Who Is Curry R. Blake?
Who Is Curry R. Blake?
Who Is Curry R. Blake?
“Although he (Lake) founded a number of institutions, they never gained the widespread
prominence of other similar ministries. His daughter, Gertrude, and her husband, Wilford Reidt,
carried on his ministry until late in their lives when they officially passed the ministry to a young
minister named Curry Blake. Blake had been run over by a car as a baby, but while in the
hospital, his mother prayed for him and he miraculously recovered with barely any sign of what
was thought to be a life-threatening injury. Unknown to the Blake family at the time, this event
occurred exactly 25 years after Lake had given a prophecy about a successor who would come
25 years later. Blake has begun to rebuild Lake’s ministries and vision. Many claim Lake as a
spiritual influence, but Blake’s success in the healing ministry, as well as the extent of his vision
of Christianity is uniquely reminiscent of Lake himself.”
Born April 1, 1959 in Jasper, TX. At 17 months of age Curry was hit by an automobile in the
driveway of his grandparent’s home. Curry’s father did not see him as he was backing out. The
car ran over his head, ripping his right ear off. The car’s wheel pinched his scalp to the point
that it ripped from his right ear to his left ear. This ripping caused his scalp to be pulled down
across his forehead to the top of his eyes.
Curry’s grandfather came out of the house, picked Curry up, picked up his ear, put him in his
truck and drove him to the hospital. The doctor’s told Curry’s mother to buy a casket and plan
his funeral because there was no way he could survive such extensive brain damage.
Curry’s mother, a Pentecostal, began to pray. She told God that if He would spare Curry’s life,
she would raise him and train him to serve Him. The doctors came out of surgery to tell her that
if he lived, he would be completely handicapped and that someone would have to care for him
the rest of his life. The doctors went back to surgery and Curry’s mother went back to praying.
This time she said, “God, if you’re going to let him live, then heal him completely.”
After some time, the doctors returned saying, “Well, we can’t find any signs of brain damage,
but, if he lives and even if he doesn’t have any brain damage, he will never have any hair and he
will never hear out of his right ear.” Once again his mother began praying. She told God, that if
He was going to let Curry live, that he would be of no use to Him unless he was completely
Today, Curry is totally and perfectly healed. He has at least an average IQ and a full head of hair
and perfect hearing in both ears. At 17 years of age, Curry enlisted in the U.S. Air Force as a
Security Police, Law Enforcement Specialist.
During his term of enlistment, God began to deal with him about answering the call to ministry.
After some time he decided to go with his heart. He began to pray about being released from
his enlistment contract. Within 3 days, Curry was called to the C.O’s office, where he was
informed that there were too many Security Police at that time and that he had a choice of
either changing fields or receiving an Honorable Discharge with full G.I. benefits. Curry took
the latter.
After his discharge, Curry went home to share the news with his father and mother that he was
going to preach. When he told them what had happened, his parents told him how he had been
given to God 17 years earlier. He had known about the accident, and how God had delivered
him, but he had not known about his mother’s dedicating him to God. Within 1 year he was
married and had a child on the way.
By 1983 Curry and his wife had 3 children. Over the years, God has done many wonderful
things in the Blake’s lives. Below are just a few of them.
Curry’s father, Johny F. Blake, has been a Police Officer, Narcotics Detective, Chief of Police, and
an Internal Affairs Officer with The State of Texas Department of Corrections.
When my youngest daughter was 7 years old, she fell from a second story window onto a
concrete patio. When I reached her, she was dead. I picked her up and walked around the
patio saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” This continued for over five
minutes. I walked into our dining room and placed her on the floor, propping her up against a
wall. She was still dead, with no heartbeat, and no breath.
My wife ran into the room in a panic. The Gift of Faith was in operation as I turned to her and
said, “If you can’t believe, get out.” She calmed down. I knelt down in front of my daughter and
continued saying, “In the Name of Jesus, you will live and not die.” After another 20 or 30 times
of repeating this statement, my daughter suddenly expelled a strong breath, spewing blood all
over my shirt. The first words she spoke to me were “Daddy, I’m hungry.”
We took her to the hospital where doctor’s confirmed that she had been dead for at least 45
minutes. Today, that daughter, Becky, is a born-again, Spirit-filled, missionary-minded young
Curry and his family now live near Dallas, Texas, from which they spread the gospel of Jesus
Christ, a gospel of help, healing, and freedom for all the oppressed.
Dr. Lester Sumrall was Curry’s Pastor, Bible School Teacher, and mentor. Curry and his wife
Dawn were in charge of Dr. Sumrall’s prayer line ministry during our time at his Church and
Bible School.
The Rev. Wilford Reidt (the son-in-law of the late Dr. John G. Lake) and his wife, Gertrude (Dr.
Lake’s daughter) were good friends and mentors to Bro. Curry. Upon Rev. Reidt’s death in
1987, Curry was named as the General Overseer of the International Apostolic Council, an
organization founded by the late Dr. John G Lake in 1914. In continuing Dr. Lake’s work, we
have established John G. Lake Healing Rooms throughout the U.S.
In 1997 Rev. Blake was given a copy of a manual used by Dr. Lake to train his Divine Healing
Technicians (DHT’s) (see: Who is John G. Lake?). Since that time Bro. Curry has been traveling
and training Christians in how to minister healing to the sick. Thousands of DHT’s have been
trained around the U.S. and the world. Over 30,000 healings per month are being reported by
these average men and women of God. Every type of disease has been healed and several dead
have been raised. For more info on this training, please see: “DHT Comments” on our index
In 1947, Gordon and Freda Lindsay co-founded “The Voice of Healing” magazine (and
movement) to highlight the ministry of William Branham. Through the Lindsay’s untiring efforts
the VOH became a movement that has blessed millions around the world with salvation from
sin, deliverance from demons, and physical healing of literally every type of sickness and
In 2001, Curry met with Mrs. Freda Lindsay (Co-founder of Christ for the Nations and her son
Dennis Lindsay, President of CFNI).
Rev. Blake is currently President of The International Divine Healing Association (IDHA), which is
a network of Christians involved in the divine healing ministry. Curry also heads the Divine
Healing Institute (DHI), a research and development training organization specifically directed
toward increasing the effectiveness of Divine Healing Technicians and members of the IDHA.
The IDHA also oversees all training and communications with John G. Lake Healing Rooms.
(Please note: The Healing Rooms in Spokane are not affiliated with John G. Lake Ministries nor
do they teach Dr. Lake’s Divine Healing Technician Training material.)
John G. Lake Ministries (JGLM)
Brings a complete Biblical message of the New Covenant way of life, as originally intended by
our Lord, to His people.
While the benefits of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection are available to all, John G. Lake
Ministries are specifically looking for those who are not satisfied with the “status quo”. We
unashamedly bring a revolutionary message to the Body of Christ and the world.
We believe that God is looking for a few serious, committed, and sold out people through whom
He can show Himself strong.
We believe that healing is only a part of the total Gospel of Jesus Christ. A large part, yes, but
still only a part. We believe that God has provided a total Gospel with a total healing for the
total man: spirit, soul, and body.
We believe that Jesus offered no excuse for believing what He preached, and neither do we. We
offer help and healing to anyone, anytime, for anything. We are thankful to Jesus for
commissioning us to preach “a Gospel that works”.
The sick are healed, the dead are raised, the good news is preached to the poor (not just the
rich). Our mission is to eradicate sin, sickness, and unnecessary suffering through the
proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
In less than 8 years we have trained over 40,000 people of all ages, and backgrounds how to
minister accurately and effectively. We receive thousands of testimonies monthly. Cancer, AIDs,
Leukemia, Migraines, tumors, have and are being healed.
We are planting churches, Life Teams (Study Groups) Healing Rooms and Dominion Life Training
Centers around the world. If you are looking for a ministry to connect with that is doing
something, this might be the one for you. If you are ready to manifest His presence rather than
just soak in it, JGLM is an effective way to make a difference in the real world.
We believe that Christians should live consecrated lives of obedience to the Word of God. We are
for holiness, health, and charity. We are against sin, sickness, and a weak powerless gospel that
blames the sick and hurting for being sick and hurting.
If you are weak, we will be strong for you. If you are strong in the Lord and in the power of His
might, come help us help others.