Poster A1 SGEM2018 Web
Poster A1 SGEM2018 Web
Poster A1 SGEM2018 Web
Due to the fluctuation of renewable energy sources, the number one issue is the energy
IN ROMANIA is one of the largest onshore wind farms in Europe, near the Black Sea coast! storage issue. Beside classic storage forms: electrochemical (accumulators),
Wind speed is 7.5 m/s. electromagnetic (capacitors, coils), mechanical (flywheel, water pumping and air compression),
new, spectacular technologies have emerged meanwhile.
A progressive technology is storing by using hydrogen, with its 3 variants: hydrolysis,
hydrogen as an energy vector with hydrogen storage by cryogenic liquefaction and
hydrogen bonding to a chemical compound, and extraction at power innovative
technologies in full expansion.
One of the spectacular / brilliant energy storage solutions is by conversion to compressed
air (CAES) and storing it in deep water with underwater balloons (Hydrostor Marine), or in
existing cavern or mine ( Hydrostor Cavern).
On January 1, 2017, ROMANIA recorded 3,025 MW in investments of over 5 billion euros. There
are about 20 large wind farms, with installed power at 70 MW to 600 MW.
FRESNEL reflectors plants use the direct steam generation in the collector, with pressure of 55
bar and temperature of 5000C.
Another novelty is using discoidal parabolic mirrors having in focal point of the mirror: a thermal
receiver, STIRLING engine and electric generator.
> an intense research and development activity worldwide;
> a global investment process to capitalize on renewable energies;
> In the world, a series of innovative solutions have emerged, even spectacular /
brilliant, for conversion and for energy storage;
The conversion of solar radiation directly into electricity is made using photovoltaic panels. > due to fluctuation, the number one issue is the energy storage;
> the special resources of renewable energy identified in Romania have generated far
extensive concerns and research on their capture, storage and use.
This paper is a part of the project CONVENER, co-financed by the EUROPEAN UNION and
UEFISCDI from ROMANIA through the European Regional Development Fund, under
Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Financial agreement no. 37/02.09.2016.