons: 1 8
Transpersonal psychology and, 527n25 Perceptual synthesis: 34, 3 8 , 39-40, 41
See also Ganzfeld technique, Psi See also Binding problem, Global
Pare, D.: 40 workspace theory
Parker, A.: 261 n l 8 Perkins, D. N.: 428-429, 460, 602nl5
Parnia, S . : 371, 372, 380nlO, 384, 387, 413, Perner, 1.: 247n7
418, 419 Perot, P.: 382, 396, 533
Parry, D. P.: 148 Perovich, A. N., Jr.: 5 1 5
Parsons, W B.: 553, 554, 556, 558 Perrin, S . : 138
Partanen, J.: 164 Perry, P.: 41On38
Pascal, B.: 521 Perry, R. B.: 28n23, 301 n l , 496, 558, 606n19,
Pascual-Leone, A.: 277 633
Pashler, H.: 36, 614 Persinger, M.: 382-383, 383n14, 384, 532,
Pasricha, S.: 235, 292n48, 370n2, 374, 375, 534n30
596nl l Personal identity:
Pasteur, L.: xxv Constitutive questions of, 287
Patanjali: 513, 526, 526n23, 526-527, 528, Evidential questions of, 287
568, 594 Mystical experiences and, 5 19-520
Paterson, R. W. K.: 287 Numerical identity and, 286-287, 288n46,
Pattern recognition: I, 15, 19, 245n5 289
Patterson, K.: 264 Post-mortem survival and, 286-292
Post-mortem survival: 30-31, 35, 61, 72, 281- Task complexity and, 597
292, 595-599, 630 Yoga practices and, 527-528
Apparitions and, 355-356 See also Clairvoyance, Precognition,
As a functional rather than ontological Psychokinesis, Telepathy
shift, 637-638 Psilocybin. See Psychedelics
Cosmic consciousness theory of, 281n36 Psotka, J.: 33
Evidence for, 282, 283n38, 284-286, 295- Psyche. See Subliminal Self
299, 36In40, 596n 1 1 , 648-651 Psychedelics: 42, 435, 516n13, 542n38,
McDougall and, 324-325, 324n 14 543n41
Mediumship and, 282, 360-361 Experimental research with, 542-547,
Memory and, 272, 281, 292, 295-299 545n42, 552
Myers and, 241-242, 281, 292-299, 355-356 Filter theory of conciousness and, 546-549,
Personal identity and, 286-292 550
See also Survival research Global workspace theory and, 546-547
Postponement of death: 129 Mysticism and, 542-553
See also Mind-body medicine Neuroimaging and, 546, 547, 565, 571
Powell, L. H.: 1 30, 1 3 1 Shamanism and, 543-544
Powell, R.: 3 0 l n l Synesthesia and, 552
Powell, T.: 130-131 Psychical research: xxvi, xxvii, 60, 67-68n14
Prabhavananda, S.: 506 Consciousness and, 561-562
Prayer, efficacy of: Neutral-monist models and, 635
Skepticism about, 228-230 Psychology and, 91-92, 93, 94-95, 105, 299,
Study of, 1 34-135, 1 35n9 561
Precognition: xxvin6. Research methods, development in, 109 ,
See also Psi 362-363, 582-584, 584n5
Prescott, F. c.: 440n14, 482 Skeptical conceptions of, 61, 62n9
Pribram, K. H.: I I , 636n45 Skeptical misreadings of, 86n23
Price, D. D.: 147, 186, 186-187 See also Psi
Price, H. H.: 495, 504n7, 51 1n12, 517, 519, Psychoanalysis:
543n41 , 597, 605, 610 Genius and, 457-459, 458n21, 471-473, 555
Prince, M.: xviii, 75, 8 1 , 82-83n21, 170, 309, Hypnosis and, 327, 328
3 14-315, 316n12, 3 17-319, 320, 336, 337, 339, Hysteria and, 327
349 Individuation and, 556
Prince, W. F.: 406, 449-450, 478, 483-484 Myers and, 457-459
Prinzhorn, H.: 476 Mystical experience and, 554-563
Privette, G.: 555 Subliminal and, 327
Problem-solving. See Cognition Psychogenesis: 1 20, 1 2 1
Proctor, w.: 410n38 See also Psychosomatic medicine
Property dualism. See Dualism Psychokinesis (PK): xxvin5, 30, 32, 229, 236,
Pseudocyesis. See False pregnancy 293, 616
Pseudoscience, psychical research and: 61 Automatisms and, 1 1 2.
Psi: See also Distant mental influences on
Concept of, xxvin6 living systems (DMILs)
Definition of, 41 Psychology: 65
Experimental procedures, creativity and Analytical / logical behaviorism, 3-4
484 Anthropology and, 94
Evidence for, 400n26, 420, 529-530, 597- As the science of behavior, xvii-xviii
602, 645-655 As the study of mental life, xvii
Genius and, 425, 483-484, 484n31 Behaviorism, history of, xvii-xvii, xix,
Goal-orientation and, 597 xxix, 2-7, 334, 424, 563-564
Luminous phenomena and, 528-529n26 Behaviorism, identity theory and, 4-5
Mediating vehicles for, 362 Classical conditioning and, 3
Mystical experiences and, 528-531 Clinical and experimental factions in,
Near-death experiences and, 400 xviii-xix, xxii-xxiii, 104
Out-of-body experiences and, 400, 401 Comparative ethnology and, 94
Phenomena of, xxvii, xxviii, 29-31, 107 Creativity and, 429-430, 469, 480
Research into, 353, 361-363 Deathbed mental revivals and, 410-411
Sabom, M.: 372, 373n5, 375, 377, 380n 10, Schr6dinger, E.: 637
389, 392, 394, 418 Schultes, R. E . : 544
Sacks, 0.: xxviii, 17, 33, 34, 406, 433, 435, Schultz, G.: 406, 438
436, 436nlO, 437, 437nl l Schulz, R.: 1 23
Sagan, C.: 376 Schulzer, M.: 146
Sage, M.: 357-358n38 Schuman, M.: 567
Salmon, P.: 144, 192 Schwaninger, J.: 371, 372, 418
Salter, W: 357-358n38 Schwartz, E . L.: 23nl9
Sampath: 223-224. See Cases of the Schwartz, G. E.: 176n30
reincarnation type (CORT) Schwartz, 1. H.: 217, 615
Samuels, A.: 332 Schwarz, B. E.: 184
Samuelsson, P.: 387 Science:
Sanchez, M . 1 . : 392 As method, xxii, xxiii, xxiv
Sand, G.: 443, 444, 471 Evolving nature of, xxii, xxxiii-xxiv, xxv-
Sandin, R. H.: 387 xxvi, 64, 69, 91
Sando, W : 192 Experimentation and, 583-584
Sandweiss, D. A.: 228 Experimenter effects in, 2 1 1n51
Santhouse, A. M.: 438 "Facts" in, xxiii-xxiv, xxv
Saperstein, G.: 142 Limitations of, 64
Sapir, E.: 512 Logical positivism and, 3
Sarbin, T.: 341 Parapsychology, and, xxvi
Sargant, W: 536, 536n33, 587 Psychology and, 582
Sarner, L.: 1 36n l l Religion and, 1 1 3-1 14, 582
Sarter, M . : 268 Theories of, 294n49
Satie, E.: 521 Theory in, 294n50
Savant syndrome: 33-34, 101, 107 Scientific method:
See also Calculating prodigies Limitations of, in psychology: 57, 90-95
Saver, 1. L.: 532, 533 Myers's conception of, 63-64, 91, 94
Saxe, G. N.: 173, 350 Psychical research and, 61-62
Saxena, H.: 233-234 Scientism and, xxiii-xxiv, xxviii, 59, 3 1 3
Schachter, D. L.: 169n25, 245n5, 272, 388, Scofield, A. M.: 1 3 3
435, 536 Scriabin, A.: 521
Schank, R. c.: l In6, 14 Scripture, E. W.: 433
Scharfetter, c.: 546 Scrying: 1 1 1 , 285, 585
Schechter, E . : 108, 362 See also Automatisms
Schechtman, K. B.: 371 Searle, 1.: 3, 16n9, 22n18, 24-25, 26, 26n20,
Scheibel, A.: 27n21 28, 37-38n25, 44, 45
Scheinman, M. M.: 387 Biological naturalism and, 38, 605
Schiller, F. C. S.: xxiii, xxx, 28, 28n23, 36-37, Artificial intelligence and, 21 -22
60, 73nI6, 3 1 6, 450, 471 , 587, 589, 606nl 9 Computational Theory of Mind and, 21-23,
Phenomenal self versus transcendental ego 462, 465n24, 642
and, 82-83n21 Freud and, 330-331
Schleifer, S. 1.: 124 Interactional dualism and, 610
Schlitz, M . : 230, 231, 232, 484 Secondary selves and, 347
Schmidt, H.: 597 Semantic content and, 43
Schmidt, S.: 230, 231 Sperry's emergent consciousness and, 609
Schmied, I.: 375 Whitehead and, 636
Schmitt, F. A.: 625 Secondary personalities. See Multiple
Schneck, 1. M.: 197-198 personality
Schneider, R.: 230 Seeck, M.: 397
Schnettler, B.: 375 Seeman, M.: 1 31
Schoenbeck, S. B.: 372 Seeman, T. E.: 1 3 1
Scholes, G.: 169 Segal, G. M . A.: 255n l2
Schopbach, R. R.: 1 50, 1 5 1 Self, the: xvii, xxi, xxii, 44, 75
Schorer, C . E . : 370n2 As an illusion, xxi, 640
Schouten, S.: 1 35, 363 As a unity or a multiplicity, 55, 56, 74-75,
Schrenck-Notzing, A.: 203 321-322, 328-332, 338, 340
Smith, Huston: 514, 520, 543, 545, 548, Stanley, J. c.: 583
551n48, 558, 562 Stanovich, K.: 346
Smith, Helene: 357, 359-360, 431n4, 448-449, Stapp, H. P.: 299, 6 1 1 n24, 612n25, 613, 614,
469, 476, 478, 5 1 1 , 524. See Automatism, 615, 616, 623, 624, 626, 628, 628-629, 631 ,
Flournoy, Mediumship 633n39, 635, 635n44
Smith, H. S.: 228 Starbuck, E. D.: 41 1 , 412
Smith, H. y.: 183 Staring studies. See Distant mental
Smith, J. E.: 517n14 influence on living systems (DMILs)
Smith, K . : 171, 349 Starkman, M. N.: 1 5 1
Smith, S. M.: 457 Stason, W. B.: 143
Smolen sky, P.: 19, 250 Stebbins, G. T.: 144
Smythe, W. E.: 160n1 5 Steele, P. R.: 126
Smythies, J . R . : 543n41 , 552, 608n21, 610 Steele, R. w.: 1 3 1
Snyder, A. w.: 34 Steen, P. A . : 387
Socrates: 462, 483, 521, 568 Stein, A. G.: 108, 362
Solfvin, 1.: 135, 230 Stein, D. G.: 621n33
Solms, M.: 627 Stein, D. J.: 140
Solomon, G. F.: 122 Stein, M.: 1 24, 1 29
Solso, R. D.: xxii Steinvarth, S.: 264
Somnambulism: 102, 105-106, 285, 303-304 Stellar, E.: 261 n 17
Automatism and, 3 1 0, 3 1 1 Steptoe, A.: 142
Janet and, 3 1 1 Sternbach, R. A.: 142-143
Reflex action and, 304 Sternberg, E. M.: 1 22-123, 1 23n4, 1 28-129,
Stigmata and, 1 57 222, 224
Unconscious cerebration and, 304 Sternberg, R. 1.: 425, 459n21, 480, 487, 491
Sonino, F.: 1 20, 1 23n4 Stevens, G.: 192
Soul. See Psyche, Self, Subliminal Self Stevens, 1. R.: 382
Spanos, N. P.: 1 87, 189n38, 194, 194-195n42, Stevens, W.: 445
341-348 Stevenson, I.: 33, 89n27, 109n40, 1 10n41,
Spence, S. A.: 165 1 17nl , 148, 149, 153n20, 154, 155, 1 56,
Spencer, H.: 76-77, 79, 94 158n23, 159, 160, 161, 167, 180n32, 1 9 1 , 201 ,
Sperry, R. w. : 54n4, 351-352n32, 608-609 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 220, 220n54,
Spetzler, R. F.: 392 221, 222, 222n56, 223, 223n57, 224,
Spiegel, D.: 141, 1 84, 186 224n58, 225, 233, 234, 235, 235n69, 235-
Spiegel, H.: 121, 21 1 n 5 1 236, 292, 292n48, 360, 361, 361n41, 368-
Spieker, L . E.: 1 28n6 369nl , 370n2, 372, 374, 375, 389, 407, 408,
Spilka, B.: 555 41On38, 448, 490n35, 549, 550, 587, 596n 1 1 ,
Spinelli, L.: 397 597, 598, 623, 624-625, 624n35
Spinnler, H.: 277 Stevenson, R. L.: 441-442, 443-444
Spinoza, : 500, 521 Stewart, B: 60
Spiritualism, unconscious cerebration and: Stewart, D. E.: 150, 1 5 1 , 1 52
304 Stewart-Williams, S.: 141, 146
Spiro, H. M.: 141, 145 Stigmata: 3 1 , 32, 99, 152-161, 201
Spitellie, P. H.: 387n18 Absorption and, 161
Splinter psyches. See Jung, Multiple Anesthesias and, 68, 1 53
personality, Personality Cases of the reincarnation type (CORT)
Split-brain patients. See Brain and, 235-236
Spraggett, A.: 41On38 Fraud and, 155
Squire, L. R.: 263, 263n20 Hypnosis and, 1 8 1
Stace, W. T.: 375-376n6, 500, 503, 503-504, Hysteria and, 166
504n7, 505-508, 506n8, 507-508, 508nl0, Immune disorders and, 156, 1 56-157
5 10-51 1 , 512, 513, 5 1 5, 516, 517-518, 5 1 9, Luminous phenomena and, 528-529, 528-
520-521 , 531n27, 544, 545, 551, 563, 563n61, 529n26
564, 565 Myers's view of, 155
See also Quantum mechanics Physiology and, 166
Starn, H.: 343 Psychological predispositions towards,
Stanford, R. G.: 108, 362 160-161
Psychopathology and, 154-1 55, 156, 1 57, 320, 323, 340, 362, 412n41, 414, 557, 558,
1 57n22, 161 560n58, 574-575, 594-595, 594-595n10
Religion and, 152-153, 154-1 55, 1 59, 160, Mythop<l!ic faculty of, 356, 359-360
528-529 Neutral-monism and, 637-638
Skepticism of, 201 -202 Subliminal uprush: 98, 101, 284-285, 354,
Timing of, 160 412, 429, 430, 434, 474, 475, 550, 587
Wound characteristics and, 159-160 See also Genius
Stoessl, A. J.: 144, 146 Sudden death. See Disease,
Stone, D. A.: 143 Immunosuppression, Mind-body
Stone, P. J.: 1 2 medicine, Psychoneuroimmunology
Storr, A . : 472, 478, 479-480 Suddeth, J. A.: 406
Stout, G. E: 56, 96n31, 577, 578-579, 582 Sugar, 0: 4
Strain, 1.: 120 Suggestion: 104-105, 1 34, 238-239
Strassman, R.: 381, 384, 545, 545n42, At a distance, 226-227, 226n61
546n44, 550, 606-607 Healing and, 1 38, 209
Stratton, G. M . : 33 Hypnosis and, 184-185
Strauch, I.: 439n1 2 Physiological changes and, 179-180, 219
Stream of consciousness: xvii, 75, 284, 425, Post-hypnotic, 3 1 1-312
590-591, 595 Skin conditions and, 209, 21 1 n 5 1
Strombeck, E K. von: 339 Stigmata and, 1 6 1
Stromeyer, C. E, III: 33 See also Auto-suggestion, Hypnosis,
Stroud, J. M.: 626 Hypnotizability
Structure-mapping engine (SME): 361 Sulzberger, M. B.: 190, 193, 195, 196
Criticism of, 462-463, 465 Summers, c.: 372
See also Computational theory of mind Super-ESP. See Extrasensory perception,
(CTM) Psi, Survival research
Strutt, 1. (Lord Rayleigh): 60 Supernormal phenomena: xxviii, 541 , 584
Subconscious. Automatism and, 353-363
lastrow's view of: 86n23 Exclusion of, from mainstream psychology,
See also Subliminal Self, Unconscious 348
Subliminal phenomena: 67-68, 69, 70, 76, Evidence for, 361-362, 363, 420, 530, 645-
77-78, 87-89, 96-97, 586 655
Altered states and, I I I Hypnosis and, 107-108
Anesthesias and, 87, 88 Myers's definition of, 7 1 -72, 85, 218-219,
Creativity and, 430-433 306, 353, 589-590, 606nI 9
Definition of, 77-78nI9 Stout's criticism of, 579
Dreams as a type of, 101 Veridica1ity and, 356, 358-359, 360
Genius and, 98, 100, 440-441, 472, 475 Supraliminal consciousness: 73, 76, 77-78,
Hysteria and, 99 86, 97, 637
Neurobiology and, 341, 627 Genius and, 98, 100, 475
Pictorial symbolism and, 88 Global workspace theory and, 621
Psychoanalysis and, 327 Myers's conception of, 77-78nI9, 589-590
Psychopathology and, 587-588 Subliminal consciousness and, 99, 453,
Sleep as a type of, 101-102 453n19
Suggestion and, 105 Suprenant, A. M.: 250, 251-252
Supernormal phenomena and, 353, 603-604 Sur, M.: 280n34
Subliminal Self: 1 14-1 1 5n49, 214, 578-579, Surman, O. w. : 193, 194-195n42
585-595, 616n29, 617, 617n30, 641n48 Surrealism, 450
Freud and, 328 Survival. See Post-mortem survival
Genius and, 426, 475 Survival research:
James's use of, 201 n l , 301-302, 561-562, Psychology and, 72
574-575 Super-ESP and, 283-284, 360, 597n12, 597-
McDougall's criticism of, 323-325, 590-593, 598
594-595nlO Varieties of, 282-284
Myers's conception of, 61, 73, 80-83, 8 1 - See also Cases of the reincarnation type,
82n20, 83, 96, 96n29, 286, 296, 306, 319- Mediumship, Near-death experiences,
Post-mortem survival
Adam Crabtree is currently on the faculty of the Centre for Training in Psy
chotherapy, Toronto. He received an M.A. in philosophy from the University of
Toronto and a Ph.D. in therapeutic counseling from the Open International Uni
versity for Complementary Medicines. He is particularly interested in the history of
hypnotism, psychotherapy, and dissociative disorders. His books include Multiple
Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality; Animal Magnetism, Early
800-About the Contributors
Alan Gauld, M.A., Ph.D., and D.Litt, is a retired Reader in Psychology, School
of Psychology, University of Nottingham. As an undergraduate he read History
and Natural Sciences (Psychology) at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He spent a
post-graduate year at Harvard, returned to Emmanuel as a Research Fellow, and
then moved to Nottingham, where he principally taught biological psychology and
neuropsychology. He has written or co-authored five books: The Founders of Psy
chical Research; Human Action and its Psychological Investigation (with John Shot
ter); Poltergeists (with Tony Cornell); Mediumship and Survival; and A History of
Hypnotism. He is a past president of the Society for Psychical Research, received
from the Parapsychological Association the Award for Outstanding Contributions
to Parapsychological Research, and was awarded the Myers Memorial Medal of the
Society for Psychical Research.