Workshop 16 Thermal-Stress Analysis of Intersecting Pipes: Continue
Workshop 16 Thermal-Stress Analysis of Intersecting Pipes: Continue
Workshop 16 Thermal-Stress Analysis of Intersecting Pipes: Continue
Select this
Direction of cut
Select this
Direction of cut
9. From the main menu bar, select ToolsRepair. In the Geometry Repair
Tools dialog box, select the Remove faces tool to remove the fillets shown in
Figure W16–6 (you may use the selection filters to facilitate the face selection).
Select the faces highlighted in the figure. Remember to toggle on Local stitch in
the prompt area before completing the operation.
Toggle this on
Right click
Initial conditions
The pipe is initially at room temperature (20°C).
1. Switch to the Load module.
20. The pipes are initially at a temperature of 20°C. From the main menu bar, select
21. In the Create Field dialog box, set the step to Initial, the category to Other, the
type to Temperature, and click Continue.
22. Select the complete model by dragging the mouse across the viewport with the left
mouse button held down. Click Done.
23. In the Edit Field dialog box, enter a value of 20°C for the initial temperature
Define cutting
plane through
this point
28. From the main menu bar, select MeshControls and assign the Tet element
shape to the region highlighted in Figure W16–16.
29. From the main menu bar, select MeshElement Type and then select the
whole model as the region to be assigned an element type. In the Element Type
dialog box, choose Standard as the element library and Heat Transfer as the
element family. Accept the default element type (DC3D8 elements for hex-
meshable regions and DC3D4 for tet-meshable regions).
30. From the main menu bar, select SeedInstance and assign a global seed size
of 0.05 to the part instance.
31. From the main menu bar, select MeshInstance to generate the part instance
mesh. The message shown in Figure W16–17 appears to indicate that tie
constraints will be automatically generated at the interface between the tet and hex
element regions. Click Continue.
Thermal analysis
1. Switch to the Job module.
32. From the main menu bar, select JobCreate, create a job named pipe-
thermal, and click Continue. Accept the default job parameters, and click OK.
33. The nodal temperatures must be written to the results file for them to be read by
the subsequent stress analysis. Currently there is no direct way of requesting this
output using the ABAQUS/CAE menus. The output must be requested using the
Keywords Editor. From the main menu bar, select ModelEdit
Keywordsthermal to open the Keywords Editor. Select the last text block
available (before the *End step option), and click Add After. Enter the
following two lines in the new text block:
*node file
34. Click OK to close the Keywords Editor.
35. Save the model database.
36. Open the Job Manager, and submit the job for analysis.
1. Once the analysis completes, click Results in the Job Manager.
37. Plot the contours of nodal temperature by selecting the variable NT11 from the
Field Output dialog box. The contour plot is shown in Figure W16–19.
Stress analysis
The stress analysis consists of two steps. In the first step, a pressure load is applied. In the
second step, the thermal load is applied. The complete structural analysis will be
performed using two jobs to illustrate the use of the restart analysis capability.
The thermal analysis model and properties will form the basis of the stress analysis
model. From the main menu bar, select ModelCopy Model and copy the model
named thermal to a new model named stress. From the Model pull down list,
select stress. Make the following changes to this model.
1. Enter the Step module. Delete the Heat Transfer step, and create a Static,
General step with a time period of 10 and an initial time increment size of 1.
38. Create a set named n-hist consisting of the two vertices on the outer and inner
surface of the pipe as shown in Figure W16–20. Request displacement history
output for this set.
Select these
Select this
Restart analysis
The remainder of the stress analysis will now be performed using the restart analysis
capability. Copy the model stress to stress-restart. For the stress-restart, do the
1. Enter the Step module. Create an additional static step for the restart analysis. Set
the step time period to 200 and the initial time increment to 0.2.
46. Modify the history output request for the node set n-hist. In the second analysis
step, add an output request for nodal temperatures.
47. Enter the Load module. Open the Field Manager. For the second analysis step,
edit Field-1 (the initial temperature) so that its status is set to Reset to initial.
This effectively deactivates the field in this step.
48. Create a new field to apply the temperatures obtained in the thermal analysis. In
the Edit Field dialog box, specify the values shown in Figure W16–25.
Postprocessing (continued)
1. Plot the contours for Mises stress and PEEQ on the deformed shape for both the
implicit and explicit analyses. The PEEQ contours for both analyses are shown in
Figure W16–28. The results predicted by ABAQUS/Standard and
ABAQUS/Explicit are nearly identical.
60. From the main menu bar, select ToolsPathCreate. Choose the Node list
type, and Continue. Click Select, and select the nodes along the edge shown in
Figure W16–29.
61. From the main menu bar, select ToolXY DataCreate. Select Path from the
Create XY Data dialog box, and click Continue. Examine the various options
in the XY Data from Path dialog box. Click Plot to display the variation of
PEEQ along the path as shown in Figure W16–30.