C101 Checklist
C101 Checklist
C101 Checklist
5. Pedals - ADJUSTED
Left console
1. Breakers - ALL IN
8. GPU Control - GREEN LIGHT IN THE UPPER PART (If GPU connected)
Front panel
1. Lights - IN
4. G-Meter - 1G DISPLAYED
8. Altimeter - SET
9. Clock/Chrono - SET/CHECKED
Right Console
2. Lighting System
• Interior - OFF
• Exterior - OFF
3. Main Bus - ON
5. Interphone - OPEN
9. Fuel - CHECK
• Crossfeed valves, test each one of them: Set them in AUT and then in MAN.
Check the GREEN LIGHT turns ON. Leave them in AUT.
Engine start
2. Batteries - Check the voltimeter does not exceed 24V. Check it doesn't go below 15V
during the starting cycle.
Normal Startup
1. Ignition model - Hold it on STARTUP possition for 2 seconds. Check ignition light
turns on.
2. Throttle - IDLE on 10% N2. Check fluxmeter and ignition light. Check that PRES.
COMB warning light turns OFF
6. Fluxmeter - CHECK
Before taxiing
3. Generator fail test - GF and then 0V. Check red warning light X GEN. CC.
8. Airbrake - Cycle OUT and then IN. Check instruments and stabilizer
9. Flaps - Cycle TAKE-OFF and DOWN. Check Instruments. Leave them on TAKE-OFF
1. Throttle - IDLE
4. Computer. ON
• Landing lights - CHECK movement for TAXI and LANDING position. Leave
them IN.
19. Lock cabin. Check warning light BLOC CAB turns OFF
1. Chocks - OFF
3. Engine - 50% N1
4. Brakes - CHECK
6. Instruments - CHECK
Before Takeoff
2. Anti-Skid. ON
3. Pitot - ON
1. Engine settings - Throttle MAX. CHECK %N1, %N2, ITT, oil temperature, fluxmeter
and voltimeter
2. Brakes - RELEASED
3. Aceleration - CHECK. Use the brakes to keep directional control until reaching 40
After Take-Off
1. GEAR - UP (120 KIAS - 200 KIAS). Check Gear lights cycle GREEN - RED - WHITE
3. Altimeter - AS REQUIRED
10000 ft
3. Anti-ice - AS REQUIRED
1. Oxigen - CHECK
3. Fuel - Check
4. Instruments - CROSSCHECK
2. Pitot heat - ON
3. Anti-Ice - AS REQUIRED
4. Oxygen - CHECK
5. Altimeter - QNH
7. Fuel - CHECK
Before Landing
3. Anti-Skid - ON
3500 7716 99 77
4000 8818 105 82
4500 9921 112 85
5000 11023 118 90
5500 12125 122 94
4. Airbrake- IN
5. Flaps - UP
7. Lights - AS REQUIRED
Engine Stop
1. Chocks - IN
4. Airbrake - OUT
8. Cross-feed - OFF
9. Throttle - STOP