PS2 Classuse DVB Soln
PS2 Classuse DVB Soln
PS2 Classuse DVB Soln
00 feet
number of stations 21.00
section spacing 22 feet
0 this allocation scheme allocates 5 ft of new structure to sta 7-8 but adds it into 8-
and 19 ft of structure to sta 11-12
6607762 13517440
8984.465 tons w/o str
Basic bonjean's curve data. Waterline and section area to that waterline at each station
this version starts with basic data and modifies that data for standard bonjean's plots.
data is in inches. Use scale factor to convert to section area in ft^2
FP midship AP
wl/sta 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.013519 0.054389 0.068333 0.068333 0.068333 0.068333 0.025727 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.5 0 0 0 0.001693 0.028665 0.063414 0.110225 0.161602 0.177083 0.177083 0.177083 0.177083 0.131373 0.057812 0.005541 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0.015201 0.186914 0.23997 0.296523 0.356932 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.324108 0.241954 0.166447 0.094197 0.0252 0 0 0 0
7.5 0 0 0 0.076444 0.375475 0.43802 0.50367 0.573066 0.59375 0.59375 0.59375 0.59375 0.537666 0.44693 0.363158 0.282643 0.205363 0.090131 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0.190152 0.584943 0.656916 0.731663 0.810002 0.833333 0.833333 0.833333 0.833333 0.772046 0.672739 0.580704 0.491924 0.406318 0.274879 0.125058 0.01527 0
15 0 0 0.055588 0.566813 1.046734 1.131671 1.218075 1.307114 1.333333 1.333333 1.333333 1.333333 1.264255 1.152075 1.04764 0.946462 0.848027 0.689259 0.502534 0.345907 0.119568
18 0 0 0.188469 0.825471 1.336245 1.424858 1.514429 1.606534 1.633333 1.633333 1.633333 1.633333 1.562093 1.446289 1.338374 1.233724 1.131299 0.958827 0.750935 0.574726 0.228397
20 0 0.005559 0.315727 1.005694 1.534209 1.623651 1.713838 1.806629 1.833333 1.833333 1.833333 1.833333 1.761705 1.645179 1.536602 1.43129 1.327752 1.146845 0.924869 0.735042 0.303974
25 0 0.15688 0.707734 1.474633 2.034044 2.123994 2.214169 2.307327 2.333333 2.333333 2.333333 2.333333 2.261793 2.14516 2.036583 1.931271 1.826586 1.626998 1.372772 1.15163 0.501787
30 0.056353 0.498026 1.131925 1.946532 2.53389 2.624325 2.714512 2.808026 2.833333 2.833333 2.833333 2.833333 2.761869 2.645154 2.536565 2.431241 2.325668 2.110762 1.830135 1.583361 0.709016
35 0.27671 0.878764 1.55773 2.418928 3.033759 3.124657 3.214856 3.308724 3.333333 3.333333 3.333333 3.333333 3.261957 3.145135 3.036546 2.931222 2.824987 2.598134 2.296972 2.030255 0.925662
40 0.500331 1.263897 1.986186 2.89233 3.5337 3.625 3.715199 3.809434 3.833333 3.833333 3.833333 3.833333 3.762033 3.645128 3.536528 3.431192 3.324543 3.089114 2.773284 2.492278 1.151726
this data is for plot; station 10 is duplicated and aft sections are listed as negative
wl/sta 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.013519 0.054389 0.068333 0.068333 0.068333 -0.068333 -0.068333 -0.025727 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.5 0 0 0 0.001693 0.028665 0.063414 0.110225 0.161602 0.177083 0.177083 0.177083 -0.177083 -0.177083 -0.131373 -0.057812 -0.005541 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0.015201 0.186914 0.23997 0.296523 0.356932 0.375 0.375 0.375 -0.375 -0.375 -0.324108 -0.241954 -0.166447 -0.094197 -0.0252 0 0 0 0
7.5 0 0 0 0.076444 0.375475 0.43802 0.50367 0.573066 0.59375 0.59375 0.59375 -0.59375 -0.59375 -0.537666 -0.44693 -0.363158 -0.282643 -0.205363 -0.090131 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0.190152 0.584943 0.656916 0.731663 0.810002 0.833333 0.833333 0.833333 -0.833333 -0.833333 -0.772046 -0.672739 -0.580704 -0.491924 -0.406318 -0.274879 -0.125058 -0.01527 0
15 0 0 0.055588 0.566813 1.046734 1.131671 1.218075 1.307114 1.333333 1.333333 1.333333 -1.333333 -1.333333 -1.264255 -1.152075 -1.04764 -0.946462 -0.848027 -0.689259 -0.502534 -0.345907 -0.119568
18 0 0 0.188469 0.825471 1.336245 1.424858 1.514429 1.606534 1.633333 1.633333 1.633333 -1.633333 -1.633333 -1.562093 -1.446289 -1.338374 -1.233724 -1.131299 -0.958827 -0.750935 -0.574726 -0.228397
20 0 0.005559 0.315727 1.005694 1.534209 1.623651 1.713838 1.806629 1.833333 1.833333 1.833333 -1.833333 -1.833333 -1.761705 -1.645179 -1.536602 -1.43129 -1.327752 -1.146845 -0.924869 -0.735042 -0.303974
25 0 0.15688 0.707734 1.474633 2.034044 2.123994 2.214169 2.307327 2.333333 2.333333 2.333333 -2.333333 -2.333333 -2.261793 -2.14516 -2.036583 -1.931271 -1.826586 -1.626998 -1.372772 -1.15163 -0.501787
30 0.056353 0.498026 1.131925 1.946532 2.53389 2.624325 2.714512 2.808026 2.833333 2.833333 2.833333 -2.833333 -2.833333 -2.761869 -2.645154 -2.536565 -2.431241 -2.325668 -2.110762 -1.830135 -1.583361 -0.709016
35 0.27671 0.878764 1.55773 2.418928 3.033759 3.124657 3.214856 3.308724 3.333333 3.333333 3.333333 -3.333333 -3.333333 -3.261957 -3.145135 -3.036546 -2.931222 -2.824987 -2.598134 -2.296972 -2.030255 -0.925662
40 0.500331 1.263897 1.986186 2.89233 3.5337 3.625 3.715199 3.809434 3.833333 3.833333 3.833333 -3.833333 -3.833333 -3.762033 -3.645128 -3.536528 -3.431192 -3.324543 -3.089114 -2.773284 -2.492278 -1.151726
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
aft => fwd
Bonjean Curves - separate vertical axis
intersection of stillwater immersion
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
aft => fwd
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
aft => fwd
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
aft => fwd
0 10
40 10
20.86005 14.58644
20.86005 16
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
21 16 11 6 1 -4
aft => fwd
a 1.222222
b 23.07379 23.07379
z x y ycos x for cos x for trochoid2
0 0.0 -21.85157 -23.07379 0 0.00
20 16.6 -20.46005 -21.68227 24.44444 32.34
40 34.1 -16.45333 -17.67555 48.88889 63.72
60 53.4 -10.31468 -11.5369 73.33333 93.32 20
80 75.1 -2.7845 -4.006722 97.77778 120.50
100 99.5 5.228945 4.006722 122.2222 144.95
120 126.7 12.75912 11.5369 146.6667 166.65
140 156.3 18.89777 17.67555 171.1111 185.94 10
160 187.7 22.9045 21.68227 195.5556 203.45
180 220.0 24.29602 23.07379 220 220.00
200 252.3 22.9045 21.68227 244.4444 236.55
220 283.7 18.89777 17.67555 268.8889 254.06 0
240 313.3 12.75912 11.5369 293.3333 273.35 0 100 200
260 340.5 5.228945 4.006722 317.7778 295.05
280 364.9 -2.7845 -4.006722 342.2222 319.50
300 386.6 -10.31468 -11.5369 366.6667 346.68
320 405.9 -16.45333 -17.67555 391.1111 376.28
340 423.4 -20.46005 -21.68227 415.5556 407.66
360 440.0 -21.85157 -23.07379 440 440.00
380 456.6 -20.46005 -21.68227 464.4444 472.34
400 474.1 -16.45333 -17.67555 488.8889 503.72 -20
420 493.4 -10.31468 -11.5369 513.3333 533.32
440 515.1 -2.7845 -4.006722 537.7778 560.50
460 539.5 5.228945 4.006722 562.2222 584.95
480 566.7 12.75912 11.5369 586.6667 606.65 -30
500 596.3 18.89777 17.67555 611.1111 625.94
520 627.7 22.9045 21.68227 635.5556 643.45
540 660.0 24.29602 23.07379 660 660.00
560 692.3 22.9045 21.68227 684.4444 676.55
580 723.7 18.89777 17.67555 708.8889 694.06 com
600 753.3 12.75912 11.5369 733.3333 713.35
620 780.5 5.228945 4.006722 757.7778 735.05 25.00
640 804.9 -2.7845 -4.006722 782.2222 759.50
660 826.6 -10.31468 -11.5369 806.6667 786.68
680 845.9 -16.45333 -17.67555 831.1111 816.28
700 863.4 -20.46005 -21.68227 855.5556 847.66 20.00
720 880.0 -21.85157 -23.07379 880 880.00
2 10.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00
circle, then parametric equations for the trochoid are given by
0 -cos
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 trochoid2
00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00
parameter form of trochoidal wave. Algorithm from: ?????????????????? this data now from new data
LBP = 440.00 hogging stillwater
hw = 1.1*sqrt(LBP) 23.07 note this empical value must be in feet mean draft 18.49 19.09
hogging: trim angle -1.88 -0.62
trochoidal wave hoggi trochoidal wave sagging interpolation routine for hogging wave. Calculates wave height at stations from curve derived with phi at regular intervals. rel to midships
phi array x array ho wave heighx array sa wave heighx for sinusoidal wave station # x_station index for i x_lower x_upper phi_lower phi_upper phi_interpox_calc_hoginterpolate local draft hogging local draft still water
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 16.23 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.27 16.72
10.00 16.23 0.18 8.22 22.90 12.22 1.00 22.00 2.00 16.23 32.34 10.00 20.00 13.58 22.02 0.32 0.78 16.96
20.00 32.34 0.70 16.55 22.38 24.44 2.00 44.00 3.00 32.34 48.20 20.00 30.00 27.35 44.03 1.29 2.47 17.19
30.00 48.20 1.55 25.13 21.53 36.67 3.00 66.00 5.00 63.72 78.79 40.00 50.00 41.51 66.03 2.90 4.80 17.43
40.00 63.72 2.70 34.06 20.37 48.89 4.00 88.00 6.00 78.79 93.32 50.00 60.00 56.34 88.07 5.14 7.77 17.67
50.00 78.79 4.12 43.44 18.95 61.11 5.00 110.00 8.00 107.24 120.50 70.00 80.00 72.08 110.06 7.99 11.34 17.90
60.00 93.32 5.77 53.35 17.31 73.33 6.00 132.00 9.00 120.50 133.07 80.00 90.00 89.15 132.03 11.36 15.43 18.14
70.00 107.24 7.59 63.87 15.48 85.56 7.00 154.00 11.00 144.95 156.13 100.00 110.00 108.10 154.05 15.12 19.91 18.38
80.00 120.50 9.53 75.05 13.54 97.78 8.00 176.00 13.00 166.65 176.56 120.00 130.00 129.43 176.02 18.86 24.38 18.62
90.00 133.07 11.54 86.93 11.54 110.00 9.00 198.00 16.00 194.87 203.45 150.00 160.00 153.65 198.03 21.88 28.11 18.85
100.00 144.95 13.54 99.50 9.53 122.22 10.00 220.00 19.00 220.00 228.22 180.00 190.00 180.00 220.00 23.07 30.03 19.09
110.00 156.13 15.48 112.76 7.59 134.44 11.00 242.00 21.00 236.55 245.13 200.00 210.00 206.35 241.97 21.88 29.55 19.33
120.00 166.65 17.31 126.68 5.77 146.67 12.00 264.00 24.00 263.44 273.35 230.00 240.00 230.57 263.98 18.86 27.27 19.57
130.00 176.56 18.95 141.21 4.12 158.89 13.00 286.00 26.00 283.87 295.05 250.00 260.00 251.90 285.95 15.12 24.24 19.80
140.00 185.94 20.37 156.28 2.70 171.11 14.00 308.00 28.00 306.93 319.50 270.00 280.00 270.85 307.97 11.36 21.21 20.04
150.00 194.87 21.53 171.80 1.55 183.33 15.00 330.00 29.00 319.50 332.76 280.00 290.00 287.92 329.94 7.99 18.55 20.28
160.00 203.45 22.38 187.66 0.70 195.56 16.00 352.00 31.00 346.68 361.21 300.00 310.00 303.66 351.93 5.14 16.43 20.51
170.00 211.78 22.90 203.77 0.18 207.78 17.00 374.00 32.00 361.21 376.28 310.00 320.00 318.49 373.97 2.90 14.91 20.75
180.00 220.00 23.07 220.00 0.00 220.00 18.00 396.00 34.00 391.80 407.66 330.00 340.00 332.65 395.97 1.29 14.02 20.99
190.00 228.22 22.90 236.23 0.18 232.22 19.00 418.00 35.00 407.66 423.77 340.00 350.00 346.42 417.98 0.32 13.78 21.23
200.00 236.55 22.38 252.34 0.70 244.44 20.00 440.00 37.00 440.00 440.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 440.00 0.00 14.18 21.46
210.00 245.13 21.53 268.20 1.55 256.67
220.00 254.06 20.37 283.72 2.70 268.89
230.00 263.44 18.95 298.79 4.12 281.11 sagging: mean draft 22.26
240.00 273.35 17.31 313.32 5.77 293.33 interpolation routine for trochoidal fit sagging trim angle -0.17
250.00 283.87 15.48 327.24 7.59 305.56 station # x_station index for i x_lower x_upper phi_lower phi_upper phi_interpox_calc_saginterpolate local draft sagging
260.00 295.05 13.54 340.50 9.53 317.78 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 8.22 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 23.07 33.15
270.00 306.93 11.54 353.07 11.54 330.00 1.00 22.00 3.00 16.55 25.13 20.00 30.00 26.35 21.97 21.88 32.02
280.00 319.50 9.53 364.95 13.54 342.22 2.00 44.00 6.00 43.44 53.35 50.00 60.00 50.57 43.98 18.86 29.07
290.00 332.76 7.59 376.13 15.48 354.44 3.00 66.00 8.00 63.87 75.05 70.00 80.00 71.90 65.95 15.12 25.39
300.00 346.68 5.77 386.65 17.31 366.67 4.00 88.00 10.00 86.93 99.50 90.00 100.00 90.85 87.97 11.36 21.70
310.00 361.21 4.12 396.56 18.95 378.89 5.00 110.00 11.00 99.50 112.76 100.00 110.00 107.92 109.94 7.99 18.39
320.00 376.28 2.70 405.94 20.37 391.11 6.00 132.00 13.00 126.68 141.21 120.00 130.00 123.66 131.93 5.14 15.61
330.00 391.80 1.55 414.87 21.53 403.33 7.00 154.00 14.00 141.21 156.28 130.00 140.00 138.49 153.97 2.90 13.43
340.00 407.66 0.70 423.45 22.38 415.56 8.00 176.00 16.00 171.80 187.66 150.00 160.00 152.65 175.97 1.29 11.89
350.00 423.77 0.18 431.78 22.90 427.78 9.00 198.00 17.00 187.66 203.77 160.00 170.00 166.42 197.98 0.32 10.99
360.00 440.00 0.00 440.00 23.07 440.00 10.00 220.00 19.00 220.00 236.23 180.00 190.00 180.00 220.00 0.00 10.73
11.00 242.00 20.00 236.23 252.34 190.00 200.00 193.58 242.02 0.32 11.12
12.00 264.00 21.00 252.34 268.20 200.00 210.00 207.35 264.03 1.29 12.15
13.00 286.00 23.00 283.72 298.79 220.00 230.00 221.51 286.03 2.90 13.82
comparison of trochoidal wave and sine wave 14.00 308.00 24.00 298.79 313.32 230.00 240.00 236.34 308.07 5.14 16.13
25 .00 15.00 330.00 26.00 327.24 340.50 250.00 260.00 252.08 330.06 7.99 19.04
16.00 352.00 27.00 340.50 353.07 260.00 270.00 269.15 352.03 11.36 22.48
20 .00 tro ch oidal wav e h og gin g 17.00 374.00 29.00 364.95 376.13 280.00 290.00 288.10 374.05 15.12 26.30
in terpo lation ro utine fo r trocho idal fit
sagg in g 18.00 396.00 31.00 386.65 396.56 300.00 310.00 309.43 396.02 18.86 30.11
15 .00
sinu so idal h og gin g 19.00 418.00 34.00 414.87 423.45 330.00 340.00 333.65 418.03 21.88 33.19
in terpo lated y calc sagg ing
5 .00
0 .00
0.0 0 50 .00 1 00 .0 0 1 50 .0 0 2 00 .0 0 25 0 .0 0 3 00 .0 0 3 50 .0 0 4 00 .0 0 4 50 .0 0 5 00 .0 0
mean draft sagging 22.2646 calculated buoyancy 9329.95 9330.04 0.00%
trim angle sagging -0.16896 calculated lcb -17.79 -17.7928 0.00%
sagging immersion
sta 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
height 33.1527 32.0187 29.0731 25.3942 21.7033 18.3908 15.6106 13.43 11.8876 10.9854 10.7277 11.11531 12.1472 13.8204 16.13 19.0399 22.482 26.3027 30.1112 33.1867 34.4503
index of wl 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 11
lower waterline 30 30 25 25 20 18 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 18 20 25 30 30 30
upper waterline 35 35 30 30 25 20 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 20 25 30 35 35 35
lower sa 0.05635 0.49803 0.70773 1.47463 1.53421 1.42486 1.21808 0.81 0.83333 0.83333 0.83333 0.833333 0.77205 0.67274 1.04764 1.23372 1.32775 1.627 1.83013 1.58336 0.70902
upper sa 0.27671 0.87876 1.13192 1.94653 2.03404 1.62365 1.51443 1.30711 1.33333 1.33333 1.33333 1.333333 1.26425 1.15207 1.33837 1.43129 1.82659 2.11076 2.29697 2.03025 0.92566
interpolated area sa 0.1953 0.65175 1.05329 1.51183 1.70448 1.4637 1.2784 1.15112 1.02209 0.93188 0.9061 0.944864 0.98342 1.03899 1.15715 1.33644 1.57537 1.75304 1.84052 1.86818 0.90184
x sta sag 0.00 21.97 43.98 65.95 87.97 109.94 131.93 153.97 175.97 197.98 220.00 242.02 264.03 286.03 308.07 330.06 352.03 374.05 396.02 418.03 440.00
scaled area 117.179 391.048 631.975 907.1 1022.69 878.219 767.037 690.67 613.254 559.126 543.662 566.9184 590.055 623.395 694.292 801.867 945.222 1051.82 1104.31 1120.91 541.105
in tons sea water 73.707 245.974 397.52 570.576 643.283 552.41 482.475 434.44 385.744 351.697 341.969 356.5981 371.151 392.123 436.717 504.383 594.555 661.61 694.625 705.066 340.361
tons buoyancy at mid 159.84 321.747 484.048 606.93 597.847 517.443 458.458 410.092 368.72 346.833 349.284 363.8746 381.637 414.42 470.55 549.469 628.082 678.118 699.846 522.714 9329.95
long moment 1518.48 2734.85 3630.36 3945.04 3288.16 2328.49 1604.60 1025.23 553.08 173.42 -174.64 -545.81 -954.09 -1450.47 -2117.48 -3022.08 -4082.54 -5085.88 -5948.69 -4965.78 -7545.75
mean draft still 19.0912 calculated buoyancy 9328.62 9330.04 0.02% 20.8601 14.5864
trim angle still -0.61784 calculated lcb -17.793 -17.7928 0.00%
stillwater immersion
sta 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
height 16.7188 16.956 17.1932 17.4305 17.6677 17.905 18.1422 18.38 18.6167 18.8539 19.0912 19.32843 19.5657 19.8029 20.0402 20.2774 20.5146 20.7519 20.9891 21.2264 21.4636
index of wl 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8.00 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
lower waterline 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 18.00 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
upper waterline 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20.00 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
lower sa 0 0 0.05559 0.56681 1.04673 1.13167 1.51443 1.61 1.63333 1.63333 1.63333 1.633333 1.56209 1.44629 1.5366 1.43129 1.32775 1.14685 0.92487 0.73504 0.30397
upper sa 0 0 0.18847 0.82547 1.33625 1.42486 1.71384 1.81 1.83333 1.83333 1.83333 1.833333 1.7617 1.64518 2.03658 1.93127 1.82659 1.627 1.37277 1.15163 0.50179
interpolated sa 0 0 0.15274 0.77637 1.30418 1.41557 1.52861 1.64 1.695 1.71873 1.74245 1.766176 1.71836 1.62558 1.54062 1.45903 1.3791 1.21905 1.01348 0.83722 0.36188
x sta still 0.00 22.00 44.00 66.00 88.00 110.00 132.00 154.00 176.00 198.00 220.00 242.00 264.00 286.00 308.00 330.00 352.00 374.00 396.00 418.00 440.00
scaled section area 0 0 91.641 465.821 782.508 849.342 917.165 986.70 1017 1031.24 1045.47 1059.706 1031.01 975.348 924.37 875.417 827.458 731.429 608.085 502.332 217.127 14939.2
section area 0 45.8205 278.731 624.164 815.925 883.254 951.932 1001.85 1024.12 1038.35 1052.59 1045.36 1003.18 949.859 899.894 851.437 779.443 669.757 555.209 359.729 14830.6
tons buoyancy at mid 0.00 28.82 175.32 392.61 513.23 555.58 598.78 630.18 644.18 653.14 662.09 657.54 631.01 597.47 566.04 535.56 490.28 421.28 349.23 226.27 9328.62
long moment 0.00 244.98 1314.94 2551.94 2822.74 2500.10 2095.72 1575.44 966.27 326.57 -331.05 -986.31 -1577.53 -2091.15 -2547.20 -2945.60 -3186.81 -3159.64 -2968.48 -2149.60 -7544.67
section area
21 16 11 6 1 -4
(bow is to right) hogging, sagging and stillwater on bonjeans
at weight location
from balance
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
shear (hogging)
location weight between stations buoyancy shear (hog bending moment 600.00
ft from fp stations tons tons tons ft tons
0 x weight at x weight 0.00 0 400.00
1 0-1 78 11 0 -78 0
2 1-2 85 33 0 -163 -2651
3 2-3 121 55 3 -281 -7541
4 3-4 192 77 77 -396 -14995 0 5 10 15 20 25
5 4-5 302 99 223 -475 -24581 -200.00
6 5-6 421 121 386 -511 -35431
7 6-7 530 143 577 -464 -46162 -400.00
8 7-8 665 165 768 -362 -55253
9 8-9 798 187 927 -233 -61794 -600.00
10 9 - 10 853 209 1034 -51 -64917
11 10 - 11 850 231 1061 161 -63711
bending moment (hogging)
12 11 - 12 813 253 996 343 -58171
13 12 - 13 737 275 860 466 -49273
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
14 13 - 14 646 297 703 523 -38398 -10000
15 14 - 15 577 319 556 501 -27135
16 15 - 16 512 341 428 418 -17023 -20000
17 16 - 17 433 363 314 299 -9139
18 17 - 18 341 385 209 168 -4005
19 18 - 19 237 407 131 62 -1482 -40000
20 19 - 20 139 429 69 -8 -898
total buoyancy after moving by interpolation to the x location of the weight doesn't match
weight. only for sagging ?? Better than it was see chart sag_buoy
very sensitive to balance
D8 = x = 33
MATCH(D8,x_sta_sag) 2
INDEX(x_sta_sag,MATCH(D8,x_sta_sag)) = INDEX(x_sta_sag,i) = xi 21.96502
INDEX(x_sta_sag,MATCH(D8,x_sta_sag)+1) = INDEX(x_sta_sag,i+1) = xi+1 43.98484
INDEX(interpolated_area_sagging,MATCH(D8,x_sta_sag)) = INDEX(interpolated_area_sagging,i) = 0.651747 = SAi in units or inches
interpolated section area (sa) = (x-xi)/(xi+1-xi)*(SAi+1-SAi) + SAi = 0.852977
buoyancy = interpolated SA *station spacing * sa_scale factor/35tons/ft^3 seawater conversion = 321.694
9330 9328.621
MATCH(D7,x_sta_still) = 1
INDEX(x_sta_still,MATCH(D7,x_sta 0
INDEX(x_sta_still,MATCH(D7,x_sta_still)+1) 22
INDEX(interpolated_area_still,MATCH(D7,x_sta_still)+1) 0 0.031616 18.96982 0.1943213 18.96982
INDEX(interpolated_area_still,MATCH(D7,x_sta_still) 0 0.000324 0.1943213
INDEX(interpolated_area_still,MATCH(D7,x_sta_still)) 0
entry = 0