Amesa 2018 Volume 2
Amesa 2018 Volume 2
Amesa 2018 Volume 2
25 – 29 June 2018
Volume 2
ISBN: 978-0-6399514-1-6
Copyright © reserved
Proceedings of the 24th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics
Education of South Africa, Volume 2, 25 – 29 June 2018, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, Free State.
Published by AMESA
ISBN: 978-0-6399514-1-6
Welcome to the Free State and to the 24th Annual National Congress of the
Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa.
The Congress theme for 2018 “Culture meets culture, mathematics in and around
us” is a very appropriate one in our uniquely South African context. South Africa
is a diverse land of many cultures and languages. Many people have contributed to
South Africa being a successful and thriving country, despite some of the
challenges we face. AMESA plays an important role in unifying our people
through our commitment to quality teaching and learning in our schools.
Mathematics has always been an important subject in South Africa as well as other
countries. When learners experience success in mathematics it is likely to result in
them choosing careers in the sciences, health sciences, engineering, commerce or
other key professions.
For far too long in South Africa, Mathematics as a school subject has been a sifter
rather than an enabler. It sifted learners out of the scarce careers that our country so
desperately needs. The introduction of Mathematical Literacy has, unwittingly,
aggravated this problem. Mathematical Literacy was introduced to give learners,
who would not normally take up Mathematics in Grade 10, the opportunity of
leaving Grade 12 with some basic or elementary mathematical knowledge to
enable them to function effectively as a citizen in the 21st century. Unfortunately,
the focus in reality is for schools to improve their overall pass rates, rather than
having quality passes.
The 2018 Congress theme calls on all AMESA members and mathematics teachers
to refocus their efforts in classrooms on quality teaching and learning.
Mathematics must be alive and part of our everyday lives and educational culture.
A large number of long and short papers were submitted for the 2018 AMESA
Congress. The papers cover topics ranging from the implications of the NBTP
Quantitative Literacy test results for teachers, to the effective application of
instructional leadership as a strategy to lead mathematics teachers.
The papers in the two volumes are grouped as follows: Volume 1 consists of
plenary and long papers; Volume 2 consists of short papers, workshops and “how I
teach papers”. In addition, a CD rom comprising both Volume 1 and Volume 2
papers and other activities, has also been produced.
All long and short papers have been reviewed by at least three reviewers. Some
papers required minor revisions and others more major revisions. In both cases,
authors had to revise their papers accordingly and tabulate these changes so that
the academic committee could make the necessary decision on the papers.
Our thanks go to Vasuthavan Govender for his assistance in the preparation of the
All papers submitted to the congress were sent for triple-blind reviewing.
Many thanks to our review team who reviewed the papers in a constructive way.
Eben Swanepoel
Jannie Pretorius
Karen Junqueira
Lukanda Kalobo
Lynette Jacobs
Rajendran Govender
Tshele Moloi
Vasuthavan Govender
Each of the short paper submissions accepted for publication in this volume of the
Proceedings were subject to blind peer review by experienced mathematics
educators. The academic committee considered the reviews and made a final
decision on the acceptance or rejection of each submission, as well as changing the
status of submissions.
We thank the reviewers for giving their time and expertise to reviewing the
Table of Contents
Foreword iii
Acknowledgement iv
Review process v
Patisizwe Mahlabela,
Nomathamsanqa Are we winning the battle against poor 13
Mahlobo, Themba performance in Mathematics?
Johannes Jason How to effectively apply instructional leadeship 52
as a strategy to Lead mathematics teachers
Liezel du Toit,
Amanda van der Fun activities to teach 3D objects 76
Ingrid Mostert, Ngokuba siyazi lena ____, lena ilula_____ 91
Zikhona Gqibani
Nicky Roberts, Zanele
Ndlovu, Rajendran
Govender, Jogymol
Primary Teacher Education (PRIMTED) 109
Alex, Simon Tashie,
Sharon McAuliffe,
Hamsa Venkat
Nombulelo Mbokazi
University of KwaZulu-Natal
The current study seeks to answer the following critical questions: 1. What
technology-based tools do Mathematics teachers use when teaching Euclidean
Geometry in Grade 10 in KwaZulu-Natal? 2. How and why do the technology-
based tools that Mathematics teachers use, promote or constrain the learning of
Euclidean Geometry in Grade 10 in KwaZulu-Natal? The case study will be
conducted in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is embedded within the Activity
Theory and it will be conducted within the qualitative interpretive framework.
Four secondary schools which use technology-based tools to teach Euclidean
geometry were chosen purposively. One teacher from each school will be chosen
unless they use different technology-based tools in which case two teachers will be
chosen. Three Grade 10 Euclidean geometry lessons will be observed from each
school. Each lesson will be video recorded. Teacher interviews will be conducted
and their responses will be audio recorded. Then two learner focus groups from
each school, comprising six learners each, will be interviewed and their responses
will be audio recorded.
In the current study, by technology I am referring to any equipment or tools which
are hardware devices such as data projectors, white boards and software programs
such as the Geometer‟s Sketchpad, Geogebra, Cabri, Cinderella, WhatsApp,
twitter, internet, Google apps for education (GAFE) and others
The current study focuses on the use of technology-based tools by Mathematics
teachers to teach Grade 10 Euclidean geometry in four selected schools in
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It seeks to answer the following critical questions:
1. What technology-based tools do Mathematics teachers use when teaching
Euclidean Geometry in Grade 10 in KwaZulu-Natal? 2. How and why do the
technology-based tools that Mathematics teachers use, promote or constrain the
learning of Euclidean Geometry in Grade 10 in KwaZulu-Natal?
It is motivated by companies such as MTN, Vodacom, Cell C who have donated
technology-based tools like tablets, white boards, data projectors, computers, lap
tops and e-books to secondary schools. Their focus is in the learning of
Mathematics in Grade 10 as they aim to enhance understanding of Mathematics in
Grade 10 a first year class in the FET phase. Grade 10 is the class in South Africa
where learners choose between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy. The
current study is also inspired by United, Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization who organized an international symposium and Policy Forum based
on the theme: Cracking the Code: Girls‟ education in STEM, in Bangkok Thailand
on 28-30 August 2017. The symposium focused on the fact that very few girls and
women study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
The current study is embedded within the Activity Theory which looks at who is
doing what, how and why. Video recording of the lessons that will be observed,
therefore, best fits this theoretical framework. Often what people seem to be
doing, what they say they are doing, and what they actually do, can be quite
different (Hassan & Kazlauskas, 2014). Activity Theory is grounded in the work of
Vygotsky and his students in the 1920s. The current study seeks to study the
complexities of real world situations, modern workplaces which are places of
learning, secondary schools. Activity Theory provides a language and a set of
frameworks for making sense of what is discovered about the situation through
observation, interviews and other methods. Using the Activity Theory lens for the
current research, takes activity as the unit of analysis, where activity is defined by
the dialectic relationship between subject and object, in other words, „who is doing
what for what purpose‟ (Vygotsky,1978).
The current study requires gaining an in-depth knowledge and greater
understanding of methods used in the teaching of Mathematics in secondary
schools. It will thus be conducted within the qualitative interpretive framework. A
qualitative case study for the current study will provide the deeper meaning of how
Mathematics teachers use technology-based tools to teach Euclidean Geometry in
Grade 10. Baxter and Jack (2008) described a qualitative case study as an approach
to research that facilitates and explores a phenomenon within its context using a
variety of data sources. Furthermore, this ensures that the issue is explored through
a variety of lenses which allows for multiple facets of the phenomenon to be
Activity Theory Model contextualizes interaction between humans and computers
(Attwell & Hughes (2010). It has a doer (subject) and an object (the deed) which
form an outcome. The relationship between the subject and the object, form the
core of an activity. The outcomes of an activity can be the intended ones and some
the unintended. The subject-object relationship at the core of an activity is referred
to as dialectic.
There are various apps and software which can be used to learn Mathematics. The
internet, the Geometer‟s Sketchpad, Geogebra and Cabri 3D. Technological,
pedagogical, content knowledge will be briefly discussed.
Brown and Adler (2008) asserted that the most intense impact of the Internet is its
ability to support and expand the various aspects of social learning. The
Geometer‟s Sketchpad is interactive geometry software that is used to explore
Algebra, Euclidean geometry, Calculus and other areas of Mathematics. It can be
used from grade 3 through to university. It has built-in facilities which enable users
to construct, measure, transform and animate objects. Geogebra is software which
allows one to work with dynamic and differential equations, symbolic algebra,
graphing, probability, dynamic 2D and 3D geometry, dynamic texts, spreadsheets
and fitting functions of any kind of data (Jonas & Lingefjard, 2017). It works on
computers, iPhones under multiple operating systems and on tablet computers and
it can be used over sixty-five different languages. Cabri 3D is a software which
connects algebra and geometry such that length, distance, area, angles, volume can
be measured and be used in algebraic expressions. Cabri 3D also gives
opportunities for teaching 3D Euclidean geometry.
Teachers, who want to integrate technology into their teaching, need to be
competent in three domains, content, pedagogy and the potential of technology
(Voogt, Visser, Roblin, Tonder & van Braak, 2012). Voogt et al (2012) defined
technological, pedagogical, content knowledge (TPACK) as a conceptual
framework for the knowledge base teachers need to effectively teach with
technology. Furthermore, teacher TPACK and beliefs about pedagogy and
technology determine whether a teacher decides to integrate technology in his/her
Mathematics teaching
Mathematics can be re-organized in schools to provide learners with more
conceptual understanding of mathematics (Naidoo, 2012). On one hand, prior
1994, learners were taught very basic concepts preparing them to be unskilled or
semi-skilled employees as part of the non-White curriculum. On the other hand,
education reformers in South Africa are concerned about South African learners
being compared with those of other nations. Majengwa (2010) investigated grade
11 learners‟ understanding of the cosine function with the Geometer‟s Sketchpad.
The findings proved the Geometer‟s Sketchpad to be time-saving and helping the
learners eradicate misconceptions. The Geometer‟s Sketchpad also helped the
learners construct graphs clearly and with ease, to drag and to manipulate the
figures. The learners also managed to grasp properties and to understand
relationships within the cosine function.
Naidoo and Govender (2014) acknowledged that the use of technology-based tools
enriches learning, since visual data promotes and challenges explanation and
justification, as opposed to the traditional methods of taking notes, talking and
writing on chalkboard. Technology adds more value to the lesson through the use
of computer software (Naidoo, 2015). Saha, Ayub & Tarmizi (2010) conducted a
quasi-experimental study to examine the effects of using GeoGebra in the learning
of Coordinate Geometry among students classified as high visual-spatial ability
students (HV) and low visual-spatial ability students (LV). The findings showed
that the students‟ performance in learning Coordinate Geometry was enhanced by
the use of GeoGebra software. Mathematica is software which has both symbol
manipulation capabilities and graphics (Naidoo, 2007). It is usually used for
projects in Calculus, though some lecturers prefer the traditional teaching method.
Software can be used effectively to address cognitive learning shortcomings by
modifying the software such that it caters for average and below average students.
The use of WhatsApp instant messaging is a tool fostered in a social constructivist
environment for mathematical learning (Naidoo & Kopung, 2016). The use of
technology-based teaching activities saves time during the lecture (Naidoo, 2015).
Additionally, using computer programs to construct figures in mathematics prior to
the lesson, saves time. Furthermore, the use of technology-based methods helped
in making access to abstract concepts and made information more accessible.
Govender (2013) used the Geometer‟s Sketchpad Program (GSP) to prove
Viviani‟s theorem successfully and with ease.
However, the use of technology-based tools has its challenges. Selvam (2009)
stated that technologies are very different in their potential and use. Furthermore,
there is very little conviction among policy makers and educationists in most states
about the contribution of computers in improving the quality of education.
Mathematics teachers ought to be well equipped with the use of technology-based
tools so that they are able to explain to learners the integration of technology and
Mathematics (Ndlovu, Wessels & De Villiers, 2013).
Four secondary schools which use technology-based tools to teach Euclidean
geometry were chosen purposively. The researcher will keep a reflective journal in
which to record each and every event regarding data collection. Each of the four
Mathematics teachers will be met personally and individually with the aim of
acquainting them with her research study topic. In this meeting the researcher will
request that each teacher be a participant in her research study. If the teacher agrees
to be a participant after the researcher has clarified all ethical issues, the teacher
reads and signs the gatekeeper‟s letter for teachers. Thereafter, each of the four
Grade 10 Mathematics teachers will complete a questionnaire which will be
seeking to elicit which technology-based tools they use in Grade 10 to teach
Euclidean Geometry. The learners‟ and parents‟ or legal guardians‟ letters will be
given to the teachers. After the learners have agreed to be participants and the
parents or legal guardians have agreed that their children be participants in the
current study, then data collection process will commence. After a period of three
weeks, the researcher will go to the different four schools, to collect the learners‟
and the parents‟ or legal guardians‟ consent letters. The researcher will only start
collecting data when it is time to teach Euclidean geometry since the teachers need
to adhere to the Annual Teaching Plan. Euclidean Geometry is supposed to be
taught from 16 to 29 May in 2018. The researcher therefore needs a time
management plan to ensure the observation time(s) do (es) not clash.
Then the researcher will observe any three Grade 10 Euclidean Geometry lessons
from each of the four participating secondary schools. Each lesson will be video
recorded so as to capture activities which might have been omitted. Then
individual face-to-face semi-structured teacher interviews will be conducted. The
interviews will be based on the teachers‟ activities whilst they were teaching.
Interview responses from each teacher will be audio recorded so as to capture all
teachers‟ responses that might have been missed during the interviews. Two focus
groups comprising six learners each, will be selected from each school. Each of
these two focus groups will be interviewed to triangulate data. Each of the
interviews will be audio recorded to capture all the focus groups‟ responses. These
responses will be later transcribed and analysed.
Participants and time lines
Four secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were chosen purposively.
The participants will be four Grade 10 Mathematics teachers who use technology-
based tools when teaching Grade 10 Euclidean geometry.
From 1 February to 26 March 2018, the researcher met each of the teachers from
the four chosen secondary schools with the aim of requesting that they be
participants in her research study. Each orientation meeting with the teachers lasted
for thirty to forty-five minutes. She will also seek the learners‟, parents‟ or legal
guardians‟ permission. The researcher asked the teachers to request the learners on
her behalf so as not to disrupt the contact time. The learners‟ and the parents‟ or
legal guardians‟ letters were given to the teachers by the researcher to be given to
the learners. The researcher will have collected learners‟ and parents‟ or legal
guardians‟ gatekeepers‟ letters by 28 April 2018.
By the end of May 2018, all three lessons will have been observed from each
participating school. The duration will be fifty minutes or one hour. Teachers‟
individual and learners‟ focus groups interviews should be conducted by 30 June
Attwell, G. & Hughes, J. (2010). Pedagogic Approaches to Using Technology for Learning – Literature
Review. Skills for Learning Professionals. Lifelong Learning.
Baxter, P. & Jack, S. (2008). The Qualitative Report. 13(4), pp. 544-559.
Brown, J. & Adler, R. P. (2008). Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail. And Learning 2.0.
Educause Review 43(1): 16-32. Retrieved from
Govender, R. (2013). Constructions and Justifications of a Generalization of Viviani‟s Theorem. A full
thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Education. University of Kwa-
Zulu-Natal. Durban.
Hassan, H. & Kazlauskas, A. (2014). Activity Theory: who is doing what why and how. In H. Hasan
(Eds.), Being Practical with Theory: A window into Business Research (pp. 9-14). Wollongong,
Australia: THEORI.
Jonas, H. & Lingefjard, T. (2017). Mathematical Modeling Applications with GeoGebra. Canada. Wiley.
Majengwa, C. (2010). An investigation of grade 11 Learners‟ Understanding of the Cosine Function with
Sketchpad. A mini thesis for the degree of Master of Education. University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Naidoo, J. (2012). Teacher reflection: The use of visual tools in mathematics classrooms. Pythagoras,
33(1), Art. #54, 9 pages. pythagoras. v33i1.54.
Naidoo, J. & Govender, R. (2014). Exploring the use of a dynamic online software programme in the
teaching and learning of trigonometric graphs. Pythagoras, 35(2), Art. # 260, 12 pages. v35i2.260.
Naidoo, J. (2015). The Use of Technology Based Tools in Mathematics Teaching at One University in
South Africa. Int J Edu Sci, 10(3): 410-418.
Naidoo, J. & Kopung, K. J. (2016). Exploring the Use of WhatsApp in Mathematics Learning: A Case
Study. J Communication, 7(2): 266-273.
Naidoo, K. (2007). Students‟ Understanding of Elementary Differential Calculus concepts in a Computer
Laboratory Learning Environment at a University of Technology. A mini thesis submitted as a
part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education. University of KwaZulu-
Natal. Durban.
Ndlovu, M., Wessels, D. & De Villiers, M. (2013). Competencies in using Sketchpad in Geometry
Teaching and Learning: Experiences of pre-service teachers. African Journal of Research in
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(3), 231-243.
Saha, R. A., Ayub, A. F. & Tarmizi, R. A. (2010). The Effects of GeoGebra on Mathematics
Achievement: Enlightening Coordinate Geometry Learning. Retrieved from
_Achievement_Enlightening_Coordinate_Geometry_Learning on 16 November 2017.
Selvam, S. K. (2009). Encyclopedia of Education in 21st Century. New Delhi: A. P. H. Publishing
Voogt, J. Fisser, P., Roblin, N. P., Tondeur, J. & van Braak, J. (2012). Technological pedagogical content
knowledge – a review of literature. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 29(2). pp. 109-121.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press.
Patisizwe Mahlabela Nomathamsanqa Mahlobo Themba Ndaba
The paper explores and discusses the performance of Grade 7 learners on basic
concepts and skills in selected topics on numbers, operations and relationships.
157 learners from 75 schools were assessed. Performance of the learners on some
questions of the test was analysed by the learner teachers and the authors of the
paper. Typical errors were identified and recommendations for intervention are
subsequently offered.
The Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CASME)
is a non-profit organisation that was established in 1985. Its vision is “changing the
lives of learners through quality and innovative mathematics and science
education”; and its mission is “to provide quality teacher professional development
opportunities for mathematics and science education in under-resourced and rural
schools in South Africa to improve learning outcomes.”
CASME thus works with the Department of Education and other stakeholders to
support teachers with the teaching and learning of mathematics. We work with
teachers across education and training bands. To evaluate the impact of the work
that we do, we ensure that learners across the socio-economic spectrum from the
schools we support participate in our own Mathematics Olympiads. This initiative
enables us to identify gaps in the teaching and learning of selected topics for
intervention purposes. The paper seeks to share the identified gaps on a few
questions. The paper will also offer recommendations for intervention.
The authors of the paper believe that teaching and learning of mathematics should
at all times be driven by, amongst others, conceptual understanding. Van de Walle
(2013, p. 1) refers to understanding as “being able to think and act flexibly with a
topic or concept”. He refers to one hallmark of mathematical understanding as the
learner‟s “ability to justify why a given mathematical claim or answer is true or
why a mathematical rule makes sense”. He thus asserts that “understanding must
be a primary goal for all of the mathematics” we teach.
Molina (2014, p. 1)) argues that “memorisation of rules and mastery of
computations are not the same as true knowledge of mathematical concepts and
ideas. The result of these practices is lower achievement in mathematics”. He
further urges teachers “to shift their instructional focus”. He makes a plea that:
Instead of emphasising misleading educational language, short cuts
and memorization of algorithm in math class, we can help students
develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and identify
connections between these concepts (p. 2).
Alfed (n.d., p. 2) describes a person who understands a piece of mathematics as
one who can “explain mathematical concepts and facts in terms of simpler
concepts and facts”. One who can “easily make logical connections between
different facts and concepts”. A person who recognizes “the connection when you
encounter something new (inside or outside of mathematics) that's close to the
mathematics” one understands. A person who can “identify the principles in the
given piece of mathematics that make everything work”.
Finally, Haylock (2008, p. 6) testifies that “all our experience and what we learn
from research indicate that learning based on understanding is more enduring,
more psychologically satisfying and more useful in practice than learning based
mainly on the rehearsal of recipes and routines low in meaningfulness”. The above
arguments and descriptions of understanding and recommendations informed our
study. We strongly believe that learners should be taught mathematics for
proficiency; of which conceptual understanding is one of the strands.
While SACMEQ and TIMMS studies do not assess grade 7 learners, their findings
have great significance on this study. Both studies maintain that while performance
of South African learners is improving, it is still below average. The results of
2014 Annual National Assessment (ANA) are also a witness to this. According to
Department of Basic Education (2014, p. 70) report, only 35,4 percent of the Grade
6 learners obtained 50 percent or more in the assessments.
Math Geek Mama (2018, para. 2) identified errors amongst learners which they
narrowly categorised into three types, namely, careless errors, computational errors
and conceptual errors. Careless errors are those that occur because learners “are not
paying attention or they are working too fast” (para. 3). Computational errors are a
product of incorrect performance of operations or procedures (para. 5). Conceptual
errors are attributed to the misunderstanding of concepts or the use of incorrect
logic. Conceptual errors are difficult to identify yet they are the most important “to
catch and correct” (para. 7).
Common errors identified by El Paso Community College (n.d. para. 1-4) with the
order of operations are:
Distributing before simplifying inside the parenthesis. For example,
( ) .
Incorrectly order of operations within parenthesis. For example,
( ) ( )
Performing multiplication before division. For example,
Performing addition before subtraction. For example,
With regards to the exponents, the most common mistake is multiplication of the
base by the exponent. For example, . Incorrect application of
exponential rules is also rife. For example, √ √ √ and √
. Unfortunately, this paper is unable to exhaust errors identified by the research
A sample of 157 Grade 7 learners from 78 schools from schools in Southern and
Central KZN schools was used for the study. Each school was given a selection
test. They had to use it to prepare and select learners for the second phase of our
Olympiads. Each school had to identify (at most) the top 2 learners to participate.
While the assessment covered all content areas, this paper glimpses into the
performance in the multiple choice questions on numbers, operations and
relationships only. The test items used in the tool were taken and adapted from
previous Olympiads papers; TIMMS and SACMEQ tools; and a variety of
worksheets that are freely available on the web.
While the item analysis of the learner performance was done with the teachers,
learners were not interviewed to validate the tool used to collect data. The authors
of the paper and the teachers could not come to a consensus for selection of some
distractors as they also could not establish rationale for them.
Performance in 1.1.1
The question was:
Which of the numbers below is the correct answer for 10 × 2 + (6 – 4) 2 ?
A. 21 B. 20 C. 12 D. 11
The correct option is A. The graph below shows that about 66 percent of the
learners chose option D?
Learner responses
No. of learners
6 6 3
A B C D Blank
Figure A
The question assesses if learners know the conventional order of operations. The
overwhelming choice of option D shows that learners still experience a challenge
with the order of operations. The choice of the option indicates that learners
worked from the left to the right. That is, they multiplied 10 by 2 to get 20, added 6
to get 26, subtracted 4 from 26 to get 22, and divided 22 by 2 to get 11, which is
option D.
Performance in 1.1.2
The question was:
Which of the numbers below is the Lowest Common Multiple of 12 and
A. 3 B. 6 C. 18 D. 36
The correct option is D. While the majority of learners chose the correct option, a
significant proportion of learners (about 35 percent) chose option A.
Learner responses
No. of learners
60 53
10 2 5
A B C D Blank
Figure B
Probably, learners still confuse multiples and factors. The selection of the option
could probably mean that learners regarded 3 as the lowest common factor of 12
and 18.
Performance in 1.1.3
The question was:
Last year there were 1 172 students at Ahoy Primary School. This year there
are 20 percent more students than last year. Approximately how many
students are at Ahoy Primary School this year?
A. 1 200 B. 1 400 C. 1 600 D. 1 800
The correct option is B. Performance in this question was not bad, but the number
of learners that chose A or D is worrying (see Table 1 below).
Option A B C D Blank
No. of
32 66 18 23 18
Table A
Learners who chose A may have given 1 172 rounded off to the nearest 100. Also
of concern is the number of learners who did not respond to the question (more
than 10 percent).
Performance in 1.1.4
The question was:
Which of the numbers below is equivalent to ?
A. 7 B. 12 C. 64 D.81
The correct option is C. Performance in the question was relatively good (refer to
Table 2 below).
Option A B C D Blank
No. of
4 24 123 1 5
Table B
While about 78 percent of the learners were able to choose the correct answer, it is
worrying that 24 learners chose option B as this indicates that they multiplied the
base by the exponent.
Performance in 1.1.5
The question was:
Each figure represents a fraction.
The correct option is A, which the majority of learners (more than 70 percent)
Option A B C D Blank
No. of
112 17 11 15 2
Table C
This is probably an indication that learners have no problem with the equivalent
Performance in 1.1.6
The question was:
Which number is equal to A in the number line below?
Learner responses
No. of learners
40 33
30 24
10 4
A B C D Blank
Figure C
However, more than 50 percent of the learners (75 learners) chose options A, C or
D. This is an indicator that something needs to be done regarding ordering and
comparing of decimals.
Performance in 1.1.7
The question was:
A stack of 200 identical sheets of paper is 2,5 cm thick. What is the thickness
of one sheet of paper?
A. 0,008 cm B. 0,0125 cm C. 0,05 cm D. 0,08 cm
The correct option is B, but the majority of learners chose option C.
Option A B C D Blank
No. of
25 35 48 30 19
Table D
The distrators in this question could not help us identify the problem. We could
only speculate from the spread of data that learners were guessing, which is one
problem with multiple choice questions. Also striking here is the number learners
who did not chhose any of the options (More that 10 percent).
Learner performance in 1.1.8
The question was:
A fifth is tenth of a number. What is the number?
A. 2 B. 1 C. D.
Correct option is A, but the popular option was C.
Learner responses
No. of learners
40 36
A B C D Blank
Figure D
This could be attributed to the fact that learners do not understand word problems.
They just saw the word “fifth” in the question and went for option C. The same
reason could be attributed to the choice of option D.
Performance in 1.1.9
The question was:
A class has 28 students. The ratio of girls to boys is 3 : 4.
How many girls are in the class?
A. 21 B. 16 C. 15 D. 12
Correct option is D and most learners got this one.
Option A B C D Blank
No. of
25 23 9 90 10
Table E
However, the choice of options A and B was somehow a concern as learners
multiplied by 3/4 and 4/3 respectively.
Performance in 1.1 10
The question was:
Asanda received R1 200 in cash for mowing lawns. She put 20% into a bank
account, spent ¼ of the amount and kept the rest in cash. How much did she
keep in cash?
A. R540 B. R660 C. R675 D. R720
The correct option is B yet the majority of learners chose option D.
Learner Responses
43 44
40 37
no. of learners
25 21
15 12
A B C D Blank
Figure E
The choice of option D could be attributed to misinterpretation of the question.
Learners calculated 20% of R1 200 and got R240. They subtracted R240 from
R1 200 and then calculated 1/4 of the remaining amount.
Math Geek Mama (2018, para. 1) points out that “making mistakes in math is a
good thing and can help kids learn and understand more deeply”. Lannin, Barker
and Townsend (2007, p. 44) describe errors from a quotation by Salvador Dali “as
opportunities for deepening one‟s understanding and as important components of
learning process”. They (Lannin et al., 2007) then argue that “the view of errors as
a vehicle for learning, rather than an activity to eradicate, continues to gain
momentum in mathematics education”. We thus also wish to recommend use of
identified errors to teach for understanding.
Learners should be taught the order of operations in context. They should be taught
such that they can differentiate between factors and multiples. For the latter,
CPALMS (2017, p. 3) recommends asking questions that elicit thinking. For
example, “what does it mean to be a multiple of a number? Can you give me a
multiple of 10? What does it mean to be a factor of a number? Can you give me a
factor of 10? How does a factor differ from a multiple?” Learners should be taught
mathematical notations as part of mathematical language. As Molina (2014)
correctly suggests, mathematics instruction should shift its focus from rote learning
of mathematics to teaching for conceptual understanding.
While the item analysis above indicates gaps in teaching and learning, one also
could confidently claim that strides have been made towards winning the battle
against poor performance. While the participants showed problems with the order
of operation, factors and multiples, as well as word problems; they did very well in
fractions, ratio and exponents. As mathematics teachers, we thus have to remain
optimistic about the future of learner performance in mathematics.
Alfeld, P. (n.d.). Understanding mathematics – a study guide. Retrieved from on 15 December 2017.
CPALMS. (2017). Greatest common factor. Retrieved from
on 5 March 2018.
Department of Basic Education. (2014). Report on the annual national assessment of 2014, grade 1-6 and
9. Pretoria: DBE. Retrieved from on 5 March 2018.
El Paso Community College. (n.d.). Order of operations. Retrieved from on 6 Feb
Haylock, D. (2008). Understanding mathematics. Retrieved from
binaries/23570_02_Haylock(Understanding)_Ch_01.pdf on 15 December 2018.
Lannin, J. K., Barker, D. D., & Townsend, B. E. (2007). How students view the general nature of their
errors. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 66(1), 43-59.
Math Geek Mama, (2018). 3 types of math errors and how to prevent them. Retrieved from, on
7 March 2018.
Molina, C. (2014). Teaching mathematics conceptually. SEDL insights, 1(4). Retrieved from on 7 February 2018.
Moloi, M., & Chetty, M. (2010). The SACMEQ III Project in South Africa: A study of the conditions of
schooling and the quality of education. Retrieved from on 6
February 2018.
Van de Walle, J. A. et al. (2013). Teaching student centred mathematics: Developmentally appropriate
instruction for pre-K-2. (2nd Ed.). Volume 1: Pearson Education (US) Retrieved from
32824828.pdf on 7 February 2018.
Evalisa Katabua
University of the Witwatersrand
Mathematics classrooms are often characterized by various teaching aids
including, more recently, handheld devices that are often loaded with Mathematics
Application (App) so as to provide assistance in enhancing learners‟ Mathematical
understanding. However, the very same Mathematics App that is meant to aid the
learner into more understanding can be a hindrance if the Language of Learning
and Teaching (LoLT) is not carefully considered in the App design stage. This
study aims at identifying what language intricacies might exist that currently could
be overlooked by focusing on one Mathematics Application called onebillion©.
Studies have shown that early mathematics learning and reading skills are a great
predictor of later achievement in the learner‟s academic life (Duncan, 2007).
The Curriculum and Assessment Statement (CAPS) (2011) policy document in
South Africa emphasises that “Foundation Phase Mathematics forges the link
between the child‟s pre-school life and life outside school on the one hand, and the
abstract Mathematics of the later grades on the other hand. In the early grades
children should be exposed to mathematical experiences that give them many
opportunities “to do, talk and record” their mathematical thinking”. From these
views, it can be argued that both views imply that if the learner has a solid
understanding of mathematics in the early school years, the chances are that this
would positively influence later performance in mathematics. This implies that the
inverse is also possible. One of the key ingredients to successful mathematics
learning is communication within the mathematics classroom. Teachers, the
textbooks they use, and the mathematical programmes they employ in the course of
teaching, all need to communicate mathematical ideas to learners and learners need
to understand and communicate back their understanding. There are many ways
that this communication can take place, however one integral part which is
essential for successful communication, is language. The connection between
mathematics and language cannot be ignored as mathematics is taught in and
through language, and especially so in the context of South Africa where
multilingualism is the order of the day (Barwell, 2009; Boulet, 2007; Pimm, 1981)
Barwell (2009) argues that the learner‟s proficiency, or lack thereof, in the
language of learning and teaching (LoLT) plays a major role in their mathematics
performance, compared to their peers who are monolingual and as such socially
and academically speak and operate in the same language. This emphasises the role
that language plays in the everyday teaching and learning of Mathematics. Apart
from the multilingual contexts that characterise the everyday teaching and learning,
the current mathematics classrooms is also characterised by the use of various
teaching aids to help learners understand certain mathematical concepts and
develop a deeper conceptual understanding (Jenkins, 1957). At times,
technological Applications are used in the classroom for the same aim, to reinforce
mathematical concepts and aid understanding (Ferrini-Mundy & Breaux, 2008)
For the purpose of this research, I intend to investigate how the use of a
Mathematics App called onebillion© enables the teaching and learning of
mathematics in classroom situations. One way in which this has been achieved is
by the home language provision that is offered by the App in order to enhance
mathematics access to the learners in a certain social context who are not English
first language speakers. Roblyer and Doering (2013) identify the six principles that
ought to be present in every school mathematics program. These are as prescribed
by the National Council of teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) namely, equity,
Curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment and Technology. Focusing on the last
item which is technology, Roblyer and Doering (2013) argue that technology can
enable the teacher to move towards a more learner centered approach and thus
allow for context to be embraced in the mathematics classroom. Furthermore, they
argue that technology can enable the learner to see mathematics in a less abstract
way and rather see and experience mathematics in a more concrete manner and this
is most applicable in the elementary school level. Technology affords what they
term virtual manipulatives which can be manipulated as need be. Sharples et al.
(2016) in their study of Mobile learning argue that computers and mobile phones
(including tablets and iPads) are tools that assist the learners in the process of
acquiring knowledge.
South Africa is one context which has historically been affected by the plague of
Apartheid, with effects that are still being felt by the country up to this day
(Phakeng & Essien, 2016). In recognition of the necessity to ensure equal access to
education for all, the language in education policy (1996) has made provision for
foundation phase learners to receive instruction in their mother tongue supporting
conceptual growth as well as ensuring that there is a continuity between the leaners
home language and the language of learning and teaching (LoLT). The South
African School Act under Language in Education Policy allows for a learner to
choose the language of teaching when applying for schools, keeping in mind that
there are a number of other factors that need be taken into account in this regards.
However, what this means is that the learner is allowed to learn in his/her mother
tongue throughout primary and high school years (Schools: Law and Governance,
2014). Despite this allowance there is a prominent trend in which the first three
years (Grade 1 – 3) learners learn and are taught in their home/first language,
however in Grade 4 the LoLT changes into English (Manyike, 2013).
In this study, the mathematics App that I will base my study upon is one which has
been developed by onebillion©. This App focuses on core mathematics concepts
for the first 4 years of schooling (Grade R to 3 in App store and Google play in a
variety of languages (onebillion©, 2018)). The App is currently being piloted in a
Province in South Africa and being used by Grade 1 learners. The App was
originally developed in English language and has now been translated into African
languages (isiZulu in the case of the current study).
Translating the mathematics register from one language to another (English to
isiZulu in the case of this current study) is not a straightforward enterprise
especially when one language (English) has a long tradition of being used in
mathematics (and so has well developed mathematics register) while the other
language (isiZulu) is still at a developing stage in terms of the mathematics
register. The extent to which language issues can be found in Mathematics
Applications that have been translated from a developed language to a developing
language has not been an explicit focus in research. This study sets out to
investigate this phenomenon. To achieve this, I will focus on the onebillion©
Mathematics App that is offered in IsiZulu centering on the Mathematical
language/register used in the App. This study is therefore informed by the research
questions below:
1. How does the IsiZulu mathematics language in the onebillion© App compare
to the language found in the Curriculum used by the teachers and the learners?
2. What is the teachers‟ perception of the IsiZulu as it is used by the App?
3. What has the App enabled the teachers and learners to understand better?
4. What language issues are imbedded in the use of the onebillion© App?
Together these questions will help me map the mathematics App to the Curriculum
and highlight the teachers‟ view of the language as used in the App which in turn
could have implications on the mathematical understanding of the learner.
The contribution this research will make is that, whilst mathematical content is
often critically scrutinised before a roll out of an intervention, it is important that
we do not overlook the role which language can play in ensuring that the learning
that is offered to the learner is not diluted or impeded simply by overlooking the
importance of language when an App is being designed.
The theoretical framework that will be used to inform this study will be that of
Engelström (1999) Activity Theory. This theory has its etymology in Vygotsky‟s
(1978) work on mediation, which spoke to how leaning was mediated by cultural
signs and tools. Engelström‟s (1999) Activity theory adds unto the mediation
theory of Vygotsky, the work of Leontev on action and activity highlighting
division of labour, and constructs a system that takes into account the object,
subject, mediating artefacts, rules, community and division of labour as concepts
that all play part in creating, shaping and enabling the learning space and as such
supporting a learner in attaining new knowledge.
In the context of this study, the subject is the learner, who exists and is influenced
by the community (the larger community, the school and the mathematics
classroom) s/he is situated in and the rules (how thigs are done in the classroom)
that governs this community in this case the mathematics classroom, in which there
is division of labour highlighting the roles which the teacher and the learners are
expected to perform, to ensure that the learners‟ enhances his/her knowledge and
skills (object), resulting in change of the learners‟ knowledge thus the desired
outcome (changed object). Furthermore, the mediating artefacts in this study are
represent the language and technology that is present in this context which, when
well-constructed, can enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Thus this
theory allows for me to zoom into the language and technology (mediating
artefacts), whilst taking into account other concepts that are at play in forming the
complex teaching and learning environment.
Yin (2016) argues that Qualitative research affords the researcher the ability to
conduct an in-depth study of the research participants in their everyday context.
This study aims to explore individual‟s rich descriptions of their own experience in
relation to the Mathematics App onebillion©. In this instance the object of study is
thus the onebillion© App and as such the Case Study research approach will be
adopted for this research as it will allow for in depth description and understanding
of the language nuances associated with the App.
In accessing the rich data and taking into account the complex contexts that the
participants are situated in, semi-structured interviews and classroom observations
will be the preferred data collection method (Yin, 2016). Two teachers who assist
the Grade 1 learners with the App will be interviewed in this study as well as 7
learners who will be randomly selected will be interviewed also. Thus the teachers
and the learners will be my sample.
In terms of observation 2, classrooms will be observed in the following ways.
Firstly, I will observe the classroom language usage between learners and teachers
in the traditional classroom setting, and secondly I shall observe the same classes
in the mobile classroom where the learners engage with the mathematics App. In
addition to the interviews and observations to be conducted, I will be looking at the
isiZulu Language that has been utilised in the App with a focus on the
Mathematical Register. At the time of the presentation, I would have collected data
and started with data analysis. It is therefore my hope that I will be able to present
preliminary findings from my study.
iSchool Africa. (2018, March 17). iSchool Africa. Retrieved from
Barwell, R. (2009). Multilingualism in Mathematics Classroom: An Introductory Discussion. In R.
Barwell (Ed.) Multilingualism in Mathematics Classrooms: Global Prespectives. Multilingual
Matters. Bristol; Buffalo; Toronto.
Boulet, G. (2007). How Does Laguage Impact the Learning of Mathematics? Let Me Count the Ways.
Journal of Teaching and Learning, 1-11.
Duncan, J, G., Dowsett, J, C., Claessens, Amy, Crista. (2007). School readiness and later achievement.
Developmental Psychology, Vol 43(6) 1428-1446.
Editors, J. S. (2014). Shools: Law and Governance. In Regulations and Related Material in Terms of the
South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (pp. 83-91). Cape Town: Juta Law.
Education, D. o. (2018, March 28). Department of Basic Education. Retrieved from Department of Basic
Engelström, Y. (1999). Activity Theory and individual and social transformation. In Y. Engelström, R.
Miettinen, & R.-L. Punamäki, Perspectives on Activity Theory (pp. 19-38). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Ferrini-Mundy, J., & Breaux, G. A. (2008). perspectives on Research, policy, and the Use of Technology
in Mathematics Teaching and Learning in the United States. In G. W. Blume, & M. K. Heid,
Research on Technology and the teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Volume 2. Cases and
Perspectives. (pp. 427-448). North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Jenkins, J. (1957). Teaching the concept of perimeter through the use of manipulative aids. The
Mathematics Teacher, 309-310.
Manyike, T. V. (2013). Bilingual literacy or substantive bilingualism? L1 and L2 reading and writing
performance among Grade 7 learners in three township schools Gauteng Province, South Africa.
Africa Education Review, 187-203.
Martin, D., & Peim, N. (2009). Critical Perspectives on Activity Theory. Educational Review, 131-138.
Onebillion. (2018, March 2). Onebillion transforming the learning of one billion children. Retrieved from
Phakeng, M., & Essien, A. A. (2016). Adler's Contribution to Research on mathematics Education and
Language Diversity. In M. Phakeng, & A. A. Essien, mathematics education in a Context of
Inequity, Poverty and Language Diversity (pp. 1-6). Switzerland: Springer International
Pimm, D. (1981). Mathematics? I speak it fluently. in A. floyd (Ed.) Developing Mathematical Thinking.
Developing Mathematical Thinking, 5(1). pp 1-12.
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. New
Jersey: Pearson Education .
Sepeng, P. (2011). Reality Based Reasoning in Mathematics Word Problem Solving. Grade 9 Second-
Language Learners in Township Schools: Issues of Language and Mathematics when Solving
Word Problems. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.
Sharples, M., Taylor, J., & Vavoula, G. (2016). Research Gate. Retrieved from Research Gate:
Sharples, M., Taylor, J., & Vavoula, G. (2018, March 15). Retrieved from
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The development of higher psychological processes.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative Research From Start to Finish, Second Edition. New York: The Guilford
Gwenzi Julius and JP Makonye
University of the Witwatersrand
This paper is written in a constructivist framework presuming that learners use
their prior knowledge to receive and give meaning to the new mathematical
knowledge they learn. In the study, grade 9 learners‟ errors and misconceptions on
the topic exponents are discussed. Some errors shown include cancellation errors
as well as confusion with the laws of exponents. The empirical data is used as a
basis to develop mathematical reasoning in the learners.
This article discusses the errors and misconceptions unveiled in grade 9 learners‟
work on the topic of exponents. It discusses how mathematical reasoning can be
developed through shown learner errors and misconceptions. Errors are wrong
answers due to planning, they are systematic in that they are applied regularly in
the same circumstances‟ (Olivier, 1989, p 3). To Olivier, “errors are symptoms of
the underlying conceptual structures that are the cause of errors”. The above
suggests that that errors and misconceptions are related to each other but different.
The underlying conceptual framework that causes errors is called a misconception
(Nesher, 1987). Furthermore, Nesher argues that misconceptions lead to a cluster
of errors, which are not sporadic. However, we need to establish the cause of
misconceptions which give rise to errors. Nesher argues the expertise of learners is
to make errors which must always be welcome in the classroom. They show the
incompleteness of learners‟ knowledge and are often milestones of learning.
Indeed, any detection of errors, raises doubts in our beliefs and leads to growth of
valid knowledge. Indeed, when we realize that our concepts are in disharmony
with our environment, we are in a state of tension and dissonance - a state of
cognitive conflict and we are bound to act, we learn in order to regain
psychological equilibrium.
In constructivism, knowledge does not simply arise from experience. Rather, it
arises from the interaction between experience and our current knowledge
structures(Olivier,1989). The above imply that learners are not seen as passive
recipients of knowledge from the environment, rather they will be constructing
their own knowledge through assimilation and accommodation (Hatano ,1996,
p.202). When a new idea can be incorporated directly into an existing schema we
call that assimilation. The new idea is interpreted or re-cognised in terms of an
existing schema. Accommodation is when idea may be quite different from the
learners‟ existing knowledge. In such a case it is necessary to re-construct and re-
organise the schema. In trying to receive knew knowledge; learners usually end up
overgeneralizing the previous knowledge to the new concept which is quite
different. It is this overgeneralisation which may lead to misconceptions. The
notion of misconception denotes a line of thinking that causes a series of errors all
resulting from an incorrect underlying premise, rather than sporadic, unconnected
and non-systematic errors (Nesher, 1987, p.35). Nesher further argues that
misconceptions have their roots in earlier learned meaning systems, they could be
derived from previous instruction. On the same note (Luneta and Makonye,2010)
argue that “errors and misconceptions are related but they are different.
Accordingly, they say an error is “a mistake, a slip, blunder or inaccuracy and a
deviation from accuracy” (ibid, p.35).
Luneta and Makonye further argue that errors are visible in learners‟ artifacts such
as written text and conversations whereas misconceptions can be hidden in correct
answers (Smith, DiSessa& Roschelle1993) when correct answers are accidental.
The following questions are the few questions selected for error and misconception
analysis from ten questions given to grade 9 learners at Secondary School in South
Question 1: Simplify (i) (ii)
All learners got the correct answering part (i) . Quite a number
in one of the classes got part (ii) wrong which clearly indicates
that a wrong concept was applied to part (i) yielding a “correct” answer. If part (ii)
had not been given the misconception would have remained hidden in the correct
answer to part (i). When some learners were asked to explain their answer they
said they multiply the base and the power.
Question 4: Simplify
Question 5: Simplify the following: ( )
The following answer was observed: ( ) = =
The learner in the answer above clearly showed an error in writing instead of
. However, the learner in due process wrote , the correct answer,
suggesting that the error was a writing one while the application of the rules of
exponents were applied correctly.
Question 6: Evaluate ( ) .
A number of learners wrote yielding = .
The answer shows a wrong application of the rules of exponents. The learners
concentrated on the variable and forgot to distribute the index to both exponents in
the bracket. This is a misconception. Learners should have written ( ) = .
Learners‟ errors and misconceptions play an important role in developing
mathematical reasoning in exponents. Mathematical reasoning is the critical skill
that enables a learner to make use of all other mathematical skills and make
connections between concepts, procedures in a problem solving milieu. Learners
errors‟ and misconceptions play a dual function, first for the learner in that the
learner will realise where they went wrong and for the teacher to detect what the
learner lacks in terms of knowledge. This is supported by Nesher (1987, p.35) who
argues that committing an error reveals the incompleteness of learners‟ knowledge
and enables the teacher to contribute additional knowledge, or lead them to realise
for themselves where they went wrong. When learners make errors and
misconceptions the discerning teacher can look for the underlying principles
leading to the same and with appropriate intervention can bridge the gap between
the new knowledge and the learner‟s current schema. When an erroneous principle
is detected at this deeper level it can explain not only a single, but a whole cluster
of errors.
However, misconceptions are hard to detect because in some occasions the
mistaken rule is disguised by a correct answer, that is a student may get the “right
“answer for the wrong reasons. Learners errors and misconceptions can help
teacher to design learning instruction that uses learners‟ prior knowledge as the
spring board from which new knowledge can be acquired. We must know how this
new knowledge is embedded in a larger meaning system that the child already
holds and from which he derives his guiding principles (Nesher, 1987, p.36).
Also, it is of great importance that the teacher handles learners‟ errors and
misconceptions carefully because through the same the learner can be encouraged
to learn new knowledge or be discouraged to learn. It is crucial to know
specifically how the already-known procedure may interfere with material now
being learned (Nesher, 1987 ibid).
When designing instructions, the teacher should mark clearly similarities and
differences between the new elements to be learned and the old knowledge that the
learner holds. All the new elements, which resemble but differ from the old ones,
should be clearly discriminated in the process of instruction and the teacher should
expect to find errors on these elements (Nesher, 1987). The teacher should allow
learners to make mistakes as it is from the same errors that learners acquire
Errors and misconceptions are seen as the natural result of children‟s efforts to
construct their own knowledge and these misconceptions are intelligent
constructions based on correct or incomplete (but not wrong) previous knowledge.
Errors and misconceptions should not be treated as terrible things to be uprooted,
since this may confuse the child and shake his confidence in his previous
knowledge (Nesher, 1987). Teachers should create chances that would enhance
learning. Teaching methods that allow learners‟ active participation in the learning
process must be effectively employed. Nesher (1987) and Olivier (1988) argue that
discussion, communication, reflection and negotiation of meaning are essential
features of a successful approach to resolve pupils‟ misconceptions.
From the above discussion it is evident that different teaching approaches should
be adopted so as to minimize learners‟ errors and misconceptions. Also it has been
shown that learners‟ errors and misconceptions should be treated with great care
since it is from learners‟ errors and misconceptions that teachers get to know how
learners are trying to construct their own knowledge.
Hatano, G. (1996). A Conception of Knowledge Acquisition and its Implications for Mathematics
Education. Theories of Mathematical Learning. Mahwah. N J: Lawrence Eribaum.
Luneta, K. & Makonye, J.P. (2011). Learner errors and misconceptions in elementary analysis: A Case
study of a grade 12 class in South Africa: Acta Didactica Napocensia.
Nesher, P. (1987). Towards an instructional theory: The role of students‟ misconceptions. For the
learning of Mathematics, 7(3), p 33 -39.
Olivier, A (1989). Handling Pupils‟ misconceptions. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600
Ingrid Mostert
Centre for Education Research Practice, University of Johannesburg
Workbooks were introduced by South African Department of Basic Education
(DBE) in 2011. Although the workbooks were designed as supplementary
materials, in some schools they are used as the sole teaching text. Because of this,
and because they represent an exemplification of the curriculum by the DBE, an
analysis of the content coverage of the workbooks is warranted.
This paper provides such an analysis in terms of additive relation word problems.
This was done using a comprehensive typology of additive relation word problem
types based on typologies used in previous studies. All the additive relation word
problems in the 2017 Grade 1 to 3 foundation phase mathematics workbooks were
categorized according to this comprehensive typology.
In total there were 61 single step additive relation word problems with numerical
answers across the three grades. This is a small number in comparison to
textbooks used in other countries. There is an uneven distribution of problem types
with 40 change type problems, no equalize problems, 18 collection problems and
only three compare type problems. There are also more problems in the easier
subcategories and few or no problems in the more difficult subcategories.
This paper provides evidence for the need to revise the word problems in the DBE
workbooks - both in terms of the number of problems and the distribution of the
problem types. It also provides a theoretical framework to use in the revision of the
workbooks and in any supplementary teaching material developed for teachers,
and makes specific recommendations in terms of a more preferable distribution of
word problems.
Since 2011 the South African Department of Basic Education (DBE) has provided
all Grade 1-6 learners in public schools with language, mathematics and life skills
workbooks. Although the workbooks were designed as supplementary materials, in
some schools they are used as the sole teaching text. Because of this, and because
they represent an exemplification of the curriculum by the DBE, an analysis of the
content coverage of the workbooks is warranted.
This study provides such an analysis in relation to one aspect of foundation phase
mathematics, namely word problems. Word problems are a key aspect of early
grade mathematics curriculum, internationally and in South Africa (Department of
Basic Education, 2011). Three diagnostic reports on the South African Annual
National Assessments (ANA) have identified word problems as a recurring
weakness (Department of Basic Education, 2012, 2014, 2015) in the foundation
phase, thus warranting further research.
In Grades 1 to 3 word problems focus on additive relations and multiplicative
reasoning. Various mathematics education researchers have invested time in
classifying additive relations word problems and developing typologies against
which a curriculum or text could be evaluated. In this study a comprehensive
typology, combining earlier typologies, is used to analyse the prevalence or
absence of particular word problem types in the DBE foundation phase
mathematics workbooks.
Since the late 1970s, researchers have developed classifications of additive relation
word problems. For this study, two of the original typologies (Carpenter, Hiebert,
& Moser, 1981; Riley, Greeno, & Heller, 1984) were combined to develop a
comprehensive typology. The comprehensive typology consists of four main
categories, including the equalise category which was present in early typologies
but has been excluded from later ones.
Table 1: Exemplification of comprehensive typology
Nosisi had 3 marbles. Then she Nosis had 8 marbles. Then she
3+5=[ ] got 5 more marbles. How many 8–5=[ ] lost 5 marbles. How many
marbles does she have now? marbles does she have now?
Nosisi had 3 marbles. Then she Nosisi had 8 marbles. Then she
Change got some more marbles. Now lost some marbles. Now Nosisi
3+[ ]=8 8–[ ]=3
unknown Nosisi has 8 marbles. How has 3 marbles. How many
many marbles did she get? marbles did she loose?
Nosisi had some marbles. Then Nosisi had some marbles. Then
Start she got 5 more marbles. Now she lost 5 marbles. Now she has 3
[ ]+5=8 [ ]–5=3
unknown she has 8 marbles. How many marbles. How many marbles did
marbles did she have at first? she have at first?
Referent [ ]+5=8 Nosisi has 8 marbles. She has [ ]–5=3 Nosisi has 3 marbles. She has 5
unknown 5 more marbles than Silo. fewer marbles than Silo. How
How many marbles does Silo many marbles does Silo have?
The comprehensive typology was used to do an analysis of the prevalence and
distribution of additive relation word problems in the Grade 1 to 3 DBE
mathematics workbooks, against a specific typology of word problems. The 2017
versions of the DBE foundation phase mathematics workbooks were selected. The
workbooks were selected because in the two schools forming part of the bigger
research project, the workbooks were the primary (and in some cases the sole)
teaching text used by the foundation phase teachers in 2017.
Electronic version of the 12 (4 terms per grade across 3 grades) DBE workbooks
were used to identify all additive relation word problems. First each page examined
for word problems and a copy of the relevant pages was extracted from the
electronic document. As in Stigler et al.'s study (1986, pg. 160), a problem had to
present two premises and a question in order to be included. Word problems that
required two steps were excluded (e.g. I bought 15 sweets. I ate 2. I gave my friend
4. How many sweets do I have left?). Almost all of the two-step problems had
money (4 out of 8) or weight as a context (3 out of 8). Only one had sweets as a
context. Word problems that did not require a numerical answer were also
excluded (e.g. I have a R5 and a R1 coin. My friend has three R5 coins. Who has
the most money?).
Each word problem was captured on an excel sheet and classified according to the
three levels of the comprehensive typology. The initial classification was done by
the author. The list of word problems together with the typology was then sent to a
colleague who independently classified the 61 problems. Any cases where there
were differences were discussed until an agreement was reached.
Because this was a text-based study, no ethical approval was necessary.
The frequency of each of the 22 problem types in the comprehensive typology, by
grade, is shown in Table 2. The first interesting thing to note from the table is the
very small total number of word problems (61) that appear in the workbooks across
the three grades. This small number is not problematic if the workbooks are being
used as they were designed to be used – namely as supplementary resource for
learners to practice what they have been taught in class. However, when they are
being used as the sole teaching resource and learners not being exposed to any
other word problems, the very small number of problems is a matter for concern.
Table 2: Frequency of different types of word problems, by grade
Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Total
Increase Decrease
Target unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Change unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Referent unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Attributes Ownership
Collection unknown 1 0 2 6 3 1 13
Subset unknown 1 4 0 0 0 0 5
Looking at the distribution of word problems across the four main problem types
reveals a greater focus on change type problems, no equalise type problems and
very few compare type problems. The under representation of collection and
compare type problems (18 and 3 respectively) is a reason for concern as these
two-word problem types provide learners with an opportunity to engage with
useful mathematical concepts.
In terms of the distribution across the grades (see Figure 1), the total number of
word problems varies across the grades from 23 in Grade 1, to 18 in Grade 2 to 20
in Grade 3. The number of word problems in each category also varies across the
grades with Grade 1 and 3 having more change and compare type problems than
Grade 2 and the number of collection type problems decreasing with each grade. A
more preferable distribution would include more problems in each grade, some
equalise problems (particularly in Grade 1 and 2) and a decrease in change type
problems mirrored by an increase in compare type problems (which are
conceptually more challenging for learners) across the three grades.
Gr 1 [n=23]
6 Gr 2 [n=18]
4 Gr 3 [n=20]
Change Equalise Collection Compare
[n=40] [n=0] [n=18] [n=3]
Benita Nel
University of Cape Town
Students intending to enter most Higher Education (HE) institutions in South
Africa, write the National Benchmark Tests (NBT) to provide a measure of their
readiness for HE. Numerous school-leaving learner are underprepared for HE.
This article explores the following research question: Which quantitative literacy
competencies that are required in Higher Education, as identified through the
National Benchmark Test Project (NBTP) are not well developed by test writers
and what are the implications thereof for teachers? Sixteen test item results in
which students performed the poorest, were analysed (N=2348). The areas
identified for teachers to focus on included data handling, percentage change and
shape and space. Teachers therefore need to present learners with more
challenging tasks than just to read off graphs/charts/tables by merging information
of more than one graph/chart.
Students who intend on entering Higher Education (HE) write the National
Benchmark Tests Project (NBTP) tests to provide a measure of their readiness for
HE. A fair number of these school-leaving learners, “are to some extent
unprepared for higher education” (Prince & Firth, 2017, p1). Learners‟
competencies revealed through the test results can be of significance to HE in
gauging what HE needs to focus on in interventions to support students to cope
with the curriculum. The results are also relevant to the school teachers‟
community as they can also serve in guiding school teachers on what to focus on
more in preparing learners for HE. This article investigates the main gaps in test
writers‟ competencies identified through analysing a sample of Quantitative
Literacy (QL) test results and the implications for teachers.
The research question under investigation is: Which quantitative literacy
competencies that are required in HE, as identified through the NBTP, are not well
developed by test writers and what are the implications of this for teachers?
This is a qualitative study where the results of test writers of a NBTP Quantitative
Literacy test written in 2017, are analysed. Of the fifty items in the test, only those
that fall in the bottom thirty percent in terms of the facility-value, are identified.
This results in a cut-off facility value (p-value) of 0,37. This means that only those
items where at least sixty-three percent of the test candidates did not choose the
correct answer are considered. Data from 2 348 test writers are analysed with
reference to the different mathematical and statistical ideas described in the test
Quantitative literacy is taught in South African schools predominantly through the
subject Mathematical Literacy. This subject intends to enhance learners‟ ability to
flourish in a “world characterised by numbers, numerically based arguments and
data represented and misrepresented in a number of different ways” (NCS
Mathematical Literacy, 2011, p 8). The five key elements of this subject are:
elementary mathematical content, authentic real-life contexts familiar and
unfamiliar problems, decision making and communication and the integration of
content and/or skills in solving problems.
Quantitative Literacy is defined by the NBTP as “the ability to manage situations
or solve problems in practice, and involves responding to quantitative
(mathematical and statistical) information that may be presented verbally,
graphically, in tabular or symbolic form; it requires the activation of a range of
enabling knowledge, behaviours and processes and it can be observed when it is
expressed in the form of a communication, in written, oral or visual mode” (Frith
& Prince, 2006, p 30). The test items assess qualitative literacy competencies
where the mathematical content is embedded in authentic contexts and graphs,
charts, diagrams and tables were used to display the data. The test is in English (or
Afrikaans) and no calculators are allowed when writing the test. The Academic and
Quantitative Literacy test components are combined as one test where the QL part
forms two fifths of the combined test of three hours. All the questions are multiple
choice questions with four options to choose from where the distractors are
carefully selected to reveal possible misconceptions.
Sixteen out of the fifty items in the test were identified as items where at least
sixty-three percent of the candidates chose the incorrect answers. The most
prominent areas where difficulties were identified were with data handling, ratio
and proportions, percentage change, working with problems where more than one
operation is required and working with the surface area of a three-dimensional
object. These five areas of difficulty will be used as themes in discussing the
results of the data analysis.
Data handling abilities, like reading and interpreting information off graphs, are
important for making sense of statistically based scenarios in everyday life and in
academic disciplines. There is however evidence that this ability is not well
developed by a significant number of the test candidates. To read the appropriate
information off more than one given graph/table and then to make decisions
pertaining to the problem posed, seems to be a daunting task. One of the items
analysed tests this ability, combined with determining a percentage of a
percentage. Only 19% of the test candidates managed to answer it correctly. Nearly
two thirds (62%) of the test candidates chose a specific incorrect answer which
shows that they did not recognise that the question actually refers to a subset of the
whole, and not the whole set.
Another item that assesses the meaning of “at most” and “more than” includes
reading values off a chart, but only 28% of the test candidates could answer it
correctly. Candidates mostly chose the distractor that meant “not more than”. In
another item that refers to a stacked bar chart, test candidates had to read off the
graph to verify if statements are true or not. However only 33% chose the correct
statement amongst different verbal statements. Here the candidates were confusing
proportion and absolute numbers. This is a concept that needs serious interventions
by high school teachers.
An item testing the ability to apply successive percentage increases over a period
of time was answered poorly by candidates. In one such item, only 28% of the
candidates could answer the item correctly. The option mostly opted for and
chosen by 33% of the candidates, was using the same starting value for all the
years and not realising that for the next year, the initial value will be different. The
option where only the increase for the first year was calculated despite the longer
period indicated was chosen by a quarter of the candidates. Another option chosen
by 14% of the candidates was devised by using incorrect percentage increase
values and using the incorrect period for the percentage change. When the concept
of percentage increase was assessed using a chart only 13% of the candidates opted
for the correct answer, while 49% of the candidates chose the absolute increase
instead. Another misconception was evident when learners had to distinguish
between the highest percentage increase and the highest measured value evident in
a chart. In an item that tested this, 49% of test candidates chose the greatest
absolute increase and not the percentage increase, while 32% of the candidates
opted for the highest values represented on the chart.
Determining surface area of a given three-dimensional object was another ability
also not well developed by test candidates. In an item testing this ability, 49% of
the candidates selected the answer that was the calculated volume of the shape, not
the area. Only a quarter of the candidates could answer it correctly. Another item
on determining the area of a regular shape included conversion of the unit of
measurement. One distractor chosen by 33% of the candidates represented one side
and not the area. Another distractor where the length was converted and not the
area, was selected by 25% of the candidates. Another distractor where conversion
did not take place, was selected by 20% of the candidates. This clearly shows the
test candidates‟ inability to work with situations involving calculating area and
converting units.
Ratio and proportion questions were also not answered well. In one item, where the
data was given in table form and the candidates had to identify the ratio of two
different numbers in the table, only 34% of the candidates could answer it
correctly. Either the parts were in the incorrect order (21%) or the total was written
in terms of one part (44%). Another item on ratio and proportions required test
candidates to construct a formula which was expressed the ratio verbally.
However, statements of ratios in words could not be correctly translated. Only 35%
of the candidates could answer it correctly. 51% of the candidates did not show
insight in converting the verbal ratio into the form . The results of another
item on ratio and proportions reveal that test candidates fail to recognise the
different options of representing ratios. The representation a : b and could be
recognised but not the other valid representations.
Comparing different sub-sections in terms of the total and then presenting it as a
fraction using a line graph, is a concept that was also a challenge to a significant
portion of the test candidates. In an item a fraction had to be determined by reading
it off a multiple line graph. Only 32% of the candidates could answer it correctly.
The option closest to the answer was selected by 17% of the candidates while other
options further away from the correct answer respectively were selected by 27%
and 22% of the candidates.
The NBTP QL test results clearly identify certain topics in the high school
curriculum that teachers need to be aware of in which learners do not show well
developed abilities. The exposure to authentic contexts in which problems are set is
important in the development of these abilities. Learners need to experience not
just authentic, but also varied contexts to master problem solving skills after the
basic concept is dealt with in class.
Data handling is crucial for learners‟ skill to develop in a world “characterised by
numbers, numerically based arguments and data represented and misrepresented in
a number of different ways” (CAPS, 2011). Teachers therefore need to present
learners with more challenging tasks than just reading values off
graphs/charts/tables. The reading of data off graphical information should be
combined with identifying the “whole” as well as subsections of the “whole”.
Learners need to be supported in activities requiring higher order thinking where
they are exposed to settings pertaining to data and real-life contexts. One step
questions should be followed up with multi-stepped questions.
Percentage change is a concept which seems quite challenging to learners to
understand. Therefore, more effort and time needs to be invested in learners
understanding the concept. Concept development needs to include the use of
graphs as well as data tables to strengthen a deeper understanding of percentage
change. It might be that teachers underestimate the difficulty level of
understanding percentage change.
Calculating area should be combined with converting units as well as
distinguishing the calculation of area from that of volume. The calculation of area
and volume should be dealt with in conjunction with visuals of the objects and
identifying the surface area thereof. This can support concept formation in such a
way that learners can also determine area and volume of irregular objects.
Teachers should identify learners‟ gaps in knowledge and abilities and try to adapt
their way of teaching to optimally support learners‟ concept development as
opposed to recipes and the use and application of formulae. This can support
learners in becoming self-managing individuals in a world where mathematical
content is imbedded into real-life context.
Frith, V. & R. N. Prince. (2006). “Quantitative literacy.” In Access and entry level benchmarks, the
National Benchmark Tests Project, ed. H. Griesel, 28–34; 47–54. Pretoria: Higher Education
South Africa.
National Benchmark Tests (2017)
National Curriculum Statement Mathematical Literacy CAPS document (2011).
Prince, R & Frith, V. (2017). The quantitative literacy of South African school-leavers who qualify for
higher education. Pythagoras, 38(1), a355.
Khehla Patrick Mofokeng
The purpose of this study is to enhance the teaching of mathematical linear
programming using the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach at
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. Various
studies indicate that there are problems with the teaching and learning of
mathematical linear programming which leads to the poor performance in
mathematics (Chinamasa, Nhamburo and Sithole, 2014:57; & Olubukola,
2015:846). The (RME) approach address the challenges of teaching mathematical
linear programming, as it allows lecturers to teach MLP starting from informal to
formal (linking content with real-life stories) in order for students to make sense of
teaching and learning of MLP. This study uses the RME approach to decolonise
mathematical linear programming by integrating real-life stories into teaching
process. The study adopts bricolage as theoretical framework to strengthen the
teaching and learning of mathematical linear programming as it allows multiple
strategies and creativity to solve apparent problems by resources at hand. In
addition, this study uses Participatory Action Research (PAR) to generate data
through the interactions between co-researchers‟ (myself included) during the
meetings, workshops, discussions and presentations.
This study aims to enhance teaching and learning of mathematical linear
programming at Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges. The
diagnostic report of the Department of Basic Education (DBE, 2013: 127)
indicated that students did not perform well in mathematical linear programming.
In addition, markers in the Department of Higher Education Training (DHET,
2013: 31) report confirmed that students have a serious challenge with
mathematical linear programming. Therefore, these reports prove that students‟
poor performance in mathematics and the high rate of retention and dropout at
TVET colleges are the results of difficult subjects and difficult topics that students
do not understand well (DHET, 2013: 33-34). Moreover, various studies which
have been conducted by the researchers agrees that mathematical linear
programming is still challenging for students to do well in different countries such
as Slovakia, Zimbabwe and South Africa (Olubukola, 2015: 846; Chinamasa,
Nhamburo, Sithole, 2014: 57; DBE, 2013; & DHET, 2016). Mathematical linear
programming refers to mathematical concept that consists of a set of variables and
constraints that is expressed in objective functions/ linear equations (Daniel and
Solomon, 2011: 178). It is used to find best solution to the present problem of
particular project and also applied in manufacturing, public health, constructions,
personnel planning, and investment management especially in maximising profit/
lowering costs (Nkambule, 2009: 07).
Molnar, (2016; 2-12); Chinamasa et al, (2014: 57) & Kar (2016: 652) says most of
students struggles to do the following when solving mathematical linear
programming: to write a set of mathematical variables, to formulate linear
functions both from a case studies; to draw and interpret graphs. In addition,
Okello, (2010: 212-215) said most of students lack of interest to do mathematics,
have wrong perception on mathematics, do not understand mathematical linear
programming terminologies, and do not ask questions during lessons or even
practice mathematics at home while highlighting that most of lecturers only use
lecture method to teach mathematics and also fails to integrate real life stories in
teaching process. To enhance teaching and learning of mathematical linear
programming most of researchers (Kar, 2016; Molnar, 2016; Nakhanu, 2015; and
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Drijvers, 2014) showed that different strategies
„computer software, problem posing, problem-based-learning and Realistic
Mathematics Education‟ approaches can be used to teach mathematics. There
could be challenges in some strategies e.g. computer software needs a lot of money
for programme to available and problem posing could be challenging to students if
lecturers‟ fails to associate teaching with real life stories. However, Realistic
Mathematics Education approach it integrates background knowledge of students,
real life stories into teaching process in order for students to make sense of their
learning (Dickinson and Hough, 2012: 1-6). Therefore, this study adopts RME to
teach mathematical linear programming.
The approach requires classroom environment that is welcoming and well better
for all students in order for them to interact without any hindrance. To teach
mathematical linear programming using RME approach lecturers and students
must be creative in the classroom as bricoleurs (Mahlomaholo, 2013). According
to Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (2014: 521-524) says RME needs curriculum;
work schedule; lesson plan; reformed textbooks; class-activities. Additionally, co-
researchers should be capacitated on the six core principles guiding RME approach
such as activity, reality, intertwinement, interactivity and guidance well in order to
implement it well. However, there are many threats to disturb RME approach not
to work. Papier, (2009: 38-41) said shortage of well-trained lecturers, inadequate
of teaching facilities, English as teaching language, class overcrowding, work-
pace, unlimited of time, unavailability of variety of quality textbooks and study-
guides affects teaching and learning negatively. But for RME approach to work co-
researchers will be requested to come with NCV level 3s and grade 11s
mathematics textbooks and also be allowed to use their languages to participate.
The initiatives were taken in the past to curb alarming poor performance in
mathematics and such interventions did enhanced teaching and learning of
mathematics. Computer software were used in Slovakia and it assisted students to
gain deeper knowledge on linear inequalities while problem- posing allowed
students to associate mathematical concepts with daily life situation in Turkey and
Kenya. Lastly, RME approach was used to teach mathematics in various countries
Holland (1971), United State of America (1996), United Kingdom (2003),
Indonesia (2016) and has played significant role in assisting students to make sense
of their leaning which led to better performance in mathematics (Dickinson
(2012: 01).
The previous researches and yearly reports confirmed that students fail
mathematical linear programming. Most of students are experiencing the following
challenges (Molnar, 2016: 2-12): to set variables and formulate problem into
objective function from a case-study, to draw and interpret graph.
The study seeks to use bricolage as theoretical framework for strengthening the
teaching of mathematical linear programming. Loarne, (2010: 2) explains bricolage
as a process creating something new out of the resource available for purpose of
achieving new goals. Bricolage encourages co-researchers to contribute their
knowledge and resources that will be used at any time to strengthen the teaching of
mathematical linear programming. Additionally, the bricoleures will address recent
issue in education by decolonising education using RME strategy to teach
mathematics in order for student to make sense of the learning (Mahlomaholo,
2013). Therefore, I adopt bricolage to this study because it encourages lecturers,
students to use multiple methods to solve mathematical linear programming
problems/ challenges.
How can RME strategy be used to teach mathematical linear programming?
Research aim:
To enhance the teaching of mathematical linear programming by using RME
To identify the challenges to teach mathematical linear programing.
To use RME strategy to address challenges to teach mathematical linear
To identify conducive environment to teach mathematical linear
programming using RME strategy.
To identify threats that may hamper RME strategy to work and investigate
on how to prevent them.
To find the indicators of success for using RME strategy to teach
mathematical linear programing.
This study will use Participatory Action Research (PAR) as the tool to enhance
teaching and learning of mathematical linear programming. Denzin and Lincon
(2007: 277) explains Participatory Action Research as a social process where
group of people join together to share their experiences to solve the problems at
hand because all people have valuable knowledge from their background
environment and culture. Secondly, he said PAR involves a number of stages of
implementation, namely planning, action, observation and reflection that follow
each other spirally. The study regards PAR as significant tool to be used
diagnose apparent problem to teach mathematical linear programming in order
to find solutions through participation and interaction between co-researchers
(Moloi, 2013: 480).
The study regards co-researchers as people who can speak, who knows
challenges better (teaching mathematical linear programming) and who can
provide solutions with regard to their local issues if they are given platform.
Data will be generated through meetings, workshops, team discussions, and
lesson presentations. In addition, audio record, videos, cameras will be used to
capture proceedings of the meetings with co-researchers because a scriber
cannot write very word communicated. Therefore, the co-researchers as the team
will draw up an action plan on activities to be efficient to generate data.
Additionally, this study uses participatory action research to allow voice of
people to be heard through interactions in the class.
The study will use a group of 35 National Certificate of Vocational (NCV)
students of particular class (Level 3), three mathematics lecturers, two Senior
lecturers, Campus (HoD)/ Campus manager. The selected people are chosen
because they have different background knowledge and experience, so they will
help us to find challenges to teach mathematical linear programming and also
assist the study in finding solutions (Cerecer, Cahill and Braley, (2013: 218); &
Moloi, (2013: 480)). Lastly, the study sessions aimed to be held at TVET
campus during mathematics class but it is still open for discussion, so co-
researchers will decide days, place and time that they will be suitable for them.
This study will use Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse and interpret generated
data in order to gain deeper understanding of text and talk on tape records and
other used records. According to Bloor and Bloor (2007: 2) explains CDA as cross
discipline that comprises the analysis of text and talk in almost all field of
humanities and social sciences. Therefore, this study will allow co-researchers to
use the languages they feel free with for interaction purpose.
There is need to conduct this research on mathematical linear programming
because yearly reports and various research have showed that mathematical linear
programming is challenging for students (DBE, 2013: 127; & DHET markers
reports (2016:31). Therefore, this study anticipates strengthening teaching and
learning of mathematical linear programming using RME approach, so TVET
college students, lecturers, TVET college, community, and DHET will benefit
from this study.
The study will seek letter of permission from DHET to conduct the research at
TVET college premises. Secondly, the Faculty of Education at UFS will issue
ethical clearance which confirms approval for this study to be conducted. Thirdly,
all people who are interested to be part of this study will be asked to fill and sign
the consent forms. However, people under age of 18 will not be allowed sign these
forms but their parents will sign for them. The consent forms will be translated in
English, Sesotho, IsiZulu and other languages people understand. Lastly, co-
researchers will be informed that they may join/ leave/ re-join the study at any
time, but most importantly they will be assured anonymity with information they
supplied/ their personal details.
Chapter 1: Introduction, background
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework and literature review
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology
Chapter 4: Data analysis, interpretation and reporting
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations
Bloor, M and Bloor, T. 2007. Background and Theory. The Practice of Critical Discourse of Analysis: An
introduction. Great Britain: Hodder Education.
Cerecer, D A Q., Cahill, C. and Bradley, M. (2013). Toward a Critical Youth Policy Praxis: Critical
Youth Studies and Participatory Action Research. Routledge, theory into practice, 52: 216-223.
Daniel, J and Solomon, N. (2011), Mathematics hands on training, Future managers (Pty) Ltd, South
Denzin and Lincon, 2007. Centre for Teaching, Research & Learning Research Support Group at the
Social Science Research Lab American University, Washington, D.C.
Department of Basic Education, (2013). National Examinations and Diagnostic Report on the National
Senior Certificate Examination Results, Pretoria.
Department of Higher Education Training, (2013). Statistics on Post- School Education and Training in
South Africa. DHET, Pretoria.
Dickinson, P and Hough, S. (2012). Using Realistic Mathematics Education in UK classrooms: available
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Leone, S. L. (2010). Bricolage versus creativity what's the differences. Working paper series RMT (WPS
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Mahlomaholo, S. (2013). On bricolage and the creation of sustainable postgraduate learning
environments. TD The journal for trans-disciplinary research in Southern Africa, 9(3), Special
edition, December 2013, pp 379-392.
Moloi, T. J. (2013). An analysis of challenges in the teaching of problem solving in Grade 10
mathematics. TD The Journal for Trans-Disciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 9(3), Special
edition, December 2013, pp 480- 492.
Molnar, P. (2016). Solving a linear optimization word problem by using geogebra. ICTE Journal 2016,
5(2): 16-28.
Papier, J. (2009). „Getting the right learners into the right programme‟: An investigation into factors that
contributed to the poor performance of FET college learners in NCV level 2 and level 3
programmes in 2007 and 2008- reasons and recommendations. UWC
Sa‟ad, T.U., Adamu, A., Sadiq, A. M. (2014). The causes of poor performance in mathematics among
Public Secondary School students in Azare Metropolis of Bauchi state, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of
Research & method in education (pp 32-40).
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Drijvers, P. (2014). Realistic Mathematics Education. In S. Lerman
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education
(pp 521-525). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.
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performance in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, Volume 35, Number 1,
February 2015
Johannes Jason
Marlboro Gardens Secondary School
Leadership methodology plays an important role in the education system. The
South African Department of Basic Education has made numerous changes to the
education system of the country with the objective of improving learner results.
However, despite all the modifications to the South African education system,
learners still battle to achieve the desire results. This paper argues that the
problem does not lie with the education system, but rather with the leadership style
adopted by the schools. This paper proposes that Instructional Leadership is the
most effective and efficient leadership strategy that can be adopted by those in
management in order to improve mathematical performance of learners.
Instructional Leadership places emphasis on the fundamental roles of each and
every leader in the school environment. In order to be centers of academic
excellence for mathematics education, schools, through their leadership, should
adopt the principles and prescripts of Instructional Leadership which place
emphasis on leader roles and achieving the basics. This paper aims to highlight
the significance of Instructional Leadership as a leadership methodology that
helps accelerate the achievements of excellent mathematics results. The paper
provides an in-depth analysis of Instructional Leadership as a leadership
methodology that could advance and improve mathematics teaching. Instructional
Leadership is discussed within the context of mathematics leadership, as assumed
by Heads of Mathematics Departments.
The core responsibility of every teacher is to advance his/her student‟s
comprehension of mathematics and subsequently produce desired results. This
responsibility has produced an additional burden, especially for teachers of
mathematics who are faced with the daunting task of simplifying a subject that is
generally perceived by society to be almost impossible to master. This observation
was reinforced recently at the Johannesburg District Information Forum where a
group of teacher experts deliberated on promotion requirements for grade learners,
and one presenter posed a provocative question to members of the School
Management Team, “Whose child must fail?” The question makes additional
statements that challenge educators: Educators, as members of their communities,
should not only be skilled, but must be passionate about their work and must strive
to do justice to the children and their parents.
Ethical educators must thrive to create conducive atmospheres for learners in order
for them to maximize their potential. Therefore, the answer to the question should
be, “No child should fail.”
Unfortunately, the current status is that mathematics results contribute to the
overall higher failure rate in our schools. Yet, the major cause of the failure rate is
not always the subject, mathematics per se, but rather faulty leadership skills and
misguided leadership methodologies adopted by those in leadership.
The objective of my presentation is to:
Contextualise the South African mathematics problem
Define Instructional Leadership
Identify Instructional Leaders
Highlight the roles of Head of Department (HOD) as an Instructional Leader
Make recommendations and conclusion
One of the biggest challenges in South Africa‟s schooling system since the dawn of
democracy remains mathematics teaching. Spaull (2013: 42) confirms in his report
that learners‟ learning deficits that are acquired at primary school level discourage
them from following streams like mathematics and sciences, since they had not
grasped basic fundamentals of mathematics. Various strategies have been
introduced by government in order to tackle the dilemma of mathematics teaching,
ranging from dividing mathematics into two subjects, mathematics and
mathematics literacy, to lowering the minimum mark required to progress in the
senior phase – grades 7, 8 and 9, to 20%, with the argument that those learners who
achieve less than 20% would not pursue careers in mathematics in any case
(Department of Education, 2011b).
Cohen et al, (2008: 42) argue that from a myriad of reasons behind poor
performance of learners in mathematics, teacher teaching methodology and
leadership have the most direct impact on the achievement of envisioned results.
This sentiment is echoed by Chad et al, (2012: 39) who assert that the best
performing countries in terms of mathematics, such as Japan and China, make
great investments in teacher training, which encapsulates teaching methodology.
Spaull (2013: 58) has alluded that the crisis in South Africa Education system is in
relation to not having clear systematic implementation plans that will improve the
quality of learning and teaching. This paper proposes that Instructional Leadership
is the most effective and efficient strategy that can be used to improve
mathematical performance of learners, if properly adopted and implemented.
Darling Hammond et al, (2010: 66) articulate that Instructional Leadership
involves working with classroom teachers to improve instruction; providing
resources and professional development aimed at improvements in instructional
capacity; coordination of curriculum; instruction and assessment; regular
monitoring of learners and teacher performance; cultivation of the learning culture;
with special focus on improvement in teaching and learning (Darling Hammond et
al, 2010: 66).
Additionally, the word “instructional” as explained by Cambridge English
Dictionary means to teach someone how to do something. “Leadership” means to
guide, to direct, authority or control, managing a group of people or organization.
The school is a complex entity that encompasses different components such as
learners, teachers, school management team, support staff, resources and buildings.
All these components need to be managed and cannot be managed by one person,
the principal Muhammad, A. (2015: 45). Thus the principal requires a team of
effective, efficient and professional educators who will manage the school
environment together with its dynamics (Prinsloo, 2008: 38).
As stipulated in the Personnel Administrative Measures (PAM) document of 2016
(Annexure A.5, pp A-27 - ppA-29), each and every member of the School
Management Team (SMT) has core duties and responsibilities of their respective
jobs. In essence, a school cannot be managed by one person as the African proverb
says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” All SMT members should be instructional
leaders; Head of Department (HOD) leads teachers of a particular learning area
such as Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and Languages, and Deputy Principals
lead different Phases.
Working with classroom teachers to improve instruction
As stipulated in the PAM document (Annexure A.5, pp A-27 - ppA-29), the core
responsibilities of the Head of Department (HOD) at school are to facilitate
teaching, extra & co –curricular activities, administer personnel, general
/administrative and communication tasks. The document further states that it is the
responsibility of the HOD to interact with the teachers as a curriculum specialist
and to improve instruction. As an instructional leader, the HOD should lead from
the front, which means that he must always conduct research and be passionate
about mathematics and be up to date with the latest developments in the subject
(van der Berg et al, 2011: 37).
The teaching responsibilities of the HOD would depend on the workload or needs
of the school. The HOD must be in charge of a particular learning area such as
mathematics, provide guidance on the latest ideas and approaches to the subject
area, and identify modern teaching methodologies, techniques and relevant
teaching aids (Chad, 2012: 62). The HOD must also be responsible for coaching
and monitoring of new incumbents. Additionally, on a strategic level, the HOD as
an instructional leader has to ensure that the school affiliates with professional
bodies such as AMESA, and must ensure that teachers in his department
participate in such bodies as part of staff development. In this way, teachers will be
well positioned to be capacitated with skills and knowledge in their learning area,
which will be to the benefit of the learners, and will yield desired results in the
long run (Reddy et al, 2015: 59).
Providing resources and professional development aimed at improvements in
instructional capacity
For effective learning and teaching to occur resources must be available at school.
According to Schollar (2008: 49) learners fail to progress from Foundations Phase
in basic computing skills (Grade 1-3) to Intermediate Phase (Grade 4-6) and then
to Senior Phase (Grade 7-9) because of predominance of concrete over abstract
methods of calculating. There must be sufficient mathematics textbooks for all
learners, teachers‟ guides and relevant mathematical equipment for the
mathematics department to create a conducive learning environment for learners to
be stimulated to be able to tackle higher order questions as per Bloom‟s Taxonomy
(Chad, 2012: 48). All schools have Learner Teacher Support Material (LTSM)
committees that are responsible for procurement of resources for the schools.
HODs and deputy-principals are generally part of the committee by virtue of being
members of management. Heirdsfeild et al, (2014: 42) state that if teachers work
together and interact with content that needs to be taught, they become masters as
they share good practices. As an HOD, it is imperative to develop teachers within
the mathematics department at your school. This can be achieved by using
Professional Learning Committees (PLC) effectively. Furthermore, schools that are
within close vicinity can form a cluster and share information, lesson plans and
best practices. HODs can be drivers of such initiatives which will demonstrate
Instructional Leadership.
Coordination of curriculum, instruction and assessment
As instructional leaders, HODs and managers are responsible for the successful
implementation of the mathematics curriculum in the school (Muhammad, 2015:
19). A leader does not wait to be invited but invite him/herself. Instructional
leaders are always prepared and have systems in place to check to what extent the
content of the mathematics curriculum has been covered (Heirdsfeild, 2010: 33).
The HOD must also assess if the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) is being followed as
scheduled and if there are any deviations and reasons for such deviations must be
submitted in writing. It is the responsibility of the HOD to guide teachers on
assessment tasks and to ensure that those tasks adhere to Department of Basic
Education (DBE) regulations and comply with CAPS prescripts. The HOD should
ensure that assessment tasks should be valid, reliable, fair, balanced and
Regular monitoring of learners and teachers’ performance
Leadership also encompasses monitoring, so as instructional leaders, HODs must
monitor learners‟ books in order to establish content coverage within the
mathematics department. The Department of Education‟s School Based
Assessment (SBA) provides a true reflection of learners‟ and teachers‟
performance. Moderation of SBA and using moderation tools that indicate level of
competence and class average will indicate to the HOD the performance of
learners and teachers in mathematics. Such moderation will assist the teacher and
HOD to come up with intervention strategies that will improve attainment within
the mathematics department (Reddy et al, 2015: 59). This is important as it will
assist with remediation before it is too late. In this way, learners will be familiar
with the process and teachers will be able to re-teach using different strategies.
Cultivation of the culture of learning and teaching in schools
As an instructional leader who is responsible for the management of the day to day
running of the mathematics department, it is imperative that the culture of learning
and teaching is infused within your department (Cohen et al, 2008: 35). HODs
should motivate their respective teachers within the departments they head to be
able to create a conducive learning environment in classrooms which will allow
learners to have a positive feeling about learning. According to van der Berg et al,
(2011: 37) the culture of the classroom depends on many factors such as classroom
arrangements, availability of resources, but of utmost importance, is the efficient
use as well as the safeguarding of those resources. Instructional leaders have
mentoring and coaching sessions with teachers within the different departments
and they strategise on how to create a culture of learning and teaching.
In an effort to cultivate the culture of learning and teaching, the Gauteng
Department of Education adopted a vision of “Each Child Matters.” This vision
provides the mathematics department with a clear direction and an instruction that
the department must:
Set high expectations
Encourage teachers and learners to have positive interactions with each other
Teachers to give learners a voice during class interaction
Make classroom a safe place to be in
Model how learners can learn
Give regular feedback
Not only celebrate percentages but accomplishments too.
Video clip on Culture of Learning and Teaching (Muhammad, 2015:
The HOD should invite excellent mathematics practitioners to present and
share their best practices in mathematics learning.
The HOD should introduce the reward system that celebrates top and most
improved mathematics learners.
Since the dawn of democracy, in an attempt to improve learner performance and
school results, the South African government has been making numerous
amendments to the education system, accompanied by large financial investments
in the education department. The government has made changes to the curriculum,
minimum pass requirements as well as learning areas, however, there has not been
any significant improvement in the results. This paper has argued that the most
important change that the South African government needs to introduce is the shift
towards and emphasis on Instructional Leadership. As clearly articulated in this
paper, Instructional Leadership takes those in leadership back to their basic
responsibilities. Instructional Leadership provides clear and basic guidelines and
responsibilities for each and every member of leadership. Therefore, with the
adoption and successful implementation of Instructional Leadership, the South
African Education System is set to yield the desired results and will meet its
targets, and be transformed into one of the best in the world.
Cambridge Advanced Learners‟ Dictionary. (2011). Cambridge University Press.
Chad R. Lochmiller, Kristin S. Huggins, & Michele A. Acker-Hocevar. (2012). Preparing Leaders for
Math and Science: Three alternatives to traditional preparation. Vol. 43, No 1/2 (pp.198-220).
Cohen, D.K. Grossman, P., & Grumet, M.R. (2008). Teacher quality: An American educational dilemma.
In M.M. Kennedy (Ed.6), Teacher Assessment and the quest for teacher quality (pp. 375-403).
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Darling-Hammond, L., Meyerson, D., LaPointe, M., & Orr, M.T. (2010). Preparing principals for a
changing world: Lessons from effective school leadership programs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Department of Education. 2011b. [3 July 2011]
Department of Education. (2011). National Curriculum Statement (NCS): Curriculum and Assessment
Policy Statement: Mathematics (Intermediate Phase, Grade 4-6). Pretoria: Government Printer.
Halinger P, (2009) Leadership to the 21sT Century Schools from Instructional Leadership to Leadership
for Learning. Bookstores Publishers, United Kingdom.
Heirdsfeild, Ann M, Lamb, Janeen T, Spry and Gayle, J (2010). Leading learning within a PLC:
implementing new mathematics content. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 7 (1) pp 93-112.>news>>education>
Muhammad, A. (2015). (
Nicholas Spaull (2013). South Africa‟s Education Crisis: The quality of education in South Africa
1994-2011.Report Commissioned by Centre for Development & Enterprise.
Prinsloo CH, (2008) Extra classes, extra marks? Report on the Plus Time Project, Education, Science and
Skills Development (ESSD) Research Programme.
Reddy, V. Zuze T, Visser M, Minnaar, L Juan, A Prinsloo, C Arends and Rogers S (2015). Beyond
Benchmarking: What twenty years of TIMMS Data tells us about South African Education. Cape
Town South Africa HSRC Press.
Schollar, E (2008). Final Report of the Primary Mathematics Research Project (2004-2007). Towards
Evidence -Based Educational Development in South Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa: Eric
Schollar & Associates.
Servaas van der Berg, Stephen Taylor, Martin Gustafsson, Nicholas Spaull and Paula Armstrong (2011):
Improving Education Quality in South Africa. Report for the National Planning Commission.
Department of Economics: University of Stellenbosch.
William V, Harris, James A, Sherman (1973): Effect of Peer Tutoring and Consequences On the Math
Performance of Elementary Classroom Students, Journal of The Applied Behaviour Analysis
Tshele Moloi
University of the Free State-QwaQwa Campus
The paper aims at enhancing the teaching and learning of mathematical content
using the community cultural wealth theory. This theory amplifies the notion that
mathematics is a humanistic subject, that is, where all learners have access in
mathematical knowledge. The theory views community members as experts in the
teaching and learning of mathematical knowledge. The paper argues that there
are no deficiencies in the marginalised knowledge of the excluded people. As the
results, the researcher tapped into the marginalised knowledge of subaltern
communities to mathematical content, using participatory action research (PAR)
in generating data. Hence, the involvement of community members (parents,
traditional leaders), education experts (teachers, mathematics subject advisors,
lecturers from institution of higher learning) and learners themselves. The
generated data were analysed using Van Dijk‟s critical discourse analysis (CDA).
CDA enabled the study to acquire deeper meanings of the text.
The paper argues that Community Cultural wealth approach is key in the teaching
and learning of mathematical content. This is confirmed by Samuelson and Litzler
(2016) that Community cultural wealth offers an assets-based approach to
understanding the huge cultural knowledge that learners bring in a mathematics
class, and remained untapped by mathematics practitioners. The experiential
knowledge of learners from rural communities is critical in understanding
mathematical content. community cultural wealth will help to identify the cultural
resources that learners from subaltern families and communities bring to
mathematics classroom to learn mathematics meaningfully (Stapleton, 2016;
Straubhaar, 2013).
The Department of Basic Education Report (2009) posits that many of the mistakes
made by learners in answering the mathematics assessment tasks had their origins
in poor understanding of the basics and foundational competencies taught in the
earlier grades. The teaching of mathematical content need to encourage the deep
conceptual understanding of concepts. Thus, this paper will focus on enhancing the
teaching and learning of mathematical content using cultural games, by paying
attention to certain topics in which learners in lower grades do not perform well.
Cultural game is regarded as the cultural wealth that learners bring in a
mathematics classroom. Further, this paper tends to contribute towards learning
and teaching mathematical content in a creative way.
Gaigher, Rogan and Braun (2006) point out that most learners perform badly
because of teacher-dominated approaches, and the learners expected to remain
passive recipients of rote learning. Troutman and Lichtenberg (2003) state that
teachers need to provide learners with stimulating problem-solving activities. This
paper, therefore, uses diketo as a stimulating activity in the teaching and learning
of mathematics. Mosimege (2000, 2017) clarifies misconceptions about cultural
games, namely that they are usually perceived from the narrow perspective of play,
enjoyment and recreation, whilst there is actually more to them than just the three
aesthetic aspects. Indigenous games can reveal mathematical concepts associated
with them. According to Van De Walle, Karp Bay-Williams (2010) and Leonard
(2008) in the traditional modes of teaching, learners do not learn content with deep
understanding and often forget what they have learned. Thompson (2008) suggests
that teachers should capitalise on the background of learners for performance to be
enhanced. Children meet mathematical concepts every day and operate in rich
mathematical contexts even before they set their eyes on a mathematics worksheet.
The researcher and the research participants argue that the teaching of
mathematical content is abstracted and treated as if knowledge of it ends only with
memorising mathematical formulae. The community cultural wealth employs
capitals such as familial, aspirational, navigational, linguistic, resilience
(Samuelson and Litzler, 2016; Stapleton, 2016; Straubhaar, 2013; Yosso, 2005),
which can be used to access the hidden mathematical content. Troutman et al.
(2003) support the latter statements that teachers need to strive to build a
foundation and master important teaching techniques related to problem solving.
Van De Walle et al (2010) points out that mathematical content knowledge
grounded in an experience familiar to learners supports the development of
advanced mathematical concepts and provides them with access to meaningful
mathematical reasoning, thus they are able to learn it successfully.
On the other hand, Hirsh (2010) argues that if mathematics teachers continue to
teach what they know and ask learners to memorise and regurgitate content it is
impossible to expect any advancement to be made in mathematical content
knowledge. To a large extent the teaching of mathematics content lacks the
element of relevancy to real life; hence, learners do mathematics for the sake of
passing tests or examinations, and with little conceptual understanding. They are
not taught the skills of deriving formulae and functionalising knowledge derived
from them. Koellner, Jacobs, Borko, Schneider, Pittman, Eiteljorg, Bunning,
Frykholm (2007) points out that mathematical content should not be merely taught
as a set of procedural competencies but rather mathematics teachers had to help
learners gain adequate conceptual knowledge along with a flexible understanding
of procedures to become competent and efficient problem-solvers. Learners are
thus limited in terms of creativity and self-discovery as a result of this way of
teaching mathematical content. Thompson (2008) argues that children are likely to
be creative when they use ideas and experiences, and make new connections
through play.
The paper is grounded by community cultural wealth theory, focusing on the
wealth of knowledge which the marginalised groups possess. Such knowledge is
key to the teaching and learning of mathematical content. Theoretical framework
posits that teaching and learning of mathematical content is created by the
marginalised groups out of their everyday lives experiences, rather than being
taught in a formal setting.
In addition, Lynn (2004) and Yossi (2002, 2005) argue that community cultural
wealth concentrates on and learns from the range of cultural knowledge, skills,
abilities and contacts held by subaltern groups that often go unrecognised and
misunderstood. In this paper, the use of cultural games in teaching mathematical
content and skills is a way of recognising and acknowledging the cultural practices
of various communities.
Yosso (2005) argues that community cultural wealth theory has various forms of
capital, such as aspirational, navigational, social, linguistic, familial and resistant.
Aspirational capital relates to the motivation shows playing their cultural game.
Whereas navigational capital looks at how learners manoeuvres to win in any
game. Also familial and linguistically demonstrate how learners‟ networks
(parents, peers, learners) are essential in learning language easily. These draw on
knowledge of learners from homes and communities being taken into the
classroom environment. The researcher supports Yosso‟s theory of community
cultural wealth and Van Oers‟s cultural-historical theory, in that using cultural
games to teach mathematics content and skills is a way of bringing the immediate
environment and experiences of the child to the classroom. Van Oers (2010) points
out that children learn mathematical content optimally when their learning is deep-
rooted in playful activities.
Whilst it is evident that the teaching and learning of mathematical content should
be viewed from a humanistic point of view (Barker, 2012; Bush, 2005; Vilela,
2010), through the lived experiences of marginalised groups there are many
mathematical concepts that are formulated. Mathematical content meanings are not
fixed or predetermined, and meanings are not indifferent to linguistic practices
(Lynn, 2004; Vilela, 2010; Yosso, 2005). The link between mathematical content
and the cultural practices (such as play of cultural games) helps learners to see and
appreciate the relevance of mathematics skills in their day-to-day activities
(Chikodzi & Nyota, 2010).
The study utilised participatory action research (PAR), which recognises
community members as experts and is empowering for communities who are
enabled to find their own solutions to local issues (Moana, 2010). In the context of
this paper, the researcher and participants were empowered in using cultural games
to solve problems and identify mathematical concepts embedded in them. The
marginalised capital was explored to understand mathematical content by using
cultural games, particularly indigenous ones. As Yosso (2005) argues, there is
much cultural capital in the communities which is not being adequately utilised.
The researcher assembled a team of grade 9 learners in one school located in the
rural area of the Free State Province, one deputy principal, one head of department
(HOD), three grade 9 Mathematics teachers, two life orientation teachers, two
district officials from the Department of Basic Education (DBE), one in the sports
section and two Mathematics subject advisors, ten parents with knowledge of
various cultural games and two members of the royal family who were custodians
of cultural games, and a lecturer in the school of Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education from the university.
Activities performed in class
The learners were given activities on diketo as the cultural game, which that they
familiar with. The activities expected them to extract mathematical content
embedded within this game.
Class Activity 1
Let us consider the play of coordination game (diketo/Izingedo), let us focus on round one
only (seng one). Suppose that three groups are playing with six, eight, ten small stones
respectively and one big round stone(ghoen). Each group has to record all their observations
with regard to:
a) The number of times you throw the ghoen up to complete round one successfully,
c) The number of times you push back the stones in the hole.
e) Describe and mention any mathematical content recognized during this process of
playing coordination game.
It must be stated that there were groups that mentioned that they use” pups” as they
play diketo, while others do not use “pups”. Pups is done at the end of the round,
where the ghoen is thrown up and touch the hole with empty-hand.
In nutshell, during feedback sessions, one group led by Tatso (group leader),
presented their solutions as follows:
Tatso: good day, everybody, we wanted to share our solution as follows. Take note that
we used “pups” in our play. The following scenarios were observed as we interacted in
Throwing the ghoen No. of stones No.of stones placed
up scooped out of the into the hole
Throwing the No. of stones scooped out of the Throwing the No.of stones placed into the
ghoen up hole ghoen up hole
(without pups)
the throw ( ) + ( ) + 6
:we came up with 11 throws of the ghoen for 6 stones used in the play and, 15 throws of
the ghoen for 8 stones played with, and also 19 throws of the ghoen for the 10 stones
used as we play. Like, the previous group, the answers for (b) and (c) are shown in
column 2 and 4 respectively. Furthermore, the relationship between the stones and throws
of the ghoen can be demonstrated as follows: ( ) 2 times the number of stones less
one , ( ) . By and large, we agreed that
the relationships between the stones and the throws of the ghoen can be expressed
as ( ) ( where denotes the number of stones used).
During the learner interaction and the teachers, learners employ capitals such as
linguistic, used language to visualise patterns and develop general conclusions.
Navigational wealth was shown as they made trial and error to see the sequences of
occurrence in order to get general conclusions. (Samuelsona and Litzler, 2016;
Stapleton, 2016).
The researcher team used Van Dijk‟s critical discourse analysis (CDA) in
analysing and interpreting data, to get deeper meaning of the spoken words of the
research participants. The research team used the CDA because it is compatible
with the community cultural wealth, as it allows for various ways of arriving at the
truth (Wodak & Meyer, 2009). CDA is a type of discourse analytical research that
mainly examines the way social power exploitation, dominance, and inequality are
sanctioned, reproduced, and opposed by text and talk in the social and political
context. (Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria, 2012; Van Dijk, 2003; 2009).
The following is an example of a text, from generated data above:
“…. we started playing with 6 stones, we got 12 throws of the ghoen in order to
complete round one successfully, and for 8 stones used in play, we arrived at 16 throws
of the ghoen, and lastly for 10 stones used, there were 20 throws…”.
The above text was analysed and interpreted so as to get the deeper meaning form
the playing of diketo, as follows:
The mathematical knowledge/content extracted from this phrase “, 6 stones,
we got 12 throws…”, it shows that stones used to play diketo have relationship
with the throws of the ghoen. The relationship can be obtained by patterning
(that is doubling the number of stones to get the total number of throws made),
which ultimately result into the general relationship between stones and the
number of throwing the ghoen. Hence, the research participants (learners)
were able to demonstrate the general formulae as ( ) . On the other
hand, those playing with “pups”, they established the general relationship
between stones used in the play of diketo and number of throwing the ghoen
as ( ) . The established general formulae imply that there are two
variables involves, that is the number of stones in this case demonstrated the
independent variables and throwing of the ghoen shows the dependent
The research found that the teachers integrated the mathematical content with the
prior knowledge of the learners, which is the playing of cultural games. Teachers
used those games played by learners and parents to extract mathematical content
embedded in them. It was an interactive session in which all learners worked
together to play the cultural games, whilst other participants used the observation
sheet to visualise the mathematical skills and content demonstrated. They
discovered many mathematical concepts infused in the playing of diketo. Some of
the mathematical content embedded are sorting and classifying data in a concise
way, that can be easily interpreted. Table 2 above showed how the relationship can
be obtained between column 1 and 2, and relationship between column 3 and 4,
through patterning, so as to get general formulae. Thus , the general relationship
between throwing of the ghoen and scooping of the stones out of the hole (in
table2, column 1 and 2 above) can be described as ( ) + .
Similarly, in table 2 above (column 3 and 4 ) denotes the relationship between the
throws of the ghoen and stones placed back into the hole expressed as ( )
+ 6 . This is good play, which allows learners to engage in investigation process
and self-discovery. As the DoE (2003) argues, mathematics is a human activity
practiced by all cultures. The paper found many mathematical concepts and much
It was found that the cultural capital possessed by learners assisted in concretizing
the mathematical content, which initially looked abstract. Teachers need to allow
learners to explore general formulas or mathematical procedures in various ways.
Learners who played diketo using “pups” and “without pups “came up with logical
conclusions, as shown in table 1 and 2 above. In determining the relationships
between variables, patterning can be used to get general relationship. It was
demonstrated that formulae can be crafted from observing a particular sequences of
occurrences during the play of diketo. Any approach used to play diketo helped
leaners to realise variety of reasonable general conclusions drawn. It was
interesting to observe that learners demonstrated why the independent and
dependent variables related and defined.
Barker, C. (2012). Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice. California US: Sage Publications.
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Journal of Research in rural Education, 20(8), 1-11.
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28(4), 303-318.
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Mabotja Tlou Robert
Capricorn District: Limpopo Province
TARGET AUDIENCE: Grade 11 Educators
DURATION: 2 hours
With regard to Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), Euclidean
geometry in grade 10, 11 and 12 is compulsory and examinable. Many
mathematics teachers find it very difficult to teach Euclidean because many were
not taught nor had studied it beyond school level. On the other hand, others had not
study Euclidean geometry at universities and now are faced with the challenge of
teaching concepts which they are not comfortable with. Euclidean geometry
problems have created a lot of discomfort in mathematics for both teachers and
learners. Therefore, this workshop is aimed at assisting mathematics teachers with
skills of proving and solving Euclidean geometry riders. Emphasis will be placed
on diagram analysis, identification and naming of theorems.
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) with regard to Euclidean
geometry in grade 11 expects the following:
Investigation and proving of theorems of the geometry of circles assuming
results from earlier grades, together with one other result concerning
tangents and radii of circles.
Solve circle geometry problems, providing reasons for statements when
Prove riders.
In this workshop, we will be focusing on proving and solving of Euclidean
geometry problems through the use of the following strategies:
6 Tangents 20 minutes
Astrid Scheiber
TARGET AUDIENCE: Further Education & Training
DURATION: 2 hours
Adequate knowledge of calculator skills makes the teaching of Financial Maths &
Functions easier and enables the educator to assist their learners more efficiently.
This workshop will guide you through the calculator functions, using the
CASIO FX-82ZA PLUS Scientific calculator.
This workshop will cover: In-putting values into the CASIO calculator MEMORY,
using the saved values & recalling what has been saved. Using TABLE MODE –
solving Simultaneous, Quadratic & Cubic equations.
Introduction 5 minutes
Using TABLE MODE to find points of intersection of a straight line & parabola and turning
25 minutes
point of the parabola
Discussion 10 minutes
Sekgana Motimele
Waterberg District Office
TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate Phase
DURATION: 2 hours
I realised that as educators it is very important for us to have conceptual
understanding of the concept, which will in turn help us to improve the way we
teach the topic to our learners. The topic is very important as it forms the basis for
FET where learners perform poorly as far as transformation of graphs are
Tessellation will be done using manipulatives
Rotation (Turn) will be done using patty paper
Translation (Slide) will also be done using patty paper
Reflection (Flip) will be done using a mirror where the concept of mirror
image will be developed. Patty paper and paper folding will also be used
Symmetry and reflection will be shown as having a special relationship
Introduction (10 minutes)
Activity 1 (25 minutes)
Activity 2 (25 minutes)
Activity 3 (30 minutes)
Activity 4 (20 minutes)
The focus of the workshop is the intermediate phase educators, wherein the content
area is transformation geometry. The objective is to capacitate our intermediate
colleagues who still struggle with presentation of the section to learners. The other
important point worth mentioning is that, since most of our learners remembers
more when they do activities than when told, we want to share that as colleagues.
In the workshop we will be using things such as the mirror to explain the concept
of reflection, while at the same time we are bringing home the reason why we have
words such as mirror image etc. The other thing that will be done is where simple
objects like patty paper are used to explain concepts that would otherwise be
difficult for learners. The other important point is where we show that as educators
we don‟t only need complicated things to explain concepts to learners, but as
educators we can use everyday materials as our teaching aids.
CAPS Policy Document (Mathematics Intermediate Phase)
Liezel du Toit and Amanda van der Merwe
Institute for Professional Development
TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate Phase teachers
DURATION: 2 hours
Learners often struggle with this content area of Space and Shape (Geometry). This
is a practical workshop to assist the teachers to teach the different 3D objects in a
fun way. This will help the learners to remember what was taught. Teaching and
learning will be enhanced and results should improve.
1. Start the workshop with a Mental Mathematical activity to practice and
consolidate 3D objects. (10 minutes)
2. Overview of how to recognise and identify 3D objects.
(20 minutes)
3. Build 3D objects (prisms and pyramids) with cool drink straws.
(40 minutes)
4. An activity to help the learners to visualize the 3D objects.
(30 minutes)
5. Discussion and reflection on the activities. The aim will be to discuss if
and how these activities will „work‟ in the classroom. (20 minutes)
Total: 2 hours
The study of Space and Shape improves understanding and appreciation of the
pattern, precision, achievement and beauty in natural and cultural forms. It focuses
on the properties, relationships, orientations, positions and transformations of two-
dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects. (Curriculum and Assessment
Policy Statement for Mathematics page 10.)
Play is an important part of early childhood learning. Even very young children
observe geometrical patterns. Opportunities to explore shapes are important to
encourage this development. This development already starts in pre-school years
and continues. An important part of developing geometric understanding is to
investigate the properties that are common to all shapes in a particular category.
(Siemen, 2013). Visualisation is an important aspect of geometry and
mathematics. It is more than just „seeing images in the mind‟. Rather, „spatial
visualisation is the ability to generate and manipulate images‟. (Clemens &
Samare, 2007, p. 499)
In this workshop we aim to clearly define what is meant by 3D objects. We will
discuss an overview of the classification of 3D objects to help learners to recognize
and identify 3D objects. We will apply our knowledge when we visualise and
name different 3D objects. During the workshop we will aim to make the whole
concept concrete when building prisms and pyramids. We strive to work from
concrete to semi-concrete and then abstract to support the learners to visualise the
objects visually. We will describe, compare and sort 3D objects based on features
that are similar or different. We will match nets to 3D objects.
Clements, D.H & Samara, J. (2007) Early childhood mathematics learning. Charlotte NC:
NCTM/Information Age Publishing
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, Mathematics for Grades 4 − 6, Department of Education,
Headstart Mathematics Learner's Books for Grades 4, 5 and 6, Oxford University Press, 2011.
IMSTUS workbook, 2011
Successful Mathematics Learner's Books for Grades 4, 5 and 6, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Teaching Mathematics Foundation and Intermediate Phase, Sieman Oxford University Press, 2013
Liezel du Toit and Amanda van der Merwe
Institute for Professional Development
TARGET AUDIENCE: Grade 7, 8 and 9 teachers
DURATION: 2 hours
Algebra is part of the content area of Numbers, Operations and Relationships. The
ability to construct algebraic text to describe relationships is an area of difficulty
for many learners in the Senior Phase. Algebra has been described as generalized
arithmetic. It is used to capture important number properties that are true
regardless of the number chosen. But algebra can also be used to represent
variables in a general relationship such as cost of hire a car etc.
Learners are struggling with all these concepts. The aim of this workshop is to
introduce algebraic language to learners as well as do calculations with algebraic
expressions such as revise conventions, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
factorisation and division.
1. Ice-breaker activity: In groups discuss where we use numbers in our
everyday life. Then they have to translate this into algebra terms.
(10 minutes)
2. Fun ways to introduce expressions, terms and factors to the learners.
Learners need to "think algebra". (10 minutes)
3. Calculations with algebraic expressions (35 minutes)
4. Factorisation, a very important skill for grade 9 building into FET.
(20 minutes)
5. Division (15 minutes)
6. Reflection, discussion and feedback: How will these activities work in the
classroom. (30 minutes)
Total: 2 hours
Algebraic thinking is foundational to all areas of mathematics because it provides
the language and structure for representing and analysing quantitative
relationships. The relationships are needed for modelling situations, solving
problems, and proving generalisations. Algebraic thinking has the capacity to assist
in unifying concepts by allowing us to express similarities and differences in a way
that helps us see the commonalities across the school curriculum, grade levels and
mathematical settings. (Siemon et. Al. 2013. Page 537). Is Algebra important?
According to the Australian Academy of Science (AAS, 2003) generalising and
mastering challenging mathematical problems, applying mathematics to real-world
problems and the ability to use technology as a tool for conjecturing and
generalising, underpin economic success and innovation in a global knowledge
economy. The shortage of scientists and mathematicians is a concern.
Letters in algebra are used as symbols to represent unknowns and variables, and
this is what learners find problematic. With this workshop we aim to provide
practical examples and activities on how to make the teaching easier and fun. We
focus on the introduction of algebraic language to learners. We will revise the
conventions in algebra and then focus on different calculations with algebraic
expressions, namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, factorisation and
division. These activities will provide the teachers with activities for the classroom
to improve learning and teaching to improve results.
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, Mathematics for Grades 7 - 9. Department of Education.
Headstart Mathematics Learner's Book Grade 8. Oxford University Press. 2011.
Kuchermann, D. (1981) Algebra. In K. Hart (Ed.), Children Understands of Mathematics: 11 – 16 (pp.
102 – 119). London, Murray.
Let's Practise Mathematics Grade 8. Oxford University Press. 2014
Mathematics Plus Learner's Book for Grade 9. Oxford University Press. 2006.
Mathswise Book 3. Oxford University Press. 2001.
Oxford Successful Mathematics Learner's Book for Grade 8. Oxford University Press. 2011
Teaching Mathematics, Siemon et. AL. Oxford University Press Southern Africa. 2013
Patisizwe Mahlabela, Nomathamsanqa Mahlobo and Themba Ndaba
Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CASME)
DURATION: 2 hours
Some of the specific aims of teaching and learning mathematics outlined in the
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) are to develop in learners:
an appreciation for the beauty and elegance of Mathematics
a spirit of curiosity and a love for Mathematics (p. 8).
These are also the aims of this workshop. CAPS (p. 9) proceeds to outline,
amongst others, the ability to investigate, analyse, represent and interpret
information as the skills that should be developed in learners. The workshop also
seeks to do exactly that. Mason, Burton and Stacey (2010) suggest that
mathematics should be taught such that it stimulates in learners thinking
mathematically. Thinking mathematically entails doing investigations and coming
up with conjectures. It entails making generalisations and justifying them. The
workshop, using some activities from their book, aims to show how spreadsheets
could be used to enhance thinking mathematically.
Teachers often make excuses for not using investigative methods to teach
mathematics. They are of the opinion that investigations are time consuming. Use
of spreadsheet nullifies this excuse. Computers and calculators are fast and
accurate. Lastly, there is a notion that learners live in a world of technology. When
they come to our classrooms, they often found themselves in a different world
because most teachers do not use technology to teach. The workshop wishes to
promote use of technology in the teaching of mathematics.
Description of the spreadsheet
Entering formulae onto a spreadsheet
Using the spreadsheet to generate patterns
Determining general terms of a patterns generated
Justifying generalisations made.
Michelle Du Toit and John Lawton
Education Resources Africa (ERA), Objective Learning Materials (OLM)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers of mathematics for years 4 to 9 and beyond
DURATION: 2 hours
Geometry is a difficult subject for many mathematics teachers, and students. Van
Hiele theory(Ekanayake, Brown, & Chinnappan, 2003) suggests that geometry
students need to learn by acquiring entirely new ways of reasoning, not just by
learning to implement the same solution strategy more effectively, and that this
presents unique challenges to geometry educators. Studies such as those by Senk
(1989) found that in all years of schooling learners are scattered across a range of
reasoning types, so that it becomes impossible for teachers to use any single
learning strategy with an entire class.
Active learning, using the MATHOMAT template as a tool, offers a means for
engaging with the creative challenge in teaching geometry. Mathomat can be used
intuitively to explore concepts in geometry as a sequence of actions (both mental
and physical). These actions carry within themselves the seeds for powerful ideas
which can be drawn out and studied in scientific terms as learners attain higher
levels of abstraction, under teacher guidance. See research by Tall (2000) for an
explanation of how active learning tools help in understanding geometry through
intuitive learning.
Active learning can only occur in context, and should be based on teaching that is
both rigorous conceptually and meaningful for students. In this workshop we
address geometry through the study of the symmetry in everyday objects around
us. We learn, initially through intuitive actions with Mathomat but then by
inquiring about the properties of Mathomat as a tool and the objects under study to
work conceptually with the underlying mathematics of their symmetry.
Numeracy is a crucially important aspect of the curriculum. We are in a
computerised, globalised, world in which, to be successful, communities must have
all of their members able to work mathematically. It is unacceptable for schools to
deal superficially with the numeracy challenge. In our workshop we address how
to achieve a deep and flexible understanding of an aspect of an often difficult topic
(geometry) through appreciation of the mathematics of symmetry in the world
around us. This leaves learners with a richer understanding of their world, able to
understand its mathematical structures, to engage in skilled design work, and to
appreciate and build on its culture more effectively.
Learners in this session engage in creative design work using Mathomat templates
as a tool. It is important for learners to work with their hands throughout this
session, and to achieve a sense of ownership of the content early on. This is
achieved by asking learners to consider examples of interesting, and inspiring, 2-D
patterns in the Mathomat materials available in the session, and to then experience
a sense of personal satisfaction from developing their own Mathomat drawings.
Learners are then introduced to the four isometries of the plane (reflection,
rotation, translation and glide reflection) as action sequences that can fully explain
the transformation of a motif so that it retains its original size and structure. These
isometries are the underlying mathematics in the creative drawings done earlier
(assuming that students follow the example of the tessellation drawings shown
early in their creative efforts). Learners are encouraged to study one of these
isometries, of their own choosing, and to then use their Mathomat to create a shape
and transform it in this way; then writing about their understanding of that
After John Lawton explains how reflection is a building block for the other
isometries, learners are introduced to the idea that two of the isometries, under
certain conditions, can be used to transform a 2-D shape into itself. These are
rotation around a centre in the middle of the object and reflection across a mirror
line. Learners are then asked to find lines of symmetry and rotational symmetries
in real world objects using their Mathomat templates, and Mathomat published
hand-outs. The room is then split into groups of two types (A&B). A group are
asked to classify the shapes in their Mathomat templates according to the number
of lines of symmetry in each, while B group are asked to find how many rotational
symmetries there are in each of the shapes in their Mathomat templates. Both
groups are asked to report on their findings by presenting a poster of results.
John Lawton introduces the idea that every finite 2-D object belongs to one of two
possible symmetry groups: the Dihedral (or two-faced) group denoted Dn and the
Cyclic (because it goes round in a circle) group, denoted Cn. Learners are asked to
classify the shapes studied in earlier handouts, and the (non-circular) shapes in
their Mathomat templates according to the total of their potential symmetry
Wrap up and discussion in the session follows, led by Michelle du Toit. The role of
symmetry in teaching geometry, its importance to understanding the structure of
both natural and built environments will be addressed; discussion will also cover
the role of tools in learning and the ability of students to use tools more skilfully if
their underlying symmetry characteristics are understood.
The overall structure for this workshop was developed by John Lawton, and is
based on his experience with the topic Patterns in the plane from the unit
Exploring space and number in the Master of Education course at Deakin
University as studied by John Lawton. Core concepts in this workshop are derived
directly from that program, including some of the presentations, related to the
isometries of the plane, symmetry operations and scientific classification of objects
according to group theory. The way that Mathomat is related to these concepts as a
tool was developed by John Lawton as the senior designer of the Mathomat
template, by John Lawton and Juliet Snape as authors of the Mathomat instruction
book, and by Susie Groves and Peter Grover as authors of the lesson plan series
Maths with Mathomat (published by Objective Learning Materials).
Clemence Chikiwa
Education Department, Rhodes University, South Africa
TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases
DURATION: 2 hours
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 40 (10 groups of four)
Research has shown that teaching and learning of mathematics can be greatly
enhanced through the incorporation of visualisation processes in education
(Arcavi, 2003; Presmeg, 2006; Rivera, Steinbring & Arcavi, 2014). Visualisation
according to Arcavi (2003) occurs at various levels and stages. He defines
visualisation as:
… the ability, the process and the product of creation, interpretation, use of
and reflection upon pictures, images, diagrams, in our minds, on paper or
with technological tools, with the purpose of depicting and communicating
information, thinking about and developing previously unknown ideas and
advancing understandings (p. 217).
Visualisation occurs at creation level of pictures and images, when interpreting
them, during use of these, and when reflecting upon various representations. This
workshop is aimed at practically exploring the role of visualisation and
encouraging teachers to use various visualisation techniques when solving
mathematical problems. Presmeg (2006) views visualisation as an aid to
understanding, thus this workshop will be presented with the assumption that to
visualise a problem means to understand that problem in terms of visual images or
representations. Boaler (2017) advises that mathematics is a subject that allows for
precise thinking, but when that precise thinking is combined with creativity,
visualization, and flexibility, the mathematics comes alive. Thus, there will be a
deliberate move to encourage participants to create and form visual models that
will best assist in solving given non-routine word problems.
Non-routine problems are those for which no straight forward prior or known
algorithm exists, or is thought to exist at a particular level of learning, that can
provide the solution to the problem. Non-routine problems are identified by the
features of openness, critical thinking and novelty (Ministry of Education, Jamaica,
2011). Thus they have a tremendous potential to impact students‟ ability to adapt
to real-world situations. Solving non-routine problems involves the creation of
strategies in order to get to an intended end. In day-to-day life, real-world problems
rarely come as nicely packaged and highly abstracted as those that learners
frequently encounter in routine classroom problems; rather, they are characterized
by ambiguity, missing or unknown information and are usually solved after much
analysis and critical thinking (Santos-Trigo & Camacho-Machin, 2009). A school
curriculum of predominantly or only routine problems, therefore, ill-prepare
learners for excelling in real life situations where strategizing and critical thinking
will be needed. This thus foregrounds the need for carefully and seriously
considering non-routine problems as an important component of mathematics
teaching and learning.
A picture, diagram or image speaks a thousand words. Visualisation when
appropriately used, acts as a knowledge compression. Visual chunking, a practice
where bits of information that are related in some way are combined in order to
reduce the overall amount of information for easier and faster processing, is one
way teachers use in classrooms. It thus helps problem solvers to free working
memory space in the brain thereby enhancing efficient and presumably faster ways
of solving problems. Interest is to promote solving of mathematical tasks visually
during teaching and learning. The workshop is intended to help equip participants
with simple yet effective ways of solving non-routine mathematical problems. It
will also be used to help as a catalyst for participants to later seek more appropriate
ways to efficiently and effectively solve mathematical problems visually. There is
accumulating evidence linking visualisation processes to deep understanding of
key concepts and fundamental principles in various mathematical domains
(Abdullah et al., 2012). Visualisation permits deep learning and understanding due
to its ability to embed the foundations of mathematics in its processes while
making logical links to other areas of the larger mathematical curriculum. The use
of visualization processes in the study of mathematics provides learners with
opportunities to understand mathematical concepts and make connections among
them. Visual images and visual reasoning are important components of all
mathematical concepts at school level.
The problems chosen for this workshop are tailored towards encouraging
participants to explore a variety of visual solutions strategically and to think
critically. As noted by Van de Walle, Karp and Bay-Williams (2010, 32), “most, if
not all important mathematics concepts and procedures can best be taught through
problem-solving”. Teaching through non-routine problem solving encourages
teachers to ask questions that are open and that facilitate critical thinking.
The workshop will comprise of tasks that cater for different phases of school
learning. Selected non-routine open-ended tasks will be solved through the
incorporation of visual techniques and processes. Teachers of different school
phases will be encouraged to mix. Problems given will be of non-routine nature
that can be solved by various methods depending on the level at which one is
teaching. Hence teachers will be required to compare their visual techniques.
Visualisation permits deep learning and conceptual understanding due to its ability
to embed the foundations of mathematics in its processes while making logical
links to various areas of the larger mathematical curriculum. This workshop serves
to encourage and make teachers aware of the crucial role visualisation processes
play in the teaching and learning of mathematics. This will be achieved by use of
carefully selected non-routine tasks that will be solved during the workshop. This
workshop will help equip participants with simple yet effective ways of solving
non-routine mathematical tasks. It will also be used as a catalyst for participants to
later seek more appropriate ways to efficiently and effectively solve mathematical
problems visually. There is accumulating evidence linking visualisation processes
to deep and long lasting conceptual understanding of key concepts and
fundamental principles in various mathematical domains.
Themba Ndaba, Nomathamsanqa Mahlobo and Mvunyelwa Msomi
Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CASME)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Further Education and Training (FET) Teachers
DURATION: 2 hours
This workshop serves to capacitate participants who are involved with teaching of
calculus as a topic. Participants will first be introduced to basic theories of
calculus, like the concept of a limit. The focus of the workshop will be to
emphasise the role played by maximizing and minimising in real life. Participants‟
attention will be drawn into the importance of knowledge of areas, volumes and
calculations of these with different shapes and dimensions. Participants will be
provided with five (5) exercises on application of calculus from which will be
followed by debates, discussions and consolidation.
Application of calculus has proven to be the section in which most learners
underperform. This is clearly shown in the diagnostic report 2017. Only 9% of
learners who wrote Mathematics in 2017 got question 9, which was about the
application of optimization in calculus, correct. Therefore, the workshop will serve
to address the situation.
The participants will have to state their experiences coupled with the solutions of
the tasks and these will be discussed and debated.
Anne Edie; The Answer Mathematics Grade 12, The Answer, Claremont, Cape Town
Parma and Gupta; Help @hand Mathematics Grade 12, Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd, India.
Lindiwe Tshuma, Nicky Roberts, Mogege Mosimege
AIMSSEC, University of Johannesburg, University of the Free State
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary mathematics teachers, Lecturers – Primary
Mathematics Education, Mathematics education researchers, In-service teacher
training providers
DURATION: 1 hour
Mathematics is a loaded term: society seems to divide between those few who
experience sheer joy from the subject, and the majority for whom it is a phobia.
Nations obsess about their ability to impart and absorb mathematical knowledge;
global comparative studies on the matter are taken as grounds for national pride or
shame. Post-apartheid South Africa has had its own share of self-flagellation, with
much research into the reasons behind the country‟s poor comparative
A recent book on The Pedagogy of Mathematics in South Africa offers an overview
of that research, re-asserting some of the findings of previous studies. These
include evidence that the state of mathematics teaching and performance in South
Africa today reflects the impact of its colonial and apartheid past, and a racist
system that presupposed that keeping mathematical knowledge from the oppressed
would prove their supposed inferiority. However, this book goes beyond historical
issues to pose crucial questions: why at all do we teach mathematics? What is the
subject‟s actual utility to life? And there is a unifying logic informing our South
African way of teaching mathematics?
The release of the book was considered a starting point for further engagement
with South African stakeholder in mathematics education on the elements that bind
and unite us in relation to how we approach the teaching of mathematics.
Join some of the contributing authors to the book to explore:
Building consensus on the key characteristics of our hoped for national
Word charts and examples of the multiple meanings of everyday terms and
their use in the mathematics register
Generating and exploring ethno-mathematics examples to integrate into our
South African classrooms
Developing your own personal history of mathematics in South Africa
Mathematics is a loaded term: society seems to divide between those few who
experience sheer joy from the subject, and the majority for whom it is a phobia.
Nations obsess about their ability to impart and absorb mathematical knowledge;
global comparative studies on the matter are taken as grounds for national pride or
shame. Post-apartheid South Africa has had its own share of self-flagellation, with
much research into the reasons behind the country‟s poor comparative
A recent book on The Pedagogy of Mathematics in South Africa offers an overview
of that research, re-asserting some of the findings of previous studies. These
include evidence that the state of mathematics teaching and performance in South
Africa today reflects the impact of its colonial and apartheid past, and a racist
system that presupposed that keeping mathematical knowledge from the oppressed
would prove their supposed inferiority. However, this book goes beyond historical
issues to pose crucial questions: why at all do we teach mathematics? What is the
subject‟s actual utility to life? And there is a unifying logic informing our South
African way of teaching mathematics?
The release of the book was considered a starting point for further engagement
with South African stakeholder in mathematics education on the elements that bind
and unite us in relation to how we approach the teaching of mathematics.
Ingrid Mostert and Zikhona Gqibani
Axium Education
TARGET AUDIENCE: Foundation phase teachers
DURATION: 2 hours
Because we know how to do this: _______, this is easy: ________. When we teach
mathematics there are many opportunities for learners to use the things that they
already know (e.g. 12 + 12 = 24) to work out things they don‟t know
(e.g. 12 + 13 = ?). This workshop will teach you four strategies that your
foundation and intermediate phase learners can use to do calculations more quickly
and flexibly. You will work in a small group to practice the strategy and to make
your own examples of calculations where you can use this strategy.
Although CAPS advocates that learners are exposed to a number of different
strategies for doing calculations with whole numbers in the foundation phase, often
learners are taught one strategy as „the‟ way of doing addition, subtraction,
multiplication or division. Such an algorithmic approach to teaching mathematics
provides learners with little opportunity to practice using what they already know
to find out something new. This workshop introduces participants to a number of
cases where facts that learners typically know can be used to determine other facts.
The focus of the workshop will be to allow participants ample opportunity to
engage with mathematical problems where known facts can be used to simplify
calculations. Once participants are comfortable using a particular strategy, they
will practice generating examples of calculations which can be solved using that
particular strategy.
The four strategies that will be explored are:
Using adding 10 to add 9 (because 9 is one less than 10) and using adding
100 to add 99.
Using addition of units (e.g. 3 + 4 = 7) to add tens, hundreds, etc. (e.g. 30 +
40 = 70 and 300 + 400 = 700). This will be done with a Gattengo chart.
Using doubles to calculate near doubles.
(e.g. 8 + 9 = 8 + 8 + 1 = 16 + 1 = 17)
Using doubling to calculate 4 and 8 times tables as well as other
multiplication strategies.
Participants will work through each of the cases in small groups (3-5 participants).
After a number of problems have been solved for a particular case, groups will
have some time to generate their own examples and to share these with the bigger
15 min: Introduction and discussion about the importance of helping learners to
become flexible in how to do calculations
15 min: Adding 10 and adding 100 is easy
15 min: Introduction to Gattegno chart
15 min: Using Gattegno chart to add tens, hundreds, decimals etc.
15 min: Using doubles to calculate near doubles
15 min: The difference between „3 more than‟ and „3 times more than‟
15 min: Using known multiplication facts to figure out other multiplication facts
15 min: Final discussion
Zonia Jooste , Stanley Adendorff
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
Rajendran Govender
University of the Western Cape
TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate and Senior Phase Teachers/Lecturers
DURATION: 2 hours
We, as lecturers have come to the realization that tertiary level students‟
knowledge of tessellations is limited, which could be proof that the topic is
possibly not taught effectively in some schools. We therefore wish to highlight and
emphasize the significance and merit of teaching and learning tessellations, a topic
that enhances an appreciation for the beauty and marvel of mathematics.
Participants will complete a short baseline activity to ascertain their basic
knowledge levels [10 minutes]
Participants will be given shapes (models) to do exploratory activities and
complete a table [15 minutes)
Discussion on the findings in (2) [10 minutes].
Social knowledge discussion: What is tessellation? [5 minutes]
Measurement activity: exploring through measurement why some regular 2-D
shapes tessellate and why others do not. Discussion of vertex arrangements in
tessellations [20 minutes].
Discussion of different types of tessellations – using two or more shapes to
form tessellations [10 minutes]
Discussion: ideas for classroom implementation [5 minutes]
Instructions for creating authentic tessellations through transformations and
Escher methods [10 minutes]
Activity: participants create their own unique tessellations [35 minutes]
This workshop has been developed through the Teaching and Learning
Development Capacity Improvement Programme which is being
implemented through a partnership between the Department of Higher
Education and Training and the European Union.
Connie Skelton
Iconic Maths
TARGET AUDIENCE: Foundation, Intermediate and/or Senior Phase
DURATION: 2-hour hands-on workshop
Mathematics is a wonderful, complicated and sometimes frustrating and
frightening subject to many learners. Part of its mystery comes from learners‟
beliefs that mathematics involves only numbers, abstract symbols, and their
interrelationships. Learners forget that mathematics involves common sense and
language abilities too.
Learners develop reading and mathematics skills at different rates. Some learners
develop algorithm skills (i.e., the ability to compute) quite well until they are faced
with word problems. For those learners, it is ordinary language in mathematics,
and the format of instruction, that presents difficulty. Therefore, to solve
mathematical problems, which are a common part of the school curriculum, such
learners need to learn to read.
To improve their mathematics, we must improve their reading.
Although many people believe that mathematics only involves numbers, abstract
symbols and their interrelationships, it also requires language and common sense.
Apart from the problem-solving aspect where reading is very important, the
methods of instruction also require reading comprehension. To improve their
mathematics, we must improve reading.
Introduction 10 minutes
What is reading comprehension? 3 minutes
What is mathematics? 2 minutes
Activity 1 15 minutes
Activity 2 Algebraic thinking 10 minutes
Other important aspects of comprehension 5 minutes
Strategies for teaching reading comprehension skills 5 minutes
Activity 3 15 minutes
Learning to read word problems 10 minutes
Activity 4 15 minutes
Activity 5 15 minutes
Conclusion 5 minutes
Reading comprehension separates passive unskilled readers from the active
readers. Skilled readers do not just read; they interact with the text.
• is about theory.
• is the study of relationships between numbers, shapes and quantities?
• uses language, symbols, signs and proof.
• also uses mental mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus,
A very important milestone in learners‟ education is when they go from learning to
read to reading to learn. Good reading comprehension opens the door to acquiring
new knowledge. Better reading comprehension has a positive impact on learners‟
academic performance in all subjects where reading is the main source of
information – including mathematics. Many studies show a relationship between
certain types of linguistic abilities and mathematical abilities (see, e.g., Zhang,
Koponen, Räsänen, Aunola, Lerkkanen and Nurmi, 2014). Ideally, problem
solving should also be based on contexts that learners are familiar with and can
relate to. To improve their mathematics, we must improve their reading.
Peter Fuentes (2010) Reading Comprehension in Mathematics, The Clearing House: A Journal of
Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 72:2,
81-88, DOI: 10.1080/00098659809599602
Connie Skelton (2017) Iconic Comprehension 7, Data Mind
Cocking, Rodney R., & Mestre, Jose P. (Eds.). (1988). Linguistic and cultural influences on learning
mathematics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lynda R.Wiest, (2003) University of Nevada, Reno
Connie Skelton (2017) Iconic Comprehension 4, Data Mind
Julius Olubodun
ORT South Africa
DURATION: 2 hours
In ORT South Africa, we strive to empower and support teachers to get maximum
value for their time in and out of the classroom – learners doing mathematics and
making sense of it. During our Classroom Based Supports (CBS) we often witness
FET teachers trying to engage their learners productively, with little or no success.
We had to look for a way to get the learners to use what they already have or know
(that is their lower grade expertise) in order to make sense of such mathematics
concepts as Sequence and Series (arithmetic, geometric, exponential); Financial
Mathematics; Analytical Geometry; and Algebraic expressions involving Linear
and Quadratic problems (both equations and inequalities). (National Research
Council, 2001, p. 87; Van de Walle, Karp, & Bay-Williams, 2010, p. 20 and 24)
Number line came to our rescue. This workshop will empower FET teachers to
help their learners work with the number line and to use it to deconstruct
mathematical problems and work through to solving the problems. We hope our
engagements during the workshop will lead to more discoveries, by the
participants, of other areas where their leaners can apply these strategies involving
number line. (National Research Council, 2001, p. 87)
Teachers of mathematics in FET are often faced with many learners in their
classrooms whose proficiency in mathematics are those of the lower grades. Many
of these learners are able to relate with mathematical abstraction of lower grades
while they are presented with mathematics of higher levels of abstraction in FET.
On many occasions, the mathematics teacher asks questions, but when these
learners fail to find any connections between what they know and what they have
to do, the lesson is dominated by silence with only a few learners making
intermittent contributions. The teacher ends up answering the question himself.
This session will equip the participants with strategies to create opportunities for
all learners to deconstruct new mathematics challenges using the number line.
Mathematics (or numeracy) learners in South Africa began to engage with number
line since foundation phase. (Department of Education, 2011, p. 20). The ruler as a
tool that learners are conversant with on a daily basis as well as the stair case (in
some cases the elevator – though this may be remote to some learners) can help
bridge any gaps in their knowledge of number line.
Activity 1: Integer representations; addition and subtraction with number line.
(30 minutes)
Activity 2: Sequence and Series (arithmetic, geometric, exponential) – Solve
selected NSC questions with number line. (30 minutes)
Activity 3: Analytical Geometry – Solve selected NSC questions with number line.
(30 minutes)
Discussions (30 minutes)
This workshop will help teachers to create meaningful learning experiences for
each and every learner in their classrooms irrespective of the level of proficiency in
mathematics that these learners bring to the FET. (Novak, 2002).
With the skills to use and manage this tool, teachers will be able to empower their
learners to deconstruct problems and find solution using relationships they can see
on the number line.
Department of Education. (2011). Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements Grades 1 - 3:
Mathematics. Pretoria: Department of Education.
National Research Council. (2001). Adding it up: helping children learn mathematics. (J. Kilpatrick, J.
Swafford, & B. Findell, Eds.) Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Centre for Education,
Division of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: National Academy
Novak, J. D. (2002). Meaningful learning: The essential factor for conceptual change in limited or
inappropriate propositional hierarchies leading to empowerment of learners. Journal for research
in science education, 86(4), 548-571.
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2010). Elementary and middle school
mathematics: teaching developmentally (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson education, inc.
Mokonyane “Mack” Lediha
TARGET AUDIENCE: Mathematical Literacy teachers
DURATION: 1 hour
As stated by North Carolina (NC) State University, Financial Mathematics is the
application of mathematical methods to financial problems. It draws on tools from
probability, statistics, stochastic processes, and economic theory (2018). The use of
a Casio scientific calculator can enable the teacher or learner when all the functions
of the Casio scientific calculator are maximized. It will help equip both teacher and
learner in improving their calculator skills, thus making teaching more effective
and efficient in the class room. Financial Mathematics is important as it is a
flourishing area of modern science. Its numerous applications have become vital to
the day to day functioning of the world‟s financial institutions according to North-
West University (NWU) Natural and Agricultural faculty (2018). The workshop
will assist participants in utilizing some of the functions they may not have been
aware of, to acquire the desired solution in Financial Maths and Mathematical
Literacy as a whole.
5 Minutes Introduction
15 Minutes Computational Mode
20 Minutes Table Mode
20 Minutes Discussion
Weddington Saka and Nicky Roberts
University of Johannesburg
TARGET AUDIENCE: Foundation phase teachers, Lecturers – Early
Mathematics Education, Early mathematics researchers, Early mathematics
curriculum developers
DURATION: 1 hour
„Concrete materials‟ or „manipulatives‟ have long been advocated for as a key way
in which to support young children‟s conceptual development of numbers and their
relationships. Several researchers have identified the importance of representations
in supporting children‟s problem-solving processes in mathematics, referring to
these with various terms: representations models, images, and tools. For the
purpose of this workshop, we use the term manipulative to denote physical objects,
or apparatus which children can arrange and manipulate. The workshop is on
effective use of such manipulatives in developing early number concepts. The
workshop will be highly participatory as all workshop participants will be engaged
in carrying out several activities. Inquiry-based learning approaches will guide the
workshop activities. An indigenous Malawian tool – referred to as a bow abacus –
and commonly found in the classrooms and homes of rural Malawian children, is
discussed. Its use in classrooms was noted during a study by one of the presenters,
but the way in which it was used was found to be limited. The workshop therefore
explores how the bow abacus can be effectively used. Participants to this workshop
will go through the following content; explore the current and modified bow
abacus, make the bow abacus using locally available resources, use the bow abacus
to support the acquisition of the following number concepts: counting, ordinality
(mental number line), cardinality and decomposability, and part-part-whole
This workshop will equip participants with knowledge of how to make a Malawian
bow abacus and how to use it in supporting learners understanding of early number
concepts. Practicing foundation phase teachers attending this workshop will be
equipped with skills to assist learners develop the early number concept.
Amaria Reynders and Cobus van Breda
Science-for-the-Future, Faculty of Education, University of the Free State
The challenges regarding mathematics teaching and learning in South Africa are
common knowledge. Shortages of - or no teaching resources - at school or at
home, the lack of parent involvement, and the language of teaching and learning
that differs from home languages, are prevalent in many South African schools.
Research has indicated that these factors, together with teachers‟ content
knowledge and teaching skills, are influential factors in successful mathematics
teaching and learning, especially in a diverse classroom set-up (Bernstein,
2004:12; CDE, 2014:15). In order to showcase how these fundamental pedagogical
issues can be addressed in the classroom situation, a workshop on Data Handling
in the Intermediate Phase will be conducted. The UFS Family Math programme is
a hands-on, activity-based initiative, focusing on key concepts in mathematics and
engaging learners, educators and parents. Whilst adhering to social constructivist
principals, one of the key features of the programme is the use of household, easy
available and replaceable activity material in constructing knowledge. The CAPS-
aligned programme reflects real-life experiences.
Bernstein, A. (Ed.). 2004. From laggard to world class: Reforming maths and science education in South
Africa's schools. Johannesburg: The Centre for Development and Enterprise.
Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE). 2014. What does research tell us about teachers, teaching
and learner performance in Mathematics? Johannesburg: The Centre for Development and
Rethabile Machaka
Mokitlane Primary School
TARGET AUDIENCE: Foundation and Intermediate Phase
DURATION: 1 hour
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 30 participants (5 groups of six)
This workshop is for foundation and intermediate phase teachers. One of the
teaching and learning strategies some teachers do not take advantage of, is using
games in their mathematics classrooms. In many classrooms, the teacher only
allows learners to play games as a time filler, for example, when they are busy
marking or preparing other things. This results in a negative association with
games during teaching and learning, and learners do not learn about the benefits of
using such games. This practical, hands-on fun workshop will provide teachers
with the benefits of games in mathematics teaching and learning. Participants will
learn how to use these games with mathematical content, in their mental
mathematics activities and in the teaching process. These games will help teachers
to enhance and sustain learners‟ interest in mathematics. In this workshop, we will
explore different mathematics games which use the four basic operations.
People of all age love to play games that are fun and motivating. Engaging
mathematics games can encourage learners to explore number combination, place
value, pattern and other important mathematical concepts. Further, they offer
opportunities for learners to deepen their mathematical understanding and
reasoning. Bernard Oldfeild (1991) states that many mathematics games are
valuable for stimulating and encouraging mathematics discussion.
Discussion can be of immense value to the teacher in illuminating the learner‟s
mathematical understanding and thinking… teachers need to know what learners
find difficult, in order to decide on the appropriate next stage for those learners.
Through these discussions when playing mathematics games learners also get the
opportunity to learn from one another.
Playing mathematics games encourages strategic thinking, problem solving and
develops fluency. They give both teachers and learners to apply their learning in a
different context.
The workshop will comprise of tasks that cater for the foundation and intermediate
phase. Selected mathematics games will be played and their benefits will be
discussed. Teachers will be encouraged to work in small groups and discuss their
moves with peer.
2 minutes Brief introduction of the facilitator.
Purpose of the workshop
5 minutes Ice Breaker
Video clip
10 minutes Brief explanation of what literature say about
games in mathematics classrooms.
15 minutes Scatter board game
Roll and solve game
5 minutes Discussion
15 minutes Short and Long Table practice game/
I have… game
5 minutes Discussion
3 minutes Wrapping up
One of the teaching and learning strategies some teachers do not take advantage of
is using games in their mathematics classrooms. Teachers need to understand that
games in mathematics classroom should not be played for fun but for the benefits
of mathematics. The teachers who will be attending this workshop will be
equipped with information that will benefit them. The teachers will be given the
opportunity to understand their roles when introducing games in their classrooms.
Rencia Lourens
Hoërskool Birchleigh
Rafael Mora Galán, Heyner Alberto Osorio Lara, Yoandy De Armas Ojeda
Cuban Mathematics Specialists at the Department of Basic Education
TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary Mathematics Teachers: Senior Phase and FET
DURATION: 1 hour
The present workshop is part of the studies carried out on the improvement of the
process of teaching Mathematics in the South African context. It responds to the
diagnosed need to develop a culture of Mathematics teaching based on its
conceptualization and contextualization. It offers teachers methodological tools
that guide them in the implementation of problem-based teaching, which will come
to life in the classrooms, while articulating them with the 21st Century skills,
causing a development effect in learners and teachers simultaneously. It contains
essentially alternatives for the introduction of different contents and mathematical
situations, which can be taught throughout the solution of word problems related to
the daily life of learners and teachers.
The Department of Basic Education has received 6 Cuban Mathematics specialists
who are supporting subject advisors and teachers at different levels. They have
already written a number of Training Manuals which will be made available to the
mathematics community.
Towards an Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics is one of the Manual that they
have developed. In this workshop extracts from the Manuals will be used to
conduct the Workshop. Meaningful contribution to the effective approaches and
methodologies in the teaching and learning of Mathematics will then be explored
through some Worksheets. The workshop blends the Cuban experiences and
resources with the South African context.
From the UNESCO Declaration, Education 2030 (May 2015) the declaration
asserts that “we will ensure that teachers and educators are empowered, adequately
recruited, well trained, professionally qualified, motivated and supported within
well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed systems” (page 8). Towards an
Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics will make a contribution to this lofty
UNESCO ideal of empowering and supporting subject advisors and teachers
within the DBE system.
It is our goal that all South African Mathematics teachers must teach and learn to
think mathematically, while they also think mathematically to teach and learn,
based on the problem teaching and learning approach. Therefore, “the
effectiveness of Mathematics teaching and learning is a function of teachers‟
knowledge and the use of mathematical content, of teachers‟ attention to and work
with students, and of students‟ engagement in and use of mathematical tasks”
(Kilpatrick et al, 2001:9). Indeed, effective programmes for teacher training and
professional development must help teachers understand the mathematics they
teach, effective pedagogies for delivering that mathematics as well as understand
how their learners learn that mathematics.
During the first ten minutes of the workshop there will be a brief presentation of
the theoretical foundations of problem-based teaching and its advantages in the
development of cognitive skills, individual and collective work in the learners.
Then there will be a practical activity consisting of analyze and determine ways to
teach different contents through this approach, which will last forty minutes,
during this period of time the participants will have an active discussion sharing
ideas of different ways to address this approach in the classrooms. And finally the
conclusions of the workshop will be made jointly by the participants and the
presenters in ten minutes.
Miguel Angel Taboos Cruz, Pedro Pérez Campbell, Yadileydi Hernandez Collot,
Ariel Pérez Hechevarria, Phillip Dikgomo
Department of Basic Education
DURATION: 1 hour
This workshop reflects on one of the most important branches in Mathematics,
namely Trigonometric and how the teacher can to teach Trigonometric ratios.
Taking into account that Mathematics is a subject that is vital for gaining a better
perspective on events that occur in the natural world, a keen attitude and aptitude
for Mathematics improves critical thinking and promotes problem-solving abilities.
One specific area of mathematical and geometrical reasoning is Trigonometry,
which studies the properties of triangles. We also look at the possibility to
demonstrate how Physical Sciences can contribute to the development of
trigonometric knowledge and vice versa, i.e., that trigonometry can also be used
for interpreting and solving problems within the Physical Science context. We will
deal with practical applications of Trigonometry to real-life situations.
This workshop will show effective approaches to teaching Trigonometry in FET
band because it is well known that students at both the high school and tertiary
level are not performing well in this field.
Activities Time Description Facilitator
Nicky Roberts, Zanele Ndlovu, Rajen Govender, Jogymol Alex, Simon Tashie,
Sharon McAuliffe, Hamsa Venkat
University of Johannesburg, University of KZN, University of the Western Cape,
Walter Sisulu University, University of Free State, Cape Peninsula University of
Technology, University of the Witwatersrand
TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary mathematics teachers, Lecturers – Primary
Mathematics Education, Mathematics education researchers, In-service teacher
training providers
DURATION: 2 hours
activities will include tasks relating to multiplying and dividing (multiplicative
reasoning) which can draw on the use of powerful representations:
1. Number lines,
2. Double number lines
3. Arrays
4. Grids/ rectangles
5. T-tables/ clue boards:
The group work will involve working on tasks (individually and in groups) and
working from the problem situation to develop and use a particular „powerful
representations‟. The workshop is designed to encourage mathematical thinking
and problem solving.
Andri Marais and Michelle Sephton
Drostdy Technical High School and Oxford University Press South Africa
The topic of “Interest” has been identified by teachers as one of the critical
concepts learners need to master in order to understand several of the Finance
topics encountered throughout the FET phase.
By introducing the concept of interest in a visual and practical way, explaining the
background and demonstrating the effect of interest with everyday examples, this
important foundation to the rest of the finance topics can be laid, and teachers can
be confident that anything the learners did not grasp in the Senior Phase is
explained before they have to apply the knowledge.
When introducing subjects such as Interest it is not only important to explain the
background, i.e. what it is, what it means and where we find it, but also to
demonstrate the key parameters and show the effect each of them has.
The key parameters in understanding interest are:
the type of interest,
the interest rate offered,
the amount involved, and
the period involved.
By using everyday examples and a new offline digital product, the effect of each of
these on investments, savings and loans can be visually and dynamically
investigated – allowing learners to grasp the importance and impact of these
In the presentation questions such as the following will be posed:
Will I earn more interest if I invest a larger amount, at a higher interest rate
but for a shorter time?
How much will I save if I pay the loan off quicker?
What is the difference in final amount if I compound the interest daily rather
than yearly?
This shows the effect of type of interest and compounding periods for the same
amount, interest rate and period, in answer to the question: How does type of
interest and type of compounding affect my investment?
Teaching “Interest” in this way has refreshed my lessons and learners have been
more engaged in the topic. They seem to grasp the concepts better and interacted
more in class. They also found the immediate feedback and explanation given by
the practice activities useful. I find the digital tool helps with new ideas on
teaching problematic and abstract topics such as “Interest” with fresh ideas and
examples. The interactive nature of this type of teaching makes it easily adaptable
to different teaching methods, and the content is presented in a way that generation
Z can relate to. However, it has the disadvantage in that it can become easy to rely
solely on the digital content to do all the teaching. The teacher still needs to
prepare for the lesson and guide the class, and also not neglect the necessary
consolidating of content.
Introducing any concept visually, allowing learners to clearly see the effect of
changing parameters, and letting them “play” with the idea, gives them a more
solid understanding of the concept, and also brings in an element of fun and
participation in the classroom.
Zoom in Mathematical Literacy Grade 10, Oxford University Press, 2017
Janine Wilson and Fiona Heany
Oxford University Press
Probability often comes up as an area of Mathematics that learners struggle to
grasp. It is also part of the curriculum that is often left until late in the year
(especially in Grades 10 and 12) and some teachers feel they need to rush through
it to fit everything in. Probability does form a significant part of the marks for
Paper 1 in all three grades and should be given the attention it deserves. If taught
well with engaging resources, Probability could become a section in which
learners consistently get good results.
I will cover the following in my model lesson:
the probability scale
an explanation of events A and B and how they relate
representations of events and outcomes using Venn diagrams, contingency
tables and tree diagrams
practical examples including interactive digital activities (see below
example) and exam-type questions.
Explaining a concept such as probability in a number of different ways can benefit
those learners who struggle to understand the concept. Using digital tools that
include video, audio and interactive elements has been shown to increase learner
engagement. However, teachers should not rely on resources to do the teaching for
them. They need to be available and engaged and merely use such tools as aids in
their teaching.
Introducing the concept of Probability visually and allowing learners to work
through a variety of practical examples gives them a more solid understanding of
the concept, and also brings in an element of fun and participation in the
Zoom in Mathematics Grade 11, Oxford University Press, 2017
SC Mdlalose
Thiboloha Special School
Deaf and blind learners are struggling in mathematics, it is best that an educator is
fully equipped with assistive devices such as braille machines, embosser printer,
computer jaws, slate and stylus, apex and voice recorder for the blind learners. Not
just having this above mentioned device but also have the skills and passion to use
them effectively. Educators should act as a role model in inspiring learners to be
interested in technology by using other teaching tool and challenge learners to
search for more information on the internet.
Today, more than ever, the role of educational technology in teaching and learning
on learners with learning barriers especially deaf and blind learners is of great
importance because technology enhances skills and cognitive characteristics.
According to Dr Lazar, 2015 educational technology is classified in three
1. Technology as tutor (computer gives instructions and guides the user)
2. Technology as a teaching tool (computer apps monitored by teacher)
3. Technology as learning tool (internet used as source of information)
The research done by Lowther et al. (2002) supported by Leu et al. (2009) state
that all the learners in the poorer areas very rarely use the internet as a learning
tool, teachers are not exposing the learners to technology as teaching tool and yet
learners of the 21st century are the living legends of technology and should be
exposed as they are all going to meet other learners who have advantage in
learning in different high education institutions. So it is our responsibility as
educators to share and expose the little resources we have with our leaners to
prepare them accordingly.
These are the recommended technology apps:
In conclusion technology is playing a vital role in learners with special needs more
especially blind and deaf learners as all the assistive devices are part of their daily
My blind learners are still using braille machines, stylus and slate, Apex or
magnifying tools or talking calculator as assistive devices so as my deaf learners
are still using hearing aids as assistive device. My lesson is all in PowerPoint
which implies that I use a projector, interactive whiteboard, sound speakers and
incorporating the above apps.
Lowther et al. 2002 Do One-To-One Initiatives Bridge the Way To 21st Century Knowledge And Skills
Leu et al. 2009 Expanding The New Literacies Conversation
Dr Lazar. 2015 The Importance of Education Technology in Teaching, Vol 3. No 1
Mashiya Pithi
Axium Education
Learners struggle with fractions from the first time they meet them in the
foundation phase until they work with algebraic fractions in the FET phase. In this
talk I will share some of the resources and games that I use in the intermediate
phase to make learners more familiar with fractions.
I will begin my presentation by demonstrating how I use fraction circles and
fraction strips to support learners in making sense of fractions. In particular, I will
demonstrate how to use the circles and the strips to help learners visualize
equivalent fractions and to be able to compare fractions. I will then demonstrate
how to do addition and subtraction calculations with the circles and the strips.
Finally, I will share some games that I use to give learners the opportunity to
practice working with the fraction of a group, rather than only having them
working with the fraction of one whole.
Fractions are an important part of school mathematics and for many learners they
are the first example of mathematics not making sense. By using concrete
resources and games, we can help learners make sense of fractions so that doing
calculations with fractions does not just become a set of rules that don‟t make
Gina Strauss
Rouxville Primary School, Mohokare Xhariep, Free State
I am going to talk about how I guide the gr 4 learners to solve problems in Grade 4
because all learners struggle with problem solving. Combined with this I am going
to share specifically how I teach problem solving regarding division (2-digits by 1-
digit) eventually leading up to the solving of rate problems. According to CAPS
Gr 4 learners must be able to solve problems involving whole numbers comparing
two quantities of different kinds, better known as rate. I am also going to talk
about doing Curriculum Differentiation in my lesson presentation of the problem
solving and rate by using the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) teaching
approach and also in Assessment by asking questions on different levels.
I have chosen to talk about this because all learners struggle to solve word
problems, also rate is a very difficult concept and educators struggle to carry this
concept across to the children.
Learners skip-count forwards and backwards aloud and clap in rhythm in numbers.
I ask quick verbal division sums. After this I divide them into groups and ask easy
verbal problem sums. Learners discuss and give the answers verbally, I give marks
for correct answers and reward afterwards by giving sweets to winning groups.
Lesson presentation
I give an easy problem sum on the board and take the class through the steps of
solving problems and give them the info page on the steps of problem solving to
glue in to their reference books.
“You receive 12 sweets and must divide them equally between you, your two
brothers and your little sister. How many sweets does each one get?”
• STEP 1: Underline the key words
• STEP 2: Circle the question
• STEP 3: Ask yourself questions to make sure you understand the story
• STEP 4: Make a plan – ask questions, how are you going to solve the
• STEP 5: Check your plan and calculations
• STEP 6: Follow through
• STEP 7: Write a number sentence
I conclude by sharing how I do Assessment using Curriculum Differentiation: I
show one example of a recording on different levels, learners must only one of the
The advantage of this is that all children, no matter what level will be able to do
one of these sums. A is the basic sum according to CAPS, key words are
underlined and a clue is given, if this is done correctly children will receive the 4
points. B is more difficult and children who can do B will receive 4 points plus a
bonus. C is quite difficult for Gr 4 and children who can do this will receive the 4
points plus 2 bonus points. This encourages children to work accurately rather
than receive bonus points, but also rewards children who work accurately and try
something more difficult.
CPA training 2016
Criteria from CAPS
Training from Inclusive on Curriculum Differentiation and Assessment in 2017
Diau Ledimo
Kgato Primary School
Dyscalculia is a learning disability that involves inability to work with numbers
and lack of understanding of numbers. It is often known as dyslexia of numbers. It
is a confusion of numbers that exist in the brain. Dyscalculia is not a life sentence-
children can be taught math even with dyscalculia different approach need to be
used. Learners with dyscalculia often struggle with the following: word problems,
making change when buying at the shop, interpreting math problems, computation
and transferring of information, lack of numbers sense (simple break with
Application of intervention strategies
Manage learners‟ anxiety: learners can play by counting
They first count slowly. Then they count as quick as they can.
Make them work on concrete material
Equivalent fractions fitting of egg boxes.
Adding numbers by using manipulatives.
Addition example adding with 9 mentally.
Example 47 + 9= 56 digit 4 say the number that comes just after 4, and on
the digit 7 say the number that comes just before 7.
Playing multiplication cards.
For example: flashing of cards.
The learner flashes 7 on the card and the other one flash the 2.
Playing multiplication tables (video)
Active learning strategies engage learners instead of learner passively listening to
the teacher. Element of active learning are corporative learning, peer teaching and
usage of technology. Active learning is the opposite of traditional teaching where
learners listen to the teacher and are never engaged.
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