AnnualReportEng2019 20 PDF
AnnualReportEng2019 20 PDF
AnnualReportEng2019 20 PDF
Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi releasing a set of six Commemorative Postage Stamps on the 150th Birth
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October, 2019 at Sabarmati River Front, Ahmedabad.
Department of Posts
Ministry of Communications
Government of India
02 Annual Report 2019-20
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 An Overview 9
Chapter 2 Organisation 15
Chapter 11 Philately 75
1 Mail Traffic 26
2 Profile of Savings Bank Schemes 51
3 Performance of Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance 54
4 Rate of Bonus on Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance 54
5 Claims Settled in Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance 55
6 Revenue and Expenditure 69
7 Recovery of Working Expenses on Account of Agency Services 70
8 Average Cost and Average Revenue in Various Postal Services 71
9 Customized My Stamps printed 78
10 Stamps released 80
11 Personnel : Actual Strength 91
12 Number of Employees : Scheduled Castes/Tribes 92
13 Number of Employees : Ex-servicemen, 93
Differently Abled Ex-servicemen,Women, OBC & Minority Employees
14 Annual Return on Cases of Sexual Harassment 96
15 Average Population and Average Area served per 107
Post Office in North Eastern Region
16 Plan Expenditure in North Eastern Region 108
17 Major Development Activities in North Eastern Region 108
18 Training in North Eastern Region 110
19 MIS on RTI Requests and First Appeals 124
20 Statement of Disciplinary cases 130
1.1 The Department of Posts, with its network Office Act of 1854. The Act reformed the entire
of 1,56,600 Post Offices, is the largest postal fabric of the postal system and its provisions
network in the world. The beginnings of this granted the monopoly of carrying mail in the
vast postal network can be traced back to the British territories in India to the Indian Post
year 1727 when the first Post Office was set up Offices. The present postal system in India thus
in Kolkata. Subsequently, General Post Offices came into existence with the Indian Post Office
(GPOs) were also set up in the then three Act of 1854. In the same year, Railway Mail
Presidencies of Kolkata (1774), Chennai (1786) Service was introduced as also the Sea Mail
and Mumbai (1793). To bring some uniformity Service from India to Great Britain and China.
amongst the then Post Offices, the Indian Post Thereafter, the Indian Post Office Act of 1898
Office Act of 1837 was enacted. This Act was was passed which regulated the postal services
followed by the more comprehensive Indian Post in the country.
On an average, 8511 people are served by a Post Office in the country; in rural areas, a Post Office
serves 6253 people, and in urban areas, a Post Office serves 28923 people.
Chapter - 1
of ` 4909 crore. The Project aims at transforming e-Governance and financial inclusion in the
the Department of Posts’ operational efficiency country (b) Developing infrastructure to extend
and improving service delivery of operational the reach of the e-Commerce industry to
and administrative units through upgraded tier II & III town as well as to rural areas (c)
technology and connectivity. Networking of all Partnership with Common Service Centre to
1,56,600 post offices covering the remotest parts provide a bouquet of citizen centric services (d)
Consolidation of the network of 13,352 Aadhaar
of the country will enable tracking and tracing
enrolment and updation centres in Post offices
of all kinds of accountable mails and parcels in
introducing flexible timings for the convenience
the country, besides providing real–time
of customers.
information to facilitate customer feedback and
management functions. 1.10 The resolve of the Department to
support the Prime Minister’s “New India”
HEADS OF CIRCLES initiative was applauded by Union Minister of
CONFERENCE Communications, Electronics & IT and Law &
Justice Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad in his address
1.9 The annual Heads of Circles Conference was to the officers over a video conference. He asked
held at Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir from the Heads of Circles to leverage technology to
29th to 31st July 2019. It adopted a 100 Days strengthen Digital India by adopting Artificial
Action Plan and a five-year vision to align the intelligence, IOT and Cloud computing for
Department of Posts with the Prime Minister’s citizen centric services. Most importantly, he
“New India” initiative. Some important urged the Department to tap the rising demand
decisions taken during the conference with for e-Commerce in rural and semi- urban India
participants from across the country included: by fast tracking the access of e-Commerce
(a) Leveraging the Digital network of 1.57 players to this emerging segment.
Secretary Member Member Addl. Secretary & Member Addl. DG Member Member Member
(Postal (Technology) (Banking) Financial Advisor (Personnel) (Coordina�on) (Opera�ons) (Postal Life (Planning &
Services Insurance) & HRD)
Board) Chairman
Sr. DDG DDG DDG DDG (Public Investment
DDG DDG (PAF) (Sta�s�cs) (Personnel) Grievances, Board DDG
Sr.DDG (PMU) (RB) Quality (MM)
(Vigilance Assurance &
& CVO) DDG DDG Inspec�on)
(Budget & GM(Operat CGM (Postal
DDG (Es�.) DDG
DDG Accounts) ion) Life Insurance)
(Technology) (Plg)
(IR& GB) (Philately)
(SR, Legal & (BD (Opera�on)
GM, CEPT DDG (Finance VP) Chief
Directorate DDG
DDG(CP) Mysore (Financial & Engineer
Services) PA Admn)
GM (Business& Welfare
DDG (Admn& BD) Investment) & Sports)
CGM – Chief General Manager (Finance) Director
DDG (PO) DDG – Deputy Director General (Finance)
GM – General Manager
RAKNPA - Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal &PTCs
Academy DDG(Mail
PTCs- Postal Training Centres Opera�on)
PMLA – Prevention of Money Laundering Act
RB – Rural Business DDG
PMU – Project Management Unit (Marke�ng)
Department of Posts – Func�onal Units
Mysore Regional Postmaster Circle Stamp Retuned
General Depot Le�er Office
Chapter - 3
3.1 The IT Modernization Project of Solution (CIS) has been rolled out in 25,573
Department of Posts was approved by the Post Offices.
Government of India in November 2012 as
a Mission Mode e-governance Project with 3.7 The Core Systems Integrator (CSI)
an outlay of ` 4909 crore. The Project aims stream is under Implementation Phase and it aims
at transforming the Department of Posts’ at computerizing through one central platform
operational efficiency and improving service all the postal, mails and counter operations
delivery of operational and administrative units of the post offices, apart from implementing
through upgraded technology and connectivity. computerization of finance & accounts and HR
functions of the Department. 513 Divisions (501
3.2 Networking of all 1,56,600 post offices Postal & RMS Divisions + 12 independent Head
covering the remotest parts of the country will enable Post offices/GPOs) have been rolled out in CSI
tracking and tracing of all kinds of accountable
as on 31.12.2019.
mails and parcels in the country, besides providing
real–time information to facilitate customer 3.8 The Change Management stream of the
feedback and management functions. Project aimed to prepare all the employees of the
Department including Gramin Dak Sewaks to enable
3.3 The implementation of the Project started
them to function effectively in IT environment.
in the year 2012-13. The Project is being
implemented in eight segments. The project has been completed in 2015.
3.4 The Primary Data Centre has been 3.9 The Mail Operations Hardware stream
functioning at Navi Mumbai since 3rd April, of the Project aimed at supply of required
2013. Disaster Recovery Centre is at Mysuru. hardware to Mail Offices and handheld devices
to Postmen staff of the Post Offices. This project
3.5 As part of the Network Integrator stream of is under implementation phase. Under this
the Project, 27431 locations have been networked scheme various equipments like Smart Phones
under Wide Area Network (WAN) as on 31.12.2019. to Postman and Computer, Scanner, Printer, UPS
3.6 The Financial Systems Integrator stream etc have been supplied to mail offices.
aims at computerizing the Savings Bank and 3.10 Rural ICT Project (Digital
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) operations of Advancement of Rural Post office for a New
the Department through one platform. As on India (DARPAN)) is aimed at computerizing
31.12.2019 Core Banking Solution has been approximately 1,30,000 Rural Branch Post Offices
made operational in 23782 Offices and 997 in the country by supplying computer hardware,
ATMs are functional.
other peripherals, solar charging devices and
3.6.1 TheATMs have also become inter-operable providing network connectivity, development and
with those of the Banks since 30.12.2016. Intra deployment of software for MNREGS, Electronic
operable Internet Banking Service has been made Money Order (eMO) etc. to them. This project is
functional from 14.12.2018. Mobile Banking under implementation phase. As on 31.12.2019,
has been launched on 15.10.2019. In respect total 129080 Branch Post Offices have been rolled
of Postal Life Insurance (PLI), Core Insurance out under DARPAN Project.
Town Hall PO in Mumbai Region, is a fully computerised Post Office completely manned by female
employees of the Department of Posts.
Chapter - 4
4.1 India has the largest Postal Network in Governments more effectively and efficiently
the world with 1,56,600 Post Offices of which through the BOs.
1,41,001 (90.04%) are in the rural areas. At
the time of independence, there were 23,344 4.5 Even though India has the largest postal
Post Offices, which were primarily in the urban network in the world, there continues to be a
areas. The Postal network has thus registered a demand for opening of post offices. When laid
seven-fold growth since independence, with the down norms do not justify opening of a new post
focus of this expansion primarily being in the office, demand of postal services in such area is
rural areas. On an average, a Post Office serves effectively met through the franchise scheme and
an area of 20.99 Sq. Km. and a population of Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Yojana (PSSY) scheme
8511 people. of the Department. 2120 franchise outlets and
849 postal agents under the franchise scheme
4.2 Post Offices are opened based on the and 1658 Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Kendras
distance, population and income norms fixed (PSSKs) under PSSY Scheme are functional
for the purpose. In order to fulfill the Universal in the country, to provide basic postal counter
Service Obligation, some relaxation in the facilities in uncovered areas.
criteria is made for opening of Post Offices in
the rural, remote, hilly and desert areas. 4.6 The total number of Post Offices (rural-
urban) since 2013-2014, year-wise, is shown in
4.3 During the financial year (2019-20), the the following graph:
Circles were given targets for opening of 63 Sub-
Post Offices (SOs) (by relocation / redeployment)
and 16 Branch Post Offices (BOs) (by relocation
/ redeployment), 100 franchise outlets and
provision for basic infrastructural equipments
to 1571 rural BOs, installation of 11847 letter
boxes in rural areas, 11847 Post office signages
and embedding 3480 cash chests in rural BOs.
Chapter - 4
GPS is being installed in 305 more vehicles. 30
4.12 National Health Agency (nodal agency of MMS vehicles have been condemned during the
Prime Minister Jan Arogya Yojana – PMJAY) current financial year against which new vehicles
signed an agreement with the Department for will be provided.
booking and delivery of ~3 Crore articles within
a well defined time limit, in the Postal Circles 4.16 ` 11.60 crores was allocated in the year
of Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu 2018-19 for replacement of 100 condemned
and West Bengal. Despite the stiff time line, vehicles. In the year 2019-20, ` 14.63 crore
Department successfully delivered the Speed has been earmarked for replacement of 125
Post articles to the addressees. condemned vehicles.
4.13 Two new products of UIDAI ‘Order
Aadhaar Reprint Letters’ (OARL) and ‘Address 4.17 Electronic Money order service was
Validation Letters’ are being delivered to the introduced by the Department of Posts in 2008
recipients through Speed Post. and as of now, all the Departmental Post Offices
across the country have been covered under
this service. No extra charges are taken from
the senders of the Money Orders for electronic
4.14 Mail Motor Service (MMS) came into transmission of their money. The advantage of
existence in the year 1944 with a purpose to sending money to someone through Electronic
meet the requirement of Department of Posts for Money Order is that the money is delivered at
conveyance of mails. The functions of the MMS the door step of the payee. Electronic money
include services like conveyance mail bags between orders can be tracked through India Post website
Post Offices, Mail Processing offices, Transit Mail
offices (TMOs), Railway Stations, Air Mail Sorting
Offices, Sea Ports, conveyance of cash, pickup and
delivery of Speed Post /bulk mail. In addition to JEEVAN PRAMAAN CENTRES
above, MMS schedules are operated for Logistic (JPC)
posts services in cities like Hyderabad, Bangalore,
4.18 Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric enabled
Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.
digital service for pensioners for submitting
4.15 MMS is responsible for operation and their Life Certificates digitally, which was
maintenance of 1469 mail motor vehicles, out introduced on 30th June, 2015. In this service,
of which 224 are CNG propelled environment all life certificates submitted manually by the
friendly mail vans in Agra, Ahmedabad, Delhi and pensioners are now being submitted digitally by
Mumbai. There are 103 MMS units throughout using Aadhaar number. These Jeevan Pramaan
the country to operate the fleet of motor Centers are functioning in all the Head Post
vehicles, out of which 17 MMS units are having Offices across the country.
Chapter - 5
5.1 Department of Posts is a customer centric Speed Post article number on India Post website
organisation. The Post office as a one stop shop ( In addition, Speed Post
provides a range of affordable and customized article can also be tracked through an Android
postal services. To provide greater impetus to based mobile app ‘Post Info’.
the business activities and with focus on specific
customer requirements, the Department of Posts 5.3.3 Salient Features of Speed Post
has launched several premium services which yy Speed Post articles can be insured for up to
include Speed Post, Business Parcel, Retail Post, ` 1 lakh.
e-post, e-payment, e-post office, Logistics Post, yy Round the clock Speed Post booking facility
Business Post, etc. is available in selected Offices in major cities.
5.2 With the exponential growth in the yy Credit facility under Book Now Pay Later
e-commerce market in the Country in the recent (BNPL) scheme
years, the Department of Posts has setup a yy Free pick-up facility
separate Parcel Directorate in April 2018 to focus yy Volume based discount facility
on this rapidly growing segment keeping in view yy Additional discount on advance payment
the needs of the customers. A separate Marketing yy National Account Facility
Division has also been setup in April 2019 to yy Cash on Delivery facility
focus on marketing and to ensure better visibility
of the products and services of India Posts.
5.4.1 Department of Posts introduced ‘Business
SPEED POST Post’ service in 1996 to offer a comprehensive
5.3.1 Speed Post was started in August 1986 solution to Government Organizations /PSUs
for providing time-bound and express delivery and other Corporate houses for their pre-mailing
of letters and parcels weighing up to 35 kg requirements. A number of pre-mailing activities
between specified stations in India. Speed Post like folding, inserting, franking, addressing
is the flagship product of Department of Posts and pasting etc. are required to be completed
and is the market leader in the domestic express before an article is posted. Large organizations
industry. Speed Post is booked in almost all were finding it difficult to carry out these pre-
the departmental Post Offices in the country mailing activities. Business Post meets all such
and delivery is available across the country. requirements of corporate and bulk customers.
Delivery norms for Speed Post are fixed taking
into account the fastest available transport mode 5.4.2 Business Post services are available
between the stations. in Business Post Centres at major Post offices
across the country. The services include home/
5.3.2 Transmission and delivery of Speed Post office collection, insertion, sealing, addressing,
articles can be tracked online by using 13 digits franking, special handling etc. Business Post is
Chapter - 5
a specified Post Office of biller’s choice.
ii) e-Post is mainly used by individual
customers for sending limited number of e-Post 5.8.3 e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order)
messages. This service can be availed by the
customer by visiting e-Post enabled Post Offices i) Department of Posts has launched the electronic
or it can be sent from customer’s own premises by Indian Postal Order (e-IPO) on 22nd March, 2013
registering himself as pre-paid user of e-Post retail. to enable Indian Citizens living abroad to pay
RTI fee online through the e-Post Office portal
iii) For availing the pre-paid facility, the i.e. The facility
customer has to get himself registered online by of e-IPO has been extended to resident Indian
accessing to e-Post URL Citizens w.e.f. 13th February, 2014. After completion of registration process,
a unique customer ID is generated. The customer ii) The applicant needs to register on the website
can activate/recharge its e-Post pre-paid account to create customer profile for the first time and
either by making online payment through to select the Ministry/Department from where
credit/debit card at the time of registration or information under the RTI Act is to be obtained.
by walking into any e-post enabled post office The e-IPO so generated can be used to seek
and depositing the recharge amount against the information from that Ministry/Department only.
unique customer ID. A printout of the e-IPO is to be attached with the
RTI application sent in hard copy and in case the
iv) e-post Corporate service enables corporate RTI application is filed electronically, e-IPO is
customers including Government Departments, required to be sent as an attachment.
PSUs (Public Sector Units), SMEs (Small and
Medium Enterprises), Companies etc. to draft, e-COMMERCE PORTAL
design and send the messages as per their
business requirements from their office premises 5.9 The e-Commerce portal of the Department
by using internet. The message is electronically of Posts has been launched on 14.12.2018. The
transmitted as a soft copy and at the destination e-Commerce portal is a platform to sell philatelic
it is delivered to the addressee, in the form of ancillaries and other postal products. It is also
hard copy. intended to provide a digital platform to self-
help groups/rural entrepreneurs to reach their
5.8.2 e-Payment products to the door steps of the customers.
Based on the business requirement of collection
of bills and other payments from customers POST OFFICE PASSPORT SEVA
across the country, Post Office offers a simple, KENDRA (POPSK)
convenient and smart solution in the form of
e-Payment for businesses and organizations to 5.10.1 Department of Posts (DoP) and Ministry
collect their bills or other payments through the of External Affairs (MEA) have mutually agreed
Post Office network. It is a many-to-one solution for leveraging the network of Post Office as Post
which allows collection of money (telephone Office Passport Seva Kendras in order to provide
bills, electricity bills, examination fee, taxes, passport services to citizens on a larger scale and
university fee, school fee etc.) on behalf of any to ensure wider area coverage for the benefit of
organization. The collection is consolidated the citizens.
Chapter - 5
Directorate to take faster decisions with flexible
approach by providing adequate financial powers
as per the market requirements.
i) Market and Capacity: Department of Posts Standard layouts have been approved for 171 hubs
has setup a target of capturing 10% market so far. Distribution of these hubs in Tier-I, Tier-II
share in the domestic CEP market in revenue & Tier-III cities/towns is depicted in Figure 2.
terms by 2024 and increase Parcel handling Automated Systems with Conveyer Belts have been
capacity from 6 crore per annum to 24 crore per established at 7 locations. The target is to set up 22
annum simultaneously, as shown in Figure-1 automated parcel processing systems by 2024.
below. Parcel Directorate is implementing
Parcel Network Optimization Project (PNOP) iii) Nodal Delivery Centres: 190 locations have
in this direction with a number of steps on been identified for setting up of Nodal Delivery
operational aspects. Centres (NDCs) through mechanized delivery
Figure -2 Figure -3
of parcels. These are spread in 138 cities across is planned under the scheme to operationalise
the country to improve performance of doorstep 4 major routes connecting to Nagpur as a
delivery on the day of receipt of parcels in the transhipment centre within six months.
destination post office. The initiative will also
These would be:
strengthen delivery network for parcels in tier II
i. Delhi - Nagpur - Delhi
& tier III cities, as may be seen in Figure 3. So
ii. Mumbai - Nagpur - Mumbai
far, layouts have been approved for 177 NDCs.
iii. Kolkata - Nagpur - Kolkata
iv) Road Transport Network (RTN): With iv. Bengaluru - Nagpur - Bengaluru
the objective of consistent reliability in Parcel Standard equipment designs with detailed
Delivery services, long and short haul road specifications for Parcel hubs (PHs) and Nodal
transport networks connecting to Parcel Hubs delivery centres (NDCs) have been developed
through Transhipment Centres in major towns and equipments are being installed at all
and cities are being developed. As on 01.11.2019, PHs/NDCs as per the requirements for faster
four (4) national routes were functional and it processing of shipments.
Chapter - 5
Necessary changes in Technology Systems on Parcels & e-commerce business and to
have been undertaken to meet customised ensure speedy implementation of Parcel
requirements of the customers. Well trained Network Optimization Project (PNOP), four
workforce is the key to efficient processing and workshops for Zonal Review at the level of Circle
customer satisfaction. Seven Training Workshops Heads (CPMGs) and Regional Heads (PMGs)
for officers & staff have been held at different were organised at Bengaluru, Chandigarh,
locations on Parcel Network Optimization Kolkata and Vadodara during 2019.
related processes and technology involved.
Shri. Sanjay Dhotre, Union Minister of State for Communications inaugurated Parcel Hub Akola, renovated
under Parcel Network Optimization Project (PNOP) on 11th January, 2020.
Chapter - 6
6.1 Department of Posts has a predominantly 6.5 Department of Posts is able to provide
rural network of 141001 Post Offices out of the DBT benefits to the last mile beneficiaries
total 156600 post offices in the country. The through its GDS-BPMs (Branch Post Masters)
Rural Business (RB) Division of the Department operating on POS devices called as DARPAN
of Posts (DoP) is mandated to leverage the rural devices. The Department has also taken a step
network spread across the length and breadth of in the direction of providing Aadhaar enabled
the country to provide accessible and affordable DBT payments through DARPAN devices
basic savings, insurance and postal services to to ensure that DBT reaches in the hands of
the people in rural areas. correct beneficiaries.
Chapter - 7
7.1 International Relations and Global been operationalized to streamline exports from
Business Division coordinates matters relating these locations. 28 locations spanning across
to International Business and Cooperation of the 20 circles have been enabled with the help of
Department of Posts. These include multilateral Customs to operate as Export Facilitation Centers
transactions/interactions among designated for promotion of exports of MSMEs.
postal operators of different countries under the
ambit of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) as
well as Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU) and
other such organizations. IR & GB Division also POSTAL UNION (UPU)
oversees bilateral discussions and agreements 7.3.1 India is one of the earliest active
with other designated postal operators, business members of the UPU, an intergovernmental
relations with designated and private postal organization of the United Nations, having its
operators and activities focused on growth headquarters at Berne, Switzerland. The Union
of revenue from international business and is responsible for ensuring efficient operation
cooperation. The Post Office has emerged as an of international postal services throughout the
important channel for international trade in India, world. It helps to ensure a Universal Network of
enabling individuals and organizations to transfer up-to-date products and services. In this way, the
goods, money and information across the borders organization fulfills an advisory, mediating and
for commercial purposes. Post office has made the liaison role, and provides technical assistance
doors wide open for exporters specially MSMEs where needed. The UPU also aims to promote
located in the far-flung villages to export their international cooperation in this sphere and
products worldwide. At the same time, it regulates the entire gamut of international postal
continues to facilitate people-to-people contact affairs through its various bodies and multilateral
around the world. agreements. In the current cycle, India is the
Co-Chair of the Committee 1 that deals with the
Integrated Supply Chain with USA as the other
7.2 Cross-border e-Commerce is an important 7.3.2 The main bodies of the UPU are: (i) the
aspect of revenue generation for Department Congress; (ii) the Council of Administration
of Posts. The Department has taken several (CA); (iii) the Postal Operations Council (POC);
initiatives such as opening of Foreign Post (iv) the Consultative Committee; and (v) the
Offices (FPOs) to facilitate export and import. In International Bureau. Department of Posts is
order to boost the cross-border e-Commerce, the currently a member of the POC. The Congress is
Department has identified new key locations in the supreme body of the UPU and is composed of
liaison with Customs. Three foreign post offices the representatives of all member countries and
at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Hyderabad and meets every four years to define and adopt the
one Sub Foreign Post Office at Vijayawada have road map for UPU activities for each work cycle.
countries, and is constituted through elections. additional locations through notifications No.–
The Committees consider various proposals and 31/2017 Customs (N.T.) dated 31st March,
submit their reports to the plenary meeting where 2017 and No. 103/2018-Customs (N.T) dated
these are put to vote by member countries. 31st December, 2018.
Chapter - 7
March 2019 in Manila, Philippines.
7.6.13 India was represented in Disaster
7.6.4 A four-member delegation led by Management Workshop for Asia pacific region
Secretary (Posts) attended the 2019.1 session of at Bangkok during 11th-13th November, 2019.
the Postal Operations Council (POC) and Council of
Administration (CA) of the Universal Postal Union
(UPU) from 1st – 12th April, 2019 on staggered
dates which was held in Berne, Switzerland. BILATERAL MEETINGS
7.6.5 A two-member delegation led by
Secretary (Posts) attended the Universal Postal 7.7.1 A four-member delegation from Japan
Union’s (UPU) Regional Strategy Forum for comprising of officials from Japan Post Co.
Asia Pacific countries from 25th to 26th April, Ltd and Daiwa Institute of Research (DIR)
2019 held in Bangkok, Thailand. visited India for conducting an initial research
for collaborative projects. The research is
7.6.6 India was represented at International being conducted as per the provisions of a
Post Corporation Conference 2019 on 24th May, Memorandum of Co-operation signed between
2019 in Germany. the two sides in October, 2018. The research
was conducted in the Post Offices of New Delhi
7.6.7 India was represented at the Joint UPU- (13th – 14th February) and Mumbai (18th – 20th
WCO postal security capacity-building project in February, 2019).
Bangkok, Thailand during 10th-13th June, 2019.
7.7.2 A delegation consisting of officials from
7.6.8 India was represented in the 2019. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,
3 session of the QSF- BoT (Quality of Service Japan (MIC), Japan Post and Daiwa Institute of
Fund- Board of Trustees) in Paris, France during research (DIR) visited Department of Posts on
19th-21st June, 2019. 12th March, 2019 for discussions on the results
of the initial research activity conducted in
7.6.9 A two-member delegation led by
February, 2019 in the Post Offices and other
Secretary (Posts) attended Asian Pacific Postal
Postal establishments like Foreign Post and Mail
Union’s Executive Council Meeting during 2nd- Offices of New Delhi and Mumbai.
6th September, 2019.
7.7.3 The Department conducted a training
7.6.10 India was represented at the program for the participants from Asian
3rd Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Pacific Postal College, Bangkok during
Postal Union (UPU) and at Asian-Pacific Postal 20th-26th October, 2019.
Union – Executive Council meeting during
24th-26th September, 2019. 7.7.4 The Department hosted a delegation
from State Post Bureau of China for bilateral
7.6.11 India was represented at Post Expo at discussions during 30th October-2nd November
Amsterdam, Netherlands during 30th September- 2019.
3rd October, 2019.
7.7.5 A delegation from Universal Postal
7.6.12 A two-member delegation from Union (UPU) visited India during 19th-22nd
India attended Operational Readiness for November, 2019.
Workshop of India Post on SECUREX Project held in Kolkata from 16th-19th July, 2019.
Chapter - 8
8.1 Department of Posts operates Small Certificate (NSC), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP),
Savings Schemes on behalf of Ministry of Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS) and
Finance, Government of India. Savings Bank Sukanya Samriddhi Account. The outstanding
facility is provided through a network of balance under all National Savings Schemes
1.56 lakh Post Offices across the country.The and Saving Certificates in Post Office is
Post Office Savings Bank operates Savings ` 908387.05 crore as on 31.03.2019.
Accounts, Recurring Deposit (RD), Time
Deposit (TD), Monthly Income Scheme (MIS), 8.2 The profile of the Savings Bank Schemes
Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings and Saving Certificate is as under:
Outstanding Balance
Name of the Schemes Number of Accounts
(` In crores)
Savings Accounts (including
189800753 105599.56
MGNREGA with balance)
RD Accounts 118752677 102407.03
TD Accounts 21250457 124290.8
MIS Accounts 15326652 192655.98
NSS Accounts (87 &92) 271331 3118.76
PPF Accounts 2604498 78525.34
Sr. Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS) 1724424 55706.69
Fixed Deposits 390 17.72
MSY Accounts 149505 1.53
Sukanya samridhi Account 14103406 34647.69
Total 363984093 696971.10
Savings Certificate
NSC VIII Issue 98484.55
KVP 19305.35
KVP-2014 93626.05
Total 211415.95
GRAND TOTAL 908387.05
Source: - Book Section
popular savings instrument. It was discontinued 8.6 The Service enables instant international
with effect from 1st December 2011, but was money remittance to customers in India sent from
relaunched on 18th November 2014. The around 195 countries on a real time basis. India
quarterly interest rate of KVP is 7.6 percent for Post is operating this Service in association with
the quarter 01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020. Minimum Western Union from 9955 Post Office locations.
investment in Kisan Vikas Patra is ` 1000. Total The revenue generated from the service in
30.18 Lakh KVPs were sold during 2018-19 2018-19 upto March 2019 is ` 8.22 crore and for
with deposit of ` 26478.36 crores and 21.43 the year 2019-20 (up to sept.) ` 3.27 crore.
Lakh KVPs were sold during 2019-20 upto Dec.
2019 with an investment of ` 19730.16 crores.
Physical certificates have been discontinued by NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM
introducing e-mode certificates w.e.f. 1.07.2016. (ALL CITIZENS MODEL)
8.7 India Post is a point of presence for National
CORE BANKING SOLUTION Pension System (NPS) (All citizens Model).
Any citizen of India between 18 to 65 years of
8.4 The Core Banking Solution is part of age can join NPS. The pension contributions
India Post IT Modernization project and aims are invested in various schemes by different
to bring in various IT solutions with required Pension Fund Managers appointed by Pension
IT infrastructure in Post Offices. India Post is Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
implementing core banking in all Departmental (PFRDA) as per the preference of the Subscriber.
Post Offices. Banking Solution through Mobile The facility to open a pension account under this
Application and Hand-Held Devices are provided Scheme is available at all Head Post Offices in
to the Rural Post Offices. The facilities of ATM, the country. 28119 accounts have been opened
Internet Banking (w.e.f. 14.12.2018) and Mobile by DoP since inception and ` 1.25 crore has been
Banking (w.e.f. 15.10.2019) have been provided earned as commission till Dec. 2019.
to POSB Customers.
Chapter - 8
maximum two accounts in the name of two for Technical Education (AICTE), Medical
different girl children up to 10 years from Council of India (MCI) etc., joint ventures
date of birth of the girl child. Total 24.27 lakh having a minimum of 10% stake of Central/State
accounts were opened during F.Y. 2018-19 Governments/PSUs and employees engaged/
with total deposit of ` 10615.79 crores and appointed on contract basis by Governments
16.35 lakh accounts have been opened during where the contract is extendable.
2019-20 (April to Dec. 2019) with total deposit
of ` 8344.31 crores. Now 1.59 crore accounts 8.12 Further, following category of employees/
have been opened since inception with total professionals have been brought under the PLI
deposit of ` 34927.37 crores. coverage:
8.16 The business procured during the year (Jan’19 to Nov’19) and the total sum assured in PLI /
RPLI as on 30.11.2019 is as under:
(as per system report)
Name of No. of new policies Sum Aggregate Aggregate Premium
Plan procured in year Assured (in No. of active Sum Assured income
2019-20 (in lakh) ` cr) Policies (in lakh) in (in ` cr) (in ` cr)
(Jan’19 to Nov’19) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
PLI 2.46 15049.67 63.08 179150.61 7035.50
RPLI 6.64 9181.39 249.52 132460.84 2438.24
8.17 Net accretions to Post Office Life Insurance Fund (POLIF) and Rural Post Office Life Insurance
Fund (RPOLIF) are being invested in Government securities and other portfolios as per IRDA guidelines
since 4th November 2009.
Chapter - 8
Rates of Bonus per Rupees thousand sum assured per annum
Plan Endowment Anticipated
Whole Life Assurance
Assurance Assurance
PLI as on 31.03.2016 ` 85 ` 58 ` 53
RPLI as on 31.03.2016 ` 65 ` 50 ` 47
8.19 The claims in respect of PLI and RPLI policies settled from 01.01.2019 to 30.11.2019 are
as under: -
Details PLI RPLI
Number of Claims 35473 55125
Amount paid (in ` crore) 439.49 168.90
ROLL OUT OF CORE APP, BOs are able to index all service requests
INSURANCE SOLUTION (CIS) as being done in McCamish.
PROJECT These initiatives will help Department of Posts in
8.20 All the PLI / RPLI operations have been providing better after-sales services to Customers
automated under FSI Project 2012. The business of PLI and RPLI, particularly to those living in
processes developed for the new PLI Software in rural areas of the country.
the FSI project involve all processing work to be
done at Central Processing Centers (CPCs) with
provision for online approval by the competent IMPLEMENTATION OF CORE
authority without any physical movement of INSURANCE SOLUTION (CIS)
files beyond CPCs. Further, PLI Policies of APS PROJECT:
(Base Circle) numbering more than 12 Lakhs yy Facility of web portal and mobile portal
Policies have been migrated to McCamish allow customers to view and carry out
System in June’2018. Customers of PLI Policies transactions relating to their postal life
of APS are now able to (i) Get Policy servicing insurance policies on real time basis.
requests accepted/processed PAN India (ii)Pay yy Anytime anywhere policy
premium in any Post Office PAN India and also procurement. All insurance policies are
pay premium online through Customer Portal. stored electronically for easy retrieval
and quicker customer service fulfilment
8.21 Further, DARPAN-PLI App “All scenario from anywhere in the country.
APP” has been rolled out across India. Previously yy Convenient Premium Payment Options:
the App was rolled out with only two scenarios The premium is possible to be paid through
viz. indexing of maturity claim and collection of various methods i.e. cash, cheque, pay
Renewal premium. With rollout of All Scenario
Chapter - 9
9.1 During the Budget Speech 2015-16, the with 100 % GOI equity under Department of
Finance Minister announced setting up of a Posts on 17th August, 2016. Two pilot branches
Payments Bank by Department of Posts to were launched on 30th January, 2017 at Ranchi
promote financial inclusion and increase access in Jharkhand and Raipur in Chhattisgarh in
of the people to the formal financial system. collaboration with Punjab National Bank.
9.2 The Government (Cabinet) accorded 9.3 Prime Minister of India inaugurated PAN
approval for setting up of India Post Payments India operations of 650 IPPB branches with 3250
Bank (IPPB) on 1st June 2016 with a total project Access points on 01.09.2018 from Talkatora
outlay of ` 800 crores and mandated the roll Stadium. As on 30.11.2019, 650 IPPB branches
out of 650 branches across the country located and 136078 Access Points have been rolled out
at district headquarter post offices with all post across the country.
offices in a district linked to the respective
IPPB branch. Below the district level there is Vision of India Post Payments Bank
a complete integration with the post offices so yy Building most accessible, affordable and
that each post office functions both as a Postal trusted bank for common man.
outlet and also an access point for the Payments yy Spearheading Financial Inclusion Agenda
for under-banked populace.
Bank. Consequent to Cabinet approval, IPPB
got incorporated as a Public Limited Company
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Communications addressing the officers at leadership meet of
DoP & IPPB, AAROHAN 3.0 on 10th January, 2020 at New Delhi
9.4 In August, 2018, Union Cabinet has services delivery agents have been equipped with
approved the revised budget outlay of ` 1435 necessary hardware like mobile devices etc. The
crores for IPPB from its existing approved outlay of large workforce offers doorstep banking in Rural,
` 800 crores. After 1st September, 2018 launch, in Urban and Remote areas thus enabling IPPB to
a record period of around four months more than take banking to the last mile including migrant
1 lakh access points have been rolled out and this workers, senior citizens and homemakers.
has resulted in IPPB now becoming the biggest
bank of the country in terms of physical presence 9.5 IPPB was the second payments bank to
of having 136078 access points along with a launch its operations and is one of the pioneers
large force of around 2 lakh postmen and GDS in this area to usher in an environment of digital
to offer banking at door step. During this activity payments in the country. It has increased the
of roll out, around 3 lakh postal employees have rural foothold of the formal banking network by
been trained and post offices along with last mile 2.5 times.
Chapter - 9
(MSMEs), Panchayats, low-income households and the unbanked and under-banked segments in both
the rural and urban areas.
9.8 Synergy between POSB and IPPB. - 9.9 Recently the first anniversary of IPPB
Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) products business operation was celebrated on 09.09.2019
primarily aim at savings whereas IPPB primarily at Vigyaan Bhawan, New Delhi and during the
focuses on encouraging digital payments and event efforts of various Circles and their officials
remittance. POSB has savings schemes such were awarded. Minister for Communications
as SB, TD, MIS, PPF, SSY etc. whereas IPPB (MoC) presented the award to winning Circles
has only Savings Accounts & Current Accounts and officers. During this event Minister for
(CASA), Remittance and Bill Payment Services, Communications (MoC) also announced roll
Merchant Services and Third-Party Products. out of Aadhaar enabled Payment System (AePS)
With the introduction of IPPB, Post Office by India Post Payments Bank. With the launch
Savings Account (POSA) accounts can be linked of AePS services, IPPB has now become
to an IPPB account which enables access for the single largest platform in the country for
POSA customers to the inter-operable banking providing inter-operable banking services to
ecosystem, thereby enabling them for IMPS, the customers of ANY BANK by leveraging
UPI, NEFT and RTGS and other online modes of the last mile unprecedented reach of the
payments like BBPS. Similarly, POSA accounts postal network.
complement IPPB accounts by becoming a
sweep-out destination for accounts which have
Business Snapshot as on 31.12.2019:
balances above ` 1 lakh at end of the day. IPPB
also compliments e-commerce business of DoP • Number of Accounts : 1.55 crores
by facilitating e-commerce payments. • Account Balance : ` 527.15 crores
• Value of transactions : ` 9324.89 crores
AePS Launch
Chapter - 10
10.4 The average cost & average revenue of various postal services are as under:-
DURING 2016-17 AND 2017-18
(Figures in Paise)
Sl. 2016-2017 2017-18
Name of Services
No. Cost Revenue Cost Revenue
1 Postcard 1215.76 50.00 1298.45 50.00
2 Printed Postcard 1174.45 600.00 1253.63 600.00
3 Competition Postcard 1175.01 1000.00 1259.13 1000.00
4 Lettercard(Inland Letter) 1207.36 250.00 1270.80 250.00
5 Letter 1330.19 1291.41 1519.74 1582.78
6 Registered Newspaper-Single 1481.75 40.00 1547.41 202.00
7 Registered Newspaper-Bundle 1786.85 24.00 1842.21 87.00
Book Post, Book Pattern &
8 1477.77 669.10 1564.69 819.15
Sample Packets
9 Book Post-Printed Books 2087.06 275.77 2461.72 375.77
10 Book Post-Other Periodicals 2152.57 1181.41 2199.18 778.88
11 Acknowledgement 1091.55 300.00 1156.72 300.00
12 Parcel 8923.75 4661.09 8466.38 4270.03
13 Registration 6899.59 1700.00 7297.07 1700.00
14 Money Order 19735.01 4250.30 19823.96 2895.66
15 Indian Postal Order 9379.48 449.95 9034.85 446.72
16 Speed Post 8522.37 3831.10 9120.21 3983.25
17 Value Payable Post 4839.40 417.56 5092.70 416.69
18 Insurance 9269.56 10536.29 9771.85 4160.02
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 11
11.1 Philately is the hobby of collecting stamps in limited quantities and generate great interest
as well as the study of postal history and other among philatelists and collectors.
philatelic items. It is a mode of commemorating,
celebrating and promoting national heritage, 11.4 The philatelic activities of the
culture, events and personalities. Postage Stamps Department include:
are pictorial ambassadors. They are a statement yy Designing, printing, distribution and sale
of the sovereignty of a nation. of commemorative postage stamps through
philatelic bureaus and counters, e-post
11.2 After Independence, the medium of
office, etc.
postage stamps was initially used to highlight
yy Designing, printing and distribution of
the country’s achievements in science and
definitive postage stamps and items of postal
technology as well as its socio-economic
stationery like Envelope, Inland Letter Card,
development by depicting themes like Five Year
Postcard, Aerogram, Registered Cover, etc.
Plans, steel plants, dams etc. Subsequently, the
country’s rich cultural and natural heritage came yy Promotion of Philately and conduct and
to be showcased and many beautiful stamps have monitoring of Philatelic Exhibitions.
been issued in thematic sets on art, architecture, yy Maintenance of the National Philatelic
crafts, maritime heritage, science, technology, Museum, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
defence and cinema etc.. Great leaders of national
and international standing have been honoured PHILATELIC ADVISORY
with commemorative stamps, the most important
being Mahatma Gandhi. The Father of the Nation
has been honoured with commemorative as well 11.5 A Philatelic Advisory Committee (PAC)
as definitive stamps. Personalities of repute in advises the Government of India on the annual
areas like painting, literature, science, music, programme for issue of commemorative stamps.
social upliftment etc. have also been portrayed It is an important forum for citizen- government
on commemorative postage stamps. interface where persons who have achieved
eminence in various fields can contribute to the
11.3 In keeping with their dual character process of identifying and highlighting issues
as ‘Tokens of prepayment of Postage’ and as or events, institutions, personalities and themes
‘Cultural Ambassadors’, there are two categories whose commemoration through postage stamps
of stamps viz. Definitive and Commemorative would help elevate the image of India in the
Postage Stamps. Definitive postage stamps are global arena.
meant for day-to-day use as a token of pre-payment
of postage on mail articles. These incorporate
less complicated design inputs, entailing RELEASE OF STAMPS
minimum expenditure in their manufacture 11.6 A total of 29 issues (Table-10) were
and are printed in large quantities, over longer released during the period 1st April, 2019 to
periods. On the other hand, Commemorative 22nd January, 2020, commemorating various
postage stamps are designed and printed with personalities, events/ occasions. Some of the
greater aesthetic inputs. These are manufactured significant commemorations were – Indian
Heritage in Modern India, Indians in First
World War, 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma 11.9 National Postal Week was celebrated
Gandhi, Historical Gates of Indian Forts across the country from 9th October, 2019 to
and Monuments, 550th Birth Anniversary of 15th October, 2019 and various activities like
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Child Rights, 250th Rajya Philately workshops, letter writing and stamp
Sabha Session. design competitions were organized to promote
philately. School children in large numbers
visited the National Philatelic Museum at
PRINTING OF INNOVATIVE Delhi during the National Postal Week. A set of
STAMPS Commemoraive Postage Stamps and Miniature
Sheets on two new fragrances of Indian Perfumes
11.7 A set of six octagonal shaped
viz. Agarwood and Orange Blossom were
Commemorative Postage Stamps to mark the
released by the Minister of Communications
150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
on 15th October, 2019 at the culmination of the
was released by the Prime Minister of India on
National Postal Week.
2nd October, 2019. For the first time in the history
of independent India, octagonal stamps have
11.8 Fragrant stamps on Indian Perfumes
Jasmine, Sandalwood, Agarwood & Orange 11.10 The Department has been organizing
Blossom have been issued. A Circular Stamp Design Competitions for designing
Commemorative Postage Stamp was issued on postage stamps on “people - centric themes”.
250th Rajya Sabha Session. These competitions have been eliciting huge
response from people all over the country.
The information on the Stamp Design Competitions held this year is as follows:
Sl No. Type Theme Stamp released on
1 Photography Gandhian Heritage in Modern India 15.08.2019
2 Painting Child Rights 14.11.2019
DEEN DAYAL SPARSH YOJANA This year Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana has been
launched on 24.06.2019 and is under way.
11.11 A philately scholarship scheme
called Deen Dayal SPARSH (Scholarship for
Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as DHAI AKHAR LETTER
a Hobby) Yojana was introduced in 2017-18 to WRITING COMPETITION
promote Philately among children at a young age
in a sustainable manner that can reinforce and 11.12 A nationwide letter writing competition/
supplement the academic curriculum in addition Dhai Akhar was introduced in 2017-18 to
to providing a hobby that can help them relax and encourage and promote letter writing. Top three
de-stress. Under this scheme, 920 scholarships entries in each category (total 4 categories) are
are awarded throughout the country to students awarded at the national level. The theme for
from Classes VI, VII, VIII & IX every year. 2018-19 was “Letter to my Motherland”. This
Chapter - 11
consonance with the 150th Birth Anniversary Exhibitions, 22 District Level Exhibitions were
Celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi. also organized across the country in 2019-20 till
30th November, 2019. There was a special focus
on the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma
MY STAMP Gandhi in majority of these exhibitions by way
11.13 My Stamps are personalised/customized of showcasing stamps issued on the Father of the
sheets of Postage Stamps of India Post. Nation from time to time.
Personalisation/customization is achieved
by printing a thumb nail photograph/image
of the customer and logos of institutions, or STAMPS RELEASED BY FOREIGN
images of artwork, heritage buildings, famous POSTAL ADMINISTRATIONS ON
tourist places, historical cities, wildlife, other MAHATMA GANDHI
animals and birds etc., alongside the selected
Commemorative Postage Stamp. 11.17 Member postal administrations of the
Universal Postal Union were requested to
Personalised My Stamp consider releasing a commemorative postage
stamp to mark the 150th birth anniversary
11.14 Personalised My Stamp is a personalised of Mahatma Gandhi. In response, 77 Postal
sheet of Postage Stamps. Alongside these Administrations across the world have released
personalised theme stamps, the customers may Commemorative Postage Stamps on the
opt for printing of their own, parents’, family’s occasion. These 77 Postal Administrations are:
pictures to be printed etc. Some of the themes Angola, Afghanistan, Armenia, Argentina,
of personalised My Stamps are Taj Mahal, Azerbaijan, Antigua & Barbuda, Bhutan, Brazil,
Hawa Mahal, Mysore Palace, Rose, Happy Bulgaria, Central African Republic, Colombia,
Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Vaishno Devi. Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti,
Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, France, Gabon,
Ghana, Greece, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary,
11.16 Philatelic Exhibitions bring together Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan,
stamp collectors and provide them a platform Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya,
to showcase their collections. They provide Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mali,
an opportunity to the philatelic community for Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Moldova,
meaningful exchange of ideas. They are a means Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique,
to spread the age-old and evergreen hobby of Myanmar, Nevis, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria,
philately and function as catalysts to introduce Palestine, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Qatar,
the youth into the fold of philately. Department Russia, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia,
organizes philatelic exhibitions at different levels Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Spain, Sri
from time to time. This year, 3 (Three) State Lanka, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Sudan,
Level Exhibitions were organized. These were Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda,
held at Mangalore, Karnataka (12-15 October, United Arab Emirates, United Nations, Uruguay,
2019), Kolkata, West Bengal (16-21 November, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
Sl No. Theme
2 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Karnataka
3 L&T Technology Services Company
4 Kaiga Generating Station Unit- 1
5 Tarapur Atomic Power Station Unit-1 &2
7 Indraprastha Gas Limited
8 Integral Coach Factory
9 Bharat Dynamics Limited
10 100 Years of Dental Education in India
11 The New India Assurance Co. Ltd
12 33 Crore Tree Plantation Program 2019
13 National Institute of Bank Management
14 Anna Bhau Sathe Birth Centenary
15 Doordarshan
16 Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
17 Jharkhand Vidhan Sabha
18 Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Election
19 Kolkata Port Trust
20 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi & Sewagram
22 Apollo Hospital ( Blood Donation)
23 Deepotsav, Ayodhya
24 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
25 International Film Festival of India
26 Annai Vailankanni Shrine
27 India ITME Society
29 Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha
30 Kirloskar Brothers Limited
Release of special cover on Chadar Mail Line at village Chilling, Jammu & Kashmir Circle.
Celebration of Postal Week at Nasik Division under Navi Mumbai Region, Maharashtra.
Sl. No. Stamp Name Date of Release Category
1 Punjab National Bank 12.04.2019 Institution
2 100 Years of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 13.04.2019 Event
3 Vedanta Desikan 02.05.2019 Personality
4 Indian Fashion-Sari in myriad forms: Series 2 12.06.2019 Thematic
5 Ahimso Parmo Dharma 17.06.2019 Thematic
6 Fakir Mohan College, Balasore 06.07.2019 Institution
7 India-Republic of Korea Joint Issue 30.07.2019 Joint Issue
8 Indian Perfumes: Jasmine & Sandalwood 01.08.2019 Thematic
9 Gandhian Heritage in Modern India 15.08.2019 Thematic
10 Indians in First World War 20.08.2019 Thematic
11 Calavala Cunnan Chetty 24.08.2019 Personality
12 Master Healers of AYUSH 30.08.2019 Personality
13 Indian Fashion - Concept to Consumer: Series 3 06.09.2019 Thematic
14 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi 02.10.2019 Personality
15 The Samaja 06.10.2019 Institution
16 Marshal of The Indian Air Force Arjan Singh DFC 09.10.2019 Defence
17 Indian Perfumes (Agarwood and Orange Blossom) 15.10.2019 Thematic
18 Historical Gates of Indian Forts & Monuments 19.10.2019 Thematic
19 Siachen Glacier 25.10.2019 Defence
20 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji 09.11.2019 Personality
21 Child Rights 14.11.2019 Thematic
22 M.M. Kuzhiveli 22.11.2019 Personality
23 250th Rajya Sabha Session 26.11.2019 Event
24 Char Dham, Uttarakhand 29.11.2019 Thematic
25 The Force Multiplier 14.12.2019 Defence
26 Embroideries Of India 19.12.2019 Thematic
27 Directorate of Revenue Intelligence 26.12.2019 Institution
28 Indian Fashion - Designers’ Creations: Series 4 14.01.2020 Thematic
29 100 Years of International Labour Organization 22.01.2020 Institution
National Level prize winners of Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition for 2018-19 held
on the topic “Letter to my motherland...........” awarded by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for
Communications, at the culmination function of the National Postal Week on 15th October, 2019.
Chapter - 12
12.1. Department of Posts being a service service trainings to the officers of Indian Postal
delivery organization needs a workforce that Service other managerial cadres of India Post.
is well informed and responsive to customers’ It also imparts training to managers of Foreign
needs. In the changing scenario of IT enablement, Postal Administrations and officers of various
computer literacy is essential for service delivery. Central Government Department and PSUs, in
Thus, there is a need to have focused and well areas of common interest.
planned training and development programmes
aimed at change acceptance by administrative, (ii) Postal Training Centers (PTCs) at
operative and finance personnel. Accordingly, Darbhanga, Guwahati, Madurai, Mysore,
training for all cadres/categories of staff is provided Saharanpur, Vadodara and Regional Training
at the entry level and Mid-career trainings at various Centre (RTC) at Delhi, Hubballi (Karnataka)
intervals are imparted to all categories of staff. and Nashik (Maharashtra)-provide training to
operative staff and inspectorial cadres
(iii) Workplace Training Centres (452 WTCs)
12.2. The Department has well established located at Headquarters of Circles/Regions/
training infrastructure. The following training Divisions/Head post Office: The objective of
institutes take care of the training needs of the setting up of the WTCs was to impart short term
Department: training to the officials nearer to their place of
(i) Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal work in diverse areas like departmental software/
Academy (RAKNPA) at Ghaziabad Rafi Ahmed I.T. Modernization Project related trainings,
Kidwai National Postal Academy (RAKNPA) Marketing, Mails, Accounts etc for Group ‘C’,
is the apex training institute of the Department Postmen, MTS and GDS cadres, whereas they
for meeting training needs of higher managerial form a big part of workforce, Therefore, the
cadres of India Post. It is one of the Central WTCs serve the purpose of training centres for
Training Institutes recognized by the DoP&T. these categories of staff at Circle level at their
The Academy imparts induction as well as In- Work Places.
Centers and Workplace Training Centers in Circles under scheme during 2019-20 from 1st January,
2019 to 30th November, 2019 is as under:
S No. Name of Training Institution Officials trained
1 RAKNPA Ghaziabad 675
2 PTC Darbhanga 1012
3 PTC Guwahati 638
4 PTC Madurai 1488
5 PTC Mysuru 1813
6 PTC Saharanpur 1252
7 PTC Vadodara 1912
8 RTC Nashik 658
9 WTCs (in 23 Circles) 81219
10 Postal Directorate 285
Total 90952
Meghdoot Award winners of the year 2019 with Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Communications
Awardees (From left to Right); Ms. Sunita Priyadarshini, Postal Assistant: Sh. Deepjyoti Ganguly, Inspector Posts; Sh.
Shankar Ramu Gade, Head Sorting Assistant; Sh. Manish Tikader, ASP; Sh. Anand Kumar K G, System Administrator;
Sh. Sukhbir Singh, Postman; Sh. Sourav Patra, GDS BPM
Chapter - 12
mechanical/motorized tricycle for
12.5 The Postal Services Staff Welfare Board
orthopedically handicapped Employees.
has been set up at the Central level, to oversee all
welfare related activities including promotion of c) Financial assistance to wards of
sports and cultural activities for the employees Employees for Educational purpose
of the Department. Minister of Communications
(i) Grant of educational assistance to the
is the Chairperson of the Board. There are Circle
children of Postal Employees.
Welfare Boards also.
(ii) Financial assistance for the wards of Postal
12.6 The Board receives grants-in-aid for Employees in the Non-Tech Degree for girl
welfare from the Consolidated Fund of India. child undergoing Graduation in any field
Under various Welfare Schemes, funds are with the minimum of 60% aggregate in
allotted to the Circles for implementing the Class 12th @ ` 250/-p.m. has been introduced
Welfare measures of the Department. The w.e.f. 2018-19.
Welfare Fund covers all departmental employees
Incentive for excellence in academic
and Gramin Dak Sewaks.
achievement for 10th and 12th Class.
12.7 The assistance for Welfare measures for (iv) Scholarships for children of employees
Departmental employees is provided under the appearing for UPSC Examination.
following schemes:-
d) Scholarships for SC/ST Employees for
a) Financial assistance in case of death- departmental examination and higher
(i) Financial assistance in case of death of education.
Postal Employee.
e) Grant of scholarship and transport
(ii) Financial assistance in case of death of
charges to the handicapped children of
Postal Employee on duty due to terrorist
Postal Employees.
activity/dacoity/robbery etc.
(iii) Financial assistance in case of death of f) Financial assistance to Employees-
Postal Employee on duty due to accident. Recreation Activities
(iv) Financial assistance in case of death of (i) Subsidy on transport charges for Excursion
Postal Employee by terrorist activity/ Trips.
dacoity/robbery while not on duty. (ii) Expenditure on Holiday Homes.
b) Financial assistance to Employees due to (iii) Grant-in-aid to the Recreation Clubs.
g) Other miscellaneous Grants.
(i) Financial assistance in cases of prolonged
and serious illness/major surgeries. (i) Grant-in-aid to Central Postal Ladies
(ii) Financial assistance to regular Employees Organization (CPLO) and its subordinate
suffering from T.B. and also for their family organizations in Circles.
members. (ii) Grant-in-aid for establishment and running
Financial assistance during Extra of Crèches.
Ordinary leave and half pay leave due to (iii) Grant-in-aid for establishment and running
prolonged illness. Tailoring Centers.
Chapter - 12
which will also facilitate travel for CHILDREN
discharging duty like exchange of BO Bag,
visit to Accounts Office, etc. 12.15 Transport charges and Hostel/Mess
subsidies (in lieu of Transport charges) is
allowed to disabled children of Postal employees
WELFARE MEASURE AND studying from 1st to 12th standard @ ` 300/- p.m.
FACILITIES FOR EMPLOYEES in ‘A’ class cities and @ ` 250 /- p.m. in other
WITH DISABILITIES AND FOR cities. These welfare measures have been taken
DISABLED CHILDREN OF by Department of Posts in addition to the already
available measures taken by the Government
of India.
EMPLOYEES: Orthopedically disabled 12.16 As per the Department of Personnel &
employees are eligible for the following financial Training’s (DoPT) O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-
assistance from the Welfare Fund. Estt (Res) dated 15th January, 2018, following
(a) Reimbursement of the amount spent on action had been taken :-
purchase of Mechanized Tricycle, subject to (i) In case of Direct Recruitment, four percent
a limit of ` 2, 000/-. (4%) of total number of vacancies in the
(b) Claim of an amount of ` 15,000/- or 50% of Cadre strength in each group of posts i.e.
the cost of a Motorized Tricycle whichever is Group A, B & C shall be reserved for persons
less, from the Circle Welfare Fund. Further, with benchmark disabilities. Against the
if these employees apply for the grant of posts identified for each disabilities, of which,
scooter advance; their cases are considered one percent each shall be reserved for persons
sympathetically on priority basis. with benchmark disabilities under clauses (a),
(c) Actual 2nd Class Railway fare from the place (b) and (c) and one percent, under clauses
of duty to the Artificial Limb Centre and (d) & (e), unless or otherwise excluded. The
back is also reimbursable from the Welfare benchmark disabilities are as under:-
Fund for provision of artificial limbs, since (a) blindness and low vision;
such reimbursement is not admissible from (b) deaf and hard of hearing;
any other source. (c) locomotor disability including cerebral
palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack
SCHOLARSHIP FOR CHILDREN victims and muscular dystrophy;
(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific
12.14 Out of the available funds under
learning disability and mental illness;
scholarships and other educational schemes of
(e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons
the Department of Posts, 3% of the scholarships
under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-
are earmarked for disabled children of Postal
blindness in the posts identified for each
employees, apart from the grant of scholarships
available to the regular students. Under this
scheme, children with disabilities (including (ii) Provided that the reservation in promotion
orthopedic, visual, hearing, speech and mental), shall be in accordance with such instructions
of identified Postal Employees are eligible to get as are issued by the appropriate Government
annual scholarship. from time to time.
the Groups i.e. A, B & C) having an element is to promote Sports activities in the Department.
of Direct Recruitment, has been identified The Postal Sports Board receives allocation
as suitable for persons with different from the Central Welfare Fund. During the year
benchmark disabilities. 2018-2019, 13 sports events and one cultural
(iv) A Grievance Redressal officer has been event were organized. In 2019-20, the following
nominated in the all the Postal Circles of sports and one cultural meet has been organised
this Department who will look after the upto 31.12.2019:-
grievances of persons with disabilities. (i) Badminton (ii) Chess (iii) Cultural Meet (iv)
(v) The instructions on reservation for EWSs in Volleyball (v) Powerlifting & Best physique (vi)
the Direct Recruitment issued by DoPT had Kabaddi (vii) Carrom (viii) Athletics & Cycling
been circulated to all the Postal Circles of (ix) Wrestling (x) Table Tennis (xi) Hockey. In
this Department for strict compliance. addition, 3 more sports (Basketball, Cricket and
Football) are planned to be held upto 31.03.2020.
Chapter - 12
Personnel: Actual strength as on 31.3.2019
(including those on deputation and training outside the Department)
Secretary(Posts) 1 1
Director General Postal Services 1 1
Member, Postal Services Board 7 7
Sr.DDG/Chief PMG 23 23
Senior Administrative Grade 72 72
Junior Administrative Grade 61 61
Senior Time Scale 82 82
Junior Time Scale 102 102
Training Reserves (Probationers) 17 17
Assistant Superintendent 1605 1605
Senior Administrative Grade 12 12
Junior Administrative Grade 16 16
Senior Time Scale 23 23
Junior Time Scale 26 26
Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer 145 145
Asstt. Accounts Officer 642 642
Chief Engineer 2 2
Others 36 154 190
TOTAL(GAZETTED) 613 3350 3963
B. Group ‘B’ NON GAZETTED 5654 5654
Excluding MTS MTS
Directorate 124 126 250
Post Offices including (Circle office, Accounts,
126600 16704 143304
Stamp Depot, Canteen Staff
Railway Mail Service 13728 7969 21697
Mail Motor Service 1228 214 1442
Others( RLO, Disp., Store,
1375 917 2292
Trg, Civil, Printing Press)
TOTAL(NON GAZETTED ) Group C 143055 25930 168985
II Gramin Dak Sewak (GDS) 239637
GRAND TOTAL (I + II) 418239
Chapter - 12
Ex- OBC Minority
Group Abled Women
Servicemen Employees Employees
Group ‘A’ 0 0 91 42 46
Group ‘B’(Gazetted) 12 0 514 273 150
Group ‘B’( Non Gazetted) 26 0 811 477 263
Group ‘C’ excluding MTS 2065 23 27568 26889 7925
Group ‘C’ Multi Tasking
191 5 3048 5303 1837
Total 2294 28 32032 32984 10221
12.25 The Departmental staff as on 31st March, (a) Reservation for Persons with Disability
2019, categorized into “Men” and “Women”, has (PwD) in engagement of GDS is given
been shown in the following graph: vide letter No. 17-08/2017-GDS dated
26.02.2019 & 08.03.2019.
(b) Reservation for Economically Weaker
Sections (EWSs) in Direct Engagment of
Gramin Dak Sevaks is given vide letter No.
17-09/2019-GDS dated 26.02.2019.
(c ) Revised Eligibility Criteria for engagement
to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts issued
vide letter No. 17-02/2018-GDS dated
08.03.2019 and 22.03.2019.
(d) Disciplinary aspects specified in Rule
9 (Minor and Major penalties) of GDS
12.26 GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules for all
categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
(i) Total sanctioned strength of GDS an on implemented vide OM No. 147-31/2016-
31.10.2019 is 312005. GDS dated 23.04.2019.
(e) Disciplinary aspects specified in Rule 10
(ii) Total working strength of GDS as on
(Introduction of separate procedure for
31.10.2019 is 241936.
imposing Minor and Major penalties) of
(iii) The following orders on recommendation GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules for
of Kamlesh Chandra Committee Report and all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
other facilities to GDS have been issued implemented vide OM No 17-31/2016-GDS
w.e.f 01.02.2019 to 18.12.2019 :- dated 07.05.2019.
GDS from 3 years to 1 year for PwD GDS for all purpose including annual increase
and GDS having PwD dependents/ mentally implemented vide OM No 17-31/2016-GDS
retarded dependents is given by OM No. 17- dated 07.08.2019
31/2016-GDS dated 07.05.2019. (p) The sanction for payment or transfer of due
(g) Treatment of strike period in respect of amount to NPS (etc.) as the case may be,
Gramin Dak Sevaks was issued vide OM should be issued by the competent authority
No. 17-37/2018-GDS dated 08.05.2019. within 3 months from the date of relief from
(h) Provision of Local Language for engagement the GDS post implemented vide OM No.17-
to Gramin Dak Sevaks Posts was issued vide 31/2016-GDS dated 16.08.2019.
OM No. 17-11/2019-GDS dated 04.06.2019. (q) Restricting the number of cases to (IO/PO/
(i) Schedule of Engaging Authority Dieciplinary Defence Assistant) under Rule 10 and other
Authority and Appellate Authority for BPMs disciplinary cases implemented vide OM
and ABPMs / Dak Sevaks under Rule 31 of No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 16.09.2019.
GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules for (r) Introduction of Children Education
all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) Facilitation Allowance for Gramin Dak
implemented vide OM No 17-31/2016-GDS Sevaks(GDS) implemented vide OM No.
dated 10.06.2019. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 18.09.2019.
(j) Amendment in rule 10-A (procedurc
(s) Transfer of Gramin Dak Sevak(GDS)
for imposing penalty after Discharge)
on Administrative/Vigilance Ground
consequent upon revision of Rule 10 of
implemented vide OM No. 17-31/2016-
GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules,
GDS dated 21.10.2019.
2011 vide OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated
25.06.2019. (t) Standard format for issue of charge sheet
under Rule -10 to GDS for imposing
(k) Review of Rule 12 of CDS (Conduct and
Minor and Major Penalties specified in
Engagement) Rules, 2011 for al1 categories
Rule 9 of Gramin Dak Sevak (Conduct and
of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) vide OM
Engagement) Rules, circulated vide letter
No.17-31/2016-GDS dated 26.06.2019.
No. 17-40/2019-GDS dated 21.11.2019.
(l) Amendment in Rule 21 of GDS (Conduct &
Engagement) Rules, 2011 for all categories (u) Introduction of Rule 10-G(procedure for
of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) implemented imposing penalty after discharge) in GDS
vide OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated (Conduct and Engagement) was issued
26.06.2019. vide OM No 19-13/2019-GDS dated
(m) Social Security benefits for Gramin Dak
Sevaks(GDS) implemented w.e.f 01.01.2016
vide OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated GENDER & CHILD RELATED
01.07.2019. ISSUES
(n) Rationalisation of categories of Gramin
12.27 The Department of Posts is committed
Dak Sevaks implemented vide OM No. 17-
to the social objectives of gender equality and
31/2016-GDS dated 22.07.2019.
justice by ensuring equal participation of women
(o) GDS who are working in Departmental at the highest levels of decision making in the
posts, such period should invariably be Department.
Chapter - 12
been incorporated in every training module to to carry forward the concerns for women and
inculcate the element of social responsibility in children through gender budgeting. For this
men and women towards creating an equitable, purpose Department has made a provision of
enabling and gender sensitized work place. ` 1.00 Crore in BE 2020-21. Department has
12.29 Besides providing financial assistance to planned for opening of Creches/Tiffin rooms
support services like creche facility and tailoring and providing Toilets facility in the offices/POs
centres, preferential treatment is given to in the circles to serve the purpose of “Swachh
women employees while allotting departmental Bharat” Mission.
residential quarters and various welfare 12.32 Financial assistance for the Postal
measures introduced exclusively for benefits of Employees in Non-tech degree for girl child
women employees by implementation of specific
undergoing graduation in any field with a
minimum 60% aggregate in Class 12th @ ` 250/-
12.30 The Government of India is proactively p.m. are being given from Circle Welfare Fund.
working towards women’s empowerment and
gender equality through its various commitments
at the National and International levels. The WELFARE MEASURES FOR
Ministry of Women and Child Development WOMEN EMPLOYEES
as the Nodal Ministry has adopted Gender
12.33 The Department of Posts has also
Budgeting as a powerful tool for gender
introduced Welfare measures exclusively
mainstreaming so as to ensure that the benefits
for the benefit of its women employees. The
of development reach women as much as men.
following women specific programs have been
The purpose of gender budgeting is to monitor
planning and policies from a gender perspective, implemented:-
as a means to mainstreaming women’s (i) Grant-in-aid is admissible to Central
concerns. Similarly, child budgeting aims at Postal Ladies organization (CPLO) and its
ensuring budgets for children are prioritized subordinate organization in the Circles at the
according to their needs. As children are a rate of ` 60,000/- for starting a crèche. Non-
constituency whose voice is often unheard, recurring financial assistance @ ` 20,000/-
prioritizing for their needs and earmarking is permitted at the end of every 3 years after
budgets accordingly, is critical. As per the establishment of a crèche and recurring
instruction of The Department of Economic grant @ ` 1500/- per child p.m. subject to a
Affairs, Ministry of Finance, through its D.O.F. maximum grant of ` 38000/- per month for
No. 1(29)-B(AC)/2004 dated 24th December, each crèche provided from the Circle Welfare
2004 every Ministry/Department has to establish Fund. The recurring grant is increased every
a Gender Budget Cell (GBC). financial year by 10% rounded off to the
12.31 Department of Posts has re-constituted nearest tenth.
Gender Budget Cell as Gender and Child Budget (ii) Non-recurring grant @ ` 5000/- is
Cell and AS&FA being Chairperson (Nodal admissible for opening to Tailoring
Officer) as per guidelines contained in Ministry
Centers and financial assistance @ `
of Women & Child Development letter No. GB-
750/- per month is admissible as salary
15/4/2018-Gender Budgeting dated 23rd August,
of the part-time tailoring instructor of the
2018. Women and children constitute 70% of the
Tailoring Centers.
12.34 To prevent and address sexual harassment of women at the workplace, a Committee under the
chairmanship of Deputy Director General (Personnel) with three other members has been set up in
the Postal Directorate. The number of complaints of sexual harassment filed, disposed of and pending
during the period from April 2018 to March 2019 is as under:
TABLE - 14
Head Number
Number of complaints of sexual harassment received in the year 39
A Special workshop for visually handicapped and hearing impaired employees of Karnataka Circle
was organised to understand their problem and find solutions
Release of special cover on 35th All India Postal Weightlifting Power Lifting
and Best Physique Tournament 2019 held at Berhampur (Odisha) on 26th September, 2019.
13.1 Developing infrastructure, through has been reorganized as flag bearer of Swachhta
creating new postal buildings, maintaining the Action Plan and was awarded 1st prize for its
old buildings, restoring the heritage buildings excellent performance during Swachh Mahotsav
and developing infrastructure for sustainable 2019 held on 6th September, 2019 by Department
development is the mandate given to Estates of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal
Division by the Department. Department is Shakti, Government of India, New Delhi.
actively participating in sustainable development
activity. Department is creating Rain Water 13.2 At present the Department of Posts is
Harvesting Structures and installing Solar Power functioning from 4551 departmental buildings,
Packs. To help out differently-abled persons 19,774 rented buildings and 1836 rent free
and senior citizens, rail and ramps are being buildings all over the country. There are 955
constructed, under Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan. Postal Colonies, having 20,218 different
Separate toilets, crèches and retiring rooms are categories of staff quarters for postal employees.
being constructed for ladies. Department of Posts Details of staff quarters are as under :
13.3 The Department also owns 1738 vacant Packs were installed in postal buildings, 109 Rain
plots in the country. Out of which 1139 vacant Water Harvesting Structure were constructed in
plots are situated in rural areas and 599 vacant Postal buildings, 50 Ladies Toilets and Ladies
plots are in urban areas. retiring rooms were constructed, 270 Ramps and
Rails facilities were provided under Sugamya
13.4 During the financial year 2018-19, 15 Bharat Abhiyan. In Swachhta Action Plan 1057
New Postal Buildings were constructed. 56 Toilets were constructed, LEDs were installed in
offices were renovated, 14 heritage buildings 1169 offices and 5114 Waste Bins were provided
were maintained/renovated, 63 Solar Power in postal colonies.
(` in Crore)
Installation Construction India Post
Construction Renovation Renovation Sugamya Swachhta
of Solar of Rain Water Gender Payment Technology
of new of old of Heritage Bharat Action Total
Power Harvesting Concern Bank Induction
buildings Buildings Buildings Abhiyan Plan
Plant Structures (IPPB)
24.68 7.07 2.61 10.34 2.15 1.00 6.83 15.95 0.25 0.60 71.48
Non Scheme
(` in Crore)
Maintenance Maintenance of Maintenance of
Maintenance of Staff
of Post Offices Administrative Postal Accounts Total
Quarters buildings
buildings Office buildings Office buildings
65.21 7.55 26.49 0.53 99.78
Inauguration of Kota new Post Office building, Karnataka on 1st March 2019.
The Place is associated with Kota Shivarama Karanth, Jnanpith Awardee.
Chapter - 14
14.1 With a vision to accelerate the pace of b) North Eastern Circle with its headquarters
development, India Post has taken up many at Shillong, comprising of States of Arunachal
special initiatives for the development of the Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
North Eastern Region, aiming at growth parity Nagaland and Tripura. It has 2919 Post Offices
of the region with the rest of the country. and on an average each Post Office serves an
area of 79.22 sq.kms and a population of 5155
14.2 Department of Posts, which has a Universal persons approximately.
Service Obligation to serve the country as a
whole, also earmarks allocations for identifiable c) Sikkim State is part of West Bengal Postal
Schemes for the exclusive development of North Circle. It also forms part of North Eastern
Eastern region, in accordance with the policy Region. It has 209 Post Offices and on an
guidelines of the Government. average each Post Office serves an area of
33.97 sq.kms and a population of 2909 persons
14.3 The administrative structure of the approximately.
Department in the North Eastern Region is as under:
TABLE - 15
No. of Post Average population Average area served
Name of the State Offices, as on served per Post per Post Office
31.03.2019 Office ( Persons) (In Sq. Kms)
1. Assam 4012 7769 19.55
2. Arunachal Pradesh 302 4579 277.28
3. Manipur 701 4233 31.98
4, Meghalaya 491 2222 42.93
5. Mizoram 384 7086 58.15
6 Nagaland 330 6000 50.24
7. Tripura 711 6809 14.75
8. Sikkim 209 2909 33.97
14.5 Various Plan activities have been undertaken by the Department in the North Eastern Region.
The details of expenditure incurred in the North Eastern Region vis-à-vis the total expenditure on the
Plan activities throughout the Country during the last 5 years, is detailed below:
TABLE - 16
Total Plan Expenditure Expenditure in North Eastern
Annual Plan
(` in crores) Region (` in crores)
2014-15 306.71 17.748
2015-16 500.33 34.720
2016-17 689.64 34.519
2017-18 1347.10 39.49
2018-19 1026.11 47.83
Total 3869.89 174.307
14.6 Details of major developmental activities initiated during Annual Plan 2018-19 in the North
Eastern Region, State –wise are given below:
TABLE - 17
Sl. No. Name of the State Details of major developmental activities
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 508
1. Assam (Circle)
Number of ATMs installed - 26
2. North East (Circle)
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 19
(i) Arunachal Pradesh
Number of ATMs installed - 01
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 35
(ii) Manipur
Number of ATMs installed - 02
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 36
(iii) Meghalaya
Number of ATMs installed - 05
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 25
(iv) Mizoram
Number of ATMs installed - 01
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 24
(v) Nagaland
Number of ATMs installed - 02
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 58
(vi) Tripura
Number of ATMs installed - 06
Number of CBS Offices rolled out – 07
3. Sikkim
Number of ATMs installed - 0
14.7 Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office Approximately one crore digital transactions
for a New India (DARPAN) Project: including account based MGNREGA wage
disbursements and other DBT payments
yy Under the DARPAN Project, Dept. of Posts are taking place every month on DARPAN
has provided SIM based Hand Held Devices devices across the country in remote rural
to 1,29,688 Branch Post Offices (BOs) in areas which are yet to be covered by online
the rural areas of the country, for carrying banking and digitalization.
out online postal and financial transactions.
Chapter - 14
and delivery of registered, speed posts NE region.
articles, booking and delivery of money yy Release of outdoor campaign through display
orders, deposit of PLI/RPLI premium and boards at Airport, Bus stands and other
indexing of PLI/RPLI maturity through prominent locations.
DARPAN devices. yy Outdoor campaign through Auto hood
yy A total of 1,29,688 BOs have been rolled out wrapping.
under DARPAN project out of which 2529 yy For Philately Promotion & Marketing, NE
are in North-East Circle. Circle has been allotted ` 53.50 lakhs and WB
Circle (of which Sikkim is a part) is allotted
14.8 PARCEL HUBS, NODAL ` 59.50 lakhs resp. and ` 24 lakhs &
DELIVERY CENTRES AND ` 26 lakhs resp. for Philatelic Operations.
MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN 14.13 BIS Sevottam Certification was granted
THE NORTH EAST REGION to 1 HPO in Assam in 2018-19 and allocation
14.9 For Parcel Hubs a new and separate of ` 63000 has been made to NER for obtaining
network has been approved, out of which one Sevottam Certification for 1 HPO in 2019-20.
Level-1(L1) and one semi-automated parcel
14.14 Social Media Cell is an independent
processing centre have been operationalized in
entity and deals with the Twitter and Facebook
accounts of this Department. 2745 complaints
14.10 For Mechanized delivery of parcels, 8 were received and 2743 complaints settled i.e.
locations in NER have been identified for setting 99.9 % settlement made till 30.11.2019 in NE
up of Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs). These Region during the period 1/1/2019 to 30/11/2019.
are spread in 8 cities across NER to improve
14.15 This Department is processing
performance of doorstep delivery on the day of
complaints registered by consumers of Postal
receipt of parcels in the destination post office.
services in the Centralized Public Grievance
Out of these, 2 NDC layouts have been approved
Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)
in NE Region.
of PG portal. 2906 complaints were received and
14.11 Long and short haul road transport 2867 complaints settled i.e. 98.65 % settlement
networks connecting to Parcel Hubs through during the period 01.01.2019 to 30.11.2019 in
Transshipment Centres in major towns and cities NE Region.
are being developed. Based on the potential of
14.16 Department of Posts has rolled out India
cities in terms of e-commence business, one
Post Call Centres (IPCC) with Interactive Voice
such route viz Kolkata-Guwahati via Siliguri
Response System (IVRS). 1442 complaints
(1093 km approx) has been operationalized
were received and 1414 complaints settled i.e.
in NE Region.
98.05 % settlement during the period 01.01.2019
14.12 Marketing to 30.11.2019 in NE Region.
TABLE - 18
Training Training Training
of postmen Training of
Sl. Name of of Super- of of
/mail Gramin Dak Total
No. State visory Frontline Operative
Overseers/ Sewak (GDS)
Cadre staff (PA) staff(SA)
1. Assam 55 620 50 10 0 735
2. 2 6 0 55 80 197
3. Manipur 0 65 0 4 300 369
4. Meghalaya 4 45 0 0 0 49
5. Mizoram 0 5 0 0 135 140
6. Nagaland 3 20 0 1 22 46
7. Tripura 12 65 0 35 230 342
8. Sikkim 7 7 2 2 50 68
Total 83 887 52 107 817 1946
the OL Section of the Department of Posts has promote the use of official language, there is a
familiarized all the Sections, Circle Headquarters proposal of purchasing quality Hindi books worth
and other concerned offices of the Department ` 30,000/- on various subjects during the financial
with the Official Language Act, Rules and year 2019-20.
instructions and ensured its compliance. The
Official Language Section has promoted and 15.13 In every quarter of the year, Hindi
propagated various incentive schemes to achieve Workshops are being organized. A total of 30
the targets fixed by the Department of Official officials participated in the workshop organized
Language in their Annual Programme 2019-20 on 13.12.2019. In order to effectively monitor
issued for the year under review. the progressive use of Hindi in the office of
the Department of Posts, Official Language
15.10 The Official Language Section deals with Implementation Committees are functioning in
the translation, typing and vetting work of all the the Headquarters as well as in the subordinate
documents received from various Divisions of the Circle Offices.
Department of Posts. These documents include
Parliament Questions, Office Memorandum, 15.14 Meetings of Official Language
Orders, Notifications, Audit Paras, Cabinet Notes, Implementation Committee are held in the
replies to RTI Applications, Philately related Postal Directorate, New Delhi on a regular basis.
work, Recruitment Rules, Speeches of Minister, Till December, 2019 three meetings were held
on 27.06.2019, 30.09.2019 and 19.12.2019.
Letters and other Documents. Apart from this,
The Department of Posts regularly reviews
it also ensures full compliance of the Section
the quarterly reports concerning the Official
3(3) of the Official Language Act, 1963, Rule-5,
Language with regard to its various offices
Rule-6, Rule-10(4) and Rule-12 etc. of Official
located in different parts of the country.
Language Rules 1976 (as amended in 1987)
along with the other Rules of the Department of 15.15 Thus, the Department of Posts is
Official Language. committed to the implementation of the Official
Language Policy of the Government of India.
15.11 Official Language Inspections of
Sections and subordinate offices of the
Department of Posts are being carried MARKETING AND SOCIAL
out under an action plan according to the MEDIA
Annual Programme 2019-20 issued by the
Department of Official Language, Ministry of 15.16 Marketing Division in its changing role
Home Affairs. is also taking a number of steps to increase the
visibility and awareness about postal products
15.12 This year Hindi Fortnight was observed and services. In the current fiscal, Department
from 12th to 26th of September, 2019. Hindi is undertaking several activities/ campaigns for
Dictation Competition specifically for MTS the marketing of its products and services which
category and Hindi Typing Competition on include release of advertisement in Print media,
computer in Unicode supported font Mangal Radio, TV, Digital Cinema, outdoor campaigns
was also organized along with other Hindi at Metro stations, Bus Queue Shelters,
competitions during the fortnight. During Hoardings, Audio Visual publicity campaigns
the financial year (2019-20) 35 officials of through LCD screens at Railway Stations,
Circle Offices have been trained under the etc. Department is also sending promotional
Chapter - 15
holder girl child. portal ( wherein
information is regularly uploaded and updated
15.17 Apart from this, Department of Posts is for generating a broader awareness and visibility
among the first few Departments of Government about the activities, products and services of the
of India to set up its social media accounts. This Department.
enabled the Department in engaging with its
customer base directly. So far Department of
Posts has over 205K followers on Facebook and
155K on Twitter.
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 16
16.1 The Department has a well laid out Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)
procedure for handling public grievances for of PG Portal which includes complaints
its services. A monitoring mechanism to ensure received in DAR&PG, Department of Public
the quality of services and prompt redressal of Grievances (DPG), President’s Secretariat
public grievances is in place. There are various and Prime Minister’s Office in the system and
channels available to the customers to lodge accessible at the website
their grievances like CPGRAMS, India Post Call Postal Circles have been created as subordinate
Centre (IPCC), Social Media Cell, Computerized organizations and in many Circles, the Regions
Customer Care Centres, e-mails etc. The details and Divisions have also been created as users for
of these are as under: - online handling of grievances. The revamping
of CPGRAMS by mapping all the Post Offices
upto the level of Branch Post Offices for better
navigation of complaint to the line-end office
GRIEVANCE REDRESS AND was implemented on 25.09.2019 in collaboration
MONITORING SYSTEM with DAR&PG. The details of the complaints
(CPGRAMS) handled from January 2019 till December 2019
is as under:-
16.2 Department of Posts is processing
complaints registered by consumers of postal
services in the Centralized Public Grievance
Total Calls
Complaints Complaints
Period Received in % of complaints
registered settled
01.01.2019 to
45,44,370 69,735 68,615 98.39 %
Chapter - 16
standardized Inspection Questionnaire of various TO INFORMATION ACT 2005
offices to maintain objectivity and uniformity in
inspections. Since the Department has embraced 16.12 RTI on-line web portal was developed
technology in a big way, the inspection by the Department of Personnel & Training
questionnaires of the important fields formations (DOP&T) for disposal of online RTI applications/
i.e. Head Post Offices, Sub Post Offices, Branch appeals. Department of Posts is the first Central
Post Offices, Training Institutes & SBCO Public Authority to take this portal to field offices
have been revised and brought in sync with level. Till 30th November 2019, on-line accounts
the changing IT environment. The inspecting of 1260 CPIOs and 175 FAAs have been
authorities can monitor many of the operations created all over the country who are disposing
on-line and prepare before initiating inspection the RTI applications and appeals online. From
of an office. The periodicity of inspection is by 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019, a total of 1,50,064
and large annual, barring the ‘bad offices’ which RTI applications (online and physical) and 9932
are inspected twice a year. First Appeals (online and physical) were handled
by the Department.
Dr. Jitender Singh MoS (PP & PMO) inaugurating workshop and exhibition on CPGRAMS reforms
at Vigyan Bhawan on 5th November, 2019.
RTI Act 2005: MIS on Requests and First Appeals from 1/1/2019 to 31/12/2019
4. Details of fee
Registration Fee Collected (in `) U/s 7(1) Additional fee Collected in ` U/s 7(3)
3,90,833 1,02,179
17.1 The Department of Posts has in place a was observed from 28th October to 2nd November,
full-fledged vigilance set-up at its Headquarters 2019 at the Postal Headquarters in Dak Bhawan
at New Delhi, headed by the Secretary (Posts) and and Post Offices through out the country. Various
assisted by the Senior Deputy Director General activities including outreach programmes such
(Vigilance), who is the Chief Vigilance Officer as quiz, essay, debate competition, workshops
(CVO) of the Department. The CVO acts as an and seminars in schools, colleges and Gram
advisor to the Secretary in all matters pertaining Sabhas were conducted in the Circles during
to vigilance and provides a link between the Vigilance Awareness Week. Special Stamp
Department of Posts and the Central Vigilance Impression containing slogan “Integrity – A
Commission (CVC). To ensure transparency, fair way of life” (“ईमानदारी – एकजीवनशैली”) was
play and objectivity in matters related to public affixed on all letters/mails received for deliveries
administration, Department has adopted a multi- during the period from 21st October, 2019 to
pronged strategy to tackle corruption, comprising 9th November, 2019.
punitive, preventive and participative vigilance
17.5 The endeavor was to undertake large
number of outreach activities through the postal
17.2 At the Circle, Regional and Divisional circles to disseminate awareness about integrity
levels, vigilance related functions are discharged in every nook and corner of the country. More
by the Heads of three units, viz. Chief Postmaster than 6,00,000 employees/ citizens (including
General, Postmaster General and Divisional 215441 this year) have undertaken Integrity
Heads respectively, as part of their overall duties e-Pledge. Various activities such as essay
and responsibilities as an extended arm of Central writing, quiz and debate, etc. in 355 schools
Vigilance set up at field level. and colleges were organized in 310 cities across
the country. More than 13,000 children/youth
17.3 As part of preventive vigilance, the participated in these activities. Meetings in 345
CVO arranges regular and surprise inspections Gram Sabhas across the country were organized
of sensitive spots, reviews and streamlines and approximately, 11000 people attended the
procedures, which appear to afford scope for awareness programmes.
corruption or misconduct, initiates measures
for prevention, detection of corruption and 17.6 Statement of Disciplinary cases disposed
malpractices in the Department and its off and pending from 01.04.2019 to 30.11.2019
field offices. are as given in Table 20.
Integrity Pledge taken on 28th October, 2019 at Circle Office, Telangana Circle.
Debate competition during Vigilance Awareness Week 2019 in Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
Department of Posts
There were 2 paras of C&AG of India report No. 21 of 2018 in the Department of Posts, No C&AG
para is pending with the Department as on 22.01.2020
Department of Posts
Summary of important Audit observations in C&AG Report No. 21 of 2018 for the year ended March,
2017 for inclusion in the Annual Report of Department of Posts.
Non-linking of Receipts of Cash Certificate (CCs) from India Security Press (ISP), Nasik with the
indents placed by Circle Stamp Depots (CSD) resulted in excess receipt and resultant accumulation of
CCs at the CSDs. As the retention of the certificates in the CSDs is prone to misuse, DoP needs to take
immediate action to ensure that all the unsold certificates are obtained by ISP Nasik for appropriate
SI. Number Number of Details of paras/ PA Report on Which ATNs are pending
No. and year paras/ PA
of the report on which Number of Number of ATNs No. of ATNs which
Report ATNs have ATNs not sent but returned have been finally
been submitted sent by the with observations vetted by audit,
to PAC after Ministry to the and audit is but have not been
vetting by Audit Audit even for awaiting their submitted by the
(to Monitoring the first time resubmission by Ministry
Cell) the Ministry
CA 21 of
Details of Audit Report Paras pending with the Department of Posts and their disposal status as on
Total C&AG Audit Paras pending with DG Audit (P&T) for vetting =Nil
1 Postal Circles 23
2 Postal Regions 54
17 Sorting Hub 91
(number in Crore)
* Include acknowledgments.
# Include letter cards and insufficiently paid letters.
TABLE - 28
TABLE - 34
(in number)
Philatelic Bureaux 86 84